1954 Annual Conference Minutes


Annual Conference Proceedings


Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1954 Yearbook

            The Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church of Pennsylvania met for the Seventy-First session in Ebenezer Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church, 1121-25 N. Main St., Bethlehem, Pa.

            The Conference opened at 10:00 A. M. on Tuesday, October 12, with singing, “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah,” and prayer by C. E. Kirkwood.

            The Chairman, F. B. Hertzog, read John 15:1-7 and encouraged us to pray, emphasizing its importance and power.

            The Conference members engaged in a time of thanksgiving and praise unto God for His abundant favors upon the work of the Lord throughout the past year. We poured out our hearts in fervent prayer for the blessings of God upon our missionaries and their labors in the regions beyond; our workers in the home land; our Berean Bible School and its President, faculty and student body; also our faithful and devoted people who so generously support the cause of Christ. We besought the Lord for wisdom and divine direction in all the deliberations of the Conference. God met us in a most gracious way, melting our hearts together as we recognized Christ as our glorious Lord and Head of the Church.

            The Secretary, N. H. Wolf, appointed the following assistants: Assistant Secretary, Herbert W. Hartman; Recording Secretary, Paul E. Baer.

            The following were enrolled as members of the Conference:


            Ordained– Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, Willard E. Cassel, John Dunn, Walter H. Frank, R. H. Gehman, T. D. Gehret, J. E. Golla, Ernest B. Hartman, Herbert W. Hartman, Jansen E. Hartman, W. W. Hartman, W. A. Heffner, W. F. Heffner, F. B. Hertzog, F. M. Hottel, W. B. Hottel, C. E. Kirkwood, James G. Koch, J. B. Layne, C. Leslie Miller, R. C. Reichenbach, J. H. Riggall, E. J. Rutman, A. L. Seifert, Robert W. Smock, Arthur M. Sprock, P. T. Stengele, D. E. Thomann, N. H. Wolf, A. G. Woodring, H. D. Yarrington, H. B. Musselman, G. F. Yost, E. E. Kublic, J. B. Henry.

Probationers– Earl M. Hosler, Donald T. Kirkwood.

            The following missionaries are members of the Pennsylvania Conference and are being supported by us: C. F. Snyder, Mrs. Phoebe Snyder, Mrs. Grace Whale, Miss Luella Reinhart, Miss Olive Rawn, Miss Mary A. Miller, Robert Rampy, Mrs. Marcella Rampy, Robert Gordon, Mrs. Frances Gordon, Miss Sylvia Miller, Herbert C. Dyke, Mrs. Betty Dyke, Merle Baer, Mrs. Marjorie Baer, Laird Stengele, Mrs. Mary Ann Stengele, Paul Chaponnier, Miss Betty Doverspike, Miss Bertha Miller, Miss Grace Yost.


Allentown District

            Warren Taylor and Clarence L. Kauffman, Allentown (Bethel)

            Robert Breitegam, Reading

            Allan F. Smith, Sunbury

            George A. John, Shamokin

            David H. Fahs, York

            Monroe A. Kreisher, Mount Carmel

            R. S. Weidner, Royersford and Spring City

            S. A. Hackman, Graterford and Harleysville

            A. W. Deppe, Nazareth and Northampton

            William P. Snyder, Lehighton

            J. D. Kreiss, Walnutport

            Daniel K. Ziegler, Hatfield

            David Gardner, Harrisburg

            Charles W. Weaber, Lebanon

            George R. Fish, Stroudsburg

            Raymond Snyder, Lancaster

Bethlehem District

            James R. Cressman and Paul H. Cressman, Bethlehem

            Byron C. Cassel, Philadelphia

Allen F. LaRose, Easton

George W. Krigor, Quakertown

R. Spedden, Chester

Thomas W. Campbell, Sr., Wissinoming

            John D. Steitz, Jersey City, N. J.

Paul I. Wentz, Emmaus, Macungie and Zionsville

H. L. Shelly, Coopersburg and Allentown (Salem)

Clayton E. Weber, Fleetwood and Blandon

Franklin Mead, Scranton

Robert W. Gehret, Terre Hill

Edward J. Dietzman, West Philadelphia

            John F. Long, Newark, N. J.

Ralph D. Cole, Staten Island, N. Y.

            Resolved, That we accept the excuses of the absentee delegates and that when they arrive they be seated in the Conference Bar.

            Resolved, That Alternate Delegate Franklin Mead be recognized as the delegate from Scranton in place of Paul Kressler who was unable to attend.

            Resolved, That the first five pews throughout the Church shall constitute the Conference Bar, and that all members of the Conference shall take their places in the Bar.

            Resolved, That all Home Mission Workers present be recognized as advisory members.

            The following brethren were present during the Conference: J. Barclay Harley, Reynold D. Gardner, Norman F. Gordon, Jr., Richard H. Kline, Russell T. Allen, LeRoy S. Heller, Donald B. Schaeffer, Frank L. Herb, Jr., and Raymond E. Arnold.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Reporter and Timekeeper. He appointed R. C. Reichenbach as Reporter, and Earl M. Hosler as Timekeeper.

Resolved, That we elect a Vice Chairman. T. D. Gehret was elected.

            Resolved, That no member be permitted to leave the Conference Bar without permission by the Chair except the Pastor, N. H. Wolf, and the delegates, James R. Cressman and Paul H. Cressman.

            Report of the Committee to Arrange a Program for the Services of the Annual Conference:

            Tuesday, October 12, 1954-10:00 A. M. (Prayer Hour). A period of prayer and supplication in charge of the Chairman of the Conference, F. B. Hertzog.

            Tuesday, October 12, 1954-7:30 P. M. Meeting of the Annual Conference. Oral reports of the District Superintendents, Director of Home Missions and President of Berean Bible School, and all of the Pastors. (Limited to three minutes each.)

            Thursday, October 14, 1954-7:30 P. M. Address by the Conference Chairman, Rev. F. B. Hertzog. Service in charge of District Superintendent T. D. Gehret.

            Friday, October 15, 1954-9:00 A. M. Ordinance Service of Communion and Saints’ Feet Washing under the direction of the Chairman.

            N. H. Wolf,

            C. E. Kirkwood,

            P. T. Stengele,


            Resolved, That we have an evening meeting, omitting the Roll Call. The minutes of the afternoon meeting shall be read in the Wednesday morning meeting.

            Resolved, That the Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders consist of the District Superintendents and one member to be appointed by the Chair.


            Committee on Communications: H. B. Musselman, G. F. Yost, E. E. Kublic.

