1993 Annual Conference Minutes

Annual Conference Proceedings


Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1993 Yearbook

First Meeting

Monday Evening, October 18, 1993, 8:00 PM

The 110th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was called to order by the Chairman, James A. Beil, at 8:00 PM, October 18, 1993 at Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, PA.

Song leader Richard T. Paashaus led the conference in singing “I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord”. The Chairman led the conference in prayer.

Report of the Registrar:

The roll of Annual Conference was established as follows:

Allentown, Cedar Crest Ronald C. Mahurin, Robert F. Johnson, Jay H. Fasnacht, Neil E. Montgomery, Donald I. Transue, John W. Trauch

Allentown, Salem (Probationer), Alan C. Palmer

Bethlehem Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Carl Ackerman

Blandon Carl J. Fischer, Jr., Raymond R. Bertolet

Camden, DE James G. Koch, Raymond R. Dotts

Coopersburg Thomas P. Shorb, Richard T. Paashaus, Clyde W. Snyder

Denville, NJ Richard D. Harris, Steven C. Boepple

Edison, NJ Dennis M. Cahill, Richard B. Ravis, J. Richard Vroman

Emmaus Dana E. Weller, David N. Schoen, Gerald L. Schlonecker, Jonathan D. Reynolds

Ephrata Daniel P. Allen, Robert W. Gehret

Finesville, NJ David H. Jones, Donald P. Straub

Fleetwood R. Jerome Brush, James Mortland

Graterford David J. Watkins, Douglas D. Bowne

Harleysville W. David Armstrong, Jr., Daniel J. Coyle

Harrisburg (Probationer), Harold E. Snyder

Hatfield Howard N. Wells, Lee E. Boyles

Holmes, NY Robert S. Commerford, John Dawson

Howell, NJ (Vacant), Vito Paratore

Kutztown John C. Studenroth, George K. Monroe

Lancaster David A. Thomann, Horace A. Kauffman

Lebanon Calvin T. Reed, Leroy O. Herb

Lehighton William H. Bartron, Bruce A. Kellerman

Maple Glen Louis Prontnicki, George A. Priestley

Middletown, NJ (Mission) John C. Vandegriff, Jr.

Mt. Carmel Alva C. Cassel, Harold L. Snyder, Jr.

Mt. Pocono Ronald C. Erb, Paul T. Rutman

Nazareth Keith E. Plows, M. Allen Gehman

Newark, DE William G. Schlonecker, R. Roger Cole

Newark, NJ (Mission) Delbert R. Baker, II

Ocean County, NJ Dean A. Stortz, David M. Markuson

Oley Kenneth F. Barber, Gilbert J. Vining, Clayton E. Weber

Paradise Ralph M. Soper, David Eisenhower

Philadelphia, Emmanuel (Vacant), Timothy D. Cole

Philadelphia, Wissinoming G. Wayne Clapier, Bud Burroughs

Poughquag, NY James A. Wickstead, Thomas Ward

Quakertown David E. Gundrum, L. James Roberts, Jr.

Reading Randall A. Grossman, James E. Neher, Charles Lavigna, Ronald W. Reed

Red Hill (Mission) D. Thomas Phillips

Royersford (Vacant), Richard D. Erb

Scranton (Mission) Roger L. Reitz

Shamokin Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., T. Lamarn Manney

Sinking Spring Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Donald Woodring

Spring City Carl T. Martin, Douglas M. Wynne

Stroudsburg Carl C. Cassel, G. Daniel Beaver

Sunbury LeRoy S. Heller, Robert Cox, Lamar Fetterman

Terre Hill Steven L. Trommler, John Steffy

Wallingford Richard E. Taylor, William R. Singletary

Walnutport (Vacant), Stanley H. Stahler

Wappinger Falls, NY Byron Widger, Charles Webb

Whitehall (Probationer), Calvin A. Boyle

York Kenneth L. Good, Philip G. Norris

Zionsville Gregory A. Uhrich, David L. Weller

Ordained Men Serving Bible Fellowship Ministries

James A. Beil, Bert N. Brosius, Bernard N. Coble, Roy A. Hertzog, Barry J. Minsky, Daniel G. Ziegler

Ordained Men Between Calls

James R. Batchler, Terris L. Byrd, John H. Herb, Austin G. Shelly, Harold C. Weaber

Ordained Missionaries

William C. Aukamp, Clifford B. Boone, Leonard E. Buck, Brian H. Butler, Robert L. Draper, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Ronald W. Hoyle, Walter M. Johnston, Philip E. Morrison, Edward Moyer, William W. Mull, David W. Riddell, Philip E. Yerrington, Paul G. Zimmerman

Ordained Ministers in Retirement

Willard E. Cassel, John Dunn, Walter H. Frank, Jansen E. Hartman, Frank L. Herb, Jr., George E. Herb, C. E. Kirkwood, Donald T. Kirkwood, C. Leslie Miller, Edgar H. Munyan, R. C. Reichenbach, John H. Riggall, A. L. Seifert, Robert W. Smock, Laird F. Stengele, David E. Thomann, Harold D. Yarrington

Probationers Serving as First Pastors of Churches

Thomas J. Beil, Gene W. Smith, Allan R. Vivona

RESOLVED, that the following alternate delegates be seated: Evan M. Knowles (Camden, DE), Harold Crider (Harleysville), and Herbert A. Schultz (Emmaus)

The Registrar reported the following requests for excuses: James R. Batchler, Laird F. Stengle, Albert J. Dommel, Raymond G. Burnett, Walter H. Frank, Clifford B. Boone, Leonard E. Buck, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Ronald W. Hoyle, Walter M. Johnston, Edward Moyer, David W. Riddell, Philip E. Yerrington, Paul G. Zimmerman, Barry J. Minsky, David L. Manney, Austin G. Shelly, L. James Bigley, Jr., Raymond R. Dotts, Bernard N. Coble, Steven Boepple, R. Jerome Brush, James Mortland, Douglas M. Wynne, C.E.Kirkwood, C.L.Miller, Terris L. Byrd

RESOLVED, that the excuses be granted.

RESOLVED, that the tables with red tablecloths constitute the Conference Bar.

Report of the Committee on Agenda and Program

RESOLVED, that the agenda be adopted.

Report of the Committee on Arrangements (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Bert N. Brosius, Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, welcomed the delegates to the grounds of the conference.

The Secretary, Randall A. Grossman, appointed Robert W. Smock as Assistant Secretary and Daniel P. Allen and David A. Thomann, Assistants to the Secretary.

The Chairman appointed the following committees:

Communications: Delbert R. Baker II, Alva C. Cassel, William R. Singletary, Gerald L. Schlonecker, Richard D. Erb

Tellers: Keith E. Plows, LeRoy S. Heller, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Robert Cox, Leroy O. Herb, Clyde W. Snyder, William H. Bartron, Harold L. Snyder, Jr.

Resolutions: James G. Koch, Steven L. Trommler, Carl J. Fischer, Jr., David M. Markuson, G. Daniel Beaver

Auditing: Robert W. Gehret, Jay H. Fasnacht, Horace A. Kauffman, Lee E. Boyles, John W. Trauch

Reporter: Richard T. Paashaus

Time Keeper: Gene W. Smith

Parliamentarian: Jansen E. Hartman

Examination of Annual Conference Minutes: James E. Neher, Gregory A. Uhrich, Howard N. Wells

The delegates who attended Annual Conference for the first time introduced themselves to the assembly.

Roy A. Hertzog, Executive Director of the Board of Missions, presented the missionaries in attendance to the conference. Introduced were: William A. Aukamp, David and Georgina Solt, Robert and Lois Draper, Donald Transue, Brian H. Butler, David Schlonecker, John and Judy Nicely, Frances Sears, Raymond Bertolet, Byron and Lisa Barnshaw, W. Neil Harding, Jr., and Philip E. Morrison.

Carl C. Cassel, Chairman of the Ministerial Candidate Committee, presented the following men under the care of the committee: J. Richard Vroman, Donald R. Hibbs, Jonathan P. Tait, Kevin K. Gehman, Gregory D. Moyer, Mark McCreary, Jimmy D. Head, Daniel F. DeLozier, W. Neil Harding, Jr., Ronald R. Vining, Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr., Jerry L. Moyer, Ralph E. Ritter, David R. Way, Dennis W. Spinney and Thomas J. Beil.

Carl C. Cassel led the conference in prayer for Donald and Monica Hibbs, who are undergoing extreme physical trials at this time.

The body joined in singing, “Like a River Glorious”. Louis Prontnicki preached on the topic “The Elements of Revival”, from Isaiah 35.

