Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1976 Yearbook
First Meeting
Monday morning, October 11, 1976 – 10:00 a.m.
The Chairman called the 93rd Annual Conference to order at 10:00 a.m. John Dunn led in prayer.
The roll was established as follows:
Allentown, Bethel – James G. Koch – LeRoy M. Siegfried
Allentown, Cedar Crest – Roy A. Hertzog – Jay Fasnacht
Allentown, Salem – John H. Herb – Allan C. Palmer
Bethlehem – Frank L. Herb Jr. – Warren L. Zimmerman
Blandon – Dana E. Weller – Stanley Kalbach
Catasauqua – Roger Reitz – Arthur W. Deppe
Coopersburg – Donald D. Reitz – Michael Guttman
Denville – (Probationer) – John F. Moran
Easton – LeRoy C. Wilcox – Russell E. Dech
Emmaus – Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. – Clifford L. Kauffman
Ephrata – Robert W. Smock – Robert W. Gehret
Finesville – (Probationer) – H. Walter Stout, Jr.
Fleetwood – Austin G. Shelly – Norman L. Reed
Freehold-Englishtown – William W. Mull – Clinton L. Crankshaw
Graterford – Keith E. Plows – C. Roger Detwiler
Harleysville – Arthur H. Frable, Jr. – Clayton Dietz
Harrisburg – R. C. Reichenbach – Walter A. Schlagel
Hatfield – Ronald C. Mahurin – Clyde W. Snyder
Howell – Robert L. Draper – Peter Hauge
Lancaster – John Dunn – Horace A. Kauffman
Lebanon – Bruce A. Ellingson – Leroy O. Herb
Lehighton – (Probationer) – Ernest Bauer
Maple Glen – Carl K. Spackman – Byron C. Cassel
Mt. Carmel – Alva C. Cassel – Harold L. Snyder, Jr.
Nazareth – Paul G. Zimmerman – Ralph Hendershot
Paradise – – E. Gerald Hershey
Phila. (Calvary) – (Probationer) – Leon H. Naudasher
Phila., (Emmanuel) – (Probationer) – Horace G. Manuel
Quakertown – Bert N. Brosius – L. James Roberts, Jr.
Reading – Jansen E. Hartman lst – Robert Breitegam 2nd – Rodney Muthard
Royersford – Robert F. Johnson – William R. Hunsberger
Scranton – Bernard N. Coble – Carl H. Kellerman
Shamokin – – T. Lamarn Manney
Sinking Spring – Terris L. Byrd – Jack Largent
Spring City – Richard Taylor – R. Stanley Weidner
Staten Island – – Roger S. Bowne
Stroudsburg – – Harold E. Snyder
Sunbury – LeRoy S. Heller – Merle H. Phillips
Terre Hill – (Probationer) – Paul Weber
Wallingford – William A. Heffner – Rufus Spedden
Walnutport – Harold C. Weaber – Paul Rodgers
York – John H. Riggall – Sterling E. Baer
Zionsville – (Probationer) – David Weller
ORDAINED MEN WITHOUT PASTORATES – William Bartron, James A. Beil, Carl C. Cassel, Willard E. Cassel, George E. Herb, David E. Thomann, David J. Watkins, Daniel G. Ziegler
ORDAINED MISSIONARIES – James Bigley, Brian H. Butler, Leonard E. Buck, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Edward Moyer, Laird F. Stengele
ORDAINED MINISTERS IN RETIREMENT – Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, W. W. Hartman, F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, C. Leslie Miller, E. J. Rutman
Delbert R. Baker, II Newark, N. J.
James R. Batchler, Jr. Zionsville, Pa.
Kenneth L. Good Lehighton, Pa.
William L. Graybill, II Terre Hill, Pa.
Richard D. Harris Denville, N. J.
Charles E. Kramer Neptune, N. J.
D. Thomas Phillips Finesville, N. J.
Frank T. Robinson (asst.) Royersford, Pa.
Terry N. Tareila Phila., Pa., (Calvary)
John Vandegriff, Jr. (asst.) Reading, Pa.
RESOLVED: that when a Probationer is called through the Pulpit Supply System to serve as a pastor or in another ministerial capacity, he shall be a voting member of Annual Conference.
The Secretary appointed Willard E. Cassel as Assistant Secretary.
RESOLVED: that the first 10 rows constitute the Conference Bar.
The following submitted excuses for absences: Richard Taylor, Paul E. Baer, David L. Branning, H. Walter Stout, Jr., Clyde W. Snyder, R. C. Reichenbach, Donald T. Kirkwood, John H. Herb, David J. Watkins.
RESOLVED: that we accept these excuses.
The following delegates were introduced to the Conference: Jack Largent, Peter Hauge, Ralph Hendershot, Jay Fasnacht, Paul Weber, David Weller, Rufus Spedden, C. Roger Detwiler.
The following Committees were appointed:
TELLERS: Robert F. Johnson, Chairman; Keith E. Plows, Secretary; LeRoy S. Heller, Carl K. Spackman, Norman L. Reed, Leroy O. Herb, Harold L. Snyder, Jr., L. James Roberts, Jr., Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.
COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS: Frank L. Herb, Jr., Chairman; Paul G. Zimmerman, Harvey J. Fritz, Bert N. Brosius, Robert Breitegam, Harold E. Snyder, John F. Moran, Robert W. Gehret, Dana E. Weller
COMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONS: Robert W. Smock, Chairman, Arthur H. Frable, Jr., Jay Fasnacht, Austin G. Shelly, Terris L. Byrd
COMMITTEE ON AUDITING: William R. Hunsberger, Chairman; R. Stanley Weidner, Roger S. Bowne, Leon H. Naudasher, Rodney Muthard, David Weller, Byron C. Cassel
COMMITTEE ON EXAMINATION OF MINUTES OF PARTICULAR CHURCHES: R. C. Reichenbach, Chairman; Richard Taylor, Robert L. Draper, Stanley Kalbach, Arthur W. Deppe, Ernest Bauer, Allan C. Palmer, Sterling E. Baer, Paul Weber, T. Lamarn Manney, LeRoy M. Siegfried, Russell E. Dech, Clifford L. Kauffman, Clyde W. Snyder, E. Gerald Hershey, Horace Manuel, Jack Largent, Ralph Hendershot, Walter A. Schlagel, C. Roger Detwiler, Michael Guttman, Clinton Crankshaw, Rufus Spedden, Merle Phillips, Peter Hauge, Clayton Dietz, Carl H. Kellerman, Paul Rodgers.
