Annual Conference Proceedings
Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1995 Yearbook
First Meeting
Monday Morning, April 24, 1995, 10:00 AM
The 112th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was called to order by the Chairman, James A. Beil, on the grounds of Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, PA. The chairman led the conference in prayer.
Report of the Registrar:
The roll of Annual Conference was established as follows:
Allentown, Cedar Crest Ronald C. Mahurin, Jay H. Fasnacht, Neil E. Montgomery, John W. Trauch, C. Michael Werley
Allentown, Salem (Probationer), Allan C. Palmer
Bethlehem Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Mark Tress
Blandon Carl J. Fischer, Jr., Gary Saggio
Camden, DE James G. Koch, Joe Poyner
Coopersburg Thomas P. Shorb, Richard T. Paashaus, Clyde W. Snyder
Denville, NJ Richard D. Harris, Steven C. Boepple
Edison, NJ Dennis M. Cahill, Richard B. Ravis
Emmaus (Vacant), David N. Schoen, Gerald Schlonecker
Ephrata Daniel P. Allen, Robert W. Gehret
Finesville, NJ Byron Widger, William W. Mull
Fleetwood R. Jerome Brush, James E. Mortland
Graterford David J. Watkins, Douglas D. Bowne
Harleysville W. David Armstrong, Jr., Alfred G. Roberts
Harrisburg Allan R. Vivona, Harold E. Snyder
Hatfield Howard N. Wells, Lee E. Boyles
Holmes, NY Robert S. Commerford, John Dawson
Howell, NJ Harold C. Weaber, Vito Paratore
Kutztown John C. Studenroth, George K. Monroe
Lancaster David A. Thomann, Horace A. Kauffman
Lebanon Calvin T. Reed, Leroy O. Herb
Lehighton William H. Bartron, Bruce A. Kellerman
Maple Glen Louis Prontnicki, David Loomis
Mt. Carmel Alva C. Cassel, Harold L. Snyder, Jr.
Mt. Pocono Ronald C. Erb, Henry Swartley
Nazareth Keith E. Plows, Claude A. Jones
Newark, DE William G. Schlonecker, R. Roger Cole
Ocean County, NJ Dean A. Stortz, David M. Markuson
Oley Kenneth F. Barber, Austin G. Shelly, Clayton E. Weber
Paradise Ralph M. Soper, Daniel J. Eckman
Philadelphia, Wissinoming G. Wayne Clapier, Eric F. Staudt
Poughquag, NY James A. Wickstead, Thomas L. Ward
Quakertown David E. Gundrum, L. James Roberts, Jr.
Reading Randall A. Grossman, Ronald W. Reed, Charles Lavigna
Red Hill (Probationer), D. Thomas Phillips, Donald R. Brensinger
Royersford (Probationer), Kenneth Bowman
Shamokin Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., Jere D. Snyder
Sinking Spring Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Frank Vecchio
Spring City Carl T. Martin, Peter Schlenker
Stroudsburg Carl C. Cassel, G. Daniel Beaver
Sunbury LeRoy S. Heller, Timothy Brosious, David J. Davis
Terre Hill Steven L. Trommler, John Steffy
Wallingford Richard E. Taylor, Jerry L. Moyer, William R. Singletary
Walnutport (Vacant), Stanley H. Stahler
Wappinger Falls, NY (Vacant), Charles F. Webb
Whitehall Gene W. Smith, Calvin A. Boyle
York Kenneth L. Good, Philip G. Norris
Zionsville Gregory A. Uhrich, David L. Weller
Ordained Ministers Serving Bible Fellowship Ministries
Delbert R. Baker, II, James A. Beil, Bert N. Brosius, Roy A. Hertzog, Barry J. Minsky, Roger L. Reitz, Ralph E. Ritter, Dennis W. Spinney, John C. Vandegriff, Jr., David R. Way, Dana E. Weller, Daniel G. Ziegler
Ordained Ministers Between Calls
James R. Batchler, Jr., Terris L. Byrd, Bernard N. Coble, John H. Herb, David H. Jones, James E. Neher, Gilbert J. Vining
Ordained Missionaries
William C. Aukamp, Clifford B. Boone, Leonard E. Buck, Brian H. Butler, Richard J. Gehman, W. Neil Harding, Jr., J. Barclay Harley, Ronald W. Hoyle, Walter M. Johnston, Herbert K. Lea, Philip E. Morrison, Edward Moyer, David W. Riddell, Philip E. Yerrington, Paul G. Zimmerman
Ordained Ministers in Retirement
Willard E. Cassel, Robert L. Draper, John Dunn, Walter H. Frank, Jansen E. Hartman, Frank L. Herb, Jr., George E. Herb, Donald T. Kirkwood, Robert F. Johnson, C. Leslie Miller, Edgar H. Munyan, R. C. Reichenbach, John H. Riggall, A. L. Seifert, Robert W. Smock, Laird F. Stengele, David E. Thomann, Harold D. Yarrington
Probationers Serving as First Pastors of Churches
Thomas J. Beil, Jacob J. Susek, Jr., Ronald K. Denlinger
RESOLVED, that the following man be seated as an Alternate Delegate: Clifford Luft (Red Hill).
RESOLVED, that the tables with red tablecloths constitute the Conference Bar.
The Registrar reported the following requests for excuses: William C. Aukamp, G. Daniel Beaver, R. Jerome Brush, Leonard E. Buck, James R. Batchler, Jr., Brian H. Butler, Ronald K. Denlinger, John Dunn, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Ronald W. Hoyle, Walter M. Johnston, Philip E. Morrison, James E. Mortland, Edward Moyer, James E. Neher, David R. Riddell, R.C.Reichenbach, Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Philip E. Yerrington, Charles F. Webb, George K. Monroe, Harold C. Weaber, A.L.Seifert, Tom Ward, John Dawson, Laird F. Stengele, John H. Riggall, Ronald C. Erb, Herbert K. Lea, Carl C. Cassel, John H. Herb
RESOLVED, that the excuses be granted.
Report of the Committee on Agenda and Program
RESOLVED, that the agenda be adopted.
Report of the Committee on Arrangements (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Bert N. Brosius, Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, welcomed the delegates to the grounds for this first spring gathering of Annual Conference.
The Secretary, Randall A. Grossman, appointed Robert W. Smock as Assistant Secretary, and Daniel P. Allen and David A. Thomann as Assistants to the Secretary.
The Chairman appointed the following committees:
Tellers: Keith E. Plows, Chairman; LeRoy S. Heller, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., William H. Bartron, Leroy O. Herb, Clyde W. Snyder, Harold L. Snyder, Jr., Harold E. Snyder
Communications: Alva C. Cassel, Chairman; Thomas J. Beil, William R. Singletary, Charles F. Webb
Resolutions: Byron Widger, Chairman; Steven L. Trommler, Dennis M. Cahill, Mark Tress, Alfred G. Roberts
Auditing: Robert W. Gehret, Chairman; Horace A. Kauffman, Lee E. Boyles, Jay H. Fasnacht, John W. Trauch
Examination of Annual Conference Minutes: Gregory A. Uhrich, Chairman; Howard N. Wells
Reporter: David N. Schoen
Timekeeper: Gary Saggio
Parliamentarian: Jansen E. Hartman
Richard T. Paashaus, song leader for the conference, led the body in singing and in prayer. He read Romans 1:16-23. Kenneth F. Barber delivered a message entitled, “The Gospel: The Confidence Factor.” Clayton E. Weber shared early recollections of the Bible and testified to its power in his life.
The new members of Annual Conference introduced themselves to the body. Ronald C. Mahurin dismissed the conference with prayer at 11:25 AM. The conference divided into small groups for prayer.
Second Meeting
Monday Afternoon, 1:30 PM
The meeting was called to order and Willard E. Cassel led in prayer.
Report of the Nominating Committee
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Calvin T. Reed prayed for the Lord’s will to be done in the elections of this conference.
