1916 General Conference Minutes


Ninth General Conference



OCTOBER 11, 1916

Published by Order of General Conference

A. B. Yoder, Wakarusa, Ind., Editor.

Price, 20 Cents.


Chairman – C. I. SCOTT, Milford, Nebraska.

Vice – Chairman – M. J. CARMICHAEL, McMinnville, Ore.

Secretary – A. B. YODER, Wakarusa, Indiana.

Asst. Secretary – I. PIKE, Bethesda, Ontario.

Executive Committee

Chairman – S. GOUDIE, Stouffville, Ontario.

Secretary – I. PIKE, Bethesda, Ontario.

Treasurer – A. D. HOKE, New Carlisle, Ohio.

M. J. CARMICHAEL, McMinnville, Ore.; N. W. RICH, Weeping Water, Neb.; O. B. SNYDER, Port Huron, Mich.; A. B. YODER, Wakarusa, Ind.

Editor and Publisher – J. A. HUFFMAN. Home address: Bluffton, Ohio; Business address: New Carlisle, Ohio.

Office – Gospel Banner Office, New Carlisle, Ohio.

Associate Editors – Eld. J. Hygema, Shambough, Iowa; Eld. A. W. Barbezat, Filer, Idaho; Eld. J. N. Pannabecker, Elkton, Mich.; Eld. S. Goudie, Stouffville, Ont.; Eld. H. B. Musselman, Bethlehem, Pa.; I. Pike, Bethesda, Ont.; Eld. A. B. Yoder, Wakarusa, Ind.


Ontario Conference

Banfield, Mr. A. W. – Shongo, Africa.

Banfield, Mrs. A. W. – Shongo, Africa.

Homuth, Eld. C. T. – Mokwa, North Nigeria, Africa.

Shantz, Eld. S. S. – Jebba, North Nigeria, Africa.

Shantz, Mrs. S. S. – Jebba, North Nigeria, Africa.

Pannabecker, Miss C. W. – Shongo, North Nigeria, Africa.

Pannabecker, H. R. – Shongo, North Nigeria, Africa.

Evans, Miss E. M. – Shongo, N. Nigeria, Africa (home on furlough).

Shantz, Miss Nora – Shongo, N. Nigeria, Africa.

Shantz, Eld. Wm. A. – Wuchong, China (home on furlough).

Shantz, Mrs. Wm. A. – Wuchong, China (home on furlough).

Matheson, Miss Fanny – Lambak, India.

Michigan Conference

Lang, Mrs. Florence – Patige, N Nigeria, West Africa.

Sherk, Ira W. – Jebba, N. Nigeria, West Africa.

Bowman, Dorinda – Battle Creek, Mich (home from Turkey on account of war).

Martin, S. H. Igatpuri, India.

Martin, Minnie Igatpuri, India.

Indiana-Ohio Conference

Bredemus, Miss Katie – South Bend, Ind., (home from Turkey on account of war).

Lambert, Miss Norah – Elkhart, Ind., (home from Turkey on account of war).

Alberta Conference

Eby, D. C. – Didsbury, Alberta (home on account of war in Turkey).

Eby, Mrs. D. C. – Didsbury, Alberta (home on account of war in Turkey).

Pennsylvania Conference


Christ, E. E. Boma, Congo Belge, West Africa.

Christ, Mrs. E. E. – Boma, Congo Belge, West Africa.

Argentine, S. A.

Miller, O. H. – Olavarria, Argentine, S. A.


Feldges, H. W. – Osomo, Chile.

Feldges, Mrs. H. W. – Osomo, Chile.

Gomez, Manuel – Temuco, Chile,

Gomez, Innocencio – Capitan, Pastene, Chile,

LeFevre, Anna – Victoria, Chile.

Oyarzun, Dionisio – Lautaro, Chile.

Riveros, Ignacio – Gorbea, Chile.

Weiss, Mrs. Kate – Nyack, N, Y.

Zook, M. P. – (no address given).

Zook, Mrs. M, P. – (no address given).


Christia, Wm. – (Home on furlough).

Harkless, Miss Grace I. – (New missionary).

Plymire, V. G. – Laochow, Old City, Kansu Prov., China.

Ruhl, W. N. – Min Hsien, Kansu, China.

Snyder, C. F. – Titao, Kansu Province, China.

Snyder, Mrs. C. F.-Titao, Kansu Province, China.


of the

Ninth General Conference of the

M. B. in C., Held at New Carlisle,

Ohio — October 11, 1916.



Eld. S. Goudie, chairman of the last General Conference, called Conference to order at 9:00 a. m.

Resolved, That we take an informal ballot for chairman.

Elders J. N. Pannabecker and W. S. Hottel were appointed tellers.

Elder C. I. Scott was elected chairman and Eld. M. J. Carmichael was elected vice-chairman.

The following names were then presented by nomination for secretary: W. G. Gehman, J. N. Pannabecker and A. B. Yoder. A. B. Yoder was elected.

Resolved, That the secretary choose his assistant.

Resolved, That the seats to right and left, three front seats to right and left of aisle, together with the vacant house one block west of church constitute the bar.

