Annual Conference Proceedings
Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 2001 Yearbook
First Meeting
Monday Morning, April 23, 2001, 10:00 AM
The 118th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was called to order by the Chairman, Randall A. Grossman, at Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, PA. The Chairman led the body in the opening prayer. Richard T. Paashaus led the conference in a time of worship which included a call to worship (from Psalm 136), singing of hymns, prayer and Scripture reading (Acts 9:1-22). The conference sang Amazing Grace after which the Chairman spoke on “Grace That Saves” as illustrated in the conversion and life of the Apostle Paul. The conference responded by singing the refrain to Grace Greater Than Our Sin. The Vice Chairman, William G. Schlonecker, closed the worship time in prayer.
Report of the Registrar:
Resolved, that the tables with red tablecloths constitute the Conference Bar.
The roll of the Annual Conference was established as follows:
Aberdeen, NJ. . . . . . . John C. Vandegriff, Jr., E. Davis DeRonde
Allentown, PA,. . . . . . Ronald C. Mahurin, Allen M. Gehman, John C. Elias, David T. Allen
Bethlehem, PA. . . . . . Brian H. Cooper, Mark W. Tress, Peter D. Burleigh
Blandon, PA. . . . . . . . Carl J. Fischer, Jr., Michael T. Littlejohn
Brooklyn, NY. . . . . . . Ralph E. Ritter, O. Lewis Willard
Camden, DE. . . . . . . . Raymond R. Dotts, Albert F. Biddle, Jr.
Coopersburg, PA. . . . Thomas P. Shorb, Richard T. Paashaus, Gene E. Parris
Denville, NJ. . . . . . . . Richard D. Harris, Steven C. Boepple
Emmaus, PA. . . . . . . . David N. Schoen, Ralph M. Soper, Gerald L. Schlonecker, Ralph B. Weaver
Ephrata, PA. . . . . . . . Daniel P. Allen, Robert W. Gehret
Finesville, NJ. . . . . . . Byron Widger, Michael P. Emrick, Jr.
Fleetwood, PA. . . . . . R. Jerome Brush, James E. Mortland
Graterford, PA. . . . . . David J. Watkins, Douglas D. Bowne
Harleysville, PA. . . . . W. David Armstrong, Jr., Glendon R. LeSuer
Harrisburg, PA. . . . . . Carl K. Spackman, Harold E. Snyder
Hatfield, PA. . . . . . . . Howard N. Wells, Lee E. Boyles
Holmes, NY. . . . . . . . Robert S. Commerford, Hans R. Waldvogel
Howell, NJ. . . . . . . . . David N. Heineman, Brian L. Michlich
Kutztown, PA. . . . . . . Allan R. Vivona, Byron G. Barnshaw
Lancaster, PA. . . . . . . David A. Thomann, Horace A. Kauffman
Lebanon, PA. . . . . . . . Calvin T. Reed, LeRoy S. Heller, LeRoy O. Herb
Lehighton, PA. . . . . . William H. Bartron, Bruce A. Kellerman
Maple Glen, PA. . . . . Louis Prontnicki, Laurence M. Morris
Mt. Carmel, PA. . . . . Alva C. Cassel, Bryan L. Snyder
Mt. Pocono, PA. . . . . Ronald C. Erb, Donald S. Faust
Nazareth, PA. . . . . . . Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr., Jeffrey L. Ruhl, Richard Lewis
Newark, DE. . . . . . . . William G. Schlonecker, Robert W. Green
Ocean County, NJ. . . Dean A. Stortz, Richard T. Christen, Jr.
Oley, PA. . . . . . . . . . . Arthur J. Simpson, Jr. (Probationer), Jan Musser
Paradise, PA. . . . . . . . Mark L. Morrison, David W. Eisenhower
Philadelphia, PA. . . . . G. Wayne Clapier, Thomas L. Galloway
Piscataway, NJ. . . . . . Dennis M. Cahill, Richard B. Ravis, Joseph R. Knorr
Pleasant Valley, NY. . (Vacant), Wayne Chadwell
Poughquag, NY. . . . . James A. Wickstead, Thomas L. Ward
Quakertown, PA. . . . . Leland C. Stauff (Probationer), Dennis J. Lawrence, L. James Roberts, Jr.
Reading, PA. . . . . . . . Randall A. Grossman, Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr., Ronald W. Reed, Charles A. Lavigna
Red Hill, PA. . . . . . . . (Vacant), D. Thomas Phillips, Clifford W. Luft
Royersford, PA. . . . . . Jacob J. Susek, Jr., Orville E. Gibson
Scranton, PA. . . . . . . Roger L. Reitz, Larry D. Kellerman
Shamokin, PA. . . . . . . Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., Mark M. Leshinskie
Sinking Spring, PA. . . Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Donald D. McKinney, Stephen M. Bauer
Spring City, PA. . . . . Kevin W. Clineff (Probationer), Peter Gunderson
Stroudsburg, PA. . . . . (Vacant), Robert D. Carroll
Sunbury, PA. . . . . . . . Charles E. Cole, Robert H. Cox
Terre Hill, PA. . . . . . . Kevin W. Kirkpatrick (Probationer), James F. Wetzler
Wallingford, PA. . . . . Richard E. Taylor, Timothy S. Cowen, William R. Singletary
Walnutport, PA. . . . . Jonathan P. Tait, Timothy D. Weaber
Whitehall, PA. . . . . . . Gene W. Smith, Calvin A. Boyle
York, PA. . . . . . . . . . Kenneth D. Keeler, Roger L. Shambough
Zionsville, PA. . . . . . . C. Larry Bennet (Probationer), David L. Weller
Ordained Men Serving Bible Fellowship Ministries
Delbert R. Baker, II, David E. Gundrum, J. Mark McCreary, Elliot H. Ramos*, Dennis W. Spinney, Dana E.Weller.
Ordained Missionaries
William A. Aukamp, Clifford B. Boone, Ronald K. Denlinger, Richard J. Gehman, W. Neil Harding, Jr., Jim D. Head, Walter M. Johnston, Herbert K. Lea, David L. Manney, Philip E. Morrison, Duane E. Moyer*, Jerry L. Moyer, Thomas A. Pollock, David W. Riddell, John C. Studenroth, Philip E. Yerrington, Paul G. Zimmerman
* Ordination pending approval at Annual Conference
Ordained Ministers Working in the Chaplaincy Under the Sponsorship of the BFC
Kenneth J. Hurst, Military; Barry J. Minsky, Military; Richard A. Moyer, Prison Ministry
Ordained Men Between Calls
James R. Batchler, Jr., Albert J. Dommel, John H. Herb, David H. Jones, Steven L. Trommler, David R. Way
Ordained Ministers in Retirement
Kenneth F. Barber, James A. Beil, Bert N. Brosius, Leonard E. Buck, Carl C. Cassel, Willard E. Cassel, Raymond R. Dotts, Robert L. Draper, John Dunn, Walter H. Frank, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Robert N. Gordon, J. Barclay Harley, Jansen E. Hartman, Frank L. Herb, Jr., George E. Herb, Roy A. Hertzog, Ronald W. Hoyle, Donald T. Kirkwood, James G. Koch, Edward K. Moyer, William W. Mull, Edgar H. Munyan, Keith E. Plows, R. C. Reichenbach, John H. Riggall, A. L. Seifert, Austin G. Shelly, Robert W. Smock, David E. Thomann, Harold C. Weaber, Harold D. Yarrington, Daniel G. Ziegler
The following requested to be excused for part or all of the 118th Annual Conference: William A. Aukamp, Kenneth F. Barber, William H. Bartron, Clifford B. Boone, Bert N. Brosius, Leonard E. Buck, Peter D. Burleigh, Robert D. Carroll, Carl C. Cassel, Wayne Chadwell, G. Wayne Clapier, Walter H. Frank, Richard J. Gehman, W. Neil Harding, Jr., Jim D. Head, Frank L. Herb, Jr., George E. Herb, John H. Herb, Donald T. Kirkwood, James G. Koch, David H. Jones, Herbert K. Lea, Clifford W. Luft, David L. Manney, J. Mark McCreary, Barry J. Minsky, Richard A. Moyer, Thomas A. Pollock, David W. Riddell, A. L. Seifert, Arthur J. Simpson, Jr., Bryan L. Snyder, Mark W. Tress, Steven L. Trommler, Thomas L. Ward, David R. Way, Timothy D. Weber.
Resolved, that the requests for excuses be granted.
Report of the Committee on Agenda and Program
Resolved, that the agenda be accepted.
Report of the Committee on Arrangements (see page 57)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Nate Brosius, Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, welcomed the members of Annual Conference to Pinebrook for these meetings.
