1928 General Conference Minutes


of the


of the


Held at

Allentown, Pa.

November 7-12, 1928


            The Twelfth General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, convened at Allentown, Pa., November 7, 1928.

            The Conference was opened by H. B. Musselman.

            After song and prayer the Conference was organized as follows:

            R. P. Ditmer and E. Moyer were appointed tellers.

            A. B. Yoder, chairman.

            S. Goudie, Vice Chairman.

            J. S. Wood, Secretary.

            E. Moyer, Assistant Secretary.

            The chairman read Colossians 3:12-17, making timely and appropriate remarks.

            B. Bryan Musselman gave a very cordial address of welcome.

            Resolved, That the first four seats in the three sections to the west of the church, the balcony for private sessions and the basement for evening meetings, constitute the bar.


            Pennsylvania Conference–H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, B. Bryan Musselman, C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel, G. F. Yost, F. M. Hottel, G. O. Billig, H. H. Bergey, M. L. Musselman, C. D. Bean, Allen M. Gehman.

            Ontario Conference– S. Goudie, M. Bricker, C. N. Good, E. Sievenpiper, E. Moyer, A. G. Warder, I. Pike, J. Thompson, J. H. Sherk.

            Michigan Conference– J. A. Avery, J. S. Wood, J. N. Kitching, R. W. Herber, Jason Kitchin, D. D. Banks.

            Indiana and Ohio Conference– A. B. Yoder, H. M. Metzger., W. H Moore, R. P. Ditmer, A. Taylor, E. D. Mast, Melvin Wright, M. L. Moyer, Anthony B. Yoder.

            Nebraska Conference-C. I. Scott, N. W. Rich, E. D. Young, T. R. Young.

            Canadian North West Conference– A. Traub, H. Edwardson.

            Pacific Conference– A. W. Barbezat.

            Editor– A. B. Yoder.

            The following rules of order were adopted:

            1. Each member before speaking on any subject, or upon presenting any motion or seconding the same shall arise and respectfully address the chair, and receiving recognition, shall be allowed to speak ten minutes on each subject, and only once, except by the permission of the chair, provided no one else desires to speak or no one objects.

            2. The forenoon meetings open at 8:30 A. M., and close at 11:30; afternoon meetings open at 1:30 P. M., and close at 5:00 P. M.

            3. That all open voting be done by raising the right hand .

            4. That the chairman nominate all committees, unless otherwise provided for and that Conference elect them.

            5. That all ordained ministers and probationers having charge of a work, shall be received as advisory members, and be privileged to speak five minutes on any subject, and only once.

            6. That we encourage the chairman to call on such members of this Conference who show inactivity. We request the chair to enforce all rules of order.

            7. That ministers of other denominations attending any of the meetings shall be introduced to this Conference.

            8. That we accept T. B. Neely’s Parliamentary Practice to govern this Conference body.

            9. That no member of this Conference be allowed to leave the bar without permission.

            10. That at the call of two-fifths of the members of this Conference present, the “yeas” and “nays” shall be recorded.

            Resolved, That C. H. Brunner act as reporter.

            Resolved, That at the opening of each morning meeting, the chairman give a brief devotional address and the Conference join in earnest prayer.

            Resolved, That the chairman appoint a time keeper.

            H. H. Bergey was appointed.

            Resolved, That we have evangelistic services in the evenings.

            Resolved, That we have the following committees to examine General Conference Minutes: On Worship; On Statistics; On Annual Conference Minutes; On Resolutions; OnIntroduction; On Auditing; On Credentials and On Boundary.

            Resolved, That the appointed committees be elected by open vote.

            Committee on Worship– W. G. Gehman, H. B. Musselman, B. Bryan Musselman.

            Committee to Examine General Conference Minutes– Jason Kitchin, I. Pike, E. N. Cassel.

            Committee on Statistics: F. M. Hottel, C. N. Good, R. W. Herber, R. P. Ditmer.

            Committee on Annual Conference Minutes– C. H. Brunner, M. Pricker, J. N. Kitching, M. L. Moyer, N. W. Rich, H. Edwardson, A. W. Barbezat.

            Committee on Introduction–B. Bryan Musselman.

            Committee on Resolutions– S. Goudie, W. G. Gehman, E. D. Mast.

            Committee on Auditing– E. N. Cassel, I. Pike, Anthony B. Yoder, A. Traub, E. D. Young, E. Sievenpiper.

            Committee on Credentials– H. B. Musselman, S. Goudie, H. M. Metzger, C. I. Scott, J. S. Wood.

            Committee on Boundary– H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, S. Goudie, M. Bricker, J. A. Avery, J. S. Wood, A. B. Yoder, H. M. Metzger, C. I. Scott, A. Traub, A. W. Barbezat.

            Report on Committee on Worship– The meeting this evening shall open at 7:45 P. M. with a short song service, led by C. N. Good; two half-hour sermons shall follow by M. Bricker of Toronto, Canada, and A. Traub of Didsbury, Alta.; N. W. Rich of Council Bluffs, Iowa, shall have charge of the after meeting.

Committee :

W. G. Gehman

H. B. Musselman

B. Bryan Musselman

            Report adopted.

Adjourned. Prayer by W. H. Moore.


            Prayer by S. Goudie.

            Roll call.

            Minutes of previous meeting were read and with a correction approved.

Report of Committee on Credentials

            Your committee beg leave to report as follows:

            The Pennsylvania Conference is entitled to six Presiding Elders, five preacher delegates and five lay delegates; H. B. Musselman and W. G. Gehman are Presiding Elders; B. Bryan Musselman, C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel, F. M. Hottel and G. F. Yost are preacher delegates; G. O. Billig, Allen M. Gehman, H. H. Bergey, M. L. Musselman, C. D. Bean are the lay delegates.

            The Ontario Conference is entitled to four Presiding Elders, four preacher delegates, and three lay delegates: S. Goudie and M. Bricker are Presiding Elders; C. N. Good, E. Sievenpiper, E. Moyer, A. G. Warder are preacher delegates; I. Pike, J. Thompson and J. H. Sherk, are lay delegates.

            The Indiana and Ohio Conference is entitled to four Presiding Elders, four preacher delegates and three lay delegates: A. B. Yoder and H. M. Metzger are Presiding Elders; W. H. Moore, R. P. Ditmer, A. Taylor and E. D. Mast are preacher delegates; Melvin Wright, M. L. Moyer, Anthony B. Yoder are the lay delegates.

            The Michigan Conference is entitled to two Presiding Elders, two preacher delegates and two lay delegates: J. S. Wood and J. A. Avery are Presiding Elders; J. N. Kitching, R. W. Herber are preacher delegates; D. D. Banks and Jason Kitchin are lay delegates.

            The Nebraska Conference is entitled to two Presiding Elders, two preacher delegates and one lay delegate: C. I. Scott is Presiding Elder; N. W. Rich and E. D. Young are preacher delegates, and T. R. Young is lay delegate.

            The Canadian North West Conference is entitled to one Presiding Elder and one preacher delegate: A. Traub is Presiding Elder; H. Edwardson is preacher delegate.

            The Pacific Conference is entitled to one Presiding Elder: A. W. Barbezat is Presiding Elder.

            Upon examining the various Annual Conference Minutes we found all of the abo\re duly elected according to discipline.

Committee :

H. B. Musselman

S. Goudie

H. M. Metzger

C. I. Scott

J. S. Wood

            Report was adopted.

Secretary’s Financial Report

Amount received from former secretary                                          $.27

Pennsylvania Conference                                                               49.09

Ontario Conference                                                                        43.25

Michigan Conference                                                                     25.75

Indiana and Ohio Conference                                                         40.20

Nebraska Conference                                                                     14.82

Canadian N. West Conference                                                         5.56

Pacific Conference                                                                           5.56

Banner Office extra receipts                                                             1.11


Cost of Journals– Printing                                                          $161.25

Postage, cut, etc.                                                                               8.61

Allowance by General Conference                                                 25.00

            Total cost                                                                          194.86

            Deficit                                                                                  9.25

                        A. B. Yoder, Secretary.

            Resolved, That the report be adopted and the former Secretary reimbursed for the deficit which shall be carried forward.

Editor’s Report

To the members of the General Conference, Greetings:

            Almost four years have slipped by since I assumed the responsibility as editor of the Gospel Banner. I knew that when I assumed it, I assumed a difficult task; since the work was new to me, but with faith and confidence in the brotherhood I entered into the work with the purpose of giving to its readers a church paper that they would not need to be ashamed of. Whether I have succeeded or failed in this is not for me to say. I did my best, and that not without mistakes, to make it equal to any and if possible, better than many of the church papers.

            I can not say that it has met even my ideal as a church paper, since my ideal would be most of the material original.

