1920 General Conference Minutes


of the


Held at

Kitchener, Ontario

October 13-19, 1920



          In the absence of the Chairman, C. I. Scott, and Vice-Chairman, M. J. Carmichael, the Secretary, A. B. Yoder opened the meeting. Samuel Goudie was elected temporary chairman, After prayer by the temporary chairman, organization was proceeded to as follows:

          F. D. Mast and C. I. Huffman were appointed tellers

          A. B. Yoder was elected chairman.

          H. B. Musselman was elected vice-chairman.

          J. A. Huffman was elected secretary.

          Resolved. That the Secretary be permitted to chose his assistant.

          C. I. Scott was appointed assistant secretary.

          Resolved, That the bar consist of five seats to the left of the left aisle, and five seats in the center row, and the basement.

          The chairman then read the first eighteen verses of the second chapter of Philippians and made some appropriate remarks. This was followed by an earnest season of prayer.


          Pennsylvania Conference– H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman. C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel, B. Bryan Musselman, Allen M. Gehman, G. O. Billig, H. L. Moyer, W. B. Musselman.

          Ontario Conference– S. Goudie, Peter Cober, C. S. Good, J. N. Kitching, I. Pike, J. B. Shantz. J. H. Sherk.

          Michigan Conference– R. M. Dodd, B. A. Sherk, O. B. Snyder, B. Bowman, A. Detwiler, J. A. Kitchin

          Indiana and Ohio Conference– W. H. Moore, A. B. Yoder, C. I. Huffman, E. D. Mast, A. D. Hoke, John Ummel, Anth. B. Yoder, A. Taylor.

          Nebraska Conference– C. I. Scott, N. W. Rich. Absent H. A. McConnel.

          Pacific Conference– N. H. Payne. Absent M. J. Carmichael. (The place of M. J. Carmichael was later filled by the Vice P. E. , J. G. Grout.)

          Alberta Conference– A. Traub.

          Editor and Publisher– J. A. Huffman.

Rules of Order Adopted

          1. Each member, before speaking on any subject, or upon presenting any motion, or seconding the same, shall arise and respectfully address the chair, and receiving recognition, shall be allowed to speak ten minutes on each subject and only once except by permission from the chair provided no one else desires to speak or no one objects.

          2. The forenoon meetings open at 8:30 A. M. and close at 11:30; afternoon meetings open at 1:00 P. M. and close at 5:00 P. M.

          3. That all open voting be done by the raising of the right hand.

          4. That the chairman nominate all committees, and that conference elect them.

          5. That all ordained ministers of our society present be received as advisory members, and be privileged to speak five minutes on any subject and only once.

          Resolved, That we elect a press reporter to report the conference to the press of the city.

          Meeting adjourned at 11:30, with prayer by W. G. Gehman.


          Meeting was opened by song, and prayer was offered by N. H. Rich.

          Roll was called.

          Minutes of the first session were read, and with a few corrections were adopted.

          Resolved, That C. I. Scott be released from the work of Assistant Secretary, and that the Secretary appoint another.

          Resolved, That the evening conference meetings be open to advisory members, only.

          Resolved, That the Conference hold evening meetings in the basement of the church, from 7:30 to 9:45, beginning Thursday evening.

          The following additional Rules of Order were adopted:

          6. That we encourage the chairman to call on such members of this conference who show inactivity. We request the chair to enforce all Rules of Order.

          7. That ministers of other denominations attending any of the meetings shall be introduced to this Conference.

          8. That we adopt T. B. Neely’s Parliamentary Practice to govern this Conference body.

          Resolved, That at the call of one member the “Yeas” and “Nays” shall be recorded.

          Resolved, That no member of this Conference be allowed to leave the bar without permission.

          Resolved, that we have the following committees: To Auditing; On Credentials and On Boundary.

          The following members were then nominated by the chair and elected by the Conference:

          Committee to Examine General Conference Minutes – B. A. Sherk, E. D. Mast, C. I. Scott.

          Committee on Worship– S. Cressman. S. Goudie, J. Y. Sherk.

          Committee on Statistics– H. L. Moyer, A. Taylor, J. A. Kitchin.

          Committee on Annual Conference Minutes– W. G. Gehman, I. Pike, N. H. Payne, R. S. Dodd, C. I. Huffman, O. B. Snyder, B. Bryan Musselman.

          Committee on Introduction– S. Cressman.

          Committee on Resolutions– C. N. Good, C. H. Brunner, C. I. Scott.

          Committee on Auditing– E. N. Cassel, A. Traub, B. Bowman, Anth. B. Yoder.

          Committee on Credentials– H. B. Musselman, Peter Cober, J. N. Kitching.

          Committee on Boundary– A. Traub, H. B. Musselman, N. W. Rich, N. H. Payne, O. B. Snyder, W. H. Moore, S. Goudie.

          Resolved, That the chair appoint a time-keeper.

          G. O. Billig was appointed.

          Resolved, That Conference be suspended until the call of the chair.

          The work of the conference was resumed after a period during which committees met, and business was proceeded to as follows:

Committee Reports

Committee on Worship

          The Committee begs leave to report as follows:

          C. I. Scott preach here at 8 P.M. and W. H. Moore have charge of the after service.


S. Cressman

S. Goudie

J. H. Sherk

Committee on Credentials:

          The Committee begs leave to report as follows:

          The Pennsylvania Conference is entitled to four presiding Elders, four preacher delegates and three lay delegates. H. B. Mussleman and W. G. Gehman are the Presiding Elders; C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel, W. B. Musselman and B. Bryan Mussleman are the preacher delegates and G. O. Billig, H. L. Moyer and Allen M. Gehman are lay delegates.

          The Ontario Conference is entitled to three Presiding Elders; three preacher delegates and three lay delegates. S. Goudie and S. Cressman are the Presiding Elders; P. Cober, C. N. Good and J. N. Kitching are the preacher delegates; Joseph Thompson, J. B. Schantz and I. Pike are the lay delegates.

          The Indiana and Ohio Conference is entitled to three presiding Elders, three preacher delegates and three lay delegates. A. B. Yoder and W. H. Moore are the Presiding Elders; C. I. Huffman, E. D. Mast and A. Taylor are the preacher delegates; Anth. B. Yoder, A. D. Hoke and John Ummel are the lay delegates.

          The Michigan Conference is entitled to two Presiding Elders, two minister delegates and two lay delegates. R. M. Dodd and B. A. Sherk are the Presiding Elders; O. B. Snyder and B. Bowman are the preacher delegates; J. Kitchin and A. Detwiler are the lay delegates.

          The Canadian North West Conference is entitled to one Presiding Elder and one preacher delegate. A. Traub is the Presiding Elder.

          The Pacific Conference is entitled to one Presiding Elder and one preacher delegate. M. J. Carmichael is the Presiding Elder and W. H. Payne is the Preacher delegate.

          The Nebraska Conference Minute Book could not be had. therefore we able not able to report for the same.

          The Editor of the Gospel Banner, J. A. Huffman is also entitled as a member of this Conference.

          Upon examining the various Annual Conference Minutes, we found all of the above were duly elected according to the Discipline. We have also compared the above names with the enrollment of members of this Conference, and find all present except M. J. Carmichael, Presiding Elder of the Pacific Conference and Joseph Thompson, of the Ontario Conference, who is represented by J. H. Sherk, the alternate delegate.

                                H. B. Mussleman

Committee            P. Cober

                                J. N. Kitching

          Report accepted.

Committee on Boundaries:

          We beg to submit the following report:

          That the boundary lines remain unchanged.

          That the name of the Alberta Conference be changed to that of The Canadian North West Conference.

