2022 Annual Conference Minutes and Yearbook

Annual Conference Proceedings – 2022

Monday, April 25, 2022 – Wednesday, April 27, 2022

View and Download the 2022 Yearbook for Conference Reports, Statistics, and More

First Meeting

Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 10 A.M.

            The 139th Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church was called to order by Conference Moderator Timothy J. Schmoyer at 10 a.m. in Pinebrook Bible Conference’s Fellowship Hall. The Moderator offered prayer, asking God to guide the proceedings.

            Musical worship was led by Jeremy L. Harkins with accompaniment by James Arcieri, Aaron J. Susek, Josh Von Holt, and Max Whylings. The ensemble led Conference in the singing of “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,” “He is Our God,” “O Great God,” and “The Lord is My Salvation.” The pastors and delegates joined in a corporate reading of Exodus 15:2, 11.

            BFC Executive Director David T. Allen greeted Conference and introduced this year’s “Reflection” theme.

            Scott A. Allison of New Life BFC, Oley, PA provided the first of several devotionals. His text was 1 John 2:28-3:3 and he chose to focus on three words from 1 John 2:28–“little children, abide.”

            Allison asked an opening question: “Where did John get the idea of calling his readers, ‘little children’?” He referenced John 13:23, in which John the beloved disciple drew close to his Lord, even being—in the original Greek—at His bosom. In that same John 13 passage, which took place on the night Jesus was betrayed, He addressed His disciples affectionately, calling them “little children” in John 13:33.

            Allison singled out the word “abide” in John 2:29.  “This is another word that John packs with meaning,” he explained. It speaks of persevering. John wants his readers to “keep on” with Jesus. These are individuals who have been beaten up in their own fight with sin. They are also individuals who have suffered at the hands of the world. John invites them to remain with Jesus—to draw close to Him.

            Abiding, Allison stressed, suggests “intimacy without shame.” What is the motivation for this kind of intimacy? Our relationship with Christ, which John writes about in 1 John 3:1—“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God, and so we are.”

            The world, John says, doesn’t know believers because it doesn’t know Christ. Because the world hates Him, it hates us. Being attacked in spiritual warfare is actually a sign that we are drawing close to and abiding in Him. Our hope, John says, rests in the appearance of our Lord and Savior: the fact that He has promised to return. Our hope is anchored in 1 John 3:2—“Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is.”

            This provides great motivation to holiness for Christian believers. We who hope in this purify ourselves “as He is pure,” and our source of hope rests in our intimacy with Christ.

            Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, representing the Prayer Committee, led Conference in a time of concerted prayer. He welcomed Glenn R. Felty, the recipient of Conference’s supplication four years prior as he was enduring a stem cell transplant procedure. Felty thanked Conference for its prayers on his behalf, offering himself as an illustration of how God answers prayer.

            Following the morning break, Robert A. Sloan, the BFC’s representative on the Spruce Lake Retreat board of directors, offered comments on the relationship between the Bible Fellowship Church and Spruce Lake Retreat. Sloan then introduced Mark Swartley, Executive Director of Spruce Lake Retreat and Pinebrook Bible Conference.

            Swartley noted that they have learned a new word over the past two years: COVID. “If you’re in the ministry of bringing people together, it’s a really bad word,” he said. “Here’s the long and the short of the first three-years of our partnership…we have come out of COVID in the exact same position we entered COVID. We have no increased debt and our projects and plans…are back on track.”

“Sometimes when God makes you wait, you get to see Him move mountains,” Swartley explained. “And boy, did He move mountains!”

“We love that you’re here, and we love that you continue to love this property,” he added.

Report of the Registrar:

Resolved, that the roll of eligible members of the 139th BFC Conference constitute the Conference Bar for the 139th BFC Conference.

The roll of the 139th BFC Conference was established as follows:

Allentown, PA (Cedar Crest)             Jason L. Hoy, Adam Crain, John R. LoRusso, Christopher M. Von Holt, John Colabroy, Steven Klase, William J.   


Bethlehem, PA                                    Jeremy Harkins (Probationer), Michael J. Notary                                                                              (Probationer), Marcus Brunstetter, Byron D. Roth

Blandon, PA                                       Daniel L. Williams, R. Jerry Brush, Brad D. Kunkle

Breinigsville (Orchard Hills)              Benjamin J. Triestman, Neil Kulp

Brick, NJ (formerly Howell)              L. Marc Sweet, Mark J. Stephanick

Camden, DE                                       R. Daniel Wagner, Albert F. Biddle

Carmel, NY                                        (Vacant)

Clinton Corners, NY                          (Vacant), Wayne M. Chadwell

Colebrookdale, PA                             Barry T. Parsons, Andrew Vassal

Coopersburg, PA                                David J. Peters, Timothy S. Hogan,

                                                            Robert A. Moreau, Stephen C. Cassel

Dauphin, PA                                       Mark E. Barninger, Dennis Souder

Denville, NJ                                        Richard D. Harris, Steven Kay

Emmaus, PA                                       David A. Smith, David N. Schoen, David K. Schlonecker, Jared Burkholder, Alan H. Russell

Ephrata, PA                                        Daniel Z. Krall, William F. Early, Michael Rebman

Exeter, PA                                          William A. Burton III (Probationer), Shawn McAnulty

Finesville, NJ                                      Byron Widger, Bert R. Roling

Graterford, PA                                                Mark R. Orton, Rodger E. Spangler

Harleysville, PA                                 Andrew T. Crossgrove, Michael W. Walker,

                                                            Richard C. Lutz, Andrew J. Miller (Probationer)

Harrisburg, PA                                    Joshua P. Miller, Steven J. DelDuco, Bryan Bowers,                                                                        Don Maurer

Harrisburg, PA (Grace Fellowship)    (Vacant), Jayonn C. Folks

Hatfield, PA                                        Joel B. Klase, Larry J. Allen

Hellertown, PA                                   Keith A. Strunk, John W. Sullivan, Kevin Sine

Kutztown, PA                                     Sandy Holbert (Probationer), Nickolas T. Timpe

LaGrangeville, NY                             Dennis W. Spinney, Thomas Ward

Lancaster, PA                                     Keith M. Long, William C. Verdon, Neil Franklin                                                                            (Probationer), Joseph A. Kim, James R. Knapp

Las Cruces, NM                                  David M. Poland

Lebanon, PA                                       Calvin T. Reed, David E. Brandt, Jarrod J. Cruise,

                                                            Jack S. Herb, Jr.

Lehighton, PA                                    Robert A. Johnson II, Steve Ramos

Long Neck, DE                                   Andrew W. Barnes, Tom Lioy

Maple Glen, PA                                  Louis Prontnicki

Merida, MEXICO                              Marcos G. Ramirez, Freddy A. Chi (Probationer)

Mt. Carmel, PA                                  Roger L. Siegrist, James P. Ketner

Mt. Pocono, PA                                  Ronald E. Miller

Nazareth, PA                                      Carl J. Fischer, Jr., James W. Preslar

Newark, DE                                        Andrew R. Hebel (Probationer), Stephen J. Morton, Daniel W. King, Kenneth J. Klein, Ronald L. Bove

Newark, NJ                                         Ron Burgess, Melvin Hinton

Oley, PA                                             Scott A. Allison, James D. MacArthur, Todd Heath

Paradise, PA                                       Jesse A. Benack, Daniel Eckman

Philadelphia, PA                                 Ralph E. Ritter, Joseph P. Specht, Jr.