TIMEKEEPER: Kenneth Good
REPORTER: Harold C. Weaber
Report was accepted.
RESOLVED: that the Agenda be adopted.
Report was accepted.
Chairman Jansen E. Hartman gave the Keynote Address on “Biblical Authority.”
The Lord’s Supper was observed.
The following missionaries were introduced to the Conference: Brian H. Butler, Leonard E. Buck, T. James Bigley.
The following were introduced to the Conference: Frank T. Robinson, James R. Batchler, Jr., Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., David George.
RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and extend the time.
RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:07 p.m. with prayer by Stanley Kalbach.
Second Meeting
Monday afternoon, October 11 1976 – 1:30 p.m.
James G. Koch led in prayer.
Report was accepted.
RESOLVED: that pastors be excluded from voting on the following resolution:
RESOLVED: that we strongly encourage each church to strive to provide its pastor a salary that is at least equal to the average gross income of its constituent households, and be it further
RESOLVED: that we encourage each church to increase its pastor’s salary for 1976-1977 to at least 7 % above the previous year’s salary, and be it further
RESOLVED: that it is the consensus of this Conference that the minimum salary adequate for a pastor serving a Bible Fellowship Church, including supplemental benefits, should be no less than $8,600.00 for the 1976-1977 year.
RESOLVED: that the editor of the Yearbook be instructed to add a column to the Yearbook Register of Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Bible Fellowship Church that will show the year in which each of the pastorates was established.
Report was accepted.
Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended David L. Manney and D. Thomas Phillips for ordination, and John Vandegriff, Jr. for recognition of a previous ordination, and
Whereas, D. Thomas Phillips and John Vandegriff, Jr. have served acceptably as ministers in the Bible Fellowship Church for several years, and
Whereas, David L. Manney has served acceptably under the direction of the Board of Foreign Missions for several years with World Radio Missionary Fellowship, and
Whereas, after examination, the Credentials Committee believes each of them to be called of God to the Gospel ministry and to be in accord with the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore,
RESOLVED: that David L. Manney and D. Thomas Phillips be ordained at a service of ordination to be held in the Bible Fellowship Church of Shamokin, Pa., on Thursday November 4, 1976 at 8:00 p.m., and that the ordination of John Vandegriff, Jr. be recognized at this same service.
The Credentials Committee shall be in charge of this service.
Whereas, during the past year two of our ministering brethren were taken home to be with the Lord: W. F. Heffner and N. H. Wolf and the wife of Brother Wolf preceded him in death, we thank God for their past ministries among us. We express our deepest sympathies to their families, be it
RESOLVED: that the Chairman appoint a committee to prepare suitable obituaries for W. F. Heffner and N. H. Wolf to appear in the 1976 Yearbook.
The Chairman appointed Robert W. Smock to write the obituary f or N. H. Wolf and William A. Heffner to write the obituary for his father, W. F. Heffner.
Report was accepted.
RESOLVED: that we accept the following men who are under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee:
PROBATIONERS: Delbert R. Baker, II, Newark, N.J.; James R. Batchler, Jr., Zionsville, Pa.; Arthur J. Frisbie, Wilmington, Del.; Kenneth L. Good, Lehighton, Pa.; William L. Graybill, II, Terre Hill, Pa.; Richard D. Harris, Denville, N.J.; Thomas E. Heimer, Phila., Pa.; Charles E. Kramer, Neptune, N.J.; David L. Manney, Quito, Ecuador; D. Thomas Phillips, Phillipsburg, N.J.; Frank T. Robinson, Royersford, Pa.; Terry N. Tareila, Phila., Pa.; John Vandegriff, Jr., Reading, Pa.; James A. Wickstead, Hatfield, Pa.
CANDIDATES: Leon Clayberger, Sunbury, Pa.; Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., Shamokin, Pa.; Dale E. Kehler, Chester Springs, Pa.; Edward MacWilliams, Covington, Georgia; William L. Neff, Media, Pa.; Bruce A. Pickard, Point Pleasant, Pa.; Robert Raup, Sacramento, Ca.; Jonathan D. Reynolds, Zionsville, Pa.; Henry A. Schell, Old Bridge, N.J.; Thomas P. Shorb, Bethlehem, Pa.; Robert G. Ulrich, Tallman, N. J.
APPLICANTS: James L. Beaver, Hatfield, Pa.; Richard Berkowitz, Harleysville, Pa.; Douglas D. Bowne, Richmond, Va; Alfred J. Dommel, Portland, Ore.; Ronald Erb, Royersford, Pa., John Garvin. King of Prussia. Pa., John Grady, Kulpsville, Pa.; Rodney H. Long, Tallahassee, Fla.; Charles McConnell, Flourtown, Pa.; Scott Murphy, Hatfield, Pa.; Louis Prontnicki, Phila., Pa.; Jeffrey C. Stickler, Maple Glen, Pa.; Thomas Templeton, Phillipsburg, N.J.; David A. Thomann, Coopersburg, Pa.; Phillip E. Yerrington, Royersford, Pa.
Whereas, over the past several years there have been frequent occasions in which more men have been approved by the Ministerial Candidate Committee for ministerial service in the Bible Fellowship Church than there have been open positions available, and
Whereas, even when ministerial positions are open, Bible Fellowship Churches are not required to employ any particular eligible men, and
Whereas, there is a trend within the Bible Fellowship Church toward considering of approved men on a part-time basis or as full-time assistants, and
Whereas, many men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee are willing and desirous for this type of assignment, and
Whereas, it is commonly assumed among us that probationers must be engaged in full-time service (although the Ministerial Candidate Committee has not found any such stated requirement in the “Bible Fellowship Church FAITH & ORDER”), therefore be it
RESOLVED: that men who meet all stated requirements relating to probationers be eligible to be licensed as probationers by the Ministerial Candidate Committee even if they are serving in a Bible Fellowship Church or denominational agency on a part-time basis, and that the minimum probationary period served must be the equivalent of no less than two years of full-time service, with the added provision that at least six months of service be in a full-time capacity.
Recessed at 2:55 p.m. Reconvened at 3:15 p.m.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
RESOLVED that the following entitled “‘Youth Organizations” replace the Youth Fellowship Constitution now appearing in our FAITH& ORDER, (pp. 57-60, 75 ed.) FIRST READING.
“Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth…. The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep all His commandments, because this applies to every person” (Ecclesiastes 12:1,12, NAS). “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe” (I Timothy 4:12, NAS).
