2011 Annual Conference Minutes

[view printable 2011 Yearbook]

Annual BFC Conference Proceedings – 2011

First Meeting

Monday Evening, April 25, 2011, 7:00 PM

            Moderator, Randall A. Grossman, Moderator of the 128th BFC Conference, welcomed the members of Conference along with those visiting from Hellertown, PA, and Woodbury Heights, NJ. He read from 1 Timothy 2:1-6 and led the Conference in prayer.

            Richard T. Paashaus, serving as worship leader of the 128th BFC Conference, led the conference in singing, “Come People of the Risen King,” “We Come, O Christ, to You,”“ In Christ Alone,” and “My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness.”

            David T. Allen, Executive Director of the Bible Fellowship Church, shared a topical message entitled “Built on a Foundation of Prayer.” Moving through the Old and New Testaments, he showed how all great movements were founded in prayer.

Report of the Director of Church Extension

            David E. Gundrum thanked the members of conference for their support of the Church Extension movement in the BFC. Church Extension is that arm of the BFC in keeping with the mission of the BFC as “An Expanding Fellowship of Churches United to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ.”

Whereas, the elders currently serving at Hellertown Mission Church of Hellertown, Pennsylvania meet the qualifications for an elder in the Bible Fellowship Church, and

Whereas, more than twenty persons are committed participants in the Hellertown Mission Church, and

Whereas, Hellertown Mission Church has demonstrated that it can offer an adequate salary package for a pastor and is able to financially maintain its ministry outreach and facility costs, and

Whereas, the Board of Church Extension is of the opinion that the Hellertown Mission Church of Hellertown, Pennsylvania meets the qualifications of a Particular Church as specified in Article 18 of the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church, be it

Resolved, that the Hellertown Mission Church of Hellertown, Pennsylvania, be recognized as a Particular Church and that its delegate be received into membership of the 128th Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Yes – 91; No – 0

            Timothy M. Zuck, organizing pastor of the Hellertown Bible Fellowship Church, made a presentation of the church. Jack Sullivan, an elder of the Hellertown church, addressed the conference. After a DVD presentation, Carl C. Cassel prayed for the Saucon Valley Community Church and asked God for His richest blessing on the work.

Whereas, the elders currently serving at New Beginnings Mission Church of Woodbury Heights, New Jersey meet the qualifications for an elder in the Bible Fellowship Church, and

Whereas, more than twenty persons are committed participants in the New Beginnings Mission Church, and

Whereas, New Beginnings Mission Church has demonstrated that it can offer an adequate salary package for a pastor and is able to financially maintain its ministry outreach and facility costs, and

Whereas, the Board of Church Extension is of the opinion that the New Beginnings Mission Church of Woodbury Heights, New Jersey meets the qualifications of a Particular Church as specified in Article 18 of the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church, be it

Resolved, that the New Beginnings Mission Church of Woodbury Heights, New Jersey be recognized as a Particular Church and that its delegate be received into membership of the 128th Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Yes – 91; No – 0

            A DVD of the New Beginnings BFC was presented. Daniel L. Williams, pastor, and several others gave testimony of God’s grace in the founding of New Beginnings BFC. Richard E. Taylor prayed for the New Beginnings BFC.

            The service was closed in prayer by David E. Gundrum at 9:07 P.M.

Second Meeting

Tuesday Morning, April 26, 2011, 9:00 AM

            The 128th BFC Conference was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Moderator Randall A. Grossman at Pinebrook Bible Conference, East Stroudsburg, PA. Richard T. Paashaus led the Conference in singing “Across the Lands,” in prayer and in the singing of “O Great God.” John Studenroth led the Conference in prayer especially remembering the physical needs of Clyde W. Snyder (having back surgery) and Robert Draper (hospitalized).

Report of the Registrar

Resolved, that the tables with the green tablecloths constitute the Conference Bar for the 128th BFC Conference.

The following requested to be excused from part or all of the 128th Conference:

William C. Aukamp, Kenneth F. Barber, Richard F. Bickings, T. James Bigley, Andrew Brimer, Michael Capaldi, Bert N. Brosius, Ronald K. Denlinger, William J. Dunn, Scott B. Evans, Richard J. Gehman, W. Neil Harding, Frank L. Herb, George E. Herb, Daniel A. Hernandez, Roy A. Hertzog, David H. Jones, Herbert K. Lea, David L. Manney, Brian Michlich, Robert Mitchell, Philip E. Morrison, Thomas H. Morrison, Richard A. Moyer, Edgar H. Munyan, Keith E. Plows, Thomas A. Pollack, Calvin T. Reed, R.C. Reichenbach, Roger L. Reitz, David W. Riddell, L. James Roberts, Bert R. Roling, David N. Schoen, Austin G. Shelly, Bryan L. Snyder, Timothy Spacek, Ronald Sprankle, J. Richard Vroman, Harold C. Weaber, Colby A. Weinhofer, Andrew Whittemore, Paul G. Zimmerman.

Resolved, that the requests be granted.

Resolved, that the following Alternate Delegates be seated: Wayne __ Batten, Bethelehem; Robert H. Cox, Sunbury; Peter __ Everett, Allentown; Ron Higley, Sinking Spring; Kenneth __ Spicer, Nazareth, Carl Youngblood, Mt. Pocono.

The roll of the Annual Conference was established as follows:

Allentown, PA. . . . . . . . . . .    Clifford B. Boone, Ronald C. Erb, Glenn R. Felty,

    (Cedar Crest)                        Charles Bloomfield, Ronald Sprankle, William J. Walters

Bethlehem, PA. . . . . . . . . . .    Richard Bickings, Jr. (Probationer), Andrew Brimer, Michael Capaldi

Blandon, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .   Alan G. Miller, James C. Fisher

Brooklyn, NY. . . . . . . . . . . .   Ralph E. Ritter, Lewis O. Willard

Camden, DE. . . . . . . . . . . . .   (Vacant), Albert F. Biddle, Jr.

Carmel, NY. . . . . . . . . . . . .    (Vacant), Hans R. Waldvogel

Clinton Corners, NY. . . . . . .   Gerald D. Clark, Wayne M. Chadwell

Coopersburg, PA. . . . . . . . .    Thomas P. Shorb, Richard T. Paashaus, Mark R. Evans, Gary Sterner, Michael J. Zettlemoyer

Denville, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . . .    Richard D. Harris, John Crouch

Emmaus, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .   David N. Schoen, Joshua D. Edwards*, Robert W. Davies

Ephrata, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .    Robert B. Kramer

Finesville, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . .    Byron Widger, Bert R. Roling

Fleetwood, PA. . . . . . . . . . .    Roger J. Brush, David Rothenberger

Graterford, PA. . . . . . . . . . .    Mark R. Orton*, Douglas D. Bowne

Harleysville, PA. . . . . . . . . .   Andrew T. Crossgrove, R. Scott Wright (Probationer), Alfred G. Roberts

Harrisburg, PA. . . . . . . . . . .    Carl K. Spackman, Steven J. DelDuco, Harold E. Snyder

Hatfield, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .    Howard N. Wells, Louis S. Curcio, S. Lester Moyer

Hellertown, PA. . . . . . . . . . .   Timothy Zuck*, John J. Hanner

Howell, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    Eric R. North, Brian Michlich

Kutztown, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   Allan R. Vivona, Byron G. Barnshaw

LaGrangeville, NY. . . . . . . .   James A. Wickstead, Charles F. Webb

Lancaster, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   David A. Thomann, Gregory A. Uhrich, Keith M. Long, Neil J. Franklin, Jr., Steven R. Groff, Sr.

Las Cruces, NM. . . . . . . . . .    (Vacant), M. E. Brown

Lebanon, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .   Calvin T. Reed, LeRoy S. Heller, David E. Brandt, LeRoy O. Herb

Lehighton, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   Robert A. Johnson II, Bruce A. Kellerman

Long Neck, DE. . . . . . . . . . .   (Vacant), Robert L. Adams

Maple Glen, PA. . . . . . . . . .    Louis Prontnicki, Keith Howland

Merida, Mexico. . . . . . . . . .    Marcos G. Ramirez*, Daniel A. Hernandez

Mt. Carmel, PA. . . . . . . . . .    Philip G. Norris, Bryan L. Snyder

Mt. Pocono, PA. . . . . . . . . .    Timothy J. Bertolet, Lee S. Annable

Nazareth, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .    Carl J. Fischer, Jr., Francis Podlasinski (probationer), Gary Snyder

Newark, DE. . . . . . . . . . . . .    William G. Schlonecker, Robert C. Kaatz

Newark, NJ. . . . . . . . . . . . . .   Delbert R. Baker II, Thomas J. Boose, Jr.

