1949 Annual Conference Minutes


Annual Conference Proceedings


Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1949 Yearbook

            The Sixty-Sixth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, Pennsylvania Conference, convened in Beulah Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, Twelfth and Spruce Street, Easton, Penna., on Tuesday, October 11, 1949.

            The Conference was opened according to announcement at 10:00 A. M. with the singing of the hymn, “Speak to My Soul”. Prayer was offered by C. E. Kirkwood and W. F. Heffner.

            The Chairman P. T. Stengele, addressed the assembled conference basing his remarks on II Cor. 5:14-15 and Proverbs 3:4-5. This was a profitable and thought provoking meditation.

            Following the address by the Chairman the Conference members and also the members of the Home Missionary Society who were present, engaged in the observance of the ordinances of Saints’ Feet Washing and the Lord’s Supper.

            The Secretary, T. D. Gehret, appointed the following assistants: Assistant Secretary, N. H. Wolf; Recording Secretaries, W. H. Frank and Paul E. Baer.

The following were enrolled as members of the Conference:


            Ordained — P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret, F. B. Hertzog, N. H. Wolf, A. G. Woodring, E. N. Cassel, C. E. Kirkwood W. H. Frank, Paul E. Baer, J. B. Layne, H. W. Hartman, F. M. Hottel, C. L. Miller, J. B. Henry, W. F. Heffner, W. W. Hartman, G. F. Yost, J. E. Golla, E. W. Bean, H. K. Kratz, E. B. Hartman, E. E. Kublic, R. H. Gehman, J. E. Hartman, W. B. Hottel, D. E. Thomann, Willard E. Cassel, R. C. Reichenbach, A. M. Sprock, E. J. Rutman, J. H. Riggall, T. E. Turnbull, H. B. Musselman, E. T. Shick, H. W. Feldges, C. F. Snyder.

            Probationers — John Dunn, W. A. Heffner, H. D. Yarrington.


Allentown District

            P. Ward Musselman, Allentown (Bethel)

            Stanley Y. Miller, Reading

            Clayton Brosius, Sunbury

            T. Lamarn Manney, Shamokin

            Walter S. Bryan, York

            John W. Boehmer, Mount Carmel

            R. R. Fox, Royersford and Spring City

            S. A. Hackman, Graterford and Harleysville

            A. W. Deppe, Nazareth and Northampton

            J. D. Kreiss, Lehighton and Walnutport

            Daniel K. Ziegler, Hatfield

            C. L. Ream, Harrisburg

            Charles W. Weaber, Lebanon

            George R. Fish, Stroudsburg

Bethlehem District

            E. O. Mann, Bethlehem

            Paul I. Wentz, Emmaus, Macungie, Zionsville

            John B. Harley, Philadelphia

            Herbert V. Smith, Easton

            G. L. Baumgartner, Coopersburg, Allentown (Salem)

            Clayton E. Weber, Fleetwood and Blandon

            R. Spedden, Chester

            H. H. Bergey, Quakertown

            Edward Judd, Wissinoming

            Theodore L. Bleich, Jersey City, N. J.

            George W. Butler, Scranton

            J. R. Weber, Terre Hill

            William T. Wild, Staten Island, N. Y.

            E. J. Dietzman, West Philadelphia

            Fred J. Wagner, Newark, N. J.

            Resolved, That the first five pews to the front and to the right of the Chair constitute the Conference Bar.

            Resolved, That the Home Mission Workers present during this Conference be advisory members. The following brethren were present: James Koch, Robert Smock, H. D. Yarrington, Richard Kline and A. L. Seifert.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Reporter and a Timekeeper. He appointed R. C. Reichenbach as Reporter and E. J. Rutman as Timekeeper.

            Resolved, That no member be permitted to leave the Conference Bar without permission by the Chair except the Pastor and Delegate of the Easton Congregation, W. W. Hartman and Herbert V. Smith.

            Report of the Committee to arrange program for the services of Annual Conference:

            Tuesday, 10:00 A. M. — Address by Chairman P. T. Stengele, followed by the Ordinances of Washing of the Saints’ Feet, and Communion for members of the Annual Conference and Home Missionary Society.

            Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. — Meeting of the Annual Conference. Oral reports of the Pastors (limited to three minutes). Oral reports of the Presiding Elders and Director of Home Missions.

            Thursday, 7:30 P. M. — Devotional exercises. Selections by Emmaus Male Quartet; Bethlehem Mixed Chorus; Allentown Male Chorus. Address by Presiding Elder P. T. Stengele, “Stewards of the Mysteries of God.” Address by Presiding Elder T. D. Gehret, “The Dynamic of Christianity.”

            Services in charge of the Chairman of the Annual Conference. Addresses limited to twenty minutes.

            W. W. Hartman, N. H. Wolf, E. N. Cassel, C. L. Miller, F. B. Hertzog,


            Resolved, That E. W. Bean be excused from the afternoon session in order to attend a funeral.

            Resolved, That the Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders consist of the Presiding Elders and one member to be appointed by the Chair.


            Committee on Worship: (Appointed at the last Annual Conference): W. W. Hartman, E. N. Cassel, F. B. Hertzog, N. H. Wolf, C. L. Miller.

            Committee on Communications: H. B. Musselman, Paul E. Baer, H. K. Kratz.

