1888 General Conference Minutes


The second General Conference of the M. B. in Christ met at the appointed time in Berlin, Ont., Oct. 3rd 1888.

The meeting opened at 10 o’clock a.m. Eld. Menno Bowman was elected as chairman of the conference, and Eld. A. Good as assistant chairman.

The chairman now gave an address appropriate to the occasion, giving a brief statement of the work in general.

Eld. H. S. Hallman was elected as secretary and Eld. D. Brenneman assistant secretary.

The names of the delegates were now enrolled, after which the minutes of the last General Conference were read and adopted.

Names of delegates are as follows:

Pennsylvania Conference- William Gehman, A. Strawn, and W. B. Musselman.

Indiana Conference- A. Good, D. Brenneman, G. W. Wright and G. Lambert.

Canada Conference- M. Bowman, S. Eby, P. Pike, Moses Weber, Elias Shantz, J. B. Detwiler, P. Cober, and H. S. Hallman.

The delegates formed themselves into a committee to form a program of the business to be transacted.

The meeting was dismissed to meet again at 3 o’clock.

Afternoon session opened at three o’clock by singing and prayer. Opening proceedings read and adopted.

Opening and Closing of Sessions

Resolved, That the forenoon session be from 8 to 11:30 o’clock and the afternoon session from 1:30 to 4:30 o’clock.

Resolved, That each member, before speaking on any subject, rise to his feet and address the chairman.

That each member be allowed to speak ten minutes on each subject and only once, except by permission from the chairman.

Resolved, That A. Good, W. Gehman, and P. Cober be a standing committee to examine and formulate resolutions to be brought before the conference.

E. Shantz, G. W. Wright and W. B. Musselman were elected as a committee to examine the proceedings of the Annual Conferences of the General Conference term.

Revision of the Proceedings of the Last General Conference

Whereas the last General Conference passed a resolution, that each minister is to preach at least once a year on the subject of supporting the Heathen Missionary work or fund

Therefore resolved that we lay aside the above mentioned subject for the present, on account of the pressing wants of the Home Mission Work.

The resolution passed by the last General Conference, that each minister preach at least once a year at each appointment, on the subject of Marriage, was neglected by most of the ministers, we hereby confess our negligence and resolve to do better in the future.

Resolved, That we adjourn to meet Thursday morning at eight o’clock. Closed by prayer.

Thursday Forenoon Session

Opened at 8 o’clock by singing and prayer and reading a portion of Scripture. Members all present.

The proceedings of the preceding session were read and adopted.

Revision of minutes continued.

The subject of D. U. Lambert in connection with the Kansas mission was considered.

Resolved, That the statement of settlement with D. U. Lambert be adopted as correct.

Resolved, That the subject of Kansas mission be laid over for the present.

Resolved, That the Church Discipline be revised.

Resolved, That the discipline be read in German and English.

A. Good was elected reading-clerk for the English and D. Brenneman for the German.

Resolved, That the name of discipline be changed from “Evangelical United Mennonites” to “Mennonite Brethren in Christ.” and that of “Canada and United States” be erased and the place and the name of Publishing Society be changed to “Berlin, Ont., published by the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Publishing Society.”

PREFACE Resolved, That the preface be left unchanged except the name Evangelical United Mennonites” which is to be changed to “Mennonite Brethren in Christ.”

This change is to be made throughout the discipline where the name is mentioned.

Resolved, That the English reading be taken unless otherwise mentioned.

PAGE 11- Resolved, That the heading “Origin of the United Mennonites” and that the words “United Mennonites” be put in the place of the pronoun “them” in fourth line under heading.

PAGE 2- Resolved, That the heading, “Origin of The Evangelical United Mennonites” be inserted after the word ‘labored’ in first line, and that the words “Evangelical Mennonites” be put in the place of the pronoun “them” in line 3.

Resolved, That the brethren A. Good, G. W. Wright and H. S. Hallman constitute a committee to form a brief account of the origin of the Brethren in Christ and also the Mennonite Brethren in Christ.

Resolved, That the brethren Wm. Gehman, S. Eby and Moses Weber constitute a committee to examine the references connected with each article etc.

ART. II. – THE FALL OF MAN. – Resolved, That the word ‘high’ in sixth line be erased.

