1936 General Conference Minutes


of the

Thirteenth General Conference

of the


Convened at

Wakarusa, Indiana



            The Conference was opened by A. B. Yoder.

            After song and prayer the Conference was organized as follows:

            R. W. Herber and J. Harold Sherk were appointed tellers.

            Rev. C. N. Good, Chairman.

            Rev. R. P. Ditmer, Vice Chairman.

            Rev. J. S. Wood, Secretary.

            Rev. T. D. Gehret, Assistant Secretary.

            The Chairman read I Cor. 13:4-8, making timely and appropriate remarks.

            This was followed by a season of earnest prayer.

            Rev. H. M. Metzger gave a very cordial address of welcome.

            Resolved, That the first five rows of pews in front of the chair, and the First Christian Church for private sessions, constitute the bar.

            Resolved, That the seats to the left of the chair be reserved for advisory members.


            Pennsylvania Conference: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel, B. Bryan Musselman, F. B. Hertzog, P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret, Jacob M. Moyer, Paul H. Cressman, Chas. W. Teel, C. B. Brosius, C. E. Musselman, E. R. Hartman.

            Indiana and Ohio Conference: H. E. Miller, R. P. Ditmer, C. I. Huffman, A. Taylor, J. A. Beery, W. E. Manges, Wm. Hygema, Anthony B. Yoder, J. W. Moyer, M. Wright, Chas. Miller.

            Ontario Conference: C. N. Good, M. Bricker, S. Goudie, J. Harold Sherk, L. R. Pipher, W. B. Moyer, D. Greer, V. W. Cressman, I. Pike.

            Michigan Conference: E. M. Gibson, J. A. Bradley, J. A. Avery, J. S. Wood, R. W. Herber, C. Shupe, J. Dafoe.

            Nebraska Conference: E. D. Young, N. E. Durkee, Joel Stahly.

            Canadian Northwest Conference: C. J. Hallman, A. Traub.

            Pacific Conference: E. H. Metcilf.

Editor: A. B. Yoder.

Members Absent: J. A. Beery, A. Traub.

            The following rules of order were adopted:

            1. Each member before speaking on any subject, or upon presenting any motion or seconding the same, shall arise and respectfully address the chair, and receiving recognition, shall be allowed to speak ten minutes on each subject, and only once, except by the permission of the chair, provided no one else desires to speak, or no one objects.

            2. The forenoon meetings open at 8:30 a. m., and close at 11:30, afternoon meetings open at 1:30 p. m. and close at 5:00 p. m.

            3. That all open voting be done by raising the hand.

            4. That the chairman nominate all committees, unless otherwise provided for and that Conference elect them.

            5. That all ordained ministers and probationers having charge of a work shall be received as advisory members, and be privileged to speak five minutes on any subject, and only once.

            6. That we encourage the chairman to call on such members of this Conference who show inactivity. We request the chair to enforce all rules of order.

            7. That ministers of other denominations attending any of the meetings shall be introduced to this Conference.

            8. That we accept T. B. Neely’s “Parliamentary Practice” to govern this Conference body.

            9. That no member of this Conference be allowed to leave the bar without permission of the chair.

            10. That at the call of two-fifths of the members of this Conference present the “yeas” and “nays” shall be recorded.

            Resolved, That A. B. Yoder act as reporter.

            Resolved, That at the opening of each morning meeting, the Chairman or some one appointed by him give a brief devotional address and the Conference join in earnest prayer.

            Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a time keeper.

            R. W. Herber was appointed.

            Resolved, That we have evangelistic services in the evenings.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and continue indefinitely.

            Resolved, That we have the following committees: To Examine General Conference Minutes; On Worship; On Statistics; On Annual Conference Minutes; On Resolutions; On Introduction; On Auditing; On Credentials; On Boundary, and to examine Correspondence to General Conference.

            Resolved, That the appointed Committees be elected by open vote.

            Adjourned. Prayer by I. Pike.


            Prayer by J. A. Avery.

            Roll Call.

            Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That the advisory members be introduced to the Conference.

            The following were introduced to the Conference:

Paul Ummel, F. A. Holdeman, Q. J. Everest, M. E. Grosh, L. L. Rassi, C. A. Wright, H. M. Metzger, S. S. Shantz, C. T. Homuth, D. S. Shultz, J. N. Pannabecker, G. C. Guilliat, R. D. Dean, R. P. Pannabecker, D. C. Eby, W. R. Grout, S. S. Lambert, C. K. Curtis, E. Moyer.

The following missionaries were introduced to Conference: Mrs. Paul Ummel, Miss I. Hollenbeck, Mrs. Wm. Shantz.


            Committee On Worship: R. P. Ditmer, W. E. Manges, H. E. Miller

            Committee to Examine General Conference Minutes: F. B. Hertzog, D. Greer, J. A. Bradley.

            Committee On Statistics: E. N. Cassel, J. Harold Sherk, C. I. Huffman, R. W. Herber.

            Committee on Annual Conference Minutes: S. Goudie, W.G. Gehman, J. A. Avery, Wm. Hygema, E. D. Young, C. J. Hallman, E. H. Metcilf.

            Committee on Introduction: A. B. Yoder.

            Committee on Resolutions: C. H. Brunner, L. R. Pipher.

            Committee on Auditing: B. Bryan Musselman, Paul H. Cressman, L. R. Pipher, V. W. Cressman, W. E. Manges.

            Committee on Credentials: H. B. Musselman, M. Bricker, H. E. Miller, E. M. Gibson, E. D. Young, C. J. Hallman, E. H. Metcilf.

            Committee on Boundary: W. G. Gehman, H. B Musselman, M. Bricker, S. Goudie, J.~ A. Avery, E. M. Gibson, R. P. Ditmer, H. E. Miller, E. D. Young, C. J. Hallman, E. H. Metcilf.

            Committee to Examine Correspondence to General Conference: A. B. Yoder, S. Goudie, J. A. Avery.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules to the call of the chair.

            Business was resumed at 4:20.

Report of Committee on Credentials

            Report as follows:

            The Pennsylvania Conference is entitled to six Presiding Elders, six preacher delegates, and six lay delegates: H. B. Musselman and W. G. Gehman are Presiding Elders, B. Bryan Musselman, C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel, F. B. Hertzog, P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret are the preacher delegates, Jacob M. Moyer, Paul H. Cressman, C. G. Brosius, Charles W. Teel, E. R. Hartman, C. E. Musselman are the lay delegates.

            The Ontario Conference is entitled to four Presiding Elders, four preacher delegates and three lay delegates: C. N. Good and M. Bricker are Presiding Elders, S. Goudie, L. R. Pipher, W. B. Moyer, J. Harold Sherk are the preacher delegates, V. W. Cressman, I. Pike, D. Greer

are the lay delegates.