Piscataway, NJ                                    Richard B. Ravis, John P. Sullivan, Jay R. Vroman

Quakertown, PA                                 Ronald L. Kohl, Ezekiel R. Mack, Robert Smith, L. James Roberts

Reading, PA                                        Randall A. Grossman, Nathaniel C. LeTowt, Ronald W. Reed

Reading, PA (La Roca)                       Carlos G. Rodriguez

Red Hill, PA                                       (Vacant), Jason Fetherolf, J. Robert Vaughn

Royersford, PA                                   Ronald C. Erb, Michael Gangwer

Shamokin, PA                                     Ferdie R. Madara, William Kerstetter

Sinking Spring, PA                             S. Wayne Rissmiller, Paul Harvey, Sean Fox, William                                                                     Brownmiller, Donald D. McKinney, John R. Weller

Spring City, PA                                  Jeffrey A. Kauffman, Sean P. McNamara

Stroudsburg, PA                                 Beau E. Coffman, Michael D. Murphy

Sunbury, PA                                       Joshua P. Gibson, Jules J. Hull III, Douglas A. Gaugler

Terre Hill, PA                                     Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Andrew S. Littlejohn

Townsend, DE                                                Ronald B. Smith, Bob Wilson

Wallingford, PA                                 Aaron J. Susek, Mark A. Bickel, Timothy S. Cowen,

                                                            Michael Plourde

Walnutport, PA (Northern Lehigh)    Aaron D. Smith, Jason P. Musselman

Whitehall, PA (Bethany)                    Timothy J. Schmoyer, Mark Hargrove

Whitehall, PA (Rock of Ages)            Philip E. Yerrington, Jerald A. Lagler

W. Norriton, PA (Redeemer)              R. Scott Wright, Rodger Eastman

Woodbury Heights, NJ                       Timothy R. Nessler, Harry Nessler

York, PA                                             Wesley H. Bunting, Kenneth L. Good

Zionsville, PA                                     Bryan C. McNally, Jim Pruitt, Brian Spencer

Ordained Ministers Serving in Bible Fellowship Ministries:

BFC Executive Director — David T. Allen

Conference Pastor — Ralph M. Soper

Church Extension — David E. Gundrum (Director), Raymond R. Bertolet, Brad L. Boyer, Stephen A. Diaz, Joshua P. Dupiche, Jason A. Filbert, Trace Haines (Probationer), John J. Hanner, Daniel J. Hoffstetter (Probationer), Juan Carlos Morales, Mark L. Morrison, Timothy S. Radcliff, James D. Reff, Timothy M. Zuck

Board of Missions — James Arcieri (Director), Donald E. Kuntzman, Duane E. Moyer (Director Emeritus)

Ordained Missionaries:

Daniel P. Allen, Scott B. Evans, Larry W. Davies, James D. Head, D.H., Daniel Istrate, Walter M. Johnston, Philip E. Morrison, Jerry L. Moyer, David W. Riddell, John C. Studenroth

Ordained Ministers Working in the Chaplaincy Under the Sponsorship of the BFC:

Richard A. Moyer, Jacob J. Susek, Jr.

Ordained Ministers Working in Other Christian Ministries:

Timothy J. Bertolet, Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr., Kevin W. Clineff, Jordan K. Eyster, Michael J. Tannous

Ordained Ministers in Retirement:

William C. Aukamp, Delbert R. Baker II, Richard F. Bickings, T. James Bigley, Jr., Clifford B. Boone, Leonard E. Buck, Dennis M. Cahill, G. Wayne Clapier, Charles E. Cole, Hugh C. Coulbourn, Jr., Richard C. Dodson, Raymond R. Dotts, Bruce A. Ellingson, Glenn R. Felty, Richard J. Gehman, LeRoy S. Heller, John H. Herb, Roy A. Hertzog, Ronald W. Hoyle, David H. Jones, W. Scott Kappes, Francis E. Lenahan, Ronald C. Mahurin, David L. Manney, Philip G. Norris, Richard T. Paashaus, Keith E. Plows, Roger L. Reitz, Jeffrey L. Ruhl, William G. Schlonecker, Austin G. Shelly, Thomas P. Shorb, Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Gene W. Smith, Carl K. Spackman, Dean A. Stortz, Richard E. Taylor, David A. Thomann, Gregory A. Uhrich, John C. Vandegriff, Jr., David R. Way, Harold C. Weaber, Dana E. Weller, Howard N. Wells, Paul G. Zimmerman

Ordained Ministers Between Calls:

Jonathan H. King, Carl T. Martin, Thomas H. Morrison

Additional Lay Members of the BFC Executive Board:

Charles A. Lavigna, Rick D. Whitmire

Report of the Committee on Agenda and Arrangements: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Resolved, that the proposed agenda for the 139th BFC Conference be accepted as the guide for our deliberations.

            Resolved, that the Registrar be authorized to seat alternate delegates as required during the Conference and report them to Conference in his report at the conclusion of Conference.

            Resolved, that the 140th BFC Conference be held at Pinebrook April 24-26, 2023.

            Resolved, that committee reports for the 140th BFC Conference be sent in digital format to the BFC Conference Secretary by Feb. 15, 2023 at sportspastor33@gmail.com.

The Conference Moderator made the following appointments:

                        Registrar: Joel B. Klase

                        Assistant Registrar: Jules J. Hull III

                        Overseer of the Pages: Nathaniel C. LeTowt

                        Head Page: Ryan J. Diffenderfer

                        Examination of BFC Conference Minutes (139th): Daniel P. Allen, Chairman; Philip G. Norris, Richard E. Taylor, R. Daniel Wagner

                        Timekeeper: Mark L. Morrison

                        Parliamentarian: Joshua P. Miller

Head Teller: Donald E. Kuntzman

                        Committee on Resolutions: Scott A. Allison, Ronnie Burgess, Jeffrey A. Kauffman, Daniel Z. Krall

            Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

            Conference Secretary Ronald L. Kohl made the following appointments:

                        Assistant Secretary: Bryan C. McNally

                        Assistants to the Secretary: David E. Brandt, Donald E. Kuntzman

            Resolved, that the appointments be ratified.

The following first-time delegates to BFC Conference were introduced:

Larry Allen, Hatfield, PA; Marcus Brunstetter, Bethlehem, PA; Bryan Bowers, Harrisburg, PA; William Brownmiller, Sinking Spring, PA; Jason Fetherolf, Red Hill, PA; Tracy Haines, Chestertown, MD; John Haruna, Townsend, DE; William Kerstetter, Shamokin, PA; James Knapp, Lancaster, PA; Neil Kulp, Upper Macungie, PA; Shawn McAnulty, Birdsboro, PA; Michael Plourde, Wallingford, PA: Steve Ramos, Lehighton, PA; Christopher Schlensker, Harrisburg, PA; Rob Smith, Quakertown, PA; Mark Stephanicz, Brick, NJ; Robert Wilson, Townsend, DE.

Report of the Committee on Examination of BFC Conference Minutes (138th): (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be adopted.

The Conference Secretary made the following recommendation:

            Resolved, that all minutes of the 138th BFC Conference be approved.

Report of the Nominating Committee:

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

The following were elected to boards or committees:

BFC Executive Board (laymen):

            L. James Roberts, Jr. (3 years)

            Byron D. Roth (3 years)

            Ministerial Credentials Committee (ministers):

                        Jesse A. Benack (1 year)

            Ministerial Candidate Committee (ministers):

                        Andrew W. Barnes (3 years)

                        David A. Smith (3 years)

                        David E. Gundrum (1 year)

            Ministerial Relations Committee (laymen):

                        Ronald W. Reed (3 years)

            Committee on Nominations (laypersons):

                        Beckie Merrick (3 years)

            Conference Judicatory (ministers):

                        David J. Peters (3 years)

            Conference Judicatory (elders):

                        Donald D. McKinney (3 years)

            Special Appellate Judicatory (ministers):

                        Randall A. Grossman (3 years)

                        Scott Wright (3 years)

            Special Appellate Judicatory (elders):

                        Ken Lord (3 years)

                        J. Richard Vroman (3 years)

            Officers of the 140th BFC Conference


                        Ronald L. Kohl (1 year)

Report of the Ministerial Credentials Committee: (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted as amended.

Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee had recommended ordination for Scott A. Allison in 2021, and

Whereas, this brother has served acceptably as a minister of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time or the equivalent thereof, and

Whereas, after examination, the Ministerial Credentials Committee believes Scott A. Allison to be called of God to the gospel ministry and to be in accord with the Faith & Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Resolved, that Scott A. Allison participate in an ordination service in 2022.

Report of the Ministerial Candidate Committee: (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the list of men under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee be approved.

The following men who are under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee were introduced to Conference:

Marcus Brunstetter, Bethlehem, PA; William Burton, Exeter, PA; Adam Crain, Allentown, PA; Richard Dobrolski, Allentown, PA; Jayonn Folks, Harrisburg, PA; Neil J. Franklin, Lancaster, PA; Jeremy L. Harkins, Bethlehem, PA; Trace Haines, Chestertown, MD; John D. Haruna, Townsend, DE; Todd Heath, Oley, PA; Andrew Hebel, Newark, DE; Daniel J. Hoffstetter, Topton, PA;  Sandy Holbert, Kutztown, PA; James R. Knapp Sr., Lancaster, PA; Jason Musselman, Slatington, PA; Michael Notary, Bethlehem, PA; Isaias Vega, Sinking Spring, PA.

Report of the Ministerial Relations Committee: (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that each church provide a minimum of 3 % of the pastor’s salary for retirement, plus an additional 1 % match if the pastor is voluntarily contributing 1 %.

            Resolved, that Ralph M. Soper be ratified to serve a three-year term as Conference Pastor.

Report of the Conference Pastor: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted as amended.

Report of the Church Health Committee: (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Conference adjourned for lunch at 12:18 p.m. as William G. Schlonecker prayed.

Second Meeting

Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 1:30 P.M.

            The afternoon session was called to order at 1:30 p.m. Keith M. Long prayed for the elections that followed.

John P. Sullivan of Christ Community Church, Piscataway, NJ provided the afternoon message with 1 John 3:4-10 as his text. He opened by quoting Paul David Tripp. “The blinding ability of sin is so powerful that you and I literally need daily intervention,” Tripp said in his book Dangerous Calling. He then noted that three of the five endorsers whose quotes appear on the back cover of the book were later disqualified from ministry for a variety of sins.

“The point is sin is deceitful and dangerous, and it’s a warning to all of us,” Sullivan said. While noting that his assigned passage is relatively simple to understand, Sullivan noted that it presents special challenges for pastors and congregations as they/we battle against sin. “We need to work to build churches full of members who are regenerate—who love Jesus Christ,” he said. “But what about you? What about your own battle, your own heart, your own life?”

Pastors, he noted, are tempted to put on masks and function as hypocrites. He asked, “Is the Word of God a light that is growing in your heart and in you?”

“Has the Bible just become your office—the place you go to find something to give people each week? Or is it still the seed of your heart? The Word of God—God speaking to you?” he added.

Sullivan added, “John isn’t writing to discourage you. John is actually writing that you would know that you have life. I remember someone saying, ‘Jesus didn’t hire you; He saved you.’ That’s where you start every day.”

Report of the Study Committee to Review the Biblical Principles for Living: (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            This committee has made the decision to offer no motions to the 139th BFC Conference but has already indicated in its report plans to entertain motions for the next two Conferences as it seeks to fulfill its mandate as given by the 136th BFC Conference: to review our current BPLs and offer any salient adjustments.

Report of the Study Committee on the Examination of the BPL on Sexual Identity: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Attorney James M. Smith of Smith Bukowski, LLC of Oley, PA provided a presentation in conjunction with the Report on Sexual Identity. He offered definitions of terms like “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” and “gender expression” and recommended legislative changes.

            The study committee presented the following alterations on Article 103-3.2 for adoption at First Reading.

Whereas, the Study Committee on Gender and Identity has produced and agreed on the theological framework presented in this report, therefore be it

Resolved, that the following additions be made to BFC BPL article 103-3.2 (additions in bold and underlined)

103-3.2 The purpose of sexual expression and the gendered roles we play in it has been given to mankind by his Creator. The sexual union between a man and a woman was created, in part, to image the unity of the Godhead and God’s covenantal relationship with His people. In addition, sexual union was given for the procreation of children and for the mutual enjoyment of husband and wife. 

God created the human race into two complementary sexes/genders (“male and female”) and determines each person’s sex/gender at conception. This distinction of male and female is the first fact mentioned in connection with mankind being made in the image of God. The first marriage, and thus the first sexual act, was a recognition, expression, and celebration of this complementary distinction. God designed sexual union such that two complementary sexual halves, one man and one woman, come together and become a sexual whole. 

The Bible refers to this sexual union as becoming “one flesh.” This “one flesh” sexual union between the first man and his wife establishes the pattern and standard of sexual expression for all of humanity.  The participation in, or promotion of, any sexual act other than this “one flesh” union, within the marriage covenant, or the willful neglect of this sexual union is a sinful disregard of its intended purpose and fails to glorify God in our bodies.

Sexual expression is authorized within the bond of marriage between male and female. God’s name is glorified when the sexual union between male and female within the bond of marriage is honored and protected. God is dishonored when His design for sexual union is disregarded and perverted, and He will not allow this perversion to go unpunished.  In addition, sexual expression outside the biblical standard corrupts the ideal in human relationships and prevents human flourishing.

As sexual expression and sexual union are God’s design and created according to His purpose, it is sinful for a man or woman to give in to the temptation to pursue or engage in changing the sex or gender given by God. 


Yes – 138; No – 15.

And be it further Resolved, that the following change be made to BFC Article 154, Sexual Immorality (addition in bold and underlined).

154-2 The Bible teaches that activities such as adultery, bestiality, fornication, homosexuality (i.e. indulging in a lust for or engaging in a sexual act with a member of the same sex), incest, polygamy, transgenderism, and sexual lust are perversions of God’s created order.


Yes – 136; No – 9.

            David T. Allen, expressing the Executive Board’s appreciation for Attorney Smith’s suggestions, presented the Executive Board’s recommended adjustments to Article 8-1 of the Articles of Faith, Man (with additions in bold) for adoption at First Reading.

God, by a special, instantaneous act, created man in His image—holy, righteous, and possessing true knowledge—by forming him out of the dust of the earth and breathing into his nostrils the breath of life. Thus man became a living soul. In creating man in His image, God created them male and female. Males and females each have unique and complementary physical attributes designed to support their God-given gender and God’s plan for their life.


Yes – 132; No – 19.

Section 100-1.2 of the Preamble to the BPL (Article 100-1), to read as follows (addition in bold):

The BFC acknowledges the Scriptures as the supreme and final authority of faith and conduct and the Holy Spirit as the source of power and guidance for the believer. These principles are summaries of the biblical truth that reveals the Lord’s directives in various aspects of life. These principles are intended to be interpreted in a way that is consistent with Scripture and the Articles of Faith.


Yes – 149; No – 3.

Preamble to the Articles of Faith & Biblical Principles of Order.

After the third paragraph, add a new paragraph (in bold):

            The BFC has adopted this Faith and Order (F&O) not in substitution for, but in subordination to, the Word of God. These standards have been received as being based on the Scriptures; even the elements not drawn directly from the Word have been acknowledged as based on the general rules and tenor of the Word. These standards seek to provide an effective means for the application of the teaching of the Scriptures to the faith, worship, government, and discipline of the church. Although these standards have been acknowledged to be of lesser importance than the inspired words of the Scriptures, they cannot be neglected without resulting in serious impairment of the life of the church.

