Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1983 Yearbook
Tuesday Morning, October 11, 1983 – 10:00 A.M.
The first meeting of the 100th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was called to order by the Chairman, James A. Beil, at Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, at 10:00 A.M. on October 11, 1983.
Daniel G. Ziegler led in the singing of “A Mighty Fortress is Our God,” David L. Weller, the delegate from Zionsville, read the Scripture, Acts 2:38-47, and Jansen E. Hartman led in prayer.
The roll of Conference members was established as follows:
Allentown, Cedar Crest — Ronald C. Mahurin, Roy A. Hertzog, Paul K. Clymer, Jr., Richard Lee
Allentown, Salem — Charles J. McConnell, Jeffrey C. Stickler
Bethlehem — Robert F. Johnson, Warren L. Zimmerman, Robert Gerding
Blandon — George R. Bryson, Kinzy Reed
Camden, DE — James G. Koch, Evan Knowles
Catasauqua — Philip E. Morrison, Joseph Wire
Coopersburg — Frank L. Herb, Jr., Clyde W. Snyder
Denville, N.J. — Stephan R. Van Eck, John F. Moran
Emmaus — Dana E. Weller, Clifford L. Kauffman
Ephrata — Daniel P. Allen, Robert W. Gehret
Finesville, N.J. — D. Thomas Phillips, Donald P. Straub
Fleetwood — Robert H. Stringfellow, Ronald P. Turner
Freehold-Englishtown — Clinton Crankshaw
Graterford — Richard D. Harris, William Crowell
Harleysville — Paul G. Zimmerman, Harold R. Crider
Harrisburg — Albert J. Dommel, Richard S. Achey
Hatfield — John H. Herb, Lee E. Boyles
Howell, N.J. — John Vandegriff, David M. Markuson
Lancaster — David A. Thomann, Horace A. Kauffman
Lebanon — Calvin T. Reed, LeRoy O. Herb
Lehighton — Larry A. Carpenter, Clair Greenzweig
Maple Glen — Carl K. Spackman, Harold E. Snyder
Mt. Carmel — William L. Graybill, II, Harold L. Snyder, Jr.
Nazareth — Keith E. Plows, Ralph H. Hendershot
Newark, N.J.(Mission) — Delbert R. Baker, II
New Fairfield, CT — Dean A. Stortz, Denver Creekmore
Oley — Clayton E. Weber
Paradise — Kenneth L. Good, L. Eugene Brenneman
Phila., Wissinoming — G. Wayne Clapier, Kenneth Cressman
Phila., Emmanuel — Roger Reitz, Russell L. Davis
Poughquag, N.Y. — James Wickstead, John Anderson
Quakertown — Bert N. Brosius, L. James Roberts, Jr.
Reading — Jansen E. Hartman, Robert Breitegam, Walter Raybuck
Royersford — Robert W. Smock, William R. Hunsberger, Jr.
Scranton — David H. Jones, Clinton Honeywell
Shamokin — Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., T. Lamarn Manney
Sinking Spring — Terris L. Byrd, David A. Lamm
Spring City — Carl T. Martin, John Derck
Staten Island, N.Y. — Bryan G. Upton, Ralph D. Cole
Stroudsburg — Thomas P. Shorb, Robert L. Tomlinson
Sunbury — LeRoy S. Heller, Clayton B. Brosius, Bert E. Brosius
Terre Hill — Paul A. Weber
Wallingford — Richard E. Taylor, William R. Singletary
Walnutport — Stanley Stahler
Wappingers Falls, N.Y.(Mission) — Herbert K. Lea
York — Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Alan Lindstrom
Zionsville — James R. Batchler, Jr., David L. Weller
James A. Beil, Alva C. Cassel, Carl C. Cassel, Bernard N. Coble, Bruce A. Ellingson, George E. Herb, Barry J. Minsky, David J. Watkins, Daniel G. Ziegler
William A. Heffner, Austin G. Shelly
Leonard E. Buck, Brian H. Butler, Robert L. Draper, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Ronald W. Hoyle, David L. Manney, Edward Moyer, William W. Mull, Laird F. Stengele, Philip E. Yerrington.
Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, John Dunn, W. W. Hartman, F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, C. Leslie Miller, R. C. Reichenbach, John H. Riggall, David E. Thomann
Daniel P. Allen, Larry A. Carpenter, Albert J. Dommel, David H. Jones, Carl T. Martin, Calvin T. Reed, Robert. H. Stringfellow, Dean A. Stortz
The above roll was called by Thomas P. Shorb, Registrar.
The Chair appointed Carl C. Cassel as acting Secretary until the election of the secretary could be held.
Resolved: that the center sections (20 seats wide by 10 rows deep) be considered the conference bar.
Resolved: that the Alternate Delegates, Joseph Wire from Catasauqua and Kenneth Cressman from Philadelphia Wissinoming, be seated as the delegates from these churches
The Chairman appointed the following Committees:
Tellers: Keith E. Plows, LeRoy S. Heller, Carl K. Spackman, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Harold L. Snyder, Jr., LeRoy O. Herb, Clyde W. Snyder
Resolutions: L. James Roberts, William L. Graybill, II, G. Wayne Clapier, Randall A. Grossman, Richard E. Taylor, John F. Moran
Communications: Roy A. Hertzog, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Richard S. Achey.
Auditing: Robert W. Gehret, Horace A. Kauffman, Warren L. Zimmerman, Ralph D. Cole.
Timekeeper: David A. Thomann
Reporter: Daniel G. Ziegler
Parliamentarian: Jansen E. Hartman
Resolved: that we approve the Conference Committees appointed by the Chairman
The Registrar read requests from members of the Annual Conference to be excused from parts or all of the sessions.
Resolved: that these requests be granted
The following was elected:
Secretary of the 100th Annual Conference: Bryan G. Upton. Carl C. Cassel was asked to continue as Assistant Secretary for the rest of this meeting.
Resolved: that the agenda be accepted as the basic guideline for the order of business.
The report was accepted.
Report was accepted
Report was accepted.
Whereas: we strongly believe such Scriptures as (1) Matthew 10:10, (2) Luke 10:7, (3) I Corinthians 9:1-14, (4) I Thessalonians 5:12-13, and (5) I Timothy 5:17-18 teach it is the church’s responsibility to adequately meet the need of its pastor; therefore be it,
Resolved: that we encourage each church to increase its pastor’s salary at least 4% above the previous year’s salary; and further,
Resolved: that it is the consensus of this 100th Annual Conference that the minimum salary adequate for a pastor serving a Bible Fellowship Church, including benefits, is $13,500.00 for the 1983-1984 year.
Report was accepted
Whereas: the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended Ronald C. Erb, Randall A. Grossman and David H. Jones for examination for ordination and Daniel P. Allen and Larry A. Carpenter for examination for recognition of prior ordination, and,
Whereas; these brethren have served acceptably as ministers in the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time, and
Whereas; after examination, the Committee on Credentials believes them to be called of God to the Gospel Ministry and to be in accord with the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore,
Resolved: that Ronald C. Erb, Randall A. Grossman and David H. Jones be ordained at a service of Ordination to be held on Tuesday evening, October 11, 1983, at Pinebrook Bible Conference, and that the previous ordination of Daniel P. Allen and Larry A. Carpenter be recognized at this same service.
Resolved: that the section called “Categories of Ministry” on page 126 of the Faith and Order (1981Edition) be revised as follows: FIRST READING
1. That we create a new category called:”Ordained Ministers working in the Military Chaplaincy under the Sponsorship of the Bible Fellowship Church.”
2. That the present category III be changed to read: “Ordained Ministers Working in Other Christian Ministries.”
3. That the numbering of the categories be changed as follows:
I. Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Bible Fellowship Church.
II. Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Board of Missions of the Bible Fellowship Church.
III. Ordained Ministers Working in the Military Chaplaincy Under the Sponsorship of the Bible Fellowship Church.
IV. Ordained Ministers in Retirement.
V. Ordained Ministers Working in other Christian Ministries.
VI. Ordained Ministers on Leave of Absence.
4. That categories one through four (in the recommended order) shall be eligible to be members of Annual Conference and that categories five and six (in the recommended order) shall be eligible to be advisory members of Annual Conference.
Resolved: that the men approved to be ordained but not voting members of the Conference be seated in the Conference bar. Those men are Ronald C. Erb and Randall A. Grossman.
Resolved: that the first two questions on the Faith and Order Questionnaire be changed to read as follows: FIRST READING
a. Do you subscribe, without reservation, to the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church? Yes or No
b. If you have any reservations about any Article of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church, state them specifically.
Report was accepted.
Resolved: that the following men be accepted under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee:
PROBATIONERS (Year of licensing in parenthesis)
Daniel P. Allen — Ephrata, Pa. (1982)
Keith B. Anderson — Terre Hill, Pa. (1980)
Alvin L. Baker — North Wildwood, N. J.
James L. Beaver — Clearwater, FL
Douglas D. Bowne — Royersford, Pa.