            The Indiana and Ohio Conference is entitled to four Presiding Elders, five preacher delegates and four lay delegates: R. P. Ditmer, H. E. Miller are Presiding Elders, C. I. Huffman, A. Taylor, J. A. Beery, W. E. Manges, William Hygema are the preacher delegates, Anthony B. Yoder, J. W. Moyer, M. Wright, Charles Miller are the Lay delegates.

            One of the duly elected preacher delegates is not present.

            The Michigan Conference is entitled to three Presiding Elders. three preacher delegates and two lay delegates: E. M. Gibson, J. A. Bradley are Presiding Elders, J. S. Wood, J. A. Avery, R. W. Herber are the preacher delegates, C. Shupe, J. Dafoe are the lay delegates.

            The Nebraska Conference is entitled to one Presiding Elder, one preacher delegate and one lay delegate: E. D. Young is the Presiding Elder, N. E. Durkee is the preacher delegate, Joel Stahly is the lay delegate.

            The Canadian North West Conference is entitled to one Presiding Elder. Elder C. J. Hallman is Presiding Elder. This Conference is also entitled to one preacher delegate.

The Pacific Conference is entitled to one Presiding Elder: E. H. Metcilf is Presiding Elder. This Conference is also entitled to one preacher delegate.

            Upon examining the various Annual Conference Minutes we have found all of the above duly elected according to discipline.

Committee :

H. B. Musselman

C. J. Hallman

E. D. Young

H. E. Miller

M. Bricker

E. H. Metcilf

E. M. Gibson

            Report was adopted.

            Report of Committee on Worship

            7:30 Song Service in charge of C. A. Wright. Preaching by M. Bricker, followed by E. D. Young.


R. P. Ditmer

H. E. Miller

W. E. Manges

            Report adopted.

Receipts :

Pennsylvania Conference                                     $45.70

Ontario Conference                                                33.35

Indiana and Ohio Conference                                 34.10

Michigan Conference                                             20.15

Nebraska Conference                                             12.40

Pacific Conference                                                   4.65

North West Canadian Conference                            4.65

Total                                                                                           $155.00

Disbursements :

Deficit to A. B. Yoder                                            $9.25

Cost of journals                                                    114.75

Allowance by General Conference                         25.00

Postage, paper, etc.                                                   2.99

Total                                                                                           $152.00

Balance                                                                                           $3.00

                        J. S. Wood, Secretary.

            Report adopted.

            Resolved, That all Conference members remain for all the Sunday services.

Editor’s Report

To the members of the General Conference:

            Twelve years have passed since the General Conference at Brown City, Mich., asked me to take the editorship of the Gospel Banner. I knew then that I was assuming a task, being an inexperienced editor. I with the help of the Lord undertook the task and decided that by His help I would give the Church a paper of which they would not need to be ashamed. It is not for me to say whether I have succeeded.

            I would not dare to say that it has met with my approval, but with the lack of original material it was necessary to glean selections from other periodicals written by writers that were not always in sympathy with our Church doctrines. With a few exceptions, my editorials appeared regularly, and in them I wanted to be a help spiritually to the readers. If all who could write, would write, there would be sufficient original matter to fill the Banner. Some have contributed regularly, for which we are grateful.

            I claim no success of myself, what has been done for the betterment of the Banner you have done by contribution, comment, suggestion and constructive criticism. I did my best.

            In the last EIGHT years I have found it a pleasure and I have enjoyed the work. Not one issue in these twelve years has been late because the material did not reach the printer in time, and all the work was done by myself.

            I have in these last EIGHT years received many letters of commendation and also some very severe criticism. I have made many warm friends through the Gospel Banner. I may say that the Banner compares well with any paper I know for good wholesome reading.

            I wish to thank all for their interest, and especially all who have contributed towards the support of your Church paper.

            I pray that God’s richest blessing may rest upon all, and upon the Executive Committee. Our fellowship has been splendid.

            God bless you all.

            Yours in Him,

                        A. B. Yoder.

            Resolved, That this report be tabled until the report of the Executive Committee be considered.

Report of the Executive Committee

            We cheerfully submit the following report which covered a period of eight years.

            At the close of last General Conference the following officers were elected: Chairman, S. Goudie; Vice Chairman, C. I. Scott; Secretary, C. H. Brunner; Treasurer, Anthony B. Yoder.

The matter of Sunday School supplies were considered and Rev. J. A. Huffman was engaged again as Editor.

            The salaries of the Editors and the Business Manager were decided on.

            An agreement was arranged with Mr. Basinger of Pandora, Ohio, to print the Banner for four years. This contract has been carried out satisfactorily. At the end of the first quadrennium 1932, it was decided by the executive committee to postpone General Conference, (but not without the consent of the different Conferences) so we re-elected the same Editors and engaged the same manager, also arranged with Mr. Basinger to print the Banner for another four years. At this meeting Rev. W. G. Gehman was elected secretary.

            Due to ill health the manager, Rev. J. N. Pannabecker was forced to resist in the beginning of 1933 which necessitated a special meeting of the Executive Committee. At this meeting the present manager, Rev. E. Moyer was engaged.

            In 1934 one of our number Rev. C. I. Scott was called home. He had so faithfully filled his place on the Board and was greatly missed.

            Rev. E. D. Young of the Nebraska Conference, was elected to take his place.

            We held all our regular meetings, also one special, (the above mentioned).

            We wish to compliment the Editors for their faithful services and promptness, also the managers for the capable way they have served us, as the following financial report will show.

            Yesterday the Committee passed the following resolution: That we recommend the General Conference to revise the Discipline privileging the Business Manager to collect subscriptions to the Gospel Banner directly from the subscribers.

S. Goudie, Chairman

W. G. Gehman, Secretary

Anthony B. Yoder

H. B. Musselman

C. H. Brunner

E. D. Young

W. H. Moore

I. Pike

J. S. Wood

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time.

Gospel Banner Circulation Statement

Number of paid subscribers                               2,159

Number of exchanges                                             29

Number of free copies                                            14

Total                                                                  2,202

Number of subscriptions Sept. 26,’28                3,222

Net loss                                                              1,020

            This loss was sustained in the years 1932 and 1933.

            Resolved, That the Editor’s report be lifted from the table.

            Resolved, That we adopt the reports of the Editor and the Executive Committee.

            ADJOURNED. Prayer by A. B. Yoder.


(Thursday Morning)

            Meeting opened with devotional exercises.

            C. H. Brunner read I Peter 3:8-18 and 4:7, 8, with timely remarks.

            Roll Call

            Minutes of the second meeting were read and approved.

            For Executive Committee Treasurer’s Report, see page 52.