            Committee on Finance: Paul I. Wentz, Warren Taylor, Paul H. Cressman, Byron C. Cassel.

            Committee on Examination of Local Conference Records: E. W. Bean, W. F. Heffner, J. B. Henry, H. D. Yarrington, D. E. Thomann, W. A. Heffner, W. B. Hottel, E. J. Rutman, John Dunn, James G. Koch, Robert W. Smock, Earl M. Hosler, George A. John, Monroe A. Kreisher, Allan F. Smith, A. W. Deppe, David H. Fahs, Charles W. Weaber, George R. Fish, John F. Long, Allen F. LaRose, Thomas W. Campbell, Sr., Robert Breitegam, William P. Snyder, Raymond Snyder, George W. Krigor, Franklin Mead, John D. Steitz.

            Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders: T. D. Gehret, F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood.

            Committee on Statistics: J. B. Layne, C. E. Kirkwood, Ernest B. Hartman, Arthur M. Sprock, J. E. Golla, Willard E. Cassel, Jansen E. Hartman, Donald T. Kirkwood.

            Committee on Examination of District Superintendents, Local Preachers, Evangelists, Missionaries: W. F. Heffner, N. H. Wolf, R. H. Gehman, E. W. Bean, E. B. Hartman.

            Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License: P. T. Stengele, Herbert W. Hartman, C. E. Kirkwood, W. W. Hartman, W. B. Hottel.

            Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination: T. D. Gehret, C. E. Kirkwood, C. Leslie Miller, Jansen E. Hartman, Herbert W. Hartman.

            Committee on Resolutions: J. H. Riggall, A. L. Seifert, Walter H. Frank.

            Committee on Auditing: F. M. Hottel, H. L. Shelly, James R. Cressman, Daniel K. Ziegler, R. Spedden, R. S. Weidner, Edward J. Dietzman, Clayton E. Weber, David Gardner, J. D. Kreiss, Ralph D. Cole, Robert W. Gehret, Clarence L. Kauffman, S. A. Hackman.

            Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records: R. H. Gehman, W. A. Heffner.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules to the call of the Chair, and meet no later than 4:00 P. M.

Business was suspended at 11:20 A. M.


Tuesday Afternoon, October 12, 1954

            The meeting was opened at 4:00 P. M. with singing “This Is My Story”, and the calling of the roll.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The following reports were read and adopted:

            Report of the Board of Examiners: (See Reports)

            Whereas, The Board of Home Missions and the Board of Directors have approved the recommendation of Frank L. Herb, Jr. for Annual Conference License; therefore be it

            Resolved, That Frank L. Herb, Jr., be referred to the Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License.

            Report of the Committee Over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits:

            We have worked under the direction of the District Superintendents and the Board of Directors.

            E. W. Bean,

            D. E. Thomann,

            W. W. Hartman,


            Report of the Committee on Examination of District Superintendents, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries:

            We beg leave to report that we have examined the District Superintendents, Local Preachers and Missionaries and found them all satisfactory to the best of our knowledge.

            W. F. Heffner,

            N. H. Wolf,

            R. H. Gehman,

            E. W. Bean,

            Ernest B. Hartman,


            Report of the Committee on the Examination of Annual Conference Records:

            We hereby certify that we have examined the Annual Conference minutes for the session of 1953 and have found them to be entirely correct.

We herewith submit two copies duly certified.

            R. H. Gehman,

            W. A. Heffner,


            Report of the Committee on Examination of Local Conference Records:

            We have examined all the Local Conference Records and have found them in good condition. A few minor errors were found which were corrected by the Pastors concerned.

The following petitions were found:

            1. In the Terre Hill M. B. in C. Church Local Conference Minute Book:

            We, of the Terre Hill Class, petition Annual Conference to grant the Terre Hill Class the privilege of being self supporting and receiving the status of a Station.

            2. In the Local Conference Minute Book of the Allentown (Salem) and Coopersburg circuit:

            “We petition Annual Conference, in the event that if it is possible, that Salem Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church, Allentown, Penna., be recognized as a separate charge to be supplied with its own Pastor.”

            3. In the “Ebenezer” M. B. In C. Church of Bethlehem Local Conference Minute Book:

            “We petition the Annual Conference to make the following changes in connection with the election of a Board of Directors effective as of the Conference Year 1954-1955: The Annual Conference shall elect a Board of Directors with laymen representation. The laymen elected need not be delegates to the Annual Conference.

            4. In the Local Conference Minute Book of “Bethel” M. B. In C. Church of Allentown:

            (a) “Resolved, that we petition the Annual Conference, meeting in the 1954 sessions, to make the following change in the standing rules to become effective as of the Conference year of 1954-1955: In the Year Book, under Special Laws and Resolutions, page 9-Heading, Board of Directors:

            Delete the first paragraph and replace with the following: The Annual Conference shall elect a Board of Directors annually consisting of five Ordained Ministers, and four laymen who are members of the M. B. In C. Church of Pa., and are willing to serve under the direction of our Conference, the Discipline and the by-laws of the Corporation.

            Laymen need not to be delegates to the Annual Conference but must be in good standing in their respective Local Conference.

            Anyone elected to this Board shall not serve on the Board longer than five years and shall not be returned until two years have elapsed.

            No meeting of this Board shall be considered a quorum without representation of both the ministers and the laymen.

            (b) Resolved, that we petition the Annual Conference to consider the advisability of electing only one District Superintendent.

            (c) Resolved, that we petition the Annual Conference that a committee be appointed to function as a central station whereby all the Missionary Societies of the Pennsylvania Conference will be able to get proper information in regards to supplying the missionaries with the needed equipment,


            E. W. Bean, W. F. Heffner, J. B. Henry, H. D. Yarrington, D. E. Thomann, W. A. Heffner,

W. B. Hottel, E. J. Rutman, John Dunn, James G. Koch, Robert W. Smock, Earl M. Hosler, George A. John, Monroe A. Kreisher, Allan F. Smith, A. W. Deppe, David H. Fahs, Charles W. Weaber,

John D. Steitz, George R. Fish, John F. Long, Allen F. LaRose, Thomas W. Campbell, Sr., Robert Breitegam, William P. Snyder, Raymond Snyder, George W. Krigor, Franklin Mead,


            Resolved, That the petition of the Terre Hill Class be granted, and that the delegate be seated in the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.

            Resolved, That the petition concerning Salem M. B. In C. Church of Allentown be referred to the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.