RESOLVED, that we adjourn. Robert W. Smock led in prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM. Small groups met for prayer at various locations on the conference grounds.

Second Meeting

Tuesday Morning, October 19, 1993, 9:00 AM

The meeting opened with the singing of “May the Mind of Christ My Savior”. Paul T. Rutman read Philippians 2:1-18. Ronald C. Erb led the conference in prayer.

Report of the Committee on Nominations

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Thomas P. Shorb led the conference in prayer for the election process, that God might provide suitable candidates for office and that He might guide us to the people of His choosing through the elections this conference.

Report of the Ministerial Relations Committee (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Credentials (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended W. Neil Harding, Jr., Dennis W. Spinney and David R. Way for ordination; and

WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended prior ordination recognition for Gene W. Smith and Alan R. Vivona, and

WHEREAS, these Brethren have served acceptably as Ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time or the equivalent thereof; and

WHEREAS, after examination, the Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the gospel ministry and to be in accord with the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that W. Neil Harding, Jr., Dennis W. Spinney and David R. Way be ordained to the gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church and further;

RESOLVED, that the prior ordination of Gene W. Smith and Alan R. Vivona, to the gospel ministry be recognized by the Bible Fellowship Church and further;

RESOLVED, that the service of ordination shall be held Tuesday, October 19, 1993, at 7:30 p.m. at Berean Bible Fellowship Church. Stroudsburg, PA.

Report of the Ministerial Candidate Committee (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Board of Church Extension (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

WHEREAS, the Board of Church Extension is of the opinion that the Upper Perkiomen Valley, Pennsylvania Mission meets the qualifications of a church as specified in Article XVIII of the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Upper Perkiomen Valley, Pennsylvania Mission be recognized as a church, and that its delegate be received into membership of the 110th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.

RESOLVED, that the Board of Church Extension provide an explanation, using the rule of exception, as to why the organizing pastor of the Upper Perkiomen Valley mission, Ronald K. Denlinger, is being proposed as delegate for the new Community Bible Fellowship Church of Red Hill.

The delegate, Ronald K. Denlinger, was not seated at this time.

Report of the Director of Church Extension (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Board of Missions (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

The following person was elected:

Ministerial Relations Committee

Lee E. Boyles (3 years)

The following requests for excuses were presented by the registrar: David E. Gundrum, Donald P. Straub, William W. Mull, Steven Boepple, George A. Priestley.

RESOLVED, that the excuses be granted.

Report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Board of Victory Valley Camp (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Board of Pensions (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Stewardship Council (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Board of Christian Education (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Board of Publication and Printing (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Historical Committee (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Conference Judicatory (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Beneficiary Society (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches (see page )

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee to Examine the Minutes of the 109th Annual Conference (see page)

RESOLVED, that the report be adopted.

RESOLVED, that we adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 AM.

Third Meeting – Tuesday Afternoon, 1:30 PM

The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by the chairman.

RESOLVED, that the minutes of the first meeting be approved.

The following persons were elected:

Ministerial Relations Committee

Keith E. Plows (3 years)

Committee on Credentials

James A. Beil (1 year)

Randall A. Grossman (1 year)

LeRoy S. Heller (1 year)

Keith E. Plows (1 year)

David A. Thomann (1 year)

Ministerial Candidate Committee

Carl C. Cassel (3 years)

Daniel G. Ziegler (3 years)

Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church

Bert N. Brosius (3 years)

Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. (3 years)

Jay H. Fasnacht (3 years)

Board of Church Extension

William G. Schlonecker (3 years)

David S. Focht, Jr., (3 years)

William R. Singletary (3 years)

W. Robert Buckwalter (1 year)

Board of Missions

R.C.Reichenbach (3 years)

Thomas P. Shorb (3 years)

Gerald L. Schlonecker (3 years)

Board of Victory Valley Camp

Carl J. Fischer, Jr. (3 years)

Board of Publication and Printing

James R. Batchler (3 years)

The following request was received from the Board of Elders of the Kutztown Bible Fellowship Church:

WHEREAS, the particular churches are united and governed by the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church, and

WHEREAS, the FAITH & ORDER does not give clear direction concerning the administration of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism by laymen, and

WHEREAS, there are other areas in which the respective roles of Ministers, Elders, and other laymen are not clearly delineated,

RESOLVED, that the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church direct a committee consisting of two members from the Ministerial Relations Committee, two members from the Credentials Committee, and the delegate from the Kutztown Bible Fellowship Church to enumerate the types of service restricted to Ministers, the types open to Ministers and Elders but not other laymen, and those which are unrestricted, and further

RESOLVED, that these findings be reported at the 111th Annual Conference.

The resolutions presented by the elders at Kutztown were adopted by the Annual Conference.

WHEREAS, Ronald K. Denlinger has been serving as an elder in the Community Bible Fellowship Church of Red Hill, having been appointed by the Board of Church Extension rather than by election to the office by the congregation, and

WHEREAS, Ronald K. Denlinger is qualified to serve as elder in the congregation, and

WHEREAS, the congregation at the Community Bible Fellowship Church of Red Hill has elected him to serve as delegate to the 110th Annual Conference, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that by rule of exception, Ronald K. Denlinger be seated as the delegate of Community Bible Fellowship Church of Red Hill.

The following petition was received in nearly identical form from the churches in Ephrata, Lancaster, and Paradise.

WHEREAS, a meaningful ministry requires a good relationship between the Pastor and the congregation. This includes such things as: mutual respect, support, honor, love and accountability, and

WHEREAS, a breakdown in some churches is evidenced by decreasing membership, declining enrollment and troubled pastorates, and congregations, and

WHEREAS, the FAITH & ORDER states that the primary duty of the Pastoral Relations Committee of a particular church is to “maintain good relationships between the pastor and the congregation.” (page 85, para.4), and

WHEREAS, this is not happening in all cases. (eg. one cause may be a lack of accountability between the Pastoral Relations Committee of a particular church and Annual Conference), and

WHEREAS, in other areas, such as, the submission of Congregational Meeting minutes and statistical information, there is mandated accountability between the particular church and Annual Conference, and there is also limited annual accountability between pastors and the Credentials Committee in the annual Ministers’ questionnaire, and

WHEREAS, The Pastoral Relations Committee has no such required accountability, and

WHEREAS, the Pastoral Relations Committee is considered important to the Annual Conference in that it is the only particular church committee required by the FAITH & ORDER, and therefore as such, it is believed that the duties and responsibilities of the Pastoral Relations Committee should be further defined which would include accountability to Annual Conference, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the 110th Annual Conference appoint a study committee of five (5) men to further define the duties and responsibilities of the Pastoral Relations Committee and its accountability to Annual Conference.

The resolution was adopted by the Annual Conference.

The following legislation was adopted at second reading:

WHEREAS, there seems to be sound reason to maintain a balance of ministers and laymen on the Conference Judicatory, and

WHEREAS, the present legislation and election procedure (1987 Update, Faith and Order, p.2) does not assure that balance, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Book of Discipline, Chapter II – Jurisdiction, 3. Churches or Agencies, page 2 of the 1987 Update to the Faith and Order, be amended to read as follows (changes are depicted in italics):

3. Churches or Agencies. Original jurisdiction over particular churches or agencies of the denomination belongs to a judicatory elected by the Annual Conference, called the Conference Judicatory. The Conference Judicatory shall be composed of 5 ordained ministers who are voting members of Annual Conference and 5 laymen who are voting members of Annual Conference at the time of their election. Laymen on the Conference Judicatory who are no longer voting members of Annual Conference may continue to serve their term of office as long as they remain members in good standing of a Bible Fellowship Church. The Annual Conference shall elect the members of the Judicatory for five year terms in five classes as follows:

Class I one minister and one layman

Class II one minister and one layman

Class III one minister and one layman

Class IV one minister and one layman

Class V one minister and one layman

When a case is presented to the Conference Judicatory, all ten members shall designate which five shall hear the case and shall designate which one of the five shall serve as moderator. All charges shall be presented to the secretary who shall be chosen by the ten members from among their number. The name of the secretary shall be announced at Annual Conference and included in its minutes.


RESOLVED, that the legislation on the Conference Judicatory be implemented by electing classes as follows:

Class I 1993

Class II 1994

Class III 1995

Class IV 1996

Class V 1997

The following legislation was adopted at second reading:

(Material in brackets is to be deleted, material in italics is new material)

Article III: Retirement from the Ministry (pp. 123-24)

[Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of 65 years or who has completed at least 40 years of eligible service with the Bible Fellowship Church may retire from active service and receive retirement benefits.

Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of 72 years must retire from active service by the end of the month in which he becomes 72 years of age.

Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has rendered at least 25 years of eligible service to the Bible Fellowship Church, and who has not attained 65 years of age, may retire early from active service, but shall not receive retirement benefits until he has attained 65 years of age.

Years of eligible service shall be calculated beginning with the date of licensing and ending with the effective date of retirement set by the Credentials Committee, or in the case of mandatory retirement, at the end of the month in which the retiree becomes 72 years of age. Any years of active service for which the minister has failed to make required payments into the fund shall not be considered eligible service.]

A. Any minister of the Bible Fellowship Church may retire at any time under the provisions of the Ministers’ Annuity Fund (pp. xxx-xxx).

B. Any minister holding credentials with the Bible Fellowship Church and seeking retirement shall notify the Credentials Committee of the Bible Fellowship Church at least 90 days prior to the effective date of his retirement. The Credentials Committee shall set the effective date of the retirement, change the status of the minister on the conference records, and notify the Board of Pensions of the effective date of the retirement. [The Board of Directors shall determine the starting date and the amount of benefits to be received according to the rules of the Ministers’ Retirement Fund.] Those ministers pastoring a church shall dissolve the pastoral relationship through the rules of Pulpit Supply.

Page 170, under Categories of Ministry

IV. Ordained Ministers in Retirement

[A. These men draw retirement benefits from the Bible Fellowship Church.

1. A minister of the Bible Fellowship Church who has attained the age of 65 years may retire from active service.

2. A minister must retire at the end of the month in which he attains the age of 72 years.

3. A minister who has given 30 years or more of service to the Bible Fellowship Church may retire from active ministry prior to age 65 and be eligible for an annuity at age 65.]

These are men who have retired under the provisions of Article III: Retirement from the Ministry (pp. 123-24).


The registrar reported a request to be excused from Edgar H. Munyan.

RESOLVED, that we grant the excuse.

The following request was received from the Board of Elders of Bethany Bible Fellowship Church in Mt. Carmel:

Dear Brethren of Annual Conference,

There are “sincere precious brothers” on both sides of this “Alcohol Issue”, within the walls of our Bible Fellowship Church structure as well as on the outside, and we do not wish to once again debate the merits of each side’s argument. We believe many leaders and many folks on the grass roots level are weary and confused because of the years of strife this issue has generated.

The purpose of this plea is to announce the “expected detrimental effect” Mt. Carmel as an established church will experience and suffer if this proposed legislation passes second reading. Below, we cite the following reasons.

A. We fear the “integrity and trust” of our local church leadership will be compromised and questioned, i.e. to change a position we have held for more than 100 years will “infer” to many that our standards relating to alcohol have been shifted to a “humanistic world view”!

B. We will “positively send signals” to young and old persons, inside and outside our church walls that will be interpreted differently than we want. Their perception will be that we are weakening our conservative position and that social drinking is acceptable. (Please note: only long time “Annual Conference Attendants” have the benefit of all the debate that has gone into this issue as brought to the floor year after year!)

C. We believe as “years pass”, if this rule is changed, Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Christian Education Leaders, and Sunday School teachers will drink socially, thus creating havoc in our local church, other churches and our denomination.

Therefore, we “Plead” with the Brothers of the 110th Annual Conference to defeat the proposed legislation as being considered for second reading.

Written with the Gravest of Concern and Love,Signed by seven elders of Bethany Church.

The conference discussed the proposed change in Article X “Harmful Indulgences” A. Alcoholic Drinks of the Standards of Worship and Life.

RESOLVED, that we suspend the rules and adjourn at 5:15 PM.

The following legislation was adopted at second reading:

RESOLVED, that Article X – A, Alcoholic Drinks (page 47), of the Standards of Worship and Life be amended as follows:

The use of alcoholic beverages is one of the most serious problems in the United States. Its abuse has led to personal and family suffering, serious physical and mental health problems, and increased rates of accidental and criminal injury and death. The financial cost of such alcoholic beverages and their consequences is a tremendous and unnecessary burden on all of society.

The scriptures teach that drunkenness is sinful (1). Due to the addictive quality of alcohol, even the moderate use of such alcoholic beverages may lead to serious consequences (2). This is especially true because the alcoholic content of such beverages has been tremendously increased since the biblical era. Furthermore, moderate use may be a stumbling block for believer and unbeliever alike (3).

Therefore, we strongly and persistently warn our people of the dangers of alcoholic beverages and urge all members of the Bible Fellowship Church to abstain totally from the use, manufacture and distribution of them.

(1) Romans 13:13; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:18-21

(2) Proverbs 20:1, 23:31-35

(3) Matthew 18:6-7; Romans 14:20-21; 1 Cor. 8:9-11,13

(Yes – 99 No – 32) SECOND READING

RESOLVED, that we adjourn.

The meeting was adjourned with prayer by Robert W. Smock at 5:30 PM.

Fourth Meeting

Wednesday Morning, 9:00 AM

The assembly sang “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”. David L. Weller read Psalm 63, and Gregory A. Uhrich led in prayer.

Report of the Registrar

The following requests for excuses were presented by the registrar: Gene W. Smith, J. Richard Vroman, Thomas L. Ward, Dennis W. Spinney.

RESOLVED, that we grant the excuses.

The alternate delegate from Camden DE, Raymond R. Dotts, was seated.

Richard B. Ravis was appointed as timekeeper.

RESOLVED, that we approve the minutes of the Second Meeting.

The following persons were elected:

Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

William H. Bartron (3 years)

Gene W. Smith (3 years)

Glenn D. Ruoss (3 years)

Karen Uhrich (3 years)

Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference

Calvin T. Reed (3 years)

Lee E. Boyles (3 years)

John F. Moran (3 years)

Gerald L. Schlonecker (3 years)

Board of Victory Valley Camp

Jonathan D. Reynolds (3 years)

David L. Weller (3 years)

Board of Pensions

Dennis M. Cahill (3 years)

Jay H. Fasnacht (3 years)

Stewardship Council

Bruce A. Ellingson (3 years)

Board of Christian Education

Richard T. Paashaus (3 years)

Richard B. Ravis (3 years)

Edward W. Ahlum, Jr. (3 years)

Ronald R. Vining (3 years)

Historical Committee

Ralph D. Cole (3 years)

Daniel G. Ziegler (3 years)

Committee on Nominations

David N. Schoen (3 years)

L. James Roberts, Jr. (3 years)

Secretary of the 111th Annual Conference

Randall A. Grossman (1 year)

The following legislation was adopted at second reading:

NOTE: [ ] Bracketed material is to be deleted. Italic material is to be added.

A. Purpose

Board Of Missions. Purpose. The Board of Missions is delegated by Annual Conference to direct and promote the Missions program of the Bible Fellowship Church and to select, oversee, and care for its missionaries who serve in foreign countries and in the United States of America in ministries other than Bible Fellowship Churches and Agencies, except where cooperative ventures in cross-cultural church planting have been developed with the Board of Church Extension.

C. Election

(Change in last paragraph only.)

The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Board of Missions shall be elected annually by and from the Board of Missions at its organizational meeting. The Chairman, the Executive Secretary, and the Financial Secretary shall [constitute] comprise the Executive Committee of the Board of Missions.

E. Duties of the Chairman of the Board of Missions

1. He shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee.

[2. He shall prepare an agenda for each Board meeting in consultation with the Executive Committee.]

2. He shall call Board and Executive Committee meetings and preside at the same.

3. He shall appoint committees as necessary and monitor their progress.

[5. He shall arrange for applicants to be interviewed by the Board of Missions.]

[6. He shall arrange for all missionaries to be interviewed periodically by the Board of Missions.]

4. He shall be responsible to see that the Board’s decisions and policies are implemented.

F. Duties of the Vice-Chairman

He shall fulfill the duties of the Chairman in the absence of the Chairman.

G. Duties of the Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions

1. He shall call for and conduct the election of the Chairman.

2. He shall prepare an agenda for each Board meeting in consultation with the Chairman.

3. He shall arrange for all applicants to be interviewed by this Board.

4. He shall arrange for all missionaries to be interviewed by this Board.

[2]5. He shall [keep] be responsible for an accurate record of the proceedings of this Board’s meetings and [distribute] the distribution of the same to all Board members.

[3]6. He shall be the custodian of the minutes and records of this Board and of the files of the applicants, appointees, and missionaries.

