1979 Annual Conference Minutes




Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1979 Yearbook


Monday Morning, October 8, 1979 – 10:00 a.m.

            Chairman Carl C. Cassel called the 96th Annual Conference to order. The hymn, “To God be the Glory” was sung and F. B. Hertzog led in prayer.

            Secretary James A. Beil appointed Harold C. Weaber as Assistant Secretary and Bernard N. Coble as Assistant to the Secretaries.

The Roll was established as follows:

Allentown Bethel – Ronald C. Mahurin – John L. Deily

Allentown Cedar Crest – Roy A. Hertzog – Neil E. Montgomery

Allentown Salem – (Probationer) – Allan C. Palmer

Bethlehem – Frank L. Herb, Jr. – Warren L. Zimmerman

Blandon – Dana E. Weller – Stanley C. Kalbach

Camden DE (Mission) – James G. Koch – Raymond Dotts

Carmel NY (Mission) – William H. Bartron

Catasauqua – (Probationer) – Arthur W. Deppe

Coopersburg –                         – Clyde W. Snyder

Denville, N.J. – Richard D. Harris – Hilary A. Nixon

Easton – LeRoy C. Wilcox –

Emmaus – Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. – Clifford L. Kauffman

Ephrata – Robert W. Smock – Robert W. Gehret

Finesville, N.J. – D. Thomas Phillips – H. Walter Stout, Jr.

Fleetwood – Austin G. Shelly – Norman L. Reed

Freehold-Englishtown, N.J. – (Probationer) – Clinton Crankshaw

Graterford – – C. Roger Detwiler

Harleysville – Paul G. Zimmerman – Ernest Pierson

Harrisburg – R. C. Reichenbach – Walter A. Schlagel

Hatfield – John H. Herb – Lee E. Boyles

Howell, N.J. – John Vandegriff – David Markuson

Lancaster –                  – Horace A. Kauffman

Lebanon – Bruce A. Ellingson – Leroy O. Herb

Lehighton – Bernard N. Coble – Ernest E. Bauer

Maple Glen – Carl K. Spackman – V. Kerry Inman

Mt. Carmel – Alva C. Cassel – Harold L. Snyder, Jr,

Nazareth – Keith E. Plows – Ralph Hendershot

New Fairfield, CT (Mission) – Robert L. Draper

Oley – (Probationer) – Eugene Kuhns

Paradise – Kenneth L. Good – L. Donald Miller

Philadelphia Calvary –             – Leon H. Naudasher

Philadelphia Emmanuel – Roger Reitz – Russell Davis

Quakertown – Bert N. Brosius L, James Roberts, Jr.

Reading – Jansen E. Hartman (1) Robert Breitegam, (2) Rodney Muthard

Royersford – Robert F. Johnson – Charles Mogel

Scranton – Terry N. Tareila – Earl F. Ransom

Shamokin – Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr, – Ronald C. Lahr

Sinking Spring – Terris Byrd – Brian Moyer

Spring City – Richard E. Taylor – R. Stanley Weidner

Staten Island, NY – (Probationer) – Ralph D. Cole

Stroudsburg – (Probationer) – Horace Hartshorn

Sunbury – LeRoy S. Heller – Clayton Brosius

Terre Hill – William L. Graybill, II – Paul Weber

Wallingford – William A. Heffner – Rufus Spedden

Walnutport – Harold C. Weaber – David L. Musselman

York – John H Riggall – Sterling E. Baer

Zionsville – (Probationer) – David L. Weller


ORDAINED MEN SERVING BIBLE FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES – James A. Beil, Carl C. Cassel, George E. Herb, David E. Thomann, David J. Watkins, Daniel G. Ziegler.

ORDAINED MISSIONARIES – T. James Bigley, Brian H. Butler, Leonard E. Buck, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, David Mann, Edward Moyer, Laird F. Stengele, Ron Hoyle.

ORDAINED MINISTERS IN RETIREMENT – Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, John Dunn, W. W. Hartman, F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, C. Leslie Miller.


James R. Batchler – Zionsville

Charles J. McConnell – Allentown Salem

William L. Neff – Freehold-Englishtown, NJ

Henry A. Schell – Oley

Thomas P. Shorb – Stroudsburg

David A. Thomann – Catasauqua

Bryan G. Upton – Staten Island, NY

Richard Harris addressed the Conference.

            Resolved, that the first nine pews constitute the Conference Bar.

            The Chairman ruled that alternate delegates be seated.


            Resolved, that the agenda be adopted as revised.


            Report was accepted.


             Report was accepted.

            Resolved, that the following appointments by the Chairman be approved.

TELLERS: Robert H. Johnson, Keith E. Plows, LeRoy S. Heller, Carl K. Spackman, Norman L. Reed, Lee E. Boyles, Eugene J. Kuhns, Ronald C. Lahr.

COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS: James G. Koch, Roy A. Hertzog, Robert W. Smock, Dana E. Weller, Warren L. Zimmerman, Clyde W. Snyder, C. Roger Detwiler, Leroy O. Herb.

COMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONS: R. C. Reichenbach, Austin G. Shelly, Leon H. Naudasher, Harold L. Snyder, Jr.

COMMITTEE ON AUDITING: Robert W. Gehret, Horace A. Kauffman, R. S. Weidner, Ralph D. Cole, David L. Musselman, Rodney Muthard.

