Annual Conference Proceedings
Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1990 Yearbook
First Meeting
Tuesday Morning, October 23, 1990, 10:00 AM
The first meeting of the 107th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was called to order by the Chairman, Jansen E. Hartman, at Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, PA, 10:00 AM, on October 23, 1990.
The Chairman opened the meeting in prayer.
Report of the Registrar:
The report was accepted.
The roll of Annual Conference was established as follows:
Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Bible Fellowship Church and Delegates
Allentown, Cedar Crest Ronald C. Mahurin, Robert F. Johnson, Jay H. Fasnacht, Ronald L. Sprankle, John W. Trauch
Allentown, Salem Charles J. McConnell, Alan Abel
Bangor (Probationer), Henry U. Sandt, Jr.
Bethlehem Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Carl Ackerman
Blandon ( ), Raymond R. Bertolet
Camden, DE James G. Koch, Evan M. Knowles
Catasauqua ( ), Calvin A. Boyle
Coopersburg Thomas P. Shorb, Clyde W. Snyder
Denville, NJ Richard D. Harris, Steven Beopple
Edison, NJ (Mission) Dennis M. Cahill
Emmaus Dana E. Weller, David N. Schoen, Herbert Schultz, Robert H. Zentz
Englishtown, NJ Raymond G. Burnett, Robert Buck
Ephrata Daniel P. Allen, Robert W. Gehret
Finesville, NJ David H. Jones, Donald P. Straub
Fleetwood Frank L.Herb,Jr., Ronald P.Turner
Graterford David J.Watkins,Wayne A.Davidson
Harleysville W.David Armstrong, Harold Crider
Harrisburg Albert J. Dommel, Harold E.Snyder
Hatfield (Probationer), Lee E. Boyles
Holmes, NY (Mission) Robert S. Commerford
Howell, NJ John C. Vandegriff, Jr., Dennis Morgan
Kutztown ( ), George K. Monroe
Lancaster David A. Thomann, Horace A. Kauffman
Lebanon Calvin T. Reed, Leroy O. Herb
Lehighton William H. Bartron, Bruce A. Kellerman
Maple Glen Louis Prontnicki, Jerry Shepherd
Mt. Carmel Alva C.Cassel, Harold L.Snyder, Jr.
Mt. Pocono Ronald C. Erb, Salvatore Roseti
Nazareth Keith E. Plows, Leonard F. Kessler
Newark, DE William G. Schlonecker, Arthur J. Frisbie
Newark, NJ (Mission) Delbert R. Baker, II
Ocean County, NJ (Mission) Dean A. Stortz
Oley Kenneth F.Barber,Clayton E.Weber
Paradise Ralph M. Soper, David Eisenhower
Philadelphia, Emmanuel (Probationer), Timothy D. Cole
Philadelphia, Wissinoming G. Wayne Clapier, Lee Henderson
Poughquag, NY James A.Wickstead,Thomas L.Ward
Quakertown David E. Gundrum, L. James Roberts, Jr.
Reading Randall A. Grossman, James E. Neher, Walter Raybuck, Gawain Koch, Leonard Yerger
Royersford Robert W. Smock, Myron Bortz
Scranton James R. Batchler, Jr., Scott Mitchell
Shamokin Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., T. Lamarn Manney
Sinking Spring Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Donald D. McKinney
Somers Point, NJ (Mission) Roger L. Reitz
Spring City Carl T. Martin, Steven E. Hoffman
Staten Island, NY ( ), Ralph D. Cole
Stroudsburg Philip E.Morrison, Willard E.Cassel
Sunbury LeRoy S. Heller, Robert Cox, Lamar Fetterman
Terre Hill Steven L. Trommler, James Wetzler
Wallingford Richard E. Taylor, William R. Singletary
Wappingers Falls, NY Byron Widger, Charles Webb
York Kenneth L. Good, Philip G. Norris
Zionsville (Probationer), David L. Weller
Ordained Men Serving Bible Fellowship Ministries
James A. Beil, Bert N. Brosius, Carl C. Cassel, Bernard N. Coble, Bruce A. Ellingson, Roy A. Hertzog, Barry J. Minsky, Daniel G. Ziegler
Ordained Men Between Calls
Terris L. Byrd, John H. Herb, D. Thomas Phillips, Harold C. Weaber
Ordained Missionaries
William C. Aukamp, Leonard E. Buck, Brian H. Butler, Robert L. Draper, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Ronald W. Hoyle, Herbert K. Lea, Edward Moyer, William W. Mull, David Riddell, Philip E. Yerrington, Paul G. Zimmerman
Ordained Ministers in Retirement
John Dunn, Walter H. Frank, Jansen E. Hartman, Wilbur W. Hartman, George E. Herb, C. E. Kirkwood, Donald T. Kirkwood, C. Leslie Miller, R. C. Reichenbach, John H. Riggall, A. L. Seifert, Laird F. Stengele, David E. Thomann, Harold D. Yarrington
Probationers Serving as First Pastors of Churches
W. Neil Harding, Jr., Edgar H. Munyan, Gregory A. Uhrich, Howard N. Wells
Report of the Registrar
The report was accepted.
The following Alternate Delegates were approved and seated: Paul T. Rutman (Mt. Pocono), John Andersen (Poughquag, NY), Carl Weaver (Sunbury).
RESOLVED, that the tables constitute the Conference Bar.
Report of the Committee on Agenda and Program
The report was adopted.
Pastor LeRoy S. Heller, of our Sunbury congregation, led the Conference in the singing of “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”.
Walter Raybuck, first delegate from Grace BFC, Reading, PA, read Philippians 3:8-14 and led the Conference in prayer.
LeRoy S. Heller sang the hymn: “By Life or By Death”.
G. Wayne Clapier addressed the Conference briefly, thanking God for His grace and goodness through the past year. Brother Clapier was absent at the last Annual Conference due to the sudden death of his daughter, Deborah. He spoke of God’s faithfulness.
Chairman Jansen E. Hartman addressed the Conference on the theme “To Know Him and Make Him Known”.
LeRoy S. Heller led the Conference in the singing of “If I Gained the World.”
Report of the Committee on Arrangements (see page 127)
The report was accepted.
Bert N. Brosius, Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, welcomed the delegates to the grounds of the Bible Conference for the meetings of the Conference.
The Secretary appointed Robert W. Smock as Assistant Secretary and Daniel P. Allen, David A. Thomann, David T. Allen and Charles J. Albert, Jr. as Assistants to the Secretaries.
The Chairman appointed the following Committees:
Committee on Communications: R.C. Reichenbach, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., Frank L. Herb, Jr., Ralph D. Cole.
Tellers: Keith E. Plows, LeRoy S. Heller, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Harold L. Snyder, Jr., LeRoy O. Herb, Clyde W. Snyder, William H. Bartron, Kenneth L. Good.