Larry A. Carpenter — Lehighton, Pa. (1982)
Albert J. Dommel — Harrisburg, Pa. (1982)
Harry L. Downs — Ronks, Pa.
Ronald C. Erb — Irvington, N. J. (1981)
Arthur J. Frisbie — Newark, DE (1976)
Randall A. Grossman — Kutztown, Pa. (1981)
W. Neil Harding — Newark, DE
Dennis D. Huratiak — Lewisberry, Pa.
David H. Jones — Scranton, Pa (1978)
Kenneth D. Keeler — Harleysville, Pa (1982)
Thomas S. MacMillan — Nazareth, Pa.
Carl T. Martin — Spring City, Pa. (1983)
William T. Neff (On leave of absence) — Brigantine, N. J. (1978)
Louis Prontnicki — Philadelphia, Pa.
Calvin T. Reed — Lebanon, Pa. (1982)
David N. Schoen — Sinking Spring, Pa. (1982)
Dean A. Stortz — New Fairfield, CT
Robert H. Stringfellow — Fleetwood, Pa. (1983)
William C. Aukamp — Pequea, Pa.
Gary F. Bentley — Hatfield, Pa.
Raymond G. Burnett — Englishtown, N. J.
David A. Carver — E. Greenville, Pa.
David W. Chappell — Spring City, Pa.
Robert S. Commerford — Holmes, N. Y.
Ronald A. Honeywell — Montrose, Pa.
James E. Neher — Hatfield, Pa.
William G. Schlonecker — Dallas, TX
Mark C. Solt — Dallas, TX
Dennis W. Spinney — Lansdale, Pa.
Jeffrey C. Stickler — Bethlehem, Pa.
J. Richard Vroman — Souderton, Pa.
Thomas J. Beil — St. Louis, MO
William N Crowell — Limerick, Pa.
Harold B. Fravel III — Emmaus, Pa.
Walter Johnson — Wyomissing, Pa.
Richard P. Jones, Sr. — Wescosville, Pa.
Daniel A. Mabus — Emmaus, Pa.
Daniel R. Martin — Snydertown, Pa.
Richard T. Paashaus — Coopersburg, Pa.
Steven S. Trommler — Portland, OR
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Resolved: that a contribution of $200 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each of the following Boards and Committees: Victory Valley, Missions, Christian Education, Church Extension, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Pinebrook Junior College and Bible Fellowship Church Home.
Resolved: that a contribution of $1.00 per member be given to the Board of Publication ane Printing from each church. Payments are to be made to the Business Manager by December 31, 1983
Resolved: that the cost of the 1983 Yearbook be $3.50 per copy.
Resolved: that the Annual Conference authorize the Board of Publication and Printing to use paid advertising in Fellowship News at the discretion of the Board.
Report was accepted
Resolved: that the annuities paid from Ministers’ Retirement Fund beginning October 1, 1983, shall be $114.00 per year of service up to forty years of service for which an annuitant is eligible.
Resolved: that the rate for mileage reimbursement for official travel shall be 18 cents per mile effective October 15, 1983
Report was accepted.
Barry J. Minsky, serving in the Military Chaplaincy, gave an oral report.
The Registrar listed the following absences from the first meeting:
With Excuse: Without Excuse:
Robert F. Johnson Richard J. Gehman
Paul G. Zimmerman J. Barclay Harley
Carl T. Martin Ronald W. Hoyle
Donald P. Straub David L. Manney
LeRoy S. Heller Edward Moyer
Paul E. Baer William W. Mull
C. Leslie Miller Laird F. Stengele
Brian H. Butler Philip E. Yerrington
C. E. Kirkwood
Resolved: that we adjourn. Adjourned in prayer by Keith E. Plows.
Tuesday Afternoon, October 11, 1983 – 1:30 p.m.
The hymn “We’re Marching to Zion” was sung and David A. Lamm, delegate from Sinking Spring, led in prayer.
Report was accepted.
Resolved: that the following forms be included in the Faith and Order under the title “Suggested Forms”
The Service
Beloved: we are gathered together in the name of Christ to honor the memory of .
The comfort of this hour is found in the Holy Scriptures. Let us hear what they say.
(The Scripture reading may be followed by prayer, hymns, poems, and an appropriate message, words of comfort, and a closing prayer.)
As we depart, let us be reminded that every man will stand before God in a day of judgment. Blessed is the one whose heart is prepared to meet God.
We invite you to join us for the service of committal at cemetery.
The Committal Service
“I am the Resurrection and the Life; he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die,”
“Verily, verily I say unto you, he that hearth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life. Verily, verily I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live.” “Marvel not at this; for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.”
“Man that is born of woman is of few days, and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down; he fleeth also as a shadow and continueth not. (John 11:25,26; 5:24, 25, 28, 29; Job 14:1,2)
Inasmuch as it has pleased the Lord, in whose power are life and death, to remove our departed from our midst, we therefore commit the body to the earth; Earth to earth! Ashes to ashes! Dust to dust! awaiting the resurrection through Jesus Christ our Lord, by whom each must come forth in his own order when this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality, and all shall appear in His presence, according to the mighty working whereby He is able to subdue all things unto Himself.
“And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me… Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.” (Revelation 14:13)
(See Articles of Faith, Article XVIII The Church, Faith and Order, page 19-20)
(Officiating Pastor) Beloved, in this solemn hour, in the presence of the Lord, the God of Heaven and Earth, the Source and Giver of all good, Who has given us the desire and ability to build this house, we now give thanks for its completion and dedicate it to His service and glory,
Our blessed Redeemer gives us the precious assurance that He will meet with His people where they assemble themselves together.
Thus encouraged and strengthened in faith, we have confidence that the Most High, Who inhabits eternity and dwells also in those who are born of His Spirit, will accept this house which we have built to His glory, and regard it with good pleasure, to the salvation and benefit of those who here assemble to magnify His holy Name.
Having this confidence, we now designate this house as Bible Fellowship Church of unto the Triune God. We dedicate this house to the singing of His praise, the offering of thanksgiving, prayer, reading, expounding, and preaching His Word, the administration of the ordinances, and the observance of such other devotional services as are according to the rules adopted and practiced in public worship by the Bible Fellowship Church agreeable with His Word. Here may His name be magnified and His Church increase through the maturing of the saints and the salvation of men.
Pastor: God, our Heavenly Father, has prospered us and enabled us by His grace to complete this house of worship. We are gathered here this day to dedicate this building to the honor and service of our Lord. Within His house of worship the Word of God will be truly preached, His ordinances faithfully administered, prayer and praise freely offered unto Him Who, above all, is worthy. We desire that this shall be His house, and the place of His presence. We are thankful unto Him and bless His name.
People: The Lord is Good, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endureth to all generations.
Pastor: To God, the Everlasting Father, in Whom we live and move and have our being, and from Whom cometh every good and perfect gift, by Whose mercy and grace we are saved…..
People: We now with gratitude solemnly dedicate this house of worship
Pastor: To the service of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Who loved us and gave Himself for us, Who rose again and lives forevermore, to Him Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life…..
People: We dedicate this house of worship.
Pastor: To the ministry of the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and Guide, by Whom alone is wrought the renewal of heart, Who leads us to repentance, and enriches us through His work….
People: We dedicate this house of worship.
Pastor: For the comfort of those who mourn, for strength to those who are weak, for instruction in the truths of the Word of God, for the sanctification of the family and the promotion of Christian character, for the giving of hope to one and all….
People: We dedicate this house of worship.
Pastor: For the carrying out of the Great Commission to the end that the Gospel may be preached to the ends of the earth through its constituency….
People: We dedicate this house of worship.
Pastor and People: We, the members and friends of Bible Fellowship Church of grateful to God for our Christian heritage, consecrate ourselves anew, and all that we are and possess, to Him as His people, for His service, and dedicate this house of worship in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(See Article VII, Standards of Worship and Life, “Dedication of Children”)
To the Congregation
Inasmuch as these parents are presenting this child (these children) to the Lord, let us join with them in their act of dedication. Only those parents who are born again and are living in fellowship with Christ may present their children in dedication to the Lord. This act has no saving power, but is a public declaration by the parents that they will rear their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Dedication becomes meaningful to the extent that these parents train their children in the Lord through spiritual admonitions and exemplary living.
To the Parents
1. Inasmuch as God has given you this child (these children), do you consecrate him (her, them) to God and His service, and do you publicly acknowledge that in so doing, you are submitting yourselves to God’s will for this child whatever it may involve? If so, answer “We do.”
2. Will you be responsible to bring this child (these children) regularly to the house of God and teach him (her, them) reverence to the Lord and respect for His house and worship? If so, answer, “We will.”
3. Will you instruct this child (these children) in the Word of God, and encourage him (her, them) to memorize portions of it? If so, answer “We will.”
4. Will you endeavor to lead your child (children) to a saving knowledge of Christ? If so, answer, “We will.”
5. Will you teach this child (these children) as soon as he (she, they) is (are) able to understand, the nature and purpose of this dedication? If so, answer, “We will. “
6. Do you dedicate yourselves as parents to live a godly life so that this child (these children) will see Christ in you? If so, answer “We do.”
