November 1870 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


November, 1870 

Proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference 

23rd Semi-Annual Session 

On Monday evening, October 31, 1870, the members of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference met in the Upper Milford Meeting House, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, at which occasion Brother Christian Peffly delivered a missionary sermon on John 3:16, at the end of which a collection was taken for the furtherance of the Gospel. 

First Meeting 

Tuesday, November 1, 1870 – Morning 

On Tuesday morning at 9:30, Brother E. Hershey delivered the opening sermon on Hebrews 6:11-12 to a large congregation. Brother Henning admonished and closed with prayer. 

Second Meeting 

Tuesday, November 1, 1870 – Afternoon

The afternoon meeting was opened with prayer and singing by the Chairman, William Gehman. All Conference members, except two, were present. Then D. Henning was elected Chairman and David Gehman, Secretary. 

1. The examination of the servants concerning their work and conduct was carried out and concluded in love. 

2. Brother Christian Peffly of Lebanon County was accepted as an advisory member of this Conference session.

3. Brother Abel Strawn and Brother S. M. Musselman, traveling preachers, gave their six months’ report, which the body accepted with thankful hearts. Brother Strawn reported that he preached 63 times, visited 135 families, held two series of meetings and baptized ten persons. S. M. Musselman preached 69 times, visited 107 families, baptized eight persons, traveled twice to Juniata where a congregation was formed and where Brother D. Schwartz was unanimously elected Local Officer and ordained. The meetings were well attended everywhere. The people came out to hear God’s Word and the prospects for further conversions are, in general, excellent. To God alone be glory. 

4. With their consent A. Strawn and S.M. Musselman were again unanimously appointed as traveling preachers for the next six months. 

5. A balance of $155.09 was reported to be in the treasury by the Mission Committee, out of which the Conference agreed to pay the travel expenses, etc., of the traveling preachers which they accepted, publicly expressing their thanks. 

6. At the suggestion of Brother Shelly. the Eighth article in the fifth division of our Discipline of Doctrine. which forbids our preachers to marry unsaved persons even when the one person is converted or a believer and the other unconverted or unbeliever. was discussed. Therefore 

RESOLVED: That each preacher in such a case shall act according to the Circumstances and his own convictions. 

7. RESOLVED: That the next Conference shall be in the Coopersburg Meeting House. Lehigh County. Pennsylvania. on the first Tuesday in June and that on the previous Monday evening a missionary meeting shall be held. 

8. RESOLVED: That these proceedings shall be made known in the Mennonitischen Friedens Bote. 

David Henning. Chairman 

David Gehman. Secretary 

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