1991 Annual Conference Minutes

Annual Conference Proceedings


Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1991 Yearbook

First Meeting

Tuesday Morning, October 22, 1991, 9:00 AM

The first meeting of the 108th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was called to order by the Chairman, James A. Beil, at 9:00 AM, October 22, 1991 on the grounds of Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, PA.

The Chairman opened the meeting in prayer.

Report of the Registrar:

The report was accepted.

The roll of Annual Conference was established as follows:

Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Bible Fellowship Church and Delegates

Allentown, Cedar Crest Ronald C. Mahurin, Robert F. Johnson, Jay H. Fasnacht, Neil E. Montgomery, John W. Trauch, Donald I. Transue

Allentown, Salem Charles J. McConnell, Alan Abel

Bangor Edgar H. Munyan, Linwood Trott

Bethlehem Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Carl Ackerman

Blandon ( ), Raymond R. Bertolet

Camden, DE James G. Koch, Horace E. Short

Catasauqua (Probationer), Calvin A. Boyle

Coopersburg Thomas P. Shorb, Richard T. Paashaus, Clyde W. Snyder

Denville, NJ Richard D. Harris, Steven Boepple

Edison, NJ (Mission) Dennis M. Cahill

Emmaus Dana E. Weller, David N. Schoen, Herbert Schultz, Gerald Schlonecker

Englishtown, NJ Raymond G. Burnett, Robert Buck

Ephrata Daniel P. Allen, Robert W. Gehret

Finesville, NJ David H. Jones, Donald P. Straub

Fleetwood (Probationer), Ronald P. Turner

Graterford David J. Watkins, Wayne A. Davidson

Harleysville W. David Armstrong, Harold Crider

Harrisburg ( ), Harold E. Snyder

Hatfield (Probationer), Lee E. Boyles

Holmes, NY (Mission) Robert S. Commerford

Howell, NJ John C. Vandegriff, Jr., Joseph L. Dugan

Kutztown (Probationer), George K. Monroe

Lancaster David A. Thomann, Horace A. Kauffman

Lebanon Calvin T. Reed, Leroy O. Herb

Lehighton William H. Bartron, Bruce A. Kellerman

Maple Glen Louis Prontnicki, David Loomis

Mt. Carmel Alva C. Cassel, Harold L. Snyder,Jr.

Mt. Pocono Ronald C. Erb, Paul T. Rutman

Nazareth Keith E. Plows, Leonard F. Kessler

Newark, DE William G. Schlonecker, Arthur J. Frisbie

Newark, NJ (Mission) Delbert R. Baker, II

Ocean County, NJ (Mission) Dean A. Stortz

Oley Kenneth F. Barber, Gilbert J. Vining, Clayton E. Weber

Paradise Ralph M. Soper, David Eisenhower

Philadelphia, Emmanuel (Probationer), Timothy D. Cole

Philadelphia, Wissinoming G. Wayne Clapier, Lee Henderson

Poughquag, NY James A. Wickstead, John Anderson

Quakertown David E. Gundrum, L. James Roberts, Jr.

Reading Randall A. Grossman, James E. Neher, Gawain Koch, Charles Lavigna, Ronald W. Reed

Royersford Robert W. Smock, Dennis L. Souder

Scranton James R. Batchler, Jr., John T. Jeffery

Shamokin Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., T. Lamarn Manney

Sinking Spring Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Donald Woodring

Somers Point, NJ (Mission) Roger L. Reitz

Spring City Carl T. Martin, Richard E. Frick

Stroudsburg Philip E. Morrison, G. Daniel Beaver

Sunbury LeRoy S. Heller, Robert Cox, Lamar Fetterman

Terre Hill Steven L. Trommler, James Wetzler

Wallingford Richard E. Taylor, William R. Singletary

Walnutport Larry M. Smith, Stanley H. Stahler

Wappingers Falls, NY Byron Widger, Charles Webb

York Kenneth L. Good, Philip G. Norris

Zionsville Gregory A. Uhrich, David L. Weller

Ordained Men Serving Bible Fellowship Ministries

James A. Beil, Bert N. Brosius, Carl C. Cassel, Bernard N. Coble, Bruce A. Ellingson, Roy A. Hertzog, Barry J. Minsky, Daniel G. Ziegler

Ordained Men Between Calls

Terris L. Byrd, Albert J. Dommel, Frank L. Herb, John H. Herb, D. Thomas Phillips, Austin G. Shelly, Harold C. Weaber

Ordained Missionaries

William C. Aukamp, Leonard E. Buck, Brian H. Butler, Robert L. Draper, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Ronald W. Hoyle, Herbert K. Lea, Edward Moyer, William W. Mull, David Riddell, Philip E. Yerrington, Paul G. Zimmerman

Ordained Ministers in Retirement

Willard E. Cassel, John Dunn, Walter H. Frank, Jansen E. Hartman, George E. Herb, C. E. Kirkwood, Donald T. Kirkwood, C. Leslie Miller, R. C. Reichenbach, John H. Riggall, A. L. Seifert, Laird F. Stengele, David E. Thomann, Harold D. Yarrington

Probationers Serving as First Pastors of Churches

R. Jerome Brush, W. Neil Harding, Jr., Gene W. Smith, John C. Studenroth, Howard N. Wells

The following Alternate Delegates were seated: Thomas A. Ward (Poughquag, NY) and Henry U. Sandt (Bangor).

The Chairman declared that the seats at the tables constitute the conference bar.

Report of the Committee on Agenda and Program:

The report was adopted.

Pastor LeRoy S. Heller, of the Sunbury Church, led the conference in singing the hymn “Great God of Wonders.” John Dunn read Psalm 103 and led the conference in prayer. James A. Beil addressed the conference on the theme, “Focus for Faithfulness”, from the text Luke 19:12-13.

The Registrar reported the following requests for excuses: Paul G. Zimmerman, C. Leslie Miller, Carl K. Spackman, Bruce A. Ellingson, George E. Herb, Barry J. Minsky, Thomas S. MacMillan, Herbert K. Lea, David L. Manney, C. E. Kirkwood, Donald T. Kirkwood, J. Barclay Harley, William C. Aukamp, Philip E. Yerrington, David W. Riddell, Leonard E. Buck, Robert L. Draper, Timothy D. Cole, R.C. Reichenbach, Philip E. Morrison, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., David E. Gundrum, Dana E. Weller, David N. Schoen, Delbert R. Baker, II, Bert N. Brosius, John H. Herb, Terris L. Byrd.

