November 1867 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


November, 1867 

The Proceedings of the 17th Semi-Annual Session 

of the 

Evangelical Mennonite Conference of Eastern Pennsylvania 

The members of this body met November 5, 1867, in the Upper Milford Meeting House, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania for their semi-annual session. 

First Meeting 

Tuesday, November 5, 1867 – Morning 

In the morning, Eusebius Hershey preached with blessing about the words of John 17:21, “That they all may be one; as Thou, Father, art in Me, … ” William N. Shelly admonished and closed with singing and prayer. 

Second Meeting 

Tuesday, November 5, 1867 – Afternoon 

The afternoon meeting was opened by Brother William N. Shelly with singing and prayer. Preachers present: William Gehman, William N. Shelly, Eusebius Hershey, Henry Diehl, Abel Strawn, Jonas Musselman, Abraham Kauffman, Joseph L. Romig. 

Deacons present: David Gehman, Joseph Schneider, Aaron Unangst. 

Afterward the following business matters were taken up: 

1. William G eh man was elected to be Chairman and J. L. Romig was to be Recording Secretary. 

2. The examination of the preachers in regard to their moral conduct and administrative duties was carried out and brought to an end in brotherly love. 

3. RESOLVED: That every preacher shall keep a record of his expenses and collections when he travels to preach God’s word, and that he is entitled to reimbursement from the Mission Fund after he gives his report to the Conference. 

4. Brother Hershey submitted his six month’s travel report as follows: 

Potter County Mission — June 5, 1867, to November 5, 1593 

Miles traveled                       1593

Families visited                      417

Preached in public                  102

Sunday Schools maintained       1

Bible classes maintained            1

Public schools visited                6

Places requested to preach       15   

Total expenses                     194.24

Love offerings                       94.67

Earned by manual labor        40.00

Balance in Hershey’s labor $59.57 

(Which balance he did not take out of the Mission Fund) 

5. RESOLVED: That Brother Hershey should travel and work again for the next six months in his present assigned work area in Potter County, Pennsylvania, and the surroundings and that we will support him with our prayers and means. 6. David Gehman and Joseph L. Romig were chosen as overseers of our German and English doctrines of faith.l8 

7. R·ESOLVED: That the next Conference shall be held in the Flatlander Meeting House on the first Tuesday in June, 1868. 

8. RESOLVED: That the proceedings of this Conference will be made known in the Mennonitischen Friedens Bote. 

William Gehman, Chairman 

Joseph L. Romig, Recording Secretary 

18 Understood to be the printed copies of the Confession of Faith. 

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