June 1876 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


June, 1876 

Conference Proceedings 

The Evangelical Mennonite Society held its 34th semi-annual Conference in the Evangelical Mennonite Meeting House in Upper Milford, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, beginning on Saturday evening, June 3, 1876, in accordance with the ruling of the last Conference. A sermon on missions was preached by Brother E. Hershey on I Corinthians 9:16. After that a collection was taken to be used for the spreading of the Gospel. Brother Joel Rosenberger admonished and closed with prayer. On Sunday morning, Brother William Gehman delivered the opening message on II Timothy 4:2, “Preach the Word.” Brother David Henning admonished and closed with singing and prayer. In the afternoon, an hour of communion was held remembering the Lord’s suffering and death. Brother William N. Shelly spoke on Matthew 17:8, “Jesus Only.” Brother D. Henning admonished and closed with prayer. 

First Meeting 

Monday, June 5, 1876 – Morning 

On Monday, at 8:00 a. m., the Conference members, also brethren and sisters, gathered from far and near. Brother William Ge h man, Chairman, called the Conference to order. After the reading of part of Acts 8 and an address to the meeting, the following business was taken care of – namely: 

1. Preaching Brethren: David Henning, William Gehman, William N. Shelly. Henry Diehl. Jonas Musselman. Abraham Kauffman. Abel Strawn, Joel Rosenberger, Samuel M. Musselman. Samuel H. Frey, Sidenham Lambert, Eusebius Hershey. 

Absent: Brother David U. Lambert. 

Deacons present: David Gehman. Joseph Schneider, Daniel Koch, Mlchael Y. Landis, Jacob Ruch, Hiram Parker. 

Absent: George Gigg. 

2. David Henning was elected Chairman and Jonas Musselman. Secretary. 

3. The servants were examined concerning their moral and pastoral conduct which was all done in brotherly love. 

4. The reports of the preachers were presented for the last six months as follows: 

David Henning — preached 22 times, families visited 24. miles traveled 316, expenditures $4.85. 

William Gehman — preached 62 times, families visited 84, miles traveled 740, expenditures balance $9.80. 

William N. Shelly — traveled on November 10, 1875 to Canada and Ohio, preached during this time up to now 95 times, families visited 109, miles traveled 2589, expenditures balance $8.94. 

Henry Diehl — preached 29 times, families visited 20, miles traveled 228, expenditures $5.00. 

Jonas Musselman — preached 64 times, families visited 57, miles traveled 725, expenditures $5.25. 

Abraham Kauffman — preached 51 times, families visited 52, expenditures $6.80. 

Joel Rosenberger — preached 15 times, miles traveled 287, expenditures $6.45. 

Samuel Musselman –preached 59 times, families visited 49, miles traveled 263, expenditures $4.98. 

E. Hershey — preached 106 times, families visited 212, miles traveled 2000, received $50.00, expenditures $50.00. 

Sidenham Lambert — preached 54 times, families visited 79, miles traveled 917. 

Samuel H. Frey — preached 23 times, families visited 33, miles traveled 513, expenditures balance $4.34. 

David U. Lambert — preached 30 times, families visited 47, miles traveled 500. 

5. The reports were all accepted. 

6. Brother William Yeakel, Treasurer of the Mission Society, handed in his six months’ report: 

Balance in treasury 

June 5, 1876                                                                            $170.75 

Paid out as travel expenses 
to preachers                                         $56.41 

Paid to preachers by the 
Committee in Charge                             90.00                           146.41 

Balance                                                                                      $24.34

7. RESOLVED: That Brother Sidenham Lambert be appointed for the next six months to preach, to visit families diligently and perform all services and duties of an evangelist in Lancaster and Lebanon Counties. The Forenoon meeting was then closed with prayer by Brother Jonas Musselman. 

Second Meeting 

Monday, June 5, 1876 – Afternoon 

The afternoon meeting was opened with singing and prayer by the Chairman. 

8. RESOLVED: That Brother D. U. Lambert herewith be authorized by this Conference to have supervision over our church property in Wadsworth, Ohio, and to sell the same to the highest bidder. However, before the contract is executed, he shall inform the Chairman or Secretary how much money he can get for it. 

9. RESOLVED: That these proceedings be published in the Christlichen Kundschafter in German and English like we used to, and that we order 450 extra copies for distribution.

10. RESOLVED: That the next Conference be held in the Hassler Meeting House in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, beginning on Saturday evening, November 11, 1876. At that time a sermon shall be preached. On Sunday morning, the Conference Sermon shall be preached by the Chairman. Afternoon and evening shall likewise include preaching; and on Monday morning the business session shall begin.

The Conference closed with singing and prayer by Brother A. Kauffman. 

David Henning, Chairman 

Jonas Musselman, Secretary 

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