            The BFC Conference is the final interpretive authority for the Bible Fellowship Church on Scripture’s meaning regarding the application of the doctrines set forth in the Articles of Faith and Biblical Principles for Living.


Yes – 137; No – 17.

Report of the Study Committee on the Role of Women in the Church: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Study Committee on the Mode of Believers’ Baptism for People with Disabilities and Infirmities: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Report of the Study Committee on the Mode of Believers’ Baptism with Regard to Membership: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Petition from Whitehall BFC: (see page)

            Resolved, that the petition be received.

            In response to the petition from Whitehall BFC, Conference decided the following:

            Resolved, that BFC Conference form a study committee of five ministers to defend what Scripture teaches about the eternal destiny of the unregenerate, with careful attention to both its apologetic and shepherding use.

Request from Board of Elders, Berean BFC, Stroudsburg: (see page)

Resolved, that the request be received.

In response to the request from the Board of Elders of Berean Bible Fellowship Church, Stroudsburg, Conference decided the following:

Resolved, that a study committee be formed to evaluate and strengthen our position on abortion, to encourage pregnant women and fathers, and to respond to the Berean BFC board of elders.

Steven J. DelDuco prayed as Conference adjourned at 5:25 p.m. A short meeting of the Beneficiary Society preceded dinner.

Third Meeting

Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 7:00 P.M.

            The meeting was called to order by the Moderator at 7 p.m. Conference sang “Victory in Jesus,” “His Mercy is More,” “In Christ Alone,” and “Behold Our God.” The brothers also joined in reciting Psalm 32:1-2, 5.

            Daniel Z. Krall of Ephrata (PA) BFC presented the evening devotional on 1 John 3:11-18—a passage that focuses on love. “This is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another,” John says in v. 11. How we reflect Christ to the world starts with love, which John in his epistle borrows from the Lord’s words in John 13:34 of his Gospel: the “new commandment” that Christ has given us: that we should love one another.

            “It’s a message that we need more now than ever,” Krall said, asking if our love as ministers for our flocks has grown over the past three years or whether our love has been stretched or even broken by circumstances and the difficulties of ministry.

            “If your church has taught well in doctrine, I pray that they also express that doctrine in their love for one another,” he said.

            Sometimes, Krall noted, it can be most difficult to love those who are closest to us for they often see our sermons and our joy of ministry but also see us as pastors lose our temper.

            John says there are two types of people: those who are born of God and those who are born of the devil. “There’s no neutral ground, no middle ground,” Krall said. John cites Cain, who slew his brother, as the model of those who are born of the evil one.

            We should not be surprised, John says, if the world hates us, for it hated our Lord first. “We are not to match the world on its terms,” Krall said. We have been called out of darkness into the light, and the measuring stick that proves we have done so is our love for “the brothers”—for our fellow believers.

            This text is also meant to be a diagnostic—to be a check on our own hearts. Having gone through a series of crises in the last two years, we should ask ourselves whether our hearts have revealed increasing love for others or whether our thoughts, words, and actions reflect troubling heart issues. “We must love each other, not just outwardly…but also privately,” Krall said.

            John writes in 1 John 3:16, “By this we know love, that He laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.” Jesus was sent into the world to lay down His life on the cross. He is the perfect standard of God’s love. “If it doesn’t look like Jesus—reflect His heart and character—it’s not love,” Krall said.

            Ordination vows were administered to Scott A. Allison by the Ministerial Credentials Committee. Allison’s ordination had been approved at the 138th BFC Conference but he had been unable to attend that service.

Report of Elections:

The following were elected to boards or committees:

BFC Executive Board (ministers):

Steven J. DelDuco (3 years)

Daniel L. Williams (3 years)

Ministerial Credentials Committee (ministers):

Keith M. Long (3 years)

Keith A. Strunk (3 years)

Ministerial Relations Committee (ministers):

Randall A. Grossman (3 years)

Committee on Nominations (ministers):

John J. Hanner (3 years)

Officers of the 140th BFC Conference


            Randall A. Grossman (1 year)


            Daniel L. Williams (1 year)

Consideration of Recommendations of Boards and/or Committees

Executive Board – Board of Church Health

            Executive Director David T. Allen presented material proposing the formation of a Board of Church Health. He drew a contrast between two churches that faced crisis. One, Toms River NJ, closed while another, Walnutport PA, merged with Whitehall BFC, became Northern Lehigh BFC, and is currently thriving.

            What, Allen, asked about the Church Health Committee? What role did that committee play? “They prayed, they cared, but they did not have the ability or the authority to do anything.”

            Noting that several of our churches are currently experiencing decline, Allen suggested that the formation of a Board of Church Health could be instrumental in providing assistance to struggling churches. “Help we can, and help we should,” Allen said before explaining several of the particulars of the proposed Board of Church Health.

            The BFC Executive Board proposes the following changes to the Principles of Order of the BFC for adoption at First Reading:

1.  Department of Church Health

512-4 Board of Church Health

512-4.1 Purpose

The Board of Church Health serves the Bible Fellowship Church by promoting strong Church Health. It does this by helping Particular Churches evaluate the health of their own church, by helping new Particular Churches develop healthy ministries, and by assisting struggling churches (both Particular Churches and Mission Churches as requested by Church Extension) to regain a healthy condition.


Yes – 138; No – 11.

512-4.2 Composition and Election

(1) The Board of Church Health will be composed of the Director of the Board of Church Health and selected ministers and members of the Bible Fellowship Church.

            (2) The Director shall be appointed by the BFC Executive Board.

(3) The Board of Church Health will select members to serve on the board who have a heart for healthy churches and can provide valuable assistance to the Board. The number of members will be determined by the Director after consultation with the BFC Executive Board. Members will be presented to the BFC Executive Board for ratification to a three year term of office before beginning service on the Board. All board members must presently be serving or have served as a credentialed pastor or an elder within the Bible Fellowship Church.

512-4.3 Duties

(1) It shall oversee the compilation of an annual BFC statistical report of the churches which will assist them in this work.

(2) The Board of Church Health shall monitor the health of Particular Churches.

(3) It shall provide counsel and resources for the self-assessment of the health of Particular Churches.

(4) It shall provide a list of recommended consultants to Particular Churches needing assistance in moving toward stronger church health.

(5) It shall offer training and seminars to promote church health.

(6) It may recommend to the BFC Executive Board that a Particular Church be placed under the supervisory care of the Board of Church Health. When a Particular Church is under the supervisory care of the Board of Church Health, the Director has the right to appoint interim elders to the church. By simple majority, the Executive Board in this case may place the Particular Church under the supervisory care of the Board of Church Health. If a Particular Church resists being placed under the supervisory care of the Board of Church Health, then the Executive Board will recommend its placement to the BFC Conference for its consideration. This action by BFC Conference shall be by a simple majority.

(7) A Particular Church is removed from the supervisory care of the Board of Church Health by a simple majority vote of the body that put it under supervisory care.

(8) It shall inform the Ministerial Relations Committee if a matter threatening the pastoral relationship becomes evident at a Particular Church receiving Board of Church Health assistance and shall assist a Particular Church at the request of the Ministerial Relations Committee.

(9) It shall in cooperation with the BFC Executive Board assist Particular Churches to close when necessary.

(10) It shall provide a report on the closing of a Particular Church to BFC Conference.

(11) In the event of a church closing it shall consult with the Director of Church Extension Ministries regarding the feasibility of planting a new church in the same area.

(12) It shall develop sources of financial assistance for Particular Churches who cannot afford church health resources.

(13) It shall receive and disburse monies designated for the Board of Church Health.