            Committee on Finance: Paul I. Wentz, P. Ward Musselman, E. O. Mann, Stanley Y. Miller.

            Committee on Examination of Local Conference Records: F. B. Hertzog, J. B. Henry, R. H. Gehman, W. F. Heffner, R. C. Reichenbach, E. W. Bean, D. E. Thomann, E. J. Rutman, W. B. Hottel, John Dunn, J. H. Riggall, T. Lamarn Manney, William T. Wild, John W. Boehmer, Clayton Brosius, A. W. Deppe, Walter S. Bryan, Edward Judd, Charles W. Weaber, S. A. Hackman, George W. Butler, George R. Fish, Fred J. Wagner, J. R. Weber.

            Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders: T. D. Gehret, P. T. Stengele, C. E. Kirkwood.

            Committee on Statistics: E. N. Cassel, J. B. Layne, Paul E. Baer, C. E. Kirkwood, E. B. Hartman, A. M. Sprock, W. H. Frank, Willard E. Cassel, J. E. Golla, J. E. Hartman.

            Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records: H. K. Kratz, E. E. Kublic.

            Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists, Missionaries: G. F. Yost, N. H. Wolf, W. F. Heffner, Paul E. Baer.

            Committee on Examinations of Applicants for Annual Conference License: F. B. Hertzog, C. L. Miller, W. H. Frank, E. N. Cassel, C. E. Kirkwood.

            Committee on Resolutions: H. W. Hartman, A. G. Woodring, D. E. Thomann.

            Committee on Examination of Applicants for Ordination: J. B. Layne, Paul E. Baer, N. H. Wolf, A. G. Woodring, W. W. Hartman.

            Committee on Auditing: F. M. Hottel, G. L. Baumgartner, Herbert V. Smith, John B. Harley, R. Spedden, H. H. Bergey, R. R. Fox, Daniel K. Ziegler, C. L. Ream, J. D. Kreiss, E. J. Dietzman, Clayton E. Weber, Theodore L. Bleich.

            Resolved, That we have an evening meeting and the minutes of the afternoon meeting shall be read at the Wednesday morning meeting.

            Rev. J. Harold Sherk of the Ontario Conference being present was recognized and after being introduced to the Conference body gave a brief word of greeting.

Resolved, That Brother Sherk be considered as an advisory member.

Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.

Adjourned at 11:40 A. M. with prayer and benediction by H. W. Hartman.


Tuesday Afternoon, October 11, 1949

            The meeting was opened at 4:00 P. M. with singing “Come, Thou Blessed Saviour” and prayer by E. E. Kublic.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Whereas, We have learned through the Presiding Elder under whom he served, that T. E. Turnbull has resigned from the church to accept a pastorate elsewhere, therefore

            Resolved, That we accept the resignation of T. E. Turnbull, remove his name from the roll and refer the matter to the Committee on Resolutions.

The following reports were read and adopted:

            Report of the Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society: (See Reports)

            Report of the Board of Examiners: (See Reports)

            Report of the Committee on the Examination of Local Conference Records:

            We have examined the Local Conference Records and have found them in good condition. A few minor errors were found which were corrected by the Pastors concerned.

            We recommend that the Pastors record in the Minutes when the Presiding Elders speak on the duties of the Officers and Members.

            We further recommend that when a Local Conference has a petition or recommendation for the Annual Conference it be recorded in red.

            The following petition was found in the Minute Book of the Local Conference of the Bethel M. B. in C. Church of Allentown, Pa.

            “Resolved: That we petition the Annual Conference that in the event it is decided that a Bible School of our own should be established, the Conference consider the offer of the Allentown (Bethel) Congregation that their church facilities may be used as a Bible School until such a time as the conference should decide to erect buildings for that purpose.”

            F. B. Hertzog, J. B. Henry, R. H. Gehman, W. F. Heffner, R. C. Reichenbach, E. W. Bean,

William T. Wild, D. E. Thomann, W. B. Hottel, J. H. Riggall, T. Lamarn Manney, S. A. Hackman, E. J. Rutman, Walter S. Bryan, Edward Judd, Charles W. Weaber, George W. Butler, John W. Boehmer, Clayton Brosius, George R. Fish, John Dunn, Fred J. Wagner, A. W. Deppe, J. R. Weber,


            Report of the Committee on the Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License:

We have received no applicants for Annual Conference License.

            F. B. Hertzog, E. N. Cassel, C. L. Miller, C. E. Kirkwood,   W. H. Frank,


            Report of the Committee to Examine Traveling Elders:

            We the Committee to examine Traveling Elders have examined the Traveling Elders by interviewing their respective delegates and recommend that they be passed as satisfactory.

P. T. Stengele, C. E. Kirkwood, T. D. Gehret,


            Report of the Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries:

            We beg leave to report that we have examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries and found them all satisfactory to the best of our knowledge.

            G. F. Yost, N. H. Wolf, W. F. Heffner, Paul E. Baer,


            Report of P. T. Stengele, Presiding Elder of the Allentown District: (See Reports)

            Report of T. D. Gehret, Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District: (See Reports)

            Resolved, That we extend the time indefinitely.