ART. V. -OF THE HOLY GHOST. Resolved, That the German reading be taken for this article.

Adjourned to meet again at 1:30 o’clock. Closed by singing and prayer.

Afternoon Session

Opened at 1:30 o’clock by singing and prayer. Members all present.

Proceedings of the preceding session were read and adopted.

Resolved, That Bro. S. Eby be permitted to attend urgent business for a short time.

ART. VIII. – Resolved, That the words “by his own exertions” in 3rd line be erased.

ART. XII. OF SANCTIFICATION – Resolved, That the committee on “Origin of Brethren in Christ” also take this article into consideration.

ART. XVI. – OF BAPTISM – Resolved, That the word “God” be put in place of the pronoun ‘Him’ in the last line.

ART. XVII. – That the German reading be adopted for this article.

ART. XXIII – Resolved, That the words “anything — being” be erased, and the words “God alone” be taken in their place.

GENERAL RULES. Sec. 3 & 4.- Resolved, That these sections be left to the above mentioned committee for consideration.

Adjourned to meet on Friday morning 8 o’clock. Closed by prayer.

Friday Forenoon Session

Opened by singing reading of Scripture and prayer. Members all present.

Proceedings of the preceding session were read and adopted.

The report of the committee on examination of Annual conference Minutes was read and adopted.

REPORT- Having examined the proceedings of the different annual conferences we find no charge against any, but see the need of a more uniform plan in transacting the business of the different conferences, and would therefore direct the attention of this conference to the same.

COMMITTEE.- Elias Shantz, W. B. Musselman, G. W. Wright.

The following report of committee on articles of discipline was read and adopted.

ORIGIN OF BRETHREN IN CHRIST.- About the year 1838 there found itself amongst the members of the River Brethren a difference in doctrinal points, which caused a division, and those that differed from their doctrine on these points, organized themselves into a body and adopted the name “Brethren in Christ.” The Lord greatly blessed their labors to the salvation of many precious souls.

ORIGIN OF THE MENNONITE BRETHREN IN CHRIST.- About the year 1882 the Brethren in Christ and the Evangelical United Mennonites formed an acquaintance with each other, and desires were soon expressed to form a union between the two bodies, which was effected through divine guidance by a special conference held Dec. 27th, 1883. To ratify and confirm the union the following acknowledgement was subscribed to, by the conference.

RATIFICATION.- This is to certify that we the undersigned, members of the Evangelical United Mennonite Church of the United States and Canada; and the Brethren in Christ of the United States, upon the authority and in the name of our respective General Conferences, upon due consideration and prayerful investigation by mutual agreement have, in the fear of God united together as one body, adopting as a name of distinction: Mennonite Brethren in Christ.


George W. Wright,

George D. Waitman,

Menno Bowman,

Sidenham Lambert,

William Gehman,

Daniel Brenneman,

Peter Walter,

Moses Blackburn,

Peter Pike,

Isaiah Smail,

Solomon Eby,

Samuel McDonald,

Abel Strawn,

John Rasor.

OF SANCTIFICATION.- We recommend that the word “Entire” be Inserted in the heading “Of Sanctification” reading “Of Entire Sanctification,” and that the article be left unchanged to the end of the first paragraph. The remainder to be erased and the following references under their respective headings be added.

1. God commands it: Deu. 6:5; with Luke 10:27; Matt. 4:48; Rom. 6:11; 2 Cor. 7:1; Heb. 6:1; 12:14; Jam. 1:4; 1 Pet. 1:15,16. 2. God Promised it;- Deut. 30:6; Ezek. 36:25-29; Matt. 5:6; 1 Thess. 5:24; 1 Jon. 1:7-9. 3. Holy and inspired men prayed for in it behalf of the Church:- John 17:17, 20-23; Eph. 3:14-21; Col. 4:12; 1 Thess. 5:23; Heb. 13:20,21; 1 Pet. 5:10. 4. It is the great object of all God’s dealings with men:- The object of Christ’s mediatorial work:- Luke 1:68-75; 1 Jon. 3:8; Eph. 5:25-27; Titus 2:14; of the institution of the Christian ministry:- Eph. 4:11-13; Col. 1:28; of the promise of the Gospel (2 Pet. 1:4). 5. Example of those who have realized it:- Enoch (Gen. 5:24;) Noah (Gen. 6:9;) the disciples on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:4;) Barnabas (Acts 11:24;) St. John (1 Jon. 4:17); and St. Paul (Phil. 3:15.)