Committee on Resolutions: James A. Wickstead, Roy A. Hertzog, Walter Raybuck, L. James Roberts, Jr., Daniel G. Ziegler.
Committee on Auditing: Robert W. Gehret, Jay H. Fasnacht, Horace A. Kauffman, Lee E. Boyles, John W. Trauch.
Reporter: W. David Armstrong.
Timekeeper: Carl T. Martin.
Parliamentarian: John H. Herb.
Administrative Assistant: Thomas P. Shorb.
Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Minutes: James E. Neher, Gregory A. Uhrich.
RESOLVED, that we approve the Committee appointments made by the Chairman.
The Registrar reported the following requests for excuses:
William C. Aukamp, Dennis M. Cahill, Randall A. Grossman, George E. Herb, Ronald W. Hoyle, David L. Manney, Charles J. McConnell, C. Leslie Miller, Edward Moyer, William W. Mull, David W. Riddell, John H. Riggall, Salvatore Roseti, Carl K. Spackman, Thomas L. Ward.
RESOLVED, that all excuses be accepted.
RESOLVED, that the excuse of Raymond G. Burnett be tabled and the matter be referred to the Credentials Committee for further investigation and the Committee report back to this Conference.
New members of Annual Conference introduced themselves.
Report of the Committee on Nominations
The revised report was accepted.
Report of the Committee on Ministerial Relations (See page 121)
The report was accepted.
RESOLVED, that we suspend the Rules and adjourn.
Adjourned at 11:47 AM with prayer by Terris L. Byrd.
Unexcused: Robert Buck, Brian H. Butler, Bernard N. Coble, Walter H. Frank, Richard J. Gehman, Herbert K. Lea, Harold D. Yarrington.
Wilbur W. Hartman and Lamar Fetterman were excused because of illness.
Second Meeting
Tuesday Afternoon, 1:30 PM
The second meeting of the Conference began at 1:30 PM with prayer by W. David Armstrong.
RESOLVED, that the following excuses be accepted: Bruce A. Ellingson, Dana E. Weller, David N. Schoen, C. E. Kirkwood, John H. Herb, Timothy D. Cole.
Report of the Committee on Credentials (see page 114)
RESOLVED, that the report be adopted.
WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended Richard T. Paashaus for ordination and
WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended prior ordination recognition for Edgar H. Munyan, Larry M. Smith, Gregory A. Uhrich and Gilbert J. Vining and
WHEREAS, these brethren have served acceptably as ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time, and
WHEREAS, after examination the Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the Gospel Ministry and to be in accord with the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Richard T. Paashaus be ordained to the Gospel Ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church and further,
RESOLVED, the prior ordination of Edgar H. Munyan, Larry M. Smith, Gregory A. Uhrich and Gilbert J. Vining to the Gospel Ministry be recognized by the Bible Fellowship Church and further,
RESOLVED, that the Service of Ordination shall be held Thursday, November 8, 1990, at 7:30 p.m. at New Life Bible Fellowship Church, Oley, PA.
RESOLVED, that we lift from the table the motion concerning the excuse of Raymond G. Burnett.
RESOLVED, that the motion to receive the excuse of Raymond G. Burnett be referred to the Committee on Credentials.
The following were seated in the Conference Bar: Edgar H. Munyan, Richard T. Paashaus, Larry M. Smith, Gregory A. Uhrich, Gilbert J. Vining.
Report of the Committee on Ministerial Candidates: (see page 117)
The report was accepted.
RESOLVED, that the men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee be accepted as listed below.
Probationers (Year of licensing in parentheses)
Clifford B. Boone Allentown, PA (1989)
Douglas D. Bowne Spring City, PA
R. Jerome Brush Wallingford, PA (1988)
Carl J. Fischer, Jr. Nazareth, PA
Arthur J. Frisbie Newark, DE (1976)
W. Neil Harding, Jr. Philadelphia, PA (1983)
Walter N. Johnston Philippines (1987)
Barnabas Marshall Staten Island, NY (1988)
Christopher J. Morrison Spencer, MA (1988)
Edgar H. Munyan Center Valley, PA (1989)
Richard T. Paashaus Coopersburg, PA (1988)
Richard B. Ravis Edison, NJ
Brent E. Robinson Sinking Spring, PA (1988)
Larry M. Smith Walnutport, PA (1989)
David H. C. Sng Hatfield, PA (1987)
Dennis W. Spinney Dudley, MA (1984)
Gregory A. Uhrich Zionsville, PA (1989)
Gilbert J. Vining Gilbertsville, PA (1989)
David R. Way Pleasant Valley, NY (1989)
Howard N. Wells Hatfield, PA (1990)
William N. Crowell Limerick, PA
Wayne A. Davidson Spring Mount, PA
Daniel F. DeLozier Lancaster, PA
Ronald A. Honeywell North East, MD
Philip J. Mitchell Allentown, PA
Duane E. Moyer Guadeloupe
Scott Neiswender Bloomsburg, PA
Thomas A. Pollock Puposky, MN
John A. Poulette, Jr. Portland, PA
Jeffrey M. Stickler Allentown, PA
Warren N. Stuber Allison Park, PA
Thomas F. Templeton Somers Point, NJ
Daniel J. Vitalo Reading, PA
Richard J. Vroman Edison, NJ
Daniel Witwer Waukegan, IL
David T. Allen Akron, PA
Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr. Coopersburg, PA
John A. Brooks Columbia, SC
David C. Butler Shamokin, PA
Peter A. Fessler Lebanon, PA
Kevin A. Gehman Forest, VA
Richard P. Jones Emmaus, PA
Stephen R. McClelland South Dennis, MA
Jerry L. Moyer Kenosha, WI
Harold F. Noyes Cambridgeport, VT
The men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee that were present at this Conference were presented to Annual Conference.
Report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church: (See page 49)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Board of Church Extension: (See page 60)
The report was accepted.
WHEREAS: The Board of Church Extension is of the opinion that the Walnutport, PA, Mission meets the qualifications of a church as specified in Article 18 of the Articles of Faith of the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church; therefore be it
RESOLVED: That the Walnutport, PA, Mission be recognized as a church and that its Delegate be received into membership of the 107th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Stanley Stahler, newly elected Delegate from Walnutport, was seated in the Conference Bar.
Report of the Director of Church Extension: (See page 68)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Board of Missions: (See page 97)
The report was accepted.
The Chairman requested the Vice Chairman to chair the following discussion.
RESOLVED, that the Vice Chairman appoint a Committee of three to study the interpretation of who may serve on the Ministerial Relations Committee.
The Vice Chairman appointed Ronald C. Mahurin, Carl C. Cassel and Frank L. Herb, Jr.
RESOLVED, that we recess.
Recessed at 3:40 PM.
Business resumed at 4:10 PM.