            Report of Jansen E. Hartman, Director of Home Missions: (See Reports).

            Report of F. B. Hertzog, District Superintendent of the Allentown District: (See Reports).

            Report of T. D. Gehret, District Superintendent of the Bethlehem District: (See Reports).

Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time indefinitely.

            Report of the Board of Home Missions: (See Reports).

The meeting adjourned at 5:05 P. M., with prayer by Paul I. Wentz.


Tuesday Evening, October 12, 1954

            The Chairman opened the meeting at 7:30 p. m. F. M. Hottel served as song leader and Herbert W. Hartman led in prayer.

            The District Superintendents, the Director of Home Missions and President of the Berean Bible School, and all the active Pastors submitted oral reports, limited to three minutes each.

            A large and interested audience representing many of our Churches was in attendance, and again served as an unfailing incentive to inspire the brethren to be at their best. Obviously the time element necessitated mention of only a fraction of the victories won for Christ during the year, but all present spontaneously rejoiced in the spiritual, numerical and financial progress evidenced in the reports.

            After the congregation joined in singing, “Come, Thou Blessed Saviour”, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P. M., with prayer and benediction by the Chairman, F. B. Hertzog.


Wednesday Morning, October 13, 1954

            The meeting was opened with the singing of the hymn, “I Gave My Life for Thee,” after which A. W. Deppe led in prayer.

            The Chairman and Conference members joined in reading responsively I Thess. 5:1-18. The Chair then elaborated upon the position of the Christian in the world, and the spiritual armor essential to successful Christian living and service.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved.

            Report of the Board of Foreign Missions: (See Reports).

            Report of the Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders:

            We have examined the Traveling Elders through their respective delegates. We can report that they are all men of God who are true to the Scriptures and the doctrine of the Church.

            We have found them all satisfactory and recommend that they be passed.

            T. D. Gehret,

            C. E. Kirkwood,

            F. B. Hertzog,


            Report of the Committee on Finance: (See Reports).

            Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.

Business was resumed at 11:45 A. M.

            Report of the Committee on Examination of Candidates for Annual Conference License:

            Having met and examined Frank L. Herb, Jr., we heartily recommend that he be granted Annual Conference License and be placed on probation for three years.

            P. T. Stengele,            W. W. Hartman,

            Herbert W. Hartman,  W. B. Hottel,

            C. E. Kirkwood,


            Report on the Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination:

            We met to examine Donald T. Kirkwood and found him sincerely in accord with the doctrines and practices of our Church, as well as fully persuaded that he has been divinely called to minister in our Conference. Since he has satisfactorily met the requirements of the Discipline and has served his probationary period under Annual Conference License, we therefore recommend that he be ordained in the Thursday evening meeting.

            T. D. Gehret,

            C. E. Kirkwood,

            C. Leslie Miller,

            Jansen E. Hartman,

            Herbert W. Hartman,


            Report of the Committee on Communications:

            We have received a communication from Calvin F. Snyder and Phoebe Snyder, retired missionaries to Tibet, China.

            They report that they are fairly well physically and encouraged spiritually, and witness for the Lord as they have opportunity.

They are grateful to the Conference for their support and prayers.

We recommend that this communication be referred to the Committee on Resolutions.

            H. B. Musselman,       E. E. Kublic,

            G. F. Yost,


            Resolved, That we consider the petition relating to the election of only one District Superintendent.

            Resolved, That we resolve ourselves into a private session and that the above resolution shall be the first order of business of the day.

Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn.

Adjourned with prayer by J. B. Layne.


Wednesday Afternoon, October 13, 1954

            The meeting was opened at 2:15 P. M.

            The roll was called after which the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That we consider petitions “3” and “4a”.

            Resolved, That the Annual Conference shall elect a Board of Directors annually, consisting of six ordained ministers who are members of the Annual Conference and willing to minister under the direction of our Conference, and three laymen who are members of the Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church of Pennsylvania and are willing to serve under the direction of our Conference. These laymen need not be members of the Annual Conference. The District Superintendents shall be members by virtue of their office.

            Resolved, That petition “C” be referred to the Board of Foreign Missions, and that the said Board report back to this Conference.

            Resolved, That we determine who are the preachers willing to minister the coming year according to the direction of the Conference and our Discipline, and what is their number.

            The following ministering brethren responded “yea” to the roll call: Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, Willard E. Cassel, John Dunn, Walter H. Frank, R. H. Gehman, T. D. Gehret, J. E. Golla, Ernest B. Hartman, Herbert W. Hartman, Jansen E. Hartman, W. W. Hartman, W. A. Heffner, W. F. Heffner,

F. B. Hertzog, F. M. Hottel, W. B. Hottel, C. E. Kirkwood, James G. Koch, J. B. Layne, R. C. Reichenbach, J. H. Riggall, E. J. Rutman, A. L. Seifert, Robert W. Smock, Arthur M. Sprock, P. T. Stengele, D. E. Thomann, N. H. Wolf, A. G. Woodring, H. D. Yarrington, G. F. Yost, E. E. Kublic, Earl M. Hosler, Donald T. Kirkwood.

“Nay”: C. Leslie Miller.

Business was suspended.

Business was resumed at 4:45 P. M.

            Resolved, That two District Superintendents be elected and that the informal ballot be used in nominating the candidates, the five highest to be candidates and elected according to the Discipline.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 P. M., and adjourn no later than 9:00 o’clock.


Wednesday Evening, October 13, 1954

            The meeting was opened at 6:30 with singing, “Draw Me Nearer.” W. A. Heffner and Jansen E. Hartman led in prayer.

The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Report of the Menno Youth Committee: (See Reports).

            Report of the Committee elected last year to Study the Government of our Conference:

            We met five times during the year in plenary committee as well as many departmental committee meetings.

            The work of the Committee was cleared by the Board of Directors on April 9 and October 4, 1954. We cannot say that there was unanimity on each of the proposals but it was voted unanimously that the report as circulated be presented to this Annual Conference.

            J. E. Golla,                  J. H. Riggall,

            Willard E. Cassel,       W. A. Heffner,            A. L. Wentz.

            C. Leslie Miller,         Daniel K. Ziegler,       R. Paul Schaeffer,


            Resolved, That a Committee on the Revision of Church Government be elected at this Conference.

            Resolved, That we proceed with the election of two District Superintendents.

            The Chair appointed T. D. Gehret, Ernest B. Hartman, R. H. Gehman and A. L. Seifert as Tellers.

            The following were elected for the coming year: F. B. Hertzog and C. E. Kirkwood.

