November 1869 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


Proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference 

21st Session 

According to the resolution of the last Conference, the members of the Conference, as well as several other brethren and sisters, met in the Evangelical Meeting House, Upper Milford, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, in order to hold their semi-annual session. 

As decided before, a missionary meeting was held Monday evening, November 1, 1869, at which Brother E. Hershey preached with blessing about the words of Jeremiah 1:7, “… For thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.” 

First Meeting 

Tuesday, November 2, 1869 – Morning 

On Tuesday morning, the Conference Sermon was given by Brother Christian Peffly after reading the first part of the tenth chapter of John. He preached on I Peter 5:2-4 with much expounding and victory to the general satisfaction of all the children of God, “Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being examples to the flock and when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” The part of the sermon about the calling of His servants or under-shepherds by the Chief Shepherd was especially interesting and moving. In this part he remarked, among other things, that we read of no one in the Bible who was not first converted by God before he was called and commissioned by Him to preach. Brother Henning admonished and closed with prayer. 

Second Meeting 

Tuesday, November 2, 1869 – Afternoon 

The afternoon meeting was opened by the Chairman, D. Henning, with the reading of the sixth chapter of I Timothy, a short message, singing and prayer. Then William N. Shelly was elected Chairman, and D. Gehman, Secretary. 

1. Brother Michael Landis, elected Deacon of the Upper Saucon congregation, and Brother Christian Peffly were accepted as advisory members. 

2. The proceedings of the last Conference were read. 

3. The examination of the servants in regard to their conduct and administrative work was concluded in love. 

Preachers present: D. Henning, William N. Shelly, William Gehman, E. Hershey, H. Diehl, Abel Strawn, Jonas Musselman, A. Kauffman, S. M. Musselman. 

Deacons present: D. Gehman, Joseph Schneider, Michael Landis. 

4. Because Brother Aaron Unangst, Deacon of the Iron Hill congregation, was according to his wish dismissed from office, Brother Francis Miller was elected as deacon in his place. However he was unable to be present because of sickness in his family. Therefore 

RESOLVED: That he shall be ordained at the first opportunity. 

5. Since the Fleetwood, Berks County, and the Iron Hill, Northampton County, congregations shall be served alternately by several official brethren21 as before, William Gehman was appointed as preacher in charge of the Fleetwood congregation and Jonas Musselman as preacher in charge of the Iron Hill congregation for better control. 

6. A short travel report was given by Brother S. M. Musselman, which stated that, according to his promise, and to the glory of God, he preached God’s Word with joy for nine weeks in Juniata County, Pennsylvania. He worked for the welfare of precious souls, held extended meetings, and enjoyed many a blessed hour with God’s children. Therefore 

RESOLVED: That the Mission Board shall compensate him for his expenditures, etc. 

7. Brother Hershey reported favorably about his old toilsome field of work in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, and also that his health had improved considerably and that it was impossible for him to stop preaching at this time because there is no other preacher there. He asked for prayer from all the children of God. 

RESOLVED: That Brother Hershey shall draw $25.00 from the Missionary Fund. 

8. Brother Michael Landis was ordained Local Officer of the Upper Saucon congregation. 

RESOLVED: That the next Conference shall be held in the Meeting House of the Upper Saucon Evangelical Mennonites on the first Tuesday in June, 1870, and on the previous Monday evening the annual missionary meeting shall be held. 

RESOLVED: That the above proceedings shall be published in the Mennonitischen Friedens Bote. 

William N. Shelly, Chairman 

David Gehman, Secretary 

21 In German, amst-bruder. See footnote 20. 62  

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