The chairman, C. I. Scott, then read I Cor. 13, followed by a season of prayer.

The following roll was formed:

Pennsylvania Conference- H. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner, W. G. Gehman, E. N. Cassel, W. S. Hottel, Allen M. Gehman, G. O. Billig and H. S. Jones.

Ontario Conference- S. Goudie, S. Cressman, C. N. Good, E. Sievenpiper, J. N. Kitching, J. B Shantz, I. Pike, A. S. Stouffer.

Michigan Conference – O. B. Snyder, R. M. Dodd, J. N. Pannabecker, B. A. Sherk, A. Detweiler and M. Jausi.

Indiana Conference – C. K. Curtis, C. I. Huffman, A. B. Yoder, I. P. Moore, E. D. Mast, Anth. B. Yoder, A. D. Hoke.

Nebraska Conference- C. I. Scott, N. W. Rich, Joel Stahly.

Pacific Conference- M. J. Carmichael, A. W. Barbezat.

Alberta Conference- H. Goudie.

Editor- J. A. Huffman.

Publisher- W. B. Musselman.

Rules of Order Adopted

1. Each member before speaking on any subject, or upon presenting any motion, or seconding the same, first receive permission by rising and addressing the chair, and shall then be allowed to speak ten minutes on each subject and only once except by permission from the chair provided no one else desires to speak or no one objects.

2. The forenoon meetings open at 8:00 a. m. and close at 11:30; afternoon meetings open at 1:00 p. m. and close at 5:00 p. m.

3. That all open votings be done by raising of the right hand.

4. That the chairman nominate all committees and that Conference elect them.

Resolved, That the time be extended indefinitely.

5. That all ordained ministers of our society present be received as advisory members and be privileged to speak five minutes on any subject and only once.

Elders C. I. Huffman and E. D. Mast asked to be excused from afternoon meeting to officiate at a funeral service.

Request was granted.

Meeting adjourned at 11:35 with prayer by E. N. Cassel.


This meeting was opened with prayer by I. P. Moore.

Roll was called.

Minutes of the first meetings were read and approved.

The meeting then took up unfinished business, “The Adoption of Rules.”

6. That we encourage the chairman to call on such members of this Conference who show inactivity, and we request the chair to enforce these Rules of Order.

7. That ministers of other denominations attending any of the meetings shall be introduced to this Conference.

8. That we adopt T. B. Neely’s Parliamentary Practice to govern this Conference body.

Resolved, That at the call of one member the “Yeas” and “Nays” shall be recorded.

Resolved, That members of this Conference are not allowed to leave bar without permission, except E. D. Mast and A. D. Hoke.

Resolved, That we have the following committees-To Examine General Conference Minutes; On Worship; On Statistics; On Annual Conference Minutes; On Resolutions; On Introductions; On Auditing; On Credentials; On Boundary.

The following members were then nominated by the chair and elected by Conference:

Committee to Examine General Conference Minute- C. N. Good, R. M. Dodd, Joel Stahly.

Committee on Worship- C. I. Huffman, A. D. Hoke and E. D. Mast.

Committee on Statistics- J. N. Pannabecker, and W. S. Hottel.

Committee on Annual Conference Minutes- S. Cressman, M. J. Carmichael, B. A. Sherk, C. H. Brunner and Anth. B. Yoder.

Committee on Resolutions- W. G. Gehman, J. A. Huffman and E. Sievenpiper.

Committee on Introduction- C. I. Huffman.

Committee on Auditing- E. N. Cassel and C. N. Good.

Committee on Credentials- H. B. Musselman, C. K. Curtis and O. B. Snyder.

Committee on Boundary- H. Goudie, N. W. Rich, M. J. Carmichael, R M. Dodd, S. Goudie, I. P. Moore, H. B. Musselman.

Resolved, That Anth. B. Yoder act as time-keeper.

Resolved, That J. A. Huffman act as reporter.

Adjourned to call of Chair.


This meeting was called by Chair at 4 :30 p. m. Prayer by J. N. Kitching.

Roll was called. Minutes of second meeting read and approved.

Resolved, That the time be extended indefinitely.

Report of Committee on Credentials –

We, the Committee on Credentials, beg leave to report the following:

PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE is entitled to three presiding elders, three preacher delegates and three lay delegates.

H. B. Musselman and W. G. Gehman are the presiding elders; C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel and W. S. Hottel are the preacher delegates, and G. O. Billig, H. S. Jones and Allen M. Gehman are the lay delegates.

ONTARIO CONFERENCE is entitled to three presiding elders, three preacher delegates and three lay delegates.

S. Goudie and S. Cressman are the presiding elders; J. N. Kitching, C. N. Good and E. Sievenpiper are the preacher delegates, and I. Pike, J. B. Shantz and A. S. Stouffer are the lay delegates.

INDIANA-OHIO CONFERENCE is entitled to three presiding elders, three preacher delegates and two lay delegates. C. K. Curtis and C. I. Huffman are the presiding elders; A. B. Yoder, I. P. Moore and E. D. Mast are the preacher delegates; Anth. B. Yoder and A. D. Hoke are the lay delegates.

