1900 General Conference Minutes

General Conference Proceedings

The Fifth General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church met at Berlin, Ont., on Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, 1900.


The first session was opened by a season of prayer, after which the roll was called as follows:

Canada Conference. P. Cober, P.E., H. Goudie, P.E., M. Bowman, S. Eby, H. S. Wismer, I. Pike, S. B. Schneider,

Pennsylvania Conference. C. H. Brunner, P.E., H. B. Musselman. P.E., W. B. Musselman, M.P.E., W. G. Gehman, J. G. Shireman, A. A. Wismer.

Indiana and Ohio Conference. D. Brenneman, P.E., A. Good, S. Lambert, C. K. Curtis, A. Wright, J. Buzzard.

Michigan Conference. O. B. Snyder, P.E., E. Anthony, J. C. Hallman.

Iowa and Nebraska Conference. H. Pontius, P.E., O. B. Henderson.

All responded to the call except I. Pike.

Resolved, That the two front seats in the middle row, the three front seats on the south side of the church, and the Amen Corner of the same side constitute the Conference Bar.

Resolved, That the chairman be elected by ballot.

C. H. Brunner was elected chairman of the Conference.

The chairman read the first seventeen verses of Ephesians and made a few appropriate remarks after which another season of prayer was had.

The minutes of the last General Conference were read.

The Conference adjourned with prayer to meet at 1.30p.m.


The session was opened by singing and prayer, after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and received.

The reading of the minutes of the last General Conference was proceeded with.

The minutes were received after a few corrections were made.

Resolved, That the Secretary be elected by open vote.

Resolved, That H. S. Hallman be General Conference Secretary.

Resolved, That the Secretary appoint his assistant.

Resolved, That the Vice Chairman be elected by open vote.

P. Cober was elected.

Resolved, That all ordained ministers present, of our society, be received as advisory members, and they shall have the privilege of speaking five minutes on any subject, and only once, by permission of the Chair.

Resolved, That the following rules of order shall be adopted:

Each member before speaking on any subject, shall rise to his feet and address the chair, and that each member be allowed to speak ten minutes on each subject and only once except by permission from the chair.

The forenoon sessions to open at 8.30 and close at 11.30, and the afternoon sessions open at 1.30 and close at 4.30.

W. B. Musselman was elected to act as interpreter in case of necessity.

On motion the time of opening the forenoon session was reconsidered, and it was

Resolved, That theforenoon sessions be opened at 9 o’clock instead of 8.30.

It being questioned by some members of the Conference whether W. B. Musselman had a right to a seat in Conference, as aMissionary Presiding Elder, it was

Resolved, That in view of what is to be brought up before the conference on this question, W. B. Musselman shall hold his seat as a member of this Conference.

Resolved, That all open voting shall be done by raising the right hand.

Resolved, That the chairman nominate all committees: and the Conference elect them.

The following committees were elected:

1. Committee on worship: H. S. Hallman, S. Goudie, S. Bowman.

2. Committee on Statistics: I. Pike, H. S. Wismer, J. Buzzard.

3. Committee on program: O. B. Snyder, S. Eby, A. Good.

4. Committee to examine Annual Conference Minutes: W. B. Musselman, E. Anthony, S. Lambert, O. B. Henderson.

5. Committee on Resolutions: W. B. Musselman, H. S. Hallman, D. Brenneman.

6. Auditors: W. G. Gehman, H. Pontius.

Presiding Elders’ Reports.

H. Goudie, presiding Elder of North District of Canada Conference reported: Having been in office only since last March, I have not much to report. The work is encouraging, and, with the exception of an occasional little difficulty, all in peace and harmony. We have besides our regular fields two prosperous city missions in my district.

The Committee on Worship reported. H. Pontius will preach this evening, and Phoebe Brenneman will follow.

Adjourned with Prayer.



The session was opened by singing and prayer after which the proceedings of the last session were read and received with the understanding that the yeas and nays on the question of the missionary P. E. be put on record.YEAS AND NAYS.

Yeas: P. Cober, H. Goudie, M. Bowman, S. Eby, I. Pike, H. S. Wismer, S. B. Schneider, H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, J. G. Shireman, A. A. Wismer, A. Good, A. Wright, O. B. Snyder. E. Anthony, J. C. Hallman, H. S. Hallman.

Nays: W. B. Musselman, D. Brenneman, S. Lambert, C. K. Curtis, J Buzzard, H. Pontius, O. B. Henderson.Reports of Presiding Elders (Continued).

