June 1865 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


June, 1865

Proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference

On Tuesday, June 6, 1865, the members of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference met in the Upper Milford Meeting House, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania to hold their semi-annual session.

First Meeting

Tuesday, June 6, 1865 – Morning

In the forenoon Brother Christian Peffly preached to a devout congregation about the words of Psalm 126:5-6, “They that sow in tears shall reap with joy.” Brother D. Henning admonished and closed with prayer.

Second Meeting

Tuesday, June 6, 1865 – Afternoon

The afternoon meeting was opened with singing and prayer by the chairman of the last conference, D. Henning, and then last year’s officers were unanimously re-elected: David Henning as Chairman David Gehman as Secretary

1. Christian Peffly and Joel Rosenberger were accepted as advisory members.

2. Examination of the serving brethren in regard to their moral and official conduct was taken care of.

3. The following rules for the conduct of our Conference sessions were adopted:

a. Each conference member who wants to report something or make a remark shall stand up.

b. The Chairman shall always decide who is to speak in case two or more members get up at the same time.

c. The one who speaks shall never be interrupted unless he is in error or misunderstands the point in question.

d. All reports or remarks shall be made in brotherly love.

4. The following travel report was submitted to the assembly by Brother Hershey, and accepted:

From December 1, 1864, to June 6, 1865

Necessary expenditures               $93.04

Purchase of one horse                  150.00

Total                                           $243.04

Free will gifts received and

earned by manual labor              $101.04

Balance in his favor                   $142.00

5. A few other subjects were discussed but no decision was reached.

The evening sermon was given by D. Henning.

Third Meeting

Wednesday, June 7, 1865 – 8:00 a.m.

Wednesday morning, at 8:00 a. m., the meeting was opened by the Chairman with singing and prayer.

6. The first semi-annual report of the Mission Society was submitted by the treasurer, according to the rules of the Constitution, from which it was evident that the total receipts amounted to:

Receipts $124.09

Expenditures 2.25

Balance in the treasury $121.84

A proposal was made to elect Joseph L. Romig as president, Levi N. Shelly as treasurer, and David Geh m an as secretary of the Mission Society for the coming year.

RESOLVED: That the above three officers shall constitute a committee or mission board and have the authority to pay money at any time between conference sessions from the missions treasury to the appointed missionaries should circumstances make this necessary.

7. Whereas Brother Levi Jung in former times was among us as servant of the Word but now has withdrawn from our Conference, therefore

RESOLVED: That we wish him well physically and spiritually and advise him not to forget that the apostle says, “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” We ask our brothers and sisters to treat him in a brotherly way if he desires to visit with us. We should not refuse if he desires to hold a meeting among us with the condition that our brethren too can participate in the worship service.

8. Because we believe that Brother E. Hershey was called by God to preach the Gospel, therefore, we wish him God’s blessing for the coming year as we did in the past year.

9. RESOLVED: That we will pay the money which was designated to the departed D. Hege for the Christian School. We will pay in the hope that ‘the promise, which was made to us, shall be fulfilled from now on.

10. RESOLVED: That the next Conference shall be held on the first Tuesday in November, 1865, in the Flatland Meeting House. Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The worship service shall be at 10:00 a.m.

11. RESOLVED: That these proceedings shall be made known in the Christlichen Yolks-blatt.

David Henning, Chairman

David Gehman, Secretary

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