[4]7. He shall be responsible for all correspondence with particular churches, applicants, appointees, missionaries, and others, except correspondence pertaining to financial matters.

[5]8. He shall receive all inquiries and applications for missionary service.

[6]9. He shall be responsible for public relations for this Board and seek to promote interest and involvement in missions among the constituency of the Bible Fellowship Church.

[7]10. He shall seek to know and to minister to the spiritual needs of the missionaries.

[8]11. He shall represent the missionaries and their needs to this Board and to the particular churches.

[9]12. He shall annually submit the Board of Missions Report to the Annual Conference.

[10]13. He shall personally interview missionaries on furlough at the earliest possible time.


RESOLVED, that Kenneth J. Hurst be seated as the Alternate Delegate from Maple Glen and J. Mark McCreary be seated as the Alternate Delegate from Stroudsburg.

Report of the Strategic Planning Committee

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Robert A. Sloan, Jr. made a presentation on the recent history, trends, and possible future directions for the Bible Fellowship Church in the light of the committee’s work.

The following men requested to be excused: G. Daniel Beaver, A. L. Seifert.

RESOLVED, that we grant the excuses.

The following legislation was adopted at first reading:

RESOLVED, that a Strategic Planning Committee be established with the following composition, election procedure, purpose and duties, and further

RESOLVED, that the following be placed in the FAITH & ORDER under the section entitled, Boards and Committees Elected by Ballot, on page 139:

The Strategic Planning Committee

A. Composition and Election:

The Committee shall be composed of four ordained ministers who are serving particular churches and three laymen who are elders. No member of this committee may serve more than two successive terms of office. They shall be elected in three classes to three-year terms of service as follows:

Class I Two ministers and one layman

Class II One minister and one layman

Class III One minister and one layman

B. Purpose:

The purpose of the Strategic Planning Committee is to propose and provide for the implementation of a coordinated plan of action for the Bible Fellowship Church consistent with the Mission Statement of the denomination.

C. Duties:

1. The committee shall evaluate and propose revisions in the Mission Statement.

2. The committee shall annually propose a one, three, and five-year plan for the denomination.

3. The committee shall receive and communicate the information, concerns and recommendations of the Particular Churches.

4. The committee shall receive and synthesize the one, three, and five-year plans of the agencies, boards and committees.

5. The committee shall help coordinate endeavors which provide opportunities for groups of churches to participate in projects too large for an individual church.

6. The committee shall be a resource to encourage and assist struggling churches in their planning ministries.


The following persons were elected:

Board of Church Extension

Dana E. Weller (3 years)

Conference Judicatory

Keith E. Plows (5 years)

Harold L. Snyder (5 years)

Chairman of the 111th Annual Conference

Carl C. Cassel (1 year)

Vice Chairman of the 111th Annual Conference

Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. (1 year)

Three churches were recognized for their increase in Sunday School attendance during the past year. The Red Hill congregation (0-50 in Sunday School Attendance), the Edison congregation (51-150 in Sunday School Attendance) and the Sinking Spring congregation (151 and more in Sunday School Attendance) will receive plaques recognizing this achievement.

The following Missions Statement for the Bible Fellowship Church was adopted:

The mission of the Bible Fellowship Church is to declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the message of God’s Word, the Bible, to worship God, to equip believers for service, and to evangelize the world. This, by the enabling of God, is to be accomplished by each Bible Fellowship church, served and assisted by the agencies established by Annual Conference, and in accordance with the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church.

The chairman reappointed the Strategic Planning Committee for a one-year term of service.

RESOLVED, that the Annual Conference approves the plan of the Strategic Planning Committee to recruit a team of up to 3 pastors and 3 elders to assist struggling churches.

RESOLVED, that we extend the time.

Totoram Baran, Bible Fellowship missionary at the Newark Bible Center, was introduced to the conference by Roy A. Hertzog, Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions. Brother Baran brought brief greetings.

WHEREAS, Boards of Elders have functioned under a system requiring total abstinence from alcohol by each church member, and

WHEREAS, Boards of Elders desire to be in submission to Annual Conference, and

WHEREAS, Boards of Elders do not construe requiring total abstinence from alcohol of a church’s membership as rebellion to or censure of the action taken by Annual Conference in adopting Article XA, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the adoption of Article XA by Annual Conference be understood as not prohibiting the Board of Elders of a particular church from requiring total abstinence from alcohol of its membership.

RESOLVED, that we adjourn.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 PM with prayer by L. James Roberts, Jr.

Fifth Meeting

Wednesday Afternoon, 1:30 PM

The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by the chairman.

The following persons were elected:

Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference

Robert F. Johnson (3 years)

Board of Pensions

William R. Singletary (3 years)

RESOLVED, that we approve the minutes of the third meeting.

Report of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Dr. William Krispin, Executive Director, and David Garnett, Director of Consultation Services, of the Center for Urban Theological Studies (CUTS) in Philadelphia were introduced and helped to answer questions concerning the proposed partnership of the Bible Fellowship Church with CUTS.

WHEREAS, the Committee believes that the partnership with CUTS will bring the Bible Fellowship Church experience, expertise, and human resources for establishing Bible Fellowship Churches, and

WHEREAS, the Committee believes that the joint efforts of the Board of Church Extension and the Board of Missions would be the viable way to proceed with the implementation of the partnership with CUTS, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the 110th Annual Conference authorize the Board of Church Extension and the Board of Missions, upon favorable consideration, to sign a contract with CUTS and seek to implement a partnership with CUTS which will begin the formulation of ethnic Bible Fellowship Churches, and further

RESOLVED, that we urge that each Pastor and Delegate of Annual Conference return to their congregation and adopt a line item on their budget for the planting of ethnic churches.

The conference discussed the portion of the Study Committee’s report on meaning and method in church membership.

WHEREAS, the Bible Fellowship Church’s present STANDARDS OF WORSHIP AND LIFE do not address some very key areas of life, and

WHEREAS, the Bible Fellowship Church’s present STANDARDS OF WORSHIP AND LIFE are not transcultural, and

WHEREAS, the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES FOR LIVING are intended to reflect a more comprehensive listing of life issues and a more accurate presentation of the biblical standards, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the 110th Annual Conference direct the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to continue its work on the production of BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES FOR LIVING, and further

RESOLVED, that the 110th Annual Conference direct the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to present these Principles to the 111th Annual Conference for consideration of adoption into our FAITH & ORDER, and further

RESOLVED, that any points of departure from the positions of our present STANDARDS OF WORSHIP AND LIFE be identified and that exegetical evidences be presented for any such proposed changes.

Douglas Wynne requested that he be excused from the evening meeting.

RESOLVED, that we grant the excuse.

Report of the Committee to Formulate the Board of Higher Education and Pinebrook Education Foundation

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

The following legislation to establish the Board of Higher Education and the Pinebrook Educational Foundation was approved at first reading:

Article I: PURPOSE

The Purpose of the Board of Higher Education (Board) shall be to promote and support Christian post-secondary education on behalf of the Bible Fellowship Church.


Section 1 – Composition.

The Board shall be composed of three ministers and four laypersons who are members of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Section 2 – Election and term of office.

The members of the Board shall be elected in three successive classes by the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church (Annual Conference) to three-year terms of service. Each member shall serve until his successor is duly elected.

The three classes shall be composed as follows:

Class I: One minister and two laypersons;

Class II: One minister and one layperson;

Class III: One minister and one layperson.

Section 3 – Vacancies.

Any vacancies of the Board occurring between Annual Conferences may be filled by a simple majority vote of the remaining Board members. The vacancies shall be filled as early as practicable. Each member elected in this way shall serve only until the next Annual Conference.


Section 1 – Officers.

The Board shall elect annually from its number a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, and a Secretary. The Board may, at its discretion, elect such other officers and agents as the business of the Board may require. Two or more offices may be held by the same person.

Section 2 – Removal from office.

Officers elected by the Board shall be subject to removal from office at any time by majority vote of the whole Board.


Section 1 – Promotion of Christian Higher Education.

The Board shall promote the cause of Christian post-secondary education on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. This may be done in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, providing information about Christian institutions and encouraging members and other participants of our churches to attend them.

Section 2 – Support of Christian Higher Education.

The Board shall provide financial assistance, as available, to Christian individuals involved in higher education and to Christian institutions of higher education. This may be on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Such financial assistance shall be provided through the Pinebrook Educational Foundation as addressed in Article VI. Funding will be solicited through the Foundation.

Section 3 – Affiliations.

The Board shall be responsible for the creation and administration of affiliations with specific educational institutions. It shall recommend for approval such affiliations to the Annual Conference.