            I have endeavored to have my editorials, as they were to appear regularly, and I do not think a single issue appeared without my editorials.

            There have been some regular contributions for which we were thankful. Some, that is some of the associate editors were faithful and contributed quite regularly. If we could interest and have the use of our literary talent in the church, I am sure that we could do still better.

So far as I know the ministry have been faithful in their collections and some solicited for new subscribers. The life of the Gospel Banner depends upon the unselfish interest of every member and particularly every preacher.

            I claim no success of myself, what has been for the betterment of the Gospel Banner, you have done, either by comment, suggestion or by criticism. As a brother I did my best.

            The task was very hard for me the first six months, but after that I found it a pleasure and I must say I enjoyed the work. Not one issue was late on my account. I was able to have the material with the printer on time and with the other work I had, and doing the editorial work myself, I feel indebted to God who gave me the health and ability to do my work.

            I have had many letters of commendation from appreciative friends and some very bitter letters from envious hearts. Many warm friends have been made through the Gospel Banner, and I trust that God has enabled me as your servant, to help some one into closer fellowship with God.

            I wish to thank you all, friend or foe, and especially you who have so faithfully contributed, and you, the Executive Committee. I pray that God’s richest blessings may rest upon you all.

                        Your brother in Christ,

                        A. B. Yoder.

            Resolved, That the report be tabled to be considered in connection with the report of the Executive Committee.

Report of Delegate to Wesleyan Methodist General Conference

            Considering circumstances and conditions, I felt unable to attend, so I have no report to give.

                        A. B. Yoder,

            Report was adopted.

            Resolved, That we suspend business to meet at the call of the chair.

            Business resumed at 4:40.

Report of Committee on Annual Conference Records

            We beg leave to report that we have examined the Annual Conference Minute Books of the Pennsylvania, Indiana and Ohio, Ontario, Michigan, Nebraska, Pacific and Canadian North West Conference, and find them in good shape; and as far as we could ascertain are correct. We also found the following recommendations and requests;


            1. Whereas, The article on Life Insurance, page 37, Section XIV is inconsistent and unsatisfactory, therefore

            Resolved, That we request General Conference to erase it from the discipline.

            2. Whereas, The wording of Section 13 on musical instruments seems inconsistent.

            Resolved, That we ask General Conference to revise the same.

            3. Whereas, The article on election of officers, Section II, Paragraph II, Page 53 has proven unsatisfactory.

            Resolved, That we ask General Conference to erase the part referring to time, limit, and two-thirds vote.


            1. Whereas, Form A. B. C. and D. does not provide a space to show incumberances against church property, and

            Whereas, This Conference believes this information essential, therefore

            Resolved, That we request General Conference to provide a space under the heading of Church Property for incumberances against Church Property and equity in Church Property:

            2. Resolved, That we request General Conference to give us discipline governing Young People’s Societies.


            1. Resolved, That we petition General Conference to change our discipline so that no member will be allowed to retain his membership who will use tobacco.

            2. Resolved, That we respectfully petition the General Conference to make provision for a Bishop.


            1. Whereas, The Canadian North West Conference requests that the name of the church be changed to Missionary Brethren in Christ; and that their relation to the entire body remain the same.

            Resolved, That we the Nebraska Conference petition that we be granted the same privilege.

            2. Whereas, There are people who may not be ready to become full members of our church.

            Resolved, That we petition the General Conference to provide an article in the discipline giving permission to receive them on probation for some length of time until they prove themselves worthy of full membership.

            3. Whereas, We are constantly made aware of the necessity for better trained Sunday School teachers.

            Resolved, That we petition the General Conference to take steps to arrange a course of training for teachers, selecting such books as are safe and sound and which will be recognized as standard.

Canadian North West

            Whereas, We believe a general Superintendent who could devote his time to the visiting of different Conferences [hims]elf with the needs peculiar to annually, and acquaint each Conference, and could thus help to bring about union and interest so much desired. Therefore

            Resolved, That we earnestly petition the General Conference to diligently consider the need and appoint a man to this work.

Committee :

C. H. Brunner

A. W. Barbezat

M. Bricker

N. W. Rich

H. Edwardson

M. L. Moyer

J. N. Kitching

            Resolved, That the time be extended indefinitely.

            Resolved, That the report be adopted and that the appeals be considered at a later time.

            Adjourned. Prayer by A. Taylor.


(Thursday Morning)

            Meeting opened with devotional exercises.

            The chairman read Philippians 2:5-13.

            Roll Call.

            Minutes of the second meeting were read and with a few changes approved.

            Report of Committee on General Conference Minutes

            We, the Committee to examine General Conference Minutes beg leave to report that we have examined the minutes of the Eleventh General Conference and find them correct.

Committee :

Jason Kitchin

E. N. Cassel

Isaac Pike

            Report was adopted.

            Report of Committee on Worship

            Meeting to open this evening at 7:45 with a song service led by W. H. Moore. Two thirty minute addresses shall follow. A. G. Warder of Aylmer, Ontario and A. W. Barbezat of Filer, Idaho, shall speak. N. W. Rich shall follow with an after meeting.

Committee :

W. G. Gehman

H. B. Musselman

B. Bryan Musselman

            Report was adopted.

            Business suspended to meet at the call of the chair.

            Business resumed at 11:25.

Report of Delegates to the Annual Conference of the Defenseless Mennonites

            Due to the fact that the dates of the Defenseless Conference and the Nebraska Conference conflicted, I did not attend the Conference of the Defenseless Mennonites.

C. I. Scott, Fraternal Delegate.

            Report was adopted.

            Resolved, That the time be extended indefinitely.

            Report of the Executive Committee was read and no action taken.



(Thursday Afternoon)

            Meeting opened with song. Prayer by A. W. Barbezat.

            Roll Call.

            Minutes of Third Meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That we lift from the table the Editor’s report.

            Report of the Executive Committee

            We take pleasure in submitting the following report.

            Immediately after the close of last General Conference we met and organized. At this meeting, Rev. J. N. Pannabecker was engaged again as Business Manager of the publishing interests; and to edit pages twelve to sixteen of the Gospel Banner. We also decided on the salaries to be paid to the Editor of the Gospel Banner, Rev. A. B. Yoder and to Rev. J. A. Huffman as editor of the Sunday School supplies, also to our Business Manager.

            We entered into another contract with The Times Publishing Co., of Pandora, Ohio, to print the Gospel Banner for us. This contract has been carried out thus far to the satisfaction of the entire Banner family, for the Gospel Banner appeared promptly and was nicely printed.

            We held our annual meetings and one special meeting. This special meeting was held for the purpose of considering a change of location of our Publishing House. The decision of this meeting was that we continue our Publishing House at New Carlisle, Ohio, for the present.

            At our Annual Meeting held at New Carlisle, Ohio, Sept. 29, 1926, it was decided to purchase a certain lot situated on South Main St., Elkhart, Indiana, and build a Publishing House. This decision was carried out and early in 1927 our Business Manager moved the stock and office fixtures to Elkhart, where he has been conducting a successful business ever since. We believe this to be a forward movement in the life and work of our publishing interests.

            Our Business Manager is still showing good interest in his work and is endeavoring to make a real success of the business. All our associations as a committee with our Editors and Business Manager and among ourselves has been most pleasant and agreeable. Not a jar of any kind, nor an unkind word from any one, but brotherly love and real harmony has prevailed. We predict a bright future for the Gospel Banner and Bethel Publishing interests. If we all stand together and work unitedly tb that end.

            We submit the following financial reports of the Treasurer of the Executive Committee and the Business Manager.

Financial Statement of Bethel Publishing Co.

September 25, 1928

Resources as per inventoryMerchandise                     $6,386.32

Stationery                                                                         809.91

Fixtures                                                                         1,284.79

Machinery                                                                     1,025.29

Printing Plates                                                                  571.58

Mailing List                                                                   2,400.00

Cash on hand and in bank                                                 984.86

Accounts Receivable                                                        674.05

Notes Receivable                                                              350.00

Rents receivable                                                                 30.00

Real Estate (Building Lot)                                             2,100.00

Bethel Building                                                           18,000.00

Total Resources                                                                                $34,616.76


Merchandise (Bills Payable)                                       $1,257.65

Credits Payable                                                                   24.60

Advance payments on S. S. Literature                               15.00

S. S. Papers, November and December                            350.00

Notes payable                                                                   514.60

September Banner Printing Bill                                       288.00

Wall paper bill                                                                    20.57

Indebtedness on building                                             13,525.04

Paving assessment                                                            610.00

Unpaid salaries                                                                 175.00

Net present worth                                                        17,836.30


Present worth Oct. 1, 1924                                        $12,800.00

Present worth Sept. 25, 1928                                       17,836.30

            Net gain                                                           $5,036.30

Summary of Sales of Bethel Publishing Co.