MICHIGAN CONFERENCE is entitled to two presiding elders, two preacher delegates and two lay delegates.

R. M. Dodd and O. B. Snyder are the presiding elders; B. A. Sherk and J. N. Pannabecker are the preacher delegates; A. Detweiler and M. Jausi are the lay delegates.

NEBRASKA CONFERENCE is entitled to one presiding elder, one preacher delegate and one lay delegate.

C. I. Scott is the presiding elder; N. W. Rich is the preacher delegate and H. A. McConnell is the lay delegate.

ALBERTA CONFERENCE is entitled to one presiding elder.

H. Goudie is presiding elder.

PACIFIC CONFERENCE is entitled to one presiding elder and one preacher delegate.

M. J. Carmichael is presiding elder and A. W. Barbezat is the preacher delegate.

The editor and publisher are members of this Conference.

Publisher- W. B. Musselman.

Editor- J. A. Huffman.

We have examined the various Annual Conference Minutes and found that the above were all duly elected according to Discipline, except that the Indiana-Ohio Conference leaves the question of “unconditional” in question.

We have also compared the above names with the enrollment of members at the Conference and find all present except A. W. Barbezat and H. A. McConnell, who is represented by the alternate delegate, Joel Stahly.


Committee O. B. SNYDER.


Resolved, That the time be extended indefinitely.

After a general discussion the report of the Committee on Credentials was accepted.

Resolved, That we have an evening meeting at 7:30.

Report of Committee on Worship

Song services at 7 :00 o’clock by W. H. Moore.

Preaching at 7:30 o’clock by J. C. Roth, followed by F. A. Jones.


Committee A. D. HOKE.


Adjourned with prayer by A. D. Hoke.


This meeting was opened at stated hour with prayer by E. N. Cassel.

The Roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting read and after some changes approved.

Report of Committee on Resolutions

Resolved, That no member of this Conference be permitted to absent himself from the services held in connection with the Conference on Sunday except by special permission of the General Conference.


Committee J. A. HUFFMAN.


By request W. B. Musselman was excused from the evening meeting.

Report of Committee on Annual Conference Minutes.

We, the Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes, report as follows:

Pennsylvania Conference has no requests. Minutes correct.

Ontario Conference has one request as follows:

Whereas the Committee on Statistics find the spaces in the conference schedule too small, therefore,

Resolved, That we request the General Conference to enlarge the schedule.

Minutes correct.

Indiana-Ohio Conference makes three requests as follows:

1. Resolved, That this Conference ask General Conference to change the time limit of pastors, so that they can remain on a field indefinitely after the third year by a two-thirds vote of their annual conference; and, that the Discipline be made to read clearly on this point.

2. Resolved, That this Conference ask that the clauses be stricken from the Discipline which prohibit so-called conditional men from being elected as delegates to General Conference, presiding elders, committees over presiding elders, etc.

3. Resolved, That this Conference ask General Conference to incorporate into our Discipline an article defining our position on militarism.

Minutes correct.

Michigan Conference makes the following requests:

Michigan Conference, 1914.

Whereas the article in our Discipline on Life Insurance is unsatisfactory and difficult of interpretation to satisfy the people,

Resolved, That we request General Conference to change the article.

Michigan Conference, 1916.

Resolved, That General Conference be requested to give an interpretation of the clause referring to the time limit of ministers in Section XI of the Discipline, relating to Officers

Page 80.

Michigan Conference, 1916.

Resolved, That General Conference be requested to consider Section XIV of our General Rules on Life Insurance.

Minutes correct.

Nebraska Conference made the two following requests:

1. Whereas in our humble judgment there is no definite Scripture in support of Section 13, Chapt. 2 of our Discipline in regard to musical instruments and choirs, but that the following Scriptures sanction and encourage the use of them; Psa. 33 :1-13; 92:1-4; 98:1-6; Eph. 5 :19; Amos 6:1-6; II Chron. 30:21.

Resolved, That we recommend the General Conference to erase said article from our Church Discipline.

2. “Whereas the Reading Course is to be considered,

Resolved, That we request General Conference to retain “Divine Art of Preaching”, and “Lessons in Holiness” in the course, and that we recommend them to include “All About the Bible”, by Collett, and to substitute “Synthetic Bible Study” by James Gray in the place of “Bible Study by Books”.

Minutes are correct.

Pacific Conference makes no request.

Minutes correct.

Alberta Conference makes one request as follows:

Whereas, in our estimation, a very inconsistent clause appears in the Supplement of our Discipline in connection with Life Insurance, be it

Resolved, That this Conference request the General Conference to revise the same.

Minutes correct.

Report accepted.



Committee C. H. BRUNNER.



Resolved, That we take up the requests from the several conferences in the order as they appear in the Report of the Committee on Annual Conference Minutes.

Resolved, That the request of the Ontario Conference be granted and that the same be referred to a committee of three on the revision of Annual Conference forms.

Committee elected- J. N. Pannabecker, C. N. Good and C. H. Brunner.

Resolved, That a committee of seven, one from each conference, be elected to whom any articles in Discipline for revision that the General Conference may deem necessary, might be referred for the proper arrangements or wording to present to the Conference and that this committee be nominated by the several conferences and elected by Conference.