Section 4 – General Administration.

The Board shall provide for the orderly conduct of its business. It may employ any personnel considered necessary, as funds are available.

Section 5 – Reporting.

The Board shall submit a written report and audited financial statement to the Annual Conference. It shall also submit other reports which may be requested by the Annual Conference.


Section 1 – Chairperson (Chair).

The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board. Except as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Board, the Chair shall sign all documents authorized by the Board.

Section 2 – Vice-Chairperson (Vice-Chair).

The Vice-Chair shall preside at any duly-called meetings of the Board not attended by the Chair. Should the Board find that the Chair is incapacitated or unable to perform the duties of the Chair, those duties shall be transferred to the Vice-Chair.

Section 3 – Secretary.

The Secretary shall record the proceedings of the Board and shall insure their preservation. The Secretary shall furnish a copy of the minutes of each Board meeting to each Board member, and shall notify members of all regular meetings at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. The Secretary shall perform other duties related to this office.

Section 4 – Other Officers.

The duties of other officers elected by the Board for continuing duration shall be added to its bylaws through an amendment process.


Section 1 – Purpose.

The purpose of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation is to continue the ministry of Pinebrook Junior College/Berean Bible School through an organized approach to aid Christian individuals involved in higher education and Christian post-secondary institutions.

Section 2 – Overview.

The Pinebrook Educational Foundation shall receive, invest, administer, and disburse funds in conformity with its purpose. Emphasis and priority will be given to individuals attending Christian institutions and to higher education endeavors closely related to the Bible Fellowship Church. Special consideration shall be given to organizations with which the Board of Higher Education has affiliations. Its structure will be broad enough to include a wide spectrum of aid projects involving Christian post-secondary education.

Section 3 – Control.

A. Election and Composition of the Board of Directors of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation (Foundation Board).

The Foundation shall be directed by a board of six (6) members elected by the Board of Higher Education subject to ratification by Annual Conference. Board members shall be elected in three classes and shall serve three-year terms of service. Each member shall serve until a successor is duly elected. The three classes shall be composed of two (2) members each.

B. Accountability.

The Foundation Board shall be accountable to the Board of Higher Education, serving as the financial arm of that Board. The Foundation Board shall achieve and maintain all legal and Internal Revenue Service requirements pertaining to its status as a foundation. It may be separately incorporated.

The Foundation Board shall report at least annually to the Board of Higher Education and shall report annually to the Annual Conference through the report of the Board of Higher Education.

C. Officers of the Foundation Board.

The Foundation Board shall elect annually from its number: a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and a Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 4 – Administration.

A. Executive Director of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

1. The Executive Director shall be selected by the Foundation Board and ratified by the Board of Higher Education. The position may be paid or unpaid as determined by the Board of Higher Education.

2. The Executive Director shall not, by virtue of the office, be a member of the Foundation Board or the Board of Higher Education. Membership on one of these boards does not, however, disqualify an individual from serving as Executive Director.

3. The Executive Director shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of the business of the Foundation. Such duties as administration of the application process, oversight of all financial procedures, and communication shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director. The Executive Director shall consult with the Foundation Board’s Chair for general administration matters and with both the Chair and Secretary-Treasurer for financial matters.

B. Foundation Secretary.

1. The Foundation Secretary shall be engaged by the Foundation Board subject to approval by the Board of Higher Education.

2. The amount of compensation shall be established by the Foundation Board and approved by the Board of Higher Education.

3. The Secretary shall be a volunteer or a part-time employee until Foundation activity requires more assistance and additional funding is available for full-time compensation.

4. The Secretary shall report to and assist the Executive Director.

C. Auxiliary Groups.

Pinebrook Junior College support groups such as the Fellows, the Ladies Auxiliary, and the Alumni Association shall be encouraged to continue in existence. Their help will be sought in raising funds and in providing other assistance to the Foundation.

D. Administration of Funds.

1. A professional investment firm or counselor shall be chosen by the Foundation Board to carry out the investment of available funds. Risk levels and investment criteria shall be determined by the Foundation Board and approved by the Board of Higher Education.

2. Funds shall be obtained or solicited from existing Pinebrook Junior College endowment funds, donors, bequests, annuity arrangements, grants from other foundations, proceeds from general and endowment investments, and other acceptable sources.

3. Funds shall be used to disburse grants and loans and to pay administrative costs.

a. Administrative costs shall not exceed 25% of General Fund money (unrestricted, unendowed) during the first two (2) years and may be adjusted to any different percentage thereafter by action of the Foundation Board and approval of the Board of Higher Education.

b. The Foundation Board shall formulate rules for the administration of all funds. These shall be subject to review by the Board of Higher Education and communicated to the churches and to potential sources of funding.

Section 5 – Aid Projects.

The Foundation shall be structured to include many types of aid to Christian higher education. The various programs of aid shall be delineated as ‘funds’ or accounts within the Foundation. Donors are encouraged to contribute to funds set up as endowments in order to insure a continuous stream of proceeds for the future. However, donations to funds which expend current gifts are also encouraged. Undesignated gifts shall go to a General Fund from which administrative costs and Board-directed grants/loans shall be made. Sizable initial gifts may create an endowment or current fund of the donor’s choosing, subject to Foundation Board approval.


Section 1 – Bylaws.

The Board may adopt bylaws, as required, in addition to this legislation. The Bylaws of the Board may be amended by majority vote of the total membership of the Board at a regular or special meeting.

Section 2 – General.

The Board shall be empowered to adopt policies and regulations in addition to its bylaws. Such policies and regulations must be in conformity with the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church and within the rules, decisions, and directives of the Annual Conference.

Section 3 – Quorum.

Four members attending a duly announced meeting shall constitute a quorum. Unless otherwise specified, a majority vote shall mean a simple majority of those attending any meeting of the Board in which there is a quorum.


The following man was elected:

Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference

David A. Thomann (1 year)

RESOLVED, that the Committee on Higher Education pursue an agreement of affiliation with Biblical Theological Seminary which includes the following provisions:

1. It shall include a course on the distinctives and history of the Bible Fellowship Church (BFC) which will be offered at mutually-acceptable intervals by a mutually-acceptable instructor. Biblical Theological Seminary (BTS) will provide the facility, will offer the course, and will administer it. The Board of Higher Education (BHE) will bear the financial responsibility for the staffing.

2. It shall include a BFC chaplaincy. The BFC will provide a mutually-acceptable chaplain, as available. BTS will provide an adequate site for meeting with students. Other details will be resolved by the BHE and BTS.

3. It shall include an internship program in which the BFC would make churches, agencies, and pastors available to enter into formal (and informal) internship arrangements of many types. BTS will encourage and recommend students for the program. In addition, the Seminary will be responsible for the administration of the course. Any attendant financial arrangements will be negotiated between the church/agency, BTS, and the student.

The Chairman reappointed the Committee on Higher Education to a one-year term as follows: Raymond R. Dotts, George K. Monroe, Carl C. Cassel, Calvint T. Reed, Robert H. Zentz.

Report of the Advisory Commitee on Revising the FAITH & ORDER

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

WHEREAS, the Advisory Committee on Revising the FAITH & ORDER desires the new edition to be clear and consistent in its language, and

WHEREAS, the footnotes in the current edition are from three different Bible translations (KJV, ASV, NASB), and

WHEREAS, the footnotes in the current edition contain several archaic and misleading translations (e.g. Isaiah 35:7; 1 Thessalonians 4:15), therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the new edition of the FAITH & ORDER contain footnotes only from the New International Version.

WHEREAS, there are occasions in the Articles of Faith and the Standards of Worship and Life where wording of the articles includes quotations from King James Version passages cited in the footnotes, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the wording of Articles in the following instances be changed to reflect the wording of the New International Version used in the footnotes:

Articles of Faith

1) Article III, God The Father, line 6 (cf. Exodus 34:5,6)

presently: “forgiving of iniquity, transgressions and sin”

change to: “forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin”

2) Article XXVI, The Judgments, line 3 (cf. John 5:22)

presently: “judgment has been committed to the Son by the Father”

change to: “judgment has been entrusted to the Son by the Father”

Standards of Worship and Life

1) Article III, Public Worship, line 5, (cf. Hebrews 10:24,25)

presently: “not forsake the assembling of ourselves together”

change to: “not give up meeting together”

2) Article IX, Separation from the World, paragraph 4, line 3, (cf. Ephesians 2:6)

presently: “made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus;”

change to: “seated with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus;”

3) Article IX, Separation from the World, paragraph 4, line 6, (cf. Colossians 3:2)

presently: “set our affections on things above, not on things on the earth.”

change to: “set our minds on things above, not on earthly things.”