Report of the Ministerial Relations Committee (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Committee on Credentials (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended Daniel F. DeLozier for ordination; and
WHEREAS, this brother has served acceptably as a minister of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time or the equivalent thereof; and
WHEREAS, after examination, the Credentials Committee believes this man to be called of God to the gospel ministry and to be in accord with the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Daniel F. DeLozier be ordained to the gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church and further;
RESOLVED, that the service of ordination be held Tuesday, April 25, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. at Berean Bible Fellowship Church, Stroudsburg, PA.
Report of the Ministerial Candidate Committee (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
RESOLVED, that the list of men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee be approved as follows:
Probationers (year of licensing in parenthesis)
Jonathon W. Arnold Reading (1994)
Thomas J. Beil Allentown (1993)
Douglas D. Bowne Pottstown
Daniel F. DeLozier Lancaster (1992)
Ronald K. Denlinger Pennsburg (1994)
Jim D. Head Bethlehem (1994)
Donald R. Hibbs Saylorsburg (1991)
Dennis J. Lawrence Sunbury (1993)
William E. Lehr, Jr. Lancaster (1994)
J. Mark McCreary East Stroudsburg (1993)
Glenn A. Miller Schnecksville
Christopher J. Morrison North Brookfield, MA
Brent E. Robinson Baltimore, MD
David H.C.Sng Lansdale
Jacob J. Susek, Jr. Royersford (1994)
Jonathan P. Tait Royersford (1994)
Ronald R. Vining Allentown (1993)
Edwin W. Ahlum, Jr. Mt. Pocono
J. Lawrence Bresnahan Fort Fairfield, ME
David L. Cook Walnutport
Kevin A. Gehman Emmaus
Isidro Gonzalez Edinburg, TX
James W. Harris Quakertown
David W. Heineman Emlenton
Robert E. Hershberger, Jr. Nazareth
Donald E. Kuntzman Drexel Hill
Bruce D. McIntosh York
Philip J. Mitchell Allentown
Duane E. Moyer Telford
Gregory D. Moyer Reading
Richard A. Moyer Reading
Robert Patterson, Jr. Saskatchewan, Canada
Thomas A. Pollock Puposky, MN
Daniel J. Vitalo West Lawn
J. Richard Weidman, Jr. New Berlinville
Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr. Graterford
Basil Chatterpaul Reading
Peter A. Fessler Lebanon
Charles W. Holt Cressona
Harold F. Noyes Cambridgeport, VT
The men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee who were in attendance introduced themselves to the conference.
Report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Carl C. Cassel, President of Pinebrook Junior College, gave a report on the status of the sale of the property of the school.
RESOLVED, that the addendum to the Board of Directors report concerning Pinebrook Junior College be accepted.
James A. Beil gave an oral report on the status of the conference’s health insurance policy.
Report of the Board of Church Extension (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
WHEREAS, the Board of Church Extension is of the opinion that the Pleasant Valley, NY, Mission meets the qualifications of a Particular Church as specified in Article 18 of the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Pleasant Valley, NY, Mission be recognized as a Particular Church, and that its delegate be received into membership of the 112th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Wayne Chadwell, delegate from Pleasant Valley, was seated in the conference bar.
Report of the Director of Church Extension (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Richard A. Moyer, newly called organizing pastor for the Somers Point, NJ, mission, was introduced to the conference.
Daniel G. Ziegler, Executive Director of the Board of Church Extension, led the conference in prayer for Mission America, the plan for the growth of the Bible Fellowship Church organized by the Church Extension Department.
Report of the Board of Missions (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Jerry Moyer, made a brief presentation concerning the benefits of computerized mail and invited the members of the conference to a seminar entitled “BFC On-Line”.
Report of the Board of Higher Education (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Board of Victory Valley Camp (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Phil Atkins, Director of Victory Valley Camp, made a presentation to the conference concerning the construction of an all-purpose building. William G. Schlonecker, Chairman of the Board of Victory Valley Camp, reported on the continuing concern for the physical needs of Jill Atkins, daughter of the director. He also presented the opportunity for the camp to purchase a home for the director’s housing.
Report of the Stewardship Council (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Board of Pensions (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Strategic Planning Committee (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Board of Christian Education (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Richard T. Paashaus, chairman of the Board of Christian Education, presented Sunday Bible School attendance awards to the Sinking Spring, Blandon, and Thompson, CT churches.
Report of the Board of Publication and Printing (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Historical Committee (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Minutes
This committee is directed by the Faith & Order to assist the Secretary of Annual Conference in producing accurate minutes of Annual Conference, to compare the minutes as they appear in the Yearbook with the Official Minutes of the Secretary, to receive suggested corrections to the Yearbook during the year, and to report to Annual Conference any discrepancies between the Yearbook and the Official Minutes. (Legislation assigning these duties took effect in October, 1992).
There were no discrepancies found between the Official Minutes and the Yearbook.
There were no corrections to the Yearbook received from the members of Annual Conference by this committee during the year.
Two certified copies of the Yearbook will be submitted by this committee to the Bible Fellowship Church Archives after adoption of this report by Annual Conference.
RESOLVED, that the report be adopted.
Report of the Committee to Examine the Minutes of Particular Churches (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Beneficiary Society (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
The following legislation was adopted at second reading:
A. Parliamentarian
Appointment. The Chairman of Annual Conference shall appoint a Parliamentarian from the membership of the Annual Conference. The individual should be well versed in the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, the Bylaws for Annual Conference and Robert’s Rules of Order.
1. He shall assist the Chairman and the Annual Conference in following appropriate parliamentary procedure.
2. He shall render interpretations on proper parliamentary procedure when requested to do so by the Chairman of the Annual Conference. The parliamentary procedure shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order except when superseded by the Bylaws for Annual Conference.
3. He shall monitor the proceedings of Annual Conference and inform the Conference when discussion or motions are out of order.
[The above legislation is to be placed in the Faith & Order under “Committees Appointed by the Chairman (Subject to the Approval of Annual Conference)” (pp.133-139)].
Report of the Conference Judicatory (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
RESOLVED, that we suspend the rules and meet at 6:30 PM.
Jansen E. Hartman closed the meeting in prayer at 4:55 PM.
Third Meeting
Monday Evening, 6:30 PM
The meeting was opened with prayer by L. James Roberts, Jr.
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the first meeting be approved.
Roy Hertzog, Executive Director of the Board of Missions, introduced the missionaries in attendance. They were: Byron and Lisa Barnshaw, Stephen Mann, Cliff Boone, Marty Green, Jerry and Carolyn Moyer, Chris and Beckie Merrick, Neil and Ivy Harding, John and Judy Pello, Paul and Julie Zimmerman, Heather Cullis, Arlene Tanner, Olive Rawn, Bill Mull, Totoram and Felica Baran, Chris and Beth Bullock, Bob and Lois Draper, Bill and Holly Campbell.
Brother Hertzog introduced Dana E. Weller, new Assistant Director of the Board of Missions. Brother Weller exhorted the conference to “run with the baton” for world missions in our day.
The following legislation was adopted at second reading:
RESOLVED, that the material in the Faith and Order, pages 92-95 under the section entitled, “Sunday Bible Schools” be replaced by the following:
Sunday Bible School
The Sunday Bible School is a key ministry of the local church for fulfilling its responsibility to teach the Scriptures to people of all ages and encourage them to believe on Jesus as Savior and Lord. As such, each church should exercise prayerful care and concern in the organization and leadership of this ministry.
The leadership of the Sunday Bible School should come from among the membership of the particular church, be elected by the congregation or appointed by the Board of Elders, and be responsible to the Board of Elders.
The potential for ministry through the Sunday Bible School is unlimited; therefore the leadership should address the following areas but also seek to expand beyond them when resources and the availability of gifted people make it possible:
1. Recruit staff and teachers that are believers.
2. Ensure that teachers are in sympathy with and teach in agreement with the Articles of Faith and Standards of Worship and Life of the Bible Fellowship Church.
3. Provide curriculum that is in compliance with the Articles of Faith and Standards of Worship and Life of the Bible Fellowship Church.
4. Provide teaching aids, equipment and other resources for the staff that will assist them in their ministry.
5. Evaluate the total ministry of the Sunday Bible School periodically in order to encourage the staff and make improvements.
