1904 General Conference Minutes

General Conference Journal


General Conference


Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church,

Held in Nappanee, Indiana,

October 5th, 1904.

H. S. Hallman, Printer,

Berlin, Ont.

General Conference Officials.

PRESIDENT, S. Lambert, PotsdamOhio,

SECRETARY TREASURER, H. S. Hallman, Berlin, Ont.

EDITOR, H. S. Hallman, Berlin, Ont.

ASSISTANT EDITOR. O. B. Henderson, Berlin, Ont.


P. Cober, Berlin, Ont. Chairman,

E. Anthony, Wetzell, Michigan

H. B. Musselman, Reading, Pa.

S. Lambert, Potsdam, Ohio,

A. A. Miller, Shambaugh, Iowa

B. F. Beery, Goshen, Ind.

I. Pike, Bethesda, Ont.

A. M. Gehman, Dillingersville, Pa.

The foregoing committee is also the Publishing Committee.

General Conference Proceedings.

The Sixth General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ convened at Nappanee, Ind., Wednesday, Oct.5th, 1904.


The Chairman of the last General Conference, Eld. C. H. Brunner, opened the session by prayer.

RESOLVED, That we elect the Chairman of this Conference by ballot.

RESOLVED, That a number of the Presiding Elders be nominated and the Chairman be elected from among the nominations.

The following brethren were nominated: S. Lambert, A. B. Yoder, P. Cober, H. B. Musselman.

RESOLVED, That the nomination be closed. Eld. S. Lambert was elected by a large majority, and afterwards on motion was elected by acclamation.

The Chairman read and made some appropriate remarks, followed by a season of prayer.

The roll was called as follows:

INDIANA AND OHIO CONFERENCE. A. B. Yoder, P. E., S. Lambert, P. E., D. Brenneman, C. K. Curtis, Robert Wright, B. F. Beery.

PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE. H. B. Musselman, P. E., C. H. Brunner, P. E., W. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, J. D. Moyer, A. M. Gehman.

CANADA CONFERENCE. P. Cober, P. E., H. Goudie, P. E., S. Eby, S. Cressman, S. Goudie, I. Pike, S. B. Schneider.

MICHIGAN CONFERENCE. O. B. Snyder, P. E., E. Anthony, F. Auslander.

NEBRASKA CONFERENCE. J. W. Morgan, P. E., A. A. Miller, P. E., O. B. Henderson. Geo. Skiles absent.

H. S. Hallman, Editor.

RESOLVED, That the four front seats and the two side seats on the right side of the house constitute the Conference bar.

Whereas, the clause referring to the Presiding Elders’ seats in Conference as passed by last General Conference was not inserted into the Discipline, as ordered by Conference, and the Nebraska Conference as a result sent two Presiding Elders to General Conference, which according to the resolution in question was not allowable, therefore,

RESOLVED, That both Presiding Elders from said Conference be given a seat in Conference.

RESOLVED, That the secretary be elected by open vote.

H. S. Hallman was elected secretary of General Conference,

RESOLVED, That the Secretary appoint his assistant.

RESOLVED, That P. Cober be Vice Chairman.

RESOLVED, That the Chairman appoint a committee to draw up rules of order for this Conference. H. B. Musselman, O. B. Snyder, A. B. Yoder were appointed.

Adjourned to meet at one o’clock P. M.


The session was opened by singing and prayer after which the roll was called and the minutes of the preceding session were read and received. The minutes of the last General Conference were read, and after a few corrections were received.

The Committee on Rules of Order reported, and the report was adopted as amended.

1. Each member before speaking on any subject, or upon presenting any motion or seconding the same shall first receive permission by rising to his feet and addressing the Chair, and shall then be allowed to speak ten minutes on each subject and only once except by permission from the Chair.

2. The forenoon sessions are to open at 8 o’clock and close at 11.30. Afternoon sessions open at 1 o’clock and close at 5 o’clock.

3. That all open voting shall be done by raising of the right hand.

4. That the Chairman nominate all committees and Conference elect them.

5. That all ordained ministers present of our society be received as advisory members and be privileged to speak five minutes on any subject and once only.

6. That we would encourage the Chairman to call on such members of this Conference who show inactivity, and we request the Chair to enforce these rules of order.

7. That ministers from other denominations attending any of the sessions be introduced to this Conference.


H. B. Musselman,

O. B. Snyder,

A. P. Yoder.

The following committees were appointed:

Committee on Worship: A. B. Yoder, D. Brenneman, C. K. Curtis,

Committee on Statistics: W. G. Gehman, O. B. Henderson, B. F. Beery.

Committee on Program: O. P. Snyder, A. B. Yoder, S. Cressman.

Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes: H. B. Musselman, A. A. Miller, I. Pike, C. K. Curtis, S. Goudie.

Committee on Resolutions: C. H. Brunner, E. Anthony, H. Goudie.

The Presiding Elders reported: P. Cober, Presiding Elder of the South District, in Canada Conference reported: Am glad to report the work in an encouraging condition. The work has made advancement in the past four years. We have nine circuits and missions on the district over which I have charge. The ministers are a unit in doctrine, in discipline, and in spirit. They are self-sacrificing, and have the work at heart. I do not know that we have a pet theme, but if we have it is holiness. The tabernacle meetings have been a great blessing to our work. The Camp Meetings have also been blessed of God in stirring up the church. We are still enthusiastic on the different lines of work. We have some things to contend with that are not so pleasant but we get the victory.

