1947 Annual Conference Minutes


Annual Conference Proceedings


Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1947 Yearbook

        The Sixty-fourth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, Pennsylvania Conference, convened in Ebenezer Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, 1121-25 N. Main Street, Bethlehem, Pa., on Wednesday, October 15, 1947.

        According to announcement the Conference convened in session for the first meeting at 2:00 P. M. with the singing of the hymn, “Living For Jesus”. The Conference engaged in a season of prayer and thanksgiving in which all took part.

        The wisdom and favor of God were humbly sought for all the deliberations and problems which confront us in these perilous times.

        The Chairman, P. T. Stengele, brought a stirring and thought provoking message on, “The Lord’s Table.” Following this address the Conference members engaged in the observance of Saints’ feet washing and the Lord’s Supper. The Lord touched our hearts and opened anew to us the joy of obedience to His Word and the significance of partaking of the Christ in all His fullness, looking forward to His imminent return.

        The Secretary, T. D. Gehret, appointed the following assistants: Assistant Secretary, N. H. Wolf; Recording Secretaries, W. H. Frank and Paul E. Baer.

        The following were enrolled as members of the Conference:


        Ordained–Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, E. N. Cassel, Willard E. Cassel, W. H. Frank, R. H. Gehman, T. D. Gehret, J. E. Golla, E. B. Hartman, H. W. Hartman, J. E. Hartman, W. W. Hartman, W. F. Heffner, J. B. Henry, F. B. Hertzog, F. M. Hottel, C. E. Kirkwood, H. K. Kratz, E. E. Kublic, J. B. Layne, C. L. Miller, R. C. Reichenbach, E. J. Rutman, P. T. Stengele, A. M. Sprock, D. E. Thomann, T. E. Turnbull, N. H. Wolf, A. G. Woodring, G. F. Yost, C. H. Brunner, H. B. Musselman, H. W. Feldges, E. T. Shick, C. F. Snyder.

        Probationers–W. B. Hottel, W. A. Heffner, J. H. Riggall, H. D. Yarrington, John Dunn.


Allentown District

        P. Ward Musselman, Allentown (Bethel)

        Claude A. Mengel, Reading

        Bert E. Brosius, Sunbury

        T. Lamarn Manney, Shamokin

        Walter S. Bryan, York

        John W. Boehmer, Mount Carmel

        R. R. Fox, Royersford and Spring City

        S. A. Hackman, Graterford and Harleysville

        R. H. Hendershot, Nazareth and Northampton

        E. E. Bauer, Lehighton and Weissport

        C. H. Snyder, (Alternate), Hatfield

        Walter A. Schlagel, Harrisburg

        Charles W. Weaber, Lebanon

        L. N. Kern, Walnutport

        Warren W. Godshall, Stroudsburg

Bethlehem District

        Paul H. Cressman, Bethlehem

        John B. Harley, Philadelphia

        Herbert V. Smith, Easton

        H. H. Bergey, Quakertown

        R. Spedden, Chester

        Thomas W. Campbell, Sr., Wissinoming

        Theodore L. Bleich, Jersey City, N. J.

        Paul I. Wentz, Emmaus, Macungie, Zionsville

        G. L. Baumgartner, Coopersburg and Allentown (Salem)

        Howard G. Adams, Fleetwood, Blandon and Terre Hill

        George W. Butler, Scranton

        E. J. Dietzman, West Philadelphia

        John Moran, Sr., Newark, N. J.

        Herbert E. Cole, Staten Island, N. Y.

        Resolved, That the first eight pews to the front and right of the Chair constitute the Conference Bar.

        Resolved, That the Gospel Heralds present during this Conference be advisory members. The following Gospel Heralds were present: H. D. Yarrington, R. W. Smock, W. A. Heffner, J. H. Riggall, W. W. Keeley, J. G. Reitz, A. L. Seifert, John Dunn, Elwood Mann.

        Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Reporter and a Timekeeper. He appointed R. C. Reichenbach as Reporter and E. J. Rutman as Timekeeper.

        Resolved, That no member be permitted to leave the Conference Bar without permission by the Chair except the Pastor and Delegate of the Bethlehem congregation, N. H. Wolf and Paul H. Cressman.

        Report of the Committee to arrange a program for the services of Annual Conference:

        Wednesday, 2:00 P. M.–Address by Chairman P. T. Stengele, followed by the Ordinances of the Washing of the Saints’ Feet and Communion. For the members of the conference, probationers, and Gospel Heralds.

        Wednesday, 7:30 P. M.–Oral Reports of the Pastors limited to three minutes each. The Presiding Elders shall also give oral reports of their districts and the Gospel Herald Missions under their supervision.

        Thursday, 7:45 P. M.–Address: “Approved Worker” (II Tim. 2:15; John 12:26), by Pastor H. K. Kratz. Address: “The Worker’s Message-Edifying or Entertaining.” (Hab. 3:17-19; Eph. 5:4; 1 Cor. 14:3), by Pastor Paul E. Baer.

        Sunday, 9:45 A. M.–Conference Sermon: Presiding Elder P. T. Stengele.