6. Provide a program of teacher training and enrichment.
7. Keep records as requested by the Board of Elders.
Expanded information and bylaw suggestions for the Sunday Bible School are available in the appendix.
The following persons were elected:
Board of Missions
Robert Breitgam (3 years)
James W. Harris (3 years)
Board of Publication and Printing
Daniel P. Allen (3 years)
Byron G. Barnshaw (3 years)
Board of Pensions
Willard E. Cassel (3 years)
The following legislation was adopted at second reading:
The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church (page 143, Section 3). Delete: “Ministers’ Retirement Fund and ” . . . ” . . . the Ministers’ Retirement Fund of the Bible Fellowship Church, as well as”
Section 3. Should read as follows: Insurance Programs. It shall have oversight of all insurance programs established by Annual Conference.
Administrative Budget material (pages 152, 153)
Section 3. Administrative Budget
I. Preparation of the Budget. At Annual Conference the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church shall present a proposed budget covering expected expenses for the next conference year. The budget will include the following items:
Publication and Printing
Conference entertainment
Conference expense
Beneficiary Fund
Ministers’ Retirement Fund
Moving Fund
Fund to Assist Churches
Expenses for board and committee business
Other expenses of the Board of Directors
Ministerial Conventions
Ministers’ Assistance Fund
Ministerial Candidate Committee Fund for Internships
Historical Committee
II. Subscription of the Budget
A. By September 1, following Annual Conference, each Church and Agency, through its delegate or an alternate officer, shall forward to the Financial Secretary of the Board of Directors its pledge of the amount it will contribute towards the proposed budget.
B. The Board of Directors will review the pledges received and bring the budget into balance with the total pledged.
C. The Board will distribute by January 1 to each Church and Agency a report of the total amount subscribed and the budget as revised.
D. Should the budget be undersubscribed, opportunity will be given to each church and agency to increase its pledge. Notice of increase should be forwarded to the Financial Secretary by March 1.
E. At its March meeting the Board of Directors will bring the budget into balance for presentation to Annual Conference.
III. Adoption of the budget. The recommendation of the Board of Directors will be presented to the Annual Conference for approval. Increases in pledges or alterations to budgeted expenses may be proposed prior to adoption.
IV. Payment of Pledges
A. Pledges to meet these budget needs should be considered as binding as any other vow made before the Lord.
B. Payments shall be made in advance annually, quarterly or monthly.
C. All payments shall be completed by December 31, prior to the next Annual Conference.
Further revisions to the Faith & Order, Page 102, g. Administrative Budget
Delete: October to August, August 31
Revise: January to December, December 31
The following legislation was adopted at second reading:
F&O, pg.91 Petitions to be received by March 1; change “two copies” to “copies” to be sent a month before Annual Conference
F&O, pg.92 Request by April 1
F&O, pg.168 Questionnaire by December 31
F&O, pg.181 All money due by December 31
1986 Update (p.1) Notify registrar no later than April 1
(p.4) Notify registrar no later than April 1
A brief service of recognition for the new church in Pleasant Valley, NY, was conducted. William G. Schlonecker, secretary of the Board of Church Extension, read the resolution by which the church was received into Annual Conference. Chairman James A. Beil announced the reception of the church into the conference. Willard E. Cassel, Registrar of Annual Conference, verified that the delegate had been duly elected as an elder and a delegate. The chairman welcomed organizing pastor David R. Way and delegate Wayne Chadwell. Brother Chadwell expressed appreciation to the Lord and to the church. Jerry Clark, a member of the new church, also testified. Pastor Way addressed the conference. James A. Wickstead led in prayer for the new church.
Richard E. Taylor, chairman of the Board of Church Extension, introduced the video “Mission America.” Following the premiere, the members of Annual Conference greeted the members of the new church who were in attendance.
RESOLVED, that we adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned with prayer led by Robert F. Johnson at 9:05 PM.
Fourth Meeting
Tuesday Morning, April 25, 1995, 9:00 AM
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM. Richard T. Paashaus led the conference in singing, “When Morning Gilds the Skies” and “O Come, Let Us Adore Him”. Following prayer, Daniel F. DeLozier shared his testimony of how God saved him. The body then sang, “Take My Life and Let it Be”.
Report of the Registrar
The following men requested to be excused: Steven Boepple, Gilbert J. Vining, Gene W. Smith, Calvin A. Boyle, Vito Paratore.
The minutes of the second meeting were approved as corrected.
The following persons were elected:
Stewardship Council
Richard J. Volpe (3 years)
Conference Judicatory
Ronald C. Mahurin (3 years)
L. James Roberts, Jr. (3 years)
Report of the Study Committee on Advance Directives (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Advisory Committee for Revising the “Faith & Order” (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
The following legislation was adopted:
WHEREAS, the Faith & Order directs pastors of particular churches to inform the Registrar of Annual Conference of the delegate(s) and alternate delegate(s) elected in each congregation (Faith & Order, 1986 Update, p.2), and
WHEREAS, Duty 3 of the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches (Faith & Order, p.135) is not consistent with our legislation and practice, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that in Duty 3 of the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches, the words “Registrar of Annual Conference” replace “Secretary of Annual Conference” and be it further
RESOLVED, that this change be adopted at one reading since such change is in the interest of consistency with previously adopted legislation.
WHEREAS, the General Rules of Elections and Resignations (Faith & Order, 1987 Update, p.3) specify the procedure to be followed in the event of the resignation or death of a board or committee member and
WHEREAS, Section 3. Vacancies under Article I: Composition and Election of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church (Faith & Order, p.141) includes a similar redundant statement, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that in the interest of brevity and consistency with the bylaws of other boards and committees, the following be deleted under Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church, Article I: Composition and Election of the Board:
Section 3. Vacancies. Any vacancies of the Board occurring between Annual Conference may be filled by simple majority vote of the remaining Directors; each Director elected in this way shall serve only until the next Annual Conference.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that since this is an editorial change and not a change in practice, the change shall be implemented at one reading.
WHEREAS, the General Rules of Elections and Resignations (Faith & Order, 1987 Update, p.3) specify the procedure to be followed in the event of the resignation or death of a committee member, and
WHEREAS, paragraph 3 of the Composition and Election of the Historical Committee (Faith & Order, 1986 Update, p.4) includes a similar redundant statement, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that in the interest of brevity and consistency with the bylaws of other boards and committees, the following be deleted under Historical Committee:
In the event of the resignation or death of a member of the committee, the committee shall appoint a replacement who will serve until the subsequent Annual Conference. At that conference, a new member shall be elected to fill the unexpired term.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that since this is an editorial change and not a change in practice, the change shall be implemented at one reading.
WHEREAS, Duty (2) of the Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference reads: “The Board shall be responsible to execute all legal transactions of the Conference and manage all business affairs in accord with their own bylaws and subject to the Faith & Order and Bylaws of the Bible Fellowship Church” (1994 Yearbook, page 14), and
WHEREAS, this is confusing because there is no document titled “Bylaws of the Bible Fellowship Church”, and
WHEREAS, the Faith & Order is the bylaws of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the phrase “and Bylaws of the Bible Fellowship Church” be deleted from Duty 2 of the Duties of the Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference (1994 Yearbook, page 14).
RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a Study Committee to clarify the consistent use and applications of terms such as “layman”, “layperson”, etc. in the “Faith & Order” and in Annual Conference elections and to clarify the eligibility of women to serve on Annual Conference Boards and Committees.
WHEREAS, the form of a Call to a Minister to Serve Bivocationally (1990 Yearbook, p.29f) contains reference to “free use of the parsonage or a housing allowance of $ (dollars) yearly”, and
WHEREAS, the form of a Call to be Used By a Particular Church (Faith & Order, page 107f) makes no mention of the alternative of a housing allowance, and
WHEREAS, both alternatives are being used by particular churches, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that paragraph 2 of the form of a Call to be Used by a Particular Church (Faith & Order, page 107f) read as follows:
And that you may be free from worldly care and avocations, we, on our part, promise and oblige ourselves to pay you the sum of $ (salary) yearly in regular payments during the time of your service as pastor of this church, together with free use of the parsonage or a housing allowance of $ (dollars) yearly and (no. of weeks) vacation each year, and be it further
RESOLVED, that this be adopted at one reading by the rule of exception.
