1956 Annual Conference Minutes


Annual Conference Proceedings


Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1956 Yearbook

            The Seventy-third Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church of Pennsylvania convened in Ebenezer Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church, 1121-1125 N. Main Street, Bethlehem, Pa.

            The Conference opened at 1:00 p. m. on Monday, October 15, with singing, “Blessed Assurance” and prayer by Willard E. Cassel.

            The Chairman, F. B. Hertzog, brought the opening key-note address on “The Mind of Christ Manifested in the Spirit-Filled Believer,” basing his remarks on Philippians 2:5-11. This was followed by a season of prayer invoking God’s blessing upon the Conference and the church at large and that He will direct us in all the deliberations of the Conference.

            The Secretary, N. H. Wolf, appointed the following assistants: Assistant Secretary, Herbert W. Hartman; Recording Secretary, Paul E. Baer.

The following were enrolled as members of the Conference:


            Ordained — Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, Willard E. Cassel, John Dunn, Walter H. Frank, R. H. Gehman, T. D. Gehret, J. E. Golla, Ernest B. Hartman, Herbert W. Hartman, Jansen E. Hartman, W. W. Hartman, William A. Heffner, W. F. Heffner, F. B. Hertzog, W. B. Hottel, C. E. Kirkwood, Donald T. Kirkwood, James G. Koch, J. B. Layne, R. C. Reichenbach, J. H. Riggall, A. L. Seifert, Robert W. Smock, P. T. Stengele, David E. Thomann, N. H. Wolf, H. D. Yarrington, J. B. Henry, C. Leslie Miller, F. M. Hottel, E. E. Kublic, E. J. Rutman, A. G. Woodring, G. F. Yost.

            Probationers — Russell T. Allen, Raymond E. Arnold, LeRoy S. Heller, Frank L. Herb, Jr., Earl M. Hosler, Donald B. Schaeffer.

            The following missionaries are members of and are being supported by the Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church: Rev. Laird Stengele, Mrs. Laird Stengele, Miss Betty Doverspike, Miss Bertha Miller, Rev. Paul Chaponniere, Miss Margaret Maas, Mr. Merle E. Baer, Mrs. Merle E. Baer, Mr. J. Barclay Harley, Mrs. J. Barclay Harley, Rev. Robert Rampy, Mrs. Robert Rampy, Rev. C. F. Snyder, Mrs. C. F. Snyder, Rev. C. Herbert Dyke, Mrs. C. Herbert Dyke, Rev. Robert W. Gordon, Mrs. Robert W. Gordon, Miss Olive Rawn, Rev. Fred Whale, Mrs. Fred Whale, Miss Luella Reinhart, Miss Mary Miller, Miss Sylvia Miller, Miss Grace Yost.


Allentown District

Clarence L. Kauffman, Francis H. Gehman, Allentown (Bethel)

Robert Breitegam, Reading

William E. Miller, Sunbury

George A. John, Shamokin

Clair Bupp, York

E. Willard Maurer, Mount Carmel

Daniel K. Ziegler, Hatfield

David F. Gardner, Harrisburg

            R. S. Weidner, Royersford and Spring City

            S. A. Hackman, Graterford and Harleysville

            A. W. Deppe, Nazareth and Northampton

Raymond Snyder, Lancaster

Charles W. Weaber, Lebanon

William P. Snyder, Lehighton

Burton Deppe, Walnutport

George R. Fish, Stroudsburg

Bethlehem DistrictHerbert S. Wieand, Bethlehem

Byron C. Cassel, Philadelphia (Salem)

George W. Krigor, Quakertown

Allen F. LaRose, Easton

R. Spedden, Chester

George W. Butler, Scranton

Edward Judd, Philadelphia (Calvary)

Raymond L. Winfield, Jersey City

Robert W. Gehret, Terre Hill

Harold A. Mann, Coopersburg and Allentown (Salem)

Paul I. Wentz, Emmaus, Macungie and Zionsville

Clayton E. Weber, Fleetwood and Blandon.

Edw. J. Deitzman, Philadelphia (Emmanuel)

Frederick J. Wagner, Newark, N. J.

Ralph D. Cole, Staten Island, N. Y.

            Resolved, That we accept the excuses of the absent delegates and that when they arrive they be seated in the Conference Bar.

            Resolved, That the first five pews across the church constitute the Conference Bar and that all the members of the Conference shall take their places in the Bar.

            Resolved, That all Home Mission Workers present be recognized as advisory members. The following brethren were present during the Conference: Robert F. Johnson, Charles L. Mann, Norman F. Gordon, Reynold D. Gardner, Austin G. Shelly, Carl C. Cassel, and Richard H. Kline.

The new delegates were introduced to the Conference.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Reporter and Timekeeper. He appointed R. C. Reichenbach and Raymond E. Arnold.

            Resolved, That no member be permitted to leave the Conference Bar without permission by the Chair except the pastor, William A. Heffner, and the delegate, Herbert S. Wieand.

            Report of the Committee to Arrange a Program for the Service of the Annual Conference:

MONDAY:1:00 P. M. Opening Key-note address by the Chairman of the Conference,

                        Rev. F. B. Hertzog, District Superintendent.

TUESDAY:9:00 A. M. Speaker, District Superintendent C. E. Kirkwood.

7:30 P. M. Oral reports of the District Superintendents, Home Mission Director and Berean Bible School President, and all Pastors. Reports limited to TWO minutes.

WEDNESDAY: 9:00 A. M.   Speaker, Jansen E. Hartman, President of Berean Bible School.

THURSDAY: 9:00 A. M.Devotional Period under the direction of District Superintendent F.

                        B. Hertzog. The observance of Holy Communion.

                        7:30 P. M.       Two twenty minute messages by the District Superintendents, F. B.

Hertzog and C. E. Kirkwood. This service shall be in charge of the host pastor, William A. Heffner.

            The committee recommends that the morning devotional period be limited to thirty minutes and to include singing, prayer, and a brief meditation.

            The committee also recommends that the reports be written and read in the Tuesday evening service.

            T. D. Gehret,

            David E. Thomann,

            William A. Heffner,

                        Committee on Program.

            The Committee appointed in 1955 to study Conference procedure presented a proposed agenda for this Conference.

Resolved, That we follow this agenda as nearly as possible.

            Resolved, That the Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders consist of the District Superintendents and one member to be appointed by the Chair.


            Committee on Communications: F. M. Hottel, A. G. Woodring, E. E. Kublic, E. J. Rutman.

            Committee on Finance: Paul I. Wentz, Byron C. Cassel, Francis H. Gehman, S. A. Hackman.

            Committee on Examination of Local Conference Records: E. W. Bean, W. B. Hottel, W. F. Heffner, H. D. Yarrington, James G. Koch, Robert W. Smock, David E. Thomann, Frank L. Herb, Jr., Donald B. Schaeffer, LeRoy S. Heller, Russell T. Allen, Raymond E. Arnold, George W. Krigor, Herbert S. Wieand, Frederick J. Wagner, Burton Deppe, Claire Bupp, Charles W. Weaber, George R. Fish, Allen F. LaRose, Edward Judd, Robert Breitegam, William P. Snyder, George A. John, A. W. Deppe, Harold A. Mann, George Butler, Raymond Snyder.

            Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders: C. E. Kirkwood, F. B. Hertzog, Herbert W. Hartman.

            Committee on Statistics: J. B. Layne, Willard E. Cassel, Ernest B. Hartman, J. E. Golla, Jansen E. Hartman, Donald T. Kirkwood, John Dunn.

            Committee on Examination of District Superintendents, Local Preachers, Evangelists, Missionaries: N. H. Wolf, Ernest B. Hartman, W. F. Heffner, R. H. Gehman, E. W. Bean.

            Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License: P. T. Stengele, W. W. Hartman, William A. Heffner, W. B. Hottel, C. E. Kirkwood.

            Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination: C. E. Kirkwood, Herbert W. Hartman, T. D. Gehret, Jansen E. Hartman, Walter H. Frank.

            Committee on Resolutions: J. H. Riggall, A. L. Seifert, William A. Heffner, Walter H. Frank.

            Committee on Auditing: T. D. Gehret, Daniel K. Ziegler, R. Spedden, R. S. Weidner, Edw. J. Dietzman, Clayton E. Weber, David F. Gardner, E. Willard Maurer, Ralph D. Cole, Robert W. Gehret, Clarence L. Kauffman, Raymond L. Winfield, William E. Miller.

            Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records and the Report of the Ministerial Convention: R. H. Gehman, Earl M. Hosler.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules to adjourn to meet tonight from 6:30 to 9:00 p. m.

            The meeting was adjourned with prayer by Clarence L. Kauffman.


Monday Evening, October 15, 1956

            The meeting was opened at 6:30 p. m. with singing the hymn, “What a Wonderful Saviour,” followed with prayer by R. S. Weidner.

            The Roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            The Board of Home Missions and the Board of Directors recommend the following brethren to be considered for Annual Conference license: Carl C. Cassel, Norman F. Gordon, J. Barclay Harley and Austin G. Shelly.

            Report of the Board of Examiners: (See Reports)

            Report of the Committee on Camp Meeting Equipage:

            During the year we have worked under the direction of the District Superintendents.

            E. W. Bean,                W. W. Hartman,

            R. H. Gehman,            David E. Thomann,


            Report of the Allentown District Superintendent, F. B. Hertzog: (See Reports)

            Report of the Bethlehem District Superintendent, C. E. Kirkwood: (See Reports)

            Report of the Home Mission Director, Jansen E. Hartman: (See Reports)

            Report of the Board of Home Missions: (See Reports)

            Report of the Camp Site Planning Committee:

            The Committee met in plenary session on four occasions. Several subcommittees met to study the possible uses and development of the property as well as the facilities and program for the immediate operation of a children’s camp.

            After lengthy discussion of its possible use, the committee decided unanimously to utilize the property as a boys’ and girls’ camp this season.

            A Board of Managers, composed of C. E. Kirkwood, William A. Heffner and Walter H. Frank, was elected from among the committee members to prepare the property, set up a program, acquire the necessary help, and to direct and manage the camp program. Mr. Alan Swaim and Mrs. Joyce Gehman supervised the boys’ and girls’ camps, respectively.

Participating in the camping program were 57 boys and 64 girls.

The outlined objectives for the camp program were as follows:

            1. To seek the salvation of boys and girls.

            2. To give practical training towards Christian living.

            3. The cultivation of daily devotional-life habits.

            4. To provide wholesome recreation in a Christian atmosphere.

            5. To foster sportsmanship by group activities.

            6. The development of talents and skills.

            Through the help of the Lord and the efforts of spiritual counselors these objectives were achieved.

            After the completion of the camping season the Board of Managers submitted the following statistical and financial report:


            1st Camp (Boys) 57 – 2nd Camp (Girls) 40 – 3rd Camp (Girls) 24


Total Income from Campers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,388.00

Gifts, etc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,697.35

Loan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,000.00

Total Receipts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,085.35


            Staff-Counselors and Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 335.00

            Kitchen help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130.00

            General help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.00

            Honorarium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35.00

$ 605.00

            Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,738.51

Food (Government surplus). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 924.62

                       ($48.80 Credit B.B.S.)

            Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69.00

            Promotion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138.92

            Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155.55

Furnishings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,139.18

Sundry Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146.45

Interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.58

Photography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  118.45


Receipts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,085.35

Expenditures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5,075.26


Returned to Board of Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,000.00

Balance in Treasury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10.09

            The committee resolved that the Board of Managers turn over to the Board of Directors the balance held in account.

            With reference to possible future development the committee can report that engineering furnished free by a friend of our work developed a plan to restore the creek dam on the Henninger farm. This plan provides a pond of two acres, with a maximum depth of 10 feet at an estimated cost of $9,700, including the cost of clearing the pond site.

            Should approval to build this dam be given and were funds available, agreement would have to be made with our neighboring land owner as the plan will flood some of his land. Permission to dam the stream must also be obtained from the Water and Power Resources Board of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Informal talks with representatives of the Board indicate the plan referred to above will be approved, if formal application for approval is submitted.

            The committee can also report that information and advice was received from the Soil Conservation Branch of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

The committee makes the following recommendations:

            1. That every Sunday School receive an offering for the Children’s Camping Program by March 1. This offering is to be forwarded to the secretary of the Board of Directors.

            2. That the Camp Planning Committee be responsible to show the slides that are available of our Youth Camp in every church.

            3. That the Sigmund property living room and basement be available for limited use by our churches. Anyone using it must make reservations through the secretary of the Board of Directors. The charge for use is to be computed at the rate of $.25 per person.

            4. That a name be chosen for the property at Sigmund, the following being suggested:

                        (a) Victory Valley

                        (b) Grace Valley

                        (c) Berean Valley

            The maximum of accomplishments and minimum of expenses reflected in this report was made possible through contributions of money, time and material by laymen and ministers.

            Note:   The sum of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars still remains to be paid to the Board of Directors on the initial loan of five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars.

            F. B. Hertzog, Jansen E. Hartman, J. E. Golla, Walter H. Frank, Byron C. Cassel, Paul I. Wentz, Herbert W. Hartman, T. D. Gehret, Daniel K. Ziegler, C. E. Kirkwood, Donald T. Kirkwood, Clayton E. Weber, Committee.

            Resolved, That every Sunday School receive an offering for the Children’s Camping Program by March 1. This offering is to be forwarded to the Secretary of the Board of Directors.

            Resolved, That the Camp Planning Committee be responsible to show the slides that are available of our Youth Camp in every church.

            Resolved, That the Sigmund property living room and basement be available for limited use by our churches. Anyone using it must make reservations through the secretary of the Board of Directors. The charge for use is to be computed at the rate of $.25 per person.

Report of the Committee on Examination of Local Conference Records:

            We have examined all the Local Conference Records and have found them in good condition. A few omissions were corrected by the pastors involved.

The following Petitions were found:

1. In the Hatfield Local Conference Minute Book:

            Resolved, That we petition the Annual Conference meeting in the 1956 session for permission to observe the Lord’s Supper monthly.

            Resolved, That we petition the Annual Conference meeting in the 1956 session to grant us the permission to use a nominating committee to make nominations for church officers. The Pastor shall be the chairman of this committee.

2. In the Allentown, Bethel Local Conference Minute Book:

            Resolved, That we petition the Annual Conference to study the method of receiving and the promotion of the funds for Home and Foreign Missions, Berean Bible School, and the Camp Fund.

            Resolved, That we petition the Annual Conference to consider a longer term of office for the Menno Youth Presidents.

3. In the Staten Island, N. Y. Local Conference Minute Book:

            Resolved, That we, of the State Island Congregation, petition the Annual Conference to grant the Staten Island Congregation the privilege of being self supporting and receive the status of a station.

4. In the Fleetwood-Blandon Local Conference Minute Book:

            Resolved, That we petition the Annual Conference meeting in session in Bethlehem on October 15, to consider the appointment of a full time pastor to Trinity Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church, Blandon, when it is possible.

5. In the Allentown, Salem and Coopersburg Local Conference Minute Book:

            We petition Annual Conference that Salem Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church, Allentown, Pa., be recognized as a separate charge, to be supplied with its own pastor.

            We recommend that all petitions to Annual Conference be typed in red in the local conference minutes.

            E. W. Bean,                Russell T. Allen,                     Edward Judd,

            W. B. Hottel,              Raymond E. Arnold,              Robert Breitegam,

            W. F. Heffner,            George W. Krigor,                  William P. Snyder,

            H. D. Yarrington,       Herbert S. Wieand,                 George A. John,

            James G. Koch,          Frederick J. Wagner,              A. W. Deppe,

            Robert W. Smock,      Burton Deppe,                        Harold A. Mann,

            David E. Thomann,    Clair E. Bupp,                         George W. Butler,

            Frank L. Herb, Jr.,      Charles W. Weaber,               Raymond Snyder,

            Donald B. Schaeffer,  George R. Fish,

            Leroy S. Heller,          Allen P. LaRose,


            Resolved, That petitions from Staten Island, Fleetwood and Blandon, and Allentown (Salem) be referred to the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.

            Report of the Committee on Examination of District Superintendents, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries:

            We beg leave to report that we have examined the District Superintendents, Local Preachers, and Missionaries, and find them all satisfactory for which we praise the Lord.

            N. H. Wolf,                 R. H. Gehman,

            Ernest B. Hartman,     E. W. Bean,

            W. F. Heffner,


            Resolved, That we adjourn.

Adjourned at 9:15 p. m. with prayer by N. H. Wolf.


Tuesday Morning, October 16, 1956

            The meeting was opened with singing the hymn, “The Church’s One Foundation” and prayer by R. H. Gehman.

