June, 1869
Proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference
On Tuesday, June 1, 1869, the members of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference met according to a previous resolution in the Flatlander Meeting House, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to hold their semi-annual session.
First Meeting
Tuesday, June 1, 1869 – Morning
In the forenoon the Conference Sermon was preached by Brother David Henning. After Psalm 37 was read, verse 5, “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass,” was expounded to the congregation, including among other things, how all true Christians and children of God, each one for himself as well as in the affairs of the assembly, must commit all their ways unto God. In contrast, all actions and undertakings done in one’s own strength are in vain. Brother William Gehman admonished and closed with prayer.
Second Meeting
Tuesday, June 1, 1869 – Afternoon
The afternoon meeting was opened by William Gehman with the reading of Psalm 123, followed by a brief message, singing and prayer. Then David Henning was elected as Chairman and David Gehman as Secretary.
Elders present:19 David Henning, William Gehman, and William N. Shelly.
Preachers: H. Diehl, Abel Strawn, Jonas Musselman, Abraham Kauffman, Samuel Musselman.
Deacons: D. Gehman, Joseph Schneider and Aaron Unangst.
1. The examination of the servants concerning their conduct and administrative work was taken care of in Christian love according to the directions of our Church Discipline.
2. Because it pleased God to call our dear official brother20, Joseph L. Romig, from this sphere of work in his prime of life into eternity, we admit to feeling the loss but will gladly submit to the wise providence of God because it is his eternal gain.
3. Brother Hershey is not present but still is filling his speaking engagements as God gives him strength and his health allows on his old field of work in Potter and Lycoming Counties, Pennsylvania. He is not at present employed as a missionary by the Conference and does not request any support for this time from the Mission Treasurer. The Conference however feels that it would like to send him $25.00 from the Missionary Fund with our prayer and a wish for blessings on his difficult field of work.
4. Brother Abraham Musselman from Upper Milford was elected President of the Missionary Society, D. Gehman as Secretary and Levi N. Shelly as Treasurer for one year.
5. It was decided that Brother Samuel Musselman (if alive and well) shall travel to Juniata County until the beginning of August in order to stay there several months to preach and work as God gives him grace for the benefit and salvation of precious souls.
6. RESOLVED: That the next Conference shall be held in the Upper Milford Meeting House, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, on the first Tuesday in November and that on the previous Monday evening a missionary meeting shall be held.
7. RESOLVED: That the above proceedings shall be published in the Mennonitischen Friedens Bote.
David Henning, Chairman
David Gehman, Secretary
19 Possibly “preacher in charge”. This designation only appears here.
20 In German, amst-bruder, or official brother, implying some official capacity.