Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1985 Yearbook
The first meeting of the 102nd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was called to order by the Chairman, James A. Beil, at Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, Pa. at 10:00 AM on October 14, 1985.
The Secretary appointed Robert W. Smock as Assistant Secretary and David T. Allen as Assistant to the Secretaries.
The roll of conference members was established as follows:
Allentown, Cedar Crest Ronald C. Mahurin, Roy A. Hertzog, Robert F. Johnson, Jay H. Fasnacht, John W. Trauch
Allentown, Salem Charles J. McConnell, Jeffrey C. Stickler
Bethlehem Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. Robert F. Gerding, Warren L. Zimmerman
Blandon George R. Bryson, Raymond R. Bertolet
Camden, DE James G. Koch, James M. Hanna
Catasauqua Philip E. Morrison, Calvin A. Boyle
Coopersburg Frank L. Herb, Jr., Clyde W. Snyder
Denville, NJ Stephan R. Van Eck, Gary R. Domke
Emmaus Dana E. Weller, Clifford L. Kauffman, Richard E. Lefever
Ephrata Daniel P. Allen, Robert W. Gehret
Finesville, NJ D. Thomas Phillips, Donald P. Straub
Fleetwood ,Ronald P. Turner
Freehold-Englishtown, NJ (Probationer), Raymond C. Burnett
Graterford Richard D. Harris, Robert Buckwalter
Harleysville Paul G. Zimmerman, Harold Crider
Harrisburg Albert J. Dommel, Walter A. Schlagel
Hatfield John H. Herb, Lee E. Boyles
Howell, NJ John C. Vandegriff Jr., David M. Markuson
Irvington, NJ (Mission) Ronald C. Erb
Kutztown (Mission) Randall A. Grossman
Lancaster David A. Thomann, Horace A. Kaufmann
Lebanon Calvin T. Reed, Leroy O. Herb
Lehighton (Probationer), Allen Bauer
Maple Glen Carl K. Spackman, George Priestly
Mt. Carmel , Harold L. Snyder, Jr.
Mt. Pocono (Mission) A. L. Seifert
Nazareth Keith E. Plows, Leonard Kessler
Newark, NJ (Mission) Delbert Baker II
New Fairfield (Probationer), Leonard Russell
Oley (Probationer), Clayton E. Weber
Paradise (Probationer), L. Eugene Brenneman
Phila., Emmanuel Roger Reitz, Russel L. Davis
Phila., Wissinoming G. Wayne Clapier, Kenneth Cressman
Poughquag, NY James A. Wickstead, John Andersen
Quakertown Bert Brosius, L. James Roberts, Jr.
Reading Jansen E. Hartman, Robert Breitegam, Walter Raybuck
Royersford Robert W. Smock, David J. Smock
Scranton James R. Batchler, Jr., Clinton Honeywell
Shamokin Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., T. Lamarn Manney
Sinking Spring Terris L. Byrd, Donald D. McKinney
Spring City (Probationer), Jack Boyle
Staten Island, NY Bryan Upton, Ralph D. Cole
Stroudsburg Thomas P. Shorb, Harold Geisinger
Sunbury LeRoy S. Heller, Bert E. Brosius, Clayton B. Brosius
Terre Hill (Probationer), Jeffrey D. Seip
Wallingford Richard E. Taylor, William R. Singletary
York Kenneth L. Good
Zionsville (Probationer), David Weller
James A. Beil, Alva C. Cassel, Carl C. Cassel, Bernard N. Coble, Bruce A. Ellingson, George E. Herb, David H. Jones, Barry J. Minsky, Daniel G. Ziegler
William L. Graybill , II
Leonard E. Buck, Brian H. Butler, Robert L. Draper, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Ronald W. Hoyle, Herbert K. Lea, David L. Manney, Edward Moyer, William W. Mull, Laird F. Stengle, Philip E. Yerrington
Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, John Dunn, W. W. Hartman, C. E. Kirkwood, Donald T. Kirkwood, C. Leslie Miller, R. C. Reichenbach, John H. Riggall, David E. Thomann
W. David Armstrong, Kenneth F. Barber, Raymond G. Burnett, Carl T. Martin, Mark C. Solt, Ralph M. Soper, Dean A. Stortz, Steven L. Trommler
Resolved: that the following alternate delegates be seated:
York, Pa Philip G. Norris
Blandon, Pa. David L. Hottel
Reading, Pa. Ronald Reed
Shamokin, Pa. Norman Manney
Resolved: that the Conference Bar be limited to those seated at the tables.
James A. Beil gave the keynote devotional address on “Caring.” The Conference sang the hymn, “Let Your Heart Be Broken,” after which Jansen E. Hartman led in prayer.
The Registrar read requests from the following who asked to be excused from parts or all of the meetings of Annual Conference:
Austin G. Shelly, Alva C. Cassel, Bernard N.Coble, George E. Herb, James M. Hanna, Charles J. McConnell, Calvin A. Boyle, Philip E. Morrison, John E. Andersen, Richard E. Lefever, Robert Buckwalter, Kenneth Barber, Mark L. Solt, Walter Raybuck, John F. Boyle, C. E. Kirkwood, E. W. Bean, Raymond R. Bertolet, Paul E. Baer, Ronald W. Hoyle, Donald P. Straub, Brian H. Butler.
Resolved: that the above requests be granted.
Pastors and Delegates new to Annual Conference and those not here in the last 5 years were introduced to Annual Conference.
Resolved: that the Agenda be accepted.
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
The Chairman appointed the following committees:
Tellers: Keith E. Plows, LeRoy S. Heller, Carl K. Spachman, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Harold L. Snyder, Jr., LeRoy O. Herb, Clyde W. Snyder
Resolutions: Randall A. Grossman, G. Wayne Clapier, George Priestly, Lee E. Boyles, David M. Markuson, W. David Armstrong
Communications: Paul G. Zimmerman, Richard LeFever, Roy A. Hertzog
Auditing: Robert W. Gehret, Horace A. Kauffman, Ralph D. Cole, Jay H. Fasnacht
Timekeeper: David A. Thomann
Reporter: Philip E. Morrison
Parliamentarian: Jansen E. Hartman
Resolved: that we approve the Conference Committees appointed by the Chairman.
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
Whereas: The Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended Kenneth D. Keeler and Louis Prontnicki for examination for ordination, and,
Whereas: These brethren have served acceptably as ministers in the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time, and,
Whereas: After examination, the Committee on Credentials believes them to be called of God to the Gospel Ministry and to be in accord with the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore,
Resolved: That Kenneth D. Keeler and Louis Prontnicki be ordained to the Gospel Ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church, and, further,
Resolved: That the service of ordination be held on Thursday, December 5, 1985, at the Harleysville Bible Fellowship Church at 7:30 PM. Kenneth D. Keeler shall be ordained at this service and Louis Prontnicki shall be ordained in absentia at this service since he is presently on the mission field. The Credentials Committee shall be in charge of the ordination service.
The report was accepted.
The Chairman ruled that Kenneth Keeler be seated in the Conference Bar.
Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has received an application for ministry in the Bible Fellowship Church from David Gundrum of Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Reading, Pa. that indicates a divorce in his background, and
Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has received communication from the Pastor and Elders of Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Reading, recommending that David Gundrum be approved as an applicant and further expressing their opinion that David Gundrum does not violate the rules of the Bible Fellowship Church, and,
Whereas, it is the view of the Ministerial Candidate Committee that while David Gundrum’s circumstances may be within “the spirit” of the Rules of the Bible Fellowship Church and sound reason for his acceptance may be made in harmony with biblical principles; nevertheless, it is contrary to the precise wording of Article VII, Divorce, page 35,36 of the 1981 Edition of the Faith and Order which states: “No person who has been divorced or who has married a divorced person for any reason may be a member of the Board of Elders”, and
Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee views its responsibility as functioning in harmony with the statements and rules of the Faith and Order and not in interpreting their “spirit” or seeking to change those rules, and
Whereas, The Ministerial Candidate Committee has taken a position that it will not proceed further with the application of David Gundrum for the above reasons until the Annual Conference gives us specific direction, therefore, be it
Resolved, that Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Reading, Pa. be asked to present their case for the acceptance of David Gundrum as a candidate for ministry in the Bible Fellowship Church to the Annual Conference and, further, be it
Resolved, that the Annual Conference make a judgment in this case and give specific directions to the Ministerial Candidate Committee on accepting David Gundrum as a ministerial candidate.