David A. Thomann, Secretary of Annual Conference, appointed Robert W. Smock as Assistant Secretary and Daniel P. Allen and Roy A. Hertzog as Assistants to the Secretary.
The Chairman appointed the following:
Tellers: Keith E. Plows (Chairman); William H. Bartron, LeRoy S. Heller, LeRoy O. Herb, Mark L. Morrison, D. Thomas Phillips, Harold E. Snyder, Mark W. Tress, Thomas L. Ward
Resolutions: Dennis J. Lawrence (Chairman); G. Wayne Clapier, David W. Eisenhower, Richard D. Harris, James E. Mortland
Auditing: Robert W. Gehret (Chairman); Lee E. Boyles, Horace A. Kauffman
Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes: Ralph E. Ritter (Chairman); Jacob J. Susek, Jr., Gene E. Parris
Reporter: Clyde W. Snyder
Timekeeper: Ronald C. Erb
Parliamentarian: Carl C. Cassel
The new members of Annual Conference introduced themselves to the Conference.
Report of the Nominating Committee
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Thomas P. Shorb prayed for the Lord’s guidance in the upcoming elections of Annual Conference.
Report of the Committee on Credentials (see page: 59)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended Duane E. Moyer and Elliot H. Ramos for ordination, and
Whereas, these brethren have served acceptably as ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time or the equivalent thereof, and
Whereas, after examination, the Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the gospel ministry and to be in accord with the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it
Resolved, that Duane E. Moyer and Elliot H. Ramos be ordained to the gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church, and further,
Resolved, that the service of ordination be held Tuesday, April 24, 2001, at 7:30 p.m. at Berean Bible Fellowship Church, Stroudsburg, PA.
Resolved, that an Ordination Service be held Tuesday, April 23, 2002, at the Berean BFC, Stroudsburg, PA., during the 119th Annual Conference.
Resolved, that Lighthouse Bible Fellowship Church, Allentown, PA, and Grace BFC, Quakertown, PA, be encouraged to have services acknowledging the ordination of Elliot H. Ramos and Duane E. Moyer respectively and that they be encouraged to invite the Credentials Committee to send representation to be present at the services.
Report of the Ministerial Candidate Committee (see page: 63)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Resolved, that the list of men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee as of February 28, 2001, be approved as follows:
Licensed Probationers (year of licensure in parenthesis):
David T. Allen (2000). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kutztown, PA
Andrew T. Crossgrove (1999). . . . . . . . . Souderton, PA
Willis I. Dowling (1999). . . . . . . . . . . .Chesapeake, VA
William J. Dunn (1999). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emmaus, PA
Donald R. Ellwanger (2001). . . . . . .Sinking Spring, PA
Donald R. Hibbs (1991). . . . . . . . . . . . Saylorsburg, PA
Duane E. Moyer (1998). . . . . . . Bananier, Guadeloupe
Elliot H. Ramos (1998). . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Leland C. Stauff (2000). . . . . . . . . . . . .Quakertown, PA
Probationers Eligible to Receive a Call:
Alvin A. Low. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colorado Springs, CO
Kevin W. Kirkpatrick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terre Hill, PA
Hal J. Russell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Elmer, NJ
Charles Larry Bennett. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Zionsville, PA
Kevin W. Clineff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring City, PA
Louis S. Curcio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hatfield, PA
Michael L. Easton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newark, DE
Robert K. Fields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bethlehem PA
Ondrej Franka. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Backi Petrovac, Serbia
Peter J. Gunderson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring City, PA
Ronald K. Kohl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allentown, PA
Donald E. Kuntzman. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Center Valley, PA
James D. MacArthur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reading, PA
Stephen C. Mann. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Quakertown, PA
Bruce D. McIntosh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . York, PA
Arthur J. Simpson, Jr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reading, PA
Vinton A. N. Upham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Harleysville, PA
Raymond R. Bertolet. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Santa Rita, Guam
Gerald D. Clark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stanfordville, NY
Raymond C. Cole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Newark, DE
John C. Elias. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Coopersburg, PA
Fred J. Hoffman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Whitehall, PA
Christopher D. Lenz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Denville, NJ
Stephen T. Roth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Harrisburg, PA
Vincent S. Russ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staten Island, NY
David K. Schlonecker. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rubio, Venezuela
The men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee introduced themselves to the members of conference.
Report of the Ministerial Relations Committee (see page: 66)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Resolved, that the recommended minimum salary for a pastor serving a Bible Fellowship Church, including benefits, be $26,550.
The Ministerial Relations Committee presented Ronald C. Mahurin as its candidate for the position of Conference Pastor. Ronald C. Mahurin gave a short update on the medical condition of his wife, Darlene. LeRoy S. Heller then prayed for them as they seek the Lord’s grace in their time of need.
Resolved, that the meeting be adjourned.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. as Mark W. Tress closed in prayer.
Second Meeting
Monday Afternoon, 1:30 PM
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., gave an update on his physical condition. Thomas P. Shorb reported to the conference that a long-time faithful member and elder of the Stroudsburg Church, Bill Altemose, had passed away last weekend and that his funeral would take place on Monday afternoon. Bert N. Brosius asked the Lord for His blessing on Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr. and on the Altemose family and Stroudsburg church.
Report of the Board of Victory Valley (see page: 69)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Phil Atkins gave an update on the ministry of Victory Valley. He also praised the Lord for His care when he had an accident cutting down a tree. Ralph M. Soper prayed for the ministry of Victory Valley and thanked the Lord for His watchful eye on the life of Phil Atkins.
Report of the Director of Church Extension (see page: 74)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Stephen C. Mann gave an update on the Saucon Community BFC work in Hellertown, PA. Daniel G. Ziegler led in prayer for the Lord’s blessing in the work of extending the Bible Fellowship Church.
Report of the Board of Church Extension (see page: 83)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
The men who are serving in the Church Extension Department stood as William G. Schlonecker prayed for them.
Whereas, the Board of Church Extension is of the opinion that the New Community Mission, Brooklyn, NY, meets the qualifications of a Particular Church as specified in Article 18 of the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the New Community Mission, Brooklyn, NY, be recognized as a Particular Church, and that its delegate be received into membership of the 118th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.
O. Lewis Willard, delegate of New Community Church, was seated in the Conference Bar.
Report of the Board of Missions (see page: 89)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Dana E. Weller gave an update on the work of the Joint Task Force of the Board of Missions and Church Extension.
Resolved, that the report of the Task Force of the Board of Missions and Church Extension be accepted.
Report of the Board of Higher Education (see page: 105)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference (see page: 111)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Stewardship Council (see page: 115)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Strategic Planning Committee (see page: 117)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Board of Christian Education (see page: 120)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Board of Youth and Young Adults (see page: 124)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Historical Committee (see page: 127)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Board of Pensions (see page: 129)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Rick Volpe presented an evaluation of where the Ministerial Retirement Fund would stand in relationship to increased life-expectancy and lower inflation rates. James A. Wickstead prayed for the Lord’s wisdom and His leading in this regard.
Report of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. (see page: 135)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Dean A. Stortz prayed for the continual strength and healing for Robert H. Zentz, President of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.
Report of the Conference Judicatory (see page: 139)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted at Second Reading:
Article 302 – Original and Appellate Jurisdiction
302-1 Individual Members. Original jurisdiction over an individual belongs to the congregation of which the individual is a member. All of the elders or a portion of the elders designated by the Board of Elders shall be the judicatory for a trial in a Particular Church. Those serving as a judicatory shall choose one of their number to serve as moderator of the trial. Any elder who has personal involvement in the issue being tried shall be disqualified from participation in the judicatory.
302-2 Ministers. Original jurisdiction over ministers belongs to the Credentials Committee. All of the members or a portion designated by the Committee shall be the judicatory for a trial involving a minister. Those serving as a judicatory shall choose one of their number to serve as moderator of the trial. Any member of the Committee who has personal involvement in the issue being tried shall be disqualified from participation in the judicatory.
302-3.1 Particular Churches. Original jurisdiction over Particular Churches belongs to the Ministerial Relations Committee. All of the members or a portion designated by the Committee shall be the judicatory for a trial involving a Particular Church. Those serving as a judicatory shall choose one of their number to serve as moderator of the trial. Any member of the Committee who has personal involvement in the issue being tried shall be disqualified from participation in the judicatory.
302-3.2 Agencies of the BFC. Original jurisdiction over agencies of the BFC belongs to a judicatory elected by Annual Conference, called the Conference Judicatory. Agencies of the BFC shall consist of any boards, committees, or offices temporary or permanent, incorporated or unincorporated, established by Annual Conference.