H. Goudie, P. E., of the North District of Canada Conference reported: We have had a number saved and sanctified. Some of our ordained ministers died during the last General Conference term. Bro. W. J. Hilts and Bro. J. Schell were called away from their active work by the hand of death. Bro. J. H. Steckley, one of our retired ministers and Bro. E. Battye who had been in the active work in our Conference for a few years were also taken from our midst through death. We have an encouraging army of young men in the ministry on probation. Our Camp Meetings were good. Souls were saved and sanctified. We have held Holiness Conventions, and these have been a great blessing to the church. The work in the Northwest is a great opening for Canada Conference. The work there has not made the progress as we would like to see. It has suffered some on account of lack of men to carry on the work.

H. B. Musselman, P. E., of Pennsylvania Conference reported: The work in our Conference is moving on slowly in the various lines of work, spiritually and financially. The ministers are united and have a submissive spirit. So have the members. The Lord is leading and souls are being saved in prayer meetings, missions, church and tabernacle meetings. All the meetings are well attended. The Sunday-schools are well attended and the children are getting saved. Foreign Mission work in the Sunday-schools is increasing and hundreds of dollars are raised. Our people are a separate people from the world. Our preachers are straight in doctrine, on justification and sanctification, and walking and living in the Spirit. The Camp Meetings were well attended and made a great blessing to our people, and souls were saved. Have had only three Annual Conferences in this term. On account of the tabernacle work being so successful just at this time we thought it was too early to hold our Annual Conference before General Conference.

C. H. Brunner, Missionary P. E., of Pennsylvania Conference reported: The mission work in our Conference is making progress. We have two young men at each mission, and they hold services every evening in the halls and open-air every evening during the year if possible, and in the daytime they visit from house to house. This is not an easy work. They do not receive admittance into every home. Some rejoice because of their visits while others close the door in their face. Our collections have amounted to about $5,000 in the last year including the sale of literature, etc. Our work will never be large, as the workers, in course of time enter into the regular ministry in the church. One of our workers died, but through it all we are encouraged.

A. A. Miller, P. E., of Nebraska Conference reported: We are still on the old blood and fire line. Our work is more on a mission basis. The work is much scattered, but the Lord is blessing the work. Many are being saved, sanctified and healed. We preach a fourfold gospel . Our Home and Foreign Mission Collectionshave doubled since the last General Conference. The work is prospering and spreading.

O. B. Snyder, P. E., of Michigan Conference reported: Michigan is no longer a Mission Conference. The support increased as the percentage from Canada Conference decreased. The work is increasing. We have had an increase in members notwithstanding the many that died, dropped out, withdrew and expelled . We are still preaching the old gospel and our members support it by their amens, and their life, while some get mad. The Camp Meetings have been a great blessing. New work springs up. We have the best success in the country. Holiness Conventions have been a great blessing and the means of starting work in new places. We have a united ministry. They are openhearted to each other.

A. B. Yoder, P. E., of Indiana District of Indiana and Ohio Conference reported. The work is in a good condition. We have nine circuits and three missions on my district. The meetings are good, but we have not much of an increase of members. Our missions are encouraging, the Chicago mission is especially so. Our ministers are mostly young men. Some are not ordained yet. There is a spirit of oneness among them. The Lord has led some out on the line of healing. We stand by the discipline; but our members are not all as obedient to the discipline as we would like to see them. There has been some tabernacle work done, and the Lord blessed the work in the salvation of souls. The missionary spirit is wonderfully increasing in our Conference. It has increased fourteen-fold during the past four years, and people are helping the home mission more than they ever did. One of our ministers, Eld. McDannel, died. Our Camp Meetings were good. Souls were saved and sanctified. Our ministers are real definite on the teaching of justification and sanctification. We desire to do the whole will of God.

S. Lambert, P. E., of Ohio District of Indiana and Ohio Conference reported: I have been only six months in the office of P. E. I have eight circuits and two missions on my district. The work in general is moving on. The ministers are united and loyal. The feeling is to stand together. There is perhaps a lack of enthusiasm, but the work is holding its own. The Lord is working in the missions. Ministers are perhaps in some places toning down a little. The Camp Meetings were good. We passed through some severe tests, but we feel that God is leading. There has been some advancement made in the teaching of divine healing. The ministers as a whole are loyal to the doctrines of the church, but a little stirring up would do good.

H. S. Hallman gave a report of the City Mission work in Canada. The work is encouraging. Have seven missions, and all are doing well, Our workers have adopted a uniform, and it has been made a blessing to the work.

RESOLVED, That O. B. Henderson report for Nebraska Conference in place of J. W. Morgan. Bro. Henderson reported: We are small in members but active, and our workers are all consecrated to the Lord. We have twenty-three men in the active work. They are a lot of self-sacrificing men, and though their support is small financially they give liberally towards the support of the work. The field is large, and plenty of work can be found. We feel the loss of our dear Bro. Kerschling who was a father to us, and a great help and encouragement. The workers are all united with perhaps one or two exceptions. We have 130 members in our work in Washington. The Working Girls’ Home has been a great blessing to many poor girls who are not able to earn enough to keep them. The Home and Foreign Mission funds have been doubled in the last four years. We have two missionaries out. We need more consecrated workers. We keep up the old teaching of the church. We have no knowledge of any member in our Conference that uses tobacco.

RESOLVED, That we have a question drawer, and only questions referring to General Conference shall be dealt with.

RESOLVED, That the Chairman appoint a committee of two to examine the questions and that the Chairman answer them at the opening of each session.

D. Brenneman and W. G. Gehman were appointed auditors.

W. B. Musselman and A. A. Miller were appointed a committee to examine questions.

Adjourned with prayer.



The session was opened with singing and prayer after which the roll was called, and the minutes of the preceding session read and received.

The delegation to the Church Missionary Society elected at the last General Conference reported that two of them visited the above society at their Conference, and that they were not called upon by said Conference to speak on the subject of union, etc., and hence had nothing to report.

The report was received.

The Banner Committee that made the contract with H. S. Hallman reported, and the report was received as follows:


Berlin, Sept. 29th, 1904.