                                A. Traub

                                O. B. Snyder

                                W. H. Moore

Committee            S. Goudie

                                N. W. Rich

                                H. B. Mussleman

                                N. H. Payne

          Report accepted.

          Resolved, That we reconsider the Rule of Order No. 2.

          Resolved, That Rule No. 2 be made to read as follows: The forenoon meetings open at 8:00 o’clock A. M. and close at 11:30; afternoon meetings open at 1:00 P. M. and close at 5:00 P.M.

          Resolved, That at least thirty minutes be spent at the opening of each morning meeting in devotion, during which time the chairman, or some one whom he may appoint, shall give a brief devotional address, and the Conference join in earnest prayer.

          Meeting adjourned with prayer by O. B. Snyder.



          Meeting was opened by song and a half hour of devotion led by H. B. Mussleman who read a portion of Luke 10 and 11 and made appropriate remarks, followed by prayer by members of the Conference until 8:30.

          Roll was called.

          Minutes of second meeting were read, and after a few corrections, were adopted.

          I. Pike was appointed assistant secretary, by the secretary.


To the General Conference of 1920, Greetings:

          When the General Conference of 1916 chose me as its servant, both to edit and publish The Gospel Banner I realized that no small task lay ahead. But there were, no fears, for I believed in my heart that General Conference was led by the Lord in the policy it was adopting in relation to the Gospel Banner, and had confidence in its constituency.

          Four years have now elapsed, and I have reasons to be confirmed in my conviction, that the only right thing for General Conference to have done, was to arise and assume the responsibility of its own periodical, financially and in every other way. I now lay at the feet of this General Conference four years of the best service I have been able to render under the circumstances, and its own Gospel Banner, which has, at all times, during those four years, to the best knowledge and ability of the Editor, stood true to Christ and to the church. It owes no man anything, except to render a service of love.

          General Conference was little more than over when one of our seven Conferences, the Pennsylvania, announced a periodical of its own, which was launched in the January following. This reduced our subscribers between four and five hundred, leaving us, in round numbers, two thousand. Then, too, our eight-page periodical in its unassuming dress, was no small disappointment to some of our readers, who could not fully understand. No one regretted the

necessity of such a course of procedure more than the Editor, but he believed it a necessary step in the direction of real progress, which, for the time being, was unpleasant.

          But the constituency aroseto the situation, and rallied to the support of The Gospel Banner in a very commendable way. The subscription list began to make a steady increase, until at this time we are printing 3175 copies. The total number of suhscribers is 3030, with 2385 paid up to January 1, 1921, or longer.

          The eight-page paper continued for a year, only. The Executive Board authorized the sixteen-page periodical beginning with the second year. This, of course, would result in a deficit, as no sixteen-page weekly can be supplied to so limited a constituency as we have, at a reasonable price, without a regular annual deficit. The size of the deficit will be determined by conditions prevailing in the commercial world. These conditions have been increasingly unfavorable to sInall deficits in the last four years, with paper and labor reaching an unparalleled high point. The deficit for the eight page paper of 1917 was $448.69; for the sixteen-page paper of 1918, $509.05; of 1919, $1,115.16. The deficit for 1920 cannot, as yet, be accurately determined, but will be about $1500.00. Am pleased to say, however, that the Executive Board has solved the problem of meeting these annual deficits in a way which they will explain, and will, no doubt, meet the hearty approval of the Conference.

          There has been splendid cooperation during the quadrennium, both by the way of supplying interesting original articles and in the business part. Pastors and workers have, in most cases, made their collections promptly, and have taken pleasure in securing new subscribers. The Special Home Issue which we have featured annually, seems to have been greatly appreciated. Not a few expressions of approval reached our office, concerning the Department of Illustrations, which has been conducted during the year and more past.

          Quite a few of the former contributors continued their valuable articles during the General Conference term. Besides, quite a few new writers have been discovered, and have been supplying their interesting and helpful contributions for our readers. There is quite an amount of literary talent throughout the church, for which I am very grateful. No doubt there is much talent which has not, as yet, been discovered. I am praying that God will set more pens to writing, in the various Conferences, and that the Gospel Banner may be made still better, as the result of a developed and sanctified literary talent.

          In 1919 the Executive Board authorized the publication of a History of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, making your servant, Editor-in-chief. Materials have been in gathering for a number of years. The work has been practically completed, and has been brought to this Conference in galley proofs. It is open to any revision necessitated by these proceedings, and will be ready for distribution, according to our schedule, by December first.

          So many of our people know practically nothing about the church, its origin and development, that we believe the volume timely. A few more years of neglect would have made it impossible to gather some of the valuable information, as our church fathers are rapidly leaving us. It is hoped that more than ordinary interest will be manifested in the reading and study of the history, both by the ministry and laity throughout the church, and that it will prove a great blessing.

          Now that the results of the past four years have been made the next General Conference period less difficult, in relation to editing and publishing, in all sincerity, I would ask General Conference, if it can see its way clear to do so, to release me from some of the responsibility which I have been carrying.

          In closing my report for the quadrennium I wish to say: if any success has been achieved in connection with the Gospel Banner, it must not be accredited to any one person. Too many have rendered a cheerful and loving service for this. The Executive Board has been wide awake and aggressive; the Associate Editors have been faithful, although some of them did not contribute as frequently as we would have desired; the contributions came from all the Conferences. It is hereby requested of General Conference, that a special vote of thanks be extended to the Executive Board for giving the Church a better periodical during these years than last General Conference could even hope for; to the Associate Editors for their loyalty, including special mention of the services of Elder Jacob Hygema in so ably maintaining the Department of Illustrations; to all the contributors who have assisted in any way to make the Gospel Banner what it has been.


Presiding Elder Reports

          H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District of the Pennsylvania Conference: Work is progressing. There is unity among the pastors. Have only one conditional minister. Contributions per member for the Pennsylvania Conference for the year 1920 were as follows: For Foreign Missions $8.01; Home Missions $8.83; for all church purposes about $79.00.

          W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mount Carmel District of the Pennsylvania Conference, reported: There has been unity among the ministry. Attendance at ordinance and prayer meetings has been very good. Our annual camp meeting has been well attended. The City Mission work of the district is conducted by the Gospel Herald Society, which does pioneer work. Meetings are held and a great deal of literature is sold.

          S. Goudie, Presiding Elder of the East District of the Ontario Conference: There have been some difficult things to meet, but the Lord has given us a good General Conference period. There have been only a few conditional men. Several of the older brethren in the ministry have gone to their reward during the quadrennium. The Sunday school work has been improving. The young people are true to the church. Finances have been good in every department of the work.

          S. Cressman, Presiding Elder of the West District of the Ontario Conference: The district is small so far as churches are concerned, there being only two regular churches in the district. There are, however, several church missions and seven city missions, in charge of the Presiding Elder of the district. The work throughout is encouraging.

          R. M. Dodd, Presiding Elder of the South District of the Michigan Conference: This district consists of three Circuits, three stations and three City Missions. The ministers and workers are all comparatively young, with one exception. They are zealous and aim to push the work of the Lord. The condition of the district, as a whole, is prosperous. Our people are loyal and are deeply interested in the work. Our cities are presenting good opportunities for us to extend the work of the Lord. We have been somewhat hindered by a lack of ministers.

          C. I. Scott, Presiding Elder of the Nebraska Conference: We have thirteen Circuits and five missions. Our men are unconditional. Seven have given their entire time. We have a fine band of Mission Workers. Finances are increasing and better than ever. Camp meetings were well attended, and are increasing in spirituality. Three Foreign missionaries are to go soon. We are hopeful and full of expectation for our young people. The increase of members has been 218.