RESOLVED, that all the excuses be granted.

Report of the Committee on Arrangements, (see page 47)

The report was accepted.

Bert N. Brosius, Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference and host of the Conference, brought greetings and welcomed the Delegates to the grounds of the Bible Conference.

The Secretary appointed Robert W. Smock as Assistant Secretary and Daniel P. Allen and David A. Thomann as Assistants to the Secretary.

The Chairman appointed the following Committees:

Communications: Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., Carl T. Martin, Frank L. Herb, Jr., Leonard F. Kessler

Tellers: Keith E. Plows, LeRoy S. Heller, Harvey J. Fritz, Robert Cox, Leroy O. Herb, Clyde W. Snyder, William H. Bartron, Kenneth L. Good.

Resolutions: James A Wickstead, Steven L. Trommler, L. James Roberts, Jr., Lee Henderson, Richard D. Harris

Auditing: Robert W. Gehret, Jay H. Fasnacht, Horace A. Kauffman, Lee E. Boyles, John W. Trauch

Reporter: Byron Widger

Time Keeper: Raymond G. Burnett

Parliamentarian: Charles F. Webb

Administrative Assistant: Thomas P. Shorb

Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes: James E. Neher, Gregory A. Uhrich, Louis Prontnicki

The new members of Annual Conference were introduced and welcomed.

Report of the Committee on Nominations

The report was accepted.

Alva C. Cassel led the Conference in prayer for wisdom and direction in this year’s elections.

Report of the Ministerial Relations Committee, (see page 49)

The report was accepted.

Report of the Committee on Credentials, (see page 50)

The report was accepted.

WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended Walter M. Johnston for ordination; and

WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended prior ordination recognition for Carl J. Fischer, Jr. and Richard B. Ravis, and

WHEREAS, these brethren have served acceptably as ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time, and

WHEREAS, after examination the Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the Gospel ministry and to be in accord with the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that Walter M. Johnston be ordained to the Gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church and further,

RESOLVED, the prior ordination of Carl J. Fischer, Jr. and Richard B. Ravis to the Gospel ministry be recognized by the Bible Fellowship Church and further,

RESOLVED, that the service of ordination shall be held Thursday, October 31, 1991, at 7:30 PM at Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church, Bethlehem, PA. The Credentials Committee shall be in charge of the service. The Credentials Committee urges all Ordained Ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church to regard participation in the service of ordination a high priority.

The three men were welcomed and joined the Conference Bar.

RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a committee to write an obituary for W. W. Hartman to be included in the Yearbook.

The Chairman appointed Jansen E. Hartman and Keith E. Plows.

Report of the Ministerial Candidate Committee: (see page 53)

The report was accepted.

Richard E. Taylor introduced the men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee who were present.

Report of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church: (see page 56)

The report was accepted.

Report of the Director of Church Extension: (see page 65)

The report was accepted.

Report of the Board of Missions: (see page 75)

The report was accepted.

Report of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes: (see page 87)

The report was accepted.

Report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference: (see page 99)

The report was accepted.

RESOLVED, that the material found on pp.164-165 in the FAITH & ORDER under the heading “Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Home” be deleted and replaced by the following (second reading):

Election. The Board shall be composed of 13 persons, consisting of the President, a member by virtue of his office, and 12 other persons elected for a term of three years in the following classes:

Class I: Two ministers and two laypersons

Class II: Two ministers and two laypersons

Class III: Two ministers and two laypersons


1. The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. shall be responsible to establish and maintain a ministry of care for the aging and infirm and to engage in such other forms of ministry of care and charitable work as determined by the Directors of the Corporation.

2. The general business and affairs of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. shall be managed and conducted by its Board of Directors acting as a Board, or through its properly authorized officers in accordance with the Bylaws of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. Management of its corporate business and affairs shall be in accordance with and subject to the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church.

3. The general conduct of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. shall be under the immediate supervision and control of a President elected to serve at the pleasure of the Board. The President shall be reviewed annually by this Board of Directors.

4. The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. shall make a written report of its activities to the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.


5. The following shall be placed in the Bylaws of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. as an article of said Bylaws:


Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Bylaws:

Section 1

The sale or transfer of any of the real property of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc., whether now owned or hereafter acquired, shall not be permitted without the prior approval of the Bible Fellowship Church Annual Conference or the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Section 2

This entire Article and any subsequent amendments must be placed in the Bible Fellowship Church Faith and Order, subject to the Bible Fellowship Church’s rules governing amendments to the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church.


WHEREAS, the 107th Annual Conference has approved increasing the size of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. and

WHEREAS, increasing the size of the Board of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc., on a gradual basis permits a smoother transition, and

WHEREAS, by the rule of exception Class I was implemented in 1990, and

WHEREAS, Class II will be implemented in 1991, and

WHEREAS, it is considered best to change the composition of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. on a gradual basis, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that by the rule of exception the implementation of Class III be completed in 1992.

RESOLVED, that we extend the time.

Phil Atkins, Director of Victory Valley Camp, spoke to the Conference concerning the serious illness of his daughter, Jill. She is presently in a rehabilitation hospital in Hershey, PA. Dana E. Weller led the Conference in prayer for the Atkins family.

RESOLVED, that we adjourn.

The meeting was closed in prayer by Gawain Koch at 12:10 PM.

Unexcused: Charles J. McConnell, Alan Abel.

Second Meeting

Tuesday Afternoon, 1:30 PM

The Second Meeting of the Conference was called to order at 1:30 PM.

RESOLVED: that the following excuses be granted: Albert J. Dommel, John C. Vandergriff, Jr., James R. Batchler, Jr., Donald P. Straub, David Eisenhower, Brian H. Butler

Report of the Board of Church Extension (see page 103)

The report was accepted.

WHEREAS, the Board of Church Extension is of the opinion that the Ocean County, New Jersey, Mission meets the qualifications of a church as specified in Article 18 of the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Ocean County, New Jersey, Mission be recognized as a church and that its Delegate be received into membership of the 108th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.

The Delegate from Ocean County, NJ, David M. Markuson, was introduced and seated in the Conference Bar.

Report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College (see page 110)

Following opening remarks by Board Chairman,Raymond R. Dotts, several members of the Pinebrook community addressed the Conference concerning the value of the educational experience at Pinebrook Junior College.

The report was accepted.

The following resolution was passed after three hours of earnest discussion concluded with prayer led by Thomas P. Shorb and Richard E. Taylor.

