November 1868 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


November, 1868 

Proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference 

19th Session 

On Thursday, November 5, 1868, the semi-annual session of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference met in the Upper Milford Meeting House, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. As determined before, a missionary meeting was held Wednesday evening in which Brother Peffly preached with blessing about Luke 14:23, “Compel them to come in that My house may be filled.” Brother Henning admonished and Brother Frey closed with prayer. At the close, a free-will offering was received which amounted to $9.76. 

First Meeting 

Thursday, November 5, 1868 – Morning 

On Thursday morning, after the reading of Ephesians 5, “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children … “etc., the Conference Sermon was preached by Brother Henning on verses 8 and 9, “For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light … ,”etc. He admonished with much expounding how all children of God and especially all preachers should move in this world as bright shining lights and how even a little compromise with this world causes darkness and hinders their work for the salvation of dear souls. Brother Frey admonished and closed with prayer. 

Second Meeting 

Thursday, November 5, 1868 – Afternoon 

The afternoon meeting was opened by the Chairman, Brother William N. Shelly with singing, prayer and a message to the preachers and all persons present. The following business matters were taken care of: 

1. William Gehman was chosen as Chairman, and David Gehman as Secretary. 

2. The examination of the servants with reference to their conduct and administration was carried out in Christian love according to the instructions of our Church Discipline. 

3. Brother J. Schultz, Brother C. Peffly, Brother Samuel Frey and Brother Charles Fehr were accepted as advisory members. 

4. Since Brother Hershey was absent, the two letters received from him were read. They expressed a desire on his part to be released for the time being as missionary of the Conference, the reason for this being physical exhaustion. His body has become every weak and he needs some time to rest and get his strength back. 

5. After much consideration Brother Hershey’s wish was granted and a leave of absence was given for the next six months. We feel a special warm love for him and his work of missions. We want to pray for him and support him with means as his needs might be. The Chairman is being requested to write to him concerning his speaking engagements, whether he is still able to take care of them, etc. 

6. A loving letter by Brother Henry Butz of Reading was read. In times past he had preached to us fairly often. He expressed the wish that he could be in our midst but circumstances do not permit it. He wishes us the love, grace and blessing of Jesus and his heartfelt prayer is for the welfare of our little flock. We, in the name of the Conference, expressed our thanks and wished him God’s grace and blessing. 

7. $20.00 from the Mission Fund was designated for Testaments to be distributed among the heathen with the instruction that the Treasurer should send this amount to the American Tract Society trusting that they will direct them to a needy and appropriate place. 

8. RESOLVED: That the next semi-annual Conference session shall take place in the Flatlander Meeting House, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, on the first Tuesday of June, 1869, and that in the forenoon, a worship service shall be held. 

9. RESOLVED: That these proceedings will be made known in the Mennonitischen Friedens Bote. 

William Gehman, Chairman 

David Gehman, Secretary

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