Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1971 Yearbook
First Meeting
Monday Morning, October 11, 1971
The 88th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was called to order by Chairman, C. E. Kirkwood at 10:00 a.m.
The roll was called as follows:
Church Ordained Pastor Delegate
Allentown (Bethel) James G. Koch John O. Deily
Allentown (Cedar Cr) Howard Schaeffer
Allentown (Salem) Willard E. Cassel Dale Kemmerer
Belvidere, N. J. John H. Herb Philip T. Link
Bethlehem Frank L. Herb, Jr. Arden Gachenbach
Blandon Donald T. Kirkwood Stanley Kalbach
Catasauqua Brian H. Butler Arthur W. Deppe
Coopersburg LeRoy S. Heller Arthur Mack
Denville, N. J. George W. Harper
Ephrata Robert W. Smock Robert W. Gehret
Emmaus Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. Clifford L. Kauffman
Finesville, N. J. Harold C. Weaber H. Walter Stout, Jr.
Fleetwood Austin G. Shelly Norman L. Reed
Graterford Keith E. Plows Edward A. Stortz
Harleysville David E. Thomann Clayton Dietz
Harrisburg R. C. Reichenbach Richard S. Achey
Hatfield Ronald C. Mahurin Clyde W. Snyder
Lancaster John Dunn Horace A. Kauffman
Lebanon Bruce A. Ellingson Ronald Ensminger
Maple Glen Byron C. Cassel
Nazareth James A. Beil Norman W. Granda
Paradise William A. Heffner E. Gerald Hershey
Quakertown Bert N. Brosius John M. Stengele
Reading Jansen E. Hartman Robert Breitegam
Royersford Robert F. Johnson William R. Hunsberger
Scranton Franklin Mead
Shamokin W. W. Hartman T. Lamarn Manney
Spring City George E. Herb Nicholas Sheetz
Staten Island Daniel G. Ziegler Ralph D. Cole
Stroudsburg A. L. Seifert Harold E. Snyder
Sunbury William W. Mull Clayton Brosius
Terre Hill Leon K. Overpeck John M. Slater
Wallingford C. E. Kirkwood Robert W. Truett
Walnutport David L. Branning Burton Deppe
York John H. Riggall Sterling Baer
Zionsville E. W. Bean Bright N. Heist
Easton LeRoy C. Wilcox Leonard F. Kessler
Lehighton Arthur H. Frable Ernest E Bauer
Mount Carmel Carl K. Spackman Harold L. Snyder, Jr.
Phila. (Calvary) Keith Yoder Leon H. Naudasher
Phila. (Emmanuel) Paul G. Zimmerman Edward J. Dietzman
Sinking Spring Terris Byrd Richard Fisher
ORDAINED MINISTERS – Carl C. Cassel, Donald R. Knauer, David J. Watkins
RETIRED MINISTERS – Paul E. Baer, T. D. Gehret, W. F. Heffner, F. B. Hertzog, E. J. Rutman, P. T. Stengele, N. H. Wolf.
ORDAINED MISSIONARIES – James Bigley, Leonard E. Buck, Robert Gordon, J. Barclay Harley, Roy Hertzog, Edward Moyer, Laird F. Stengele
The following were absent: Arden Gackenbach, Ronald Ensminger, John M. Stengele, Nicholas Sheetz, William W. Mull, Paul E. Baer, W. F. Heffner, Reynold D. Gardner, E. J. Rutman, P. T Stengele, N. H. Wolf, W. B. Hottel, James Bigley, Leonard E. Buck, Robert Gordon, J. Barclay Harley*, Roy Hertzog*, Edward Moyer*, Laird F. Stengele*
(*Absent due to service on respective fields)
Secretary James A. Beil appointed Willard E. Cassel as Assistant Secretary and Robert W. Smock as Recording Secretary.
The following asked to be excused from various sessions: John M. Stengele, Jansen E. Hartman, Ronald Ensminger, Dale L. Kemmerer, A. L. Seifert, Leon K. Overpeck, Arthur W. Deppe, Clayton Dietz, Clayton Brosius, James A. Beil, Harold E. Snyder, William W. Mull.
Resolved, that these excuses be accepted.
Resolved, that Alternate Delegate Paul H. Cressman be seated as delegate for the Bethlehem Church, and Alternate James E. Weidner for Spring City.
The report was accepted.
Devotional Period – Song leader: Bert N. Brosius; Prayer: Robert Breitegam; Message: Frank L. Herb, Jr.
Resolved, that the first 10 rows of seats constitute the Conference Bar.
The Chairman made the following appointments:
Committee on Finance; Byron C. Cassel, Robert W. Truett, Sterling Baer, Robert Breitegam, Robert W. Gehret, Paul H. Cressman.
Committee On Communications: William A. Heffner, Donald R. Knauer, David L. Branning, William W. Mull, Harold C. Weaber
Committee on Resolutions: Carl C. Cassel, Ronald C. Mahurin, Bruce A. Ellingson, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Leon H. Naudasher, Norman L. Reed, Austin G. Shelly
Committee on Auditing: William R. Hunsberger, Clifford L. Kauffman, Ronald Ensminger, Howard Schaeffer, Dale L. Kemmerer, Stanley Kalbach, Richard Achey, LeRoy G. Wilcox, Harold L. Snyder, Jr., T. Lamarn Manney, John M. Slater, Clayton Brosius, Edward A. Stortz, Clayton Dietz, Bright N. Heist
Committee on Examination of Local Conference Minutes: E. W. Bean, W. W. Hartman, Arthur W. Deppe, Arthur Mack, George W. Harper, Leonard F. Kessler, Carl K. Spackman, Clyde W. Snyder, Ernest E. Bauer, Ralph D. Cole, Edward J. Dietzman, Franklin Mead, Terris Byrd, Harold E. Snyder, Burton Deppe, H. Walter Stout, Jr., Philip T. Link, Richard Fisher, E, Gerald Hershey, James E. Weidner.
Timekeeper: Arthur H. Frable
Reporter: John H. Herb
Tellers: Jansen E. Hartman, Robert F. Johnson, R. C. Reichenbach, George E. Herb, Norman W. Granda, John L. Deily
Resolved, that we approve the above appointments.
The Agenda for this year’s session was presented.
Resolved, that we accept the Report of the Committee on Agenda as a guidelines
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that Carl K. Spackman, Paul G. Zimmerman, Arthur H. Frable and Richard J. Gehman be ordained at a service to be held on Thursday, November 18, 1971, at 8:00 p.m. at Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church, Bethlehem, Pa.
The Credentials Committee shall be in charge of this service.
Whereas, Donald T. Kirkwood has requested that his name be placed on the roll of Ordained Ministers On Leave of Absence, therefore
Resolved, that his request be granted.
Whereas, Brian H. Butler has requested that his name be placed on the roll of Ordained Missionaries, therefore
Resolved, that his request be granted.
Whereas, Reynold D. Gardner, by failure to respond to an ultimatum from the Credentials Committee, has indicated that he no longer desires to hold credentials with us, and
Whereas, he has taken membership in a church outside the Bible Fellowship denomination, and,
Whereas, he has been well established in secular employment for the past 6 years, therefore,
Resolved, that his ordination credentials be withdrawn.
Resolved, that the following two resolutions appearing on the Faith and Order Questionnaire be placed in the Standing Rules. (1st Reading)
Resolved, that the mimeographed copies of the Articles of Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church which have been adopted by Annual Conference be our Official FAITH AND ORDER, and, further
Resolved, that this be the Official FAITH AND ORDER to which the pastors shall subscribe.
Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 3:00 P. M.
Adjourned at 11:35 a.m. with prayer by Sterling Baer.
Second Meeting
Monday Afternoon, October 11, 1971
A Commissioning Service for Brian H. Butler, Missionary to Moorland Bible College, England, was conducted by the members of the Board of Foreign Missions.
The following were elected:
CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE: Willard E. Cassel, Frank L. Herb, Jr., James G. Koch, Keith E. Plows, John H. Riggall
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that the Sunday School Promotion Committee and the Youth Fellowship General Committee be dissolved as of this Annual Conference and, further
Resolved, that Annual Conference elect a Board of Christian Education composed of six ministers and six laymen to oversee the work of Christian Education throughout the Bible Fellowship Churches. The twelve members of this Board of Christian Education shall be comprised of three classes of two ministers and laymen, respectively, each class to be elected annually in turn for a term of three years. (To initiate the proposed, two ministers and two laymen shall be elected for a three -year term, two ministers and two laymen shall be elected for a two-year term, and two ministers and two laymen shall be elected for a one-year term.)
Duties of the Board of Education:
1.It shall provide guidance to the local church in carrying out the Christian Education Program.
2.It shall provide helpful regional and denominational programs for any or all aspects of the work of Christian Education.
3.It shall receive funds designated by the Annual Conference and disburse them for the needs of its work.
4. It shall submit a written report to Annual Conference.
The above legislation was adopted for second reading.
Resolved, that the treasury balance of the Youth Fellowship General Committee and the Sunday School Promotion Committee be turned over to the Board of Christian Education.
Resolved, that every church make an annual contribution to the Board of Christian Education at the Adjourned Session of Annual Conference. (We suggest the contribution for each church be at least equal to the combined offerings for Youth Fellowship General Committee and Sunday School Promotion Committee).
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, thatthe following men be recognized in their respective stages of development:
Terris L. Byrd, Sinking Spring, Pa.
Robert Minnig, Freehold, N. J.
D. Thomas Phillips, Neptune City, N. J.
Theodore Shelling, Baltimore, Maryland
Mark T. Smith, Hamburg, Pa. (On leave of absence)
LeRoy C. Wilcox, Easton , Pa.
Keith Yoder, Philadelphia, Pa.
Bernard N. Coble, Scranton, Pa.
Robert L. Draper, Ramtown, N. J.
David Manney, Ecuador
William H. Bartron, Monroe, N.Y.
Douglas D. Bowne, Rahns, Pa.
Glenn H. Davis, Columbus, Ohio
John Grady, Boonton, N. J.
Thomas Heimer, Nazareth, Pa.
Charles E. Kramer, Spring City, Pa.
Rodney H. Long, Elysburg, Pa.
Roger Reitz, Shamokin, Pa.
Jonathan Reynolds, Zionsville, Pa.
Keith Stickler, Bethlehem, Pa.
Terry Tareila, Dallas, Texas
Richard Taylor, Graterford, Pa.
David A. Thomann, Harleysville, Pa.
Dana Weller, Bethlehem, Pa.
Frank DeJuana, Staten Island, N. Y.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that the month of January be designated as subscription month for FELLOWSHIP NEWS and each pastor be urged to encourage subscriptions among the families of his congregation.
The following oral reports were given:
Business Manager of FELLOWSHIP NEWS
The following was elected:
Resolved., that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 p. m.
Adjourned at 4:26 with prayer by Paul G. Zimmerman
Third Meeting
Monday Night, October 11, 1971
The minutes of the morning meeting were read and approved.
The minutes of the afternoon meeting were read and approved as corrected.
The following were elected:
MINISTERIAL CANDIDATE COMMITTEE: James A. Beil, Carl C. Cassel, Robert F. Johnson, David E. Thomann, David J. Watkins
Resolved, that a donation be made to FELLOWSHIP NEWS from the following boards and committees:
Board of Victory Valley $ 50.00
Board of Foreign Missions 50.00
Board of Church Extension 50.00
Board of Directors of Pinebrook Jr. College 50.00
Pinebrook Conference Board 50.00
Board of Christian Education 50.00
Committee on Publication & Printing 400.00
Checks should be made payable to FELLOWSHIP NEWS and sent to the treasurer by February 1, 1972.
Resolved, that the following budget f or FELLOWSHIP NEWS be adopted.
