1892 General Conference Minutes


of the




The third General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ met at the appointed time 10 o’clock A. M. Oct. 1st 1892 in Harrisburg, Ohio.

The meeting was opened by a season of prayer after which Eld. M. Bowman was elected chairman to preside over the conference. The chairman then read 1 Corinthians 1, after which followed another season of earnest prayer for the enduement of wisdom and the guidance of the Holy Spirit during the conference session.

The roll of delegates from the different conferences was called as follows:

Indiana and Ohio Conference. S. Lambert, D. Brenneman, A. Good, C. K. Curtis.

Pennsylvania Conference.- W. B. Musselman, Wm. Gehman, N. Detwiler, M. A. Zyner.

Canada Conference.- S. Eby, M. Bowman, P. Cober, J. B. Detwiler, J. H. Steckley, P. Pike, S. B. Schneider, D. S. Shantz, E. Battye, H. Goudie.

Editor.- H. S. Hallman.

The delegates were all present with the exception of D. Brenneman and A. Good.

Eld. S. Lambert asked permission to be absent during the afternoon session which was granted him.

A motion for adjournment to meet again at 1:30 P.M. was carried, after which the session was closed by prayer.

Afternoon Session

The afternoon session was opened by singing and prayer, after which the opening proceedings were read and adopted.

The minutes of the last General Conference were read and received for revision.

H. S. Hallman was re-elected as General Conference Secretary.

Resolved. That the secretary appoint his assistant. Eld. M. A. Zyner was appointed.

Eld. W. B. Musselman was elected vice-chairman.

The chairman then addressed the conference.- He hoped there were no aspirants to office in our conference. Not all who profess to be humble are humble. We do business for God, should not become impatient, speak out our mind freely, but when defeated keep sweet and give God the glory. We need your cooperation in transacting business by your prayers and advice. Should manifest an interest in what is done. This conference term has not been without its troubles in our church. We must be wise in dealing with these troubles, so as not to hinder the cause. Our cause has not been without success- but not as great as would be desirable. We may be too cautious and not venture out as we should.

A conference should be a spiritual body. Let us have a spiritual conference. It is not out of place here, for any one to seek and obtain a deeper spiritual experience. There may be differences of opinion in the different conferences, but let the lines of distinction be obliterated. Am glad that young men who have the burden for the work upon their hearts, are coming forward and venturing out.

Rules And Regulations of the Conference Session

Resolved. That the conference bar include the four front and four side seats on the right hand side of the house.

Resolved. That the ordained ministers of our denomination present be received as advisory members.

Resolved. That each member before speaking on any subject rise to his feet and address the chairman, and that each member be allowed to speak ten minutes on each subject, and only once, except by permission from the house.

Resolved. That the forenoon session be opened at 8 o’clock and closed at 11:30. The afternoon session to be opened at 1:30 o’clock and closed at 4:30.

Bro. Good gave an explanation of his absence in the forenoon session, which was received as satisfactory.

Resolved. That D. Brenneman give an explanation when he comes for not being present at opening of conference.

Resolved. That all committees be nominated by the chair.

The following committees were then elected: Standing committee to formulate resolutions to be brought before the conference.- A. Good, W. Gehman, P. Cober.

Committee to examine the Annual Conference minutes of the different conferences, for the General Conference term.- D. S. Shantz, M. A. Zyner and C. K. Curtis.

Committee on worship.- A. Good, S. Lambert, S. Longnecker.

E. Battye and J. B. Detwiler were elected auditors.

Resolved. That we adjourn to meet again on Monday morning at the appointed time. Closed by prayer.

Monday Morning Session

The session was opened by singing and prayer after which the proceedings of the preceding session were read and adopted.

The brethren Guy and Longnecker being present took their seats in the bar of the conference as advisory members.

Bro. D. Brenneman now being present gave an explanation of his absence in the beginning of the conference, after which he was passed as satisfactory.

Resolved. That advisory members be allowed to speak five minutes on any subject and that only once, except by permission of the house.

The minutes of the last General Conference were now revised.

Resolved. That the minutes be not read again. After some discussion it was resolved to reconsider this resolution.

Resolved. That the minutes be read a second time for revision.

On resolution the following corrections were made.

1. That J. B. Detwiler’s name be taken from the name of delegates for Canada and be inserted as Editor.

2. That in marriage formula in the clause “man and wife” the word “husband” be put in place of the word “man.”

3. That the words “life insurance” be inserted in the subject of life insurance company, instead of the word “it.”

Eld. Aaron Peffler being present took his seat as an advisory member.