Sunday, 2:15 P. M.–Sermon: Presiding Elder T. D. Gehret.

        Sunday, 7:15 P. M.–Address: “The Word of God-The Remedy for Souls.” (Heb. 4:12; (Eph. 6:17; 1 Sam. 21:9) by Pastor F. B. Hertzog.

        Sunday Services in charge of the Chairman of the Annual Conference.

        N. H. Wolf,

        E. N. Cassel,

        F. M. Hottel,


        Resolved, That E. W. Bean and delegate L. N. Kern be excused from the Thursday afternoon meeting, F. B. Hertzog be excused from the Friday morning meeting, and G. F. Yost from the Saturday afternoon meeting, in order to attend funerals; and that A. M. Sprock be excused from the Saturday afternoon meeting to officiate at a wedding.

        Resolved, That H. H. Bergey be excused from the Saturday sessions on account of his work.


        Committee on Worship: (Appointed at the last Annual Conference): N. H. Wolf, E. N. Cassel, F. M. Hottel.

        The following committees were then appointed by the Chair and approved by the Conference:

        Committee on Communications: H. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner, Paul E. Baer.

        Committee on Finance: Paul I. Wentz, Paul H. Cressman, P. Ward Musselman, Claude A. Mengel.

        Committee on Statistics: E. N. Cassel, J. B. Layne, Paul E. Baer, C. E. Kirkwood, E. B. Hartman, A. M. Sprock, W. H. Frank, Willard E. Cassel, J. E. Golla, J. E. Hartman.

        Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records: F. B. Hertzog, J. B. Henry, W. F. Heffner, R. C. Reichenbach, E. W. Bean, D. E. Thomann, E. J. Rutman, W. B. Hottel, T. Lamarn Manney, Herbert E. Cole, John W. Boehmer, Bert E. Brosius, R. H. Hendershot, Walter S. Bryan, Thomas W. Campbell, Sr., Charles W. Weaber, S. A. Hackman, George W. Butler, Warren W. Godshall, John Moran, Sr., Theodore L. Bleich, G. L. Baumgartner.

        Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records: H. K. Kratz, E. E. Kublic.

        Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders: F. B. Hertzog, E. N. Cassel, W. W. Hartman, N. H. Wolf, E. W. Bean, Paul E. Baer, C. L. Miller.

        Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists, Missionaries: G. F. Yost, A. G. Woodring, W. F. Heffner, R. H. Gehman.

        Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License: J. B. Layne, F. B. Hertzog, E. N. Cassel, Paul E. Baer, R. H. Gehman.

        Committee on Resolutions: H. W. Hartman, A. G. Woodring, D. E. Thomann.

        Committee on Examination of Applicants for Ordination: F. B. Hertzog, J. B. Layne, E. N. Cassel, Paul E. Baer, W. W. Hartman.

        Committee on Auditing: F. M. Hottel, Herbert V. Smith, T. E. Turnbull, John B. Harley, R. Spedden, H. H. Bergey, R. R. Fox, C. H. Snyder, Walter A. Schlagel, E. E. Bauer, L. N. Kern, E. J. Dietzman, Howard G. Adams.

        Resolved, That we have an evening meeting and the minutes of the afternoon meeting shall be read at the Thursday morning meeting.

        Adjourned at 4:20 P. M. with prayer by J. B. Henry.


Wednesday Evening, October 15, 1947

        The meeting was opened at 7:30 P. M. with a stirring song service in charge of Pastor Paul E. Baer, following which C. H. Brunner led in prayer.

        The roll was called.

        The special feature of this meeting was the giving of oral reports by each of the active ministers in charge of a work, limited to three minutes each, and also the reports of the Presiding Elders, who spoke for their respective Districts and the Gospel Herald Missions under their supervision.

        The fine response in attendance from the various churches of the Conference spoke well for their interest in the Lord’s work.

        The reports of the Brethren were inspiring and challenging. The good hand of God in blessing has been evidenced all through the work in the advance along spiritual and financial lines.

The following reports were read and adopted:

        Report of P. T. Stengele, Presiding Elder of the Allentown District: (See Reports)

        Report of T. D. Gehret, Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District: (See Reports)

        The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P. M. with prayer and benediction by H. W. Hartman.


Thursday Morning, October 16, 1947

        The meeting was opened with singing “My Jesus I Love Thee” and prayer by C. E. Kirkwood.

        The Secretary, Presiding Elder T. D. Gehret, brought us a helpful exposition and exhortation based on I Corinthians 3:1-10. His theme was “Labourers Together With God.”

        The roll was called and the minutes of the Wednesday afternoon and evening meeting were read and approved.

        C. H. Snyder, Alternate Delegate, Hatfield, Pa., stated his reason for not being present at the first meeting of this Annual Conference.

        Resolved, That we accept the excuse of C. H. Snyder and seat him in the Bar.

        Resolved, That we have the matter of the Incorporating of the Conference presented at this time.

        E. N. Cassel presented the matter as drawn up by Attorney Henry Snyder.

        Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and adjourn.

        Adjourned at 10:10 A. M. with prayer by H. K. Kratz and benediction by A. G. Woodring.