Old Bridge, NJ. . . . . . . . . . .   David J. Peters*, Herb Mitchell

Oley, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   Arthur J. Simpson, Jr., Tim Spacek

Paradise, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .   Shan D. Cleck, Bruce Zurbrick

Philadelphia, PA. . . . . . . . . .   G. Wayne Clapier, Justin L. Hunter (probationer), Bud Burroughs

Piscataway, NJ. . . . . . . . . . .    Dennis M. Cahill, Richard B. Ravis, J. Richard Vroman

Quakertown, PA. . . . . . . . . .   Ronald L. Kohl, Joshua P. Miller, L. James Roberts

Reading, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .    Randall A. Grossman, Clyde D. Bomgardner, Ronald W. Reed, Glenn D. Ruoss

Red Hill, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .   James R. Arcieri*, William Blair

Royersford, PA. . . . . . . . . . .   (Vacant), Andrew Whittemore

Shamokin, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   Ferdie R. Madara, Mark Leshinskie

Sinking Spring, PA. . . . . . . .   Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Stanley P. Lauterback (probationer), Donald McKinney, Harold P. Shelly, Eric McNutt

Spring City, PA. . . . . . . . . .    Kevin W. Clineff, Bruce Gerhard

Stroudsburg, PA. . . . . . . . . .   Davis E. Duggins, Robert D. Carroll

Sunbury, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . .   Charles E. Cole, Kurt P. Francis, Robert H. Cox

Terre Hill, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Robert L. Weaver, Sr.

Thompson, CT. . . . . . . . . . .    Dennis W. Spinney

Toms River, NJ. . . . . . . . . . .   (Vacant), Allen Dorst

Wallingford, PA. . . . . . . . . .   Richard E. Taylor, Timothy S. Cowen, Mark A. Bickel (Probationer), Steven L. Piasecki

Walnutport, PA. . . . . . . . . . .   (Vacant), Ray Lucente

Whitehall, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   Timothy J. Schmoyer, Michael Helfrich

Whitehall, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   Philip E. Yerrington, Richard J. Drosnock

     Fellowship Community

Woodbury Heights, NJ. . . . .   Daniel L. Williams, Harry Nessler

York, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   Kenneth D. Keeler, Roger L. Shambough

Zionsville, PA. . . . . . . . . . . .   (Vacant), Kevin D. Derr

Ordained Ministers Serving Bible Fellowship Ministries

Daniel P. Allen, Pinebrook Bible Conference; David T. Allen, BFC Executive Director; Mark E. Barninger, Church Extension; Raymond R. Bertolet, Church Extension; Miguel Gonzalez (probationer), Church Extension; David E. Gundrum, Church Extension; Donald E. Kuntzman, Missions; Ronald C. Mahurin, Conference Pastor; Mark L. Morrison, Church Extension; Elliot H. Ramos, Church Extension; Carlos G. Rodriguez, Church Extension; Aaron Susek*, Church Extension; John C. Vandegriff, Jr., Pinebrook Bible Conference; Dana E. Weller, Missions.

Ordained Missionaries

William C. Aukamp, Ronald K, Denlinger, Scott B. Evans, James D. Head, Walter M. Johnston, Frank E. Lenahan, Philip E. Morrison, Duane E. Moyer, Jerry L. Moyer, Thomas A. Pollock, David W. Riddell, John C. Studenroth

Ordained Ministers Working in the Chaplaincy Under the Sponsorship of the BFC

Robert K. Fields, David N. Heineman, Kenneth J. Hurst, David H. Jones, Richard A. Moyer, Michael D. Roberts*, Philip E. Yerrington

Ordained Ministers in Retirement

Kenneth F. Barber, James R. Batchler Jr., James A. Beil, T. James Bigley, Jr., Bert N. Brosius, Leonard E. Buck, Terris L. Byrd, Alva C. Cassel, Carl C. Cassel, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Raymond R. Dotts, Robert L. Draper, Bruce A. Ellingson, Richard J. Gehman, J. Barclay Harley, Frank L. Herb, Jr., George E. Herb, John H. Herb, Roy A. Hertzog, Ronald W. Hoyle, David L. Manney, Barry J. Minsky, Edward K. Moyer, Edgar H. Munyan, D. Thomas Philips, Keith E. Plows, R.C. Reichenbach, John H. Riggall, A.L. Seifert, Austin G. Shelly, Gene W. Smith, Ralph M. Soper, Dean A. Stortz, David J. Watkins, David R. Way, Harold C. Weaber, Daniel G. Ziegler, Paul G. Zimmerman

Ordained Ministers Between Calls

Jonathon W. Arnold, Albert J. Dommel, W. Neil Harding, Thomas H. Morrison, Jacob J. Susek, Jr.

* pending approval of ordination

Report of the Committee on Agenda and Program (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Arrangements (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Daniel P. Allen, Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference, welcomed the members of the BFC Conference to Pinebrook for these meetings.

            David A. Thomann, Secretary of the BFC Conference, appointed Ronald L. Kohl as Assistant Secretary and Daniel P. Allen and Donald E. Kuntzman as Assistants to the Secretary.

The Moderator appointed the following:

Tellers: LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; Byron G. Barnshaw, Charles E. Cole, Howard N. Wells, Frank Podlasinski; Robert A. Johnson II, Robert Carroll and Hans Waldvogel

Resolutions: Steven J. DelDuco, Chairman; Timothy S Cowen, Aaron J. Susek

Examination of BFC Conference Minutes (128th): Philip G. Norris, Kurt P. Francis, Timothy M. Zuck

Reporter: Ronald L. Kohl

Parliamentarian: Timothy Schmoyer

Timekeeper: John C. Vandegriff

            The following new members of Conference were introduced: John Hanner, Hellertown, PA; Mike Helfrich, Whitehall, PA; Ron Higley, Sinking Spring, PA; Stan Lauterback, Sinking Spring, PA; Keith Long, Faith, Lancaster, PA; Eric McNutt, Sinking Spring, PA; Herb Mitchell, Grace BFC; Harry Nessler, Woodbury Heights, NJ; Carl Youngblood, Pocono Mountain, PA; Bruce Zurbrick, Paradise, PA.

Report of the Nominating Committee:

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Ray Bertolet prayed for God’s will concerning the election to committees and boards of the BFC.

Report on the Committee on Credentials

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended ordination for Joshua D. Edwards, David J. Peters, Marcos G. Ramirez Montalvo, Michael D. Roberts, Aaron J. Susek, and Timothy M. Zuck for ordination, and

Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended recognition of prior ordination for James Arcieri, and Mark R. Orton, and

Whereas, these brethren have served acceptably as ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time or the equivalent thereof, and

Whereas, after examination, the Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the gospel ministry and to be in accord with the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Resolved, that Joshua D. Edwards, David J. Peters, Marcos G. Ramirez Montalvo, Michael D. Roberts, Aaron J. Susek, and Timothy M. Zuck be ordained to the gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church, and further

Resolved, that the prior ordination of James Arcieri, and Mark R. Orton, to the gospel ministry be recognized by the Bible Fellowship Church.

Resolved, that an Ordination Service be held at the 128th Annual Conference.

Resolved, that the Bethel BFC in Emmaus, PA, and Grace Church in Old Bridge, NJ: Grace BFC in Quakertown, PA: Adams County Bible Fellowship Mission, Adams County, PA: Iglesia Biblica La Roca de Merida, Yucatan, Mexico and Saucon Community BFC, Hellertown, PA be encouraged to have a service in recognition of the ordinations of Joshua D. Edwards, David J. Peters, Marcos G. Ramirez Montalvo, Michael D. Roberts, Aaron J. Susek, and Timothy M. Zuck, respectively, and that Community BFC, Red Hill, PA, and Graterford BFC, Graterford, PA, be encouraged to have a service to recognize the recognition of prior ordinations of James Arcieri, and Mark R. Orton, respectfully, and that they be encouraged to invite the Credentials Committee to send representation to be present at the service.