P. Cober, Presiding Elder of the South District of Canada Conference reported: The work has made some advancement. Our ministers are loyal to the church as well as to the Lord, and they face every difficulty. Many things are encouraging in spite of difficulties. The tabernacle work has been a great blessing in the salvation of many souls. The camp meetings have as a rule been well attended Our city missions are gradually progressing. Have opened a number of new missions during the General Conference term. There is union among the ministry in doctrine and spirit. Justification and sanctification are taught as separate experiences. Two of our ministers, the brethren, J. S. Guy and A. Bell died since last General Conference and we have felt this loss keenly.

O. B. Snyder, Presiding Elder of the Michigan Conference reported: Ours is the only Mission Conference. In the beginning of this Conference term we had one circuit and eight missions. Now we have six circuits and five missions. We had opened a few city missions, one was closed again, while the other has grown to a circuit. Our ministers are nearly all young men, but they are enthusiastic and are adapted to revival work. We have enthusiastic camp meetings. We have changed altogether Pre-millennial in our views since last General Conference. Our people are liberal. Our tabernacle work has been a glorious success in saving souls. The work in general has made advancement, and we are encouraged.

D. Brenneman, Presiding Elder of Indiana and Ohio Conference reported. We have held our own at least during the last four years. Have many difficulties to contend with, but we have gained many blessed victories. Our ministers look on the bright side of the difficulties, and believe that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. The work has not advanced as it should have done. We have 13 circuits, and 8 missions at present in good working order. There are prospects for opening new missions in the near future. We feel the need of a training school for mission workers. Our preachers are united in doctrine. The tabernacle work has been made a great blessing in the salvation of souls.

Resolved, That we have a question drawer, that a committee be elected to examine the questions, and that the Chairman answer the questions.

A. Good and W. G. Gehman were elected a committee to examine the questions. The questions are to be answered at the commencement of each session.

H. Pontius, Presiding Elder of the Iowa and Neb. Conference reported: I am glad to report that there is a conference in the west. Our conference is only four years old. Our ministers are mostly young in years. The work is increasing in spirituality, but it is poor financially, but the Lord blesses the poor and we get along financially. Some are learning to give the tenth. Our conference is scattered over five States and one Territory. The P. Elder has to travel 2250 miles in order to make one round. This costs much, but we have been well provided for. We have fifteen circuits and one mission. Our city mission work is not as successful as in the east on account of the large cities being so far apart, and the towns too small to have successful missions in. We are loyal to God and the church.

H. B. Musselman, P.E. of the Schuylkill Valley District of Pa. Conference reported: Have not much to report, have been elected only lately. We have eight circuits on the district over which I preside. The work is progressive and the pastors are real self-denying and contented. Members are generally real spiritual. We are also loyal in doctrine, but perhaps present it in a little different way from what some others may do. There is a spirit of unity among our ministers.

Resolved, That W. B. Musselman report as Missionary P. E.

W. B Musselman, Missionary P. Elder of Pennsylvania Conference reported: The nature of our work is somewhat peculiar. We have no men in our work. We open a mission in any town where the Spirit may direct without consulting any one in the town. We send two workers there, open a hall and move forward slowly. We do not encourage them to preach everything they know, or some things they may not know, in one week. We do not encourage them especially to preach, but to read a chapter or part of a chapter and talk on the same. Our work extends over quite a number of counties from one end of the state to the other. The Lord blesses us financially. We trust in God alone, and He wonderfully provides for us. We try to get the proper workers together. This we find sometimes a great difficulty. We have at present twelve missions open every night. We mean to move forward.

C. H. Brunner,P. Elder of the Lehigh Valley district of the Pennsylvania Conference reported: Our work is not as extended as that of some of the other conferences. It is however enough to keep one more than busy. Have travelled in the last year over 18,000 miles. Am not home very much. I find the work of the Lord joy, and love to be exclusively engaged in the work of the Lord. Our church and ministry are united. Had a blessed Annual Conference the last one we held. Three of our ministers in the active work died during the conference term, the brethren A. B. Gehret, G. A. Wentz, and A. B. MUSSELMAN. A number of our ministers have gone out to the foreign field; Bro. Snyder has gone to Thibet, Bro and Sister Weiss to South America, and J. E. Fidler and wife to Armenia. They all give encouraging reports, and we should pray for them. Our people are liberal. They gave on an average during the past year $25 per member. We have four or five tabernacles going all the time during the tabernacle season. Our camp meetings have been successful in the saving of souls.