June 16, 1898

To Amt. assumed by H. S. Hallman as per contract $1248.00

By cash at Sundry times paid as per

contract 1248.00

By Amt. of contract as above $1248.00

To Mtge. $1000.00 Int. 4 yr.

@ 5 per cent 1225.00

By Bal. due Banner business $23.00

By Bal. due from old Don. acc 34.14

Bal. due Banner business $57.14

John Troxel, Sec. and Treas.

Chairman of Com.

Berlin, Sept. 29th, 1904.

To the Members of General Conference. Greeting. Herewith I enclose statement in short form Re. Banner Committee and H. S. Hallman’s agreement.

Cash and note of $643.79 to J. B. Gehman and the Mtge. on plant for $1000.00 is paid with a bal. on hand of $23.00.

The $643.79 was settled for by cash and his note to J. B. Gehman before the contract was drawn up and fully entered into, hence the statement Amt. assumed $1248.00 to settle for Mtge. and Int. on same.

I have investigated the printing machinery and think it is in about as good condition as when leased, excepting one small press which will need some repairing if special work is to be done on it.

Hope and pray that the different Conferences will unite their efforts better than ever to support the Publishing interest for the benefit of the church and cause for which we claim to work. Bro. Hallman has worked hard, and at great disadvantages, and sometimes much discouraged, but by God’s grace he has been able to do what has been done for the Banner interest, and trust the Conference can see their way clear to place it into hands by whom it will continue to be a blessing. Trusting every Conference session and all subjects for consideration will be considered in the spirit of Christ with God’s approval manifested, I remain respectfully yours,

John Troxel, Chairman of Com.

The Committee on Annual Conference Minutes reported, and the report was received as follows: We have examined the minutes of the Pennsylvania, Canada, Michigan, Nebraska, and Indiana and Ohio Conferences and find them fairly well written and in good form.

Nebraska Conference appointed no auditors at their Conference of 1901 and opened several sessions without reading the minutes of the previous session, and the Conference of 1902, third session nothing was mentioned of opening services, but begins at once with business, and the statistical report does not give increase or decrease of members. The third session of the Conference of 1903 as given in the minutes was held outside the Conference bar and was only a committee meeting of the Conference as a whole.

We found the following recommendations to this General Conference.

From the Nebraska Conference:

1. That we petition the General Conference to substitute Horsch’s Church History in the place of Fisher’s Church History.

2. Whereas, we have heard of some rumors in our Conference regarding the publication of a paper separate from the Gospel Banner, therefore,

Resolved, that we request the General Conference to consider the same.

3. That we petition the General Conference to consider the matter of using musical instruments in outdoor services in City Mission work.

4. That we petition the General Conference to consider the matter of organizing our Mission Workers into a Deaconess Society.

From Michigan Conference.

1. Recognizing as we do the need of sound doctrine and feeling the need of a theology in our Reading Course we therefore recommend that the General Conference put as good a work on theology as they can get on the Reading Course.

2. That we recommend the General Conference to reconsider the number of members needed to seat two Presiding Elders of one Conference.

3. That we recommend the General Conference to reconsider the subject of lay delegates to the General Conference.

Indiana and Ohio Conference:

1. Whereas, a loose and superficial habit of study is acquired and encouraged by a low percentage in the course of study for probationers, be it

Resolved, that we as a Conference approve of a higher grade and general average of reading course study for Annual Conference probationers and would unitedly recommend to our next General Conference that no probationer shalt fall below 30 per cent in any one branch and a general average of 50 per cent must be reached to pass a satisfactory examination.

2. Resolved, that we as a Conference recommend to General Conference no modification of the article in the discipline on secret orders.

3. Resolved, that we as a Conference request the General Conference to substitute Horsch’s Church History for Fisher’s Church History.

4. Resolved, that we as a Conference recommend to General Conference that in Sec. 7 of discipline, ”Duties of Stewards,” rule 1 to read as follows: ”To assist the deacons in procuring dwellings for the ministers and collect and pay for the same aside from regular quarterages.”

Canada Conference:

All was found correct, with the exception that the initials or first names of some members are not recorded.

The following resolutions and recommendations were found to the General Conference. 1. Resolved, that we petition the General Conference to take into consideration the advisability of our Society having a Bishop.

2. Resolved, that we petition the General Conference to extend the time of ministers from the term of three years to a term of four years.

3. Resolved, that this Conference request the General Conference to consider the voting of sisters in business meetings.

4. Whereas, we are in great need of a church hymn book, therefore resolved that the General Conference duly consider this long-felt want.

5. Resolved, that we recommend the General Conference to take in consideration the term of the Presiding Elder.

6. Resolved, that we ask the General Conference to take steps to publish our own Sunday-school quarterlies and lesson leaves.

7. Whereas, our foreign missionary work is so much scattered, therefore

Resolved, that the General Conference take this matter into consideration to unite our forces as General Conference.

Pennsylvania Conference:

On page 184 in the old book the seventh session, the reading of the minutes was not recorded.

Appeals to General Conference by the Pennsylvania Conference:

1. Whereas, we as a Conference see the inconsistency of denying young converts the privilege of becoming members of the church as long as they are not fully enlightened in reference to the evils of secret societies and life insurance, yet acknowledging their conversion, therefore

Resolved, that we recommend the General Conference to modify these rules.

2. Resolved, that we as a Conference protest against higher percentages as well as against more books on theories, arts, etc., in our Reading Course; and, to substitute some books on the deeper life in Christ instead of Lessons in Holiness.

3. Resolved, that we recommend the General Conference to omit the time of the Presiding Elder.


H. B. Musselman,

S. Goudie,

Isaac Pike

A. A. Miller,

C. K. Curtis.

RESOLVED, That the Conference as a whole be a committee to examine the Editor, and that said committee meet at 7 o’clock P. M. today.