OF GROWTH IN GRACE.- The state that we attain through entire sanctification, fits us for the development of those heaven-born principles imparted to us in regeneration. Eph. 4:15; 2 Thess.1:3; 2 Pet. 3:18. There is however a growth before this state is attained, but not perfect or such as will bring forth much fruit. 1 Pet. 2:2; Jon. 15:2.

Sec. 3. – PRAYER MEETINGS. – We recommend that the word “fellowship” be inserted in 1st line and read thus: “Prayer and fellowship meetings ” and that the word “testimony” be inserted in 6th line 3rd para. and read thus: “in prayer and testimony.”

OF CLASS MEETINGS.- Believing that it is good that each member be examined and encouraged before the class; therefore a class-meeting should be held in each class at least four times a year, shortly before the quarterly conference. Let the meeting be announced in due time so that all may know it, and let each member be urged to attend. After the members are present, the minister will open the meeting the same as prayer and fellowship meeting, after which he or the classleader will request each member personally to testify as to his or her standing in Christ, after which the leader of the meeting will give such instruction or admonition as he may see fit. Mal. 3:16; 2 Cor. 13:5.

A. Good

Committee G. W. Wright

H. S. Hallman

Resolved, That we reconsider the subject of admission of members.

After a lengthy discussion a committee was chosen to discuss the subject and lay their report before the conference.

Brethren A. Good, S. Eby and W. Gehman were chosen as a Committee.

Sec. 6.- Resolved, That the words “feetwashing” and “practicing of the Holy kiss” be inserted in par.1 line 7.

Resolved, That we adjourn to meet 1:30 o’clock P. M. Closed by prayer.

Afternoon Session

Opened according to adjournment. Members all present.

Proceedings of the preceding session were read and adopted.

Resolved, That the report of the committee on consideration of the subject of admission of members be adopted.

Report of committee on admission of members.

Resolved, That the clause relating to class-members be erased, and that no one shall be received on probation.

No one shall be admitted into the church before baptism.

W. Gehman

Committee S. Eby

A. Good.

Sec. 9.- Resolved, That the words “except as a medicine” be erased and the words “as a beverage” taken in their place; and the sentence “We recommend that all members of our church take an active part in prohibiting this evil” be added.

Sec. 12.- Resolved, That the brethren P. Cober, W. B. Musselman and G. Lambert constitute a committee for the consideration and reconstruction of this section.

Sec. 13. Resolved, That the sentence “majority……. present” be erased and the words “quarterly conference” be taken instead.

In the concluding clause of the “General Rules” the words “and hearts” shall be erased.

Chap. 3, Sec. 2.- OF QUARTERLY MEETINGS.- Resolved, That the words “arise and” in 5th line 3rd par. be erased.

Sec. 3. -MARRIAGE FORMULA.- Resolved, That this section with sec. 4 be left to a committee for consideration. Brethren S. Eby, G. Lambert and W. B. Musselman were chosen as a committee.

Adjourned to meet at 8 o’clock Saturday morning. Closed by prayer.

Saturday Forenoon Session

Opened at 8:15 o’clock by singing and prayer. Members present.

Proceedings of the preceding session read and adopted.

The following report of committee on Sec. 12, “Conformity to the World,” was read and adopted.

OF CONFORMITY TO THE WORLD.- That the word “picnic” be inserted in line 2, the words “shall…….us” be erased and the words “these shall be strictly prohibited” be added.

The following report of the committee on “Marriage Formula” Sec. 3, Chap. 3 and “Burial Occasion” was read and adopted:

MARRIAGE FORMULA.- That the word “hand” be erased and the word “side” be taken in its place in line 3, that the first question be erased. Question 1, To the man: Do you confess that you are free from all other women, as far as the bond of matrimony is concerned? If so, can you in the presence of God and these witnesses answer Yes? Q. 2, To the woman: Do you confess that you are tree from all other men as far as the bond of matrimony is concerned? If so, can you, in the presence of God and these witnesses answer Yes? Q. 3, To the man: Will you (Name) have this woman to be your wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance, in the holy state of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort, honor and keep her in days of good and evil report, rich or poor, in sickness and in health; and forsaking all others keep yourself only unto her, so long till death shall separate you? If so, can you in the presence of God and these witnesses answer Yes? Q. 4, To the woman: Will you (Name) have this man to be your wedded husband, to live together after God’s ordinance, in the holy state of matrimony? Will you obey him, love, honor and keep him, in days of good and evil report, rich or poor, sickness and health; and forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him so long till death shall separate you? If so, can you in the presence of God and these witnesses answer Yes? Then shall the minister join their right hands together and say: Those whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. For as much as (Name) and (Name) have consented to live together in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and in the presence of these witnesses, and thereto have pledged their faith each to the other and have declared the same by joining hands, I pronounce that they are man and wife together, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen! Close with prayer and benediction.

ON FUNERAL OCCASION. That the last clause from “Let… conclusion” be erased and the following added:

“AT THE GRAVE.- Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. He cometh up like a flower and is cut down; he fleeth like a shadow and continueth not. Inasmuch as it has pleased the Lord in Whose power are life and death, to remove our departed (……..) from our midst: Therefore we commit the body to the earth. Earth to earth! Ashes to ashes! Dust to dust!- looking for the resurrection at the last day, and for a blessed immortality in the world to come, through Jesus Christ our Lord at whose second coming in glorious majesty to judge the world, the earth and the sea shall give up their dead, and the corruptible of these who sleep in Him, shall be changed, and made like unto His own glorious body; according to the mighty working whereby He is able to subdue all things unto Himself.”

If all services are over previous to burial, benediction at the grave.

W. B. Musselman

Committee Geo. Lambert

S. Eby

Sec. 7.- Resolved, that in this section page sixty-two after the answer for candidate the word “prayer” be inserted.

Adjourned to meet a 1:30 o’clock. Closed by prayer.

Afternoon Session

Opened according to adjournment, by singing and prayer. Members present.

Proceedings of preceding session were read and adopted.

Sec. 3, Chapter 4.” OF THE RECEPTION OF ELDERS. Resolved, That the word “Elders” be erased and the words “Candidates for the ministry” be inserted.

Resolved, That the following addition be made to par. 3, “where he shall be examined and if passed satisfactory, to be taken on probation for three years.” “No probationer is to be ordained until the church is fully satisfied that he is capable of taking charge of a work.”

Sec. 4.- A semicolon is to be between the words “secret” and “and” in par. 2.

Resolved, That stewards be elected in the different classes and that the word “steward” be inserted in all sections where necessary.

Sec. 5.- Resolved, That the brethren W. B. Musselman, E. Shantz and P. Cober constitute a committee to reconstruct this section and form a new section, “Of duties of stewards.”

Sec. 6.- Resolved, That S. Eby, W. Gehman, and J. B. Detwiler constitute a committee to reconstruct this section and construct a new section relating to the duties of probationers.

Sec. 8. That the words “to receive preachers on trial” be erased, that par. two be erased and insert “to preside over the quarterly conferences and the annual conference on his district.”

Resolved, That an addition be made to this section as follows. “The Presiding Elders are accountable to the annual conference of their district for the performance of their official duties.”

Sec. 7. – Was reconsidered and the following addition made. “The traveling ministers are accountable to the quarterly conference on their charge for the performance of their official duties.

THE DUTIES OF THE PRESIDING ELDERS. – Resolved, That the words “then …….. place” be erased and the clause “but if he cannot be present he shall appoint a substitute” be inserted.

Adjourned to meet on Monday morning nine o’clock. Closed by prayer.

Monday Forenoon Session

Opened by singing and prayer. Members present.

Proceedings of the preceding session read and adopted.

The following report of committee on Sec. 6. was read and adopted.

DUTIES OF HELPERS.- They shall, according to the direction of the annual conference, assist the minister in charge as mutually agreed upon, in supplying regular appointments.

DUTIES OF PROBATIONERS.- They shall labor according to the direction of the annual conference. If a charge be assigned to them, their duties are the same as those of the traveling elders, except solemnizing marriages; and administer baptism and communion, only by the permission of the Presiding Elder. If directed to labor as a helper their duties are the same as under sec. 6.