The delegates now resolved themselves into a committee on programme.

Resolved. That we adjourn to meet again at the appointed time. Closed by benediction.

Afternoon Session

The session was opened by singing and prayer, after which the proceedings of the preceding session were read and received.

Eld. Jabes Swank being present, took his seat as an advisory member.

The committee on resolution presented the recommendations from the different Annual Conferences to the conference, which were discussed and resolutions passed as follows: Resolved.- That we allow no Elder in our church to be a member in any association or society organized with the object of making financial gains.

Resolved.- That a committee be appointed to draw up an article in regard to examine the Presiding Elder in case a charge be preferred against him. Committee.- W. Gehman, A. Good, P. Cober.

Resolved.- That it be left to the several Annual Conferences as to how often they should send a fraternal delegate to another Annual Conference.

Resolved.- That the recommendation in reference to S. school supplies be laid over until the report of the printing department be heard.

Resolved.- That the recommendation in regard to making provision for electing a P. Elder in case of the death of one during the conference year be referred to committee on articles.

Resolved.- That the recommendation in regard to members moving away be referred to a committee.- Committee W. B. Musselman, H. Goudie, S. Lambert.

On motion of adjournment the session was closed by prayer.

Tuesday Forenoon Session

The session was opened by singing and prayer after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and adopted.

The committee on articles reported, and after some discussion on the report the following resolutions were passed:-

Resolved.- That each Annual Conference elect by ballot a standing committee of three Elders who give themselves unconditionally into the hand of the conference, who shall examine any Presiding Elder of that conference in case any charges are preferred against him. And if he be found guilty they shall have power to suspend him from his office until the next Annual Conference, where he shall be dealt with.

Resolved.- That at each Annual Conference, after the election of Presiding Elder, a Vice-Presiding Elder shall be elected to supply his place in case he should become unable to longer fill his office.

Peter Cober

Committee A. Good

Wm. Gehman

Resolved.- That the class books of each minister in charge be revised annually at the last quarterly conference on their respective charges. Members who have moved away without reporting during the year may be dropped according to the discretion of the Quarterly Conference, providing the minister in charge has done his duty towards them.

W. B. Musselman

Committee H. Goudie

S. Lambert

Resolved.- That we have an amended and revised church hymn book- that some of the old hymns be expunged and replaced by new ones for regular church service- and that a supplement of revival hymns be added.

Resolutions were passed to have a committee of three, with the power to add others, to revise the church hymn book.

W. B. Musselman

Committee D. Brenneman

H. S. Hallman

Resolved.- That this committee have the power to select an assistant proofreader.

The subject of the advisability of electing a bishop was freely discussed, and it was decided not to have a bishop.

On motion the conference adjourned. Closed by prayer.

Afternoon Session

This session was opened by singing and prayer, after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and adopted.

Resolved.- That E. Battye and J. B. Detwiler constitute a committee to revise scripture references in the discipline where necessary.

The discipline was now read and the following corrections made:

1. In article 12 “Of Entire Sanctification,” in par. 3, the words “Christ and” be inserted at the beginning of the paragraph.

2. A committee was elected to draw up an article as to how we shall deal with such who disturb public meetings.

W. Gehman

Committee S. Eby

S. B. Schneider.

The subject of admission of members was, on resolution, laid over for the next session.

Resolved.- That we adjourn. Closed by prayer.

Wednesday Forenoon Session

The session was opened by singing and prayer, after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and adopted.

The discussion of admission of members was, on motion, continued. A very lengthy discussion took place, after which it was

Resolved.- That we receive persons, previous to baptism, as class members.

J. H. Steckley, S. Lambert and N. Detwiler were elected a committee to formulate an article as to what constitutes a class member.

On motion of adjournment the session was closed by prayer.

Afternoon Session

The session was opened by singing and prayer, after which the proceedings of the preceding session were read and received.

The committees on articles reported as follows:HOW TO DEAL WITH PERSONS WHO DISTURB OUR PUBLIC MEETINGS.

Whereas we have frequently been disturbed in our public worship by persons who do not have proper regard for religious services. And being the Lord has made ample provision for His children by the powers that be, (Rom. 13:1-5.) and the apostle Paul appealed to these for justice, (Acts 25:11.) therefore, Resolved.- That, after we have made use of all reasonable means to secure order, and fail, that we give them over into the hands of the said powers.