Reflecting on these Scripture passages the Bible Fellowship Church recognizes and joyfully accepts its responsibility and privilege of ministering to youth. The goal of this ministry is to be used of God to help young people experience the new birth in committing themselves to Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, to guide them into Christian maturity so they may be “an example of those who believe,” and to offer them training and opportunities in Christian service. Further, this ministry seeks to develop future leadership for the church. (Cf. Philosophy of Christian Education, By-Laws of the Board of Christian Education).
Programs to attain these goals are to be developed by the particular churches and the denomination. Particular churches may have specific organizations whose function is to minister to youth. Such organizations may be para-church agencies having affiliations outside the Bible Fellowship Church or the Youth Fellowship of the particular church. In either situation the youth organization shall be under the control of the Board of Elders of the particular church.
The doctrinal standards, teaching, goals, and programs of all para-church agencies incorporated into the youth ministry of any Bible Fellowship Church shall be in compliance with the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Churches functioning with their own Youth Fellowship are encouraged to formulate a Youth Fellowship Constitution. This constitution shall provide the Youth Fellowship with organizational structure and the effective means of attaining its goals. This document shall include a statement of purpose and goals, a definition of and requirements for membership, a listing of the officers and their duties, and regulations for election of officers. The constitution shall stipulate that all officers shall be those who profess Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord and who give evidence of this profession in Christian conduct. The Board of Christian Education offers to serve as a consultant for any particular church formulating a Youth Fellowship Constitution.
To promote regional ministries and activities for the youth of the Bible Fellowship Church, Youth Fellowship regions may be established under the direction of the Board of Christian Education. This may be done upon the initiative of the Board of Christian Education, or upon the initiative of several churches within a given geographical area. In the latter case the Board of Christian Education shall be consulted by the cooperating churches. In either case the formulation of a constitution is encouraged. To facilitate the coordination of regional and denominational activities, notification of regional activities shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Board of Christian Education.
To promote ministries and activities for the youth of the Bible Fellowship Church, denominational programs shall be formulated, planned and operated by the Board of Christian Education. These shall be in compliance with the By-Laws of the Board of Christian Education and the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church.
RESOLVED: that paragraph 4, Section E, “By-Laws for Particular Churches” of FAITH & ORDER (p. 52, ’75 ed.) be changed to read:
4. Other Organizations in the Particular Church.
Officers of organized groups within the church, having election procedures approved by Annual Conference, shall elect according to their by-laws. FIRST READING.
RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules concerning the orders of the day in respect to time.
The following were elected:
MINISTERIAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE (3 years): William A. Heffner, Harold L. Snyder, Jr.
CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE: James A. Beil, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Frank L. Herb, Jr., J. H. Riggall, Keith E. Plows
Report was accepted.
The following was elected:
HISTORICAL COMMITTEE (3 years): Willard E. Cassel
RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 p.m.
RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 4:52 p.m. with prayer by Rufus Spedden.
Third Meeting
Monday evening, October 11, 1976 – 6:30 p.m.
Paul G. Zimmerman spoke on “The Place of Elders in the Church.”
Report was accepted.
RESOLVED: that the month of January be designated as Fellowship News Subscription Month; that each pastor seek to increase his number of subscriptions to meet the goal of 1,300 total subscriptions.
RESOLVED: that donations of $50.00 each be given to Fellowship News from the following Boards: Victory Valley, Foreign Missions, Church Extension, Christian Education, Pinebrook Junior College, Pinebrook Bible Conference. (Checks should be made payable to the Board of Publication & Printing and sent to the Business Manager by February 1, 1977).
RESOLVED: that the price of the Yearbook be $1.50.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
The following were elected:
MINISTERIAL CANDIDATE COMMITTEE: Carl C. Cassel, Robert F. Johnson, Ronald C. Mahurin, David J. Watkins, Paul G. Zimmerman.
RESOLVED: that we extend the time.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (3 years): Bruce A. Ellingson, Dana Weller.
RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 9:15 p.m. with prayer by Clifford L. Kauffman.
Fourth Meeting
Tuesday morning, October 12, 1976 – 9:00 a.m.
Ronald C. Mahurin led in prayer.
Minutes of Meetings one, two and three were read and approved as corrected.
Daniel G. Ziegler read a paper on”Evangelistic Mandate.”
RESOLVED: that the above paper be published in Fellowship News.
F. B. Hertzog praised the Lord in prayer for the historical evangelistic distinctive of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
The following budget was adopted:
Churches – Prepaid $62,000
Interest 3,600
Designated Gifts 22,000
General Gifts & Churches, Special 6,400 $94,000
Pre-1975 Missions & Churches 9,000
Newark, Salary & Housing 14,500
Mid-Hudson Missions 19,000
Delaware Missions 10,000
New Missions 8,000
PISCES 3,000
Teams 800 64,300
Director’s Salary 9,100
Director’s Supplemental Benefits 1,900
Director’s Parsonage 5,000
Director’s Travel 3,000
Office 5,300
Board Expenses 900
Administrative Budget 250
Workmen’s Compensation 300 25,700
Fund to Assist Needy Churches 1,000
Capital Funds 2,000
Contingency 1,000 4,000
RESOLVED: that the Churches consider giving for church extension at a rate of 5 % of their total offerings. Such a level of giving is needed to provide for an aggressive program of church-planting evangelism which will be an adequate response to the spiritual needs of America now. Further, 5 % of their total offerings has been the average of church extension giving of our churches throughout most of our history. Smaller churches might consider offerings of $10.00 per member as a goal.
RESOLVED: that the election of Daniel G. Ziegler as Director of Church Extension for a term of three years be ratified.
Report was accepted.
James R. Cressman, Hospitalization Secretary, addressed the Conference.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF PUBLICATION & PRINTING: Willard E. Cassel, John H. Herb, Paul T. Rutman, Gary Sterner
RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 2:00 p.m.
Adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
Fifth Meeting
Tuesday afternoon, October 12, 1976 – 2:00 p.m.
Leon H. Naudasher led in prayer.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: James A. Beil, Carl C. Cassel, Jansen E. Hartman, James G. Koch, David J. Watkins, Byron C. Cassel, James R. Cressman, Robert W. Gehret, Horace A. Kauffman.
Report was accepted.
The following communication was presented by LeRoy S. Heller, pastor of Emmanuel Church, Sunbury, Pa.:
The Board of Elders of the Emmanuel Bible Fellowship Church of Sunbury, Pennsylvania, submit the following petition to the ninety-third Annual Conference, convening at Pinebrook on October 11, 1976:
Whereas, the Scriptures nowhere state that a divorced person or one married to a divorced person may not be an Elder, therefore be it
RESOLVED: that we petition the Annual Conference to amend Section E – By-Laws for Particular Churches, #5 Miscellaneous By-Laws, letter I, to read, “No person who has been illegitimately divorced or married to an illegitimately divorced person may be a member of the Board of Elders.