The session was adjourned with prayer.


The session was opened with Singing and prayer after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and received.

The Committee on program reported, and the report was received with a few amendments.

D. Brenneman reported with regard to the matter of church property in western Pennsylvania. Found out by inquiry that the property was not worth much, if it could

be found, and hence did not deem it advisable to spend money to go and hunt it up.

The report was received.

Resolved, That we revise the discipline.

Resolved, That the discipline be read and revised by conference.

Resolved, That we have a committee on revision to which special articles may be referred for revision.

On motion it was

Resolved, That the chairman be one of the committee.

The chairman then appointed A. Good and H. S. Hallman to complete the committee, and the committee stood elected as follows:- C. H. Brunner, H. S. Hallman, A. Good.

Resolved, That the discipline be read in English only.

P. Cober was elected to read the discipline.

Resolved, That the preface to discipline be referred to the committee on revision, except the last paragraph.

Resolved, That Art. I be referred to committee on revision.

Resolved, That Art. V be referred to the committee on revision.

Resolved, That Art. XIX be referred to the committee on revision.

Committee on worship reported: H. B. Musselman is to preach this evening; J. N. Kitching is to follow.

Adjourned with prayer.



The session was opened by singing and prayer after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and after a change in the wording of a resolution were received.

The questions of the question drawer were answered.

The committee on revision reported as follows:

1. Leave the preface of the discipline as it now reads.

2. Page 13, Article I. Erase line 4 and insert the following in its place,”Creator of heaven and earth, and”.

3. Article IV, Page 16, in 1st line omit the parenthesis and begin the word “anointed” with a capital “A”.

4. Page 16, Article V, in line 2 insert the words “sent by” after the word “and.” Insert the word “convict” in line 5 after the word “reprove.” In line 6 after the word “judgment” erase the words “also-God,” and insert the following: “to regenerate such who repent of their sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and to cleanse the children of God, and imbue them,” etc.

5. Page 26, Art. XIX no change-cannot improve on it.


Committee, A. GOOD,


The report was received.

The committee on worship reported. E. Anthony is to preach this evening and A. Good is to follow.

Resolved, That Bro. R. V. Bingham, returned missionary of Africa, Wm. Egle of the Light and Hope Missionary Society, and S. D. Burkey of the Egly church be received as advisory members.

The committee elected at the last General Conference to dispose of the BANNER Office plant, etc., reported, and the report was received to be audited.


Statement re. Gospel Banner Printing Business.

Jan. 1st, 1898 Debt assumed by H. S. Hallman $1643.79

Int. accumulated to date 263.43


May 1st, 1897 Cash received $300.00

May 17th, 1898 Note in favor of John B. Gehman 344.54

Int. on above note until paid 15.43

July 26th, 1899 Int. on Mortgage 50.00

June 23rd, 1900 Int. on Mortgage 50.00

Oct. 1st, 1900 Received bal. due as per agreement 134.00 893.97

Bal. including Int. on Mortgage $1013.25

JOHN TROXEL, Chairman of Com.

Berlin, Oct. 1st, 1900.

Statement re John B. Gehman’s Claim

Oct. 17th, 1896 Amt. due $1535.00

May 7th, 1897 Int. 7 months and 7 days 46.24

Amt. due 1581.24

Paid by check 300.00

Bal. due 1281.24

April 9th, 1898 Int. 10 months 58.60

Amt. due 1339.84

Paid by draft 500.00

Bal. due 839.84

May 17th, 1898 Interest 4.70

Amt. due 844.54

Paid by draft 500.00

Bal. due 344.54

May 17th, 1989 Paid bal. by note 344.54

John Troxel, Chairman of Com.

Berlin May 17th, 1898.

The report was discussed and audited and the auditors reported as follows:

We have examined the report of the Committee concerning the Gospel Banner printing business and find it correct.


Auditors H. PONTIUS.

The report was received.

Resolved, The Rev. Mr. Williamson be received as advisory member of this Conference.

Resolved, That we express our appreciation of the services of the committee of the Gospel Banner Printing Plant, and thereby exonerate them.

The revision of discipline was proceeded with.

Resolved, That Section 11, page 37 be referred to the Committee on Revision.

Resolved, That Section V, page 39 be referred to the Committee on Revision.