WHEREAS, the debt of the College has increased to a critical point during the 1990-1991 fiscal year because of several years of lower enrollment, and

WHEREAS, special efforts have failed to improve enrollment to a high enough level for the 1991-1992 year, and

WHEREAS, the prospects of increasing enrollment to the needed level are severely reduced by lack of funds and by the continued shrinking of the number of traditional age college students, and

WHEREAS, contributions have increased, but the increased need of contributions exceeds the rate of giving, and

WHEREAS, there is no apparent prospect of an immediate and large infusion of gifts, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College concludes that it is no longer financially possible to continue its program of a Christian junior college apart from instruction to the contrary from the Annual Conference of Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that Pinebrook Junior College cease its educational program as of June 30, 1992.(Yes 84, No 41)

RESOLVED, that we extend the time.

The following men were elected:

Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference:

Carl Ackerman (3 years)

Kermit K. Gehman (3 years)

John M. Stengele (3 years)

Craig A. Montgomery, newly hired Assistant Administrator at Fellowship Manor, was introduced to the Conference.

RESOLVED, that we adjourn.

The Meeting was adjourned at 5:25 PM with prayer by Chairman James A. Beil.

Third Meeting

Tuesday, 7:00 PM

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by the chairman.

The Conference joined in singing “O God, Our Help in Ages Past”. R. C. Reichenbach read Matthew 16:13-18 and Hebrews 12:18-24 and led the Conference in prayer.

Roy A. Hertzog introduced the missionaries in attendance to the Conference. Walter M. Johnston, Raymond Bertolet, William W. and Addy Mull, Richard J. Gehman, Diana Meitzler, Connie Hartman, Ronald W. and Doris Hoyle, Chris and Alma Hunsicker, Edward Moyer, David and Georgina Solt, Basil and Angie Chatterpaul, Lisa Barnshaw, and Osborne and Diane Buchanan brought greetings to the assembly.

Gilbert J. Vining sang, “How Great Thou Art”. Richard E. Taylor delivered a message entitled, “Focus with a Vision”.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Fourth Meeting

Wednesday Morning, October 23, 8:45 AM

The fourth meeting of the Conference was called to order by the chairman at 8:50 AM. The Conference joined in singing, “He Arose”. Willard E. Cassel read Ephesians 4:1-16 and led the assembly in prayer.

Report of the Registrar:

The following men requested excuses: Carl C. Cassel, Bernard N. Coble, Edgar H. Munyan, Walter M. Johnston, George Priestley.

RESOLVED, that we grant the excuses.

RESOLVED, that we approve the Minutes of the first, second and third Meetings as corrected.

The following persons were elected:

Ministerial Relations Committee

Harold L. Snyder, Jr. (3 years)

Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church

James A. Beil (3 years)

Carl C. Cassel (3 years)

Robert W. Gehret (3 years)

Board of Church Extension

Robert W. Smock (3 years)

Richard E. Taylor (3 years)

Joseph L. Dugan (3 years)

Robert H. Zentz (3 years)

Board of Missions

Robert Breitegam (3 years)

James E. Sunday (3 years)

Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference

Daniel P. Allen (3 years)

Philip E. Morrison (3 years)

Credentials Committee

James A. Beil (1 year)

LeRoy S. Heller (1 year)

Philip E. Morrison (1 year)

Keith E. Plows (1 year)

David A. Thomann (1 year)

Ministerial Candidate Committee

Randall A. Grossman (3 years)

Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

James G. Koch (3 years)

Dean A. Stortz (3 years)

Robin Musselman (3 years)

John W. Trauch (3 years)

Report of the Board of Victory Valley (See page 122)

The report was accepted.

Report of the Stewardship Council (See page 126)

The report was accepted.

Report of the Study Committee on Mandatory Retirement (See page 129) The report was accepted.

The following recommendation was considered at first reading and was not adopted:

Article III (p. 123), para.2 and 4:

Article III: Retirement from the Ministry

Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of 65 years or who has completed at least 40 years of eligible service with the Bible Fellowship Church may retire from active service and receive retirement benefits.

[Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of 72 years must retire from active service by the end of the month in which he becomes 72 years of age.]

Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has rendered at least 30 years of eligible service to the Bible Fellowship Church, and who has not attained 65 years of age, may retire early from active service, but shall not receive retirement benefits until he has attained 65 years of age.

Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of 68 may continue in active service at his current charge if he receives a two-thirds majority of votes on a question of whether to retain him or not. This vote shall be taken by ballot at the next regular congregational meeting following his 68th birthday and each year thereafter. At this meeting, the following question shall be put to the congregation: “Shall we retain our pastor?” When a minister fails to receive a two-thirds majority in this vote, the Board of Elders shall promptly review his status with him.

Years of eligible service shall be calculated beginning with the date of licensing and ending with the effective date of retirement set by the Credentials Committee [, or in the case of mandatory retirement, at the end of the month in which the retiree becomes 72 years of age]. Any years of active service for which the minister has failed to make required payments into the fund shall not be considered eligible service.

Para.5 is unchanged.

Under Legislation Concerning the Retirement Fund (p. 148, amended in 1987: addendum page 6):

VI. Retirement Age.

A. A minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of sixty-five (65) years may retire from active service.

[B. A minister must retire at the end of the month in which he attains the age of 72 years.]

B[C]. A minister who has given 25 years of eligible service to the Bible Fellowship Church may retire from the active ministry prior to age sixty-five (65) but shall not begin to receive an annuity until age sixty-five (65).

Page 170, under Categories of Ministry

IV. Ordained Ministers in Retirement

[A. These men draw retirement benefits from the Bible Fellowship Church.

1. A minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of 65 years may retire from active service.

2. A minister must retire at the end of the month in which he attains the age of 72 years.

3. A minister who has given 30 years or more of service to the Bible Fellowship Church may retire from active ministry prior to age 65 and be eligible for an annuity at age 65.]

These are men who have retired under the provisions of Article III: Retirement from the Ministry (pp. 123-24).(Yes – 17, No – 104)

Report of the Board of Christian Education (see page 135)

The report was accepted.

Sunday School attendance awards were given to the Oley congregation for greatest actual increase and to the Philadelphia, Emmanuel Congregation for greatest percentage increase.

Report of the Board of Publication and Printing (see page 137)

The report was accepted.

Report of the Historical Committee (see page 141)

The report was accepted.

Report of the Conference Judicatory (see page 143)

The report was accepted.

