June 1864 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


June, 1864

Proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference

The members of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference gathered on Tuesday, June 7, 1864, in the Evangelical Mennonite Meeting House in Upper Milford Township, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, to hold their tenth conference.

First Meeting

Tuesday, June 7, 1864 – Morning

In the forenoon there was (as was planned in advance) an open worship service at which occasion Brother Eusebius Hershey read part of the 33rd chapter of Ezekiel and preached with blessing about II Timothy 4:5.

Brother Christian Peffly admonished and Brother William N. Shelly closed with singing and prayer.

Second Meeting

Tuesday, June 7, 1864 – Afternoon

The afternoon meeting was opened by the Chairman of the last Conference, Brother William Gehman, with singing and prayer. After that, the meeting continued in the following way:

1. Appointing of officials: William N. Shelly, Chairman David Gehman, Recording Secretary

2. On the proposal of the Chairman and the approval of all members, Brother Christian Peffly from Lebanon County was accepted as an advisory member of this Conference.

3. The moral conduct and administrative performance of the servants was examined and in brotherly love brought to an end.

4. Brother Hershey gave a short but satisfying report about his six months of mission work in Canada, which included a report from Brother Levi Jung, who accompanied him. He reported about his income as well as his expenses. He also spoke about how God made their preaching effective, although he and his helper were only weak servants and that some souls were converted to God. Sometimes they had open air meetings where they proclaimed the word of the cross. Sometimes they had to endure abuse and insult, but to God be the glory. Brother Hershey intends in accord with his promise to go for six more months to do mission work in Canada, to proclaim the word of salvation and give out the Bread of Life. We wish him God’s blessing and shall remember him in our prayers.

5. Since we have several times before, and again lately in the 21st issue of the Christlichen Volks-Blatt, been criticized in an unkind and sneering way when they published part of the list of names of our members who contributed moneys for the Christian School and educational institution therefore be it

RESOLVED: That no money for that purpose shall be paid to the treasurer or the administrative committee until the promise given to us is fulfilled.

6. Then there was a discussion about missions. Jesus commands His followers, and not only the Apostles to go into all the world and to all nations to teach and to preach to them the Gospel. Since every Christian shall love his neighbor as himself, and since the present time is a special time of grace when every concerned Christian shall be inspired to have a part in spreading the Gospel, therefore, we are aware, as a small branch of the Christian church, that the time has come to form a Mission Society in our group. Therefore be it

RESOLVED: That Eusebius Hershey, David Henning and David Gehman be a committee to prepare a constitution for the foundation of a Mission Society. The named committee shall meet one day before the next Conference for discussion and it shall present the written constitution to the Conference for approval. It shall also be our prayer that God will bless His church with m any faithful laborers.

RESOLVED: That in each regular congregation a church congregation book be kept which should contain all the names of the members of our society.

RESOLVED: That our next Conference shall be held in the Flatland Meeting House. Haycock Township. Bucks County. Pennsylvania, on the first Thursday in November, 1864, and that on the evening before a worship service shall be held as well as on Thursday afternoon.

RESOLVED: That the above mentioned Conference proceedings be made known in the Christlichen Volks-Blatt.

William N. Shelly. Chairman

David Gehman, Recording Secretary

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