          A. Traub, Presiding Elder of the Alberta Conference: We have a large district, plenty of fresh air; much work and plenty of food. We have a fine number of young men engaged in the work, which is a very encouraging feature. We have four missionaries in the foreign field. Our Sunday schools are well attended and prosperous and doing good foreign mission work. We had two good Camp meetings and five Tabernacle meetings this year. We have no tabernacle workers, but all our ministers are evangelists. We have great opportunities, but we lack time, men and money.

          B. A. Sherk, Presiding Elder of the North District of the Michigan Conference: This district consists of two circuits and eight missions. Our ministers are self-sacrificing, and enjoy their work, and are planning to advance the work. Finances are on the increase. Many of our people are spiritual, and stand by the work well, while others might do much better. The interest in Camp meetings is growing. We are pressing forward, determined to do our best for the work.

          W. H. Moore, Presiding Elder of the Ohio District, of the Indiana and Ohio Conference: The district, as a whole, is progressive and prosperous. The ministry self-denying and earnest. During the war they went on preaching Christ. Nearly two hundred were converted during those awful days. The laity is a substantial people. Our young people are comfortable and loyal. Camp meeting interest is on the increase. There is quite an advance in ministerial support. Several of our workers have gone to assist in other Conferences.

          A. B. Yoder, Presiding Elder of the Indiana District of the Indiana and Ohio conference: Our Conference is in a good condition and in many ways is progressing nicely, with a marked showing of an increase of attendance in both Sunday school and the regular church services. We have a body of Bible preachers, who love the truth, and we believe will be true to Bible teachings.

          The interest in relief work in Armenia has been commendable, and much has been done along these lines. Finances have increased gradually for the last four years. During this term we have purchased a Camp ground, have made some improvement, and have pledges for the building of a Pavilion. Several new churches have been built and much repair work has and is being done in the district. Our offerings for the quadrennium have amounted to $74.08 per member.

          Elders, J. K. Gerig and Emanuel Slagle, of the Defenseless Mennonite church, were introduced to the Conference.

          Whereas M. J. Carmichael, Presiding Elder of the Pacific Conference, could not be present at this Conference, and J. G. Grout, the Vice Presiding Elder of the Conference has been sent in his stead,

Resolved, That we recognize J. G. Grout as a member of this Conference.

          Adjourned with prayer by C. I. Huffman, to meet at the call of the chair.


          This meeting was opened by singing, and with prayer by B. Bowmen.

          The Roll was called.

          The minutes of the third meeting were read and approved.


Committee on Annual Conference Minutes

          We the Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes, report the following:

          We have examined the minutes of the Ontario, North West, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio, Pacific and Pennsylvania Conferences, and found them in good condition, and as far as we could ascertain recorded correctly.

          The Nebraska Conference minutes not being here, were not examined, but through the chairman, C. I. Scott, the recommendations were obtained.

          We have found the following resolutions: I”

          Ontario Conference has six recommendations as follows:

Resolved, That the Ontario Conference wish to memorialize the General Conference, that we are of the opinion, that it would be advisable to have a General Conference Foreign Missionary Board.

          2. Resolved, That we request General Conference to consider the matter of a new Hymn book.

          3. Whereas, a request from the General Board of Foreign Missions relative to a General Foreign Mission Board, and whereas we, as a Conference feel the need of such a board, therefore,

Resolved, That we request the General Conference to take up this matter for consideration,

          4. Whereas, we have no forrn in our Discipline for the reception of members into church fellowship, therefore, Resolved, That we ask the General Conference to draw up a form for the reception of members, for the Discipline.

          5. Whereas, the question of younger children voting in Quarterly Conference meetings has been discussed, therefore, Resolved, That we request General Conference to give a ruling on the matter.

          6. Resolved, That we recommend General Conference to consider the high rate of exchange between Canada and the States relative to Banner subscriptions, literature, books, etc.

          The Indiana and Ohio Conference has seven recommendations as follows:

          1. That Chapter VI, paragraph 3 of the discipline be amended to read as follows: The management of the School is to be entrusted to the Superintendent, who is to be a member of our church, and who shall be elected annually at the close of the year, at a regular meeting of the

members of the church, or if in a Sunday school session, the election to be conducted by the pastor.

          2. That the General Conference provide suitable and sufficient forms for the various needs of the church so that there may be uniformity throughout the church in the matter of official stationery.

          3. Whereas, we feel the need of a more aggressive and united effort in foreign mission work, Resolved, That we ask General Conference to elect a General Conference Mission Board, giving the various Conferences equal representation, which shall have charge of all our Foreign Mission work.

          4. That steps be taken by General Conference to provide a suitable headquarters for the Publishing House and for the transaction of other business which belongs to the General Conference.

          5. That there be inserted in the discipline a suitable list of questions for the receiving of members into the church.

          6. That General Conference change the Discipline so as to define our position more fully upon the divorce question.

          7. That a suitable song book be arranged or selected and adopted for use throughout the church.

          Michigan Conference has five recommendations as follows :

          1. Resolved, That the question asked by Battle Creek Mission, as to whether persons shall be retained as members who work on Sunday, be referred to General Conference.

          2. Resolved, That we request General Conference to give us fifty-two issues of the Gospel Banner.

          3. Resolved, That we request that General Conference of 1924 be held at Brown City, Michigan.

          4. Resolved, That we ask General Conference to give us a ruling on Labor Unions.

          5. Resolved, That we ask General Conference to give us a ruling on Militarism.

          Pacific Conference has two recommendations as follows :

          1. That we ask General Conference to insert the word “Fraternal,” immediately preceding the word “Life Insurance,” on page 45, under section XIV in the Discipline.

          2. That, we ask General Conference to permit the various Quarterly Conferences to elect a delegate to Annual Conference for each 25 members or fraction thereof.

          Nebraska Conference has six recommendations as follows :

          1. Whereas, the word “unconditional” is the cause of much discussion and dissatisfaction among the members of the Nebraska Conference.

          Resolved, That we petition the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ church to substitute the word “submit” for “unconditional.”

          2. Whereas, there are some of the books of the Reading Course which are out of print and not obtainable, and, Whereas, this is a great hindrance to the younger ministers of the Nebraska Conference,

          Resolved, That we petition General Conference to substitute other books in place of those which are out of print.

          3. Whereas, we recognize the need of a Christian School, in which our young people may receive an education,

Resolved, That we recommend the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ church to take some action looking toward the establishing of a school, in which a Christian education can be obtained.

          4. Whereas, there have been some prominent ministers of the Defenseless Mennonite church, and also of the Missionary Church Association who have expressed a desire for an organic union, which union, we believe and trust, would be of much benefit in propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the doctrines which are dear to all of us,

          Resolved, That we recommend to the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ church to take such steps as they deem proper and fit in looking toward a union with these and other bodies of like faith.

          5. Whereas, this Conference feels keenly the need of a more centralized effort in Foreign Mission work,

          Resolved, That we petition the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ church to form a General Foreign Mission Board, which shall have charge of all foreign mission work of the church.

          6. Relieving that it would be a great benefit and help in spreading the Gospel in new fields in the home land, thus extending our borders and usefulness.

          We also recommend, that the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ church take steps leading toward the forming of a General Home Mission Board.

          The Canadian Northwest Conference has three recommendations as follows:

          1. Resolved, That A. Traub and M. A. Finlay be a Committee to request the General Conference to revise the Reading Course and offer suggestions.