Oct. 1, 1924 to Sept. 30, 1925                                   $20,048.74

Oct. 1, 1925 to Sept. 30, 1926                                     21,127.68

Oct. 1, 1926 to Sept. 28, 1927                                     21,841.53

Sept. 29, 1927 to Sept. 25, 1928                                  20,915.50

Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of Gospel Banner

Oct. 1, 1924 to Sept. 25, 1928


Cash balance on hand                                                       $31.24

Subscriptions                                                               18,302.48

Sales by City Missions                                                     169.58

Sales of Special Numbers                                                   15.14

Sales of Paper Stock                                                             3.60

Donations to Poor Fund                                                    219.38

Donations from other sources                                               9.00

Advanced by Bethel Pub. Co.                                       3,721.90

            Total                                                                                     $22,472.32


Paper Stock                                                                 $4,270.20

Monthly printing bills                                                 13,065.23

Mailing                                                                          2,121.85

Salaries                                                                          1,900.00

Electros                                                                             123.77

Subscriptions paid from poor fund                                   175.45

Insurance on paper stock                                                    25.53

Exchange on Canadian remittances                                      5.70

Incidentals                                                                        121.84

Paper stock on hand                                                          559.00

Cash on hand                                                                    103.80

            Total                                                                                     $22,472.32

Gospel Banner Circulation Statement

Number of Subscribers Oct. 1, 1924                                                    2,696

Number of Subscribers Sept. 26, 1928                                                   3222

            Net gain                                                                                        526

Gospel Banner Circulation Statement in Detail

Number of paid subscribers                                                                    3174

Number of exchanges                                                                                 31

Number of free copies                                                                                17

            Total                                                                                           3222

Report of Treasurer of Executive Committee



Bonds on hand 10-1-24                                                                          $700.00

10-1-24           Cash on hand                                                                    812.24

Ontario Conference                                                            59.00

10-1-24           Anthony B. Yoder                                        1.00

10-8-24           Exchange Bank Int.                                      7.52

10-9-24           Yoder Bros. for Bonds                             261.17

10-9-24           Nebraska Conference                                 22.50

10-30-24         Ind. and Ohio Conf.                                      8.00

11-24-24         Int. on Bonds                                                9.54

2-21-25           Michigan Conf., 1923                                 32.00

2-21-25           Michigan Conf., 1924                                 35.50

2-2-25             Int. From bank                                              6.58

5-23-25           Int. on bonds                                                 9.56

7-1-25             Int. from bank                                               5.70

                        Int. from bank                                               5.64             463.71

            Total                                                                                       $1,275.95


10-1-24           A. B. Yoder                                              $18.40

10-1-24           O. B. Snyder                                               13.54

10-1-24           C. I. Scott                                                   46.00

10-1-24           N. W. Rich                                                 18.00

10-1-24           S. Goudie                                                      4.52

10-1-24           I. Pike                                                         10.00

10-1-24           New Carlisle Int.                                          1.00

10-1-24           S. Goudie                                                    54.00

10-7-24           Anthony B. Yoder                                      24.31

10-9-24           M. L. Moyer on church                            302.09

12-24-24         A. B. Yoder                                                  9.00

11-25-24         O. B. Snyder                                                 7.19

3-24-25           J. S. Wood                                                    9.10

3-4-25             O. B. Snyder                                                 6.78

3-4-25             S. Goudie                                                    20.14

3-4-25             S. Cressman                                                22.82

3-4-25             W. H. Moore                                                3.00

3-4-25             C. H. Brunner                                           103.70

3-4-25             Anthony B. Yoder                                        3.95             685.54

            Balance on hand                                                                           590.41

            Total                                                                                       $1,275.95

            Bonds on Hand                                                                             450.00


9-28-25           Bonds on hand                                                                  450.00

9-28-25           Balance on hand in cash                                                   590.41

9-30-25           Bethel Publishing Co.                                 75.00

9-30-25           Penna. Conference                                      25.00

9-30-25           Ontario Conference                                    21.00

10-10-25         Ind. and Ohio Conf.                                    20.00

11-9-25           Nebraska Conf.                                             8.00

11-16-25         Pacific Conf.                                                 3.00

11-17-25         Michigan Conference                                 13.00

1-1-26             Int. from bank                                               5.49

4-1-26             Int. from bank                                               5.99

7-1-26             Int. from bank                                               6.05

9-1-26             Int. from bank                                             19.15             201.68

            Total                                                                                           $792.09


9-28-25           S. Goudie                                                  $24.20

9-28-25           C. Scott                                                       46.00

9-28-25           C. H. Brunner                                             34.20

9-30-25           A. B. Yoder                                                11.34

9-30-25           Anth. B. Yoder                                           20.28

9-30-25           W. H. Moore                                              20.28

9-30-25           New Carlisle Int.                                          5.15


Balance cash on hand                                                       630.64

            Total                                                                                           $792.09

9-28-26           Balance bonds on hand                                                     450.00

Sept. 28, 1927

9-29-26           Bonds on hand                                                                $450.00

9-28-26           Cash on hand                                                                    630.84

9-29-26           Penna Conf.                                            $122.00

9-29-26           Ontario Conf.                                           100.00

9-29-26           Bethel Pub. Co.                                        120.00

10-1-26           Int. from bank                                               6.11

10-1-26           Michigan Conference                                 60.00

10-1-26           Ind. and Ohio Conf.                                    98.50

10-1-26           Nebraska Conf.                                           36.50

10-1-26           Canadian North West                                 14.50

10-2-26           Mrs. Ed. Troyer                                            1.00

11-19-26         W. R. Grout                                                16.00

11-19-26         Yoder Bros. bonds                                    450.00

1-5-27             Int. from bank                                                 .41

5-2-27             Int. from bank                                                 .49

5-11-27           Canadian North West                                   3.00

7-1-27             Int. from bank                                               1.16          1,660.13


9-26-26           S. Cressman                                              $14.00

9-26-26           A. B. Yoder                                                  6.00

9-26-26           C. Brunner                                                103.20

9-26-26           O. B. Snyder                                                 5.10

9-26-26           J. S. Wood                                                    9.60

9-26-26           I. Pike                                                         29.00

9-26-26           S. Goudie                                                    10.65

9-26-26           W. H. Moore                                              20.28

9-26-26           Anth. B. Yoder                                           20.28

9-26-26           C. I. Scott                                                   42.54

9-26-26           New Carlisle Int.                                        16.50

9-26-26           F. S. Kreagy                                             325.00

11-11-26         S. Goudie                                                    32.05

11-12-26         O. B. Snyder                                                 8.87

11-12-26         W. H. Moore                                                5.20

1-2-27             Building Committee                                 975.81


            Cash on hand                                                          46.08

            Total                                                                                       $1,660.13


From Executive Comm.                                                 $975.81

From Bethel Pub. Co.                                                    2,000.00

From Walter Everest                                                     1,623.84

From Exchange Bank                                                    8,000.00

From J. B. Shantz                                                           3001.20

From A. B. Yoder                                                             900.00      $16,500.85


Interest to Exchange Bank                                              $280.00

Huffman Improvement Co.                                           4,600.00

Yoder Bros.                                                                   1,286.80

Huffman Improvement Co.                                           8,500.00

B. F. Deahl                                                                           2.00

S. Bartlett                                                                         140.07

Huffman Improvement Co.                                           1,000.00

Elkhart Insurance Co.                                                         51.24

Int. at Exchange Bank                                                      240.74


            Cash on hand                                                        400.00

            Total                                                                                     $16,500.85

Sept. 26, 1928

9-28-27           Balance on hand                                                               $46.05

9-28-27           Penna Conf                                                 55.89

9-28-27           Michigan Conf.                                          29.04

9-28-27           Ontario Conf.                                             46.24

9-28-27           Nebraska Conf.                                           16.88

9-28-27           Ind. and Ohio                                              45.20

9-28-27           Canadian North West                                   6.71

9-28-27           Pacific Conf.                                                 7.05

9-28-27           Int. from Bank                                                .66


Cash on hand                                                                      46.05           $253.72


9-28-27           C. H. Brunner                                           111.20

9-28-27           O. B. Snyder                                               13.36

9-28-27           I. Pike                                                         21.70

9-28-27           C. I. Scott                                                   20.00

9-28-27           S. Goudie                                                    10.75

9-28-27           Anth. B. Yoder                                           10.00


Balance on hand                                                                 46.71

Total                                                                                                       $253.72

Report of Building Committee Treasurer

9-28-27           Balance on hand                                                             $400.00

1-1-28             Int. from bank                                               3.87

1-7-28             J. B. Shantz                                            8,000.00

1-10-28           A. B. Yoder                                              671.18

1-10-28           Bethel Pub. Co.                                        280.00

4-2-28             Int. from bank                                               4.57

7-1-28             Int. from bank                                               4.61

                                                                                    $8,964.23        $9,364.23


12-22-27         V. Weathead                                             $13.50

1-11-28           Clarence Hartman                                     663.38

1-16-28           Exchange Bank                                     8,267.60

8-13-28           Otis Fuller                                                200.00

9-15-28           W. H. Moore                                              20.57


Cash on hand                                                                  $199.20        $9,364.23

                                    Anthony B. Yoder, Treasurer

Executive Committee

S. Goudie

C. H. Brunner

A. B. Yoder

W. H. Moore

I. Pike

H. B. Musselman

W. G. Gehman

C. I. Scott

Anth. B. Yoder

J. S. Wood

            Resolved, That we adopt the reports of the Editor and the Executive Committee.