Report of the Committee to Study the Interpretation of Who May Serve on the Ministerial Relations Committee
WHEREAS, our rules regarding the Ministerial Relations Committee prohibit the election of a minister not serving as a pastor; and
WHEREAS, we have no precedent for a man being prohibited by retirement from completing a term to which he was elected, be it
RESOLVED, that Jansen E. Hartman be permitted to serve as a member of the Ministerial Relations Committee through Annual Conference 1992.
The Chairman resumed the chair.
Report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College (see page 89)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Home (see page 75)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference (see page 86)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Board of Directors of Victory Valley Camp (page 110)
The report was accepted.
RESOLVED, that we suspend the rules to meet this evening at 7:00 PM.
RESOLVED, that we adjourn.
Adjourned at 5:08 PM with prayer by Donald T. Kirkwood.
Third Meeting
Tuesday Evening, 7:05 PM
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by the Chairman. Louis Prontnicki led the Conference in prayer.
The following were elected:
Ministerial Relations Committee
Ronald C. Mahurin (3 years)
Lee E. Boyles (3 years)
Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church
Bert N. Brosius (3 years)
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. (3 years)
J. H. Fasnacht (3 years)
Board of Church Extension
LeRoy S. Heller (3 years)
Dana E. Weller (3 years)
Board of Missions
R. C. Reichenbach (3 years)
Thomas P. Shorb (3 years)
Gerald L. Schlonecker (3 years)
Credentials Committee
James A. Beil (1 year)
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. (1 year)
LeRoy S. Heller (1 year)
Keith E. Plows (1 year)
David A. Thomann (1 year)
Ministerial Candidate Committee
Carl C. Cassel (3 years)
Daniel G. Ziegler (3 years)
Daniel G. Ziegler, Director of Church Extension, introduced Richard B. Ravis, associate Pastor at our Edison mission. Brother Ravis shared concerning the Lord’s work in Edison. Carol Z. Snyder, newly appointed Director of Development and Communication within the Church Extension Department, was introduced. Sybil Light, a participant in the Holmes, NY mission, shared her testimony and played “How Great Thou Art” on the piano.
The Chairman of Annual Conference led in a service of recognition for the Walnutport Church, which was received as a Particular Church at this Conference. Delegate Stanley Stahler and Pastor Larry M. Smith made brief remarks. Several of the members of the Walnutport church were introduced. Prayer was offered for the new church, which was followed by greetings from many of the delegates present.
Roy A. Hertzog, Executive Director of the Board of Missions, introduced the missionaries and missionary appointees in attendance. Introduced were Clifford B. Boone, Philip A. Yerrington, J. Barclay and Judy Harley, Esther Boone, Osborne and Diane Buchanan, Byron and Lisa Barnshaw, Allen Krauss, William Campbell, Robert L. and Lois Draper, and Jerry Moyer.
Carl C. Cassel, President of Pinebrook Junior College, commemorated the 40th anniversary of Berean Bible School/Pinebrook Junior College. He introduced Robert H. Zentz, a member of the board, who spoke of how the Lord is using Pinebrook in the lives of students. Raymond R. Dotts, chairman of the Board of the school, followed with remarks on Joshua’s Army, a capital campaign for the school in this pivotal year.
James A. Beil, President of the Bible Fellowship Church Home, introduced David J. Smock, Craig Porterfield and James Roth, administrators at Fellowship Home and Manor. Each made brief remarks concerning the ministry.
Bert N. Brosius, Director at Pinebrook Bible Conference, addressed the body on the work which the Lord is doing on our Bible Conference grounds. Robert H. Zentz, Calvin T. Reed, and W. David Armstrong gave testimonies of how the Lord has used Pinebrook summer ministry to strengthen their churches.
Phil Atkins, Director of Victory Valley Camp, brought an update on the camp ministry. He introduced Clay Ersig, who testified to the impact of camp ministry in his life.
RESOLVED, that we adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM with prayer by Robert Cox.
Fourth Meeting
Wednesday Morning, October 24, 9:00 AM
Chairman Jansen E. Hartman called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.
The Conference joined in singing “Great God of Wonders”. Fleetwood delegate Ronald P. Turner read Exodus 3:2-14 and led in prayer. A pastors’ quartet sang “Great is Jehovah”. Frank L. Herb, Jr. spoke on the theme, “To Know Him Amidst a Distracting World”.
The following alternate delegates were seated: Paul T. Rutman (Mt. Pocono), Thomas L. Ward (Poughquag, NY), Philip Mitchell (Allentown, Salem), George A. Priestly (Maple Glen), Raymond R. Dotts (Camden, DE).
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the first, second, and third meetings be accepted as corrected.
The Chairman called for a recess at 10:30 AM.
Business resumed at 10:55 AM.
The following were elected:
Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Home
William H. Bartron (3 years)
William G. Schlonecker (3 years)
Prayer was offered for Raymond G. Burnett and our Englishtown, NJ, congregation.
Report of the Board of Christian Education (see page 57)
The report was accepted.
Richard T. Paashaus, Chairman of the Committee, presented plaques to the pastors of the Emmaus and Oley churches for largest actual increase in Sunday School attendance, and to the pastor at the Philadelphia, Emmanuel church for the largest percentage increase in Sunday School attendance.
Report of the Board of Publication and Printing (see page 107)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Historical Committee (see page 120)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Conference Judicatory (see page 119)
The report was accepted.
RESOLVED, that we adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned with prayer by Roger L. Reitz at 12:01 PM.
Fifth Meeting
Wednesday Afternoon, 1:30 PM
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 PM. Richard D. Harris led in prayer.
The following were elected:
Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College
Robert C. Newman (3 years)
L. James Roberts, Jr. (3 years)
Robert H. Zentz (3 years)
Board of Church Extension
Alfred G. Roberts (3 years)
William R. Singletary (3 years)
Board of Victory Valley Camp
Calvin T. Reed (3 years)
Jonathan Reynolds (3 years)
David L. Weller (3 years)
Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference
Robert F. Johnson (3 years)
Calvin T. Reed (3 years)
Lee E. Boyles (3 years)
John F. Moran (3 years)
William C. Rapp (3 years)
Report of the Stewardship Council (See page 123)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee (See page 137)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Committee to Examine the Minutes of Particular Churches (See page 134)
The report was accepted.
Report of the Beneficiary Society (See page 125)
The report was accepted.