Thursday Afternoon, October 16, 1947

        The meeting was opened with singing “Draw Me Nearer” and prayer by E. E. Kublic.

        The roll was called.

        The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

        Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.

Business was resumed.

The following reports were read and adopted:

        Report of the Gospel Herald Society: (See Reports)

        Report of the Home Mission Fund: (See Reports)

        Report of the Committee on the Examination of Annual Conference Records:

        We hereby certify that we have examined the Annual Conference Minutes for the session of 1946 and found them correct with the following exception: The name mentioned as T. D. Hertzog should read T. D. Gehret on page 27 of the Year Book. We hereby submit two copies duly certified.

        H. K. Kratz,

        E. E. Kublic,


        Report of the Board of Publication and Printing: (See Reports)

        Report of the Chairman of the General Campmeeting Committee: (See Reports)

        Report of the Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries:

        We beg leave to report that we have examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries and found them all satisfactory to the best of our knowledge.

        G. F. Yost,

        A. G. Woodring,

        W. F. Heffner,

        R. H. Gehman,


        Report of the Committee on the Examination of Quarterly Conference Records:

        We, the Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records, beg leave to report that we have examined the Quarterly Conference Records and have found them in good condition. A few minor errors were found which were corrected by the Pastors in our presence.

        We have found the following in the Minute Book of the Fleetwood, Blandon, and Terre Hill Circuit Quarterly Conference:

        “Resolved, That whereas the Terre Hill Class of the M. B. in C. is having a dwelling erected which shall serve as a parsonage, we hereby petition Annual Conference to station a Pastor to Terre Hill this year.”

        We again recommend that the Minutes of each Quarterly Conference be properly signed by the Chairman and Secretary.

        F. B. Hertzog,     Bert E. Brosius,

        J. B. Henry,                 R. H. Hendershot,

        W. F. Heffner,     Walter S. Bryan,

        R. C. Reichenbach,       Thomas W. Campbell, Sr.,

        E. W. Bean,                 Theo. L. Bleich,

        W. B. Hottel,               Charles W. Weaber,

        E. J. Rutman,              S. A. Hackman,

        T. Lamarn Manney,      Geo. W. Butler,

        Herbert E. Cole,  Warren W. Godshall,

        D. E. Thomann,   John Moran, Sr.,

        John. W. Boehmer,      G. L. Baumgartner,


        Report of the Board of Examiners: (See Reports)

        Rev. Paul S. Taylor, Presiding Elder of the Holiness Christian Church, was introduced to the Conference. He spoke a few words of encouragement and God’s blessings upon the Conference and its activities for God.

        Report of the Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders:

        We have examined the Traveling Elders by questioning their various delegates and recommend that they be passed.

        F. B. Hertzog,

        E. N. Cassel,

        W. W. Hartman,

        N. H. Wolf,

        E. W. Bean,

        Paul E. Baer,

        C. L. Miller,


        Report of the Committee on Communications:

        We beg leave to report that we were pleased to receive communications from Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Snyder and Rev. H. W. Feldges, retired missionaries who continue to be interested in the work of the Pennsylvania Conference and are themselves engaging in such service at home as opportunity is afforded.

        H. B. Musselman,

        C. H. Brunner,

        Paul E. Baer,


        Report of the Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society: (See Reports)

        Whereas, The congregation at Terre Hill has through their Quarterly Conference petitioned the Annual Conference to have a Pastor stationed at Terre Hill, therefore

        Resolved, That this matter be referred to the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.

        Resolved, That we determine “Who are the preachers who are willing to minister this year according to the direction of the Conference and our Discipline, and what is their number.”

        The following ministering brethren responded “Yea” to the roll call: Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel, W. H. Frank, R. H. Gehman, T. D. Gehret, J. E. Golla, E. B. Hartman, H. W. Hartman, W. W. Hartman, W. F. Heffner, J. B. Henry, F. B. Hertzog, F. M. Hottel, C. E. Kirkwood, H. K. Kratz, E. E. Kublic, J. B. Layne, H. B. Musselman, R. C. Reichenbach, E. J. Rutman, P. T. Stengele, A. M. Sprock, T. E. Turnbull, N. H. Wolf, A. G. Woodring, G. F. Yost, C. L. Miller, Willard E. Cassel, D. E. Thomann, J. E. Hartman.

        Resolved, That two Presiding Elders be elected and that the informal Ballot be used in nominating the candidate, the five highest be candidates, and elected according to the Discipline.

        The Chair appointed the following, as tellers: F. B. Hertzog, J. B. Layne, F. M. Hottel.

        The following were elected Presiding Elders for the ensuing year: T. D. Gehret, P. T. Stengele.

        Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and extend the time indefinitely.

        Resolved, That this body bind itself in earnest prayer that God may lead us to a more permanent and progressive plan for church extension.

        Resolved, That P. T. Stengele be Presiding Elder over the Allentown District and that T. D. Gehret be Presiding Elder over the Bethlehem District and that the Presiding Elders be in charge of the Gospel Herald Society under the mutual direction of the Executive Board.

        Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders and a Delegate from each Station and Circuit constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.

