November 1871 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


November, 1871 

Proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference 

25th Semi-Annual Session 

According to the resolution of the last Conference, the members of this Conference met, as well as many brothers and sisters, on Monday evening. November 6, 1871, in the Evangelical Mennonite Meeting House in Upper Milford, Lehigh County. Pennsylvania, in order to hold their semi-annual session. Brother Christian Peffly preached with blessing expounding Luke 11:23, “He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.” Brother D. Henning admonished and closed with prayer. 

First Meeting 

Tuesday, November 7, 1871 – Morning 

On Tuesday morning D. Henning preached the Conference Sermon on II Corinthians 6:1-7 in which he spoke with admonition about the important duties, endurance and afflictions as well as the privileges and joys of the upright servants of God as well as all the children of God. Brother Peffly followed with an earnest admonition and Brother Shelly closed with prayer. 

Second Meeting 

Tuesday, November, 1871 

Because Brother E. Hershey, Chairman of the last Conference, is presently in Canada on a missionary journey, the afternoon meeting was opened by Brother William Gehman with singing and prayer. 

Preachers present: D. Henning, William Gehman, William N. Shelly, H. Diehl, Abel Strawn, Jonas Musselman, Abraham Kauffman, and S. M. Musselman. 

Absent: E. Hershey, David Schwartz. 

Deacons and Delegates present: D. Gehman, Michael Landis and Danial Koch. 

Absent: Joseph Schneider and Francis Miller (the latter because of sickness in the family). 

Then the following business was attended to: 

1. David Henning was elected Chairman and David Gehman, Secretary. 

2. The examination of the servants in regard to their official and moral conduct was carried out. Everyone concluded with an open confession in brotherly love. 

3. Brother Daniel Koch of Fleet wood was recognized as an advisory member and Brother Christian Peffly as advisory member of this Conference. 

4. S. M. Musselman and William N. Shelly presented their six month report which was accepted. S. M. Musselman preached 74 times, visited 145 families, baptized one person. William N. Shelly preached 40 times, visited 50 families, baptized two persons. To the praise of God we mention that we received invitations to preach Christ in the following counties: Bucks, Berks, Lancaster, Lebanon, Dauphin, Perry, Juniata, etc. In all these places we found admission and joyful reception to proclaim the old apostolic foundation. 

5. The Mission Committee reported a balance in the treasury of $119.09 from which the traveling preachers had their expenses reimbursed, which reimbursement, they accepted with thanks.

6. Because the Sunday School, when it is conducted in the right way, is a children’s room of the church, where the children are instructed in the word and will of God, therefore 

RESOLVED: That we advise earnestly all our brethren and sisters to support ours as well as other Sunday Schools which are. conducted according to God’s Word and will. 

7. Because the devil and the world have always been cunning to carry on their doings to hurt the true things of God and to plunge people into temporal and eternal ruin, they23 appear at this present time especially cunning and coaxing under various new names, colors and disguises -music, parades, celebrations and more of the like – which are often entered into by well meaning preachers of the Gospel to present a beautiful facade for the devil’s work, to lead, if possible, even upright children of God from the narrow path of life onto the broad way to hell, therefore 

RESOLVED: That we earnestly forbid our members to meet at such vain worldly social events, because our Lord and Master only promised to be with his children whenever and wherever they gather in His Name.

8. Because it is sometimes the case that persons wish to correspond with the Conference, therefore 

RESOLVED: That we appoint a Corresponding Secretary to receive and answer all letters and messages during the year and to give the Conference a report about the matters. David Gehman was unanimously elected as Corresponding Secretary. Address: Hosensack, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. 

9.RESOLVED: That our next semi-annual Conference shall take place in the Coopersburg Meeting House, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, on the first Tuesday in June, 1872, and that on the previous Monday evening a missionary meeting shall be held. 


David Henning, Chairman 

David Gehman, Secretary 

23 i.e. the devil and the world. 

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