RESOLVED, that the following petition from the Finesville, NJ, church be received:
WHEREAS, the commitment to a firm stand against the use of alcoholic beverages is a desirable position for the Bible Fellowship Church to maintain, and
WHEREAS, the subject of abstention from the use of alcoholic drinks as a requirement for membership in the Bible Fellowship Church, Section III, Paragraph A, Article X: Harmful Indulgences of the Faith and Order, has been discussed at many sessions of Annual Conference and has proven to be a source of contention among our sister churches of the denomination, and
WHEREAS, the debate on this article has had a polarizing effect on the unity of the body to such a degree that several of the churches would feel it necessary to withdraw from the denomination if this requirement for church membership were removed, and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the congregation of Calvary Bible Fellowship Church, Finesville, NJ, that the unity of the body be maintained and that the truth of the Word of God be upheld as the church carries out the purpose for which God established her, and
WHEREAS, the Bible teaches that the purpose of the church is to edify the saints (1), to evangelize the world (2), and to worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth (3), therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Section III, Paragraph A, Article X: Harmful Indulgences of the Faith and Order, be replaced with the following:
Alcoholic Drinks
The use of alcoholic beverages is one of the most serious social problems in the United States. Its abuse has led to personal and family suffering, serious physical and mental health problems, and increased rates of accidental and criminal injury and death. The financial cost of such beverages and their consequences is a tremendous and unnecessary burden on all of society.
Therefore, no member who uses alcohol, or makes such drinks, or deals in them, shall hold office or serve in a teaching capacity in any part of the church program (4). The Pastors of the Bible Fellowship Church need to strongly and persistently warn their people of the dangers of alcoholic beverages and urge all of their members and attenders to abstain totally from the use, manufacture and distribution of them.
(1) “It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up…” (NIV, Eph.4:11,12).
(2) “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.” (NIV, Matthew 28:19,20).
(3) “God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” (NIV, John 4:24)
(4) “Everything is permissible – but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible – but not everything is constructive.” (NIV, I Corinthians 10:23).
The Chairman declared a recess at 3:15 PM.
Business resumed at 3:45 PM.
RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a committee of five members to prepare a response to the Finesville petition which will report back to this conference.
RESOLVED, that the following petition from the Reading, PA, church be received:
WHEREAS, the Faith and Order specifically bars men who are divorced and men married to women who are divorced from serving as elders (Faith and Order, pg.45), and
WHEREAS, the Faith and Order does not address the issue of men who are divorced and men married to women who are divorced serving as deacons, and
WHEREAS, the two offices are set forth in Scripture with similar qualifications (I Timothy 3:1-13), and
WHEREAS, Grace Bible Fellowship Church of Reading, PA, faces confusion over this issue in the nomination process for deacons, and does not desire to exceed the intent of the Faith and Order but rather be in submission to our brethren, and
WHEREAS, we want unity in the body of Christ and a biblical practice of church government, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that this congregation appeals to the 1990 Annual Conference to clarify its position on this issue and provide guidelines for its implementation in the particular churches.
RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a committee of five members to formulate a response to the Reading petition on the basis of the report of the Study Committee on Divorce in the 1987 Yearbook. (63 Yes, 48 No)
RESOLVED, that we adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned in prayer by Dana E. Weller at 5:10 PM.
Sixth Meeting
Wednesday Evening, 7:00 PM
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Barry J. Minsky led in prayer.
RESOLVED, that the following committees appointed by the Chairman be approved:
Committee to Answer the Finesville Petition
David J. Watkins
David H. Jones
Louis Prontnicki
Daniel G. Ziegler
Dana E. Weller
Frank L. Herb, Jr. (Alternate)
Delbert R. Baker, II (Alternate)
Committee to Answer the Reading Petition
Philip E. Morrison
Calvin T. Reed
Randall A. Grossman
G. Wayne Clapier
James A. Wickstead
RESOLVED, that the following excuses be accepted: Donald P. Straub, George A. Priestly, Philip E. Yerrington.
James A. Beil presented Jansen E. Hartman with a plaque commemorating his many years of service as Chairman of Annual Conference. Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. led a program of recognition for Brother Hartman and his wife, Ruth. Fifty years of gospel ministry were celebrated through letters, reminiscences, and testimonies. John Dunn, Horace A. Kauffman, Norman B. Jerome, Bert N. Brosius, LeRoy S. Heller, Carl C. Cassel, Ronald C. Mahurin, David E. Gundrum and Walter Raybuck expressed appreciation for the Hartmans’ ministry. A book was presented to them filled with letters of testimony from those who have been touched by their ministry, along with a gift of $5000. The Hartmans expressed their gratitude for the tribute. The program was closed with prayer by James A. Beil.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Seventh Meeting
Thursday Morning, October 25, 9:00 AM
Chairman Jansen E. Hartman called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM.
The meeting began with the singing of “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”. Richard Ravis, probationer at the Edison mission, read Acts 1:1-11, and led the Conference in prayer. Bert N. Brosius sang, “The Breaking of the Bread”. Dennis M. Cahill preached on the topic “To Make Him Known In a Hostile World”.
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the fourth, fifth, and sixth meeting be accepted.
The following men were elected:
Stewardship Council
Russell M. Ruch (3 years)
Fellowship News Editor
Daniel P. Allen (1 year)
Fellowship News Business Manager
Paul T. Rutman (1 year)
Secretary of Annual Conference
Randall A. Grossman (1 year)
The following communication was presented by the delegate of the Staten Island, NY, congregation:
WHEREAS, the Bible Fellowship Church of Staten Island has been going through a time of struggle and decline, and
WHEREAS, we have been without a pastor for more than a year, and
WHEREAS, we believe that there is a need for an evangelical church in our location with its heavy population, and that the growth of a church is possible here, and
WHEREAS, we believe that the counsel and assistance of the Church Extension Department can be helpful to us in our reorganization and growth, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we petition [sic] the One Hundred Seventh Annual Conference to place the Staten Island congregation under the care of the Board of Church Extension as a mission, effective November 1, 1990, and further be it
RESOLVED, that should the Annual Conference grant our request, we dissolve our Board of Elders as of the effective date established, receive an organizing pastor at the call of the Board of Church Extension and earnestly seek the Lord’s help at reorganizing as a church.
This petition [sic] was adopted by the congregation at the annual business meeting September 9, 1990.
WHEREAS, according to our Rules, the communication from the Staten Island congregation cannot be received as a bona fide petition, and
WHEREAS, we recognize that it is the desire of the Staten Island congregation that we receive this communication with the force of a petition, and
WHEREAS, this Annual Conference regards this request with prayerful concern, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Church Extension is willing to undertake the care and direction of the Staten Island Church as a mission and is willing to do its best toward helping this mission grow and reorganize as a church, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we place the Staten Island congregation under the care of the Board of Church Extension as a Mission effective November 1, 1990.
Thomas P. Shorb led in prayer for the Staten Island congregation and for its speedy reorganization as a Particular Church.
A recess was declared at 10:30 AM.
Business was resumed at 10:55 AM.