Report of the Committee on Annual Conference Records

            We have examined the Annual Conference Minute Books of the Pennsylvania, Indiana and Ohio, Ontario, Michigan, Nebraska, Pacific and Canadian North West Conferences, and find them in good shape throughout, and correct as far as we could ascertain. We found the following petitions, recommendations and requests:

            Pennsylvania: That we petition the General Conference to substitute the book entitled “The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life,” by Rev. Evan H. Hopkins, for the book entitled, “Lessons in Holiness” in the Reading Course.

            Michigan: That we petition General Conference to raise the percentage required of probationers taking the Conference Reading Course.

            Canadian North West: (1) Whereas, The M. B. C, Church has no regular hymnal as far as we are aware, and

            Whereas, The hymnals now in the use are rapidly wearing out and are no more available, therefore,

            Resolved, That we as a Conference petition the General Conference to issue a hymnal for the uniform use of all our churches.

            (2) Whereas, The M. B. C. Church has no traveling superintendents or Bishop, and,

            Whereas, The Conference believes that such a man would be in the interests of the work of the Church in informing and co-ordinating of the different Conferences, therefore,

            Resolved, That we petition the General Conference to appoint such a man to this position.

            (3) Resolved, That we petition General Conference for a General Superintendent for the Young People’s Associations of the M. B. C. Churches of all the Conferences.

            Nebraska, (1) Whereas, Rev. I. O. Lehman who is a member of the Nebraska Conference and a missionary in South Africa, and

            Whereas, He desires to form a South African M. B. C. Church Conference, therefore,

Resolved, That we refer this matter to the General Conference.

            (2) We request the General Conference for the purpose of unifying the Church to elect a General Conference Superintendent over all the Conferences.

            (3) That we petition the General Conference to revise the Reading Course.

            (4) That we petition the General Conference to consider the matter of preparing uniform literature for the conducting of young people’s meetings.

            Indiana and Ohio: (1) Inasmuch as there is a growing need of a more uniform system of outlines for young people’s meetings, be it,

            Resolved, That the General Conference take under consideration a uniform outline for Bible Study.

            (2) We recommend that General Conference adopt the form for Dedication of children, arranged by our Conference in 1932 as found on pages 25-26 in 1932 Journal.

Form of Dedication of Children

To the Congregation:

            Forasmuch as God in His great mercy has entered into covenant relation with man, wherein He hath included children as partakers of its gracious benefits, and,

            Whereas, The Holy Scripture speaks thus: “And these words, which I command thee this day shall be in thine heart; and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou settest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up” (Dent. 6:6, 7).

            “Lo, children are an heritage” (Pea. 127:3).

            “Thy children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of the children” (Isa. 54:13).

            “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 19:14).

            “Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones: for I say unto you, that in heaven there angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 18:10).

            “Whoso shall receive one such child in my name receiveth me” (Matt. 18:5).

            I beseech you therefore, that with me, you will pray God the Father, through Jesus Christ, who by His own blood hath redeemed this little child, that He will grant unto it an early conversion, and a and a long life of usefulness in the cause of Christ, and that God’s richest blessing may accompany it through its life.

To the parents:

            Dear Parents, inasmuch as this child is now presented for dedication to the Lord and is by you consecrated or given to God and His Church, it becomes your duty to see that he (or she) is taught as soon as (………………) is able to understand the nature and purpose of this dedication, and that (……………………) shall be required to read the Word of God, and to memorize portions of it such as the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes and others and that (……………) shall be taught to reverence and respect the house of God and its worship.

            Question:– Do you recognize the serious responsibility which comes to you with the gift of this child, and that it is your duty to teach and train (………………..) from (………………..) earliest years for the service of God as He instructed His servants of old? Deut. 6:6-7; 11:18-20. Do you recognize it as your and sacred trust to bring (…………….) up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord? Eph. 6:4.

            Do you therefore, solemnly engage to fulfill these duties so far as lies in your power, the Lord being your helper?

            Answer: WE DO.

            Hear God’s Word: “And they brought young children to Him, that He should touch them; and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands on them, and blessed them.” (Mark 10:13-16).

Minister lays hands on the child:–

            (Full name of child) I hereby dedicate you to God and His Church in the name of the Father, and the Son and Holy Ghost.

            “The Lord bless thee and keep thee, the Lord make His face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee. The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give the peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

            Prayer is offered: Our loving Heavenly Father; grant unto these Thy servants, the parents of this child, Thy Holy Spirit, that they may command their household, to keep the way of the Lord; that they as a family be united to our Lord Jesus Christ in the bonds of faith, obedience and divine love, and that they may in this life, show by their conduct that they are God’s children, and grant that, through the atoning merits of the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ they may be among those who are caught up to meet the Lord at His coming, or share in the first resurrection. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

            (3) Resolved, That we recommend to the General Conference, the printing of uniform schedules.

            (4) Resolved, That the article on the election of trustees be submitted to the General Conference for interpretation and the article be made agreeable to the laws of the several states.

            (5) We recommend that the General Conference take into consideration the revision of the course of reading for probationers.

            Pacific Conference: (1) Resolved, That we petition the General Conference to so change the discipline that Sister Workers may receive ordination.

            (2) Resolved, That we request General Conference to consider creating the office of Bishop; and define his election and duties.

            (3) Resolved, That we ask General Conference to take some action that will provide suitable literature for our Young People’s Meetings.

            (4) Whereas, The West Coast Mission Conference has expressed a desire to become an independent conference,

            Resolved, That we recommend the same to General Conference thus meeting the requirements of the discipline.

            Ontario: (1) We recommend that General Conference be requested to amend or revise the discipline as follows:

            (1) Chapter 2, section 12, concerning conformity to the world be revised :

            (2) Chapter 2, section 13, concerning musical instruments and choirs be revised.

            (3) Chapter 2, section 14, concerning “How shall an accused minister be brought to trial?” be amended as follows: (a) Any minister against whom a charge is preferred for unwise or unbecoming conduct, or teaching any doctrine or doctrines contrary to our discipline, shall be admonished by the Presiding Elder on whose charge he labors or lives, and in case he persists in such practice the Presiding Elder shall suspend him from preaching until the next Annual Conference where he shall be tried.

            (b) If a minister is charged with immoral conduct such as, “adultery or fornication” and the Presiding Elder on whose charge he lives or labors after careful investigation considers the charge to be well founded, the Presiding Elder shall at once suspend him from preaching until the next Annual Conference where he shall be tried.

            (4) Chapter 4, section 2, paragraph 2, be amended by the addition of the following: Where there are two or more Presiding Elders to be elected and one or more of the candidates requires a two-thirds vote for re-election, no candidate who requires only a fifty-one per cent majority shall be declared elected unless he receives a plurality over candidates who require a two-thirds vote.