302-4.1 Appeals to the Conference Judicatory. If a judicatory in a Particular Church, the Credentials Committee, or the Ministerial Relations Committee is unable to resolve an issue, or if the defendant or plaintiff in a case desires to appeal the decision of the original judicatory, the appeal shall be made to the Conference Judicatory. (Charges brought against an agency of the BFC shall be made directly to the Conference Judicatory.) The Conference Judicatory shall be composed of five ordained ministers who are voting members of Annual Conference and five laymen who are voting members of Annual Conference at the time of their election. Laymen on the Conference Judicatory who are no longer voting members of Annual Conference may continue to serve their term of office as long as they remain members in good standing of a Particular Church. Annual Conference shall elect the members of the Conference Judicatory for three-year terms in three classes as follows:
Class I Two pastors and two elders
Class II Two pastors and two elders
Class III One pastor and one elder
When a case is presented to the Conference Judicatory, all ten members shall designate which five shall hear the case and shall designate which one of the five shall serve as moderator. The chairman and the secretary shall be chosen by the ten members from among their number. All charges or ppeals shall be presented to the secretary. The name of the secretary shall be announced at Annual Conference and included in its minutes.
302-4.2 Appeals to the Special Appellate Judicatory. If the Conference Judicatory is unable to resolve an issue, or if the defendant or plaintiff in a case desires to appeal the decision of the Conference Judicatory, subsequent appeal shall be made to the Special Appellate Judicatory. The Special Appellate Judicatory shall be composed of four ordained pastors who are voting members of Annual Conference and four laymen who are voting members of Annual Conference at the time of their election. Laymen on the Special Appellate Judicatory who are no longer voting members of Annual Conference may continue to serve their term of office as long as they remain members in good standing of a Particular Church. Annual Conference shall elect the members of the Special Appellate Judicatory for three-year terms in three classes as follows:
Class I Two pastors and two elders
Class II One pastor and one elder
Class III One pastor and one elder
When a case is presented to the Special Appellate Judicatory, all eight members shall designate which five shall hear the case and shall designate which of the five shall serve as moderator. The chairman and the secretary shall be chosen by the eight members from among their number. All appeals shall be presented to the Secretary. The name of the secretary shall be announced at Annual Conference and included in its minutes. The Special Appellate Judicatory shall conduct a hearing and their decision shall be final and shall be reported to Annual Conference. The Special Appellate Judicatory shall be the only place of appeal for issues which have had the Conference Judicatory as the place of original jurisdiction.
Article 303 – Steps in Institution of Judicial Process
303-1 A charge of an offense must be instituted at the place of original jurisdiction; it may be brought by an individual, Particular Church or Agency of the BFC. The one who brings a charge shall be designated as the plaintiff. The one who is charged shall be designated as the defendant.
303-2 A charge of offense must describe the alleged offense and state the facts which support the charge. The charge shall include, as far as possible, the time, place, circumstances of the alleged offense, the names of witnesses and titles of relevant documents. A charge shall be deemed to have been filed when it is presented in writing to the chairman or secretary of the Board of Elders of the Particular Church or the chairman or secretary of any other place of original jurisdiction.
303-3 No charge shall be received if it is filed more than two years after the time the alleged offense was committed unless good cause prevented an earlier filing.
303-4 When an individual, Particular Church or Agency of the BFC is ready to present a charge, the judicial body receiving the charge shall warn the plaintiff that he may be censured if the accused is found to be innocent of the alleged offense. If the judicial body receiving the charge determines that the charge is frivolous, it may dismiss the charge and censure the plaintiff.
303-5 When a charge is filed, the Board of Elders of the Particular Church, the Credentials Committee, the Ministerial Relations Committee, or the Conference Judicatory shall establish the time and place for the trial, and shall cite the accused to appear at the trial and shall constitute the judicial body to conduct the trial.
Article 307 – Appeals
307-1 An appeal is a petition asking that the final judgment of one judicatory be reversed or modified by another judicatory.
307-2 Notice of intention to appeal must be filed in writing within ten days after the judgment of the original judicatory has been announced. This notice must be filed with the moderator of the original judicatory.
307-3 To perfect an appeal, the appellant must in writing file within thirty days of the notice of appeal his appeal and specifications of error by the original judicatory. This shall be filed with the secretary of the judicatory to which the appeal is made; a copy of the appeal and specifications of error shall also be filed with the moderator of the original judicatory.
307-4 If the judicatory to which appeal is made does not sustain any of the specifications of error, the judgment of the original judicatory is affirmed. If the appellate judicatory sustains any specifications of error, it shall determine whether the error is of such importance as to require a reversal, or modification of the original judgment. A judicatory to which appeal is made may remand the case to the original judicatory, may modify the original judgment or may reverse the original judgment.
Report of the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches (see page: 140)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Minutes (see page: 143)
Resolved, that the report be adopted.
Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee (see page: 145)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Beneficiary Society (see page: 147)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Board of Publication and Printing (see page: 149)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
The following were elected:
Ministerial Relations Committee
Randall A. Grossman (3 years)
Ronald W. Reed (3 years)
Board of Higher Education
Claude L. Gates (3 years)
Robert C. Newman (3 years)
Board of Pensions
Keith E. Plows (3 years)
Ellis L. Hostetter (3 years)
Board of Publication and Printing
Daniel P. Allen (3 years)
Stephen C. Mann (3 years)
Ministerial Candidate Committee
Delbert R. Baker, II (3 years)
Conference Judicatory
Calvin T. Reed (3 years)
Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted at Second Reading:
401-1.9 The Board of Elders in each Particular Church shall determine which men are in agreement with the Articles of Faith and who will endeavor to follow the Principles of Order of the BFC. Each Elder shall annually declare in writing his agreement with the Articles of Faith, and his willingness to follow the Principles of Order of the BFC, and this declaration be included in the Board of Elders Report to the Congregation. No man can be divested of this office except by deposition for failure to maintain standards of doctrine and life in keeping with the dignity of the office.
Resolved, that the meeting be adjourned.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. as Calvin A. Boyle, Delegate of Whitehall, PA, BFC, closed in prayer.
Third Meeting
Monday Evening, 6:30 PM
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
The following missionaries were introduced by Dana E. Weller: Sam & Melissa Adams, Toto & Felicia Baran, Byron Barnshaw, Mark Bickel, Barbara Chappell, Michael L. Easton, Tim & Barbara Hash, Scott & Susan Hoffman, Walter M. Johnston, Craig & Karena Miller, Philip E. Morrison, Duane & Joetta Moyer, Jerry L. & Carolyn Moyer, Tim & Michele Obarow, David K. Schlonecker, Jr., Frances Sears, John C. Studenroth, Philip E. Yerrington, and Paul G. Zimmerman.
David E. Gundrum introduced Jack Becker. Jack is the pastor of the mission work in Las Cruces, New Mexico. He addressed the Annual Conference, giving an update of his work and thanking the members of Annual Conference for their many prayers on his behalf. Robert S. Commerford asked the Lord for His continual blessing on the work in Las Cruces.
Resolved, that Robert K. Fields, the alternate delegate from Bethlehem BFC, be seated.
The following requested to be excused from part or all of the remaining meetings of the 118th Annual Conference: Delbert R. Baker, II, Albert F. Biddle, Jr., R. Jerome Brush, Alva C. Cassel, Philip E. Morrison, and Harold C. Weaber.
Resolved, that the requests for excuses be granted.
The Board of Higher Education presented an addition to its report. (see page: 109)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted at Second Reading:
403-3 Suggested Format for Congregational Meetings
(4) Reports (Annual Congregational Meeting)
Report of the Board of Elders, to include at least the following:
Membership Report
Financial Report (s), including evidence of annual auditing
Submission of the proposed budget
Record of Designation of the Pastoral Relations Committee
Record of Elders’ Declaration of Agreement with the Articles of Faith and willingness to follow the Principles of Order
Status of the Work
Benevolence Report (may be included in the Board of Deacons Report or in the Financial Report)
Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted at Second Reading:
511-1.3 Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches
(3) It shall meet at least annually prior to Annual Conference
(3) It shall verify that the Delegate(s) and Alternate Delegate(s) are Elders, have signed their annual declaration of agreement with the Articles of Faith and willingness to follow the Principles of Order, and are the persons reported to the Registrar of Annual Conference. It shall report such verification and any discrepancies to the Registrar during the week prior to Annual Conference.
Resolved: That the following amendment to the Faith and Order, §512-13.4, be adopted at Second Reading:
(3) A probationer eligible for a call is a man who has been approved by this Committee, has passed the examinations required by the Committee, and is eligible to be called through the Rules of Pulpit Supply.