The following report of the Committee to Answer the Reading Petition was adopted:
WHEREAS, Article VIII: Divorce in the “Standards of Worship and Life” (Faith & Order p.44) states that “…those who have been divorced and those who have married divorced persons…do not forfeit the privilege of being used in Christian service within the church”, and
WHEREAS, the same article (p.45) states that “No person who has been divorced or who has married a divorced person for any reason may be a member of the Board of Elders”. and
WHEREAS, the Faith & Order does not explicitly restrict an individual who is divorced and/or married to a divorced person from serving as a deacon, and
WHEREAS, the report of the Study Committee on Divorce (1987 Yearbook) has more fully expounded the rationale of the Faith & Order and its finding is in accord with the present position of the Faith & Order, and
WHEREAS, the Grace Bible Fellowship Church of Reading has petitioned the 107th Annual Conference to clarify its position on whether a divorced person and/or a person married to a divorced person may or may not serve as a deacon, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that a church is not required to exclude divorced persons and/or those married to divorced persons from serving as deacons, and be it further
RESOLVED, that this be the answer of the 107th Annual Conference to the petition of Grace Bible Fellowship Church of Reading.
The following report of the Committee to Answer the Finesville Petition was adopted:
WHEREAS, it is the expressed purpose of the petition from the Finesville Bible Fellowship Church to resolve in a way that would seem satisfactory to all parties an important issue concerning which there is considerable difference of opinion in the Annual Conference and
WHEREAS, we do not believe adoption of the Article proposed by the petition of the Finesville church would result in the general consensus which is sought by the petition, therefore
RESOLVED, that we express our appreciation to the Finesville church for the effort which it has made to find common ground concerning a matter of considerable importance, and further
RESOLVED, that our answer to the petition of the Finesville Bible Fellowship Church be that we do not believe enactment of the Article proposed by its petition would accomplish the goal it seeks to achieve.
The following men were elected:
Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College
Dennis M. Cahill (3 years)
Board of Christian Education
Richard T. Paashaus (3 years)
Edwin W. Ahlum, Jr. (3 years)
Timothy D. Cole (3 years)
Scott J. Fetterolf (1 year)
Board of Publication and Printing
James E. Neher (3 years)
Historical Committee
Ralph D. Cole (3 years)
Daniel G. Ziegler (3 years)
Committee on Nominations
Thomas P. Shorb (3 years)
Harold E. Snyder (3 years)
Chairman of the 108th Annual Conference
James A. Beil (1 year)
Vice Chairman of the 108th Annual Conference
Carl C. Cassel (1 year)
The following was adopted at second reading:
RESOLVED, that the By-Laws for Annual Conference, Article XI: Annual Conference Boards and Committees (Faith and Order, p. 133ff) include the following under “Committees Appointed by the Chairman:”
Committee on Arrangements. Appointment: The Chairman of Annual Conference shall, prior to the adjournment of Annual Conference, appoint the Committee on Arrangements for the succeeding Annual Conference.
1. The Committee on Arrangements shall oversee the mechanics of Annual Conference.
2. It shall promote the efficiency of Annual Conference.
3. It shall assist in the provision of hospitality of Annual Conference.
4. It shall recommend to Annual Conference the place and time of the next Annual Conference.
RESOLVED, that the phrase “and of establishment of the place and time of the next Annual Conference.” be deleted from Duty #1 of the Committee on Resolutions (Faith and Order, p. 136).
The following was adopted at second reading:
“All agencies shall follow the procedures of calling a Pastor as are prescribed for churches, in which the agency board shall act in lieu of the Board of Elders.
“All call forms shall be approved by the Ministerial Relations Committee.”
(1) Call for Bible Fellowship Church Agencies
“The (agency name) being on sufficient grounds, well satisfied of the qualifications of you, (name of candidate), and having good hopes from our knowledge of you that your training, experience, and ministrations in the gospel will be profitable to this work, do earnestly call and desire you to undertake the office of (position title) in this Bible Fellowship Church ministry, promising you in the discharge of your duties, all proper support, and encouragement.
“And that you may be free from other employment, we, on our part, promise and oblige ourselves to pay you the sum of $(salary) yearly in regular payments during the time of your service as the (position title) of this ministry and (number of weeks) vacation each year.
“And we agree to pay or continue to pay semi-annually into the Ministers’ Retirement Fund that requisite percentage of your salary that Annual Conference may require you to pay.
(The following paragraph is optional)
“And we agree to pay, or continue to pay annually a sum equivalent to that self-employment tax as may be levied on you by the Congress of the United States under the Federal Insurance Contribution Act.
“And we agree to pay, or continue to pay, for the Health and Welfare benefits offered by Annual Conference.”
(An optional paragraph may be inserted at this location relative to housing arrangements/allowance).
“And we promise and oblige ourselves to review with you the adequacy of this compensation annually.
“In testimony whereof we have respectively subscribed our names this (date) day of (month) A.D. (year).”
(2) Call to a Minister to Serve Bivocationally
The Scriptures indicate that it is normal for ministers of the Gospel to be fully supported in the work of the ministry to be able to give their full time and energy to the ministry. According to the Bible such support is their right and is the obligation of the church, the Lord’s people.
From biblical times to the present, in some circumstances and at certain times, ministers have been willing to serve bivocationally–to provide part or all of their and their families’ support through supplemental employment other than the ministry.
While the Bible Fellowship Church approves of calls to ministers to serve bivocationally, it counsels churches, agencies and ministers that such calls should be regarded as the exception rather than the rule, that no man ought to be coerced or pressured into accepting a bivocational call, that any man who serves in the ministry “at his own expense” should be regarded with great appreciation and full respect, that churches and agencies that are able to provide full support ought to do so, that the minimum salary recommendation adopted by the Annual Conference be taken seriously, that a careful and candid review of the adequacy of compensation provided under a bivocational call be scrupulously held annually between the parties at the initiative of the church or agency and that the church or agency make every effort to increase the amount of support it provides and to diminish the amount of his support provided by the minister and to provide full support just as soon as it is able to do so.
The Call
“The (particular church or agency) of the Bible Fellowship Church, being on sufficient grounds, well satisfied of the ministerial qualifications of you, (name of candidate), and having good hopes that your ministrations in the Gospel will be profitable to our spiritual interests (to the growth and spiritual interests of mission), do earnestly call and desire you to undertake the office of (organizing) pastor of said congregation, promising you that in the discharge of your duties we shall extend to you our prayers, respect, encouragement, partnership and obedience (oversight) in the Lord.
“This is a call to you to serve bivocationally, that is, with understanding that you will provide part of your family’s support through other employment than the ministerial position to which we are calling you. In each of the areas of compensation listed below we obligate ourselves to provide what we promise and we also promise to establish goals for higher compensation when the Lord’s blessing and provision allow us to do so. We propose that we shall through negotiation, subsequent to your acceptance of the call, agree with you upon explicit limits of your service as (organizing) pastor in keeping in the demands placed on you by your supplemental employment.
“We promise and oblige ourselves to pay you the sum of $(salary) yearly in regular payments during the time of your being and continuing as the (organizing) pastor of this church (mission).