(The Minister shall continue) Inasmuch as (name parents) have dedicated (name of child) to God and His service, let us join in prayer that God’s blessing may be upon them.
(The Minister shall then pray, and may give the following Benediction:)
“The Lord bless thee and keep thee; the Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; the Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)
(See Standards of Worship and Life, Article V Marriage, Article VI Family, and Article VII Divorce, Faith and Order, page 34-36)
Prior to the ceremony, the Minister should arrange for counseling with the couple concerning marriage.
At the time appointed for the marriage ceremony, the persons to be married shall stand together, the man on the minister’s left and the woman on the right.
The Service
Dear Friends, we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the presence of this company to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, instituted of God in the time of man’s innocency, signifying to us the mystical union which is between Christ and His Church, which He purchased with His own blood at Calvary.
As Christ’s love for the Church is sacred, in like manner marriage is sacred, is not to be entered into inadvisedly, but reverently, discreetly, and in the fear of God. Be well assured that if any persons are joined together otherwise than God’s Word allows, their marriage is not blessed of God. Into this holy estate these two persons come now to be joined.
Who gives this woman to be married to this man? (Appropriate reply, such as “I do,” or “Her mother and I do”. etc.)
Take her right hand and place it in his right hand, signifying that you surrender her to his care and keeping for life.
Do you, take this woman whose hand you now hold to be your true and wedded wife, and do you solemnly promise before God and these witnesses to love, cherish, honor, and protect her, and her only, forsaking all others for her sake as long as you both shall live? If so, answer “I do.”
Do you, , take this man who now holds your hand, to be your true and wedded husband, and do you solemnly promise before God and these witnesses to love, honor, cherish, obey, and protect him; to forsake all others for his sake; and to cleave to him and him only, so long as you both shall live? If so, answer “I do.”
(The Minister shall then ask the Groom to repeat after him the following:)
I, , take thee, , to be my wedded wife… to have and to hold, from this day forward….for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer… in sickness and in health…. to love and to cherish… till death do us part.
(The Minister shall then ask the Bride to repeat after him the following:)
I, , take thee , to be my wedded husband; to have and to hold, from this day forward…. for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer….in sickness and in health, … love, cherish, and obey,…. till death do us part.
(To the Groom) What pledge do you give of the sincerity of your vows? “This ring.”
(To the Bride) Do you accept this ring as a pledge of the sincerity of his vows? “I do.”
(As the Groom places the ring on his Bride’s finger, he shall repeat after the Minister the following:)
As a pledge…and in token of the vows between us made, … with this ring I thee wed … and with all my worldly goods I thee endow; … in the name of the Father…and of the Son,,,..and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(The Minister shall say:) And may this circlet of gold which has no end, be henceforth the chaste and changeless symbol of your evermore pure and changeless affection.
(To the Bride) What pledge do you give of the sincerity of your vows? “This ring.”
(To the Groom) Do you accept this ring as pledge of the sincerity of her vows? “I Do.”
(As the Bride places the ring on her Groom’s finger, she shall repeat after the Minister the following:)
As a pledge and in token of the vows between us made, … with this ring I thee wed …. pledging my constant faith and abiding love, in the name of the Father,…. and of the Son, …. and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(The Minister shall say:) And may this circlet of gold which has no end, be henceforth the chaste and changeless symbol of your evermore pure and changeless affection.
Inasmuch as and have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same by these sacred vows in the presence of God and this company, and have confirmed the same by the giving and receiving of rings, now therefore by the authority conferred upon me as a minister of the Church of Jesus Christ, and by the laws of the state of , I pronounce that you are husband and wife, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
In this new relationship let me remind you that you are one in interests, one in reputation, and above all, one in affection. These, therefore, whom God has joined together, let not man put asunder.
(Prayer may be offered, if desired.)
(To the Groom) You may kiss your Bride.
(To the Congregation) May I now present Mr. and Mrs. .
The following were elected:
EDITOR OF FELLOWSHIP NEWS: Randall A. Grossman (1 year)
Dr. William Campbell, Missionary to Tunisia, addressed the Conference, challenging greater concern for spiritual consistency on the part of the Church.
Robert F. Johnson gave testimony of God’s sustaining power during his recent illness.
John Dunn led in prayer seeking the will of God concerning the physical need of Brother Johnson.
The Registrar listed the following absences from the second meeting:
With Excuse: Without Excuse
Paul G. Zimmerman Richard J. Gehman
William L. Graybill, II J. Barclay Harley
George E. Herb Ronald W. Hoyle
Carl T. Martin David L. Manney
Donald P. Straub Edward Moyer
Harold L. Snyder, Jr. Laird F. Stengele
Paul E. Baer Phillip E. Yerrington
C. Leslie Miller C. E. Kirkwood
Brian H. Butler
Resolved: that we adjourn.
Adjourned at 4:00 P.M. with prayer by Robert W. Smock.
Wednesday Morning, October 12, 1983 – 9 A.M.
LeRoy S. Heller led in the singing of “Christ Returneth.” The Scripture reading, I Thess. 4:13-18, was read by James A. Wickstead. The delegate from Spring City, John Derck, led in prayer.
The minutes of the first meeting were read and approved as corrected.
The Registrar communicated the presence of the following Alternate Delegates: Thomas J. Ward, Poughquag, N.Y.; Donald McKinney, Sinking Spring.
Resolved: that these men be seated as Delegates for the week.
Report was accepted.
REPORT OF THE BOARD OF MISSIONS:(See p. 105 (See pg. 181)
Report was accepted.
The following were elected:
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Jansen E. Hartman, L. James Roberts, (3 years)
James A. Beil, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Frank L. Herb, Jr., John H. Riggall. (1 year)
Alva C. Cassel,, David J. Watkins. (3 years)
Daniel P. Allen, John H. Herb, D. Thomas Phillips, Gary Sterner. (1 year)
Jansen E. Hartman, Horace A. Kauffman. (3 years)
Resolved: that the program entitled “Wider Horizons 1985-2000” is adopted as a plan of action for the Bible Fellowship Church. Yes: 84; No: 16
The program adopted is as follows:
1. To double membership by 2000 to 13,248 members.
2. To add 60 new congregations between the end of 1985 and the end of 2000.
3. In order to enable the Church Extension Department to step up its formation of new churches, to double the churches’ offerings for church extension as soon as possible.
To start 45 new churches between the end of 1985 and the end of 2000.
III. PARTICULAR CHURCH GOALS: (to be commended to the churches by Annual Conference):
1. To double membership by 2000 (or other specific membership goal, higher or lower).
2. To form a stated plan to start one or more daughter churches either singly or jointly with one or more other churches in a regional effort. (The preliminary denominational goal anticipates 15 new daughter churches during the 15 year goal period).
3. To double church extension offerings by 1985 or as soon thereafter as possible (or other specific goal, higher or lower).
1. Board of Church Extension presents Preliminary Plan to the One Hundredth Annual Conference in October, 1983
(1) Proposes Preliminary Denominational Goals for adoption.
(2) Proposes Preliminary Church Extension Department Goal for adoption.
(3) Presents Preliminary Particular Church Goals for adoption for presentation and commendation to the particular churches.
2. Annual Conference adopts the Program and approves the preliminary goals.
(1) Denominational Goals for Presentation to the Churches, to be specified at the 101st Annual Conference, October, 1984
(2) Board of Church Extension Goal receives preliminary approval, to be “owned” at the 101st Annual Conference.
(3) Particular Church Suggested Goals for presentation with recommendation to the particular churches.
3. During the Conference Year (1983-84), Particular Churches consider the Program with a view to final approval in October, 1984.
(1) Denominational Goals will be formed by an aggregate of local church approval and/or figures officially reported to the 101st Annual Conference.
— 1 — Membership Goal by 2000:
Each church will report its membership goal and the Board of Church Extension will add a figure for the total membership in 2000 of the congregations not yet started. The grand total will be the denomination’s goal.
— 2 — New Daughter Churches — The total number of new daughter churches for which particular churches report stated plans to the 101st Annual Conference.
— 3 — Goal of Church Extension Offerings in the 1984-85, the 1985-86 Conference Year will be the total of the figures reported by each of the churches.
(2) The Church Extension Department Goal will be “owned” by the churches at the 101st Annual Conference, October, 1984.
— 1 — Approval of 2/3 of the Churches is required to “own” the goal of 45 new church starts between 1985 and 2000′ by the Church Extension Department. “Owning” means that the church will commit itself to doing all it can toward achieving the goal.
— 2 — If the vote of the churches is less than 2/3 to “own” this goal, new goals will be set by averaging the number of new Church Extension Department starts approved by each of the churches.
— 3 — To the approved or “owned” goal for new church starts by the Church Extension Department will be added a total of the daughter church goals of the particular churches to arrive at a total goal for new church starts.
(3) Particular Churches may, if they choose, report their local church goals for the fifteen year period, which may then be tabulated and reported to the Annual Conference.
