2016 Annual Conference Minutes

Annual Conference Proceedings – 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016 – Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 2016 Yearbook

First Meeting

Monday, April 25, 2016, 6:45 P.M.

The first meeting of the 133rd Bible Fellowship Church Conference was called to order at 6:45 P.M. in Pinebrook Bible Conference’s Fellowship Hall by the Conference Moderator, Randall A. Grossman. The Moderator welcomed the pastors, delegates, pages, guests and others who will diligently serve over the course of the next three days.

The conference theme is “Pressing On!” and is derived from Paul the apostle’s letter to the church at Philippi – Philippians 3:12-16. The Moderator read Philippians 3:7- 16, with an emphasis on vv. 13-14: “…but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Having set the tone for the Conference, the Moderator asked God’s blessings upon Conference.

Resolved, that the tables with the green tablecloths constitute the Conference Bar for the 133rd BFC Conference.

The roll of the 133rd BFC Conference was established as follows:

Allentown, PA (Cedar Crest) Clifford B. Boone, Ronald C. Erb, Glenn R. Felty, W. Scott Kappes, Jonathan H. King, Benjamin J. Triestman (probationer), Nelson K. Randolph, John E. Schleicher,Timothy P. Sebastian

Bethlehem, PA Timothy D. Gibson, Richard F. Bickings, Jr., Mark R. Culton II, W. Wayne Batten, Scott G. Holwick

Blandon, PA Daniel L. Williams, Mark Creyer

Brooklyn, NY Ralph E. Ritter, R. Edward Snyder-Ritter

Camden, DE Daniel R. Wagner*, Albert F. Biddle, Jr.

Carmel, NY (Vacant), Hans R. Waldvogel

Clinton Corners, NY Allen R. Mickle Jr.*

Coopersburg, PA Richard T. Paashaus, Michael J. Zettlemoyer, M. David Guttman

Dauphin, PA Mark E. Barninger, Harold E. Snyder

Denville, NJ Richard D. Harris, John H. Crouch

Emmaus, PA David N. Schoen, David K. Schlonecker, Thomas Creeden

Ephrata, PA Jason L. Hoy, Michael P. Rebman

Finesville, NJ Byron Widger, Michael P. Emrick

Fleetwood, PA R. Jerome Brush, David B. Rothenberger

Graterford, PA Mark R. Orton, Robert L. Gaugler

Harleysville, PA Andrew T. Crossgrove, Michael W. Walker, Glendon R. LeSuer

Harrisburg, PA Joshua P. Miller, Steven J. DelDuco, William C. Verdon (probationer), Richard W. Prensner

Hatfield, PA Howard N. Wells, Joel B. Klase*, S. Lester Moyer

Hellertown, PA Keith A. Strunk, John J. Hanner

Howell, NJ Eric R. North, L. Marc Sweet (probationer), Brian L. Michlich

Kutztown, PA Ezekiel R. Mack, Nickolas T. Timpe

LaGrangeville, NY Dennis W. Spinney, Thomas L. Ward

Lancaster, PA David A. Thomann, Keith M. Long, Gregory A. Uhrich, Neil J. Franklin, Steven R. Groff, Sr.

Las Cruces, NM Ethan T. Hester (probationer), Dan Dunwell

Lebanon, PA Calvin T. Reed, David E. Brandt, LeRoy S. Heller, Jack S. Herb Jr.

Lehighton, PA Robert A. Johnson II, Charles A. Shearer (probationer), Bruce A. Kellerman

Long Neck, DE Andrew W. Barnes

Maple Glen, PA Louis Prontnicki, Keith R. Howland

Merida, MEXICO Marcos G. Ramirez, Freddy A. Chi

Mt. Carmel, PA (Vacant), Bryan L. Snyder

Mt. Pocono, PA (Vacant), Ronald E. Miller

Nazareth, PA Carl J. Fischer, Jr., John B. Wilson

Newark, DE William G. Schlonecker, Richard C. Dodson, Stephen J. Morton (probationer), Robert C. Kaatz, Scott G. Stevens

Newark, NJ (Vacant), Thomas Boose

Oley, PA Jason Blair, James Gresh

Paradise, PA David J. Peters, Amos Kinert

Philadelphia, PA (Vacant), Joseph P. Specht

Piscataway, NJ Dennis M. Cahill, Richard B. Ravis, J. Richard Vroman

Quakertown, PA Ronald L. Kohl, Beau E. Coffman*, Timothy S. Radcliff (probationer), L. James Roberts Jr.

Reading, PA Randall A. Grossman, Timothy S. Hogan (probationer), Ronald W. Reed, Glenn D. Ruoss

Red Hill, PA James R. Arcieri, William E. Blair

Royersford, PA (Vacant), Tony Zook

Shamokin, PA Ferdie R. Madara, Russell Burd

Sinking Spring, PA Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Stanley P. Lauterback, Samuel Wayne Rissmiller (probationer), Gregory W. Carder (probationer), Donald McKinney, Sean A. Fox, Paul S. Harvey.

Spring City, PA Kevin W. Clineff, Sean McNamara

Steelton, PA David A. Smith, Carl K. Spackman

Stroudsburg, PA (Vacant), Thomas R. Altemose

Sunbury, PA Joshua P. Gibson, Douglas A. Gaugler

Terre Hill, PA Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Andrew Littlejohn

Townsend, DE** Ronald B. Smith, Troy A. Geiger

Wallingford, PA Aaron J. Susek, Mark A. Bickel, Timothy S. Cowen, Scott B. Simmons

Whitehall, PA (Bethany) Timothy J. Schmoyer, Aaron D. Smith*, Jason P. Musselman

Whitehall, PA (Fell. Comm.) Philip E. Yerrington, Richard J. Drosnock

Woodbury Heights, NJ Timothy R. Nessler (probationer), John Maricle

York, PA Timothy J. Bertolet

Zionsville, PA Bryan C. McNally, James Pruitt

Ordained Ministers Serving Bible Fellowship Ministries

David T. Allen, BFC Executive Director; Raymond R. Bertolet, Church Extension; Brad Boyer*, Church Extension; Stephen A. Diaz (probationer), Church Extension; Joshua A. Dupiche*, Church Extension; Jason A. Filbert, Church Extension; David E. Gundrum, Church Extension; Donald E. Kuntzman, Board of Missions; Ralph M. Soper, Conference Pastor; Mark L. Morrison, Church Extension; Duane E. Moyer, Board of Missions; Elliot H. Ramos, Church Extension; Carlos G. Rodriguez, Church Extension; R. Scott Wright, Church Extension; Timothy M. Zuck, Church Extension.

Ordained Missionaries

Daniel P. Allen, Scott B. Evans, James D. Head, Walter M. Johnston, Frank E. Lenahan, John R. LoRusso, Philip E. Morrison, Jerry L. Moyer, Thomas A. Pollock, David W. Riddell, John C. Studenroth, Colby A. Weinhofer

Ordained Ministers Working in the Chaplaincy Under the Sponsorship of the BFC

Kenneth J. Hurst, Richard A. Moyer, Jeffrey L. Ruhl, Jacob J. Susek, Jr.

Ordained Ministers Working in Other Christian Ministries

Clyde D. Bomgardner Jr., Willis I. Dowling, Jordan K. Eyster, Michael J. Tannous

Ordained Ministers in Retirement

William C. Aukamp, Delbert R. Baker, James R. Batchler, Jr., T. James Bigley, Jr., Terris L. Byrd, Alva C. Cassel, Carl C. Cassel, G. Wayne Clapier, Charles E. Cole, Hugh C. Coulbourn Jr., Raymond R. Dotts, Bruce A. Ellingson, Richard J. Gehman, Frank L. Herb Jr., George E. Herb, John H. Herb, Roy A. Hertzog, Ronald W. Hoyle, David H. Jones, Ronald C. Mahurin, David L. Manney, Philip G. Norris, Keith E. Plows, Roger L. Reitz, John H. Riggall, Austin G. Shelly, Thomas P. Shorb, Gene W. Smith, Dean A. Stortz, Richard E. Taylor, John C. Vandegriff, Jr., David R. Way, Harold C. Weaber, Dana E. Weller, Daniel G. Ziegler, Paul G. Zimmerman

Ordained Ministers Between Calls

Albert J. Dommel, Davis E. Duggins, Mark R. Evans, Andrew T. Gysi, Thomas H. Morrison, Michael D. Roberts

Additional Lay Members of BFC Executive Board

Robert T. Evans, Jay H. Fasnacht, Stephen J. Kauffman, L. James Roberts

pending approval of ordination.

**pending reception as a particular church.

* pending approval of BFC Conference.

Report of the Committee on Agenda and Arrangements: (page 42)

Resolved, that the report be accepted and that the agenda for the 133rd Conference be accepted as the guide for the deliberations of the 133rd BFC Conference.