            (2) We recommend that the Reading Course for Probationers, be revised so as to strengthen and extend the course and make it suitable for the requirements of the present day ministry.

            (3) We recommend that the General Conference make a ruling on the admission of approved ministering sisters as members of Annual Conferences.

            (4) We recommend that the General Conference consider the advisability of opening a branch of the Bethel Publishing House in Canada.

S. Goudie

W. G. Gehman

J. A. Avery

E. H. Metcilf

Wm. Hygema

E. D. Young

C. J. Hallman

            Resolved, That we adopt the report and consider the appeals at a later time.

Report of the Committee on General Conference Minutes

            We the Committee to examine the General Conference minutes beg leave to report that we have examined the minutes of the Twelfth General Conference and found one omission which was corrected by the secretary.

F. B. Hertzog

David Greer

J. A. Bradley

            Report adopted.

            Resolved, That we have an apportioning and an appropriating committee.

Anthony B. Yoder, L. R. Pipher, E. N. Cassel, J. A. Avery, C. J. Hallman were elected.

            Resolved, That we as a General Conference consider actual clergy or laymen full fare including sleeper and 50 cents a meal as expenses to General Conference.

            Anthony B. Yoder was re-elected General Conference Treasurer,

            Resolved, That we have the reports of the Presiding Elders.

Pennsylvania Conference, Allentown District, H. B. Musselman, P. E.

            The Lord has again preserved our life in permitting us to meet with all of the regular appointments during the last eight years. There are twenty-three organized classes on the District, comprising five stations, six circuits, and two mission circuits.

            The interest manifested in the work has continued; the prayer meetings and church attendance have been very fine, and the Sunday Schools are taxing the capacity of even our larger churches.

            Sixteen camp meetings were held in our Camp Grove at Allentown, Pa., during the term, with a good interest manifested, and a large attendance annually. A goodly number of these services were broadcast over radio station WCBA.

            We have been passing through a stage of depression, on account of which many are yet deprived of assisting financially as they were enabled to do in former years. The offerings have, however, been quite encouraging, and meant sacrifice in the lives of many.

            Total offerings for the Home Missionary work for the eight years, for both the Conference Districts were $47,578.94; for Foreign Missions $96,859.56. The total offerings for the past terms were $1,081,713.19, while $195,039.59 might be added for subscriptions and literature that was sold during the same time, or a grand total of $1,276,812.78.

            The Lord has spared to us all of our pastors with the exception of Hid. R. L. Woodring, who has been taken from our ranks by death. All of our pastors are faithful men of God, and they are active and loyal unto the great trust committed to them. Our annual conference, which closed a week ago, was one of the most blessed and peaceful sessions that we were ever permitted to attend. Unity and love prevailed and it appeared that all were of one mind and of one heart in all of the deliberations. This we deem remarkable in consideration of the conditions surrounding us everywhere, in these last perilous times. We have a faithful band of people in every class who are willing and obedient to the Word. Unto Him, whom we preach and lift up, and unto Him, whose we are, and whom we serve, shall be ascribed all the praise and all the glory.

Easton District, Pennsylvania, W. G. Gehman, P. E.

            The appointments on this District largely encircle the appointments of the Allentown District of the Pennsylvania Conference. The church appointments with the Gospel Herald Society appointments (eighteen appointments in all) are located in a circle the diameter of which is about 160 miles on an average, with Easton, Pa., the headquarters, being a little to the east of the circle. The Gospel Herald Society appointments are in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, with one

appointment each in New York State and Delaware. There are always about twenty Gospel Heralds in the Society, besides the ministers of the church appointments of the District. All the ministers are willing to work at the places assigned to them, giving full time to the needs of the flock and gathering others into the fold. Their loyalty to those over them and their love for one another is commendable. Our Sunday Schools, prayer meetings and other church services are well attended by the members and quite some non-members. Many of our people, old and young, are wholly consecrated to the Lord and are ready for every good work. Eight camp meetings were held in Edgewood Grove, Shamokin, Pa., with good and lasting results. Many tent meetings were held, especially in the Gospel Herald Society, generally about five a year. Several Gospel Herald Society missions were made church appointments. Regular radio programs are broadcast from Sunbury, Hazelton and Easton, Pa.

            Quite a quantity of Bibles, Testaments, Wall Calendars and other religious literature is sold at the camp meetings, Gospel Herald Society territory, and the church appointments. We all are holding faithfully to the faithful Word of God and thus expect to be kept from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. (Rev. 3:10)

Indiana and Ohio Conference. Ohio District, R. P. Ditmer, P. E.

            With pleasure we report the work in the Ohio District- through the past eight years. The district at present is composed of twenty-five appointments and missions of which twenty are organized classes. Through the years of economic pressure, as well as some spiritual adversities, the Lord has continually had His hand upon the work, and added His blessing; the result of which has been a constant and gradual forward movement.

            The normal building program has been somewhat curtailed due to financial pressure. However we are able to report that there has been some progress in this phase of the work, and at the present time two of our small organizations are in the process of securing and building their own permanent places of worship. The Home Mission and Home Extension program has also been hampered because of financial stringency but from year to year that department has registered some progress. There has been during this period a very wholesome increase in interest and offerings for the Foreign Missionary work.

            The credit for any district progress which may be in evidence is due first of all to the faithfulness of our blessed Lord, and then also to the loyal, consecrated and devoted ministry and laity of the district. The ministry are loyal to the doctrine of the church and faithful in the discharge of ministerial responsibility. A good spirit of fellowship and co-operation prevails.

Some evidence of the spiritual tone of the district is manifest in the loyal support of the camp meetings and conventions, which are regularly held. There appear to be good things ahead for the Ohio District.

Indiana District, H. E. Miller, P. E.

            We have seventeen organized classes in this District, comprising three circuits and eleven appointments. The blessing of God has been upon these fields. Sinners have been saved, believers sanctified, sick folks have been healed and many answers to prayer realized.

            We have had eight Camp Meetings which together with the conventions have proved to be a great blessing to the District.

            Interest in Foreign and Home Mission work has continued with The offerings are on the increase over a few years ago.

            We have built one tabernacle and enlarged several churches. Our constituency is stable and dependable. While the hand of death has removed a number of our people from our midst, yet the Lord has raised up others to take their places.

            The ministers as a whole are faithful and loyal to the church.


West District, C. N. Good, P. E.

            My District is comprised of the following: Eight church circuits and missions, with six city missions. These missions are in charge of our Deaconess Workers. The work on the different fields has made progress during the past eight years. The missions have also made some progress. Two new mission buildings have been purchased. One at Listowel and the other at Petrolia.

