March 1979 Semi-Annual Conference


March, 1879 

Conference Proceedings 

The Evangelical Mennonite Society held its 40th semi-annual Conference session in the Evangelical Mennonite Meeting House in Upper Milford, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. It began on Saturday evening, March 22, 1879, where Brother34 preached on Romans 8:31 and Brother S. Lambert admonished and closed with prayer. 

On Sunday morning at 9:00 a. m., the Conference Sermon on I Peter 5:1-4 was preached by the Chairman. Brother A. Strawn admonished and closed with prayer. In the afternoon at 2:00 p.m., Jonas Musselman preached on Romans 6:22 and Brother Lambert admonished and closed with prayer. In the evening at 7:00 p.m., a missionary meeting. was held. Brother E. Hershey preached about Matthew 27:18-2035. At the close, a free will collection was taken for the support of the Gospel. After that the officers of the Missionary Society were re-elected, namely: Brother Abraham Kauffman, President; O. Gehman, Secretary; and W. Yeakel, Treasurer. 

First Meeting 

Monday, March 24, 1879 – Morning 

On Monday morning at 9:00 a.m., the Conference members, as well as a number of other brethren and sisters from near and far, met. Brother Joel Rosenberger, Chairman, opened the Conference with singing, prayer and the reading of the first chapter of Hebrews and gave a loving address to the Conference. Then the following business was taken up: 

1. Brother William Gehman was elected Chairman, S. M. Musselman, Secretary and J. Musselman, Assistant Secretary. 

2. Advisory members present: 

Preachers: William Gehman, A. Strawn, J. Musselman, A. Kauffman, S. M. Mussel man, E. Hershey, S. Lambert. Absent: S. Frey, O. Henning. Deacons present: O. Gehman, M. Landis, D. Koch, J. Ruch, William Yeakel. 

Absent: J. Schneider. 

3. The pastoral and moral behavior of the member were examined. The morning meeting was closed with singing and prayer.

Second Meeting 

Monday, March 24, 1879 – Afternoon 

At 2:00 p.m. the afternoon meeting was opened with singing and prayer. 

4. The preachers’ reports for the past six months were presented as follows: 

William Gehman — preached 60 times, families visited 43, miles traveled 459, travel expenses $10.20. 

J. Rosenberger — preached 40 times, traveled 558 miles, travel expenses $8.49. 

S. M. Musselman – preached 43 times, families visited 41, miles traveled 473, travel expenses $4.90. 

E. Hershey –preached 60 times families visited 900, miles traveled 800, travel expenses $5.00. 

Abraham Kauffman — preached 68 times, miles traveled 421, travel expenses $6.83. S. Frey — preached 25 times, families visited 51, miles traveled 218, travel expenses $2.25. 

A. Strawn — preached 52 times, visited 45 families, miles traveled 465, travel expenses $1.20. 

J. Musselman — preached 43 times, families visited 45, miles traveled 465, travel expenses $2.25. 

S. Lambert — preached 18 times, miles traveled 395, travel expenses $8.50.

5. The matter of joining with the Mennonites of Indiana, Michigan, and Canada was discussed in detail (as well as some other items) but nothing was decided. The afternoon meeting was closed with singing and prayer by A. Kauffman. 

Third Meeting 

Monday, March 24, 1879 – Evening 

The evening meeting was opened with singing and prayer by the Chairman at 7:30 p.m. 

6. S. M. Musselman, D. Gehman, J. Musselman were nominated as a committee to make a report to be forwarded to the General Conference of the United Mennonites and to ask that the Conference discuss that report. 

7. It was decided to publish these proceeding in the Bucks County Patriot of Milford Square and that 500 extra copies shall be printed. 

8. Cordial thanks were expressed to the brethren and sisters of the Upper Milford congregation for their brotherly love which they have shown to the members of the Conference. 

9. RESOLVED: That the next Conference shall be held the first Monday in October, 1879, in the meeting house in Quakertown, Bucks County. On the preceeding Saturday evening, there shall be preaching. On Sunday morning the Conference Sermon (shall be preached) by the Chairman and in the afternoon and evening again (there shall be) preaching. 

William Gehman, Chairman 

Samuel M. Musselman, Secretary

34 The name is omitted in the text. 

35 Probably Matthew 28:18-20. 

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