4. At the 101st Annual Conference, October, 1984, the Program and its goals are finally and fully adopted and set by the Conference, according to the procedures outlined above.
5. Denominational agencies may formulate their goals for the same period and report them to Annual Conference in 1984 or 1985.
The Board of Church Extension will prepare a workbook/guide to assist the particular churches to work through their own process of local goal setting and “owning” and participating in forming the final denominational goals for WIDER HORIZONS — 1985-2000.
This material will be advisory and optional, for the churches to use at their discretion.
Final denominational and Church Extension Department goals for WIDER HORIZONS – 1985-2000 will be formulated by the 101st Annual Conference through the input of the particular churches.
Particular Church goals of those churches who wish to share them with the Annual Conference will be announced, tabulated, and reported.
WIDER HORIZONS — 1985-2000 goals of the various agencies may be announced to the Annual Conference.
The Board of Church Extension will formulate some specific strategies and intermediate goals by which it expects to attempt to fulfill the WIDER HORIZONS1985-2000 goal set for it by Annual Conference. These will be announced to the 102nd Annual Conference.
The Registrar listed the following absences from the third meeting:
With Excuse: Robert F. Johnson, Stephan R. Van Eck, Paul G. Zimmerman, William Graybill II, Carl T. Martin, David J. Watkins, Bernard N. Coble, Paul E. Baer, C. Leslie Miller, Harold L. Snyder, Jr., Brian H. Butler
Without Excuse: E.W. Bean, C.E. Kirkwood, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Ronald W. Hoyle, David L. Manney, Edward Moyer, William W. Mull, Laird F. Stengele, Philip E. Yerrington
The following Missionaries were presented to the Conference:
Terri Faust, Appointee with Overseas Missionary Fellowship
Robert Draper, Appointee with Africa Inland Mission
Walter Frank, with Greater Europe Mission
Keith Anderson, with Fellowship of Independent Missions
Leonard Buck, with Christian Literature Crusade
William Campbell, with North Africa Mission
Resolved: that we adjourned.
Adjourned at 12:15 P.M. with prayer by Richard D. Harris.
Wednesday Afternoon, October 12, 1983 – 1:30 P.M.
The Delegate from Bethlehem, Robert Gerding, led in prayer.
The minutes of the Tuesday meetings were read and approved as corrected.
The appointment of Robert W. Smock as Assistant Secretary and Bernard N. Coble as Assistant to the Secretaries was announced by the Chairman.
Resolved: that the election of Paul G. Zimmerman by the Board of Missions as Executive Secretary from October 1983 to October 1985 is ratified by this Annual Conference.
Resolved: that the election of David E. Thomann by the Board of Missions as Financial Secretary from October 1983 to October 1986 is ratified by this Annual Conference.
Resolved: that the 100th Session of Annual Conference adopt as FIRST READING the following changes in legislation relating to the Board of Missions:
Composition: The Board of Missions shall be composed of ten men, namely the Executive Secretary, the Financial secretary, four ordained ministers, and four laymen.
Election: The Executive Secretary and the Financial Secretary shall each be elected for a term of three years by the Board of Missions, subject to ratification by the Annual Conference. The election of these officers shall be in such a manner that their respective terms shall not expire at the same time.
Four ordained ministers and four laymen shall be elected by Annual Conference for terms of three years in the following classes:
I. One minister and one layman
II. Two ministers and one layman
III. One minister and two laymen
The Chairman of the Board of Missions shall be elected annually by and from the Board of Missions at its organizational meeting. The Chairman, the Executive Secretary, and the Financial Secretary shall comprise the Executive Committee of the Board of Missions.
Whereas: the legislation changes have given greater responsibilities to the Board of Missions, and
Whereas: we desire and feel that it is of the utmost importance to keep the present balance between ministers and laymen, and
Whereas: the laymen are a vital part of the Board of Missions representing our particular churches, and
Whereas: we believe that there should be an additional layman added to the Board of Missions at this Annual Conference, therefore be it
Resolved: that the Annual Conference authorize immediate implementation of the above legislative change by the rule of exception, and further,
Resolved: that it be implemented as follows:
in 1983 elect one minister for three years – class of 1986
in 1983 elect one layman for three years – class of 1986
in 1984 elect two ministers for three years – class of 1987
in 1984 elect one layman for three years – class of 1987
in 1984 elect one layman for one year – class of 1985
in 1985 elect one minister for three years – class of 1988
in 1985 elect two laymen for three years – class of 1988
The above resolution was adopted by a vote of 95 Yes, 1 No.
The Director of Church Extension introduced Dennis Spinney (Ministerial Candidate) as a tent-making church-planter with the Church Extension Department, serving in northern New Jersey.
The following were elected:
Bruce A. Ellingson, Clyde W. Snyder (3 years)
Leonard Buck, Bright N. Heist. (3 years)
Resolved: that the following be adopted as SECOND READING:
The Scriptures teach that believers are to be faithful stewards. Faithful stewardship requires careful management and use of all resources for the glory of God — body, strength, mind, time abilities, spiritual gifts, the earth and its components, relationships, opportunities, possessions, money — literally all of life.
Acting on its belief that it is the duty of particular churches to teach and aid their members to be faithful stewards and that it is the duty of those churches in fellowship to encourage and assist the particular churches and agencies of the churches in fellowship to be faithful and efficient in their stewardship, the Bible Fellowship Church has formed a Stewardship Council.
The Stewardship Council exists to serve the constituents, particular churches, and agencies of the Bible Fellowship Church. It is not an end in itself, but shall be a means toward the greater glory of God through faithful stewardship. It shall, therefore seek to help the constituents, particular churches, and agencies to maximize their service for Christ and their impact for the kingdom and glory of God.
By-Laws of the Stewardship Council
Article I – Name
The name of this organization shall be Stewardship Council of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Article II – Membership
The Council shall be comprised of:
a. One representative from and chosen by each agency of the Bible Fellowship Church which chooses to be part of the Stewardship Council.
b. Three members at large representing the particular churches of the Bible Fellowship Church and elected by Annual Conference. These men shall be elected to three-year terms, their terms of office expiring in consecutive years. (to implement, one representative shall be elected for a one-year term, one representative shall be elected for a two-year term, one representative shall be elected for a three-year term).
Article III – Duties
The duties of the Council shall be:
a. To challenge the constituency of the Bible Fellowship Church to faithfulness in total stewardship of life.
b. To educate the constituency of the Bible Fellowship Church concerning the carrying out of financial stewardship.
c. To assist particular churches and agencies of the Bible Fellowship Church, upon their invitation, to develop their own stewardship programs.
d. To assist churches and agencies within the Bible Fellowship Church to solicit for various financial programs.
e. To provide services to the constituents of the Bible Fellowship Church whereby they can contribute financially to Bible Fellowship Church ministries.
f. To delineate the duties of stewardship counselors; to engage, as it deems necessary, personnel to implement these duties; and to oversee their activities.
g. To assist churches and agencies to establish and maintain proper and responsible methods of financial accounting and auditing.
h. To maintain a current understanding concerning tax laws and legal and governmental regulations regarding charitable gifts and charitable organizations.
i. To co-ordinate and review with sensitivity the stewardship programs of various Bible Fellowship Church agencies so as to guard against duplication, competition, over-exposure, and undue aggressiveness.
j. To approve all major capital campaigns and deferred giving programs of all agencies of the Bible Fellowship Church.
k. To submit articles and materials for publication in Fellowship News.
l. To report annually to Annual Conference, said report to include an audited financial report.
Article IV – Funding
The operations of the Council shall be funded by the following means:
a. An appropriation from the Annual Conference Administrative Budget.
b. Appropriations from the participating agencies.
c. Fees charged to particular churches for services rendered by the Council.
d. Fees charged agencies for services rendered by the Council.
e. Gifts designated for the Council.
Article V – Operating Principles
In performing its duties, the Council shall operate under the following principles:
a. In doing its work, the Council shall focus on channeling funds to churches and agencies of the Bible Fellowship Church rather than being a recipient of gifts for its own support.
b. Services to particular churches shall be rendered by the council only upon invitation of the particular church.
c. Suggestions for giving to all participating agencies of the Bible Fellowship Church shall be offered as stewardship programs are presented to and/or in particular churches.
d. In the event an individual requests stewardship information about a particular church or agency, he need be informed only about contributing to that church or agency.
e. All financial dealings of the Council shall be in compliance with federal, state and local laws.
f. Methods of promotion and solicitation shall avoid undue aggressiveness and reflect the highest ethical standards. The Council and its representatives shall not make exaggerated claims of achievement, guarantee results, or offer unreasonable promises.
g. Representatives of the Council shall be above reproach in deportment and shall manifest Christian concern for people.
h. Information gained by representatives of the Council shall be held in confidence and used only for matters relating to the ministry of the Council.
i. Representatives of the Council shall not use their positions for personal financial gain.