Report of the Ministerial Candidate Committee: (see: page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            The following men were introduced to the Conference: James Arcieri, Red Hill, PA; Joshua M. Allen, Las Cruces, NM; Mark A. Bickel, Wallingford, PA; Timothy G. Clark, Reading, PA; Joshua D. Edwards, Emmaus, PA; Miguel Gonzalez, La Roca de Reading, PA; Stanley P. Lauterback, Sinking Spring, PA; Keith M. Long, Lancaster, PA; Marcor G. Ramirez-Montalvo, Merida, Mexico; Mark R. Orton, Graterford, PA; David J. Peters, Old Bridge, NJ; Frank Podlasinski, Nazareth, PA; G. Wayne Rissmiller, Sinking Spring, PA; Michael D. Roberts, Chaplain, Fellowship Community; David A. Smith, (Grace Fellowship) Harrisburg, PA; Aaron J. Susek, Adams County, PA; Edward B. Suthers, (Grace Fellowship) Harrisburg, PA; R. Scott Wright, Harleysville, PA; Timothy M. Zuck, Hellertown, PA.

Report of the Ministerial Relations Committee (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            It was noted that there are ten churches in some stage of looking for Senior Pastors. Ronald C. Mahurin led the Conference in praying for these churches and for the Lord’s supply.

Resolved, that the recommended minimum salary for a BFC Pastor in the United States, be $34,000 for 2011, and further,

Resolved, that in addition to his salary, the church must provide half of the pastor’s Social Security tax, parsonage and/or housing allowance (which would include utilities, repair costs, etc.), health insurance, and provision should be made for reimbursement for allowable car and professional expenses. The church must also contribute a minimum of 3% of the pastor’s salary for retirement to the ministers’ annuity fund, plus an additional 1% match if the pastor is voluntarily contributing 1%.

Report of the Board of Church Health (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Carl K. Spackman led the Conference in prayer for healthy churches within the BFC and for the function of the Board of Church Health.

Report of the Joint Committee on Ethnic Church Planting (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Elliot Ramos prayed for the work of the Ethnic Church Planting Committee and the mission to different ethnic groups in our neighborhoods.

Report of the Board of Pensions (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted

Whereas, the MRF annuity rate for 2011 is $221 per year of service, and

Whereas, cost-of-living adjustments no longer apply to MRF payments, be it

Resolved, that the MRF annuity rate for calendar year 2012 be $221 per year of service.

Whereas, the administrative system adopted by the 126th Annual Conference provides means for ongoing administration of the MAF and MRF through the Executive Board of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Revolved, that the Board of Pensions be dissolved as of the 128th BFC Conference, and be it further

Resolved, that all responsibilities previously assigned to the Board of Pensions become the responsibility of the BFC Executive Board. 

Whereas, Richard Volpe has provided administrative services for the Board of Pensions since the inception of the Board of Pensions, therefore be it

Resolved, that we express our appreciation to Richard Volpe for his expert and faithful service on behalf of the Board of Pensions.

Resolution Relating to Rental/Housing Allowances for Retired or Disabled Ministers of this Conference for Calendar Year 2012

Whereas, the religious denomination known as The Bible Fellowship Church has and functions through Ministers of the Gospel who are duly ordained or licensed; and

Whereas, the practice of The Bible Fellowship Church is to provide a parsonage or a rental allowance as part of the gross compensation for each of its active ordained or licensed ministers; and

Whereas, pensions paid to retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers of The Bible Fellowship Church are considered as deferred compensation and are paid to said retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers in consideration of previous, active service; and

Whereas, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized that The Bible Fellowship Church is the appropriate organization to designate a housing/rental allowance for retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers who are members of this Conference;


1. An amount equal to 100% of the pension payments received during the year of 2012 be and is hereby designated as a rental/housing allowance for each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister of The Bible Fellowship Church who is or was a member of the Bible Fellowship Church Minister’s Retirement Fund.

2. This rental/housing allowance shall apply to each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister who has been granted the retired relationship or placed on disability leave by the Bible Fellowship Annual Conference and whose name and relationship to the conference is recorded in the Yearbook of the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church and in other appropriate records maintained by the conference.

3. The pension payment to which this rental/housing allowance applies shall be the pension payment resulting from all service of such retired or disabled ordained or licensed minister from all employment by any local church, Annual Conference or institution of The Bible Fellowship Church or of any former denomination that is now a part of The Bible Fellowship Church, or from any other employer who employed the minister to perform services related to the ministry and who elected to make contributions to the pension funds of The Bible Fellowship Church for such retired minister’s pension.

Note: The rental/housing allowance, which may be excluded from a minister’s gross income, is limited to the lesser of (1) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the minister’s employer or other appropriate body, (2) the amount actually expended by the minister to provide his or her housing, or (3) the legally-determined fair rental value of the parsonage or other housing provided. As specified in Rev. Rul. 71-290 C.B. 92, “the only amount that will qualify for exclusion under section 107(2) of the Code as a ‘rental allowance’ is an amount equal to the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances such as a garage, plus the cost of utilities.”

Report of the Board of Communications (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted

            Resolved, that the cost of the 2011 Yearbook be $ 9.00 per copy.

Report of the Board of Christian Education (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Keynote speaker Daniel Henderson of Strategic Renewal presented the first session on the subject “Built on the Foundation of Prayer.”

Resolved, that the meeting be adjourned.

            The meeting was adjourned in prayer by Aaron Susek at 12:18 p.m.

Third Meeting

Tuesday Afternoon, April 26, 2011, 1:30 PM

            After the conference was introduced to several vendors that were present, the Moderator called the meeting to order at 1:47 p.m. Chaplain David Jones led in prayer. The Moderator stepped down from his office and the Vice Moderator, Clifford B. Boone, took the chair.

Report of the Executive Board (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Executive Director David T. Allen gave a presentation that spoke of the core values and vision of the BFC. He went through the process of how to report expenses of different boards and committees. Financial Secretary Jay Fasnacht presented the revised 2011 Budget of the Executive Board and the 2012 Budget of the Executive Board. He also reviewed the financial statements of the Executive Board, various BFC ministry income and expense statements, a combined statement of assets, liabilities and net assets for 2010 (as compared to 2009), and combined income and expense summaries for 2010.

Resolved, that the 2011 Revised Executive Board Budget be adopted by the 128th BFC Conference.

Resolved, that an assessment rate of 2 percent be approved by the 128th BFC Conference for 2012 (based on assessable receipts for 2010).

Resolved, that the 2012 proposed Executive Board budget be adopted by the 128th BFC Conference.

            The Executive Director discussed a framework for the future, including the question, “Does the Bible Fellowship Church need a place?” The Executive Board affirmed that the BFC does need such a place, affirmed its commitment to camping ministry in general and Pinebrook Bible Conference in particular.

            Daniel Henderson presented the second part of the series on making our foundation based on prayer. His presentation included several periods of corporate prayer for specific topics from Romans 15:30-33.

Resolved, that we be adjourned.

            The meeting was adjourned in prayer by Clifford B. Boone.

Fourth Meeting

Tuesday Evening, April 26, 2011, 6:30 PM

            The meeting was called to order by the Moderator at 6:33 p.m. as Carlos Rodriguez led in prayer.

The following were elected:

Executive Board

                        Jay H. Fasnacht (3 years)

                        Charles A. Lavigna (3 years)

Board of Directors of BFC Homes, Inc.