            The District Superintendent of the Bethlehem District C. E. Kirkwood, chose for our meditation the theme, “Bonds of Peace,” according to Philippians 2:1-4. Pastor Paul E. Baer led us in singing “All for Jesus.”

            The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn.

Adjourned at 9:45 a. m. with prayer by Ralph D. Cole.


Tuesday Afternoon, October 16, 1956

            The meeting was opened with Paul E. Baer leading the body in singing the hymn, “There is a Name I Love to Hear.” W. B. Hottel led in prayer.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Secretary and approved.

            Resolved, That we excuse R. C. Reichenbach and John Dunn from attendance of the Thursday morning and afternoon sessions in order that they may conduct funerals on their respective fields.

Report of the Board of Foreign Missions: (See Reports)

Report of the Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders:

            The Traveling Elders have been individually examined through the delegates, and we are pleased to report that these servants of God are creditably seeking to fulfill their sacred responsibilities before God and men. We, therefore, are happy to recommend them for continued service in the itinerancy of our Conference.

F. B. Hertzog, Herbert W. Hartman, C. E. Kirkwood,


            Report of the Committee to Examine Applicants for Annual Conference License:

            This Committee met with Carl C. Cassel, Norman F. Gordon, J. Barclay Harley and Austin G. Shelly and have found them in accord with our doctrine and practices. We are convinced that they are called of God to the ministry. They also have proven their call in Home Missionary service. We, therefore, recommend them for Annual Conference license.

            P. T. Stengele,            W. B. Hottel,

            W. W. Hartman,         C. E. Kirkwood,

            William A. Heffner,


Report of the Board of Directors: (See Reports)

Report of the Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination:

            We wish to report that we have examined Earl M. Hosler and are unanimously convinced that he is called of God, that he is in accord with the doctrines and practices of our Church and that the seal of God’s approval has been upon his ministry. We, therefore, recommend that he be ordained into the Christian ministry in the Thursday Evening meeting.

            C. E. Kirkwood,                     James K. Hartman,

            Herbert W. Hartman,              Walter H. Frank,

            T. D. Gehret,


            Resolved, That the District Superintendents and the delegates of all stations and circuits shall constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee. The Annual Conference may grant the status of a station to a mission church which has contributed a minimum of $2400.00 through the steward offering and has petitioned Annual Conference requesting the change declaring that it no longer desires a Home Mission appropriation.

            If a station fails to contribute $2400.00 steward offering, they shall forfeit their voice in the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee, and further

            The petition of the Hatfield congregation relative to the observance of Communion was considered and it was

            Resolved, That the petition be considered answered by the action of Annual Conference as recorded in the Year Book of 1951, page 38.

            Resolved, That the time of the observance of Communion be referred to the Committee on Church Government.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and meet tonight at 7:30 o’clock.

            The minutes of the afternoon session shall be read with the minutes of the evening session in the Wednesday morning meeting.

            The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p. m. with prayer by Daniel K. Ziegler.


Tuesday Evening, October 16, 1956

            The meeting was opened by the Chairman at 7:30 p. m. After the singing of a hymn, C. Leslie Miller of the Union Gospel Press, Cleveland, Ohio, led in prayer.

            The oral reports of the District Superintendents, the Director of Home Missions, the President of the Berean Bible School and all active pastors featured the program.

            This was truly an occasion of much rejoicing as the various victories won for Christ during the year were cited, and the large audience in attendance was made to realize that God is still faithful to His own in these days of withering, materialistic philosophy which denies the transcendent power of God and encourages man to glorify himself. All praise to God for His goodness to His servants and His people and to the Holy Spirit Who indwells and is the light and life of the body of Christ.

            The meeting was interspersed by the singing of several congregational hymns led by Paul E. Baer, and was adjourned at 9:10 p. m. with prayer by District Superintendent C. E. Kirkwood.


Wednesday Morning, October 17, 1956

            The meeting was opened with the singing of the inspiring hymn, “There is a Name I Love to Hear,” after which W. W. Hartman led in prayer.

            The Director of Home Missions and President of Berean Bible School, Jansen E. Hartman, addressed the Conference body on the theme: “The Consciousness of the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ,” directing attention to Philippians 3:1-14, and closing the devotional period with the singing of the hymn, “My Jesus, As Thou Wilt.”

            The roll was called and the minutes of the Tuesday Afternoon and Evening Meetings were read and approved.

            Rev. Robert E. Rampy, recently returned missionary from Venezuela, South America, was introduced to the Conference and gave a brief testimony concerning his work on the field and expressed appreciation of the fellowship of the brethren in the Gospel.

            The brethren, Rev. J. B. Henry, Associate General Secretary of the Africa Inland Mission, and Rev. C. Leslie Miller, General Superintendent of the, Union Gospel Press, were also introduced and invited to bring greetings to the body.

            Report of the Board of the Home: (See Reports)

            Report of the Board of Education: (See Reports)

            The President of the Berean Bible School gave an oral report concerning activities of the school and outlined plans for the future. He also expressed deep appreciation of the continued support of the Pastors and our entire constituency.

            Report of the Committee on Finance: (See Reports)

            Report of the Committee to Examine Annual Conference Records:

            We hereby certify that we have examined the Annual Conference Minutes for the Session of 1955 and have found them correct except as follows:

            Page 40 . . . Treasurer of the next Annual Conference should read, “Treasurer of the Annual Conference.”

            Page 42 … Fourteenth Meeting “Sunday afternoon, October 22” should read, “Saturday afternoon, October 22.”

We herewith submit two copies duly certified.

            We have read the report of the Ministerial Convention and believe it to be correct to the best of our knowledge.

R. H. Gehman, Earl M. Hosler,


            Report of the Conference-Wide Sunday School Convention: (See Reports)

            Report of the Ministerial Convention: (See Reports)

            Resolved, That we proceed with elections.

            Resolved, That we determine who are the preachers willing to minister the coming year according to the direction of the Conference and our Discipline.

            The following ministering brethren responded “yes” to the roll call: Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, Willard E. Cassel, John Dunn, Walter H. Frank, R. H. Gehman, T. D. Gehret, J. E. Golla, Ernest B. Hartman, Herbert W. Hartman, Jansen E. Hartman, W. W. Hartman, William A. Heffner, W. F. Heffner, F. B. Hertzog, W. B. Hottel, C. E. Kirkwood, Donald T. Kirkwood, James G. Koch, J. B. Layne, R. C. Reichenbach, J. H. Riggall, A. L. Seifert, Robert W. Smock, P. T. Stengele, David E. Thomann, N. H. Wolf, H. D. Yarrington, F. M. Hottel, E. E. Kublic, A. G. Woodring, G. F. Yost, Russell T. Allen, Raymond E. Arnold, LeRoy S. Heller, Frank L. Herb, Jr., Donald B. Schaeffer, Earl M. Hosler.

Absent: E. J. Rutman.

            Resolved, That two District Superintendents be elected and that the informal ballot be used in nominating the candidates, the five highest to be candidates and elected according to the Discipline.

            The Chair appointed as tellers: T. D. Gehret, Ernest B. Hartman, R. H. Gehman and A. L. Seifert.

            The following were elected for the coming year: F. B. Hertzog and C. E. Kirkwood.

            Resolved, That F. B. Hertzog be District Superintendent over the Allentown District, and C. E. Kirkwood be District Superintendent over the Bethlehem District.

            Resolved, That when an Elder has served in the office of District Superintendent for a period of five or more successive years and leaves the office he shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of three years.

Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn.

Adjourned at 11:55 with prayer by Raymond E. Arnold.


Wednesday Afternoon, October 17, 1956

            After singing and prayer by A. W. Deppe the roll was called and the minutes of the morning meeting were read and approved.

            C. Leslie Miller was called upon by the Chair to explain to the body the reasons that next January the “Gospel Herald” will become a semi-monthly publication.

            Resolved, That we tender the Union Gospel Press a rising vote of thanks for their gracious generosity and co-operation in printing the M. B. In C. Supplement of the “Gospel Herald” free of extra cost to us.

Report of the Committee on Church Name:

            At the Annual Conference, 1955, this Committee was instructed to send out a ballot to each member of our Conference of voting age. This procedure was followed and the Committee met and tabulated the ballots. Following is a summary of the Committee’s findings:


1.         Are you satisfied with the present name of our denomination?

            Yes-1264                    No- 629                      Total-1899

2.Do you think a change in the name of our denomination would be advisable, if a more suitable name can be agreed upon?