Article VI – Stewardship Counselors
The Stewardship Council of the Bible Fellowship Church shall engage a stewardship counselor or counselors to implement its ministry. A full-time counselor shall subscribe annually to the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church and evidence commitment to and support of the various ministries of the Bible Fellowship Church. One engaged part-time for this position shall maintain a credible profession of Christian faith, be committed to evangelical doctrines, and be in sympathy with the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church. Financial remuneration for his services shall be negotiated by the Council and the counselor.
Although various remuneration procedures may be agreed upon, the counselor may not be paid on a commission basis. The performance of all stewardship counselors shall be reviewed annually.
Resolved: that the following be adopted as SECOND READING:
1. Prayer: The meeting shall be opened with prayer.
2. Roll Call: This shall occur at all congregational meetings, regular and special. The roll call shall include all church officers and all individuals responsible for reporting at the regular meeting(s).
3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s).
4. Reports (Annual Congregational Meeting):
a. Report of the Board of Elders (to include at least the following):
(1) Membership Report
(2) Financial Report(s) – including evidence of annual auditing.
(3) Submission of the proposed church budget.
(4) Record of Designation of the Pastoral Relations Committee.
(5) Status of the Work.
(6) Ratification by the congregation of the valuation of church property.
(7) Benevolence Report (may be reported in Board of Deacon’s Report or in Financial Report).
(8) Recommendations.
b. Report of the Board of Deacons.
c. Reports as required by the by-laws of the Particular church: Sunday School, Youth Fellowship, Adult Fellowship(s), Women’s Missionary Society, Special Committees, Pastor, etc.
5. Old Business – All motions properly recorded.
6. New Business – All motions properly recorded.
7. Election of Church Officers – All elections properly recorded. A complete list of the elders who will be serving the congregation in the new church year shall be included in the minutes so that Annual Conference can verify that the Delegate and Alternate Delegate are active elders in the congregation.
8. Petition(s) to Annual Conference.
9. Adjournment with Closing Prayer.
10. Minutes are to be signed by the Secretary.
1. Prayer: The meeting shall be opened with prayer.
2. Roll Call
3. Statement of Purpose: The purpose of the special meeting must be stated at the beginning of the minutes of that meeting and business shall be limited to that of the stated purpose of the meeting. Any action must be properly recorded.
4. Adjournment with prayer.
5. Minutes are to be signed by the Secretary.
Resolved: that the following be adopted at SECOND READING:
Any congregation meeting the standards of Article XVIII of the Articles of Faith and committed to the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church may be admitted to membership in Annual Conference and shall be known as a church.
Any congregation which is under the supervision of the Board of Church Extension of the Bible Fellowship church but which has not yet met the standards for recognition as a church shall be called a mission. The term mission is used in a technical sense, but this does not preclude the use of the term church in any of the congregation’s public relations activities.
A mission may be recognized as a church with membership in Annual Conference when it has attained to the standards set forth in Article XVIII of the Articles of Faith and demonstrates a commitment to the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church. The Board of Church Extension has the responsibility of evaluating the preparedness of the mission for admission to Annual Conference. Upon recommendation by the Board of Church Extension, the mission congregation may be recognized as a church and be admitted to Annual Conference membership by a majority vote of Annual Conference.
A daughter congregation of a Bible Fellowship Church, an independent congregation, or an established congregation of another denomination desiring membership in Annual Conference, shall establish contact with and come under the care of the Board of Church Extension. This church shall be evaluated by the Board of Church Extension on the basis of its agreement with the Faith and Order and particularly as to its compliance with Article XVIII of the Articles of Faith. This church shall be recommended for admission into membership in Annual Conference by the Board of Church Extension upon satisfactory completion of the evaluation. A majority vote of Annual Conference shall be required for membership in Annual Conference,
Resolved: that the following be adopted as SECOND READING:
1. The Board of Church Extension shall have authority to establish new congregations and aid in their organization.
2. It shall have oversight over all organizing congregations known as missions.
3. It shall function on behalf of each mission on all matters that relate to pulpit supply and particular church government in accordance with the Faith and Order.
4. It shall receive applications for admission to Annual Conference from daughter churches or congregations outside the Bible Fellowship Church.
5. It shall require all missions and churches under its care to adhere to the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church.
6. It shall receive and disburse monies designated for church extension.
7. It shall have jurisdiction over all churches receiving financial aid from the Board of Church Extension. This jurisdiction shall continue three years after receipt of the last payment of financial aid. After a church ceases to be under the jurisdiction of the Church Extension Department it shall not again come under that jurisdiction or be eligible to receive financial aid from the Board of Church Extension except when a need for financial aid shall be occasioned by its participation in the start of a new Bible Fellowship Church or mission, in which case the Board of Church Extension may appropriate such financial aid.
8. It shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church on the approval and consummation of legal transactions for the purchase of real estate and/or the erection of buildings for Church Extension purposes.
9. It shall make recommendations to Annual Conference on the admission of missions and churches to membership in Annual Conference.
10. The board shall make a written report of its activities to Annual Conference. This report shall include a submission of a proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning September 1 of the following year.
Recessed at 3:28 P.M.
Business resumed at 3:45 P.M.
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
Resolved: that each church make a contribution to Pinebrook Bible Conference. Contributions are to be sent to: The Director, Pinebrook Bible Conference, P.O. Box 1, Stroudsburg, Pa. 18360
Resolved: that the following be adopted as SECOND READING:
Each particular church has been directed by Christ to minister corporately to the needs of individual members. The Elders of each congregation shall endeavor to establish a program that shall honor the body of Christ in fulfilling the following responsibilities toward members:
1. To implement the corporate worship of God (John 4:23524; Eph. 5:19,20; Col. 3:16).
2. To promote the development of Christian character and conduct (Rom. 6:1-23; 12:9-21; 14:1; 15:7; Gal. 5:16-26; Eph. 4:22-5:21).
3. To maintain purity of life and doctrine (I Cor.5: 1-31; I Tim. 1:3-11; Titus 2:1-15; 3:1-11; Heb.13:9; II John 10,11; Jude 3,4; Rev. 2:2,14,15,20).
4. To instruct and train for Christian service and to give opportunity to serve (Rom.12:1-8; I Cor. 12: 1-31; Eph. 4:8–16; Matt. 28:18-20; II Tim.2:2).
5. To impart a vision for evangelism and missions (Matt. 9:36-38; 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Rom. 9:lff; Rom. 10:lff).
6. To assist in building good relationships:
(a) Family (Eph.5:22; -6:4; I Peter 3:1-7).
(b) Employment (Eph.6:5-9; I Peter 3:18-21).
(c) Community and State (Rom. 13:1-7; I Peter 2:13-17).
7. To promote fellowship and hospitality (Rom. 12:13; Heb.13:2,16; I Peter 4:9; III John 5-8).
8. To minister comfort (II Cor. 1:3-7).
9. To promote unity and harmony (I Cor. 1:10-13; Eph. 4:3).
10. To care for the needy (Acts 6:1-8; I Tim.5:3-16).
11. To settle disagreements and administer discipline, (Matt.18:15-20; I Cor.5:1-13; II Thes.3:14-15).
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Resolved: that the following be adopted as SECOND READING:
Article III
Retirement From Ministry
Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of 65 years or who has completed at least 40 years of eligible service with the Bible Fellowship Church may retire from active service and receive retirement benefits.
Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of 72 years must retire from active service by the end of the month in which he becomes 72 years of age.
Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has rendered at least 30 years of eligible service to the Bible Fellowship Church, and who has not attained 65 years of age may retire early from active services but shall not receive retirement benefits until he has attained 65 years of age.
Years of eligible service shall be calculated beginning with the date of licensing and end with the effective date of retirement set by the Credentials Committee, or in the case of mandatory retirement at the end of the month in which the retiree becomes 72 years of age. Any years of active service for which the minister has failed to make required payments into the fund shall not be considered eligible service.
Any minister holding credentials with the Bible Fellowship Church and seeking retirement shall notify the Credentials Committee of the Bible Fellowship Church at least 90 days prior to the effective date of his retirement. The Credentials Committee shall set the effective date of the retirement, change the status of the minister on the conference records, and notify the Board of Directors of the effective date of the retirement. The Board of Directors shall determine the starting date and the amount of benefits to be received according to the rules of the minister’s Retirement Fund. Those ministers pastoring a church shall dissolve the pastoral relationship through the rules of Pulpit Supply.
The above material is proposed as a new Article III entitled: Retirement from Ministry and the enumeration of succeeding articles be changed.
The Chairman of the Ministerial Candidate Committee introduced the candidates under the Committee’s care: Neil Harding, Dennis Spinney, Thomas S. MacMillan, Richard Vroman, Keith Anderson, David Schoen, David Chappell, Mark Solt, Kenneth Keeler and Robert Commerford.
Resolved: that the following be adopted as SECOND READING:
Revision of Paragraph A under VI retirement age, page 109 of the 1981 Faith and Order:
A minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of sixty-five (65) years or who has completed at least 40 years of eligible service with the Bible Fellowship Church may retire from active service.