Respectively submitted,
Ronald C. Acker, Ronald Adams, Bert Brosius, Clayton Brosius, Edwin Brosious, Francis Brosious, Robert Haupt, Merle Phillips, Norman Zellers, LeRoy S. Heller, BOARD OF ELDERS.
RESOLVED: that Section E – By-Laws for Particular Churches, number 5 – Miscellaneous By-Laws, letter I, be amended to read “No person who has been illegitimately divorced or married to an illegitimately divorced person may be a member of the Board of Elders.” (Yes – 43; No – 51).
Recessed at 3:37 p.m. Reconvened at 3:55 p.m.
Report was accepted.
Donald P. Kirkwood, Director of Admissions at Pinebrook Junior College, was introduced to the Conference.
The following were introduced to the Conference: David L. Manney, Robert N. Gordon, Raymond R. Dotts, Evan Knowles (layman from Camden, Del. mission), and Arthur J. Frisbie, organizing pastor of Glasgow, Del. mission.
Report was accepted.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION (3 years): Robert W. Smock, Bert N. Brosius, Clayton E. Weber
RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and meet at 6:30 p.m.
RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 5:10 p.m. with prayer by Terris L. Byrd.
Sixth Meeting
Tuesday evening, October 12, 1976 – 6:30 p.m.
Ronald C. Mahurin spoke on “The Place of Deacons in the Church.”
Recessed at 7:37 p.m. Reconvened at 7:55 p.m.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS (3 years): Roy A. Hertzog, Robert Breitegam
RESOLVED: that the material of Committee to Study Doctrinal Balance be first order of business of the 7th meeting after devotions.
Whereas, it is typical for the Board of Directors of colleges to be larger than the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College, and
Whereas, it would be advantageous for the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College to have a larger number of laymen so that men with specific areas of expertise and experience could be added to the Board and contribute their wisdom in the making of the complex decisions which face a college Board of Directors, and
Whereas, implementation of the Pinebrook Junior College Development Campaign will necessitate a larger pool of laymen who have direct knowledge of the operation of the College than are presently available, and
Whereas, a number of well-qualified laymen have agreed to serve on the Pinebrook Junior College Board of Directors, therefore be it
RESOLVED: that the number of laymen on the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College be increased from seven to ten, and further be it
RESOLVED: that our By-Laws establishing the composition of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College (paragraph entitled “Elections” of Section ‘e,’ page 75, FAITH & ORDER (’75 ed.) in that portion covering standing Boards and Committees) be amended to read as follows:
Election: It shall be composed of the President, five ministers and ten laymen. They shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:
I. Three Ministers – Three Laymen
II. One Minister – Four Laymen
III. One Minister – Three Laymen FIRST READING
RESOLVED, that in view of the immediacy of the need, the above action be taken by the rule of exception allowing the election of the additional members as follows:
3 Laymen for 3 years
1 Layman for 2 years
1 Layman for 1 year
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
RESOLVED: that we extend the time.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PINEBROOK JUNIOR COLLEGE (3 years): Bert N. Brosius, John H. Herb, Donald D. Reitz
BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF BIBLE FELLOWSHIP HOME FOR THE AGING (2 years): John Dunn, Paul G. Zimmerman, Robert W. Smock, Charles G. Hersh.
BOARD OF VICTORY VALLEY (3 years): Bryan Bray, Bright N. Heist, John Stengele.
RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 9:35 p.m. with prayer by Clinton Crankshaw.
Seventh Meeting
Wednesday morning, October 13, 1976 – 9:00 a.m.
Roger S. Bowne led in prayer.
The Minutes of Meetings four, five and six were read and approved as read.
Clayton B. Brosius, alternate delegate from Sunbury and Brian Moyer, alternate delegate from Sinking Spring, were seated in the Conference Bar.
James A. Beil spoke on “The Separated Life.”
RESOLVED: that the following material be adopted as an Article of Faith entitled “Human Ability and Human Responsibility” to be substituted for the present Article X entitled “Free Agency.” SECOND READING.
Article X
In his original creation man was endowed with ability to will and to do good or evil and was accountable for his willing and doing.1
But by the fall of Adam man lost his ability apart from God’s grace2 to will and to do those things necessary to a right relationship to God;3 however, he is still accountable to God for obedience to all His commands.4 Man has not lost his ability to make decisions,5 but left to himself acts only in accordance with his fallen sinful nature.6
Only by God’s infinite grace can man will or do anything necessary to his salvation.7 God by that grace saves men8 whom He causes to will and to do good; however, He does this without nullifying man’s ability to act responsibly.9
1 And the Lord God commanded the man saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die (Genesis 2:16,17).
2 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirt that now worketh in the children of disobedience: among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others (Ephesians 2:1-3).
3 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God (Romans 3:11). So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God (Romans 8:8).
4 Who will render to every man according to his deeds: to them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life: but unto them that are contentious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil; of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile (Romans 2:6-10). And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent (Acts 17:30).
5 For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live (Deuteronomy 30:11,19).
6 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one… They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one (Romans 3:10,12). Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil (Jeremiah 13:23). (See also Ephesians 2:1-3 as per footnote 2).
7 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy (Romans 9:16).
8 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruit of his creatures (James 1:18).
9 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling: For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure (Philippians 2:12,13).
(Yes – 88; No – 0)
RESOLVED: that the following Article be adopted. SECOND READING:
The Church has been commissioned by Jesus Christ to preach the gospel to all nations.1 Each particular church and every believer bear responsibility to this commission.2
In the Gospel God has clearly revealed the only way of salvation which is sufficient for and applicable to the whole lost race of mankind.3 Based on His infinite and perfect love and His expressed desire that all men be saved,4 He bids the Church that with urgency, compassion and persuasion it proclaim the gospel to all-people and invite them to believe.
It is the duty and privilege of everyone who hears the gospel to repent and receive its merciful provisions.6 Those who do so are saved,7 and those who continue in impenitence and unbelief incur aggravated guilt and perish by their own fault.8
1Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I command you: and lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world (Matthew 28:19,20 ASV) 1901). But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth (Acts 1:8).
2 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear (I Peter 3:15).
3 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world (I John 2:2).
4 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth (I Timothy 2:3,4).
5 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God (II Corinthians 5:18-20).
6 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent (Acts 17:30). For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13).
7 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house (Acts 16:31). Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life (John 5:24).