            Resolved, That F. B. Hertzog be District Superintendent over the Allentown District, and C. E. Kirkwood be District Superintendent over the Bethlehem District.

            Resolved, That we elect a Home Mission Director.

Jansen E. Hartman was elected.

            Report of the Chairman of the General Camp Meeting Committee: (See Reports).

            Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

            1. Whereas, The Lord has graciously permitted our District Superintendents, T. D. Gehret and F. B. Hertzog, to submit inspiring reports revealing many spiritual blessings upon the work of their respective districts, and

            Whereas, They have assumed their responsibilities with an earnestness and zeal that have proven an inspiration to our entire constituency, therefore

            Resolved, That we hereby express our sincere gratitude to God and pray the Lord’s continual blessing upon their labor of love for Him.

            2. Whereas, Our Home Missionary Director, Jansen E. Hartman, has faithfully labored to further the cause of Christ through the medium of Home Missions, and

            Whereas, He has served efficiently as President of the Berean Bible School, therefore,

            Resolved, That we give thanks unto God for the past accomplishments and pray God’s blessings upon his future activities.

            3. Whereas, God has been gracious in sustaining all of our pastors, and

            Whereas, The Spirit of God has enabled them to report many evidences of blessing upon their work, therefore,

            Resolved, That we praise God for these abundant mercies and accord them our continued support in every way for the honor and praise of God.

            4. Whereas, The Lord has added to His Church a goodly number during this past year, and

            Whereas, There has been a very evident growth in grace and vision in the ranks of our constituency which has been manifested in sacrificial giving and Christian service, therefore,

            Resolved, That we thank God on their behalf for the grace of God which is given them by Jesus Christ and encourage them to greater exploits in His Name.

            5. Whereas, District Superintendent Emeritus H. B. Musselman, together with the retired Pastors G. F. Yost and E. E. Kublic have shown a sincere interest and desire in the work of the Lord by their presence at this Conference, therefore,

            Resolved, That we acknowledge their unabated zeal for the work of the Lord and we know the Lord will reward them for their faithful service unto Him.

            6. Whereas, Pastor F. M. Hottel has come to the retirement age, and

            Whereas, He has faithfully declared the whole counsel of God in a ministry made rich by the good hand of the Lord upon him, and

            Whereas, he has by a zealous passion for souls been instrumental in leading souls to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, therefore,

            Resolved, That we hereby express our appreciation for his fellowship in the Gospel and pray that he may be a blessing to God in every way.

            8. Whereas, E. N. Cassel, our fellow-laborer in the Gospel ministry for over 50 years has departed to be with Christ, therefore,

            Resolved, That we hereby express our sympathies to Sister Cassel and pray that the God of all comfort may continue to encourage her, and further

            Resolved, That a fitting obituary shall be printed in this issue of the conference Year Book.

            9. Whereas, Ethel Stengele, whose radiant life has been an encouragement and an example to many saints, has completed her earthly pilgrimage after a period of illness, therefore,

            Resolved, That we hereby extend our condolences to Brother Stengele and ask our Lord and Saviour to abundantly manifest His presence to him.

            10. Whereas, J. B. Henry, now Associate General Secretary of the Africa Inland Mission, has shown his continued love in fellowshiping with us at this Conference, therefore,

            Resolved, That we hereby assure him of our sincere interest in the work to which God has called him and pray God’s best on his labors.

            11. Whereas, The following brethren have served the Conference most acceptably in their delegated responsibilities, N. H. Wolf as Editor of the Year Book, Paul I. Wentz as Conference Treasurer, and J. E. Golla as Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board, therefore,

            Resolved, That we donate to each a gift of appreciation of fifty dollars ($50.00), the first two to be taken from the Conference Fund and the latter from the Foreign Mission Fund.

            12. Whereas, The Christian Life Series of Sunday School literature published by the Union Gospel Press, continues to be scripturally sound, and fulfills a great need in the operation of our Sunday Schools, therefore,

            Resolved, That we pray God’s continued blessing upon the publishers, and further

            Resolved, That as a Conference we recognize Mrs. E. T. Gehman as the appointed agent to handle their Sunday School supplies and other publications.

            13. Whereas, This Conference has received a communication from Brother and Sister C. F. Snyder, retired missionaries from China, mentioning that they are fairly well physically, encouraged spiritually and continuing to bear a witness for Christ as they have opportunity, therefore,

            Resolved, That we request that our Conference Secretary inform them of our appreciation for their remembrance of us, and trust the Lord will continue to enable them to be in spiritual and physical health for many years.

            14. Whereas, The members of the Bethlehem congregation with their congenial Pastor, N. H. Wolf, have graciously provided for the temporal needs of the Conference members, having served all meals in their church basement, therefore,

            Resolved, That we express our sincere appreciation by tendering them a rising vote of thanks in the Thursday evening service.

            15. Whereas, Pastor C. Leslie Miller has decided to accept the invitation of the Union Gospel Press to become General Superintendent, and

            Whereas, He wishes to remain associated with us as a member of our Conference, therefore,

            Resolved, That we give thanks unto God for the faithful ministry of Brother Miller, and the evidence of the Lord’s rich blessing upon his labors, and further

            Resolved, That we honor his request to remain a member of our Conference, that his name be recorded in the Roll and Directory of Ministers under a special heading entitled, II. “Ordained Ministers Working with Other Organizations,” and hereby assure him that we shall always cherish his fellowship in Christ and wish him only God’s best in his new endeavor for Christ.

            J. H. Riggall, Walter H. Frank,

            A. L. Seifert,


            Report of the Board of Directors: (See Reports).

            Report of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society: (See Reports).

            Report of the Board of Education: (See Reports).

            Report of the Board of Publication and Printing: (See Reports).

            A tabulation of the number of Reports submitted by the various Pastors to the Editor of the Gospel Herald Supplement was read by the Secretary of the Board of Publication and Printing.

Adjourned at 9:00 P. M. with prayer by Daniel K. Ziegler.


Thursday Morning, October 14, 1954

            The Meeting was opened with the singing of “Abiding and Confiding,” and prayer by D. E. Thomann.

            J. B. Henry, our esteemed colleague and Associate General Secretary of the Africa Inland Mission, addressed the Conference body, basing his remarks on Acts 1:1-11.

            After the roll was called the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.

Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and recess to the call of the Chair.

Business was resumed at 3:15 P. M.

Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn.

Adjourned at 4:55 P. M. with prayer by Ernest B. Hartman.