          2. Whereas, the General Conference is always held in the east and Whereas, the Western Conferences cannot expect to have the General Conference to be held with them at least for a long time to come, and, Whereas, the railway fares of the western delegates are very high and tend to discourage a full representation of delegates to the General Conference, therefore, be it Resolved, That we petition the General Conference to pool the railway fares of all the delegates and divide them equally.

          3. Whereas, the Mennonite Brethren in Christ church has no Educational Institution to train our young people who are called to the work of the ministry, and Whereas, our young people, in order to get an education often go to other Educational institutions where they are often lost to our church, therefore, be it Resolved, That this Conference petition the General Conference to devise a plan to solve our educational problems.

          Pennsylvania has no recommendations to offer.

                                W. G. Gehman

                                B. Bryan Musselman

                                R. M. Dodd

Committee            C. I. Huffman

                                Isaac Pike

                                O. B. Snyder

                                N. H. Payne

Committee to Examine General Conference Minutes

          We have examined the General Conference Minutes by comparing them with the copy furnished us, and find the following errors and omissions which we have corrected:

          Page 448, in the statistical report, the figure 2 was omitted.

          Page 489, mistake in copying the total amount raised for the poor.

          Page 490, a mistake in total amount raised for Gospel Workers and City Missions.

          Page 490, a mistake in copying the amount of subscriptions and literature sold in the Ontario Conference.

          With the exception of these errors and omissions, we have found the minutes in good condition.

          We find no mention of adjournment of the last General Conference in either the original minutes or as copied in the book.

                                B. A. Sherk

Committee            C. I. Scott

                                E. D. Mast

          Report was accepted.

Report of Committee on Worship

          J. N. Pannebecker preach at 8:00 P. M. R. W. Dickert have charge of the after-service.

                                S. Cressman

Committee            S. Goudie

                                E. D. Mast

          Report was accepted.

          Resolved, That we reconsider the time of the evening Conference meetings.

          Resolved, That the evening Conference meetings be held each evening except Saturday evening.

          Resolved, That we consider the recommendations which have been made to General Conference.

          The resolutions from the Ontario, Nebraska and Indiana Conferences relative to a General Conference Foreign Mission Board were read, and the following resolution was passed,

          Resolved, That these resolutions be tabled and be referred to the evening session.

          The resolutions from the Ontario and Indiana and Ohio Conferences relative to a Song Book were read and the following resolution passed:

          Resolved, That a committee of seven, one from each Conference, be appointed by the chair to formulate a report concerning the same.

          Committee appointed: C. H. Brunner, C. N. Good, R. M. Dodd, E. D. Mast, A. Traub, C. I. Scott, J. G. Grout.

          Resolved, That we extend the time indefinitely.

          The resolutions from the Ontario and Indiana and Ohio Conferences, concerning a form for reception of members, to be inserted into the Discipline was read, and the following resolution adopted:

          Resolved, That we grant their request and refer the matter to a committee to be appointed, to formulate suitable questions.

          Adjourned with prayer by J. G. Grout.


          Meeting was opened by song, and prayer by S. Goudie.

          The Roll was called.

          The minutes of the fourth meeting were read and approved.

          The recommendations from the Ontario, Indiana and Ohio and Nebraska Conferences relative to a General Conference Foreign Mission Board were, by resolution, lifted from the table to be considered.

          Resolved, That Conference suspend the rules and discuss these recommendations informally.

          Adjourned with prayer by W. H. Moore.

( Friday)


This meeting was opened by song, and prayer by N. H. Payne. The half hour devotional period was conducted by R. M. Dodd, who read a portion of Luke 18, and made appropriate remarks, followed by a season of prayer.

          The Roll was called.

          The minutes were read and approved.

Report of the Committee relative to a Conference Hymnal

          We beg leave to report that we have considered the matter relative to a proposed Church Hymn book, and recommend that the matter be left to the discretion of each individual Conference.

                                C. H. Brunner

                                C. N. Good

                                R. M. Dodd

Committee            A. Traub

                                E. D. Mast

                                C. I. Scott

                                J. G. Grout

          Report was accepted.

Report of Committee on Worship

          We beg leave to report that Eld. J. C. Roth: shall preach tonight at 8:00 P. M., and Eld. D. Shultz have charge of the after-service.

                                S. Cressman

Committee           S. Goudie

                                J. H. Sherk

          Report was accepted.

          Report of Chairman on informal consideration of the question of a General Conference Foreign Mission Board.

          In the informal meeting the subject mentioned above was under consideration, and the meeting has passed the following resolution:

          Resolved, That the recommendations of the Ontario, Indiana and Ohio and Nebraska Conferences be granted; that a General Conference Board be organized; that all Conferences which deisre to unite in the same be encouraged to do so; that no conference be required to do so; that a committee of one person from each Conference be elected to formulate a plan for the organization, and that they submit the same to this Conference for approval.

          Eld. J. G. Grout, Vice Presiding Elder of the Pacific Conference, reported:

          Our work is widely scattered, covering five states, of which we have work in three.

          Our classes are hundreds of miles apart. We are truly a missionary Conference.

          The self-denial of our ministers proves that they are consecrated and unconditional.

          We have much room, and great opportunities.

          We have not lost a minister by death during the last four years.

          We have good Camp meetings and Tabernacle services.

          We have two missionaries in India.

          Resolved, That a committee of seven, including the chair, be elected to formulate the plan of the General Conference Missionary Board.

          The following were elected: C. I. Scott, A. B. Yoder, H. B. Musselman, A. Traub, O. B. Snyder, J. G. Grout, S. Goudie.

          The request from the Ontario Conference, for a ruling on children voting in Quarterly Conference was read, and the following resolution was passed:

          That, we grant them their request.

          The following committee was elected to formulate a series of questions to be used in receiving members, to be inserted in the Discipline: C. N. Good, C. I. Huffman, B.

A. Sherk.

          Adjourned with prayer by J. N. Kitching.


          This meeting was opened by song, and prayer by P. Cober.

          The Roll was called and the minutes of the sixth meeting were read, and with a few corrections were adopted.

          Resolved, That all members of the church in good standing shall have the right to vote.

          Resolved, That the fraternal delegates from the Defenseless Mennonite Church, J. K. Gerig and E. Slagle be called upon to address the Conference at this time.

          The above named brethren addressed the Conference with appropriate and encouraging remarks, assuring the Conference, that their branch of the Church is anxious for a closer fellowship and cooperation.

          Resolved, That we express our appreciation for the presence of the Defenseless Mennonite Brethren, and for their addresses.

          Resolved, That beginning with the evening session, precedence be given to the recommendations from the various Conferences, pertaining to School, Union and Militarism.

          The Resolution from the Ontario Conference pertaining to the rate of exchange between the United States and Canada, as it relates to paying Banner subscription, etc., was read, and the following resolution was passed:

          Resolved, That the above matter be referred to the Executive Committee.

          The recommendation from the Indiana and Ohio Conference relative to the revision of Chapter VI, paragraph 3, was considered, and the following revision was agreed Upon:

          That Chapter VI, paragraph 3, be made to read as follows :

          “The management of the School is to be entrusted to the Superintendent, who is to be a member of our church (approved by the minister in charge), who shall be elected annually, at the close of the year at a regular meeting of the members of the church, or if in a Sunday school session the election be conducted by the Pastor.”

          The recommendation of the Indiana and Ohio Conference, relative to General Conference blanks, was considered and referred to the respective Annual Conferences.

          The recommendation of the Indiana and Ohio Conference, relative to a suitable headquarters for the Publishing Office and other General Conference business, was read,

and the following resolution passed:

          That we table the above recommendation until after the election of the Editor and Publisher.