            Yes- 875                     No- 853                      Total-1728

3.         Do you believe that changing the name of our denomination would help to strengthen the Gospel testimony of our Church?

            Yes- 598                     No-1106                     Total-1704

             A further study of the ballots shows the following vote by churches:

1.Are you satisfied with the present name of our denomination?

            Yes- 22                       No- 12                        Total- 34

2.Do you think a change in the name of our denomination would be advisable, if a more suitable name can be agreed upon?

            Yes- 21                       No- 1                          Total- 35

3.Do you believe that a change of denomination name would attract more people to our churches?

            Yes- 17                       No- 17                        Total- 34

4.Do you believe that changing the name of our denomination would help to strengthen the Gospel testimony of our church?

            Yes- 15                       No- 20                        Total- 35

            The Committee finds that for various reasons the ballot referred to above was inconclusive except to indicate that a substantial group of our membership feels a change would be desirable. Because the ballot was inconclusive, the Committee is not now suggesting any specific names that might be substituted for our present name.

            The Committee recommends the study of this question be continued by a Committee elected by this Conference.

            Byron C. Cassel,         T. D. Gehret,

            A. L. Seifert,               Jansen E. Hartman,

            Walter H. Frank,


            Resolved, That a Committee of five be elected to continue the study of a new Church name.

            The following were elected: Byron C. Cassel, Walter H. Frank, T. D. Gehret, A. L. Seifert and Jansen E. Hartman.

            Report of the Board of Publication and Printing: (See Reports)

            Resolved, That we proceed with the consideration of petitions.

            Petition number two presented by the Hatfield Church was discussed and dealt with in the following manner:

            Resolved, That any Church may use a nomination Committee to make nomination for Church officers when this desire is expressed by a local Conference resolution. The Pastor shall be Chairman of this Committee.

            Petition number three presented by Allentown (Bethel) was discussed and dealt with as follows:

            Resolved, That a Committee of three ministers and two laymen be elected to study the scriptural principles of giving and to investigate the current methods of giving and to formulate a paper containing the results of their findings. This paper shall be presented and discussed at the next Ministerial Convention. In the light of said discussion they shall present to the next Annual Conference proposals with reference to our over-all financial structure.

            The following were elected: Donald T. Kirkwood, Jansen E. Hartman, Willard E. Cassel, Byron C. Cassel and Paul I. Wentz.

            With regard to petition number four proposed by Allentown (Bethel) the following was the result:

            Resolved, That the office of President of the Menno Youth be extended to one year instead of six months, and that he be permitted to succeed himself only once.

            Resolved, That we grant the requests of J. B. Henry and Raymond L. Winfield that they be excused from further attendance at this Conference.

Resolved, That we proceed with elections.

The following were elected:

            Home Mission Director: Jansen E. Hartman.

            Vice District Superintendents: Herbert W. Hartman and N. H. Wolf.

            Resolved, That in the event of a vacancy in the office of District Superintendent, the Board of Directors shall determine which of the Vice District Superintendents shall fill the vacancy.

            Report of the Chairman of the General Camp Meeting Committee: (See Reports)

            Report of the Menno Youth General Committee: (See Reports)

            Resolved, That the Menno Youth Committee make a thorough study of the Constitution of the General Menno Youth Society, draft a new constitution and submit the same to the next Annual Conference. (First reading).

            Report of the Layman’s Benevolent Society: (See Reports)

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to convene tonight in an evening meeting from 6:30 to 9:00 o’clock.

Adjourned with prayer by A. G. Woodring.


Wednesday Evening, October 17, 1956

            The Chair opened the meeting with the singing of a chorus after which LeRoy S. Heller led in prayer.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That we consider the proposals of the Government Committee.

            Resolved, That the material prepared by the Government Committee and cleared by the Board of Directors for consideration at this Annual Conference be presented, and further

            Resolved, That all proposals to amend our Discipline must pass readings at two Annual Conferences by a two-thirds vote by ballot before final adoption.

Resolved, That we adjourn.

Adjourned at 9:00 P. M. with prayer by A. L. Seifert.


Thursday Morning, October 18, 1956

            The meeting was opened with the singing of the hymn, “He is so Precious to Me.” Walter H. Frank led in prayer after which the Chair led the body in reading responsively I Peter 2:1-10, following with an inspiring talk in which he called attention to the many gems of truth found in this passage. After the singing of an appropriate hymn the body then joined together in solemnly partaking of the Lord’s Supper.

            The roll call was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet no later than 3:00 P. M.

Adjourned at 9:55 A. M., with prayer by F. M. Hottel.


Thursday Afternoon, October 18, 1956

            The roll was called and the minutes of the morning meeting were read and approved.

Resolved, That we recess to the call of the Chair.

Recessed at 3:05 P. M.

Business was resumed at 4:35 P. M.

            Report of the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee: (See Reports)

            Resolved, That Carl C. Cassel be seated in the Conference Bar, having been stationed to serve as Pastor at Coopersburg.

            Resolved, That all pastors on the coming Sunday fill the pulpits of their new assignments.

            Resolved, That we grant the request of William E. Miller to be excused from attendance at this Conference after today.

Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn.

Adjourned at 4:50 with prayer by the Chairman, F. B. Hertzog.


Friday Morning, October 19, 1956

            The meeting was opened with the singing of the hymn, “Something for Thee.” E. W. Bean led in prayer. The Chair led the body in reading John 11:32-44 as a Scripture lesson, after which he impressively addressed the body encouraging increased faith that “we might see the glory of God.”

            The roll was called and the minutes of the Tenth Meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That we grant the requests of David F. Gardner, George A. John and E. Willard Maurer to be excused from attendance at the Conference after this session.

            Resolved, That we have an adjourned session of Annual Conference March 8 and 9, 1957, at Bethlehem. The agenda of this Conference shall include the consideration of the Government Committee report, and further

            Resolved, That an offering be received in each church for the delegate.

            Resolved, That the Allentown (Salem) congregation be permitted to elect a delegate to represent them in an advisory capacity at the adjourned session.

            Resolved, That we have an evening meeting to begin at 6:30 and adjourn no later than 9:00 P. M.

            Report of the Conference Treasurer: (See Reports)

            Report of the Committee on Communications:

            We, the Committee on Communications, beg leave to report that we have received word from Rev. E. J. Rutman, superannuated minister under the Local Conference at Harrisburg, Pa., in which he states that due to work he will not be able to attend this Conference; therefore,

            Resolved, That we pray God’s continued blessings upon him.

            We have also received an aerogramme from Miss Olive Rawn, our missionary to Sudan, Africa, in which she wants us to know that she is standing by in prayer for this Conference and desires us to pray for the land of Sudan as she points adults and children to the Saviour, and also pray for her medical ministry to the sick through their dispensary; therefore,

            Resolved, That we pledge our prayers for her and the work to which the Lord has called her.

            Brother Merle Baer, our missionary who just returned from French West Africa, sends greetings and regrets he is unable to attend this Conference and wishes to express his appreciation for the support we have given him and his family; therefore,

            Resolved, That we pray God’s blessings upon Him and his future ministry.

F. M. Hottel, E. E. Kublic, A. C. Woodring,


            Resolved, That we proceed with elections.

            Resolved, That the Annual Conference shall elect a Board of Directors annually, consisting of six ordained ministers who are members of the Annual Conference and willing to minister under the direction of the Annual Conference, and three laymen who are members of the Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church of Pennsylvania and are willing to serve under the direction of the Annual Conference. These laymen need not be members of the Annual Conference. The District Superintendents shall be members by virtue of their office.

            Those elected to constitute the Board of Directors were: F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, T. D. Gehret, Herbert W. Hartman, Jansen E. Hartman, Donald T. Kirkwood, Byron C. Cassel, Paul I. Wentz and Daniel K. Ziegler.

            Resolved, That the District Superintendents and Home Mission Director be members of the Board of Home Missions by virtue of their office.

            Those elected to the Board of Home Missions were: F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, Jansen E. Hartman, A. L. Seifert, William A. Heffner, Clayton E. Weber and S. A. Hackman.

            Resolved, That we elect a General Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions. T. D. Gehret was elected.

            Resolved, That the Board of Foreign Missions comprise five ministers and four laymen. The District Superintendent and General Secretary shall be members of the Board by virtue of their office.

            Board of Foreign Missions: F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, T. D. Gehret, Walter H. Frank, J. E. Golla, James R. Cressman, Kermit Gehman, Rufus Spedden and Robert Breitegam.

Adjourned with prayer by Clayton E. Weber.