Committee elected- W. G. Gehman, S. Goudie, J. A. Huffman, O. B. Snyder, N. W. Rich, W. J. Carmichael, H. Goudie.

Adjourned at 10:00 p. m. with prayer by E. Sievenpiper.



This meeting was opened by reading Romans 12, followed by prayer service.

Roll was called and A. W. Barbezat being now present, answered to the call of the roll.

Minutes were read and approved.

Resolved, That the presiding elders give an oral report.

Elder H. B. Musselman, presiding elder of the Bethlehem District of the Pennsylvania Conference.

Our work is progressing nicely, with an increase of attendance in prayer meetings, Sunday schools and regular services. Our places of worship are too small to accommodate the attendance. Camp meetings are good and the attendance is on the increase. Spirituality is increasing and all our ministers are loyal, and from the youngest to the oldest are unconditional and devote their time to the work.

Elder W. G. Gehman, presiding elder of the Mount Carmel District of the Pennsylvania Conference.

Our ministers are loyal and faithful and put in all their time in the work. Our prayer meetings are largely attended by nearly everyone. The communion services are well attended and often the communicants outnumber the membership. Held a number of tent meetings during the four years. Camp meetings were well attended. The missionary end of the district has 17 consecrated young men who give all their time in visiting, preaching and distributing literature.

Resolved, That the presiding elder or one of the presiding elders, if there be more than one of each respective annual conference district, read the summary, statistical and financial reports submitted by the chairman of the last annual conference in connection with his oral Presiding Elder’s report.

Elder S. Goudie, presiding elder of the Eastern District of Ontario Conference:

The work is somewhat scattered. Some new places have been taken into the work which have been a great blessing. Our people are not popular, but are spiritual. During the past two years the persecution has increased. We have a self- sacrificing ministry. Our finances are on the increase. Quite a number of camp meetings were held with good interest. We stand by the Mennonite doctrine. Our men as a ministry are unconditional.

Elder S. Cressman, presiding elder of the Western District of Ontario Conference:

Services are all well attended. Men are self-sacrificing and unconditional. We are moving forward. A few young men are entering the ministry. We have six city missions and all of them are in good condition. The workers are wholesouled, earnest and consecrated workers.

Elder O. B. Snyder, P. E. of the Southern District of Michigan Conference:

Our membership is encouraging. We are united in our teaching in faith. We are one in our work and frank and think understood by the people to whom we preach. This district is in a wholesome condition. We have pastoral and mission work. Our young people pull with us. Our ministry one. Doing our best to rightly meet the sin question.

Elder R. M. Dodd, P. E. of the Northern District of Michigan Conference:

On this district we have three circuits and ten missions. The ministry is zealous, self-denying, progressive and brotherly love prevails among us. Every man in charge of a field was unconditional at our last conference. The work as a whole is making progress and our membership is on the increase. Two years ago last spring our Conference found it necessary to divide the work into two districts. Quite a number have been saved and sanctified. Finances are improving. Our camp meetings have been good. For these blessings we praise and glorify God.

Elder C. I. Huffman, P. E. of Ohio District of the Indiana – Ohio Conference:

In the four years we have built several new churches and purchased several. The general condition has been on the advance, showing a healthy growth. Our ministers are faithful in carrying on the work. God has blessed the work. Some new men have entered the ministry. The laity is loyal to the church. Services are quite well attended. Sunday schools are on the increase. Young People’s meetings are quite interesting and have proven a blessing to the young. Camp meetings are growing in interest and attendance. Our church extension work, while new, is proving a success.

Elder C. K. Curtis, P. E. of Indiana District of the Indiana-Ohio Conference:

The work is progressing nicely. The ministry is united and works together well. Our field is large and opportunities are good for the extension of the work. Our communion services are well attended. Camp meetings were held yearly and the interest was good. Doors are opening and we are stepping in.

Elder C. I. Scott, P. E. of Nebraska Conference:

Our Conference covers a large territory. Our missions are good. We have a good consecrated ministry. Our members are devoted to the cause. Camp meetings are good. Sunday schools and prayer meetings are quite well attended. During the last year we opened a Bible school at Omaha which has proven a great blessing to the young.

Elder W. J. Carmichael, P. E. of the Pacific Conference:

In the last 18 years we have done well. We meet many to whom we are strangers as a church. We preach heaven and hell, sin and salvation, time and eternity. Our ministers are for success. We meet with various conditions to which we must adapt ourselves.

Elder H. Goudie, P. E. of Alberta Conference:

Our work is mostly in Alberta. Our people as [are] scattered. Our work has taken a change for the better. Some young men are entering the ministry. We have yearly camp meetings with good interest. The mission at Edmonton is doing a good work.

Report of Committee on Worship.

7 :00 – Song and praise service, led by Sister M. Chatham.

8 :00 – Preaching by H. S. Hallman.


Committee D. HOKE.


Resolved, That this Conference express its appreciation for the progress made during the four years past in the various conferences under the blessings of God as reported by the various presiding elders.

Adjourned with prayer.


This meeting was opened with song and prayer.


The minutes of the fifth meeting were read and approved.

