June 1878 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


June, 1878 

On Monday, June 3, 1878, the Evangelical Mennonite Conference held its 38th semi-annual Conference session in the Evangelical Meeting House in Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. 

On the previous Saturday, a worship service was held in the evening. Brother Peffly from Lebanon County preached in a blessed way about the last part of Romans 5:20, “But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.” Brother Henning admonished and J. Musselman closed with prayer. On Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m., the Conference Sermon was preached by Brother E. Hershey. Brother William Gehman followed with an earnest admonition and closed with prayer. In the afternoon at 2:00 p.m., a communion service was held, and the practice of washing the saints’ feet took place. Brother Gehman preached with blessing about Acts 2:42. Brother Peffly admonished earnestly and closed with prayer. In the evening at 7:30 p.m. Brother Peffly preached on John 3:16, after which the annual mission collection was taken, and the Mission Committee for the coming year was elected. 

First Meeting 

Monday, June 3, 1818 – Morning 

On Monday morning at 8:30, the Conference members gathered, as well as some brethren and sisters from far and near. Brother E. Hershey, Chairman, opened the Conference with singing, prayer, and reading of the 23rd Psalm and a loving address. The following business was taken care of: 

1. Brother A. Kauffman was elected Chairman and Brother J. Musselman, Secretary. 

2. Advisory members present — 

Preachers — D. Henning, William Gehman, A. Strawn, William N. Shelly, H. Diehl, J. Musselman, A. Kauffman, S. M. Musselman, E. Hershey, J. Rosenberger, S. Lambert. 

Absent — S. H. Frey 

Deacons present — D. Gehman, D. Koch, J. Schneider, William Yeakel, J. Ruch. Absent — M. Landis, H. Parker. 

3. The moral and pastoral conduct of the Conference members were examined. 

4. The newly elected deacon of the Upper Milford congregation, Brother William Yeakel, and Brother Peffly, from Lebanon County, were accepted as advisory members. 

5. It was unanimously agreed that, in the future in all our congregations, the breaking of bread shall be taken in the kneeling position. 

The reports of the preachers for the last six months were as follows: 

William Gehman — preached 58 times, families visited 64, miles traveled 433, expenditures $2.40. 

D. Henning — preached 22 times, families visited 21, miles traveled 220, expenditures $4.50. 

William N. Shelly –preached 45 times, families visited 32, miles traveled 525, expenditures $10.50. 

J. Musselman — preached 54 times, families visited 38, miles traveled 465, expenditures $5.25. 

E. Hershey — preached 109 times, families visited 800 miles traveled 2270, expenditures $6.00. 

A. Strawn — preached 46 times, families visited 61, miles traveled 445, expenditures $1.50. 

S. M. Musselman — preached 53 times, families visited 38, miles traveled 446, expenditures $4.05. 

A. Kauffman — preached 44 times, families visited 46, miles traveled 284. 

J. Rosenberger — preached 32 times, traveled 413 miles, expenditures $6.64. 

S. Lambert — preached 19 times, families visited 16, miles traveled 578, expenditures $14.60. 

S. H. Frey — preached 16 times, families visited 22, miles traveled 236, expenditures $3.15. 

The forenoon meeting was then closed with singing and prayer by Brother S. Lambert. 

Second Meeting 

Monday, June 3, 1878 – Afternoon 

The afternoon meeting was opened by Brother A. Kauffman with singing and prayer. 

6. RESOLVED: That we add to our doctrine the following: it shall not be allowed, for preachers or members of our denomination to hold a life insurance policy. 

7. RESOLVED: That, since some brethren hold life insurance policies, they shall have time until the next Conference (the first Monday in October, 1878) to think about whether they will give up this life insurance or not. 

8. RESOLVED: That we wish the brethren and sisters in Canada God’s mercy and blessing and that we are willing to come to a closer relationship with them as God in His providence may lead.

9. RESOLVED: That these proceeding be published in the Bucks County Patriot of Milford Square, and that 500 extra copies be ordered. 

10. Thanks were expressed from the Conference toward the brethren and sisters from Quakertown and vicinity for the brotherly love they have shown to the members of the Conference. 

11. RESOLVED: That the next Conference shall be held on Monday October 7, 1878, in the Meeting House at Coopersburg, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. On the previous Saturday to that Monday there shall be preaching in the evening. On Sunday morning, the Conference Sermon (shall be preached) by the Chairman. Afternoon and evening, (there shall be) preaching again. 

(The session) closed with singing and prayer. 

Abraham Kauffman, Chairman 

Jonas Musselman, Secretary 

Supplement to the 38th Session: 

Brother William Yeakel, Treasurer of the Mission Society, handed in his six months’ report as follows: 

Amount in the treasury 
on June 3, 1878                                                                                 $124.88

Paid out as travel expenses 
to preachers                                                  53.59

Paid to preachers 
by the committee                                           66.00                             119.59

Balance                                                                                                   5.29

Report accepted. 

A. Kauffman, Chairman 

J. Musselman, Secretary

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