8 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him (John 3:36). I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish (Luke 13:3). But, after thy hardness and impenitent heart, treasureth up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God (Romans 2:5).
(Yes – 88; No – 0)
RESOLVED: that the above material entitled “The Evangelistic Mission of the Church” be inserted in the Articles of Faith as Article XIX and all succeeding articles be advanced by one in numerical order.
Recessed at 10:45 a.m. Reconvened at 11:05 a.m.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
RESOLVED: that the administration of the affairs of the Pinebrook Conference grounds be under the direction of one Board, to be known as the Pinebrook Bible Conference Board, effective November 1, 1976.
Whereas, Pinebrook Junior College has moved to new quarters and
Whereas in view of this move of the College, the 93rd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church has determined that the administration of the Pinebrook Conference Grounds be administered by one Board, and
Whereas, the duties of this Conference Board will require a significant increase in its work load, and
Whereas, these increased duties must of necessity be undertaken immediately, therefore, be it
RESOLVED: that the Pinebrook Service Board cease to exist as of November 1, 1976 and its duties described on page 78, item ‘j’ of the FAITH & ORDER (‘75 ed.) be assumed by the Pinebrook Bible Conference Board, and be it further
RESOLVED: that Article 5, Agencies of Annual Conference, section ‘I’, Pinebrook Bible Conference Board, Elections, page 77, FAITH & ORDER (’75 ed.) be amended as follows:
Election: It shall be composed of four ministers and six laymen and the Bible Conference Director. The ministers and laymen shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:
I. Two Ministers – Two Laymen
II. One Minister – Two Laymen
III. One Minister – Two Laymen
One Bible Conference Director annually by virtue of his office.
Whereas, Pinebrook Junior College has moved to new quarters, and
Whereas, in view of this move of the College, the 93rd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church has determined that the administration of the Pinebrook Conference Grounds be administered by one Board, and
Whereas, the duties of this Conference Board will require a significant increase in its work load, and
Whereas, these increased duties must of necessity be undertaken immediately, therefore, be it
RESOLVED: that under our Rule of Exception the change in the jurisdiction of the Pinebrook Conference Board enacted above at first reading be made effective immediately, and be it further
RESOLVED: that the accounts of the Pinebrook Service Board are to be merged into the Pinebrook Bible Conference Board as of July 1, 1976 and included in the report of the latter to the 94th Annual Conference and that the directors of Pinebrook Service Board now incumbent be continued in office until October 31, 1976.
RESOLVED: that we extend the time.
RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:13 p.m. with prayer by Harold C. Weaber.
Eighth Meeting
Wednesday afternoon, October 13, 1976 – 2:00 p.m.
Clyde W. Snyder led in prayer.
RESOLVED: that each church make a contribution to the Pinebrook Conference Board. Contributions should amount to at least that which has been given to the Pinebrook Service Board and Conference Board. Checks should be made payable to Pinebrook Conference Board and sent to the Director.
RESOLVED: that the newly formed Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference study and revise its duties to include its present responsibilities as well as the appropriate duties of the Service Board.
Whereas, Jansen E. Hartman has presided over the 93rd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church with much wisdom and dispatch, therefore
RESOLVED: that we express praise to our God for giving us such a competent Chairman.
Whereas, David E. Thomann has faithfully and diligently served as Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference and
Whereas, he has served effectively and sacrificially as General Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions,
RESOLVED: that we express our appreciation for his ministry and assure him of our continued moral and prayerful support.
Whereas, the Pinebrook Service Board has met regularly, hired able employees and supervised many workdays at Pinebrook, and
Whereas, it has been adopted that these functions in future years be undertaken by an enlarged Pinebrook Conference Board,
RESOLVED: that we give thanks to the Lord of the Church for the lengthy hours of labor and the many achievements which have been instituted through the efforts and guidance of the Pinebrook Service Board.
Whereas, the Pinebrook Conference Board and its employees have faithfully performed their tasks at Pinebrook, and
Whereas, it has been adopted that the Pinebrook Bible Conference Board assume the service function at Pinebrook, therefore,
RESOLVED: that we give thanks to our God for their faithfulness and pray that He will continue to bless their efforts to meet their increased responsibilities.
Whereas, David J. Watkins, President of Pinebrook Junior College, has provided great wisdom, faith and skill in the leadership of our College,
RESOLVED: that we praise God for this gifted administrator and pray for God’s continued strength and direction to be granted to him.
Whereas, God in His marvelous providence has supplied a beautiful campus and suitable, well-constructed educational facilities for Pinebrook Junior College in Coopersburg, Pa.
RESOLVED: that we thank God for His abundant provision and pray for His spiritual and financial blessings to be showered on the College and for the fulfillment of His divine purposes in raising up this institution.
Whereas, the faculty and staff of Pinebrook Junior College have faithfully taught the Word of God and set godly examples before the students, and have sought to minister to the spiritual, mental and social needs of the students,
RESOLVED: that we express our appreciation to these servants of God and assure them of our continued prayer support.
Whereas, James A. Beil has manifested much wisdom, tact and capability in carrying out his responsibilities as the Administrator of the Home for the Aging,
RESOLVED: that we thank God for this faithful servant and pray that God will grant continued grace and guidance for his ministry.
Whereas, Daniel G. Ziegler has manifested intense zeal, vision, consecration and fervor for evangelism as Director of the Church Extension Department, therefore
RESOLVED: that we praise God for his enthusiastic leadership and beseech the Lord to continue to use him in extending the Church of Jesus Christ.
Whereas, Jonathan Reynolds has served faithfully and industriously as the Director of Victory Valley, therefore
RESOLVED: that we thank God for his service and support him with our faithful prayers.
Whereas, we have a family of missionaries who have been obedient to the heavenly vision and are diligently seeking to carry out the injunction of the Great Commission, therefore
RESOLVED: that we thank God for their service and assure them of our fervent prayers and adequate financial support.
Whereas, Editor-Publisher, Willard E. Cassel, and Business Manager, R. C. Reichenbach, have sought to edify and inform our constituency through the preparation and circulation of the FELLOWSHIP NEWS,
RESOLVED that we express our deep appreciation for their sacrificial labors in this ministry.
Whereas, Robert W. Gehret, Conference Treasurer; James R. Cressman, Health & Welfare Secretary and Horace A. Kauffman, Financial Secretary, have faithfully, accurately and diligently performed their duties,
RESOLVED: that we commend them on a job well done and express our appreciation for their service on our behalf.