Report of Committee on Resolutions.

Resolved, That every member be requested to be present promptly at the beginning of each meeting of the session, and in case of the absence of a member at the time of roll-call, he shall be asked to give a reason of his absence.


Committee J. A. HUFFMAN.


Resolved, That all our ordained ministers and probationers having charge of a work be permitted as advisory members at the private meetings, should any be called.

Conference now called for reports of the Editor, Publisher and Executive Committee.

J. A. Huffman, Editor of the Gospel Banner:

This brings me near the close of the four years’ labor as editor. I have endeavored to be faithful to the trust. The responsibility as editor has been weighty. I felt my field was large. I have endeavored to make the Banner a family paper and have felt that the M. B. C. Church is in possession of doctrines and truths which give us occasion to rejoice. We sought also fairness to all and tried to steer clear of things of a partisan nature.

W. B. Musselman, Publisher of Gospel Banner, reported:

No reason to complain. Received many letters of commendation. Some unpleasantries, but feel grateful for the forebearance on the part of the people.

In his report he gave the subscription standing of the Banner.

Report of Executive Committee

New Carlisle, O., Oct. 12, 1916.

During this General Conference term there have been no vacancies caused in our membership. We have met at Cleveland, Ohio, Oct.29, 1913; Nov. 4, 1913; Oct. 27,1914; Oct. 19, 1915; at New Carlisle, O., Oct. 11, 1916.

In our different meetings we adjusted the various matters that related to the publishing of the Gospel Banner and the printing and binding of Discipline.

The Gospel Banner has appeared regularly, punctual and in nice condition.

The complaints made in the beginning of this General Conference term, were adjusted by a special meeting, held for this purpose. Other matters were adjusted in their proper time.

The committee feels that matters are progressing on very favorable conditions and that our publisher and editor are giving us good service.

As a court of appeal we acted on the request by the Michigan Conference, requesting that the place for this General Conference be changed from Berlin, Ontario to some place in the United States. Owing to conditions in Ontario on account of the war, we changed the place of this General Conference to New Carlisle, Ohio.

No other appeals, separate from those concerning the publishing of the Gospel Banner, were made to us.



Committee A. D. HOKE.




Resolved, That we resolve ourselves into a private meeting.

Resolved, That all private meetings, including this, be held in the vacant house provided as a part of the bar.

Resolved, That we reconsider the report of the Executive Committee.

Resolved, That the time be extended indefinitely.

Resolved, That we hear the report of the Treasurer of the Executive Committee, and that this report become a part of the report of the Executive Committee.


Received from I. Pike $672.00

Assessments 225.80

Return Check 10.00

Interest 101.57

Net sale of Disciplines 72.78

Total Resources $1082.15

Paid Out

For Special Meetings $ 63.05

For Regular Meetings – 215.15

For Publishing Disciplines 100.00 $378.20

Balance in Treasury $703.95

A. D. HOKE, Treas.

Resolved, That we have a private meeting at 7:00 p. m.

Adjourned with prayer.


Meeting was opened by prayer.

The roll was called and the minutes of the sixth meeting were read and were approved.

Resolved, That the resolution relative to the publisher’s pass be now lifted from the table.

Resolved, That we pass W. B. Musselman as publisher of the Gospel Banner.

Resolved, That we pass J. A. Huffman as editor of the Gospel Banner.

Resolved, That we have a church paper published for the next General Conference term.

Resolved, That the matter of the publishing of a church paper be referred to a committee of seven, one representative of each conference, and that they report to this Conference.

Committee elected: C. H. Brunner, J. A. Huffman, O. B. Snyder, S. Goudie, N. W. Rich, M. J. Carmichael, H. Goudie.

Adjourned with prayer.



This meeting was opened by the chairman, reading Jno. 15, followed by song and prayer.

The roll was called and the minutes of the seventh meeting read and approved.

Resolved, That we have an intermission to call of Chair.

Report of Committee on Worship

Song Service at 7:00 o’clock, conducted by W. H. Moore. Preaching at 7 :30 o’clock by B. Bryan Musselman, followed by S. H. Kreitziger.


Committee A. D. HOKE.


Resolved, That the Committee on Publishing of Gospel Banner be increased so that each conference will have two representatives.

Members Added – Allen M. Gehman, J. B. Shantz, A. D. Hoke, A. Detweiler, Joel Stahly, A. W. Barbezat and S. Cressman.

Adjourned. Prayer by S. Longenecker.


This meeting was opened by song and prayer, led by C. N. Good.

The roll was called and the minutes of the eighth meeting were then read and approved.

Report of Committee on Publication of the Gospel Banner

We, the Committee, appointed to formulate a plan for the publication of the Gospel Banner, beg to submit the following:

We recommend, that “The Gospel Banner” be published weekly, eight pages, 9-1/4 x 12-1/4 , except that the type be 10 point throughout, excepting the Sunday School Lesson, on fair grade of paper; that the front page be used for articles instead of cut.

That the subscription price be $1.30 per year, or $1.25 in advance.

That an editor and publisher be elected whose duty it shall be to edit the paper and attend to the getting out of the same under the direction of the Executive Committee and that his remuneration be left to the Executive Committee.