J. B. Detwiler

Committee S. Eby

W. Gehman.

The following report of committee on “Duties of Deacons” was referred to the committee for reconsideration. The report of committee on “Duties of Stewards” was read and adopted.

QUALIFICATIONS AND DUTIES OF STEWARDS.- Let the stewards be men of sound piety; who earnestly seek after the prosperity of the church and have good natural and acquired abilities to transact temporal business.

The duties of stewards are: 1. To assist the deacon in procuring dwellings for the ministers. 2. They shall, as soon as possible after the annual conference, make themselves acquainted with the wants of the minister. 3. They shall personally require of each member in their respective classes to contribute quarterly, according to their several abilities, towards the support of the ministers. 4. A book shall be kept by each steward, wherein is contained an accurate account of all moneys collected and paid out, which shall be examined by each quarterly conference on his charge. 5. They shall annually collect the missionary money and pay it to the delegate for the annual conference. They shall be elected annually, one by each class. The steward is accountable to the quarterly conference on his charge, for the performance of his official duties.

P. Cober

Committee W. Musselman

Moses Weber.

Chap. 3, sec. 2.- The subject of feet-washing was reconsidered and a resolution passed to erase the amendment to Sec. 2 par. l of chapter 3. and to insert. “We recommend feet-washing to be observed previous to communion.

Chap. 5, sec. 2.- The brethren D. Brenneman, A. Strawn and P. Pike were chosen a committee to amend this section.

Sec. 3.- The brethren A. Good, S. Eby, and W. Gehman were chosen a committee to consider this section.

Chap. 6, sec. 6.- Resolved, That brethren W. B. Musselman, G. W. Wright and H. S. Hallman constitute a committee to reconstruct this section.

Adjourned to meet at 1:30 o’clock P. M. Closed by prayer.

Afternoon Session

Opened by singing and prayer.

Proceedings of the preceding session were read and adopted.

The following report of committee on duties of deacons was read and adopted.

OF QUALIFICATION AND DUTIES OF DEACONS.- Of qualification of deacons see chap. 3, sec. 7. What are their duties? 1. They shall provide the emblems and other necessaries for the Lord’s Supper and feet-washing, and to the best of their abilities assist the minister in his labors if required. 2. They, assisted by the stewards, shall procure dwellings for the ministers. 3. They shall see if there are any poor in the district over which they preside; and if so, to inquire into the nature of their wants, and take such steps to provide for them as they may deem proper. 4. They shall be accountable to the quarterly conferences for the performance of their official duties.

There shall be one or more at each church-house, as quarterly conference may decide.

W. B. Musselman

Committee Peter Cober

E. Shantz

The following report of committee on annual conference was read and adopted.

The 1st line on schedule shall read “How many Presiding Elders.” After line 7 the line “How many stewards” be inserted, line 10 erased, line 32 follow line 35. The two lines “How many churches” and “How many parsonages” be inserted after line 37 and the lines from 56-59 inclusive, erased.

The following report of committee on General Conference was read and adopted.

OF GENERAL CONFERENCE.- In answer to the first question add “s” to “elder.”

ORDER OF PROCEDURE.- First line should be election of chairman and secretary. The fourth line should be the sixth and the 14th line erased.

S. Eby

Committee A. Good

Wm. Gehman

The following report of committee on S. Schools was read and adopted.

The words “he shall” should be inserted in par. 2, line 5, and read thus: “then he shall proceed” etc., and erase the words “and teachers” in par. 2, line 6. In par. 3 line 6, add the words “of the church,” and in par. 4, line 5, read thus: “if possible with a Christian teacher, competent to teach.” Par. 5, line 1, read thus: “We recommend that the preacher meet” etc.

G. W. Wright

Committee W. B. Musselman

H. S. Hallman

Chap. 7.- Resolved, That the words “grave-yard” in par. 2, in answer to fourth question be erased and the words “burial ground” be inserted.

Resolved, That all official names, not mentioned in discipline, be added to the list.

The subject of life insurance was reconsidered. The essay written by Eld. H. S. Hallman was read; and after the reading, a lengthy discussion took place in which the members of the Conference expressed themselves decidedly against it.

Adjourned to meet Tuesday morning 8 o’clock. Closed by prayer.

Tuesday Forenoon Session

Opened by singing and prayer.

Proceedings of the preceding session were read and adopted.

