November 1873 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


November, 1873 

Proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference 

On Tuesday morning, November 11, 1873, the members of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference came together in the Evangelical Mennonite Meeting House in Coopersburg, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, to hold their 29th semi-annual session. 

First Meeting 

Tuesday, November 11, 1873 – Morning 

The Conference Sermon was preached by Eusebius Hershey about Isaiah chapter 30, part of the 10th verse, and II Timothy 4:2, “Preach the word … ” Brother William Gehman admonished earnestly and closed with prayer. 

Second Meeting 

Tuesday, November 11, 1873 – Afternoon 

The afternoon meeting was opened at 1:30 p.m. by the Chairman of the last session, Brother David Henning, with singing, prayer and a message to the Conference and all who were present. 

Preachers present: David Henning, William N. Shelly, William Gehman, Eusebius Hershey, Henry Diehl, Abel Strawn, Jonas Musselman, Abraham Kauffman, Samuel M. Musselman, Joel Rosenberger and Sidenham Lambert. Absent: David Schwartz, Juniata, David Lambert and William Hunsberger from Medina Co., Ohio. 

Deacons present: David G eh m an, Joseph Schneider Michael Landis, Jacob Ruch, Daniel Koch and William Gambler. 

Thereafter it continued as follows: 

1. William N. Shelly was chosen to be Chairman and David G eh m an, Secretary. 

2. The moral and official conduct of the servants was examined and ‘the examination. was concluded in brotherly love. 

3. The Brethren, J. F. Weishampel and Samuel Steigerwald, delegates from the German Eldership of The Congregation of God were recognized as such, and together with Brother Hiram Parker from Allentown, were invited to be advisory members. 

4. John F. Weishampel was appointed as Assistant Secretary. 

5. The preachers reported about their work in the last six months: 

William Gehman — preached 37 times, visited 42 families, traveled 530 miles, expenses $9.60, receipts $10.50. 79 

E. Hershey — preached 62 times, visited 340 families, traveled 2300 miles, expenses $100.00, receipts $73.00, balance $27.00. He visited the brethren in Canada, was received with kindness, and was invited to come again. 

D. Henning — preached 18 ti m es, expenses $6.00. 

A. Strawn — preached 47 times, visited 73 families, traveled 839 miles, expenses $13.10, receipts $1.00, balance $12.10. 

H. Diehl — preached 15 times, visited 30 families, traveled 200 miles, expenses $10.00. 

Jonas Musselman — preached 37 times, visited 40 families, traveled 510 miles, expenses $14.00, receipts $6.25, balance $7.75. 

S.M. Musselman — preached 52 times, visited 54 families, traveled 545 miles, expenses $17.50, receipts $2.75, balance $14.75. 

Sidenham Lambert — preached 18 times. 

A. Kauffman — preached 25 times, visited 15 families, traveled 200 miles, expenses $6.49, receipts $4.00, balance $2.49. 

Joel Rosenberger — preached 20 times, traveled 500 miles, expenses $6.25. 

William N. Shelly – preached 44 times, visited 31 families, traveled 920 miles, expenses $24.09, receipts $13.80, balance $10.29. 

A report from Brother William Hunsberger, Wadsworth, Ohio, was read in which he says the brethren hold meetings at four places, and that they have a fine Sunday School. He has preached 15 times. The small congregation has $20.00 in their account for missions, and desires to get a preacher who could give sermons in English as well as in the German language. They are in the process of building a meeting house which is soon to be dedicated. He is determined to work for the glory of God to his end. The reports from the preachers were accepted. 

6. It was strongly suggested that the preachers hand in their reports in writing. 

7. Brother William Yeakel, Treasurer, reported that on November 11, 1873, the balance for the mission fund was: $155.77. After making payments to several preachers of $101.71, the balance is $54.05 5.

8. RESOLVED : That the money in the Mission Fund shall be paid to Brother David Lambert for the Wadsworth congregation. Brother J. F. Weishampel was chosen to preach this evening. Closed until Wednesday morning in prayer by Brother Jonas Mussel man. 

Third Meeting 

Wednesday, November 12, 1873 – Morning 

The meeting on Wednesday morning was started with prayer by the chairman. 

9. The next Conference session shall take place on the first Tuesday in June, 1874, in the Quakertown Meeting House. The Mission Society shall meet on the evening before. 10. RESOLVED: That the Brethren E. Hershey and S. M. Musselman shall receive $20.00 each from the Mission Fund for the next six months. 

11. RESOLVED: That the preachers of our denomination shall consider it their obligation to inform the congregations of the duties they have towards the brethren who serve them with the Gospel. Brother Samuel Steigerwald made some cordial remarks concerning the friendly reception of the delegates and the mutual love and understanding between the Germ an Eldership and this Conference after which he and his wife left. Since the Brethren Steigerwald and Weishampel gave a serious invitation to this Conference to visit the Eldership congregation, it was 

12. RESOLVED: That the Brethren William N. Shelly and Jonas Musselman shall visit them within the next six months. 

13. The Brethren William Gehman and A. Strawn were appointed to raise a collection from friends for the meeting house in Wadsworth, Ohio. 

14. Appointment of ministers- 

1. Since the congregation at Wadsworth asked us to send the m a preacher it was 

RESOLVED: That Brother Eusebius Hershey be appointed to have supervision over the congregation in Wadsworth, Medina County, Ohio for the next six months and to preach and give advice and counsel to the young brethren. He shall spend time in Ontario, Canada, also with preaching. 

2. While we believe that those congregations which are without preachers are not visited as regularly as they should be, and we, by experience, are convinced that they at times have suffered want, therefore be it 

3. RESOLVED: That the small congregation in Fleetwood, Berks County, be included in the district of Upper Milford and that the Brethren William Gehman and A. Kauffman shall supervise it for at least six months. However, other brethren may visit Fleetwood also if so desired. 

RESOLVED: That the congregation in Allentown be included in the Quakertown district and that the Brethren William N. Shelly and Jonas Musselman shall supervise. However, other brethren shall also visit Allentown if so desired.  

4. RESOLVED : That the Brethren Henry Diehl, David Henning, and S. Lambert shall give supervision over Ironville in Northampton County and Weisport in Carbon County. However, other brethren shall also visit these places if so desired. 

5. RESOLVED : That we include Fogelsville in the Coopersburg district, and that the Brethren A. Strawn and Joel Rosenberger shall be in charge, and other brethren shall help them to serve, if so desired. 

15. RESOLVED: That Brother S. M. Musselman shall be in charge of the work in Juniata County for the next six months. 

16. Thanks was expressed to the Coopersburg assembly for providing for this Conference session. 

17. It was arranged that the proceedings of this session be published in German and English in the Christlichen Kundschafter and that 400 copies shall be ordered for extra distribution, Which the Editor shall deliver for $5.00. The Conference was adjourned at 12 noon. The harmonious session was then closed with prayer by Brother A. Kauffman. 

Willam N. Shelly, Chairman 

David Gehman, Secretary

25 Figures do not always reflect the correct total. 

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