Friday Morning, October 15, 1954

            The meeting was opened with the singing of the hymn, “There Is a Name I Love to Hear,” followed with prayer by W. F. Heffner and N. H. Wolf.

            Reading from I John 3:11-18 (Phillips’ Translation), T. D. Gehret then gave a very thought-provoking address in which he defined the many aspects of Christian love.

            The Conference body then joined together in the observance of saints’ feet washing and the Lord’s Supper. A Spirit-inspired blending of hearts was truly evidenced in this devotional period.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That at the request of J. B. Henry and C. Leslie Miller they be excused from further attendance at this Conference.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and recess to the call of the Chair.

Business was suspended at 10:45 A. M.

Business was resumed at 7:00 P. M.

            Report of the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee: (See Reports).

            Whereas, There is a growing feeling among many of the constituents of our Churches, that there is a definite need for a more vigorous program of evangelism and church expansion, and

            Whereas, The existence of circuits do not contribute to the best interests of this need,

            Resolved, That we encourage Churches presently constituting circuits, to arrive toward a goal of becoming stations with pastors assigned to each appointment.

            Resolved, That all Pastors on the coming Sunday fill the pulpit of their new assignment.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 8:00 A. M. tomorrow.

            Resolved, That S. A. Hackman, George A. John, Charles W. Weaber, George R. Fish and George W. Krigor be excused from further attendance at this Conference.

Adjourned at 7:40 P. M., with prayer by George W. Krigor.


Saturday Morning, October 16, 1954

            The meeting opened with the singing of “Jesus, Lover of My Soul.”

            Prayer by W. W. Hartman followed, and then the Conference body joined in reading I Corinthians 13.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the Eighth Meeting were read and approved.

Resolved, That Frank L. Herb, Jr., be admitted to the Conference Bar.

Supplemental Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

            Whereas, The Union Gospel Press has been very considerate of our Conference in printing and publishing the M. B. In C. edition of the Gospel Herald, therefore,

            Resolved, That we sincerely express our appreciation for their excellent work in our behalf, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to them.

            Whereas, Brother T. D. Gehret has served efficiently during the past year as editor of the M. B. In C. supplement of the Gospel Herald, therefore,

            Resolved, That we express our heartfelt thanks to him, and further

            Resolved, That one hundred dollars ($100.00) be given to him from the Conference Fund as a token of our appreciation.

            J. H. Riggall,

            A. L. Seifert,

            Walter H. Frank.

            Resolved, That instead of the heading “Transferred to Other Conferences” on the official Pastors’ Statistical Schedules, it be changed to “Transferred to Other Churches” and “Transferred to Other M. B. In C. Churches.”

            Whereas, The time has come for the structure of our entire Church government to be reviewed, therefore,

            Resolved, That there be an adjourned session of Annual Conference on November 27, 1954 at 9:00 A. M., at Ebenezer Church, Bethlehem, Pa.

            The Agenda of the session will be the consideration of the form of Church government desired.

            The Committee on Church Government is to be the Committee on Agenda.

            Report of the Conference Treasurer: (See Reports).

            Resolved, That we proceed with the election of Officers and Boards.

            Herbert W. Hartman and N. H. Wolf were elected Vice District Superintendents.

            Resolved, That in the event of a vacancy in the office of District Superintendent, the Board of Directors shall determine which of the Vice District Superintendents shall fill the vacancy.

            Chairman of the next Annual Conference: F. B. Hertzog.

            Vice Chairman of the next Annual Conference: C. E. Kirkwood.

            Secretary of the next Annual Conference: N. H. Wolf.

            Treasurer of the Annual Conference: Paul I. Wentz.

            Committee over the District Superintendents: W. F. Heffner, R. H. Gehman, T. D. Gehret.

            Board of Directors: F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, T. D. Gehret, J. E. Hartman, Herbert W. Hartman, J. E. Golla, Byron C. Cassel, Paul I. Wentz, Daniel K. Ziegler.

            Resolved, That the Board of Foreign Missions comprise five Ministers and two laymen. The Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions shall be elected by ballot from the Board of Foreign Missions, the said Boards being the nominees.

            Resolved, That the District Superintendents be members of the Board of Foreign Missions by virtue of their office.

            Board of Foreign Missions: F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, T. D. Gehret, Walter H. Frank, J. E. Golla, Henry Gring, James R. Cressman.

            Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions: J. E. Golla.

            Resolved, That the Board of Home Missions consist of five Ministers and two laymen, and that the District Superintendents and Director of Home Missions be members of this Board by virtue of their office.

            Board of Home Missions: F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, Jansen E. Hartman, A. L. Seifert, T. D. Gehret, Clayton Weber, Paul H. Cressman.

            Board of Education: (For three years) Jansen E. Hartman, A. L. Wentz, Horace A. Kauffman.

            T. D. Gehret was elected to fill the unexpired two-year term of P. T. Stengele.

            Resolved, That the Conference elect an Editor for the “Gospel Herald” Supplement. T. D. Gehret was elected.

Willard E. Cassel was elected to serve as Circulation Manager.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee of two to compile a report of the Conference for the “Gospel Herald” Supplement and the Year Book. He appointed Paul E. Baer and Ernest B. Hartman.

            Resolved, That the District Superintendents, one Pastor from each District, and two laymen be members of the General Menno Youth Committee.

            General Menno Youth Committee: F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, J. H. Riggall, D. E. Thomann, Norman F. Zellers, Clarence Kauffman, William W. Matz, Paul I. Wentz, Jr.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time indefinitely.

            Resolved, That we elect a Committee of seven Ministers and three laymen, outside the Board of Directors, to study and formulate proposals for the revision of our Church Government.

            All work of this Committee is to be cleared through the Board of Directors before being presented to the next Annual Conference.

            Committee to Study our Church Government: J. H. Riggall, Willard E. Cassel, W. A. Heffner, Donald T. Kirkwood, A. L. Seifert, R. C. Reichenbach, P. T. Stengele, A. L. Wentz, Rufus Spedden, R. Paul Schaeffer.

The Chair appointed Willard E. Cassel as Temporary Chairman.

            Resolved That we excuse all delegates from further attendance at the Conference who are unable to attend.

Resolved, That we adjourn to meet at 9:00 A. M. on Monday.

Adjourned at 12:40 P. M. with prayer and benediction by F. B. Hertzog.


Monday Morning, October 18, 1954

            The meeting opened with the singing of the hymn, “Jesus Will Walk With Me,” after which the Conference joined in reading responsively the fourth chapter of Philippians. The Chair spoke briefly on the importance of the heart being right.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That the two alternate delegates present, J. R. Weber and Sterling L. Baer, be seated as official members of the Conference.