OF DIVORCE.- Resolved, That the brethren S. Eby, Wm. Gehman and A. Good constitute a committee to consider this subject.

OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.- Resolved, That the word “church” be erased and the words “public worship” be inserted.

The question, “Are sisters to be taken into the ministry the same as brethren?” was referred to the committee on “divorce.”

Resolved, That the schedule for annual conference be used as a schedule for the General Conference.


was read but the committee could not report correctly as some things were not kept account of. The report was adopted as far as made out.

Presiding Elders 3

Ordained ministers 39

Ministers on probation 17

On probation to be ordained 3

Deacons 38

On probation to be ordained 1

New converts 1356

Baptized 885

Received into church fellowship 890

Members died 61

Members withdrawn 83

Expelled 127

Increase of members 423

Whole number of members 2442

Appointments 88

New appointments 33

Classes 85

New classes organized 24

Class leaders 82

Sabbath Schools 35

New Sabbath Schools organized 11

Sabbath school officers & teachers 339

Subscribers to Gospel Banner 1348

Ev. Panier 365

Total 1713

How many churches 40

How many parsonages 6

Supposed value of church property $53580.00

Collected for church property 13505.72

Sabbath schools 2246.77

minister in cash 15110.79

Rec’d in other contributions 732.51

Collected for assistants 188.25

” Home mission 3957.63

” T. & H. 75.75

” for rpg. church property

and sexton and sundry exp. 482.44

Collected for Presiding Elders 2828.38

for camp-meeting, missionary,

evangelistic & tabernacle

work 628.05

Total Amount collected as far

as reported $39756 .29

Resolved, That new schedules be printed according to the change made in them.

Resolved, That a clause be added to the discipline as follows:

“All accounts of the different conferences, quarterly, annual and general, shall be audited at the time of the several conference, by such two brethren who may be elected for that purpose at the time. The brethren W. B. Musselman and H. S. Hallman were elected to audit the printing office stock, book etc. The brethren A. Strawn, P. Pike and E. Shantz were chosen a committee to meet Messrs. Hett and Hallman, printers.

Adjourned to meet at 2 o’clock P. M. Closed by prayer.

Afternoon Session

Opened by singing and prayer.

Proceedings of the preceding session were read and adopted.

The following report of committee on divorce was read and adopted.

OF DIVORCE.- No brother or sister shall retain membership in our church, who will marry again after having been divorced, or who will marry a divorced person. Luke 16:19; Rom. 7:2,8; 1 Cor. 7:10.


Resolved, That any sister who feels called of God to preach shall be recognized as an evangelist, subject to the minister in charge and the Presiding Elder. They shall be received the same as probationers except ordination.

A. Good

Committee S. Eby

Wm. Gehman

The brethren M. Bowman, A. Good, W. B. Musselman and H. S. Hallman were chosen a committee to arrange a course of reading for probationers.

The conference now adjourned to meet Mr. Hett. Closed by prayer.

Wednesday Forenoon Session

Opened by singing and prayer.

Proceedings of the preceding session were read and adopted.

The following report of committee on course of reading was read and adopted.

COURSE OF READING FOR PROBATIONERS.- Resolved, That we have a course of reading for ministers on probation as follows: 1st year. Bible, Philosophy of the plan of Salvation, Lessons in Holiness, Hand book of Christian Theology the first three chapters. 2nd year. Bible, Mosheims Church History (1st half) “Depravity of the Soul” or Zollners Salenlehre,” Baxter’s address to ministers, and Handbook of Christian Theology chaps. 4 to 10 inclusive. 3rd year. Bible, Last half of Mosheims Church History, Nelson on Infidelity, Fletcher’s Appeal, Handbook of Christian Theology chaps. 11 to 19 inclusive.

We recommend that probationers be examined by a written examination by a committee.

M. Bowman

Committee A. Good

W. B. Musselman

H. S. Hallman

Resolved, That we accept the offer of Messrs. Hett and Hallman for printing the Banner and Panier.

Resolved, That the General Conference term be four years.

The following brethren were elected to constitute the managing committee for the printing establishment:

Canada, John Troxel and J. Y. Shantz; Pennsylvania, John B. Gehman and Wm. B. Musselman; Indiana, George Lambert and Andrew Miller.