Resolved, that the 134th BFC Conference be held at Pinebrook Bible Conference, April 24-26, 2017.

Resolved, that committee reports for the 134th BFC Conference be sent in digital format to the BFC Executive Board by February 15, 2017.<bfcexecbrd@aol.com>

Conference Host Dean Vander Wiele, Director of Ministry at Pinebrook Bible Conference, welcomed the pastors and delegates to the 133rd BFC Conference.

Due to digital difficulties that took place during the 132nd BFC Conference, approval of minutes did not take place prior to Conference’s adjournment.

Resolved, that all the minutes of all seven sessions of the 132nd BFC Conference be approved.

Duane E. Moyer, Director of the Bible Fellowship Church’s Board of Missions, greeted Conference and welcomed several visiting missionaries, who were then given an opportunity to briefly introduce themselves and share their respective areas of ministry. The Bible Fellowship Church oversees the ministry of 154 missionaries, supported through 43 agencies, who are serving in 28 countries and 15 states in the U.S.

The following missionaries were introduced to BFC Conference:

Sam & Melissa Adams, Dan Allen, Lisa Barnshaw, Sanjay Dalavai, Bill Early, Rick Erb, Scott Evans, Walter Johnston, Frank Lenahan, John & Nancy LoRusso, Chris & Beckie Merrick, Kristy Messick, Phil & Jan Morrison, Nelson Randolph, Amy (last name withheld by request), John Studenroth, Colby Weinhofer.

Duane E. Moyer prayed for God’s blessings upon our missionaries as they serve as envoys throughout the world.

Whereas, the elders currently serving at theMISSION Mission Church of Townsend, DE, meet the qualifications for an elder in the Bible Fellowship Church, and

Whereas, more than twenty persons are committed participants in theMISSION Mission Church, and

Whereas, theMISSION has demonstrated that it can offer an adequate salary package for a pastor and is able to financially maintain its ministry outreach and financial costs, and

Whereas, the Board of Church Extension has assessed theMISSION Mission Church of Townsend, DE, and is of the opinion that it meets the qualifications of a Particular Church as specified in Article 18 of the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Resolved, that theMISSION Mission Church of Townsend, DE, be recognized as a Particular Church and that its delegate be received into membership of the 133rd Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.

The motion to receive theMISSION of Townsend, DE, as a Particular Church passed unanimously, and Conference responded with enthusiastic applause for this new addition to our family of Particular Churches.

Musical worship was provided by a team from theMISSION, introduced by Troy A. Geiger, theMISSION’s delegate to BFC Conference. “This is real exciting for us,” Geiger acknowledged. After a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness in bringing theMISSION to its status as a Particular Church, the team led in the singing of “Behold Our God,” “Build Your Kingdom Here,” “God of This City,” and “Great is Thy Faithfulness.”

David E. Gundrum, Director of Church Extension Ministries, introduced the service of recognition for theMISSION, which was developed with the strong encouragement and support of the Bible Fellowship Church of Newark, DE.

Church planter Ronald B. Smith, theMISSION’s founding pastor, described the formation of the Townsend, DE, church from its inception over 15 years ago and its birth in 2012. “What happens next is in the Lord’s hands, but I do know that what has happened to us and through us has only happened because of the Lord’s work in us,” Smith said. Troy A. Geiger, theMISSION’s first delegate to BFC Conference, noted, “It’s amazing to see the Lord’s work every day and in every way, and it’s all for His glory.”

A video presentation highlighted several members of theMISSION’s congregation, who testified to theMISSION’s importance in their lives. A hearty ovation was directed toward the busload of congregation members who came to Pinebrook from Townsend, DE, to witness the proceedings.

William G. Schlonecker, Secretary of Church Extension Ministries and pastor at the Bible Fellowship Church of Newark, DE, prayed, thanking God for His work in Townsend, DE.

Retired pastor Richard E. Taylor provided the keynote address on the subject of “Pressing On…Where Are We?” Taylor challenged Conference to think – and talk – about where we stand as a denomination by encouraging us to think in the plural, not as individual pastors and churches. “If we’re going to think about pressing on, we will have to listen and learn in the plural,” Taylor said. “We’re not just an individual. We’re a part of the body of Christ. We are the Bible Fellowship Church. That’s what we are. Rarely do we think, even when we’re at BFC Conference, beyond our individual congregations. That’s just the way our minds go because we’re so individualistic. We don’t…hear the plurality in the commands of God.”

Thinking in the plural, Taylor suggested, would mean that we as the BFC grieve over the two churches that have closed in the past year while celebrating the birth of a new congregation like theMISSION and becoming excited that we have a church in Merida, Mexico, whose members speak a different language than most of us speak. “That’s us,” Taylor said – of Merida, of Townsend, DE, and of the churches that have voted to disband. “That’s all of us – the Bible Fellowship Church.”

Using Philippians 3 and Paul’s autobiographical notes in that chapter, Taylor talked about “pressing on.” Are we pressing on as the BFC? “‘Pressing on’ is an attitude, not a checklist,” he stressed, calling it a way of thinking that encourages us to think, collectively, about where we’re going. “Pressing on makes you look for signs of progress. Just the very words ‘pressing on’ make you think of a journey – some sort of growth that’s going on.”

His question, in that regard, was “How can we cultivate ‘pressing on’ as a way of thinking together – in the plural, not in the singular?”

In terms of measuring our progress, Taylor suggested that we cannot resign ourselves to saying, “We’re OK.” “If we settled for being OK, the issue of pressing on isn’t an issue because we’re not pressing on. People who say ‘We’re OK’ don’t sound like they’re pressing on.”

Instead, Taylor pointed to three of Jesus’ parables to remind us that we need to (collectively) think humbly, think ahead and think boldly. “As a denomination, we need to share Paul’s attitude: ‘I press on toward the goal of the upward call in Christ.’ What would it mean if we made that plural – if we say, as the Bible Fellowship Church, ‘We are pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus’?”

Conference Vice-Moderator Clifford B. Boone closed the meeting in prayer at 8:40 p.m.

After adjournment, a reception in honor of theMISSION and attending missionaries was held in Pinebrook’s dining hall.

Second Meeting

Tuesday, April 26, 2016, 9:00 A.M.

William Ryan opened the meeting in prayer, after which Clifford B. Boone used Psalm 61 as a springboard to lead Conference in a concerted pairing of prayer and praise. Musical worship was provided by Richard B. Ravis, who was joined by pastor-musicians James Arcieri and Eric North. Conference members worshiped in song by raising their voices to “I Sing the Mighty Power of God,” “Before the Throne of God Above,” and “10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord).”

In Psalm 61, David reminds us that God is our refuge, our strong tower, and “the rock that is higher than I.” David E. Gundrum closed the time of prayer focus by asking our faithful God for protection from the evil one.

Timothy D. Gibson of Ebenezer BFC in Bethlehem provided the morning address, entitled, “Pressing On…With Prayer.” Gibson provided a sensory picture of “pressing on,” preaching just a few short weeks after having suffered severe injuries while playing basketball. While admitting he was crippled, Gibson said his voice hadn’t been touched by his injuries, and so he approached the pulpit on crutches and preached sitting down.

John 14:12-14 served as Gibson’s text. Jesus’ words of comfort to His disciples provide the same comfort and encouragement to pastors and churches – providing we are people of prayer, relying upon the faithful preaching of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit’s power as it is unleashed through the Word.

Why would we, as preachers and churchmen, “press on”? Because, Gibson reminded Conference, we have the promise of the Holy Spirit. In John 14:12, Jesus promised His disciples, and all who follow, that they will do “greater works” than He. Those “greater works,” Gibson said, are “the conversion of people, the conversion of sinners, and the advancement of the gospel.” Those things have happened, and will continue to happen, through the Holy Spirit who empowers the preacher and has inspired the Word of God so it goes out with power.

Gibson listed several dangers that preachers face: that we unintentionally do ministry in our own strength (which grieves the Holy Spirit); that we forget that the Holy Spirit empowers greater works through the use of God’s Word; and that we forget that the great work of the Holy Spirit is spiritual brokenness and repentance in our churches.

In answering the question, “How are we to press on?” Gibson pointed to prayer. We press on in prayer. “Spiritual productivity will be the result of the Holy Spirit’s coming through the prayer of the gospel ministers,” he said.

We must pray for ourselves and our ministry, Gibson stressed, and we must teach our respective flocks that, next to the Word of God, prayer is our greatest weapon. He offered several subjects for prayer for pastors: for the vitality of the Holy Spirit in our own personal walks, in our preparation for preaching, in the actual preaching of sermons, and in the conversion of sinners. “Pray for conversions,” he urged. “Pray that the Holy Spirit would bring people to your church…He’ll bring them there, amazingly, and give your congregation opportunities [to proclaim the gospel].”