During the depression, so called, we were able to meet all our financial obligations, according to the demand. We have a staff of self sacrificing ministers and workers. A number of young men have come into the active work. This a great asset to our Conference. As a Conference we are united in doctrine, and still believe the, Bible to be the Word of God.

            A few of our brethren in the persons of A. G. Warder and S. Cressman, have gone to their reward. Brother Cressman had served as Presiding Elder for a number of years. Also as C. M. President for four years. We miss them greatly in our Conference.

            The foreign missionary work has been keeping up in a remarkable way. The people are standing by in a commendable manner. This made it possible for new missionaries to be sent out.

            Brother William Shantz who was our first missionary, and spent forty years as a missionary in China, departed this life a few weeks ago.

            A new camp ground has been purchased and a splendid pavillion erected. The camp meetings are well attended and are made a great blessing to our people and souls are being saved and sanctified.

            Our young people are also well organized with Brother W. B. Moyer as president. They are taking an active part in pushing the work of the Lord for Christ and the Church. The Sunday Schools are in good condition with a splendid staff of officers and teachers. Their objective is to teach and win the scholars for Christ. We still hold to the good old time Gospel, salvation for sinners and holiness for God’s people.

East District, M. Bricker, P. E.

            Since last General Conference I have been Presiding Elder for six years, on charge as pastor two years. Last annual conference has appointed me to the East District. Four circuits and ten conference missions including 27 appointments. We have good whole hearted people and a loyal band of ministers who preach the Gospel and the Lord is blessing their labors. Our camp meetings, tabernacle meetings and special campaigns have been revivals. God has blessed

these efforts.

            Since last General Conference two faithful and successful pastors and leaders have been taken home to glory, (from the district in which I was P. E.). One of these brethren, Brother A. G. Warder was a member of General Conference eight years ago. Also Brother S. Cressman who has been made a great blessing both to our Annual and General Conference. Our people are loyal in supporting Home and Foreign missionary work and we pray God to continue His special blessing upon His people.


E. N. Gibson, P. E.

            This District comprises the southern part of the state and includes churches and missions of the larger cities.

            Good doctrinal and practical leadership is given to the people of the district by earnest, sacrificing, spiritual, and aggressive pastors, who, while they do try to prepare their messages well, make as their chief objective the getting of God’s message to their people with unction and power.

            While one hundred per cent loyalty cannot be claimed for our people, yet most of them are earnestly and sincerely devoted to our Church, her doctrines, and her mission in the world. The older ones are standing true and growing in grace, and the younger people are getting saved, and sanctified, and uniting with the Church. Nearly all give testimonies which ring true to the faith of the Gospel, and their lives are fruitful with works which glorify God.

            Our young people take a good interest in their meetings which are Local, Regional and Annual. The Local and Regional Meetings are limited to an evening service, the program consisting of prayer, songs, poems, essays, Scripture readings, sermons and occasionally an evangelistic message. The Annual convention, its program embraces inspiring songs, essays, talks and sermons, and is climaxed with a strong evangelistic service in the evening, has an attendance

that exceeds that of any other convention held in the conference. The young people’s services which are held yearly at our Brown City camp meeting serve to indoctrinate, establish, strengthen, settle, increase the spiritual life and unify our young people on all points of Christian experience and holy living stressed by our church.

            The district is blest with good Sunday Schools with the objective to get children and older ones into the Sunday School, instruct them in the Word, get them saved, later sanctified, and into the church. In the attainment of this objective they are succeeding encouragingly. For the most part, the superintendents are individuals whose lives are marked with earnestness, sincerity and deep piety, and, who have the work entrusted to them upon their hearts.

            A growing interest in foreign missionary work is in evidence, with local and annual missionary meetings being held regularly. And, while no doubt there should be a greater financial response to this good work, we believe that the support of foreign missionary work by our people will continue to increase.

            Despite the unbelief, growing indifference, and increase of worldliness and wickedness with which they are environed, we believe that:

the spiritual condition of the churches of the district is good.

North District, J. A. Bradley, P. E.

            This district consists of nine circuits and four stations, making a total of thirteen quarterly meetings. The distance between the two extreme points is nearly three hundred miles. The membership totals seven hundred fifty-five of the best living people in the land.

            The quarterly meetings are spiritual and as a rule are well attended and with few exceptions the blessing comes on the saints who take part in the ordinances.

            The camp meetings are held on this district and hold a cherished place in the hearts of our people. The Camp Meeting, the Feast of Tabernacles, has been made a great blessing among us.

Special services on the district such as Regional Young Peoples Meetings, Sunday School Conventions and Holiness Conventions are filling a very important place in developing leadership and promoting deeper spirituality.

            There is a growing interest in the cause of Foreign Missions. More time is being given to this at our camp meetings and special gatherings. An increased interest has resulted, backed up by an increase in offerings. “And the end is not yet, praise the Lord!”

            During the last few years there has been a decided advance in the interest of Home Missions. Several new places have been opened. We believe that we have been slow in this respect in the past, but the Lord is leading and we see “a cloud as big as a man’s hand.” Hallelujah! And why not? We have the Christ of Calvary leading the way; His motto seemed to be “Others”, and why not have the same motto ourselves?

            Since last General Conference we have lost one of our blessed young ministers. Rev. R. G. Morgan, talented and gifted and with a bright future, has gone to his reward. We bow our heads and say, “not my will but thine be done”. One of our super-annuated “fathers”, Rev. B. Bowman has also been taken by death. His counsel will be missed.

            We still emphasize a four-fold Gospel: Regeneration, Sanctification, Divine Healing, and the Pre-Millennial coming of Christ.

            Yours for a greater, brighter and better vision.

Canadian N. W. Conference, C. J. Hallman, P. E.

            I count it a great privilege as well as a sacred responsibility to stand before this body today and represent this branch of the M. B. C. Church and report the work for the past eight years.

These years have been difficult from a financial standpoint. Depression struck the prairie provinces very hard, incomes which were dependent upon the selling of farm produce were cut down to almost nothing, many farm employment jobs were closed or wages cut severely. All this effected the cash contributions to our work.

            But may we say, to the glory of God, the work has made some definite progress along many lines through these same difficult years. Contributions have never been greater than during the last years, but they have been contributions of consecration, devotion, labor and prayer, along with financial gifts which we believe have been great in the sight of the Lord because of the spirit of sacrifice behind them.

            Our church membership now totals 469 as compared with 313 in 1928. Perhaps the greatest growth has been in the number of circuits being served. In 1928 eight were reported while at present there are 19. Eight years ago the total enrollment of scholars in our Sunday Schools was 465, while in 1936 it is 1071.