        Adjourned at 5:30 P. M. with prayer and benediction by A. G. Woodring.


Friday Morning, October 17, 1947

        The meeting was opened with singing “Near the Cross” and prayer by W. F. Heffner.

        The devotional service was in charge of Presiding Elder Emeritus H. B. Musselman, who brought us an encouraging address on “God’s Faithfulness”.

The roll was called.

        The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

        Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and adjourn.

        Adjourned at 10:15 A. M., with prayer by Willard E. Cassel and benediction by J. E. Golla.


Friday Afternoon, October 17, 1947

        The meeting was opened with singing “Jesus Is Mine” and Prayer by G. F. Yost.

        The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

        Resolved, That we recess to the call of the Chair.

        Business was resumed at 4:00 P. M. with singing “Have Thine Own Way Lord.”

        Whereas, J. T. Anderson is not any longer in the active work and E. D. Rapp has chosen work in another church, therefore,

        Resolved, That their names be dropped from the roll of Probationers.

        The following Reports were read and adopted:

        Report of the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee: (See Reports)

        Report of the Committee on the Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License:

        We beg leave to report that we have received no applicants for Annual Conference License.

        J. B. Layne,

        F. B. Hertzog,

        E. N. Cassel,

        Paul E. Baer,

        R. H. Gehman,


        Report of the Committee on the Examination of Applicants for Ordination:

        We have examined W. B. Hottel, who has served three years as a probationer, and believing in the sincerity of his calling of God unto the Christian Ministry, and that he is in accord with the teaching of the Scriptures and our Church Discipline, We, therefore, recommend that he be ordained on Sunday afternoon.

        F. B. Hertzog,     Paul E. Baer,

        J. B. Layne,                 W. W. Hartman,

        E. N. Cassel. 


        Report of the Committee Over Campmeeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits:

        We have worked under the direction of the Presiding Elders and the Executive Board.

        F. B. Hertzog,     G. F. Yost,

        E. W. Bean,                 J. B. Layne,


        J. H. Riggall, having received an appointment by being stationed as pastor to Staten Island, N. Y., was received into the Conference Bar.

        Resolved, That we suspend business to the Call of the Chair.

Business was resumed.

        Resolved, That we have a session this evening from 7:00 to 9:00 o’clock.

        Adjourned with prayer by E. W. Bean and benediction by E. E. Kublic.


Friday Evening, October 17, 1947

        The meeting was opened at 7:00 o’clock with prayer by T. E. Turnbull.

        The roll was called.

        The minutes of the afternoon meeting were read and approved.

        Resolved, That we dispense with the regular order of business and consider the matter of Incorporation of the Annual Conference.

        After careful consideration and discussion the following was adopted:


        Be it and it is hereby resolved that the Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church of Pennsylvania now being in session, does hereby instruct its officers to make application for a Charter, and that said application be in the form and of the character as appears upon Articles of Incorporation submitted to this Conference prior to the introduction of this Resolution, and,

        Be it and it is hereby further resolved that such application shall be made to the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County, through the offices of Snyder, Wert & Wilcox, Esquires, Allentown, Pennsylvania, and,

        Further, That all acts performed or to be performed under the provisions of this Resolution, by the said officers, are hereby ratified and approved.

        Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time indefinitely.

        Adjourned at 9:15 P. M. with prayer and benediction by J. B. Layne.


Saturday Morning, October 18, 1947

        This meeting was opened with singing “My Faith Looks Up To Thee” and prayer by E. J. Dietzman.

        Pastor E. N. Cassel brought a devotional exposition of II Peter 1:1-7, speaking on the subject “The Worker’s Equipment.”

        The Roll was called.

        The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted.

        The following Reports were read and approved:

Report of the Executive Board: (See Reports)

        Whereas, The growing needs of our Camp Meetings call for the expanding of our facilities, and,

        Whereas, The Executive Board is interested in the building of dormitories, also additional storage space and also make provision for the housing of a caretaker, therefore,

        Resolved, That we authorize the Executive Board to proceed as it deems advisable.

        Resolved, That the $3000.00 now held as a trust fund for the purchase of a new camp ground, be placed in the treasury of the Executive Board to be used for the improvement of Mizpah Grove.

        Resolved, That we ask each congregation to give 25 cents per member, according to the membership reported at the 1947 Conference, toward the moving expenses of the Pastors. This amount shall be brought to the Ministerial Convention. Checks shall be made payable to the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church of Pennsylvania. Money received from this source shall be placed in a fund to be known as a moving fund.

        Report of the Board of Foreign Missions: (See Reports)

        Report of the Home: (See Reports)

        Report of the Conference Treasurer: (See Reports)

        Report of the Committee on Statistics: (See Reports’/

        Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to compile a report of the Conference for the Gospel Banner and the Year Book.

        He appointed H. W. Hartman, Paul E. Baer and A. G. Woodring.

        The Chair appointed the following Committees:

        Board of Publication, and Printing: T. D. Gehret, N. H. Wolf, F. M. Hottel.

        Committee over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits: F. B. Hertzog, E. W. Bean, G. F. Yost, J. B. Layne.