Friday Afternoon, October 19, 1956

After singing a chorus John Dunn led in prayer.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as corrected.

Resolved, That we proceed with elections.

            Board of Trustees of the Home:

            Members for two years-F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, E. W. Bean, Herbert W. Hartman, Paul I. Wentz and H. L. Shelly.

            Board of Education:

            Members for three years-T. D. Gehret, Byron C. Cassel, Robert W. Gehret and R. Paul Schaeffer.

            Board of Examiners: Paul E. Baer, Chairman; Donald T. Kirkwood, Secretary; Ernest B. Hartman.

            Resolved, That the Chairman appoint those who shall serve on the Board of Publication and Printing.

            Board of Publications and Printing: N. H. Wolf, President; Herbert W. Hartman, Secretary; J. H. Riggall.

            Committee Over the District Superintendents: T. D. Gehret, W. W. Hartman and R. H. Gehman.

            Resolved, That the District Superintendents, one Pastor and two laymen from each District be members of the General Menno Youth Committee.

            General Menno Youth Committee: Robert W. Smock, Paul I. Wentz, Jr., Donald Wieand, J. H. Riggall, Norman Zellers and James Beil.

            Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society: Arthur W. Deppe, President; Allen S. Weiss, Secretary; A. L. Wentz, Treasurer.

            Resolved, That all contributions received for the Laymen’s Benevolent Society shall be paid by check or money order, made payable to A. L. Wentz, Treasurer, and forwarded to Allen S. Weiss, Secretary, 2318 Tilghman Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania.

            Committee Over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits: E. W. Bean, R. H. Gehman, W. W. Hartman, David E. Thomann.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee of two to compile a report of the Conference for the “Gospel Herald” Supplement and the Year Book. He appointed James G. Koch and John Dunn.

            Resolved, That we elect a Committee of seven ministers and three laymen outside the Board of Directors, to study and formulate proposals for the revision of our Church government. All work of this Committee is to be cleared through the Board of Directors before being presented to the next Annual Conference.

            Committee to Study our Church Government: Willard E. Cassel, J. H. Riggall, Walter H. Frank, William A. Heffner, R. C. Reichenbach, David E. Thomann, A. L. Seifert, James R. Cressman, A. L. Wentz and R. Spedden.

            The Chair appointed William A. Heffner as temporary Chairman.

            Report of the Editor of the M. B. In C. Supplement of the “Gospel Herald”:

            Four years ago the Annual Conference decided to ask the Gospel Worker Society of Cleveland, Ohio, whether they would consider printing a supplement in addition to the regular pages of the Gospel Herald, which would carry news of our Conference activities, and also of our local churches. In response to our request, the Gospel Worker Society graciously offered to print this supplement for us without making any extra charge.

            As a result, the first issue of the Gospel Herald of March 1953 carried this special M. B. In C. supplement and has continued to do so.

            The Board of Directors asked that C. Leslie Miller act as our circulation manager and that T. D. Gehret be the Editor. I have continued to serve in this capacity ever since.

            The preparation of weekly editorials and copy has required considerable time. However, we have cause to believe that there was some blessing resulting from this effort. Our only wish is that there might be a more wholehearted support from our Pastors in forwarding material for the pages of the supplement. It would be helpful and very much appreciated if there were more reports from the Pastors, more original articles by them, news of church activities, also news concerning our Berean Bible School and the Home Missionary work.

            On a number of occasions there was not sufficient material on hand to fill the four pages of the Supplement. This necessitated the filling in of these pages by the office Editor of the Gospel Herald at Cleveland.

            We have tried to do our best in the task that has been committed to us. May we count upon our Pastors for a more whole-hearted support in the future in order that every issue of the M. B. In C. Gospel Herald will be filled with material supplied by ourselves?

T. D. Gehret, Editor

            Report of R. C. Reichenbach, the Circulation Manager of the M. B. In C. Supplement of the “Gospel Herald”:

            I am glad to report that the M. B. In C. edition of the Gospel Herald is entering more homes of our constituency than at any previous time. At present we have 848 subscribers, 136 more than listed by the Union Gospel Press in October, 1955. I believe that this is the result of co-operative effort upon the part of our District Superintendents, Pastors and people and I trust that it will continue. Financially, I have turned over to the Board of Publication and Printing the sum of $100.00.

            The outlook for the year ahead depends upon the faith, vision and effort expended by each one of the Pastors. On January 1, 1957 the Gospel Herald will become a semi-monthly paper instead of a weekly. This may not be in our favor for increased circulation, but I trust that each of us will endeavor to do our part in acquiring new subscribers. Further, increased and constant effort on the part of each Pastor is needed to retain all of our subscribers.

            I would suggest that once again we would set aside the month of February as Gospel Herald month, and that every pastor would seek to do his best in promoting our Church paper at that time as well as throughout the year. I further suggest that the $3.00 rate for new subscribers remain in effect.


Balance in Treasury, Oct. 1, 1955. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6.24

Received from subscriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,940.38



            To Union Gospel Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,769.49

To Board of Publication and Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00

Refund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6.00

Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.62

Secretarial Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.23

Balance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.28


            R. C. Reichenbach

            Resolved, That we elect an Editor of the M. B. In C. Supplement of the “Gospel Herald.”

David E. Thomann was elected.

            He appointed as Associate Editors: William A. Heffner, Donald T. Kirkwood and James R. Cressman.

Circulation Manager of the “Gospel Herald”: R. C. Reichenbach.

Chairman of the Next Annual Conference: F. B. Hertzog.

Vice Chairman of the Next Annual Conference: C. E. Kirkwood.

Secretary of the Next Annual Conference: N. H. Wolf.

Annual Conference Treasurer: Paul I. Wentz.

            Resolved, That the Mizpah Grove Cafeteria be under the management of the Board of Directors.

Resolved, That we adjourn.

Adjourned with prayer by Ernest B. Hartman.


 Friday Evening, October 19, 1956

            The meeting opened with the singing of a chorus.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the afternoon meeting were read and approved.

Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

            1. Whereas, we the members of the 73rd Annual Conference of the M. B. In C. Church of Pa., have been favored with godly and able leadership in the persons of our District Superintendents, F. B. Hertzog and C. E. Kirkwood, throughout the past conference year and have listened with thanksgiving in our hearts to their reports, therefore

            Resolved, That we thank God for them and pledge them our unanimous and prayerful cooperation and support during the coming year.

            2. Whereas, our Home Mission Director, Jansen E. Hartman has submitted to this Conference an excellent oral and statistical report of the activities and progress of our Home Missionary Society reflecting the guidance of the Holy Spirit by the development of His Church, and

            Whereas, the said Jansen E. Hartman has faithfully discharged his responsibilities associated with the presidency of the Berean Bible School, therefore

            Resolved, That we thank the Lord for every investment our brother has made in the lives of our young men and women and pledge to him our support in every way, and pray that both our Home Mission Work and our Berean Bible School may attain to new horizons.

            3. Whereas, our pastors have submitted reports that reveal a passion for souls and a ministry consecrated to their Lord, and

            Whereas, the evident blessing of the Lord has accompanied these labors of love, therefore

            Resolved, That we yield ourselves anew to the Lord of the Harvest for the coming year of ministry.

            4. Whereas, the Lord has given to us a faithful and zealous constituency of members and friends, therefore

            Resolved, That we thank God for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the Church manifested in His people, and that we endeavor to be trustworthy servants to them for Jesus’ sake and to feed the flock faithfully, and to inspire God’s people to do exploits for Him.

            5. Whereas, retired ministers G. F. Yost, E. E. Kublic, F. M. Hottel, A. G. Woodring and E. J. Rutman have been serving the Lord faithfully during the past year and have continued to be a blessing whenever they were called upon to minister, therefore

            Resolved, That we give thanks to God for each of them and sincerely pray that they may prosper in health, spiritually and physically, for many days to come and continue to be used of God among us.

            6. Whereas, Pastor William A. Heffner and members of the Bethlehem congregation have so abundantly provided for the temporal entertainment of the conference members, having served all meals in the church basement, therefore

            Resolved, That we hereby express our gratitude for their most generous hospitality and delegate our Secretary to provide Pastor Heffner with a copy of this resolution to be read by him in next Sunday morning’s service.

            7. Whereas, the Union Gospel Press has very ably printed and published the M. B. In C. edition of the Gospel Herald, therefore

            Resolved, That we pray God’s continued blessing upon the publishers, and further

            Resolved, That the Secretary of our Annual Conference send a copy of this resolution to them.