(4) A probationer eligible for a call becomes a licensed probationer when one of the following occurs:
(4.1) he has been called through the Rules of Pulpit Supply to serve in a Bible Fellowship Church;
(4.2) he has been called through the Rules of Pulpit Supply to serve in one of the denominational agencies of the Bible Fellowship Church;
(4.3) he is serving in a ministry approved by the Ministerial Candidate Committee in consultation with the Committee on Credentials.
Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted at First Reading:
Whereas, the Strategic Planning Committee believes that the continuity of the Committee’s work could be hampered by the mandatory term limits that are currently in place, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Bylaws for Annual Conference, Article 512-17.2 entitled: Composition and Election, number 2 be rescinded.
Whereas, the Strategic Planning Committee is at a critical point in our planning process, and
Whereas, plans for the coming year will include input from a consultant that will help us to establish a corporate vision, evaluate our purpose and structure, develop a strategic plan to implement that vision, and assist us in taking steps to act on the plan, and
Whereas, the current term limits will hinder us from doing this effectively, therefore, be it
Resolved, that, by Rule of Exception, the above changes to Article 512-17.2 be effective this year.
In celebration, the Annual Conference welcomed the New Community Mission of Brooklyn, New York, as a Particular Church according to our rules. Richard T. Paashaus led the conference in singing and prayer. Ralph E. Ritter and Delegate O. Lewis Willard were presented with a charter for the church. After which they presented a media presentation of Brooklyn and its work there.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. when Chairman Randall A. Grossman led in a prayer of thanksgiving for the work in Brooklyn, asking for the Lord’s continual blessings on them. Those in attendance extended greetings to those present from the Church.
Fourth Meeting
Tuesday Morning, 9:00 A.M.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Richard T. Paashaus led the conference in a time of worship with singing of praise songs, Scripture reading (Isaiah 40:25-31), a short time of testimonies and prayer. Robert A. Sloan, Jr. spoke on the topic “Grace that Sustains.” Gene W. Smith and William H. Bartron gave testimonies of God’s sustaining grace in their lives in recent days. LeRoy S. Heller prayed for the needs of Gene’s daughter who is suffering with cancer. At the close of the message, Robert A. Sloan, Jr. led in prayer.
The following have requested to be excused from various meetings: James F. Wetzler, Dennis W. Spinney, Walter M. Johnston, Stephen M. Bauer, and O. Lewis Willard.
Resolved, that these requests for excuses be granted.
Resolved, that James Robert Vaughn of Red Hill BFC be seated as Alternate Delegate.
The following were elected:
Board of Church Extension
Dennis M. Cahill (3 years)
Richard E. Taylor (3 years)
Robert H. Zentz (3 years)
Robert W. Davies (3 years)
Board of Christian Education
David N. Schoen (3 years)
David W. Eisenhower (3 years)
Nancy A. Mertus (3 years)
Board of Directors of BFC Homes, Inc.
Roger L. Reitz (3 years)
Dean A. Stortz (3 years)
David W. Cole (3 years)
John W. Trauch (3 years)
Board of Victory Valley
Bernice Mann (3 years)
Christopher Roth (3 years)
Timothy D. Weaber (3 years)
Board of Missions
Jacob J. Susek, Jr. (3 years)
Donald S. Faust (3 years)
James W. Harris (3 years)
Board of Directors of Pinebrook Bible Conference
Daniel P. Allen (3 years)
Brian H. Cooper (3 years)
Carl Ackerman (3 years)
Kermit K. Gehman (3 years)
John M. Stengele (3 years)
Board of Youth and Young Adults
Charles A. Mann (3 years)
Dorothy L. Ruch (3 years)
Board of Higher Education
Raymond R. Dotts (3 years)
Board of Pensions
Thomas P. Shorb (3 years)
Credentials Committee
Dennis M. Cahill (3 years)
LeRoy S. Heller (3 years)
Historical Committee
Harold P. Shelly (3 years)
Robert W. Smock (3 years)
Conference Judicatory
Steven C. Boepple (3 years)
Special Appellate Judicatory
Randall A. Grossman (3 years)
Resolved, that the election of Ronald C. Mahurin as Conference Pastor for a term of three years be ratified.
Yes – 114 No – 22
Resolved, that we recess.
Philip E. Morrison recessed the meeting in prayer at 12:25 p.m.
Fifth Meeting
Tuesday Afternoon, 1:30 P.M.
The Chairman reconvened the meeting at 1:30 p.m. Timothy D. Weaber, Delegate from Walnutport, opened the meeting in prayer.
In the light of the seriousness of the issue before us, Lee E. Boyles prayed that the wisdom of God be given to the members of Annual Conference as we vote.
The following legislation failed at Second Reading:
Resolved, that Article 108-5 be added to the Faith and Order as follows:
Because of the qualifications and dignity of the office of Pastor, when considering a man for ordination or recognition of a previous ordination, the Ministerial Candidate Committee and Credentials Committee shall give careful consideration to ensure that a man who has been divorced or who has married a divorced woman is presently characterized as above reproach, and if married, faithful to and exclusively committed to his wife.
Yes – 82; No-56; Abstain-1
Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted at Second Reading, Article 108-4 to read:
Because of the qualifications and dignity of the offices of Elder and Deacon, each particular church shall give careful consideration to ensure that a man who has been divorced or who has married a divorced woman is presently characterized as above reproach, and if married, faithful to and exclusively committed to his wife.
Yes – 95; No – 43The following were elected:
Board of Christian Education
Timothy S. Cowen (3 years)
Board of Youth and Young Adults
John C. Vandegriff, Jr. (3 years)
Special Appellate Judicatory
Donald S. Faust (3 years)
Stewardship Council
John L. English (3 years)
Report of the Committee to Study Multiple Staff (see page: 153)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
The following legislation failed at First Reading:
1.Resolved, that the following terms be adopted for inclusion in a glossary to be included in the Faith and Order:
Credentialed – an official recognition of the rights, privileges and responsibilities of ministry as defined within the F&O. This includes men who are probationers licensed by the Ministerial Candidate Committee and/or men ordained through the BFC as well as those who have their previous ordinations recognized by the BFC.
Ordained – a man who has completed the credentialing process of the BFC or has had his prior ordination by a non-BFC church recognized by the BFC.
We recognize that the term ordained is often used to designate those who have been ordained through other denominations but are not yet credentialed with the BFC. We respect the authority of other Christian churches to ordain men to serve in the Gospel ministry of their fellowships, and we rejoice that God often moves these men to desire to serve in the BFC. While not wishing to disparage the work of other Christian churches nor diminish the recognition of our brothers, for the sake of clarity, when the term ordained is used in the F&O, it is referring to a man who has completed the ordination process of the BFC or had his prior ordination by a non-BFC church recognized by the BFC (Article 502-4).
Pastor – those called to the Gospel ministry (see Article 204.1). A pastor is a credentialed man who is a voting member of Annual Conference. This only includes those staff positions called according to the rules of pulpit supply. This is for denominational reference and Particular Churches may use the term pastor in a broader sense.
Senior Pastor – the Lead Pastor of a church, called under the rules of the pulpit supply of the BFC. The Senior Pastor or his designee shall serve as Chairman of the Board of Elders and shall assume other pastoral responsibilities as assigned to him by that Board.
Pastoral Staff – men recognized by a Particular Church who have attained credentialed, probationer, or candidate status and who serve in various pastoral functions.
Yes – 77; No – 56
The following legislation failed at First Reading:
Resolved, that the following changes be made to the Faith and Order. Replace the word “minister” (and its cognates) with “pastor” (and its cognates) in the following Articles and Sections:
Article 103-2.1.
Article 105-2.
Article 204.
Article 204-1.
Article 204-1.1.
Article 204-1.2.
Article 204-2.1
Article 204-2.2
Article 302-2
Article 302-3
Article 306.2 (4)
Article 401-1.1.
Article 401-1.2.
Article 401-1.8.
Article 401-2.5.
Article 409-1.1 (3)
Article 409-1.2
Article 409-1.2 (1)
Article 409-1.5
Article 409-1.6
Article 409-1.7
Article 409-2.1
Article 409-2.2
Article 409-3.1
Article 409-3.2
Article 409-3.3
Article 409-3.4
Article 501-3
Article 502
Article 502-3
Article 502-3.1
Article 502-3.3
Article 502-3.4
Article 502-4
Article 502-4.1
Article 503-1
Article 503-2
Article 505-1
Article 505-2
Article 506-4
Article 510-1
Article 510-2
Article 510-4 (2)
Article 512-1.1(1) & (2)
Article 512-2.1
Article 512-3
Article 512-4.2 (1)
Article 512-4.4
Article 512-5.2 (1)
Article 512-6.2
Article 512-6.3
(1), (3), (4)
Article 512-7.1 (1) & (2)
Article 512-7.5
Article 512-8.1 (1) & (2)
Article 512-9.1 (1) & (3)
Article 512-10.1
(1) & (2).