(14) It shall work in cooperation with the Training and Education Committee to provide Pastoral Internships at churches under the care of the Board of Church Health or when requested by a Particular Church or Church Extension Ministries, and shall oversee the financial arrangements for the Pastoral Internship.

(15) It shall make a written report of its activities to the BFC Executive Board.                                                                                         

512-4.4 Church Health Director

The Church Health Director shall be an ordained minister of the Bible Fellowship Church. He shall, by virtue of his office, be a member of the Board of Church Health and shall be appointed by and be accountable to the BFC Executive Board. He may serve in either a full-time or part-time capacity.


(1) He shall, in the performance of his duties, work under the direction of the BFC Executive Director in accordance with the policies and directives of the Board of Church Health.

(2) He shall represent the Board of Church Health in its dealings with pastors, elders, and churches.

(3) He shall oversee the Pastoral Internships under the care of the Board of Church Health.

(4) He shall be available as a resource to local churches regarding Church Health.

(5) He shall be available to meet with pastors, boards of elders, and congregations for consultation, evaluation, exhortation, and advice.

(6) He shall give a full report to the Board of Church Health at each of its meetings, and shall report to the BFC Executive Board as requested.


Yes – 135; No – 11.

Second Reading Legislation

Ministerial Credentials Committee (see pp. 13-15, 2021 Yearbook)

            Whereas, the number of ordained men under the care of the Ministerial Credentials Committee continues to grow, and

            Whereas, the responsibilities for the Ministerial Credentials Committee to care well for our brethren also continues to grow, therefore be it

            Resolved, that the Ministerial Credentials Committee be enlarged from five ministers to seven ministers, and be it further

            Resolved, that the composition of the Ministerial Credentials Committee be amended as follows (adjustments in bold):

511-5 Ministerial Credentials Committee

511-5.1 Composition and Election

(1) The Ministerial Credentials Committee shall be composed of seven ordained ministers.

(2) They shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

Class I Two Ordained Ministers

Class II Two Ordained Ministers

Class III Three Ordained Ministers


Yes – 129; No – 5.

            Whereas, a person serving in the military as a chaplain is required to have an endorser who oversees the chaplain and represents the chaplain to the military, and

            Whereas, it is prudent and helpful to our Chaplains for an endorser to attend a yearly meeting (NCMAF) usually held in January, and

            Whereas, the Bible Fellowship Church is the endorser, and

            Whereas, even though the Ministerial Credentials Committee has the responsibility to process and approve applications for the military chaplaincy but does not have to be the representative, and

            Whereas, the duties of the Ministerial Credentials Committee states, “its Chairman shall be the representative of the BFC to the General Commission on Chaplains and Armed Forces Personnel,” and

            Whereas, it is not always possible for the Chairman or a Committee member to attend the military meetings, therefore be it

            Resolved, that the following addition be added to Article 511-5.2(5): (addition in bold)

511-5.2  Duties

(5) It shall process and approve all applications for the military chaplaincy, and its Chairman, or another BFC ordained minister other than the Chairman appointed by and under the authority of the Ministerial Credentials Committee, shall be the endorser for the BFC to the General Commission on Chaplains and Armed Forces Personnel.

        Whereas, it is expedient to search for and approve a man to be the representative of the BFC for our Chaplains and to the General Commission on Chaplains and Armed Forces Personnel before the next NCMAF conference, therefore be it

       Resolved, that the BFC Conference approves the implementation of Article 511-5.2(5) by rule of exception.


Yes 133; No – 1.

       Whereas, the legislation for a man to be called as a minister and on the Pastoral staff of a Particular Church has been the same legislation for many years, and

       Whereas, a minister to serve in one of our churches needs to be called according to our Principles of Order so that the Ministerial Candidate Committee can ascertain that he is in full agreement with our F&O, and

       Whereas, Article 204-3.1 is one Article that speaks to the requirements regarding an individual to serve as a minister in the BFC as needing to be under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee, and

       Whereas, the question has been raised of how long a man can be under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee, and

       Whereas, this Article does not seem to be clear regarding the phrase, “he must be under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee,” and

       Whereas, we have multiple pastoral staff in some BFC Churches, and

       Whereas, the Ministerial Candidate Committee and the Ministerial Credentials Committee agree that the lead minister must complete the two tests and be approved by the Ministerial Candidate Committee, and

       Whereas, this approval gives confidence that the men leading our churches have been approved by the Ministerial Candidate Committee, and

       Whereas, other pastoral staff may, for a limited time (presently three years), be a candidate under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee, and

       Whereas, other pastoral positions, other than senior/lead minister, have not been defined in our Principles of Order, therefore be it

       Resolved, that Article 204-3.1 be changed as follows:

Current wording, 204-3.1: “The pastoral staff of a Particular Church is composed of, and limited to, those men who are serving as ministers in the BFC. For an individual to serve as a minister in the BFC, he must be ordained by or have had his previous ordination recognized by the BFC or he must be under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee.”

New legislation for 204-3.1 (with changes in bold): “The pastoral staff of a Particular Church is composed of, and limited to, those men who are serving as ministers in the BFC. For an individual to serve as a senior/lead minister in the BFC, he must be called according to our Principles of Order. Other pastoral staff must either be ordained by or have his previous ordination recognized by the BFC or, as a candidate/probationer, he must be under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee.”


Yes – 126; No – 7.

Prayer Committee (See pp. 30-31, 2021 Yearbook)

BFC Prayer Committee – 511-1.7(6)


  • To represent a declaration of the BFC’s dependence upon God and desire to seek His face
  • To collaborate with BFC pastors and other like-minded resources for the purpose of cultivating a culture of prayer within the BFC
  • To provide an annual day of prayer for the BFC
  • To model how to lead people in public and corporate prayer


Yes – 131; No – 2.

Composition and Election

  • The BFC Prayer Committee shall be composed of four ministers and three laypersons. Laypersons must be members in good standing at a BFC church.
  • The committee shall elect its own members, subject to the ratification of the BFC Executive Board.
  • No member of the committee may serve more than two consecutive terms. A member may be elected to a new term after a minimum of one year’s time following two consecutive terms.
  • The members of the committee shall be elected for a term of three years in classes as follows:

Class I             Two ministers & one lay person

Class II           One minister & one lay person

Class III          One minister & one lay person

  • The committee shall organize itself at the call of the chairman of the previous year, at which time new officers shall be elected.

Duties of the Committee

  • It shall plan and conduct an annual Day of Prayer.
  • It shall provide publicity and arrange registration for the Day of Prayer.
  • It shall receive and disburse funds for the Day of Prayer. The committee shall establish the amount of the registration fee for each attendee.
  • It shall provide an annual report of the BFC Prayer Committee to BFC Conference.
  • It shall elect officers by and from the committee.
  • It shall serve as a resource for BFC pastors and churches.

Duties of Officers


  • Must be a minister or elder in a BFC church.
  • He shall convene and preside over all meetings of the BFC Prayer Committee.


  • (S)He shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the committee.
  • (S)He shall conduct all correspondence for the committee.
  • (S)He shall prepare an annual report for BFC Conference.


  •  (S)He shall oversee registration for the Day of Prayer.
  •  (S)He shall see that all expenses are paid.
  •  (S)He shall provide a financial report for the BFC Prayer Committee to the Executive Board.


Yes – 133; No – 3.

David E. Gundrum prayed for Carl K. Spackman and his family; Brother Spackman is preparing to be promoted to glory. Conference adjourned for the night at 9 p.m. as Larry W. Davies prayed.

Fourth Meeting

Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 8:45 A.M.

            The meeting was called to order at 8:45 a.m. Jeremy L. Harkins prayed and then led his musical team in the singing of “God is For Us,” “Christ Our Hope in Life and Death,” “A Mighty Fortress,” “Turn Your Eyes,” and “All I Have is Christ.” Conference also read Hebrews 12:1-2 together.