The Editor reported, and the report was referred to the committee to examine the Editor.

RESOLVED, That the Associate Editors give a report of their work. C. H. Brunner and I. Pike reported.

A. Good was not present and hence did not report. Their reports were referred to the Committee to Examine the Editor.

RESOLVED, That the Discipline be revised and reprinted.

RESOLVED, That the discipline be read and revised by Conference as a whole.

RESOLVED, That we have a committee to whom any articles in discipline for revision that the Conference may deem necessary might be referred for the proper arrangement or wording to present to Conference.

RESOLVED, That the Chairman be one of the aforesaid committee.

H. B. Musselman and O. B. Snyder were elected to complete the committee.

RESOLVED. That the Chairman appoint some one to read the discipline. P. Cober was appointed.

RESOLVED, That some one keep track of the change made in articles in the supplement and bring them in at their proper place in the revision of the discipline. E. Anthony was appointed.

The reading and revision of discipline was then taken up.

RESOLVED. That the secretary appoint an assistant secretary who shall mark any change that may be made in discipline, and correct such errors as may be mentioned in the revision of the discipline. W. G. Gehman was appointed.

RESOLVED, That two phrases of Par. I. page 7 be reversed.

RESOLVED, That the word “is” in line 6 and the word “together” in line 9 on page 9 be erased.

RESOLVED, That on page 10, line 13 the comma after the word “Canada,” and the word “together” in line 18 be erased.

RESOLVED, That on page 11, second to last line the word “affected” be erased, and the word “effected” be inserted instead. On page 12 line 11 insert a semicolon after the word ”Conference,” and that the word ”together” in line 13 be erased.

RESOLVED, That on page I Supplement, the word “indued” he changed to the word “imbued,” and on page 2 the word “Gen.” not be repeated.

The Committee on Worship reported.

Adjourned by prayer.


The session was opened by singing and prayer, the roll called and the minutes of the preceding session were read and received.

H. S. Hallman reported in reference to the publishing business.

The report was referred to the Committee to Examine the Editor.

RESOLVED, That the Chairman appoint some one to look up the Bible references in connection with articles on Discipline. H. Goudie was appointed.

RESOLVED, That on page 2 of Supplement the scr. passage attached to last of article 4 should be changed from ”1 Cor.” to ”2 Cor.”, and insert after the word “sins” the words ”after which He was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God, ever living to make intercession for us. Mark 16:19 (R. V.) Heb. 7:25.”

RESOLVED, That article 12 be referred to the Committee on Revision.

RESOLVED, That H. S. Hallman be added to the Committee on Revision.

RESOLVED, That article 14 be referred to the Committee on Revision.

RESOLVED, That the last sentence of article 21, page 28 be erased and said portion taken up again under General Rules in the proper place.

RESOLVED, That article 26 be referred to the Committee on Revision.

RESOLVED, That the word “will” in lines 2 and 4 from bottom of page 36 be erased and the word “may” be inserted instead.

RESOLVED, That Sec. 5 page 39 be referred to Committee on Revision.

RESOLVED, That Sec. 11 pages 45 and 46 be laid on the table until the recommendations from Annual Conferences are taken up.

RESOLVED, That the word “fairs” be added to Sec. 12, page 46.

Adjourned with prayer.



The session was opened by singing and prayer, the roll called, and the minutes of the preceding session read and received.

Report of the Committee of the Whole. H. A. Hallman, Editor of the Gospel Banner, who was referred to this Committee was examined and passed.

Upon request S. Eby not feeling well bodily, was excused providing he be satisfied with the transactions of the Committee.

RESOLVED, That we pass A. Good, C. H. Brunner, and I. Pike, Associate Editors.

RESOLVED, That we refer the matter of the Publishing work to the forenoon session of Friday.

P. Cober, Chairman,

W. G. Gehman, Secretary.

The report was adopted.


1. Whereas, a request was sent in from the P. E. of the Ohio District of the Indiana Conference some time after the last General Conference who had also obtained the consent of the P. E. of the Pennsylvania Conference that the western part of the Pennsylvania Conference including West Moreland and Blair Counties should be annexed to the Indiana and Ohio Conference. The Executive Committee took action on the same and made the above change.

2. There were two vacancies made in the Executive Committee during the General Conference term that had to be filled. The one was caused through the death of Bro. J. Buzzard, which vacancy was filled by Bro. A. Wright. The other vacancy was caused by the resignation of Eld. E. Anthony who went to Africa as a missionary. His place was filled by Eld. C. H. Brunner.

3. Since it has pleased the Lord to remove by the hand of death, our dear Bro J. Buzzard from our midst, who was a faithful member of the Executive Committee, therefore

RESOLVED, That we express our sympathy with the bereaved family, and also our consciousness of the loss we have sustained through his death.


P. Cober, Chairman,

S. Eby,

C. H. Brunner,

S. B. Schneider.

The report was received.

RESOLVED, That the boundaries of the Annual Conferences be left as they now are.

The report of the publishing house after a lengthy discussion was received.

RESOLVED, That the matter of our publishing interests be referred to a committee of five, one from each conference, and H. S. Hallman to consider the matter and report to the Conference. P. Cober, H. B. Musselman, O. B. Henderson, O. B. Snyder, S. Lambert, H. S. Hallman were elected a committee.

Whereas, Bro. H. S. Hallman assumed the indebtedness of the Gospel Banner about six years ago and has in the face of much difficulty and with a great deal of hard work and under the blessing of God paid the debt in full, therefore

RESOLVED, That we as a Conference express our sincere thanks and deepest appreciations of his faithfulness in carrying out his undertaking.

Adjourned with prayer.


The session was opened by singing and prayer, the roll called and the minutes of the preceding session were read and received.