                        LeRoy S. Heller (3 years)

                        Robin A. Musselman (3 years)

Committee on Credentials

                        Carl J. Fisher, Jr. (3 years)

                        Keith E. Plows (3 years)

Committee on Nominations

                        Richard T. Paashaus (3 years)

                        Ralph E. Ritter (3 years)

                        Rachel Schmoyer (3 years)

Conference Judicatory

                        S. Lester Moyer (3 years)

                        Rodney P. Plows (3 years)

Special Appellate Judicatory

                        Raymond R. Dotts (3 years)

                        Hans R. Waldvogel (3 years)

Ministerial Relations Committee

                        L. James Roberts (3 years)

Secretary for the 129th BFC Conference

                        David A Thomann (1 year)

Report of the Director of Missions: (see page:)

            Dana E. Weller introduced the following missionaries who were present at BFC Conference: Ronald K. Denlinger, Byron & Lisa Barnshaw, Laura Robison, Chris Merrick, John C. Studenroth, Frank E. Lenahan and William F. Early.

            Ralph M. Soper led the Conference in prayer for our missionary families throughout the world and their ministries.

Report of the Conference Pastor, Ron Mahurin (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            The following gave verbal remembrances of the five BFC ministers who entered into eternity during 2010:

            Carl J. Fisher, Jr. – James A. Beil

            Kevin D. Derr – C. Larry Bennett

            Roy Hertzog – Walter Frank

            William S. Schlonecker – Harvey J. Fritz, Jr.

            David A. Thomann – David E. Thomann

            Ronald C. Mahurin concluded this portion of the meeting in prayer, thanking God for the faithfulness of these five men who have gone on before us.

Resolved, that the meeting be adjourned.

            The meeting was adjourned at 7:46 p.m.

            The Conference took a short recess and gathered together for an ordination service.

Fifth Meeting

Wednesday Morning, April 27, 2011, 9:30 AM

            Richard T. Paashaus led the Conference in singing “I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord” and “You are God,” which is taken from Isaiah 46:9-10. He also led us in singing “Before the Throne Above.”

            The Moderator called the meeting to order at 9:12 a.m. with Ephrata, PA, Pastor Robert B. Kramer giving an update on long-time former Ephrata delegate Robert W. Gehret and leading in prayer. 

Report of the Registrar

            The following request to be excused from the part of the 128th Conference: Richard T. Ravis, Charles F. Webb and Carl L. Youngblood

Resolved, that these requests for excuses be granted.

Resolved, that the following Alternate Delegate be seated: Thomas L. Ward, Lagrangeville, NY.

            The Moderator prayed for God’s will in the elections and also prayed for Keith E. Plows, who is undergoing radiation treatments and is not able to be with us at BFC Conference.

            The Moderator vacated the chair to the Vice Moderator, Clifford B. Boone.

Report of the Director of Pinebrook Bible Conference (see page)

            Director Daniel P. Allen gave an overview of the present ministry of Pinebrook and the vision of the future of Pinebrook, which includes improvements of facilities in a program called “Steps to the Summit.”

            Clyde D. Bomgardner prayed for Director Daniel P. Allen, the staff and ministry of Pinebrook Bible Conference.

Report of the Director of Victory Valley Camp (see page)

            Director Douglas J. Manwiller gave an update of the ministry of Victory Valley Camp including spiritual victories that happened there.

            William J. Walters, whose son is a counselor at Victory Valley, led the Conference in prayer for the ministry and staff of Victory Valley.

The following were submitted for adoption at Second Reading:

[Voting Members and Advisory Members of BFC Conference]

Article 504 – Members of BFC Conference

504-1. Voting Members. The voting members of BFC Conference shall answer to the call of the roll. They shall be:

(1) ordained ministers working under the direction of the BFC.

(2) ordained ministers working under the direction of the Board of Missions of the BFC.

(3) ordained ministers endorsed by the BFC working in the DELETE military chaplaincy.

(4) ordained ministers in retirement.


(5) ordained ministers between calls.

(6) probationers who have been licensed by the Ministerial Candidate Committee.

(7) delegates from every properly-constituted church based on congregational. membership as follows:

1-299 members 1 delegate

300-499 members 2 delegates

500-749 members 3 delegates

750-999 members 4 delegates

1000 and over members 5 delegates.

If a delegate(s) is unable to attend the BFC Conference or some meetings of BFC Conference, the alternate delegate(s), with the permission of the Conference, shall be seated for the conference or those specified meetings. Unexcused absences shall result in the church forfeiting its representation by an alternate delegate during the unexcused absence of the delegate.

504-2. Advisory Members. Advisory members of BFC Conference shall not be included in the call of the roll. They shall not participate in the deliberations of the session except by permission of the Moderator.

Advisory members of BFC Conference shall include:

(1) ordained ministers working in other Christian ministries.

(2) ordained ministers on leave of absence.

(3) probationers who have not been licensed.

(4) missionaries who hold membership in one of the churches and are under the supervision of the Board of Missions.


(5) ordained ministers who are inactive.


Yes – 150; No – 0

[Executive Board]

512-1 The Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board

Resolved, that the following be amended as First Reading: (New section in bold)

The Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board (BFC Executive Board) performs the executive function of the denomination. It shall have and exercise in the name and on behalf of the corporation all rights and privileges conferred by the charter creating the corporation. This activity must always be in conformity with the Faith and Order and with the rules, decisions, and directives of the BFC Conference. It shall provide leadership for the BFC by proposing strategic direction to the BFC Conference, implementing direction through the oversight of the BFC departments, and monitoring progress in the direction approved by the BFC Conference. It shall have the authority between the meetings of the BFC Conference to execute the decisions made by that body.


Yes – 142; No – 7

512-1.1 Composition, Election, and Terms of Office

            Delete this paragraph

(4) The Director of each department shall serve as a non-voting member.


512-4.2 Composition and Election


(1) – The Board of Church Extension will be composed of the Executive Director of Church Extension Ministries, five ministers and five elders. Classes shall be formed as follows:

                                    Class I Two ministers and two elders

                                    Class II Two ministers and two elders

                                    Class III One minister and one elder

            Change to:

(1) – The Board of Church Extension will be composed of the Director of Church Extension Ministries, and selected ministers and members of BFC churches.


(2) The Executive Director shall be called by the Board of Church Extension.

                 Change to:

(2) The Director shall be appointed by the BFC Executive Board.


(3) Each class of the Board of Church Extension shall be elected in turn annually by ballot by the Board of Church Extension, subject to ratification by the BFC Conference.

            Change to:

(3) The Board of Church Extension will select members to serve on the board who have a heart for Church Extension Ministries and can provide valuable assistance to the board. The number of members will be determined by the Director after consultation with the BFC Executive Board. Members will be presented to the BFC Executive Board for ratification to a three year term of office before beginning service on the board. All members must be members in good standing of a Bible Fellowship Church.

(4) – Delete

512-4.3 Duties


(10) It shall make a written report of its activities to BFC Conference.

Change to:

(10) It shall make a written report of its activities to the BFC Executive Board.

512-4.4 Director (Delete Executive) of Church Extension Ministries


The Executive Director of Church Extension Ministries shall be an ordained minister of the BFC. He shall, by virtue of his office, be a member of the Board of Church Extension and shall be accountable to the Board of Church Extension for his ministry.

Change to:

The Director of Church Extension Ministries shall be an ordained minister of the BFC. He shall, by virtue of his office, be a member of the Board of Church Extension and shall be accountable to the BFC Executive Board.


[Board of Missions]

Resolved, that the following, related to Board of Missions, be amended as First Reading:

512-6.3 Election


(1) The Director, who must be either an ordained minister or elder, shall be elected for a term of three years by the Board of Missions subject to ratification by the BFC Conference

            Change to:

(1) The Director shall be appointed by the BFC Executive Board.


(2) The Financial Secretary shall be elected for a term of three years by the Board of Missions, but not necessarily from the Board. If he is elected from outside the Board, he is subject to ratification by the BFC Conference and only then becomes a voting member of the Board of Missions.

            Change to:

(2) The Financial Secretary shall be selected by the Board of Missions in consultation with and subject to ratification of the BFC Executive Board.


(3) Four ordained ministers and four laypersons shall be elected by BFC Conference for terms of three years in the following classes:

                                    Class I One minister and one layperson

                                    Class II Two ministers and one layperson

                                    Class III One minister and one layperson

            Change to:

(3)The Board of Missions will select members to serve on the board who have a heart for missions and can provide valuable assistance to the board. The number of members will be determined by the Director after consultation with the BFC Executive Board. Members will be presented to the BFC Executive Board for ratification to a three year term of office before beginning service on the board. All members must be members in good standing of a Bible Fellowship Church.