The Moderator appointed the following:

Registrar: Robert A. Johnson

Assistant Registrar: Timothy J. Bertolet

Tellers: Jason L. Hoy, Chairman; Andrew W. Barnes, Joshua P. Gibson, Jonathan H. King, Ferdie R. Madara, Mark R. Orton, David J. Peters, Timothy Zuck

Resolutions: Mark A. Bickel, Chairman; Timothy S. Cowen, Kevin W. Kirkpatrick

Examination of BFC Conference Minutes (133rd): Daniel P. Allen, Chairman; Philip G. Norris, Ralph E. Ritter, Richard E. Taylor, Byron Widger

Parliamentarian: Timothy J. Schmoyer

Timekeeper: Mark L. Morrison

Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

The Conference Secretary made the following appointments: David E. Brandt, Assistant Secretary; Donald E. Kuntzman and Timothy J. Schmoyer, Assistants to the Secretary.

Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

The following new members of BFC Conference were introduced:

David Guttman, Calvary BFC, Coopersburg, PA; Joe Specht, Hope Philadelphia Church, Philadelphia, PA; John Wilson, Grace BFC, Nazareth, PA; Russel Burd, Calvary BFC, Shamokin, PA; Tom Creeden, Bethel BFC, Emmaus, PA; Scott Stevens, Newark BFC, Newark, DE; Jim Pruitt, Zionsville BFC, Zionsville, PA.

Report of the Nominating Committee

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

The following were elected:

BFC Executive Board:

Steven J. Kauffman (3 years)

L. James Roberts (3 years)

Ministerial Candidate Committee:

Timothy J. Bertolet (3 years)

Conference Judicatory:

Richard C. Dodson (3 years)

Appellate Judicatory:

R. Scott Wright (3 years)

Randall A. Grossman (3 years)

Ministerial Relations Committee:

Ronald W. Reed (3 years)

Officers for BFC Conference:

Secretary of 134th BFC Conference:

Ronald L. Kohl (1 year)

Raymond R. Bertolet prayed for the upcoming elections.

Report of the Executive Board: (page 45)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

David T. Allen, Executive Director of the Bible Fellowship Church, reported to Conference. His remarks quickly turned to Ronald C. Mahurin, who is stepping down from his position as Conference Pastor. “His impact cannot be overstated, and I am eternally grateful for the role that he has played in my life, and in the lives of our pastors,” Allen said. Brother Mahurin received a standing ovation as appreciation for pouring his life, first into pastoral ministry, and later into the care of our pastors.

Resolved, that David T. Allen be ratified for another three-year term as Executive Director of the Bible Fellowship Church, with a salary increase of three (3) percent.

Yes – 161; No – 1.

Allen noted that we are almost at the midway point of the 20/20 Vision and provided several updates on the individual “vision points.” He noted the closing of our churches in Old Bridge, NJ, and Toms River, NJ, while informing Conference that the church property in Old Bridge has reached an agreement of sale with an evangelical congregation that even bears our name – yes, a “Bible Fellowship Church” in Aberdeen, NJ (no relation to the BFC).

Hope-Philadelphia (Wissinoming), PA, decided not to close. The Executive Board has provided surrogate elders in Robert T. Evans and David T. Allen. Attendance has stabilized and pulpit supply has supplied preachers on Sunday mornings. It is the Executive Board’s hope that reaching into the multi-cultural community will breathe new life into the Wissinoming church.

Jay H. Fasnacht presented a revised budget for 2016 and a proposed budget for 2017.

Resolved, that the 2016 revised Executive Board budget be adopted by the 133rd BFC Conference.

Resolved, that an assessment rate of two (2.0) percent be adopted by the 133rd BFC Conference for 2017 (based on assessable receipts for 2015).

Resolved, that the 2017 proposed Executive Board budget be adopted by the 133rd BFC Conference.

Resolution Relating to Rental/Housing Allowances for Retired or Disabled Ministers of this Conference for Calendar Year 2017:

Whereas, the religious denomination known as The Bible Fellowship Church has and functions through Ministers of the Gospel who are duly ordained or licensed, and

Whereas, the practice of The Bible Fellowship Church is to provide a parsonage or a rental allowance as part of the gross compensation for each of its active ordained or licensed ministers, and

Whereas, pensions paid to retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers of The Bible Fellowship Church are considered as deferred compensation and are paid to said retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers in consideration of previous, active service, and

Whereas, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized that The Bible Fellowship Church is the appropriate organization to designate a housing/rental allowance for retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers who are members of this Conference, be it


1. An amount equal to 100% of the pension payments received during the year of 2015 be and is hereby designated as a rental/housing allowance for each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister of The Bible Fellowship Church who is or was a member of the Bible Fellowship Church Minister’s Retirement Fund.

2. This rental/housing allowance shall apply to each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister who has been granted the retired relationship or placed on disability leave by the BFC Conference and whose name and relationship to the conference is recorded in the Yearbook of BFC Conference and in other appropriate records maintained by the conference.

3. The pension payment to which this rental/housing allowance applies shall be the pension payment resulting from all service of such retired or disabled ordained or licensed minister from all employment by any local church, BFC Conference or institution of The Bible Fellowship Church or of any former denomination that is now a part of The Bible Fellowship Church, or from any other employer who employed the minister to perform services related to the ministry and who elected to make contributions to the pension funds of The Bible Fellowship Church for such retired minister’s pension.

Note: The rental/housing allowance which may be excluded from a minister’s gross income is limited to the lesser of (1) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the minister’s employer or other appropriate body, (2) the amount actually expended by the minister to provide his housing, or (3) the legally-determined fair rental value of the parsonage or other housing provided. As specified in Rev. Rul. 71-290 C.B. 92, “the only amount that will qualify for exclusion under section 107(2) of the Code as a ‘rental allowance’ is an amount equal to the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances such as a garage, plus the cost of utilities.”

Whereas, in the past there has been consideration about merging the ministries of The Bible Fellowship Church’s Board of Missions and Church Extension Ministries, and

Whereas, it is important to leave a permanent record of the BFC Executive Board’s decisions and intentions concerning our 20/20 Vision, and

Whereas, the Executive Board adopted the following resolution in January, 2016:

Resolved, that concerning BFC Vision 20/20 Vision Point #15, the Executive Board approves the recommendation proposed by a sub-committee made up of members of the Executive Board, BOM and Church Extension: that a suggested merger of the BFC Board of Missions and Church Extension Ministries is not currently in the best interests of the Bible Fellowship Church. This constitutes our answer to Vision Point # 15.

Therefore, be it

Resolved that the 133rd BFC Conference concurs with the decision of the Executive Board.

Report of the Board of Missions: (page 62)

Duane E. Moyer, Director of the BFC Board of Missions, expressed his appreciation for the hard work and dedication to ministry he has seen upon assuming his current position while at the same time stressing the importance of looking ahead. “Missions is about reaching people who do not know that we exist,” Moyer said, citing his personal desire for the Bible Fellowship Church “to be increasingly outward-looking and people-focused rather than being inward-looking and institution-focused.”

Moyer informed Conference that next year’s Missions Rally will take place on April 8, 2017.

Ralph M. Soper prayed for the work of missions in the Bible Fellowship Church and for the upcoming meal as Conference adjourned for lunch at 12:15 p.m.

Third Meeting

Tuesday Afternoon, April 26, 2016, 1:30 P.M.

The afternoon session began with updates. Thomas Boose Jr. provided an update on his former pastor at Newark, NJ, Delbert R. “Bert” Baker II, who is experiencing health concerns, while Conference was also updated on the health of Juli Dupiche, the wife of Joshua A. Dupiche. Juli is experiencing high blood pressure following the birth of twin girls. Randall A. Grossman prayed for God’s care in both instances. Also announced was the birth of a son to Ethan and Sarah Hester. Ethan is pastor at Grace Bible Church, Las Cruces, NM.

Clifford B. Boone guided Conference through another time of organized prayer based on Psalm 67. Conference was led in the singing of hymns and spiritual songs by Richard B. Ravis, Eric North, James Arcieri and Elliot H. Ramos. The men raised their voices to “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,” “What Can I Do (But Thank You),” and “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone).”

Report of Church Extension Ministries: (page 71)

David E. Gundrum, Director of Church Extension Ministries for the Bible Fellowship Church, presented a video highlighting the work of our church planters and the ministry of church planting in the BFC. He then introduced the members of the BFC’s church planting team.