Subscriptions at $2.25 each $3,100.00
Donations: $50.00 each from Board of Christian Education,
Pinebrook Jr. College, Board of Foreign Missions,
Board of Church Extension, Board of Victory Valley,
Pinebrook Conference Board. 300.00
Board of Publication and Printing 400.00
Total proposed income $3,800.00
Printing 12 issues FELLOWSHIP NEWS 3,300.00
Honorariums 175.00
Secretarial Expenses 100.00
Editor’s Expenses 150.00
Postage 100.00
Business Manager’s Expenses 275.00
Equipment 100.00
Total proposed expenses $4,200.00
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
The following budget for Church Extension was adopted: (Yes 42; No 31)
October 1, 1971 – September 30, 1972
Balance brought forward 9/20/71 $ 6,326.61
Offerings 43,935.00
Rents 1,500.00
Interest 600.00
Special gifts and/or loans 3,728.39 49,763.39
Churches 9,100.00
Missions 23,090.00
New Missions 10,800.00
TIE Team 1,000.00
PISCES 3,600.00 47,590.00
Director 2,800.00
Director’s Mileage 1,900.00
Director’s Parsonage 500.00
Director’s Operating 1,500.00
Taxes 400.00
Board Expenses 600.00 7,700.00
Contingency 800.00 800.00
Total Expenditures $56,090.00
Balance in Treasury 9/30/72 00.00
Whereas, present procedures for receiving, holding and disbursing Church Extension Funds through the Conference Treasurer are cumbersome and inefficient, therefore
Resolved, that the Board of Church Extension elect a Treasurer from among its membership and that said Treasurer shall receive, deposit and disburse monies assigned to the Board as directed by the Board. (Second Reading)
Resolved, that all Church Extension funds be forwarded quarterly to the Treasurer of the Board of Church Extension.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that we extend the time.
Resolved, that we adjourn.
Adjourned at 9:10 p.m. with prayer by E. J. Dietzman.
Fourth Meeting
Tuesday Morning, October 12, 1971
The minutes were read and approved as read.
Devotional Period — Song leader: Carl C. Cassel; Prayer: Ronald Ensminger; Message: Frank L. Herb, Jr.
The report was accepted.
Administrator of the Home, F. B. Hertzog, addressed the Conference.
Resolved, that each church make a contribution to the Bible Fellowship Church Home. The anticipated budget of the Home indicates a need for contributions of at least $8,600 by the churches. Checks shall be made payable to the Bible Fellowship Church Home and submitted by April 1, 1972.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that each church make a contribution to Victory Valley Camp. The camp budget for 1971-72 indicates a need for church contributions of $5,000. If each church would give at least 1% of its total offerings, this could be accomplished. Checks should be made payable to Victory Valley Camp and sent to the Financial Secretary of the Board before March 1, 1972.
Resolved, that we recess. Recessed at 10:33 a.m.
Reconvened at 10:50 a.m.
Resolved, that the Victory Valley Board be composed of nine men, four ordained ministers and five laymen elected in three classes of three-year terms each. (Initially one class of three laymen would be elected for one-year terms; a second class of three ordained ministers would be elected for two-year terms; and a third class of two laymen and one ordained minister would be elected for three-year terms. Thereafter, each class would be elected for, three-year terms. ) (First Reading)
The material on Pulpit Supply was considered.
The following missionaries, supported by the Bible Fellowship Church, were introduced to the Conference: Miss Olive Rawn, James Bigley, Ron Hoyle and Richard J. Gehman. Each one spoke briefly.
Resolved, that we extend the time.
Resolved, that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:05 p.m. with prayer by Bright N. Heist.
Fifth Meeting
Tuesday Afternoon, October 12, 1971
Ernest Bauer led in prayer.
The minutes of the morning session were read and approved.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION: James G. Koch, Clyde W. Snyder.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that all foreign mission funds be forwarded quarterly to the General Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions.
Resolved, that this resolution be placed in our Standing Rules
Recessed at 2:54 p.m. Reconvened at 3:15 p.m.
The following were elected:
Resolved, that the Committee on Credentials and the delegates of all self-supporting churches shall constitute the Stationing Committee.
The following was elected:
Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 p.m.
Adjourned at 4:14 p.m. with prayer by Keith Yoder.
Sixth Meeting
Tuesday Evening, October 13, 1971
The minutes of the Tuesday afternoon session were read and approved as read.
A time of sharing was enjoyed by the Conference.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS: John Dunn, T. D. Gehret, R. C. Reichenbach, Austin G. Shelly, Robert Breitegam, James R. Cressman, Kermit Gehman, Paul Truett.
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that we extend the time.
Resolved, that we adjourn. Adjourned at 9:10 p.m. with prayer by Leon H. Naudasher.
Seventh Meeting
Wednesday Morning, October 13,1971
The minutes of the Tuesday evening session were read and approved as read.
Devotions: Song leader, LeRoy S. Heller; Prayer, Norman W. Granda; Message, Frank L. Herb, Jr.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF VICTORY VALLEY: Carl C. Cassel, John H. Herb, Donald R. Knauer, Ronald C. Mahurin, Harry Bailey, Bright N. Heist, Clayton E. Weber.
Leonard E. Buck, missionary supported by the Bible Fellowship Church working in South Africa, addressed the Conference.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that the Historical Committee continue the study of the establishing of a historical center at Pinebrook including projected needs and costs.
Resolved, that we recess. Recessed at 10:15 a.m.
Reconvened at 10:39 a.m.
The following were elected:
The consideration of Pulpit Supply was continued.
Resolved, that we extend the time to no later than 12:30 p.m.
Before casting a ballot, four men led the Conference in prayer.
The following Pulpit Supply System was adopted as a substitute for the existing pulpit supply rules in FAITH & ORDER (mimeo) pp.8-R-10. (SECOND READING) Yes: 68, No: 10)
The ideal condition in a conference is that of a satisfactory and stable pastoral relation in each church within its jurisdiction. To work to that ideal it is important that a conference have a proper concern for and relationship with the churches which are without pastors.
1.Ministerial Relations Committee. The care of churches without Pastors shall be assigned to the Ministerial Relations Committee.
2.Oversight. The Ministerial Relations Committee shall exercise oversight of churches without pastors in the following ways:
a.The First Annual Conference Delegate shall serve as Moderator of the Official Board.
b.By consulting with the Official Board regarding Temporary Supplies. The Official Board shall meet with the Committee and with its aid and advice secure temporary supplies for its pulpit when it becomes vacant.
c.By advising with the Official Board regarding Stated Supplies. On recommendations of the Ministerial Relations Committee Annual Conference may establish stated supplies. The Committee may arrange for the transfer of stated supplies within the Conference when it seems to be for the best interests of the minister, the church, or the Conference as a whole. In the area of stated supplies, the Ministerial Relations Committee shall at all times work in consultation with the Ministerial Candidate Committee and with the Credentials Committee.
d.By advising churches regarding the calling of a pastor. The Ministerial Relations Committee shall meet and consult with the Official Board of every church that is without a pastor. It shall advise the Official Board regarding the suitability of any person whose name is to be put before the congregation, and shall have the privilege of nominating suitable persons for the Board’s consideration. The Annual Conference shall permit a call to be placed in the hands of a minister only when the Official Board of the church has thus consulted the Ministerial Relations Committee and obtained its approval before the name is presented to the congregation.
e.By conferring with the Board of Church Extension and the Official Board of any church receiving aid in the support of its pastor through the Church Extension Fund before recommending or approving the settlement of a pastor or stated supply in such a church.
3. Duty of a Particular Church without a Pastor.
a.Every church should be under the pastoral oversight of a minister, when its pulpit is vacant, shall promptly proceed to elect a pastor in the following manner: The Official Board shall call a congregational meeting to convene at the regular place of worship to elect a nominating committee representative of the whole congregation, whose duty it shall be to nominate a minister to the congregation for election as pastor. Public notice of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting must be given at not less than three prior regularly scheduled meetings.
The church may elect a nominating committee only after its pulpit has become vacant or after the Ministerial Relations Committee has set a definite future date when the pulpit of the church is to be declared vacant. But the nominating committee shall be free, without the influence of the retiring pastor to carry out the desires of the congregation with reference to the call of a successor pastor.
b.Conference with Ministerial Relations Committee. The nominating committee shall confer with the Ministerial Relations Committee as provided in Section A, paragraph 2.
c.If it appears desirable, the nominating committee may confer with eligible men prior to issuing a formal call so that the parties may become acquainted with the particular needs of the church, and proposed methods, opportunities, or obligations.
d.Who is eligible for a call? The Credentials Committee shall issue an annual list of men who are eligible to work as pastors of a Bible Fellowship Church, and this list is to be published in the Year Book and made a part of the proceedings of Annual Conference. Should changes occur in this list while Conference is adjourned, the Secretary of the Credentials Committee shall mail a revised list of such men to all delegates who were members of the last Annual Conference or who may be delegate select to the next Annual Conference.
e.The Congregational Meeting. When the nominating committee is ready to report, it shall notify the Official Board, which shall call a congregational meeting at the regular place of worship for the purpose of acting on the report of the nominating committee. Public notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting shall be given at not less than three prior regularly scheduled meetings.
f.The Congregation’s Responsibility in the Election of a Pastor. The order of business for the congregational meeting is as follows:
1. The First Delegate to Annual Conference shall preside, or he may appoint a member of the Ministerial Relations Committee to do so.
2. The Secretary of the Official Board shall act as secretary of the meeting.
3. Prayer for divine guidance shall be made.
4. Statement shall be made concerning those entitled to vote. All members, having attained the age of sixteen (16) years, attending the meeting, but no others, are entitled to vote.
5. The report of the nominating committee shall be made.
6. The question shall be put: “Are you ready to proceed to the election of a pastor?” The question shall be answered by a motion, duly seconded, and approved by a majority of those voting.
7. If they declare themselves ready, the moderator shall declare the name submitted by the nominating committee to be in nomination.
8. The vote shall be taken by written ballot. In every case a majority of the voters present and voting shall be required to elect.
9. On the election of a pastor, if it appear that a large minority is averse to the candidate who has received a majority of votes, and the minority cannot be induced to concur in the call, the moderator shall endeavor to dissuade the majority from prosecuting it further. If the electors be nearly or quite unanimous or if the majority shall insist upon its right to call a pastor, the moderator shall proceed to draw a call in due form. It shall be subscribed by them, certifying at the same time in writing the number of those who do not concur in the call, and any facts of importance all of which proceedings shall be laid before the Ministerial Relations Committee, together with the call.
10. The call shall be in the following form, namely:
“The Bible Fellowship Church of being on sufficient grounds, well satisfied of the ministerial qualifications of you, and having good hopes from our knowledge of you, that your ministrations in the gospel will be profitable to our spiritual interests, do earnestly call and desire you to undertake the office of pastor in said congregation, promising you in the discharge of your duties, all proper support, encouragement, and obedience in the Lord.
“And that you may be free from worldly care and avocations, we, on our part, promise and oblige ourselves to pay you the sum of $ yearly in regular payments during the time of your being and continuing as the pastor of this church, together with free use of the parsonage and vacation each year.
“And we agree to pay or continue to pay semi-annually into the Ministers’ Retirement Fund that requisite percent of said salary which Annual Conference may require you to pay into said fund.
“And we agree to pay or continue to pay annually a sum equivalent to that self-employment tax as may be levied upon you by the Congress of the United States under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act.
“And we agree to pay, or continue to pay, for the Health and Welfare benefits offered by Annual Conference.
“And we promise and oblige ourselves to review with you the adequacy of this compensation annually.
“In testimony whereof we have respectively subscribed our names this day of A. D.
“I, having moderated the congregational meeting which extended a call to for his ministerial services, do certify that the call has been made in all respects according to the rules laid down by the Faith and Order, and that the persons who sign the foregoing call were authorized to do so by vote of the congregation.
Moderator of Meeting.
11. The signatures on the call shall be either all those present subscribing to the call: or (upon resolution of the congregation) those members of the Official Board who subscribe to the call. Such a resolution must be publicly voted and must be certified to the Ministerial Relations Committee by the moderator of the meeting.