            Report of C. E. Kirkwood, Director of Home Missions: (See Reports)

            Report of the Board of Home Missions: (See Reports)

Adjourned at 5:20 P. M. with prayer and benediction by J. B. Henry.


Tuesday Evening, October 11, 1949

            The meeting was opened at 7:30 P. M. with singing “He Is So Precious To Me,” and prayer by J. E. Hartman.

            The Committee on Worship had arranged that at this meeting the oral reports of the Pastors should be given, limited to three minutes each, also the reports of the Presiding Elders and the Director of the Home Missionary Society.

            The interest of our people throughout the bounds of the Conference was reflected in the very good attendance at this meeting, the church being well filled with attentive and interested listeners.

            The reports while brief were to the point and most inspiring. The blessing of God has been realized in the progress of the Church and the outlook for the future is as bright as are the promises of God.

Adjourned at 9:50 o’clock with prayer and benediction by R. H. Gehman.


Wednesday Morning, October 12, 1949

            The meeting was opened with singing, “Friendship With Jesus”, and a season of prayer.

            The Secretary, Presiding Elder T. D. Gehret, brought us a helpful message and exhortation on “Liberty in the Spirit of the Lord,” II Cor. 3:17 to 4:2.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The following reports were read and adopted:

            Report of the Home: (See Reports)

            Report of the Board of Directors: (See Reports)

            Report of the Board of Foreign Missions: (See Reports)

            Report of the Committee Over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits:

            We have worked under the direction of the Presiding Elders and the Board of Directors.

            F. B. Hertzog, E. W. Bean, G. F. Yost,


            Report of the Board of Publication and Printing: (See Reports)

            Report of the Chairman of the General Camp Meeting Committee: (See Reports)

            Report of Menno Youth General Committee: (See Reports)

            Whereas, Women’s Missionary Societies have been organized in a number of our churches and have been actively engaged in missionary projects and have stimulated missionary interest, therefore,

            Resolved, That Women’s Missionary Societies that have been or shall be organized in our churches be recognized by and report to the local conferences.

            Resolved, That we determine “Who are the preachers who are willing to minister this year according to the direction of the Conference and our Discipline, and what is their number.”

            The following ministering brethren responded “Yea” to the roll call: P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret, F. B. Hertzog, N. H. Wolf, A. G. Woodring, E. N. Cassel, C. E. Kirkwood, W. H. Frank, Paul E. Baer, J. B. Layne, H. W. Hartman, F. M. Hottel, C. L. Miller, J. B. Henry, W. F. Heffner, W. W. Hartman, G. F. Yost, J. E. Golla, E. W. Bean, H. K. Kratz, E. B. Hartman, E. E. Kublic, R. H. Gehman, J. E. Hartman, W. B. Hottel, D. E. Thomann, Willard E. Cassel, R. C. Reichenbach, A. M. Sprock, E. J. Rutman, J. H. Riggall, John Dunn.

            Resolved, That two Presiding Elders be elected and that the informal ballot be used in nominating the candidates, the five highest be candidates, and elected according to the Discipline.

The Chair appointed the following as tellers: F. B. Hertzog, Paul E. Baer, A. G. Woodring.

            The following were elected Presiding Elders for the ensuing year: T. D. Gehret and P. T. Stengele.

            Resolved, That the Home Mission Board consist of seven members including the Presiding Elders.

Adjourned with prayer and benediction by G. F. Yost.


Wednesday Afternoon, October 12, 1949

            The meeting was opened with singing “Draw Me Nearer,” and prayer by Charles W. Weaber.

            The roll was called. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The following reports were read and adopted:

Report of the Committee on Finance: (See Reports)

            Resolved, That we recess to the Call of the Chair.

            Business was resumed.

            Resolved, That we proceed to the election of the Director of Home Missions. The informal ballot shall be used in nominating the candidates.

C. E. Kirkwood was elected as Director of Home Missions.

            Resolved, That the Director of Home Missions be a member of the Home Mission Board by virtue of his office.

The following Report was read and adopted:

Report of the Committee on Education:

            “We, the Committee on Education wish to report that during the past year we have studied particularly the educational problem relating to the training of our future pastors, missionaries and church workers. Since we do not have a school of our own, consideration was given to the needs of our own young people and our church. It was felt that to adequately meet these needs it would be advisable to establish a Bible School of our own. Preliminary study was made into the possibility of conducting our own school. We are convinced that this is the leading of our Lord and therefore we firmly believe it can be done.

            The Committee formulated a recommendation stating that they believed a Bible School of our own should be established. This recommendation was presented to the ministering brethren in a special meeting called on April 11, 1949, at the Allentown (Bethel) church. The recommendation was well received by the pastors. They in turn, encouraged the committee to continue its study and to prepare a pamphlet explaining the need for a Bible School so that the members of our churches could give the matter their sincere consideration and earnest prayer. Five thousand pamphlets were printed and distributed.

            Therefore we recommend: That, the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Pennsylvania Conference establish a Bible School for the purpose of training pastors, missionaries and church workers; and, further recommend that this school shall be under the direction of a Board of Education elected by the Annual Conference.

            P. T. Stengele, W. H. Frank, T. D. Gehret, C. E. Kirkwood, J. E. Hartman,


            Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and have an evening meeting from 7:00 to 9:00 P. M.

