November 1874 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


November, 1874 

Proceedings of the Evangelical Mennonite Conference

The Evangelical Mennonite Society held its 31st semi-annual Conference session in the Evangelical Mennonite Meeting House in Upper Milford Township. Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, November 10, 1874. 

On the previous Saturday evening, as well as Sunday forenoon and evening, open worship services were held. 

On Monday evening, Brother Solomon Eby, from Port Elgin, Brice County, Ontario, Canada, (Presiding Elder of the Reformed Mennonites in Canada and the United States) preached about Luke 15 :24, “For this my son was dead; … ” etc. Brother J. F. Weishampel, from the German Eldership of the Congregation of God, admonished about the necessity of likemindedness among true Christians. Brother Eusebius Hershey closed with prayer. 

First Meeting 

Tuesday, November 10, 1874 – Morning 

On Tuesday at 9:00 a.m., the members of the Conference, and many brethren and sisters and friends from far and near came together. The opening sermon was then preached by Brother E. Hershey after reading part of Revelation 1. The text for the sermon was from Romans 2:21. The Brethren D. Henning and S. Eby followed with earnest admonishing. Brother C. Peffly closed with prayer. 

Second Meeting

Tuesday, November 10, 1874 – Afternoon 

The afternoon meeting began at 2:00 p. m. and was opened by the Chairman of the last Conference, Brother William Gehman, with a message about the first Psalm and prayer. 

After that the following business matters were taken care of in love and harmony: 

1. Preachers present: David Henning, William N. Shelly, William Gehman, E. Hershey, Abel Strawn, Jonas Musselman, A. Kauffman, S. M. Musselman, Sidenham Lambert, and Joel Rosenberger. 

Deacons present: David Gehman, Joseph Schneider, Michael Landis, Jacob Ruch, Daniel Koch and Hiram Parker. 

2. Brother David Henning was elected to be Chairman and David Gehman, Secretary, and J. F. Weishampel, Assistant Secretary. 

3. The moral and pastoral conduct of the servants was examined and (the examination) ended in brotherly love. 

4. Brother Solomon Eby, J. F. Weishampel and Christian Peffly were asked to take part as advisory members. Thanks were expressed for their attendance. 

5. Brother Solomon Eby was invited to present the Conference doctrine, discipline and other conditions of the Canadian and Western Reformed Mennonites which he represents. He did so in a cordial way, and explained among other things, that they have eight ordained preachers, three probationer preachers, four congregations and 26 various officers. He expressed hope that they and the Evangelical Mennonites may soon become united since they are almost likeminded in doctrine and practice. His report was accepted with warm hearty love. 

6. The preachers made their reports about their work during the last six months: 

David Henning — preached 31 times, families visited 30, miles traveled 406, expenditures $7.10. 

William N. Shelly – preached 32 times, families visited 19, miles traveled 379, expenditures $6.60. 

William Gehman — preached 36 times, families visited 37, miles traveled 500, expenditures $6.50. 

E. Hershey — preached 104 times, families visited 482, miles traveled 3800, expenditures $89.50, receipts $82.64 

Abel Strawn — preached 28 times, families visited 38, miles traveled 300, expenditures $2.50. 

Jonas Musselman – preached 40 times, families visited 75, miles traveled 650, expenditures $5.70. 

A. Kauffman — preached 27 times, families visited 25, miles traveled 200, expenditures $6.00. 

S. M. Musselman — preached 40 times, families visited 48, miles traveled 431, expenditures $9.75. 

Sidenham Lambert — preached 18 times, families visited 22, miles traveled 212, expenditures $2.00. 

Joel Rosenberger — preached 4 times, miles traveled 184, expenditures $4.00. 

The reports were all unanimously accepted. 

Not present were the Brethren Henry Diehl, William Hunsberger, David Lambert and Samuel Weber, as well as elder George Gigg. 

RESOLVED: That Brother E. Hershey shall receive $55.00 from the treasury for the last six months. 

Brother William Yeakel, Treasurer for the Missions Society, gave this report

Balance on November 9, 1874                                                           $174.60 

Paid out for travel expenses 

to preachers                                             $51.81 

Paid out to E. Hershey                               50.00                                 101.81 

Balance in treasury                                                                                72.79

The meeting was then closed by the Chairman with prayer. 

In the evening Brother J. F. Weishampel preached about Matthew 12:41 concerning the great judgment and was followed by Brother Christian Peffly with a cordial admonition. 

Third Meeting

Wednesday, November 11, 1874 – Morning 

On Wednesday, the meeting was opened with prayer by the Chairman and the following business matters cared for: 

Brother Hershey spoke about the congregation in Wadsworth, Ohio, and it was 

RESOLVED: That Brother David U. Lambert shall be in charge as preacher there. It was suggested that the Brethren William Hunsberger and S. Weber make use of their knowledge furthermore for the service of God. Then the following appointments were made: 

Brother William Gehman – to supervise the work in Allentown 

Brother Abraham Kauffman — in Upper Milford 

Brother Jonas Musselman — in Quakertown and Ironville 

Brother Sidenham Lambert — in Fleetwood Brother 

Abel Strawn — in Coopersburg and lronville 

Brother Samuel Musselman — in Fogelsville 

Brother David Henning — in Bangor Mission 

Brother Eusebius Hershey – for supervision of the congregation in Wadsworth, Ohio, and general missionary in United States and Canada 

Brother William N. Shelly — upon his desire — voluntary general missionary 

Brother Henry Diehl, Joel Rosenberger, and David U. Lambert –local missionaries with advice to practice diligently in the work of God.

The meeting was ended with prayer by David Gehman. 

Fourth Meeting 

Wednesday, November 11, 1874 – Afternoon 

The afternoon meeting was opened with prayer by the Chairman. After a review of the necessity of having or knowing right Bible Doctrine it was RESOLVED: That the new converts be enrolled as class members to receive instruction in this respect. A discussion took place whether the name of our denomination should be changed. Several names were suggested: The Congregation of God, or United Christians; but no decision was made. The matter was put aside for now. 

Thanks were expressed to the brethren and sisters of this region for their friendly hospitality during the meeting of the Conference. 

RESOLVED: That the Brother William Gehman shall be entitled to receive $25.00 from the treasury for the rent of the hall in Allentown. 

RESOLVED : That the next session be held in Coopersburg. Lehl gh County, Pennsylvania. to begin the first Saturday. June 5. The opening sermon shall be preached on Sunday morning . The Mission Society shall come together Sunday evening for business matters. A mission sermon shall also be given and a collection taken to benefit the spreading of the Gospel. Business matters of the Conference shall begin on Monday morning. 

RESOLVED : That the proceedings of the Conference shall be published in the Christlichen Kundschafter in German and English, and that 450 extra copies be printed for distribution. A payment of $6.50 to the editor was approved, and furthermore 

RESOLVED : That $10.00 be paid to the editor for the papers and the travel expenses for his trip to come and to return home. The Conference session lasted two days. The proceedings were all carried out in brotherly love. The Conference was ended by prayer by Brother Weishampel. 

David Henning, Chairman 

David Gehman, Secretary

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