Revision of Paragraph C under VI Retirement Age, page 109 of the 1981 Faith and Order:
A minister who has given thirty (30) years of eligible service to the Bible Fellowship Church may retire from the active ministry prior to age sixty-five (65) but shall not begin to receive an annuity until age sixty-five (65).
The following was also adopted:
Whereas, the resolution on page 9, 1982 Yearbook regarding forms appears to be more stringent than is practical, therefore, be it
Resolved: that we rescind this resolution on page 9, 1982 Yearbook and further
Resolved: that the following be approved:
1. that all forms appear in one section of the Faith and Order as part of the appendices.
2. that each of the forms on Baptism, Church Membership, and Ordination have the following introductory paragraph:
The exact words of the form on are not required, but the spirit and substance is required.
3. that the Ministerial Relations Committee prepare a form on the installation of Pastor.
Resolved: that the following be adopted as FIRST READING:
Amendment to Article XI, Amendments to the Faith and Order, page 32,33, 1982 Yearbook.
The last sentence of the second paragraph shall read:
The amendment will be declared to be in effect when approved by a two-thirds majority of those voting on a second reading of the amendment at any one of the three succeeding Annual Conferences.
Add the following sentence to the end of the second paragraph:
Failure to consider the amendment for second reading at any one of the three succeeding Annual Conferences requires re-submission to be considered as first reading.
Add the following paragraph to follow the second paragraph as amended:
If any amendment receives a two thirds majority at first reading, but receives only a simple majority vote at second reading; it may be re-submitted at the following Annual Conference to be reconsidered for second reading. If the amendment is not re-submitted at the next Annual Conference or if it fails again to receive a two thirds majority, it is lost. Any re-submission must be considered as first reading.
Resolved: that we adjourn.
Adjourned at 5:07 P.M. with prayer by the delegate from New Fairfield, CT, Denver Creekmore.
The Registrar listed the following absences from the fourth meeting.
With Excuse: Without Excuse:
Robert F. Johnson Richard J. Gehman
Brian H. Butler J. Barclay Harley
Stephan R. Van Eck Ronald W. Hoyle
Paul G. Zimmerman David L. Manney
William L. Graybill II Edward Moyer
Carl T. Martin William W. Mull
Bernard N. Coble Laird F. Stengele
George E. Herb Philip E. Yerrington
Paul E. Baer E. W. Bean
C. Leslie Miller C. E. Kirkwood
Harold L. Snyder, Jr.
Thursday Morning, October 13, 1983 – 9:00 A.M.
The meeting opened with the singing of “And Can It Be That I Should Gain,” led by LeRoy S. Heller. The Delegate from Coopersburg, Clyde W. Snyder, read the Scripture, Ephesians 4:1-16. James G. Koch led in prayer.
The minutes of the previous day’s meetings were read and approved as corrected.
Whereas: during this Conference one church has at times been without representation and other churches have at times been only partially represented, and
Whereas: their absence hinders the Annual Conference from effectively doing its work, therefore be it
Resolved: that we encourage all our brethren to take seriously the responsibilities of representing their particular church at succeeding Annual Conferences.
The following were elected:
Ralph D. Cole (1 year)
Kermit K. Gehman (3 years)
Gerald Schlonecker (3 years)
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
Report was accepted.
The report was accepted, and the following resolutions were adopted:
Whereas: the 100th Annual Conference is the 125th Anniversary of the formation of the Evangelical Mennonite Society and the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, therefore be it
Resolved: that we thank God for His faithfulness and mercy through these years, and be it further
Resolved: that we recommit ourselves to the faithful proclamation of the gospel and to the extension of His kingdom until He returns.
Whereas: the Lord has shown His blessing on the Bible Fellowship Church in the provision of faithful men, and
Whereas: the blessing continues to be evident in pastors and elders who faithfully shepherd and serve, therefore be it
Resolved: that we steadfastly seek our Lord’s favor as the only source of spiritual power, and further
Resolved: that through the power of the Holy Spirit we live worthy of His blessing and praise.
Whereas: the Bible Fellowship Church Home, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Pinebrook Junior College, and Victory Valley Camp have performed a dedicated and God-honoring service this past conference year, therefore be it
Resolved: that the Administrator of the Bible Fellowship Church Home, and Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, the President of Pinebrook Junior College, and the Director of Victory Valley Camp be asked to express our sincere appreciation to their entire staffs, and be it further
Resolved: that we express praise to God for the faithful service of the Administrator of the Bible Fellowship Church Home, the Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, the President of Pinebrook Junior College, and the Director of Victory Valley Camp.
Whereas: Bryan G. Upton has served as Secretary to the 100th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church with dedication, and
Whereas: Robert W. Smock has assisted the Secretary in a faithful manner, and
Whereas: Bernard N. Coble has served as Assistant to the Secretaries in a most efficient manner, therefore, be it
Resolved: that we express our thanks to these brethren for their faithful service, and that we present a gift of $50.00 to each of them from the Board of Publications and Printing.
Whereas: Pinebrook Bible Conference, with its capable staff and beautiful surroundings, has provided housing and meals for the members and guests of the 100th Annual Conference, therefore be it
Resolved: that at the Thursday midday meal, the body of the Annual Conference express its appreciation for these provisions to the personnel of Pinebrook Bible Conference with a rising vote of thanks, and further
Resolved: that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Director.
Whereas: Pinebrook Bible Conference Center has offered to entertain the next Annual Conference, therefore be it
Resolved: that the 101st Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church be convened at Pinebrook Bible Conference Center, P.O. Box 1, Stroudsburg, Pa. on Monday, October 8, 1984 at 10:00 A.M.
Whereas: John H. Riggall has faithfully served in the various ministries of the Bible Fellowship Church for 38 years, and
Whereas: he has recently retired from active service with us, therefore be it
Resolved: that we thank God for His leading in the life and ministry of our brother Riggall and ask God to continue to lead and bless him.
Whereas: James A. Beil has proficiently chaired the l00th Annual Conference, therefore be it
Resolved: that we heartily thank our brother Beil for his efforts and thank God for His provision of men gifted to serve the body.
Whereas: the missionaries serving under the Board of Missions have been obedient to the call of the Lord of the Harvest and diligently seek to carry out His Great Commission, therefore be it
Resolved: that we praise God for these servants and assure them of our fervent prayers and continued support.
Whereas the program of the 100th Annual Conference was prepared in commemoration of this historic occasion, and
Whereas: the program was a great blessing and an encouragement to both give thanks to God for His gracious dealings toward us in the past and to look with anticipation and hope to the future, therefore be it
Resolved: that the 100th Annual Conference express its gratitude to the Historical Committee and all who planned and participated in the program for their excellent work.
The Chairman of the Ministerial Candidate Committee introduced Applicant Harold Fravel.
Report was accepted.
The STUDY COMMITTEE ON ABORTION reported, and their report was considered and referred back to the Study Committee
Resolved: that at least two more members be added to the Study Committee on Abortion, and that those extra members be appointed by the Chairman of Annual Conference.
The report was accepted.
The following were elected:
LeRoy S. Heller, Wayne Batten, Raymond R. Dotts, George Priestly, Alan Russell. (3 years)
Donald Brensinger (2 years)
John Dunn, Robert W. Smock, Robert Zentz (3 years)
William L. Graybill II (3 years)
John H. Herb, Dana E. Weller (3 years)
Frank L. Herb, Jr. (3 years)
Resolved: that we adjourn. Adjourned at 12:20 P.M., led in prayer by Bert N. Brosius.
The Registrar listed the following absent from the fifth meeting, on Thursday A.M.
With Excuse: Without Excuse
Robert F. Johnson Richard J. Gehman
Brian H. Butler J. Barclay Harley
Paul G. Zimmerman Ronald W. Hoyle
William L. Graybill II David L. Manney
Bruce A. Ellingson Edward Moyer
Carl T. Martin William W. Mull
George E. Herb Laird F. Stengele
Leonard E. Buck Philip E. Yerrington
C. Leslie Miller E. W. Bean
Donald P. Straub C. E. Kirkwood
Harold L. Snyder, Jr.
Thomas L. Ward
Paul E. Baer
Thursday Afternoon, October 13, 1983 – 1:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. by Chairman James A. Beil.
The following were elected:
James A. Beil
Gerald Schlonecker (3 years)
The 1984-1985 Budget of the Church Extension Department was presented.
Budget for 1984-85
Churches – Prepaid $ 70,000.
General Contributions 14,000.
Designated Gifts 134,000.
Interest 6,000. 225,000.
Newark $ 19,000.
Irvington 20,000.
Mid-Hudson 35,000.
Delaware 5,000.
Kutztown 7,000.
Eastwick 9,000.
Project Beachhead Mission 48,000.
New Mission 20,000.
PISCES 3,000. 166,000.
Director’s Salary-Benefits 18,700.
Director’s Health Ins. 2,000.
Department Travel 6,000.
Parsonage-Office Bld. 8,000.
Office Operations 12,500.
Promotion 2,000.
Board Expenses 1,700.
Administrative Budget 500.
Worker’s Compensation 700. 52,100.
Development Fund 5,000.
Contingency 1,900. 6,900.