            The question of the establishing of a Bible School of our own for the purpose of training Christian workers, Pastors and Missionaries, was freely discussed and tabled for further consideration at another meeting of this Conference.

            Resolved, That P. T. Stengele be Presiding Elder over the Allentown District and that T. D. Gehret be Presiding Elder over the Bethlehem District.

            Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders and a Delegate from each Station and Circuit constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.

            Adjourned with prayer and benediction by Paul E. Baer.


Wednesday Evening, October 12, 1949

            The meeting was opened at 7:00 o’clock with singing, and prayer by R. R. Fox.

            The roll was called. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The following report was read and adopted:

Report of the Committee on Examination of Applicants for Ordination:

            We have received no applicants for Ordination.

            J. B. Layne, A. G. Woodring, Paul E. Baer, W. W. Hartman, N. H. Wolf,


            Resolved, That the Board of Directors purchase the plot of ground adjoining Mizpah Grove in accordance with the offer of John Saeger, the present owner, at an outlay of $800.00.

            Whereas, That part of our work which in former years was known as the Gospel Herald Society and is now known as the Mennonite Brethren In Christ Home Missionary Society, therefore,

            Resolved, That workers of this Society who are full members shall be recognized as having the status of Local Conference licensed workers and shall be listed in the directory of Ministers.

            Resolved, That we establish a time limit of nine years duration for our Pastors and Presiding Elders.

            Resolved, That this plan be retroactive.

            Resolved, That we proceed to the election of the additional members of the Home Mission Board.

Resolved, That we extend the time indefinitely.

            The following were elected to the Home Mission Board: W. H. Frank, A. G. Woodring, C. L. Miller, J. B. Henry.

            Adjourned at 9:15 o’clock with prayer and benediction by R. C. Reichenbach.


Thursday Morning, October 13, 1949

            The meeting was opened with singing “Majestic Sweetness,” and prayer by Daniel K. Ziegler.

            Brother H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder Emeritus brought us a stirring message on the “Bible and Spiritual Life” in the morning devotional period.

            The Roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Brother J. Harold Sherk presented a few facts concerning the work of the Mennonite Central Committee.

            Resolved, That the Secretary, T. D. Gehret, shall assume the responsibility of formulating an obituary of C. H. Brunner for the Year Book.

            Resolved, That the Retirement Age of Pastors be established at 72 years, effective at the Annual Conference in the year 1951.

            Adjourned with prayer by Walter S. Bryan and benediction by A. G. Woodring.


Thursday Afternoon, October 13, 1949

            The meeting was opened with singing, “My Faith Looks Up to Thee,” and prayer by G. F. Yost.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That we as a conference body request the Board of Trustees of the Home to formulate, publicize and proceed with a project providing for the proper care and housing of our old folks, retired ministers and missionaries on furlough.

            Resolved, That the Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church of the Pennsylvania Conference establish a Bible School for the purpose of training pastors, missionaries and church workers, and further

            Resolved, That this school be under the direction of a Board of Education composed of thirteen members. The two Presiding Elders elected each year shall be members of the Board by virtue of their office. Four pastors and seven laymen shall be elected by the Annual Conference. The first year two pastors and one layman shall be elected for a three year term, one pastor and two layman shall be elected f or a two year term, and one pastor and four laymen for a one year term. Thereafter the elected members shall serve three year terms.

            Resolved, That we accept the invitation received from the Allentown (Bethel) M. B. in C. Church in their petition to this Conference “that in the event it is decided that a Bible School of our own should be established, the Conference consider the offer of the Allentown (Bethel) Congregation that their Church facilities may be used as a Bible School until such a time as the Conference should decide to erect buildings for that purpose.”

            Resolved, That the former Board of Directors and the former Committee on Education constitute a nominating committee to bring in nominations for the Board of Education.

The following were elected as members of the Board of Education:

            Members for Three Years: C. E. Kirkwood, C. L. Miller, Daniel K. Ziegler.

            Members for Two Years: J. E. Hartman, A. L. Wentz, H. A. Kauffman.

            Members for One Year: W. H. Frank, Paul Schaeffer, Byron Cassel, A. Franklin Campbell, Stanley Y. Miller.

            Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and adjourn.

            Adjourned at 3:50 P. M. with prayer and benediction by W. B. Hottel.


Friday Morning, October 14, 1949

            The meeting was opened with singing “He Leadeth Me”, the reading of Ephesians four in unison and a season of prayer.

The roll was called.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The following reports were read and adopted:

            Report of the Committee on the Examination of Annual Conference Records:

            We hereby certify that we have examined the Annual Conference Minutes for the session of 1948 and found them correct with the following exceptions: Where the name of A. W. Pope is recorded on page 25, it should be A. W. Deppe, and on page 32, lines 8 to 10, a few errors were found, which were corrected; also on page 42, where the name of F. B. Hertzog appears twice, one was stricken out. We herewith submit two copies duly certified.

            H. K. Kratz,

            E. E. Kublic,


Report of the Conference Treasurer: (See Reports)

Report of the Committee on Resolutions

            1. Whereas, the Lord graciously spared our Presiding Elders, T. D. Gehret and P. T. Stengele, and enabled them to submit reports reflecting many spiritual victories won for Christ on their respective Districts, and

            Whereas, they have assumed their responsibilities with fortitude and with a zeal for God and the welfare of the work which has commanded the respect of our entire constituency, therefore,

            Resolved, that we in gratitude pray earnestly for them and give them our wholehearted support as they continue to serve as the spiritual leaders of our Church.