12. The Annual Conference Delegate(s) shall present and prosecute the call before the Ministerial Relations Committee.
4. Duty of Minister
a. Ministers receiving calls shall reply in writing within three weeks.
b. If it appears desirable, after he has received a call, the minister may confer with the nominating committee so the parties may become acquainted with the particular needs of the church and with proposed methods, opportunities, or obligations.
5. Action of Annual Conference on the Call of the Pastor.
a. Preliminary actions by the Ministerial Relations Committee.
1.The Nominating Committee shall confer with the Ministerial Relations Committee as provided in Section A, paragraph 3 b.
2.The Ministerial Relations Committee must approve the name of the candidate before it is presented to the congregation.
3.Every call must be placed in the hands of the Ministerial Relations Committee by the moderator of the congregational meeting and the Annual Conference Delegate(s). The Ministerial Relations Committee must find that the Nominating Committee had followed the required steps as provided in the Faith and Order.
b.When the call of the congregation is unanimous, or nearly so, the Ministerial Relations Committee may approve the call. If it is unable to approve the call, the Committee must submit the entire matter to Annual Conference at its next session, together with its recommendations. The delegates to Annual Conference shall prosecute the call before the Annual Conference.
c.When a call is approved, the Annual Conference Delegate(s) shall place it in the hands of the minister called.
d.The minister called shall respond in writing within three weeks after having received the call.
1.Ministerial Relations Committee. On the denominational level the Ministerial Relations Committee is charged with the chief responsibility in maintaining good pastoral relations. It shall be established and elected in order that the spiritual and temporal welfare of the ministers and congregations of the Bible Fellowship Church may be properly sustained. The election of this committee shall take precedence over all other Annual Conference Boards, Committees, and Appointments. Unless Annual Conference otherwise provides, the Committee shall elect its own chairman and vice-chairman who shall serve until their successors have been elected.
To the Ministerial Relations Committee Annual Conference shall assign the supervision of its churches without pastors, Direct access to this Committee shall be available at all times to all ministers in the Conference, and to all members of official Boards, in matters relative to the spiritual and temporal welfare of the churches in which they severally hold office.
2. Consultation and Advice.
a.Because the relationship between pastor and congregation began under mutual agreement and at the direction of Christ, the Head of the church, the parties of this relationship bear the chief responsibility for its proper maintenance through Christ’s enabling. Help of the Ministerial Relations Committee shall be sought only when internal discussion of problems results in no mutually acceptable solution.
b.When external help is needed, the Ministerial Relations. Committee shall represent Annual Conference in providing such help.
3. Composition and Election of the Ministerial Relations Committee.
a. The Committee shall be elected by Annual Conference.
b.The Committee shall be comprised of three classes and shall be composed of four ordained ministers who are serving as pastors and three laymen who are elders.
c.The term of office shall be for three years; no one is eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms. (At the beginning members shall be in three classes, serving terms of one, two and three years)
d.Four members shall constitute a quorum. This Committee may, from its membership, establish such sub-committees as may meet its working requirements.
e.When a member of the Ministerial Relations Committee becomes personally involved in a ministerial problem, he shall disqualify himself from acting in such cases.
f.Direct access to this Committee shall be available to all ministers and to all members of the Official Board at all times in corresponding with the Committee, letters shall be addressed to the Committee’s secretary.
4. Duties of the Ministerial Relations Committee.
a.The Committee’s role is that of consultation and advice; and, except in unusual circumstances, it is permitted to act only when matters are brought to its attention. To compel attention referrals must be by:
1.Pastors of the conference, regarding matters pertaining to their own churches.
2.Members of Official Boards regarding matters pertaining to their own churches.
b.When difficulties within a particular church are not too widely known, the Committee with the Pastoral Relations Committee of the congregation shall seek a solution to the problem.
c.If the matter has reached the stage of widespread rumor or general knowledge within the congregation and even in the community, a formal and public visit is in order. Except in cases of emergency, arrangements for such visits to a particular church shall be made by contacting the Secretary of the Official Board.
d.It is mandatory that a church or pastor having problems consult with the Ministerial Relations Committee before initiating any action leading to a dissolution of the pastoral relationship.
e.The first consideration of the Ministerial Relations Committee is the maintenance of a happy relationship between pastor and people. If problems arise, the Committee’s duty is to work toward resolving the difficulties. Only after every effort to resolve a problem is exhausted, will thought be given to terminating the pastoral relationship.
f.When this Committee cannot resolve a problem submitted to it, the problem shall be brought to Annual Conference for final solution, with the recommendations of the Committee.
g.It shall submit a report to each Annual Conference and make recommendations as to the minimum minister’s salary.
5.Minister’s Salary. The call of the minister is a covenant between him and the church he serves and involves the following responsibilities:
a.It shall provide a basic salary. In addition, it shall include provision of a parsonage, including payment as an expense paid out of church income, of the cost of heat, light, telephone, and all other utilities.
b.Each congregation is bound by the requirement: We promise and oblige ourselves to review with you the adequacy of this compensation annually.
c.Whatever the amount of the annual payment of salary, each congregation agrees to pay or to continue to pay into the Ministers’ Retirement Fund that requisite percent of said salary which may be fixed by Annual Conference for the participation of the pastor in the Ministers’ Retirement Fund.
d. Whatever the amount of the annual payment of salary, each congregation agrees to pay or to continue to pay annually a sum equivalent to that self-employment tax as may be levied upon the pastor by the Congress of the United States under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act.
e. Whatever the amount of the annual payment of salary, each congregation agrees to pay or to continue to pay for the Health and welfare benefits as offered by Annual Conference.
f.The Ministerial Relations Committee shall approve the call and its details; i.e. the covenant. It shall establish the time the covenant goes into effect. It shall report annually to Annual Conference on the adequacy of the compensation of the pastors. It shall fix the date of the dissolution of the pastorate, at which time the covenant ends.
Except as Annual Conference may delegate authority to the Ministerial Relations Committee, its approval is necessary to the formation of the pastoral relation and to its dissolution. This authority maybe exercised on the petition of the pastor, or on the judgment of Annual Conference without petition. Action taken on “resignation of the pastor or petition of the people” is the normal form of such dissolution. Rules covering the normal process are I through 4 of this section. Action taken on the “judgment of Annual Conference, without petition.” is effected by administrative discipline as covered by Paragraph 5 in this section.
1.The Normal Process. If a minister desires to resign from his pastorate, he shall submit his resignation to the church by sending a letter to the Secretary of the Official Board, and he shall at the same time submit a copy of said letter to the Chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee.
a.The Ministerial Relations Committee shall cite the church to appear by members of the Official Board, or the church may so appear upon its own motion, to show cause, if it has any, why Annual Conference should not accept the resignation. If the church shall fail to appear, or if its reasons for retaining its pastor be deemed insufficient, his resignation may be accepted. The Ministerial Relations Committee may approve the resignation and set its effective date. If the Committee is unable to approve the resignation, it must refer the problem to Annual Conference with recommendations.
b.Ordinarily such action presents no difficulties. The usual practice is for the Official Board to call a congregational meeting, in accordance with our rules, to vote concurrence with the minister’s resignation. The presentation of the resignation of the pastoral charge by the minister and the concurrence of the congregation leads to the action of Annual Conference dissolving the pastoral relation, and a fixing of the effective date.
2. Churches Desiring Dissolution of Pastorate.
a.If a church de sire s a dis solution of the pastoral relation, a similar procedure shall be observed. The title of this paragraph implies that problems exists between pastor and people. It is required then, that all procedures set forth in Section B, for maintaining the pastoral relationship have been followed diligently. Nevertheless, the relationship continues to be an unhappy one. But
whether the minister or the church initiates proceedings for a dis solution of the relationship, there shall always be a meeting of the congregation called precisely as prescribed in Section A, paragraph 3e, and conducted in the same manner as prescribed in Section A, paragraph 3f.
If this action is undertaken unilaterally by the church, it must be in the form of a petition to Annual Conference asking that its pastoral relationship be dissolved. This petition must be prepared in consultation with the Ministerial Relations Committee and it must be submitted to Annual Conference through the Ministerial Relations Committee.
b.Unless the pastor resigns, there is no provision for dissolution of the pastoral relationship except as provided in Section C. Paragraph 2a. , or in Section C. Paragraph 5.
3. Consultation and Help for Ministers seeking change of Pastorate.
a.Ministerial Relations Committee. A part of the purpose for the Ministerial Relations Committee is to facilitate the exchange of information concerning ministers seeking new pastorates and vacant churches seeking new ministers. Counsel and advice should be given by Ministerial Relations Committee which should insist on such ministers giving information concerning their education, background, and experience, for reference. Suggestions may be given of churches presently vacant, of assistant pastors needed, or of opportunities for those of special talents for administrative work, etc.
b.It may sometimes be wise for Annual Conference, through its Ministerial Relations Committee, to suggest a different calling to one whose experience and disappointment raise a question as to his call to the ministry. Other areas of Christian service, even those open to laymen, may be more suitable to some who have been willing to serve as ministers.
4.Consultation and Help for Churches Seeking a Change of Pastorate. The help of the Ministerial Relations Committee shall be available and willingly given that both church and minister may find satisfactory relations. The friendly help thus given through patience and positive action may prevent the appearance of discord and the resulting harm to both minister and congregation.
5.Dissolution of Pastoral Relation by Annual Conference – after Investigation. There are several ways in which irregularities come before Annual Conference for official action:
a.By report of the Ministerial Relations Committee to Annual Conference when it is unable to solve a problem by simple counsel and advice.
b.By the motion of a member of Annual Conference whose conscience requires him to act in regard to the pastoral relationship.
c. By general review and control.
The following were elected:
COMMITTEE TO PUBLISH FELLOWSHIP NEWS: Willard E. Cassel, William Hunsberger, Bruce A. Ellingson
Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 3 p.m.
Adjourned at 12:24 p.m. with prayer by Arthur H. Frable.
Eighth Meeting
Wednesday Afternoon, October 13, 1971
The meeting opened at 3:00 p. m. with prayer by John M. Stengele, especially remembering Mrs. Donald R. Knauer.
The minutes were read and approved as corrected.
Whereas, we have approved a new system of Pulpit Supply, and
Whereas, several questions have been raised in the discussion on the method of transition, therefore
Resolved, that we proceed to elect the Ministerial Relation Committee today and ask them to bring recommendations to the Conference this week on the steps in making the transition from our old system to our new system.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (3 years) Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Keith Plows
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 7:30 p.m.
Adjourned at 4:16 p.m. with prayer by James Weidner.
Ninth Meeting
Wednesday Evening, October 13, 1971
The meeting was opened at 7:30 p.m.
The minutes were read and approved as read.
A time of sharing from I John was enjoyed.
The following was elected:
BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (3 Years) William R. Hunsberger
The report was accepted.
The following were elected:
MINISTERIAL RELATION COMMITTEE: Ministers (3 years) Jansen E. Hartman, John H. Riggall, (2 years) David E. Thomann, (l year) Ronald C. Mahurin, Laymen(3 years) John Deily, (2 years) Byron C. Cassel, (1 year) Horace A. Kauffman.
Resolved, that we extend the time to complete the election of the Ministerial Relation Committee.
During the time of the casting of ballots, the body entered into an informal discussion on the operation of the Pinebrook ministries.
Resolved, that we adjourn. Adjourned at 11:14 p.m. with prayer by Leonard Kessler.
Tenth Meeting
Thursday Morning, October 14, 1971
The minutes were read and approved as corrected.
Devotions: Song leader, Keith E. Plows; Prayer, E. J. Dietzman; Message, Frank L. Herb, Jr.
Resolved, that Frank L. Herb, Jr., be encouraged to adapt his devotional messages of this Conference for publication in FELLOWSHIP NEWS.
The report was accepted.
The discussion of the work at Pinebrook was continued.
Recessed at 10:30 a.m. and reconvened at 10:50 a.m.
Resolved, that we extend the time to adjourn no later than 12:25 P. M.