Resolved, that the following men be accepted under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee:
PROBATIONERS (year of licensing in parenthesis)
W. David Armstrong Zionsville, PA (1985)
William C. Aukamp Pequea, PA
Kenneth F. Barber Oley, PA (1985)
James L. Beaver Clearwater, FL
Douglas D. Bowne Spring City, PA
Raymond G. Burnett Englishtown, NJ (1984)
David A. Carver Selinsgrove, PA (1983)
David W. Chappell Walnutport, PA
Robert S. Commerford Holmes, NY (1984)
Arthur J. Frisbie Newark, DE (1976)
W. Neil Harding, Jr. Wallingford, PA (1983)
Kenneth D. Keeler Harleysville, PA (1982)
Thomas S. MacMillan Nazareth, PA (1983)
Carl T. Martin Spring City, PA (1983)
James E. Neher Sellersville, PA (1983)
Louis Prontnicki Amman, Jordan (1983)
David W. Riddell Ambler, PA
Mark C. Solt Lehighton, PA (1983)
Ralph M. Soper Paradise, PA
Dennis W. Spinney Hillside, NJ (1984)
Dean A. Stortz New Fairfield, CT (1983)
Steven L. Trommler Terre Hill, PA (1984)
Gary F. Bentley Hatfield, PA
Clark L. Bossler Allentown, PA
Dennis M. Cahill Phoenixville, PA
Harold B. Fravell, III Emmaus, PA
Ronald C. Hagy West Reading, PA
Ronald A. Honeywell Montrose, PA
Phillip J. Mitchell Allentown, PA
Scott A. Neiswender Bloomsburg, PA
Richard T. Paashaus Coopersburg, PA
William G. Schlonecker Newark, DE
Charles M. Snyder Glenside, PA
Jeffrey C. Stickler Bethlehem, PA
J. Richard Vroman Lansdale, PA
James E. Thorton Zionsville, PA
Bryon Widger Wappingers Fall, NY
David T. Allen Akron, PA
Walter M. Johnston Wyomissing, PA
Richard P. Jones, Sr. Wescosville, PA
Daniel A. Mabus Emmaus, PA
Richard W. Meyer Bethlehem, PA
Duane Moyer Pipersville, PA
Kevin P. Roberts Lehighton, PA
Thomas P. Voorhees W. Trenton, NJ
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that a contribution of $200.00 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each of the following Boards and Committees: Victory Valley, Missions, Christian Education, Church Extension, Pinebrook Junior College, Pinebrook Bible Conference and Bible Fellowship Church Home.
Resolved, that $1.00 per member be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each church to help underwrite the cost of publishing Fellowship News. Payments to be made to the Business Manager by December 31, 1985.
Resolved, that the cost of the 1985 Yearbook be $4.00 per copy. This cost is based on eliminating free copies to Pastors and/or Churches.
Resolved, that the Missionary Reports and Pictures printed in the Yearbook in past years (such material as printed on pages 188-217 of the 1984 Yearbook) be printed in Fellowship News rather than the Yearbook.
The Report was accepted.
Resolved, that the By-laws of the Historical Committee be amended as follows: (see 1981 yearbook, p. 120).
1. Under the Section entitled ELECTION; change the first sentence to read “It shall be composed of the archivist and five men elected by the Annual Conference.” (First Reading)
2. Add the following statement to the section entitled Election. “In the event of the resignation or death of a member of the committee, the committee shall appoint a replacement who will serve until the subsequent Annual Conference. At that conference, a new member shall be elected to fill the unexpired term.” (First Reading)
The Registrar reported that the following will be absent from all sessions of the 102nd Annual Conference:
Robert L. Draper
Richard J. Gehman
Herbert K. Lea
Edward Moyer
Laird F. Stengle
Philip E. Yerrington
Donald T. Kirkwood
C. Leslie Miller
Adjourned in Prayer at 11:50 AM by Calvin T. Reed.
The meeting opened with the singing of the hymn, “Let Your Heart Be Broken.” R. C. Reichenbach led in prayer. Phil Atkins, new Director of Victory Valley, was introduced to the Conference.
Jansen E. Hartman presented the case for David E. Gundrum for consideration as a candidate for the ministry in the Bible Fellowship Church.
Resolved: that resolutions pertaining to David E. Gundrum’s consideration as a ministerial candidate require a 75% majority to pass. (Yes = 58, No = 36)
Whereas, when the regulation respecting divorce and remarriage was written, it was not foreseen that there could be a divorce and remarriage to the same spouse under favorable circumstances such as we have been considering in the case of David and Donna Gundrum, and
Whereas, the remarriage of David and Donna Gundrum was not only within the framework of biblical teaching, but was indeed a necessity for the full compliance with Scripture, therefore be it
Resolved, that David Gundrum, in respect to his divorce and remarriage be considered eligible for acceptance by the Ministerial Candidate Committee as a candidate for the ministry in the Bible Fellowship Church, and that said committee proceed to consider him as they would any other applicants for the ministry.
(Yes = 92, No = 13)
The report was accepted.
Resolved: that the rate of mileage reimbursement be $.18 per mile effective 10/15/85.
Resolved: that the Administrative Budget for 1985-86 be approved for use beginning October 1, 1985.
Resolved: that the Administrative Budget for the 1986-87 year be approved for circulation to the church in solicitation of their pledges by April 15, 1986.
Resolved: that the annuities paid from the Ministers’ Retirement Fund beginning October 1, 1985, shall be $126.00 per year of service up to forty years of service for which an annuitant is eligible.
Resolved: that this Conference tender its appreciation to the Board of Directors for its provision for a study of possible changes in the operation of the Ministers’ Retirement Fund, state that it looks with favor on such a study and hereby express its hope that the study will be completed by the 103rd Annual Conference.
The following were elected:
Randall A. Grossman (1 year)
David W. Chappell (1 year)
The following recommendations from the Ministerial Relations Committee Report were adopted:
Whereas, we strongly believe it is the Scriptural responsibilities of the church to adequately meet the needs of its pastors (Matt. 10:10; I Cor. 9:7-15; Gal. 6:6; Phil 4:10-19; I Tim 5:17-18), therefore be it
Resolved, that we encourage each church to increase its pastor’s salary at least 6.5% above the previous year’s salary, and further
Resolved, that it is the consensus of this Committee that the minimum salary adequate for a pastor serving a Bible Fellowship Church including benefits is $15,230.00 for the 1985-86 year.
The report was accepted.
Resolved: that the “Study Paper on Homosexuality” be adopted by the Bible Fellowship Church as its Position Paper on Homosexuality.
Resolved: that out of the “Study Paper on Homosexuality” a statement should be prepared for insertion in the section of Standards of Worship and Life in the Faith and Order, and further, Resolved that the committee that prepared the Study Paper develop the article.
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
Paul Zimmerman introduced missionaries David L. Manney, William W. Mull and J. Barcley Harley, and a Venezuelan Pastor, Jose A. Tomedes. Each gave a brief report.
Resolved:that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 PM.
The Registrar reported the following absences from the second meeting:
Excused Unexcused
Charles J. McConnell
James M. Hanna
The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 PM with prayer by John Trauch.
The meeting opened with the singing of the hymn “Let Your Heart Broken.” William W. Mull led in prayer. Richard E. Taylor gave the devotional message on “Caring for the Hungry.”
The following were elected:
Frank L. Herb Jr. (3 years)
James A. Beil (1 year)
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.(1 year)
Frank L. Herb, Jr. (1 year)
Keith E. Plows (1 year)
John H. Riggall (1 year)
Daniel P. Allen (1 year)
Bernard N. Coble (1 year)
John H. Herb (1 year)
Ralph D. Cole (1 year)
Gary Sterner (1 year)
Willard E. Cassel (3 years)
Harold P. Shelly (3 years)
The Report was accepted.
Carl C. Cassel addressed the Conference concerning the College. President Cassel introduced the following staff of Pinebrook Junior College and each staff member addressed the Conference:
Metro Yurchak, Academic Dean
Richard C. Mengel, Dean of Students
Byron C. Cassel, Business Manager
Richard Drosnock, Plant Engineer
Carol Z. Snyder, Director of Admission
Lee A. Richwine, Director of Development
Clyde W. Snyder, Director of Community Relations and Art Instructor
The Study Paper of the Committee to Study Cults was considered and referred back to the committee.
Resolved, that we adjourn.
The Registrar reported the following absences from the third meeting:
Excused Unexcused
Philip E. Morrison
Adjourned at 9:15 P.M. in prayer by Robert F. Gerding.
David A. Thomann led the hymn, “Let Your Heart Be Broken” with John H. Herb presenting the devotional message on “The Biblical Mandate on Caring.” Hugh C. Coulbourn led in prayer.
James R. Batchler, Jr., Assistant Registrar, read additional excuses for absences, which were granted.
The minutes of the previous day’s meetings were read and approved as corrected.