            Roger L. Siegrist of Bethany BFC, Mt. Carmel, PA led Conference in a study of 1 John 3:19-24. Now the parent of a teenager, Siegrist focused on the fact that “our teenagers need to be loved, even if they don’t act like it…Teenagers continue to need the love of their parents and family.” God’s children need the same assurance. Just as teenagers need to be reminded that they are loved, Christian believers need to know they are loved by God—“that He is always present and actively working in their lives.”

What proofs do we have, from 1 John, that God loves us? Siegrist offered three “benefits of love” from the text—assurance of faith, confidence in prayer, and God’s abiding presence.

If we are following God’s commands, which include the command to love our brothers, we can be assured of our salvation. “How exciting it is that we can be assured and know without a shadow of doubt that we are children of God!” Siegrist said.

Despite these promises from God’s Word, we are human and are prone to doubt. Our hearts often condemn us. Our consciences can be a tricky thing to navigate, and the world around us continually slings “immoral mud” at us—mud that at times looks better than the truth, Siegrist said.

John tells us that whenever our hearts condemn us (v. 20), we need to remember that God is greater than our hearts “and He knows everything.” “If you know that you are a child of God…then even if your heart condemns you for falling short, God is greater than your heart. God is the One who justified you—who has declared you righteous,” Siegrist stressed.

The kind of love the Scriptures reinforce is a sacrificial love, with Christ’s own sacrifice as the first and foremost example. “If we are not sacrificially loving our brothers and sisters in Christ, if we are not desiring to be with the people of God inside and outside the church, as John says in v. 17, ‘How does God’s love abide in him?’” Siegrist asked.

“Our love is not to be based on hollow words but on concrete actions toward our brothers and sisters in Christ,” he declared.

            James D. Reff II of the Prayer Committee led Conference in a time of praising God for the assurance He gives His people, requesting from Him added assurance when we are tempted to doubt or question, and bringing our needs before His great throne of grace.

            Byron Widger prayed for God’s blessing upon the Darlene J. Mahurin Memorial Fund offering, which was then received.

Report of Elections

            The following were elected to boards or committees:

Committee on Church Health (ministers or elders):

Clyde D. Bomgardner Jr. (3 years)

Daniel L. Williams (3 years)

Timothy M. Zuck (3 years)

Study Committee on Child Sexual Abuse (see pp. 19-20, 2021 Yearbook):

            No new report was presented at Conference but legislation that passed at First Reading at the 138th BFC Conference was presented for adoption at Second Reading (see pp. 19-20, 2021 Yearbook). Following discussion, Jason L. Hoy prayed for wisdom prior to voting on the Second Reading legislation proposed by the study committee.

Resolved, that the following be added to Article 204-2.3, Personal Qualifications for the Ministry:

(7) A man convicted of sexual abuse or included in the national or state registry of sexual offenders will be ineligible for ordination or the position of minister at any church. Additionally, a man will be ineligible to maintain his ordination credentials or his position of minister at any church if convicted of sexual abuse.


Yes – 123; No – 29.

Resolved, that the following be added to Article 204-5, Church Staff:

204-5.2 The elders shall ensure that the church has obtained background checks and child abuse clearances for all church staff. In jurisdictions that require clearances, the elders will ensure that their policy complies with the law. A person convicted of sexual abuse or included in the national or state registry of sexual offenders will be ineligible for employment in any church.


Yes -126; No – 27.

Resolved, that the following be added to Article 204-1, Elders:

204-1.7 The elders shall ensure that the church has obtained background checks and child abuse clearances for all elders. In jurisdictions that require clearances, the elders will ensure that their policy complies with the law. A man convicted of sexual abuse or included in the national or state registry of sexual offenders will be ineligible for the office of elder.


Yes – 125; No – 21.

Resolved, that the following be added to Article 204-4, Deacons:

204-4.5 The elders shall ensure that the church has obtained background checks and child abuse clearances for all deacons. In jurisdictions that require clearances, the elders will ensure that their policy complies with the law. A person convicted of sexual abuse or included in the national or state registry of sexual offenders will be ineligible for the office of deacon.


Yes – 127; No – 25.

Resolved, that the following be added to Article 404, Choosing Leaders Other than Elders and Deacons:

404-5 The elders will ensure that the church has obtained background checks and child abuse clearances for all volunteers that have a significant likelihood of contact with children in their ministries. In jurisdictions that require clearances, the elders will ensure that their policy complies with the law. A person convicted of sexual abuse or included in the national or state registry of sexual offenders will be ineligible for volunteer ministry where there is significant likelihood of contact with children. The elders shall define what “significant likelihood of contact with children” means in their context.


Yes – 139; No – 15.

Resolved, that the following be added to Article 407 – Miscellaneous Bylaws:

407-7 Child Protection Policy. The church shall maintain a written child protection policy, enacted and overseen by its Board of Elders. The elders will ensure that their policy complies with the laws of their jurisdiction (Suggested guidelines are included in the 2021 Yearbook, pp. 134-141).


Yes – 140; No – 7.

            Resolved, that the legislation just passed should be considered the answer to the request from the Board of Elders of Emmanuel BFC, Sunbury, and further

            Resolved, that we thank the committee, which is now dissolved.

Report of the Study Committee on the Examination of the BPL on the Family: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Whereas, this Study Committee was asked by the 136th BFC Conference to answer questions regarding the BPL entitled, “The Family,” and

Whereas, the Study Committee met five times to address the questions given to it by 136th BFC Conference, and

Whereas, the Study Committee did look at each question the BFC Conference gave to the Committee in detail, and

Whereas, the Study Committee did unanimously come to agreement on answers to these questions, therefore be it

Resolved, that the following resolutions constitute the answer of the Study Committee on re-examining BPL 103-4, The Family, to the questions given: 

Question 1: Does the current statement adequately define biblical marriage and provide adequate response and/or direction regarding culture’s use of domestic partnership, civil union, common-law marriage, and same sex marriage?

Answers to question 1:

Resolved, that the statement below will be our answer to the first part of the first question asked by the Study Committee to review BPLs—“Does the current statement adequately define biblical marriage?”

It is our intention to propose this addition to BPL 103-4 – The Family – for adoption at First Reading at the 139th BFC Conference:

103-4.2 The marriage covenant is defined as a man and a woman committing themselves to a unique, exclusive, and lifelong relationship with each other and becoming “one flesh”9 under God’s authority as found in the Bible. 

9 Genesis 2:24 (add this to the list of verses below)

            And further Resolved, that we renumber the original Article 103-4 – The Family – as follows:

Section 103-4.1 will remain the same.

Current Section 103-4.2 will be renumbered to 103-4.3, 103-4.3 to 103-4.4, 103-4.4 to 103-4.5, and so on to the end of Article 103-4.

The final section would now be renumbered to be 103-4.11. 

And further Resolved, that our answer to the second half of question 1 be that the BPL on the Family provides an adequate response and /or direction regarding culture’s use of domestic partnership, civil union, common-law marriage, and same-sex marriage. 


Yes – 143; No – 1.

Question 2: Does the current statement provide adequate guidance regarding the local church’s interaction with those involved in domestic partnership, civil union, common-law marriage, and same-sex marriage in such areas as membership, church involvement, believer’s baptism, etc.?

Resolved, that the answer for question 2 given by the Study Committee to review BPLs be as follows: 

The Study Committee to re-examine Article 103-4, The Family, reviewed this Article and also reviewed Article 103-3.4 on Sexual Holiness and concluded that 103.4 adequately answers Question # 2. 

Question 3: Does the current statement adequately address the structure of single-parent homes and provide guidance for the church in caring for these families?

