June 1875 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


June, 1875 

Conference Proceedings 

The Evangelical Mennonite Society held its 32nd semi-annual Conference in the Evangelical Meeting House in Coopersburg, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, beginning Saturday evening, June 5, 1875. Brother Jesse Ochs preached in a blessed way about Acts 9:24,26 “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Brother David Henning admonished and closed with prayer. 

On Sunday 10:00 a.m., the members of the Conference gathered as well as a great number of brethren and sisters and other friends from far and near. The opening sermon was preached by Brother David Henning with the power of the Spirit and with blessing, about John 15:16, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.” Brother William N. Shelly admonished and Brother William Gehman closed with prayer. In the afternoon at 3:00 p.m., Brother John Meyer preached in a blessed way about Isaiah 32:17, “And the work of righteousness shall be peace …. ” The Brethren J. Ochs and E. Hershey admonished and Brother H. Diehl closed with prayer. 

In the evening, Brother Samuel H. Frey preached before a full house of attentive people, not with high level words or human wisdom, but in the power of God Revelation 3:5, “He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot his name out of the book of life, … ” Brother William Gehman admonished in regard to missions and closed with prayer. Then a collection was taken for the spreading of the Gospel. The officers for the Mission Society were re-elected for one year — namely: Abraham Kauffman, President; D. Gehman, Secretary; and William Yeakel, Treasurer. 

First Meeting 

Monday, June 7, 1875 – Morning 

On Monday, at 9:00 a.m., the members of the Conference as well as other brethren, sisters and friends came together. After singing and prayer the session was opened by the preceeding Chairman, Brother David Henning, with a message to the members and others attending. After this the following matters were taken care of in love and harmony: 

1. Brother William N. Shelly was chosen to be Chairman, Brother David Gehman, Secretary. The Chairman gave an important message after reading Acts 2:42. 

Preachers present: D. Henning, William N. Shelly, William Gehman, E. Hershey, Abel Strawn,Jonas Musselman, A. Kauffman, S. M. Musselman, Joel Rosenberger, H. Diehl, Sidenham Lambert. 

Absent: The Brethren D. U. Lambert, William Hunsberger, and S. Weber. 

Deacons present: D. Gehman, Joseph Schneider, M. Y. Landis, J. Ruch, D. Koch. 

Absent: Hiram Parker and George Gigg. 

2. The conduct of the servants was examined and (the examination) was done in brotherly love.

3. The Brethren John Meyer, Jesse Ochs, and Samuel H. Frey from Lancaster County were accepted to be advisory members for this session. 

4. The preachers gave their reports concerning their work for the last six months as follows: 

David Henning — preached 75 times, families visited 14, miles traveled 94, expenditures $2.25. 

William N. Shelly — preached 64 times, families visited 75, miles traveled 1085, expenditures $24.26, received $30.43. 

William Gehman — preached 61 times, families visited 69, miles traveled 833, expenditures $16.79, received $8.20. 

Samuel M. Musselman — preached 59 times, families visited 69, miles traveled 565, expenditures $20.70. 

Abel Strawn — preached 64 times, families visited 74, miles traveled 437, expenditures $4.25. 

Jonas Musselman — preached 44 times, families visited 54, miles traveled 825, expenditures $9.80. 

Abraham Kauffman — preached 41 times, families visited 30, miles traveled 200, expenditures $2.65. 

Eusebius Hershey — preached 112 times, families visited 590, miles traveled 2600, expenditures $74.00, received $74.00. In these six months God has helped me hold many meetings in three different states and to be in Canada for the ninth time to spread the good seed of God’s Word. To Him be the glory. Joel Rosenberger — preached 17 times, miles traveled 330, expenditures $10.58. 

Sidenham Lambert — preached 33 times, families visited 68, miles traveled 785, expenditures $10.35. 

Henry Diehl — gave a verbal report to the satisfaction of the Conference. 

D. U. Lambert reported by letters as follows: 

Wadsworth, Ohio, May 23, 1875. 

Dear Brethren: May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you and with us. The brethren and sisters are in good health and willing to work as God gives grace. Today we had a blessed meeting as Brother S. Weber preached. I feel weak but am able to do the tasks I have to do through Jesus Christ who has promised to make us strong in Him. I wish to be with you if it were possible. We hope you shall have a blessed Conference. I labored in the house of God as follows: preached 48 times, families visited 98, miles traveled 1476, expenditures $31.66. Received $20.28, mission money received $18.50. 

William Hunsberger’s report by letter: 

Dear Brethren: Since I cannot be present at the Conference, I will send you my insignificant report. I have sought to preach in weakness 33 times at four different places, miles traveled 161, families visited 20. God’s support gave me courage to go forward and serve Him faithfully. Our small congregation in Wadsworth is now in a good state. Some members were held back because they were not sincere in conduct. Love and harmony are our guide. May love also be with you, especially at the Conference so that God’s work may advance and many souls be led to Christ. 

All reports were accepted unanimously. 

5. Brother William Yeakel, Treasurer, presented his report: 

Balance in the treasury, June 7, 1875                                 $321.38 

Paid for hall rent, travel expenses 

for preacher and so on                          $218.33 

Paid to other preachers                             90.00                 308.33

Balance left                                                                             13.05


RESOLVED: That money for missions shall be paid back for the Wadsworth assembly to Brother D. U. Lambert. 

6. Upon his desire, Brother S. Lambert was relieved from his position as pastor of the Fleetwood congregation, since other brethren have promised to serve alternately in his place. 

The meeting was closed by Brother A. Strawn. 

Second Meeting 

Monday, June 7, 1875 – Afternoon 

Afternoon Meeting — The meeting was opened at 2:00 p. m. with singing and prayer by the Chairman. Brother Jonas Y. Schultz appeared and was accepted as advisory member for this conference. 

7. Brother E. Hershey was relieved from having charge of the Wadsworth congregation since Brother D. U. Lambert has taken over. Therefore 

RESOLVED: That Brother E. Hershey continue to work as missionary in the United States and Canada as he requested. 

8. The Brethren William Gehman and D. Koch were appointed as a committee. They are to see that a sufficient number of copies of rules are printed which will serve as a guide for the holding of Conferences in the future. 

9. The immigration of fellow believers, the European Mennonites, was widely discussed. It was decided that the corresponding secretary inquire about them to our satisfaction and then see to it that we support them according to the Word of God, as we are able, with advice and deed, generally and spiritually. 

10. Thanks were expressed to the brethren who had come from far away to serve us with the Bread of Life. May the Lord’s reward be their part. 

11. Thanks were expressed to the brethren and sisters from this region for the hospitality offered to visiting members during the Conference. 

12. RESOLVED: That the next session be held in Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to begin on Saturday evening, November 6, 1875. On Sunday morning, the Conference opening sermon shall be preached by the Chairman and, on Monday morning, the Conference proceedings shall begin. 

13. RESOLVED: That the proceedings of the Conference be published 10 German and English in the Christlichen Kundschafter, and that 400 extra copies be ordered for distribution. $6.00 shall be paid to the editor. The Conference ended in brotherly love after two days of meetings. Brother Jonas Musselman led in the closing prayer. 

William N. Shelly, Chairman

David Gehman, Secretary 

26 Actual reference is Acts 9:6.

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