That a contract be placed by the Executive Committee with some reliable publisher or printer who will attend to the printing of the same.

That if there be any deficit, the Executive Committee be authorized to apportion the same to the various conferences according to the number of subscribers, per membership.

S. GOUDIE, Chairm.

J. A. HUFFMAN, Sec’y.




Committee N. W. RICH.







Resolved, That the above report be amended as follows:

That the Pennsylvania Conference be released from all obligations relative to the deficit of the Gospel Banner in the next four years in case there should be any.

Resolved, That recommendations No. 2 of the Michigan Conference, and No. 1 of the Indiana-Ohio Conference be considered.

Resolution No. 1.

Resolved, That this Conference ask General Conference to change the time limit of pastors so that they can remain on a field indefinitely after the third year, by a two-thirds vote of their Annual Conference and that the Discipline be made to read clearly on this point.

Resolution No. 2.

Resolved, That General Conference be requested to give an interpretation of the clause referring to the time limit of ministers in Section XI of the Discipline, relating to Officers, Page 80.

Since the Indiana-Ohio, and the Michigan Conferences have requested the General Conference to interpret the time limit of ministers, be it

Resolved, That we interpret the Discipline to mean that the Stationing Committee may reappoint a minister to his field for the fourth year or longer upon a two-third vote of the Annual Conference.

Resolved, That the time to adjourn be extended indefinitely.

Adjourned to meet at the house one block west at 7 o’clock.


This meeting was opened by song and prayer.

The roll was called and the minutes were read and approved.

Request No. 2. from the Indiana-Ohio Conference:

Resolved, That this Conference ask that the clauses be stricken from the Discipline which prohibit so-called conditional men from being elected as delegates to General Conference, presiding elders, committees over presiding elders etc.

Resolved, That this request be refused.

Adjourned. Prayer by J. N. Pannabecker.



This meeting was opened by the chairman, reading Eph. 4, and song. Prayer by S. Lambert.

The roll was called and the minutes read and approved.

Resolved, That Conference elect two more members on the Auditing Committee.

Members elected – A. W. Barbezat and Anth. B. Yoder.

Resolved, That we now proceed to elect an editor.

Elder J. A. Huffman was elected as editor and publisher.

Resolved, That we now elect an Executive Committee.

Whereas the Pennsylvania and Alberta Conferences request to be released from membership on the Executive Committee, be it

Resolved, That we grant their request and proceed to elect by ballot the Executive Committee.

Committee elected O. B. Snyder, S. Goudie, A. B. Yoder, N. W. Rich, M. J. Carmichael, A. D. Hoke and I. Pike.

Resolved, That time be extended indefinitely.

Report of Committee on Worship

Saturday Evening-

7:00 – Song Service by W. H. Moore.

7 :30 – Preaching by F. A. Jones, followed by Sister White.


9:00 – Sunday School.

10:15 – Preaching by H. B. Musselman.

l0:00 – (At “Church of the Brethren”) by J. C. Roth.

2:00- (At “Church of the Brethren”) by S. Cressman, followed by N. W. Rich.

6:30 – Song and Praise Service by B. A. Sherk.

7:30 – Preaching by M. J. Carmichael, followed by H. Goudie.

7 :00 – (At “Church of the Brethren”) by S. H. Kreutziger. All services in charge of Pres. Elder C. I. Huffman.

C. I. Huffman

Committee E. D. MAST.

A. D. Hoke

Adjourned. Prayer by A. Good.


This meeting was opened by song and prayer.

The roll was called and the minutes of the eleventh meeting were read and approved.

Inasmuch as Bro. W. B. Musselman requests the Conference to excuse him from this Conference, therefore,

Resolved, That we grant his request.

Resolved, That the matter of adjusting the business of the Gospel Banner and all matters pertaining thereto with the present publisher be referred to the Executive Committee.

Resolved, that we elect one associate editor from each conference.

Associated Editors elected Jacob Hygema, A. W. Barbezat, A. B. Yoder, B. A. Sherk, S. Goudie, C. H. Brunner and Maude Chatham.

Resolution No. 3 from Indiana-Ohio Conference:

Resolved, That this Conference ask General Conference to incorporate in our Discipline an article defining our position on Militarism.”

Resolved, That this Conference deem it inadvisable to insert such a clause at this time.

Resolutions 1 and 2 of the Michigan Conference, and No. 1 from the Alberta Conference were considered together.

“Whereas the article in our Discipline on ‘Life Insurance’ is unsatisfactory and difficult of interpretation to satisfy the people and that we request General Conference to change this article,

Resolved, That General Conference be requested to consider Section XIV of our General Rules on Life Insurance.”

Alberta Resolution:

“‘Whereas, in our estimation, a very inconsistent clause appears in the Supplement of our Discipline in connection with Life Insurance, be it

Resolved, That this Conference requests the General Conference to revise same.”

Resolved, That the requests of these conferences be granted.

Resolved, That the time be extended indefinitely.

Resolved, That Section 14 under General Rules be revised to read as follows: “We believe that the Life Insurance system of the present day is not in harmony with the spirit and teaching of the New Testament relative to the Christian, according to Matth. 6:19-21; Rom. 12:2; II Cor. 6:17.