Adjourned with prayer.


The session was opened with singing and prayer, after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and received.

The revision of the Discipline was again resumed.

The Conference Resolved itself into a committee of the whole to consider Sections XI, XIV, and XVII.

Resolved, That the above mentioned committee sit at once.

Sister C. H. Brunner preached during the session of the committee.

The committee to revise Sections XI, XIV, and XVII not being ready to report, the Conference adjourned with the benediction.



The session was opened with singing and prayer after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and received.

The committee to revise Sections XI, XIV and XVII reported as follows:

Section XIV was first considered and no change made.

Section XI was next considered and was left without change.

Section XVII, The words “saving for fornication” to be inserted after the word “person” in line 4.

The report was received.

The revision of discipline was resumed.

Rev. Mr. Friedrich, Pastor of the Baptist church and Rev. J. A Sprunger of the Light and Hope Society were received as advisory members of this conference.

The Committee on Annual Conference minutes reported as follows:

We have examined the minutes of the Pennsylvania, Canada, Michigan, and Iowa and Nebraska Conferences and find them well written and in good form.

The minutes of the Indiana and Ohio Conference not being present, we did the best we could by examining them as published in the Gospel Banner.

Iowa and Nebraska Conference twice appointed the time for ordination of deacon. This should have been done by the Quarterly Conference (page 70 of discipline). Auditors were appointed at the first conference only, and there is no record of their report.

Some ministers were passed as satisfactory who were not present and did not report.

In various Stationing Committee reports sisters were given charge of a work. This is contrary to chapter 4, section 4 of discipline.

We found the following recommendations to this General Conference:

From Pennsylvania.

1. To enact a law to prohibit Presiding Elders from speculation in any form of real estate or personal property buying cattle, houses, lands and stocks by which to make financial gain.

2. To exclude Field’s Handbook of Christian Theology from the Reading Course. We recommend not more theology but more Bible.

From Canada

1. To limit the time of stay of the minister on his field to three years.

2. To reconsider our Reading Course.

3. We refer the matter of uniform for our Mission Workers to the General Conference.

From Iowa and Neb.

1. To include the book Finney on Masonry in Reading Course.

From Michigan.

– 1. To limit the time to P. Elder’s office to five years.

2. To authorize probationers in charge of a work to solemnize marriages.

3. To insert in our discipline a paragraph in Chap.4, Section 3, that our probationers are not to be ordained until the Annual Conference is fully satisfied that they expect to continue in the itineracy.

From Indiana and Ohio.

1. To require that probationers make 50 per cent of the marks given on each book, and an average of 60 per cent in order to pass.







The report was received.

Resolved, That 500 Conference Journals be printed containing the minutes of this General Conference and divided among the Annual Conferences in proportion to membership.

Resolved, That the committee on Statistics apportion the number of Journals to each Annual Conference. The revision of Discipline was resumed.

Resolved, That Section 15, pages 47 and 48 with Section 9 be referred to the committee on revision.

Resolved, That Section 16, page 52 be referred to the committee on revision.

Resolved, That the words”can you” in the four questions page 56 and 57 be erased.

Resolved, That the words “so long till” in line 8 and 18, Page 57, Section 3 be erased and the word “until” be inserted instead.

Resolved, That the last paragraph in Section 7 be made into a new section and designated as Section 8.

Resolved, That Section 1, Page 69 be referred to committee on revision.

Resolved, That Presiding Elders shall be elected from those who give themselves unconditionally to the Conference and this shall be inserted in Discipline; Page 69, Section 2, Paragraph 1.

Resolved, That Vice Presiding Elders shalt be elected from among those who give themselves unconditionally to the Conference, and this shall be inserted in the Discipline, Section 2, at the end of Par 2, Page 70.

Resolved, That the word “trustee” in Par. 1, Section 2, Page 69 be erased and the words “by ballot or open vote as the Annual Conference may decide” be added to the end of Par. 6, Page 70.

Adjourned with benediction.


The session was opened with singing and prayer after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and received.

The questions in question drawer were answered.

Resolved, That Section 3, pages 71 and 72 be referred to the committee on revision.

Resolved, That in Section 7, line 1, the word “men” be erased and the word “members” be inserted instead.

Resolved, That section 10, page 79 be referred to the committee on revision.

Resolved, That the recommendation sent in by the Pennsylvania Conference in reference to the Presiding Elders be referred to the committee on revision in connection with section 12, page 83.