Whereas, James A. Beil has efficiently served as Secretary of the 93rd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, and
Whereas, Willard E. Cassel has competently assisted the Secretary and Mrs. Esther Cassel has typed the master stencils for most of the minutes, therefore,
RESOLVED: that we express our thanks to these persons for their labors and that we present to each of them a gift of $25.00 from the Board of Publication & Printing.
Whereas, the Ministerial Relations Committee has served effectively in efforts to deal with particular church problems and in helping to fill pulpit vacancies, therefore
RESOLVED: that we thank the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for these dedicated men and ask His blessing and direction for them as they seek to deal with present and future matters that relate to Ministerial Relations.
Whereas, Rev. Ernest W. Bean has concluded 50 years of ministry in the Bible Fellowship Church and has retired from the active ministry, therefore
RESOLVED: that we give thanks to our God for our faithful and beloved brother and pray for the Lord’s continued guidance in his life.
Whereas, God has graciously called and equipped the ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church as they have sought to be good and faithful servants of Christ and His Church during the past year,
RESOLVED: that we praise God for our ministering brethren and that we pray for the guidance, power and fulness of the Holy Spirit to be granted to all our pastors and the churches to which they will minister in the coming year.
Whereas, God has blessed the 93rd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church with honorable and dedicated delegates from each of the churches, and
Whereas, these men have given of their prayers, time and effort at the Conference as a manifestation of their love and concern for Christ and His Church, therefore
RESOLVED: that we thank God for these servants and pray that the Lord’s wisdom, strength and direction be granted to them and to all the Elders of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Whereas, the 93rd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church has been graciously and bountifully entertained by the Pinebrook staff and other volunteers, therefore
RESOLVED: that we thank God for their loving service and express our appreciation to them with a rising vote of thanks at the evening meal on Wednesday.
Whereas, the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College has extended an invitation to the 94th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church to convene at its new campus and building. and
Whereas, the College will be prepared to supply meals, meeting areas, recreational facilities and a limited amount of sleeping quarters, therefore
RESOLVED: that the 94th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church be convened at Pinebrook Junior College, 600 S. Main Street, Coopersburg, Pennsylvania, on Monday October 10, 1977, at 10:00 a.m.
Frank L. Herb, Jr., Chairman; Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Bert N. Brosius, Robert Breitegam, Harold E. Snyder, Dana Weller, Paul G. Zimmerman, COMMITTEE.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PINEBROOK JUNIOR COLLEGE (3 years): Russell M. Ruch, Jay Fasnacht, Nicholas Sheetz; (2 years): Charles G. Hersh; (1 year): Rodney Muthard.
PINEBROOK CONFERENCE BOARD (3 years): Kermit K. Gehman, Robert Breitegam; (2 years): Gerald Schlonecker; (1 year): Sterling Baer; (3 years): John H. Riggall, Alva C. Cassel.
RESOLVED: that the matter of the Probationers’ eligibility to vote at Annual Conference be referred to the Government Committee.
Recessed at 3:25 p.m. Reconvened at 3:45 p.m.
The Chairman made the following appointments:
COMMITTEE ON AGENDA: James A. Beil, Willard E. Cassel.
COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM FOR 1977: J. H. Riggall, Donald D. Reitz, Bert N. Brosius and Chairman of 94th Annual Conference.
COMMITTEE ON STATISTICS: LeRoy S. Heller, Willard E. Cassel, Paul G. Zimmerman, John Dunn, John H. Herb.
ARCHIVIST: Richard Taylor and R. Stanley Weidner, Assistant Archivist.
RESOLVED: that the Committee on Program and Committee on Agenda for next Annual Conference make provision for a public service open to the public during the 94th Annual Conference.
RESOLVED: that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 p.m.
Adjourned at 5:04 p.m. with prayer by John Vandegriff, Jr.
Ninth Meeting
Wednesday evening, October 13, 1976 – 6:30 p.m.
John H. Herb read a paper on “The Place of Women in the Church.”
The following was adopted at FIRST READING:
Article I
Composition and Election of the Board
Section 1 – Composition – The Board of Directors of Bible Church shall be composed of five ordained Fellowship Church ministers and four laymen
Section 2 – Election and Term of Office- The Directors shall be elected in three classes by the Annual Conference of Bible Fellowship Church to three year terms of service; each director shall serve until his successor is duly elected and qualified.
The classes shall be composed as follows:
Class I – Two ministers and one layman
Class II – Two ministers and one layman
Class III – One minister and two laymen
(To begin, Class I shall be elected to a term of one year;
Class II to a term of two years; Class III to a term of three years.)
Section 3 – Vacancies – Any vacancies of the Board occurring between Annual Conferences may be filled by simple majority vote of the remaining Directors; each Director elected in this way shall serve only until the next Annual Conference.
Article II
Organization of the Board
Section 1 – Officers – The Directors shall elect annually from their number a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Financial Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Board may, at its discretion, elect such other officers and agents as the business of the Corporation may require. Two or more offices may be held by the same person.
Section 2 – Vacancies – Vacancies in the offices named in this Article shall be filled by the Board of Directors as early as practicable.
Section 3 – Removal from Office – Officers elected by the Board of Directors shall be subject to removal from office at any time by majority vote of the whole number of Directors.
Article III
Duties of the Board
Section 1 – Legal – The Board of Directors shall have and exercise in the name and on the behalf of the Corporation all rights and privileges conferred by the Charter creating the Corporation; such activity must always be in conformity to the FAITH & ORDER of Bible Fellowship Church and to the rules, decisions and directives of the Annual Conference of Bible Fellowship Church.
Section 2 – Denominational Property – It shall hold title to and have charge of all property, both real and personal, belonging to the Corporation except where there is an organized church or where other provision has been made for supervision by the Annual Conference.
It shall buy or sell property for the Corporation only by the approval of all members of the Board or by direction of Annual Conference.
It shall have the right to borrow money, contract mortgages, or make loans against any property of the Corporation by approval of all members of the Board or by direction of the Annual Conference.
Section 3 – Ministers’ Retirement Fund and Insurance Programs – It shall have oversight of the Ministers’ Retirement Fund of Bible Fellowship Church as well as all insurance programs established by Annual Conference.
Section 4 – Funds and Other Assets – It shall determine the depositories of Funds held by the Corporation, shall maintain accurate accounts of such funds and other assets, and shall have the right to make investments.
Section 5 – Administrative Budget – It shall have the oversight of the Administrative Budget according to the By-Laws of Annual Conference.
Section 6 – Real Estate of Particular Churches – It shall assist upon request of a particular church in having deeds drawn for real estate with the trust clauses as described in the By-Laws for Particular Churches in the FAITH & ORDER.