The following legislation was adopted at second reading for inclusion in an appendix of the Faith & Order entitled “Biblical Principles for Living.”
Mercy, the unmerited response to human need1, finds its source and highest expression in God, in Whom justice and mercy meet in perfect harmony2. Rather than overlook sin, God showed His mercy most clearly and fully by giving His beloved Son to die in our place3.
God the Father demonstrated His mercy in providing salvation4. God the Son became the supreme example of that mercy in offering Himself for our sins5. Jesus offered forgiveness to the sinner6, acceptance to the rejected7, healing to the afflicted8, food to the hungry9, comfort to the bereaved10, and life to the dead11.
God’s intention is that mercy characterize His people12. In extending mercy, we should pattern ourselves after our Head, Jesus Christ13. The church and its individual members are called to a ministry of mercy-giving14, which aids in our growth and assurance of salvation15.
Our ministry of mercy may be limited by our resources, our discernment, and the Word of God16, but it must never be limited by our bias against any group or individual17. In all humility, each congregation ought to search itself for the presence of any cultural arrogance, of social or racial prejudice, or of ungodly complacency, all of which will hinder the offering of mercy. In some cases a congregation will need to repent of its sinful attitudes.
1Titus 3:5-7
2Exodus 34:6,7; Psalm 89:14
3Romans 3:21-26
4Ephesians 2:4,5
5Hebrews 2:17
6Matthew 9:2-6
7Matthew 9:9-13
8Matthew 9:35,36
9Matthew 14:13-21
10John 11:32-38
11John 11:25,26,43,44
12Micah 6:8; Matthew 23:23
13Philippians 2:1-4
14Matthew 25:34-40; Galatians 6:10; James 1:27
151 John 3:17-19
162 Thessalonians 3:10; 2 John 10,11
17Luke 10:30-37; Matthew 5:44-46
Report of the Study Committee to Define Duties of the Pastoral Relations Committee and the Role of the Ministerial Relations Committee (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
WHEREAS, it is important that each official Delegate and Pastor receive all the reports from the Study Committees, Committees and Agencies and
WHEREAS, in order to coordinate this procedure, one distribution point should be employed, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that all Study Committees, Committees and Agencies have their reports to the designated distribution point by February 28.
RESOLVED, that the Statistical Committee and the Committee on the Examination of the Minutes of Particular Churches be exempted from the above resolution.
RESOLVED, that the 113th Annual Conference be held at Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, PA, on the Monday after the fourth Sunday in April, 1996 (April 29 – May 1) beginning at 10:00 AM.
RESOLVED, that the Arrangements Committee be directed to arrange for photographs to be taken at each Annual Conference for inclusion in the Yearbook.
RESOLVED, that an Ordination Service be held Tuesday, April 30, 1996 at the Berean Bible Fellowship Church, Stroudsburg during the 113th Annual Conference.
RESOLVED, that Faith Bible Fellowship Church, Lancaster, be encouraged to have a service acknowledging the Ordination of Daniel F. DeLozier and that it be encouraged to invite the Credentials Committee to send representation to be present at the service.
RESOLVED, that the rate of mileage reimbursement remain at $.22 per mile.
RESOLVED, that the Administrative Budget for January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1995 be adopted.
RESOLVED, that the Administrative Budget for January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 be approved for distribution to the churches.
Jan.1, 1995 Jan.1,1996
to to
Dec.31, 1995 Dec.31,1996
1. Beneficiary Fund $ 500 $ 500
2. Ministers’ Assistance Fund 500 500
3. Ministerial Convention 1,000 1,000
4. Ministers’ Retirement Fund 27,000 28,000
Total 29,000 30,000
1a. Conference Entertainment 5,000 5,000
1b. Conference Expense 3,750 3,750
2. Moving Fund 1,000 1,000
3. Fund to Assist Churches 100 100
Total 9,850 9,850
1. Publication & Printing 4,000 3,500
2. Expenses of Committees
a. Chaplaincy Expenses 700 700
b. Stewardship Council 0 0
c. All other Expenses 6,000 6,000
3. Expenses, Board of Directors 1,200 1,200
4. M.C.C. Internship Fund 750 750
5. Historical Committee 1,000 1,000
6. Contingencies 16,694 16,000
Total 30,344 29,150
Total Budget 69,194 69,000
WHEREAS, the “Present Value of Church Property” as stated in the Statistical Report has no standard method of calculation and no beneficial purpose; and
WHEREAS, the presentation of such values may provide a misleading impression of the worth of the Bible Fellowship Church; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Annual Conference instruct the Statistical Committee to delete from its report “Present Value of Church Property.”
RESOLVED, that the Advisory Committee on Revising the Faith & Order be directed to study the issue of value of church property in the Faith & Order and make appropriate recommendations.
WHEREAS, the Board of Church Extension on February 23, 1995 has unanimously elected Daniel G. Ziegler to a three-year term as Executive Director of Church Extension effective April 24, 1995, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Election of Daniel G. Ziegler to a three-year term as Executive Director of Church Extension effective April 24, 1995, be ratified.
(Yes – 103, No -15)
RESOLVED, that the rate of Annuity payments to retirees from MRF be $186.00 per year of service beginning January 1, 1996 and continue through December 31, 1996.
WHEREAS, a significant amount of time is being spent by the Board of Pensions processing the quarterly MAF payments which have been channeled through the Board along with the MRF payments, and
WHEREAS, the MAF is the responsibility of each participant and his church or agency, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that future MAF payments be made directly to Vanguard, effective Quarter One 1995.
RESOLVED, that we adjourn.
Horace A. Kauffman led in prayer at 12:05 PM.
Fifth Meeting
Tuesday Afternoon, April 25, 1995, 1:30 PM
Jerry L. Moyer led the conference in the opening prayer, remembering Becky Riddell, our missionary in France whose mother suddenly died this week.
The following persons were elected:
Ministerial Relations Committee
Harold L. Snyder, Jr. (3 years)
Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church
James A. Beil (3 years)
Carl C. Cassel (3 years)
Robert W. Gehret (3 years)
Board of Church Extension
Richard E. Taylor (3 years)
W. Robert Buckwalter (3 years)
Robert H. Zentz (3 years)
Board of Christian Education
Daniel F. DeLozier (3 years)
Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr. (3 years)
Gary Saggio (3 years)
Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.
James G. Koch (3 years)
Dean A. Stortz (3 years)
Robin Musselman (3 years)
John W. Trauch (3 years)
Board of Victory Valley Camp
Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr. (3 years)
Bright N. Heist (3 years)
Steve Schlegel (3 years)
Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference
Daniel P. Allen (3 years)
Carl Ackerman (3 years)
Kermit K. Gehman (3 years)
John M. Stengele (3 years)
Committee on Credentials
James A. Beil (1 year)
Randall A. Grossman (1 year)
LeRoy S. Heller (1 year)
Keith E. Plows (1 year)
David A. Thomann (1 year)
Ministerial Candidate Committee
Delbert R. Baker, II (3 years)
Historical Committee
Willard E. Cassel (3 years)
Harold P. Shelly (3 years)
The minutes of the third meeting were approved as read.
Report of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
WHEREAS, monies are needed to plant ethnic Bible Fellowship Churches, and
WHEREAS, the Committee believes that God has provided opportunities and desires the church to reach the differing people groups in our land, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that each Pastor and Delegate of Annual Conference work with their church to budget monies for ethnic church planting in this year.
The following legislation was adopted at first reading for placement in the Faith & Order in the Appendix entitled “Biblical Principles for Living”:
Worship is response to God, whereby, in love, adoration, confession, thanksgiving, praise, and service God’s worth is declared1. Worship is rooted in reverence for and awe of the Lord and deepens as knowledge of God increases2. Worship is the privilege and responsibility of each individual, family, and congregation. For the believer, worship is a life style not limited by location or circumstance.