Report of Committee on Resolutions

            We beg to report the following:

            Whereas, We heard the reports of the Editor and of the Executive Committee relative to the editing and publishing of the Gospel Banner, and the other interests of the Bethel Publishing House, and

            Whereas, A number expressed their appreciation of the Editor’s faithfulness; and the cleanness of the Gospel Banner, and confessed their short comings in not writing more original articles and reporting their work on their respective fields more faithfully and

            Whereas, The Executive Committee has so ably handled the interests of the Bethel Publishing Co., through their manager to a marked degree of financial success, therefore

            Resolved, That we are well pleased with their reports and in giving us a good wholesome church paper; and further

            Resolved, That we rejoice in the progress made by the Bethel Publishing Co., and still further

            Resolved, That we pray God’s blessings upon these brethren and the future of the Gospel Banner and The Bethel Publishing Company.

Committee :

S. Goudie

W. C. Gehman

E. D. Mast

            Report was adopted.

Report of General Conference Treasurer


10-20-24 Ontario Conference                                       $ 238.00

10-21-24 Michigan Conference                                       150.00

10-21-24 Penna Conference                                           288.00

10-21-24 Nebraska Conference                                         87.00

10-30-24 Ind. and Ohio Conf.                                         232.00

2- 7-24 Canada N. W. Conference                                  35.50

2- 7-24 Penna. Conference                                               65.00

2-21-24 Michigan Conference                                         33.00

2-25-24 Ontario Conference                                            54.00

2-27-24 Ind. and Ohio Conference                                  52.00


Amount Paid Out

10-21-24 S. Cressman                                                       $9.75

10-21-24 S. Goudie                                                           12.00

10-21-24 W. Brown                                                          13.90

10-21-24 J. Sherk                                                                9.56

10-21-24 C. N. Good                                                            8.65

10-30-24 M. Bricker                                                           11.25

10-30-24 A. Kitchin                                                             2.00

10-30-24 J. S. Wood                                                             2.00

10-30-24 A. Warder                                                           15.30

10-30-24 I. Pike                                                                  15.00

10-30-24 F. A. Jones                                                            1.37

10-30-24 O. B. Snyder                                                         8.90

10-30-24 J. A. Avery                                                            1.36

10-30-24 J. A. Huffman                                                     13.38

10-30-24 Anth. B. Yoder                                                    12.70

10-30-24 B. Bryan Musselman                                        438.20

11-1-24 W. H. Moore                                                         12.10

11-1-24 Paul Mikel                                                            22.10

11-1-24 J. A. Freed                                                             21.40

11-1-24 Anth. B. Yoder                                                      21.40

11-1-24 H. M. Metzger                                                      10.00

11-1-24 A. Neff                                                                  20.00

11-1-24 S. Bartlett                                                              21.40

11-1-24 A. Traub                                                              140.00

11-1-24 J. Thompson                                                          16.62

10-30-24 C. I. Scott                                                            56.00

10-30-24 T. R. Young                                                        68.60

10-30-24 N. W. Rich                                                          18.00

10-30-24 C. I. Huffman                                                      11.40

10-30-24 A. B. Yoder                                                         11.40

2-27-24 C. I. Scott                                                            200.00


            Balance on hand                                                     $8.76

            Total                                                                $1,234.50

                        Anth. B. Yoder, Treasurer.

            Report was adopted.

            Resolved, That we have an apportioning and an appropriating committee.

            C. N. Good, Anth. B. Yoder, E. N. Cassel were elected.

            Anthony B. Yoder was re-elected General Conference Treasurer.

            Resolved, That we as a General Conference consider actual clergy or laymens full fare including sleeper and 50c a meal as expenses to General Conferences.

            Resolved, That we have the reports of the Presiding Elders.

Presiding Elders Reports

            Pennsylvania Conference, Allentown District, H. B. Musselman, P. E.

            We are again permitted to report that the goodness of the Lord has been upon the work entrusted to our care. The interest manifested in the work of the district has been continuous, and most all, if not all of the churches are being taxed to the utmost with attendants. Sunday Schools

are taxing our buildings foremostly, while prayer-meetings are large in attendance.

            Eight camp meetings were held in Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa., with good results. This camp grove comprising over thirty acres of land, has already caused an expenditure of over $74,000. A public address system has also been installed. A number of the services at the last year’s camp meeting were broadcast over radio station W. C. B. A. The meetings have been large in attendance.

            The Missionary work also continues. Total offerings for Home Missionary work for the quadrennium for both of the Conference districts were $39,016.31 for Foreign Missions, $71,138.10. The total offerings for the quadrennium were $696,925.38, while $107,287.79 might be added for subscriptions and literature that was sold during the same time.

            Our pastors are all unconditional men, and loyal to the great trust that has been committed to them. The layity is also doing nicely– both old and young are dependably standing by their various pastors, and we believe them to be doing well in these trying last days in which we are presently living. We wish to ascribe unto Him who hath led and sustained according to His sure Word, all of the praise and all the glory.

            Easton District, Pennsylvania, W. G. Gehman, P. E.

            This District comprises nine appointments in the church and seven missions of the Gospel Herald Society.

            The pastors devote all their time in preaching the Word faithfully to saint and sinner and in ministering unstintingly unto the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made them overseers. Their loyalty to those over them in the Lord and their love one to another are noteworthy. Many of the members as a result; also are possessed with the spirit of sacrifice, loyalty and wholehearted service and devotion. Many of our members are young people who take an active part in church activities without specially organized societies for the young. Our prayer and ordinance meetings are well attended. The members and some non-members participate freely in these meetings. The Sunday School work is encouraging. A number of open-air meetings were held and four camp meetings in Edgewood Grove, Shamokin, Pa., with excellent results.

            Each pastorate has a church building and a parsonage in good repairs.

            The Gospel Herald Society is composed of a number of young men, generally from fifteen to twenty, who are instructed in the Scriptures, and take training in practical pastoral, missionary and evangelistic work, according to ability. They preach the Gospel in the open-air, in halls and

in chapels as regular appointments in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, in some instances almost nightly throughout the year. In their colportage work they dispose of many Bibles, Testaments and other religious literature, thus sowing the seed by all waters. Quite a number of people are

saved and filled with the Holy Spirit and added to the church. During the quadrennium three Gospel Herald Society Missions became Conference appointments, and a number of Heralds were appointed as Pastors in the Conference. Nearly every appointment on the Easton District was once a Gospel Herald Society Mission.

            The praise and the honor and the glory shall be to Him who alone is worthy, for all victories achieved. We shall praise Him still more at His coming and then eternally.

            Ontario Conference. West District, S. Goudie, P. E.

            I am glad to report at this General Conference as Presiding Elder of the West District of the Ontario Conference.

            My district has three circuits and seven mission fields, some of these are among the best we have in our Conference, while others do not measure up to the standard in some respects.

            I can truthfully say that I have a band of faithful pastors, who are endeavoring to promote the work of the Lord, they are self-denying and self-sacrificing.

            During the early part of the last quadrennium our work did not prosper as we had desired or hoped and I can scarcely tell you why. I am glad however to report greater success especially in the last year or more.

            We have had some very successful tabernacle and evangelistic meetings, also some good camp-meetings during the past four years; especially the last one was so good, its effects for good have been far-reaching and are still felt over the District.

            We now have what we consider a nice campground, or at least will be when we have it properly fitted up. We are planning on building a good sized pavilion on our campground next spring, which is so much needed.

            The City Mission work is still being carried on successfully in our Conference by President C. N. Good. Our Home and Foreign Missionary interests are not dying out or lessening.

            Our laity and ministry stand together unitedly in doctrine, I know of no modernism or modernistic teaching among our people. We stand for the fundamental teachings of the Word of God.

            East District, Ontario Conference, M. Bricker, P. E.

            Previous to our last Annual Conference this district had five circuits and five mission-fields. Last Conference placed one of the East District Circuits on the West District, and one of the Missions from the West to the East.