Resolved, That section 1, page 91 and section 4, page 73 be referred to the committee on revision.

A. P. Stoltz, minister of the Radical U. B. Church was received as advisory member of the conference.

Resolved, That chapter 8, page 108 be referred to the committee on revision.

The Presiding Elders of the different Conferences were elected a committee on boundaries of Annual Conferences.

Adjourned with prayer.



The session was opened with singing and prayer after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and received.

The questions in question drawer were answered.

The Committee on revision reported and the report was received for discussion.

Adjourned with benediction.


The session was opened with singing and prayer after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and received.

The Committee on Annual Conference boundaries reported, and the report was received as follows:

1. That the Iowa and Nebraska Conference constitute all territory west of the Mississippi River and that it be known as the Nebraska Conference.

2. Pennsylvania Conference is to constitute all territory in the United States east of the western boundary line of Pennsylvania.

3. That Indiana and Ohio Constitute all territory east the Mississippi River west of Pennsylvania with the exception of what is known as Michigan Conference.

4. Canada to compose all of Canada.

5. Michigan Conference comprise the State of Michigan with the exception of the counties of Vanluven, Kalamazoo, Calhoun, Branch, St. Joseph, Cass, and Berrien.








Whereas the last General Conference made a mistake in making Michigan Mission Conference and ordering Canada Conference to pay a certain per cent of their Home Mission money to the Mission Conference; and whereas said Conference has now been made an independent Conference, therefore

Resolved, That we recommend the Canada Conference to continue the percentage system in the following manner: First year 13 per cent, second year 10 per cent, third year, 5 per cent.

Resolved, That a committee of five be elected to formulate a section in reference to the formation at Mission Conferences.

P. Cober, O. B. Snyder, H. Pontius, D. Brenneman, and W. B. Musselman were appointed.

Rev. S. R. Knechtel of the Evangelical Association was received as advisory member of the Conference.

The discussion of report on revision of discipline was resumed.

The report of the Committee after a lengthy discussion was received as follows:


Sec. II, Page 37. Add the following: “In addition to these we encourage the opening of new missions in halls or other places in the various cities and towns, where the Gospel may be preached every night in the year. We also recommend the holding of street, grove, tabernacle, and camp meetings.”

Sec. IX, Page 44. Strike out the last two lines, and insert the following : “Our denomination use their influence against this evil.”

Sec. XV, Page 48. Insert the following before the word let: ” After the admonitions of Sec. VI, Par 2, Page 40, have been fully carried out without bringing reconciliation between the parties, then.”

Page 49. Erase all the words in line 7-9 inclusive and insert the following : “shall be acquitted if no proper humiliation and confession are manifested, the preacher shall admonish such an one in the presence of one or two faithful members. If this effort proves fruitless, in bringing him to the proper acknowledgment let the case.” Erase all the words in the last two lines on page 51 and to the end of the paragraph on page 52. Insert the last two lines on page 51, and to the word “same” on page 52 in section XI, page 82, between the last two paragraphs.

Sec. XVI, Page 52. Erase the whole section and substitute the following: ” Having frequently been disturbed in our public worship by persons having no proper regard for religious services, and, since the Lord has made ample provision for His children by the powers that be

(Rom. 13:1-5) and the apostle Paul appealed to these for justice (Acts 25: 11) hence after the use of all reasonable means to secure order have failed, such offenders may be given over into the hands of the said powers.”

Sec. VIII, Page 67. Erase the last line and all on page 68. Add to Sec. X, page 45, the following words: “No person shall be elected to the office of deacon, class leader or Sunday School Superintendent, and no applicant for Quarterly Conference license be received who is addicted to the use of tobacco or opium in any form.”

Sec. III, page 72. Par 4. line 3, erase the words, “one year” and insert the words, “six months.” Erase Par. 6. Insert a paragraph 4 as follows: “Quarterly Conference licenses shall be renewed annually at the last Quarterly Conference in the annual conference year providing the workers receive two-thirds of the votes of those present.” Change the numbers of the paragraphs after par. 4 to proper order.

Sec. X, Page 79. In line 5, after the word “marriages” insert the following words: ” which they shall be allowed only by permission of the Presiding Elder wherever this does not conflict with the laws of the state.” Erase the word, “and” and commence the word, “they” with a capital “T.” Insert the word, ” also ” in line 6, page 79, instead of the word, “only.”