4) Article XI, Apparel, line 1, (cf. I Timothy 2:9)

presently: “adorn themselves with modest apparel with shamefacedness and sobriety.”

change to: “dress modestly, with decency and propriety.”

WHEREAS, the suggested format of the forms for calls extended to pastors by a BFC agency or particular church which was approved at Second Reading (1990 Yearbook, p.27-30; cf. FAITH & ORDER, p.107) is:

(1). Call for Bible Fellowship Church Agencies

(2). Call to a Minister to Serve Bivocationally

(3). Call to be Used by Particular Church


WHEREAS, it seems appropriate for this order to be revised since the call used by a particular church is the norm and the other calls are a variation from the norm; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the format of Article IX: Pulpit Supply Procedure, section 6.j. be revised with the following order:

(1). Call to be Used by a Particular Church

(2). Call for Bible Fellowship Church Agencies

(3). Call to a Minister to Serve Bivocationally,

and be it further

RESOLVED, that this action be approved at one reading since this is a change in format and not in content.

WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has noted that the 1986 edition of the FAITH & ORDER is in error on pages 173 and 174, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the 110th Annual Conference clarify that the material that appears on page 174 as 7. and 8. under the category “Procedure” should instead appear as 8. and 9. at the top of page 173 under the category “Duties”, and be it further

RESOLVED, that this correction shall be included in the new edition of the FAITH & ORDER.

WHEREAS, the legislation of the 110th Annual Conference is to be incorporated into the new edition of the FAITH & ORDER, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Advisory Committee on Revising the FAITH & ORDER continue to serve until the publication of a new edition of the FAITH & ORDER.

The following man was elected:

Board of Pensions

Harold E. Snyder (1 year)

RESOLVED, that we suspend the rules and adjourn until 6:30 PM.

Willard E. Cassel led the conference in a closing prayer at 5:05 PM.

Sixth Meeting

Wednesday Evening, 6:30 PM

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM.

RESOLVED, that the Ordination Service be held Tuesday, October 18, 1994 during the 111th Annual Conference at the Stroudsburg Bible Fellowship Church.

RESOLVED, that the list of men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee be as follows:

Probationers (year of licensing in parenthesis)

Thomas J. Beil Allentown, PA (1993)

Douglas D. Bowne Pottstown, PA

Daniel F. DeLozier Lancaster, PA (1993)

W. Neil Harding, Jr. Philadelphia, PA (1983)

Donald R. Hibbs Sciota, PA (1991)

Dennis J. Lawrence Sunbury, PA (1993)

J. Mark McCreary Stroudsburg, PA (1993)

Christopher J. Morrison Spencer, MA (1988)

Jerry L. Moyer Wallingford, PA (1992)

Ralph E. Ritter Staten Island, NY (1991)

Brent E. Robinson * Baltimore, MD

Gene W. Smith Coplay, PA (1991)

David H.C.Sng * Lansdale, PA

Dennis W. Spinney Dudley, MA (1984)

Ronald R. Vining Allentown, PA (1993)

Allan R. Vivona Harrisburg, PA (1992)

David R. Way Pleasant Valley, NY (1989)


Jonathan W. Arnold Great Barrington, MA

J. Lawrence Bresnahan Hatfield, PA

William N. Crowell Limerick, PA

Kevin K. Gehman Lancaster, PA

Jimmy D. Head Bethlehem, PA

William E. Lehr, Jr. Lancaster, PA

Glenn A. Miller Schnecksville, PA

Philip J. Mitchell Allentown, PA

Duane E. Moyer Guadeloupe, West Indies

Gregory D. Moyer Sinking Spring, PA

Robert Patterson, Jr. Cumberland House, Canada

Thomas A. Pollock Puposky, MN

Anthony T. Scordato Wantage, NJ

Jonathan P. Tait Royersford, PA

Daniel J. Vitalo Reading, PA

J. Richard Vroman Edison, NJ


Edwin W. Ahlum, Jr. Mt. Pocono, PA

Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr. Graterford, PA

David L. Cook Bernville, PA

Peter A. Fessler Lebanon, PA

Robert L. Gilmore Rockaway, NJ

David J. Parsons Blooming Glen, PA

(* on leave of absence)

RESOLVED, that the rate of mileage reimbursement remain at 20в per mile.

RESOLVED, that the Administrative Budget for October 1, 1993 to December 31, 1994 be adopted.

RESOLVED, that the Proposed Administrative Budget for January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1995 be approved for consideration by the churches and agencies for their pledge support to be made by April 15, 1994.

WHEREAS, we strongly believe it is the Scriptural responsibility of the church to adequately meet the needs of its pastors, (Matt.10:10; I Cor. 9:7-15; Gal. 6:6; Phil. 4:10-19; I Tim. 5:17-18), therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we encourage each church to increase its Pastor’s salary commensurate with the general economic condition in the nation and local community, with the Consumer Price Index as a suggested means of measurement; and further

RESOLVED, that the recommended minimum salary adequate for a pastor serving a Bible Fellowship Church including benefits is $21,000 for the 1993-1994 year.

WHEREAS, the congregation of Calvary Bible Fellowship Church of Scranton, Pennsylvania has, on February 10, 1993 requested that the Board of Church Extension receive it as a mission and assist it to reorganize and re-form as a Particular Church, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Church Extension declared its willingness to accept Calvary Church of Scranton as a mission, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors and the Ministerial Relations Committee, recognizing the urgency of acting to help Calvary Church, have approved the request of Calvary Church and recommended that the Board of Church Extension receive Calvary Church as a mission, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Church Extension has received Calvary Church of Scranton, Pennsylvania as a mission, has taken oversight of the Scranton mission and has called a Pastor for the mission under the rules that govern pulpit supply, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the 110th Annual Conference ratify the decisions of the Board of Directors, the Ministerial Relations Committee and the Board of Church Extension, and recognize the congregation known as Calvary Bible Fellowship Church of Scranton, Pennsylvania as a mission under jurisdiction of the Board of Church Extension.

WHEREAS, Grace Bible Fellowship Church of Englishtown has, during the year, become incapable of electing elders and continuing as a particular church, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors assumed oversight of the Englishtown congregation under Article VII, Miscellaneous By-Laws of the “By-Laws for Particular Churches,” page 101, FAITH & ORDER, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has requested that the Board of Church Extension accept Grace Church as a mission, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Church Extension has indicated its willingness to receive Grace Bible Fellowship Church of Englishtown, New Jersey as a mission and to seek to reorganize it as a particular church in northern Monmouth County, New Jersey, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the 110th Annual Conference recognize the congregation known as Grace Bible Fellowship Church of Englishtown, New Jersey as a mission under the jurisdiction of the Board of Church Extension, and further

RESOLVED, that this Annual Conference recognize the Board of Church Extension, or whomever said Board shall designate, as corporate officers of the New Jersey Corporation known as Grace Bible Fellowship Church.

WHEREAS, the 109th Annual Conference granted the Board of Missions additional time to make a final determination in regard to whether or to what extent it will participate in the Minister’s Annuity Fund (cf. 1992 Yearbook, p. 19); and

WHEREAS, most missionaries serving under the Board of Missions are in foreign countries where their income is not subject to Federal income tax in the U.S.A., which creates a disadvantage regarding taxation if they were to participate in the MAF; and

WHEREAS, retirement benefits to Ministers serving under the Board of Missions are also affected by varied retirement benefits provided by certain sending boards and other factors including the percentage of missionary support provided by the Bible Fellowship Church; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Board of Missions be exempt from mandatory participation in the MAF; and be it further

RESOLVED, that Ordained Ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church who serve under the Board of Missions, in fields of ministry in the United States or in other situations where it would be appropriate and advantageous, may elect to individually participate in the MAF and shall be responsible to make appropriate arrangements with the Board of Missions regarding support levels and payment to their account.

The following legislation was adopted at first reading:

Regional Programs

The Board of Missions shall coordinate Regional Programs as deemed advisable.

The following material in brackets [ ] is to be deleted:

[1. The Board of Missions shall establish groupings of churches for Regional Programs.

2. The officers of the Women’s Missionary Society of each church of a region shall constitute an organizing committee for the region.

3. Each regional committee shall establish officers as it deems necessary.

4. Regional officers shall be elected at an Annual Meeting held in the autumn. These officers shall be members of the Bible Fellowship Church.

5. The elected officers shall plan regional programs, including establishing the frequency and dates of regional rallies.]