            Our fields are scattered over Alberta and Saskatchewan, a great area of many miles. Some of them are easily reached by train, or by car; others are not so easily reached. Some must be reached by truck, or riding with a rural mail-driver, others can be reached best by saddle horse.

            Last week marked the opening of the Mountain-View Bible School, located at Didsbury for its eleventh term. The school now offers a four year diploma course covering the entire Bible, including such secular subjects as are essential to a Bible training course. The first year we had an enrollment of 16 young people, while since that time the attendance has varied from 20 to 51. The faculty consists of three full time teachers and three part time teachers. The school has been a great help to the Church. Today among our ordained and licensed ministers are 14 young men who have completed the course at Mountain View Bible School. Two of our graduates are I, the foreign mission field. One other now waiting to be sent. The school is meeting a great need in the North West.

            A further activity of the past three summers has been the summer Bible Schools of which we have had between 12 and 15 each year. These are ten-day schools conducted by workers from the Bible School and Church in the rural schools over the prairies. Courses in systematic Bible study are followed and thus the boys and girls who otherwise have no opportunity to hear and study the Word of God become acquainted with its teachings. Gospel services are often held in connection with these schools at which time an effort is made to get the children saved. There has been a very fine response thus far to these efforts.

            The Church of our Conference has continued to support with prayer and finances and workers the Beulah Home Rescue Work at the city of Edmonton.

            Seven years ago the Lord very definitely laid upon the hearts of Brother and Sister Edwardson to open a mission in the busy business part of the city. Since then Hope Mission has continually been ministering to the needs of both soul and body of many needy ones of the city of Edmonton.

            We have been conscious of the help and the blessing of the Lord through the past. We thank you for your interest and for your prayers. We do earnestly covet the continuance of the same, as we press forward seeking to carry the Gospel message to even the uttermost part of the earth.

Pacific Conference, E. H. Metcilf, P. E.

            Our work is scattered over a large territory the greater part of it being in the states of Washington and Idaho.

            Since last General Conference we have made some progress and some unpleasant things have entered in which caused a division which we greatly regret.

            There are in the entire conference eleven organized classes, and most of them are small. Our people as a whole are self-sacrificing, earnest and spiritual. Our ministry also, as a whole is self-sacrificing, spiritual, earnest and loyal to the doctrines of our church. We have some people entering our ministry who are promising. We desire your earnest prayers in our behalf.

Nebraska Conference, E. D. Young, P. E.

            During the past eight years we have met with many reverses but hitherto the Lord hath helped us.

            In the first quadrennium we met with some loss in membership. The drouth over almost all the District in the past three years has made it hard on us financialy, but we are now on the upgrade, both in membership and finances.

            During this time our Presiding Elder, C. I. Scott, was called to his eternal home, which was a shock to us all. May God bless his labors and our memory of him.

            We have twenty-one classes at present. Our ministers are faithful and sacrificing men and women. Not all see fit to give themselves unconditionally to the Conference, yet are devout and trustworthy.

            There has been a marked improvement in the interest and spiritual life of our young people and they are taking hold of the work in a very nice way. Our laity are also sacrificing people and have the cause at heart, most of them do their best morally and financially for the cause.

            We are looking into the future with courage and victory in our hearts and by faith expecting to accomplish great things for Him.

            Resolved, That we have a General Conference Journal.

            Resolved, That A. B. Yoder and J. S. Wood be Editors and Publishers of the General Conference Journal.

            Resolved, That all the reports of the Presiding Elders be published in the General Conference Journal, limited to not more than one page each.

            Resolved, That we have a General Conference picture to be inserted in the Journal, also the cuts of those ministers who have been members of the General Conference and departed this life during the last eight years.

            Resolved, That the General Conference picture be taken this afternoon.

            Resolved, That Anthony B. Yoder be a committee to arrange for the taking of the picture.

            Adjourned. Prayer by S. Goudie.


Thursday Afternoon

            Meeting opened with song.

            Prayer by E. Moyer.

            Roll Call.

            Minutes of third meeting were read, and approved.

            Report of Committee on Worship:

            7:30 song service, by J. A. Bradley. Two 30 minute sermons by R. W. Herber and C. H. Brunner.

R. P. Ditmer

H. E. Miller

W. E. Manges

            Report adopted.

            Resolved, That we print 1200 copies of the Conference Journal and that the Editors and Publishers distribute them among the various Conferences according to membership.

            Resolved, That we take up the appeals, requests and petitions as per the committee on examination of Annual Conference records.

            Resolved, That we have a committee of seven to revise the Reading Course, and that each Conference select their own representative, and that all petitions concerning the Reading Course be referred to this Committee.

            Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.

            Business was resumed at 2:30.

            W. G. Gehman, R. Ditmer, J. Harold Sherk, J. A. Avery, E. D. Young, C. J. Hallman, E. H. Metcilf, were elected committee on revision of Reading Course

            The request of the Canadian North West Conference asking General Conference to publish a church hymnal was not granted.

            Resolved, That the request for a Bishop or traveling Superintendent as presented by the Pacific, Nebraska and Canadian North West Conferences, be referred to the Committee on Boundary.

            Resolved, That the petition of the Canadian North West Conference for a Superintendent over the Young People’s Societies be referred to the Committee on Boundary.

            Resolved, That the request of the Nebraska Conference to permit Rev. I. O. Lehman missionary to South Africa, to form an M. B. C. Church Conference in that place, be considered in private meeting.

            Resolved, That the request of Indiana and Ohio, Nebraska and Pacific Conferences for literature and an outline of Bible Studies for the Young People’s Societies be referred to a Committee of seven and that each Conference select their own representative.

            Business was suspended at 3:45.

            Business was resumed at 3:50.

            B. Bryan Musselman, A. B. Yoder, W. B. Moyer, J. S. Wood, N. E. Durkee, C. J. Hallman, E. H. Metcilf were elected.

            Resolved, That the request of the Indiana and Ohio Conference for a form to be used for the dedication of children be referred to a Committee of three. E. M. Gibson, R. P. Ditmer, S. Goudie were elected.

            Resolved, That the request of the Indiana and Ohio Conference for the printing of uniform schedules be granted, and that this matter be referred to the committee on statistics.

            Adjourned. Prayer by W. B. Moyer.


Friday Morning

            The meeting was opened with singing, “All hail the power of Jesus’ name.”

            The Conference engaged in a season of earnest prayer led by J. S. Wood and J. Dafoe.

            E. H. Metcilf read I Corinthians 12:31 and 13:1-15 and gave a helpful and instructive exhortation.

            The roll was called.

            Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Report of the Committee on Correspondence to General Conference

            We received letters from J. M. Ramseyer, President, and S. A. Witmer, Dean of the Fort Wayne Bible Institute, these are to be read to Conference.