512-6.4 Duties of the Board of Missions

(1) – Add to the end of the first sentence:

To formulate objectives and policies for the missions program of the BFC as directed by BFC Executive Board.

(7) – change – “BFC Conference” to “BFC Executive Board.”


                        To submit a written report to BFC Conference.

Change to:

To submit a written report to BFC Executive Board.

512-6.5 Duties of the Board Officers

(4) – Financial Secretary – change “Board of Missions” to “Executive Board.”


Financial Secretary. Under the Director and the Board of Missions, he shall be responsible for overseeing monies received, disbursed, and invested, and to circulate appropriate statements and other reports as directed by the Board of Missions.

Change to:

Financial Secretary. Under the Director and the Executive Board, he shall be responsible for overseeing monies received, disbursed, and invested, and to circulate appropriate statements and other reports as directed by the Executive Board.


[Pinebrook Bible Conference]

512-8 Board (Delete of Directors) of Pinebrook Bible Conference

            512-8.1 Composition and Election


(1) It shall be composed of five ministers and eight laymen and the Bible Conference Director.

(2) The ministers and laymen shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

                                    Class I Two ministers and three laymen

                                    Class II Two ministers and three laymen

                                    Class III One minister and two laymen

Change to:

(1) Pinebrook Bible Conference Board is composed of a Director and a Board.

(2) The Director shall be appointed by the BFC Executive Board.

(3) The Pinebrook Board will select members to serve on the board who have a heart for Pinebrook Bible Conference and can provide valuable assistance to the board. The number of members will be determined by the Director after consultation with the BFC Executive Board. Members will be presented to the BFC Executive Board for ratification to a three year term of office before beginning service on the board. Because of the various ministries of Pinebrook Bible Conference, the Board shall be composed of persons with at least two-thirds who are members in good standing of a Bible Fellowship Church and the remaining persons must be insympathy with the Articles of Faith and be members in good standing of a Bible-believing church.

512-8.2 Duties


(3) It shall hire a director who will be responsible for the immediate supervision and operation of the Conference.

Change to:

(3) It will assist the Director who is responsible for the immediate supervision and operation of the Conference.


(6) It shall establish all full time personnel salaries and shall approve an annual budget as recommended by the director and the Finance Committee.

Change to:

(6) Other than the Director’s compensation package, it shall establish all full time personnel salaries and shall approve an annual budget as recommended by the director and the Finance Committee.

[Victory Valley Camp]

512-10.1 Composition and Election


(1) The Board shall be composed of four ministers and five laypersons.

(2) They shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

                                    Class I Three laypersons

                                    Class II Three ministers

                                    Class III One minister and two laypersons

Change to:

(1) The Board is composed of a Director and other members.

(2) The Director shall be appointed by the BFC Executive Board.

(3) The Victory Valley Board will select members to serve on the board who have a heart for Victory Valley and can provide valuable assistance to the board. The number of members will be determined by the Director after consultation with the BFC Executive Board. Members will be presented to the BFC Executive Board for ratification to a three year term of office before beginning service on the board. Because of the various ministries of Victory Valley Camp, the Board shall be composed of persons with at least two-thirds who are members in good standing of a Bible Fellowship Church and the remaining persons must be in sympathy with the Articles of Faith and be members in good standing of a Bible-believing church.

512-10.2 Duties


(5) It shall secure and provide for the training of the camp staff.

Change to:

(5) Along with the Director it shall secure and provide for the training of the camp staff.


                          (9) It shall report to BFC Conference.

Change to:

(9) It shall make a written report to the BFC Executive Board.

                                                                                                                     [SECOND READING] 

             The Conference took a morning break and reconvened for the third session in “Built on a Foundation of Prayer” by Daniel Henderson. Clifford B. Boone brought the Conference back to order with prayer.

The following were elected:

Moderator for the 129th BFC Conference

                        Randall A. Grossman (1 year)

            Ministerial Relations Committee

                        Timothy J. Schmoyer (3 years)

                        Byron Widger (3 years)

            Committee for Church Health

                        Byron Widger (3 years)

                        Jason L. Hoy (3 years)

                        Ronald E. Miller (3 years)

            Executive Board

                        Ronald L. Kohl (3 years)

                        Robert A. Sloan, Jr. (3 years)

                        Jay H. Fasnacht (3 years)

                        Charles A. Lavigna (3 years)

            Committee on Ministerial Candidates

                        Calvin T. Reed (3 years)

                        Richard E. Taylor (3 years)

            Conference Judicatory

                        Carl C. Cassel (3 years)

                        Donald E. Kuntzman (3 years)

            William G. Schlonecker asked the Lord to bless the offering being taken to assist pastors of the BFC. 

Resolved, that the meeting be adjourned.

            Thomas J. Boose, Jr. closed the meeting in prayer at 12:24 p.m.

Sixth Meeting

Wednesday Afternoon, April 27, 2011, 1:30 PM

            The Moderator called the meeting to order at 1:34 p.m. David Rothenberger, delegate from Fleetwood, opened the meeting in prayer.

The following was elected:

Vice Moderator of 129th BFC Conference

                        Clifford B. Boone (1 year)

The following was submitted for acceptance as First Reading:

Resolved, that 509-6.1 be amended to read as follows:

“The Ministerial Credentials Committee shall set the effective date of the retirement, change the status of the minister on the conference records, and notify the BFC Exec.Bd for purposes of pension payments” (replaces “notify the Board of Pensions of the effective date of the retirement.”)

            Yes – 153; No – 2                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 511-2.1 “Committee on Auditing” be deleted; and that subsequent articles be renumbered.

            Yes – 155; No – 1                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 512-1.5 “Duties of the BFC ExecBrd” be amended by adding a new duty:

            512-1.5 (11)    It shall have oversight of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

            And duty (11) be renumbered to (12).

            Yes – 151; No – 6                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that a new paragraph be added to 512-1 “Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board” as follows:

            511-1.7 Sub-Committees Supervised by BFC ExecBrd.

            Yes – 151; No – 5                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 512-9 “Board of Communications” be replaced with the following:

            511-1.7 (1) Communications Committee

Purpose – To promote communication in the BFC through various media.

Composition – It shall be appointed by the BFC ExecBrd in composition and terms of service determined by the BFC ExecBrd.

Duties – (1) It shall publish the annual Yearbook and other BFC literature.

(2) It shall maintain and oversee the BFC website

(3) It shall perform the duties assigned by the BFC ExecBrd.

(4) It shall submit an annual written report to the BFC ExecBrd.

            Yes – 153; No -4                                                                                 [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 512-3 “Board of Christian Education” be revised as follows:

            511-1.7 (2) Christian Education Committee

Purpose – To promote and support Christian education on behalf of the BFC

Composition and Election

(1) The committee shall be composed of six ministers and six lay persons.

(2) They shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

Class I – Two ministers and two laypersons

Class II – Two ministers and two laypersons

Class III – Two ministers and two laypersons

(3) The committee shall elect its own members, subject to the ratification of the BFC ExecBrd.


(1) It shall provide guidance to the local church in carrying out the Christian education program.

(2) It shall provide helpful regional denominational programs for any or all aspects of the work of Christian education.

(3) It shall promote the cause of Christian post-secondary education on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. This may be done in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, providing information about Christian institutions and encouraging members and other participants of our churches to attend them.

(4) It shall receive funds designated by BFC Conference and disburse them for the needs of its work.

(5) It shall submit financial statements to the BFC ExecBrd on a quarterly basis.

(6) It shall submit an annual written report to the BFC ExecBrd.