Resolved, that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:25 p.m. with prayer by Richard J. Gehman
Eleventh Meeting
Thursday Afternoon, October 14, 1971
The meeting was opened at 1:30 p.m. with prayer by George Harper. The Minutes were read and approved.
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
REPORT OF THE SERVICE BOARD (See report, page 106)
The report was accepted.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH (Ministers) James A. Beil, Carl C. Cassel, Jansen E. Hartman, James G. Koch, John H. Riggall.
Resolved, that the Finance Committee be discontinued as of the 88th Annual Conference. The “Pastor’s Financial Report” shall be discontinued. The information contained in the report of the Financial Committee shall hereafter be complied by the Treasurers of the Boards of Foreign Missions and Church Extension. These Boards shall incorporate this information in their reports to Annual Conference. These Boards shall also furnish the same information to the Statistical Committee so it is available for use by the latter on the Tuesday preceding the first session of Annual Conference.
The Chairman made the following appointments:
COMMITTEE ON AGENDA: Willard E. Cassel, John Herb, Harold C. Weaber.
COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM FOR NEXT ANNUAL CONFERENCE: James G. Koch, Frank L. Herb, Jr., John Deily, Clyde W. Snyder.
COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION AND PRINTING: John Dunn, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., David E. Thomann.
COMMITTEE TO PUBLISH THE YEAR BOOK (1972): Robert W. Smock, Willard E. Cassel, David E. Thomann.
Resolved, that the above appointments be approved.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: (Laymen) Horace A. Kauffman, Byron C. Cassel, James R. Cressman, Robert W. Truett.
Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church be, and it hereby is, authorized to borrow $50,000. using Pinebrook real estate as collateral if necessary, to provide working capital for the Pinebrook Service Board. The interest on this loan shall be borne by the Pinebrook Conference Board and the Pinebrook Junior College on a ratio of 77.5 and 22.5 respectively.
(Yes 61; No 15 )
Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church, the Pinebrook Conference Board, Pinebrook Service Board and the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College each elect 3 men from their respective membership so as to formulate a committee to study the organizational and financial structure for the management of Pinebrook to report to the Adjourned Session of this Conference with specific recommendations and, further,
Resolved, that the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church shall moderate.
The following were elected:
Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 p.m.
Adjourned at 4:03 p.m. with prayer by Stanley Kalbach.
Twelfth Meeting
Thursday Evening, October 14, 1971
The minutes were read and approved as read.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PINEBROOK JUNIOR COLLEGE: (laymen) James Herrold, Clyde W. Snyder, Warren L. Zimmerman
The Committee met and organized by electing Jansen E. Hartman, Chairman and Byron C. Cassel, Secretary.
Following are resolutions adopted by the Committee:
“Resolved, that we declare that our Pulpit Supply System shall become effective at the adjournment of the 83th Annual Conference, October 15, 1971. This means that all relationships established at this Annual Conference shall continue indefinitely. It also means that each of the churches that is without a pastor has the privilege of invoking all of the provisions of our system immediately.
“Resolved, that we declare that the “FORM OF CALL” shall be used by each particular church when it next calls a pastor to its pulpit. It is the recommendation of the Committee, however, that each of our churches make an effect when it is establishing its next budget, to bring its financial support of its Pastor into line with the provisions contained in the ‘FORM OF CALL’.
“Resolved, that the Ministerial Relations Committee accept the care of the churches that are without pastors at the adjournment of the 88th Annual Conference on October 15, 1971.
Except as noted below, any communication to the Committee shall be addressed to its Secretary:
Byron C. Cassel, Secretary
Ministerial Relations Committee
Bible Fellowship Church
747 Hillcrest Ave., Glenside, Pa. 19038
If the communication is being sent under the provisions of Section C. Paragraph 1, it shall be sent to the Committee’s Chairman,
Rev. Jansen E. Hartman, Chairman
Ministerial Relations Committee
Bible Fellowship Church
1122 Hampden Boulevard, Reading, Pa. 19604
Ministerial Relations Committee:
Jansen E. Hartman
Byron C. Cassel
John L. Deily
Horace A. Kauffman
Ronald C. Mahurin
John H. Riggall
David E. Thomann
Resolved, that we accept this report and the provisions of this report be adopted as policy.
A time of sharing from I John 5 was enjoyed.
Resolved, that each church contribute an offering or allocate in its budget, a sum of money to help meet the financial need of the Pinebrook Service Board. Checks shall be made payable to the Treasurer of the Board and sent no later than March 1, 1972.
The following were elected:
PINEBROOK CONFERENCE BOARD: Frank L. Herb, Jr., Norman W. Granda
Resolved, that the Board of Directors elect two of their members to serve as non-voting advisory members of the Pinebrook Service Board.
The following were elected:
PINEBROOK SERVICE BOARD: Robert Breitegam, Ronald Ensminger, George E. Herb
BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: (Ministers) (2 years) LeRoy S. Heller, William W. Mull, (1 year) David L. Branning, Bruce A. Ellingson; (Laymen) (3 years) Robert W. Truett, (2 years) LeRoy O. Herb, Norman L. Reed, (1 year) Leon H. Naudasher, Willard Stull.
Resolved, that we extend the time indefinitely.
Resolved, that we adjourn. Adjourned at 9:31 p.m. with prayer by Burton Deppe.
Thirteenth Meeting
Friday Morning, October 15, 1971
Devotions: Song leader, David E. Thomann; Prayer, T. Lamarn Manney; Message, Frank L. Herb, Jr.
The Conference entered into the observance of the Lord’s Supper.
The minutes were read and approved as read.
The Pinebrook Junior College Budget for 1971-72 was considered.
Resolved, that we approve presentation to our churches of the following Administrative Budget proposed for 1972-73:
Approved Proposed
for for
1971-1972 1972-1973
1. Publication and Printing 500.00 1,500.
2. Conference Entertainment 1,600.00 1,600.
3. Beneficiary Fund 1,000.00 1,000.
4. Ministers’ Retirement Fund 6,000.00 8,500.
5. Moving Fund 5,000.00 5,000.
6. Expenses for Boards & Committee
while transacting Con. Bus. 1,600.00 2,100.
7. Other Exp. of Board of Directors 350.00 350.
8. Ministerial Conv. Expenses 450.00 450.
9. Ministers’ Assistance Fund 3,000.00 3,000.
10. Health & Welfare Ins. for Pastors and Dependents 13,024.12 16,000.*
11. For use by Ministerial Cand. Com. for Internships 1,000.00 10000.
12. Contingencies 500.00 500.
TOTALS $34,024.12 $41,000.
*Includes insurance coverage ($31. 54/month) for Pastors of 42 churches contributing to the Budget.
Recessed at 10:34 a.m. Reconvened at 10:54 a.m.
Whereas, the Board of Christian Education was created by this Annual Conference, and
Whereas, this Board requires immediately a means to transact financial business, therefore be it by the Rule of Exception
Resolved, that the Board of Christian Education elect a Treasurer from among its membership and that said Treasurer shall receive, deposit and disburse monies assigned to the Board as directed by the Board.
Resolved, that the report of each Board and Committee made to Annual Conference shall include a report by its Treasurer stating the total amount of cash on hand and the depository where this fund is being maintained.
The following budget of the Board of Church Extension was presented:
October 1, 1972 – September 30, 1973
Balance Brought Forward 10/1/72 00.00
Offerings $49,000.
Interest 500. 49,500.00
Total Receipts 49, 500. 00
Churches 6,000.
Missions 22,000.
TIE Team 1,000.
PISCES 3,600.
Director 7,500.
Director’s Mileage 1,800.
Director’s Par. Maint. 600.
Director’s Operating 1,500.
Taxes 400.
Board Expenses 600.
Contingency 500. 500.
Total Expenditures 45,500.
Balance in Treasury, 10/30/73 4,000.
The Board of Church Extension calls to your attention the Church offering goal of $49,000 for 1972, 1973 and the offering goal of $55, 000 for 1973, 1974.
Resolved, that we accept this budget.
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
Whereas, A. L. Seifert has this past year served as Pinebrook Bible Conference Director, therefore,
Resolved, that we thank God for His care and guidance of our brother, and, further,
Resolved, that we express our appreciation to A. L. Seifert for his devotion to this work.
Whereas, we, the members of the 88th Annual Conference, have benefitted from the able leadership of our distinguished Chairman, therefore,
Resolved, that we express our appreciation to C. E. Kirkwood for the expeditious way in which he chaired this Conference.
Whereas, David J. Watkins has been used of the Lord in such a remarkable way as President of Pinebrook Junior College, therefore,
Resolved, that we express to God our grateful praise for His leadership and pledge him our faithful prayer support.
Whereas, Daniel G. Ziegler has exhibited such a spirit of enthusiasm and vision as Director of the Church Extension Department, therefore
Resolved, that we praise our God for his missionary zeal and deep concern for the extension of the church, and, further
Resolved, that we express to him our deepest appreciation and pledge to him our continued prayerful support.
Whereas, the ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church have faithfully served the Lord and have sought under God to minister to the needs of their people, therefore
Resolved, that we thank God for calling, enabling and empowering these brethren for the work of the ministry.
Whereas, Byron C. Cassel has graciously and conscientiously carried out with diligence and care his responsibilities as Treasurer of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore
Resolved, that we extend to him our heartfelt thanks for this ministry.
Whereas, the 88th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church has been graciously entertained by the Pinebrook staff and volunteers, therefore
Resolved, that we hereby express our gratitude for their provision by a rising vote of thanks at the noon meal on Friday, October 15, 1971.
Whereas, James A. Beil has served faithfully as Secretary of Annual Conference, ably assisted by Willard E. Cassel, Assistant Secretary and Robert W. Smock, Recording Secretary, therefore
Resolved, that each of these brethren be commended for their fine work and be given a token gift of $25.00 each from the Committee on Publication and Printing.
Whereas, Missionaries James Bigley, Leonard Buck, Richard Gehman, Ronald Hoyle, Olive Rawn and Brian H. Butler attended and briefly addressed this Annual Conference, therefore
Resolved, that we praise God for separating these and all of our missionaries unto His service and assure them of our interest and prayers relative to their ministries.
Whereas, F. B. Hertzog, Administrator of the Bible Fellowship Home has reported to this Annual Conference on its progress and future plans, therefore be it
Resolved, that we express our appreciation for his faithful and dedicated service.
Whereas, T. D. Gehret, General Secretary of the Board of Foreign Sessions, reported to this Annual Conference and has served well in this capacity, therefore be it
Resolved, that we express our appreciation for his faithfulness to the task and that God’s continued blessing be upon his life.
Whereas, Robert W. Smock and R. C. Reichenbach have been Editor and Business Manager of FELLOWSHIP NEWS and,
Whereas, both of these men have diligently labored in carrying out their responsibilities, therefore be it
Resolved, that we express our appreciation for their dedicated service to this important ministry.
Resolved, that the reports of the President of Pinebrook Junior College, the General Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, the Director of Church Extension and the Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference be in the hands of the individual assigned to type copy for the Yearbook no later than October 1 of each year. These reports shall be distributed to members of Annual Conference.
Whereas, invitations for the Adjourned Session of Annual Conference have been received from the Lancaster and Lebanon Churches and the Lebanon Church yields to the Lancaster Church, therefore be it
Resolved, that the Adjourned Session of the 88th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church convene at the Faith Bible Fellowship Church, Prospect and Hager Streets, Lancaster, Pa. on Saturday, March 25, 1972 at 9:00 a.m.
Resolved, that the 89th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church convene at Pinebrook, Stroudsburg, Pa., October 9, 1972 at 10:00 a.m.
Resolved, that the reading of Page H, 1970 Yearbook, paragraph fifth, “seventy years ” shall be changed to read “sixty five ” (second reading)
Resolved, that each pastor, shortly after the election of Conference Delegate, shall inform the Secretary of Annual Conference of the results of that election.
Resolved, that yearbooks shall be ordered and paid for at Annual Conference.