The following persons were elected:

Fellowship News Editor:

James E. Neher (1 year)

Fellowship News Business Manager

Paul T. Rutman (1 year)

Board of Publication and Printing

Byron G. Barnshaw (3 years)

Conference Judicatory

Carl C. Cassel (5 years)

Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. (5 years)

Secretary of Annual Conference

Randall A. Grossman (1 year)

Report of the Beneficiary Society (see page 144)

The report was accepted.

Report of the Committee on Examination of the Minutes of Particular Churches (see page 146)

The report was accepted.

RESOLVED, that we extend the time.

RESOLVED, that we adjourn.

The meeting was dismissed with prayer by Calvin T. Reed at 12:05 PM.

Fifth Meeting

Wednesday Afternoon, October 23, 1:30 PM

The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM. David A. Thomann led the Conference in singing, “With Eternity’s Values in View”, and offered prayer.

RESOLVED, that the following Alternate Delegates be seated: Sal Roseti (Mount Pocono), George Priestley (Maple Glen).

The following persons were elected:

Board of Church Extension

William G. Schlonecker (2 years)

Board of Victory Valley Camp

Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr. (3 years)

Bryan B. Bray (3 years)

Bright N. Heist (3 years)

Board of Missions

Ralph M. Soper (3 years)

Stewardship Council

Richard J. Volpe (3 years)

Report of the Study Committee on Ministers’ Retirement Fund (see page 147) The report was accepted.

RESOLVED, that a defined contribution retirement plan and a transition plan for shifting from the Ministers’ Retirement Fund as now constituted to a new plan be considered at an Adjourned Session of Annual Conference, and be it further,

RESOLVED, that the place, time and date of the Adjourned Session be established by the end of the 108th Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that a proposed defined contribution retirement plan be prepared for presentation by a committee to be appointed by the Chairman of Annual Conference and that copies of the proposed plan be mailed to members of the Annual Conference at least one month before the date approved for the Adjourned Session of the 108th Annual Conference.

The following legislation was adopted at second reading:

WHEREAS, the Board of Church Extension has gone current in its finances; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that duty 10 of the Board of Church Extension in the Faith and Order (page 159) be amended by the deletion of the last sentence which reads, “This report shall include a submission of a proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning September 1 of the following year.” (SECOND READING)

WHEREAS, it is important that each Delegate and Pastor receive all the reports from the Study Committees, Committees and Agencies and

WHEREAS, in order to coordinate this procedure one distribution point should be employed, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that all Study Committees have their reports to the designated distribution point by August 31st and further,

RESOLVED, that all Committees and Agencies have their reports to the designated distribution point by September 20th.

WHEREAS, we strongly believe it is the Scriptural responsibility of the church to adequately meet the needs of its Pastors, (Matthew 10:10; I Corinthians 9:7-15; Galatians 6:6; Philippians 4:10-19; I Timothy 5:17-18), therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we encourage each church to increase its Pastor’s salary at least 5% above the previous year’s salary, and further

RESOLVED, that the recommended minimum salary for a Pastor serving a Bible Fellowship Church including benefits is $20,950 for the 1991-92 year.

RESOLVED, that an Ordination Service be held during the 109th Annual Conference at the Stroudsburg Bible Fellowship Church.

Report of the Study Committee on Inter-Cultural Ministries (see page 150)

The Committee called attention to the presence of people from other countries and cultures within the geographical area of our churches. Several speakers and a video presentation challenged the Conference to be engaged in cross-cultural ministry to meet the spiritual needs of the world at our doorstep.

The report was accepted.

RESOLVED, that we extend the time for ten minutes.

RESOLVED, that we suspend the Rules and adjourn.

Daniel G. Ziegler closed the meeting with prayer at 5:10 PM.

Sixth Meeting

Wednesday Evening, October 23, 7:00 PM

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.

The following persons were elected:

Board of Christian Education

Ronald C. Erb (3 years)

David N. Schoen (3 years)

Stephen C. Cassel (3 years)

Daniel F. Delozier (3 years)

Board of Publication and Printing

Daniel P. Allen (3 years)

Historical Committee

Willard E. Cassel (3 years)

Harold P. Shelly (3 years)

Committee on Nominations

Calvin T. Reed (3 years)

Robert H. Cox (3 years)

Chairman of Annual Conference

James A. Beil (1 year)

Report of the Registrar

RESOLVED, that the following Alternate Delegate be seated: Michael Emrick (Finesville, NJ).

The following man requested to be excused: Richard J. Gehman.

RESOLVED, that we grant the excuse.

The Conference sang, “Living for Jesus”. The Ocean County, NJ church was welcomed into the Annual Conference in a brief Ceremony of Recognition. The members of Conference greeted the members of the new church who were in attendance.

John H. Riggall read Nehemiah 1:1-10 and offered prayer.

A pastor’s quartet sang, “Stand Up for Jesus”.

Ronald C. Mahurin spoke to the assembly on, “Focus on Leadership”.

Daniel G. Ziegler, Director of Church Extension, introduced the people working under the direction of the Church Extension Department who were in attendance. Pastors Dean A. Stortz, Dennis M. Cahill, Richard B. Ravis, Delbert R. Baker II, Robert s. Commerford, Roger L. Reitz and Larry M. Smith were introduced.

Carol Z. Snyder, Director of Development and Communications, was also introduced.

Ralph E. Ritter, newly called Pastor to Staten Island, NY, and Ronald Denlinger, newly engaged organizing Pastor to the Upper Perkiomen Valley mission, brought greetings to the Conference.

William W. and Addy Mull addressed the Conference briefly concerning their reassignment to the Seychelles Islands.

RESOLVED, that we adjourn.

Keith E. Plows dismissed the meeting with prayer at 9:15 PM.

Seventh Meeting

Thursday Morning, October 24, 8:45 AM

The meeting was called to order at 8:50 AM.

The assembly joined in singing, “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”.

David E. Thomann read Psalm 145 and led in prayer.

Report of the Registrar

The following men requested to be excused: Leroy O. Herb, William W. Mull, and George Priestley.

RESOLVED, that we grant the excuses.

RESOLVED, that we approve the Minutes of the fourth, fifth, and sixth Meetings as corrected.

The following persons were elected:

Board of Christian Education

Robert S. Commerford (1 year)

Board of Publication and Printing

James A. Batchler, Jr. (2 years)

Vice Chairman of Annual Conference

Carl C. Cassel (1 year)

Ministerial Relations Committee

Alva C. Cassel (3 years)

Report of the Ministerial Convention (see page 152)

The report was accepted.