Timekeeper: Terry N. Tareila

Reporter: William H. Bartron

            Resolved, that the election procedure as used by the 95th Annual Conference be followed effective Monday afternoon:

            A.        Nominations be closed for all elections to be conducted at a particular meeting at the opening of that meeting.

            B.        A ballot be prepared by the tellers and the associate members of the Conference for use during the day for those elections.

            C.        The ballots be marked by each member of the Conference and be submitted to the tellers.

            D.        The tellers shall with the aid of the Associate Members of the Conference tabulate the results, and prepare run-off ballots as needed.

            The Conference sang “O Worship the King”; Clyde W. Snyder read Hebrews 1:6-9 and 7:11-19 and led in prayer.

            Chairman Carl C. Cassel spoke on the topic, “The Crisis in Authority Today,” after which the Lord’s Supper was observed.

Resolved, that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:03 p.m.


Monday Afternoon, October 8. 1979, 1:30 p.m.

            The Conference sang “Blessed Assurance”. Carl K. Spackman led in prayer.


            The Committee on Communications, concerned about the number of requests regarding excuses submitted each year to Annual Conference, would encourage the members of Annual Conference to be mindful of the importance of full representation and to give serious thought in the coming year to this increasing problem.

            The following have requested to be excused:

1.         Pastor LeRoy C. Wilcox – all morning meetings because of employment.

2.         Pastor Richard D. Harris – due to the death of his child.

3.         Stanley Kalbach – Monday meetings due to illness.

4.         Hilary Nixon – Monday morning and afternoon. No reason given.

5.         David Watkins – Monday evening meeting because of college responsibilities.

6.         Paul Weber – remainder of Annual Conference due to wife’s illness.

7.         H. Walter Stoudt – from various meetings due to employment.

8.         Pastor Robert Draper – Wednesday evening, to meet with town zoning board.

9.         Arthur Frable, Jr. – all meetings because of employment.

10.       Philip Yerrington – all meetings because of missionary deputation.

11.       Robert Breitegam – early meetings no reason given.

12.       Rodney Muthard – Monday meetings personal reasons.

13.         T. James Bigley, Jr. – some meetings due to his responsibilities at Pinebrook Bible Conference.

14.       Pastor Bert Brosius – some meetings due to court case in which he is a witness and a concerned Pastor.

            We recommend that these men be excused: R. C. Reichenbach, Chairman; Austin Shelly, Secretary; Harold L. Snyder, Jr., Leon Naudasher.

            Resolved, that the above report be accepted.

            Resolved, that the above-named men be excused.

            Resolved, that the Alternate Delegate from Scranton, Earl F. Ransom, be seated in the Conference Bar.

            Resolved, that all pastors and delegates who have not submitted written requests to be excused from various meetings of the 96th Annual Conference present their requests to the Chairman, who shall have authority to grant or deny said requests.

            Resolved, that we accept the Nominating Committee’s Supplemental report.


            Report was accepted.

            Whereas, the inflation rates continued to escalate this past year, and

            Whereas, we strongly encourage each church to adequately meet the need of its Pastor, therefore, be it

            Resolved, that we encourage each church to increase its Pastor’s salary at least 7% above the previous year’s salary, and further

            Resolved, that it is the consensus of the 96th Annual Conference that the minimum salary adequate for a pastor serving a Bible Fellowship Church, including benefits, is $10,400 for the 1979-80 year.


            Report was accepted.

            Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended Delbert R. Baker, II, James R. Batchler, Jr., and Thomas P. Shorb for ordination, and Henry A. Schell for recognition of previous ordination, and,

            Whereas, after examination the Credentials Committee believes them to be called of God to the Gospel Ministry and to be in accord with the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore

            Resolved, that Delbert R, Baker, II, James R. Batchler, Jr., and Thomas P. Shorb be ordained at a service of ordination to be held in the Stroudsburg Bible Fellowship Church on Tuesday, October 9, 1979, at 7:30 p.m., and further

            Resolved, that the previous ordination of Henry A. Schell be recognized at this same service of ordination. The Credentials Committee shall be in charge of this service.


            Report was accepted.

            The 96th Annual Conference accepts the following men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee:

PROBATIONERS (Year of licensing in parenthesis):

Delbert R. Baker II, Newark, NJ (1976)

James R. Batchler, Jr., Zionsville, PA (1976)

James Beaver, Hatfield, PA

Douglas Bowne, Royersford, PA

George R. Bryson, Wallingford, PA (1979)

Arthur J. Frisbie, Newark, DE (1976)

Thomas E. Heimer, Pen Argyl, PA (on leave of absence)

V. Kerry Inman, Roslyn, PA

David H. Jones, Reading, PA (1978)

Charles J. McConnell, Allentown, PA (1978)

Gary W. Miller, Bethlehem, PA

William L. Neff, Freehold, NJ (1978)

Frank T. Robinson, Spring City, PA (1976)

Henry A. Schell, Oley, PA (1978)

Thomas P. Shorb, Stroudsburg, PA (1977)

David A. Thomann, Catasauqua, PA (1978)

Bryan G. Upton, Staten Island, NY (1979)

James A. Wickstead, Poughquag, NY (1976)

Philip E. Yerrington, Nazareth, PA (1978)