            2. Whereas, all of our active Pastors have been divinely permitted to attend this Conference and submit oral and statistical reports which conclusively prove that God still blesses faithful effort expended in his Name, therefore,

            Resolved, that we display concrete evidence of our appreciation to God by even more earnest service for Christ through out the coming year.

            3. Whereas, our Home Missions Director who was called upon to relinquish his Pastorate and assume leadership in the expansion of our Home work, and,

            Whereas, he was permitted to submit to this body a report indicating substantial achievements accomplished through the self sacrificing labour of the workers, therefore,

            Resolved, that we pledge our prayer and financial support of this very important phase of our work, as well as its capable and godly leader.

            4. Whereas, through the goodness and kindness of God, our Presiding Elder Emeritus H. B. Musselman has been spared to attend and address this Conference, therefore,

            Resolved, that we hereby express our appreciation of his interest and continued prayers in our behalf.

            5. Whereas, the Lord has continued to give us the moral and financial support of a devoted laity, thus making possible the splendid reports submitted at this Conference, therefore,

            Resolved, that we seek by all the powers at our command to minister to them so that we may make the next year the best and most fruitful in our history as a Church.

            6. Whereas, Rev. J. Harold Sherk, Home Secretary of the Mennonite Central Committee, Peace Section, Akron, Penna., was in attendance at this Conference and in a brief address outlined the nature of our social responsibilities to the world, therefore,

            Resolved, that we appreciate his fellowship and wish him success in his chosen field of endeavour for Christ.

            7. Whereas, this Conference body has authorized the Board of Directors to purchase an additional plot of ground adjoining Mizpah Grove, and,

            Whereas, a good, generous, Christian member of our Emmaus Church has offered to pay for the said plot of ground, therefore,

            Resolved, that we accept his very kind offer and pray that God shall richly bless him for this gesture of good grace.

            8. Whereas, this Conference has been informed of the resignation of Pastor T. E. Turnbull from our Conference to serve in another denomination, therefore,

            Resolved, that we hereby regretfully note his resignation, wishing him every success for a fruitful ministry in his new field of labor for Christ.

            9. Whereas, T. D. Gehret, the competent Secretary of the Annual Conference, Editor of the Year Book, and Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board, has assembled much interesting and valuable information from the correspondence of our Missionaries, making possible the publication of our popular “Year Book” and “Regions Beyond,” therefore,

            Resolved, that we express our gratitude by donating to him the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) to be paid by the Foreign Mission Board.

            10. Whereas, Paul I. Wentz has most commendably served as Conference Treasurer assuming all expenses incident thereto, therefore,

            Resolved, that we donate to him the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) as a token of our appreciation of excellent services rendered, to be paid out of the Conference Fund.

            11. Whereas, the Christian Life Series of Sunday School literature published by our friends in the Gospel, the Union Gospel Press, continue to be Scripturally sound and is distributed universally to a large constituency of Pastors and Christian Workers in scores of various denominations, therefore,

            Resolved, that we continue to pray God’s blessings upon them and further,

            Resolved, that as a Conference we recognize Mrs. E. T. Gehman as the agent appointed by the Union Gospel Press, to handle the Sunday School supplies and all other publications.

            12. Whereas, Pastor W. W. Hartman and the members of the Easton congregation have so graciously and abundantly provided for the entertainment of the Conference members and friends, therefore,

            Resolved, that we tender them a rising vote of thanks and pray that the blessings of God will be upon them as they continue to faithfully “hold forth the Word of Life”.

            H. W. Hartman, D. E. Thomann, A. G. Woodring,


            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to compile a report of the Conference for the “Gospel Banner” and the “Year Book”.

He appointed N. H. Wolf, H. W. Hartman and Paul E. Baer.

            Resolved, That the Director of Home Missions be recognized as a traveling elder.

            Resolved, That the Director of Home Missions shall under all circumstances function in cooperation with the Presiding Elders, and in all matters of importance act only by approval of the Board.

            Resolved, That the Board of Home Missions determine the amount of compensation to be given to the Director.

Resolved, That we suspend business to the Call of the Chair.

Business was resumed.

The following reports were read and adopted:

            Report of the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee: (See Reports)

Resolved, That we extend the time.

            Resolved, That at the last session of each local conference the members present vote by ballot as to whether they desire a change or not of their Pastor. The ballots shall be tabulated by the Presiding Elder and the Delegate to the Annual Conference and the ballots shall be held by the Presiding Elder. The results of this vote shall be kept in confidence by the Presiding Elder and Delegate. The Presiding Elder shall impress upon the local conference the fact that this ballot is suggestive but by no means binding upon the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee of the Annual Conference. And further,

            Resolved, that each traveling elder shall be given an opportunity either before or during the Annual Conference of expressing freely to his Presiding Elder his personal desires concerning his location.

            Adjourned at 12:10 P. M. with prayer and benediction by D. E. Thomann.