(The above legislation is placed on pg.98 of the FAITH & ORDER

RESOLVED, the payments to annuitants in the MRF be $178.00 per year of service. This shall be effective November 1, 1993 thru the 111th Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that the payments from Churches to the Board of Pensions based on Pastors’ Schedule SE be a total of 5% divided 2% to MRF and 3% to MAF effective for the calendar year of 1994.

The following legislation was adopted at first reading:

RESOLVED, the 2nd full paragraph on page 108 of the FAITH & ORDER (Call of a Pastor) be revised to read as follows:

And we agree to pay or continue to pay quarterly to the Board of Pensions to be deposited into your Minister’s Annuity Fund Account that requisite percentage of your salary that Annual Conference may establish.


RESOLVED, that January 23, 1994 be designated by the Annual Conference as Stewardship Sunday, and that our pastors be encouraged to present a message focused on Psalm 24:1 – The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and all those who dwell in it.

RESOLVED, that support for the Stewardship Council from the Annual Conference Administrative Budget be suspended for the remainder of 1993 and for all of 1994. If Administrative Budget resources are required for 1995, it will be requested at Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that Agency Fees for the Stewardship Council be suspended for the remainder of 1993, and for all of 1994.

WHEREAS, a new edition of the FAITH & ORDER is to be published in the next year; and

WHEREAS, the educational ministry of Pinebrook Junior College is no longer in operation; but

WHEREAS, there are reasons not to dissolve the corporation of the Pinebrook Junior College and its Board of Directors until the sale of the property is concluded; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the material in the FAITH & ORDER relative to Pinebrook Junior College not be printed in the new edition, namely pages 162-163, and Article VII: Miscellaneous By-Laws, 3. Offerings, b. (page 101), though the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College will continue to function under these by-laws until dissolution of the corporation.

RESOLVED, that by the rule of exception the Pinebrook Junior College material be deleted at one reading.

WHEREAS, twenty-five churches gave contributions to Pinebrook Junior College between July 1, 1992, and June 30, 1993, and such gifts helped provide cash flow to avoid further indebtedness during that period, and

WHEREAS, it is expected that Pinebrook Junior College will begin to incur further indebtedness before the end of October, 1993, because cash reserves have been exhausted, and

WHEREAS, the 108th Annual Conference passed a resolution that states that “to the extent that the assets of the College plus the assets associated with and used by the College which are owned by Bible Fellowship Church are insufficient to pay all of the College’s operating obligations, Bible Fellowship Church hereby accepts the responsibility to pay these obligations” (1991 Yearbook, p. 42), therefore be it

RESOLVED, that each particular church continue to support the College through diligent prayer for the timely sale of the property and through regular contributions until the sale of the property is consummated.

The following legislation was adopted at first reading:

RESOLVED, that the material in the FAITH & ORDER, pages 92-95 under the section entitled “Sunday Bible Schools” be replaced by the following:

Sunday Bible School

Each Sunday Bible School shall be led by a General Superintendent. Additional officers may assist the General Superintendent in the leadership of the Sunday Bible School. Their number and title should be determine by the by-laws of the particular church. The officers form the Executive Committee and shall serve for a term of one year. Some or all of the officers may be elected by and from the membership of the particular church or be appointed by the Board of Elders. Each Sunday Bible School is responsible to the Board of Elders. The Pastor, by virtue of his office, is also an officer of the Sunday Bible School. In the churches that have a Christian Education director, the Board of Elders shall determine whether this person is to be an officer of the Sunday Bible School.

The Sunday Bible School Executive Committee

The General Superintendent shall serve as chair-person and is responsible to call for the meeting of the Executive Committee as needed. By-laws of a particular church may outline specific duties for each officer or such duties may be determined by the Executive Committee. Responsibilities should include but are not limited to:

1. Providing leadership for the Sunday Bible School

A. be responsible to maintain a high degree of spirituality, positive Christian conduct and full cooperation on the part of the Sunday Bible School staff

B. cooperate with the Pastor in the administration of the Sunday Bible School

C. preside or arrange for a leader at each session of the Sunday Bible School

D. approve all projects conducted by the Sunday Bible School or individual classes

2. Providing accountability for the Sunday Bible School

A. keep accurate records regarding enrollment and attendance

B. be responsible to carry out the directives of the Board of Elders with respect to the Sunday Bible School

C. report regularly to the Board of Elders all information requested by them to maintain oversight

D. report annually to the congregation on the status of the Sunday Bible School

3. Providing staff for the Sunday Bible School

A. staff each class with a born-again teacher

B. exercise oversight in the assignment of all teachers, assistants and substitutes

C. recruit additional staff such as departmental superintendents, class helpers, etc. as needed

D. review and act on the resignation or proposed removal of any teacher or officer of the Sunday Bible School

4. Approving all curriculum, furnishings, equipment and teaching aids to be used in the Sunday Bible School.

5. Providing training for Sunday Bible School staff members

A. periodically survey and evaluate the work done in the various classes and departments

B. endeavor to provide a regular program of teacher training and enrichment

Qualifications of staff members

1. Each one shall confess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and give evidence of this in their conduct.

2. Each one shall be faithful in their attendance of the public services of the particular church.

3. Each one shall be faithful in attendance at staff meetings.

Duties of teachers

1. Endeavor to lead their students to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and to nurture those who have made a profession of faith.

2. Thoroughly prepare themselves through prayer and Bible study to teach the Scriptures, making use of teacher manuals and/or other resource materials.

3. Become personally acquainted with each of their students so that lessons may be relevant.

4. Be faithful in the visitation of students and follow-up of absentees.

5. Endeavor to improve their teaching skills through programs suggested by the Executive Committee as well as other resources.

Enrollment procedures

1. A visitor who attends for three consecutive Sundays shall be enrolled as an active member.

2. A member is dropped from the active enrollment after thirteen consecutive absences, and is maintained on the roll as an inactive member for 6 months.

RESOLVED, that a contribution of $325.00 for the sixteen (16) month transitional year of September 1, 1993 to December 31, 1994 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each of the following boards and committees: Victory Valley, Missions, Christian Education, Church Extension, Pinebrook Bible Conference and Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

RESOLVED, that one dollar and thirty five cents ($1.35) per member for the transitional year of September 1, 1993 to December 31, 1994 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing the FELLOWSHIP NEWS. Payments are to be made to the Business Manager, Paul T. Rutman, by December 31, 1993.

RESOLVED, that the cost of the 1993 YEARBOOK be $5.75 per book.

RESOLVED, that the 1993-1994 (16 month) budget of the Board of Publication and Printing be adopted as follows:


Subsidy from Administrative Budget $ 4,400.00

Contributions from Boards & Committees 1,950.00

Contributions from Churches 8,650.00

Year Book Sales 3,850.00

Sale of Printed Materials 1,200.00

Slide Rules 50.00

Interest 200.00

Total Income $ 20,300.00


Fellowship News:

Layout & Design $ 2,400.00

Printing 8,400.00

Mailing 600.00

Misc. Expenses 100.00

Editor’s Honorarium 900.00

Business Manager’s Expense 100.00

Honorariums 300.00

Printing Year Books 4,500.00

Board and Secretary Expenses 300.00

Printing Misc. Church Supplies 2,500.00

Slide Rules 0

Miscellaneous 200.00

Total Expenses $ 20,300.00

WHEREAS, it is important that each official Delegate and Pastor receive all the reports from the Study Committees, Committees and Agencies and

WHEREAS, in order to coordinate this procedure one distribution point should be employed, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that all Study Committees have their reports to the designated distribution point by August 31st and further,

RESOLVED, that all Committee and Agencies have their reports to the designated distribution point by September 20th.

The conference conducted a brief ceremony of recognition of a new church, in which the Upper Perkiomen Valley Mission was recognized as Community Bible Fellowship Church, Red Hill.

“Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus” was sung by the assembly. William G. Schlonecker, Secretary of the Board of Church Extension, read the resolution of recommendation for recognition as a particular church. The chairman of Annual Conference announced that the resolution had been adopted unanimously by the conference. The registrar verified that the delegate had been duly elected. Ronald K. Denlinger, delegate and organizing pastor, was welcomed and offered remarks. The chairman directed the Secretary of Annual Conference to prepare a charter for the new church. Clyde W. Snyder, member of the Board of Church Extension, led in a prayer of thanksgiving and dedication for the new church. The conference joined in singing “To God Be the Glory”. Members of the Red Hill church in attendance were recognized and welcomed by the Conference. W. David Armstrong addressed the body on the theme “The Key Blessing of Revival” based on Psalm 85:6.