Solomon Eby

Committee Wm. Gehman

S. B. Schneider

Resolved.- That we receive converts as class members previous to baptism; and that the same shall have full privileges of the class, with the exception of voting.

J. B. Steckley

Committee Noah Detwiler

S. Lambert

W. B. Musselman, Peter Pike, D. Brenneman, were elected a committee to draw up something to make provision to deal with members against whom no particular charge is preferred, but do not take an active part in the services.

P. Cober, Wm. Gehman, A. Good were elected a committee to amend section 8. chap. 2.

The same committee was appointed to revise section 16. chap. 2.

On motion for adjournment the session was closed by prayer.

Thursday Forenoon Session

The session was opened by singing and prayer after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and adopted.

Committee on negligent members reported.


Such members shall be dropped at annual revision of class books, in case they have been duly informed and exhorted by the minister in charge, without producing the desired effect.

Peter Pike

Committee W. B. Musselman

D. Brenneman.

Resolved.- That the ministers of our denomination are not allowed to solemnize marriages with a ring.

Resolved.- That in section 6. page 61 paragraph three, under the heading “Prayer,” be erased.

Resolved.- That on page 65, last paragraph, the words “no probationer, whether for the ministry of for the office of deacon, is to be ordained” be erased and the following take their place, “no person shall be elected to the office of deacon, class-leader, or Sunday school superintendent, and no applicant to the ministry be received on probation.”

S. Eby, S. Lambert, and M. A. Zyner, were elected a committee to revise section 2. chap. 4.

P. Cober, J. B. Detwiler, and A. Good, were elected to revise section 3 page 68.

Resolved.- That on page 70 in the first question the word “man” be erased and the words “member of the church” be in its place. And add to the end of this section. “Sisters may be elected as class-leaders, Sunday school superintendents and stewards.”

On motion of adjournment the session was closed by prayer.

Afternoon Session

The session was opened by singing and prayer after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and adopted.

The committee on election of officers reported, and after some changes the following resolution was passed.

The deacons are to be elected by the membership of the church over which they are to preside, at a meeting previously announced.

Solomon Eby

Committee M. A. Zyner

S. Lambert

The committee on divorce reported. After discussion it was decided not to change the section on apparel.

That the following take the place of article “On Divorce.”


No brother or sister shall retain membership in our church who will marry again after having been divorced, or who will marry a divorced person. Neither shall any one be received into church fellowship under the same circumstances.

A. Good

committee P. Cober

Wm. Gehman

Committee on section 3, page 68, reported, and after some discussion it was resolved that

1. In paragraph 1 “see section xx” should be “see article 25.”

2. Paragraph 2 shall read as follows: “If the minister considers him a proper subject as Paul writes (1 Tim. 3,) he will call a meeting of the class of which the brother is a member, and if two-thirds of the members present cast their ballots in his favor will recommend him to the Quarterly Conference.

J. B. Detwiler

Committee P. Cober

A. Good.

Resolved.- That this session continue to 5 o’clock.

Resolved.- That the Presiding Elder read the duties of officers once a year on each charge at the first Quarterly Conference in the conference year.

Resolved.- That the Presiding Elders shall preach once a year on each charge, on the duties of members towards their minister.

Resolved.- That the Presiding Elder give a report of the work on his field to the General Conference.

Resolved.- That sec. 11. page 77. par. 3 from the words “and to remove and suspend immoral ones within the bounds of his district till the next Annual Conference etc.” read as follows: “and to remove and suspend immoral ones within the bounds of his district till the next Annual Conference etc.”

Resolved.- That the following be inserted immediately under the heading “of Annual Conferences.”

Question.- Who are the members of the Annual Conference?

Answer.- All ordained ministers, and such probationers who have charge of a work, and one delegate from each charge, elected by ballot at the last Quarterly Conference in the conference year.

Resolved.- That the following be inserted in Sec. 3. Order of Procedure, after number 4 “Report of Presiding Elders.”

Resolved.- That the General Conference delegates be elected by ballot.

H. S. Hallman, M. A. Zyner, D. S. Shantz, D. Brenneman, M. Bowman, were elected a committee to revise the reading course.

Questions were now answered by the chair.

Resolved.- That we adjourn. Session closed by prayer.