It shall act in an advisory capacity to particular churches and to the Board of Church Extension regarding the buying and selling of properties and development of facilities.
It shall have authority to sell for the Corporation any property deeded to a particular church where for any reason said particular church ceases to exist as an organized church; it shall be empowered to convey such real estate and to execute and deliver a lawful deed. It shall use the net proceeds of the sale of such property for the extension of Bible Fellowship Church.
Section 7 – Report – It shall submit a report(s) to the Annual Conference of Bible Fellowship Church annually.
RESOLVED: that the following budgets be adopted:
1,200 subscribers @$2.50 $3,000
Donations from Board 300
Subsidy 600 $3,900
Printing 12 issues of Fel. News 3,000
Secretarial Help 100
Editor’s Expense 125
Business Manager’s Expense 375
Maintenance of Equipment 300 3,900
Administrative Budget $2,000
Year Books 1,550
Faith & Order 400 3,950
Fellowship News Subsidy $600
Yearbooks 1,550
Honoraria 350
Printing Faith & Order 900
Church Supplies 500
New Equipment 50 $3,950
The following were elected:
Whereas, the paper presented by John H. Herb on the Role of Women in the Church provoked serious consideration as to their place in the church, and
Whereas, many of the conference body recognize that God has given spiritual gifts to particular women of our churches, therefore
RESOLVED: that the Government Committee study the advisability of women serving on the various boards and committees of Annual Conference and report to the 94th Annual Conference.
Recessed at 8:13 p.m. Reconvened at 8:27 p.m.
The following were elected:
BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (3 years): Roy E. Williams, Ralph Kulp
Jonathan Reynolds, Director of Victory Valley Camp, addressed the Conference.
RESOLVED: that the following, regarding the Duties of the Board of Church Extension, be adopted. SECOND READING
A. Delete #5 under Duties of Board, p. 72, FAITH & ORDER (‘75 ed.).
B. Delete #4 & #5 under the Rules relative to Status of Churches, p. 74, FAITH & ORDER (‘75 ed.)
C. That #6 under Rules relative to Status of Churches, pp. 74, 75, FAITH & ORDER (‘75 ed.) be revised to read as follows:
All churches which receive financial aid from the Board of Church Extension shall be under the jurisdiction of the Church Extension Department as long as they continue to receive such aid and until three years after the date of their receiving the last payment of such aid. After a church ceases to be under the jurisdiction of the Church Extension Department, it shall not again come under that jurisdiction or be eligible to receive financial aid from the Board of Church Extension except when a need for financial aid shall be occasioned by its participation in the start of a new Bible Fellowship Church or mission, in which case the Board of Church Extension may appropriate such financial aid. The Board of Church Extension and the Director may counsel and advise the churches under their jurisdiction in matters of pastoral relations and supply.
RESOLVED: that we extend the time.
The following administrative Budget for 1976-1977 was adopted:
1976-1977 Administrative Budget Compared with 1975-1976
A. Benefits for each Pastor 1976-1977 1975-1976
1. Beneficiary Fund $ 1,000 $ 1,000
2. Ministers’ Assistance Fund 500 500
3. Ministerial Convention Expense 500 500
4. Ministers’ Retirement Fund 12,000 10,000
5. Health & Welfare Ins. 32,375 22,000
Sub Total $ 46,375 $ 35,200
B. Benefits for each Church
1. Conference Entertainment $ 2,000 $ 2,500
2. Moving Fund 3,500 3,200
Sub Total $ 5,500 $ 5,700
C. Conference Program
1. Publication & Printing $ 2,000 $ 2,500
2. Exp. for Brds. & Com. on Con.
Business 3,000 2,250
3. Other – Board of Directors 200 100
4. Ministerial Cand. Com. Internship
Fund 500 250
5. Contingencies 125 430.88
Sub Total 5,8255 5,530.88
TOTALS $57,700 $46,430.88
RESOLVED: that we approve the following Budget for presentation to the Churches:
A. Benefits for each Pastor
1. Beneficiary Fund $ 1,000
2. Ministers’ Assistance Fund 500
3. Ministerial Convention Expense 500
4. Ministers’ Retirement Fund 13,000
5. Health & Welfare Insurance for Pastors 36000
Sub Total $51,000
B. Benefits for each Church
1. Conference Entertainment $ 3,000
2. Moving Fund 5,000
Sub Total $ 8,000
C. Conference Program
1. Publication & Printing $ 2,500
2. Expenses for 130ards & Committees 4,000
3. Other Expenses of j3oard of Directors 250
4. Ministerial Candidate Internship Program 1,300
5. Contingencies 450
Sub Total $ 8,000
TOTALS $67,000
RESOLVED: that the rate beginning October 1, 1976, for Annuities from the Ministers’ Retirement Fund be established at $66.00 per year for each year of active service for each annuitant according to our rules.
RESOLVED: that all Bible Fellowship Agencies which employ men full-time who are members of the Ministers’ Retirement Fund be required to make an annual pledge and payments to the Annual Conference Administrative Budget.
RESOLVED: that we accept the following:
The Board of Elders of Faith Bible Fellowship Church of Fleetwood, Pennsylvania, submit the following request to the ninety-third Annual Conference, convening at Pinebrook on October 11, 1976.
Whereas, God in His sovereign grace and divine providence has provided 13 families who are interested in establishing a Bible Fellowship Church in Oley Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, and
Whereas, at a congregational meeting on August 1, 1976, authorization has been granted to take necessary steps to establish this sister Bible Fellowship Church, and
Whereas, land has been purchased for building a church sanctuary, therefore, be it
RESOLVED: that Faith Bible Fellowship Church of Fleetwood hereby ask the members of the ninety-third Annual Conference, meeting on October 11, 1976, to consider our request and grant the following:
(1) That these Bible Fellowship Church members who desire to establish an evangelical witness in Oley Township, be considered as a newly-formed congregation of the
Bible Fellowship Church.
(2) That this newly-formed congregation be permitted to extend a call for a pastor through the Pulpit Supply System, when they deem it judiciously feasible.
Respectfully submitted,
The Board of Elders
Whereas, God in His sovereign grace and divine providence has provided 13 families who are interested in establishing a Bible Fellowship Church in Oley Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, and
Whereas, at a congregational meeting of Faith Bible Fellowship Church, Fleetwood, Pa. on August 1, 1976, authorization was granted to take necessary steps to establish this sister Bible Fellowship Church, and
Whereas, land has been purchased for building a church sanctuary, therefore be it
RESOLVED: that these Bible Fellowship Church members who desire to establish an evangelical witness in Oley Township be recognized as a newly-organized Bible Fellowship Church.