          The request from the Indiana and Ohio Conference, concerning a revision of the Discipline, Section XVII, was read, and Conference decided to leave the section as it now


          The requests from the Michigan Conference asking advice from General Conference concerning retaining members who work on Sunday was read, and the following motion was passed:

          Recognizing that the Discipline is explicit on this point, we therefore refer this question to the Michigan Conference.

          The recommendation from the Michigan Conference relative to fifty-two issues of the Gospel Banner, annually, was read, and, by resolution, tabled until after the report of the Executive Board.

          The recommendation from the Michigan Conference, that the General Conference of 1924 be held at Brown City, was read and, by resolution, tabled until toward the close of Conference.

          The recommendation from the Michigan Conference that General Conference give a ruling on labor unions, was considered and the following resolution passed:

          That, we regard the resolution of the General Conference of 1916 as a sufficient interpretation of the Discipline.

          The request of the Michigan Conference for a ruling on the subject of militarism was considered, and the following resolution was passed:

          Resolved, That we regard the Discipline sufficiently clear on this point.

          The recommendation of the Pacific Conference, asking for a revision of the Discipline, page 45 Section XIV, was considered, and the following resolution was passed:

          Resolved, That the Discipline remain as it now stands.

          Whereas, a ruling was requested from the chair, concerning the voting of General Conference members, the chair ruled as follows:

          That, wherever the principle and conscience of a member is at stake he should vote his own conviction, but whenever no principle or conscience is at stake, he should vote according to the expressed wish of his Conference.

          Resolved, That the ruling of the chair be recorded upon the minutes.

          Resolved, That we extend the time indefinitely.

          The request from the Pacific Conference that they be permitted to elect one delegate to Annual Conference for each twenty-five members or fraction thereof, was considered and the following resolution was passed:

          That, the Discipline remain as it is and that we grant the Pacific Conference, their request, and also include the Canadian North West Conference for the General Conference Term.

          Adjourned with prayer by W. B. Musselman.


          Meeting was opened with prayer by A. Taylor.

          The Roll was called.

          Minutes of previous session were read and with a few corrections adopted.

          The Committee on Worship reported and the report was referred back to the committee.

          Resolved, That no member of this Conference be permitted to absent himself from the services held in connection with the Conference on Sunday, except by special permission of the General Conference.

          Resolved, That persons who are present who are not advisory members, be permitted to remain, the Conference reserving the right to ask them to withdraw at any time it sees fit to do so.

          Resolved, That the resolutions which were to be given precedence in the evening meeting, concerning a “School.”

          The recommendation of the Nebraska and Alberta Conferences relative to a School were read and discussed.] and “union” be taken up.

Report of Committee on Worship

          Kitchener Sunday school 9:30 A. M., B. Bryan Musselman and J. S. Wood; 10:30 A. B. Yoder and H. B. Musselman; 2:00 Praise service, N. W. Rich; 3:00 J. A. Huffman; 7:00 W. G. Gehman, R. M. Dodd; Breslau 7:30, F. Jones. New Dundee 7:30, J. G. Shireman; Stratford 7:30, J. S. Wood, J. Avery; Bridgeport (Evangelical) 7:15 F. M. Hottel.

                                S. Cressman

Committee            S. Goudie

                                J. H. Sherk

          Report was accepted.

          Adjourned with prayer by S. Cressman.



          Meeting was opened by song.

          The half hour devotional period was conducted by W. G. Gehman, who read a portion of Eph. 4, and gave some appropriate remarks which were followed by a season of prayer.

          The Roll was called and the minutes were read and approved.

          W. B. Musselman requested to be excused from this Conference today and, by resolution, was excused.

          The recommendations from Nebraska and Alberta Conferences, concerning a school were again read, and discussed.

          Resolved, That these recommendations be laid on the table until after the recommendations of the Nebraska Conference concerning a union, is considered.

          Resolved, That N. W; Rich address the Conference on the above recommendation. N. W. Rich then spoke briefly.

          J. A. Huffman was also requested to speak on the above recommendation, which he did.

          J. K. Gerig and Emanuel Slagle, of the Defenseless Mennonite Church also addressed the Conference, again assuring the Conference of their desire to cooperate with us in every possible way.

          After deliberation upon the recommendation from the Nebraska Conference, relative to “union,” the following resolution was adopted:

          Resolved, That a committee be elected to formulate a report concerning the above recommendation.

          Resolved, That the chair constitute one member of the Committee.

          Committee appointed: S. Gondie, C. I. Scott, A. B. Yoder.

          Resolved, That the rules be suspended and that Conference adjourn to meet at the call of the chair.

          Adjourned with prayer by E. N. Cassel.


          Meeting was opened with prayer by B. h. Sherk..

          Roll was called.

          Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

Report of Committee on Worship

          We beg leave to report, that J. Gerig will preach at 8:00 P. M., E. Slagle to have charge of the after services.

                                S. Cressman

Committee             S. Goudie

                                J. H. Sherk

          Report was accepted.

Report of Committee on Foreign Mission Board

          Whereas several of the Annual Conferences have sent appeals to this General Conference, to form a General Conference Board of Foreign Missions,

          And whereas, the General Conference has Granted their request, therefore, Resolved, That we recommend that this General Conference authorize S. Goudie, chairman of the Board, known as the General Board, to request the Foreign Mission Board of each Annual Conference to select members from among their number to meet in a joint meeting held at Elkhart, Indiana, at a time appointed by the chairman, for the perfecting of an organization.

          We further recommend that the basis of representation shall be one representative to every 1000 members or less, and one additional representative for every additional 500 members.

                                C. I. Scott

                                J. G. Grout

                                A. Traub

Committee            O. B. Snyder

                                H. B. Musselman

                                A. B. Yoder

                                S. Goudie

          Report was accepted.

Report of Committee on Union

          We beg leave to report as follows:

          We recommend that this Conference appoint a Committee of five from the several Conferences more centrally located, and this Committee be authorized to meet a Committee from each of those churches that have expressed a desire to form a union, that the Committee be empowered to take such steps; and if necessary, shall instruct the chairman of the Executive Board to call a conference of delegates chosen by each Annual Conference, to meet delegates chosen by the above. Inentioned churches, to adjust differences and perfect, an organization.

If no special Conference is callect, said committee shall report at next General Conference.

                                C. I. Scott

Committee            A. B. Yoder

                                S. Goudie

          Report was accepted.

Report of the Committee to formulate Questions for Reception of Members

          The Committee reported, and the report was recommitted.

          Dr. S. K. Mosiman, President of Bluffton College, fraternal delegate from the General Conference Mennonite Church addressed the Conference at this time bringing fraternal greetings from that body.

          Whereas, Dr. Mosiman, of the General Conference Mennonites of North America, has brought greetings from that body,

          Resolved, That we express our appreciation of the same, and pray the Lord’s blessing upon their work.

          Resolved, That this Conference elect a Committee of two persons from each of the seven Conferences, who are interested in Education, who shall meet and formulate some report concerning the requests from the Nebraska and Alberta Conferences.

          Resolved, That the chair constitute one member on the committee concerning the School question.

The following Committee was appointed: C. H. Brunner, Allen Gehman, R. M. Dodd, J. A. Kitchin, N. H. Payne, J. G. Grout, C. N. Good, S. Cressman, E. D. Mast, C. I. Scott, A. B. Yoder, A. Traub, and N. W. Rich.

          The following were elected as a Committee on Church Union: S. Goudie, N. W. Rich, H. A. Sherk, J. A. Huffman, and A. B. Yoder.

          Resolved, That we adjourn;

          Adjourned with prayer by W. H. Moore.