Article 512-11.1
Article 512-11.2
(4), (6), (7), & (8)
Article 512-11.3
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) & (6).
Article 512-12.1
Article 512-13.2
Article 512-13.3
Article 512-13.3
Article 512-14.1
(1) & (2)
and 512.14.2 (8)
Article 512-15.1
Article 512-16.2
Article 512-17.2
(1) & (3)
Article 701-1.1
Article 701-1.3
Article 701-2.2
(1), (2), (3)
Article 701-2.3 (2)
Article 703-1.4
Article 703-2.5
Article 703-3.4
& .5
Article 703-4.2 &
Article 705-2
Yes – 75; No – 57
Resolved, that a Study Committee of six from Ministerial Candidate Committee, Ministerial Relations Committee, and Credentials Committee be formed to consider further progress in multi-staff church function.
Ronald C. Mahurin, the newly ratified Conference Pastor, addressed the Annual Conference, offering his experience for this position. Jansen E. Hartman prayed for the new Conference Pastor asking that God would grant him both wisdom and a heart for the work and the ministering brethren. He also asked that God would give Ronald grace in the time of Darlene’s physical needs.
Report of the Study Committee on Baptism and Church Membership (see page: 156)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Committee to Study the Process of Recognizing Pastors With Prior Ordination (see page: 157)
Resolved, that the report be accepted
Resolved, that the following be adopted at first reading for inclusion in the Faith and Order as §409-1.8:
409-1.8 – Procedure to expedite the calling of a previously-ordained minister who has not been licensed by the BFC.
On certain exceptional occasions it may be necessary to expedite the procedure for issuing a call to a previously-ordained minister for service in a BF church.
Under the following circumstances, the call of a previously-ordained minister may follow the expedited procedure:
(1) When geographical distance allows limited personal contact;
(2) When the demands of current ministry in another church may not allow for the time required in the normal process;
(3) When the BFC seeking a pastor applies for special consideration because of urgent circumstances.
The following shall be the expedited procedure:
(1) The church which is considering the previously-ordained minister shall make request to the chairman of the Ministerial Relations Committee who shall in consultation with the chairman of the Ministerial Candidate Committee approve or deny the request for the expedited process.
(2) If the request is approved, the Ministerial Candidate Committee shall meet as soon as possible with the minister for an interview. If he is approved as a candidate, he shall be given the Open Book Examination.
(3) Upon the satisfactory completion of the interview and the Open Book Examination, the church may seek permission from the Ministerial Relations Committee to issue a provisional call. The church shall follow the applicable steps outlined in § 409.
(4) Following the issue of a provisional call, the minister shall complete the further exams required by the Ministerial Candidate Committee. A man will not be permitted to begin his new ministry or move into church-provided housing until all the required examinations are satisfactorily completed.
(5) When all examinations are satisfactorily completed, the Ministerial Candidate Committee will approve the minister as a licensed probationer effective on the date of approval of his final examination. The Ministerial Candidate Committee shall notify the Ministerial Relations Committee who shall recognize the provisional call of the church as the formal call on the effective date assigned by the Ministerial Candidate Committee. [FIRST READING]
Resolved, that §502 of the Faith and Order be revised for First Reading as follows:
Article 502 – Procedure for the Recognition of a Minister
All men who desire to have ministerial credentials with the BFC shall apply to the Ministerial Candidate Committee. Initial application should be made in writing to the chairman of the committee.
Every man who is called to serve through the pulpit supply system as a pastor of a BFC must have credentials with the denomination. Men who serve as supply pastors for an extended period may be required to meet with and establish an accountability relationship with the Ministerial Candidate Committee. A supply pastor is a man who has been called to serve as pastor of a BFC for an interim period. Under normal circumstances, a supply pastor is not under consideration to serve as the senior pastor.
502-1 Men Entering the Ministry of the BFC
The Ministerial Candidate Committee divides those under its care into three groups: Applicants, Candidates, and Probationers.
Applicant. An applicant is a man who offers himself to this committee for service in the BFC. Young men are encouraged to seek this recognition as early in their educational program as they sense the call of God to the ministry.
Candidate. A candidate is a man whose application is accepted and who remains under the guidance of this committee. A man becomes a candidate when he is ready to begin ministry with the BFC and has completed a satisfactory interview with the Ministerial Candidate Committee.
Probationer. A probationer is a man who has been approved by this committee and has passed the required examinations. Upon completion of his required exams, he will be classified as a probationer eligible to receive a call. When a probationer receives a call from the BFC (a Particular Church or agency) or other ministry (chaplaincy, etc.) approved by the Ministerial Candidate Committee in consultation with the Credentials Committee, he shall become a licensed probationer. Such other ministry does not include service on the pastoral staff of a church other than a BFC.
502-2 Probationary Service
502-2.1 Full-time Probationary Service in a Particular Church or Mission. Normally a probationer serves in a full-time capacity. After a probationer has served at least two years, or one year if previously ordained, he may be recommended to the Credentials Committee for ordination examination or recognition of previous ordination. The minimum period of probationary service may be extended; having served as a probationer does not guarantee ordination or recognition of previous ordination.
502-2.2 Part-time Probationary Service in a Particular Church or Mission
A man serving his probationary period on a part-time basis may do so with the following requirements:
(1) He shall serve the equivalent of at least two years full-time service, or one year of full time service if previously ordained, as determined by the Ministerial Candidate Committee in consultation with the Credentials Committee.
(2) He shall serve at least one year under the supervision of a Board of Elders and/or another evaluating body approved by the Ministerial Candidate Committee and the Credentials Committee.
502-2.3 Probationary Service in Other Ministry
If a man seeks ordination or recognition of previous ordination in the BFC and is not serving as the pastor of a Particular Church or mission, he may do so with the following requirements:
(1) He shall be a member of a BFC
(2) He shall follow the same procedure for ordination as other probationers
(3) He shall comply with the F&O in the course of his service
(4) He shall be supervised by the Board of Elders of the church in which he holds membership, the governing board of the ministry under which he serves, and any other evaluating agencies the inisterial Candidate Committee may require during the probationary period of service. The time of the probationary service may be in full or part-time capacity.
502-3 Ordained Ministers Received From Other Churches
502-3.1 When an ordained minister from another church seeks ministerial credentials in the BFC, he shall apply to the Ministerial Candidate Committee.
502-3.2 The following matters shall be considered when determining whether to recognize a previous ordination:
(1) the doctrinal position of the ordaining church body;
(2) the minister’s standing with the ordaining church body;
(3) whether his ordination was intended to be within and to the ministry of the church universal;
(4) whether his ordination was performed by the authority charged with the exercise of this specific church power within the ordaining community and accompanied by the laying on of hands by such as have themselves been similarly ordained.
502-3.3 Under certain exceptional circumstances, a previously-ordained minister may be licensed through an expedited process (see section 409-1.8)
502-3.4 Having complied with these provisions, the minister shall be under the authority and discipline of the BFC.
502-3.5 After serving at least one year as a probationer, he may be examined by the Credentials Committee. The Credentials Committee may then recommend to Annual Conference that he be accepted as an ordained minister with full privileges in the BFC. This recognition shall be made known in a public service.
A request from Faith Bible Fellowship Church, Spring City, PA was submitted to Annual Conference (see page: 201)
Resolved, that the request from Faith Bible Fellowship Church, Spring City, PA, be received.
Whereas, a communication from the Board of Elders of Faith Bible Fellowship Church of Spring City has been received by the Chairman and the Secretary of the 118th Annual Conference, and
Whereas, Annual Conference is requested to “take action requiring the Bible Fellowship Church Home, Inc, bringing themselves into accordance with the Faith & Order as required under §512-2.2 of the Principles of Order, and
Whereas, the issue in question is that of allowing the local Roman Catholic parish clergyman to conduct a Mass within the walls of Fellowship Manor and Fellowship Homes, and
Whereas, Fellowship Community respects the wishes of the residents in seeking spiritual care, and
Whereas, respect for those wishes does not constitute endorsement of the spiritual care provider’s religious beliefs and
Whereas, only space is provided and administration is not required to provide for the carrying out of the program or to involve any employee, and
Whereas, BFC Homes, Inc. allowed for spiritual meetings since the Home was opened in Nazareth in 1968, and
Whereas, this practice is not considered to be a breach of, or in opposition to, the Faith and Order; therefore, be it
Resolved, that this 118th Annual Conference affirm the practice of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. of providing space for meetings in order to satisfy the requests of the residents of Fellowship Community, even if such meetings involve having a Roman Catholic clergyman conduct a Mass as requested by the residents; and, further
Resolved, that the above resolution be adopted as the answer to the request of the Board of Elders of Faith Bible Fellowship Church, Spring City, PA.