RESOLVED, that the 112th Annual Conference be held on the Monday after the fourth Sunday in April, 1995 (April 24-26, 1995).

WHEREAS, most of the churches and agencies will not have had full fiscal years on which to report to the One Hundred Eleventh Annual Conference, in October, 1994, therefore

RESOLVED, that by use of the Rule of Exception, the committees on statistics and the examination of minutes of particular churches not be appointed for the One Hundred Eleventh Annual Conference, and that the churches be excused from submitting statistical and financial reports and minutes of congregational meetings to the One Hundred Eleventh Annual Conference (the secretary of the Board of Elders of each church shall, however, submit to the registrar of the One Hundred Eleventh Annual Conference by October 10, 1994 a list of all elders of the church; the secretary of the conference shall forward directly to the registrar the list of delegates and alternate delegates which he shall have prepared) and, further

RESOLVED, that unless their prior fiscal year coincided with calendar 1993, the agencies not be required to submit financial reports to the One Hundred Eleventh Annual Conference, and further

RESOLVED, that all particular churches and agencies shall include complete statistics and financial reports and minutes of all congregational meetings from the dates of their last submissions to Annual Conference through December 31, 1994 in their reports to teh One Hundred Twelveth Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that by use of the Rule of Exception, the terms of the office of all persons who have been elected by previous Annual Conference to terms which extend beyond the One Hundred Tenth Annual Confernece, be extended until the next Annual Conference after the end of the terms for which they were originally elected, and further

RESOLVED, that except for the election of officers of the One Hundred Eleventh Annual Conference, all elections by the One Hundred Tenth Annual Conference shall be for terms that shall extend to the next Annual Conference after the completion of what would have been the normal term to which they would have been elected, and further

RESOLVED, that since no elections for incumbents, except for vacancies, will be required at the One Hundred Eleventh Annual Conference, any elections to fill vacancies or for new offices that may be required shall, by the Rule of Exception, be for terms that will expire as of the One Hundred Twelfth Annual Conference.

WHEREAS, the business of the One Hundred Eleventh Annual Conference in October, 1994, will be diminished because statistics will not be gathered from the churches, few of the agencies will present financial reports and there will be few elections, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the focus of the One Hundred Eleventh Annual Conference be primarily on vision and strategy for the future and spiritual renewal, and further

RESOLVED, that we welcome reports by all of our boards and committees and that we encourage them to present for information and the consideration of the conference, matters pertaining to vision and strategy for the future of their respective areas of responsibility.

RESOLVED, that the One Hundred Eleventh Annual Conference be held at Pinebrook Bible Conference and begin on Monday, October 17, 1994, at 10:00 AM with registration beginning at 9:00 AM and the keynote address held in the evening.

RESOLVED, that each church be encouraged to pay for its Pastor(s) and his wife to attend the 1994 Ministerial Convention of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Report of the Committee on Statistics

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Auditing

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Communications

RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.

WHEREAS, the 109th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church has resolved to beseech the Lord of the harvest to meet the financial needs of our missionary appointees, some of whom have been on deputation for as long as two years, and

WHEREAS, the Lord of the Harvest has graciously granted that six (6) of these missionary appointees have had their needs sufficiently met, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we praise the Lord for answering prayer in placing these missionaries on the field of service, and be it further

RESOLVED, that we continue to pray for those not yet on the field and for as-yet-unmet needs of those who are on the field.

WHEREAS, Robert and Lois Draper and William and Addy Mull have served faithfully in their various missionary fields and pastorates for many years, and

WHEREAS, they are preparing for imminent retirement, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the 110th Annual Conference express its appreciation to them, to those who have gone before, and to the Lord with a rising round of applause.

WHEREAS, our ministering brother, Donald R. Hibbs, will require major surgery in the very near future, and

WHEREAS, his recovery period will be lengthy, and

WHEREAS, his wife Monica is also undergoing difficult physical trials at this time, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Bible Fellowship Church continue to pray for the Hibbs family and the mission at Broadheadsville under his care.

WHEREAS, this body has received the Upper Perkiomen Valley mission (Community Bible Fellowship) into the Annual Conference as a fully organized church, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we praise the Lord for His gracious working in raising up this congregation of believers as lights to His glory in Red Hill.

WHEREAS, there are five (5) Bible Fellowship Churches without pastors, namely Howell, Royersford, Walnutport, Emmanuel (Philadelphia) and Somers Point, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we pray that God would bring forth the men of His choice to pastor each of these churches.

WHEREAS, the Credentials Committee has presented W. Neil Harding, Jr., Dennis W. Spinney, and David R. Way for ordination, and

WHEREAS, the Credentials Committee has recognized the prior ordinations of Gene W. Smith and Allan R. Vivona, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we thank the Lord for these gifted men of God and that we commit ourselves to pray for them as they continue their ministries.

WHEREAS, the Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, Bert N. Brosius, has diligently fulfilled his duties in hosting the 110th Annual Conference and

WHEREAS, the staff and volunteers of Pinebrook Bible Conference have graciously served the members of the 110th Annual Conference, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we thank the Director, staff and volunteers for their ministry to the 110th Annual Conference.

WHEREAS, Pinebrook Bible Conference has experienced twenty-five years of fruitful service for the Lord as a ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church and,

WHEREAS, Pinebrook Bible Conference’s Director has expressed his concern regarding the inability to raise financial support through gifts and offerings, and

WHEREAS, the Monroe County Supervisors have made a decision about land and property taxes for 1994 that could effect Pinebrook’s ministry to some degree financially and otherwise, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the members of Annual Conference fervently pray to God to sovereignly handle this matter for the enhancement of Pinebrook’s ministry.

WHEREAS, Almighty God has again imbued our conference with a unity of purpose and cooperation, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the members of the 110th Annual Conference give praise to the Lord for a continuing spirit of oneness and continue to commit themselves to harmonious cooperation.

WHEREAS, our Pages, Clyde D. Bomgardner, Daniel F. Delozier, Kevin K. Gehman, Jimmy D. Head, Dennis J. Lawrence, J. Mark McCreary, Gregory D. Moyer, Jerry L. Moyer, Jonathan P. Tait, Ronald R. Vining and Todd Zimmerman, have served our conference with excellence, be it

RESOLVED, that we thank God for their faithful work to our Lord and our Annual Conference.

WHEREAS, the Secretary of Annual Conference and his assistants have labored diligently to prepare the Yearbook, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Board of Publication and Printing give an honorarium of $50 each to the Secretary and his assistants.

WHEREAS, James A. Beil has served with distinction as Chairman of the 110th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, be it

RESOLVED, that the Members of Annual Conference show their appreciation for Brother Beil with a standing ovation.

WHEREAS, Gilbert J. Vining has graciously donated the use of his sound equipment for Annual Conference, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we thank him for being able to hear what has transpired at the 110th Annual Conference.

The conference joined in expressing thanks to the Drapers and Mulls for their years of service by a standing ovation.

The assembly thanked the chairman for his leadership in this conference by a standing ovation.

The chairman appointed the following committees:

Committee on Agenda and Program: Randall A. Grossman, Kenneth L. Good, David H. Jones, Thomas P. Shorb, Carl C. Cassel

Committee on Arrangements for the 111th Annual Conference: David A. Thomann, Daniel P. Allen, Randall A. Grossman, Willard E. Cassel, Thomas P. Shorb

Committee on Statistics: LeRoy S. Heller, Daniel G. Ziegler, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Calvin T. Reed, Willard E. Cassel, David A. Thomann, Warren L. Zimmerman

Committee to Examine the Minutes of Particular Churches: Ralph M. Soper, Ronald C. Erb, Dennis M. Cahill, David H. Jones, R. Jerome Brush

Conference Advisory Committee: Thomas P. Shorb, Harvey J. Fritz

Registrar: Willard E. Cassel; Assistant Registrar: Carl J. Fischer, Jr.

Study Committee on the Duties of Pastors, Elders, and Laymen: L. James Roberts, Jr., Alva C. Cassel, Randall A. Grossman, David A. Thomann, George K. Monroe

Study Committee to Define the Duties of the Pastoral Relations Committee: David J. Watkins, Lee E. Boyles, David A. Thomann, Ralph M. Soper, Daniel P. Allen

RESOLVED, that the minutes of the fourth, fifth, and sixth meetings be circulated and corrected through a deadline to be announced in a memo mailed to the members of Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that we adjourn.

The 110th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was dismissed with prayer led by Vice-Chairman, Carl C. Cassel at 10:25 PM.

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