John Grady, Hatfield, PA

Herbert Lea, Wappingers Falls, NY

Barry Minsky, Atco, NJ

Philip E. Morrison, Allentown, PA

Joseph O’Day, Seaford, DE

Robert Raup, Sacramento, CA

Calvin Reed, Reading, PA

William Schlonecker, Emmaus, PA

Warren Stuber, Oswego, NY

Stephan Van Eck, Abington, PA


Thomas Beil, Nazareth, PA

Richard Blauser, Wilkes-Barre, PA

Albert Dommel, Portland, OR

Ronald Erb, Philadelphia, PA

Rodney Long, Tallahassee, FL

Gary Hafer, Reading, PA

Richard MacLaren, Hatboro, PA

Jeffrey Stickler, Willow Grove, PA

Thomas Templeton, Blooming Glen PA

            Whereas, there are men expressing to the Ministerial Candidate Committee interest in serving in the U.S. Military Chaplaincy, and

            Whereas, the Military Chaplaincy is a valid and needy place of ministry of the Gospel of Christ, and

            Whereas, investigation of the procedures which must be followed to have men serving in this way has revealed no need of compromise of the theological or organizational autonomy in the position of the Bible Fellowship Church, and

            Whereas, the cost in manpower and dollars appears to be minimal, and

            Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee and the Credentials Committee approve this program, therefore, be it

            Resolved, that approval be given to take all necessary steps to become qualified to have men with our ministerial credentials serving under the U.S. Armed Forces Chaplains Board under the endorsement of the General Commission on Chaplains and Armed Forces Personnel, and further

            Resolved, that the Chairman of the Credentials Committee be the representative of the Bible Fellowship Church to that Commission and the expenses of our participation be counted as Credentials Committee expenses.

            Recessed at 3:25 p.m.; Reconvened at 3:40 p.m.

Report of the Church Extension Director: (see )

            Report was accepted.

Report of the Board of Church Extension: (see )

            Report was accepted.

            Resolved, that the election of Daniel G. Ziegler to a three-year term as Director of Church Extension, effective October 8, 1979, be ratified.

            Resolved, that the Camden, Delaware mission be recognized as a Church and that its Delegate be received into the membership of the 96th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.

            Raymond R. Dotts, Delegate, and James G. Koch, Pastor of the Camden, Delaware Church addressed the Conference, and the delegate was invited into the Conference Bar.


            Report was accepted.


            Report was accepted.

            Resolved, that January 1980 be designated as Fellowship News Subscription Month.

            Resolved, that donations of $50.00 each be given to Fellowship News from the following Boards: Victory Valley, Foreign Missions, Christian Education, Church Extension, Pinebrook Junior College, and Pinebrook Bible Conference. (Checks should be made payable to the Board of Publication and Printing and sent to the Business Manager by February 1, 1980.)

Resolved, that the price of the yearbook be $2.50.

The following were elected:

Editor-Publisher of Fellowship News: Richard D. Harris

Business Manager: Bernard N. Coble

Resolved, that we adjourn to meet at 6:30 p.m.

Adjourned at 4:50 p.m. with prayer by John Deily.


Monday Evening, October 8, 1979 – 6:30 p.m,

            The conference sang “Crown Him With Many Crowns.” Leroy O. Herb read Philippians 2:5-11.

            Bruce A. Ellingson spoke on “The Biblical Pattern of Authority.” Evan Knowles, Alternate Delegate from Camden, DE, was seated in the Conference Bar.

The following were elected:

BOARD OF PUBLICATION & PRINTING: John H. Herb, R. C. Reichenbach, E. Ray Berger, Gary Sterner

COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS: John H. Riggall, Frank L. Herb, Jr., James A. Beil, Keith E. Plows, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.


            Report was accepted.


            Report was accepted.

The following was elected:



            Report was accepted.



            Report was accepted.


            Report was accepted.

            Resolved, that beginning October 1, 1979, the base rate for annuities paid from Minister’s Retirement Fund shall be $84.00 per year of service.

            Resolved, that effective October 1, 1979 the income on which ministers pay into the Minister’s Retirement Fund shall be the total of the Minister’s salary plus the Minister’s Supplemental Benefits, excluding the Medical Insurance and Housing Allowance; and further,

            Resolved, that this total shall be the total used in determining whether the Minister’s salary is equal to the approved minimum salary.

Resolved, that we adjourn.

Adjourned at 9:13 p.m. with prayer by Lee E. Boyles.


Tuesday, October 9, 1979 – 9:00 a.m.

            The Conference sang the hymn, “Come, Thou Almighty King.” V. Kerry Inman read Ephesians 4:1-16 and led in prayer.

            Carl K. Spackman spoke on “Authority and Unity”.

            The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as corrected.

            Resolved, that a committee be appointed by the Chairman to establish a procedure to verify the credentials of delegates and alternate delegates and the seating of such in the conference. That committee shall report its recommendations to this Annual Conference.

            The Chairman appointed Jansen E. Hartman and V. Kerry Inman.

The following were elected:

MINISTERIAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Frank L. Herb, Jr., Harold L. Snyder, Jr. (3 years)


HISTORICAL COMMITTEE: Willard E. Cassel (3 years)

COMMITTEE ON MINISTERIAL CANDIDATES: Carl C. Cassel, Paul G. Zimmerman, Robert F. Johnson, David J. Watkins, Daniel G. Ziegler

BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION: Robert W. Smock (3 years)


            Resolved, that the minutes of the first meeting be opened to amend the nomination and election procedures:

            Resolved, that nominations be closed for all elections to be conducted at a particular meeting at the opening of that meeting.