Gundrum noted that in addition to planting churches, Church Extension Ministries seeks compatibility with existing churches that may seek to join the BFC. He pointed to potential connections with churches in Maryland and New Jersey and asked for prayer for a Hispanic church plant in Lancaster. He praised God for His faithfulness in the revitalized work in New Life BFC, Long Neck, DE.

Citing the graduation of theMISSION in Townsend, DE, Gundrum said he hopes to see several mission churches graduate to particular church status. Five plants, he said, could graduate from Church Extension in the next 2-3 years.

Richard E. Taylor, Chairman of the Board of Church Extension Ministries, prayed for the work of Church Extension Ministries.

Report of Pinebrook Bible Conference: (page 84)

Dean Vander Wiele, Pinebrook’s Director of Ministry, gave the Pinebrook report as a self-professed “newbie,” having only begun his ministry at Pinebrook 10 months ago. Even before he completes a full year in his current position, he noted, “Pinebrook is a special place…It is a place where lives are changed.” He noted that Pinebrook is “pressing on,” embracing a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural focus almost every weekend throughout the year.

Vander Wiele pointed out that Pinebrook is in the best financial condition it has been in years and finished 2015 in the black. “We are healthier than we have been in many, many years,” he said.

Charles E. Cole, Chairman of the Pinebrook Bible Conference Board, thanked God for His blessings upon Pinebrook Bible Conference and beseeched the Lord to continue to bless and guide Pinebrook’s ministry.

Report of Victory Valley Camp: (page 84)

Victory Valley Camp director Douglas J. Manwiller noted that Victory Valley is in its 60th year and then showed a video that illustrated a cross-section of Victory Valley’s impact upon children and young people. “Victory Valley is a place where we share God’s Word in God’s creation, with godly role models,” Manwiller said.

Manwiller introduced Victory Valley’s capital campaign, designed to raise funds for a three-year, $1.3 million addition to Victory Hall that will increase its capacity by 75 percent, upgrading both dining room space and equipment.

Timothy J. Schmoyer, Chairman of the Victory Valley Camp Board, prayed for the success of Victory Valley Camp.

Greg Alderfer of Faith BFC, Harleysville, supplied an update from the Communications Committee, highlighting the committee’s work in the BFC OneVoice publication and on pamphlets highlighting the doctrinal positions of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Ministerial Credentials Committee: (page 112)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended ordination for Beau E. Coffman, Joshua A. Dupiche, Joel B. Klase and Aaron D. Smith, and has recommended Allen R. Mickle, Jr. and R. Daniel Wagner for recognition of their previous ordination, and

Whereas, these brethren have served acceptably as ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time or the equivalent thereof, and

Whereas, after examination, the Ministerial Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the gospel ministry and to be in accord with the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Resolved, that Beau E. Coffman, Joshua A. Dupiche, Joel B. Klase and Aaron D. Smith be ordained to the gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church, and further

Resolved, that Allen R. Mickle Jr. and R. Daniel Wagner be recommended for recognition of their previous ordination.

Resolved, that an Ordination Service be held at the 133rd BFC Conference.

Resolved, that Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Quakertown, PA, Bethany Bible Fellowship Church of Hatfield, PA, and Northern Lehigh Bible Fellowship Church, Walnutport, PA be encouraged to have a service in recognition of the ordinations of Beau E. Coffman, Joshua A. Dupiche, Joel B. Klase and Aaron D. Smith, respectively, and that Cornerstone Bible Fellowship Church, Clinton Corners, NY and the Bible Fellowship of Camden, Camden, DE be encouraged to have a service in recognition of previous ordination for Allen R. Mickle Jr. and R. Daniel Wagner, respectively, and that they be encouraged to invite the Ministerial Credentials Committee to send representation to be present at the service.

Note: because of the illness of Joshua Dupiche’s wife Juli, Josh is unable to attend his ordination service. It was decided by Conference to approve his ordination; his service of ordination will be held on Sunday, June 26 at 6:30 P.M. at Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Quakertown, PA.

Ministerial Candidate Committee: (page 110)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the list of Probationers, Candidates, and Applicants be approved.

The following men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee were introduced to the BFC Conference:

John J. Hanner, Allentown, PA; Charles A. Shearer, Lehighton, PA; Jason Filbert; Jason Blair; Aaron D. Smith, Whitehall, PA; Sean Fox, Reading, PA; Brad Boyer, Wernersville, PA; Timothy Nessler, Wenonah, NJ; Jules Hull, Sunbury, PA; Joel B. Klase, Hatfield, PA; Ezekiel Mack, Kutztown, PA; Gregory W. Carder, West Reading, PA; Benjamin Triestman, Easton, PA; Stephen A. Diaz, Allentown, PA; Dan King, Collingdale, PA; S. Wayne Rissmiller, Bernville, PA; Stephen Morton, Bear, DE; Timothy S. Radcliff, Quakertown, PA; Timothy S. Hogan, Reading, PA.

Report of the Ministerial Relations Committee: (page 119)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

A round of applause was given to retiring Conference Pastor Ronald C. Mahurin.

Resolved, that the BFC Conference ratify the election of Ralph M. Soper as Conference Pastor for a term of three (3) years.

Resolved, that each church provide a minimum of 3% of the pastor’s salary for retirement, plus an additional 1% match if the pastor is voluntarily contributing 1%.

Report of the Conference Pastor: (page 91)

Ronald C. Mahurin expressed his delight in the election of Ralph M. Soper as the new Conference Pastor. He noted that $51,656 has been given to the Darlene J. Mahurin Memorial Fund for the aid of pastors since the fund’s inception. “On behalf of our pastors, I want to thank you very, very much for your gracious help of [pastors] in their time of need,” Mahurin said.

Prayers were offered to God on behalf of faithful servants J. Barclay Harley, Alan G. Miller, Edward Moyer, Allan R. Vivona, and David J. Watkins, who are now seeing the Lord face-to-face in glory.

“The joy of being used by the Lord and the Bible Fellowship Church is the delight of my life,” Mahurin said, noting that his legacy will carry on in his grandson, Joel B. Klase, one of six men who would be ordained later in the 133rd BFC Conference.

“What an honor, it really is,” Soper said in the equivalent of his “acceptance speech” as the new Conference Pastor. “Nobody can replace Ron Mahurin. The committee assured me they don’t want me to do that,” but he added that he and wife Sharon are greatly looking forward to this new ministry.

The outgoing Conference Pastor then prayed for Soper while Byron Widger asked for God’s blessing upon Mahurin’s life.

Church Health Committee: (page 122)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Clyde D. Bomgardner introduced a new paper distributed by the Church Health Committee, “Marks of a Healthy BFC Church.” Members of the committee read the paper to Conference and Bomgardner noted that the Church Health Committee welcomes discussion about its contents. Several suggestions were entertained.

Resolved, that these changes to the Faith and Order be implemented upon first reading by rule of exception.

Consideration of Changes to the Faith & Order

BOLD – new addition

511-3.4 Conference Church Health Pastor


(1) The Conference Church Health Pastor shall be an ordained minister of the Bible Fellowship Church. He may, at the discretion of the Church Health Committee and the BFC Executive Board, serve either full-time or part-time.

(2) He shall be elected for a three-year term by the Church Health Committee and his election shall be ratified by the BFC Conference. He shall not be a voting member of the Church Health Committee but shall serve under the direction of the committee, where full authority shall reside.


(1) He shall, in the performance of his duties, work according to policies and directives of the Church Health Committee.

(2) He shall, as requested by the committee, represent the Church Health Committee in its dealings with pastors, elders, and churches.

(3) He shall be available as a resource to local churches regarding Church Health.

(4) He shall be available to meet with pastors, boards of elders, and congregations for consultation, evaluation, exhortation, and advice.

(5) He shall give a full report to the Church Health Committee at each of its meetings, and be available to report to the BFC Executive Board as requested.


Yes – 130; No – 29.

The following were elected:

BFC Executive Board:

Dennis M. Cahill (3 years)

Stephen J. DelDuco (3 years)

Credentials Committee:

Dennis M. Cahill (3 years)

Jason L. Hoy (3 years)

Committee on Nominations:

Joshua P. Gibson (3 years)

Charles D. Bomgardner (3 years)

Conference Judicatory:

Charles W. Webb (3 years)

Appellate Judicatory:

Donald D. McKinney (3 years)

Ministerial Relations Committee:

Randall A. Grossman (3 years)

The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. as Ronald W. Reed prayed.

Fourth Meeting

Tuesday Evening, April 26, 2016, 7:00 P.M.

No Conference business was conducted. The evening was devoted to one of the highlights of any BFC Conference: the service of ordination.

LeRoy S. Heller of the Ministerial Credentials Committee greeted pastors, delegates and guests to the service of ordination, informing his audience that 34 men have been ordained to the gospel ministry in the Bible Fellowship Church in the last four years.

