November 1876 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


November, 1876 

Conference Proceedings 

The Evangelical Mennonite Society held its 35th semi-annual Conference in the Evangelical Mennonite Meeting House known as Hassler’s Meeting House, near Mt. Joy in Lancaster County, on Saturday evening November 11, 1876. It started with a worship service by Joel Rosenberger. He preached in a blessed way about Daniel 6:16, ” … he will deliver thee.” Brother William N. Shelly admonished, and Brother William Gehman closed with prayer. 

On Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. there was a richly blessed testimony hour. Brother H. Diehl opened this service with singing, prayer and reading part of the fourth chapter of I Peter, beginning at verse 8. 

At 10:00 a.m., the Conference Sermon was given by Brother D. Henning on Ezekiel 33:7, “So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; … ” Brother William Gehman admonished earnestly that the watchmen on the walls of Zion keep their eyes always open so they can blow the trumpet in time that the enemy cannot overtake the city. Brother H. Stamm closed with prayer and a collection was taken for mission work. 

In the afternoon meeting a communion service was held and the practice of feet washing of the saints observed. Brother William N. Shelly, because of the solemnity of this occasion, gave a short sermon on I John 4:16, “God is love.” 

In the evening Brother Jonas Musselman preached before a well attended and devout congregation on Psalm 90:12, teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are. Brother A. Kauffman admonished and closed with prayer. 

First Meeting 

Monday, November 13, 1876 – Morning 

On Monday morning, the members of the Conference gathered with other brethren and sisters from far and near. Brother D. Henning, Chairman, opened the Conference with singing, prayer and reading of the 125th Psalm. Then the following matters of business were taken care of: 

1. Brother William N. Shelly was elected Chairman and Jonas Musselman, Secretary. 

2. Advisory members28 present were — 

Preaching Brethren: David Henning, William Gehman, William N. Shelly, H. Diehl, Jonas Musselman, Abel Strawn, Abraham Kauffman, S. M. Musselman, Joel Rosenberger, E. Hershey, Sidenham Lambert, S. H. Frey.

Absent: D. U. Lambert 

Deacons present: David Gehman, D. Koch, M. Y. Landis, Jacob Ruch. 

Absent: Joseph Schneider, Hiram Parker. 

3. The servants were examined concerning their moral and pastoral conduct, which was all done in brotherly love. 

4. The Brethren, C. Peffly, B. Eichelberger, J. Meyer, M. Hassler, Stauffer of Buth,29 were all accepted as advisory members of this session. 

5. The reports of the preachers for the last six months were handed in as follows: 

David Henning — preached 24 times, families visited 23, miles traveled 325, expenditures $7.50. 

William Gehman — preached 37 times, families visited 49, miles traveled 588, expenditures $8.50. 

Jonas Musselman — preached 54 times, families visited 44, miles traveled 839, expenditures $7.65. 

Joel Rosenberger — preached 21 times, miles traveled 542, expenditures $10.42. 

S. M. Musselman — preached 45 times, families visited 61, miles traveled 322, expenditures $6.60. 

Sidenham Lambert – – preached 28 times, families visited 43, miles traveled 843, expenditures $13.05. 

Abraham Kauffman – – preached 21 times, families visited30, miles traveled 254, expenditures $6.00. 

S. H. Frey — preached 12 times, families visited 23, miles traveled 232, expenditures $1.45. 

Eusebius Hershey – – preached 42 times, families visited 450, miles traveled 790, expenditures $17.50, received $17.50. 

H. Diehl — preached 24 times, miles traveled 225, expenditures $5.75. 

Abel Strawn — no report (worked as local preacher). 

D. U. Lambert — Wadsworth, Ohio — no report. 

The reports were all accepted. 

6. Brother William Yeakel, Treasurer for the Mission Society, presented his report: Balance in treasury 

November 13, 1876                                                                $164.04

Paid out as travel expenses 
for preachers                                    $66.28

Distributed to preachers 
by the committee                               87.00                              153.28

Balance                                                                                       10.76

The report was accepted. 

The forenoon meeting was then closed with singing and prayer by Brother S. M. Musselman.

Second Meeting 

Monday, November 13,1876 – Afternoon 

7. The preachers were appointed for the respective places for the following year: 

William Gehman and William N. Shelly — Upper Milford and Salem Church 

D. Henning — Bangor and Richmond district 

Abel Strawn and H. Diehl — Coopersburg district 

S. M. Musselman and Joel Rosenberger — Quakertown 

Jonas Musselman — Springtown district 

S. H. Frey and A. Kauffman — Fleetwood 

E. Hershey — upon his desire, to travel as before 

Sidenham Lambert — Lancaster district, six months 

RESOLVED: That the following named brethren shall have supervision over districts as follows: 

William Gehman — Upper Milford 

Abel Strawn — Coopersburg 

S. M. Musselman — Quakertown 

Jonas Musselman — Springtown 

D. Henning — Bangor 

S. H. Frey — Fleetwood 

S. Lambert — Lancaster 

8. RESOLVED: That it is the duty of every supervising preacher to read to his congregation the rules of our denomination twice a year. 

RESOLVED: That the Brethren William Gehman, William N. Shelly and D. Henning shall be in charge of the supervision of the districts as follows: William Gehman for Quakertown, Coopersburg and Springtown; William N. Shelly for Upper Milford, Fleetwood and Lancaster districts; and D. Henning for Bangor and Richmond districts. 

RESOLVED: That in every class where no preacher (deacon) is residing who is serving the class, an admonisher is to be elected by the class by a majority vote for one year. The person may be re-elected by majority vote. 

RESOLVED: That these proceedings be published in the Christlichen Kundschafter in German and English as before, and that we order 450 extra copies for distribution. 

9. Thanks were expressed to the brethren and sisters in Lancaster County for their love and friendship toward us. 

RESOLVED: That the next Conference be held in the Coopersburg Meeting House, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, beginning Saturday evening June 2, 1877. On Sunday morning, the Conference Sermon shall be preached; in the afternoon, election of the Mission Committee and the taking up a collection for missions. On Monday morning the session shall begin for Conference business. 

The session was closed with singing and prayer by J. Musselman. 

William N. Shelly, Chairman 

Jonas Musselman, Secretary  

28 This is the first use of “advisory members” in reference to the roll call. It would appear to refer to those who have voice and vote in the conference. 

29 Text unclear at this point. 

30 No figure in the text.

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