            Recessed at 10:50 a.m.; Reconvened at 11:10 a.m.


Report was accepted.

            Note: (The following resolutions were passed at the Monday night meeting and included here for continuity with the succeeding resolution which was adopted in this meeting.)

            Resolved, that effective October 1, 1979, the income on which ministers pay into the Minister’s Retirement Fund shall be the total of the Minister’s Salary plus the Minister’s Supplemental Benefits excluding the Medical Insurance and Housing Allowance; and further,

            Resolved, that this total shall be the total used in determining whether the Minister’s salary is equal to the approved minimum salary.

            Resolved, that the contributions of the Ministers’ Retirement Fund be increased to 2% of the income effective October 1, 1979 (Second Reading).

            Resolved, that the rate of payment for mileage on denominational business be 15 cents per mile.

            Resolved, that the Administrative Budget, which follows, for 1979-80 be approved for use effective October 1, 1979.


A.        Benefits for Each Pastor

            1.         Beneficiary Fund                                                        $ 800

            2.         Ministers’ Assistance Fund                                          500

            3.         Ministerial Convention                                                500

            4.         Ministers’ Retirement Fund                                        15,000

            5.         H & W Insurance for Pastors                                     48,510

                        Total                                                                           65,310

B.        Benefits for Each Church

            1.         Conference Entertainment                                           3,000

            2.         Moving Fund                                                               5,000

            3.         Fund to Assist Churches                                              1,000

                        Total                                                                            9,000

C.        Annual Conference Programs

            1.         Publication & Printing                                                 2,400

            2.         Expenses of Boards & Committees                             4,400

            3.         Expenses of Board of Directors                                   48

            4.         Ministerial Candidate Committee Internship Fund     900

            5.         Historical Committee                                                  900

            6.         Contingencies                                                              730

                        Total                                                                            9,378

            TOTAL BUDGET                                                      $83,688

            Resolved, that we suspend the rules and that we adjourn. Adjourned with prayer by Austin G. Shelly at 12:11 p.m.


Tuesday, October 9, 1979, 1:30 p.m.

            The meeting was opened with the singing of “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”. Evan Knowles led in prayer

            Keith Anderson, Missionary to Ecuador, J. Barclay Harley, Missionary to Venezuela, and Abe F. Kroeker, Biblical Literature Fellowship, addressed the Conference.

The following were elected:


BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: James A. Beil, Carl C. Cassel, Robert W. Gehret (3 years)

            Resolved, that the following rules governing the Fund to Assist Churches be added to the material now approved and printed on pages 172-173 of the 1978 Yearbook (first Reading):

1.         Responsibility of the Church Seeking Assistance

A.Request for assistance by a particular church shall be by Board of Elders resolution and shall be in writing to the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

B.The request for assistance shall include the following information:

                        (1) circumstances causing the present need;

                        (2) amount of money needed and, if pertinent, date by which funds are needed;

                        (3) use to which funds are to be put.

C.The Directors shall reserve the right to examine the latest financial statement of the Church requesting funds if circumstances seem to warrant such an examination.

2.         Responsibility of the Board of Directors

A.The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church and two other Directors of his choice shall consider requests for funds and be empowered to award and release funds to churches who request aid.

Awards must be by unanimous agreement of the three Directors or by majority vote of the full Board of Directors.

B.The committee of three Directors shall report to the next meeting of the full Board any requests considered or funds disbursed.

C.The Financial Secretary of the Board of Directors shall inform the Directors of the status of the Fund to Assist Churches, and shall make recommendation to the Directors concerning the amount of money to be budgeted in the Conference Administrative Budget and/or solicited from churches to keep the fund solvent.

            Resolved, that effective with the payment of October 1, 1980, each Church shall begin to pay the Board of Directors directly for its Health & Welfare insurance rather than as part of the Administrative Budget. (Second Reading)

            Approval of the above item hereby eliminates reference to the Health and Welfare program in the Administrative Budget (pages 84-86, 1977 edition, Faith & Order) by striking line J in Section I of the provisions.

            The following motion was considered for first reading and defeated. 25 yes, 61 no.

            Resolved, that effective October 31, 1980, the Moving Fund cease to exist (with any deficit at that time being retired by contributions from the Administrative Budget over a period of years or any surplus existing being turned over to the general fund of the Board of Directors) and that effective November 1, 1980, in moving any men holding credentials with Bible Fellowship Church, the Board responsible to call a minister with credentials in the Bible Fellowship Church bear the responsibility to negotiate with the man the method of payment for the cost of moving him to his new place of service.

            Resolved, that the Administrative Budget for 1980-1981 as presented be approved for circulation to the churches for their pledges.


A.        Benefits for Each Pastor

            1.         Beneficiary Fund                                                                     1,000

            2.         Ministers’ Assistance Fund                                                      500

            3.         Ministerial Convention                                                            500

            4.         Ministers’ Retirement Fund                                                    17,000

                        Total                                                                                       19,000

B. Benefits for Each Church

            1.         Conference Entertainment                                                       3,000

            2.         Moving Fund                                                                           5,000

            3.         Fund to Assist Churches                                                          1,000

                        Total                                                                                        9,000

C.        Annual Conference Programs

            1.         Publication and Printing                                                          2,500

            2.         Expenses of Boards & Committees                                         4,500

            3.         Expenses of Board of Directors                                               250

            4.         Ministerial Candidate Committee Internship Fund                 1,000

            5.         Historical Committee                                                              1,000

            6.         Contingencies                                                                          750

                        Total                                                                            10,000

                        TOTAL BUDGET                                                      $ 38,000

Recessed at 3:00 p.m.; Reconvened at 3:25 p.m.

