June 1866 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


June, 1866

Proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference

On Tuesday, June 5, 1866, the members of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference met in the Upper Milford Meeting House, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, for the 14th semi-annual session.

First Meeting

Tuesday, June 5, 1866 – Morning

In the forenoon there was an open worship service. Brother David Henning opened with the reading of the fourth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, singing and prayer. Then he preached with blessing about verses 22-24 of that chapter, “That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old m an, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and holiness.” Brother Eusebius Hershey earnestly ad monished and then dismissed the congregation with singing, prayer and God’s blessing.

Second Meeting

Tuesday, June 5, 1866 – Afternoon

The afternoon session was opened by the Chairman of the last Conference, Brother William Geh man, with reading of the 127th Psalm, singing, prayer and a suitable message to the Conference.

Preachers present: David Henning, William Gehm an, Eusebius Hershey, William N. Shelly, Henry Diehl, Abel Strawn, Jonas Musselman, Abraham Kauffman, Joseph L. Romig.

Absent: Jacob Gottschall (who has moved away).

Deacons present: Joseph Schneider, David Gehman, Charles Gehman, Aaron Unangst.

Then the following points were taken care of:

1. William Gehman was again elected as Chairman and David Gehman as Secretary.

2. Probationer Joseph L. Romig and Aaron Unangst, the newly elected local officer of the Lower Saucon congregation, were accepted as advisory members for this Conference.

3. Examination of the moral and official conduct of the servants took place and was concluded in brotherly love.

4. The Confession of Faith, which includes the rules and discipline for the guidance of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference and which was composed by the committee that was appointed for it by the last Conference, was read by Joseph L. Romig.

5. Then all advisory members were asked by the Chairman to express their opinions and views concerning each article and rule. If any are found wanting or deficient according to the Word of God, alter them accordingly so that they would conform to the teaching of Christ, His Apostles and our church reformer, Menno Simons. Mere thoughts and opinions however, would not be accepted.

6. The article concerning baptism was widely discussed, but was unanimously accepted as it was laid down in the Confessions of Faith. At 5:30 p.m. the meeting was closed with singing and prayer by William N. Shelly.

Third Meeting

Tuesday, June 5, 1866 – Evening

The evening meeting opened with singing and prayer by David Henning.

7. After the discussion on the other articles of faith and rules, the whole creed, including rules and disciplines, with only minor changes was accepted by all except for one.

RESOLVED: That David Gehman and Joseph L. Romig shall be a committee to take care of the following: To have the above accepted Confession of Faith with the addition of of [sic] the Constitution of the Mission Society, printed. 800 copies are to be printed in the German language and 400 copies in the English language.

After this, Brother Hershey gave his travel report which, with some abbreviations, reads as follows:

My Mission Work from November 8, 1865, until June 5, 1866:

Public speaking several counties,

but mostly in Juniata                                                              153

Persons openly showing repentance

          in several meetings                                                       12

Persons having confessed to have

          received consolation                                                       8

Baptized in water                                                                      2

Families visited                                                                     881

Miles traveled                                                                      2297

Expenditures                                             $149.51

Balance in my favor per

accounting of November 7, 1865        104.65

Total                                                                              $254.16

Received by love offerings                            76.86

Received from the Mission

Treasury                                                        24.50

Received from the Mission

Treasury                                                        78.96

Total                                                                              $180.31

Remains in my favor the sum                                         $73.85

The prospects for the future are promising for a rich harvest when we do our whole duty.

8. Approval was given again by the Conference that Brother Hershey travel and work for the glory of God and the well-being of souls, mainly in the counties of Juniata and Perry, Pennsylvania, and that we support hi m with prayer and means.

9. Aaron Unangst was ordained Deacon for the Lower Saucon congregation.

RESOLVED: That our next Semi-Annual Conference shall be held in the Hassler’s meeting House, Rapo16 Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, on the first Monday in November, which is the fifth, and that there shall be preaching on the Saturday before and over Sunday as well as on Monday forenoon. One address concerning missions shall be given.

10. The officers in charge of the Mission Society were re-elected for the following year.

William Gehman, Chairman

David Gehman, Secretary

16 Rapho

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