        The Chair appointed the following to audit the General Conference Schedule: H. W. Hartman and C. L. Miller.


        Resolved, That we proceed to the election of Officers and Boards.

The following were elected:

        Vice Presiding Elders: F. B. Hertzog and N. H. Wolf.

        Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and meet at 1:00 P. M.

        Adjourned with prayer and benediction by A. G. Woodring.


Saturday Afternoon, October 18, 1947

        The meeting was opened at 1:00 P. M. with singing “Trust and Obey” and prayer by L. N. Kern.

The roll was called.

        The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

        Resolved, That we continue with the election of Officers and Boards.

        Resolved, That the remaining Officers and Boards be nominated orally and be elected by ballot.

        Chairman of the Next Annual Conference: P. T. Stengele.

        Secretary of the Next Annual Conference: T. D. Gehret.

        Treasurer of the Next Annual Conference: Paul I. Wentz.

        Committee over the Presiding Elders: F. M. Hottel, H. K. Kratz, J. B. Henry.

        Executive Board: T. D. Gehret, P. T. Stengele, F. B. Hertzog, J. B. Layne, E. N. Cassel, N. H. Wolf, F. M. Hottel.

        Board of Foreign Missions: T. D. Gehret, P. T. Stengele, N. H. Wolf, E. N. Cassel, J. B. Layne, J. B. Henry, C. L. Miller.

        Resolved, That in all elections of Annual Conference that a nomination be seconded in order to qualify a person as a candidate.

        Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society: President, H. G. Brunner; Secretary, C. E. Musselman; Treasurer, A. L. Wentz.

        Board of Trustees of the Home: (for two years) H. B. Musselman, E. N. Cassel, T. D. Gehret, P. T. Stengele, Timothy H. Gehman, E. O. Mann.

        Board of Examiners: E. N. Cassel, H. K. Kratz, Paul E. Baer.

        Resolved, That we have three Camp Meetings next summer as set forth by the Executive Board, to be held in Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa., July 3-11; July 17-25; July 31-August 8.

        Resolved, That the Camp Meetings constitute the following Churches:

        First Division (July 3-1l)-Walnutport, Harrisburg, York, Allentown, Shamokin, Hatfield, Lebanon, Sunbury, Mount Carmel, Reading.

        Second Division (July 17-25)-Spring City-Royersford, Lehighton, Philadelphia (Salem), Philadelphia (Wissinoming). Fleetwood-Blandon, Terre Hill, Stroudsburg, Nazareth-Northampton, Graterford-Harleysville, Quakertown.

        Third Division (July 31-August 8)-West Philadelphia, Newark, Chester, Allentown (Salem)-Coopersburg, Easton, Emmaus-Macungie-Zionsville, Scranton, Staten Island, Jersey City, Bethlehem.

        Resolved, That the price of tents shall be $5.00 each per Camp Meeting, and that the tent rents be paid to the Pastors before the Camp Meeting. The Pastors shall pay the tent rents to the officers of the respective Committees not later than Tuesday of the Camp Meeting together with a list of the names and number of the tents.

        Resolved, That we have a literature stand at our Camp Meetings.

        The various Boards reported their organization as follows:

        Executive Board: P. T. Stengele, President, E. N. Cassel, Secretary.

        Board of Trustees of the Home: T. D. Gehret, President; E. N. Cassel, Secretary; F. B. Hertzog, Assistant Secretary.

        Board of Foreign Missions: P. T. Stengele, President; T. D. Gehret, Secretary.

        Board of Examiners: E. N. Cassel, President; Paul E. Baer, Secretary.

        Board of Publication and Printing: T. D. Gehret, President; Secretary, N. H. Wolf.

        Committee Over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits: F. B. Hertzog, Chairman; E. W. Bean, Secretary.

Resolved, That we have a Ministerial Convention to be held at Emmaus, Pa., on Thursday, April 22, 1948.

        Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders F. B. Hertzog and A. G. Woodring be a Committee on Program.

        The following officers were elected for this Convention: Chairman, T. D. Gehret; Secretary, A. G. Woodring.

        Resolved, That Fifty Dollars ($50.00) from the Annual Conference Fund be donated to the Emmaus Congregation towards the expense of this Convention.

        Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and extend the time indefinitely.

        The following report was read and adopted:

        Report of the Committee to Audit the General Conference Schedule:

        We, the Committee appointed to Audit the Statistical Summary Report for the General Conference, have examined the report and have found it correct.

        H. W. Hartman,

        C. L. Miller,


        Resolved, That we have two Sunday School Conventions, one on each District.

        Resolved, That the Chair appoint Chairmen to organize for the Sunday School Convention. He appointed Paul E. Baer and J. B. Henry.

        Resolved, That we elect seven ministerial delegates and six lay delegates to General Conference.

        Resolved, That the five pastors on the Executive Board be elected delegates to General Conference.

        Resolved, That the Executive Board be a nominating committee to submit names for candidates for delegates to General Conference.

        Resolved, That we have an evening meeting beginning at 6:30 o’clock.

        Adjourned at 5:30 P. M. with prayer and benediction by G. F. Yost.