Resolved, that all monies which are due to conference boards and committees be forwarded to them prior to August 31 of the year of the year in which they are to be reported.
Resolved, that the instructions on page 125 and 126 of the 1970 Yearbook be inserted in the 1971 Yearbook.
The following is presented for First Reading:
Whereas, in recent years, various boards and committees have presented and Annual Conference has adopted resolutions regarding the receipt of their respective offerings, therefore be it
Resolved, that the following be come part of our Standing Rules:
1.Each church shall make an annual contribution to the Board of Christian Education at the Adjourned Session of Annual Conference.
2.Each church shall contribute to the support of Pinebrook Junior College, to be remitted to the college in twelve monthly payments.
3.All Church Extension funds shall be forwarded quarterly to the Treasurer of the Board of Church Extension.
4.Each church shall make an annual contribution to the Bible Fellowship Church Home. Checks shall be made payable to the Bible Fellowship Church Home and submitted by April 1 of each year.
5.Each church shall make an annual contribution to Victory Valley Camp. Checks shall be made payable to Victory Valley Camp and sent to the Financial Secretary of the Board of Victory Valley before March 1 of each year.
6.All foreign missions funds shall be forwarded quarterly to the General Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions.
Resolved, that we extend the time.
Resolved, that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:25 p.m. with prayer by Clayton Dietz.
Fourteenth Meeting
Friday Afternoon, October 15, 1971
Donald R. Knauer led in prayer.
The minutes were read and approved as corrected.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PINEBROOK JUNIOR COLLEGE (2 years) John H. Herb (As a replacement for Keith E. Plows, who resigned from the Board)
Resolved, that all material in our Faith and Order By-Laws, Standing Rules or in Minutes of Annual Conference relating to Pulpit Supply, except the material approved on second reading at up
the 88th Annual Conference be, and hereby is removed from our church law.
Resolved, that the Committee to Publish the Yearbook (1971) publish 1000 copies of the newly adopted Pulpit Supply System for use by the Ministerial Relations Committee. The cost of this publication shall be provided from the funds of the Committee on Publication and Printing.
Whereas, the present rate of eight (8) cents per mile does not cover traveling costs, and
Whereas, a higher figure was approved last year for first reading, therefore be it
Resolved, that the traveling expenses for official conference be ten (10 c) cents per mile, effective October 15, 1971, and be it further
Resolved, that we vote by rule of exception.
Resolved, that the term of office for those elected and appointed by this body shall be for the term designated by our Rules for that office or until successors are chosen.
The report was accepted.
The following report was adopted – First Reading
The Board of Publication and Printing shall be composed of three ministers and two laymen elected annually by ballot by the Annual Conference. The Business Manager of the FELLOWSHIP NEWS shall be a member by virtue of his office.
DUTIES – 1. The Board of Publication and Printing shall be responsible to publish:
a. The Annual Conference Year Book
c. Other Conference Literature
2. It shall provide Conference related materials:
a. Local Church and Sunday School supplies
b. Stationery, etc, used by the Annual Conference Secretariat
3. It shall determine amount and pay the honorariums of:
a. Editorial Staff of FELLOWSHIP NEWS
b. Business Manager of FELLOWSHIP NEWS
4. It shall receive the following funds:
a. Revenue from FELLOWSHIP NEWS subscriptions
b.Revenue from Boards contributing to the publication of FELLOWSHIP NEWS
c.Revenue from sale of Annual Conference Year Books or any other Conference literature authorized to be produced and sold by Annual Conference.
d. Appropriation from Administrative Budget
5.The Business Manager shall deposit all funds in a bank or trust company approved by the Board of Publication and Printing to be disbursed at the direction of the Board.
6. It shall investigate possible areas of expansion in the field of literature and printing.
7.It shall present a written report to the Annual Conference and also a prospective budget for the ensuing year.
* * * * * *
Upon the adoption of the above at SECOND READING, we recommend the following deletions:
1970 Year Book, p. B (under Standing Boards & Committees):
1. Committee on Publication and Printing
2. Committee to Publish Year Book
3. Committee to Publish FELLOWSHIP NEWS
1970 Year Book, p. D (Under Year Books):
1. “and Publisher”
1970 Year Book, p. D (Under Boards and Committees):
1.Once in each of the first two paragraphs: “Committee on Publication and Printing”
1970 Year Book, p. G
1. Complete section “Publication and Printing”
FAITH & ORDER (mimeo) p. 12 (Committees to be Appointed):
1. Committee on Publication and Printing
FAITH & ORDER (mimeo) pp. 23 and 24
1.Complete section relative to Committee on Publication and Printing.
(Robert W. Smock, Chairman; Willard E. Cassel, Secretary; John Dunn, R. C. Reichenbach, Paul T. Rutman, David E. Thomann, Com.)
Recessed at 3:02 p.m. Reconvened at 4:03 p.m.
Resolved, that we hold a special adjourned session on Saturday, January , 1972 (Alternate date, Saturday, January 29, 1972) at 9:00 a.m. at the Lebanon Bible Fellowship Church to consider the Government Committee’s report for Second Reading.
Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 5:45 p.m.
Fifteenth Meeting
Friday Evening, October 15, 1971
The meeting was opened at 5:45 p.m. with singing and prayer by Donald T. Kirkwood.
The minutes were read and approved as corrected.
Eligibility List as requested by the New Pulpit Supply System:
Bean, E. W. Koch, James G.
Beil, James A. Mahurin, Ronald C.
Branning, David L. Minnig, Robert A.
Brosius, Bert N. Mull, William W.
Byrd, Terris Overpeck, Leon K.
Cassel, Willard E. Phillips, D. Thomas
Dunn, John Plows, Keith E
Ellingson, Bruce Reichenbach, R. C.
Frable, Arthur H. Riggall, John H.
Fritz, Harvey J. Jr. Seifert, A. L.
Hartman, Jansen E. Shelly, Austin G.
Hartman, W. W. Smock, Robert W.
Heffner, William A. Spackman, Carl K.
Heller, LeRoy S. Thomann, David E.
Herb, Frank L., Jr. Weaber, Harold C.
Herb, George E. Wilcox, LeRoy C.
Herb, John H. Yoder, Keith L.
Johnson, Robert F. Ziegler, Daniel G.
Kirkwood, C. E. Zimmerman, Paul G.
Knauer, Donald R.
Recessed at 6:20 p.m. Reconvened at 6:55 p.m.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that permission be granted to the Pinebrook Conference Board to make the Conference Director a full-time Director. (Yes 44; No 3 1)
Resolved, that we adjourn.
Adjourned at 7:44 p.m. with prayer by Jansen E. Hartman.
Sixteenth Meeting
Saturday Morning, January 22, 1972
The devotions were led by the ho st pastor, Bruce A.Ellingson with a challenge to proclaim the Word of God to a pessimistic world.
The roll was called. The following pastor s and delegates were absent: William A. Heffner, W. B. Hottel, Paul E. Baer, W. F. Heffner, E. J. Rutman, P . T . Stengele , N. H. Wolf, Arthur Mack,
E. Gerald Hershey, Edward J . Dietzman, Robert W . Truett.
Resolved, that Delbert Seifert be seated as Delegate from Coopersburg.
Resolved, that those absentees who submitted written notices be excused.
Resolved, that Frank L. Herb, Jr. , be excused from the afternoon service.
The Report of the Government Committee was considered.
Resolved, that the Government Committee be requested to give consideration to the preparation of an article on the election and installation of Deacons.
Resolved, that we suspend the rules and extend the time.
Resolved, that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:10 p.m. with prayer by F . B . Hertzog.
Seventeenth Meeting
Saturday Afternoon, January 22, 1972
The session opened at 1:40 p.m. with prayer by David L . Branning.
The following was elected to the Board of Foreign Missions to fill the unexpired term of T. D. Gehret: Paul G.Zimmerman
Consideration of the Report of the Government Committee was continued.
Resolved, that the time of adjournment be 3:30 p.m.
The following was elected to the Pinebrook Bible Conference Board to fill the unexpired term of C. E. Kirkwood who resigned: John H. Riggall.
Resolved, that the time of the opening of the Adjourned session, March 25, 1972 be changed to 10:00 a.m.
The following was elected to the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Home to fill the unexpired term of T. D. Gehret: John Dunn
The following articles were adopted for second reading:
The following is offered to the 88th Annual Conference for adoption at SECOND READING:
The Bible Fellowship Church has adopted this statement of FAITH AND ORDER to declare with clarity and precision its faith and testimony to the glory of God.
The Bible Fellowship Church acknowledges as its sole Head, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour of men. It submits to the written Word of God and to the presence of the Holy Spirit as its only source of guidance and power in maintaining its redemptive life and work in the world.
The Bible Fellowship Church adopted this FAITH AND ORDER not as a substitute for, but in subordination to, the Word of God.
These standards have been received as being based upon the Scriptures; even the elements not drawn directly from the Word have been acknowledged as based upon the general rules and tenor of the Word. These standards seek to provide effective means for the application of the teaching of the Scriptures to the faith, worship, government and discipline of the church. Although these standards have been acknowledged to be of lesser importance than the inspired words of the Scriptures, yet they cannot be neglected without resulting in serious impairment of the life of the Church.
The Bible Fellowship Church acknowledges as brethren all those who share its confession of faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. It confesses gladly the benefits of the historical and geographical breadth of this fellowship. It acknowledges specifically the benefits derived from similar statements of faith and order devised at many times in the history of the church. It seeks to respond to the responsibilities that these benefits bring by beseeching Almighty God so to indwell it that it may by His grace bring glory to Himself and blessing to men.
1. That in seeking to be founded upon the Word of God in practice as well as doctrine the Bible Fellowship Church sets forth this form of government as that which is in its judgment most clearly in keeping with the Holy Scriptures.
2. That the formulation of faith and practice must be in submission to the Holy Scriptures because God has not bound the conscience to the doctrines and commandments of men when they exceed or contradict His Word.
3. That every union of particular churches shall have the right, in harmony with the preceding principles, to formulate a faith and order which will seek to provide a basis of fellowship always in submission to the written Word of God.
4. That this form of government shall seek to make of this body a church that operates by written standards, which is not, however, to be understood as being opposed to love or spirit, but rather opposed to disorder and injustices which can so easily pervert right human relationships when authority is personal or when there is no accepted way of deciding issues that inevitably arise among men, however deeply they may be committed to Jesus Christ and to one another.
5. That our Lord, the Head of the Church, for the edification of the body and the evangelization of the world, has appointed officer sin the visible church to preach the Gospel, administer the ordinances and exercise discipline.
6. That, though the character, qualifications and authority of church officers are described in the Holy Scriptures, yet the electing of persons to be officer-bearers shall rest with the body.
7. That careful adherence to these principles will contribute to the glory and happiness of the church in that it can own the blessing of our Lord, the Head of the Church universal, and also the approbation of an impartial public.
Jesus Christ has established His rule upon the earth in the church. The universal church consists of all those persons, in every nation, who make profession of faith in Christ and yield submission to Him and His rule. Because this multitude cannot meet in one place for worship and fellowship, the Scriptures indicate that these believers shall be divided into many particular churches. A particular church consists of professing believers voluntarily associated in submission to the Holy Scriptures, for divine worship, godly living and evangelism. The particular churches seek to demonstrate their participation in the church universal by forming unions with other particular churches which have similar understanding of doctrine and organization.
Having called and assembled His church, our Lord provides for the government of each particular church by conveying authority to officers whom He enables. The continuing officers in the church are ministers, ruling elders and deacons. The endowed man does not create the office nor does the office clothe the man with power, but the Lord endows the man with gifts and qualifications that enable him to fill the office which God Himself has created.
The Lord of the Church has given gifts to men called ministers in His church. The office of the ministry is the first in the church in both dignity and usefulness. The one who fills the office is
described in the Scriptures by several terms. As he has the oversight of the flock of Christ, he is termed bishop. As he feeds them with spiritual food, he is termed pastor (shepherd). As he serves
Christ in the church, he is termed minister. As it is his duty to be an example to the flock in godliness and to govern well in the church of Christ, he is termed elder. As he is sent to declare the will of God to sinners, and to beseech them to be reconciled to God through Christ, he is termed evangelist.