The following were elected:
Harold L. Snyder, Jr. (3 years)
James A. Beil (3 years)
Carl C. Cassel (3 years)
Bryan B. Bray (3 years)
Bright N. Heist (3 years)
Clayton E. Weber (3 years)
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that each Church make a contribution to the Pinebrook Bible Conference. Contributions are to be made payable to Pinebrook and sent to the Director, Box 1, Stroudsburg, Pa. 18360.
The report was accepted.
Whereas, the One Hundredth Annual Conference adopted “WIDER HORIZONS 1985-2000” as a plan of action for the Bible Fellowship Church and
Whereas, the One Hundredth Annual Conference approved preliminary denominational goals for WIDER HORIZONS, which it commended to the particular churches along with some suggested particular church goals and
Whereas, the particular churches have reported their responses and goals at a WIDER HORIZONS banquet, which was held on Friday evening, April 19, 1985, therefore
Resolved, that we the One Hundred Second Annual Conference, recognize, endorse and adopt the following goals which the particular churches have set:
1. To increase the total membership of the Bible Fellowship Church by December 31, 2000 by approximately 135% to 14,293 members.
2. To see 16 new congregations form as daughter churches through the impetus and sponsorship of particular churches between now and the end of the year 2000.
3. To direct the Board of Church Extension to plan to plant 39 additional new congregations during the WIDER HORIZONS years, 1986-2000.
Resolved, that we commit ourselves, by faith and in dependence upon the power and grace of our Lord to pray, plan, labor and evangelize and to support the Church Extension Department toward fulfillment of these goals, to the glory of God.
The Conference paused and prayed for the Lord’s help in achieving the above goals. Dana E. Weller, Richard E. Taylor and Keith E. Plows led in prayer.
Resolved, that the following annual membership goals for WIDER HORIZONS be adopted:
1986 6,200
1987 124 2% 6,324
1988 189 3% 6,513
1989 229 3.5% 6,742
1990 269 4% 7,011
1991 316 4.5% 7,327
1992 366 5% 7,693
1993 423 5.5% 8,116
1994 487 6% 8,603
1995 603 7% 9,206
1996 736 8% 9,942
1997 895 9% 10,837
1998 1,029 9.5% 11,866
1999 1,128 9.5% 12,994
2000 1,299 10% 14,293
Resolved, that the following be added to Duties of the Board of Church Extension:
II. The Board shall promote the program of Church Extension and develop a broadening financial base for its ministry. FIRST READING (see pages 34-36, 1983 Yearbook)
Resolved, that the Faith and Order be changed to read (page 115)
Board of Church Extension
Election: The Board of Church Extension shall be composed of the Director of Church Extension by virtue of his office and five ordained ministers and five laymen.
Classes shall be formed as follows:
Class I – Two ministers and two laymen
Class II – Two ministers and two laymen
Class III – One minister and one layman
Whereas, the Board of Church Extension is of the opinion that the Kutztown, Pennsylvania Mission meets the standards and qualifications of a church as specified in Article XVIII of the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Kutztown, Pennsylvania Mission be recognized as a church and that its delegate be received into the membership of the 102nd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Whereas, the Board of Church Extension is of the opinion that the Newark, Delaware Mission meets the standards and qualifications of a church as specified in Article XVIII of the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church; therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Newark, Delaware Mission be recognized as a church and that its delegate be received into the membership of the 102nd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.
The delegate from Kutztown, George Monroe, and the delegate from Newark, DE, Arthur Frisbie, were seated in the Conference Bar.
Whereas, the Board of Church Extension on September 6, 1985, elected Daniel G. Ziegler to a three-year term as Director of Church Extension effective October 14, 1985, therefore be it
Resolved, that the election of Daniel G. Ziegler to a three year term as Director of Church Extension effective October 14, 1985, be ratified.
Resolved, that the budget for the Board of Church Extension for 1986-87 be adopted.
Churches – Prepaid $ 90,000
General Contribution 20,000
Designated Gifts 210,950
Interest 7,000
Total $327,950
Camden $ -0-
Edison 6,000
Finesville -0-
Newark, DE 8,000
Irvington 26,250
Kutztown -0-
Mt. Pocono 3,000
Newark, NJ 23,000
New Fairfield 3,000
Poughquag 1,000
Union County 7,000
Wappingers Falls 1,000
Walnutport 5,000
Whaley Lake 18,000
New Missions (existing) 45,000
New Missions (starting) 33,000
Project Beachhead 66,000
PISCES 3,000
$248,250 $248,250
Director’s Salary & Bene. 20,000
Director’s Health Ins. 2,000
Director: In Service Train. 1,500
Department Travel 9,500
Parsonage-Office Bldg. 12,000
Office Operating 16,000
Board Expenses 2,500
Promotion 1,200
Surveys 200
Administrative Budget 500
Workman’s Compensation 1,700
$ 67,200 $ 67,200
Development Fund $ 5,000
Contingency 7,500
$ 12,500 12,500
TOTAL $327,950
The report was accepted.
Resolved: that we extend the time.
Whereas, the Bible Fellowship Church takes seriously the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ and desires to involve itself significantly in the task of making disciples of all nations, and
Whereas, our Bible Fellowship Church missionary family has grown substantially in the past two years so that it now has seventy-eight (78) active missionaries, and seven (7) appointees, and several applicants, and
Whereas, we are praying that the Lord will thrust out many more laborers from the Bible Fellowship Church into His harvest fields, and
Whereas, there is a great need for the Board of Missions to provide additional pastoral care and oversight for our missionaries, their children in the homeland, our appointees and applicants, and
Whereas, there is a great need for the Board of Missions to provide additional and more effective assistance to our particular churches in organizing, strategizing, implementing, and promoting of missions in our Bible Fellowship Churches, and
Whereas, there is a great need for the Board of Missions to develop closer working relationships with the sending mission boards with which our missionaries are affiliated, therefore, be it
Resolved, that we ratify the election of Roy A. Hertzog as the full-time Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions. (Yes = 98, No = 6)
The Registrar reported the following absences from the fourth meeting:
Excused Unexcused
Philip E. Morrison
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.
Kenneth F. Barber
A. L. Seifert
John Dunn led in prayer, adjourning this meeting at 12:15 P.M.
The following were elected:
John Stengele (2 years)
Robert W. Gehret (3 years)
John H. Herb (3 years)
Alva C. Cassel (3 years)
John H. Herb (3 years)
David A. Thomann (3 years)
Jay Fasnacht (3 years)
Rodney Muthard (3 years)
Russell M. Ruch (3 years)
Robert W. Gehret (3 years)
Paul G. Zimmerman led in prayer for the Lord’s help in Conference proceedings.
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that the by-laws of the Board of Christian Education be amended as follows:
D: VACANCIES see page 2, paragraph D#1
1. Of Board Members
a. If a vacancy occurs on the Board, the Board shall select a replacement who will serve until the subsequent Annual Conference. The Board shall request the Annual Conference to elect a successor to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Resolved, that the following proposed by-law of the Board of Christian Education be referred to the Government Committee, as it relates to all boards and committees.
b. If a member of the Board is absent for three successive meetings without written excuse, he shall no longer be a member of the Board and shall be replaced as though a vacancy had occurred.
Whereas, the Director and the Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference are convinced that the expanding ministry at Pinebrook Bible Conference could be aided greatly by an increase in the size of the Conference Board, therefore
Resolved, that we increase the size of the Pinebrook Conference Board by adding one minister and two laymen, and further,
Resolved, that the material on page 122 and 123 of the Faith and Order be changed to read as follows:
Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference
Election: It shall be composed of five ministers and eight laymen and the Bible Conference Director. The ministers and laymen shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:
Class I- Two Ministers and Three Laymen
Class II- Two Ministers and Three Laymen
Class III- One Minister and Two Laymen
Resolved, that upon approval of these changes at second reading in 1986, implementation of these changes shall be as follows:
The 1986 Conference shall elect One Minister and Two Laymen for three years. One Layman for 2 years, and One Layman for one year.
The 1987 Conference would elect Class One, Two Ministers and Three Laymen for three years and continue according to the classes thereafter.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that the Committee on Statistics evaluate the categories of statistics.
The report was adopted.
The report was accepted.
The petition from Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church, Bethlehem, was presented as follows:
Whereas, Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church has experienced the disability of our pastor and,
Whereas, we are unaware that there are any guidelines as to how the needs of a disabled pastor should be cared for and,
Whereas, there exists the possibility that a local church may not be able to care for a disabled pastor’s need, therefore, be it
Resolved, that Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church petitions the one hundred and second annual conference of the Bible Fellowship Church to study the potential ways that the needs of partially or totally disabled pastors can and should be met through local church and/or denominational responsibility. Such a study should consider the feasibility of instituting specific programs to fulfill the determined responsibility.