Saturday Evening October 18, 1947

        The meeting was opened at 6:30 o’clock with singing “Sweeter as the Years Roll By” and prayer by E. J. Rutman.

        Resolved, That we pay our portion of General Conference expenses out of the Moving Fund.

        Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of two to certify the Year Book for General Conference. He appointed N. H. Wolf and Paul E. Baer.

        The following were elected by ballot as Delegates to General Conference:

        Minister Delegates: E. N. Cassel, J. B. Layne, N. H. Wolf, F. B. Hertzog, F. M. Hottel, J. B. Henry and A. G. Woodring. First Alternate, Paul E. Baer; Second Alternate, H. W. Hartman; Third Alternate, W. H. Frank.

        Lay Delegates: Paul I. Wentz, H. L. Shelly, Paul Cressman, R. Paul Schaeffer, A. W. Deppe, R. R. Fox. First Alternate, John Slater; Second Alternate, C. K. McCanester; Third Alternate, A. L. Wentz.

        Resolved, That if 80% of the ministering brethren are present that we constitute a quorum, for the balance of this Conference.

        Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene in Bethel Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, 528-530 N. Eighth St., Allentown, Pa., on Tuesday, October 12, 1948 at 10:00 A. M.

        Resolved, That we suspend the Rules to meet Monday at 9:30 A. M.

Adjourned at 7:45 P. M. with prayer and benediction by E. N. Cassel.


Monday Morning, October 20, 1947

        The meeting was opened at 9:30 o’clock with singing “Jesus is Good to Me” and prayer by R. C. Reichenbach.

        The devotional service was in charge of the Chairman P. T. Stengele who spoke on Psalms 12, “God Our Help in Trying Times.”

        The roll was called.

        The minutes of Saturday afternoon and evening meetings were read and approved.

        The following Reports were read and adopted:

        Report of the Committee on Auditing:

        We, the auditing committee have examined the accounts of the following: Presiding Elders and Gospel Herald Society Reports, Benevolent Society (both secretary and treasurer), Board of Publication and Printing, Quarterly Conference Records, the Home, the Executive Board, Foreign Missions, Home Missions, Conference Treasurer, Ministers’ Retirement Fund, Committee on Finance, Sunday School Conventions, Camp Meeting Accounts (Bethlehem District, Allentown District and Chairman of General Camp Meeting Committee) and Statistical Report. These accounts were presented in a creditable and business-like manner; the several errors discovered were corrected to the satisfaction of those concerned.

        F. M. Hottel, John B. Harley, R. R. Fox, E. E. Bauer, Howard G. Adams, Herbert V. Smith, R. Spedden, C. H. Snyder, L. N. Kern, T. E. Turnbull, H. H. Bergey, Walter A. Schlagel, E. J. Dietzman.


        Report of the Sunday School Convention (Bethlehem District): (See Reports)

        Report of the Sunday School Convention (Allentown District): (See Reports)

        Report of the Ministerial Convention: (See Reports)

        Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

        1. Whereas, The Lord has graciously permitted our Presiding Elders, T. D. Gehret and P. T. Stengele, to submit inspiring reports revealing many victories won for Christ on their Districts and in the Gospel Herald Society, and,

        Whereas, Our leaders have assumed their responsibilities with earnestness, self denial and qualities of leadership that have proven an inspiration to our entire constituency, therefore,

        Resolved, That we hereby express our sincere gratitude and renew our pledge to uphold them in daily prayer and to cooperate with them in every possible way for the glory of God.

        2. Whereas, The Lord has permitted all of our Pastors to attend this Conference, some of them having been physically tested and gloriously healed in answer to prayer, and,

        Whereas, They have submitted oral and statistical reports giving evidence of God’s faithfulness in their various Churches, therefore,

        Resolved, That we heartily thank God and show our appreciation by even more sacrificial service for Christ during the coming year.

        3. Whereas, The Lord has continued to give us the support of a very devout and self-sacrificing laity, therefore,

        Resolved, That we acknowledge a great debt of gratitude and do all in our power to pursue a course that will bring the greatest good to them in this life as well as the life to come.

        4. Whereas, T. D. Gehret, Secretary of the Annual Conference, Editor of the Year Book and Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, has assembled much valuable information from the correspondence of our Missionaries, making possible the publication of our popular “Year Book” and “Religions Beyond”, therefore,

        Resolved, That we express our gratitude by donating to him the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) to be paid by the Foreign Mission Board.

        5. Whereas, The Conference Treasurer, Paul I. Wentz, has rendered acceptable service and manifested a spirit of loyalty and devotion to the Church, therefore,

        Resolved, That as a token of our appreciation and esteem we give him the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) to be paid out of the Conference Fund.

        6. Whereas, The Christian Life series of Sunday School literature published by our friends, the Union Gospel Press, continues to be Scripturally sound and acclaimed universally as the best available, therefore,

        Resolved That we pray God’s continued blessing upon them in the carrying on of their stupendous task of meeting a world-wide need, and further

        Resolved, That we as a Conference recognize Mrs. E. T. Gehman as the agent appointed by the Union Gospel Press and patronize the said Mrs. Gehman in the purchase of our Sunday School literature and supplies whenever possible.