TOTAL $225,000.
Resolved: that we adopt the above budget.
The Conference Administrative Budget for 1983-1984 was presented.
Oct.1,1983 Oct. 1, 1984
to to
Sept.30,1984 Sept.30,1985
A. Benefits for Each Pastor
1. Beneficiary Fund $ 1,000 $ 1,000
2. Minister’s Assist. Fund – 1,250 1,650
3. Ministerial Convention 750 750
4. Minister’s Retire. Fund 24,000 26,000
Total 27,000 29,400
B. Benefits for Each Church
1. Conf. Entertainment 3,500 3,500
2. Moving Fund 7,115 6,500
3. Fund to Assist Churches 1,000 1,000
Total 11,640 11,000
C . Annual Conference Programs
1. Publication & Printing 3,000 3,000
2. Expenses of Bds.& Com. 4,500 4,500
3. Expenses, Bd. of Directors 200 200
4. Ministerial Can. Committee 500 1,200
5. Historical Committee 2,000 1,000
6. Contingencies 220 300
Total 10,420 10,200
Total Budget 49,035 50,600
Resolved: that the budget for 1983-1984 be adopted.
Resolved: that the 1984-1985 Budget be accepted
The Chairman appointed the following men to be additional members of the Study Committee on Abortion:
William Campbell, D. Thomas Phillips, Richard Harris (in place of Robert Zentz).
Resolved that the Board of Publication and Printing Budget for 1983-1984 be adopted.
BUDGET 1983-84
Fellowship News
Donations from Board & Committees $ 1,400.00
Subsidy from Administration Budget 1,800.00
Offerings from Churches 6,000.00
Printing Fellowship News (6 issues) $ 7,000.00
Mailing Costs 1,500.00
Secretarial Expenses 200.00
Editor’s Expense 200.00
Business Manager’s Expense 100.00
Repairs & Supplies 200.00
Board of Publication & Printing
Administrative Budget Subsidy 1,200.00
Yearbook Sales 2,900.00
Faith & Order Sales 1,000.00
Print Yearbooks 3,000.00
Honorariums 800.00
Print Church Supplies 200.00
Print Supplement to the Faith & Order 700.00
Repairs & Equipment 100.00
Board & Secretarial Expenses 300.00
Bernard N. Coble, Chairman; John H. Herb, Secretary; D. Thomas Phillips, James G. Koch, Ralph D. Cole, Gary Sterner, BOARD
The following were elected:
Wayne Gehret, Richard D. Harris (3 years)
John Vandegriff (3 years)
Business recessed at 3:43, resumed at 3:57 P.M.
The following were elected:
Robert Keener (2 years)
Dana Weller (2 years)
Alan Lindstrom (3 years)
Jansen Hartman
True church discipline is preventive as well as corrective. Preventive discipline includes instruction, exhortation, oversight and all other such means as are necessary to promote maturity and to keep men free from error and sin in doctrine and life. Corrective discipline includes all action necessary to restore those who have been involved in error or sin in doctrine or life. All church discipline should be according to the authority, standards and methods given by God in the Bible.
The Bible teaches that preventive and corrective discipline must acknowledge both divine initiative and human responsibility. The divine initiative is acknowledged by instruction and correction which point to the person, and work of Jesus Christ as the only source of true holiness.1 (Text of Ephesians 5:25-27 in footnote). The human responsibility is acknowledged by instruction and correction which call believers to apply God’s standards of thinking and behavior as the means of achieving the holiness Christ has made possible. These standards must be applied to individual lives2 (text of Luke 9:23 in footnote) and to the corporate life of the church3 (text of 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 in the footnote).
The reason for providing written standards of church discipline for the Bible Fellowship Church is to develop from the Scripture specific means of realizing the righteousness which God desires for His Church. These means should help individuals, congregations, denominational agencies and the entire Bible Fellowship Church to identify sin and to experience cleansing and restoration based, first on the sacrificial death of Christ and, second, on elders and people accepting their God-given responsibilities to one another.
Chapter I – Nature and purpose of Corrective Discipline
1. Church discipline is the exercise of the authority which Christ, the Head of the Church, has given to the visible church to increase and preserve its purity and order. Church discipline is not a substitute for personal, family or civil discipline. As the outgrowth of careful teaching, specific application and pastoral concern, it is to be exercised when these other means have failed to produce purity of life and good order. The need for both preventive and corrective church discipline arises from the deceitfulness of indwelling sin and the expressed desire of Christ for holiness among His people. Corrective discipline in the church is doctrinal, moral or administrative.
2. Doctrinal or moral discipline is effort to prevent and correct beliefs and actions contrary to the Word of God. The purpose of doctrinal or moral discipline is to vindicate the honor of Christ, to promote the purity of the Church and to restore the offender.
3. Administrative discipline is effort to maintain adherence to the governing rules of the church in other than doctrinal or moral cases. The purpose of administrative discipline is to promote unity in the entire body, to encourage faithful discharge of all duties and to preserve the rights and privileges of each member of the body.
4. All members of a particular church are under the care of that church and are, therefore, subject to doctrinal, moral and administrative discipline by that church. All congregations and agencies of the Bible Fellowship Church are members one of another and are therefore subject to doctrinal, moral and administrative discipline by the whole church.
5. No charge shall be received by the elders of a church or by another judicatory unless it appears that the plaintiff (s) has first done his utmost to restore the alleged offender(s) in the manner prescribed by Christ.4 (text of Matthew 18:15-17 in footnote).
6. No charge shall be received against the Elders of the Church except on the basis of two or three witnesses.5 (Text of I Timothy 5:19).
Chapter II – Jurisdiction
1. Particular Churches. ORIGINAL jurisdiction over an individual belongs to the congregation of which the individual is a member. All of the elders or a portion of the elders designated by the Board of Elders shall be the judicatory for a trial in a particular church. They shall choose one of their number to serve as moderator of the trial. Any elder who has personal involvement in the issue being tried shall disqualify himself from participation in the judicatory.
2. Ministers. Original jurisdiction over ministers belongs to the Credentials Committee. Any member of the Committee who has personal involvement in the issue being tried shall disqualify himself from participation in the trial. Those serving as a judicatory shall choose one of their number to serve as moderator of the trial.
3. Churches or agencies. Original jurisdiction over particular churches or agencies of the denomination belongs to a judicatory elected by the Annual Conference, called the Conference Judicatory. The Annual Conference shall elect ten of its members from which this judicatory shall be formed. All ten members shall designate which five shall hear the case and shall designate which one of the five shall serve as moderator. All charges shall be presented to the secretary who shall be chosen by the ten members from among their number. The name of the secretary shall be announced at Annual Conference and included in its minutes.
4. Appeals. If a judicatory in a particular church, the Credentials Committee or the Conference Judicatory is unable to resolve an issue, or if the defendant or plaintiff in a case desires to appeal the decision of the judicatory, the appeal shall be made to Annual Conference which shall elect a special appellate judicatory to conduct a hearing and recommend final disposal of the issue to the Annual Conference. When it receives the recommendation of the special appellate judicatory, the Annual Conference will decide whether or not to hear additional testimony,
Chapter III – Steps in Institution of Judicial Processes
1. A charge of an offense must be instituted at the place of original jurisdiction; it may be brought by an individual church or agency.
2. A charge of offense must describe the alleged offense and state the facts which support the charge. The charge shall include, as far as possible, the time, place, circumstances of the alleged offense, the names of witnesses and titles of relevant documents. A charge shall be deemed to have been filed when it is presented in writing to the chairman or secretary of the elders of the church or the secretary of any other agency having original jurisdiction.
3. No charge shall be received if it is filed more than two years after the time the alleged offense was committed unless unavoidable circumstances prevented an earlier filing.
4. When an individual, church or agency is ready to present a charge, the one receiving the charge shall warn the plaintiff that he may be censured if the accused is found to be innocent of the alleged offense.
5. When a charge is filed, the elders of the particular church, the Credentials Committee or the Conference Judicatory shall establish the time and place for the trial, shall cite the accused to conduct the trial.
Chapter IV – Conduct of Trials
1. At the beginning of every trial the moderator of the body conducting the trial shall announce that the body is meeting as a judicatory and shall exhort the members of the body to understand that the body is responsible to minister and declare the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice, and to subordinate all human standards and judgements to that rule. The Moderator shall lead in prayer. This announcement, and exhortation shall be repeated and prayer offered by the moderator at the beginning of each session of the trial.
2. If the accused does not appear for the trial, he shall be cited again to appear for trial with a warning that failure to appear is viewed as disrespect and that the trial will proceed in his absence if he fails again to appear.
3. At the first meeting of the trial, only the following actions shall be taken: (a) the accused shall hear read and be formally presented with the charges against him with the names of witnesses and copies of documents which are part of the charges; (b) the accused shall be given opportunity to call witnesses he desires to be summoned to participate in the trial; ©) the judicatory shall establish the time and place of the next session of the trial which shall not be less than ten days after the first session and shall cite all persons it deems necessary for the conduct of the trial to appear at that time.
