November 1863 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


November, 1863

Proceedings of the Evangelic al Mennonite Conference

In accordance with the ruling of the last June Conference, the members of this Conference came together in the Meeting House in Haycock Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, for the semi-annual session. But, because of unexpected causes, the session was not held on the first Tuesday in November as planned, but on Thursday, October 1, 1863.

First Meeting

Thursday, October 1, 1863 – Morning

The forenoon was reserved for an open worship service at which occasion Brother Eusebius Hershey preached with blessing about II Corinthians 2:11. Brother Henning admonished and closed the session with singing and prayer.

Second Meeting

Thursday, October 1, 1863 – Afternoon

The afternoon session was opened by the Chairman of the last Conference, Brother Hershey, with the reading of the 23rd Psalm, singing, prayer, and a short address to the members. Afterwards the following points were taken up:

1. The following officials were appointed: Brother William Gehman, Chairman, and Brother David Gehman, Recording Secretary.

2. After the proposal of the Chairman and the approval of all members, Brother Henrich Butz and Brother Jonas Y. Schultz were accepted as advisory members of this Conference.

3. Then the conduct and service of the preachers was examined and in brotherly love brought to an end. Not present: Brother Abraham Kauffman and Brother Abel Strawn.

4. It was examined whether the resolution, passed by the Conference, to do our duties to ward the authorities and to pay our due taxes, etc., was carried out and followed. With dismay it was found, that one brother had not adhered to this important duty. After a brotherly admonition it was decided to demand an open confession from him.

615. Then the travel plan was again discussed. After Brother Abraham W. Stauffer had explained the reason why he was not yet able to start his service on the mission field he was excused. The committee which was appointed at the last Conference for this purpose should remain active and be concerned to see whether a way could be found for Brother Stauffer to start his appointed work next spring.

7. Because Brother Hershey had received a call from Canada to serve there for at least one year as a missionary with the approval of the Canada Conference. permission was granted.

8. We believe that slavery (the institution of slave holding) is sin in the eyes of God and a curse on the land when it is tolerated. Therefore. be it

RESOLVED: That we use our influence against it. in Christian spirit. with word and deed. after our confession of faith.

9. Since the follies of dress and clothing have steadily increased in some Christian assemblies, and such is an abomination to the Lord (Isaiah 3:16-26). therefore be it.

RESOLVED: That we do not tolerate such fashionable dress in our meetings. but correctly admonish both sexes, male and female, to dress themselves with moderation as in all Christian virtue as a light in the world.

10. RESOLVED: That this evening we shall remember the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ with Holy Communion.

11. RESOLVED: That the next Conference shall be held in the Upper Milford Meeting House. Lehigh County. Pennsylvania. on the first Tuesday of June. 1864. at 10:00 a.m., and that on the evening before there shall be an open worship service. The session was closed by Brother Butz with singing and prayer.

William Gehman, Chairman

David Gehman, Recording Secretary

15 The number 5 was skipped in the original.

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