Worship is the ultimate goal of the church. The mission of the church is to declare God’s glory and His salvation to all ethnic groups so that some from all the families of nations shall worship Him3. Corporate worship is the assembled church celebrating the glory of God and ascribing to Him praise and honor. Christ, the head of the church, meets with and strengthens His people, called out from the world by the Holy Spirit4.
God declares that He alone is to be worshiped5 and tells how He is to be worshiped. For disobeying these instructions and substituting their own form of worship6, Israel was severely punished. We therefore seek to learn from the Bible what kinds of worship please the Lord.
Worship in the Old Testament was a celebration of the mighty acts of the Lord, the covenant God of Israel. Corporate worship was highlighted through prescribed ritual: a priesthood, a sacrificial system looking forward to Christ’s atonement7, and particular times and places when and where worship should occur8. This ritual was not made valuable by its repetition9. Its value came through heartfelt, thoughtful response to God, uniting the worshipers. Ritual is unacceptable as true worship unless it comes from the heart10.
Worship in the New Testament is a celebration of the finished work of Christ, His victory over Satan, sin, and death through His own incarnation, death, and resurrection. Jesus claims for Himself authority over temple, Sabbath, sacrifice, and service11. The former place, priesthood, and ritual were set aside12. The Lord gives His blessing to a new liberty as believers observe a new day, the Lord’s Day13, and a new ordinance, the Lord’s Supper14.
The descriptions of corporate worship in the New Testament reveal prayer, praise, confession, singing, giving, thanksgiving, teaching, and the ordinances15. The expression of these may be shaped by the cultural setting of a particular church but must be “orderly” and “decent”16.
The goal of corporate worship is not entertainment, but rather the glory of God. Worshipers are not to think of themselves as spectators, but rather as active participants in a celebration.
1 Psa.96:7-9; Rom.12:1
2 Psa.96:4, 2:11
3 Psa.96; Isa.56:3-8; Rev.7:9-10
4 Eph.1:22,23
5 Exo.20:1-4
6 1Ki.12:25-13:10
7 Heb.9:13,14
8 Exo.20-40
9 Isa.29:13
10 Psa.51:16,17; 84:1,2
11 Mark 2
12 Heb.10:8-18
13 John 20:19,26; Acts 20:7
14 1Cor.11:23-26
15 Acts 2:42-47; 4:23-37; 1Cor.14:26-40
16 1Cor.14:40
Work And Rest
Human work and rest find their origin in the work and rest, or sabbath, of God1. The original cycle of God’s work and rest at creation sets the pattern for human work and rest2. Work and rest are therefore an essential part of God’s design for the human race3. Humanity’s fall into sin brought a curse upon work and rest, resulting in pain, difficulty, and futility4.
Redemption lays the groundwork for the restoration of human work and rest to their place in the original creation5. Christians are therefore to engage in work with honesty6, diligence7, and excellence8, seeing their labor as an aspect of worship9, service10, and witness11. Laziness is condemned in Scripture12, as is poor and dishonest work13 and unjust treatment of workers14.
Christians should do their work both as a service to the Lord15 and as a calling from God16, undertake it with dependance on Him17, and enjoy its fruit as His blessing on their labors18. Christians who supervise the work of others are responsible to treat them justly and pay them fairly, without threat or intimidation, realizing that they will answer to God for any injustice to those under them19. Work is given both to supply the worker’s needs, and to allow the worker to provide for the needs of others20.
Christians should also observe the sabbath principle in reverence for God21, Who mercifully provides a weekly rest for weary workers. The law of Moses also required rest during the three annual feasts, and during the sabbatical and jubilee years22. These establish a precedent for occasional opportunities of extended rest as the Lord provides23. The sabbath principle is violated when people fail to take proper physical and emotional rest.
Human work and rest will be consummated at the return of Jesus Christ, when He rewards Christians for their labor and invites them into His rest24. In heaven, where the Christian will be completely free from sin’s curse, meaningful work for the Lord and glorious rest in His presence will continue forever25.
1 Gen.1:31; 2:1-3
2 Exo.20:8-11
3 Gen.1:28, 2:15
4 Gen.3:17-19; Ecc.2:17
5 Rom.8:18-25; 1Cor.15:57-58
6 Pro.11:1
7 Pro.12:24
8 Pro.22:29
9 Col.3:17,22
10 Col.3:23-24
11 1The.4:11,12; Tit.2:9,10
12 Pro.6:6-11; 2The.3:10-12
13 Pro.18:9; Amos 8:4-6
14 James 5:1-6
15 Eph.6:5-7
16 1Cor.7:17
17 Psa.127:1,2
18 Ecc.2:24; 5:18,19
19 Eph.6:9; Col.4:1
20 Pro.16:26; Eph.4:28
21 Deut.5:12-15
22 Lev.23,25
23 Mark 6:31
24 Matt.25:19-21; Heb.4:9-11
25 Rev.22:3
By His nature God is morally perfect and universally righteous. To say that God is just is to affirm the rightness of His law and His faithful and consistent adherence to that law in His judgments1. Justice is the perfect application of His law in the lives of human beings. Both human law and the application of that law can distort God’s justice and therefore be sinful and produce sin. Sin causes human beings to enact and apply laws in ways that are unjust2. Because God is just, He abhors the distortions of His law.
In a world of sinful people, injustice results when human beings are judged by such things as color of skin, ethnicity, gender, age, social, economic and occupational status. To place value in such external characteristics is inconsistent with faith in Jesus Christ3. Those who value people in this way are acting out of ungodly cultural biases and sinful pride4. In Jesus Christ such wicked and false distinctions are abolished5.
Those who value justice will recognize that God’s love for humankind knows no racial, national, economic, age, or gender boundaries6. The proclamation of the gospel to every person regardless of location or status will be a matter of great priority among those who love justice.7.
Those who value justice will seek consistent and upright applications of human law so that no one is denied due process because of sinful distinctions8. Those who love justice will seek truth and act with integrity in all relationships.
The quest for justice in a world distorted by sin will often yield imperfect and incomplete results. The people of God who love justice will repent when they recognize their failure to do justice and will renew their efforts to bring justice to those who have been denied it9.
1 Deut.10:17,18; Isa.5:6
2 Deut.16:19,20
3 James 2:1,4
4 Lev.19:5
5 Gal.3:28; Eph.2:14-16
6 Acts 10:34-36
7 Rom.3:9; 1Tim.2:3,4
8 Gen.18:19
9 Mic.6:8
The following persons were elected:
Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church
David J. Watkins (2 years)
Board of Christian Education
Bruce A. Kellerman (1 year)
Board of Missions
William W. Mull (3 years)
Board of Pensions
Keith E. Plows (3 years)
The following legislation was adopted at first reading for inclusion in the appendix to the Faith & Order entitled “Biblical Principles for Living”:
Humility is an attitude of heart and mind perfectly exemplified in the person and life of Christ1. It characterizes the children of the kingdom2, activates the grace of God3, and shapes both the life of the community of faith4 and the ministry of the Lord’s servants5. The opposite of humility is pride which meets divine resistance and anger6.
Humility is an acceptance of one’s true position in relationship to God7, authorities, other believers8, society9, and the remainder of creation. Its reality is demonstrated in joyful service and appropriate submission such as was seen most clearly in the willing self-sacrifice of Christ.
In the individual Christian, humility recognizes the grace of God which has made each believer to be accepted in Christ. This viewpoint becomes a source of forgiveness and patience within the Christian community10. The Christian love for others is greatly aided by the development of godly humility.
The unique servant quality of Christian leadership is a direct result of godly humility. Elders of the church do not dominate the congregation but are servants to the whole body11. They do not desire to control, rather they promote the development and enrichment of every member. As heirs of grace together with their brothers and sisters, Christian leaders must renounce the pride which creates divisions and factions12 based on secondary theological issues13, on areas of Christian liberty14, or merely on personalities15.
Humility encourages each church to cooperate with others in gospel outreach16, compels us to seek to meet needs within the local community17, and causes us to be advocates for those who have none18. Concern shown for the disadvantaged in our world must be expressed in the church through efforts to promote the growth of the congregation among all kinds of people as well as through the ministry of mercy19.
