June 1872 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


June, 1872 

Proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference 

26th Semi-Annual Session 

According to the resolution of the last Conference. the members of this Conference. as well as several brethren and sisters. met on Monday evening. June 3. 1872. in the Evangelical Mennonite Meeting House in Coopersburg. Lehigh County. Pennsylvania. Abraham Kauffman preached with blessing about Romans 1:16. “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ …” etc. Brother William N. Shelly admonished and closed with prayer. 

First Meeting 

Tuesday. June 4, 1872 – Morning 

On Tuesday morning the Conference Sermon on Luke 4:18 was preached by Brother D. Henning to the satisfaction of all the children of God. He preached with blessing about the joyful news which the servants of God may proclaim which is that Christ came to save sinners and to make them free from bondage. Brother Joel Rosenberger earnestly admonished and closed with prayer. 

Preachers present: D. Henning. William Gehman. William N. Shelly. H. Diehl. Jonas Musselman. Abraham Kauffman. Abel Strawn. S. M. Musselman. 

Absent: E. Hershey. D. Schwartz. 

Deacons and Delegates present: Michael Landis. Joseph Schneider. Francis Miller. Absent: David Gehman (because he traveled to Canada). 

Then the following business was taken care of: 

1. William Gehman was elected Chairman. and Jonas Musselman. secretary. 

2. The examination of the servants concerning their official and moral conduct was carried out with open confession in brotherly love. 

3. Brother Joel Rosenberger was recognized as an advisory member of this Conference. 

4. S. M. Musselman and William N. Shelly. traveling preachers gave their six months’ report which was accepted. S. M. Mussel man preached 110 times and visited 197 families. William N. Shelly preached 84 times and visited 120 families. We can say to the praise of God that God was with us and blessed His work. 

5. The Mission Committee reported a balance in the treasury of $87.45 from which the traveling preachers. through the appointed committee. were reimbursed for their expenses. etc. This they accepted with thanks. 

6. We talked about our missionary efforts in regard to traveling and activity and thought we should create a better foundation in order to lead souls to our dear Savior. 

7. RESOLVED: That attention shall be paid to see. that every official brother shall earnestly strive to carry out his important calling according to the contents of God’s Word in regard to the spreading of the Gospel to look for new preaching places so that the kingdom of Jesus will be spread and souls won for heaven and eternal life. 

8. RESOLVED: That Jonas Musselman and William Gehman shall be in charge of holding the special meetings at Fleetwood station in Berks County at the proper time. 

9. RESOLVED: That Abel Strawn and S. M. Musselman shall be in charge of holding the special meetings in Ironville24, Northampton County. 

10. RESOLVED: That William N. Shelly and Abraham Kauffman shall be in charge of holding special meetings in Mount Bethel. 

11. RESOLVED : That every preacher shall make an effort to attend the special meetings everywhere as much as his circumstances allow. 

12. RESOLVED: That each preacher shall keep a record of his expenses and income and also of how many families are visited and shall submit it to the Conference which shall deal with it according to their opinion that everyone receives justice. 

13. RESOLVED: That the next Conference shall be held in the Quakertown Meeting House on the first Tuesday of November, 1872. 


William Gehman, Chairman 

Jonas Musselman, Secretary 

24 See footnote 22, page 63. 72  

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