In the New Testament church, Christ has provided men called elders whom He has enabled and commissioned to govern with ministers in His church.
Men who bear this office share equally with ministers the authority in and responsibility for the life of the church; but in contrast to ministers, whose primary authority and responsibility is in the Word and doctrine and secondarily in ruling, the primary authority and responsibility of elders is ruling and governing and secondarily in the Word and doctrine.
Those who fill this office should be examples to the flock of their sound faith, their blameless life and conduct and their wisdom and discretion.
Elders, as representatives of the people, are chosen by the membership of the church on the basis of Scriptural qualifications.
The office of deacon is presented in the Scriptures as an office not of ruling, but of service. A deacon should be a man of deep spiritual life, exemplary conduct and sound judgment. (I Tim. 3;
Acts 6:1-8). His office is one of sympathetic service to the church and to the distressed, friendless or sick, after the example of our Lord Jesus Christ.
By providing spiritually qualified overseers, called elders, Christ enables each particular church to govern itself.
But though the churches are autonomous, they are not independent because they are a part of a fellowship of churches. The basis of this fellowship is mutual conviction of the body of truth set
forth in the Scriptures.
The authority of the fellowship is secondary, being derived from the particular churches, and is limited to matters which pertain to the churches in fellowship or to common concerns which
churches agree to take care of together.
All authority in the church, whether in particular churches or ,in the denomination, is moral and spiritual, ministerial and declarative; it is moral and spiritual, negatively, in that the church is unable to use civil force to compel obedience, and positively, in that obedience is incomplete unless it is inward and real as well as outward and apparent; all authority in the church is ministerial and declarative in that the Holy Scriptures are the only rule of faith and conduct and therefore all decisions and laws must be understood as being servants of the Word, announcing ‘
that which the body believes the Scriptures to teach with the constant recognition that “councils may err” through frailty inseparable from humanity.
The Board of Elders shall be composed of the minister and all the active elders of the congregation. The lay elders shall be elected by majority vote of the congregation. They shall be mature men who meet the qualifications of Scripture ( I Tim. 3; Titus 1; I Peter 5). The number of elders chosen to serve on the Board shall be established by the congregation by ballot vote upon the recommendation of the Board of Elders.
The minister shall serve as chairman of the Board of Elders; the Board shall elect one of its members to serve as secretary.
Two-thirds of the membership of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
The Board of Elders shall have the general oversight of the life and work of the church including the worship, preaching, ordinances, evangelism, visitation, discipline, finances and maintenance of the properties.
Because they are “under shepherds” and not “lords ” the elders shall rule the congregation according to the direction of Christ, the Chief Shepherd, as expressed in the Scriptures and the needs of the member ship. They shall conduct at least one congregational meeting per year to report the status of the work to the congregation; and when they deem advisable, present
recommendations to the congregation. The congregation shall have the power to accept, to suggest changes or to reject such recommendations.
The Board of Elders shall be the channel of communication between the particular church and the fellowship of churches and its organizations. The elders shall nominate from their number
and the congregation elect the representative(s) from the particular church to the fellowship-wide level.
Every congregation shall elect elders in keeping with the qualifications set forth in the Scriptures. Elders must be male members in full communion in the church in which they are to exercise their office.
The term of office shall be decided by the particular church by congregational vote, but shall not be for less than three years.
Where possible, the Board of Elders shall be divided into not less then three classes as determined by the congregational vote in each of the particular churches. When a church chooses to elect elders for an unlimited term of office, the requirement for classes does not apply.
In the event of a vacancy by death, resignation or removal, one may be elected to complete the unexpired term of office.
When a man has been elected to this office and has declared his willingness to accept its responsibilities, he shall be set apart in the following manner:
In a service of worship, the minister shall state in a concise manner the war rant and nature of the office of elder together with the spiritual qualifications required for its exercise and the duties to be fulfilled. He shall then ask the candidate, in the presence of the congregation, the following questions:
1. Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and conduct?
2. Are you in basic accord with the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church?
3. Will you endeavor to follow the government and discipline of the Bible Fellowship Church?
4. Do you accept the office of elder in the congregation and promise faithfully to perform all the duties thereof?
5. Do you promise to promote the purity, peace and unity of the Church?
After the elder-elect has answered these questions in the affirmative, the minister shall ask the members of the church the following questions:
1. Do you, the members of this church, acknowledge and receive this brother as an elder?
2. Do you promise to yield him all the honor, encouragement and obedience in the Lord, to which his office entitles him?
After the members of the church have answered these questions in the affirmative by holding up their right hands, the minister shall proceed to set apart the candidate by prayer to the office of elder and shall give to him and to the congregation an exhortation suited to the occasion.
The Board of Elders of each particular church shall decide which men are in basic accord with the Articles of Faith. If any man is not in agreement with the Articles of Faith, this Board shall determine if his disagreement violates basic accord and shall declare if he shall be eligible to serve as an elder. Each elder shall annually declare in writing his basic accord with the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church. No man can be divested of this office except by deposition for failure to maintain standards of doctrine and life in keeping with the dignity of this office.
(Yes 56 – No 20)
Resolved, that the Government Committee be asked to write enabling legislation so that transition can be made from our present Faith and Order to the newly adopted Form of Church
Government and present it to the Adjourned Session, March 25.
Resolved, that we adjourn. Adjourned at 3:20 p. m. with prayer by Richard Gehman.
Eighteenth Meeting
Saturday Morning, March 25, 1972
The devotions were conducted by host Pastor John Dunn, speaking from Philippians 3:10.
The roll was called.
The following were absent: William A. Heffner, W. B. Hottel, Donald T. Kirkwood, W. F. Heffner, E. J. Rutman, P. T. Stengele, N.H. Wolf, Dale L. Kemmerer, Richard Achey, Harold L.Snyder, RobertW.Truett, Burton Deppe, Sterling E. Baer.
Resolved, that the written excuses of William A. Heffner, Richard Achey, Robert W. Truett be accepted.
Resolved, that the following Alternate Delegate be seated: Spaulding Sowers, (York).
Resolved, that Arthur Shutt be seated for the day as a representative from Mt. Carmel.
Resolved, that the nine pews of the auditorium be the Conference Bar.
The following were appointed by the Chairman to the Statistical Committee for the 1972 Annual Conference; Willard E. Cassel, John Dunn, LeRoy S. Heller, Paul G, Z immerman, Donald R. Knauer.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that we reaffirm the continuation of the following organizational structure for the operation of Pinebrook:
(1) Pinebrook Conference Board
(2) Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College
(3) Pinebrook Service Board
Resolved, that we approve the following recommendations relative to organizational structure:
To establish a rule providing that all members of the Conference Board and the College Board to ineligible for voting membership on the Service Board. There shall be seven voting members elected to the Service Board by Annual Conference, and further To establish a rule providing for appeal by each of the Pinebrook Board to the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship
Church for decision with respect to problems which the three boards, working together, cannot reach a solution.
Resolved, that we approve the following recommendations relative to organizational structure:
To establish a rule limiting the activity of the Conference Board to providing program; promotion; booking of parties operating their own program; and budget; to the extent that the budget relates to the operation of the Conference Board.
To establish a rule limiting the activity of the College Board to faculty; curriculum; library; instruction; and budget, to the extent that the budget relates to the operation of the College.
To establish a rule making Pinebrook Service Board responsible for all business operations (Providing of food service; housing; maintenance; control of improvements to facilities, budget, etc.).
Resolved, that we approve the following recommendations relative to financial structure:
That the Pinebrook Conference Board and the Pinebrook College Board immediately produce a study to show their price lists for services that are adequate to cover the costs of the service produced by the Service Board.
That the Service Board be invested with sole authority for all business transactions (providing of food service; housing maintenance; control of improvements to the facilities; budget;
That the Conference Board and the Service Board shall adopt By-laws that will separate the functions and duties of the Conference Director and the Business Manager.
That the Service Board be directed to employ a Business Manager who is qualified to serve all business operations of the Conference Board, the College Board, and the Service Board, including the operation and maintenance of the Pinebrook facilities.
Resolved, that we suspend the rules and extend the time.
Resolved, that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:14 p. m. with prayer by David L. Manney.
Nineteenth Meeting
Saturday Afternoon, March 25, 1972
James Bigley, missionary to Kenya, led us in prayer.
Missionaries, James Bigley and David L. Manney, from HCJB, addressed the conference.
The following were elected:
Secretary of Annual Conference: James A Beil
Nominating Committee: William R. Hunsberger, Norman L. Reed, Robert W. Truett, Willard E. Cassel, John Dunn, George E. Herb, James G. Koch.
Chairman of Annual Conference: Jansen E.Hartman
Vice Chairman of Annual Conference: Frank L. Herb, Jr.
The minutes of the meetings of January 22, 1972 were approved as distributed.
The following was elected to the Board of Church Extension to fill the unexpired term of Robert F. Johnson who resigned: Robert W. Smock.
The following were elected to the Board of Church Extension to fill the unexpired term of John Moran who resigned: Clayton Weber.
The Administrative Budget was approved as follows:
Approved for 1971-72 | Approved for 1972-1973 | |
1. Publication and Printing | 500.00 | 1,500.00 |
2. Conference Entertainment | 1,600.00 | 1,600.00 |
3. Beneficiary Fund | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 |
4. Ministerial Convention Fund | 6,000.00 | 8,500.00 |
5. Moving Fund | 5,000.00 | 3,000.00 |
6. Expenses for Boards and Committees while Transacting Conference Business | 1,600.00 | 2,100.00 |
7. Other Expenses of the Board of Directors | 350.00 | 350.00 |
8. Ministerial Convention Expenses | 450.00 | 450.00 |
9. Minister’s Assistance Fund | 3,000.00 | 2,000.00 |
10. Health and Welfare Insurance for Pastors and Dependents | 13,024.12 | 15,593.00* |
11. For Use by the Ministerial Candidate Committee for Internships | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 |
12. Contingencies | 500.00 | 500.00 |
Totals | 34,024.12 | 37,593.44 |
Includes insurance coverage ($31.54/month) for Pastors of churches contributing to the Budget, except Catasauqua who insures Pastor in another fund.
Allentown, Bethel | 2,400.00 |
Allentown, Cedar Crest | 1,098.48 |
Allentown, Salem | |
Belvidere | 480.00 |
Bethlehem | 1,580.00 |
Blandon | 800.00 |
Catasaqua | 225.00 |
Coopersburg | 1,200.00 |
Denville | 700.00 |
Easton | 150.00 |
Emmaus | 1,578.48 |
Ephrata | 600.00 |
Finesville | 420.00 |
Fleetwood | 1,152.00 |
Graterford | 960.00 |
Harleysville | 860.00 |
Harrisburg | 885.00 |
Hatfield | 1,740.00 |
Lancaster | 825.00 |
Lebanon | 516.00 |
Lehighton | 785.00 |
Maple Glen | 1,260.00 |
Mount Carmel | 760.00 |
Nazareth | 800.00 |
Paradise | 578.48 |
Philadelphia, Calvary | 650.00 |
Philadelphia, Emmanuel | 560.00 |
Quakertown | 1,200.00 |
Reading | 2,040.00 |
Royersford | 1,085.00 |
Scranton | 600.00 |
Shamokin | 720.00 |
Sinking Spring | 890.00 |
Staten Island | 720.00 |
Spring City | 890.00 |
Stroudsburg | 680.00 |
Sunbury | 1,560.00 |
Terre Hill | 760.00 |
Wallingford | 1,400.00 |
Walnutport | 150.00 |
York | 1,150.00 |
Zionsville | 375.00 |
Total | 37,593.44 |
Resolved, that Robert W. Smock, Robert W. Gehret, Keith Yoder, Leon H. Naudasher, A. L. Seifert be excused at 3:30 p.m.