1 Phil.2:5-11
2 Phil.2:3
3 James 4:6
4 Eph.4:1,2
5 1Cor.3:6-9
6 Prov.3:34; James 4:6; 1Pet.5:5
7 1Pet.5:6; Luke 18:14
8 Eph.4:2; Phil.2:3
9 Luke 14:11
10 Col.3:12,13
11 1Pet.5:2,3
12 1Cor.1:10
13 Gal.1:9; 5:6; Eph.4:2,3
14 Rom.14,15
15 1Cor.3:5; 4:6,7
16 Luke 9:49,50; Phil.1:15-18
17 Gal.6:9,10
18 Isa.1:17; Psa.82:3,4
19 Rom.12:14-16
The conference resolved itself into a committee of the whole to discuss the proposed article, “Marriage, Singleness, and Divorce”.
RESOLVED, that we rise and report to the Annual Conference that we have completed our debate of the proposed article, “Marriage, Singleness, and Divorce”.
WHEREAS, the work of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee is not yet complete,
RESOLVED, that the 112th Annual Conference direct the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to continue its work.
The following persons were elected:
Ministerial Relations Committee
Randall A. Grossman (3 years)
Board of Christian Education
David N. Schoen (3 years)
Secretary of Annual Conference
Randall A. Grossman (1 year)
Committee on Nominations
Harold L. Snyder, Jr. (3 years)
RESOLVED, that we adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned with prayer led by Alva C. Cassel at 5:15 PM.
Sixth Meeting
Wednesday Morning, April 26, 1995, 9:00 AM
The meeting began with the singing of “How Majestic Is Your Name” and “Majesty”. Jacob J. Susek, Jr. gave his testimony and read the Scripture passage, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-16. William G. Schlonecker preached a message entitled “The Gospel: The Communication Factor”. Following the message, the group sang “We Are Called to Be God’s People”.
Report of the Registrar
The following men requested to be excused: D. Thomas Phillips, David J. Davis, Harold L. Snyder, Jr.
RESOLVED, that we grant the excuses.
The alternate delegate from Reading, Lynn Hart, was seated.
The minutes of the fourth meeting were approved.
The following person was elected:
Ministerial Relations Committee
Calvin T. Reed (1 year)
RESOLVED, that the proposed article “Marriage, Singleness, and Divorce” be referred back to the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee for further study.
RESOLVED, that we refer the proposed Bylaws for the Board of Missions to the Board of Missions to reconsider the structure of the Board relative to paid employees on the Board and under the authority of the Executive Director and to reconsider the composition of the Board relative to the inclusion of women.
RESOLVED, that the material in the Faith & Order, pages 96 to 99 under the sections entitled, “Constitution of the Women’s Missionary Society”, “Regional Programs”, and “Conference-Wide Programs”, be deleted and replaced by the following statements (FIRST READING):
Mission Organizations
Each Particular Church is encouraged to establish organizations that will promote and assist in the carrying out its task of world evangelization. Organizations so established are encouraged to inform the Board of Missions of their officers in order that information can be circulated to and coordinated with similar organizations from other Particular Churches. Suggested bylaws for such organizations are available in the appendices.
Regional Mission Organization Programs
The Board of Missions shall coordinate regional programs as deemed advisable. (This sentence was approved at SECOND READING at the 111th Annual Conference.)
Conference-Wide Mission Organization Programs
The Board of Missions shall coordinate Conference-Wide mission meetings and events as deemed advisable. Committees to promote such programs shall be appointed by the Board of Missions.
The following persons were elected:
Board of Church Extension
Kenneth F. Barber (3 years)
Pinebrook Bible Conference
James A. Wickstead (3 years)
Committee on Nominations
Thomas P. Shorb (3 years)
Chairman of Annual Conference
James A. Beil (1 year)
RESOLVED, that the following “Suggested Bylaws for Mission Organizations in a Particular Church” be approved for placement in the Appendices of the Faith & Order.
Faith & Order AppendixSuggested Bylaws for Mission Organizations in a Particular Church
I. Name — The name of this organization shall be the (Name of Organization) of (Name of Church) (City, State) .
II. Purpose — The purpose of this Mission Organization shall be to
1. Give diligence to intercessory prayer in behalf of missions
2. Encourage sacrificial giving in behalf of missions
3. Support missionary projects, both domestic and foreign
4. Correspond with missionaries
5. Assist BFC missionaries and missionary appointees
6. Promote spiritual growth among the members of the organization
7. Seek to provide spiritual growth to missionaries in remote areas of the world (e.g. tapes of good messages and music, Christian magazines, etc.)
8. Provide prayer letter reproduction, address maintenance, and mailing services to missionaries where possible
9. (Other purposes can be added or deleted to fit the organization’s purposes.)
III. Membership — Membership shall be open to Christians of like faith who are interested in missionary work and desire to share in this fellowship.
IV. Officers — The suggested officers of the local Mission Organization shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Corresponding Secretary. Officers that are deemed necessary shall be elected by and from the membership of the organization. No one shall serve as President or Vice President who is not a member of the Bible Fellowship Church.
1. It is suggested that officers be elected annually.
2. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the elected officers. The pastor should be invited to be an advisory member of the Executive Committee.
3. A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled by election.
V. Meetings — The organization shall meet as arranged by the Executive Committee.
VI. Duties of Officers
1. To bear the responsibility of leadership of the organization.
2. To preside at the meetings of the organization and of the Executive Committee.
3. To present reports at congregational meetings, if required.
1. To preside in the absence of the President or when the President so directs.
2. To assume all duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President.
1. To record all minutes of the meetings of the organization and of the Executive Committee.
2. To record attendance and to keep a membership roll, if desired.
3. To supply the President with statistical reports for the congregational meetings, if required.
4. To carry on all correspondence relative to the organization and to promote correspondence with missionaries if there is no Corresponding Secretary.
Corresponding Secretary
1. To be a liaison between the organization and missionaries.
2. To promote correspondence between the members of the organization and missionaries.
1. To receive and disburse funds and keep accurate records.
2. To provide the President with financial reports for the congregational meetings, if required.
WHEREAS, revised materials relating to the Board of Missions have been approved at First Reading at this Annual Conference, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Publication and Printing plans to publish a new edition of the Faith and Order in the coming year, and
WHEREAS, it is preferable to have the revised material relating to the Board of Missions printed in the new edition of the Faith and Order, therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that the revised materials related to the Board of Missions be printed in the new edition of Faith and Order with the following notation: “Subject to approval at Second Reading in 1996.”
(Over three-quarters majority)
WHEREAS, the three-year term of Roy A. Hertzog as Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions has been completed; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Missions has elected Roy A. Hertzog at the January 26, 1995 Board meeting; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the election of Roy A. Hertzog as Executive Secretary of the Board of Missions be ratified for a period of one year.
(Yes – 116, No – 0)
The following men requested to be excused: Ralph M. Soper, Daniel J. Eckman.
RESOLVED, that we grant the excuses.
The following person was elected:
Vice Chairman of Annual Conference
Carl C. Cassel (1 year)
RESOLVED, that we adjourn.
The meeting ended in prayer led by Daniel G. Ziegler at 12:05 PM.
Seventh Meeting
Wednesday Afternoon, 1:30 PM
The minutes of the fifth meeting were approved as corrected.
RESOLVED, that the following persons elected to the Pinebrook Educational Foundation be ratified:
Raymond R. Dotts (3 years)
Jay H. Fasnacht (3 years)
Robert C. Newman (2 years)
Keith W. Johnson (2 years)
Stephen C. Cassel (1 year)
Valeria Boyer (1 year)
(Yes – 92, No – 6)
RESOLVED, that the second Sunday in September (Grandparents’ Day) be designated as Bible Fellowship Church Homes Sunday. (This date is September 10, 1995); and further
RESOLVED, that each church endeavor to commemorate that Sunday with the program and material provided by the Board of the Homes.