Four men were ordained to the gospel ministry while two others had previous ordinations recognized. After receiving a charge from Dana E. Weller, Beau E. Coffman, Joel B. Klase and Aaron D. Smith were ordained while Allen R. Mickle Jr. and R. Daniel Wagner had previous ordinations recognized by the Bible Fellowship Church. Due to health issues faced by his wife Juli, Joshua A. Dupiche, who has been approved for ordination, was unable to attend. He will be ordained on June 26 at 6:30 P.M. at Grace Bible Fellowship Church, Quakertown.

At the conclusion of the ordination services, the newly-ordained pastors were welcomed into the fraternity of BFC pastors by their fellow pastors, and a time of celebration and refreshments followed in Pinebrook’s dining hall.

Fifth Meeting

Wednesday Morning, April 27, 2016, 9:00 A.M.

The Moderator called the meeting to order precisely at 9:00 A.M., with Glen R. LeSuer providing a prayer for God’s direction on the day’s work. Clifford B. Boone used Psalm 99 as a guide for Conference’s time of corporate prayer, focusing on God’s holiness, the confession of our sins and the forgiveness God offers through His Son’s shed blood. Musical worship, directed by Richard B. Ravis, included the singing of “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “Spirit of the Living God,” and “Jesus, Thank You.”

The morning sermon, presented by Joshua P. Gibson of Emmanuel BFC, Sunbury, was entitled, “Striving to be Fully Committed to Our Calling.” Paul’s words to the elders in the church at Ephesus in Acts 20:17-32 served as Gibson’s text as he guided Conference through several ways that Paul displayed his full commitment to the Lord and to His service.

Paul was consistently humble despite his status as an apostle. “The higher the calling, the greater the servant. Likewise, this should be our attitude.” That means we give of ourselves, even with tears, to the point where we – at the end of the journey – bear the marks of a fully-exerted life of ministry commitment.

Like a construction worker with callused hands or a veteran hockey player who has lost several teeth in playing the game to maximum effort, the pastor who has shown himself to be fully committed will have what Gibson called “a weary soul.” “We’re not struck down and destroyed, but we are weary, because we’ve been on a journey,” he said.

Next, Gibson said, Paul unapologetically taught God’s Word – what Scripture calls “the full counsel of God.” He noted that, as pastors, we are watchmen who will be accountable for the souls of our people. And so we must declare what they need to hear in order to be saved and to live lives that are pleasing to God.

“Preaching and teaching that is profitable must always testify to repentance and faith, because preaching that is profitable always has a hope of changing people,” Gibson said.

Finally, Paul was fully resolved to prepare men to strive on after him, and Gibson said that we must do likewise. “We’re not fully committed to our calling if we’re not training up men for the future.” That means preparing our men to be elders, pastors, church planters and missionaries.

Ralph M. Soper prayed for the offering to be taken to replenish the Darlene J. Mahurin Memorial Fund.

Resolved, that the BFC Conference minutes of Sessions 1 and 2 be approved.

The following was elected:

Officers of BFC Conference


William G. Schlonecker (1 year)

The Church Health Committee continued its presentation, which began Tuesday afternoon.

Consideration of Changes to the Faith & Order – 2015

BOLD – new addition

511-3.2 Composition and Election

(1) The Church Health Committee shall consist of at least eight (8) men who are either ministers or elders.

(2) They shall be elected for terms of three years in equal classes, if possible.


Yes – 142; No – 14.

504-1 Particular Church

504-1.2 Any congregation that reports any of the following criteria will allow the Church Health Committee to assist that Particular Church:

(1) A Board of Elders that has declined to fewer than two active lay elders.

(2) If there is a pattern of significant decline in membership, average attendance, and/ or offerings.


Yes – 145; No – 6.

Whereas, the Church Health Committee is eager to continue its work under the new legislation, therefore be it

Resolved, that changes to the Faith and Order # 511-3.2 concerning the composition of the Church Health Committee be implemented at First Reading by rule of exception.

The following were elected:

Church Health Committee:

Carl K. Spackman

Richard T. Paashaus

W. Wayne Batten

Clyde D. Bomgardner

Richard C. Dodson

Jason L. Hoy

David N. Schoen

John W. Sullivan

The Moderator instructed the Church Health Committee to elect officers and organize into three classes, and then to inform the Nominating Committee.

James R. Arcieri prayed as Conference adjourned for lunch.

Sixth Meeting

Wednesday afternoon, April 27, 2016, 1:30 P.M.

The meeting was called to order in prayer at 1:30 p.m. as LeRoy S. Heller prayed. Conference then worshiped as a body, singing “By Faith” and using Psalm 133 to guide the brothers into times of prayer. Richard B. Ravis again led singing while Clifford B. Boone organized Conference’s time in prayer, with Marcos G. Ramirez providing a helpful update on the ministries in Merida and Villa Magna, Mexico. Glenn R. Felty gave thanks for God’s faithfulness to the churches in Mexico.

Church Health Committee (continued from previous session): BOLD new addition

504-1 Particular Church

504-1.3 If a Particular Church meets one of the following criteria for a period of two years, the Executive Board may place it under the supervisory care of the Church Health Committee (see 511-3.3 Duty 6) upon the recommendation of the Church Health Committee:

  • It does not meet the standards of a Particular Church (Articles of Faith 18-4)
  • It does not have at least 20 members
  • It does not have at least two (2) lay elders.
  • It cannot financially support its work.

Article 511-3 Church Health Committee

511-3.3 Duties

(1) It shall oversee the compilation of an annual BFC statistical report of the churches which will assist them in this work.

(2) The Church Health Committee shall monitor the health of Particular Churches.

(3) It shall provide counsel and resources for the self-assessment of the health of Particular Churches.

(4) It shall provide a list of recommended consultants to Particular Churches needing assistance in moving toward stronger church health.

(5) It shall offer training and seminars to promote church health.

(6) It may recommend to the BFC Executive Board that a Particular Church be placed under the supervisory care of the Church Health Committee. When a Particular Church is under the supervisory care of the Church Health Committee, the Committee has the right to appoint interim elders to the church. By simple majority, the Executive Board in this case may place the Particular Church under the supervisory care of the Church Health Committee. If a Particular Church resists being placed under the supervisory care of the Church Health Committee, then the Executive Board will recommend its placement to the BFC Conference for their consideration. This action by BFC Conference shall be by a simple majority. A Particular Church is removed from the supervisory care of the Church Health Committee by a simple majority vote of the BFC Conference.

(7) It shall inform the Ministerial Relations Committee if a matter threatening the pastoral relationship becomes evident at a Particular Church receiving Church Health Committee assistance and shall assist a Particular Church at the request of the Ministerial Relations Committee.

(8) It shall in cooperation with the BFC Executive Board assist Particular Churches to close when necessary.

(9) It shall provide a report on the closing of a Particular Church to BFC Conference.

(10) In the event of a church closing it shall consult with the Board of Church Extension regarding the feasibility of planting a new church in the same area.

(11) It shall develop sources of financial assistance for Particular Churches who cannot afford church health resources.

(12) It shall submit a report to BFC Conference.


Yes – 133; No – 11.

Report of the Study Committee on Prayer (page 132)

Resolved, that the report be accepted. The Committee is working on an article as a potential BPL but has nothing to submit this year.

Report of the Study Committee on Domestic Abuse as a Biblical Ground for Divorce

Resolved, that the report be accepted. After lengthy discussion, Conference decided to send the committee’s proposed legislation back to the committee so the issues discussed on the floor at Conference may be clarified.

Resolved, that a study committee be formed to study the “Pauline exception” in 1 Cor. 7:1-16.

After a report on military chaplaincy by (retired) Col. David H. Jones, Ezekiel Mack (who is a Captain in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard) prayed, asking God to support chaplains and raise up new men for chaplaincy ministry.

Legislation to be considered at Second Reading

Article 103-3 Sexual Holiness (2015 Yearbook, pp. 16-18)

103-3 Sexual Holiness

103-3.1 A life of sexual holiness is a life lived by faith, believing that what God says about the purposes and parameters of sexual expression is both true and good.1 When a believer’s thoughts and actions are not in conformity to the revealed will of God, they are to repent of their sin, submit to His lordship, and pursue delight in what God has ordained.