            Yes – 151; No – 6                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 512-18 “Board of Youth and Young Adults” be revised as follows:

            511-1.7 (3) Youth and Young Adults Committee

Purpose – To bring glory and honor to God as it ministers to adult youth leaders, teens, and young adults of the BFC. This will be done by:

(1) Promoting unity in youth and young adult ministry with the BFC

(2) Providing training and resources for youth and young adult ministries of Particular Churches within the BFC

(3) Being a catalyst for networking of youth and young adult ministries of Particular Churches within the BFC

Composition and Election

(1) The Committee will be composed of five ministers and four laypersons

(2) They will be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

Class I – Two ministers and one layperson

Class II – Two ministers and one layperson

Class III – One minister and two laypersons

(3) The committee shall elect its own members, subject to the ratification of the BFC ExecBrd


(1) It shall offer guidance to Particular Churches in developing a ministry to youth and young adults.

(2) It shall oversee denominational youth and young adult activities

(3) It shall provide training and resources for Particular Churches in equipping them for youth and young adult ministries.

(4) It shall provide networking between youth and young adult ministries of Particular Churches with the BFC.

(5) It shall submit an annual written report to the BFC ExecBrd.

            Yes – 152; No – 6                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 512-12 “Historical Committee” be revised as follows:

            511-1.7 (4) Historical Committee

Purpose – To preserve our heritage and to promote the study of the history of the BFC.

Composition and Election

(1) It shall be composed of the archivist and five persons (ministers, elders, or laypersons) elected by the committee, subject to the ratification of the BFC ExecBrd.

(2) They shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

Class I – Two persons

Class II – Two persons

Class III- One person


(1) It shall develop and encourage the study of the history of the denomination.

(2) It shall maintain denominational archives for the accumulation of materials and memoirs relating to the history of the denomination.

(3) It shall appoint an archivist, who shall be responsible for the maintenance and oversight of the archives.

(4) It shall determine policy and procedure by which the archivist can maintain and supplement the historical material of the denomination.

(5) It shall assist the archivist in the collection of relevant historical materials.

(6) It shall encourage each Particular Church and mission to maintain a file of important documents relating to the historical development of the local fellowship.

(7) It shall submit an annual written report to the BFC ExecBrd.

            Yes – 154; N0 – 6                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 512-7 “Board of Pensions” be deleted.

            Yes – 154; No – 3                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 512-5 “Board of Higher Education” paragraphs 5.1 – 5.6 be deleted.

            Yes – 155; No – 3                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 512-5.7 “Pinebrook Educational Foundation” be revised as follows:

            511-1.8 Pinebrook Educational Foundation

Section 1 – Establishment and Purpose

The Pinebrook Educational Foundation was established as a division of the Bible Fellowship Church (“Church”) on October 18, 1994. The purpose of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation is to continue the ministry of Pinebrook Junior College (formerly Berean Bible School) to aid Christian individuals involved in higher education and Christian postsecondary institutions (“Purpose”). Said Purpose will be construed broadly enough to include a wide spectrum of aid projects involving Christian post-secondary education, including but not limited to scholarship aid to students and grants to Christian post-secondary institutions.

Section 2 – Overview

The Pinebrook Educational Foundation shall receive, invest, and administer funds (“Funds”) in accordance with its stated Purpose, and such funds shall be designated for such Purpose, segregated from the general funds of the Church, and administered and distributed by the Pinebrook Educational Foundation’s Board of Directors (“Foundation Board”) in conformity with said Purpose. Emphasis and priority will be given to individuals attending Christian institutions and to higher education endeavors closely related to the BFC. Special consideration shall be given to educational organizations with which the BFC Executive Board has affiliations (as referenced in §512-5.4(3) of the F&O).

Section 3 – Control

A. Election and Composition of the Foundation Board

The Pinebrook Educational Foundation shall be directed by the Foundation Board composed of six members (“Board Members”) elected by the Pinebrook Educational Foundation and subject to ratification by the BFC Executive Board. Board Members shall be elected in three classes and shall serve three-year terms of service. The three classes shall be composed of two Board Members each. Each Board Member shall serve until a successor is duly elected.

B. Accountability

The Foundation Board shall be accountable to the BFC Executive Board. The Foundation Board shall administer all activities and investments of

Pinebrook Educational Foundation to ensure that all such activities and investments are financially and legally appropriate with respect to the status of Pinebrook Educational Foundation. The Foundation Board shall report semi-annually to the BFC Executive Board and shall report annually to the BFC Conference.

C. Officers of the Foundation Board

The Foundation Board shall elect annually from its number: a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and a Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 4 – Administration

A. Director/Chairperson of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation

1. An Executive Director of Pinebrook Educational Foundation (“Executive Director”) may be selected by the Foundation Board and ratified by the BFC Executive Board. The position may be paid or unpaid as determined by the BFC Executive Board.

2. The Executive Director shall not be required to be a member of the Foundation Board or the BFC Executive Board. Membership on one of these boards will not, however, disqualify an individual from serving as Executive Director. The Executive Director shall not be an officer of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

3. The Executive Director shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of the business of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation. Such duties as administration of the grant and scholarship application process, oversight of all financial activities, investments, administrative procedures, and communication shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director. The Executive Director shall consult with the Foundation Board’s Chairperson regarding general administration matters and with both the Chairperson and Secretary-Treasurer of the Foundation Board regarding financial matters.

4. If a an Executive Director has not been selected by the Foundation Board, the Foundation Board’s Chairperson shall be responsible for the conduct of the business of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation and shall perform the duties identified in paragraph 3 above.

            B. Foundation Secretary

1. The Secretary of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation shall be selected by the Foundation Board subject to approval by the BFC Executive Board.

2. The Secretary shall report to and assist the Executive Director (or Chairperson of the Foundation Board if a an Executive Director has not been selected by the Foundation Board).

3. The Secretary shall be a volunteer or a part-time employee until the Pinebrook Educational Foundation activity requires more assistance and additional funding is available for fulltime compensation, as shall be determined by the Foundation Board.

4. The compensation (if any) of the Secretary shall be determined by the Foundation Board and shall be subject to approval by the BFC Executive Board.

            C. Auxiliary Groups

Support groups previously affiliated with Pinebrook Junior College such as the Alumni Association may be encouraged to continue in existence or to be reactivated. The assistance of such support groups may be sought in raising funds and in providing other assistance to the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

            D. Administration of Funds

1. Pinebrook Educational Foundation Funds shall:

(a) be segregated from the general funds of the Church;

(b) be separately invested and administered by the Foundation Board; and

(c) not be disbursed for any purpose other than the Purpose of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

2. A professional investment firm or counselor may be chosen by the Foundation Board to carry out the investment of Pinebrook Educational Foundation Funds. Risk levels and investment criteria shall be determined by the Foundation Board and approved by the BFC Executive Board.

3. The Pinebrook Educational Foundation may be the transferee of funds:

(a) existing Pinebrook Junior College endowment funds;

(b) donations or bequests to, and annuity arrangements made for the benefit of Pinebrook Junior College (or the Berean Bible School);

(c) grants from foundations;

(d) proceeds from general and endowment investments; and

(e) other sources acceptable with respect to the tax-exempt status of the Church.

4. Funds shall be used to disburse grants, scholarships and/or loans in accordance with the Purpose of Pinebrook Educational Foundation and to pay administrative costs of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

a. The Foundation Board shall formulate rules for the administration of all Funds. These shall be subject to review by the BFC Executive Board.

b. Administrative costs shall be paid from the General Fund (as defined in Section 5 herein) subject to the approval of the Foundation Board and review by the BFC Executive Board.

Section 5 – Aid Projects/Designated Accounts

A. The Pinebrook Educational Foundation shall be structured to include many types of aid to Christian higher education in accordance with its purpose. Specific programs of aid shall be designated by the Foundation Board as separately administered endowment or current gift “funds” or “accounts” (“Designated Accounts”) within the Foundation.

B. A donation identified by a donor for the support of a specific Designated Account shall be used to fund such Designated Account. Designated Account Funds shall be expended by the Foundation Board in furtherance of the specific aid project(s) for which the Designated Account has been established.

C. Undesignated donations shall go to a General Fund from which administrative costs shall be paid and Board directed grants, loans and scholarships shall be made.

D. Donors shall be encouraged to contribute to Designated Accounts set up as endowments in order to insure a continuous stream of proceeds for the future. However, donations to Designated Accounts which expend non-endowment restricted (“current gift”) funds are also encouraged.