WHEREAS, the Lord continues to use the ministry of Victory Valley Camp to bear eternal fruit in the lives of children and young people, and
WHEREAS, the expanding opportunities of ministry necessitate the addition of an all-purpose building for continued effective ministry, and
WHEREAS, the physical condition of Jill necessitates a change in the Atkins’ housing situation, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Annual Conference approve the Victory Valley Development Program which includes housing for the Director and the construction of the “All-Purpose for God’s Purpose” building as proposed, and further
RESOLVED, that each church endeavor to support the Victory Valley Development Program through prayer for the ministry and contributions both to this special effort and to the general fund of Victory Valley Camp.
WHEREAS, all property and assets of Victory Valley Camp are held by the Bible Fellowship Church, and
WHEREAS, all collateral for borrowing is controlled by the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church monitor and approve the Victory Valley Development Program, and further
RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors authorize the officers of the Board of Victory Valley Camp to sign all mortgages and notes given to lenders.
RESOLVED, that beginning in 1996 and annually thereafter, the first Sunday in February be designated as Stewardship Sunday. In 1996, Stewardship Sunday would be February 4, and Council encourages our pastors to present a message based on Proverbs 13:22: “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children, But a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.” (NIV)
The following legislation was adopted at first reading:
WHEREAS, many of the Christian Education ministries in our local churches are led by gifted women or couples, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Christian Education believes that the opportunity to have input from women would be of significant value in our planning, be it
RESOLVED, that the wording of Article XI: Annual Conference Boards and Committees, Board of Christian Education (pg 163) be changed from “laymen” to “laypersons”.
(Yes – 87, No – 13)
RESOLVED, that a contribution of three hundred dollars ($300) for the conference year 1996 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing upon receipt of a request for payment from the Board of Publication and Printing sent to each of the following boards and committees: Victory Valley, Missions, Christian Education, Church Extension, Pinebrook Bible Conference, and Board of the Homes.
RESOLVED, that one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per member for 1996 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Business Manager, Paul T. Rutman, by December 31, 1995.
RESOLVED, that the cost of the 1995 Yearbook be $6.00 per copy.
RESOLVED, that the proposed budget of the Board of Publication and Printing for 1996 be adopted.
Board of Publication and Printing1996 Budget
Subsidy – Admin. Bud. $ 4,000.00
Boards & Committees 1,800.00
From Churches 8,400.00
Yearbook Sales 4,500.00
Faith & Order Sales 2,500.00
Sale of Printed Material 2,000.00
Interest 200.00
TOTAL INCOME $ 23,400.00
Fellowship News:
Layout & Design $ 2,500.00
Printing 8,500.00
Mailing 1,500.00
Misc. Expenses 200.00
Editor’s Honorarium 1,000.00
Annual Conference Expense 200.00
Business Manager’s Expense 100.00
Honoraria 200.00
Printing Yearbook 4,700.00
Faith & Order 2,000.00
Board & Secretary Expense 350.00
Misc. Church Supplies 2,050.00
Misc. Expenses 100.00
TOTAL EXPENSES: $ 23,400.00
WHEREAS, the Board of Publication and Printing has appointed Paul T. Rutman as the Business Manager of the Fellowship News for a three year term at the January 25, 1995 Board meeting; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the election of Paul T. Rutman as Business Manager of the Fellowship News be ratified for a period of three years.
(Yes – 102, No – 1)
Report of the Committee on Statistics
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
The following person was elected:
Board of Church Extension
Robert W. Smock (2 years)
Report of the Committee on Auditing (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
RESOLVED, that Boards and Committees responsible to make financial reports to the Annual Conference prepare a complete report and a summary report, and be it further
RESOLVED, that both the complete report and the summary report be reviewed by the Committee on Auditing. Upon approval both are to be included with the official records of the Secretary of Annual Conference and, be it further
RESOLVED, that only the summary report be printed in the “Report Book” and Yearbook with the following statement included with each, “A copy of the complete financial report may be obtained upon request to the secretary of the particular Board or Committee.”
Report of the Committee on Communications (see page )
RESOLVED, that the report be accepted.
The minutes of the sixth meeting were approved as read.
The following person was elected:
Board of Church Extension
David E. Gundrum (1 year)
Report of the Committee on Resolutions
WHEREAS, the Pinebrook Junior College property has not yet been sold, and
WHEREAS, this assembly concurs that the property and its financial obligations are a serious problem, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we continue to fervently ask of the Lord that He bring about that sale.
WHEREAS, our retired brother, John Dunn, was unable to attend the 112th Annual Conference due to physical problems and
WHEREAS, his desire was to be part of this Assembly, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we implore the Lord for the physical restoration and spiritual comfort of this brother.
WHEREAS, our ministering brother, LeRoy S. Heller, has testified to Annual Conference of God’s full restoration after delicate surgery last fall, and
WHEREAS, our brother, Robert F. Johnson, has testified to God’s hand upon him in the start of His retirement, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we praise God together for His special blessing upon them.
WHEREAS, Becky Riddell’s mother unexpectedly died this week in Philadelphia while her daughter is serving as a missionary in France, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we beg God’s comfort upon Becky and her family and that we support Becky with caring communication and prayer.
WHEREAS, the Credentials Committee has presented Daniel F. DeLozier for ordination, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we praise the Lord for the one He has called and that we commit ourselves to pray for him.
WHEREAS, the Pleasant Valley, NY mission was recognized as a Particular Church, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we thank the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, for the establishment of another local church and its ministry.
WHEREAS, “Mission America” is an ambitious undertaking on behalf of the Bible Fellowship Church, and
WHEREAS, Rob Vaughn, Alan Fleming, Kelly Planer and Rick Dean have graciously, along with others, given of their skills to produce the “Mission America” video, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we thank the Lord for the work that went into the video and pray that it will be used mightily to stir interest and support in “Mission America.”
WHEREAS, there are three Bible Fellowship Churches without pastors, Emmaus, Walnutport and Wappinger Falls, NY, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we pray that the Lord will call men to pastor each of these congregations.
WHEREAS, Phil Atkins and Donna Bauer have faithfully directed the ministry of Victory Valley Camp and
WHEREAS, Victory Valley Camp has maintained a strategic ministry in reaching children and youth for Jesus Christ for 40 years, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we express our thanks to the Lord of the Harvest for Victory Valley’s outreach in the world and continue to diligently support both Phil and Donna and their respective families as they serve in this field, and be it further
RESOLVED, that we continue to give generous support to Victory Valley and its building program with our prayers and finances.
WHEREAS, the Lord has guided the Board of Missions to appoint Dana E. Weller as Assistant Director and
WHEREAS, Dana E. Weller is particularly qualified for this position.
RESOLVED, that we praise the Lord for providing the man of his choice for this crucial position and further
RESOLVED, that we pray that Dana would be greatly used in furthering the work of missions among the Bible Fellowship Churches.
WHEREAS, our Lord has graciously provided so that six of our missionary appointees have had their financial needs met and are presently on their field of service and
WHEREAS, there are still other missionary appointees on deputation, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we praise the Lord for sending these workers into His mission field, and be it further
RESOLVED, that we continue to pray for those still in need of support.
WHEREAS, the ratio of missionaries to members in the Bible Fellowship Church reveals a great sensitivity to world evangelism among Bible Fellowship churches, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we thank God for the growing interest in world missions.
WHEREAS, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr. has served as Secretary of the Board of Directors for many years with faithfulness and integrity and
WHEREAS, he will soon be retiring from the pastorate and is now retiring from the Board of Directors, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we give thanks for the faithful example of Brother Fritz.
WHEREAS, Gilbert J. Vining has graciously donated the use of sound equipment for Annual Conference, and
WHEREAS, Kevin K. Gehman has faithfully operated the system during conference, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we thank them for our increased ability to hear what has transpired at the 112th Annual Conference.
WHEREAS, the pages, Robert E. Hershberger, Jr., Jonathon W. Arnold, Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr., Kevin K. Gehman, Dennis J. Lawrence, Jonathan P. Tait, Jimmy D. Head, James W. Harris, Stephen Mann, and J. Mark McCreary, have served our conference with excellence, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we thank God for their faithful service to our Lord at this Annual Conference.