4. At the second meeting of the trial, the accused may raise objections to the charges or relevancy of the evidence presented against him. The judicatory shall determine the validity of such objections. If the accused requests the judicatory to do so, it shall determine whether the evidence is sufficient to demonstrate support for the charges made. It may dismiss the case, decide that the charges should be modified, or proceed with the trial. When the trial is ready to proceed, the accused shall be called upon to plead “guilty” or “not guilty” and his plea shall be entered upon the record. If the accused pleads “guilty”, the judicatory shall determine the censure. If the accused pleads “not guilty” or refuses to plead, the trial shall proceed.
5. No person shall be denied the right to offer in evidence in any judicatory of the church the provisions of the Word of God or of any church regulations. No person shall serve as counsel to the accused or to the judicatory who is not a member in good standing of the Bible Fellowship Church.
6. When the evidence against the accused has been presented, and he has had opportunity to cross-examine those testifying against him; the accused shall have right to move for dismissal of the charges. If this motion is denied by the judicatory, the accused may then present evidence in support of his defense. After all evidence in the case has been presented, the accused may make his final argument with respect to the evidence and to church regulations. The judicatory shall then deliberate and vote on each charge separately. If the judicatory decides the accused is guilty, it shall also determine the censure.
7. When the judicatory has concluded the deliberations, the moderator shall announce its finding on each charge. If the accused has been found guilty, the judicatory shall also state the censure it proposes. Full censure shall not be carried out until the expiration of the time in which an appeal my be filed. If an appeal is filed, the original judicatory may not execute its censure unless and until its judgement is affirmed by, the judicatory to which appeal is made.
8. In any trial the judicatory shall preserve a complete and accurate record of the proceedings. This record shall include the charges, objections made and exceptions taken by the accused during the trial, the testimony of witnesses and all rulings and findings of the judicatory. This record shall be certified by the trial judicatory to another judicatory in cases of appeal. The accused shall be supplied one copy of the record at the expense of the judicatory; other copies may be supplied at the expense of the accused.
Chapter V – Evidence
1. Evidence must be factual in nature. It may be direct or circumstantial. Caution should be used in consideration of evidence which is purely circumstantial.
2. Witnesses shall be required to affirm that they will speak all of the truth and nothing but the truth concerning the matters of which they are asked to testify.
3. The judicatory shall appoint one of its members to conduct on its behalf the examination of witnesses, but other members of the judicatory may also take part. Witnesses presented by the accused may be cross-examined by the judicatory.
4. Certified records of a judicatory shall be received in evidence in another judicatory if it is relevant.
Chapter VI – Censure and Restoration
1. All censures shall be accompanied by prayer to God that He might graciously use the discipline for the restoration of the offender, the edification of the church, and the glory of God.
2. There are five degrees of censure in judicial discipline: admonition, rebuke, suspension, deposition and excommunication.
a. Admonition consists in tenderly and solemnly confronting the offender with his sin, warning him of his danger, and exhorting him to repentance and to greater fidelity to the Lord Jesus
b. Rebuke is a form of censure more severe than admonition. It consists in setting forth the serious character of the offense, reproving the offender, and exhorting him to repentance and to more perfect fidelity to the Lord Jesus Christ. The judicatory shall determine if public rebuke is necessary.
c. Suspension is a form of censure by which one is deprived of the privileges of membership in the church, of office or of both. It may be for a definite or indefinite time. Suspension of an officer from privileges of membership shall always accompany suspension from office, but suspension from office does not necessarily include suspension from privileges of membership.
An individual under suspension from office or from privileges of membership shall be the object of concern and earnest appeal that he may be restored. When the judicatory which imposed the suspension is satisfied with the repentance of the offender or when the period of suspension has expired, the censure shall be removed and the offender restored. Restoration shall be accompanied by solemn admonition. Restoration to the privileges of membership may be granted without restoration to office.
If a person is suspended indefinitely and has not within a year manifested repentance, the judicatory shall consider whether suspension shall be continued or more severe censure imposed.
d. Deposition consists of depriving an officer of his office. Deposition of a minister shall require the dissolution of the pastoral relationship. The sentence of deposition shall be read before the congregation and the pulpit declared vacant.
If a minister is deposed who is serving in a nonpastoral office, the agency under which he serves shall be informed of the discipline and that the man is disqualified from denominational service.
A minister, elder or deacon who has been deposed cannot resume his former office without again being ordained or installed.
e. Excommunication is the most severe form of censure and is resorted to only in cases aggravated by persistent impenitence. It consists of a solemn declaration by the judicatory that it no longer regards the offender as a member of the body of Christ.
3. Suspension, deposition or excommunication of an officer or other member of the church shall be announced to the church where the officer holds office or the member holds membership. Such announcement shall be accompanied by an urgent request for prayer for the offender to the end that he might be restored.
4. Restoration shall always be accompanied by prayer of thanksgiving to God for His redeeming grace.
Chapter VII – Appeals
1. An appeal is a petition asking that the final judgment of one judicatory be reversed or modified by another judicatory.
2. Notice of intention to appeal must be filed in writing within ten days after the judgment of the original judicatory has been announced. This notice must be filed with the moderator of the original judicatory.
3. To perfect an appeal, the appellant must in writing file within thirty days of the not-ice of appeal his appeal and specifications of error by the original judicatory. This shall be filed with the moderator of the judicatory to which the appeal is made; a copy of the appeal and specifications of error shall also be filed with the moderator of the original judicatory.
4. If the judicatory to which appeal is made does not sustain any of the specifications of error, the judgment of the original judicatory is affirmed. If the appellate judicatory sustains any specification of error, it shall determine whether the error is of such importance as to require a reversal or modification of the original judgment. A judicatory to which appeal is made may remit the case to the original judicatory, may modify the original judgment or may reverse the original judgment.
Chapter VIII – Dissents and Protests
1. Dissent – Any member of a judicatory who votes against the judgment of the majority may request that his dissenting vote be recorded in the minutes of the judicatory.
2. Protest – Any member of a judicatory may file written protest stating his reasons for objecting to a judgment of the judicatory within ten days of the announcement of the judgment. A protest shall be read to the judicatory and recorded in its minutes. The judicatory may, if it desires, place in its minutes an answer to a protest.
76 Yes; 12 No
The following were elected:
Bryan G. Upton
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Frank L. Herb, Jr., John F. Moran (3 years).
The Chairman appointed the following committees:
LeRoy S. Heller, Daniel G. Ziegler, Warren L. Zimmerman, Bernard N. Coble, Bryan G. Upton.
Bryan G. Upton, James A. Beil, Thomas P. Shorb.
Keith E. Plows, Robert W. Smock, Paul G. Zimmerman, Robert Breitegam, James A. Beil.
Delbert R. Baker II, Ronald C. Erb.
R. C. Reichenbach, Thomas P. Shorb, William L. Graybill II, Kenneth L. Good, D. Thomas Phillips.
Thomas P. Shorb, Phillip E. Morrison.
Resolved, that the Chair appoint a replacement for Jansen E. Hartman on the Government Study Committee.
Keith E. Plows was appointed.
Resolved: that the above committee appointments be approved.
Whereas: Health care costs are continuing their dramatic upward spiral, and
Whereas: over $130,000 was spent during the 1982-83 year for medical insurance to cover our Bible Fellowship Church pastors and their families, and
Whereas: We are mandated by our Lord to be wise stewards of His financial resources, and
Whereas: We are very concerned for the health of our pastors and their families, therefore be it
Resolved: that a committee of 3 laymen and two pastors be appointed by the Chairman of Annual Conference to explore, after seeking wisdom from the Holy Spirit, alternatives to present conventional health insurance programs, and be it further
Resolved: that they consider any potential resources afforded by the Christian community as possible help to provide health care for “our own” within the confines of the aforesaid community, and be it further
Resolved: that this committee meet, prepare, and make its report to the 101st Annual Conference.
Carl K. Spackman, Harold E. Snyder, L. James Roberts, Lee E. Boyles, Richard D. Harris
Resolved, that the Chair appoint a person to set up a prayer chain to communicate information on serious illnesses and deaths among the ministering brethren.
Ronald C. Mahurin was appointed.
Resolved: that we adjourn this 100th Annual Conference. Adjournment was at 5:47 P.M., followed by a devotional message from James A. Beil on Philippians 2:1-18, and the observance of the Lord’s Supper, and a final prayer by James A. Beil.
The Registrar reported the following absences from the sixth meeting:
With Excuse: Without Excuse:
Roy A. Hertzog Richard J. Gehman
Robert F. Johnson J. Barclay Harley
Paul G. Zimmerman Ronald W. Hoyle
Carl T. Martin David L. Manney
Bruce A. Ellingson Edward Moyer
Leonard E. Buck William W. Mull
Paul E. Baer Laird F. Stengele
Donald P. Straub Philip E. Yerrington
Harold L. Snyder, Jr. E. W. Bean
Thomas L. Ward F. B. Hertzog
C. Leslie Miller C. E. Kirkwood
Brian H. Butler