Yes – 109, No – 1
Resolved, that we adjourn.
Michael T. Littlejohn, Delegate from Blandon BFC closed the meeting in prayer.
Sixth Meeting
Wednesday Morning, 9:00 A.M.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Richard T. Paashaus led the conference in worship with singing and Scripture reading (Psalm 145:1-10) which was read in unison by the members of Annual Conference. The members of conference met in groups of three and four to pray for one another and for the proceedings of this day. Byron Widger addressed the conference on the topic of “Grace That Shines.” Worship time ended with the conference singing Lord, Speak to Me.
Carl J. Fischer, Jr. led the conference in prayer, remembering especially the Bertolets and the Mahurins who are facing physical difficulties in their lives or in the lives of family members.
Resolved, that the following Alternate Delegates be seated: Donald R. Ellwanger (Sinking Spring), Charles F. Webb (Poughquag), and J. Richard Vroman (Piscataway).
The following have requested to be excused from various meetings: Ronald C. Mahurin, Thomas L. Ward, Lawrence M. Morris, Louis Prontnicki and Edgar H. Munyan.
Resolved, that these requests be granted.
Resolved, that the minutes of the third meeting be approved.
Resolved, that the minutes of the fourth meeting be approved.
The following were elected:
Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference
Roger L. Reitz (2 years)
Secretary of Annual Conference
David A. Thomann (1 year)
Report of the Committee to Study the Role of Women in the Church (see page: 163)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Resolved, that the proposed legislation be referred back to the committee for further revision.
LeRoy O. Herb prayed for continued guidance for the Study Committee on the Role of Women in the Church during this coming year.
Report of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee (see page:184)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Whereas, The Biblical Principles For Living cover more issues than the Standards of Worship and Life; and
Whereas, The Biblical Principles For Living give more complete statements, more explicit Biblical substantiation, and broader statements of the subjects than the Standards of Worship & Life, and
Whereas, The Biblical Principles For Living also state things in language which is more clear to this generation and transferable across cultures, therefore be it
Resolved, that The Biblical Principles For Living collectively replace The Standards Of Worship & Life in the Faith & Order after their Second Reading, and further
Resolved, that the section in the Faith & Order which will contain The Biblical Principles For Living, be titled Biblical Principles For Living, and further
Resolved, that the listing of The Biblical Principles For Living in the Faith & Order be as follows:
Biblical Principles For Living
Relating To God-The Christian Before God
101 Worship
102 Spirit World
Relating To Personal Qualities-The Christian In Christ
103 Holiness
104 Justice
105 Mercy
106 Humility
107 Truth and Integrity
Relating To Personal Relationships-The Christian In Personal Relationships
108 Humanity In God’s Image
109 Repentance and Restitution
110 Marriage & Singleness
111 Family
112 Divorce
113 Shared Life
Relating To Personal Activities-The Christian In Society
114 Stewardship
115 Work & Rest
116 Civil Government
117 Christian Liberty & Servanthood
Declarations On Particular Issues
130-1 Dedication Of Children
130-2 Abortion
130-3 Harmful Indulgences
130-4 Homosexuality
130-5 Secret Oath Bound Societies
Resolved, that we adjourn.
Roger L. Reitz closed in prayer. The meeting was adjourned at 12:19 p.m.
Seventh Meeting
Wednesday Afternoon, 1:30 P.M.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Philip E. Morrison gave an update on his ministry in Kenya. He specifically spoke of his appreciation of the process of decision- making that occurs at Annual Conference each year. He also thanked us for our support of his ministry making mention of the pastors who visited with him last year. He invited all of us to consider visiting with him. Paul G. Zimmerman prayed for Philip, his ministry and the rest of the proceedings of this Annual Conference.
The following were elected:
Ministerial Relations Committee
Jacob J. Susek, Jr. (2 years)
Strategic Planning Committee
Richard T. Paashaus (3 years)
Richard E. Taylor (3 years)
Byron Barnshaw (3 years)
Special Appellate Judicatory
Harold E. Snyder (3 years)
Committee on Nominations
Dean A. Stortz (3 years)
Chairman of Annual Conference
William G. Schlonecker (1 year)
Whereas, we once did not approve “oaths” as acceptable in the behavior of believers, and
Whereas, we rejected that position at the 79th Annual Conference ( 1962 Yearbook, pp.54,55); and
Whereas, Article 112 – Secret Oath-Bound Societies in the Standards of Worship and Life includes a prohibition in the use of oaths and does not define “secret societies”, and
Whereas, the Inter-Cultural Study Committee has committed itself to the Annual Conference not to change existing standards in developing Biblical Principles For Living, therefore be it
Resolved, that we recommend to the 118th Annual Conference the appointment of a committee of five ordained ministers to study in the light of the Scripture our position on Secret Oath-Bound Societies and bring its report to the 119th Annual Conference.
Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted at First Reading:
130-1 Dedication of Children
130-1.1 Child dedication is a voluntary act in which believing parents publicly present their child to the Lord as an outward expression of their gratitude to Him for the child1 and as a formal appeal to God for divine assistance in the bringing up of the child. It is not to be confused with baptism, or to be considered as imparting salvation, or viewed as an ordinance of the church.
130-1.2 The child is a gift from God and therefore the parents promise, as God’s stewards, to bring up the child in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.2
130-1.3 In dedicating their child in the presence of fellow believers, parents are publicly dedicating themselves to the faithful fulfillment of their parental responsibilities3 and are acknowledging their need of the prayerful support and encouragement of those fellows believers.4
130-1.4 Child dedication becomes meaningful as the parents explain to the child the meaning of this act and consistently carry out the promises made before God and the church at the time of dedication. When one of the parents is an unbeliever, only the believing parent shall make the public presentation.
1 Psa. 127:3; Jas. 1:17
2 Eph. 6:4; Col. 3:21
3 Deut 6:4-9; Prov. 22:6
4 Eph. 6:18; Heb. 10:24, 25 [FIRST READING]
The following was elected:
Special Appellate Judicatory
David J. Watkins (3 years)
Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted at First Reading:
130-3.1 Alcoholic Drinks
130-3.1.1 The use of alcoholic beverages is one of the most serious problems in many parts of the world. Its abuse has led to personal and family suffering, serious physical and mental health problems, and increased rates of accidental and criminal injury and death. The financial cost, use of such alcoholic beverages, and the consequences are a tremendous and unnecessary burden on all of society.
130-3.1.2 The Scriptures teach that drunkenness is sinful.1 Due to the addictive quality of alcohol, even the moderate use of alcoholic beverages may lead to serious consequences.2 This is especially true because the alcoholic content of some beverages has been tremendously increased since the biblical era. Furthermore, moderate use may be a stumbling block for believer and unbeliever alike.3
130-3.1.3 Therefore, the BFC strongly and persistently warns its people of the dangers of alcoholic beverages and urges all members of the BFC to abstain totally from the use, manufacture and distribution of them.
1 Rom.13:13; 1 Cor.6:9,10; Gal.5:18-21
2 Pro. 20:1; Pro.23:31-35
3 Mat.18:6,7; Rom. 14:20,21; 1 Cor.8:9-11,13
Resolved that the article on tobacco (130-3.2) be referred back to the committee with the mandate to make whatever changes necessary to make all three articles on Harmful Indulgences consistent with one another.