Friday Afternoon, October 14, 1949

            The meeting was opened with singing, “Come, Thou Blessed Saviour,” and prayer by R. C. Reichenbach.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            The following brethren were excused from the attendance of the Saturday’s meetings: George R. Fish, H. H. Bergey, Daniel K. Ziegler, S. A. Hackman, A. W. Deppe, J. D. Kreiss and Fred J. Wagner.

            Resolved, that no Elder having served in the office of Presiding Elder for nine successive years shall be eligible for reelection for a period of three years.

The Chair appointed the following Committees:

            Board of Publication and Printing: N. H. Wolf, H. W. Hartman and C. L. Miller.

            Committee Over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits: F. B. Hertzog, E. W. Bean, G. F. Yost and C. L. Miller.

            Resolved, That on page 16 of the Year Book under Camp Meetings, in Line One, the word, “Chairman” shall be stricken out and the word, “Officers” be substituted.


            Resolved, That we proceed to the election of Officers and Boards. The following were elected:

Vice Presiding Elders: F. B. Hertzog and A. G. Woodring.

            Resolved, That the remaining Officers and Boards be nominated orally and be elected by ballot.

Chairman of Next Annual Conference: P. T. Stengele.

            Secretary of Next Annual Conference: T. D. Gehret.

            Treasurer of Next Annual Conference: Paul I. Wentz.

Committee Over the Presiding Elders: J. B. Henry, H. K. Kratz, F. M. Hottel.

            Board of Directors: T. D. Gehret, P. T. Stengele, F. B. Hertzog, E. N. Cassel, C. E. Kirkwood, N. H. Wolf, J. B. Layne.

            Board of Foreign Missions: P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret, J. B. Henry, F. B. Hertzog, N. H. Wolf, C. L. Miller, J. E. Golla.

            Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society: President, H. G. Brunner; Secretary, C. E. Musselman; Treasurer, A. L. Wentz.

            Board of Trustees of the Home: (for Two Years) T. D. Gehret, P. T. Stengele, E. N. Cassel, H. B. Musselman, Timothy Gehman, E. O. Mann.

Board of Examiners: E. N. Cassel, Paul E. Baer, H. K. Kratz.

            Menno-Youth General Committee: J. E. Hartman, J. E. Golla, Daniel K. Ziegler, Ernest Hertzog, Norman Weiss, P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret.

Resolved, That we adjourn to meet at 6:30 o’clock.

Adjourned with prayer and benediction by J. B. Henry.


Friday Evening, October 14, 1949

The meeting was opened with prayer by J. H. Riggall.

The roll was called.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That the Board of Directors be empowered to complete the revision of the General Rules of the Corporation and present them for approval to the next annual conference.

The following reports were read and adopted:

            Report of the Sunday School Convention (Bethlehem District): (See Reports)

            Report of the Sunday School Convention (Allentown District): (See Reports)

            Report of the Ministerial Convention: (See Reports)

            Report of the Committee on Statistics: (See Reports)

            Report of the Committee on Communications:

            We are pleased to report that we received communications from Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Snyder and Rev. H. W. Feldges, retired missionaries, who show interest and continue in the fellowship of the Conference. We are thankful to God for their fellowship in the Gospel and their usefulness in His service.

            H. B. Musselman, Paul E. Baer, H. K. Kratz,


            Resolved, That we have three Camp Meetings next summer, to be held in Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa., July 1-9; July 15-23; July 29-August 6th.

            Resolved, That the Camp Meetings constitute the following Churches:

            First Division (July 1-9) Harrisburg, York, Allentown, Shamokin, Hatfield, Lebanon, Sunbury, Mount Carmel, Reading.

            Second Division (July 15-23) Spring City-Royersford, Lehighton, Walnutport, Philadelphia (Salem), Philadelphia (Wissinoming), Fleetwood-Blandon, Terre-Hill, Stroudsburg, Nazareth-Northampton, Graterford-Harleysville, Quakertown.

            Third Division (July 29-August 6) Bethlehem, West Philadelphia, Newark, Chester, Allentown (Salem)-Coopersburg, Easton, Emmaus-Macungie Zionsville, Scranton, Staten Island, Jersey City.

            Resolved, That the price of tents shall be $5.00 each per Camp Meeting, and the tent rents be paid to the Pastors before the Camp Meeting. The Pastors shall pay the tent rents to the officers of the respective Committees not later than Tuesday of the Camp Meeting together with a list of the names and number of tents.

            Resolved, That we have a literature stand at our Camp Meetings.

            Resolved, That all tent orders be sent to H. W. Hartman not later than June 1st for the First Division, June 15 for the Second and Third Division Camp Meetings using the order blanks to be provided, and further,

            Resolved, That the forms be filled out properly and signed by the person placing the order.

            Resolved, That we have two Sunday School Conventions, one on each District.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint Chairmen to organize for the Sunday School Conventions. He appointed Paul E. Baer and J. B. Henry.

            Resolved, That we suspend business to the Call of the Chair.

Business was resumed.

The following Reports were read and adopted.

Report of the Committee on Auditing:

            We, the Auditing Committee, have examined the accounts of the following: Presiding Elders’ Reports, Board of Directors, Home Missionary Report, Benevolent Society (both Secretary & Treasurer), Board of Publication & Printing, Local Conference Records, The Home, Home Missions, Foreign Missions, Sunday School Conventions, Camp Meeting Accounts, General Camp Meeting Committee, Conference Treasurer, Finance Committee, Statistical Report, Menno-Youth Treasurer’s Report. These accounts were presented in a creditable and business-like manner. The several errors discovered were corrected to the satisfaction of those concerned.