            8. Whereas, the Rev. J. B. Henry, Associate General Secretary of the Africa Inland Mission, and the Rev. C. Leslie Miller, General Superintendent of the Union Gospel Press, have displayed their Christian concern for our work by their presence at this Annual Conference, therefore

            Resolved, That we encourage them to continue in the fellowship of the gospel with us, and pray God’s best upon their particular fields of endeavor for Him.

            9. Whereas, the Christian Life Series of Sunday School literature published by the Union Gospel Press continues to be of high calibre and doctrinally true to God’s Word, therefore

            Resolved, That we pray God’s continual sustenance and strength be given the personnel of the Press, and further

            Resolved, That Mrs. E. T. Gehman be the recognized agent for these Sunday School supplies and other Union Gospel Press publications.

            10. Whereas, the following brethren have served the Conference during the past year in an acceptable manner in their delegated responsibilities:

            N. H. Wolf as Editor of the Year Book, Paul I. Wentz as Conference Treasurer, and J. E. Golla as Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board, therefore

            Resolved, That a gift of fifty ($50.00) dollars be given each in appreciation, the first two to be taken from the Conference Fund, and the latter from the Foreign Mission Fund.

            11. Whereas, we have received communications from Brother and Sister C. F. Snyder, retired Missionaries to China, in which they outlined their limited but active life in behalf of the missionary enterprise, also assuring us of their prayerful interest in this Annual Conference, therefore

            Resolved, That we request our Conference Secretary to inform them of our appreciation for their interest and prayers, and that we shall continue, to ask God’s blessing to overshadow them, and further

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to them.

            12. Whereas, the Editor of the M. B. In C. supplement of the Gospel Herald, Pastor T. D. Gehret, has continued to serve acceptably and efficiently, therefore

            Resolved, That one hundred ($100.00) dollars be given to him from the Conference Fund as a token of our appreciation.

            13. Whereas, District Superintendent Emeritus, H. B. Musselman, our faithful colleague in the ministry for many years, was called by his Lord to be with Him, therefore

            Resolved, That a suitable Obituary shall appear in this issue of the Year Book.

            14. Whereas, our esteemed co-worker in the ministry, G. F. Yost, has for physical reasons been unable to be present at this conference, therefore

            Resolved, That we request his Pastor, Donald T. Kirkwood, to assure him that we missed his presence and that we shall continue to pray for him that the blessings of the Lord may be his portion, and further

            Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to him by the Conference secretary.

            15. Whereas, Brother E. J. Rutman, who labored for many years in the ministry of the Gospel, was unable to fellowship with us due to unavoidable circumstances and has sent an excuse relative to his absence, therefore

            Resolved, That we pray God’s continual blessing to be upon him and trust the Lord to give him many more years of service for Christ.

            16. Whereas, we have received communications from Olive Rawn and Merle Baer, two of our representatives for Christ in the Regions Beyond, who have been very faithful in proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Christ, therefore

            Resolved, That we covenant together to uphold them in prayer that God may pour out His fulness of blessing upon them in their portion of God’s vineyard.

J. H. Riggall, William A. Heffner, A. L. Seifert, Walter H. Frank,


Report of the Committee on Statistics: (See Reports)

Report of the Committee on Auditing:

            We have examined the reports and accounts of the following: Local Conference Records, District, Superintendents, Board of Directors, Board of Home Missions, Board of Publication and Printing, Board of the Home, Camp Meetings, First Division (Allentown), Second Division (Bethlehem), General Camp Meeting Committee, Conference Treasurer, Committee on Finance, Committee on Statistics, Ministers’ Retirement Fund, Laymen’s Benevolent Society, Board of Foreign Missions, Board of Education, Gospel Herald Subscriptions, Beneficiary Funds, Annual Conference Fund, Camp Planning Committee, Camp Meeting Cafeteria Account, Menno Youth General Committee.

            These accounts were all found to be in a satisfactory condition except a few minor errors which were corrected in conference with those concerned.

            T. D. Gehret,                          Clayton E. Weber,                  Raymond L. Winfield,

            Daniel K. Ziegler,                   David F. Gardner                    William E. Miller,

            R. Spedden,                            E. Willard Maurer,                 Edw. J. Dietzman,

            R. S. Weidner,                        Ralph D. Cole, 

            Robert W. Gehret,                  Clarence L. Kauffman,


            Resolved, That the assessment of 25 per member for the Moving Fund be increased to 50 this year.

            Resolved, That a Board of seven members be elected, comprised of the two District Superintendents, two Pastors and three laymen, to govern and oversee the program of the Victory Valley Youth Camp.

            Those elected were: F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, Walter H. Frank, William A. Heffner, Francis H. Gehman, Clayton E. Weber and Bryan B. Bray.

            Resolved, That the board of Publication and Printing handle the funds relating to the publication of our Church paper.

            Resolved, That a resolution to be effective must appear on the Minutes of the current year’s proceedings, and further

            Resolved, That a resolution must appear on the Minutes for at least three successive years before it can be placed in the Standing Rules of the Church, and further

Resolved, That these two resolutions be placed in the Standing Rules.

            Resolved, That the Menno Youth newspaper, the Menno Youth Spotlight, continue if circumstances permit during the year 1956-1957.

            The Menno Youth General Committee shall determine the nature of its organization and financial support.

            Resolved, That we elect a Program and Promotion Committee to plan for a Conference-wide Sunday School Convention to convene on Saturday, June 8 next.

            Resolved, That the District Superintendents shall be ex-officio members of this Committee.

            The following were elected: Walter H. Frank, William A. Heffner, Jansen E. Hartman, J. E. Golla, James G. Koch, Norman Reed, James R. Cressman, Harlan Wolf and Glenn Rohrbach.

            Resolved That we print 1200 Year Books to be sold at fifty (50) cents, per copy. Checks shall be made payable and forwarded to N. H. Wolf, Secretary. The deficit shall be paid out of the Conference Fund.

            Resolved, That the representation of Delegates to the Annual Conference be on the following basis: One delegate for the first two hundred members or fraction thereof and another delegate for each additional two hundred members. The first delegate elected by the Local Conference shall be a member of the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.

            Resolved, That traveling expenses on official business be 8 per mile.

            Resolved, That the Board of Directors be an Agenda Committee to receive all Local Conference petitions, the Secretary of the Local Conference be responsible to give a copy of the petitions to the District Superintendent at the Local Conference where the petition was passed.

            Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to study Annual Conference procedure with a view to expedite business, said Committee to submit a report of its findings to the 1957 Annual Conference.

            The Chairman appointed C. E. Kirkwood, T. D. Gehret and Willard E. Cassel to comprise said Committee.

            Resolved, That at the last session of each Local Conference the members present vote by ballot as to whether or not they desire a change of their Pastor. The ballots shall be tabulated by the District Superintendent and the Delegate to the Annual Conference after the session adjourns, and the ballots shall be kept by the District Superintendent. The results of this vote shall be held in confidence by the District Superintendent and the Delegate.

            Resolved, That the Discipline of the Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church as passed by the 1951 General Conference, and the present Annual Conference Rules be the Constitution of the Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church of Pennsylvania.

            Resolved, That all needs for support of missionary work not under the jurisdiction of the Board of Home Missions be controlled by the Board of Foreign Missions.

            Resolved, That an offering be received for the District Superintendents’ parsonages in a Sunday service by each Pastor and forwarded to C. E. Kirkwood, Secretary of the Board of Directors, no later than April 1, 1957. All checks should be made payable to the Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church of Pa.

            Resolved, That the Director of Home Missions shall under all circumstances function in cooperation with the District Superintendents, and in all matters of importance act only by approval of the Board of Home Missions.

            Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene in the Bethel Mennonite Brethren In Christ Church, 526-30 North Eighth Street, Allentown, Pa., on Monday, October 14, 1957, at 1:00 P. M.

            Resolved, That the following comprise a Committee on Program for the next Annual Conference: T. D. Gehret, David E. Thomann and Walter H. Frank.

            Resolved, That a Committee of seven Ministers be elected to study the Articles of Faith for the new Discipline.

            The following were elected: C. E. Kirkwood, T. D. Gehret, Jansen E. Hartman, F. B. Hertzog, Donald T. Kirkwood, Willard E. Cassel and A. L. Seifert.

            Resolved, That two copies of the completed work of the Committee on Government be submitted to each Pastor by the Secretary of the Committee immediately upon completion.