Resolved, that we approve the following recommendations relative to organizational structure:
That in his conduct, the Business Manager shall consider the Service Board the sole source of policy regulating his business conduct.
That sole authority shall be invested in the Pinebrook Service Board for making all capital improvements, including those which are to be purchased with gifts to be solicited from our fellowship, or from others. Service Board shall obtain concurrence of Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church before making any proposed Capital Improvement costing more than $2,500.00.
The Service Board shall not make an expenditure for capital improvement exceeding $500 unless it has funds on hand with which to pay for the improvement, or unless it has a plan for financing the purchase of it.
Resolved, that the work “begun by the Pinebrook Study Committee be continued by the Pinebrook Service Board.
Resolved, we recess. Recessed a:t 2:55 p.m.
Reconvened at 3:25 p.m.
Whereas, there is a need to present to the Annual Conference the requirement for a sewage treatment at Pinebrook, the estimated cost, the need of financing, therefore be it
Resolved, that we ask the Bible Conference Board and Pinebrook Junior College Board to include in the study required of them today a report on their ability to carry the cost of the sewage treatment plant and to report to this Annual Conference as to their ability to sell the Pinebrook services at the cost involved, report to be submitted at a session to convene at 9:00 a.m. on May 13, 1972 at Allentown, Bethel Church. Conference members shall be responsible to provide their own meals and further,
Resolved, that other matters pertinent to Bible Fellowship Church affairs be reconsidered at this session at the discretion of the body.
I. Church Committees
The Board of Elders shall have the general oversight of the life and work of the church including the worship, preaching, ordinances, evangelism, visitation, discipline, finances and the maintenance of the properties.
A. Required Committee
The Board of Elders of every church shall designate a Pastoral Relations Committee composed of three elders. The duties of this Committee shall be: To maintain good relationships between the Pastor and the congregation, to discuss with the Pastor problems that arise and to seek solutions to these problems.
B. Optional Committees
The Board of Elders may organize various committees to assist them in carrying out the work of the Board when such assistance is necessary. The size of the congregation and the nature and amount of work to be done will determine the nature and number of committees appointed.
Should the Board of Elders decide that it needs committees to carry out its work, it may sub-divide into committees for particular responsibilities or the chairman of the Board of Elders may appoint committees from among the membership of the congregation, subject to the approval of the Board of Elders.
The chairman of each committee organized shall be an elder of the church. All committees shall be responsible to and subordinate to the Board of Elders and shall report quarterly or as often as the Board deems advisable.
Some suggested committees for consideration are: Membership and Discipline, Ordinances, Building and Maintenance, Missionary, Evangelism, Finance, Christian Education, Benevolence, Music, Visitation.
II. Congregational Meeting
The congregational meeting of the particular church is composed of any and all members of that congregation meeting in official capacity duly organized according to the ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church and Article XVIII of the FAITH of the Bible Fellowship Church. Only those members of the particular church conducting the meeting who are present and have attained the age of sixteen years are eligible to vote.
The Board of Elders shall conduct at least one regular congregational meeting each year. Special meetings may be called by action of the Board of Elders. Calls for special meetings shall include a statement of the purpose of the meeting, and no other business shall be conducted. Prayer shall be offered at the beginning and closing of all congregational meetings.
The Pastor shall be chairman of the congregational meeting; the secretary of the Board of Elders shall serve as secretary of the congregational meeting. If either of these officers cannot serve in a specific meeting, another elder shall be chosen by the Board of Elders to bear the responsibility.
A quorum shall consist of the chairman, the secretary and all of the eligible voters present.
The congregational meeting(s) shall include the electing of officers, receiving of reports of officers and committees and any other business that may arise. The annual report of the Board of Elders to the congregation shall include a summary of the membership of the congregation and a financial statement.
This report shall be the source of the information for the report of the congregation to the Annual Conference.
In an election in which a nominating committee is used, the nominating committee may bring to the meeting nominations of one or more eligible person(s) for each office to be filled.
Additional nomination of qualified persons may be made from the floor by any eligible voter.
In an election in which nominations are made exclusively in the congregational meeting, ballots shall be used to nominate the candidates. Two more candidates shall be nominated than the number of officers required. A majority of Votes in every instance shall be necessary for election. After the first ballot has been cast, if there is no election, the name of the candidate receiving the least number of votes shall be dropped. In the event a candidate receives two-thirds of the votes cast in the nominating ballot, he may be declared elected by congregational affirmation.
III. Choosing Leaders other than the Continuing offices of Elders and Deacons
Should the Board of Elders deem it necessary to have offices other th n Elders and Deacons, it shall recommend to the Congregation the creation of such offices. If the congregation approves, officers shall be chosen in one of the following ways:
1. Election by Congregation upon:
a. Being presented by Nominating Committee
b. Being nominated by congregational ballot
2. Appointment by Board of Elders
The following shall be the procedure in case of death, resignation or removal of an officer:
a. The Board of Elders shall review and act upon the resignation or removal of an officer.
b. The Board of Elders shall determine the time of a congregational election to fill the unexpired term of the officer due to death, resignation or removal.
Being chosen for one of these offices does not make the office holder a member of the Board of Elders.
Though these leaders may not meet all the Biblical qualifications for the office of Elder, nevertheless their lives shall be in keeping with the Moral Standards of the Church.
IV. Other Organizations in the Particular Church
Officers of organized groups within the church, having a Constitution approved by the Annual Conference, shall be elected according to their by-laws.
1. Sunday School (to be revised) (Mimeo F&O p. 4-6)
2. Women’s Missionary Society (p. 25-26)
3. Youth Fellowship (p. 27-29)
1. We recommend the adoption of the material in this report, I, II, III, IV as final reading.
Whereas, this committee has not completed its work of studying the financial and legal representatives of the church, and
Whereas, each church presently uses trustees,
2. We recommend that each church continue to elect and use trustees with the nominees being limited to those who have been elected as elders, and
We further recommend that this be the procedure used until other provisions are adopted by Annual Conference.
3. We recommend that we delete the material of pages 1-8 of the mimeo FAITH AND ORDER except the Sunday School material, which should be revised to fit the new form of Government.
Also we [recommend] pages 29 and 32 material relative to Pastoral relations Committee is to be deleted.
(Frank L. Herb, Chairman; Willard E. Cassel, Secretary; James A. Beil, Carl C. Cassel, Jansen E. Hartman, John H. Herb, John H. Riggall, Committee).
Resolved, we extend the time.
Resolved, we adjourn. Adjourned at 5:04 p.m. with prayer by F. B.Hertzog.
Because of considerable concern on the part of a majority of the members of this Conference for the maintenance and development of the program and facilities at Pinebrook, the following action was taken in October 1971:
Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church, the Pinebrook Conference Board, Pinebrook Service Board and the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College each elect 3 men from their respective membership so as to formulate a committee to study the organizational and financial structure for the management at Pinebrook to report to the
Adjourned Session of this Conference with specific recommendations and, further,
Resolved, that the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church shall moderate. (Yearbook 197 1, page 25).
The four Boards sent the following representatives:
Conference Board:
Kermit K.Gehman
Norman Granda
College Board:
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.
David J.Watkins
Carlton Wentz
Service Board:
Robert Breitegam
Ronald Ensminger
George E. Herb
Board of Directors:
Byron C.Cassel
Carl C. Cassel
Robert Truett
The study committee met four times and discussed a wide range of the problems existing at Pinebrook. Each of these twelve brethren participated in the discussions.
This report covers three principal points; viz. .Organizational Structure; Financial Structure; and the Unanswered Questions. Each will be dealt with in turn.
Organizational Structure
1. Functions
The broad functions involved in the operation at Pinebrook are:
(a) A Bible Conference (Program; publicity; promotion; booking of parties operating their own program; budget; etc. )
(b) A College(Faculty;curriculum;library;instruction;budget; etc.)
(c) Conduct of a business (Providing of food service;housing, maintenance; control of improvements to the facilities ;budgef; etc. )
Functions (a) and (b) shown above seem to be reasonable. This report will not relate further.to them. The initial concensus of the Annual Conference seems to have been that there should be
. a Service Board responsible for the furnishing of service to the Conference and to the College. To an important degree, the Pinebrook problem arises in the failure clearly to define the areas of responsibility for those who are to bear the responsibility for these three board functions.
2. Alternative for Meeting Service Needs
Three alternatives are offered for establishing responsibility for service needs:
(a) To maintain existing organizations; viz. ,
(1) Pinebrook Conference Board
(2) Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College
(3) Pinebrook Service Board.
(b) To make the Conference Board and the College Board jointly responsible for the service function.
(c) To make the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church responsible for each of the three board functions.
3. Recommendations as to Organization
We recommend approval of the following:
(a) Continue present organizational structure as described in 2(a) above.
(b) Establish a rule providing that all members of Conference Board and College Board are ineligible for voting membership; on Service Board. There shall be seven voting members elected to the Service Board by Annual Conference.
(c) Establish a rule limiting the activity of the Conference Board to providing program; promotion; booking of parties operating their own program; and budget, to the extent that the
budget relates to the operation of the Conference Board.
(d) Establish a rule limiting the activity of the College Board to Faculty; curriculum; library; instruction; and budget, to the extent that the budget relates to the operation of the College.
(e) Establish a rule making Pinebrook Service Board responsible for all business operations, as defined in Section l (c) of this paper.
(f) Establish a rule providing for appeal by each of the Pinebrook Boards to Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church for decision with respect to problems which the three boards, working together, cannot reach a solution.
Financial Structure
1. Accounting
Until recently the Service Board established no adequate accounting system. For this there seems to be no explanation other than that the Service Board seemed uncertain of its accounting needs and of how to obtain what it needed.
In December, 1971, its accounts, starting from July 1, 1971, were restated by months. The new system develops monthly bills for the Conference, the College, the Book and Gift Shop, and for the Snack Shop. Accounts Receivable and Payable were established to show, at least on a monthly basis, the financial condition of the Service Board.
Attached to this report is a *financial statement covering the period July, 1971, through February, 1972, made on the new accounting basis. The first of the reports on this new basis covered July through November, 1971; the second covered December, 1971, and January, 1972; the third covered February, 1972. These reports were turned over to the four users, as follows:
1st – about January 14, 1972
2nd – about Feburary 18, 1972
3rd – about March 17, 1972
This recent development has not provided enough time for any of the users to react to these data in any substantial manner.
We have no answer at this time to the question: “Can the cost of the operation be reduced?” or to the question of how much money should be invested to produce cost reductions.
These financial statements seem to say that substantial losses resulted from the summer program.
The account receivable by the Service Board from the Conference Board on August 31, 1971, had increased to $31,287.36 from $16, 961.37 on June 30, 1971. But at the end of the summer program, the Conference Board had no funds with which to pay its obligation. If the summer program can be made to break even, there might be some prospect of the winter-time operation generating funds for the purchase of improvements. At February 29, 1972, compared with June -30, 1971, the obligations of the four users to the Service Board were as follows:
* Statement will be distributed for February on March 25,1972.
6/30/71 | 2/29/72 | |
Conference | 16,961.37 | 17,011.98 |
College | 9,102.00 | 15,665.87 |
Book and Gift Shop | 818.96 | 984.53 |
Snack Shop | 818.96 | 2,822.16 |
27,701.29 | 36,484.54 |
(The figures for February 28, 1972 will be supplied on March 25, 1972.)
Also unsolved is the question of whether the Conference Board, or the College Board, can sell these services at a price high enough to cover the costs. If it develops that the selling price cannot be raised enough to cover the costs, we have not yet considered what other alternatives may be available.
2. Recommendations as to Financial Structure
We recommend approval of the following:
(a) Require Pinebrook Conference Board and Pinebrook College Board immediately to produce a study to show their price lists for services are adequate to cover the costs of the service produced by the Service Board.
(b) Invest in Service Board sole authority for all business transactions described in Paragraph l(c) under “Organizational Structure” herein.