RESOLVED, that we recommend that each Church pay for its Pastor(s) and wife(s) to attend the 1992 Ministerial Convention of the Bible Fellowship Church.

RESOLVED, that we declare our intention to eliminate the requirement for mandatory retirement of Pastors at age 72.(Yes – 87, No – 27)

RESOLVED, that the Committee to Study Mandatory Retirement examine the Faith and Order to determine what changes are needed to implement the elimination of mandatory retirement for pastors, and further

RESOLVED, that the Committee to Study Mandatory Retirement bring recommendations for these changes to this Annual Conference.

The following legislation was adopted at first reading:

All retired ministers willing to serve are eligible for election to Boards and Committees. (FIRST READING)

(This shall be placed in the Faith and Order as the fourth paragraph of Article X: General Rule of Elections and Resignations, pp.132-133).

Carl C. Cassel introduced Donald R. Hibbs, a man being considered as Pastor of Heritage Bible Fellowship Church in Brodheadsville, PA, a daughter church being formed by Berean Bible Fellowship Church, Stroudsburg, PA.

The following person was elected:

Ministerial Relations Committee

Philip E. Morrison (2 years)

WHEREAS, the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee has work to accomplish yet in completing the tasks given to it by the 106th and 107th Annual Conference, and

WHEREAS, the Committee believes that it is the desire of our great God to reach culturally distinct people and aliens in our areas of ministry and plant culturally distinct Bible Fellowship Churches, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee proceed with its goal of establishing an ethnic church planting manual and model, and further,

RESOLVED, that the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee proceed with a review of the “Standards & Worship and Life” in order to identify those which may not express culturally transcendent biblical truths and values in language that is applicable to all cultures without bias, and further

RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a person to the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to replace David Sng who resigned this past year from the Committee.

The Chairman appointed Joseph L. Dugan to the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee.

RESOLVED, that a Particular Church be encouraged to have a service acknowledging the Ordination of its Pastor and that it be encouraged to invite the Credentials Committee to send representation to be present at the service.

The following legislation was adopted at first reading:

Men Entering the Ministry

The Ministerial Candidate Committee divides those under its care into three groups: Applicants, Candidates, and Probationers. An Applicant is a man who offers himself to this committee for service in the Bible Fellowship Church; young men are encouraged to seek this recognition as early in their educational program as they sense the call of God to the ministry. A Candidate is a man whose application is accepted and who remains under the guidance of this Committee; men move to this group when they near the completion of their educational preparation for the ministry. A Probationer is a man who has been approved by this Committee, has passed examinations on the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, and is working in the Bible Fellowship Church (a Particular Church or Agency) or other ministry approved by the Ministerial Candidate Committee in consultation with the Credentials Committee. Such other ministry does not include service on the pastoral staff of a church other than a Bible Fellowship Church. Men who meet all stated requirements for probationers are eligible to be licensed as probationers by the Ministerial Candidate Committee.

Probationary Service in a Particular Church Or Mission

Normally, a probationer serves in a full-time capacity. After a probationer has served at least two years, he may be recommended to the Credentials Committee for ordination examination. The minimum period of probationary service may be extended; having served as a probationer does not guarantee ordination.

A man serving his probationary period on a part-time basis may do so with the following requirements: a. He shall serve the equivalent of at least two years full-time service as determined by the Ministerial Candidate Committee, in consultation with the Credentials Committee. b. He shall serve at least one year under the supervision of a Board of Elders and/or another evaluating body approved by the Ministerial Candidate Committee and the Credentials Committee.

Probationary Service in Other Ministry

If a man seeks ordination in the Bible Fellowship Church and is not serving as the Pastor of a Particular Church or mission, he may do so with the following requirements: a. He shall be a member of a Bible Fellowship Church. b. He shall follow the same procedure for ordination as other probationers. c. He shall comply with the Faith and Order in the course of his service d. He shall be supervised by the Board of Elders of the church in which he holds membership, the governing board of the ministry under which he serves, and any other evaluating agencies the Ministerial Candidate Committee may require during the probationary period of service. The time of the probationary service may be in full or part-time capacity.


This material shall replace the material under the heading “Men Entering the Ministry” Bylaws for Annual Conference, Article II: Procedure for the Recognition of a Minister (Faith & Order, pp.119-120).

RESOLVED, that the men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee be accepted as listed below:

Probationers Location (Year of licensing in parenthesis)

Clifford B. Boone Tanzania, East Africa (1989)

Douglas D. Bowne Spring City, PA

R. Jerome Brush Fleetwood, PA (1988)

Carl J. Fischer, Jr. Nazareth, PA (1990)

Arthur J. Frisbie* Newark, DE (1976)

W. Neil Harding, Jr. Philadelphia, PA (1983)

Donald R. Hibbs Sciota, PA

Walter M. Johnston The Philippines (1987)

Barnabas Marshall Staten Island, NJ

Christopher J. Morrison Spencer, MA (1988)

Richard B. Ravis Edison, NJ (1990)

Ralph E. Ritter Staten Island, NY (1991)

Brent E. Robinson** Baltimore, MD (1988)

Gene W. Smith Catasauqua, PA (1991)

David H. C. Sng** Hatfield, PA (1987)

Dennis W. Spinney Dudley, MA (1984)

John C. Studenroth Kutztown, PA (1991)

David R. Way Pleasant Valley, NY (1989)

Howard N. Wells Hatfield, PA (1990)


William N. Crowell Limerick, PA

Wayne A. Davidson Spring Mount, PA

Daniel F. DeLozier Lancaster, PA

Ronald A. Honeywell Montrose, PA

Dennis J. Lawrence Souderton, PA

Philip J. Mitchell Allentown, PA

Duane E. Moyer Quadeloupe, West Indies

Jerry L. Moyer Wallingford, PA

Robert Patterson, Jr. Cumberland House, Canada

Thomas A. Pollock Puposky, MN

Thomas F. Templeton Somers Point, NJ

Ronald R. Vining Allentown, PA

Daniel J. Vitalo Reading, PA

Allan R. Vivona Columbia, PA

Richard J. Vroman Edison, NJ


Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr. Graterford, PA

David C. Butler Shamokin, PA

Peter A. Fessler Lebanon, PA

Scott Fetterolf Mt. Carmel, PA

Kevin A. Gehman Lancaster, PA

Jimmy D. Head Bethlehem, PA

Richard P. Jones, Sr. Emmaus, PA

J. Mark McCreary E. Stroudsburg, PA

Harold F. Noyes Cambridgeport, VT

(* Now retired. ** On leave of absence.)

