November 1872 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


November, 1872 

Proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference 

27th Semi-Annual Session 

On Wednesday, November 6, 1872, the members of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference met in the newly built Meeting House in Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to hold their semi-annual session. 

First Meeting 

Wednesday, November 6, 1872 – Morning 

The morning meeting was opened with singing and prayer by Brother Eusebius Hershey after reading the first part of II Timothy 4. Brother Hershey preached the Conference Sermon on I John 5:19, “And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness,” with proof of the Spirit and power. Brother William Gehman admonished briefly and closed with singing and prayer. 

Second Meeting 

Wednesday, November 6, 1872 – Afternoon 

In the afternoon the brethren met to take care of business. The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the last Conference, Brother William Gehman, with singing, prayer and a suitable message to all members as well as all persons present. 

Preachers present: David Henning, William Gehman, Eusebius Hershey, William N. Shelly, Henry Diehl, Abel Strawn, Jonas Musselman, Abraham Kauffman, Samuel M. Musselman. 

Absent: David Schwartz. 

Deacons present: David Gehman, Michael Landis, Joseph Schneider, Jacob Ruch.

Then William N. Shelly was elected Chairman and David Gehman, Secretary. 

After the reading of a portion of Scripture and a word by the Chairman, the business was discussed. 

1. The examination of the servants in regard to their official and moral conduct was carried out and concluded in brotherly love, everyone making open confession. 

2. Brother Jacob Ruch of Ironville was accepted as an advisory member of our Conference and Brother Joel Rosenberger as advisory member of this Conference session. 

3. Every official brother gave a report about his travels, work, visitation of families, receipts, expenses, etc., which after consideration, was accepted. Consequently it was 

RESOLVED: That the missionary work shall continue to be carried out according to the instructions of resolution No.7 of last Conference which shall be complied with punctually. That resolution reads as follows: “That attention shall be paid to see that every official brother shall earnestly strive to carry out his important calling according to the contents of God’s Word in regard to the spreading of the Gospel to look for new preaching places so that the Kingdom of Jesus will be spread and souls won for heaven and eternal life.” 

4. The Missionary Committee reported a balance of $108.57 in the treasury from which the preachers, through an appointed committee, received an allocation according to their need, after their expenses had been considered. 

5. Brother E. Hershey was asked to present a brief travel report. He reported as follows: traveled by railroad from May 1, 1872 to November 6, 1872 – 2565 miles; by horse — 2200 miles; total — 4765. Tracts given out 3000, families visited 300, spoken publicly 62 times. Expenses and receipts not on hand. God will always take care of me — yes, today and tomorrow, too. 

6. Brother Joel Rosenberger from Hatfield Station was asked to preach in our Conference, to visit families, to attend extension meetings, to seek out new places to preach, and, in general, to work for God’s honor and the welfare and salvation of eternal souls, which he agreed to do as God would give him physical strength and His gracious assistance. 

7. We can all say to the praise of God, that God was with us and has blessed His work richly. Now and then we have revival and glorious conversions. In the city of Allentown a door was opened for us. A hall has been rented where preaching takes place every two weeks. Seven persons were baptized and with former members a congregation was founded. The prospects for awakening souls and their conversion are promising. All well wishers of Zion are especially summoned to remember this small congregation in prayer that the Lord will continue the work He started and that a large group of people shall gather here which would be diligent to good works. 

8. Brother Jacob Ruch was ordained deacon of the Ironville congregation. 

9. RESOLVED: That the next semi-annual Conference shall be held in the Upper Milford Meeting House, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania on the first Tuesday in June, 1873, and that on the previous Monday evening a missionary meeting shall be held. 

10. RESOLVED: That from now on in the future, the fall Conference shall be held the second Tuesday in November (instead of the first Tuesday as heretofore). 

11. RESOLVED: That the proceedings of this Conference shall be published in a Circular, the cost of which shall be paid out of the Mission Fund. 

12. RESOLVED: That the Conference express its thanks to the brothers and sisters in Quakertown and the surrounding area for their hospitality and friendship in providing room and board for those that attended this Conference session. Honor and praise be to the Lord. May He revive His work and may He, with His humble servants, multiply the number of faithful soldiers of Christ and true worshippers. Amen. 

Signed by the officers: 

William N. Shelly, Chairman 

David Gehman, Secretary

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