            Report of the Home Board: (See Reports).

            Report of the Sunday School Convention-Allentown District: (See Reports).

            Report of the Sunday School Convention-Bethlehem District: (See Reports).

            Report of the Ministerial Convention: (See Reports).

            The President of the Berean Bible School, Jansen E. Hartman, gave an oral report of the activities and proposed budget of the School.

            Resolved, That funds be raised for the Berean Bible School in the following ways:

            1. Proclamation of a day in March or April as Berean Bible School Day in the Sunday Schools and Churches at which time offerings shall be received in the Schools and Churches for the purpose of promoting the school. Checks for these contributions shall be sent and made payable to A. L. Wentz, Treasurer, 221 N. 5th St., Emmaus, Pa., no later than May 1.

            2. A special offering shall be received at the Annual Menno Youth Rallies at each Camp Meeting.

            Report of the Committee to Secure Site for Bible Conferences:

            Various groups of the Committee have during the year investigated the following places as possible sites: Henryville in the Poconos, Skyline Lodge in the Poconos, Ontwood in the Poconos, Hemlock Lodge in the Poconos, Peter’s House at Buckhill, Pa., Emil Steidlers place near Topton, Pa., and Van Scivers Place at Center Valley, Pa.

            Henryville was sold the Saturday of our Conference week last year, and none of the other places appeared suitable and the price on some prohibitive.

            F. B. Hertzog,

            T. D. Gehret,

            Jansen E. Hartman,

            P. T. Stengele,

            Herbert W. Hartman,

            C. E. Kirkwood,

            J. E. Golla,

            W. A. Heffner,

            Daniel K. Ziegler,

            Paul I. Wentz,


Resolved, That we proceed with elections. The following were elected:

            Board of Examiners: Paul E. Baer, N. H. Wolf, Donald T. Kirkwood.

            Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society: President, Arthur W. Deppe; Secretary, Allen S. Weiss; Treasurer, A. L. Wentz.

            Resolved, That all contributions received for the Laymen’s Benevolent Society shall be paid by check or money order, made payable to A. L. Wentz, Treasurer, and forwarded to Allen S. Weiss, Secretary, 2318 Tilghman St., Allentown, Penna.

            Board of Trustees of the Home: (For two years) F. B. Hertzog, Herbert W. Hartman, E. W. Bean, C. E. Kirkwood, Paul I. Wentz, H. L. Shelly.

The Chair appointed the following Committees:

            Committee Over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits: E. W. Bean, D. E. Thomann, W. W. Hartman, R. H. Gehman.

            Board of Publication and Printing: N. H. Wolf, Herbert W. Hartman, J. H. Riggall.

            Resolved, That the Mizpah Grove Cafeteria be under the management of the Board of Directors.

            Resolved, That the Board of Publication and Printing handle the funds relating to the publication of our Church paper.

            Resolved, That we have two Sunday School Conventions, one on each District.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint Chairmen to organize for the Sunday School Conventions. He appointed Paul E. Baer and J. E. Golla.

            Resolved, That we have three Camp Meetings next summer in Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa. Dates: First Division-July 2-10; Second Division-July 16-24; Third Division-July 30-August 7.

            Resolved, That the Home Mission Appointments of Finesville, N. J., Paradise, Pa., Millersville, Pa., Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa., participate in the Allentown District Sunday School Convention and the Home Mission Appointments of Binghamton, N. Y., Glendale, L. I., N. Y., and Trenton, N. J., participate in the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention.

            Resolved, That the District Superintendents assume the responsibility of the Second Division Camp Meeting alternately each consecutive year.

Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to the call of the Chair.

Adjourned with prayer by James G. Koch.


Monday Afternoon, October 18, 1954

            The meeting was opened at 12:45 P. M., with the roll call, and the reading and approval of the minutes of the preceding meeting.

Report of the Committee on Auditing:

This Committee has examined the following accounts and reports:

            District Superintendents’ Reports, Board of Directors’ Report, Home Mission Report, Director of Home Missions, Board of Publication and Printing, all Local Conference Records, Report of the Home, Sunday School Conventions-both Districts, Camp Meeting Accounts-three Districts, General Camp Meeting Committee, Conference Treasurer’s Accounts, Committee on Finance, Statistical Report, Ministers’ Retirement Fund, Laymen’s Benevolent Society, Menno Youth Society, Board of Foreign Missions, Board of Education and Gospel Herald Subscription Account.

            These records of the Conference were found in a satisfactory condition. The several errors found were corrected in the presence of those concerned, and several suggestions were made for the improvement of these records and convenience in auditing.

            F. M. Hottel, H. L. Shelly, James R. Cressman, Daniel K. Ziegler, R. Spedden, Robert W. Gehret, Clarence L. Kauffman, David Gardner, Ralph D. Cole, Clayton E. Weber, R. S. Weidner, Edward J. Deitzman, J. D. Kreiss, S. A. Hackman,


Report of the Committee on Statistics: (See Reports).

Supplemental Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

            Whereas, Mrs. Emma Yost, the late wife of Rev. G. F. Yost, has on October 15, 1954, passed away, therefore,

            Resolved, That we thank God for the many years He has allowed us to share the fellowship of Sister Yost in the Gospel, and further,

            Resolved, That we pray the God of all comfort to sustain Brother Yost during these days of bereavement.

            Whereas, Brother H. H. Bergey served faithfully for 51 years as Quakertown delegate to Annual Conference, therefore,

            Resolved, That we thank God for his many years of honorable service in this capacity and pray that God may continue to use him for His glory, and further,

            Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to him by the Secretary of the Annual Conference.

            J. H. Riggall,               Walter H. Frank,

            A. L. Seifert,


The various Boards reported their organization as follows:

            Committee Over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits: E. W. Bean, Chairman; R. H. Gehman, Secretary.

            Board of Directors: F. B. Hertzog, President; T. D. Gehret, Vice President; C. E. Kirkwood, Secretary; Paul I. Wentz, Treasurer.

            Board of Examiners: Paul E. Baer, President; Donald T. Kirkwood, Secretary.

            Board of Publication and Printing: N. H. Wolf, President; Herbert W. Hartman, Secretary.

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Allentown District Sunday School Convention:

            A Sunday School Convention of the Allentown District shall be held at the Hatfield Church on Saturday, May 14, 1955.

            The Committee on Program and Arrangements elected were: F. B. Hertzog, A. L. Seifert and Walter H. Frank.