The Committee on Publishing interests reported.

The report was laid on the table for future consideration.

The question of having a Bishop was discussed at some length, pro. and con., and it was

RESOLVED, That we have no bishop for the present.

The Assistant Secretaries were appointed tellers.

RESOLVED, That we take an informal vote before the Editor be elected.

The following names were brought out by the informal vote, J. J. Hostetler, W. B. Musselman, H. S. Hallman, P. Cober, A. B. Yoder, O. B. Henderson.

H. S. Hallman was elected Editor.

The report of Committee on Publishing interests was taken from the table, and after a discussion of the same at some length the report was referred back to the Committee for them to enter more fully into the matter, now that H. S. Hallman has been elected as Editor.

RESOLVED, That Sec.13, page 27 be laid on the table.

RESOLVED, That Sec.14, page 47 be laid on the table.

RESOLVED, That the words ”How shall an accused minister be brought to trial?” be printed uniform with the other headings.

RESOLVED, That Sec.17, page 8 of Supplement together with the last sentence of article 21 page 28 be referred to Committee on Revision.

Adjourned with prayer.



The session was opened by singing and prayer, after which the roll was called and the minutes of the preceding session were read and received.

The Committee on Statistics reported:

We examined the summary statistics of the various Conferences for the General Conference term and found none of them correct. Those of Michigan Conference, Canada, and Pennsylvania are neatly prepared. We find that many items in these summaries and those of last General Conference do not correspond, considering the increase or decrease as reported in the schedules.

We would respectfully call attention to some items on the schedules which are not clearly defined concerning membership which appears to account largely for these statistics being incorrect.


W. G. Gehman,

B. F. Beery,

O. B. Henderson.

The report was received.

RESOLVED, That the revision of the schedule be referred to the Committee on Statistics.

RESOLVED, That a short report of the services held be entered on the minutes, and that I. P. Moore furnish the secretary with such report.

RESOLVED, That we have a recess, of twenty minutes.

RESOLVED, That the report of the Publishing interests be laid on the table.

The report of the Committee on Revision was read and the different articles discussed.

Adjourned with prayer.


The session was opened by singing and prayer, the roll called and the minutes of the preceding session read and received.

The report of the Committee on Revision was again taken up, and after discussion, the report was received.


Article 12, page 20, erase the entire article from the word ”inasmuch” in the third line from bottom of page, and add the following:

Art. 12 “Entire Sanctification.” The personal indwelling of God through the Holy Ghost, in the believer, is the greatest theme of the New Testament. If we are really filled with the Spirit we must have Him in our body. We will then know what it means to be ”quickened” in our mortal flesh by the Spirit that dwelleth in us. We therefore are perfect -perfectly saved- the will of God perfectly performed in the soul. We must get a Scriptural conception of the reality and possibility of such a life. The Scriptures speak of:

1. The sanctification of Christ, John 10:36; 17:19; as His setting apart as a servant and the sacrifice.

2. The sanctification of believers unto God. 1 Cor. 1:2; 2 Thess. 2:13.

The sanctification of believers is two-fold, viz:

1. That which is wrought for them, or sanctification past and perfect. I Cor 1:2; 6:11, R. V.; Acts 20:32; 26:18. The work of God the Father, (Jude 2), and Christ the Son. Heb. 2:11; Eph. 5:26

2. That which is wrought in them, or sanctification experimental and practical wrought by the Spirit, (I Thess. 5:23); through the Word. John 17:17.

The believer is to live as becometh saints, (Eph. 5:2), and to purge himself from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, (2 Cor.7:2); from unequal yokes and unholy alliances, (2 Cor. 6:14-17); and from the teachers and holders of evil doctrine. Only thus shall he be a vessel sanctified, made meet for the Master’s use.

Article 14, page 22, erase the entire article and insert the following:


All sickness is the result of sin directly or indirectly. Job 2:7; Luke 13:16; Acts 10:38; John 5:14; Deut. 28:15-23; Lev. 26:16. God has made provision in the atonement for the healing of the body, (Isa. 53:3,4, R. V. with Matt. 8:16,17) I John 3:8. The mode given us for the healing of the sick is the laying on of hands, and anointing with oil and praying over them. Mark 16:17,18, James 5:14,15; Mark 6:13.

Article 26, page 33, change the heading of the article from “The Sabbath” to “The Lord’s Day.” Change the word “Sabbath” in lines 1 and 6 to the words “Lord’s Day,” and insert the word “was” instead of the words “as having been,” in line 2.

Section 3, page 39. Par. 3, after the word “Elder” insert the words “shall ask the necessary questions and afterwards,” and erase the word ”will” in line 2.

Article 21, page 28, erase the last sentence, all except the scripture passages, erase the word ”therefore” in said sentence and add it to the end of Article 17 on page 8 on Supplement.

RESOLVED, That Art.17, page 8 of Supplement be laid on the table.


H. S. Hallman,

S. Lambert,

H. B. Musselman,

O. B. Snyder.

RESOLVED, That we have a General Conference Camp Meeting.

RESOLVED, That a committee be appointed one from each Conference to make arrangements, and to decide as to the time and place for the holding of the General Conference Camp Meeting H. Goudie, C. H. Brunner, E. Anthony, A. A. Miller, and A. B. Yoder were appointed.

RESOLVED, That all book agents be prohibited from selling books at the aforesaid Camp Meeting, except such who receive permission from the Committee.

A resolution to have an assistant Editor was laid on the table.

The Committee on Worship reported.

The revision of discipline was continued with.

RESOLVED, That Sec. 3, par 4., line 5, the word ”keep” be erased, and the words ”care for” be inserted instead.

RESOLVED, That the Conference form itself into a Committee of the Whole, to consider questions in connection with the publishing interests, etc.

The resolution to have an assistant Editor was taken from the table and referred to the Committee as a Whole.