Sec. XI Page 82, Insert the following paragraph after paragraph 4, “No minister shall have charge of the same field longer than three years in succession except by two-thirds vote of the Annual Conference.”

Sec. XII, Page 84 Insert after paragraph 10, the following paragraph, numbering it paragraph 11, “No Presiding Elder shall hold office for more than five years in succession.”





Resolved, That the Foreign Mission Work be referred to a committee of six. C. H. Brunner, H. S. Hallman, H. Pontius, H. Goudie, D. Brenneman, and O. B. Snyder were elected.

The question of a Bible and Training School was briefly discussed and referred to the Committee on Foreign Missions.

A motion that we have a Bishop was defeated without discussion.

The Editor of the Gospel Banner reported. Have had four years of hard work, but it was blessed, and had special help from the Lord. Have met many difficulties but they were a blessing to me. I visited the different conferences to keep in touch with the different ministers and members. The Lord prospered the work of the printing office. We Commenced to publish the “Youth’s Banner” a few years ago. We began with about 900 copies, and now publish about 1400 copies semi-monthly.

The Missionary, a little four page paper was also started for the purpose of free distribution in city missions. This is supported by free contributions from those who are interested in the City Mission Work. We publish as many weekly as we have means for during the year. This has resulted in great blessing. My courage is good. Am in the hands of the Conference for them to do as they may be led of the Lord.

The Conference Resolved itself into a Committee of a whole to consider the election of the Editor of The Banner.

Adjourned with the benediction.



The session was opened with singing and prayer after which the minutes of the preceding sessions were read and received.

Questions in question drawer were answered.

The following Committees reported; Committee on Statistics.

See Report at end of Journal.

We recommend that the General Conference Journals be divided among the different Conferences as follows: Canada 152; Indiana and Ohio 148, Pennsylvania 90; Michigan 60; Nebraska 41.





The report was received.

Committee to formulate a Section on discipline in reference to Mission Conference

Resolved, That we insert in the discipline on page 99, section 2, known as paragraph 17 the following:

Mission Conferences may be organized by any Annual Conference when deemed advisable. These shall receive financial support as mutually agreed upon. They shall be under the supervision of their respective Annual Conferences until they are recognized as independent Annual Conferences by the General Conference.







The report was received.

Report of Committee to examine and consider the election of an Editor. After examining H. S. Hallman, Editor of the Gospel Banner and finding him to have given satisfaction, it was

Resolved; That we express our appreciation of his faithful labors in the past.

The report was received.

Committee on Foreign Missions reported as follows:

1. Each Annual Conference shall elect its own Foreign Missionary Board.

2. The Ministers shall see that all the Foreign Mission Money is paid to the Board and the Board, instead of the party or class donating the money, shall decide where the money shall go.

3. We would discourage the support of native workers, outside of those working under our own missionaries.








The report was received.

Rev. A. Y. Haist of the Evangelical Church was received as an advisory member.

Committee on Home Mission Training School reported as follows:

1. Resolved, That the subject of a Training School be left to the discretion of each Annual Conference, respectively.

2. We recommend the opening of Missions in different cities and towns to be under the supervision of an efficient superintendent elected by the Annual Conference.






H. Goudie,


The report was received.

Rev. W. Backus of the Radical U. B. Church was received as an advisory member of the Conference.

The Committee on Revision reported and the report was received for discussion.

Adjourned with prayer.


The session was opened with singing and prayer after which the minutes of the preceding session were read and received.

Questions in the question drawer were answered.

Rev. J. A. Sprunger of the Light and Hope Missionary Society addressed the Conference. He expressed his wish in behalf of the Cleveland and Berne Churches, by whom he was sent as delegate to this Conference of forming a union with some body to better further the cause of the Lord. He suggested the election of a Committee to attend their Conference which will be held the beginning of November.

Unfinished business was then resumed. A motion to put the following into the Discipline,

“No travelling Elder in our church shall be allowed to speculate in real estate, stocks, or personal property for the accumulation of temporal possessions,” was defeated by an amendment for the following recommendation:

Seeing as we do the very disastrous results to the spirituality and usefulness especially of the Christian Ministry by being entangled in speculation, or investments in such a way as to really encumber them, therefore

Resolved, That we recommend our ministers to look well to their calling as laid down in the word of God, and as specified in our discipline and give good heed to keep as free from everything of a like nature that hinders their usefulness to God and the Church so that when the Master comes He may open to them immediately.