WHEREAS, the staff and volunteers of the Pinebrook Bible Conference have faithfully and graciously served the members of the 112th Annual Conference, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that during a meal in the dining hall we give a standing ovation of thanks to the staff and volunteers for their ministry.
WHEREAS, the Secretary of Annual Conference and his assistants have labored diligently to prepare the Yearbook, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Board of Publication and Printing give an honorarium of $50 each to the Secretary and his assistants.
WHEREAS, James A. Beil has served with distinction as Chairman of the 112th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the members of Annual Conference show their appreciation for Brother Beil with a standing ovation.
WHEREAS, God continues to sustain our Conference with a oneness of purpose and desire, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the members of the 112th Annual Conference express gratitude to the Lord for His harmonizing presence and determine to keep serving together with one mind and one heart.
RESOLVED, that the obligation of the Ministerial Relations Committee relative to the requirement of submitting a report each year to Annual Conference concerning minimum salary for minister be satisfied by the MRC mailing annually its recommendation to each church by October 15.
RESOLVED, that the Ministerial Relations Committee be instructed to study the matter of “minimum pastor’s salary” and bring appropriate recommendations to the next conference.
WHEREAS, Pinebrook Junior College was closed effective June 30, 1992, by decision of Annual Conference, and
WHEREAS, the time may come when it is no longer necessary for the corporation known as Pinebrook Junior College to be retained; be it
RESOLVED, that we instruct the Board of Pinebrook Junior College to dissolve the corporation when the Board of Pinebrook Junior College and the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church determine that such a dissolution is timely.
WHEREAS, the Advisory Committee on Revising the Faith and Order is preparing to publish a new edition of the Faith and Order, and
WHEREAS, revision of the section “Reports of boards and committees to Annual Conference” of the Business Rules of Annual Conference (Faith and Order, p.130) is desired for inclusion in the new edition, and
WHEREAS, the recommended changes reflect current practice which has been authorized by Annual Conference, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that by the rule of exception the following revision of the section “Reports of boards and committees to Annual conference” in the Business Rules of Annual Conference (Faith and Order, p.130) be adopted for inclusion in the Faith and Order at one reading.
9. Reports of Boards and Committees to Annual Conference
a. All Annual Conference Boards and Committees elected by ballot shall send copies of their reports to the place and by the time designated in the minutes of Annual Conference as recommended by the Committee on Arrangements. Study Committees and other committees appointed by the chairman shall follow the same procedure.
b. Each board and committee shall have its records audited by an auditor(s) chosen by the board or committee prior to preparing its report for Annual Conference, and the name of the auditor(s) shall be included in the report to Annual Conference.
c. The report of each board and committee made to Annual Conference shall include a statement of its treasurer indicating the total amount of cash on hand and the depository where this fund is maintained.
d. Reports that have previously been circulated shall not be read publicly unless requested from the Conference floor.
e. The reports may be questioned and corrected before being accepted by Annual Conference.
f. One corrected copy of each report shall be given to the Secretary of Annual Conference upon acceptance of each report for inclusion in the Conference Yearbook.
(Note: b. and c. have been moved to this location from the Miscellaneous Bylaws of Annual Conference, #4 and #7, Faith and Order, p. 181.)
The following legislation was adopted at one reading:
WHEREAS, the “Miscellaneous Bylaws of Annual Conference” are in need of revision or relocation, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the following be omitted:
1. The Secretary of the Annual Conference shall send copies of the Yearbook to the Eastern and Western Clergy Bureaus and to any other agencies deemed advisable. The Church shall be responsible to pay for copies of the Yearbook when ordered.
2. All needs for support of missionary work not under the jurisdiction of the Board of Church Extension shall be controlled by the Board of Missions.
6. Each pastor shall inform the Registrar of the Annual Conference of the names of the Annual Conference Delegate(s) and Alternate Delegate(s) as soon as possible after their election by the congregation, but no later than April 1.
8. The term of office of those elected and appointed by this body shall be for the term designated by our rules for that office or until successors are chosen.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the following be amended:
512-1 Yearbook
(1) The Secretary of the Annual Conference shall be Editor of the Yearbook, in which the official minutes of the Annual Conference shall be published.
(2) The Yearbook shall contain the annual reports of boards and committees.
(3) If a pastor or missionary dies during the year, a photograph shall be inserted in the Yearbook in the next year.
(4) If a church or parsonage is built during the year, a photograph shall be taken and a picture inserted in the Yearbook in the next year.
Move #9 (5) Copies of the Yearbook shall be ordered and paid for at the Annual Conference. Payment shall be made to the Board of Publication and Printing.
3. Change “Conference Secretary” to “He”. Change “men” to “persons”. Move to p. 129.
4. Move to pp. 130-131 “Reports of boards and committees to Annual Conference”.
5. Renumber as 512-2.
7. Move to pp. 130-131 “Reports of boards and committees to Annual conference”.
9. Moved to 512-1 (5)
10. Move to pp. 101-102 Miscellaneous bylaws of particular churches.
11. Renumber as 512-3.
WHEREAS, the Advisory Committee on Revising the Faith and Order is preparing to publish a new edition of the Faith and Order, and
WHEREAS, it is desired that the revised Miscellaneous Bylaws of Annual Conference be included in the new edition, and
WHEREAS, the revisions are needed and minor in nature, therefore be it,
RESOLVED, that by the rule of exception the following be adopted as the revised Miscellaneous Bylaws of Annual Conference and be included in the Faith and Order at one reading.
Article 512 – Miscellaneous Bylaws of Annual Conference
512-1 Yearbook
(1) The Secretary of the Annual Conference shall be Editor of the Yearbook, in which the official minutes of the Annual Conference shall be published.
(2) The Yearbook shall contain the annual reports of boards and committees.
(3) If a pastor or missionary dies during the year, a photograph shall be inserted in the Yearbook in the next year.
(4) If a church or parsonage is built or purchased during the year, a photograph of it shall be taken and a picture inserted in the Yearbook in the next year.
(5) Copies of the Yearbook shall be ordered and paid for at the Annual Conference. Payment shall be made to the Board of Publication and Printing.
512-2 The tenure of men elected to study committees created for a specific assignment shall continue until the completion of the specific assignment. Vacancies due to death, resignation, or other causes shall be filled by further elections.
512-3 The past minutes of Annual Conference boards and committees shall be deposited for storage and preservation in the denominational archives.
WHEREAS, the Bible Fellowship Church at present has 116 missionaries serving in 26 countries, and
WHEREAS, we acknowledge God’s faithfulness in providing these missionaries as our emissaries, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we give thanks to our Lord for our missionary family and the enabling that He has given for their effective ministries, and further
RESOLVED, that we express this appreciation to all of our missionaries.
The following appointments were made:
Committee to Clarify the Use of Laymen and Laypersons: Thomas P. Shorb, Chairman; Randall A. Grossman, David J. Watkins, Richard T. Paashaus, L. James Roberts, Jr., Calvin T. Reed
Committee on Agenda & Program: Randall A. Grossman, Chairman; Thomas P. Shorb, Allen R. Vivona, Howard N. Wells
Committee on Arrangements for the 113th Annual Conference: David A. Thomann, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Randall A. Grossman, Thomas P. Shorb, Registrar of 113th Annual Conference
Committee on Statistics: LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; Willard E. Cassel, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., Calvin T. Reed, David A. Thomann, Daniel G. Ziegler, W. David Armstrong
Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: Ralph Soper, Chairman; Dennis M. Cahill, Ronald C. Erb, Thomas J. Beil, Ralph E. Ritter
Registrar: Willard E. Cassel
Assistant Registrar: Carl J. Fischer, Jr.
Committee to Advise and Assist Chairman of Annual Conference: Thomas P. Shorb, Carl C. Cassel
It was announced that Ronald C. Mahurin is the secretary of the Conference Judicatory for the year.
RESOLVED, that we adjourn.
The 112th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was adjourned with prayer led by Jansen E. Hartman at 3:50 PM.