            Resolved, that the following be adopted for Second Reading and be placed in the Faith & Order, page 34 (1977 edition) as Article XVIII of the Form of Government:

            By a two-thirds majority of those voting, the Annual Conference may propose to the churches amendments or changes in the Form of Government of the Bible Fellowship Church. After the approval of a first reading of the proposed change, the pastor and delegate of each Particular Church shall be responsible to inform their Board of Elders of the proposed change. The amendment will be declared in effect when approved by two-thirds majority of those voting on the amendment at a succeeding Annual Conference.

            Procedures for amendment or change in the Articles of Faith shall follow those prescribed for change in the Form of Government. In addition, the Board of Elders of each church shall vote on the proposed change; an affirmative vote by a majority of the total number of elders shall be required for approval. Before the Annual Conference can consider a second reading of the proposed amendment or change in the Articles of Faith, approval of the proposed change must be reported within twenty-four (24) months to the Secretary of the Annual Conference by the Board of Elders of at least two-thirds of the churches.


            Report was accepted.


            Report was accepted.


            Report was accepted.

            James Thornton, Director of Victory Valley Camp, addressed the Conference.

            Resolved, that in Article V, p. 23, 1977 Faith & Order, the word “representatives” found in the last paragraph be changed to “leaders”. (First Reading)

            Resolved, that in Article VIII, Paragraph 1. p. 24, 1977 Faith & Order, the following be substituted for the last sentence in paragraph 1:

            “If a congregation has more qualified elders than are needed to serve at one time, the number of active elders shall be determined by the congregation by ballot vote upon the recommendation of the Board of Elders”. (First Reading)

            Resolved, that in Article VIII Paragraph 4, p. 24, 1977 Faith & Order, the wording in the first sentence shall read as follows:

            “. . the elders shall rule the congregation according to the direction of Christ, the Chief Shepherd, as expressed in the Scriptures and according to the needs of the membership.” (First Reading)

            Resolved, that in Article VIII, Paragraph 4, p. 24, 1977 Faith & Order, the wording in the last sentence shall read as follows:

            “The congregation shall have the right to approve, to suggest changes, or to disapprove such recommendations.” (First Reading)

Resolved, that we adjourn.

            Adjourned at 5:00 p.m. with prayer by David L. Weller.


Wednesday, October 10, 1979 9:00 a.m.

            The Conference sang “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”. Lee E. Boyles led in prayer and read Matthew 18:15-20.

            John H. Herb spoke on “Authority and Discipline”.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as corrected.

The following were elected:

BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PINEBROOK JUNIOR COLLEGE: Bert N. Brosius, John H. Herb, Alva C. Cassel, Jay Fasnacht, Russell M. Ruch, Nicholas Sheetz. (3 years)

BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS: Roy Hertzog, Robert Breitegam. (3 years)

BOARD OF PINEBROOK BIBLE CONFERENCE: Kermit K. Gehman, Robert Breitegam (3 years)

Recessed at 10:33 a.m. Reconvened at 10:45 a.m.

            Resolved, that Article IX, Paragraph 2, first sentence, p. 25 of the 1977 Faith & Order be changed to read:

            “The term of office shall be decided by the particular church by congregational vote, but shall not be for less than three years, except when a particular church desires a probationary term of service for newly-chosen elders.” (First Reading)

            Resolved, that in Article IX, Question 2, page 25, 1977 Faith & Order, the words “basic accord” be changed to the word “agreements” (First Reading)

            Resolved, that in Article IX, Question 3, p. 25, 1977 Faith & Order, the words “government and discipline” be changed to “Principles of Order”. (First Reading)

            Resolved, that on p. 26, 1977 Faith & Order, the last paragraph of Article IX be changed to read:

            “The Board of Elders in each particular church shall determine which men are in agreement with the Articles of Faith and who will endeavor to follow the Principles of Order of the Bible Fellowship Church. Each Elder shall annually declare in writing his agreement with the Articles of Faith and willingness to follow the Principles of Order of the Bible Fellowship Church. No man can be divested of this office except by deposition for failure to maintain standards of doctrine and life in keeping with the dignity of the office.” (First Reading)

            Resolved, that in Article IXa, Paragraph 3, p. 26a, 1977 Faith & Order, the first sentence be changed to read:

            “The term of office shall be determined by the particular church by congregational vote, but shall not be for less than three years, except when a particular church desires a probationary term of service for newly-chosen deacons.” (First Reading)

            And further, Resolved, that the last sentence of the first paragraph on p. 26a, Article IXa, be deleted.

            Resolved, that E, lb on P. 50 of the 1977 Faith & Order, be revised to read:

            “Optional Committees. The Board of Elders may organize various committees to assist them in carrying out the work of the Board when such assistance is necessary. The size of the congregation and the nature and amount of work to be done will determine the nature and number of committees appointed.

            Should the Board of Elders decide that it needs committees to carry out its work, the committees organized may be sub-divisions of the Board of Elders or may be appointed from among the membership of the congregation, subject to the approval of the Board of Elders.

            Elders shall be the Chairmen of the committees directly responsible to the Board of Elders. Committees that function under the direction of another church committee that is chaired by an Elder may have a lay person other than an Elder as chairman, provided the person appointed to serve has been approved by the Board of Elders.