Yeas:-H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel, W. S. Hottel, S. Goudie, S. Cressman, C. N. Good, E. Sievenpiper, J. N. Kitching, O. B. Snyder, R. M. Dodd, J. N. Pannabecker, B. A. Sherk, C. K. Curtis, C. I. Huffman, A. B. Yoder, I. P. Moore, E D. Mast, W. B. Musselman, Allen M. Gehman, G. O. Billig, H. S. Jones, J. B. Shantz, A. S. Stouffer, A. Detweiler, M. Jausi, A. D. Hoke. Total, 28.

Nays : C. I. Scott, N. W. Rich, A. W. Barbezat, H. Goudie, J. A. Huffman, I. Pike, Anth. B. Yoder, Joel Stahly, M. J. Carmichael. Total, 9.

Resolved, That we have an evening meeting.



This meeting was opened with song and prayer by S. Goudie.

The roll was called and the minutes of the twelfth meeting approved.

Whereas there is some misunderstanding throughout the conferences relative to Section XI, Chapt. 2, in General Rules, which refers to Secret Societies, therefore

Resolved, That we interpret the article to include any or all societies whether moral, social, or religious, that are or have with them any pledge or oath of secrecy.

Resolved, That in Chapt. 8, on Course of Reading for Probationers, the following words be added at the close: “Except foreign missionaries who may be ordained without taking the Reading Course according to the discretion of the respective annual conference.

Request of Nebraska Conference:

“In our humble judgment there is no definite Scripture in support of Sec. XIII, Chapt. 2 of our Discipline in regard to Musical Instruments and Choirs, but that the following Scripture sanction and encourage the use of them: Psa. 33:1-13; 92:1-4; 98:1-6; Eph. 5:19; Amos 6:1-6; II Chron. 30:21.

Resolved, That we recommend the General Conference to erase said article from our Church Discipline.”

Resolved, That the following be added to Article XIII in General Rules: “Except by the consent of Annual Conference.”




This meeting was opened by the chairman, reading II Cor. 6. Song and prayer by C. K. Curtis.

Report of the Committee on Resolutions.

Whereas the Church of the Brethren has favored us with their commodious church house in which the Sunday afternoon services were held, therefore,

Resolved, That we tender them a hefty vote of thanks for the use of the same and that a copy of this resolution be sent to them, properly signed by the chairman and the secretary of this Conference.

Whereas the presiding elder, pastor, members and friends of the New Carlisle, Ohio, class have spared no sacrifice in providing for our entertainment, furnishing us with everything needful for our physical comfort, therefore,

Resolved, That we express our appreciation of their hospitality and kindness shown us by a rising vote of thanks and pray God’s favor and blessing upon them that they may be found ready when our Lord appears.


Committee J. A. HUFFMAN.


Resolved, That we have 1000 Conference Journals printed and apportion the same among the several conferences as follows: Indiana-Ohio, 150; Pacific, 50; Nebraska, 50; Michigan, 150; Ontario, 250; Pennsylvania, 325; Alberta, 25, and that the secretary be editor. The Journals are to contain the picture of General Conference.

Resolved, That we donate $10.00 to the Editor of General Conference Journal, together with all other expenses that may accrue in publishing, mailing, etc., of the Journals, the same is to be apportioned as a part of cost of the Journal to the several conferences in proportion to the number of the Journals as signed to each conference. The price is to be printed on the Journal.

Resolved, That a committee be appointed to write a report of the Sunday services and the same is to be inserted in the Journal.

Committee elected – N. W. Rich, H. Goudie, B. A. Sherk.

Nebraska Conference Request:

Resolved, That we request General Conference to retain “Divine Art of Preaching” and “Lessons in Holiness” in the course, and that we recommend them to include “All About the Bible”, by Collett, and substitute “Synthetic Bible Study” by James Gray in the place of “Bible Study by Books.”

Resolved, That in connection with the above request we hear from the Committee on Reading Course as elected at last General Conference.

Resolved, That the matter of the Reading Course be referred to a committee of seven, one from each annual conference,

Committee elected – W. G. Gehman, B. A. Sherk, N. W. Rich, J. A. Huffman, E. Sievenpiper, H. Goudie, A. W. Barbezat.

Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to call of Chair.


This meeting was called by the Chair at 1:55 p. m, and opened by song and prayer,

Report of Committee on Statistics

The Committee on Statistics beg leave to report that we found errors or omissions as follows, which were adjusted in the presence of the respective chairmen:

Ontario – An error in Sunday School Statistics.

Indiana-Ohio – An error in Membership and Church Property.

Pacific – An error in Membership and Sunday School Roll.

Alberta – An error in Membership, Church Property and Sunday School Roll.

(For Schedule see back of Journal.)

We recommend that in future all summary statistical reports be presented on the regular Annual Conference Schedule.

Committee J. M. PANNABECKER.


Report of Committee on Reading Course

We, the Committee elected to consider the Reading Course, having duly considered the report of the committee appointed at last General Conference and request of the Nebraska Conference submit the following:

We recommend that the Reading Course remain as it is in the Discipline.