          Meeting was opened by song.

          The devotional half hour period was conducted by A. Traub, who read Ps. 133, and made some appropriate remarks, followed by prayer.

          Roll was called.

          Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

          Resolved, That a Committee he appointed to write a report of the Sunday services and the same be inserted in the Journal.

          Committee appointed: E. D. Mast, B. Bryan Musselman, C. N. Good.

          Resolved, That we now adjourn to meet at the call of the chair.

          Adjourned with prayer by C. I. Scott.


          Meeting opened with prayer by C. I. Huffman.

          Roll was called. The minutes were read, and after a correction were approved.

Report of the Auditing Committee

          We, the Committee on Auditing beg leave to report, that we have audited the schedules and found a number of errors which have been corrected, and hereby certify the statistics, as reported by the Committee on Statistics reflect the true statement of the statistical and financial affairs of the General Conference, to the best of our knowledge and belief.

          We would further recommend, that, the various Annual Conferences exercise due carefulness in submitting their report to General Conference, in having it compiled and audited before submitted, as recluired by our Discipline, under Duties of the Presiding Elders number twelve.

                                E. N. Cassell

Committee            Anthony B. Yoder

                                B. Bowmen

                                A. Traub

          Report was accepted.

Report of Committee on Worship

          We beg leave to report as follows:

          J. J. Hostetler will preach this evening and D. Shultz have charge of the after-service. The service is to be a thanksgiving service.

          Report was accepted.

                                S. Cressman

Committee            S. Goudie

                                J. H. Sherk

Report of the Committee on Resolutions

          The Committee on Resolutions begs leave to submit the following report:

          Whereas, we have listened with great interest to the reports of the Editor of the Gospel Banner and of the Presiding Elders of the various Conferences, and,

          Whereas, the Lord has so wonderfully blessed and prospered the work throughout all the Conferences, many souls having been saved, the churches having been edified and strengthened, the Home and Foreign Missionary work being in a healthy, aggressive condition, therefore,

          Resolved, That we greatly appreciate their zeal, their sacrifice and devotion, their earnest and tireless labors as also their frankness and fatherly counsel and able leadership in these days of compromise and worldliness, and further,

          Resolved, That we earnestly and unitedly pray God’s blessing upon them, as the leaders of the Church, that they may be preserved physically, kept strong in the faith, loyal to the truth so that the work of the Lord throughout the various Conferences may prosper and move forward until Jesus comes.

                                C. H. Brunner

Committee            C. I. Scott

                                C. N. Good

          Report was accepted.

Report of the Executive Board

          Kitchener, Ont., Oct. 18, 1920.

          During this General Conference term there have been no vacancies caused in our membership.

          The following regular meetings were held: New Carlisle, 0., Nov. 7, 1917, Dec. 19, 1918, and Jan. 15, 1920, and one special meeting at the same placeMarch 6, 1917, and another at Kitchener, Ont., Oct. 13, 1920.

          At this special meeting of March 6, 1917, the Board considered the offer of the Bethel Publishing Company regards the purchasing of their publishing interest, for the purpose, if possible, of putting the Gospel Banner on a self-supporting basis.

          The interest was purchased as per contract, and your Board proceeded immediately in a movement to raise the necessary funds to take over and capitalize the Bethel Publishing Company.

          Steps were also taken to have 1000 supplements to the Church Discipline printed.

          In the regular meetings of the Board, the various matters relative to the Gospel Banner were adjusted.

          We also published a Church Record and recommend it to be used throughout the various Conferences.

          It was also decided to publish a History of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church.

          It was also resolved to establish a Fund to be called “The Founders’ Memorial Fund,” a permanent fund, the proceeds of which only are to be used to secure the progress and future permanency of the Gospel Banner, to which friends of the cause may pay any sums they desire, either in the present or by legacy.

          The Gospel Banner has appeared regularly and punctually in fine condition.

          The Board feels that matters are progressing on very favorable conditions, and that our Publisher and Editor is giving us excellent service.

                                I. S. Goudie

                                I. Pike

                                A. D. Hoke

Committee            O. B. Snyder

                                A. B. Yoder

                                N. W. Rich

          Report was accepted.

Report of Committee on Education

          The Committee to formulate a plan relative to requests of the Nebraska and Canadian North West Conferences, relative to an educational Institution, wish to report as follows :

          Whereas, the general trend of these days is toward apostasy, rationalism, materialism, higher criticism and other anti-Christian tendencies, and,

          Whereas, these institutions of higher education, secular and theological, are with very few exceptions, honeycombed with these dangerous teachings and,

          Whereas, we have failed to receive any evidence of spiritual life to the upbuilding of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and the hastening of His glorious appearing, from the higher secular educational institutions, therefore,

          Resolved, That we strongly urge the young people of our various Conferences, who shall become the future spiritual leaders of our church, as well as our fathers and mothers in the church, to more devotion, reading of good, sound, religious literature, and especially earnest Bible study, and further,

          Resolved, That we wish to recommend our young people who desire to take a special course in some Bible training school, to the decision of their Annual Conference, and be it still further Resolved, That we recommend each Annual Conference to appoint a Committee on Education, which shall take this matter in hand in its respective Conference, and that the above Committees be encouraged to act cooperatively.

                                C. H. Brunner

                                N. H. Payne

                                J. A. Kitchin

                                L. M. Dodd

                                A. Traub

                                C. N. Good

Committee            Allen M. Gehman

                                J. G. Grout

                                S. Cressman

                                E. D. Mast

                                A. B. Yoder

                                C. I. Scott

                                N. W. Rich

          Report accepted.

          Resolved, That a committee of three be elected on Correspondence. The following Committee was elected: W. G. Gehman, S. Goudie, and O. B. Snyder.

Report of Committee to Formulate Questions for Receiving Members

          The Committee to formulate Questions to be inserted in the Discipline to be used in receiving members into our society, report as follows:

          Question 1.            Have you, through repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, received forgiveness of sins? If so, answer, yes.

          Question 2.            Are you willingto serve God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind; especially discharging every duty reasonably belonging to the service of God, such as the faithful attendance of public worship, reading of the Scriptures, prayer, praise and faithfully discharging your duty towards God and the Church? If so, answer, yes:

          Question 3.             If you have not as yet followed the Lord in baptism, will you do so at your first convenient opportunity? If so, answer, yes.

          Question 4.            Are you willing to renounce the world, and all sinful gratifications and practice chastity, temperance, sobriety and conduct yourself modestly and circumspectly as becometh Christians? If so, answer, yes.

          In connection with the above, other appropriate questions may be asked as circumstances may require.

                                C. I. Huffman

Committee            B. A. Sherk

                                C. N. Good

          Report was accepted.

Report of Sunday Services

          Sunday School was called to order by the Superintendent, J. H. Sherk, at 9:30 A. M. Elders B. Bryan Musselman and J. S. Wood each addressed the School in a very practical way.

          The morning preaching services were conducted by Eld. A. B. Yoder, Chairman of the General Conference and Eld. H. B. Musselman, the Vice Chairman. Bro. Yoder used as his text Matt. 5:1-2, bringing us a very timely and inspiring message.

          Bro. Musselman also gave a very helpful and soul-stirring address on the subject of, “The Gospel of a Broken heart.”

          At two o’clock Eld. N. W. Rich led the fellowship meeting, in which many participated, giving expressions of praise, joy, and victory.

          This service was followed by a message from Eld. J. A. Huffman on the subject, “Mistakes Concerning Pentecost.”

          Eld. W. G. Gehman gave the message in the evening, on the subject of “Walking in the Spirit,” followed by Eld. R. M. Dodd.

