November 1879 Special Conference Minutes


November, 1879 
Proceedings of the Special Conference 
The Evangelical Mennonites of Pennsylvania 
The United Mennonites of Canada, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio 
November 6-8, 1879 
Upper Milford, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania 


Preachers: W. Gehman, D. Brenneman, D. Henning, A. Kauffman, J. Rosenberger, A. Strawn, S. Eby, S. M. Musselman, S. Frey, S. Lambert, J. Musselman, G. Lambert, E. Hershey.

Deacons: D. Gehman, W. Yeakel, J. Ruch, D. Koch, J. Schneider, M,. Landis (not present because of sickness). 

The Conference was called to order and opened with singing and prayer. The Chairman read Psalm 127:1-2, and mentioned some thoughts about it. S. Eby was elected Assistant Chairman and D. Brenneman, Assistant Secretary. J. Baer was accepted as an advisory member. 

Then, the matter of unification was taken into consideration and the Church Disciplines were read to see how they conform to each other. It is indeed marvelous, that both are extracts from the Bible and the doctrines (are) so much alike. 

Now a union was formed from the two bodies and when they touched, they ran together like two drops of water. All went down on their knees to thank the Great Shepherd that He has brought two flocks of sheep into one fold. The whole experience was a soul refreshing time. Many were praising God with loud voices. Many hopped or skipped about and others clapped their hands to praise God in the highest. 

We, the signatory members of the Evangelical Mennonites of Pennsylvania and the members of the United Mennonites of Canada, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, attest herewith that we, in authority and in the name of the different conferences and in consideration and examination and in mutual agreement have united in the fear of God as a body and in the name: EVANGELICAL UNITED MENNONITES. 

signed: William Gehman, Solomon Eby, Samuel M. Musselman, Daniel Brenneman, John Baer, Eusebius Hershey, David Henning, Jonas Musselman, Abel Strawn, George Lambert, Joel Rosenberger, Abraham Kauffman, Sidenham Lambert, Joseph Schneider, Jacob Ruch, Daniel Koch, William Yeakel, Michael Y. Landis, David Gehman. 

The different work areas in Pennsylvania shall form a Conference in itself and shall have the name Pennsylvania Conference. 

Then the following business matters were taken care of: 

John B. Gehman and John Traub were appointed as a committee of the managing committee for our printing shop. 

A. Kauffman, M. Winch and D. Gehman were appointed as a committee to gather songs for our hymnbooks. 

RESOLVED: That the next Conference shall be held the first Monday in March, 1880 in Coopersburg, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. 

The preachers were placed as follows: 

1. William Gehman and A. Kauffman — Upper Milford and Fleetwood district. 

2. J. Musselman and J. Rosenberger — Hatfield and Quakertown district. 

3. A. Strawn and S. Musselman — Coopersburg and Springtown district. 

4. D. Henning — Bangor and Richmond district. 

5. S. Frey — Lancaster district. 

6. E. Hershey — to continue as evangelist 

7. S. Lambert — transferred to Indiana, Michigan and Ohio Conference. 

RESOLVED: That these proceedings be published in the Panier36

Thanks were expressed from the Conference members to the brethren and sisters, neighbors and friends for the love and hospitality they have shown during the session. All meetings were opened and closed with singing and prayer. 

Samuel M. Musselman, Secretary 

36 i.e. The Gospel Banner.

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