            All church committees organized shall be subordinate to the Board of Elders. The particular duties, rules of operation, and responsibility as well as the interrelationship of church committees shall be specified in the By-laws of the particular church.”

            Some suggested committees for consideration are: Add Nominating Committee to the present

list. (First reading)

The time was extended.

            Resolved, that the following material be a revision of Paragraphs 5 and 6 of 29 Congregational Meetings, on p. 51 of the 1977 Faith & Order:

            2.         Congregational Meetings

            (Paragraph #1 through Paragraph #4 should remain as is.)

            Add the following material as a substitute for Paragraph 5 and modification of Paragraph 6 with the heading 2a:

Elections in Congregational Meetings.

(1) Elections which use a Nominating Committee:

            A particular church may use a nominating committee to make nominations for church officers or leaders when this desire is expressed by a local congregational resolution. The Pastor shall be a member of this committee.

            In an election in which a nominating committee is used the Nominating Committee shall bring to the meeting nominations of one or more eligible persons for each office to be filled.

            Each particular church shall determine if additional nominations shall or shall not be received from the floor when a nominating committee is used.

            (2)       An election in which all nominations are made from the floor:

            In an election in which nominations are made exclusively in the congregational meeting ballots shall be used to nominate the candidates.

            Each particular church shall adopt those additional procedures in their local by-laws that insure that only qualified persons be nominated.

            A majority of votes shall be… (rest of this paragraph is the same.)

            Delete letter “h” from Miscellaneous By-Laws. (First Reading)

            Resolved, that we suspend the rules and that we adjourn. Adjourned with prayer by Kenneth L. Good at 12:12 p.m.


Wednesday, October 10, 1979 1:30 p.m.

            The Conference sang “All the Way My Savior Leads Me.” William A. Heffner led in prayer.

            Perry Phillips, teacher at Pinebrook Junior College, addressed the Conference.

            Kenneth Cressman, alternate delegate of Calvary Church, Philadelphia, took his seat in the Conference Bar due to the absence of Delegate Leon H. Naudasher because of his health.

            Resolved, that item 11 of the Report of the Government Committee be referred back to the Committee for further study.

            Resolved, that the Board of Foreign Missions be assigned the task of reworking the Women’s Missionary Society’s constitution allowing greater liberty for particular churches to structure their programs; for example, Youth Fellowship and Sunday School material from the Christian Education Board.

            Resolved, that item 13 of the Report of the Government Committee be referred back to the Committee for further study.

            Resolved, that on page 60 of the 1977 Faith & Order, section E, 5e, be deleted. (Second Reading)

            Resolved, that on page 60 of the 1977 Faith & Order, the following be deleted: E, 5c; E, 5d;

E, 5f; and E, 5g. (First Reading)

            Resolved, that Section 5 paragraph I, pages 60 and 61 of the 1977 Faith & Order, and the material contained in it, be deleted and be incorporated into Article VII, p. 46, as paragraph 4. (First Reading)

            Resolved, that items 3, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16, and 17 of the report of the Government Committee to the 96th Annual Conference be hereby declared an answer to the petition of the Quakertown Church to the 95th Annual Conference as found on pages 18 and 19 of the 1978 Yearbook.

            Resolved, that the portion of the Church Government Study Committee’s report entitled, “Position Paper on Church Discipline” be adopted as a Position paper for the Bible Fellowship Church and that it be the basis for legislation yet to be devised by the Church Government Study Committee.

The following were elected:

BOARD OF CHURCH EXTENSION: Richard Taylor (3 years)

BOARD OF VICTORY VALLEY: Bryan Bray, Bright N. Heist, and Clayton E. Weaber (3 years)

Dana Weller (1 year)

BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Dana Weller, Kenneth L. Good, David Boorse, Dale Lahr (3 years)

PINEBROOK CONFERENCE BOARD: John H, Riggall, Alva C. Cassel (3 years)

            Report on the Merger of Allentown Bethel and Cedar Crest Churches was presented by Pastor Ronald C. Mahurin. (see p. )

            Report was accepted.

            Resolved, that the material entitled “Sunday Bible Schools”; part b of Article III “Public

Worship” of the Standards of Life and Worship of the Faith & Order (p. 43, 1977 edition) be revised to read:

(b) Sunday Bible Schools

            Sunday Bible Schools shall be conducted on the Lord’s Day, wherein the Scriptures shall be studied and taught1 with provision being made for graded instruction. Students shall be encouraged to accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord as the Holy Spirit brings conviction concerning their needs.2

1 Deuteronomy 31:12-13 “Assemble the people, the men and the women and the children and the alien who is in your town, in order that they may hear and learn and fear the Lord your God, and be careful to observe all the words of this law. And their children, who have not known, will hear and learn to fear the Lord your God, as long as you live on the land where you are about to cross over the Jordan to possess it.”

II Timothy 2:15; 3:14-17 “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed handling accurately the word of truth. You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them; and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”

2 Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and made disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

            (Scripture references are quoted from the N.A.S.V.) (Second Reading)

            Recessed at 3:45 p.m.; reconvened at 4:03 p.m.

            The Board Of Christian Education material entitled “Sunday Bible School By-Laws” was discussed.

The time was extended.

            Resolved, that the material found on pages 29 (bottom) – 32 of the 1978 Yearbook be referred back to the Board of Christian Education for further study.