“We obligate ourselves to provide you free use of the parsonage or a housing allowance of $(dollars) yearly in monthly payments and (number of weeks) vacation each year.
“And we agree to pay or continue to pay semi-annually into the Ministers’ Retirement Fund that requisite percent of said salary which Annual Conference may require you to pay into said fund.
“And we agree to pay you $(salary) annually, in four payments prior to the dates on which you must make your payments, for you to pay toward that self-employment tax levied upon you by the Congress of the United States under the Federal Insurance Contribution Act or, should you have elected not to participate in FICA, for you to use toward an alternate retirement and disablement plan.
“And we agree to pay, or continue to pay, for health insurance benefits offered by Annual Conference. Should you have or obtain adequate health insurance coverage through your supplemental employment, we pledge ourselves to supplement your salary or benefits in an appropriate manner.”
(At this point may be inserted any other allowances as may be mutually agreeable as part of the salary package).
“We are grateful that you are willing to consider a call to bivocational service. We promise and oblige ourselves to review with you annually the adequacy of this call, to increase our provision for your support as we are able and to provide full support for you in the ministry as soon as it is possible for us to do so.
“In testimony whereof we have respectively subscribed our names this (date) day of (month) A.D. (year).”
(3) Call to be used by a particular church
The above material is to be inserted into the Faith and Order on page 107, item j.
WHEREAS, it is important that each official Delegate and Pastor receive all the reports from the Study Committees, Committees and Agencies and
WHEREAS, in order to coordinate this procedure one distribution point should be employed, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that all Study Committees have their reports to the designated distribution point by August 31st and further,
RESOLVED, that all Committees and Agencies have their reports to the designated distribution point by September 20th. Boards, Committees and Agencies that miss the deadline are responsible to distribute their reports at their own expense so that they are received no less than two weeks prior to Annual Conference.
RESOLVED, that we adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 PM with prayer by Steven L. Trommler.
Eighth Meeting
Thursday Afternoon, 1:30 PM
The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by the Chairman. Ronald C. Mahurin led in prayer.
The following excuses were accepted: Myron Bortz, Dennis Morgan, Willard E. Cassel, James A. Wickstead, Robert S. Commerford, Byron Widger, Charles Webb, Terris L. Byrd.
WHEREAS, Pastor Raymond G. Burnett requested to be excused from the 107th Annual Conference due to the deteriorating situation of the Englishtown, NJ, Church; and
WHEREAS, the Annual Conference directed the Credentials Committee to inquire of Pastor Burnett as to the nature of his absence; and
WHEREAS, the Chairman of the Credentials Committee has contacted Pastor Burnett expressing concern about his request to be excused from Annual Conference; and
WHEREAS, it is the judgment of the Credentials Committee that a serious situation exists in the congregation of Englishtown, NJ, which requires prayer and counsel; and
WHEREAS, it is considered that the problem in that church though serious does not provide a satisfactory basis for Pastor Burnett to absent himself from Annual Conference, therefore; be it
RESOLVED, that the absence of Raymond G. Burnett from Annual Conference be viewed as an unexcused absence; and further
RESOLVED, that the Credentials Committee and Ministerial Relations Committee make a special point to seek to provide guidance and encouragement to Pastor Burnett and the Englishtown Church during this difficult time.
RESOLVED, that the 108th Annual Conference of Bible Fellowship Church be convened at Pinebrook Bible Conference on Tuesday, October 22, 1991, at 9:00 AM.
WHEREAS, a lack of consensus concerning the purpose and direction of Annual Conference seems to exist, and
WHEREAS, spiritual stimulation, strengthening of local churches, deepening of relationships, and unity of vision and function should be enhanced by the meetings of Annual Conference and are important to the life and ministry of the members, congregations, and agencies of Annual Conference, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that a Study Committee of five be appointed by the Chairman to study the philosophy and purpose of the meetings of Annual Conference, to prepare a purpose statement for the meetings of Annual Conference and to make recommendations regarding the format of Annual Conference.
WHEREAS, we strongly believe it is the Scriptural responsibility of the church to adequately meet the needs of its pastors, (Matt. 10:10; 1 Cor. 9:7-15; Gal. 6:6; Phil. 4:10-19; 1 Tim. 5:17-18), therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we encourage each church to increase its pastor’s salary at least 5% above the previous year’s salary, and further
RESOLVED, that the recommended minimum salary for a pastor serving a Bible Fellowship Church including benefits is $19,950 for the 1990-91 year.
The Chairman vacated the chair for the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that payments from the Ministers’ Retirement Fund beginning October 1, 1990 be at the rate of $ 162 per year of service up to 40 years of service for which the retiree is eligible.
The Chairman resumed the chair.
RESOLVED, that the rate of mileage reimbursement be established at $0.20 per mile.
RESOLVED, that the Administrative Budget for October 1, 1990 to September 30, 1991 be adopted. (see page 50)
RESOLVED, that the proposed Administrative Budget of $77,000 for October 1, 1991 to September 30, 1992 be approved for circulation and solicitation of pledges, which are to be made by April 15, 1991.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church continue to study disability insurance proposals.
The Chairman declared a recess at 3:15 PM.
Business resumed at 3:40 PM.
RESOLVED, that the 1991-92 Church Extension budget be adopted. (see page 62)
WHEREAS, the Board of Church Extension has gone current in its finances; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that duty 10 of the Board of Church Extension in the Faith and Order (page 159) be amended by the deletion of the last sentence which reads, “This report shall include a submission of a proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning September 1 of the following year.”
The following excuses were accepted: Carl T. Martin, Steven E. Hoffman, David E. Gundrum, L. James Roberts, Jr., Raymond R. Dotts.
RESOLVED, that the name be changed from Bible Fellowship Church Home to Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.
WHEREAS, the 107th Annual Conference has approved a name change from Bible Fellowship Church Home to Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. and
WHEREAS, the legal ramifications of functioning with a dual name become cumbersome, and
WHEREAS, other changes in the Charter of Incorporation need to be registered with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that by the rule of exception, permission is hereby granted that the name change can be used and implemented immediately.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc., be authorized to formulate new Bylaws reflecting the new name and to restate the purpose, and further
RESOLVED, that the Bylaws of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. shall state that the corporation is formed on a non-membership basis.
RESOLVED, that Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. obtain necessary legal counsel in order to restate the Articles of Incorporation and submit such restatement to the proper Commonwealth authorities.