103-3.2 The purpose of sexual expression has been given to mankind by his Creator. The sexual union between a man and a woman was created, in part, to image the unity of the Godhead and God’s covenantal relationship with His people.2 In addition, sexual union was given for the procreation of children and for the mutual enjoyment of husband and wife.3

God created the human race into two complementary sexes (“male and female”). This distinction is the first fact mentioned in connection with mankind being made in the image of God.4 The first marriage, and thus the first sexual act, was a recognition, expression, and celebration of this complementary distinction. God designed sexual union such that two complementary sexual halves, one man and one woman, come together and become a sexual whole. The Bible refers to this sexual union as becoming “one flesh.” This “one flesh” sexual union between the first man and his wife establishes the pattern and standard of sexual expression for all of humanity.5 The participation in, or promotion of, any sexual act other than this “one flesh” union, within the marriage covenant,6 or the willful neglect of this sexual union is a sinful disregard of its intended purpose and fails to glorify God in our bodies.7

Sexual expression is authorized within the bond of marriage between male and female. God’s name is glorified when the sexual union between male and female within the bond of marriage is honored and protected.8 God is dishonored when His design for sexual union is disregarded and perverted, and He will not allow this perversion to go unpunished.9 In addition, sexual expression outside the biblical standard corrupts the ideal in human relationships and prevents human flourishing.10

103-3.3 There is hope in Jesus Christ for the sexual sinner, not only for forgiveness but also for the transformation and redirection of life.11 The battle against improper sexual desires may persist until our weak and fallen bodies are raised anew with Christ, but the present resurrection power of the indwelling Holy Spirit enables the repentant sinner to overcome the controlling influences of sinful fleshly impulses.12 When a person comes to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, he is freed from sin’s guilt through forgiveness and liberated from sin’s tyrannical power by the Holy Spirit.13

103-3.4 We are to approach all sin, including sexual sin in the Church, with humility and sacrificial resolve.14 We need to recognize and convey that we are all fallen creatures15 whose present joy and hope lies in the result of Christ’s persistent and tender mercy on our behalf. We need to demonstrate that same mercy with one another as we heal and grow together as rescued sinners into the fullness of Christ. In love, we must also exhort all who profess faith in Christ to obey His commands and pursue His holiness in all facets of their lives. If that appeal is rejected and sexual sin persists without repentance, we must be willing to pursue loving discipline with the hope of restoring the sinner and guarding the life of Christ’s body.16


1 Gen. 1:27, 2:24; 1 Cor. 6:19-20.

2 Gen. 2:24; Mark 10:6-9 (cf. Deut. 6:4); Mal. 2:14-15; 1 Cor. 6:14-19; Eph. 5:30-32.

3 Gen 1:27-28; Song of Solomon 7:6.

4 Gen 1:27.

5 Gen. 2:24; Mal. 2:14; Matt. 19:4; Mk. 10:7-8; 1 Cor. 6:16; Eph. 5:31.

6 Mal. 2:14.

7 1 Corinthians 6:20, 7:2-5.

8 Gen. 2:24; 1 Cor. 7:1-5; 1 Cor. 6:9-11, 13, 18-20; Eph. 5:30-32; Heb. 13:4.

9 Lev. 18:1-30; Ex. 20:14; Matt. 5:28; Rom. 1:25-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Eph. 5:3; Col. 3:5-6; 1 Thess. 4:3-8; 1 Tim. 1:10; Heb. 13:4; Jude 7; Rev. 21:8, 22:15.

10 Gen. 19:30–38; 2 Sam. 11:3–12:23; Ps. 51; 2 Sam. 13; Matt. 14:1–12; Mk. 6:14-29.

11 1 Cor.6:11.

12 Gal. 5:16-25; Titus 2:11-14.

13 Rom.8:1,2.

14 Gal. 6:1.

15 Rom. 3:9, 23; Pro. 20:9.

16. Matt. 18:15-17.


Yes – 132; No – 1.

Article 154 Sexual Immorality (2015 Yearbook, p. 18)

Article 154 – Sexual Immorality (rewrite)

154-1 God’s Word declares that the expression of sexual relations is authorized only in the union of male and female within the bond of marriage.1 Any sexual act outside this biblical standard is sinful in God’s sight.

154-2 The Bible teaches that activities such as adultery, bestiality, fornication, homosexuality (i.e. indulging in a lust for or engaging in a sexual act with a member of the same sex), incest, polygamy, and sexual lust are perversions of God’s created order.2

154-3 It is a violation of the Word of God to admit into church membership or office any unrepentant man or woman engaged in sexual immorality because such unrepentance invalidates a Christian profession of faith.3 When a church member yields to sexual immorality, the Bible requires that fellow believers use the means of church discipline in order to urge the individual to repent and be restored.4


1 Gen.2:24.

2 Ex. 20:14,17; Lev. 18:6-23; 20:13; Matt. 19:4-6; Rom. 1:25-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-10, 7:3-5,9; Heb. 13:4; Rom. 13:13-14, Matt. 5:27-28.

3 1 Cor. 6:9-10.

4 Mat.18:15-17.


Yes – 130; No – 1.

Ronald C. Mahurin was delighted to report that $2,574 was given to the Darlene J. Mahurin Memorial Fund, bringing the present account to about $6,000.

The following was adopted at Second Reading:

Article 156, Immigration (2015 Yearbook, pp. 29-30)

150 – Declarations on Particular Issues

Article 156 – Immigration

156-1 – God has a special love and compassion for the alien—whether an immigrant, stranger, or outsider in our midst.1 He created all human beings in His image, and therefore all people from all cultural backgrounds are dignified.2 Mary, Joseph, and Jesus as a child escaped into Egypt, per God’s instructions.3 Our Savior understands the plight of refugees who leave hostile conditions.

156-2 – Jesus equated welcoming a stranger with welcoming Him. He gave special attention to people who were not accepted4 and spent time with those on the fringes of society. His mission included bringing good news to the captives, broken-hearted, and oppressed.5 The New Testament writers challenge the church to break down barriers of hostility and to recognize that we too are strangers and aliens.6

156-3 – People migrate for many reasons, including economics, armed conflicts, and family needs. Such migration provides gospel opportunities which might not otherwise exist. The church should seek ways to reach the alien with the good news of Christ and disciple the new believer in a way that will honor the Lord and obey the laws of government.7

156-4 – Christians are to obey the laws of government8 except in cases where a regulation is in conflict with the law of God.9 In faithfulness to God, Christians should stand against injustice and be a voice for the oppressed. Circumstances vary from country to country; however, a believer should attempt to follow the legal process in order to remain in the country. Christian employers who have found an employee to be an illegal immigrant should make every effort to comply with the law10 while seeking ways to minister to the employee in accordance with our gospel mission.

156-5 – The church must understand the priority of its heavenly citizenship.11 The church must not allow political issues to surpass her mission of gospel-centered ministry.12 Pastors and church leaders should give biblical counsel to those illegally residing in a country, proclaim the truth, and pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the believer’s life.13 The church should assist believers seeking legal status.

156-6 – Not all are aliens of their own volition. They are victims of human trafficking and slavery, unwillingly working in situations as diverse as the commercial sex trade and child labor. They are found in places as varied as restaurants, factories, brothels, laundries, and sweatshops. The church needs to stand against this evil by praying and advocating for such victims. The church should be ready to minister to them.14


1 Lev. 19:9-10, 24:19-22; Deut. 10:17-19, 14:28-29, 24:17, 26:12-13

2 Gen. 1:26,27; I Cor. 11:7; Jas. 3:9

3 Matt. 2:13-18

4 Matt. 25:31-46; Lk. 17:11-19, 19:1-10

5 Isa. 61:1; Mk. 7:24-30; Lk. 4:18-20

6 Acts 10:28; Eph. 2:11-22

7 Mt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Heb. 13:1-2

8 Rom. 13:1; Tit. 3:1

9 Acts 5:29

10 I Pet. 2:13-20

11 Phil. 3:20; Tit. 2:14

12 I Cor. 2:2

13 Heb. 4:12; I Pet. 5:1-2

14 Philemon 16


Yes – 113; No – 1.

The following legislation related to the Ministerial Credentials Committee was passed at Second Reading:

A. Revision Of The Category of Chaplaincy


Whereas, those in “Other Christian Ministries” can vote at Conference if approved by the Ministerial Credentials Committee but those in the “Chaplaincy” can vote and do not have to be approved, and

Whereas, the Ministerial Credentials Committee views these two categories to be of the same importance, and

Whereas, we noticed some inaccurate wording in 511-5.3(3), therefore be it

Resolved, that we add “Chaplains may vote at the BFC Conference if approved by our Committee,” and further

Resolved, that the Ministerial Credentials Committee would be responsible to send the criteria to the men in this category each year to determine if they can vote at the BFC Conference, and further

Resolved, that the Ministerial Credentials Committee be responsible to inform the Conference Registrar of those who can vote, and further

Resolved, that we delete the inaccurate wording, “under the endorsement of the National Conference on Ministry to the Armed Forces,” and further

Resolved, that the description for this category and its numbering in 511-5.3(3) be as follows:

511-5.3 Categories of Ministry

The categories of ministry are as follows:

(3) Ordained Ministers Working in Chaplaincy Ministries Under the Sponsorship of the BFC.

