March 1876 Special Conference Minutes


Pursuant to public notice a special Conference of the members of the Evangelical Mennonite denomination held a meeting on March 30, 1876, at Coopersburg, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Brother William Gehman presided: When the following was unanimously adopted. 

Whereas, being informed personally and by letter, that a number of our congregation has joined the denomination known as the Church of God, and that Rev. Plowman and other preachers of that denomination obtained permission of the authorities of the Evangelical Mennonites to hold religious services in our property, (and whereas we) are further informed (that) under this influence a number of precious souls has been converted to God; (and whereas) we are further informed of owing to their success and numerical strength that the said congregation (The Church of God) earnestly desire to have and possess the above named Evangelical Mennonite property for their exclusive use; Therefore 

RESOLVED: That we the owners of the said church property offer for sale to the congregation of the Church of God, for the sum of six hundred dollars (600.00). Conditions (are) that the members of the Church of God assume any or all debts and obligations against said property and we the members of the Evangelical Mennonite denomination be released from any further claim that may now be against said property or that may be hereafter made. 

Attest: David Gehman 

William Gehman, Chairman 

27 The minutes of this special conference are recorded in English.  

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