WHEREAS, the Bible Fellowship Church Home has operated and maintained property for many years in order to carry out its purpose(s) and ministry, and
WHEREAS, said Corporation has never held title to the property, and
WHEREAS, said Corporation is now engaged in a ministry of care with a 121 bed Skilled Nursing Facility and a 30 bed Personal Care Facility which present the possibility of severe liability suits which can be instituted against the Church as title is now construed, and
WHEREAS, said Corporation encounters difficulties when arranging financing agreements, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church is hereby authorized to make a title transfer of the property in the name of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. and, further
RESOLVED, that the Bylaws shall contain an article declaring that upon dissolution or termination of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc., the proceeds of all assets insofar as feasible shall go to the Bible Fellowship Church, and further
RESOLVED, that the above action shall be subject to final approval by the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church upon advice of legal counsel.
RESOLVED, that we adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned with prayer by Gregory A. Uhrich at 5:10 PM.
Ninth Meeting
Thursday Evening, 6:30 PM
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. David Solt, missionary to Latin America, led in prayer. He testified briefly concerning his ministry.
The following excuses were accepted: LeRoy S. Heller, Robert Cox, and Carl Weaver.
Leonard Yerger was appointed as timekeeper.
The following was adopted at first reading (Faith and Order, pg.164)
Election. The Board shall be composed of 13 persons, consisting of the President, a member by virtue of his office, and 12 other persons elected for a term of three years in the following classes:
Class I: Two ministers and two laypersons
Class II: Two ministers and two laypersons
Class III: Two ministers and two laypersons
1. The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. shall be responsible to establish and maintain a ministry of care for the aging and infirm and to engage in such other forms of ministry of care and charitable work as determined by the Directors of the Corporation.
2. The general business and affairs of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. shall be managed and conducted by its Board of Directors acting as a Board, or through its properly authorized officers in accordance with the Bylaws of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. Management of its corporate business and affairs shall be in accordance with and subject to the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church.
3. The general conduct of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. shall be under the immediate supervision and control of a President elected to serve at the pleasure of the Board. The President shall be reviewed annually by this Board of Directors.
4. The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. shall make a written report of its activities to the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.
5. The following shall be placed in the Bylaws of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. as an article of said Bylaws:
Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Bylaws:
Section 1
The sale or transfer of any of the real property of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc., whether now owned or hereafter acquired, shall not be permitted without the prior approval of the Bible Fellowship Church Annual Conference or the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Section 2
This entire Article and any subsequent amendments must be placed in the Bible Fellowship Church Faith and Order, subject to the Bible Fellowship Church’s rules governing amendments to the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church.
WHEREAS, the 107th Annual Conference has approved increasing the size of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. at first reading, and
WHEREAS, increasing the size of the Board of Bible Fellowship Church Home, Inc., on a gradual basis permits a smoother transition, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that by the rule of exception Class I shall be implemented in 1990.
RESOLVED, that we recommend that each church pay for its Pastor (s) and wife to attend the 1991 Ministerial Convention of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Report of the Study Committee on Mandatory Retirement
(See page 138) The report was received.
WHEREAS, the report of the Study Committee on Mandatory Retirement has been received by the 107th Annual Conference and
WHEREAS, the time remaining is inadequate for the consideration of the issues, be it therefore,
RESOLVED, that the consideration of the recommendations of the Study Committee on Mandatory Retirement be postponed until the 108th Annual Conference.
Report of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee
(See page 144) The report was received.
WHEREAS, it has been documented by the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee, as to the Biblical obligation the church has to seek out ethnic groups and establish churches among them, and
WHEREAS, the opportunities for ethnic church planting are well within the target areas of the Bible Fellowship Churches, and God has sovereignly brought the nations of the World to our churches, and
WHEREAS, it is the shared opinion of the Inter-Cultural Committee that we must move ahead to develop a model and manual for ethnic church planting, along with a review of the “Standards of Worship and Life” of the Bible Fellowship Church as they compare with the cultural demands involved in ethnic church planting, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the 107th Annual Conference allow the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to continue its work on ethnic church planting and report back to the 108th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church with a report of its progress toward the development of a “Model” and “Manual” for ethnic church planting and its review of the “Standards of Life and Worship” in light of cultural demands, and further
RESOLVED, that each Bible Fellowship Church be encouraged to complete a demographic study of their ministry target area and its opportunity for ethnic ministry among the community into which God has placed it and that the Inter-Cultural Committee assist the churches in accomplishing this task.
RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a person to the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to replace Charles Snyder.
Report of the Committee on Statistics
The report was received.
Report of the Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Minutes (See page 132)
The report was received and adopted.
WHEREAS, the utilization of computer technology at Annual Conference has enabled Annual Conference to have a printed copy of the minutes distributed during Conference proceedings, and
WHEREAS, the printed copy distributed at Annual Conference is corrected and approved on the Conference floor, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the corrected and approved printed copy as contained in the Secretary of Annual Conference’s notebook be the “Official Minutes of the Secretary of Annual Conference”.
RESOLVED, that the purpose and duties of the Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Minutes be revised by the Committee on Arrangements and the Secretary of Annual Conference working in conjunction with the Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Minutes in light of the changes created by computer technology and that recommendation be submitted to the 108th Annual Conference.
The following report of the Committee on Resolutions was adopted:
WHEREAS, Jansen E. Hartman has served faithfully and courageously for 52 years, and
WHEREAS, this man has demonstrated the gifts, talents and love necessary to fulfill any responsibility assigned to him, and
WHEREAS, numerous ministries and endeavors of our denomination have flourished as a direct result of his vision and perseverance, and
WHEREAS, Jansen E. Hartman has been an inspiration to countless numbers of people, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we thank the Lord for this man and that we express our sincere appreciation and gratitude for his dedication, diligence and leadership throughout these many years, and that we beseech the Lord for many more rich years of his counsel and fellowship.
WHEREAS, Jansen E. Hartman has served with great devotion and efficiency as Chairman of the 107th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the body of Annual Conference express its gratitude to Brother Hartman with a standing ovation, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the 108th Annual Conference offer a prayer of thanksgiving for our Brother Hartman asking the Lord’s continued blessing upon his life and ministry.
WHEREAS, Pastor Raymond G. Burnett has requested prayer regarding the difficulties in the Englishtown Church, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we commit ourselves to faithfully remember our brother and the church before the throne of grace during the coming year.
WHEREAS, the Bible Fellowship Church of Staten Island has been going through a time of struggle and decline, and
WHEREAS, they have been without a pastor for more than a year, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we thank God for the dedication of this church, and further
RESOLVED, that we hold them up in prayer that God’s will may be done in this matter.
WHEREAS, we joyfully received the Walnutport Mission into Annual Conference as a full-fledged church, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we praise the Lord for His grace and faithfulness.
WHEREAS, we have witnessed the formation of a new mission, now called the Faith Bible Fellowship Church, through the merger of the Holmes, NY, congregation with Second Kent Baptist Church, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we thank God for enlarging the flock and pray for the successful bonding of the two congregations.