            Resolved, that we adjourn to meet at 6:30 p.m. Adjourned at 5:25 p.m. with prayer by Donald T. Kirkwood.


Wednesday, October 10, 1979 – 6:30 p.m.

            The Conference sang “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name”. Robert W. Smock led in prayer.

            John Moran, alternate delegate, was seated as the delegate from Denville, N.J., in the absence of Hilary A. Nixon.

            The Board of Church Extension submitted a proposal “Second Century Growth”. The report was withdrawn.


The report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


The report was accepted.


Report was accepted.


Report was accepted.

            Resolved, that the following resolutions be adopted as submitted by the Committee on Resolutions, consisting of James G. Koch, Chairman, Dana E. Weller, Secretary, Roy A. Hertzog, Robert W. Smock, Warren L. Zimmerman, Clyde W. Snyder, Roger Detweiler, Leroy O. Herb.

            Whereas, the Lord has been gracious to the Bible Fellowship Church, equipping her through all the years of her existence with men gifted to guide, lead, and administrate her churches and agencies, and

            Whereas, even now the blessing of the Lord is evidenced by Pastors faithful to the preaching of the Word, Elders ruling by the precepts of Scripture, and

            Whereas, many of those in the Bible Fellowship Church have been men and women of vision and faith, firm in their commitment to fulfilling the commandments of our Lord, taking the Gospel of Christ to the uttermost parts of the world, serving in our various agencies and ministries, and witnessing in our communities, therefore be it

            Resolved, that we seek to further the Glory brought to the Name of God, Who has so richly blessed us, by continuing to seek His will for our Denomination, and further,

            Resolved, that with hearts truly filled with gratitude and praise we joyfully thank God for the way He has provided for us, kept us true to His Word, and used us to further His kingdom, and further,

            Resolved, that we thank all those who labor faithfully for our Lord in the agencies and ministries of the Bible Fellowship Church.

            Whereas, in the providence of God, the Bible Fellowship Church Home, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Pinebrook Junior College, and Victory Valley Camp have been enabled to effectively carry out their ministries through their dedicated staffs, therefore,

            Resolved, that we request the Administrator of the Bible Fellowship Home, the Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, the President of Pinebrook Junior College, and the Director of Victory Valley Camp to personally express our appreciation to their staff members for their cooperation, concern, and dedication of service.

            Whereas, James A. Beil has efficiently served as Secretary of the 96th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, and

            Whereas, Harold C. Weaber has competently assisted the Secretary, and

            Whereas, Bernard N. Coble has competently served as Assistant to the Secretaries, therefore

            Resolved, that we express our thanks to these brethren for their labors and that we present each of them with a gift of $25.00 from the Board of Publication and Printing.

            Whereas, Pinebrook Bible Conference has so wonderfully provided meals and housing for the members and guests of the 96th Annual Conference, therefore,

            Resolved, that we express our appreciation for its entertainment of this body with a rising vote of thanks in this session of Annual Conference, and further,

            Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Director.

            Whereas, Pinebrook Bible Conference has offered to entertain the next Annual Conference, therefore,

            Resolved, that the 97th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church be convened at Pinebrook Bible Conference Center, Box 1, East Stroudsburg, Pa. on Monday, October 13, 1980 at 10:00 A.M.


Report was accepted.

The following were elected:

BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS: Gerald Schlonecker (1 year)



            Whereas, the annual election of the Nominating Committee consumes an undue amount of time; and

            Whereas, it is important that the composition of the Nominating Committee reflect both continuity and change; therefore, be it

            Resolved, that effective with the 97th Annual Conference members of the Nominating Committee be elected for three-year terms; and further

            Resolved, that no one be permitted to succeed himself as a member of the Nominating Committee, and further

            Resolved, that to facilitate this change, the 97th Annual Conference elect:

            two ministers and one layman to a three-year term,

            one minister and one layman to a two-year term,

            and one minister and one layman to a one-year term. (First Reading)

            Resolved, that the members of the 96th Annual Conference express their deep gratitude to Carl C. Cassel, Bruce A. Ellingson, Carl K. Spackman, and John H. Herb for their excellent messages on Biblical Authority, and further

            Resolved, that we ask each of these ministering brethren to submit an abridged form of his message to the Editor of Fellowship News for inclusion in consecutive order in our denominational publication.

            Resolved, that the Study Committee to Prepare an Alternate Understanding of “The Biblical View of the Role of Women in the Church” continue its study, and report to the 97th Annual Conference.

The following were elected:


NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Bert N. Brosius, Alva C. Cassel, Robert F. Johnson, LeRoy S. Heller, Norman L. Reed, Harold L. Snyder, Jr., Warren L. Zimmerman.

            Resolved, that we adjourn.

Adjourned at 9:22 p.m. with prayer by Roger Reitz.


Thursday, October 11, 1979 – 9:00 a.m.

            The Conference sang “Lead On O King Eternal”. Bryan G. Upton led in prayer. Carl C. Cassel spoke on “Being of One Mind”.

            Walter E. Raybuck, alternate delegate from Reading, took his seat in the Conference Bar due to the absence of Delegate Rodney Muthard.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as corrected.

The following were elected:



Recessed at 10:20 a.m.; reconvened at 10:45 a.m.