          In all these services the large spacious auditorium and gallery of the Bethany Church was filled to its capacity.

          The services throughout the day were very helpful on account of the Holy Spirit’s presence, and all pronounced it a most blessed occasion and a season long to be remembered.

          Report was accepted.

                                E. D. Mast

Committee            B. Bryan Musselman

                                C. N. Good

          The recommendations from the Nebraska Conference, asking that the word “submit” be substituted in the Discipline for the word “unconditional,” where ministers give themselves to their Conferences, was read, and the motion to grant their request was lost.

          The resolution from the Nebraska Conference asking that other books be substituted in the Reading Course for those which are out of print, and from the Alberta Conference, asking for a revision of the Reading Course, were read, and the following resolution was passed:

          That a Committee of seven, one from each Conference, including the chair, be elected to formulate a report on the above request.

          The following persons were elected: C. I. Scott, A. Traub, S. Goudie, J. G. Grout, E. N. Cassel, O. B. Snyder, A. B. Yoder.

          The recommendation from the Nebraska Conference that General Conference organize a General Home Mission Board was read and considered.

          Resolved, That the time be extended indefinitely.

          The recommendation was further considered, and a motion to grant the request was lost.

          Adjourned with prayer by B. A. Sherk.


          Meeting was opened with prayer by J. N. Kitching.

          Roll was called. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and with a few corrections were approved.

          Resolved, That a complete statistical report of the seven Conferences be included in the Journal.

Report of Committee on Correspondence

          Communications have come to this General Conference, from Levi Mummaw, Secretary-Treasurer of the Mennonite Relief Commission, informing us of the Relief work among the Southern Russians, inviting us to cooperate with their already six different organizations represented on this Commission if we see fit.

          Since a number of our Annual Conferences have taken part in the work of Relief in the Near East, we recommend that this matter be left to the discretion of the respective Annual Conferences.

                                W. G. Gehman

Committee             S. Goudie

                                O. B. Snyder

          Report accepted.

          Resolved, That we have one thousand Journals printed, and apportion the same among the several Conferences as follows: Indiana and Ohio, 150; Nebraska, 50; Michigan, 150; Ontario 250; Pennsylvania, 325; Pacific,50; Alberta, 25; that the Secretary be the Editor.

          The Journals are to contain the pictures of the members of the General Conference, also of the advisory members.

          Further, be it Resolved, That we pay the Editor of the General Conference Journal ten dollars, which, together with all other expenses which may accrue from publishing, mailing, etc, be apportioned to the several Conferences in proportion to the number of the Journals assigned to each Conference, and that the price be printed on the Journal.

          Resolved, That a Directory of General Conference members be included in the Journal.

          Resolved, That the names and addresses of all foreign missionaries being supported by the various Conferences be included in the Journal.

          Resolved, That the tabled resolutions be taken from the table in proper order.

          The request from the Canadian North West Conference, that the Railway fares of the delegates to General Conference be pooled and be divided equally, was read, and, by resolution, was granted.

          Resolved, That a committee of three be elected, who shall apportion the fares of the General Conference delegates, according to membership, and that the same become a standing rule.

          The following Committee was elected: Allen Gehman, Anthony R. Yoder, B. A. Sherk.

          Resolved, That there be fifty issues of the Gospel Banner; that one issue be, omitted early in the year, and the issue for the first week in December be omitted.

          Resolved. That we elect an Editor.

          Resolved, That we take an informal ballot.

          J. A. Huffman was elected Editor.

          It was moved by J. A. Huffman and seconded by N. H. Payne, that the election of the Editor be reconsidered.

          The motion prevailed.

          Adjourned with prayer by N. H. Payne.



          Meeting was opened by song.

          The devotional half hour was conducted by C. I. Scott, who read John 14:13. The theme of his remarks was “Ye ask,” “I do,” after which there was a season of earnest prayer.

          Roll was called. The minutes were read, and after a few corrections approved.

          J. A. Huffman asked the Conference for a reference committee, to whom he may refer any matter concerning the Church History he deems necessary. This request was by resolution granted.

          Resolved, That J. A. Huffman be allowed to name this Committee.

          The following committee was appointed: C. H. Brunner, Peter Cober, O. B. Snyder, N. W. Rich, A. Traub. J. G. Grout, A. B. Yoder.

          Resolved, That we close the discussion on the reconsideration of the election of the Editor.

          Resolved, That the Conference resolve itself into a private meeting.

          The Conference met in private meeting in the basement of the Church, and, after some discussion of interest to all of the Annual Conferences was adjourned, with prayer by C. N. Good.


          Meeting was opened with prayer by C. H. Brunner.

          The Roll was called.

          The minutes were read and approved.

Committee on General Conference Expense

We beg leave to report as follows:

Pennsylvania Conference                  $309.60

Ontario Conference                              291.76

Michigan Conference                          168.00

Indiana and Ohio Conference            257.54

Nebraska Conference                           111.21

Canadian North West Conference       51.25

Pacific Conference                                 64.90

Total                                                       1254.26

                                Allen M. Gehman

Committee            Anthony B. Yoder

                                J. H. Sherk

          Report was accepted.

          Anthony B. Yoder, of Wakarusa, Ind., was elected Treasurer, to receive and pay out the General Conference Fund.

          Resolved, That the pennsylvania Conference be released from all obligations, financial and otherwise, in relation to the Gospel Banner for the next General Conference term.

          Whereas, some statements have ben made on this Conference floor, affecting several Conferences, and whereas, a strong expression has been made by all for a united Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, therefore,

          Resolved, That We express our regrets of any such statements and pray unitedly for God’s blessing upon us all.

Report of Committee on Worship

          We beg leave to report, that J. S. Wood preach tonight and F. M. Hottel, have charge of the after-service.

                                C. S. Cressman

Committee            S. Goudie

                                J. H. Sherk

          Report was accepted.

          Adjourned with prayer by S. Goudie.


          Meeting was opened with song, and prayer by R. M. Dodd.

          Roll was called.

          The minutes were read and after a few changes approved.

Report of Committee to Revise Reading Course

          We beg leave to report, that we recommend that the Reading Course remain as it is for another General Conference Term, except, we recommend that “Inheritance Restored” by M. L. Haney may be substituted for “Lessons in Holiness,” at the decision of each Annual Conference.

Since the book “Reformed Pastor” is out of print, we recommend that each Annual Conference select some book to substitute this one and submit it to the next General Conference for consideration.


                                C. I. Scott

                                E. N. Cassel

                                S. Goudie

                                O. B. Snyder

                                A. Traub

                                A. B. Yoder

                                J. G. Grout

          Report was accepted.

          Resolved, That hereafter no member of any General Conference be permitted to bring any charge or accusation against any Annual Conference, except by request of his Annual Conference or the Executive Board.

Report of the Committee on Resolutions

          We the Committee on Resolutions beg leave to report the following

          Whereas,, the Pastor, members and friends of the congregation at Kitchener have spared no labour and sacrifice in providing for entertainment everything needful for our physical comfort, therefore,

          Resolved, That we express our appreciation of their hospitality and kindness shown us by a rising vote of thanks, and pray God’s blessing upon them that they may prosper and be found ready when our Lord appears.

Committee C. H. Brunner

                     C. I. Scott

          Report was accepted.

          A motion to change the article in the Discipline on the use of Musical Instruments was defeated.