            F. M. Hottel, G. L. Baumgartner, Herbert V. Smith, John B. Harley, R. Spedden, H. H. Bergey, R. R. Fox, Daniel K. Ziegler, C. L. Ream, J. D. Kreiss, E. J. Dietzman, Clayton E. Weber,

Theodore L. Bleich,


            Report of the Committee to Organize the Allentown District Sunday School Convention:

            The Allentown District Sunday School Convention shall be held at Mizpah Grove, July 4, 1950.

            The Officers of the Convention: Chairman, C. L. Miller; Secretary, Willard E. Cassel; Treasurer, F. M. Hottel.

            Committee on Program: P. T. Stengele, Paul E. Baer, C. L. Miller, A. G. Woodring, E. W. Bean.

            We invite the Director and the Sunday Schools of the Home Missionary Society to be participating members of the Convention.

            An offering from each Sunday School on the District shall be brought to the Convention.

            We invite the Presiding Elder and Pastors of the other District to attend the Convention.

Paul E. Baer Chairman,

J. E. Hartman, Secretary.

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention:

            The Convention shall be held at Fleetwood, corner Richmond & Cedar Streets, on May 30, 1950.

            The Following Officers Were Elected: Chairman, N. H. Wolf; Secretary, W. B. Hottel; Treasurer, J. H. Riggall.

            Committee on Program: T. D. Gehret, J. B. Henry, H. W. Hartman, N. H. Wolf, W. H. Frank.

            Each Superintendent shall lift a liberal offering to defray the expenses of the Convention.

            A hearty invitation is extended to the Allentown District and the Home Missionary Society to attend the Convention.

            J. B. Henry, Chairman,

            W. H. Frank, Secretary.

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the First Division Camp Meeting:

            The Division comprises Allentown (Bethel), Reading, York, Sunbury, Shamokin, Mount Carmel, Hatfield, Harrisburg, and Lebanon.

            Place — Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa. Date — July 1-9, 1950.

            Officers: Chairman, C. L. Miller; Secretary, A. G. Woodring; Treasurer, F. M. Hottel.

            The Presiding Elder shall invite the Preachers and shall secure the extra help if he and the Committee deem it necessary.

            An invitation is hereby extended to the Director of Home Missions to arrange for a representation to be present at the Camp Meeting.

            P. T. Stengele, Chairman,

            J. E. Hartman, Secretary.

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Second Division Camp Meeting:

            This Division comprises Philadelphia (Salem), Spring City, Royersford, Fleetwood, Blandon, Terre Hill, Philadelphia (Wissinoming), Lehighton, Walnutport, Quakertown, Northampton, Nazareth, Graterford, Harleysville and Stroudsburg.

Place — Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa. Date — July 15-23, 1950.

            Officers: Chairman, W. H. Frank; Secretary, Paul E. Baer; Treasurer, G. F. Yost.

            The Presiding Elders shall invite the Preachers and shall secure the extra help if they and the committee deem it advisable. An invitation is extended to the Director of Home Missions to arrange for a representation to be present at the Camp Meeting.

            P. T. Stengele, Chairman,

            Paul E. Baer, Secretary.

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Third Division Camp Meeting:

            This Division comprises Bethlehem, Emmaus, Macungie, Zionsville, Easton, Allentown (Salem), Coopersburg, Scranton, Chester, West Philadelphia, Jersey City, Newark, N. J. and Staten Island, N. Y.

            Place — Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa. Date — July 29th to August 6th, 1950.

            Officers: Chairman, N. H. Wolf; Secretary, H. W. Hartman; Treasurer, J. E. Golla.

            The Presiding Elder shall invite the preachers and shall secure the extra help if he and the committee deem it advisable.

            An invitation is extended to the Director of Home Missions to arrange for a representation to be present at the Camp Meeting.

            T. D. Gehret, Chairman,

            D. E. Thomann, Secretary.

Report of the Beneficiary Society:

            The Society met, transacted routine business and elected the following officers: F. B. Hertzog, Chairman; F. M. Hottel, Secretary; A. G. Woodring, Treasurer.

The various boards reported their organization as follows:

            Board of Trustees of the Home: T. D. Gehret, President; E. N. Cassel, Secretary; F. B. Hertzog, Assistant Secretary; Paul I. Wentz, Treasurer.

            Board of Foreign Missions: P. T. Stengele, President; J. B. Henry, Secretary.

            Board of Home Missions: P. T. Stengele, President; T. D. Gehret, Secretary.

            Board of Publication and Printing: N. H. Wolf, President; H. W. Hartman, Secretary.

            Board of Examiners: E. N. Cassel, President; Paul E. Baer, Secretary.

            Committee Over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits: F. B. Hertzog, Chairman; E. W. Bean, Secretary.

            Resolved, That we have a Ministerial Convention to be held at Chester, Pa., Thursday, April 20, 1950.

            The Officers of the Convention were elected as follows: C. E. Kirkwood, Chairman; D. E. Thomann, Secretary.

            Committee on Program: P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret, J. E. Golla.