            Resolved, That the Home Mission Board be authorized to establish the status of Home Missionary appointments, and to decide upon questions as to their being incorporated into the Annual Conference.

The various Boards reported their organization as follows:

            Board of Directors: F. B. Hertzog, President; T. D. Gehret, Vice President; C. E. Kirkwood, Secretary; Paul I. Wentz, Treasurer.

            Board of Foreign Missions: Walter H. Frank, Chairman; T. D. Gehret, General Secretary.

            Board of Home Missions: C. E. Kirkwood, Chairman; A. L. Seifert, Secretary.

            Board of Trustees of the Home: T. D. Gehret, Chairman; Herbert W. Hartman, Secretary; Howard L. Shelly, Assistant Secretary; Paul I. Wentz, Treasurer.

            Board of Publication and Printing: N. H. Wolf, Chairman; Herbert W. Hartman, Secretary.

            Board of Examiners: Paul E. Baer, Chairman; Donald T. Kirkwood, Secretary.

            Committee Over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits: E. W. Bean, Chairman; R. E. Gehman, Secretary.

            Camp Site Committee: C. E. Kirkwood, Chairman; William A. Heffner, Secretary; Walter H. Frank, Treasurer.

            Beneficiary Society: N. H. Wolf, President; R. C. Reichenbach, Secretary; Paul E. Baer, Treasurer.

            Resolved, That a two-day Ministerial Convention be held Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29, 1957, at Berean Bible School, Allentown, Pa. Attendance shall be limited to ordained ministers, probationers and Home Mission workers.

            Officers for the Ministerial Convention: William A. Heffner, Chairman; Earl M. Hosler, Secretary; Committee on Program: F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, Jansen E. Hartman, T. D. Gehret, Willard E. Cassel.

            Resolved, That we hold two Camp Meetings in Mizpah Grove, Allentown, the first to be held by the Allentown District, June 29 to July 7, 1957, the second to be held by the Bethlehem District, July 13 to 21, 1957.

            Resolved, That Paradise, Millersville and Binghamton be included in the First District Camp Meeting and that Finesville, Roxborough and Trenton be included in the Second District Camp Meeting.

            Resolved, That one ($1.00) dollar registration fee per tent accompany each order, not refundable, and be turned over by the Registrar to each respective Camp Meeting Committee.

            Resolved, That the rental of tents shall be six ($6.00) dollars each per Camp Meeting in addition to the registration fee, to be paid to the Pastors before the Camp Meeting. The Pastors shall pay tent rents to the Officers of the respective Committee no later than Tuesday of the Camp involved, together with a list of the names and numbers of tents.

            Resolved, That the Board of Directors arrange for the sale of literature, etc., at the Book Cottage during the Camp Meetings.

            Resolved, That all tent orders, properly filled in and signed by the person placing the order, be sent to R. H. Gehman, Registrar, no later than June 1, using the order blanks provided for this purpose.

            Resolved, That funds be raised for the Berean Bible School in the following ways:

            1. Proclamation of a day as Berean Bible School Day in the Sunday Schools and Churches at which time offerings shall be received in the schools and churches for the purpose of promoting interest in and support of the school. Checks for these contributions shall be sent and made payable to A. L. Wentz, Treasurer, 816 N. St. Elmo Street, Allentown, Pa., no later than May 1.

            2. A committee to be called “The Laymen Friends of Berean” shall be formed to promote the objectives and to assist in meeting the needs of Berean Bible School. This committee shall consist of one layman from each church who shall be appointed by his pastor with the approval of the respective District Superintendents. This appointment is to be made during Annual Conference, 1956. Each appointee shall be willing to serve on the Committee and to attend the first committee meeting to be held on Home Coming Day, November 3, 1956.

            The committee shall organize with a chairman, secretary and seven vice chairmen. Each lay member of the Board of Education will serve as one of the seven vice chairmen. The vice chairmen shall head the regional subcommittees.

            Shortly after Conference, the chairman shall meet with the vice chairmen to formulate a plan for raising $25,000.00 for Berean Bible School and to arrange the program for the November 3rd meeting. Each of the vice chairmen, shortly after the November 3rd meeting, will hold regional meetings which shall be attended by the regional members of the committee and their pastors, at which time this plan will be presented to them.

            Proclamation of Berean Bible School Day shall be made in each church to be held prior to May 1, 1957. On Berean Bible School Day offerings shall be received for the school in the Sunday School and church services. The laymen representatives of the churches shall be active in encouraging the contribution of funds from private sources in the areas that they represent.

            3. A special offering shall be received at the Annual Menno Youth Rally at each Camp Meeting.

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Allentown District Camp Meeting:

            The Churches of the Allentown District and the Missions located at Millersville, Paradise and Binghamton shall comprise this Camp Meeting to be held in Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa., June 29 to July 7, 1957. Officers: Walter H. Frank, Chairman; Herbert W. Hartman, Secretary; P. T. Stengele, Treasurer.

            The District Superintendent shall secure extra help if he and the Committee deem it advisable.

            F. B. Hertzog, Chairman, Donald B. Schaeffer, Secretary.

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Bethlehem District Camp Meeting: The Churches of the Bethlehem District and the Missions located at Trenton, Finesville and Roxborough shall comprise this Camp Meeting to be held in Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa., July 13 to 21, 1957. Officers: T. D. Gehret, Chairman; David E. Thomann, Secretary; W. W. Hartman, Treasurer.

            The District Superintendent shall secure extra help if he and the Committee deem it advisable.

            C. E. Kirkwood, Chairman,

            John Dunn, Secretary.

            Resolved, That we select by ballot a name for the new Youth Camp, such name to be chosen from those submitted by the Camp Site Committee.

The name chosen was “Victory Valley.”

Resolved, That we adjourn.

Adjourned at 11:00 P. M., with prayer and benediction by the Chairman.


            F. B. Hertzog, District Superintendent, Chairman,

            C. E. Kirkwood, District Superintendent, Vice Chairman,

            N. H. Wolf, Vice District Superintendent, Secretary,

            Paul 1. Wentz, Treasurer,

Jansen E. Hartman, Director of Home Missions,

Herbert W. Hartman, Vice District Superintendent, Assistant Secretary,

Paul E. Baer, Recording Secretary,

            E. W. Bean, Willard E. Cassel, John Dunn, Walter H. Frank, R. H. Gehman, T. D. Gehret, J. E. Golla, Ernest B. Hartman, W. W. Hartman, William A. Heffner, W. F. Heffner, W. B. Hottel, Donald T. Kirkwood, James G. Koch, J. B. Layne, R. C. Reichenbach, J. H. Riggall, A. L. Seifert, Robert W. Smock, P. T. Stengele, David E. Thomann, H. D. Yarrington, J. B. Henry, C. Leslie Miller, F. M. Hottel, E. E. Kublic, A. G. Woodring, Russell T. Allen, Raymond E. Arnold, LeRoy S. Heller, Frank L. Herb, Jr., Earl M. Hosler, Donald B. Schaeffer, Carl C. Cassel,

Clarence L. Kauffman, Francis H. Gehman, Robert Breitegam, William E. Miller, George A. John, Clair E. Bupp, E. Willard Maurer, Daniel K. Ziegler, David F. Gardner, R. S. Weidner, S. A. Hackman, A. W. Deppe, Raymond Snyder, Charles W. Weaber, William P. Snyder, Burton Deppe, George R. Fish, Herbert S. Wieand, Byron C. Cassel, George W. Krigor, Allen F. LaRose, R. Spedden, George W. Butler, Edward Judd, Raymond L. Winfield, Robert W. Gehret, Harold A. Mann, Clayton E. Weber, Edw. J. Deitzman, Frederick J. Wagner, Ralph D. Cole,



(Adjourned Session)

Friday Morning, March 8, 1957

            The meeting was opened with the singing of the hymn, “Thou Thinkest, Lord, of Me,” after which David E. Thomann led in prayer.

            The Chairman, District Superintendent F. B. Hertzog, then addressed the Conference body on the theme: “How God Undertakes For a Man of His Choosing,” using Joshua as an example and reading Joshua 1:1-9. This was followed by a session of prayer directed by Paul I. Wentz, Jansen E. Hartman and C. E. Kirkwood.

The roll was called by the Secretary.

            The Conference resumed the consideration of proposals of the Committee to Study our Church Government.

            The Chair introduced the Rev. Robert Hopkins, approved recently by the Board of Foreign Missions to be supported by them, who also brought a brief greeting to the Conference.

Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 1:00 o’clock.

Adjourned at 12:00 noon with prayer by the Rev. Hopkins.


Friday Afternoon, March 8, 1957

            The meeting was opened by the Chairman with the Conference body joining together in singing, “Jesus, the Sweetest Name I Know,” followed with prayer by C. Leslie Miller, General Superintendent of the Union Gospel Press.

            The roll was called and the Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Consideration of the suggestions of the Committee to Study our Church Government was resumed.

            Resolved, that we excuse Francis H. Gehman from attendance at this afternoon’s Conference session.

            Resolved, that the method of interim Pulpit Supply be referred to the Committee to Study Church Government.

            The following proposals were adopted by a two-thirds vote, using the informal ballot, and recognized as the first of the two essential readings:



Qualifications – Elections – Duties

            When church elections are to be held, the members shall be urged to consider for office those who by their life as well as their spoken testimony manifest a deep devotion for their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

            The officers of the church are expected to be prayerful, faithful leaders, who bear testimony of righteousness in their daily life before the world. Regular and faithful attendance at the stated meetings of the church should characterize our leaders.


            As passed by the Annual Conference and found in the 1955 Year Book. pp. 47-49.


            A statement of the duties of the General Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent as found in the 1955 Year Book, p. 51, shall appear here.


            1. They shall be elected annually.

            2. They shall practice unceasing prayer, watch over themselves and obtain such grace from God that they may, in observing these rules according to the commandments of God, be faithful leaders, and give their brethren good instruction by their own conduct (I Peter 5:2,3).

            3. They shall love the class committed to their charge, constantly pray for them in secret, visit them in their need and conduct the prayer meetings of the church.

            4. They shall not seek to rule over their brethren and sisters, but shall watch over them in love and see that they progress in the divine life, growing in grace and the true knowledge and love of God. They shall give a brief exhortation from the Scriptures and encourage the believers to participate in prayer and praise.

            5. They shall submit a report of their activities to the Local Conference. 


            Stewards shall be elected annually, the number to be determined by the Local Conference. The Pastor shall have the privilege to nominate and the congregation shall elect them by ballot.


            1. They shall at all times be conversant with the temporal needs of the Pastor.

            2. They shall earnestly encourage each member to contribute regularly, according to their ability, toward the support of the Pastor.

            3. Payments from the Steward to the Pastor shall be made semimonthly on the 15th and no later than the first Sunday of the following month.

            4. The Steward(s) shall keep an account in a book provided by the Annual Conference of all money collected and forwarded to the Pastor. This record shall be audited by the Local Conference.

            5. They shall submit a financial report to the Local Conference.


            They shall be elected annually. The number shall be determined by the Local Conference.


            1. They shall earnestly encourage each member to contribute regularly for the maintenance of the Church buildings or to the expansion program of the Church.

            2. Building Fund Collector(s) shall keep an account in a book provided by the Annual Conference of all money collected and forwarded monthly to the Church treasury. This record shall be audited by the Local Conference.

            3. They shall submit a financial report to the Local Conference.


            1. Each church shall elect a Board of Trustees consisting of three members. Whenever a congregation has a membership of 300 or more, they shall be permitted to increase the membership of the Board of Trustees from three to five. They shall be elected according to provision made under Local Conference Rules, 1955 Year Book, p. 48, Sections III & V.

            2. Unexpired terms of office shall be filled by an election conducted at a congregational meeting which has been duly announced at three services.


            1. They shall hold title to all properties of the local Church in trust as outlined on p. 10, 1955 Year Book.

            2. They shall be the recipients of the following funds:

Building Fund

General Offerings

Other Designated Offerings

            3. They shall deposit such funds as they receive in a church-designated depository in the name of the Local Church. All withdrawals of funds shall be by three signatures.

            4. They shall be allowed to expend up to $ Without approval  of the Official Board, this amount to be determined by the Official Board.

            5. They shall be responsible to the Local Conference to which they shall submit an annual report, and periodical reports as may be required. Their books shall be open for inspection by the Local Conference at all times.


            Each Local Conference shall elect a delegate(s) to represent the congregation(s) to the Annual Conference and to serve throughout the year. The Delegate(s) seated at Annual Conference shall be recognized as the official delegate(s) for the ensuing year.

            They shall be men of deep spiritual life and understanding, of good report, with a concern for the progress of the Church as a whole. They shall be men possessing a sincere regard for the pastor and sympathetic with him in his problems.


            1955 Year Book, p. 48, Section III, No. 4.

            The election of delegate(s) shall be on the following basis: The First Delegate for the first 200 members or fraction thereof, and an additional delegate for each additional 200 members.


            1. They shall faithfully represent the needs of the congregation(s) at the Annual Conference.

            2. The First Delegate shall fulfill his responsibilities relative to Pulpit Supply.

            3. They shall be conversant with the relationship existing between the Pastor and the people.

            4. They shall be responsible to their respective Local Conference and to the Official Board.


            1. The name of the Building Committee of the Official Board shall be changed to Property and Maintenance Committee wherever necessary.

            2. P. 50 under Building Committee, #5, “This Committee” changed to “Official Board.”


 Local Conference Action:

            1. The Official Board, excluding the Pastor, shall deal with the matter of Pulpit Supply. The First Delegate shall be Chairman. Two-thirds of the membership of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

            2. In the case of circuits, the combined Official Boards of all churches shall deal with the matter of Pulpit Supply.

            3. On the second Wednesday of September the delegates of all churches shall conduct congregational meetings (pastor absent) to vote as to pastoral relations. The First Delegate shall preside.

The ballot shall contain the following:

            a. Do you desire to retain your pastor? Yes or No

            b. Reasons for the above expression

            c. Signature

(This ballot is to give direction to the Official Board and must be signed to be considered.)

            4. The Official Board shall within three days prepare a preference list by ballot using parliamentary procedure containing their first, second and third choices for pastor. These choices shall be made from a list of Mennonite Brethren in Christ ministers and probationers having charge of a work. It shall be furnished by the District Superintendents.

            a. The First Delegate shall immediately inform the pastor in writing of the content of the preference list.

            5. The First Delegate shall within three days send the preference list and the congregational ballots by certified mail to the District Superintendent.

            6. Failure to comply with the above time limits shall result in the matter of Pulpit Supply being dealt with by the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee as set forth hereafter under Annual Conference action.

Annual Conference Action:

            1. The District Superintendent shall inform each pastor of the churches having listed his name first on their preference list. This information shall be conveyed by telephone the second Saturday after the congregational ballots have been cast, and confirmed by certified mail.

            2. The Pastor shall make his decision and convey this information to his District Superintendent by telephone within seven (7) days. Confirmation shall be sent by certified mail prior to the telephone call.

            3. The Second and Third Choices shall follow in due course. Decision must be made within seven (7) days in all cases.

            4. Failure to comply with the above time limits shall result in the forfeiture of the choice under consideration.

            5. The District Superintendents and delegates representing stations and circuits shall constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee. This Committee shall fill pulpits of stations, circuits and missions still without a pastor. Stations and circuits shall be given priority. No choices shall be granted without the District Superintendent having consulted with the Pastor involved. Delegates from mission churches shall be on call for consultation relative to pulpit supply.

            6. This Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee shall Compile and present a list of all appointments and appropriations subject to the approval of the Annual Conference.

            7. No Pastor shall serve any church longer than nine (9) consecutive years.



            1. The election of District Superintendent(s) and Home Mission Director shall be held at an adjourned session of Annual Conference. This session shall take place no later than six (6) months subsequent to the current Annual Conference.

            2. Each church shall send its delegate(s) to the session(s) of the Adjourned Annual Conference.

            3. The Candidates shall be restricted to the ministers responding “yea” to the itinerant roll call of the Annual Conference.

            4. The balloting shall be restricted to the delegate(s) and to those ministers who are willing to minister according to the direction of the Annual Conference and our Discipline.

            5. The tenure of office shall begin after the incumbent has submitted his report to the next Annual Conference. The District Superintendent elect shall deal with all matters relative to Pulpit Supply.

            R. C. Reichenbach, Chairman            J. H. Riggall               R. Paul Schaeffer

            Willard E. Cassel, Secretary               P. T. Stengele             A. L. Wentz

            William A. Heffner                            A. L. Seifert                James R. Cressman

            J. E. Golla 


            Resolved, that we receive a liberal offering to defray the expenses of entertaining this Conference body.

Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn.

Adjourned at 5:00 P. M., with prayer by the Chairman.

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