Eugene Kuhns, delegate from Oley Valley, was introduced to Annual Conference by Pastor Austin G. Shelly.
RESOLVED: that Eugene Kuhns be seated in the Bar.
RESOLVED: that we accept excuses of absence from Thursday’s meetings of Horace A. Kauffman, John Dunn, Austin G. Shelly and Eugene Kuhns.
RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 10:00 p.m. with prayer by Paul Rodgers.
Tenth Meeting
Thursday morning, October 14, 1976 – 9:00 a.m.
Byron C. Cassel led in prayer.
The Minutes of meetings seven, eight and nine were read and approved as corrected.
Robert F. Johnson spoke on “Christ’s Return.”
RESOLVED: that John H. Herb’s paper “The Role of Women in the Church” be published in the Fellowship News.
Howard Schaeffer, alternate delegate from Cedar Crest, was seated in the Bar.
The Budget of Pinebrook Junior College was accepted. (See page 138)
RESOLVED: that we delete the words “and Board of Victory Valley” from the last line of the first paragraph under the section Conference Treasurer, p. 70 (’75 ed.) of the FAITH & ORDER, and further be it
RESOLVED: that the 93rd Annual Conference grant Victory Valley the privilege of maintaining its own treasury with a Treasurer elected by and from the membership of the Board of Victory Valley. SECOND READING
Recessed at 10:40 a.m. Reconvened at 11:55 a.m.
The following was adopted at SECOND READING:
Duties of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Home for the Aging:
1. The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Home shall be responsible to maintain a home for the aging and infirm and to engage in such other forms of benevolent and charitable work in connection with said Home as may be determined.
2. The general business and affairs of the Bible Fellowship Church Home shall be managed and conducted by its Board of Directors acting as a Board, or through its properly authorized Officers in accordance with the By-Laws of the Bible Fellowship Church Home; and management of its corporate business and affairs shall be in accordance with and subject to the FAITH & ORDER and By-Laws of the Bible Fellowship Church.
3. The general conduct of the Bible Fellowship Church Home shall be under the immediate supervision and control of an Administrator elected annually by its Board of Directors at the latter’s February meeting.
4. The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Home shall make a written report of its activities to Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.
The following was adopted at SECOND READING:
Duties of the Board of Foreign Missions:
1. To formulate objectives and policy for the Foreign Mission program of the Bible Fellowship Church.
2. To interview and examine all prospective candidates for approval and for financial assistance.
3. To exercise oversight over the members of the Foreign Mission Department and to maintain standards in conformity to the Bible Fellowship Church.
4. To supervise the financial business matters relative to Foreign Missions.
5. To promote Foreign Missions in conjunction with the local church.
6. To submit a written report to the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.
An addendum to the Report of the Board of Foreign Missions was accepted. (See page 139)
Additional material relative to By-Laws of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church was presented.
The following was adopted at FIRST READING:
Article IV
Duties of Officers
Section 1 – President – (1) The President shall be moderator of all meetings of the Board of Directors. (2) He or any officer designated by him shall execute such leases, contracts, deeds and other documents as the current business of the Corporation may require. He shall report such execution to the Board, excepting, however, that no report shall be required with respect to matters which have been approved or authorized by the Board or matters not requiring Board authorization or approval (3) He shall also exercise and perform such powers and duties as are usually exercised by and devolve upon Presidents of Corporations.
Section 2 – The Vice-President – The Vice-President shall be the moderator of any duly called meetings of the Board of Directors not attended by the President. Should the Board find that the President is incapacitated or unable to perform his duties as President, such duties shall devolve upon the Vice-President.
Section 3 – Secretary of the Corporation – The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Board. He shall be custodian of the seal of the Corporation. He shall maintain files and records for the business of the Corporation. He shall preserve items of special value in a safe deposit box in a depository approved by the Board.
Section 4 – Financial Secretary – The Financial Secretary shall maintain accurate records of all assets held by and all financial transactions of the Corporation. He shall issue checks for the payment of duly authorized obligations.
Section 5 – Treasurer – The Treasurer shall deposit all funds for which the Board is responsible in depositories approved by the Board of Directors; all accounts shall be in the name of Bible Fellowship Church, …… ,Treasurer.
Article V
Miscellaneous Regulations
Section 1 – Primary Place of Business – The Primary place of business of the Corporation shall be:
Bible Fellowship Church
600 S. Main Street
Coopersburg, Pennsylvania, 18036
Section 2 – Lawful Meetings – The Board of Directors shall establish a schedule of stated meetings; it may also establish special meetings as required. Other special meetings may be convened with at least seven days’ notice sent by mail to each Director at the address given in the current Yearbook; such special meetings shall be convened at the call of the President on his own initiative or at the call of the Secretary when requested by three Directors. In any call for a special meeting, the purpose of the meeting must be stated and the business transacted will be limited to the announced purpose, unless all of the Directors are present in said special meeting and consent to the transaction of other business.
Section 3 – Quorum – Seven duly elected Directors must be present to transact business of the Board; because its rules require unanimous consent of all Directors on certain issues, the vote of an absent Director shall be entered into the record on, but only on, those issues.
Section 4 – Disbursement of Funds – The President, Financial Secretary and Treasurer shall be qualified to sign checks for withdrawal of funds from the bank accounts of the Board.
Checks may be validated by the signatures of any two of the qualified officers.
Report was accepted.
The following were elected:
NOMINATING COMMITTEE: James A. Beil, John Dunn, Robert F. Johnson, James G. Koch, Harold L. Snyder, Jr., Norman L. Reed, Warren L. Zimmerman
RESOLVED: that the material adopted at FIRST READING relative to By-Laws of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church replace material “Elections and Duties” pp. 65 & 66, FAITH & ORDER (’75 ed,) down to line ending “of churches and parsonages.” FIRST READING.
The following was elected:
GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE: Carl K. Spackman (as a replacement for John H. Riggall who resigned.)
RESOLVED: that the Government Committee bring to the 94th Annual Conference a recommended amendment of paragraph ‘4’ page 65, FAITH & ORDER (’75 ed.) specifying on which Boards and Committees laymen must be Elders to qualify for election or appointment.
RESOLVED: that the words “The term of office shall be for three years; no one is eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms,” p. 65, FAITH & ORDER (‘75 ed.) #5 a, under Ministerial Relations Committee be eliminated. FIRST READING.
RESOLVED: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:25 p.m. with prayer by Frank L. Herb, Jr.