Whereas, The Study Committee discussed the need to keep the category as broad as possible while calling attention to certain cases, such as single parents as well as singles who are part of an “original family” unit, we propose the following amendments (note the bold print constitutes the additions to 103-4.6), and therefore 

Resolved, that this be our answer to question 3, proposing this addition to BPL 103-4.6 for adoption at First Reading at the 139th BFC Conference: 

103-4.6 Within the church there exist family units such as single-parent and blended families as well as never-married adult singles who are a part of family units that require special attention and mercy from the church. With prayer, loving support, wise counsel, and God’s abundant grace these families and individuals can be nurtured. The church should gladly and unwaveringlysupply comfort, encouragement, affirmation and deep fellowship for all family units and individuals of family units in accordance with the ministry of the Word (Ephesians 4:16).*

NOTE: Ephesians 4:16 now becomes footnote 25 and all subsequent footnotes need to be renumbered accordingly.


Yes – 137; No – 2.

Conference Judicatory: (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Ministerial Convention Committee: (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Beneficiary Society: (see page)

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Conference adjourned for lunch at 12:02 p.m. as Ronald B. Smith prayed.

Fifth Meeting

Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 1:30 P.M.

            The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. S. Wayne Rissmiller prayed for the afternoon’s business.

Report of the BFC Executive Board: (see page)

The BFC Executive Board made its presentation as Executive Director David T. Allen reviewed the BFC’s financial statements and presented both a revised budget for 2022 and a proposed budget for 2023.

Allen commended the work of department directors David E. Gundrum (Church Extension Ministries), James Arcieri (Board of Missions), and Curtis Cutler (Victory Valley Camp).

Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Resolved, that the financial statements of the Bible Fellowship Church for 2021 be accepted as audited.

Resolved, that the 2022 revised BFC Executive Board budget be adopted by the 139th BFC Conference.

Resolved, that an assessment rate of two (2.0) percent be adopted by the 139th BFC Conference for 2023 (based on assessable receipts from 2021).

Resolved, that the 2023 proposed Executive Board budget be adopted by the 139th BFC Conference.

The Executive Board recommended the following resolutions to 139th BFC Conference:

Whereas, the MRF annuity rate for 2022 was $221 per year of service, and

Whereas, cost-of-living adjustments no longer apply to MRF payments, be it

Resolved, that the MRF annuity rate for calendar year 2023 be $221 per year of service.

Resolution Relating to Rental/Housing Allowances for Retired or Disabled Ministers of this Conference for Calendar Year 2023:

Whereas, the religious denomination known as The Bible Fellowship Church has, and functions through, Ministers of the Gospel who are duly ordained or licensed, and

Whereas, the practice of The Bible Fellowship Church is to provide a parsonage or a rental allowance as part of the gross compensation for each of its active ordained or licensed ministers, and

Whereas, pensions paid to retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers of The Bible Fellowship Church are considered as deferred compensation and are paid to said retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers in consideration of previous, active service, and

Whereas, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized that The Bible Fellowship Church is the appropriate organization to designate a housing/rental allowance for retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers who are members of this Conference, therefore, be it


1.  An amount equal to 100% of the pension payments received during the year of 2023 be and is hereby designated as a rental/housing allowance for each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister of The Bible Fellowship Church who is or was a member of the Bible Fellowship Church Minister’s Retirement Fund.

2. This rental/housing allowance shall apply to each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister who has been granted the retired relationship or placed on disability leave by the BFC Conference and whose name and relationship to the conference is recorded in the Yearbook of BFC Conference and in other appropriate records maintained by the conference.

3. The pension payment to which this rental/housing allowance applies shall be the pension payment resulting from all service of such retired or disabled ordained or licensed minister from all employment by any local church, BFC Conference or institution of The Bible Fellowship Church or of any former denomination that is now a part of The Bible Fellowship Church, or from any other employer who employed the minister to perform services related to the ministry and who elected to make contributions to the pension funds of The Bible Fellowship Church for such retired minister’s pension.

Note: The rental/housing allowance which may be excluded from a minister’s gross income is limited to the lesser of (1) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the minister’s employer or other appropriate body, (2) the amount actually expended by the minister to provide his housing, or (3) the legally-determined fair rental value of the parsonage or other housing provided.  As specified in Rev. Rul. 71-290 C.B. 92, “the only amount that will qualify for exclusion under section 107(2) of the Code as a ‘rental allowance’ is an amount equal to the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances such as a garage, plus the cost of utilities.”               

The Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board has recognized that credentialed BFC pastors who were not members of the MRF at the time when the MRF was closed, but still receive pension benefits that were paid by their church into a 403(b) Retirement Plan, should be able to receive the same recognition as those who receive pension benefits under the MRF. 

Whereas, the religious denomination known as The Bible Fellowship Church has, and functions through, Ministers of the Gospel who are duly ordained or licensed, and

Whereas, the practice of The Bible Fellowship Church is to provide a parsonage or a rental allowance as part of the gross compensation for each of its active ordained or licensed ministers, and

Whereas, contributions paid to an authorized 403(b) plan for the benefit of retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers of The Bible Fellowship Church are considered as deferred compensation and are paid to said retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers in consideration of previous, active service, and

Whereas, the Internal Revenue Service has recognized that The Bible Fellowship Church is the appropriate organization to designate a housing/rental allowance for retired and disabled ordained or licensed ministers who are members of this Conference, therefore, be it


1.  An amount equal to 100% of the proceeds drawn from a 403(b) plan during the year of 2023 be and is hereby designated as a rental/housing allowance for each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister of The Bible Fellowship Church who is or was a member of the Bible Fellowship Church.

2. This rental/housing allowance shall apply to each retired and disabled ordained or licensed minister who has been granted the retired relationship or placed on disability leave by the BFC Conference and whose name and relationship to the conference is recorded in the Yearbook of BFC Conference and in other appropriate records maintained by the conference.

3. The pension payment to which this rental/housing allowance applies shall be considered the pension payment resulting from all service of such retired or disabled ordained or licensed minister from all employment by any local church, BFC Conference or institution of The Bible Fellowship Church or of any former denomination that is now a part of The Bible Fellowship Church, or from any other employer who employed the minister to perform services related to the ministry and who elected to make contributions to the pension funds of The Bible Fellowship Church for such retired minister’s pension.

Note: The rental/housing allowance which may be excluded from a minister’s gross income is limited to the lesser of (1) the amount of the rental/housing allowance designated by the minister’s employer or other appropriate body, (2) the amount actually expended by the minister to provide his housing, or (3) the legally-determined fair rental value of the parsonage or other housing provided.  As specified in Rev. Rul. 71-290 C.B. 92, “the only amount that will qualify for exclusion under section 107(2) of the Code as a ‘rental allowance’ is an amount equal to the fair rental value of the home, including furnishings and appurtenances such as a garage, plus the cost of utilities.”

            Resolved, that David T. Allen be ratified to serve a three-year term as Executive Director.

Reports of Boards and Committees that report to the BFC Executive Board  

BFC Life Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Board of Missions: (see page)

            James Arcieri, Director of the BFC Board of Missions, reminded Conference of the urgency of Gospel mission and introduced several resources that are available to our churches.

            The following missionaries greeted Conference: Daniel P. Allen, Lisa Barnshaw, Larry W. Davies, Chris Merrick, Philip E. Morrison, Joseph & Thana Moussa, Joshua & Rebekah Rausch, John C. Studenroth.

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Church Extension Ministries: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            David E. Gundrum, Director of Church Extension Ministries, thanked all the churches for their prayers on the behalf of church planting in the BFC. He introduced the BFC’s team of church planters.

            Daniel L. Williams prayed for the work of missions and church planting throughout the Bible Fellowship Church.