Resolved, that the above petition be received.
Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church study the matter of provision for pastoral disability as raised in the petition from Bethlehem.
Whereas, the petition of Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church of Bethlehem was received by Annual Conference, and
Whereas, the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church was directed by this Annual Conference to make a study of the concerns of their petition; therefore be it,
Resolved, that this action be considered the answer of Annual Conference to the petitioning church.
The petition from Gateway BFC of New Fairfield, CT. was presented as follows:
Whereas, we have recently witnessed the demise of the Easton Church, and we are presently aware of some struggling churches.
Whereas, it is a tragedy for a church to die.
Whereas, it is our Christian duty to offer help to brethren in distress.
Whereas, statistical information is presently available to us which might signal a church in decline.
Resolved, that we form a Development Advisory Committee which will:
1. Identify those churches which may be in decline.
2. Initiate contact with the pastor and elders of such churches.
3. Offer to work with the pastor and elders by:
a. Praying with and for these men and churches.
b. Helping them develop a strategy to reverse the decline.
c. Making them aware of literature or secialists which might be beneficial.
Resolved, that this committee be advisory in nature, and shall in no way interfere with the autonomy of the local church.
Resolved, that this committee shall be composed of 3 pastors and 2 Laymen.
Resolved, that a church in “decline” be defined as one whose statistics show a decline in the percentage of members of five (5) percent or three people per year, whichever is higher, or a decline of five percent in the amount of offerings for three consecutive years.
Resolved, that this committee report yearly to Annual Conference relating how many churches were helped, and principles of development learned through the year.
Resolved, that the above petition be received.
Resolved, that we deny the request of forming a Development Advisory Committee, and that we direct the Ministerial Relations Committee to formulate an answer to the petitioning church describing how they already perform the functions described in the New Fairfield petition. (See page for the answer to this action.)
The following were elected:
Robert Breitegam (3 years)
James Sunday (3 years)
Paul G. Zimmerman (3 years)
Ronald C. Mahurin (3 years)
John H. Riggall (3 years)
Robert Breitegam (3 years)
Kermit K. Gehman (3 years)
Robert W. Smock (3 years)
Richard E. Taylor (3 years)
Dana E. Weller (3 years)
Clayton E. Weber (3 years)
Robert Zentz (3 years)
James A. Beil (1 year)
Carl C. Cassel (1 year)
Jansen E. Hartman (1 year)
Ronald C. Mahurin (1 year)
Lee E. Boyles (1 year)
L. James Roberts (1 year)
Clyde W. Snyder (1 year)
Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 P.M.
The Registrar reported the following absences from the fifth meeting:
Excused Unexcused
David L. Manney
Robert F. Gerding
A. L. Seifert
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.
Philip E. Morrison
Albert J. Dommel
Adjourned at 5:10 P.M. with prayer by James A. Wickstead.
Carl T. Martin led the singing of the hymn, “Am I A Soldier of the Cross”. Charles J. McConnell led in prayer. Jeffrey Stickler presented the devotional message on “Caring for the Unborn”.
The minutes of previous meetings were read and approved as corrected.
The petition from Valley BFC, Poughquag, NY, was presented as follows:
Whereas, the Board of Elders of the Poughquag church has studied the yearbook material on the subject of divorce that was assigned to it by the 101st Annual Conference, and
Whereas, previous studies have not treated the subject of the “new creation” as found in 2 Cor. 5:16-19 as it relates to divorce, and
Whereas, regarding divorce as a violation of a “Creation Ordinance” and thus in a separate category of sins, marring a person’s character for life seems to be without any Biblical foundation (the argument advanced in the committee report to 82nd Annual Conference–page 49 of the 1965 Yearbook) therefore, be it
Resolved, that we form a study committee to address these two areas as they relate to barring men from the office of elder who have been divorced, or who are married to women who have been divorced prior to their conversion to Christ, and that this committee report to the 103rd Annual Conference with a recommendation.
Resolved, that the above petition be received.
Resolved, that the chairman appoint a committee of seven members of this Annual Conference to investigate the subject of divorce and its ramifications for the entire ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Resolved, that the above action be considered an answer to the petition of Valley Bible Fellowship Church, Poughquag.
The report was accepted.
Resolved, that the following be adopted at second reading (taken from p.29, 1984 Yearbook):
Article IV – Members of Annual Conference
1. Voting Members – The voting members of Annual Conference shall answer to the call of the roll. They shall be:
a. Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Bible Fellowship Church.
b. Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Board of Missions of the Bible Fellowship Church.
c. Ordained Ministers endorsed by the Bible Fellowship Church Working in the Military Chaplaincy.
d. Ordained Ministers in Retirement.
e. Probationers who have been called to be the pastor of a church; but not probationers who are called to be associates and/or assistants.
Resolved, that proposed Article IV – Members of Annual Conference, Section 1f., page 29, 1984 Yearbook be amended to read:
One delegate from every properly constituted church with a membership of two hundred or less and one additional delegate for every one hundred members in excess of the first two hundred. If a delegate(s) is unable to attend the Annual Conference or some meetings of Annual Conference, the alternate delegate(s), with the permission of the Conference, shall be seated for the Conference or those specified meetings. Unexcused absences shall result in the church forfeiting its representation by an alternate delegate during the unexcused absence of the delegate.
Resolved, that the following be adopted at Second Reading:
(from p. 29 of 1984 Yearbook)
2. Advisory Members – Advisory members of Annual conference shall not be included in the call of the roll. They shall not participate in the deliberations of the session except by permission of the Chairman. Advisory members of Annual Conference shall include:
a. Ordained Ministers Working in other Christian Ministries.
b. Ordained Ministers on Leave of Absence.
c. Probationers who have not been called to be the pastor of a church.
d. Missionaries who hold membership in one of the churches and are under the supervision of the Board of Missions.(SECOND READING)
Resolved, that the following be adopted at Second Reading: (see p. 30, 1984 Yearbook)
Officers of Annual Conference
1. Add to the last sentence of the first paragraph of material on page 95, 1981 edition of the Faith and Order, the following:
….and Robert’s Rules of Order.
2. Add the following new material on Vice Chairman:
Each Annual Conference before adjournment shall elect by ballot a vice-chairman from its membership. He shall function as chairman of Annual Conference in the absence of the chairman. He is to temporarily act as chairman when the chairman requests to vacate the chair so as to speak on a given issue. He shall continue to preside until the issue in question has been decided. He is also to assist the chairman as requested.
3. Add the following material to the end of material on Secretary, page 95, 1981 edition of the Faith and Order:
He shall receive and distribute petitions from particular churches to the Annual Conference. (SECOND READING)
Resolved, that the following be adopted at Second Reading;
(See material on pages 32,33 – 1982 Yearbook, and pages 40,41 – 1983 Yearbook)
Add the following paragraph to the end of the material on Amendments to the Faith and Order:
“Amendments to the Appendices of the Faith and Order shall be by two-thirds majority of those voting at one reading of Annual Conference (SECOND READING).
Resolved, that the following be adopted at Second Reading;
Chapter IV – Conduct of Trials
1. At the beginning of every trial the moderator of the body conducting the trial shall announce that the body is meeting as a judicatory and shall exhort the members of the body to understand that the body is responsible to minister and declare the Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice, and to subordinate all human standards and judgments to that rule. The moderator shall lead in prayer. This announcement and exhortation shall be repeated by the moderator at the beginning of each session of the trial. The judicatory conducting the trial shall determine if the trial shall be opened or closed to individuals not directly involved in the trial.
2. If the accused does not appear for the trial, he shall be cited again to appear for trial with a warning that failure to appear is viewed as disrespect and that the trial will proceed in his absence if he fails again to appear.
3. At the first meeting of the trial, only the following actions shall be taken: (a) the accused shall hear read and be formally presented with the charges against him with the names of witnesses and copies of documents which are part of the charges; (b) the accused shall be given opportunity to call witnesses he desires to be summoned to participate in the trial (c) the judicatory shall establish the time and place of the next session of the trial which shall not be less than ten days after the first session and shall cite all persons it deems necessary for the conduct of the trial to appear at that time.
4. At the second meeting of the trial, the accused may raise objections to the charges or relevancy of the evidence presented against him. The judicatory shall determine the validity of such objections. If the accused requests the judicatory to do so, it shall determine whether the evidence is sufficient to demonstrate support for the charges made. It may dismiss the case, decide that the charges should be modified, or proceed with the trial. When the trial is ready to proceed, the accused shall be called upon to plead “guilty” or “not guilty” and his plea shall be entered upon the record. If the accused pleads “guilty”, the judicatory shall determine the censure. If the accused pleads “not guilty” or refuses to plead, the trial shall proceed.