Friday Forenoon Session

The session was opened by singing and prayer, after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and adopted.

The committee to examine the Annual Conference minutes reported as follows:-

1. We have examined the transactions of the four last Annual Conferences of Pa., and found them deficient in four ways. 1st. In order. 2nd. In expression. 3rd. In grammar. 4th Too lengthy in certain articles.

2. The Indiana Conference never had an Annual Conference book of their proceedings, therefore we could not examine the original proceedings. The only examination was by the Banner.

3. The Canada Conference have a book, wherein the original proceedings of their Annual Conferences are recorded but have neglected to bring it to the General Conference. Hence the only examination is by Banner.

We found the Indiana and Canada Conference proceedings correct as published in the Banner.

We recommend that each Annual Conference record their minutes in a book, and it shall be the duty of the chairman of the last Annual Conference in said General Conference term to see that said book is brought to the General Conference.

M. A. Zyner

Committee C. K. Curtis

D. S. Shantz.

Elder S. Lambert asked permission to attend to urgent business, which was granted him.

Committee on Reading course, handed in their report as follows, which was adopted with a few additions.FIRST YEAR

Bible; Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation, (chap. 1-5); Handbook of Christian Theology (chap. 1-3); Lessons in Holiness.SECOND YEAR

Bible; Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation,(chap. 6-12); Bard’s Church History (1st half); Reformed Pastor; Handbook of Christian Theology (chap. 4-10).THIRD YEAR

Bible; Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation, (chap. 13- end); Bard’s Church History, (last half); Nelson on Infidelity; Fletcher’s Appeal; Handbook of Christian Theology, (chap. 11-19).

We recommend that probationers be examined by a written examination by a committee to be appointed by the Annual Conference for that purpose, the average percent of the marks given be 33%.

We recommend, that no Probationer be ordained until he has passed the Course of Reading for Probationers.

D. Brenneman

M. Bowman

Committee H. S. Hallman

D. S. Shantz

M. A. Zyner

Resolved.- That the above committee be a standing committee to replace Bard’s Church. History by another suitable Church History in case Bard’s cannot be got in the English language.

The committee on scripture passages reported as follows, which was received:

1. Page 19, Art. 10, “Faith” erase (Heb. 2:8) and insert (Rom. 5:1 and Heb. 11:1,6)

2. Page 37. sec. 3. add (Acts 12:12; Mal. 3:16.)

3. Sec. 8. page 42. par. 4. add (1 Tim. 2:9,10).

4. Sec. 14. page 45. erase (Acts 20:24) and add (Jer. 49:11.)

5. Sec. 16. page 49. erase (Luke 16:19; Rom. 7:2,8) and add (Matt.19:6, Rom. 7:2.)

6. Sec. 6. page 62. erase (Luke 15:35-38) and add (Luke 12:35-38)

7. Sec. 7. page 63. par. 3. add (1 Tim. 3:8-13.)

J. S. Detwiler

Committee E. Battye.

W. B. Musselman, A. Good and S. Eby were elected a committee to draw up an article with regard to local preachers.

H. S. Hallman, E. Battye, and W. Gehman, were elected a committee to consider the publication of the Banner and Panier.

M. Bowman, D. Brenneman, C. K. Curtis, W. B. Musselman, M. A. Zyner, A. Good, and S. Eby were elected a committee on the boundaries of the Annual Conferences.

On motion of adjournment, the session was closed by benediction.

Afternoon Session

The session was opened by singing and prayer, after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and adopted.

The committee on local preachers reported and after some discussion the report was accepted as follows:LOCAL PREACHERS

Applicants for the ministry who have no convictions to give themselves unconditionally, to the Annual Conference or give all their time to the work of the ministry, but still claim to be called of God to preach, may be annually licensed at the last Quarterly Conference in the conference year by the consent of two-thirds of the Quarterly Conference members present; or such who do not satisfactorily pass at Quarterly Conference, it may refuse to give a recommendation to the Annual Conference, but may grant him a Quarterly Conference license. A brother or sister desiring a Quarterly Conference license must be recommended by the class the same as other candidates for the ministry, and may preach as directed by the Quarterly Conference or Presiding Elder.

S. Eby

Committee A. Good

W. B. Musselman

Report of Committee on boundaries.

Resolved.- That the boundary lines of the Canada, Pennsylvania and Indiana Conferences remain as they are.

