November 1864 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


November, 1864

Proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference

On Thursday, November 3, 1864, the members of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference came together in the Meeting House in Haycock Township, Bucks County. Pennsylvania, to hold their 11th semi-annual session.

First Meeting

Thursday, November 3, 1864 – Morning

In the forenoon there was an open worship service. David Henning preached with blessing on I Corinthians 1:23-24. Christian Peffly admonished, and William Gehman closed with prayer.

Second Meeting

Thursday, November 3, 1864 – Afternoon

The afternoon meeting was opened by the Chairman of the 1ast Conference, William N. Shelly, with singing and prayer. Then the meeting continued as follows:

1. Appointing of: David Henning, Chairman David Gehman, Secretary

2. Acknowledgement of Charles Gehman, the ordained elder of the Upper Saucon congregation, as a conference member.

3. By the proposal of the Chairman and the approval of all the members, the Brethren Christian Peffly, Joel Rosenberger and Levi Jung are accepted as advisory members of this Conference.

4. An interesting travel report from Brother E. Hershey was read to the satisfaction of the Conference.

5. The examination of the servants’ conduct, in regard to our church discipline and their ability in guiding the work, was done in Christian love.

6. At the desire of Brother Levi Jung, who traveled with Brother Hershey for some time in Canada preaching the Gospel, he was asked by the Chairman to tell the assembly of his extraordinary calling by God to continue in this work. After examination of this matter and sympathetic discussion, consent was granted to have him ordained to be a servant of the Word of God.

RESOLVED: That Brother Levi Jung be licensed to visit families and to preach the Gospel wherever opportunity is given. It is our prayer that God will enable hi m to perform this ministry with success.

7. The committee, which was formed at the last spring Conference, for the purpose of preparing a constitution was asked to give a report.

8. After the reading and some discussion, the Constitution was accepted by the Conference and Charles Gehman was elected as President, A. W. Stauffer as Secretary and William N. Shelly as Treasurer until the next annual meeting of the Society.

RESOLVED: That our next Conference shall be held in the Upper Milford Meeting House, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, on the first Tuesday in June, 1865, and that the evening before, the first annual meeting of our Mission Society shall take place. There shall be a message concerning missions, selection of officers and other business and matters to be taken care of. A collection shall be taken for the support of the work.

RESOLVED: That the above mentioned conference minutes concerning the acceptance of the Constitution be made known in the Christlichen Volks-Blatt.

David Henning, Chairman

David Gehman, Secretary 

EDITOR’S NOTE: Christlichen Volks-Blatt is German for “Christian People’s Newspaper”.

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