            Officers of the Convention are: Chairman, P. T. Stengele; Secretary, Herbert W. Hartman; Treasurer, E. W. Bean.

            An offering from each Sunday School on the District shall be brought to the Convention.

            We invited the District Superintendent and Pastors of the Bethlehem District to attend this Convention.

            Paul E. Baer, Chairman

            Earl M. Hosler, Secretary

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention.

            The Convention shall be held in the Beulah M. B. In C. Church, Easton, Pa., on Saturday, June 4, 1955. There shall be an afternoon and evening session.

            The following officers shall serve: Willard E. Cassel, Chairman; Robert W. Smock, Secretary; W. B. Hottel, Treasurer.

            Committee on Program: C. E. Kirkwood, D. E. Thomann, W. A. Heffner, William F. Voight and Norman Reed.

            Each Superintendent shall bring an offering of 10 cents per Sunday School member reported at the Convention.

            A hearty invitation is extended to the District Superintendent, Pastors and members of the Allentown District to attend the Convention.

            J. E. Golla, Chairman

            D. E. Thomann, Secretary

            Board of Trustees of the Home: T. D. Gehret, President; Herbert W. Hartman, Secretary; Howard L. Shelly, Assistant Secretary; Paul 1. Wentz, Treasurer.

            Board of Foreign Missions: T. D. Gehret, President; J. E. Golla, Secretary.

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the First Division Camp Meeting:

            This Division comprises Allentown (Bethel), Reading, Sunbury, Shamokin, Mount Carmel, Hatfield, Harrisburg, Graterford, Harleysville, Lancaster and Lebanon.

            Place: Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa.

            Date: July 2 to 10, 1955.

            Officers: Chairman, Walter H. Frank; Secretary, N. H. Wolf; Treasurer, P. T. Stengele.

            The District Superintendent shall secure the extra help if he and the Committee deem it advisable.

            F. B. Hertzog, Chairman

            A. L. Seifert, Secretary

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Second Division Camp Meeting:

            This Division comprises Philadelphia (Salem), Spring City, Royersford, Fleetwood, Blandon, Terre Hill, York, Philadelphia (Calvary), Lehighton, Walnutport, Quakertown, Northampton, Nazareth, Stroudsburg and the Home Missionary Society.

            Place: Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa.

            Date: July 16-24, 1955.

            Officers: Chairman, T. D. Gehret; Secretary, Paul E. Baer; Treasurer, J. E. Golla.

            The District Superintendent shall secure the extra help if he and the Committee deem it advisable.

            C. E. Kirkwood, Chairman

            W. B. Hottel, Secretary

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Third Division Camp Meeting:

            This Division comprises Bethlehem, Emmaus, Macungie, Zionsville, Easton, Allentown (Salem), Coopersburg, Chester, Scranton, Jersey City, N. J., Philadelphia (Emmanuel), Newark, N. J., and Staten Island, N. Y.

            Place: Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa.

            Date: July 30-August 7, 1955.

            Officers: Chairman, W. A. Heffner; Secretary, D. E. Thomann; Treasurer, W. W. Hartman.

            The District Superintendent shall secure the extra help if he and the Committee deem it advisable.

            C. E. Kirkwood, Chairman

            Robert W. Smock, Secretary

            Resolved, That one dollar ($1.00) registration fee per tent accompany each order, not refundable, and be turned over by the Registrar to each respective Camp Meeting Committee.

            Resolved, That the rental of tents shall be six dollars ($6.00) each per Camp Meeting, in addition to the registration fee, to be paid to the Pastors before the Camp Meeting. The Pastors shall pay tent rents to the Officers of the respective Committee no later than Tuesday of the Camp involved, together with a list of the names and numbers of tents.

            Resolved, That the Board of Directors arrange for a Literature Store at the Camp Meetings.

            Resolved, That all tent orders be sent to R. H. Gehman no later than June 1 for the First Division, and June 15 for the Second and Third Division Camp Meetings, using the order blanks provided, and further,

            Resolved, That the forms be filled out properly and signed by the person placing the order.

            Report of the Beneficiary Society:

            The Society met, transacted business, and elected the following officers: N. H. Wolf, President, R. C. Reichenbach, Secretary; Paul E. Baer, Treasurer.

            Resolved, That in the Standing Rules, Page 13, lines 23 and 24, “Five Hundred Dollars shall be deducted from the Presiding Elders’ income to offset the Parsonage rent” be deleted and the following be inserted “Fifteen hundred dollars ($1500.00) of the District Superintendents’ offerings shall be exempt from assessment to offset traveling expenses.”

            Resolved, That the Conference purchase a suitable residence for use as a Parsonage by the District Superintendent of the Bethlehem District. The selection and site are to be chosen by the Board of Directors and they shall provide the necessary finances.

            Resolved, That an offering be received for the District Superintendents’ homes in a Sunday service by each Pastor aid sent to C. E. Kirkwood, Secretary of the Board of Directors, no later than April 1, 1955. All checks should be made payable to the Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church of Pa.

            Resolved, That all offerings for the District Superintendent homes be reported on the Statistical schedule in the column designated, “Presiding Elder’s Rent.”

            Resolved, That $500.00 be taken from the Civilian Public Service Fund and appropriated to the District Superintendent Parsonage Fund, and, further,

            Resolved, That one hundred ($100.00) be donated to the Mennonite Central Committee out of the Civilian Public Service Fund.

            Resolved, That a Committee comprised of the Board of Directors, three additional ministers and three additional laymen be elected to study means of making Mizpah Grove more suitable and the facilities more adequate for the holding of Bible, Youth, and Missionary Conferences, and for other needs that may arise.

            The Committee shall also thoroughly investigate other available camp sites to determine whether our need for such a plant can be met more advantageously.

            The following were elected to serve with the Board of Directors on the above mentioned Board: W. A. Heffner, Walter H. Frank, W. W. Hartman, Clayton E. Weber, Clarence L. Kauffman, J. Erwin Fretz.

            Resolved, That we print 1200 Year Books, to be sold at fifty cents (500) per copy. Checks shall be made payable to N. H. Wolf, Secretary. The deficit shall be paid out of the Conference Fund.

            Resolved, That all ministers of the Gospel, licensed by the Home Mission Board, be listed in the Directory of Ministers as “Home Missionary Ministers,” and be placed fourth in order in the Roll and Directory of Ministers.

            Resolved, That traveling expenses on official business be 5 cents per mile and 1-1/2 cents per mile for each additional passenger.