            Also letters from Rev. M. J. Carmichael of McMinnville, Oregon, and Howard O. Bay of Yakima, Washington, which were passed on to the Committee on Boundaries.

A. B. Yoder

S. Goudie

J. A. Avery

            Report accepted.

            Resolved, That these letters be referred to the committee on resolutions.

            Resolved, That we have a committee to revise the discipline and that the appeal of the Indiana and Ohio Conference to revise the ruling in the discipline in the matter of election of trustees be referred to them.

            Resolved, That the committee on the revision of the discipline consist of seven, a representative to be selected from each conference.

            Business was suspended at 10:05.

            Business was resumed at 10:20.

            H. B. Musselman, A. B. Yoder, S. Goudie, R. W. Herber, E. D. Young, C. J. Hallman, E. H. Metcilf, Committee elected.

            Resolved, That the appeal of the Pacific Conference to authorize the ordination of Sister Workers, be referred to the committee on revision of the discipline.

            Resolved, That appeal Number 4, of the Pacific Conference be considered in private meeting.

            The appeal of the Ontario Conference to have the discipline revised, Chapter 2, Section 12, was referred to the committee on revision of the discipline.

            Adjourned. Prayer by M. Pricker.


Friday Afternoon

            The meeting was opened with singing, “Heavenly Sunlight.”

            Prayer by B. Bryan Musselman.

            Roll call.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That we adopt the following article in place of the one in the discipline, Chapter 5 Section 13, on “Musical Instruments and Choirs.”

Musical Instruments:

            The use of musical instruments in public worship has been in all periods of the history of the people of God on earth, either beneficial or harmful to the cause of God, according as they have been used for the glory of God, or for the gratification of human or carnal desires and ambitions. Realizing these facts, and being desirous of warding off all that may retard the cause of Christ, it is not allowed to introduce the use of musical instruments into the regular services of our Churches and Sunday Schools, except by the consent of their respective Annual Conferences, and in accordance with regulations drawn up by their Annual Conferences.

            Resolved, That the appeal of the Ontario Conference relative to the method of trial of a minister guilty of unbecoming conduct be considered in private meeting.

Report of the Committee on Worship:

            Song service at 7:30 to be led by Miss Verda Maurer.

            Two sermons, thirty minutes each by R. D. Dean and S. S. Shantz.

R. P. Ditmer

H. E. Miller

W. E. Manges

            Report adopted.

            The appeal of the Ontario Conference to have the discipline Chapter 4, Section 2, Paragraph 2, changed, was not granted.

            The appeal of the Ontario Conference to have General Conference make a ruling on the admission of approved ministering sisters as members of Annual Conference, was not granted.

            Resolved, That the request of the Ontario Conference to have a branch of the Bethel Publishing House opened in Canada be considered in private session.

            Whereas, The Executive Committee recommends that the discipline be revised privileging the Business Manager to collect the subscriptions to the Gospel Banner directly from the subscribers, therefore,

            Resolved, That we grant this privilege and that we refer this matter to the committee on the revision of the discipline.

            The following recommendation was presented to General Conference:

            Whereas, The African Field Board has requested that some action be taken providing for a course of study and for ordination of ministers on Foreign Fields. Be it

Resolved, That the chairman and corresponding secretary act as a committee to present the matter to the General Conference.

            Resolved, That this matter be considered in private meeting.

Report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Pennsylvania Conference:

            With grateful hearts we wish to acknowledge the goodness of the Lord in connection with the Foreign Mission work of the Pennsylvania Conference. During this period one of the missionaries supported by our Conference, Miss Mary A. Butterfield on furlough from Palestine, during a strenuous series of missionary appointments suffered a physical breakdown and peacefully fell asleep in Jesus at Christ’s Home, in Warminster, Pa.

            As a Conference our people are greatly interested in Foreign Missionary work. We are supporting seventeen missionaries as follows:

Africa–Nine, China–Two, French Indo-China–Four, South America –Two. The offerings during the eight years since our last General Conference were as follows:

            Home Missions                                 $54,875.58

            Foreign Missions in Church                49,210.27

            Foreign Missions in S. S.                    47,649.29

            Total                                                $151,745.14

            H. B. Musselman, President; C. H. Brunner, Secretary-Treasurer; W. G. Gehman, B. Byran Musselman, P. T. Stengele, Board.

            Report adopted.

            The Conference ruled that the legislation relative to the relation of Sister Workers to Conference as outlined in 1 924 be continued.

            Resolved, That we have private meeting tonight at 7:00 P. M.

            Adjourned. Prayer by M. Bricker.


Friday Evening

            This meeting was held in the First Christian Church, and was opened at 7:00 P. M. with singing, “My Jesus, I Love Thee.”

            I. Pike led in prayer.

            Roll Call.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            The request of the Nebraska Conference to consider the work of I. O. Lehman in South Africa, and ask General Conference to make it a conference was considered, and after discussion it was,

            Resolved, That we privilege the Nebraska Conference to make the work of I. O. Lehman, a South African Mission Conference, if they deem it advisable.

            The request to recognize the West Coast Mission Conference, as an independent Conference apart from the Pacific Conference, was discussed, and it was

            Resolved, That we table this request until the next private meeting.

            Adjourned, at 10:55 o’clock, with prayer by J. S. Wood.


            The meeting was opened with singing, “Where He Leads I’11 Follow.”

            The Conference engaged in a season of earnest prayer for God’s blessing upon the Conference led by Wm. Hygema and V. W. Cressman.

            C. J. Hallman read Ephesians 3:13-21 and made some timely remarks.

            Roll Call.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules to meet in private meeting in the First Christian Church.

            Resolved, That we lift from the table the request of the West Coast Mission Conference to become an independent Conference.

            Resolved, That their request be granted.

            The appeal of the Ontario Conference to have the Discipline Chapter TWO, Section 14, under the head: “How shall an accused minister be brought to trial?” amended, was considered, and, after discussion, it was,

            Resolved, That we revise this article to read:

            Chapter 2, Section 14- How shall an accused minister be brought to trial?

            (A) Any minister against whom a charge is preferred for unwise or unbecoming conduct, or teaching any doctrine or doctrines contrary to our discipline, shall be admonished by the Presiding Elder on whose charge he labors or lives, and in case he persists in such practice the Presiding Elder may suspend him from preaching until the next Annual Conference where he shall be tried.

            (B) If a minister is charged with immortal conduct, and the Presiding Elder on whose charge he lives or labors, after careful investigation considers the charge to be well founded, may at once suspend him from preaching until the next Annual Conference where he shall be tried.

            The appeal of the Ontario Conference to have a branch of the Bethel Publishing Company opened in Canada, was discussed, and it was,

            Resolved, That this matter be referred to the newly elected Executive Committee, but that no action shall be taken until the present indebtedness is removed.