Victory Valley Camp: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            Mark R. Orton, Chairman of the Victory Valley Camp board, prayed for the ministry of Victory Valley, for director Curtis Cutler, and for Curt’s wife Mandy, who is experiencing health issues. The Moderator, also a member of the camp board, noted that registration projections are exceeding the 2021 rate, when Victory Valley ministered to about 1,000 children.

Communications Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Historical Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Prayer Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Pinebrook Educational Foundation: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

Youth & Young Adults Committee: (see page)

            Resolved, that the report be accepted.

            A total of $1,440 was collected for the Darlene J. Mahurin Memorial Fund.

Report of the Registrar

  1. The following delegates requested to be excused from part or all of the 139th BFC Conference:

Stephen C. Cassel (Coopersburg, PA), Wayne M. Chadwell (Clinton Corners, NY), William F. Early (Ephrata, PA), Rodger Eastman (W. Norriton, PA), Jason D. Fetherolf (Red Hill, PA), Mark Hargrove (Whitehall, PA), James P. Ketner (Mt. Carmel, PA), Steven M. Klase (Allentown-Cedar Crest, PA), Jerald Lagler (Whitehall, PA), Tom Lioy (Long Neck, DE), Robert A. Moreau (Coopersburg, PA), Harry Nessler (Woodbury Heights, NJ), James W. Preslar (Nazareth, PA), Bert R. Roling (Finesville, NJ), Alan H. Russell (Emmaus, PA), Dennis Souder (Dauphin, PA), Joseph P. Specht, Jr. (Philadelphia, PA), Brian Spencer (Zionsville, PA), Andrew Vassal (Colebrookdale, PA), Rob Vaughn (Red Hill, PA), Jay R. Vroman (Piscataway, NJ)

Resolved, that these requests for excuses be granted.

2. The following licensed and ordained pastors/missionaries requested to be excused from part or all of the 139th BFC Conference. These requests were approved by the Ministerial Credentials Committee.

William C. Aukamp, Delbert R. Baker II, Mark E. Barninger, Timothy J. Bertolet, Richard F. Bickings, Clyde D. Bomgardner Jr., Leonard E. Buck, Ronnie Burgess, Jared M. Burkholder, Dennis M. Cahill, Freddy A. Chi, G. Wayne Clapier, Kevin W. Clineff, Charles E. Cole, Timothy S. Cowen, Raymond R. Dotts, Bruce R. Ellingson, Glenn R. Felty, Jason A. Filbert, Sean A. Fox, Richard J. Gehman, Carlos G. Rodriguez, John J. Hanner, James D. Head, LeRoy S. Heller, Roy A. Hertzog, D.H., Ronald W. Hoyle, Daniel Istrate, Walter M. Johnston, Jonathan H. King, Nathaniel C. LeTowt, Ronald C. Mahurin, David L. Manney, Carl T. Martin, Duane E. Moyer, Jerry L. Moyer, Richard A. Moyer, Keith E. Plows, Roger L. Reitz, David W. Riddell, David N. Schoen, Austin G. Shelly, David A. Smith, David A. Thomann, Benjamin J. Triestman, Marcos G. Ramirez, Ralph E. Ritter, Jeffrey L. Ruhl, Jacob J. Susek, Michael J. Tannous, Gregory A. Uhrich, David R. Way, Dana E. Weller, R. Scott Wright, Paul G. Zimmerman, Timothy M. Zuck

3. The following licensed and ordained pastor(s) were noted as absent for part or all of the 139th BFC Conference without excuse.

Scott B. Evans

            The Moderator made the following appointments for the 140th BFC Conference:

            Registrar: Joel B. Klase

            Assistant Registrar: Jules J. Hull III

            Committee on Agenda & Arrangements: Ronald L. Kohl, Chairman; David T. Allen, Randall A. Grossman, Joel B. Klase, Donald E. Kuntzman, Timothy J. Schmoyer, R. Daniel Wagner, Daniel L. Williams.

            Committee on Examination of Minutes of Particular Churches: Kevin W. Kirkpatrick, Chairman; Mark R. Orton, Barry T. Parsons, Roger L. Siegrist, Robert A. Sloan, Jr.

Study Committee on abortion (per Stroudsburg request): Beau E. Coffman, Convener; W. Scott Kappes, Juan Carlos Morales, Sal Piccolo, Ronald W. Reed, John C.  Studenroth, Mary Tannous.

Study Committee on eternal conscious torment (per Whitehall petition): Calvin T. Reed, Convener; Stephen A. Diaz, Daniel J. Hoffstetter, Ronald L. Kohl, Christopher M. Von Holt.

Additions to Study Committee on the role of women in the church: John R. LoRusso, Jocelyn Scott, Dennis W. Spinney, Keith A. Strunk.

Addition to Study Committee on Mode of Believers’ Baptism for Those with Disabilities: Joe Kim.

The appointments were ratified.

Secretary of Conference Judicatory: Clyde D. Bomgardner, Jr.

Secretary of Special Appellate Judicatory: Randall A. Grossman.

Report of the Committee on Resolutions

Whereas, Scott A. Allison, John Sullivan, Daniel Z. Krall, and Roger L. Siegrist challenged us to reflect on greater pursuit of Christ from 1 John, therefore be it

Resolved, to ask God to lead us to abide in Christ, grow in love for Christ and for one another as individuals and as churches.

Whereas, Scott Allison’s ordination was recognized officially at the 139th BFC Conference, therefore be it

Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for his ministry and service and pray for God’s guidance as he seeks to serve the Lord with the calling and gifts He has given him.

Whereas, Frank Herb, after having lived a life full of faith and dedicated service to our Lord’s church, has joined the saints eternal in the Kingdom of God, therefore be it

Resolved, that we praise God for giving this faithful servant to the service of Christ’s church for many years.

Whereas, Executive Director David T. Allen shared with us regarding several of our churches that are struggling as well as hopeful news about the revitalization of others, be it

Resolved, that we pray for the Lord to strengthen all of our churches and to raise up godly shepherds for our churches and be it further

Resolved, that we thank God for sustaining and renewing His church.

Whereas, the staff and volunteers of Pinebrook Bible Conference, along with wives and family members of our pastors and delegates, have graciously and faithfully served the members of the 139th BFC Conference, therefore be it

Resolved, that we extend our sincere gratitude for their wonderful ministry to those attending the 139th BFC Conference.

Whereas, our pages and tech team have put in a lot of work and have served energetically, therefore be it

Resolved, that we express our appreciation for their service with a round of applause.

Whereas, the members of the worship team have used their giftedness in leading us in Christ-exalting worship, and

Whereas, members of the prayer committee have led us in corporate prayer to the Lord, therefore be it

Resolved, that we give thanks to the Lord for their leading of us in the worship of His mighty name.

Whereas, BFC Conference Secretary Ronald L. Kohl, Assistant Secretary Bryan C. McNally, and Assistants to the Secretary David E. Brandt and Donald E. Kuntzman, with the assistance of Andrew Lintner, have served willingly and faithfully, and

Whereas, David T. Allen has served commendably as Executive Director, and

Whereas, Timothy J. Schmoyer has served exceptionally as the Moderator of the 139th Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

Resolved, that we thank the Lord with a round of applause for their service during our proceedings.

Whereas, on the basis of the hearing of God’s Word, reports, testimonies, and proceedings of the 139th Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, we believe that the Lord is calling us to renewed intimacy with him as individuals and churches, therefore be it

Resolved, that we zealously press on to know Christ more, and further be it

Resolved, that we continue to encourage one another, building up the saints in faith, hope, and love, as we see His great day approaching.

            The 139th BFC Conference was adjourned via prayer by the Moderator at 3:17 p.m.

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