5. No person shall be denied the right to offer in evidence in any judicatory of the church the provisions of the Word of God or of any church regulations.
6. When the evidence against the accused has been presented and he has had opportunity to cross-examine those testifying against him, the accused shall have right to move for dismissal of the charges. If this motion is denied by the judicatory, the accused may then present evidence in support of his defense. After all evidence in the case has been presented, the accused may make his final argument with respect to the evidence and to church regulations. The judicatory shall then deliberate and vote on each charge separately. If the judicatory decides the accused is guilty, it shall also determine the censure.
7. When the judicatory has concluded the deliberations, the moderator shall announce its finding on each charge. If the accused has been found guilty, the judicatory shall also state the censure it proposes. Full censure shall not be carried out until the expiration of the time in which an appeal may be filed. If an appeal is filed, the original judicatory may not execute its censure unless and until its judgment is affirmed by the judicatory to which appeal is made.
8. In any trial the judicatory shall preserve a complete and accurate transcript of the proceedings. This record shall include the charges, objections made and exceptions taken by the accused during the trial, the testimony of witnesses and all rulings and findings of the judicatory. This record shall be certified by the trial judicatory to another judicatory in cases of appeal. The accused shall be supplied one copy of the record at the expense of the judicatory; other copies may be supplied at the expense of the accused.(the above 8 paragraphs are SECOND READING)
Resolved, that we extend the time.
Resolved, that we adopt the following sentence as added to the end of the 5th paragraph of Chapter IV, “Conduct of Trials”, (see p. 113 of 1984 Yearbook), at First Reading:
Any person serving as a representative of the accused or the judicatory must be a member in good standing of the Bible Fellowship Church. (FIRST READING)
The Registrar reported the following absences from the sixth meeting:
Excused Unexcused
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.
Robert F. Gerding
Philip E. Morrison
Richard L. Lefever
Albert J. Dommel
A. L. Seifert
David L. Manney
Adjourned at 9:32 PM in prayer by the Delegate from Sinking Spring, Donald D. McKinney.
David A. Thomann led in the singing of the hymn “Let Your Heart Be Broken.” John H. Herb gave the devotional message, “The Biblical Mandate on Caring – Part II.” George Monroe, Delegate from Kutztown, led in prayer.
The minutes of the previous afternoon’s meeting were read and approved as corrected.
The Registrar read excuses for absences from conference meetings; those excuses were granted.
The report was accepted.
The report was accepted.
The report was adopted.
The hymn “To God Be the Glory” was sung, Chairman James A. Beil led in a prayer of thanks, and an applause of appreciation was expressed to the Chairman for his patience and sagacity.
The following were elected:
Alfred G. Roberts (2 years)
Robert Keener (3 years)
Philip E. Morrison (3 years)
The Registrar reported that the following are to be seated:
Carl Anderson, Alternate Delegate from New Fairfield, CT
Walter Raybuck, Delegate from Reading
He also reported that Alternate Delegate from Emmaus, Jonathan Reynolds, was seated for the Tuesday evening session in the absence of the Delegate.
The petition from Stroudsburg BFC was presented as follows:
Whereas, an article on Abortion was approved at First Reading by the 101st Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church for inclusion in “The Standards of Worship and Life” of the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship CHurch, and
Whereas, this article will be considered at Second Reading by the 102nd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it
Resolved, that we the members of Berean Bible Fellowship church of Stroudsburg, respectfully petition the 102nd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church to delete the exception clause at the end of the first paragraph which reads, “except in the very rare circumstances where the life of the mother would almost surely be lost by carrying the baby to term.”We present the following reasons why we believe this exception clause should be deleted:
1. The exception clause is contradictory to the affirmations of the transcendent value of human life and of the sovereignty of God delineated in the proposed article. It contradicts the earlier statement in the article: “It is an evil before God voluntarily to kill unborn children since they too bear His image…”
2. The exception clause unnecessarily weakens the strong statement against abortion affirmed in the article and could be interpreted to suggest tacit approval of therapeutic abortion in the Bible Fellowship Church.
3. The exception clause deals with circumstances declared by competent medical authorities to be extremely rare because of the advances of modern medicine. Since sinful human nature is always inclined to abuse exception clauses, it is deemed more appropriate in an article of this nature to present the clear teaching of Scripture rather than to try to delineate rare exceptions, if any exist.
4. The exception clause is capable of being broadly interpreted and rationalized to approve abortions for reasons of threatened suicide, psychological well-being, mental health, and for other similar reasons that are in reality abortion on demand or abortion for the convenience of the mother.
5. The exception clause will weaken a church’s ability to effectively discipline a member who aborts a baby for reasons of convenience or personal choice, but who argues otherwise, perhaps with the support of a humanistic physician.
6. The exception clause suggests an unwillingness to face the crises of life in utter dependence upon the counsel and providence of God.
It is our position that the final sentence of the first paragraph should read: “Consequently, as members of Christ’s body, the Church, we may not have, assist in, or perform an abortion.” (4) If the exception clause is deleted, we affirm our support for the adoption of this article as a Biblical response to the atrocity of the murder of the unborn in our day.
Resolved, that we extend the time.
Resolved, that we recess to meet at 1:30 PM; William W. Mull led in prayer.
Bert N. Brosius led in prayer to resume business at 1:30 PM.
Resolved, that the following be adopted at Second Reading as the article on abortion for inclusion in “The Standards of Worship and Life” of the Faith and Order:
God is the creator, sustainer, and giver of life. Only He has the right to say under what conditions it may be taken away. (1) His Word declares that man is made in His image, (2) and it is for this reason that the death penalty was commanded for murder in the Old Testament. (3) It is an evil before God voluntarily to kill unborn children, since they too bear His image, even if they are handicapped or the result of rape or incest. Consequently, as members of Christ’s body, the Church, we may not have, give direct assistance to, or perform an abortion, (4) except in the very rare circumstances where the life of the mother would almost surely be lost by carrying the baby to term.
Within the marriage bond a pregnancy and resulting child must be accepted as from God, and the parents are commanded to love the child. (5) Pregnancies resulting from promiscuous or licentious behavior are not to be terminated by abortion, which only adds sin forbidden by the sixth commandment to sin forbidden by the seventh commandment. (6) Therefore, anyone contemplating an abortion, even though outside the Church, should be encouraged to preserve life by completing the pregnancy. (7) The child can either be raised by its biological parents or be adopted by others.
(1) Genesis 9:5,6; (2) Psalm 139:13-16, Genesis 1:27; (3) Exodus 21:14; (4) Proverbs 24:11-12; (5) Psalm 127:3-5; (6) Exodus 20:13,14, I Corinthians 6:18; (7) Hebrews 10:24.(SECOND READING) (Yes = 92, No = 10)
The following were elected:
Robert Davies (3 years)
Dana E. Weller (3 years)
Bert E. Brosius (3 years)
John F. Moran (3 years)
Richard E. Taylor (1 year)
Jansen E. Hartman
Bryan G. Upton
Resolved, that the Chairman appoint a committee of three to formulate an answer to the Stroudsburg Church regarding how its petition was answered by the action of this Annual Conference.
The Chairman appointed Stephen R. Van Eck, James A. Wickstead and Thomas P. Shorb to formulate an answer to the Stroudsburg Church.
The Chairman appointed the following committees:
LeRoy S. Heller, Daniel G. Ziegler, Warren L. Zimmerman, Bernard N. Coble, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr.
Bryan G. Upton, Thomas P. Shorb, Jansen E. Hartman
The Members of Stewardship Council
James A. Wickstead, Dean A. Stortz
Philip E. Morrison, James R. Batchler,Jr.
Bert N. Brosius, James A. Wickstead, Calvin T. Reed, G. Wayne Clapier, Randall A. Grossman, David A. Thomann, Donald T. Kirkwood.
Alternate: Philip E. Morrison
Resolved, that the following be considered the answer to the petition from the Gateway Bible Fellowship Church of New Fairfield, CT:
To Pastor Dean A. Stortz and to the saints and faithful brethren in Christ who are at the Gateway Bible Fellowship Church of New Fairfield, CT. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from your brethren assembled for the 102nd session of Annual Conference.
We give thanks to God for you brethren, and your expression of concern for struggling churches as indicated in your Petition to this Annual Conference requesting the formation of a Development Advisory Committee.
This Annual Conference gave your Petition careful consideration resulting in the following:
“Resolved, that we deny the request of forming a Development Advisory Committee, and that we direct the Ministerial Relations Committee to formulate and answer to the petitioning church describing how they already perform the functions described in the New Fairfield Petition.”