Report of the Committee on ResolutionsWe the Committee on Resolutions beg leave to report the following:

          Whereas, our Chairman, Brother A. B. Yoder, has so fairly and judiciously presided over this General Conference, giving consideration to every Conference and each speaker, guiding us with all fairness through the perplexing questions that presented themselves, therefore,

          Resolved, that we greatly appreciated his fair decisions, his safe counsel and his patient forbearance with us during the deliberations, and pray God’s choicest blessings upon him physically and spiritually.

                                C. H. Brunner

Committee            C. N. Good

                                C. I. Scott

          Report was accepted.

          Whereas, the Kitchener daily papers have given us space, for reporting during our General Conference, therefore,

          Resolved, That we express our appreciation for this privilege, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the publishers.

          Whereas, Brother J. A. Huffman, the Secretary of this General Conference, has a great deal of work in the recording of the proceedings of this session, be it

          Resolved, That we donate him fifteen dollars, this amount to be included in the expense of the printing of the General Conference Journal.

          Resolved, That we elect an Editor.

          Resolved, That we take an informal ballot.

          The following candidates were named as a result of the informal ballot: J. A. Huffman, C. I. Scott and A. B. Yoder.

          J. A. Huffman was elected Editor.

          Resolved, That we elect the Executive Board.

          Resolved, That the Pennsylvania Conference be excused from representation on the Executive Board.

          The following were elected members of the Executive Board: A. B. Yoder, C. I. Scott, S. Croudie, N. W. Rich, O. B. Snyder, Isaac Pike, A. D. Hoke.

          Resolved, That the Editor nominate two persons front each Conference, from whom the Conference shall elect one from each Conference, as Associate Editors. The following were elected: C. H. Brunner, S. Goudie, B. A. Sherk, A. B. Yoder, Jacob Hygema, J. G. Grout, A. Traub.

          Resolved, That the resolution froln the Michigan Conference asking for the General Conference of 1924 be lifted from the table.

          Resolved, That the request be granted, and that the next General Conference he held at Brown City, Michigan, the third Wednesday in Oct. 1924, at 9 o’clock A. M.


Oct. 23, 1916                                               (Received

                     To Balance. Forwarded                 703.95

                     Received from sale of disciplines    13.33

                     Received for interest                         33.00


                                (Paid Out)

To W. B. Musselman                                               $17.10

Committee Car fare                                               32.65

Special Board meeting                          77.29

Printing Supplements                                                3.25

Printing Circulars                                     13.25

Mailing circulars                                        3.00


                                Balance                                 603.74

Nov. 7, 1917                                                 (Received)

Balance from last year                                         603.74

Sales of disciplines                                                                   62.97

Apportionments from conferences                      97.97

Received for interest                                                               15.00


                                (Paid Out)

For regular Board meeting                     97.30

For invoicing                                                            38.00

Gospel Banner deficit                          448.69


                                Balance                               $195.69

December, 19, 1918                                   (Received)

Balance from last year                                       $195.69

Apportionment from last year                               95.82

Interest                                                                     26.14

On Banner deficit                                                 448.69


                                (Paid Out)

For regular board meeting                $108.05     108.05

                                Balance                               $658.29

January 15, 1920   (Received)

To balance last year                                                           $658.29

Apportionment from conferences                     145.25

Interest                                                                     14.66


                                (Paid Out)

Regular board meeting and invoicing$143.20  143.20

                                Balance                               $675.00

February 14, 1919  (Received)

Bethel Pub. Co. Net gain over and above

          Banner deficit of 1918                           $1623.68

Jan. 20, 1920

Bethel Publishing Co. net gain over and

          above Banner deficit of 1919               $2714.42

Feb. 14, 1919                                                (Paid Out)

To J. A. Huffman per contract         $1623.68

Jan. 20, 1920

To J. A. Huffman per contract           1909.74


Account of General Conference Forward Movement Funds Including Banner Deficit of 1917.

Total received from Indiana and Ohio Conference     $2348.44

Total received from Ontario Conference                        1602.15

Total received from Nebraska Conference                       853.50

Total received from Alberta Conference                          534.00

Total received from Michigan Conference                     1068.00

Total received from Pacific Conference                           409.00


                                (Paid Out)

Paid for financing Pub. Business      $1000.00

Paid for publishing business               5206.20

Paid for interest on note                       160.20

Paid for Banner deficit for 1917           448.69


Founders’ Memorial Endowment Fund.


By Liberty Bonds (Dr. Nysewander)                   $500.00

By cash (Indiana and Ohio Conferences)                         166.51


                                A. D. Hoke, Treasurer

Report of the Auditing Committee

          We beg leave to report, that we have exanlined the account of the Treasurer of the Executive Board and find it all correct, except it appears that the Treasurer has charged

himself with three dollars more than he credits himself, in the General Conference Forward Movement Fund which account, according to his report, is balanced.

                                E. N. Cassel

Committee            A. Traub

                                Anthony B. Yoder

                                B. Bowmen

          Report was accepted.

          Resolved, That we lift the recommendation from the Indiana and Ohio Conference, which has been tabled.

          Resolved, That the recommendations from the Indiana and Ohio Conference, asking General Conference to take steps toward the providing of a suitable headquarters for the Publishing House and other General Conference business be referred to the Executive Committee.

          Resolved, That an offering be taken for the Assistant Secretary.

          Collection taken $8.07. (Thanks.)

          Resolved, That we now adjourn.

          Adjourned with prayer by the chairman A. B. Yoder.


          A. B. YODER, Chairman

          H. B. MUSSELMAN, Vice Chairman

          J. A. HUFFMAN, Secretary

          ISAAC PIKE, Asst. Secretary


































A. B. Yoder, 727 Wolf Ave., Elkhart, Ind.

H. B. Musselman, 507 South Avenue C, Bethlehem, Pa.

J. A. Huffman. Bluffton, Ohio.

Isaac Pike, Stouffville, R. R. 4, Ont.

W. G. Gehman, 1136 Northampton St., Easton, Pa.

C. H. Brunner, 125 W. Laurel St., Bethlehem, Pa.

W. B. Musselman, Cleveland, Ohio.

E. N. Cassel, Graterford, Pa.

B. Bryan Musselman, 819 Gordon St., Allentown, Pa.

Allen M. Gehman, Macungie, Pa.

G. O. Billig 941 Liberty St., Allentown, Pa.

H. L. Moyer, 214 W. Frankfort St., Bethlehem, Pa.

S. Goudie, Stouffville, Ont.

S. Cressman, Kitchener, Ont., R. R. No. 3.

P. Cober, Hespeler, Ont.

C. N. Good, 53 Cameron St., N., Kitchener, Ont.

J. N. Kitching, Zephyr, Ont.

J. B. Shantz, 136 Queen St., N. Kitchener, Ont.

J. H. Sherk, R. R. 3, Kitchener, Ont.

R. M. Dodd, 348 Prospect St., Pontiac, Mich.

B. A. Sherk, Elkton, Mich.

O. B. Snyder, Pontiac, Mich., 445 South Paddock.

B. Bowmen, Elkton, Michigan.

A. Detweiler, Brown City, Mich.

J. A. Kitchin, Cass City, R. 3, Mich.

W. H. Moore, Potsdam, Ohio.

C. I. Huffman, New Carlisle, Ohio.

E. D. Mast, Potsdam, Ohio.

A. D. Hoke, New Carlisle, Ohio.

John Ummel, Elkhart, Ind.

Anthony B. Yoder, Wakarusa, Ind.

A. Taylor, Nappanee, Ind.

N. W. Rich, Rocky Ford, Colo.

H. A. McConnell,

C. I. Scott, Milford, Nebr.

N. H. Payne, FruitIand, Idaho.

J. G. Grout, 301 So. 9th Ave., Yakima, Wash.

A. Traub, Didsbury, Alta.

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