The BFC qualifies to have men with its ministerial credentials to serve under the U.S. Armed Forces Chaplains Board as well as other chaplain ministries such as prison and hospital. Applications for such ministries shall be made through the Ministerial Credentials Committee. Chaplains may vote at the BFC Conference if approved by the Ministerial Credentials Committee.

Resolution adopted at Second Reading by hand vote.

The following legislation related to Church Health was passed at second reading:

Proposed Revision to Article 511-5.2 Duties (4.2) – see 2015 Yearbook, pp. 35-36, for full resolution.

Resolved, that we add the following additional sentence… “No minister shall be allowed to hold credentials in the Bible Fellowship Church who does not attend a BFC church where possible as determined by the Ministerial Credentials Committee. A written request for an exception can be submitted, which will be reviewed and may be granted by the Ministerial Credentials Committee.”

Resolution adopted at Second Reading by hand vote.

Legislation to be considered at First Reading

Revision of the Category Ordained “Ministers in Retirement”

Whereas, in 2012 the Beneficiary Society brought to our attention that there was no category to cover a man who is permanently disabled, but too young for retirement, and

Whereas, we have defined a disabled pastor as one who has a physical or mental handicap, that being disabled is medically determinable, and the disability would prevent a man from performing his duties as a pastor in the Bible Fellowship Church, and

Whereas, this disability would be determined by the Ministerial Credentials Committee in consultation with the pastor’s primary physician, and

Whereas, we resolved that we add “or on permanent disability” to the category of “Ordained Ministers in Retirement” and

Whereas, the definition and title (see below) was approved as Second Reading at the 2013 BFC Conference (2013 Yearbook, pages 19-20), and

Whereas, this title was not added to the Category, and no determination was made as to where the definition of a permanently disabled man would go, therefore be it

Resolved, that the category of retired men in our Faith & Order be “Ordained Ministers in Retirement or on Permanent Disability”, and further

Resolved, that the description for this category and its numbering in 511-5.3(5) be as follows:

(5) Ordained Ministers in Retirement or on Permanent Disability

These are men who have retired under the provisions of 501-5 or men who are on permanent disability as determined by the Ministerial Credentials Committee (see definition below). A minister must serve a minimum of five years (cumulative) as an ordained minister in the BFC and be under the care of the Ministerial Credentials Committee at retirement or when they go on permanent disability in order to be a member of BFC Conference as a “Minister in Retirement or on Permanent Disability.” He must also be involved in the ministry of the BFC where possible as determined by the Ministerial Credentials Committee in order to be a voting member of the BFC Conference.

Pastors who are permanently disabled, but too young for retirement, are men who have a physical or mental handicap that is medically determinable and would prevent a man from performing his duties as a pastor in the Bible Fellowship Church. This disability would be determined by the Ministerial Credentials Committee in consultation with the pastor’s primary physician.

Resolution adopted at First Reading by hand vote.

Ministerial Relations Committee

Pastor-as-Elder Legislation

The Committee reported that although previous pastor-as-elder legislation passed at First Reading at the 132nd BFC Conference, the Committee will not move those proposals forward but instead presents the following for consideration at First Reading:

Resolved, that we add 204-3.2, which reads, “A pastor may only serve as a voting member of the Board of Elders if he has a congregationally-approved call or has been elected as an elder by the congregation. In churches with multiple pastors, the Board of Elders may wish to limit the number of pastors that are voting members of the Board and must communicate to the congregation the pastors that will be voting members of the Board. A sole or Senior Pastor is always a voting member of the Board.” [First Reading]

Resolved, that we amend 409-1.14 with the addition of “(See 204-3.2 regarding the pastor’s status as elder.)” at the end of the first paragraph of the article.

Resolution adopted at First Reading by hand vote.

Committee on Agenda and Arrangements

510-1.1 Committee on Agenda and Arrangements


The Committee shall have seven members, at least two of whom shall be members of the Executive Board. The Committee shall include the BFC Executive Director, the BFC Conference Moderator and Vice-Moderator, and the BFC Conference Secretary. The remaining members shall be at-large members appointed by the Moderator of BFC Conference. The Head Page, the Overseer of the Pages, the Conference Registrar, the Chairman of the Communications Committee, and the Conference Host shall be considered ex-officio members of this committee.


(1) It shall implement the BFC Conference program for worship and training that it receives from the Executive Director and BFC Executive Board.

(2) It shall receive from any Particular Church or Conference entity requests for time on the agenda of BFC Conference. Such requests must be in writing and in the hands of the BFC Conference Secretary by March 1.

(3) It shall develop the proposed agenda and program to recommend to the upcoming BFC Conference and shall establish the times of the meetings of BFC Conference.

(4) It shall submit the proposed agenda of the upcoming BFC Conference to the Executive Director for inclusion in the Report Book.

(5) It shall make provision for the meetings and accompanying hospitality for BFC Conference.

(6) It shall appoint a committee on resolutions, a timekeeper and tellers for meetings of BFC Conference. Those appointed shall be notified of their appointment by the Secretary of the Committee prior to BFC Conference. Guidelines for those appointed shall be provided.

(7) It shall recommend to BFC Conference the place and dates of the succeeding BFC Conference (F&O §502-7).

(8) It shall recommend to the BFC Conference the collection point and deadline for reports for the succeeding BFC Conference. [First Reading]

Resolution adopted at First Reading by hand vote.

It was approved for immediate implementation by the Rule of Exception.

BFC Executive Board Trust Clause

Resolved, that we present the following as First Reading legislation at the 133rd BFC Conference:

Article 408 – Church Properties

408-3 In instances where a Particular Church loses its corporate officers, votes to close, and abandons its property, the BFC Executive Board is authorized to appoint surrogate elders, to settle its affairs in closing the church, and to sell its properties, with any residual proceeds going to the Bible Fellowship Church.

Resolution adopted at First Reading by hand vote.

It was approved for immediate implementation by the Rule of Exception.

The Board of Elders of Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church requested that the 133rd BFC Conference consider the following resolution:

Whereas, BFC Principles of Order paragraph 402-2.3 states that, “All church committees organized shall be subordinate to the Board of Elders. The particular duties, rules of operation, and responsibilities, as well as the interrelationship of church committees, shall be specified in the bylaws of the Particular Church,” and

Whereas, the ability to act in a timely manner to form or disband committees, change committee duties, rules and responsibilities, as well as to reorganize the relationship between committees is severely restricted by the requirement for all such changes to be included in the bylaws, and

Whereas, the requirement to commit the operating characteristics of committees to the bylaws puts such decisions under the authority of the congregation and is therefore inconsistent with the leading statement of 402-2.3 that “All church committees organized shall be subordinate to the Board of Elders,” therefore be it

Resolved, that the wording of paragraph 402-2.3 be changed to state, “All church committees organized shall be subordinate to the Board of Elders.” [First Reading]

Resolution adopted at First Reading by hand vote.

It was approved for immediate implementation by the Rule of Exception.

Report of the Conference Judicatory: (page 128)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee: (page 136)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Examination of 132nd BFC Conference Minutes: (page 126)

Resolved, that the report be adopted.

Report of the Registrar

The following alternate delegates were seated for part or all of the 133rd Conference:

James C. Fisher, Blandon; Bill Ryan, Oley; Brett Ryan, Oley; Joseph P. Specht, Philadelphia.

Resolved, that their seating be approved.

The following delegates requested to be excused from part or all of the 133rd Conference:

Mark Creyer, John H. Crouch, Michael P. Emrick, James C. Fisher, Troy Geiger, James Gresh, Andrew Littlejohn, Richard Prensner.

Resolved, that these requests for excuses be granted.

The following licensed and ordained pastors requested to be excused from part or all of the 133rd Conference. These requests were approved by the Ministerial Credentials Committee.

Delbert R. Baker II, Leonard E. Buck, G. Wayne Clapier, Kevin Clineff, Hugh C. Coulbourn Jr., Raymond R. Dotts, Willis I. Dowling, Joshua A. Dupiche, Mark R. Evans, Richard J. Gehman, Richard D. Harris, Jim D. Head, George E. Herb, Roy A. Hertzog, Ethan T. Hester, Ronald W. Hoyle, David H. Jones, Jonathan H. King, David L. Manney, Richard Moyer, Keith E. Plows, Thomas A. Pollock, Roger L. Reitz, David W. Riddell, Michael D. Roberts, Jeffrey L. Ruhl, David K. Schlonecker, Austin Shelly, Thomas P. Shorb, Ronald B. Smith, William C. Verdon III, Paul G. Zimmerman.

The following licensed and ordained pastor was noted as being absent without excuse:

Andrew T. Gysi.