            Resolved, That no Elder having served in the office of District Superintendent for nine successive years shall be eligible for re-election for a period of three years, and further

            Resolved, That this be made a Standing Rule.

            Resolved, That all needs for support of missionary work not controlled within the borders of our Home Missionary Board be handled by the Foreign Missionary Board.

            Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene in the Bethel Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church, 526-530 North Eighth Street, Allentown, Pa., on Tuesday, October 11, 1955 at 10:00 A. M.

            Resolved, That the following form a Committee on Program for the next Annual Conference: T. D. Gehret, Walter H. Frank, W. A. Heffner.

Supplemental Report of the Board of Foreign Missions:

            The Foreign Mission Board will act upon the petition for a Committee to be appointed to function as a Central Station for all the activities of the Women’s Missionary Societies at its first meeting of the year.

            Resolved, That the Director of Home Missions shall under all circumstances function in co-operation with the District Superintendents, and in all matters of importance act only by approval of the Board.

            Resolved, That we have a Ministerial Convention to be held in Sunbury, Pa., on Thursday, April 21, 1955.

            The following officers were elected: Chairman, N. H. Wolf; Secretary, John Dunn.

Committee on Program: F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, E. W. Bean.

            Resolved, That $125.00 be donated to the Sunbury congregation by the Board of Directors.

            Resolved, That copies of the completed work of the Committee on Government be made available by request, simply by writing to Willard E. Cassel, 717 W. 7th St., Chester, Pa., and further

            Resolved, That 2 copies of the completed work of the Committee on Government be submitted to each Pastor by the Secretary of the Committee immediately upon completion.

            Resolved, That in the Standing Rules, paragraph one shall be made to conform to the present ruling concerning the number of Ministers and laymen on the Board of Directors.

            Resolved, That the Secretary of the Annual Conference shall revise the terminology in our Standing Rules to comply with our latest legislation.

            Resolved, That in the Roll and Directory of Ministers the word, “Workers” shall be changed to “Ministers,” when it applies to those with Annual Conference License and those in the Home Missionary Department.

            Resolved, That the petitions of Bethel M. B. In C. Church, Allentown, Pa., concerning the Board of Directors’ tenure of office, and representation designating a quorum for meetings be referred to the Committee on Government.

            Resolved, That any Congregation desiring to elect Sunday School officers at the same time when the other Church officers are elected, shall be permitted to do so.

            Resolved, That we recommend that the representation of Delegates to the Annual Conference be on the following basis: One delegate for the first two hundred members or fraction thereof and another delegate for each additional two hundred members. The first delegate elected by the Local Conference shall be the member of the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee, and be known as the senior delegate.

            Resolved, That the Board of Directors be an Agenda Committee to receive all Local Conference petitions, the Secretary of the Local Conference be responsible to give a copy of the petitions to the District Superintendent at the Local Conference where the petition was passed.

            Resolved, That we recognize the Discipline of the Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church of Pennsylvania as passed by the 1951 General Conference, and the present Annual Conference rules as the Constitution of this body.

            Resolved, That the Director of Home Missions be recognized as a Traveling Elder and be a member of the Board of Home Missions, and further

Resolved, That this be made a Standing Rule.

            Resolved, That Women’s Missionary Societies that have been or shall be organized in our churches be recognized by and report to the Local Conference.

            Resolved, That at the last session of each Local Conference the members present vote by ballot as to whether or not they desire a change of their Pastor. The ballots shall be tabulated by the District Superintendents and the Delegate to the Annual Conference after the session adjourns, and the ballots shall be kept by the District Superintendent. The results of this vote shall be kept in confidence by the District Superintendent and the Delegate.

            Resolved, That the Home Mission Board be authorized to deal with the question relating to Missions of the Home Missionary Department as to their being further incorporated in the work of the Conference as unorganized works.

            Resolved, That a display ad appear in the next Year Book, encouraging Young People to enroll in our Berean Bible School.

            Resolved, That the addresses of the members of the Board of Directors appear with their names in the Year Book Directory.

            Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and extend the time indefinitely. Business was resumed at 6:05 P. M.

            The President of the Board of Trustees of the Home, T. D. Gehret, addressed the body outlining the steps that have been taken in planning for a new Home at Center Valley.

            Resolved, That we favor the plan of a Church Home presented by the Board of Trustees of the Home and strongly encourage them to proceed as they see fit, and further,

            Resolved, That they shall actively promote the project among the constituents of our Church.

Resolved, That we adjourn.

            Adjourned at 7:15 P. M., with united prayer by the body, followed with prayer by C. E. Kirkwood.

            F. B. Hertzog, District Superintendent, Chairman,

            T. D. Gehret, District Superintendent, Vice Chairman,

            N. H. Wolf, Secretary,

            Paul I. Wentz, Treasurer,

            Jansen E. Hartman, Director of Home Missions,

            C. E. Kirkwood, Vice District Superintendent,

            Herbert W. Hartman, Vice District Superintendent, Assistant Secretary,

            Paul E. Baer, Recording Secretary,

            E. W. Bean, Willard E. Cassel, John Dunn, Walter H. Frank, R. H. Gehman, J. E. Golla, Ernest B. Hartman, W. W. Hartman, W. A. Heffner, W. F. Heffner, F. M. Hottel, W. B. Hottel, James G. Koch, J. B. Layne, C. Leslie Miller, R. C. Reichenbach, J. H. Riggall, E. J. Rutman, A. L. Seifert, Robert W. Smock, Arthur M. Sprock, P. T. Stengele, D. E. Thomann, A. G. Woodring, H. D. Yarrington, E. E. Kublic, J. B. Henry, Earl M. Hosler, Donald T. Kirkwood, Frank L. Herb, Jr., J. R. Weber, Sterling E. Baer, Warren Taylor, Clarence Kauffman, Robert Breitegam, Allan F. Smith, George A. John, David H. Fahs, Monroe A. Kreisher, R. S. Weidner, S. A. Hackman, A. W. Deppe,

William P. Snyder, J. D. Kreiss, Daniel K. Ziegler, David Gardner, Charles W. Weaber, George R. Fish, Raymond Snyder, James R. Cressman, Paul H. Cressman, Byron C. Cassel, Allen F. LaRose, George W. Krigor, R. Spedden, Thomas W. Campbell, Sr., John D. Steitz, H. L. Shelly, Clayton E. Weber, Franklin Mead, Robert W. Gehret, Edward J. Deitzman, John F. Long, Ralph D. Cole.

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