(c) Adopt by laws for Conference Board and Service Board that will separate the functions and duties of Conference Director and Business Manager.
(d) Direct Service Board to employ a Business Manager who is qualified to serve all “business” operations of the Conference Board, the College Board, and the Service Board, including the
operation and maintenance of the Pinebrook facilities.
(e) Provide a rule that, in his conduct, the Business Manager shall consider the Service Board the sole source of policy regulating his business conduct.
(f) Invest in Pinebrook Service Board sole authority for making all capital improvements, including those which are to be purchased with gifts to be solicited from our fellowship, or
from others. Service Board shall obtain concurrence of Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church before making any proposed Capital Improvement costing more than $2,500.00.
(g) Service Board shall not make an expenditure for capital improvement exceeding $500 unless it has funds on hand with which to pay for the improvement, or unless it has a plan for financing the purchase of it.
Other Questions to be Considered
The continued operation of Pinebrook by Bible Fellowship Church confronts the Annual Conference with the following questions to which we must find answer:
(a) What is the capital cost of the improvements at Pinebrook that must be made annually for each of the next five years?
(b) How will these improvements be financed?
(c) Is the Bible Fellowship Church willing to subsidize the day-to-day operation at Pinebrook, and to what degree?
(d) What is the extent to which the Bible Fellowship Church will support Pinebrook Junior College and Pinebrook Bible Conference ?
We recommend again approval to each proposal made herein. We further recommend that the study begun by this Committee be carried on by the Pinebrook Service Board.
We believe that the new accounting system, together with the studies yet to be made, will produce either a sound structure organizationally and financially, or they will at the least furnish to this conference a basis for making such further decisions as may be necessary.
(Carl C. Cassel, Byron C . Cassel, Kermit K. Gehman, Norman Granda, A. L. Seifert, Robert Breitegam, Ronald Ensminger, George E. Herb, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. , David J. Watkins, Carlton
Wentz, Robert Truett, committee).
20th Meeting
Saturday, May 13, 1972
The meeting was opened at 9:00 a.m. with the singing of “O God, Our Help.” James G. Koch read from Nehemiah 1:1-4; 2:11-17; giving the devotional message on the theme, “People Need a Dream, a Vision. “
Resolved, that the following alternates be seated: John Pfeifer, Cedar Crest; James Roberts, Quakertown; Glen Landan, Shamokin; Nicholas Scheetz, Spring City; Oliver Beil, Walnutport.
Communications were received from C. E. Kirkwood, Daniel G. Ziegler and Robert W. Smock.
Resolved, that we accept the above written excuses.
Resolved, that eight pews in front of the chair and to the right and left constitute the Conference bar.
Resolved, that the minutes of the morning and afternoon sessions of March 25, 1972 be approved as circulated.
Resolved, that the agenda of today be limited to the discussion of the problem of a sewage treatment system at Pinebrook Conference Center and all matters relative to such.
President David J.Watkins, of the Pinebrook Junior College presented a report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College as to its ability to carry the services from the Pinebrook
Service Board. ( See Reports)
Resolved, that we recess. Recessed at 10:20 a.m.
Reconvened at 10:40 a.m.
Missionary Timothy Kauffman from Zaire (supported by B.F. C.) addressed the Conference.
Roger Reitz, stated supply for Catasauqua, was introduced to the Conference.
JohnH.Riggall, Chairman of the Pinebrook Bible Conference Board, presented a report relative to its ability to carry the services from the Pinebrook Service Board. (See Reports)
The Conference entered into a discussion concerning the building and financing of a Sewage treatment af Pinebrook.
Resolved, that we suspend the rules and extend the time indefinitely.
Whereas, the Commonwealth of Pa. , through Environmental Protection Specialist II for Monroe County, has directed that a sewage treatment plant at Pinebrook Conference Center must be under construction by September 5, 1972, and
Whereas, Hess Associated of Stroudsburg, Pa., has designed a sewage treatment plant satisfactorily adequate to treat existing loads plus some small growth in the load that may be placed upon it, and
Whereas, Hess Associates estimated the plant it has designed can be constructed at a cost of $84,730 including 15 for overhead and profit to the contractor, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the officers of Bible Fellowship Church be authorized to advise the Commonwealth of Pa., that we will enter into a contract for construction for the proposed sewage treatment plant, the contract to provide that construction shall begin on September, 1972, and is to be completed by December 31, 1972.
( Yes, 69; No 3)
Resolved, that the officers of Bible Fellowship Church be, and they hereby are, authorized to make a construction loan to pay for the construction of the sewage treatment plant at Pinebrook Conference Center. (Unanimous)
Resolved, that the officers of the Bible Fellowship Church, be and they hereby are, authorized to place a first mortgage on Pinebrook Conference Center, not to exceed $ 125,000, the proceeds to
be used to satisfy that note for $25,000 now owed to First National Bank of Allentown, Pa., and to settle the construction loan made for construction of sewage treatment plant.
( Yes 63; No 3)
Resolved, that the officers of Bible Fellowship Church be directed to arrange for amortization of the proposed mortgage over a period of 20 years; or if not possible, over a period of not less than
15 years, and to provide the opportunity to prepay or to accelerate amortization of the indebtedness without penalty, and be it further,
Resolved, that the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church be authorized to take such other action as may be required to accomplish this project and, that it be required to fill a progress report on this project with Annual Conference in October 1972.
( Yes 65; No 6)
Resolved, that we adjourn. Adjourned at 1:26 p.m. with prayer by E. W. Bean.
Comparison of Income and Expenses for Services Supplied by the Service Board, May 5, 1972.
In its session on March 25, 1972.
The Annual Conference asked the College to produce a study to determine whether its fees would cover the costs of the services supplied by the Service Board. The accompanying material is the result of that study.
The College is committed to the premise that the cost of supplying meals and lodging should be borne by the students. Other educational expenses may legitimately be subsidized by contributions, but not room and board.
The analysis is made on the basis of actual bills from the the Service Board for July 1, 1971, to March 31, 1972, and from estimates of anticipated bills for April 1 to June 30, 1972. The figures as presented by the Service Board’s reports are used even though some changes which will reduce the College bills are in the process of being made. These changes will probably reduce costs for July and August in 1971 to approximately the level of the projection made for June 1972.
Comparison of Income and Expenses for Services Supplied by the Service Board to the College
The rates in effect in the 1971-1972 year are $150.00 per student each semester for room and $300.00 per student each semester for meals:
This year we have 41 resident students first semester and 44 students second semester.
Income for food costs
85 students: x $300.00 per student = $25,500.00
Income for room costs
85 students x 150.00 per student = $12,750.00
The amount owed to the Service Board is indicated here by months. For July 1971 to March 1972 it is from the actual bills; from April to June 1972 it is from estimates based on previous experience.
Total Service Board bill to College 1971-1972
Costs | 10% Charge | Total | |
July | 1,271.64 | 127.16 | 1,398.80 |
August | 1,207.45 | 120.75 | 1,328.20 |
September | 3,348.45 | 334.85 | 3,683.29 |
October | 5,910.04 | 591.00 | 6,501.04 |
November | 3,850.30 | 385.03 | 4,235.33 |
December | 5,461.46 | 546.15 | 6,007.61 |
January | 3,904.37 | 390.44 | 4,294.81 |
February | 4,366.26 | 436.63 | 4,802.89 |
March | 4,486.03 | 448.60 | 4,934.63 |
April | 4,306.34 | 430.63 | 4,736.97 |
May | 3,382.84 | 338.28 | 4,601.12 |
June | 378.34 | 37.83 | 416.17 |
41,873.52 | 4,187.35 | 46,039.74 | |
Service Board Adjustments | -749.36 | ||
45,290.38 |
All meal costs are for students except those supplied to four members of the staff who receive meals as part of their remuneration and those provided to faculty members on campus when teaching. This second group averages four noon meals for five days each week of school.
The costs of heat, light, maintenance are about equally divided between student rooms and the rooms for staff living quarters, office space, classrooms, chapel and library. This division was made on the basis of oil usage; one-half the consumed by the college was used in the dormitories and one-half in educational and administrative space.
The following is the tabulation of these costs:
[data not included]
These figures indicate that 52% of the oil was used for student living quarters. Therefore, on most of the items in the college bill from the service board the costs were split equally between student cost and other educational costs for provision of space.
This leads to the conclusion that the charges presently in effect cover adequately the costs of services supplied by the Service Board to students.
These charges have been increased in next year’s catalog and can be increased even more so that it appears that the sewage responsibilities chargeable to feeding and housing students can be covered by the college from student income.
The college is presently behind in its payments to the Service Board for two reasons. First, current students presently owe the college $10,000.00. All of this appears to be collectable by May 12, 1972. Second, contributions are needed to cover the part of these costs by other educational expenses. The college is not yet clear whether its contributions received will be adequate to allow a balanced budget for this fiscal year.
Comparison of Income and Expenses for the responsibility of a mortgage for sewage.
In making a projection for next year under conditions similar to this year, the College anticipates the following financial conditions.
A budget has been prepared for 1972-73 which is balanced. It anticipates 57 resident students each semester. Present indications lead the College to believe that this is a goal that can be achieved. The charges to students for the next year will be $150.00 per semester for room and $310.00 per semester for food.
Income for food costs – 114 students x $310.00 per student = 35,340.00
Income for rooms costs – 114 students x $150.00 per student = 17,100.00
Because of the poor delivery of basic services in heat, light and water during the 1971 – 72 year, the College has serious difficulty in a major increase in room costs. A presently in-advertized increase of $20.00 per semester would be the maximum advisable at present.
114 students x $20.00 per student charge for sewage improvements = $2,280.00
These 57 resident students can be housed in the same building(s) which were used by the College this year. Therefor costs are anticipated to be almost identical.
Costs for providing student housing 1971-72 | $7,869.54 |
Cost of living increase 5% | 393.48 |
8,263.02 | |
10% charge | 826.30 |
Cost of housing | 9,089.32 |
Cost for providing student meals | |
Average costs per student in 1971-72 / $254.40x | 29,001.60 |
Cost of living increase 5% | 1,450.08 |
30,451.68 | |
10% charge | 3,045.17 |
33,496.85 |
Comparison of income and expenses for 1972-73
Meals for Students
Anticipated income from board changes | 35,340.00 | |
Anticipated income for meals | 30,451.68 | |
10% charge | 3,045.17 | |
33,496.85 |
Rooms for Students
Anticipated income from room charges | ||
Regular charge | $17,100.00 | |
Extra Charge for Sewage | 2,280.00 | |
19,380.00 | ||
Anticipated costs to provide rooms | 9,089.32 | |
Maximum anticipated costs of sewage | 4,500.00 | |
13589.32 |
The College Board has resolved to guarantee its ability to meet its part of the mortgage obligation for sewage from the A. L. Wentz legacy.
These statistics indicate the basis for the confidence of the College in being able to meet the obligations for room, food service, and sewage.
Total Rooms Days for one year – Sept. 1970 to Sept. 1971 – 13,548
Increase in the rates of 75 cents per room day -$10, 145 per year
The Conference cost for $125,000 for 15 years is – $8,712 – 2/3rds of $13,068 – $ 8,712
Rates will increase
Summer – $4. 50 per week per person
Winter week-end – $1. 50 per person per week-end.
Sept – 1970 | 5 days | 252 |
Oct | 16 days | 1,207 |
Nov | 9 days | 726 |
Dec | 6 days | 618 |
Jan 1971 | 11 days | 2,664 |
Feb | 16 days | 2,075 |
March | 11 days | 1,299 |
April | 14 days | 813 |
May – June | ||
July | 24 days | 2,472 |
Aug | 18 days | 1,146 |
Sept | 2 days | 276 |
13,548 |
The Conference at full capacity
A full week is 1, 323 rooms days
A full month is 5, 292 room days (1, 323 x 4)
Winter week-ends
A full week-end is 514 room days
A full month is 2, 056 room days (514 x 4)
A Full Year
38, 000 room days
14 summer weeks
38 winter weeks