            We have a consecrated ministry who are faithful in preaching the Word. Also a, faithful band of people (of which many are young) who are an encouragement in all the services and help to make a bright future for our church. During the four years we have had four very successful camp-meetings, and a number of tent meetings which have been made a great blessing in the salvation of souls and the upbuilding of God’s cause. God has blessed our work during the past four years for which we are grateful.

            Michigan Conference, Port Huron District, J. A. Avery, P. E.

            We have sixteen organized classes on this District, forming two circuits, three stations, five mission circuits, and two mission stations. Twelve of these classes are mostly living in the country, where they are having a, hard struggle, owing to poor seasons and low prices of farm products. But regardless of these distressing conditions, our people largely speaking are self-sacrificing and spiritual, living devout lives and looking for the coming of the Lord. Our finances are on the increase and the Lord is blessing His people for their liberality.

            During this quadrennium the death angel entered our ranks and claimed five of our noble ministers, namely: R. M. Dodd; B. Krutzinger, M. D. Bechtel, F. A. Jones, and N. Kiteley. Three of them were among the superannuated, but R. M. Dood and F. A. Jones were men of middle age, and were able ministers among us. Both had served as Presiding Elders and Chairman of the Annual Conference. We have felt our loss keenly. But the Lord has given us some splendid young men who are doing efficient work as Pastors, and are largely unconditional, pushing the work of the Lord hard on their respective fields.

            We have held seven camp-meetings during this quadrennium, which has been a great blessing to our work. We have secured a camp site near Brown City which we are developing for the first camp next year. We have reasons to believe this will be a great blessing to us. The future looks encouraging for the church.

            Pontiac District Michigan Conference, J. S. Wood, P. E.

            This District consists of one circuit, three stations, seven missions. During the quadrennium, one new church has been built and one church bought, and two new classes have been organized. The work on the District has some encouraging features, but it also has some things which tries the metal of all concerned. The quarterly meeting attendance has been very good, and the spiritual tide has often ran high. A goodly number.of seekers bowed at the altar during these occasions and the people are to be commended for their faithfulness and liberality.

            Our Pastors and Workers have stood by well and the Lord is blessing them for so doing. The officials and members in general are loyal to the church, and can be depended upon. However, some could improve on this line and it would help them and bless the work.

            Our people rally well to the Camp Meetings, Holiness Convention, Sunday School Conventions and Young Peoples Conventions. These occasions prove to be of great mutual benefit to all and a wonderful spiritual uplift to the church. We are minded to fight the good fight of faith to the end.

            Nebraska Conference, C, I. Scott, P, E.

            The Nebraska Conference is composed at present of twenty-two classes and four missions. The classes are arranged in sixteen circuits or pastorates. During this General Conference term we have built four new churches and purchased two others. Have several new parsonages. Have increased the valuation of our church property about $38,000.00. Have organized several new classes. Our finances show considerable increase. We now have fourteen churches and twelve parsonages.

            Our camp meetings have been well attended and have been occasions of great spiritual blessing. Many seekers being at our altars. We have a fine band of devoted, consecrated ministers and workers, who are faithful to the Word of God.

            Canadian N. W. Conference, A. Traub, P. E.

            We take pleasure in reporting once more to the Gen Conference. We have one circuit and seven missions in our conference. Some new appointments have been opened up and as fast as we can supply the workers and means, it is our purpose to enter other open doors which look quite


            During the past quadrennium a number of tabernacle meetings have been conducted, eight camp meetings growing in influence and far-reaching effects have resulted in the salvation of many souls.

            Our preachers and workers are whole-hearted and self sacrificing and are devoted to their work. We are united on doctrinal lines and the spirit of love and harmony abounds.

            We are pleased to say that in answer to prayer under the providence of God we have been able to open a Bible School, small of course; yet meeting a long felt need in the lives of our young people. God has very singularly blessed our efforts during the past two winters and this school year bids fair to excell the past.

            Our people stand by as financially to the best of their ability, having given liberally of their means during the past four years for the carrying on and expansion of the Lord’s work. We are encouraged to press on in this great cause.

            Pacific Conference, A. W. Barbezat, P. E.

            Our work at this time is mostly in the states of Washington and Idaho, over a widely scattered district.

            The last four years have been a time of storms and sunshine, sorrows and joys. We have lost some grounds and gained others.

            We believe the spiritual tide is rising and that the people are getting settled in the Lord and in the doctrines of the church. We are extremely in need of ministerial assistance.

            Our ministers have been carrying a heavy load, some can not carry it much longer, their health will not permit.

            The revival spirit is strongly marked among some of the classes and we expect the fire to spread.

            We love the doctrines of the M. B. C. Society.

            We have a great field with increasing opportunities, and are earnestly praying for help.

            We expect to be faithful unto death.

            Ind. and Ohio Conference. Ind. District, A. B. Yoder, P. E.

            I can report for but three Annual Conferences. So I have but three Camp Meetings and three Annual Conventions.

            There has been some progress along various lines. Three good camp meetings were held, which were largely attended and with good results.

            Our ministry is doing well and are interested in the cause of God. The laity is taking new interest in the various been opened and new churches have been built to care for new opportunities.

            The Foreign Missionary offerings have shown an increase during this period.

            We have some new men, young men, who bid fair for the future of the church.

            We purpose to be true to the end.

            Ohio District, Ind. and Ohio Conference H. M. Metzger, P. E.

            In this district we have twenty-one appointments, and missions, which consists of seventeen organized classes, four of which were organized since our last report and also the opening of a new appointment with the dedication of a mission church on December 2, 1928. The Lord has blessed the work and the ministry have faithfully preached the Word and a spirit of unity prevailed throughout the district.

            We have had good camp meetings, with a number of seekers each year. Also our Sunday School, Holiness and Mission Workers Conventions have been a blessing to the district.

            We are looking forward to and expecting greater things from the Lord.

Report of Committee on Resolution

            We beg to report the following:

            Whereas, Our Presiding Elders have submitted their reports, stating the conditions of the various Conference fields. Progress in the Lord’s work being manifest among us. Many souls having been saved, sanctified and healed, therefore

            Resolved, That we greatly appreciate their laborers of self-denial and whole-hearted service, and further be it

            Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to stand by our Presiding Elders who have given faithful leadership, and pray God’s blessings upon them in their service for God.

S. Goudie

W. G. Gehman

E. D. Mast

            Report adopted.

            Report of Committee on Resolutions

            Having listened with interest to the reports of the Presiding Elders of the various Annual Conferences, and having noticed especial reference made in each of them of the loyalty and consistent living of our lay members scattered over many states in the union as well as the Dominion of Canada, therefore

            Resolved, That we recognize the faithfulness of our laity, and the support they have given during the quadrennium, and some for many years previous, and further

            Resolved, That we will pray for them and be spent for them, in declaring unto them the whole counsel of God, and trusts God may continue to use them and preserve them blameless unto His coming.

S. Goudie

W. G. Gehman

E. D. Mast

            Report adopted.

            Resolved, That we take up the appeals from the Annual Conferences.

            The first appeal concerning life insurance was taken up and discussed till the time of adjournment.

            Adjourned. Prayer by E. D. Young.


(Friday Morning)

Meeting opened by song.

            The chairman read II Cor. 5:18 to 6:1, and the Conference engaged in a season of earnest prayer, led by S. Goudie.

            Roll call.

            Minutes of fourth meeting were read and with a few corrections approved.

Report of the Committee on Boundaries

            We recommend that the General Conference approve of the action of the Indiana and Ohio Conference and the Michigan Conference in transferring Kalamazoo County to the Michigan Conference Territory.

            We also recommend that the Michigan Conference consist of the entire State of Michigan excepting the Southern tier of counties which shall be included in the territory of the Indiana and Ohio Conference.

            We further recommend that all other boundaries remain as they now are.

Committee :

S. Goudie

C. I. Scott

J. S. Wood

H. B. Musselman

A. B. Yoder

J. A. Avery

W. G. Gehman

M. Bricker

A. Traub

H. M. Metzger

A. W. Barbezat

            Report was adopted.

            Whereas, An appeal came from Ontario to erase the article on Life Insurance in the Discipline, Therefore

            Resolved, That a committee of Revision consisting of three be elected to which this article shall be referred and others may be referred to for revision.

            C. H. Brunner, S. Goudie, N. W. Rich were elected.

Report of Committee on Worship

Friday Evening.

            Song service at 7:45 led by Henry Good.

            Three fifteen minute addresses by A. Taylor, J. A. Avery and H. M. Metzger. N. W. Rich shall follow.


            Song service at 7:45.

            Two addresses of thirty minutes each by R. P. Ditmer and W. H. Moore.


            Morning service.

            Meeting to open at 9:30 with a short song service. S. Goudie shall speak for twenty minutes. A. B. Yoder, chairman of the Conference shall preach the Conference sermon.