RESOLVED, that January 26, 1992 be designated as Stewardship Sunday by this Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that payments from the Ministers’ Retirement Fund beginning October 1, 1991 be at the rate of $168.00 per year of service up to 40 years of service for which the retiree is eligible.

RESOLVED, that the rate of mileage reimbursement remain at $0.20 per mile.

RESOLVED, that the Administrative Budget for October 1, 1991 to September 30, 1992 be approved. (see p. 63)

RESOLVED, that Pinebrook Junior College be exempted from payment to the Administrative Budget and all other assessments of Boards and Committees.

RESOLVED, that the Administrative Budget of $78,700.00 for October 1, 1992 to September 30, 1993 be approved. (see p. 63)

WHEREAS, there is a need to reprint the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church within a few years, and

WHEREAS, some revision is needed, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that all Boards, Committees of Annual Conference and each Particular Church review the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church and propose to the 109th Annual Conference changes they desire to have made.

WHEREAS, the Board of Church Extension on September 13, 1991, has unanimously elected Daniel G. Ziegler to a three-year term as Executive Director of Church Extension effective October 25, 1991, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the election of Daniel G. Ziegler to a three-year term as Executive Director of Church Extension effective October 25, 1991, be ratified.

The above vote was unanimous.

WHEREAS, the three-year term of Roy A. Hertzog as Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions has been completed, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Missions has re-elected him to his third term at the March 19, 1991 Board meeting; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we ratify the election of Roy A. Hertzog as Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions.

WHEREAS, there seems to be sound reason to maintain a balance of ministers and laymen on the Conference Judicatory, and

WHEREAS, the present legislation and election procedure (cf.1987 Yearbook, p.18) does not assure that balance, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Committee on Nominations be authorized to prepare proposed legislation that would address the question of balance of ministers and laymen in the classes of the Conference Judicatory.

Report of the Committee to Examine the Minutes for the 107th Annual Conference (see page 154)

RESOLVED, that we adopt the report.

The following legislation was adopted at first reading:

Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Minutes.


To certify that the Yearbook contains an accurate account of the proceedings of Annual Conference.


The Chairman of Annual Conference shall appoint the Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Minutes from the membership of Annual Conference at the first Meeting, with at least one experienced member being retained when possible.


1. The Committee shall independently monitor the proceedings of Annual Conference in order to assist the Secretary of Annual Conference in producing accurate Minutes.

2. It shall assist the Annual Conference in correcting the Secretary’s Minutes. The Secretary’s Minutes, as corrected, become the official Minutes of Annual Conference at the time of their approval.

3. Following the approval of Minutes by the Annual Conference, all corrections to the official Minutes shall be certified by the Secretary, recorded by this Committee, and reported to the Annual Conference if judged by this Committee to be substantive.

4. It shall examine the Minutes as printed in the Yearbook and compare them with the official Minutes of the Secretary of Annual Conference.

5. It shall receive notification from Members of Annual Conference of any suggested correction in the Yearbook and shall research its validity.

6. It shall report in writing to the next Annual Conference any and all discrepancies between the Yearbook and the official Minutes, and any other recommended corrections to the Yearbook. Recommended corrections take effect upon adoption of the report by Annual Conference.

7. It shall submit to Annual Conference two corrected copies of the Yearbook certified to contain an accurate account of the proceedings of the previous Annual Conference. These copies shall be placed in the Bible Fellowship Church Archives. (FIRST READING)

This material is to replace the material under the heading “Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Minutes.” (Faith and Order, pp.137-138).

Report of the Committee on Statistics

The report was accepted.

RESOLVED, that we extend the time and adjourn.

Jansen E. Hartman led the Conference in prayer at 12:10 PM.

Unexcused: Charles J. McConnell, Alan Abel.

Eighth Meeting

Thursday Afternoon, October 24, 1:30 PM

The meeting was called to order at 1:35 PM. The Conference joined in singing, “To God Be the Glory”. The Chairman led in prayer.

RESOLVED, that a contribution of $250.00 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each of the following Boards and Committees: Victory Valley, Missions, Christian Education, Church Extension, Pinebrook Bible Conference and Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

RESOLVED, that $1.00 per member be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each Church to help underwrite the cost of printing the Fellowship News. Payments shall be made to the Business Manager by December 31, 1991.

RESOLVED, that the cost of the 1991 Yearbook be $5.25.

The following legislation was adopted at first reading:

WHEREAS, the Nominating Committee of Annual Conference has recommended to the Board of Publication and Printing that it give consideration to preparing legislation for Annual Conference whereby the Editor and Business Manager of Fellowship News would no longer be elected by Annual Conference but be appointed by the Board of Publication and Printing and ratified by Annual Conference, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Publication and Printing concurs with the recommendation of the Nominating Committee since it is imperative that these individuals be qualified, willing, and persons with whom the Board can work, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the By-Laws of the Board of Publication and Printing, Faith and Order Update 1987, page 8, entitled “Election,” paragraph 2, be replaced with:

The Editor of Fellowship News and the Business Manager of Fellowship News shall be appointed by the Board of Publication and Printing for a three-year term subject to ratification by Annual Conference. The appointment of these Officers shall be in such a manner that their respective terms shall not expire at the same time.


Report of the Registrar

The following men requested to be excused: John E. Anderson, Carl T. Martin, Richard E. Frick, David M. Markuson.

RESOLVED, that we grant the excuses.

Report of the Committee on Auditing (see page 157)

The report was accepted.

Report of the Committee on Communications (see page 157)

The report was accepted.

The Chairman made the following appointments:

Agenda and Program

Randall A. Grossman

Thomas P. Shorb

Steven L. Trommler

Louis Prontnicki

James A. Beil

Committee on Arrangements

David A. Thomann

Thomas P. Shorb

Philip E. Morrison

Daniel P. Allen

Randall A. Grossman

Committee on Statistics

LeRoy S. Heller

Daniel G. Ziegler

Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr.