Therefore at the direction of this Annual Conference we refer you to the Bible Fellowship Church Faith and Order, page 81.
B. Maintaining the Pastoral Relations
1. Ministerial Relations Committee.
On the denominational level the Ministerial Relations Committee is charged with the chief responsibility in maintaining good pastoral relations. It shall be established and elected in order that the spiritual and temporal welfare of the ministers and congregations of the Bible Fellowship Church may be properly sustained. Direct access to this Committee shall be available at all times to all Ministers in the Conference, and to all members of Boards of Elders, in matters relative to the spiritual and temporal welfare of the Churches in which they severally hold office.
When external help is needed, the Ministerial Relations Committee shall represent Annual Conference in providing help.
Direct access to this Committee shall be available to all ministers and to all members of the Board of Elders at all times. In correspondence with the committee letters shall be addressed to the Committee’s secretary.
The Committee’s role is that of consultation and advice, and except in unusual circumstances, it is permitted to act only when matters are brought to its attention.
To compel attention referrals must be by:
(1) Pastors of the Conference, regarding matters pertaining to their own churches.
(2) Members of Boards of Elders regarding matters pertaining to their own churches.
When this Committee cannot resolve a problem submitted to it, the problem shall be brought to Annual Conference for final solution, with the recommendations of the Committee.
While this Annual Conference appreciates your concern for struggling churches we have denied your request to establish an entirely new committee, since the Ministerial Relations Committee of the Bible Fellowship Church already performs the functions described in your petition.
“Peace be to the brethren and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
“Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with a love incorruptible” Eph.6:23-24
Resolved, that we adopt the following budget of the:
Subsidy from Administration Budget $3000.00
Contributions from Boards and Committees 1400.00
Offerings from Churches 6000.00
Yearbook Sales 3300.00
Sale of Printed Materials 4800.00
Short term loan and/or surplus funds 1500.00
TOTAL $20000.00
Fellowship News:
Printing (6 Issues) $7000.00
Mailing (6 Issues) 1500.00
Mailing Labels & Computer Time 650.00
Postage Due (Add. Correction Requested) 300.00
Secretarial Expenses (Editorial) 200.00
Editors Expenses (Supplies & Mileage) 200.00
Business Managers Expenses (Supp/Ph/Mil) 200.00
Honoraria 750.00
Printing Church Supplies 550.00
Printing Faith and Order 2350.00
Printing Yearbook 4000.00
Printing Misc. Materials 1800.00
Repairs & Equipment (IBM Service Contract) 200.00
Board & Secretarial Expenses 300.00
Total $20000.00
* Short term loan to spread the cost of publishing a
new edition of the Faith and Order over two years.
The report was considered and discussed.
Resolved, that the Report of the Committee to Study Speaking in Tongues be referred back to the Committee in order to address the issues raised at Annual Conference and to address issues communicated to the Committee by members of this Annual Conference and that the Committee report back to the 103rd Annual Conference.
Whereas, there is a vacancy on the Committee to Study Speaking in Tongues; and
Whereas, the report of this Committee was not accepted and referred back to the Committee by the 102nd Annual Conference; therefore be it
Resolved, that one man who voted with the prevailing side be appointed by the Chairman of Annual Conference to fill the vacancy on the Committee to Study Tongues.
Whereas, Faith Bible Fellowship Church, Fleetwood, Pa. petitioned the 101st Annual Conference to take appropriate procedure to include in the Faith and Order scripturally based articles of faith relating to cults, tongues and homosexuality; and
Whereas, the 101st Annual Conference elected three committees to prepare study papers on cults, tongues and homosexuality; and
Whereas, in response to the recommendation of the Committee to Study Homosexuality, the 102nd Annual Conference adopted a position paper on Homosexuality for the Bible Fellowship Church, and
Whereas, the Report of the Committee to Study Cults was referred back to the committee, and
Whereas, the Report of the Committee to Study Speaking in Tongues was not accepted and was referred back to the Committee; therefore be it
Resolved, that the Position Paper on Homosexuality be considered as a partial response to the petition from Faith Bible Fellowship Church, Fleetwood, PA, addressing the issue of homosexuality; and further
Resolved, that the Secretary of Annual Conference inform Faith Bible Fellowship Church, Fleetwood, PA. of this action and that the remainder of the response to its petition is forthcoming.
The following resolutions by the Church Government Committee were approved:
Location of Form for Ordination
The form for Ordination of Ministers, page 141 of the 1981 edition of the Faith and Order, shall appear in the section on Bylaws of Annual Conference as #4, Article II, Procedure for the Recognition of a Minister, page 93 of the 1981 Edition of the Faith and Order.
Placement of the Material on the Ministerial Convention Committee A category entitled, Organizaitons Adjunct to Annual Conference shall be placed in the appendices following the material on forms. The material on the Ministerial Convention and the Beneficiary Society shall be placed in this category.
Resolved, that the following be adopted at First Reading
Reporting the Annual Conference Delegate to Annual Conference
The following shall appear as #5 of Article VII, Miscellaneous Bylaws of Particular Churches, Faith and Order (1981 Edition) p. 73f., and to replace #6 of Article X, Miscellaneous Bylaws of Annual Conference, p.135f., 1981 Edition of Faith and Order:
Each pastor shall inform the Registrar of the Annual Conference of the names of the Annual Conference Delegate(s) and Alternate Delegate(s) as soon as possible after their election by the congregation, but no later than October 1. (FIRST READING)
Resolved that the following be adopted at FIRST READING
The final paragraph of Article I, The Officers of the Church; Elders, page 55 of the 1981 Edition of the Faith and Order be amended to read:
The Board of Elders shall be the channel of communication between the particular church and the fellowship of churches and its organizations. The Elders shall nominate from their number and the congregation shall elect one delegate and one alternate delegate. Congregations of over two hundred members shall elect one delegate plus one additional delegate for every one hundred members in excess of the first two hundred, and the same number of alternate delegates. When congregations have more than one delegate the Board of Elders shall designate one delegate as “First Delegate” for the purposes of pulpit supply procedures. In the event of death, resignation or removal of the First Delegate, another First Delegate shall be designated from among the remaining delegates.
Resolved that we adopt the following at (First Reading)
Amendment to Article V – Bylaws of Annual Conference
The word “Registrar” shall replace the words, “secretary of Annual Conference” in the 3rd and 4th sentences of the 2nd paragraph on Article V, Annual Conference REgistration of the Bylaws of Annual Conference, pages 13-15 of the 1982 Yearbook.
The following recommendations from the Church Government Committee were approved:
1. Resolved, that the following material entitled, “Guidelines For Discipline In The Church” be approved at one reading, and further,
Resolved, that upon the approval of this material at one reading the Board of Publiction and Printing publish this material in booklet form along with the Book of Discipline, in time to be distributed at the Pastors, Elders, Deacons Retreat on Nov. 15-16, 1985.
Guidelines For Discipline In The Church
The purpose of this booklet is to help us know how to confront a brother or sister lovingly and constructively. Discipline of another person beginson an infromal, personal basis. It should be the desire of all that any problem be solved at the personal level so that formal, public charges may not be necessary. The following guidelines are offered to give assistance to those who care enough about others to face problems in love.
What is Discipline?
In the broadest sense of the word “discipline” means to “train” or “to cultivate according to rules”. The Christian life is a life of self-discipline. All believers are in training for the purpose of cultivating godliness in accordance with the teachings of Scripture (I Tim. 4:7,8).
There are two kinds of discipline. The first is formative or preventive discipline. Formative discipline of believers should be occurring regularly in the local church through mutual admonishing, rebuking, correcting and encouraging of the brethren (II Tim. 4:1,2; Col. 1:18)
The second is corrective discipline. Corrective discipline focuses on those actions by which a particular church, in the name of Christ, authoritatively admonishes, suspends, or if necessary, excommunicates one of its members. This discipline is more restrictive in nature than formative discipline since it is directed toward specific individuals who have committed specific offenses. It involves the administration of some form of punishment with view to eventual repentance and restoration of the erring brother of sister (I Thess. 5:14; II Thess. 3:6-15; I Cor. 5:2, 5, 7; 11:13).
In Matthew 5:23, 24 we are responsible to seek reconciliation from those we have wronged so that they may forgive us. In Matthew 18:15 we are responsible to confront those who have wronged us in order to bring them to repentance so that we may forgive them. That the obligation to confront and rebuke rests on all Christians can also be seen in such passages as Luke 3:19, Ephesians 5:11, II Timothy 4:2, Titus 1:13 and 2:15.