            Resolved, That Fifty Dollars ($50.00) from the Annual Conference Fund be donated to the Chester Congregation towards the expense of the Convention.

            Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene in Ebenezer Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, 1121-25 N. Main Street, Bethlehem, Pa., on Tuesday, October 17, 1950 at 10:00 A.M.

            Resolved, That the following form a Committee on Program for the next Annual Conference: N. H. Wolf, C. L. Miller, F. B. Hertzog.

            Resolved, That all contributions received for the Laymen’s Benevolent Society shall be paid by check or money order, made payable to A. L. Wentz, Treasurer, and forwarded to C. E. Musselman, Secretary, 1131 North Eighteenth Street, Allentown, Pa.

            Resolved, That we print 1150 year books to be sold at thirty-five cents per copy. Checks shall be made payable to T. D. Gehret, Secretary. The deficit shall be paid out of the Conference Fund.

            Resolved, That we ask the Board of Foreign Missions to authorize the Conference Secretary to print 750 copies of the Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions.

            Resolved, That there be a Minister’s Meeting on March 2, 1950 devoted to the reading and discussion of Biblical and Doctrinal truths; and that we accept the invitation of F. B. Hertzog to meet at the Emmaus M. B. in C. Church. Arrangements will be made for the payment of fares and meals.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of five, including the Presiding Elders, as a program committee for the day.

            The Chair appointed P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret, F. B. Hertzog, W. H. Frank, Willard E. Cassel.

            Resolved, That we ask each congregation to give 25 cents per member according to the membership reported at the 1949 Conference, toward the moving expenses of the Pastors. This amount shall be brought to Ministerial Convention. Checks shall be made payable to the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church of Pennsylvania. Money received from this source shall be placed in a fund to be known as a moving fund.

            Resolved, That the committee of four appointed by the Chairman at the last annual conference, to formulate a historical sketch concerning the origin and doctrines of our Church continue its work.

            Resolved, That the duties of the Board of Education be adopted as follows:

            1. They shall be responsible for the Doctrines and Practices of the School. They shall safeguard the Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible as set forth in the Discipline and shall enforce the rules of the Annual Conference.

            2. They shall be responsible for the provision of facilities for the school.

            3. They shall be responsible for the execution of all legal transactions relating to the institution.

            4. They shall be responsible for all funds received as provided by the Annual Conference.

            5. They shall elect the President of the School and define his duties.

            6. They shall approve all appointments of teachers, administration officers, and major employees upon the recommendation of the President and Faculty Committee.

            7. They shall give a full report of all activities of the School to the Annual Conference each year. They shall also present a prospective budget for the coming year.

            8. They shall divide the responsibilities by choosing committees from among their own members, and sub-committees from among non-members of the Board.

            9. All members of the Board and Faculty shall sign a doctrinal statement on the fundamental beliefs of the Church, annually.

            Whereas, The Beneficiary Fund of the Home Missionary Society is no longer in operation, therefore,

            Resolved, That the monies in this fund be made available to the Board of Education.

            Resolved, That the Board of Education be permitted to raise funds for the Bible School in the following ways:

            1. Proclamation of April 30, 1950 as Bible School Day in the Sunday Schools, at which time an offering shall be received for the purpose of promoting the School.

            2. Solicitation by mail based upon a mailing list furnished by each Pastor.

            3. A special offering be received at the Annual Menno-Youth Rallies held at each Camp Meeting.

            Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders shall share the responsibilities of the second camp meeting.

            Adjourned at 10:35 P. M . with prayer by T. D. Gehret and benediction by P. T. Stengele.


            P. T. Stengele, Presiding Elder, Chairman,

            T. D. Gehret, Presiding Elder, Secretary,

            Paul I. Wentz, Treasurer,

            C. E. Kirkwood, Director of Home Missions,

            F. B. Hertzog, Vice Presiding Elder,

            A. G. Woodring, Vice Presiding Elder,

            N. H. Wolf, Assistant Secretary,

            W. H. Frank, Recording Secretary,

            Paul E. Baer, Recording Secretary,

            H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder Emeritus

            E. N. Cassel, G. F. Yost, J. E. Hartman, D. E. Thomann, E. E. Kublic, J. B. Layne, E. W. Bean, Charles W. Weaber, E. B. Hartman, John B. Harley, Edward Judd, E. J. Rutman, T. Lamarn Manney, Clayton E. Weber, E. J. Dietzman, Clayton Brosius, John W. Boehmer, Herbert V. Smith, J. B. Henry, W. F. Heffner, E. O. Mann, W. W. Hartman, A. M. Sprock, H. K. Kratz, George R. Fish, Daniel K. Ziegler, H. H. Bergey, A. W. Deppe, Fred J. Wagner, S. A. Hackman, J. D. Kreiss,

C. L. Ream, P. Ward Musselman, George W. Butler, R. R. Fox, H. W. Hartman, G. L. Baumgartner,

Stanley Y. Miller, Theodore L. Bleich, William T. Wild, R. C. Reichenbach, C. L. Miller, R. H. Gehman, Willard E. Cassel, Walter S. Bryan, John Dunn, J. E. Golla, F. M. Hottel, J. R. Weber, J. H. Riggall, W. B. Hottel, R. Spedden.

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