The following were appointed by the Moderator for the 134th BFC Conference:

Registrar: Robert A. Johnson II.

Assistant Registrar: Timothy D. Bertolet.

Committee on Agenda & Arrangements: Ronald L. Kohl, Chairman; David T. Allen, Randall A. Grossman, William G. Schlonecker, Thomas P. Shorb, Robert A. Johnson II, Joel B. Klase.

Committee on the Examination of the Minutes of Particular Churches: Kevin Kirkpatrick, Chairman; Jason L. Hoy, Mark R. Orton, David J. Peters, David A. Smith, Howard N. Wells.

Study Committee on Biblical Grounds for Divorce – “Pauline Exception”: Timothy J. Bertolet, Timothy D. Gibson, Joshua P. Miller, Daniel L. Williams, Timothy J. Schmoyer.

Report of the Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: (page 127)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Committee on Resolutions

Whereas, Richard E. Taylor, Timothy D. Gibson and Joshua P. Gibson challenged and refreshed the Conference through the preaching of the Word of God, challenging us to press on to fulfill the calling of God corporately as well as individually, to seek greater things through humble preaching, prayer, and a commitment to God’s calling on our lives, and to work to raise up a future generation of leaders for the BFC, therefore be it

Resolved, that we praise God for their Spirit-empowered ministry in our lives, and be it further

Resolved, that we strive to press on, through the enablement of God’s Spirit, to put into practice the great truths they shared with us.

Whereas, the congregation of theMISSION, Townsend, DE has labored joyfully with much endurance in establishing a healthy and dynamic Church of Christ, and

Whereas, it has met all the qualifications and has been recognized as a particular church in the BFC, therefore be it

Resolved, that we continue to celebrate with theMISSION the faithfulness of Jesus Christ in building His Church, pursue deeper unity and fellowship with them, and uphold in our own Churches their example of commitment to the call of Christ’s kingdom.

Whereas, Beau E. Coffman, Joel B. Klase and Aaron D. Smith were ordained at the 133rd BFC Conference, and the previous ordinations of Allen R. Mickle Jr. and R. Daniel Wagner were recognized, and

Whereas, Joshua A. Dupiche will be ordained at Grace Bible Fellowship Church in Quakertown, PA on June 26, 2016, therefore be it

Resolved, that we praise God for raising up gifted and passionate men for the ministry of the Gospel, and that we be steadfast in prayer for them and the churches they serve.

Whereas, Robert A. Sloan, Charles E. Cole, Philip G. Norris and Richard E. Taylor have retired from their positions of ministry, and

Whereas, Mark R. Evans, Matthew L. Lynskey, Justin L. Hunter, Joshua D. Edwards, Andrew T. Gysi, Michael D. Roberts, Thomas H. Morrison and Davis E. Duggins have resigned from their positions of ministry, therefore be it

Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for their ministry and service at their particular churches and pray for God’s direction as they strive to use their gifts in serving the Lord in faithfulness.

Whereas, the following calls were issued according to the Rules of our Faith & Order: Church Extension – Stephen A. Diaz, Brad Boyer, and Jason A. Filbert; Blandon, PA – John C. Vandegriff and Daniel L. Williams; Quakertown, PA- Timothy S. Radcliff; Oley, PA – Jason Blair; Allentown, PA – Benjamin J. Triestman; Reading, PA – Timothy S. Hogan; Las Cruces, NM – Ethan T. Hester; Newark, DE – Stephen J. Morton; York, PA – Timothy J. Bertolet; Wallingford, PA – Aaron J. Susek; Sinking Spring, PA – S. Wayne Rissmiller and Gregory W. Carder, therefore be it

Resolved, that praise be given to our God for the provision of these men to their respective callings.

Whereas, there are a number of churches seeking pastors, and

Whereas, we are to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers, therefore be it

Resolved, that we pray for the Lord to raise up gifted, Spirit-filled shepherds for our churches in Carmel, NY; Coopersburg, PA; Mt. Carmel, PA; Mt. Pocono, PA; Newark, NJ; Royersford, PA; Stroudsburg, PA; Philadelphia/Wissinoming, PA; and Woodbury Heights, NJ, and be it further

Resolved, that we pray for these churches during their times of transition.

Whereas, Edward Moyer, Alan G. Miller, J. Barclay Harley, Alan R. Vivona and David J. Watkins, who lived lives of faithful service to Christ’s Church, and have joined the saints eternal in the great rest and joy of their King, therefore be it

Resolved, that we offer sincerest thanks to the head of the Church, who nurtured this fellowship and advanced our cause through the commitment of these men, and be it further

Resolved, that we labor on, following their demonstration of love for Christ and surrender to His Kingdom purpose, eagerly awaiting our participation together with them in the resurrection.

Whereas, our missionary families and some of our churches are laboring faithfully while being separated from the close physical fellowship of other BFC churches, be it

Resolved, that we pray consistently for Christ’s Spirit to supply them with deep strength and encouragement and that we renew our commitment to maintain the bonds of unity and fellowship in our shared endeavors.

Whereas, the Boards, Departments, Committees and Study Committees of the BFC have served with diligence during this past year, and

Whereas, they have fulfilled well their responsibilities by reporting to the Executive Board and to the 133rd BFC Conference, therefore be it

Resolved, that we thank the Lord for their faithful service and ask God to give them strength and guidance for the coming year.

Whereas, Ronald C. Mahurin has served over 15 years as Conference Pastor, and

Whereas, he has given care and counsel to the pastors of our denomination, and

Whereas, he has been available to churches when they have sought his wisdom, and

Whereas, his continuing ministry has been a blessing and given support and comfort to ministry families, therefore be it

Resolved, that we express our appreciation for his faithful ministry.

Whereas, LeRoy S. Heller has served on the Ministerial Credentials Committee since 1989, and

Whereas, he has chosen to step aside from this responsibility, and

Whereas, he has served conscientiously and wisely, therefore be it

Resolved, that we thank God for his service and express our appreciation for his faithfulness and commitment to our denomination.

Whereas, the Executive Board has worked with godly care and diligence in the performance of their duties, and

Whereas, David T. Allen has demonstrated a servant’s heart in his faithful and exemplary leadership as Executive Director of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Resolved, that we express our appreciation to the Lord for the hard work of our Executive Director and the Executive Board and extend our thanks to our brothers for their service and leadership.

Whereas, Richard B. Ravis has served us by leading the 133rd Conference in worshiping the Lord of the Church, assisted ably by several others, and

Whereas, Clifford B. Boone focused us in times of corporate prayer, therefore be it

Resolved, that we give thanks to Almighty God for their leadership among us in the corporate worship of our Lord and Savior.

Whereas, the staff and volunteers of Pinebrook Bible Conference, along with wives and family members of our pastors and delegates, have readily, cheerfully, and faithfully served the members of the 133rd BFC Conference, therefore be it

Resolved, that we extend our earnest gratitude for their wonderful ministry to those attending the 133rd BFC Conference.

Whereas, the BFC Conference Secretary, Ronald L. Kohl, Assistant Secretary, David E. Brandt, and the Assistants to the Secretary, Donald E. Kuntzman and Timothy J. Schmoyer, have served willingly and faithfully, therefore be it

Resolved, that we thank the Lord for their service during our proceedings.

Whereas, Overseer of Pages, Joel B. Klase; Head Page, Timothy S. Hogan; and Pages Benjamin Triestman, Nat LeTowt, Jules J. Hull III, L. Marc Sweet, Benjamin Armstrong, Timothy S. Radcliff, Daniel King, Ronnie Burgess and Benjamin Bailey have diligently, humbly and gladly served the 133rd BFC Conference, enabling it to function smoothly, therefore be it

Resolved, that we express our appreciation for their service and fellowship with a round of applause.

Whereas, Randall A. Grossman has served faithfully and more than capably as President of the Bible Fellowship Church for the past six years, and

Whereas, Randall A. Grossman has served outstandingly as Moderator of the 133rd Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Resolved, that we offer up thanksgiving to the Lord for providing us with this able and willing servant and be it further

Resolved, that the members of the 133rd BFC Conference show their appreciation for Brother Grossman with a standing ovation.

Whereas, on the basis of the reports, testimonies, and proceedings of this 133rd Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, we believe that Christ’s Spirit is actively advancing His cause in and through us, therefore be it

Resolved, that we proceed with much deliberate thankfulness for God’s faithful presence and confidence in His promised grace, and be it further

Resolved, that, with prayer-filled humility, we rely on that grace and the Spiritual armament with which we are entrusted for the carrying out our duties, and be it further

Resolved, that we will press on, filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ for the sake of the Church, that the company of His resurrection might continue to grow until the great day of His return.

Clifford B. Boone adjourned the 133rd BFC Conference in prayer.

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