Calvin T. Reed

Willard E. Cassel

Warren L. Zimmerman

David A. Thomann

Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches

Ralph M. Soper

Ronald C. Erb

Dennis M. Cahill

David H. Jones

Larry M. Smith

RESOLVED, that the Adjourned Session of the 108th Annual Conference be held at Calvary Church, Coopersburg, on Saturday, April 11, 1992, at 9:30 AM

The Chairman appointed the Study Committee on the Ministers’ Retirement Fund as follows:

It shall consist of the Committee as it is now constituted, with the authority to

1. Fill any vacancies which may occur.

2. Add up to three additional individuals who are Bible Fellowship Church members.

Report of the Study Committee on Annual Conference (see page 158) The report was accepted.

The following legislation was adopted at first reading:

“The purpose of the meetings of Annual Conference shall be to govern the Bible Fellowship Church according to the powers outlined above, to provide oversight and accountability of the churches and agencies within the body, to cultivate fellowship and unity among the brethren, and to generate unified vision and planning for the churches and their joint endeavors. The achievement of these purposes is to be pursued in a spirit of worship toward God and mutual edification.” (FIRST READING)

(The above paragraph shall be placed in the Faith and Order p. 118, Article I, paragraph 4.)

WHEREAS, since 1986 the Chairmen of Annual Conference have appointed a joint Committee on Agenda and Program, and

WHEREAS, the combining of the function of the two Committees has worked effectively and enhances efficiency, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the By-Laws of the Committee on Agenda and the Committee on Program be combined into one Committee on Agenda and Program.

The following legislation was adopted at first reading:

Committee on Agenda and Program.


The Chairman of Annual Conference shall, prior to the adjournment of the Annual Conference, appoint the Committee on Agenda and Program for the succeeding Annual Conference.


1. The Committee on Agenda and Program shall establish and oversee a program for the succeeding Annual Conference designed to bring spiritual blessing and challenge to the members of the Annual Conference.

2. It shall receive from any Particular Church or Agency requests for time in the agenda of the Annual Conference. Such requests must be in writing and in the hands of the Committee at least 6 weeks prior to the beginning of the Annual Conference.

3. It shall establish the proposed order of business and program for the succeeding Annual Conference.

4. It shall circulate the proposed agenda at least 2 weeks prior to the Annual Conference. (FIRST READING)

The above legislation replaces the material on the Committee on Program (Faith and Order, p. 133-134) and the Committee on Agenda (Faith and Order, p. 138) and shall be inserted as the first in the list of Committees appointed by the Chairman (Faith and Order, p. 133).

RESOLVED, that the Committee on Arrangements shall identify and train a team of prospective parliamentarians.

RESOLVED, that a Committee be appointed by the Chairman to develop and distribute a guide on parliamentary procedure for use at Annual Conference.

The Chairman appointed the following Committee to develop a guide to parliamentary procedure:

Calvin T. Reed, Jansen E. Hartman, Carl J. Fischer, Jr.

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of Annual Conference, prior to the adjournment of Annual Conference, appoint an Annual Conference Advisory Committee for the next Annual Conference.


1. The Annual Conference Advisory Committee shall review petitions and other overtures to Annual Conference and make recommendations to Annual Conference in order to expedite appropriate action.

2. It shall review items referred to this Committee by the Chairman, the Secretary, the Agenda and Program Committee or Annual Conference and make appropriate recommendations.

The Chairman appointed the Annual Conference Advisory Committee as follows:

Thomas P. Shorb, Carl C. Cassel

RESOLVED, that the Program Committee schedule time for small group prayer at the 109th Annual Conference, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the Registrar make assignments for the small prayer groups for the 109th Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that the 109th Annual Conference begin on Monday, October 19, 1992, at 8:00 PM with the keynote worship service, preceded by registration at 7:00 p.m and followed by organization of Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that the Committee on Agenda and Program provide full morning and afternoon sessions for business and evening sessions for worship and fellowship for the 109th Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that in the event there is any unfinished business an adjourned session of the 109th Annual Conference be held 9:00 a.m. Saturday, November 21, 1992.

RESOLVED, that the 109th Annual Conference adjourn no later than Wednesday evening October 21, 1992.

RESOLVED, that the Committee on Arrangements poll the members of the 109th Annual Conference concerning the changes made in the format of Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a strategic planning group that shall consist of seven members of the Bible Fellowship Church.

The Chairman appointed the Strategic Planning Committee as follows: Willard E. Cassel, Robert A. Sloan, Jr., David N. Schoen, Richard T. Paashaus, Timothy D. Cole, Ronald W. Reed, Neil E. Montgomery.

The Chairman appointed the following:


Philip E. Morrison

Assistant Registrar

James A. Batchler, Jr.

WHEREAS, W.W.Hartman has gone into the presence of the Lord this past year, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we thank God for his testimony and ministry among us.

WHEREAS, the Department of Church Extension is under financial stress, therefore be it,

RESOLVED, that each church prayerfully consider increased giving to this Agency.

WHEREAS, Jill Atkins, the daughter of the Director of Victory Valley has been critically ill for several months, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we continue to commit ourselves to earnest prayer on her behalf.

WHEREAS, several of our Missionaries are undersupported, therefore be it,

RESOLVED, that each Church prayerfully consider its responsibility to speed these servants to the mission field.

WHEREAS, Pinebrook Junior College, formerly Berean Bible School, has faithfully served the Lord and His Church for more than forty (40) years, and

WHEREAS, the 108th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church received the report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College with great sorrow and anguish of soul, and

WHEREAS, members of the college community presented a plea for the continuation of the School, which we recognize with heartfelt thanks, and

WHEREAS, the 108th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church adopted the recommendation of the Board to discontinue operation of the College as of June 30, 1992, therefore be it,

RESOLVED, that the members of the 108th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church rise to honor the past and present leaders of this institution, its faculty and staff, and its students, and to praise God for the accomplishments of Pinebrook Junior College and Berean Bible School in raising up workers for the harvest field.

WHEREAS, Pinebrook Junior College will, despite its planned closure on June 30, 1992, continue to depend on the prayers and financial support of the Bible Fellowship Church for an extended period, and

WHEREAS, Pinebrook Junior College has conducted itself in a dignified, Christlike manner worthy of a dignified and Christlike conclusion, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that each particular Bible Fellowship Church be urged to continue to support the College with fervent prayer and full financial support for as long as needed, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the members of the 108th Annual Conference commit themselves to pray for the faculty, staff, and students of Pinebrook Junior College, that God will give comfort, grace, and guidance in this time of change.

WHEREAS, We joyfully received the Ocean County Mission into Annual Conference as a full-fledged Church , therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we express our gratitude to the Lord for His goodness and grace in raising up this congregation of believers.