The following was elected:
Vice-Chairman of Annual Conference
Carl C. Cassel (1 year)
Resolved, that the following legislation be adopted at First Reading:
130-3.3 Drugs and Other Substances
130-3.3.1 The misuse of, and over-indulgence in, drugs and other substances, including prescribed and non-prescribed, are sin and are not of faith. Such abuse controls the believer and gratifies the sinful nature.1 Both misuse and over indulgence cause the believer to live by feelings, not by faith in God’s revealed Word.2 The continued abuse of drugs and all other substances destroys self-control, leads to addiction3 and makes it impossible for the believer to live for the will of God.4
130-3.3.2 Sinning in this way affects the thinking, attitudes, and passions of the believer.5 This results in the believer falling deeper and deeper into sin,6 and can damage the body and the mind. The Church must warn against the dangers of the misuse of, and over indulgence in, drugs and all other substances, provide counsel to those enslaved, direct them to places of treatment and then help them to re-build their lives.7
130-3.3.3 Encouraging or aiding others to misuse or overindulge in drugs or all other substances is sin. Selling drugs or other substances to a person for the purpose of gratification of the sinful nature is sin against God and may be against the law.8 The Lord Himself holds those who do this responsible.9 He has many ways to exercise His justice.10
1 Rom. 8: 5-13; Gal. 5:16, 17
2 Eph. 2:1-3; 4:20-24
3 Rom. 6:16; 2 Pe. 2:19
4 Col. 1:9, 10; 1 Pe. 4:2
5 Eph. 4:17-19; Titus 3:3
6 Pro. 23:29-35; Rom. 7:14-24; Col. 3:5-10
7 1 Cor. 6:9-11; 1 Tim. 1:12-16
8 Luke 17:1-3; Gal. 5:19-21
9 Pro. 4:14-19; 5:22; Hab. 2:15-16
10 Zeph. 3:5
130-3 Harmful Indulgences
All believers are saved through faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. God calls His people to live by faith.1 This life of faith is an obedient response to the revealed truth of God in the Scriptures.2
At salvation believers are baptized into the Church, sealed and indwelled by the Holy Spirit.3 They are to be filled and led by the Holy Spirit.4 This filling and leading by the Holy Spirit transforms believers into the Lord’s likeness.5
1 Col. 2:6, 7; 2 Cor. 5:7
2 1 Thes. 2:13; 2 Tim. 3:14-17; 2 Pe. 1:19-21
3 1 Cor. 12: 13; Eph. 1:13, 14; Rom. 8:9
4 Rom. 8:14; Eph. 5:18
5 2 Cor. 3:8
Report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church (see page: 190)
The following was elected:
Committee on Nominations
Yvonne Watkins (3 years)
Whereas, the Board of Directors reported in previous years that the funds to repay the amount taken from the FTPCE would not be realized from the sale of the PJC property and,
Whereas, the Board of Directors so informed the Annual Conference of this condition and the 117th Annual Conference voted to remove the obligation of repaying the amount of $310,000 and rather, work toward providing monies to fund the work of the Board of Church Extension through contributions from the particular churches, and
Whereas, the accounting of funds of the Board of Directors should reflect the decision of the 117th Annual Conference, therefore be it
Resolved, that the report of the Board of Directors referencing the “Fund to Promote Church Extension Balance Sheet” be amended to include the line item “Note Pinebrook Junior College $0” and further,
Resolved, that all subsequent reports from the Board of Directors will delete this line entry.
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Whereas, there is a growing trend for Bible Fellowship Churches to hire personnel who do not serve as senior pastor and do not carry credentials in the BFC and
Whereas, such non-credentialed personnel may carry significant leadership influence in the congregation, and
Whereas, it is the opinion of the Ministerial Candidate Committee that such non-credentialed personnel who serve in Bible Fellowship Churches should maintain a commitment to the Faith & Order of the BFC, therefore be it
Resolved, that the Chairman of the Annual Conference appoint a committee of six to study the advisability of a credentialing process for personnel who do not serve as senior pastor and are not credentialed by the BFC, and further
Resolved that this committee be comprised of two members from each of the Ministerial Candidate Committee, the Committee on Credentials and the Ministerial Relations Committee, and further
Resolved that, if such credentialing be deemed advisable by the committee, the committee shall develop a process for credentialing such personnel and further
Resolved, that this committee shall report to the next Annual Conference.
Resolved, that Annual Conference hereby ratifies the election to the Pinebrook Educational Foundation of Raymond R. Dotts and Jay H. Fasnacht for terms to end in 2004
Whereas, the MRF annuity rate for 2001 is $203 per year of service, and
Whereas, partial cost-of-living adjustments are part of the long-term phaseout strategy of the MRF, therefore be it
Resolved, that the MRF annuity rate for calendar year 2002 be $206 per year of service.
Whereas, the demands on the MRF are exceeding previous projections due to increased longevity, and
Whereas, the sooner we address the anticipated shortfalls the better, therefore be it
Resolved, that the contribution from the Conference Administrative Budget be revised from $36,000 to $40,000 for 2001 and be it further
Resolved, that the contribution for 2002 be $45,000.
Whereas, the religious denomination known as The Bible Fellowship Church has and functions through Ministers of the Gospel who are duly ordained or licensed, and
Whereas, the practice of The Bible Fellowship Church is to provide a parsonage or a rental allowance as part of the gross compensation for each of its active ordained or licensed ministers, and
Whereas, pensions paid to retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers of The Bible Fellowship Church are considered as deferred compensation and are paid to said retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers in consideration of previous active service, and
Whereas, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized that The Bible Fellowship Church is the appropriate organization to designate a housing/rental allowance for retired and disabled or licensed ministers who are members of this Conference, therefore be it
Resolved, that:
1. An amount equal to 100% of the pension payments received during the year of 2001 be and is hereby designated as a rental/housing allowance for each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister of The Bible Fellowship Church who is or was a member of the Bible Fellowship Church Minister’s Retirement Fund.
2. This rental/housing allowance shall apply to each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister who has been granted the retired relationship or placed on disability leave by the Bible Fellowship Annual Conference and whose name and relationship to the conference is recorded in the Yearbook of The Bible Fellowship Annual Conference and in other appropriate records maintained by the conference.
3. The pension payment to which this rental/housing allowance applies shall be the pension payment resulting from all service of such retired or disabled ordained or licensed ministers from all employment by any local church, Annual Conference or institution of The Bible Fellowship, or from any other employer who employed the minister to perform services related to the ministry and who elected to make contribution to the pension funds of the Bible Fellowship Church for such retired minister’s pension.
Note: The rental/housing allowance which may be excluded from a minister’s gross income is limited to the less of (1) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the minister’s employer or other appropriate body, (2) the amount actually expended by the minister to provide his or her housing, or (3) the legally-determined fair rental value of the parsonage or other housing provided. As specified in Rev. Rul. 71-290 C.B. 92, “the only amount that will qualify for exclusion under section 107 (2) of the Code as a ‘rental allowance’ is an amount equal to the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances such as a garage, plus the cost of utilities.”
Whereas, the Internet has been found to be an excellent method of communication for pastors, churches, and denominational boards, committees, and agencies of the BFC, and
Whereas, the BFC E-group now includes 133 participants who have instant written access to one another, and
Whereas, we believe that every pastor and/or church either has or can have access to Internet services and computerization at little or no cost, and
Whereas, presently, the need for a comprehensive, accurate denominational calendar is being met by the BFC E-group Calendar, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the BFC E-group Calendar serve as the official denominational calendar, and
Resolved, that each agency, board, committee, church and/or pastor establish Internet access by May 15, 2001 in order to take advantage of the BFC E-group Calendar as well as other inter-church communication and further
Resolved, that each agency, board, committee, church and/or pastor submit an Internet accessible e-mail address to Daniel P. Allen, publisher of the 2001 Yearbook. by May 15, 2001.
Resolved, that a contribution of $325 for the conference year 2001 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each agency to help underwrite the cost of printing and distribution of the Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Business Manager, c/o Bible Fellowship Church of Ephrata, by December 31, 2001.
Resolved, that $1.75 per member of the Bible Fellowship Church for 2001 be forwarded to the Board of Publication and Printing from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing and distributing the Fellowship News. Payments are to be made to the Board of Publication and Printing table at the 118th Annual Conference.
Resolved, that the cost of the 2001 Yearbook be $8.00 per copy.
The following legislation was adopted at First Reading:
Whereas, the Committee on Communications was deleted, therefore be it
Resolved, that the following be added to the duties of the Registrar in the Faith & Order, §506-2 (5):
He shall handle all communications addressed to the Annual Conference.
The following legislation was adopted at First Reading:
Resolved, that the following be deleted from 507-3, Duties of the Secretary of Annual Conference:
(4) He shall inform in writing all persons who are not present at Annual Conference of their election to Boards and Committees,
and be it further
Resolved, that the following be added to 512-15.2, Duties of the Nominating Committee:
(2) It shall inform in writing all persons who are not present at Annual Conference of their election to Boards and Committees.
Whereas, it is important that each official Delegate and Pastor receive all the reports from the Study Committees, Committees and Agencies and
Whereas, in order to coordinate this procedure one distribution point should be employed, therefore be it
Resolved, that all Study Committees, Committees and Agencies have their reports sent to the designated distribution point, PO Box 299, Ephrata, PA 17522, by March 1, 2002.
Resolved, that the 119th Annual Conference be held at Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, PA, April 22-24, 2002 beginning at 10:00 AM on Monday.