        7. Whereas, Pastor N. H. Wolf and members of the Bethlehem congregation have so graciously and abundantly provided for the entertainment of the Conference, at great sacrifice to themselves in various ways, therefore,

        Resolved, That we tender them a rising vote of thanks in the Sunday evening service, and earnestly beseech the Lord to continue to bless them in their labor of love for Christ in this great city.

        8. Resolved, That the Church property at Hereford be in charge of the Macungie Board of Trustees.

        H. W. Hartman,

        A. G. Woodring,

        D. E. Thomann,


        Resolved, That the Executive Board terminate the matter concerning the Hereford property.

Resolved, That we recess to the call of the Chair.

Business was resumed.

        Adjourned with prayer by J. E. Golla.


Monday Afternoon, October 20, 1947

        The meeting was opened with the calling of the roll and the reading of the minutes of the morning meeting.

The following Reports were read and adopted:

        Report of the Committees to Organize for the Camp Meetings of 1948:

        Report of the Committee to organize for the First Division Camp Meeting:

        This Division comprises: Allentown (Bethel), Reading, York, Sunbury, Shamokin, Mount Carmel, Hatfield, Harrisburg, Walnutport and Lebanon.

        Place-Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa. Date-July 3rd to 11th.

        Officers: Chairman, F. M. Hottel; Secretary, A. G. Woodring; Treasurer, J. B. Layne.

        The Presiding Elder together with the Officers of the Committee shall make all the arrangements.

        The Presiding Elder shall invite the Preachers and shall secure the extra help if he and the Committee deem it advisable. An invitation shall be extended to the Gospel Herald Brethren to attend.

        P. T. Stengele, Chairman,

        C. E. Kirkwood, Secretary.

        Report of the Committee to organize for the Second Division Camp Meeting:

        This Division comprises: Philadelphia (Salem), Spring City, Royersford, Fleetwood, Blandon, Terre Hill, Philadelphia (Wissinoming), Lehighton, Quakertown, Northampton, Nazareth, Graterford, Harleysville and Stroudsburg.

        Place-Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa. Date-July 17th to 25th.

        Officers: Chairman, W. H. Frank; Secretary, Paul E. Baer; Treasurer, G. F. Yost.

        The Presiding Elders together with the Officers of the Committee shall make all the arrangements.

        The Presiding Elders shall invite the Preachers and shall secure the extra help if they and the committee deem it advisable. An invitation shall be extended to the Gospel Herald Brethren to attend.

        T. D. Gehret, Chairman,

        W. B. Hottel, Secretary.

        Report of the Committee to organize for the Third Division Camp Meeting:

        This Division comprises: Bethlehem, Emmaus, Macungie, Zionsville, Easton, Allentown (Salem), Coopersburg, Scranton, Chester, West Philadelphia, Jersey City, N. J., Newark, N. J., and Staten Island, N. Y.

        Place-Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa. Date July 31st to Aug. 8th.

        Officers: Chairman, N. H. Wolf; Secretary, C. L. Miller; Treasurer, F. B. Hertzog.

        The Presiding Elder together with the Officers of the Committee shall make all the arrangements.

        The Presiding Elder shall invite the Preachers and shall secure the extra help if he and the Committee deem it advisable. An invitation shall be extended to the Gospel Herald Brethren to attend.

        T. D. Gehret, Chairman,

        R. H. Gehman, Secretary.

        Report of the Committees to Organize for the Sunday School Conventions for 1948:

        Report of the Committee to organize for the Allentown District Sunday School Convention:

        This Convention shall be held at Harrisburg, Pa., May 31, 1948.

        The following officers were elected: Chairman, Paul E. Baer; Secretary, W. B. Hottel; Treasurer, W. F. Heffner.

        Committee on Program–P. T. Stengele, J. E. Hartman and W. F. Heffner.

        The Gospel Heralds under the supervision of the Presiding Elder of this District shall be represented at this Convention by their Superintendents.

        An offering from each Sunday School on the District shall be brought to this Convention.

        Paul E. Baer, Chairman,

        A. M. Sprock, Secretary.

        Report of the Committee to organize for the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention:

        This Convention shall be held at West Philadelphia, Pa., on May 31, 1948.

        The following officers were elected: Chairman, F. B. Hertzog; Secretary, J. E. Golla; Treasurer, N. H. Wolf.

        Committee on Program-Willard E. Cassel, T. D. Gehret, J. E. Golla, W. H. Frank and E. B. Hartman.

        The Gospel Heralds under the supervision of the Presiding Elder of this District shall be represented at this Convention by their Superintendents.

        An offering from each Sunday School on the District shall be brought to this Convention.

        J. B. Henry, Chairman,

        W. H. Frank, Secretary.

        Resolved, That the following form a Committee on Program for the next Annual Conference: F. M. Hottel, E. N. Cassel and N. H. Wolf.

        Resolved, That we print 1150 year books to be sold at twenty-five cents per copy. Checks shall be made payable to T. D. Gehret, Secretary. The deficit shall be paid out of the Conference Fund.