In its initial stage, discipline is both personal and private (see Matthew 18:15 and Luke 17:3). The implication of Luke 17:3 is that forgiveness is granted only if there is repentance. Biblical forgiveness is not cheap forgiveness that overlooks the offense, but real forgiveness that is based on real repentance in which there is not only the forgiving of the “act” but also the restoration to the fullness of fellowship. Therefore if personal and private confrontation does not bring repentance, no forgiveness is granted and a new development in the process of discipline begins.
When is it necessary to discipline?
It is the will of Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, that His FAther be glorified by a people whose lives are above reproach in doctrine and in conduct. When there are breaches in the biblical standards of truth and behavior, some from of discipline is required (Heb. 12:16).
Specifically, discipline ought to be administered when:
1. There is breakdown of fellowship between two or more believers. (Matt. 5:23,24; 18:15-18).
2. There is a divisive person in the church (Rom. 16:17,18; Titus 3:10)
3. There is false doctrine being propagated (I Tim. 1:19,20; 6:3-5; I John 7-11).
4. There is immoral conduct within the body of Christ (Titus 1:16; I Cor. 5:1-5).
In each of the above situations it is anticipated that properly administered discipline will lead the offender to repentance and restoration. When the offender refuses to repent, the disciplinary process must continue.
What is the purpose of discipline?
The purpose of church discipline is always to restore the offender as well as to promote the purity of the church. Scripture speaks of it as “for our profit” (Heb. 12:10), “gaining your brother” (Matt. 18:15) and “saving the spirit” (I Cor. 5:5). Even if the offender is not reclaimed, biblical discipline produces positive effects. It removes occasions for unbelievers to blaspheme (Rom. 2:24), puts the fear of God into the hearts of other believers (Acts 5:11, I Tim. 5:20), removes sin from the body of Christ (I Cor. 5:6) and prevents giving cause for God to set Himself against a local church (Joshua 7:12, 13; Rev. 2:1425).
How should you confront another person when you have wronged that person?
Our Lord Jesus teaches in Matthew 5:23-24 that each one has an obligation to go to someone that he has wronged and seek to be reconciled to that person and receive forgiveness from him. Such confrontation is difficult but necessary if love and harmony are to prevail. The following suggestions will prove to be helpful in your meeting with a person you have wronged:
1. Pray before you initiate the confrontation. You need wisdom and sensitivity.
2. If necessary, practice what you will say in private. Such practice may help you overcome an initial lack of courage as well as assist you in knowing exactly what to say.
3. Speak only of your sin. The person you have offended may have contributed his own sinful behavior to the situation. However you are there to speak of your sin, not his (Luke 6:41). Do not make excuses or try to lessen the fact of your sin. Be specific in telling your offense.
4. Ask forgiveness for your sin. Do not simply apologize, but press for the other person to forgive you. Express how you plan to prevent such problems in future.
5. Ask if there are other things you have done to offend him. Listen carefully to his response so that you are sure that you understand.
6. When you have expressed yourself and listened to the other person’s response you have two ways to respond.
a. Ask forgiveness for your sin.
b. If you believe that your actions have been misunderstood, offer explanation for those actions that you believe were not scripturally wrong.
7. Conclude by reaffirming your love for one another and your commitment to the relationship.
How should you confront another person when that person has wronged you?
In the administration of discipline there are a number of points at which confrontation takes place. While this is necessary in fulfilling the responsibilities which rest with the church it does not follow that confrontation must be insensitive and overly aggressive. You should remember that your desire to promote the purity of the church should issue from a love which impels you to keep His commandments and a desire to restore the offending party. You should therefore determine to handle any and all confrontation in a way that shows love for truth, the church, and the offending party. General guidelines for confrontation are:
1. The confrontation ought to be preceded with specific prayer that God give wisdom as to time, place, manner of confrontation, and result (Phil. 4:6; James 1:5).
2. The confrontation ought to be preceded also by a careful self-examination before the Lord in order that your motives be pure and correct (Matthew 7:3-5).
3. In testing your attitude in handling confrontation it is valuable to ask: “will my attitude in presenting this make it as easy as possible for the other party to admit error, repent, and be restored?” (Matthew 7:12).
4. The confrontation ought to take place at a time which is as convenient and appropriate as possible to all parties involved (Matthew 5:23-34).
5. Since the wording of an accusation may contribute to the solution of the problem, it is wise to give careful consideration to the exact wording to be used in introducing the accusation. Wording which is needlessly harsh, which goes beyond established fact, and which is vague contributes to making the problem more difficult to solve.
6. All matters to be discussed must be clearly and fairly stated.
7. Do not allow matters unrelated to the accusation to enter into the discussion.
8. Care should be taken to determine that your facts are accepted as accurate by the person being confronted and that the accusation is clearly understood.
The confrontational situation ought to be handled with sensitivity and skill. A sense of inadequacy or a lack of skill is no excuse to ignore a problem. It is helpful to remember that when you do what God commands you to do, to the best of your ability, he finds your service acceptable.
The battle for purity in the church is a spiritual one. Remember, that after all has been done on the human level, it is God alone who can bring repentance to the heart of a person who is being confronted concerning his sin. (II Tim. 2:24-26)
How should you react when you are confronted?
You must begin by establishing if the offense of which you are being accused is factual. To do this, you must first:
1. Hear and understand the accusation. In order to do that you must resist the impulse to become defensive. It is not possible to give the person who comes to you a fair hearing if you are trying to protect yourself.
2. If it is needed, assure your understanding of the accusation by repeating it back to the person who is presenting it. “Do I understand you to be saying…?” “Can you help me to get a clearer understanding of what it is you believe I said/did?”
If upon hearing the accusation you objectively reflect upon the matter and conclude you are not guilty of it:
1. Attempt to explain your understanding of what happened in such a way that your explanation will answer as many of the questions raised by the accusation as possible.
2. Seek to gain acceptance of your explanation by the other person.
3. If it is not possible to gain acceptance of your construction on the basis of facts, ascertain whether the other person will accept the truthfulness of your response on the basis of your integrity.
4. If it is not possible to resolve the issue in this way, seek to agree on a third person who might help the two of you to reach agreement. If you are unable to agree on a third person of if a third person is unable to help you resolve the issue then you should proceed to the next stage in the process of discipline.
If you conclude there is basis for the accusation:
1. Admit your fault freely and without excuse. (Luke 15:21)
2. Seek forgiveness vigorously from the offended person. (Eph.4:32)
3. Seek God’s forgiveness and commit yourself to whatever steps will help you avoid causing similar offenses in the future. (Psalm 51:4; Matthew 5:23-24)
4. Take any needed steps to re-establish the relationship. If necessary, make restitution to the offended person. (Luke 19:8)
When should you involve witnesses?
The next stage in the process of discipline can be seen in Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 18:16. In this verse, the confrontation is no longer personal, but it is still private. It is generally understood that the witnesses mentioned in this passage would most likely be elders from the church. However, if the witnesses were not leaders from the church, the principles demonstrated would be the same. The witnesses could judge the truthfulness of the accusations being made and verify either the repentance or refusal of repentance of the person accused should the accusations be judged valid. If the accusations are judged valid, the responsibility to rebuke the offending brother or sister would now fall upon the witnesses as well as the person having been offended, since the witnesses now have a knowledge of the offense. This rebuke would still be in private with the intention of producing repentance.
When should the issue be brought to the church?
Jesus states that a third stage of discipline begins when and if the involvement of witnesses fails to bring the desired repentance on the part of the offender. Then the church as a whole becomes involved in the disciplinary process. (Matt.18:17)
For the church as a whole to be involved directly in discipline, the stage of personal and private rebuke must have failed. The basis of disciplining is now no longer a personal charge but an offense verified by witnesses. The only time in the process of discipline that these first two stages would be by passed would be when the nature of the offense was public and/or against the church as a whole.
The procedure for the church to follow in seeking to deal with disciplinary matters is contained in the Book of Discipline of the Bible Fellowship Church.
How should the repentant one respond?
When the offender recognizes his guilt and desires to be restored, there are several things he must do:
1. He shall confess his sin to God, seeking His forgiveness and cleansing and determine in His strength to forsake his sin (I John 1:9; I Cor. 10:13).
2. He shall seek the forgiveness of the person or person offended (Luke 17:4).
3. He shall make restitution if someone has suffered loss as a result of his offense (Exodus 22:1,3,7; Leviticus 6:5; Luke 19:8).
4. He shall make public confession before the church when the offenses has been public and has brought reproach to the church and shall seek their forgiveness and restoration (I Cor. 5:1-13; II Cor. 2:4-11).
How shall the Church respond to the repentant one?