WHEREAS, James A. Beil has served with distinction as Chairman of the 108th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the members of Annual Conference express their appreciation for Brother Beil with a standing ovation.

WHEREAS, the Secretary of Annual Conference and his Assistants have worked diligently in their efforts to prepare the Yearbook, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Board of Publication and Printing pay an honorarium of $50.00 each to the Secretary of Annual Conference and his Assistants.

WHEREAS, the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee has challenged us with the need of greater involvement in cross-cultural ministries, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we pray for wisdom and direction for extending the ministries of the Bible Fellowship Church to those around us who are culturally different. WHEREAS, Robert Breitegam and John H. Riggall of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference, and Ronald C. Mahurin of the Ministerial Relations Committee are stepping down this year after more than twenty years of faithful and distinguished service, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we thank God for the example and inspiration that these men have been in our midst.

WHEREAS, J. Mark McCreary, Clyde D. Bomgardner, David C. Butler, Walter A. Davis, Daniel F. DeLozier, Jimmy D. Head, Jerry L. Moyer, and Ronald R. Vining have facilitated the proceedings of the 108th Annual Conference through their faithful service as pages, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we express our thanks to these men.

WHEREAS, God has raised up men well qualified to serve as Delegates to the 108th Annual Conference, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we give thanks for these able laymen.

WHEREAS, the Lord has blessed the Bible Fellowship Church with gifted Ministers who are clearly committed to their calling, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we thank Him for so richly supplying our need for men to preach the Word of God.

WHEREAS, the Committee on Credentials has presented Walter M. Johnston for ordination and Carl J. Fischer, Jr. and Richard B. Ravis for recognition of prior ordination, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we offer thanks to our Lord for raising up these men to serve in the ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church.

WHEREAS, our time at Annual Conference has been spiritually profitable, due in large part to the work of the Committee on Agenda and Program, and

WHEREAS, we have been particularly blessed by the addresses of James A. Beil, Richard E. Taylor and Ronald C. Mahurin, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we thank God and these men for their excellent work.

WHEREAS, the Staten Island work has been reestablished under the ministry of Church Extension and

WHEREAS, Ralph E. Ritter has consented to being its organizing Pastor, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we earnestly pray for God to raise up a strong witness for the Lord there.

WHEREAS, the Church Extension Department has sought the face of the Lord in establishing a Bible Fellowship Church in the Upper Perkiomen Valley, and

WHEREAS, there has been a good response from people in the area, and

WHEREAS, God has providentially brought Ronald Denlinger and D. Thomas Phillips as its organizing pastoral team, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we encourage our Churches to pray for the success of this new work.

WHEREAS, the Board of Missions has faithfully served the Lord and His church, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that we praise God for the work of our missionaries and pledge our support and prayer for these servants of the Lord.

WHEREAS, William W. and Addy Mull have been called of God to serve the Lord in the Seychelle Islands, be it

RESOLVED, that we pray diligently for them as they plan to begin their ministry.

WHEREAS, Pinebrook Junior College (the College) was founded by, and to promote the ideals and goals of, Bible Fellowship Church, and

WHEREAS, certain assets, including real estate, associated with and used by the Junior College are owned by Bible Fellowship Church, and

WHEREAS, the financial situation of the College has caused great concern to Bible Fellowship Church, and

WHEREAS, after much discussion, Bible Fellowship Church has decided that the College cease its educational program on June 30, 1992, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church and the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College are authorized to proceed with the dissolution of the College and to take all steps deemed necessary or desirable in connection therewith; and further

RESOLVED, that, to the extent the College’s assets are insufficient, the assets associated with and used by the College which are owned by Bible Fellowship Church are hereby committed toward payment of the College’s present operating deficit and any other expenses and costs related to the dissolution of the College, but shall not (without the prior approval of Bible Fellowship Church) be used to satisfy any other liabilities incurred between the date of this resolution and the completion of the distribution of the assets of the College, and further

RESOLVED, that to the extent that the assets of the College plus the assets associated with and used by the College which are owned by Bible Fellowship Church are insufficient to pay all of the College’s operating obligations, Bible Fellowship Church hereby accepts the responsibility to pay these obligations, and further

RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church are hereby instructed to provide such assistance as is required by the College with regard to the dissolution proceedings; and

RESOLVED, that if needed Bible Fellowship Church agrees to make arrangements for the archives and records of the College after its dissolution.

WHEREAS, the Annual Conference has determined that Pinebrook Junior College will close its program June 30, 1992, and

WHEREAS, the necessity ceases for an election to be held according to our Rules which add members in three year classes, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that by the Rule of Exception the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College consist of its current membership until the work is complete, and further

RESOLVED, that if there are current members unable to serve, the Board is authorized to appoint members to fill any vacancies it deems necessary, and further

RESOLVED, that the Board shall report its activity to Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that we extend the time.

WHEREAS, this body has taken action to close Pinebrook Junior College, and

WHEREAS, there is a continuing need to educate our young people in the distinctives of our movement and to prepare leaders for the future, and

WHEREAS, there already is a commitment to higher education in our Churches that may be redirected to other institutions, and

WHEREAS there may be educational capital remaining from the assets of Pinebrook Junior College, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a committee of five men to study the future relationship of the Bible Fellowship Church to higher education and make recommendations to the 109th Annual Conference concerning possible strategies for continuing our commitment to Christian higher education.

Report of the Study Committee on Mandatory Retirement

The Committee returned with material for consideration as directed in the seventh meeting.

RESOLVED, that we delay discussion of the material on mandatory retirement until the Adjourned Session.

The Chairman appointed the Study Committee on Higher Education as follows: Richard J. Gehman, Randall A. Grossman, Calvin T. Reed, George K. Monroe, William G. Schlonecker.

RESOLVED, that the location of the 109th Annual Conference be Pinebrook Bible Conference.

WHEREAS, the Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, Bert N. Brosius has faithfully discharged his duties in hosting the 108th Annual Conference and

WHEREAS, the staff of Pinebrook Bible Conference has graciously accommodated the members of the 108th Annual Conference, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we thank the Director and Staff of Pinebrook Bible Conference for serving as host to the 108th Annual Conference.

WHEREAS, Michele Smith, daughter of Pastor Gene Smith of the Bible Fellowship Church in Catasauqua has had a recurrence of cancer, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we commit ourselves to prayer for her and her family.

RESOLVED, that we adjourn.

Carl C. Cassel closed the 108th Annual Conference with prayer and the Levitical blessing of Numbers 6:24-26 at 5:30 PM.

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