Afternoon service

            Meeting to open at 2:00 o’clock with a short song service. I. W. Sherk, field superintendent of United Missionary Society, Nigeria, West Africa, shall give a twenty minute address. J. S. Wood, Conference Secretary shall preach the sermon.

Evening service

            Meeting to open at 7:00 o’clock. C. I. Scott shall preach followed by N. W. Rich.

The evening service will be broadcast through station W. C. B. A.

            All Sunday services to be in charge of Presiding Elder H. B. Musselman.

Committee :

W. G. Gehman

H. B. Musselman

B. Bryan Musselman

            Report adopted.

            Appeal No. 2 from Ontario was taken up.

            Whereas,.The wording of section 13 on musical instruments seems inconsistent.

            Resolved, That we ask General Conference to revise the same.

            Resolved, That the time be extended indefinitely.

            Above appeal was discussed until time of adjournment.

            Adjourned. Prayer by W. G. Gehman.


(Friday Afternoon)

            Meeting opened with song.

            Prayer by C. I. Scott.

            Roll Call.

            Minutes of Fifth Meeting were read and approved.

Report of Committee on Statistics

            We the Committee on Statistics submit the following report and would recommend that the item subscription and literature sold be placed outside of the total collections; and in the event new schedules should be printed, a place shall be provided on schedule for Home Department members, after average attendance in Sunday School.

Committee :

F. M. Hottel

R. P. Ditmer

R. W. Herber.

            Resolved, That the report be adopted and that the summary of each Conference be printed in the Journal as well as the Total Summary and that the item Home Department members from the Pennsylvania Conference be inserted in its right place.

            (See back of Journal for statistics.)

            Resolved, That appeal No. 2 from Ontario be referred to the Committee on Revision.

            Appeal No. 3 from Ontario.

            Whereas, Chapter four on election of officers, section two, paragraph two, page 53 has proven unsatisfactory.

            Resolved, That we ask General Conference to erase the part referring to time-limit and two-thirds vote.

            Resolved, That the discipline remain as it is on this question.

            Appeal No. 1 from Michigan Conference.

            Whereas, Form A. B. C. and D. does not provide a space to show incumberances against church property and

            Whereas, The Conference believes this information essential, Therefore

            Resolved, That we request General Conference to provide a space under the heading of Church Property for incumberances against Church Property and equity in Church Property.

            Resolved, That we leave the schedule as it is.

            Appeal No. 2 from Michigan.

            Resolved, That we request General Conference to give us discipline governing Young People’s Societies.

            Resolved, That we do not see fit to grant this appeal, but that the governing of Young People’s Societies be left to the discretion of each annual Conference.

            Appeal No. 1 from Pacific Conference.

            Resolved, That we petition General Conference to change our discipline so that no member will be allowed to retain his membership who will use tobacco.

            Resolved, That the discipline on Needless Indulgences remain as it is.

            Appeal No. 2 from Pacific Conference and an appeal from the Canadian Northwest Conference were taken up together.

            Pacific Conference appeal.

            Resolved, That we respectfully petition the General Conference to make provision for a Bishop.

            Canadian North West.

            Whereas, We believe a General Superintendent who could devote his time to the visiting of different Conferences annually, and acquaint himself with the needs peculiar to each Conference, and could thus help to bring about union and interest so much desired. Therefore

            Resolved, That we earnestly petition the General Conference to diligently consider the need and appoint a man to this work.

            Resolved, That the time be extended indefinitely.

            Above appeals were discussed until adjournment.

            Adjourned. Prayer by M. Bricker.


(Saturday Morning)

            Meeting opened with devotional exercises.

            The chairman read Rom. 8:14-23.

            Roll call.

            Minutes of Sixth Meeting were read and approved.

Report of Committee to Apportion the Traveling Expenses of the Delegates to General Conference


Pennsylvania Conference                                                 $10.43

Ontario Conference                                                          303.72

Indiana and Ohio Conference                                           359.38

Michigan Conference                                                       230.29

Nebraska Conference                                                       272.32

Canadian N. West Conference                                        400.00

Pacific Conference                                                           184.02

            Total                                                                $1,760.16


Pennsylvania Conference                                               $526.28

Ontario Conference                                                          374.17

Indians and Ohio Conference                                           386.41

Michigan Conference                                                       221.87

Nebraska Conference                                                       143.05

Canadian N. West Conference                                           56.97

Pacific Conference                                                             52.89

            Total                                                                $1,761.65

Committee :

C. N. Good

Anthony B. Yoder

E. N. Cassel

            Report was adopted.

Report of Auditing Committee

            We have examined the accounts of the General Conference Treasurer and Executive Committee, and the Statistical Schedule, and found them correct and that they reflect the true statement of the affairs of the General Conference to the best of our knowledge and belief.

Committee :

E. N. Cassel

I. Pike

Anthony B. Yoder

A. Traub

E. D. Young

E. Sievenpiper

            Report was adopted.

            After some discussion on appeals from the Pacific and Canadian N. West Conference for a Bishop or Superintendent it was

            Resolved, That the requests be not granted.

            Appeal No. 1 from Nebraska Conference.

            Whereas, The Canadian North West Conference requests that the name of the church be changed to Missionary Brethren in Christ, and that their relation to the entire body remain the same.

            Resolved, That we the Nebraska Conference petition that we be granted the same privilege.

            Resolved, That the time be extended indefinitely.

            Whereas, The appeal referred to is the appeal from the Nebraska Conference, does not appear on the minutes. Therefore

            Resolved, That we cannot legislate in this matter.

            Resolved, That no Conference member be allowed to absent himself from the Sunday services.

            Adjourned. Prayer by M. Pricker.


(Saturday Afternoon)

            Meeting opened with song.

            Prayer by N. W. Rich.

            Roll call.

            Minutes of seventh meeting were read and with a correction approved.

            Since according to discipline, Presiding Elders have the power to transfer ministers at any time between Annual Conferences, be it

            Resolved, That the several Presiding Elders of their respective Conferences be delegated by this General Conference to function as a body in the interst of needy fields.

            Appeal No. 2 from Nebraska Conference.

            Whereas, There are people who may not be ready to become full members of our church.

            Resolved, That we petition the General Conference to provide an article in the discipline giving permission to receive them on probation for some length of time until they prove themselves worthy of full membership.

            After some discussion on the above appeal it was

            Resolved, That we receive persons in our church as associate members, until they are prepared to join as full members of our society.

            Resolved, That a committee of three be elected to formulate an article for the discipline on the receiving of associate members into the church.

            C. H. Brunner, S. Goudie, N. W. Rich were elected.

            Appeal No. 3 Nebraska Conference.

            Whereas, We are constantly made aware of the necessity for better trained Sunday School teachers.

            Resolved. That we petition the General Conference to takes steps to arrange a course of training for teacher, selecting such books as are safe and sound, and which will be recognized as standard.

            It was moved by C. I. Scott, seconded by E. D. Young that this appeal be withdrawn.

            Resolved, That our next General Conference be held at Wakarusa, Ind., beginning the last Wednesday in October, 1932 at 9:00 o’clock A. M.

            The report of the Committee on Revision was read and discussed.

            Resolved, That we suspend rules and adjourn.

            Adjourned at 4:15. Prayer by C. H. Brunner.


(Monday Morning)

            Meeting opened with devotional exercises.

            The chairman read Heb. 1:10-2:5.

            Roll call.

            Minutes of Eighth meeting were read and with a few changes approved.

Report of the Committee on Church Union

            We beg leave to report that during the past quadrennium, we were not asked to consider the matter of union with any other church, so we did not have any meetings, and have nothing; to report.

Committee :

S. Goudie

N. W. Rich

A. B. Yoder

            Report adopted.

Report of Committee on Resolutions

In Memorian

            Whereas, In the Providence of God our beloved ministerial brethren Eld. R. M. Dood and Eld. F. A. Jones who served in the capacity of Presiding Elders of the Michigan Conference; and also Bro. F. Beery a layman of the Indiana and Ohio Conference who was for many years a member of the Executive Committee. Each one of these brethren having served as members of General Conference in former years were promoted from the church militant to the church triumphant during the quadrennium, and

            Whereas, The tragic death of Bro. F. A. Jones was such a shock to all of us. Therefore

Resolved, That we recognize our loss in the death of these brethren, but we bow humbly to the will of Him who does all things well, and further

            Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the families of the deceased and pray the God of all, comfort their hearts, and still further

            Resolved, That a copy of this report be sent to the bereaved widows, of the departed brethren.

Committee :

S. Goudie

W. G. Gehman

E. D. Mast

            Report adopted.

Report of Committee on Revision

            We the Committee on Revision of Discipline beg to offer the following resolution, deduced from discussions on the articles referred to us.