RESOLVED, That the Committee on General Conference Camp Meeting shall decide whether another such Camp Meeting shall be held after the aforesaid Camp Meeting, and if they decide to have another they shall notify each Annual Conference of the fact and each Conference shall elect a man to constitute a committee to arrange for such Camp Meeting.

The revision of Discipline was continued with.

E. Anthony was appointed Chairman of Committee as a Whole.

Adjourned with prayer.



The session was opened by singing and prayer, the roll called and the minutes of the preceding session read and received.

The divine services Saturday evening and on Sunday in the different churches were blessed of God. Eld. R. L. Woodring preached Saturday evening, and Sis. C. M. Rudy followed. Sunday, in the M. B. C. church, Eld. S. Eby preached in the morning, in the afternoon Sis. Krikorian spoke on the work in Armenia, and Eld. C. H. Brunner preached. In the evening H. S. Hallman preached and Sis. E. Hostetler followed. In the M. E. church W. G. Gehman in the morning and E. Anthony in the evening. In the U. B. church S. Lambert in the morning and P. Cober in the evening. In the M. B. C. church, Wakarusa, O. B. Henderson in the morning and W. G. Gehman in the evening. In the M. B. C. church, South West, S. Goudie in the morning and O. B. Snyder in the evening. At Oak Grove, H. B. Musselman.

The Committee as a Whole reported and the report was received as follows:

RESOLVED, That we have an assistant Editor.

RESOLVED, That whereas Eld. H. S. Hallman has agreed to publish the Gospel Banner for a General Conference term and to bear all expenses in connection [sic] church the sum of Five Hundred Dollars per year in semi-monthly payments and furthermore that all books and periodicals sent to the Gospel Banner be the property of the church in the care of the assistant Editor. Also, the Editor shall not take the assistant Editor from his regular duties, therefore, we as the General Conference agree to lease to Eld. H. S. Hallman all the publishing interests and property of the M. B. C. Society at Berlin, Ont., now in his possession for aforesaid General Conference term.

The same to be kept in as good condition as at this date, wear and tear excepted.

All the money derived from the subscription and sale of Gospel Banners shall be paid to Eld. H. S. Hallman.

Furthermore, that Eld. H. S. Hallman be granted one column on the last page for advertising books, etc., and also the privilege to publish a supplement occasionally for insertion in the Banner, if he so desire.

This contract shall go into force Jan. 2, 1905, and continue for four years.

RESOLVED, That the Assistant Editor’s duties shall be to write editorials, undersigned by his initials, make the selections and editorial work in general. He shall have charge of the arranging of the matter, correct manuscript, read proofs and have oversight in making up the forms and mailing of the Banner, and full charge of the mailing list, the subscription list and also attend to all correspondence relating to the Gospel Banner.

He shall be held equally responsible with the Editor so far as doctrines are concerned in all the work he assumes. He shall see that the paper is published at the right time. He shall make every effort to increase the subscription list and shall be allowed to resort to such methods as would be deemed advisable. His services shall begin not later than Nov. 15, 1904, and he shall assume the above responsibilities on Jan. 2nd, 1905.

E. Anthony, Chairman

I. Pike, Secretary.

The report of the Committee on Publishing Interests was taken from the table, and it was not received.

An informal vote for the election of Assistant Editor was taken and the following candidates were brought out; S. Goudie, I. Pike, O. B. Henderson, A. B. Yoder, W. G. Gehman, J. J. Hostetler, C. H. Brunner, W. B. Musselman.

RESOLVED, That the request of I. Pike, W. G. Gehman, W. B. Musselman and C. H. Brunner to withdraw their names from the above list be granted.

RESOLVED, That the candidates for the assistant Editor be examined individually by the Conference in their absence.

RESOLVED, That we have a private session while the candidates for assistant Editor are being examined.

After the examination of the several candidates, O. B. Henderson was elected Assistant Editor.

RESOLVED, That we now make the election of O. B. Henderson Assistant Editor unanimous.

RESOLVED, That under the present regulations in reference to the Assistant Editor, he be a member of next General Conference.

RESOLVED, That under the present existing contract we have no associate Editors.

The revision of discipline was again resumed.

RESOLVED, That Sec. 4, page 75 be laid on the table.

RESOLVED, That in Sec. 5, page 73, line I the letter ”s” be added to the word “Superintendent.” Erase the word ”he” throughout the Sec., and insert the word ”they” instead. Erase the word ”assistant” in line 6 and insert the word ”vice” instead.

RESOLVED, That Sec. 7, page 76 be laid on the table.

RESOLVED, That Sec, 8, page 78 be laid on the table.

Adjourned with prayer.


The session was opened by singing and prayer, the roll called and the minutes of the preceding session read, and after a few corrections were received.

RESOLVED, That 1,000 Journals be printed containing the minutes of this General Conference and divided among the Annual Conferences in proportion to membership.

RESOLVED, That the Committee on Statistics apportion the amount of General Conference Journals to be sent to each Conference.

RESOLVED, That the Journals be sent to the secretaries of the several Annual Conferences, and that they be paid for 50 days after the secretaries receive them.

RESOLVED, That the school question be referred to a Committee of the Whole.

RESOLVED, That a Committee to Publish a discipline be appointed. H. S. Hallman, O. B. Henderson and P. Cober were appointed,

RESOLVED, That the next General Conference be held at Brown City, Mich., the fourth Wednesday of October, 1908, at 9 o’clock A. M.

RESOLVED, That Conference sit as Committee this evening.

RESOLVED, That the Foreign Mission work and all that relates to it be referred to the Committee of a Whole.

Revision of Discipline was resumed.

RESOLVED, That Sec. 11, page 14 of Supplement be laid on the table.