A. Good

S. Eby,

D. Brenneman

Committee W. B. Musselman

M. A. Zyner

C. K. Curtis,

M. Bowman.

Report of committee on publishing Banner and Panier was received as follows:

1. That the Panier be published as often as at present (semi-monthly) and one-half the present size, at a subscription price of 50cts per year.

2. That the Banner be published weekly containing the Sunday school lessons, in case we secure 1500 subscriber at $1.25 per year. And that then the subscription price of Banner and Panier together be $1.50 per year.

3. That each minister in charge canvas his field as soon as possible to this effect and report to the Banner office.

Wm. Gehman

Committee E. Battye

H. S. Hallman

Resolved.- That the matter of election of officers for the printing office be laid over until the next session, and that the conference resolve itself into a committee as a whole to consider some business with reference to the Printing office.

Resolved.- That a Foreign and Heathen missionary collection be lifted annually at each appointment on each Annual Conference district.

Resolved.- That the Annual Conference decide as to where this Foreign and Heathen missionary money thus collected shall be sent.

We recommend that all our Sunday schools use uniform S. school quarterlies sent out from our Publishing House.

Resolved.- That a delegate for every 300 members, and an additional one in case the fraction of member is two hundred or more, be elected as members of the General Conference.

W. B. Musselman, D. Brennemen, and S. Eby, were elected a committee to write out a form of license for local preacher.

Resolved.- That the Eld. W. B. MUSSELMAN act as agent for the General Conference to look after the church property in Markleysburgh, Fayette Co. Pa., and dispose of it if he deems advisable.

Questions were answered by the chair.

On motion of adjournment the session was closed by prayer.

Saturday Forenoon Session

The session was opened by singing and prayer, after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and, after a little, change adopted.

The committee on form of license for local preachers reported; which was received as follows:TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN

This is to certify that ……………… is an approved preacher of the Gospel in theCHURCH OF THE MENNONITE BRETHREN IN CHRIST

so long as his conduct and doctrine are conformable with the Gospel of Christ. Given at a Quarterly Conference held in ………………….. this ….. day of …. in the year of our Lord 18….

………………….. P. E.

………………….. Sec.

Note- subject to renewal annually.

After a brief address by the Editor of his past experience the following officers for the Printing establishment were elected:

Editor.- H. S. Hallman.

Associate Editors- For Evangeliums Panier.- A. P. Stoltz.

Gospel Banner.- D. Brenneman, A. Good, W. B. Musselman, Mrs. J. S. Guy, assistant to Youth Department.

Committee to prepare S. school lessons for Banner in case the Banner be published weekly.- A. P. Stoltz. H. S. Hallman, with the power to add to their number.

The following brethren were elected as a managing committee of the Printing Office.

Canada.- J. Y. Shantz, J. Troxel.

Pennsylvania.- J. B. Gehman, Joel Brunner.

Indiana.- Geo. Lambert, Andrew Miller.

Resolved.- That in case an assistant be needed in the editorial office, it be left to the managing committee to attend to it.

Resolved. That the Editor have power to hire help in case he needs it on special occasions.

Resolved.- That the Editor’s salary be $500 per year.

Resolved.- That we accept the offer of the Berlin Publishing Co., Lt’d, to publish the Banner and Panier for the General Conference term.

S. Eby, S. B. Schneider, W. B. Musselman, Peter Pike and M. Bowman, were elected a committee to draw up a resolution as to how to provide for worn out ministers who have no means to provide for themselves.

H. S. Hallman, W. Gehman, and D. Brenneman, were elected a committee to draw up resolutions as to our brethren in the ministry who were removed from our midst by death during the last General Conference term.

Whereas reports having been circulated in regard to Bro. H. S. Hallman in respect to him having spent his time in other things than the Banner business as Editor, therefore

Resolved.- That we as members of the General Conference, having heard Bro. Hallman’s explanations unanimously exonerate him from all blame.

Eld. D. Brenneman was elected Fraternal Delegate to the General Conference of the Radical United Brethren to be held in Hudson, Ind. commencing on the 2nd Thursday of May 1893. Each Annual Conference shall pay their share of his expenses to said conference, at the request of the General Conference secretary.

Resolved.- That we recommend to the Annual Conference to consider some adequate provision for the support of widows and orphans.

Resolved.- That we consider the advisability of having a churchconstitution, and that the Presiding Elders of the last Annual Conference to the General Conference term, with the Editor constitute a committee to formulate a constitution to be submitted to the next General Conference.