        Resolved, That we ask the Board of Foreign Missions to authorize the Conference Secretary to print 750 copies of the Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions.

        The following Report was read and adopted:

Report of the Beneficiary Society:

        The Beneficiary Society met, transacted routine business and elected the following officers: F. B. Hertzog, Chairman; F. M. Hottel, Secretary; A. G. Woodring, Treasurer.

        Resolved, That when any congregation contemplates an expenditure involving an amount in excess of $500.00, except in cases of emergency, the same shall be submitted to the local congregation for approval.

        Resolved, That this Resolution be made a Standing Rule.

        Resolved, That any charges brought against a Pastor or Presiding Elder must be in writing and properly signed by the party or parties bringing the charges.

Resolved, That this resolution be made a standing rule.

        Resolved, That the following be added to the Standing Rules on Annuities, fourth line, after the words, “Retirement List” — “and dating from the time that he has received Annual Conference License.”

        Resolved, That we go on record as favoring a time limit for Pastors and Presiding Elders, and that we petition General Conference to permit us to determine the tenure of service for the Pennsylvania Conference.

        Resolved, That all contributions received for the Laymen’s Benevolent Society shall be paid by check or money order, made payable to A. L. Wentz, Treasurer, and forwarded to C. E. Musselman, Secretary, 1131 North Eighteenth Street, Allentown, Pa.

        Resolved, That whenever a Pastor and Superintendent of the Sunday School desire, they may be permitted to designate one of the Semi-Annual Missionary Offerings for Home Missions in the place of Foreign Missions, or they may have a Home Missionary offering in addition.

        Resolved, That whenever an election is held for officers accountable to the Quarterly Conference (except where otherwise provided for by our Discipline) the informal ballot shall be used to nominate the candidates. When one officer is to be elected the three highest shall be used as candidates. When three officers are required the five highest shall be considered. A majority in every instance shall be necessary for an election. After the first ballot has been cast, if there be no election, the candidate receiving the least number of votes shall be eliminated.

        Resolved, That this Resolution be made a Standing Rule.

        Resolved, That the three Secretaries of the Camp Meeting Committees be a Committee on Publicity for the Camp Meetings of 1948.

        Resolved, That the Camp Meeting Officers and the Presiding Elders be a committee to formulate and publish Rules for Camp Meetings.

        Resolved, That all tent orders be sent to H. W. Hartman not later than June 1st for the First Division, July 1st for the Second and Third Division Camp Meetings using the order blanks to be provided, and further

        Resolved, That the forms be filled out properly and signed by the person placing the order.

        Resolved, That a special meeting of the ministering brethren be called by the Presiding Elders for the purpose of discussing church extension and the Gospel Herald Society.

        Resolved, That the Executive Board be requested to present to the next Annual Conference a plan, based upon recommendations made at the special meeting of the ministering brethren, providing for a constitution for and administration of the Gospel Herald Society, or a plan for church extension.

        A Constitution regulating our Young People’s Meetings was adopted and appears elsewhere in this Year Book.

        Resolved, That the Executive Board be encouraged to buy additional ground adjoining Mizpah Grove if it sees fit.

        Resolved, That the Executive Board be permitted to revise the standing rules and make them conform to the regulations in accord with the Incorporation of the Church.

        Adjourned at 5:20 P. M. with prayer by the Chairman, P. T. Stengele and benediction by Paul E. Baer.


        P. T. Stengele, Presiding Elder, Chairman,

        T. D. Gehret, Presiding Elder, Secretary,

        Paul I. Wentz, Treasurer,

        H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder Emeritus,

        F. B. Hertzog, Vice Presiding Elder,

        N. H. Wolf, Vice Presiding Elder, Assistant Secretary,

        W. H. Frank, Recording Secretary,

        Paul E. Baer, Recording Secretary,

        E. W. Bean, E. N. Cassel, Willard E. Cassel, R. H. Gehman, J. E. Golla, E. B. Hartman, H. W. Hartman, J. E. Hartman, W. W. Hartman, W. F. Heffner, J. B. Henry, F. M. Hottel, C. E. Kirkwood, H. K. Kratz, E. E. Kublic, J. B. Layne, C. L. Miller, R. C. Reichenbach, E. J. Rutman, A. M. Sprock, D.E. Thomann, T. E. Turnbull, A. G. Woodring, G. F. Yost, C. H. Brunner, W. B. Hottel, J. H. Riggall, P. Ward Musselman, Claude A. Mengel, Bert E. Brosius, T. Lamarn Manney, Walter S. Bryan, John W. Boehmer, R. R. Fox, S. A. Hackman, R. H. Hendershot, E. E. Bauer, C. H. Snyder, Walter A. Schlagel, Charles W. Weaber, L. N. Kern, Warren W. Godshall, Paul H. Cressman, John B. Harley, Herbert V. Smith, H. H. Bergey, G. L. Baumgartner, R. Spedden, Thomas W. Campbell, Sr., Howard G. Adams, Theodore L. Bleich, George W. Butler, E. J. Dietzman, John Moran, Sr., Herbert E. Cole.

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