RESOLVED, That the three last lines on page 77, the three last lines on page 78, the last line on page 82 and the first two lines on page 83 be erased, and the following paragraph added to the end of Sec. 11. “The travelling elders, helpers, Sunday-school superintendents, class leaders, deacons, stewards and trustees shall be held accountable to their respective Quarterly Conferences on their charge for the faithful performance Of their official duties.”

RESOLVED, That Sec.12, page 83 be laid on the table.

RESOLVED, That Sec, 13, page 85 be referred to Committee on Revision.

RESOLVED, That Sec.14, page 88, par. 3 the words “shortly before New Year,” be erased and the words “at such time as may be agreed upon with each Annual Conference,” be inserted instead.

RESOLVED, That Sec. 1, Chap. 5 be laid on the table.

RESOLVED, That Sec. 2, page 93 be referred to the Committee on Statistics.

RESOLVED, That, Sec 3, page 99 be laid on the table.

RESOLVED, That in Chap 6 the word “Sabbath” in the heading and throughout the chapter, be erased and the word “Sunday” be inserted instead.

RESOLVED, That on page 104 in the last answer on the page, and on page 107 in last paragraph the word “appoint” be erased and the word ”elected” be inserted instead.

RESOLVED, That chapter 8, page 108 be laid on the table.

RESOLVED, That Chap. 9, page 110 be referred to Committee on Revision.

RESOLVED, That the recommendations from the different Annual Conferences be now considered in connection with the sections that have been laid on the table.

RESOLVED, That Sec. 13, page 47 the words “public worship” in the last line be erased, and the words ”regular church and Sunday-school services” be inserted instead.

Committee on Worship reported.

O. B. Henderson was appointed Chairman of the Committee as a Whole.

Adjourned with prayer.



The session was opened with singing and prayer, the roll called and the minutes of the preceding session read and received.

The Monday evening services were good, Seekers were at the altar and the Word was blessed. Sisters E. Hostetler and E. N. Rudy preached.

Questions were answered by the Chair,

The consideration of the recommendations from the different Annual Conferences was resumed.

RESOLVED, That in Sec. 7, page 76, par. 1 under ”duties of stewards” the words ”and collect and pay the rent for the same aside from the support of the minister” be added to the end of said paragraph, that paragraph 5 be erased, and the word ”wants” in the last line on page 76 be erased, and the word ”needs” be inserted instead.

RESOLVED, That in Sec. 8, page 78, par. 2 under ”duties of deacons” the words ”and collect and pay the rent for the same aside from the support of the minister” be added to the end of said paragraph, and the word “wants” in line 6 from bottom of page 78 be erased and the word “need” inserted instead.

RESOLVED, That Sec. 11, page 14 of Supplement the following paragraph be inserted immediately following par. 2 of section: ”The travelling elders shall be stationed at the Annual Conference by a committee consisting of the Presiding Elders and a number of or all the delegates.”

RESOLVED, That Sec. 12, page 115, par. 11 to end of paragraph the following words, “This report shall be compiled by the statistical secretary of the last Annual Conference, audited, and handed over to the Chairman” be added.

RESOLVED, That the answer to question 1, Sec. 1, page 91 be erased, and the following words be inserted instead, “All members on the charge in good standing.”

RESOLVED, That the words ”All sister workers who have passed their Reading Course satisfactorily shall be recognized as approved ministering sisters by their Annual Conference” be added to the end of Sec. 4, page 73.

Adjourned with prayer.


The session was opened with singing and prayer, the roll called, and the minutes of the preceding session read and received.

RESOLVED, That the following be added to end of Par. 1, page 100, ”In no case shall more than one Presiding Elder be a member of General Conference by virtue of his office except the membership if his respective Annual Conference numbers 800. If the membership exceeds 800 then an additional Presiding Elder may be a member of the General Conference, after which an additional Presiding Elder may be a member of the General Conference for each additional 600 members.”

The Committee on Revision reported as follows:

In Sec. 13, page 85, erase par. 1 and insert the following: ”The Executive Committee shall consist of one Presiding Elder from each Conference and three lay delegates to be elected at the time of General Conferences who shall hold office for a General Conference term. The Chairman of this committee shall be elected from among the Presiding Elders who are members of said Committee”. Insert the words ”or appeals” immediately after the word ”disputes” in par. 7, immediately following the word “Conference.”

Chap. 9 insert the word ”trustees” in line 6.


H. S. Hallman,

S. Lambert,

O. B. Snyder,

H. B. Musselman.

The report was received.

The committee to arrange Sec. 2, page 93 reported as follows: SECTION II, PAGE 93.Changes in Schedule.

Between Nos. 2 and 3 in Schedule insert the question, ”How many Approved Ministering Sisters?”

Place No. 15 after No, 9 and call it No. 10.

Between Nos. 11 and 12, insert the question, ”How many received by transfer?”

Between Nos. 14 and 15 insert the question, ”How many dropped?”

To No. 16 add the words, “to the other Conferences.”

Between Nos. 18 and 19 insert the question, ”Total Increase of Members?”

Between Nos. 19 and 20 insert the question, “Total Decrease of Members.”

No. 30 to read, “How many M. B. C. Sunday-schools?”

No. 31 to read, “How many new M. B. C. Sunday-schools organized?”

After No. 42 insert 1st the question, ”Total Increase of Church Property?” 2nd, “Total Decrease of Church Property?”

No. 49 erase the word “assistants” and insert instead of the word ”helpers.” No. 62, insert the word “annual” after the word “for.”

Between Nos. 62 and 63 insert the question, “How much collected for Superannuation Fund?”

Between Nos. 63 and 64 insert first the question, ”How much collected for General Conference Fund?” and 2nd ”How much collected for other Purposes?”

Leave two extra blank lines following No. 64.