On motion for adjournment the session was closed by benediction.

Afternoon Session

The session was opened by singing and prayer, after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and received.

The committee on provision for worn out ministers reported as follows, which was adopted:

Resolved.- That the several Annual Conferences devise a plan to create a fund for worn out itinerate ministers.

M. Bowman

P. Pike

committee S. Eby

S. B. Schneider

W. B. Musselman

Committee on resolution for our ministers reported, which was received by a standing vote as follows:

Since it has pleased the Lord to remove, by the hand of death, our beloved brethren in the ministry, Abraham Kauffman, and Eusebius Hershey, of the Pennsylvania Conference, and Amos Bowman of the Canada Conference, three of our well tried and most faithful ministers, from our midst; and whereas they were among the pillars of our church from its commencement, and took a deep interest in this cause, therefore

Resolved.- That we as a conference express our sorrow in the loss of these faithful laborers, and our heartfelt sympathy for the bereaved widows and sisters with their families in this severe trial, and pray God to sustain and keep them by His power.

Wm. Gehman

Committee D. Brenneman

H. S. Hallman

Resolved.- That the next General Conference shall be held at Coopersburg, Lehigh Co. Pa., to convene the 1st Wednesday in October 1896.

Whereas the subject of prohibition is being strongly agitated both in the United States and the Dominion of Canada, therefore

Resolved.- That we as a General Conference encourage our people to rally and come up to the help of the Lord against the mighty by exerting their influence in destroying this gigantic monster of evil, strong drink, and that in so doing we withhold our votes from any party that would license, or in any way countenance, the ungodly traffic in ardent spirits.

Resolved.- That all our ministers, Presiding Elders and travelling evangelists be agents for the Gospel Banner and Evangeliums Panier, and that they be allowed 20 cts for each new subscriber they solicit.

Since the ministers are to collect the subscription money of Gospel Banner and Panier annually, therefore

Resolved.- That the Banner and Panier shall be sent free to the ministers in charge, Presiding Elders and travelling evangelists of our denomination.

Whereas the brethren and sisters and friends of Harrisburg and vicinity so kindly opened their homes and provided for us during the General Conference session, therefore

Resolved.- That we as members of this conference, tender a hearty vote of thanks to them.SUMMARY STATISTICAL REPORT

How many Presiding Elders? 4

How many ordained ministers? 47

How many on probation? 17

How many on probation to be ordained? 3

How many applicants for the ministry? 45

How many deacons? 51

How many on probation? 14

Any on probation to be ordained? 2

How many stewards? 96

How many new converts? 2149

How many baptized? 1297

How many receive into church-fellowship? 1266

How many received by letter of recommendation? 189

How many members died during the past four years? 104

How many withdrawn? 182

How many expelled? 96

Increase of members? 603

Whole number of members? 3045

How many appointments? 119

How many new appointments? 31

How many sermons preached? 22,852

How many pastoral visits? 37,561

How often prayer-meetings visited? 6516

How often Sabbath schools visited? 2749

How many classes? 104

How many new classes organized? 19

How many class leaders? 102

How many Sabbath schools? 49

How many new Sabbath schools organized? 14

How many officers and teachers? 456

How many scholars on roll? 3175

What is the average attendance? 2053

How many union Sabbath schools? 21

How many subs. to Gospel Banner and Ev. Panier? 1634

How many new subscribers received during the last year? 128

How many churches? 56

How many parsonages? 6

What is the supposed value of church property? $76,400.00

Increase of church property 22,880.00

How much collected for church property 18,121.31

for sabbath schools 4226.38

in S. schools for F. and H. Mission 4.59

for ministers in cash 21,912.20

How much received in other contributions? 3349.12

How much collected for assistants? 1020.44

Home Mission? 6444.54

the Foreign and Heathen Mission? 214.96

repairing church property? 473.18

sexton and sundry expenses 5293.76

Presiding Elders 4554.17

tabernacle work 1805.40

evangelistic work and poor? 1998.60

missionary work 348.32

camp-meeting? 1641.63

Self Denial? 229.21

S. School Con’tion 78.54

Total Amount Collected 71,708.36

On motion the Conference was dismissed by prayer.

Menno Bowman, chairman

H. S. Hallman, Secretary.

1. These minutes are taken from The Gospel Banner, volume 15, number 20, October 15, 1892.

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