The following were elected:
Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church
James A. Beil (3 years)
Carl C. Cassel (3 years)
Special Appellate Judicatory
Charles A. Lavigna (2 years)
Resolved, that we adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:19 p.m. in prayer by R. C. Reichenbach who was attending his 69th Annual Conference.
Eighth Meeting
Wednesday Evening, 6:15 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 6:15 p.m. Richard Lewis, Delegate from Nazareth, opened in prayer.
Resolved, that the minutes of the fifth and sixth meetings be approved.
The following was elected:
Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church
Robert W. Gehret (3 years)
Whereas, we believe the Biblical Principles For Living are God’s intended principles by which we should live, and
Whereas, we believe the Biblical Principles For Living should be urgently and diligently taught to our congregations, therefore be it
Resolved, each Pastor and Delegate seek ways to implement the teaching of the Biblical Principles For Living for their congregations and further,
Resolved, we encourage that lesson plans be developed and submitted to David E. Gundrum for ideas in the development of teacher guides.
Whereas, monies are needed to plant ethnic Bible Fellowship Churches, and
Whereas, the Committee believes that God has provided the people and opportunities and that He desires His church to reach the alien in the land and plant churches, therefore be it
Resolved, that each Pastor and Delegate to Annual Conference, if they have not already established a line item in their budgets for ethnic church planting, be encouraged to work with their churches to budget monies for ethnic church planting.
Whereas, the work of the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee is not yet complete, and
Whereas, the Committee would like to prepare the Biblical Principles For Living for Second Reading, therefore be it
Resolved, that the 118th Annual Conference direct the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to continue its work.
Resolved, that the rate of mileage reimbursement for conference business be 24¢ per mile.
Resolved, that the Administrative Budget for January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001 be adopted.
Resolved, that the Administrative Budget for January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2002 be approved for submission to the churches for their pledges.
The following were elected:
Special Appellate Judicatory
John C. Studenroth (2 years)
Hans R. Waldvogel (1 year)
Resolved, that the salary for the second half of 2001 for the Conference Pastor be $13,000 and up to $3,000 expenses.
Report of the Committee on Statistics (see page: 205)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Report of the Committee on Auditing (see page: 200)
Resolved, that the report be accepted.
Whereas, Gene W. Smith’s daughter, Michele, is gravely ill and,
Whereas, there is imminent need of prayer, therefore be it
Resolved, that we uphold, Gene, his wife, and Michele and her family in our prayers and ask our God to glorify Himself through them.
Whereas, Ronald C. Mahurin’s wife, Darlene, is severely ill, and
Whereas, we believe in a Sovereign God Who answers prayer in accordance with His will, therefore be it
Resolved, that we commit ourselves to diligent prayer for Ronald and Darlene.
Whereas, David E. Gundrum has completed his first year of service as Executive Director of the Department of Church Extension in an exemplary manner and
Whereas, he has diligently achieved a successful transition, therefore be it
Resolved, that we pray for our Church Extension Director, David E. Gundrum.
Whereas, Phillip E. Atkins, Director of Victory Valley Camp, experienced an accident of falling, nearly causing a severe crippling spinal injury, and
Whereas, we praise God that he was spared of being debilitated, therefore be it
Resolved, that we continue in prayer of thanksgiving for God’s gracious preservation.
Whereas, the Ministerial Relations Committee has reported a total of thirteen pastorates established, therefore be it
Resolved, that we offer corporate praise to God for His provision of pastors for our churches.
Whereas, the Ministerial Relations Committee recommended to the 118th Annual Conference the appointment of a Conference Pastor, and
Whereas, the Annual Conference recognized such need and issued a call to Ronald C. Mahurin, and
Whereas, Ronald C. Mahurin has accepted the position of Conference Pastor, be it therefore
Resolved, that we all be supportive of the Conference Pastor, and further be it
Resolved, that we offer Ronald C. Mahurin every encouragement.
Whereas, a mission was established by the Board of Church Extension in the Saucon Valley, PA, area, therefore be it
Resolved, that we praise God for His leading and further
Resolved, that we pray and support this mission.
Whereas, the Lord has sovereignly worked in the establishment of the Brooklyn, NY, mission and
Whereas, Pastor Ralph E. Ritter has accepted the call to be organizing pastor of this mission, and
Whereas, the 118th Annual Conference of the BFC has welcomed the New Community Mission of Brooklyn, NY, as a Particular Church according to our rules, therefore be it
Resolved, that the members of the 118th Annual Conference encourage each of their churches to pray diligently for the success of the Brooklyn church.
Whereas, Duane E. Moyer and Elliot H. Ramos were ordained to the Gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it
Resolved, that we thank God for the calling and gifts of these men and that we be steadfast in prayer for them.
Whereas, Randall A. Grossman, Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Daniel G. Ziegler, and Byron Widger have served the Annual Conference as our devotional speakers, therefore be it
Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for the gift of wisdom and their insights into His Word.
Whereas, the various study committees have met many times over the past year, and
Whereas, their reports have been of great value in attempting to bring the BFC into conformity with Scripture, therefore be it
Resolved, that we pray for their work as it continues and ask our God to give them wisdom as they continue with their tasks.
Whereas, the staff and volunteers of Pinebrook Bible Conference, as well as some of the wives of our pastors and delegates, have readily and cheerfully served the members of the 118th Annual Conference, therefore be it
Resolved, that we note with thanksgiving the helpful service of these who have labored to care for us.
Whereas, the Pages, Andrew T. Crossgrove, Head Page; Bruce D. MacIntosh, Assistant Head Page; William J. Dunn, Head Ballot Counter; Ronald K. Kohl, Copier; Vinton A. N. Upham, Microphones; Brian D. Frable, A/V; Gerald D. Clark, Louis S. Curcio, Willis I. Dowling, Donald R. Ellwanger, A/V; Michael L. Easton, Stephen C. Mann, Jeff Rossignol, David Peters, and Kevin Pierce, have humbly, readily, helpfully, cheerfully, and diligently enabled the work of the 118th Annual Conference to smoothly advance, therefore be it
Resolved, that we acknowledge our appreciation for their service and fellowship with a round of applause.
Whereas, the Annual Conference Secretary and his assistants have served with diligence and dispatch, therefore be it
Resolved, that we thank the Lord for their faithful service, and further be it
Resolved, that each be awarded $50 for their labors.
Whereas, Randall A. Grossman has served with distinction as Chairman of the 118th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it
Resolved, that the members of Annual Conference show their appreciation of Brother Grossman with a standing ovation.
The following appointments were made by the Chairman:
Register: J. Mark McCreary
Assistant Registrar: Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr.
Agenda and Program Committee: David A. Thomann, Carl C. Cassel, William G. Schlonecker, R. Jerome Brush, Thomas P. Shorb, Allan R. Vivona
Arrangements Committee: David A. Thomann, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr., J. Mark McCreary, Thomas P. Shorb, William G. Schlonecker (Chairman of the 119th Annual Conference)
Committee on Statistics: LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., Calvin T. Reed, David A. Thomann, Kenneth D. Keeler
Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: Ralph M. Soper, Chairman; William H. Bartron, Ronald C. Erb, David N. Heineman, Jonathan P. Tait
Secret Society Study Committee: Jonathon W. Arnold, Sr., Dennis M. Cahill, Ralph E. Ritter, Richard D. Harris, Jonathan P. Tait
Additional members of the Role of Women in Ministry Study Committee: Doris Hoyle, Michael T. Littlejohn, James E. Mortland
Study Committee on Credentials and Multi Staff Churches: LeRoy S. Heller, Ralph M. Soper, Calvin T. Reed, Robert S. Commerford, L. James Roberts, Jr., Jacob J. Susek, Jr.
The official denominational address will be: Fellowship Manor, 3000 Fellowship Drive, Whitehall, PA 18052. The secretary of the Conference Judicatory is Ronald C. Mahurin. The secretary of the Appellate Division of the Conference Judicatory is David J. Watkins.
Resolved, that the minutes of the seventh meeting be approved.
The following was elected:
Special Appellate Judicatory
Raymond R. Dotts (1 year)
Whereas, the Red Hill, Stroudsburg and Coopersburg Bible Fellowship Churches are without Senior Pastors, therefore be it
Resolved, that we pray for them that, in God’s timing, He will provide the men of His choosing.
Whereas, Richard T. Paashaus has led us in worship several times during this conference, therefore be it
Resolved, that we thank the Lord for his gifts in music and for his time.
Resolved, that we adjourn.
William G. Schlonecker, Vice-Chairman of 118th Annual Conference, closed the conference in prayer.
The 118th Annual Conference adjourned at 7:35 p.m.