            1. Resolved, That we erase section fourteen on page thirty-seven of our Discipline.

            2. Resolved, That article thirteen on page eighteen be amended to read as follows:

Growth in Grace

            Even though in the regenerated state we may bring forth fruit, the state that we attain through entire sanctification fits us for the development of those heaven-born principles imparted to us in regeneration. (Eph. 4:15; II Thess. 1:3; II Pet. 3:18.)

            The child of God thus regenerated is exhorted to renounce all sin and sinful gratifications and live a life of faith (Heb. 10:38). He is told not to lay up treasures on earth (Matt. 6:19-21) nor to trust in uncertain riches, financial speculations or in the worldly beneficial societies of the present day which weaken his faith in God and retard his spiritual growth and development, but rather follow after holiness without which no man shall see the Lord (Heb. 12:14.)

            3. Resolved, That section thirteen on page thirty-seven remain as it is.

Committee :

C. H. Brunner

S. Goudie

N. W. Rich

            Report adopted as amended.

            Report of Committee on Revision was read and referred back to the committee.

            Resolved, That a Committee of three be elected to revise the formula on funeral occasions in the Discipline Section five, Page 46.

            E. N. Cassel, C. I. Scott, C. N. Good were elected.

Report of Committee on Revision

            We beg leave to report the following

            At the end of section five, page thirty-two add the following :

            Associate members may be informally received or recognized; such who give evidence of change of heart, but are not ready to become full members of our Society. These shall have all the privileges of full membership with the exception of voting and holding office.

Committee :

C. H. Brunner.

S. Goudie

N. W. Rich

            Report adopted.

            Report of Committee to Formulate a Book of Instruction for Children

            We beg leave to report that we had arranged or rather chosen a book of this kind and added a few paragraphs, but failed to submit it to the Executive Committee, not because of any reluctance on the part of this Committee, but by oversight.

Committee :

S. Goudie

A. Traub

            Report adopted.

            Resolved, That a committee be elected to revise the Reading Course.

            A. Traub, W. G. Gehman, R. P. Ditmer were elected.

            Resolved, That the Executive Committee publish a new Discipline with C. H. Brunner as editor.

Report of Committee on Resolutions

            1. Whereas, The daily papers, the “Allentown Morning Call” and the “Chronicle and News” have given us such splendid service in chronicling the proceedings of the General Conference, and

            Whereas, Their correspondents have so courteously cooperated with our General Conference reporter. Therefore

Resolved, That we express our appreciation of their services, and pray God’s blessing and favors upon them and further

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded by Pastor B. Bryan Musselman to the “Allentown Morning Call” and the “Chronicle and News” office respectively.

            2. Whereas, The Pastor, B. Bryan Musselman, and the members of the Allentown class have so hospitably provided for the entertainment of the General Conference members and friends of the work; all meals being served in the basement of the church, therefore

            Resolved, That we appreciate their devotedness to the Lord, His servants, and His work, and further

            Resolved, That we tender them a rising vote of thanks and unitedly pray God’s blessing upon them for usefulness in God’s cause.

3. Whereas, The police department of the city of Allentown, Pa., through the courtesy of the chief, Mr. Bernhard and his assistant, Mr. O’Donnel and also sergeant of traffic, Mr. Reuter, has so cheerfully granted the request to provide traffic officers on Sunday, and

            Whereas, Four officers were delegated who gave most courteous and efficient service. Therefore

            Resolved, That we as a body in General Conference assembled, express our hearty appreciation for the service thus rendered and pray God’s blessing upon this department in their noble work for the safety of the public, and further

            Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded by Pastor B. Bryan Musselman to this department.

Committee :

S. Goudie

W. G. Gehman

E. D. Mast

Report adopted.

Report of Committee on Resolutions

Sunday Services

            The Sunday morning meeting opened at 9:30 with a song service, led by Pastor C. H. Brunner of Pennsylvania.

            The Presiding Elder S. Goudie of Ontario, Canada, spoke very practically on Phil. 3:3. The regular Conference sermon was preached by the chairman, Presiding Elder A. B. Yoder of Indiana, on First Jno. 3:1-3.

            This message was fraught with doctrinal, spiritual and inspirational teaching.

            The afternoon meeting opened at 2:00 P. M. with a song service. Ira W. Sherk, Field Superintendent of the United Missionary Society of Nigeria, Africa, spoke interestingly of the Lord’s work in that field of labor. The regular sermon was preached by Presiding Elder J. S. Wood of Michigan on I Jno. 5:12. The message was inspirational and helpful on various lines. There was quite a rejoicing in the camp.

            The evening meeting which was broadcaste over W. C. B. A. opened at 7:00 with a song service. Presiding Elder C. I. Scott of Nebraska, spoke on John 15:4 emphasizing the thought of abiding in Christ. The plea for acceptance of Christ, forsaking the way of sin and self and the world was made by Evangelist N. W. Rich of Iowa. The weather all day long was ideal. Crowds of people came from different points, far and near, so that the spacious church was filled at the morning meeting. About three hundred extra chairs were used during the day.

            At the afternoon and evening meetings the church was crowded so that standing room was at a premium.

            Over 2,000 free meals were served during the day by the Allentown, Pa., congregation through the efficient management of Pastor B. Bryan Musselman.

            There was special singing throughout the day by the Reading Mixed Quartette, the Allentown Male Sextette and the Allentown Male chorus. A most holy influence was wrought upon the lives of all who attended the meetings.

            The services of the day were in charge of Presiding Elder H. B. Musselman of Pennsylvania.

Committee :

S. Goudie

W. G. Gehman

E. D. Mast.

Report adopted.

            Resolved, That a committee of three be elected to appeal to the Federal Radio Commission at Washington, D. C., asking them to assign Radion Station W. C. B. A., Allentown, Pa., a better wave length.

            Committee elected W. G. Gehman, R. W. Harber, E. Sievenpiper.

            Resolved, That we take an informal ballot for Editor.

            A. B. Yoder was elected Editor.

            Resolved, That the Editor nominate two persons from each Conference from whom the General Conference shall elect one from each Conference as Associate Editors.

            The following were elected.

            C. H. Brunner, E. Moyer, J. S. Wood, N. R. Rich, R. P. Ditmer, A. W. Barbezat, A. Traub.

            Adjourned. Prayer by R. P. Ditmer.


(Monday Afternoon)

            Meeting opened with song. Prayer by H. B. Musselman.

            Roll call.

            Minutes of ninth meeting were read and with corrections approved.

            Dr. William A. Backenstoe and wife of the Free Methodist church, missionaries of the Province of Natal, Africa, were introduced to the Conference.

            A telegram was read from J. A. Huffman.

            Resolved, That the telegram be referred to the Committee on Resolutions.

Report of the Committee to Revise Section Five, Chapter Three, Page Forty-six on Funeral Occasions.

            We recommend that the following be inserted:

            At the Grave–When the remains are laid in the earth, the minister shall say:

            “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die” (Jno. 11:25-26.) “Verily, verily, I say unto you He that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you the hour is coming and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live. Marvel not at this; for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth: They that have done good unto the resurrection of life: and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation.” Jno. 5:24, 25, 28, 29.

            Man that is born of a woman, etc., to remain as it now is in Discipline, followed by “And I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, write, blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: yea saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours: and their works do follow

them.” (Rev. 14:13.)

Committee :

E. N. Cassel

C. I. Scott

C. N. Good.

            Report of the United Missionary Society

            We take pleasure in bringing a report of the work of our Society.

            The Lord has been good to us and has set His seal of approval upon our work during the past four years, all of our missionaries have been spared for which we praise God, and rejoice, however some of them had sieges of sickness, but have recovered.

            We have missionaries laboring in Africa, the near East, India, and China; fifteen are stationed in Nigeria, West Africa; a number of these are at home on furlough. Pour are stationed at Beirut, Syria, and one on furlough. Three are now in India and two are on their way to India, and another one is at home on furlough, making six missionaries for India. Three are in China, these are not working under our Board, but are supported by the United Missionary Society.

Our work in India has been nicely opened and begun during the past quadrennium. We have done some building and expect to do more in the near future. We anticipate a bright future for this work.

            The people have stood by us nobly with their prayers and with their donations, for which we are thankful, and would solicit a continuation of the same, for prayer fills a very important place in all phases of Christian work, and especially in this part of God’s work.

            We also wish to express our appreciation of the faithfulness of all our Missionaries, and pray God to bless them, and bless their labors of love among the people.

S. Goudie, President

C. I. Scott, Secretary

            Report adopted.

Report of Committee on Revision of Reading Course

            After giving the matter careful consideration – we make the following recommendation: That in the second year “Divine Art of Preaching” or “The Making of the Sermon” be optional with the Several Conferences. Otherwise that the Reading Course remain as it is.