The managing committee of the last term was passed satisfactory.

Resolved, That the Editor of the Banner and Panier be a general secretary for the General Conference.

Resolved, That the boundary line between Canada and Indiana Conferences in Michigan be the Chicago and Grand Trunk R. W. from Port Huron to Flint, and the Flint Pere and Marquette R. W. from Flint to Ludington.

That Western Pennsylvania be added to Eastern Pennsylvania and the name be Pennsylvania Conference.

That the Indiana Conference include west from Pennsylvania and south from the R. W. line mentioned between Canada and Indiana Conferences in Michigan.

Resolved, That a new discipline be printed,

Resolved, That the unbound English and all the German hymn books be shipped to Berlin, Canada, and the English hymn books that are bound, to be sent to Brown City, Michigan , and that the managing committee dispose of the remaining books the best they can.

Resolved, That the heading of the Banner and Panier be changed to plain large letters “Gospel Banner” and “Evangeliums Panier,” and that the pages be continued through the whole year, and that an index of the contents be printed in the last number of the year.

Adjourned to meet at 2 o’clock P. M. Closed by prayer.

Afternoon session

Opened by singing and prayer.

Proceedings of the preceding session were read and adopted.

Bro. John Troxel handed in an account against the General Conference for work and a General Conference minute book, which was adopted.

A collection was taken to cover the same.

The editor was now elected.

Resolved, That the brethren A. Good and Wm. Gehman be a committee to count the ballots.

Eld. H. S. Hallman was elected as editor.

Resolved, That J. B. Detwiler, P. Cober and H. S. Hallman constitute a committee to revise and arrange the chapter, sections and articles for the new discipline.

Resolved, That M. Bowman, A. Good and Wm. Gehman be a committee to make an agreement with the Editor concerning his salary, and buying an editor’s table.

We recommend that Sunday-school conventions be held in the different conferences.

Resolved, That 1500 English and 500 German disciplines be printed.

Resolved, That the brethren S. Eby, D. Brenneman and W. B. Musselman be a committee to draw up an article on Faith Healing for the discipline.

We recommend that a tract society be organized in each annual conference district.

Resolved, That the subject of D. U. Lambert be referred to the committee of editor’s salary.

Resolved, That the next General Conference be held at Harrisburg, Ohio.

We recommend that each minister in charge preach at least once a year at each appointment, on the subject of Faith Healing.

Adjourned to meet at 8 o’clock Thursday morning. Closed by prayer.

Thursday Forenoon Session

Opened by singing and prayer.

The brethren A. Good and D. Brenneman were permitted to leave, being called to do so.

Proceedings of the preceding session were read and adopted.

The following report of committee on editor’s salary was read and adopted.

The editor shall receive $425 a year payable in quarterly payments.

The subject of settlement with D. U. Lambert shall be given over to the Indiana Conference.

A. Good

Committee W. Gehman,

M. Bowman.

Resolved, That the clause: “If ministers from other denominations desire to join our church; they shall be taken in as probationers” be added to Chap. 4, sec. 3.

The following report of committee on Faith Healing was read and adopted.

OF HEALING THE SICK.- That it is the will of God to heal the sick, who by an implicit confidence and faith look to Him and trust in His power, we believe; according to James 5:13,15; Matth. 8:17; Mark 6:13; 16:18; 2 Chron. 16:12; Psa. 103:3; Ex. 15:26.

S. Eby,

Committee D. Brenneman,

W. B. Musselman

Resolved, That we adjourn to meet (D. V.) in Harrisburg, Ohio, the first Saturday 10 o’clock A. M. Oct. 1892.

Whereas our beloved Bro. Jonas Musselman was called home during the last General Conference term therefore

Resolved, That we as a conference express our heartfelt sympathy with the sister and widow, and feel, though a great loss to the family and the church, that our loss was his gain.

The conference and friends from a distance, tendered a hearty vote of thanks to the brethren and sisters, and friends of Berlin and the surrounding neighborhood for their kindness and hospitality shown during the conference sessions.

The proceedings of the forenoon session were read and adopted –

The conference now closed by a brief address from each of the members of the conference, and prayer.

H. S. Hallman,


M. Bowman


1. These minutes are taken from The Gospel Banner, volume 11, number 21, November 1, 1888, pages 8-14.

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