October 1878 Semi-Annual Conference Minutes


October, 1878 

The Evangelical Mennonite assembly met on Monday, October 7, 1878, in the Evangelical Mennonite Meeting House in Coopersburg, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, in order to hold their 39th semi-annual Conference session. 

On the previous Saturday evening, a worship service took place in which Brother Eusebius Hershey preached with blessing about Psalm 84:11. Brother Henning admonished and closed with prayer. On Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m., the Conference Sermon was preached by the Chairman on II Corinthians 4:5. Brother Henning admonished and closed with prayer. In the afternoon at 2:00p.m. Brother S. H. Frey preached about Genesis 1:29, the latter part. In the evening at 7:00 p.m. Brother S. Lambert preached about I John 3:3. Brother Henning admonished and J. Musselman closed with prayer. 

First Meeting 

Monday, October 7, 1878 – Morning 

On Monday morning at 9:00 a.m., the Conference members met as well as a number of brethren and sisters from near and far. Brother A. Kauffman, Chairman, opened the Conference with singing, prayer, and reading of II Timothy 4:1-18 and a short message to those present. Then the following business was attended to: 

1. J. Rosenberger was elected Chairman, and J. Musselman, Secretary. 

2. Advisory members present: 

Preachers: D. Henning, William Gehman, A. Strawn, J. Musselman, A. Kauffman, S. M. Musselman, E. Hershey, J. Rosenberger, S. Lambert, S. H. Frey. 

Deacons: M. Landis, J. Ruch, D. Gehman, D. Koch, William Yeakel. 

3. The moral and pastoral conduct of the Conference members were examined. 

4. J. Frey, an Evangelical preacher, was accepted as an advisory member of this Conference. 

5. Brother William Yeakel, Treasurer of the Mission Fund, gave his semi-annual account as follows: 

Amount in the treasury on October 7, 1878                                                  $120.06

Paid through an appointed committee
for travel expenses 
of the preachers                                                              $39.67

Distributed among the 
preachers through an 
appointed committee                                                         75.00                      114.67

Balance in the treasury                                                                                     5.39

The report was accepted. 

6. The reports of the preachers were given as follows: 

William Gehman — preached 30 times, families visited 30, miles traveled 200. 

D. Henning –preached 19 times, families visited 20, miles traveled 208, expenditures $3.85. 

E. Hershey — preached 46 times, families visited 585, miles traveled 700, expenditures $5.00. 

J. Musselman — preached 19 times, families visited 17, miles traveled 365, expenditures $2.75. 

A. Strawn — preached 18 times, families visited 19, miles traveled 214. 

J. Rosenberger — preached 12 times, miles traveled 272, expenses $4.47. 

A. Kauffman — preached 20 times, traveled 213 miles, expenses $1.90. 

S. M. Musselman — preached 28 times, families visited 33, miles traveled 269, expenses $3.25. 

William N. Shelly – preached 19 times, families visited 20, miles traveled 603, expenses $7.15. 

The reports were accepted. 

The morning meeting was closed with singing and prayer by J. Rosenberger. 

Second Meeting 

Monday, October 7, 1878 – Afternoon 

The afternoon session was opened with singing and prayer by William Gehman at 1:00p.m. 

8. The preachers were appointed for the respective places for the following year: 

William Gehman, A. Kauffman — Upper Milford and Fleetwood districts -assisted by Brother S. Lambert from Lancaster. 

J. Musselman and S. M. Musselman –Quakertown Station. 

A. Strawn and J. Rosenberger — Coopersburg district. The Springtown district shall be served by those preachers who serve Coopersburg and Quakertown. 

D. Henning — Bangor. 

S. H. Frey — shall preach wherever he has opportunity in Lancaster County. 

E. Hershey — shall work as before. He has the freedom, as a missionary, to go wherever he believes he can accomplish the most for the honor of God and the welfare of souls. 

9. RESOLVED: That the following preachers be in charge: 

William Gehman — over Upper Milford and Fleetwood. 

J. Musselman — over Quakertown. 

A. Strawn — over Coopersburg and Springtown district. 

10. RESOLVED: That we will lower the price of our Doctrine of Faith to 10 cents and that the preachers have the right to give it away free if they find it necessary. 

11. It was decided that the resolution made at the last Conference which was held in Quakertown, Bucks County, shall continue to stand in full force in regard to life insurance policies, as an addition to our Doctrine of Faith. According to this resolution, those who had taken refuge in the insurance companies had time until this Conference to reconsider and leave the company or to forfeit membership in our denomination in the future. Brother33 stood up publicly and said, with, tears, he would leave the life insurance company and put his trust in God and God’s children. However, the preachers, Brethren William N. Shelly and Henry Diehl from Quakertown, do not want to leave the life insurance company and do not want to submit it to this resolution. Consequently in the future they shall not be considered members of our denomination or conference. 

12. RESOLVED: That, in our congregations, where churches exist, if possible, Sunday Schools shall be established. 

13. RESOLVED: That these proceedings shall be published in the Bucks County Patriot, in Milford Square, and that 500 extra copies shall be printed. 

14. The Conference expressed cordial thanks to the brethren and sisters from Coopersburg for their love and friendship. which they proved throughout the Conference session. 

15. RESOLVED: That the next Conference shall be held on the first Monday in June, 1879, in the Upper Milford Meeting House in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. On the previous Saturday evening (there shall be) preaching. On Sunday morning the Conference Sermon (shall be preached) by the Chairman. In the afternoon and evening (there shall be) preaching. The Conference was closed with singing and prayer by J. Musselman. 

Joel Rosenberger, Chairman 

Jonas Musselman, Secretary 

33 This name is unclear in the text.  

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