E. Additionally, sizable initial gifts may be used to establish a Designated Account (as an endowment or current gift fund) of the donor’s choosing, subject to Foundation Board approval.

F. There shall be compliance with donor limitations and/or restrictions on Funds received from (or donated, bequeathed, etc. to or for the benefit of) Pinebrook Junior College.

Section 6 – Miscellaneous Regulations

A. Bylaws

The Bylaws of the Foundation Board may be amended by majority vote of the total membership of the Foundation Board at a regular or special meeting.

B. General

The Foundation Board shall be empowered to adopt policies and regulations in addition to its Bylaws. Such policies and regulations must be in conformity with the F&O of the BFC and within the rules, decisions, and directives of the BFC Conference.

C. Quorum

Four Board Members attending a duly announced meeting of the Foundation Board shall constitute a quorum. Unless otherwise specified, a majority vote shall mean a simple majority of those attending any meeting of the Foundation Board in which there is a quorum.

            Yes – 152; No – 7                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 512-13 “Board of Church Health” be changed to 511-3 “Church Health Committee” and that the same change of terms be implemented throughout the F&O.

            Yes – 156; No – 3                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that Duty 11 of the Board of Church Health be deleted.

            Yes – 156; No – 1                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 512-11 “Credentials Committee” be changed to 511-5 “Ministerial Credentials Committee” and that the same change of Terms be implemented throughout the F&O.

            Yes – 158; No – 1                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 508 “Agencies of BFC Conference” be replaced with 512 – BFC Departments as follows:

            512 -1 The BFC, both through its particular churches and the BFC Conference, may enter into joint endeavors to further the cause of Christ in the world. Concerns such as church-planting and cross-cultural missions, education and publication, camps and conferences are addressed more effectively by working together than by working alone.

            512-2  In order to work together in these joint endeavors, the BFC Conference shall establish departments. The departments shall perform as the servants of the Bible Fellowship Church, shall operate in accordance with the guidelines of the BFC Conference, and shall be directly accountable to the BFC Executive Board.

            512-3  Each department shall be headed by a department director. The department director is appointed by the BFC Executive Board, who shall implement and oversee a program which will advance the goals fo the department. The department director is overseen by the BFC Executive Director.

            512-4  Each department is served by a department board, which shall assist the department director in achieving the goals of the department. The department board is elected internally, subject to the ratification of the BFC Executive Board. The number and terms of office for each department board is established in its bylaws.

            512-5  Each department shall administer its own finances in conformity with policy approved by BFC Conference. Budgeting, fund-raising, and auditing will be overseen by the BFC Executive Board.All gift annuities established by the departments shall be approved by the BFC Executive Board and reported annually.

            512-6  All funds administered by the departments are held in trust for the BFC Conference. All real estate properties used by the departments are owned by the Bible Fellowship Church.

            512-7  Each department shall submit an annual written report to the BFC Executive Board, which will in turn report annually to the BFC Conference on the status of each department. 

            Yes – 144; No – 16                                                                              [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 512-8 “Board of Pinebrook Bible Conference” add duty (7) as follows:

“It shall submit an annual written report to the BFC Executive Board..”

            Yes – 153; No – 4                                                                                [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 512-2 “Board of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.” be deleted.

            Yes – 148; No – 10                                                                              [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that 513 “Miscellaneous Bylaws of BFC Conference” 513-2 be amended as follows:

The tenure of persons appointed or elected to study committees created for a specific assignment shall continue until the completion of the specific assignment. Vacancies due to death, resignation, or other crises shall be filled by further appointments or elections.

            Yes – 157; No – 1                                                                                [FIRST READING]

            The Moderator reclaimed the chair at this time.

            The Board of Communications made a presentation explaining the change in the publications of the BFC. The Fellowship News will continue in the form of a monthly bulletin insert that will keep the churches up to date with news items and announcements from the individual churches. A new publication called, “BFC OneVoice,” has been created to inform the BFC of articles and other writings. This will be released quarterly.

Report of the Board of Youth and Young Adults (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Historical Committee (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Conference Judicatory (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Beneficiary Society (see page)

            R. C. Reichenbach, who was attending his 79th BFC Conference and has served on the Beneficiary Society for fifty-five years, made his last report. The Conference thanks him with a standing ovation.

            Donald E. Kuntzman was elected to the Beneficiary Society A special election of the members of the Beneficiary Society was held to fulfill brother Reichenbach’s term.

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Examination of BFC Conference Minutes, 127th(See page)

            Resolved, that the report be adopted.

Report of the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches (see page )

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted. 

            After the Conference took a break, we reconvened for the fourth session on being “Built on a Foundation of Prayer” by Daniel Henderson. 

Report of the Study Committee on the Kingdom (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the meeting be adjourned.

            Stanley P. Lauterback closed the meeting in prayer at 5:33 p.m.

Seventh Meeting

Wednesday Evening, April 27, 2011, 6:15 PM

            The Moderator called the meeting to order at 6:24 p.m. Douglas D. Bowne, delegate from Graterford, PA, led the conference in prayer. 

Whereas, BFC Article 21 (the Lord’s Day) promotes a Sabbatarian understanding of how believers should observe the Lord’s Day, and

Whereas, it appears many members of the BFC, including pastors and elders, do not hold to a Sabbatarian view of the Lord’s Day, and

Whereas, some men desiring to serve with the BFC are unable to submit conscientiously to Article 21 in its present form, therefore be it

Resolved, that the 128th meeting of the BFC Conference appoint a study committee to re-examine Article 21 of the F&O concerning the Lord’s Day and report to the BFC Conference in 2012.

Resolved, that Article 403-1 be amended to read as follows and adopted at Second Reading:

The Board of Elders shall appoint an elder or pastor to serve as chairman of congregational meetings.

            Yes – 131; No – 3                                                                              [SECOND READING]

Resolved, that the following revision be adopted at Second Reading:

512-11.2(8) It shall receive all requests from those seeking retirement from ministry in the BFC. It shall set the effective date of the retirement, change the status of the minister on the conference records, and notify the Executive Board, the Beneficiary Society and the Conference Pastor of the effective date of retirement.

            Yes – 131; No – 0                                                                              [SECOND READING]

Resolved, that the following revision be adopted at Second Reading:

§204-2.3 (6) Because of the qualifications and dignity of the position of minister, when considering a man for ordination, the Ministerial Candidate and the Credentials Committees shall give careful consideration to ensure that a man who has been divorced or who has married a divorced woman has Biblically resolved the issues in family, the church, and community raised by the divorce, demonstrated since the divorce stability of character and is presently characterized as above reproach, and if married, faithful to and exclusively committed to his wife.

            Yes – 105; No – 30                                                                            [SECOND READING]

Resolved, that the following revision be adopted at Second Reading:

Resolved, that we approve the following addition (bold type is the only addition) to the F&O §204-1.6: “Because of the qualifications and dignity of the position of elder, including minister, each Particular Church shall give careful consideration to ensure that a man who has been divorced or who has married a divorced woman has Biblically resolved the issues in family, the church, and community and is presently characterized as above reproach, and if married, faithful to and exclusively committed to his wife.”

                        Yes – 108; No – 25                                                                [SECOND READING]

Resolved, that the following be approved as First Reading: 

Whereas, there are occasions in which a different starting day might be preferable or necessary and

Whereas, our current ruling for the start of the BFC Conference is a bit restrictive, therefore be it

Resolved, that we drop the following words in §501-7:

“on the Monday following the fourth Sunday”

§501-7 would read:

BFC Conference convenes in April. The starting time and place of the Conference shall be recommended by the Committee on Arrangements and ratified by BFC Conference. The length of the Conference shall be determined by the Committee on Agenda and Program.

            Yes – 131; No – 3                                                                                   [FIRST READING]

Resolved, that the 129th Annual Conference be held at Pinebrook Bible Conference, East Stroudsburg, PA, the week of April 22, 2012.

Resolved, that all Study Committees, Committees and Departments have their reports sent to the designated distribution point, by March 1, 2012.

Resolved, that we approve the minutes of the First Meeting.

Resolved, that we approve the minutes of the Second Meeting.

Resolved, that we approve the minutes of the Third Meeting.