Committee A. W. BARBEZAT.




Report of Committee on Forms and Schedules

We beg leave to report the following:

We have rearranged the Pastors’ Statistical Schedule and the Report Blanks for the Statistical Summary. We have enlarged some of the columns and divided the whole schedule into four, designated A, B, C, D.

We recommend that 2500 of the Pastors’ Statistical Schedules and 200 sheets each of A, B, C and D of the Report Blanks of the Statistical Summary be printed and apportioned as follows:

Pastors’ Schedules – Pennsylvania Conf., 450; Ontario, 450; Indiana-Ohio, 450; Michigan, 450; Nebraska, 250; Pacific, 250; Alberta, 200.

Statistical Summaries – Pennsylvania Conf., 35; Ontario, 35; Indiana-Ohio, 35; Michigan, 35; Nebraska, 25; Pacific, 20; Alberta, 15.

We would urge very strongly that these forms and schedules should be used by each conference and that they should be used exclusively by the various annual conferences in the compilation of the Quadrennial Reports. We further recommend that the arrangements and use of the other forms be left to the discretion of the various annual conferences, postage and printing of these forms shall be apportioned to the various conferences according to the amount of material submitted.

C. H. Brunner shall print them and send to the secretaries of the various annual conferences.


Committee C. H. BRUNNER


Report of Sunday Services

The Sunday school was held at nine o’clock. The adult part of the school was thrown into one large class and was instructed by Elder A. W. Barbezat. At ten o’clock Elder H. B. Musselman preached an interesting sermon on the 12th chapter of Revelation.

At two o’clock service was held in the Church of the Brethren. Elder S. Cressman preached a practical sermon on the subject of “Grace”, and was followed by N. W. Rich. In the evening a song, prayer and praise service was conducted by Elder B. A. Sherk, in which many participated with great joy. Following this Elder M. J. Carmichael brought an impressing message on the subject, “Saved and Lost,” followed by H. Goudie. The services throughout the day were pronounced as very good throughout.


Committee H. GOUDIE.


Resolved, That under the present circumstances the Alberta Conference be justified in using their sister workers in their annual conference bar.

Auditing Committee Report

We have examined the Annual Conference Schedules and General Conference Statistical Report and adjusted a few items and hereby certify that to the best of our knowledge the facts set forth are true and correct. We recommend that the annual conferences submit their reports in the future on the annual conference forms.


Committee C. N. GOOD.



Report of Committee on Boundaries

We beg to submit the following report: That the Boundary lines remain as previous.




Committee N. W. RICH.




Resolved, That the answer to Question 1, Sec. II, Chapt. 5 of our Discipline be interpreted to apply to male members only.

Resolved, That an offering be taken for the secretary, Offering, $15.48. Thanks.

Resolved, That we extend our hearty appreciation to the chairman of this Conference by rising vote of thanks for his faithfulness and fairness in all his rulings.

Request from Executive Committee:

“In view of the fact that there may be a possibility that the Gospel Banner could be published, eight pages, size of page same as now, at $1.25 per year, or $1.00 per year if paid in advance, we would ask this Conference whether the Executive Committee might have the opportunity of publishing the Gospel Banner in this manner, providing it would involve a small deficit, if any. The same privilege to apply on a 16 page paper under similar conditions at the former price.”

Resolved, That this General Conference grant the above request.

Whereas the Union Gospel Printing Co. has published and printed the Gospel Banner at much sacrifice for four years,

Resolved, That we express our appreciation of the sacrifice made in behalf of the Gospel Banner.

Resolved, That the General Conference instruct the Executive Committee to meet once a year and that the expenses be apportioned to the several conferences.

While we have enjoyed great peace and protection in the home land we would not forget our foreign missionaries who have labored under such adverse circumstances of late years.

Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to hold the foreign missionary cause before our respective conferences, urging the people to contribute liberally toward those needy fields and praying earnestly that great grace may rest upon each missionary, that their patience and courage may not fail, but that they, with us, may be found faithful until our Lord’s return.

Resolved, That the changes in Discipline, made at this Conference, be published under the direction of the Secretary in the form of a supplement. Further, that the issue consist of the same number as Conference Journals and the distribution be arranged and the cost apportioned in the same way.

Whereas some difficulty has been experienced in regards to transfer, be it

Resolved, That when a number is transferred from one circuit to another, their transfer be sent to the pastor of said circuit, and when a minister is transferred to another conference that his transfer be sent to the chairman of that conference.

Resolved, That the above resolution become the last paragraph of Sec. XI, Chapt. IV, Page 81.

Resolved, That time be extended indefinitely.

Resolved, That we hold our next General Conference at Kitchener, Ont., beginning on the second Wednesday in October, 1920, opening at 9 a.m.

Committee on Worship

7:30 – Preaching by A. W. Barbezat, followed by O. B. Snyder.


Committee A. D. HOKE.



C. I. SCOTT, Chairman.

A. B. YODER, Secretary.


C. I. SCOTT, Chairman

M. J. CARMICHAEL, Vice-Chairm.

A. B. YODER, Secretary

I. PIKE, Asst. Secretary

















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