The names of those who voted on the foregoing question are as follows:

For the Motion :- H. S. Wismer, S. B. Schneider, H. B. Musselman, W. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, J. G. Shireman, A. A. Wismer, A. Good, J. C. Hallman, O. B. Henderson, H. S. Hallman.

For the Amendment :- P. Cober, H. Goudie, M. Bowman, S. Eby, I. Pike, D. Brenneman, S. Lambert, C. K. Curtis, A. Wright, J. Buzzard, O. B. Snyder, E. Anthony, H. Pontius.

The report of the Committee was received as follows: Sec. 3, page 72, paragraph 7, erase the word “Probationers,” . and insert the word “applicants,” and add the following: “according to paragraph 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this section.”





Resolved, That the Editor be elected by ballot.

S. Lambert, A. Wright, and I. Pike were elected tellers.

H. S. Hallman was elected as Editor of the Gospel Banner.

Resolved, That we have three Associate Editors.

Resolved, That the Editor nominate a number of brethren from among whom the associate Editors shall be elected by ballot.

A. Good, C. H. Brunner, and I. Pike were elected.

Resolved, That a collection be lifted for the Secretary for his services. A collection was lifted amounting to $7.60. Thanks!

Resolved, That the Editor have the liberty to choose the help he may need from any Conference.

Resolved, That the same Committee that made the agreement with H. S. Hallman in reference to the printing office, stock, &c., be elected as a standing committee until the contract ends.

Committee,- J. Troxel, M. Devitt, A. H. McNally, E. Pannebecker, J. B. Shantz.

Resolved, That candidates for the Executive Committee be nominated by the Conference, and elected by ballot.

Resolved, That the time of session be extended till the Executive Committee be elected.

The following were elected as Executive Committee

Chairman:- P. Cober.

Travelling Elders:- H. S. Wismer, S. Eby, E. Anthony.

Lay Brethren:- S. B. Schneider, J. W. Buzzard, J. C. Hallman.

Resolved, That we have an evening Session,

Adjourned with prayer to meet again at 7.30 o’clock.

Committee on worship reported. W. J. Huffman is to preach this evening, and W. Dudley is to follow.


The session was opened with singing and prayer after which the minutes of the preceding session were read, and after a motion that the names of votes on the motion and amendment in reference to travelling elders speculating be recorded was passed, they were received. The names were then attached to amendment as given in minutes of previous session.

Resolved, That we send a delegation of three to the Missionary Church Conference.

M. Bowman, H. S. Hallman, and D. Brenneman were elected as a Committee.

The committee on revision of discipline reported as follows:

Sec. 3, page 72, paragraph 5, line 2, erase the word “Church” and insert the words “Annual Conference” and add to the end of the paragraph the following words, “And that he intends to continue in the itineracy.”

Chapter 8, page 108, to be left as it is with the exception of putting a short treatise on outline study of the Bible in place of “Field’s Handbook of Christian Theology.”





Resolved, That after the expiration of the Editor’s agreement with the conference in the printing business the Executive Committee fix the salary of the Editor for the balance of the Conference term.

A resolution brought before the Conference that in no case more than one Presiding Elder shall be recognized as a member of the General Conference by virtue of his office except when the whole number of members in his Annual Conference shall exceed one thousand, was referred to the committee on resolutions.

The question on Uniform for Mission Workers was brought up for discussion.

Resolved, That the Mission Workers be received as advisory members for the discussion of this subject.

After a lively discussion of the subject by the Mission Workers and a few members of the Conference in which the pros and cons were presented it was

Resolved, That the uniform question be left over to the respective Annual Conferences.

Resolved, That H. S. Hallman be permitted to absent himself from the remaining part of the session on account of pressing work.

Resolved. That the next General Conference meet at Nappanee, Ind., on the first Wednesday in Oct., at 9 a. m. 1904.

Resolved, That we have a Committee of two to decide what book on the reading course is to take the place of Field’s Theology.

H. S. Hallman and C. H. Brunner were elected as committee.

Resolved, That the question of using said book instead of Field’s Theology for the next examination be left to the board of examiners of each Conference.

The session adjourned with prayer.



The session opened by singing and prayer, after which the minutes of the preceding sessions were read and received.

The questions in question drawer were answered. Auditors reported on the statistical report: We have audited the statistical report and found it correct with the exception of the amount collected for church property and the sum total, which we have corrected. We also found that some figures were very poorly written and hard to be distinguished.