Committee :

A. Traub

W. G. Gehman

R. R. Ditmer

            Report adopted.

            Resolved, That we have one thousand Journals printed and apportion the same among the several conferences according to membership; and further that the Secretary be Editor of the Journals, and receive $25.00 for his services, said amount tobe included in cost of Journal and further an offering be taken for the Assistant Secretary.

            Offering $17.03. (Thanks.)

Report of Committee on Radio

            Whereas, Under the ruling of the Federal Radio Commission, Radio Station W. C. B. A. located in Allentown, Pa., the only radio station representing the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church of the United States and the Dominion of Canada, has been made practically useless in the assignment of fifteen hundred kilocycles, and

            Whereas, a great service and benefit have come to many of our constituents and friends, who because of their invalid and shut-in condition are deprived of religious worship and fellowship. Therefore

            Resolved, That we as a General Conference assembled in Allentown, Pa., Nov. 7-12, 1928, representing the Pacific, the Iowa and Nebraska, the Indiana and Ohio, the Michigan, the Pennsylvania Conferences of the United States; and the Ontario and Canadian North West Conferences of Canada hereby urge and request the Radio Commission to re-allocate the wave-length of the aforesaid station and increase the power of the same so that it may serve profitably the constituency and friends of the general body of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Conference; and further be it

            Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Federal Radio Commission of Washington, D. C. and Ira E. Robinson, Radio Commissioner of the Pennsylvania District and Congressman Boyle of Bethlehem, Congressman Esterly of Reading, Pa.

Committee :

W. G. Gehman

R. W. Herber

E. Sievenpiper

            Report was adopted.

Report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Pennsylvania Conference

            The Lord has given us four years of gracious blessing. Souls have been saved all over the Conference. The believers have been marching forward, claiming victory and gaining ground. We have had “fruitful seasons” and “showers of blessings” have been poured down from heaven upon us.

            The lives of our home workers have been spared and God has graciously preserved our faithful devoted leaders, upheld them in their trials, carried their burdens and made them a great blessing in leading the church safely on to victory, past the dangerous shoals of worldliness and higher criticism.

            This has been to a large degree, under the blessings of God, the secret of our success in our Foreign Missionary work.

            Our Conference has received a total of $122,553.82 for all Home Missionary purposes, and a total of $71,138.10 for Foreign Missions during the quadrennium.

            The Pennsylvania Conference is now supporting twenty-seven Missionaries under the Christian and Missionary Alliance, two under the United Missionary Society, two under the Africa Inland Mission and one under the Unevangelized Tribes Mission.


H. B. Musselman, Pres.

C. H. Brunner, Sec’y.

W. G. Gehman

F. M. Hottel

B. Bryan Musselman

Report of Committee on Resolutions

            Whereas, The Chairman of this Conference, Bro. A. B. Yoder, has so judiciously and fairly presided over this body during the entire session, giving due consideration to every Conference and to each speaker, guiding us with fairness in his decisions through the perplexing questions that presented themselves. Therefore

            Resolved, That we greatly appreciate his safe counsel and his patient forbearance with us during the deliberations and pray that the blessing of God may rest upon him physically and spiritually.

Committee :

S. Goudie

W. G. Gehman

E. D. Mast

            Report adopted.

            Resolved, That the basis of membership on the Executive Committee be one member for the first five hundred, and an additional member for each one thousand additional members.

Resolved, That each Annual Conference Delegation, respectively in General Conference, may by ballot nominate their candidates to which they are entitled for the Executive Committee and this Conference elect them. General Conference shall however, also have the right in general to


            Resolved, That we suspend rules to meet at the call of the chair.

            Business resumed at 4:00 o’clock.

            Resolved, That each Conference present their nominees for representatives on the Executive Committee and that the Conference elect their nominees: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, I. Pike, S. Goudie, Anthony B. Yoder, W. H. Moore, J. S. Wood, C. I. Scott.

            Resolved, That the election of Executive Committee be deferred until 4:45.

            Resolved, That at all of our church elections no member shall be eligible to vote that has not reached the age of twelve years.

Report of Committee on Resolutions

            A telegram from Bro. J. A. Huffman of Marion, Indiana, addressed to the chairman of the Conference in which he sends greetings, best wishes and prayers for Conference members and visitors, having been read to this Conference. Therefore

            Resolved, That we appreciate the brothers greeting, best wishes and prayers and pray God’s blessing upon him for spirit, soul and body.

Committee :

S. Goudie

W. G. Gehman

E. D. Mast

            Report was adopted.

            Resolved, That we suspend rules and have an evening meeting at the call of the chair.

            Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to cast the ballot electing the Executive Committee.

            According to instructions of General Conference I hereby cast the ballot electing the following as the Executive Committee.

            H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, I. Pike, S. Goudie, Anthony B. Yoder, W. H. Moore, J. S. Wood, C. I. Scott.

            J. S. Wood, Conf. Sec’y.

            Resolved, That the Editor of the Gospel Banner be an advisory member on the Executive Committee.

            Adjourned to meet at the call of the chair.

            Prayer by A. G. Warder.


(Monday Evening)

            Meeting opened with song.

            Prayer by F. M. Hottel.

            Roll call.

            Minutes of Tenth meeting were read and approved.

            The Executive Committee reports the election of officers as follows:

Chairman– S. Goudie.

Vice Chairman– C. I. Scott.

Secretary– C. H. Brunner

Treasurer– Anthony B. Yoder.

            The committee has again employed J. N. Pannabecker as manager of the Publishing House.

            Report accepted.

            Resolved, That the Pacific Conference be represented on the Executive Committee by the Nebraska Committeemen and Canadian North Western Conference be represented by Ontario Committeemen.

            Resolved, That the committee elected at the last quadrennium to formulate a book of instruction for children and report to Executive Committee be continued.

            Committee S. Goudie, S. Cressman, A. Traub.

            Resolved, That a Directory of General Conference members be included in Journal.

            Resolved, That the names and addresses of all foreign missionaries being supported by the various Conferences be included in the Journal.

            Minutes were read and approved.

            Resolved, That we adjourn to meet at Wakarusa, Indiana, the last Wednesday in October, 1932, at 9:00 A. M. central standard time.

            Song, “God be with you till we meet again.”

            Prayer by Chairman A. B. Yoder.

Signatures :

A. B. Yoder, 727 Wolf Ave., Elkhart, Ind.

J. S. Wood, 439 Bartlett St., Pontiac, Mich.

H. B. Musselman, 1129 N. Eighteenth St., Allentown, Pa.

W. G. Gehman, 1136 Northampton St., Easton, Pa.

B. Bryan Musselman, 529 N. 8th, Allentown, Pa.

C. H. Brunner, 3848 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

H. H. Bergey, 1333 Second St., Quakertown, Pa.

M. L. Musselman, 218 W. Fairview St., Bethlehem, Pa.

C. D. Bean, Poolins, Pa.

Allen M. Gehman, Macungie, Pa.

J. A. Avery, 806 Margaret St., Flint, Mich.

J. N. Kitching, 17251 Wanda Ave., Detroit, Mich.

Ralph W. IIerber, 131 Prospect St., Pontiac, Mich.

Jason A. Kitchin, Cass City, R. 3, Mich.

D. D. Banks, 345 N. McKinley Ave., Battle Creek, Mich.

A. W. Barbezat, Filer, Idaho.

A. Traub, Didsbury, Alberta, Can.

H. Edwardson, Alsask, Sask, Canada.

T. R. Young, Clarinda, Iowa, R. R. 4.

S. Goudie, Stouffville, Ont.

M. Bricker, 527 Euclid Ave., Toronto, Ont.

C. N. Good, 55 Cameron St., N. Kitchener, Ont.

E. Sievenpiper, 26 Chapel St., Kitchener, Ont.

E. Moyer, Stayner, Ont.

A. G. Warder, Aylmer (West) Ont., Can.

I. Pike, Stouffville, Ont.

J. Thompson, Owen Sound, Ont.

J. H. Sherk, R. R. 3, Kitchener, Ont.

H. M. Metzger, 435 Fast Liberty St., Springfield, Ohio.

W. H. Moore, Wakarusa, Ind.

R. P. Ditmer, 1632 Broadway, Springfield, Ohio.

A. Taylor, Bradford, Ohio, R. R. 4.

E. D. Mast, 1910 S. Ninth St., Elkhart, Ind.

Melvin Wright, Laura, Ohio.

M. L. Moyer, 1126 So. 8th St., Goshen, Ind.

Anthony B. Yoder, Wakarusa, Ind.

C. I. Scott, 633 N. 26, Lincoln, Nebr.

N. W. Rich, 806 ½ Ave. D., Council Bluffs, Iowa.

E. D. Young, Shambaugh, Iowa.

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