In the Order of Procedure after paragraph 8, page 98, insert the words, “Who shall constitute the Boundary, Stationing and Appropriating Committee?”


O. B. Henderson,

W. G. Gehman,

B. F. Beery.

The report was received.

The Committee of a Whole reported, and the report was received as follows:

Since we as a General Conference do not see our way clear to concentrate our forces in Foreign Mission work, therefore

RESOLVED, That we continue to work as we have in the past and put forth every effort we can to concentrate the work in the individual Conferences.

With reference to the school question it was

RESOLVED, That this Conference abide by the decision of last General Conference.

O. B. Henderson. Chairman,

I. Pike, Secretary.

RESOLVED, That this General Conference recommend the various Annual Conferences to pass resolutions or devise means by which the various pastors urge their members to pay all their foreign missionary money to their respective Foreign Missionary Boards. We further recommend each one or more Annual Conferences and their Foreign Missionary Boards to concentrate their means and missionaries as much as possible to one or more foreign fields.

Although our Foreign Missionary work is yet in its infancy, we feel very thankful to God for the deep and intense interest the Holy Spirit has given us in the salvation of the lost “in the regions beyond.”

We likewise feel grateful to see the unselfish and self sacrificing spirit manifested among our people who have given so liberally toward this cause. Above all do we feel thankful to God for His abundant blessing upon their labors, and His protection of their lives and health.

The various Conferences are at present supporting eighteen missionaries as follows:


Chili, South America:- Elder H. L. Weiss, Mrs. H. L. Weiss, Eld. H. W. Feldges, Eld. A. E. Dawson, Mrs. A. E. Dawson, David Mancilla, Eld. Niels Gunstad and Marie Gunstad.

Hadjin, Turkey:- Rose Lambert.

Thibet:- Eld. C. F. Snyder.


Hadjin, Turkey:- Eld. T. Ford Barker, Mrs. T Ford Barker.

China:- Eld. Wm. Shantz.

Soudan, Africa:- A. W. Banfield.


Hadjin, Turkey:- Fredericka Honk.


Natal, Africa:- May Compton, Maude Cretors.

Michigan Conference sent their money out through other channels since Eld. E. Anthony has returned from Africa.

The other Conferences likewise sent out large amounts through other channels to various fields.

The various Conferences collected the following amounts for Foreign Missions during this General Conference term:

Pennsylvania Conference $10971.71

Canada 12211.60

Ohio and Indiana Conference 5200.79

Nebraska Conference 4223.27

Michigan Conference 3509.27

Total $36116.64

These are the Lord’s doings and are marvelous in our eyes. Feeling our inefficiency to have such a noble cause entrusted to our care, we humbly ask the Lord to guide the various Annual Conference Boards in the faithful and judicious discharge of their responsible duties. We desire to express our highest appreciation of the reports received from the various fields and of the self-denying services of these noble servants of Christ, and pledge ourselves to continue to uphold them by our prayers and means. We trust and pray the Lord to keep our missionaries and their converts who have accepted Christ under many difficulties and dangers well in body, free from all contaminating influences surrounding them, from discouragement and the deceptive snares of the devil and false doctrines these last days, working, waiting and looking for the coming of the Lord and the glorious reward of all the faithful.

The secretary shall send a printed copy of this resolution to each of our Foreign Missionaries.

RESOLVED, That any changes made in our Discipline go into effect immediately except where specially provided for otherwise.

RESOLVED, That the publication of Discipline be urged and be published no later than Jan. 2nd, 1905.

Whereas, the Board of Trustees with their pastor of the U. B. church at Nappanee have so kindly given us the use of their church for Committee meetings, therefore

RESOLVED, That we tender a hearty vote of thanks to them for their kindness and ask God to bless them.

A copy of this resolution is to be sent to the pastor.

Resolved, That the Assistant Editor receive $500.00 per year, services to begin Jan. 2nd, 1905, and receive such payment semi-monthly.

The Committee to arrange for O. B. Henderson’s moving expenses and salary up to Jan. 2, 1905, reported as follows:

We recommend that the following amounts be collected by the respective Conferences for O. B. Henderson’s moving expenses and salary up to Jan. 2, 1905.

Canada Conference $49.35

Indiana and Ohio Conference 33.90

Pennsylvania 31.35

Michigan Conference 20.10

Nebraska Conference 15.30

Total 150.00

The report was received.

The Auditors reported.

We audited the statement of Banner Committee over H. S. Hallman regarding the Banner business and found it correct. Adding the Statistical and financial accounts vertically and horizontally we found that they do not quite correspond.


W. G. Gehman,

Daniel Brenneman.

The report was received.

RESOLVED, That the question of Deaconess Societies submitted to this Conference by the Nebraska Conference he left to each Annual Conference as they may see fit.

The Committee on Statistics reported the following apportionment of General Conference Journals:

Canada Conference 329

Indiana and Ohio Conference 226

Pennsylvania Conference 209

Michigan Conference 134

Nebraska Conference 102


O. B. Henderson,

W. G. Gehman,

B. F. Beery.

The report was received.

The following were appointed Executive Committee for the ensuing General Conference term: H. B. Musselman, P. Cober, E. Anthony, S. Lambert, A. A. Miller, B. F. Beery, I. Pike, A. M. Gehman. P. Cober to act as Chairman.

RESOLVED, That the Executive Committee look after the Insurance of the church property, in the Gospel Banner Office.

RESOLVED, That we tender a hearty vote of thanks to the brethren and sisters and friends of Nappanee and vicinity for their great kindness and hospitality extended to the Conference members and visitors at this Conference, and pray that God’s blessing may attend them.

RESOLVED, That we adjourn to meet again (D. V.) at Brown City, Mich., on the fourth Wednesday in Oct., 1908.

S. Lambert, Chairman

H. S. Hallman, secretary.

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