Committee on Resolutions reported the following resolutions which were accepted


Our little denomination is at present supporting nine missionaries directly and is doing considerable in helping to support others outside of our own missionaries. Pennsylvania Conference takes the lead in this work, they supporting six missionaries; Bro. and Sis. Weiss, in South America; Bro. and Sis. Fidler in Armenia; Bro. C. E. Snyder in Thibet; and Sister Rose Lambert in Armenia.

Canada Conference supports two, Bro. Wm. Shantz, in China, and Sister Ada Moyer in Armenia.

Indiana and Ohio Conference supports one; Sister Fredericka Honk in Armenia.

The two younger Conferences, Michigan, and Nebraska have done nobly in the Foreign Mission Work in helping to support workers in the different fields.

We find quite a number of our ministers and people out on the self-sacrificing line.

Our missionaries report very favorably as to their work and are greatly encouraged. The Lord has wonderfully sustained them, and opened up the way into the hearts of the people. God’s blessing has signally rested upon this work, therefore

Resolved, That we thank our Lord and Savior who has enabled us to be co-workers with Him in evangelizing the world, and express our appreciation of the self-denying spirit manifested among our missionaries, and pray God to continue to use them in His work. We further pray God in behalf of the native Christians who are exposed to persecution, and are in danger of losing their lives through the cruel hand of war and persecution to keep them faithful unto death.

Whereas it has pleased our Heavenly Father, who doeth all things well, to take from our midst during the past General Conference term our devoted Bro. J. S. Guy and

Whereas Bro. Guy was a very devoted and earnest member in the last session of this body, therefore

Resolved, That we hereby express our appreciation of his past services as a General Conference Member and convey the same to his bereaved companion who has so faithfully stood by him in his work.

Whereas some questionable Sunday School literature has been used, therefore

Resolved, That we recommend each Annual Conference to make an effort to secure the amount of S. S. Literature they can use and consult the publisher, H. S. Hallman, who under existing circumstances shall have the right to decide the advisability of publishing the same.





The question of baptism as it now stands in discipline was brought up for discussion. After some discussion it was

Resolved, That it be laid on the table for the afternoon session.

Rev. R. V. Bingham, returned Missionary from Africa addressed the Conference on the subject of Africa Industrial Missions.

Adjourned with benediction.


The session opened with singing and prayer after which the minutes of the preceding sessions were read and received.

Questions were answered.

Resolved, That R. V. Bingham have ten minutes longer to speak on the subject of Foreign Missions.

Rev. R. V. Bingham spoke on the subject.

The subject of baptism was again taken up and after a brief discussion was dropped.

A season of prayer was held in behalf of the Armenian work, especially in behalf of the Orphanage at Sis.

Resolved, That the following be inserted into the discipline:

In no case shall more than one Presiding Elder be a member of General Conference by virtue of his office except the membership of his respective Annual Conference exceeds 1000, when an additional Presiding Elder may be a member of the General Conference after which an additional Presiding Elder may be a member of the General Conference for each additional 600 members.

Resolved, That the time of the Committee in reference to the contract with H. S. Hallman, be extended to the end of the Conference term.

The matter of a new edition of a church hymn book was discussed, and a motion to have a new hymnal was defeated.

Resolved, That any changes made in our discipline go in effect immediately except where especially provided for otherwise.

Whereas the board of trustees with the pastor of the Methodist congregation of Berlin, have so kindly given us the use of their church house for worship during our General Conference, therefore

Resolved, That we tender a hearty vote of thanks to them for their kindness, and ask God to continue to bless their work. A copy of this resolution is to be sent to the chairman of their trustee board.

Resolved, That the Presiding Elders’ term of office shall be reckoned from the time of their first election, and those who have been in office longer than five years in succession shall hold office till next Annual Conference when their time shall expire.

Resolved, That we tender a hearty vote of thanks to the brethren and sisters, and friends, of Berlin and vicinity for the kind hospitality shown toward the conference members and strangers in attendance at Conference.

Resolved, That we have 1000 copies of supplement to discipline printed, and apportioned to the different conferences in the same proportion as the Conference journal.

The Conference adjourned to meet again at Nappanee, Ind., at 9 a. m. on the first Wednesday in October 1904.

C. H. BRUNNER, Chairman

H. S. HALLMAN, Secretary.

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