1. The Church shall receive the confession. When the offense and the disciplinary measure involve the Church as a body, they shall hear the confession of the offender.
2. The Church shall grant forgiveness and restore the offender to fellowship. Confession having been heard, the Church shall grant forgiveness and restore the offender to the fellowship of the Church (II Cor. 2:4-11; Matt. 18:18).
3. The CHurch shall comfort and encourage. THe Church shall seek to give support, comfort and encouragement to the restored offender lest sorrow for his offense overwhelm him (II Cor. 2:7,8).
2. Whereas, the 1984 Yearbook of the proceedings of the 101st Annual Conference did not contain the following material from the Book of Discipline approved at Second Reading:
(1) Introduction
(2) Chapter I – Nature and Purpose of Corrective Discipline (3) Chapter II – Jurisdiction, paragraphs 1, 2 and 3
(4) Chapter V – Evidence
(5) Chapter VI – Censure and Restoration
(6) Chapter VII – Appeals
(7) Chapter VIII – Dissents and Protests
Whereas, the Rules of Annual Conference call for printing in the yearbook of all material approved and part of the minutes of the Annual Conference, and,
Whereas, the Report of the Government Committee printed on pages 103-118 of the 1984 Yearbook is not a correct copy of the Second Reading material approved on the Book of Discipline, therefore be it,
Resolved, that the correct copy of the wording of the omitted items mentioned above from the Book of Discipline approved at Second Reading be included in the Report of the Committee to Examine the Minutes of the Annual Conference.
(The Government Committee has forwarded a correct copy of the material from the Book of Discipline approved at Second Reading and omitted in the 1984 Yearbook to the Committee to Examine the Minutes of the Annual Conference.)
The following were elected:
James A. Beil (1 year)
LeRoy S. Heller (3 years)
The following men under care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee were introduced to Annual Conference by Carl C. Cassel:
David W. Chappell
Richard T. Paashaus
Byron Widger
Tom Voorhees
Robert Commerford
David Carver
William G. Schlonecker
Neil Harding
Thomas MacMillan
W. David Armstrong
Resolved, that we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 6:30 PM. William Singletary, delegate from Wallingford closed in prayer.
Business resumed at 6:30 PM with the singing of the hymn “Tell It To Jesus” led by Carl T. Martin. Bert N. Brosius led in prayer.
The following were elected:
Terris L. Byrd (3 years)
L. James Roberts (3 years)
Thomas P. Shorb (2 years)
The Chairman appointed David A. Thomann to the Committee to Study Tongues-Speaking.
The petition from Spring City BFC was presented as follows:
Whereas the use and abuse of intoxicationg beverages at local, national, and international levels has assumed epidemic proportion and is causing national and worldwide concern and, Whereas at the last Annual Conference a study committee was appointed to study the issue of total abstinence as a condition for membership in the Bible Fellowship Church, and Whereas any change in our present position on abstinence may have serious effects on the attitudes of local churches as well as individual members; We petition the Annual Conference to do the following:
In the event of a conference vote on the matter at the 1985 Annual Conference, the membership of each local church be polled on the simple question: “Shall total abstinence be a condition for church membership in the Bible Fellowship Church?” This nonbinding poll
shall be taken on the same Sunday in either November or December of 1985. The local church results shall be forwarded to the Chairman of the Conference who will consolidate the local results and forward to each church the tabulation by church and the final total vote.
Resolved, that the above petition be accepted.
Prayer was offered at this point by George R. Bryson, David A. Thomann, and James A. Beil.
The report was accepted.
(The article on Total Abstinence and Church Membership as proposed by the Study Committee including its amendment from the floor was tabled.)
Resolved, that we extend the time.
Resolved, that a committee of 7 be appointed to study the following question:
Does the Church have the right to levy extra-biblical requirements for membership?
They shall incorporate in their study Acts chapters 15 & 16 plus any other pertinent passages of Scripture.
Resolved, that the following letter be adopted as the response of the 102nd Annual Conference to the petition from the Berean Bible Fellowship Church, Stroudsburg, PA.
To the elders and members of the Berean Bible Fellowship Church, Stroudsburg, PA: Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church. The One Hundred Second Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church expresses its appreciation to you for the petition submitted by your church. We appreciate your concern for a strong statement against the evil of abortion. We thank you for expressing concern that our Bible Fellowship Church would adopt a position which would reflect a biblical response to the atrocity of the murder of the unborn in our day. We would like to commend the church for expressing its concern and we would also commend the Pastor and Delegate for their able and gracious presentations of the case for their church’s petition to delete the exception clause in the statement on abortion. After discussion, the exception clause was retained and the statement on Abortion was adopted at Second Reading by the Annual Conference. When the One Hundred Second Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church adopted the statement on Abortion, it declared itself unreservedly in favor of the sanctity of human life. Furthermore, the statement on Abortion excludes any justification for abortion on demand or abortion for the sake of the convenience of the mother. May the Lord continue to bless and prosper you as we together serve Him in our earnest desire to rid our land of the sinful horror of abortion.
Resolved, that the Secretary of Annual Conference send the above communication to Berean Bible Fellowship Church.
The Chairman appointed Randall A. Grossman, Carl T. Martin and Bruce E. Ellingson to formulate our answer to the Spring City Bible Fellowship Church petition.
The following were elected:
Church Government Committee:
Phillip E. Morrison (1 year)
Conference Judicatory:
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.
John H. Herb
Harold L. Snyder, Jr.
Resolved, that the following be the answer to the petition from Faith Bible Fellowship Church, Spring City, PA
Dear Brethren from Faith Bible Fellowship Church of Spring City:
Greetings in the name of our risen Lord, the head of His body the church.
The 102nd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church received the petition from the Faith Bible Fellowship Church of Spring City regarding a non-binding poll on the requirement of total abstinence as a condition for membership in the Bible Fellowship Church.
Whereas, no action was taken to change the statement of Article IX HARMFUL INDULGENCES in the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, be it Resolved, that this serve as the answer to the petition submitted by the Faith Bible Fellowship Church of Spring City.
May the Lord continue to build His body through your ministry there in Spring City, and further,
Resolved, that the Secretary of Annual Conference send copy of this resolution to Faith Bible Fellowship Church, Spring City, PA.
Whereas, the hymn “Let Your Heart Be Broken” was used to open many sessions of the 102nd Annual Conference
Resolved, that the hymn, “Let Your Heart Be Broken” be reproduced in the 1985 Yearbook if permission is granted from the hymn’s publisher. (Annual Conference Secretary’s note: Permission was not secured from the publisher at press time. The Hymn, “Let Your Heart Be Broken”, appears in the Singspiration/Zondervan hymnal entitled Praise!, hymn #492.)
The Chairman appointed the following committee to study the Church’s right to levy extra-biblical requirements for membership: Keith E. Plows, Robert W. Smock, William R. Singletary, James R. Batchler, Jr., John C. Vandegriff, Jr., L. James Roberts, Jr.,
and Richard E. Taylor.
Resolved, that the following be the answer to the petition to the 101st Annual Conference from Bethany Bible Fellowship Church, Catasauqua, PA.
To the Elders and Members of Bethany Bible Fellowship Church of Catasauqua, PA.
Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church.
The 102nd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church respectfully acknowledges the reception of your petition to the 101st Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church concerning a complete exegetical study of the issue of alcoholic drinks and total abstinence in relationship to church membership to be presented to the 102nd Annual Conference.
A committee of five was elected by the 101st Annual Conference to do this study. That committee presented its report to the 102nd Annual Conference in fulfillment of your request. A copy of that report will appear in the 1985 Yearbook of the proceedings of Annual Conference.
The 102nd Annual Conference conducted an extensive discussion on the recommendation of that committee but concluded that additional study is necessary. A committee of 7 was appointed to study the following question: “Does the church have the right to levy extra-biblical requirements for membership?” They shall incorporate in their study chapters 15 and 16 of the book of Acts and any other pertinent passages of Scripture. It is anticipated that this committee will present a report to the 103rd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.
The 102nd Annual Conference requests your continued prayer as study on this matter continues.
May our great God strengthen and encourage you as you labor together to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in your community.
Sincerely in Christ,
Resolved, that the Secretary of Annual Conference send a copy of this resolution to the Bethany Bible Fellowship Church, Catasauqua, PA.
The Registrar reported the following absences:
Excused Unexcused
Robert Buckwalter William W. Mull
Albert J. Dommel
Kenneth Cressman
Mark C. Solt
John F. Boyle
David L. Manney
Resolved, that we adjourn…
102nd Annual Conference adjourned at 11:10 PM in prayer by James A. Beil, following which Roy A. Hertzog gave the devotional message, and the Lord’s Supper was observed.