Report of the Committee on Statistics (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

The Committee on Resolutions reported the following resolutions:

Whereas, the Saucon Community BFC of Hellertown, PA and the New Beginnings BFC of Woodbury Heights, NJ were recognized as Particular Churches and received into membership of the 128th BFC Conference, be it

Resolved, that we give thanks to Jesus Christ for graciously building His Church and implore His continued blessing on their life and ministry in the communities He has established them. And be it further

Resolved, that we thank the participants of those bodies for their sacrifice and devotion to the unique challenges of church planting.

Whereas, Clyde Snyder has faithfully served as part of BFC Conference for over 40 years and

Whereas, he was unable to be with us on account of extensive back surgery, and

Whereas, a good report was received of his surgery, be it

Resolved, that we express gratitude for God’s gracious care for our brother Clyde and commit to pray for His continued recovery and restoration to service among us.

Whereas, James A. Beil, C. Larry Bennett, Walter H. Frank, Harvey J. Fritz Jr., and David E. Thomann, upon lives of such faith-filled service to Christ’s Church, have joined the saints eternal in the great rest and joy of their King, be it

Resolved, that we offer sincerest thanks to the Head of the Church who nurtured this fellowship and advanced our cause through the commitment of these men, and be it further

Resolved, that we labor on, following their demonstration of love for Christ and surrender to His Kingdom purpose, eagerly awaiting our participation together with them in the resurrection.

Whereas, Joshua D. Edwards, Marcos G. Ramirez Montalvo, David J. Peters, Michael D. Roberts, Aaron J. Susek, and Timothy M. Zuck were ordained at the 128th BFC Conference and the prior ordinations of James Arcieri and Mark R. Orton were recognized, therefore be it

Resolved, that we praise God for raising up gifted and passionate men for the ministry of the Gospel, and that we be steadfast in prayer for them and the churches they serve.

Whereas, Jacob J. Susek, Jr., Jonathan W. Arnold, Sr., and Carl K. Spackman have resigned from their positions of ministry, therefore be it

Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for their ministry and service at their particular churches and pray for God’s guidance as they seek to serve the Lord with the calling and gifts that He has given them.

Whereas, the following pastorates were established according to the Rules of our Faith & Order: Bethlehem – Richard F. Bickings, Jr., Sinking Spring – Stanley P. Lauterback, Nazareth – Francis Podlasinski, Harrisburg – Steven J. DelDuco, Reading – Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr., Lancaster – Keith M. Long, be it

Resolved, that praise be given to our God for the provision of these pastorates.

Whereas, it was reported at this conference that there are a number of churches seeking pastors and

Whereas, we are to pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers, therefore be it

Resolved, that we pray for the Lord to raise up pastors for our churches including Bethlehem PA, Camden DE, Carmel NY, Harrisburg PA, Las Cruces NM, Long Neck DE, Royersford PA, Toms River NJ, Walnutport PA and Zionsville PA, and be it further

Resolved, that we pray for these churches during their time of transition.

Whereas, it is apparent that a number of churches within our fellowship are struggling and in need of special encouragement and

Whereas, we have been challenged in the area of prayer at this conference, therefore be it

Resolved, that the BFC Conference commit itself to pray for, support and seek the will of God concerning these churches.

Whereas, Daniel Henderson has refreshed and challenged the Conference with the richness and centrality of transforming, worship-based prayer in the life of the Church, be it

Resolved, that we express our appreciation for His Spirit-filled ministry among us and be it further

Resolved, that we strive to lead our congregations into deeper enjoyment of and communion with the Father, Son, and Spirit through prayer

Whereas, R.C. Reichenbach has caringly, devotedly and attentively served fifty-four years with the Conference Beneficiary Society and

Whereas, our dear brother has, at this 128th BFC Conference, announced his retirement from this office, be it

Resolved, that we give glory to God for our brother’s longevity, perseverance and servant’s heart and show our appreciation for Brother Reichenbach with another round of applause.

Whereas, the Boards, Committees and Study Committees of the BFC have served with diligence during this past year, and

Whereas, they have reported faithfully to the 128th BFC Conference, therefore be it

Resolved, that we thank the Lord for their faithful service and ask God to give them strength and guidance for the coming year.

Whereas, our Departments faithfully pursue the collective will of the BFC to serve our church and reach our world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, therefore be it

Resolved, that we offer prayer and practical assistance, that their endeavors may be blessed with spiritual progress and glorify the cause of Christ.

Whereas, the Executive Board has worked tirelessly and sacrificially in the performance of their duties and

Whereas, David T. Allen has served faithfully and diligently as Executive Director of the Bible Fellowship Church, and

Whereas, the BFC Conference has recognized the dedicated efforts of many departments and their support staffs in assisting the transition and preparation for this conference, therefore, be it

Resolved, that we express our appreciation to the Lord for the hard work of our Executive Director and the Executive Board and extend our thanks to our brothers for their service and leadership.

Whereas, Richard T. Paashaus has served the 128th BFC Conference as Worship Leader and was ably assisted by several others, therefore be it

Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for their leading us in worship of our Sovereign God; Creator, Redeemer and Friend.

Whereas, the staff and volunteers of Pinebrook Bible Conference along with wives and family members of our pastors and delegates have readily, cheerfully and faithfully served the members of the 128th BFC Conference, therefore be it

Resolved, that we extend our earnest gratitude for their wonderful ministry to those attending the 128th BFC Conference.

Whereas, the BFC Conference Secretary, David A. Thomann, his Assistant, Ronald L. Koh, and assistants, Daniel P. Allen and Donald E. Kuntzman, have served willingly and faithfully, therefore be it

Resolved, that we thank the Lord for their service during our proceedings, and be it further

Resolved, that each be awarded $50 for his labors.

Whereas, Head Page, Raymond L. Cole, and Pages: Joshua M. Allen, Benjamin J. Armstrong, Robert W. Green, W. Scott Kappes, Steven J. Morton, S. Wayne Rissmiller, Ronald B. Smith and Michael M. Walker have diligently, humbly and gladly served the 128th BFC Conference, enabling it to function smoothly, therefore be it

Resolved, that we express our appreciation for their service and fellowship with a round of applause.

Whereas, Randall A. Grossman has served outstandingly as Moderator of the 128th Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Resolved, that the members of the BFC Conference show their appreciation for Brother Grossman with a standing ovation.

Whereas, we have come this far by faith, therefore be it firmly

Resolved, that we will persevere, “until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ,” and be it further

Resolved, that we will remain steadfast in our carrying out the Great Commission, faithfully and untiringly proclaiming to the lost our great hope and being intentional in cultivating true disciples of Jesus Christ and be it further

Resolved, that we will, in all things, give glory to our great and gracious, merciful and sovereign God.

            It was announced that Gregory A. Ulrich is the secretary of the Conference Judicatory.

The official address for the BFC is 3000 Fellowship Drive, Allentown, PA 18052.

The Moderator made the following appointments:

Registrar: Davis E. Duggins

Assistant Registrar: Jonathan W. Arnold, Jr.

Committee on Agenda & Program: David A. Thomann, Chairman, Randall A. Grossman, David T. Allen, Robert T. Evans, Thomas P. Shorb

Committee on Arrangements: David A. Thomann, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Thomas P. Shorb, Davis E. Duggins

Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: Ralph M. Soper, Chairman, Ronald L. Erb, Shan D. Clec, Dean Al. Stortz, Allen R. Vivona, Kevin W. Kirkpatrick

Committee on Statics: Leroy S. Heller, Chairman, David A. Thomann, Gregory A. Ulrich, Hugh C. Coulbourn, David T. Allen

BPL Study Committee: Harold Shelly, Richard E. Taylor, Timothy M. Zuck

Sabbath Study Committee: Steven J. DelDuco, Steven Berlow, Carl C. Cassel, Timothy J. Schmoyer, Aaron J. Susek, Daniel L. Williams

Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

            Ronald C. Mahurin thanked the conference for its generous gift of $1210 to the Darlene Mahurin Memorial Fund.

            Resolved, that we adjourn.

            The 128th BFC Conference was adjourned in prayer by Vice Moderator Clifford B. Boone at 8:00 p.m.

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