            Resolved, that the following Board of Church Extension budget for 1980-81 be adopted:




            Deficit                                                                                    (15,475)

            Churches-Prepaid                                                                    75,000

            General (current) gifts                                                             10,000

            Designated Gifts                                                                      45,875

            Interest                                                                                     4,000           $ 119,400



                        Finesville                                                                     1,200

                        Newark-Baker                                                             15,000

                        Mid-Hudson Missions                                                 18,000

                        Camden                                                                       3,000

                        Eastwick                                                                      3,600

                        Atlantic City Area                                                       36,000

                        Team(s)                                                                       1,000

                        PISCES                                                                       3,000            80,800


                        Director’s Salary                                                          10,500

                        Director’s Benefits                                                       2,400

                        Director’s Parsonage                                                   7,000

                        Director’s Travel                                                          5,000

                        Office                                                                          5,000

                        Promotion                                                                    1,000

                        Board Expenses                                                           1,000

                        Administrative Budget                                                300

                        Workman’s Compensation                                          400            32,600


                        Fund to Assist Churches                                              1,000

                        Capital Funds                                                              3,000

                        Contingencies                                                              2,000


                        Total                                                                                                    119,400

            Resolved, that the matter of creating a Committee on Credentials for Annual Conference Members, and also the questions raised on the floor of the 96th Annual Conference regarding the procedures for seating alternate delegates be referred to the Church Government Study Committee, and further,

            Resolved, that the Church Government Study Committee report on this matter to the 97th Annual Conference.

The Chairman made the following Committee Appointments:

Agenda: James A. Beil, Harold C. Weaber, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.

Examination of Annual Conference Minutes: Kenneth L. Good, David A. Thomann.

Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: R. C. Reichenbach, Thomas P. Shorb, Roy A. Hertzog, William Graybill, II, Terry N. Tareila.

Program for 97th Annual Conference: Paul G. Zimmerman, Richard Harris, LeRoy Heller, Jansen E. Hartman.

Statistics: LeRoy S. Heller, Daniel G. Ziegler, Warren L. Zimmerman, Bernard N. Coble, Bryan Upton.

The following petitions from the Graterford Bible Fellowship Church were considered:


Whereas, various ministries of the local churches and the denomination often require borrowing of funds from commercial institutions at high interest rates, and

Whereas, the Graterford Bible Fellowship Church has recently responded to a request where no commercial loans were available to meet a bona fide missionary housing need, and

Whereas, such loans may not always be immediately secured in time to meet the needs of the Christian, worker or group of believers, and

            Whereas, many denominations now maintain their own lending funds for such purposes, and

Whereas, we believe many of the Lord’s people in the Bible Fellowship Church would desire to invest their savings with an agency which seeks to promote the work of Jesus Christ, therefore

Resolved, that we, the Graterford Bible Fellowship Church, petition the 96th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, meeting at Pinebrook Bible Conference, East Stroudsburg, Pa. on October 8-11, 1979, to consider and investigate the establishing of a revolving loan fund to assist Gospel workers, local churches, and denominational agencies in fulfilling their ministries. Conference shall have the authority to solicit such funds.


            Whereas, property insurance costs have escalated over the past several years, and

Whereas, in seeking to be good stewards of the offerings and properties of the Lord’s work a recent local study brought the recommendation that premiums could be lowered if a denomination-wide coverage were provided, and

            Whereas, other denominations have taken this step to keep costs down, therefore,

Resolved, that we, the Graterford Bible Fellowship Church, petition the 96th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church meeting at Pinebrook Bible Conference, East Stroudsburg, Pa. on October 8-11, 1979, to consider obtaining property insurance on a Conference-wide level to lower overall insurance costs.

            Resolved, that the two petitions submitted by the Graterford Bible Fellowship Church be referred to the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church for further study.

            Resolved, that the following Board of Publication and Printing Budget for 1979-1980 be adopted:

1979-1980 BUDGET



                        1,100 Subscriptions @ $3.00                                      $ 3,300

                        Donations from Boards                                               300

                        Subsidy                                                                        600

                        Total Income                                                                                      $ 4,200


                        Printing 12 issues                                                        3,300

                        Secretarial help                                                            150

                        Editor’s Expenses                                                        150

                        Business Manager’s Expenses                                     600

                        Total expenditures                                                                               4,200



                        Administrative Budget                                                2,500

                        Yearbooks                                                                   2,400

                        Faith & Order                                                              290

                        Total Income                                                                                       5,150


                        Yearbooks                                                                   2,250

                        Honorariums                                                                525

                        Church supplies                                                           875

                        Fellowship News Subsidy                                           600

                        Warranty and Repairs on Equipment                          200

                        Board and Secretarial Expenses                                  200

                        New Equipment                                                           500

                        Total Expenditures                                                                             $ 5,150

            The time was extended.

            Resolved, that in 1981 each Bible Fellowship Pastor shall be obligated to attend as guests of Pinebrook Bible Conference (family included) three assigned days during the Bible Fellowship Church week(s) and to accept the assigned ministries during that period of time. This assignment shall be considered as part of the Pastor’s duty to the local church.

            The Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference would be authorized to make the assignments.

            Resolved, that each church be encouraged to make a contribution to Pinebrook Bible Conference. Checks are to be made payable to Pinebrook Conference and sent to the Director, Box 1. Stroudsburg, Pa, 18360.

            Herbert Lea was introduced and addressed the Conference.

Resolved, that we adjourn.

            Adjourned with prayer by Jansen E. Hartman at 1:10 p.m.

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