WHEREAS, Valley Bible Fellowship Church, Poughquag, NY, Wappinger Bible Fellowship Church, Wappingers Falls, NY, and Pocono Mountain Bible Fellowship Church, Mt. Pocono, PA, have “graduated” from the Church Extension Department after having fully supported themselves for three years, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we rejoice with these three churches and the Church Extension Department in their achievement of this significant step in their lives.
WHEREAS, the Committee on Credentials has presented Richard T. Paashaus for ordination and Edgar H. Munyan, Larry M. Smith, Gregory A. Uhrich and Gilbert J. Vining for recognition of prior ordination, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we thank God for calling these men into the ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church and lift them up in prayer.
WHEREAS, Randall A. Grossman and Robert W. Smock have served diligently as Secretary and Assistant Secretary, and
WHEREAS, Charles J. Albert, Jr., Daniel P. Allen, David T. Allen and David A. Thomann have served as computer operators, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we express our gratitude to these brethren for their valuable service, and that an honorarium of $100 be given each of them for their willing service.
WHEREAS, Clifford B. Boone, David C. Butler, W. A. Davis, Daniel F. DeLozier, Carl J. Fischer, Jr., Jimmy D. Head, Richard B. Ravis, Brent E. Robinson, J. Mark McCreary and Ronald R. Vining have faithfully served the 107th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church as Pages, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we express our appreciation to these men for their excellent work.
WHEREAS, God has provided the Bible Fellowship Church with able men to conduct the 107th Annual Conference, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we thank Him for these faithful stewards of His Kingdom.
WHEREAS, the Lord has provided the Bible Fellowship Church with faithful ministers of the Word, and
WHEREAS, the Lord has established four (4) new pastorates, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we praise God for those who faithfully serve Him and communicate His Word.
WHEREAS, Annual Conference is made up of lay delegates as well as ordained ministers, and
WHEREAS, these men have made sacrifices of time and schedule in ministering to their congregations and participating in Annual Conference and have endeavored to carry out the work of the Lord, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that we give the Lord thanks for these godly men and that we ask that He lead and bless them as they serve Him.
WHEREAS, the Lord has provided the Bible Fellowship Church with an effective missionary family, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we commit ourselves afresh to prayerful support for those who so faithfully serve the Lord as our emissaries.
WHEREAS, there are fifty missionary appointees and candidates, and
WHEREAS, support for our missionaries and candidates is not keeping pace with the number of candidates, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we thank the Lord for these candidates and intercede with the Lord to grant wisdom and direction relating to financial needs of our missionary family and candidates.
WHEREAS, our brother Harold E. Snyder has served with distinction as Director of the Stewardship Council, and
WHEREAS, Richard J. Volpe has ably assisted him, and,
WHEREAS, these brethren have entered into service on a voluntary basis due to lack of financial support, and
WHEREAS, our brethren have pledged themselves to continue work for the Stewardship Council on a voluntary basis, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that Harold E. Snyder and Richard J. Volpe be honored in the form of this resolution for the sacrificial spirit that has been demonstrated in the discharge of their responsibilities.
WHEREAS, the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee Report has challenged us with the urgent need of greater involvement in cross-cultural ministries, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we give ourselves to prayer for God’s wisdom and direction for extending the ministries of Bible Fellowship Church to those around us who are culturally different.
The following resolutions were adopted:
RESOLVED, that a contribution of $250 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each of the following Boards and Committees: Victory Valley, Missions, Christian Education, Church Extension, Pinebrook Junior College, Pinebrook Bible Conference and Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.
RESOLVED, that $1.00 per member be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing the Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Business Manager by December 31, 1990.
RESOLVED, that the cost of the 1990 Yearbook be $5.25 per copy.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Publication and Printing is hereby instructed to give all due consideration and effort to print amendments and/or revisions to the Faith and Order on replacement pages rather than as supplemental appendices.
Report of the Committee on Auditing (see page 130)
The report was adopted.
Report of the Committee on Communications (see page 131)
The report was accepted.
RESOLVED, that January 27, 1991, be designated by the Annual Conference as Stewardship Sunday.
The following committees appointed by the Chairman were approved:
Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee
G. Wayne Clapier Study Committee on Annual Conference
Randall A. Grossman
Thomas P. Shorb
David A. Thomann
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.
James A. Beil
Committee on Agenda and Program
Randall A. Grossman
Thomas P. Shorb
David A. Thomann
Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.
James A. Beil
Committee on Arrangements for the 108th Annual Conference
David A. Thomann
Thomas P. Shorb
Philip E. Morrison
Daniel P. Allen
Randall A. Grossman
Committee on Statistics
LeRoy S. Heller
Daniel G. Ziegler
Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr.
Calvin T. Reed
Willard E. Cassel
Warren L. Zimmerman
David A. Thomann
Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches
Kenneth L. Good
Ronald C. Erb
Ralph M. Soper
Dennis M. Cahill
The following men were elected:
Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.
Charles F. Hersh (3 years)
Glenn D. Ruoss (3 years)
Board of Christian Education
G. Wayne Clapier (3 years)
Conference Judicatory
Jansen E. Hartman (5 years)
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the seventh and eighth meetings be accepted as read and corrected.
The following man was elected:
Conference Judicatory
Clyde W. Snyder (5 years)
The following appointments made by the Chairman were approved:
Registrar for the 108th Annual Conference
Philip E. Morrison
Assistant Registrar for the 108th Annual Conference
James R. Batchler, Jr.
The Chairman vacated the chair for the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the Annual Conference is responsible for oversight of the Ministers Retirement Fund and does not have enough relevant information available to it to provide proper oversight of the Fund, therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that the 107th Annual Conference fulfill its responsibility to gain the knowledge essential to the proper oversight of the Ministers’ Retirement Fund through an appointed committee by the Chairman of three clergy and four laymen which shall be responsible to study the following and report their findings to the 108th Annual Conference:
1. Study the retirement programs of Christian ministries that are similar to the BFC in outlook and resources and prepare materials for the Annual Conference that outline the philosophy, benefits, funding levels, and funding sources of these plans.
2. Prepare a prioritized list of aspects of these plans that Bible Fellowship Church should consider adopting.
3. Present arguments for and arguments against reducing the number of years of service needed to receive maximum benefits.
4. Prepare a study showing the effects of providing a 20% increase in benefits paid to retirees.
RESOLVED, that the Vice-Chairman of the 107th Annual Conference appoint the Committee to Study the Ministers’ Retirement Fund.
The Chairman resumed the chair. After brief remarks, Brother Hartman handed the gavel to the Vice-Chairman for the last time.
The following committee appointed by the Vice-Chairman was approved:
Committee to Study the Ministers’ Retirement Fund
Willard E. Cassel
Timothy D. Cole
Keith E. Plows
Richard J. Volpe
Wayne Davidson
David J. Watkins
Horace A. Kauffman
RESOLVED, that we adjourn.
The Conference was adjourned at 10:00 PM with prayer by James A. Beil.