            The request of the African Field Board to give ordination to native ministers and also make provision for a course of study was considered and it was,

            Resolved, That this matter be left to the discretion of the United Missionary Society.

Adjourned. Prayer by E. M. Gibson.


Saturday Afternoon

            The meeting was opened with singing, “Faith of our Fathers.”

            T. D. Gehret, led in prayer.

            The roll was called.

            Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Report of the Committee to prepare a form for dedication of children:

            We beg leave to submit the following:

Form for Dedication of Children:

To the Congregation:

            Forasmuch as God in His great mercy has entered into covenant relation with man, wherein He hath included children as partakers of its gracious benefits; and,

            Whereas, The Holy Scripture speaks thus;

            “And they brought young children to him, that He should touch them; and his disciples rebuked them that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them,.Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands on them, and blessed them.” (Mark 10:12-16).

To the Parents:

            Dear Parents, inasmuch as this child is now presented for dedication to the Lord, and is by you consecrated, or given to God and His service, it becomes your duty to see that he (or she) is taught as soon as (…………….) is able to understand the nature and purpose of this dedication; and that (…………….) shall be instructed in the Word of God, and encouraged to memorize portions of it, and that (…………) shall be taught to reverence and respect the house of God and its worship.

            Question :

            Do you recognize the serious responsibility which comes to you with the gift of this child, and that it is your duty to teach and train (…………….) from (…………….) earliest years for the service of God as He instructed His servants of old? (Deut. 6:6-7; 11:18-20). Do you recognize it as your duty and sacred trust to bring (…………….) up in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4)?

            Do you therefore, solemnly engage to fulfill these duties so far as lies in your power, the Lord being your helper?

            Answer: WE DO.

Minister lays hand on the child:

            (Full name of child) I hereby dedicate you to God and His service, in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Ghost. “The Lord bless thee and keep thee, The Lord make his face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee. The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26).


E. M. Gibson

R. P. Ditmer

S. Goudie

            Report adopted.

            The following brethren were introduced to the Conference: S. A. Witmer, D. Paul Huffman, J. A. Huffman, E. H. Wiswell and Rev. Woodward.

            Rev. J. A. Huffman addressed the Conference and reported concerning his work in the editing of the Bethel Series of Sunday School Literature.

            Rev. S. A. Witmer, Dean of the Fort Wayne Bible Institute addressed the Conference and brought greetings from the Institute.

Report of the Committee on Worship:

            Saturday: 7:30 Song service led by D. Paul Huffman. Two sermons thirty minutes each, by B. Bryan Musselman and J. A. Bradley.

            Sunday: 9:30 Sunday School. Thirty minute talk on the Sunday School Lesson by J. A. Huffman.

            Special song by C. J. Hallman.

            Conference sermon by C. N. Good.

            2:00 P. M. Song Service led by C. J. Hallman.

            Special song by the delegation from Pennsylvania Conference.

            Sermon by H. B. Musselman.

            Evening: 7:00 P. M. Song Service led by Charles Huffman.

            Special song by the Rev. C. J. Hallman.

            Two sermons, thirty minutes each, by W. G. Gehman and C. J. Hallman.

            Sunday Services in charge of H. E. Miller.

Committee :

R. P. Ditmer

H. E. Miller

W. E. Manges

            Report adopted.

Report of the Committee on Boundary:

            We recommend that the boundary of the Pacific Conference of the M. B. C. Church include all their territory in Washington, except that portion lying West of the Cascade Mountains.

            We further recommend, that the boundary of the West Coast Conference of the M. B. C. Church include all territory west of the Cascade Mountains in Washington.

            We also further recommend that all other boundaries remain as they are at present.

            Whereas, There has come an appeal from the Western Conferences for the creation of the office of Bishop or General Superintendent, and the election of a man to this office, and

            Whereas, We appreciate the struggle through which these churches are passing, and a need of closer co-operation between the conferences and

            Whereas, We appreciate the faithfulness, integrity, self-sacrificing spirit and spiritual zeal of these brethren whom we have learned to love, be it

            Resolved, That we urge that every effort be made looking to closer co-operation and helpfulness and further we urge that these western conferences be earnestly remembered at the throne of grace with the end in view that the way may be provided for some of these men of our other conferences to render assistance to these conferences. And further, we therefore deem it advisable to recommend to the conference that the office of Bishop or General Superintendent be not created.

            Whereas, We do not deem it advisable to create the office of a Young People’s General Superintendent, and

            Whereas, This appeal has come from the Canadian North West, Conference, we recommend that the brethren of this Conference cooperate with the other conferences in this matter.

            Committee: W. G. Gehman, R. P. Ditmer, H. B. Musselman, H. E. Miller, E. M. Gibson, S. Goudie, M. Bricker, J. A. Avrv, E. D. Young, C. J. Hallman, E. H. Metcilf.

            Report adopted.

Report of Committee on Young Peoplet Meetings and Literature:

            We beg leave to report as follows: We recommend that this committee be allowed to continue giving time to further investigate the matter and report to the Executive Committee who shall have power to act. Committee: B. Bryan Musselman, W. I3. Moyer, A. B. Yoder, N. E. Durkee, J. S. Wood, E. H. Metcilf, C. J. Hallman.

            Report adopted.

Report of the United Missionary Society

            We submit the following report with real gratitude in our hearts to God for His mercies and blessings upon us, members of the Home Board and to our Missionaries.

            Through the providence of God all our work in Africa, India, and the Near East, has made some progress, new missionaries have been sent out and yet not as many as were called for from the various fields. The finances have increased for which we rejoice and take courage. God has spared the lives of all our missionaries except one, our esteemed Brother William Shantz, who passed away on September 30th. And the lives of all the members of our Board have been spared

except our esteemed Brother C. I. Scott. May God comfort and sustain the bereaved families.

We have sustained a serious loss when Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Stahly were forced to retire from active missionary work because of the physical condition of Dr. Stahly.

            We now have twenty-four missionaries.

Financial Report

Year ending                                                  Receipts            Disbursements

1929                                                               $25,489.02                  $26,551.95

1930                                                                 28,462.75                    29,296.99

1931                                                                 30,120.18                    27,380.48

1932                                                                 19,310.16                    22,989.62

1933                                                                 21,010.29                    20,461.07

1934                                                                 16,802.17                    17,527.93

1935                                                                 23,236.57                    20,025.72

1936                                                                 23,887.37                    21,974.11

            TOTALS                                       $188,318.51                $186,207.87

Committee :

S. Goudie

A. B. Yoder

R. P. Ditmer

E. D. Young

C. J. Hallman

L. R. Pipher

J. S. Wood

            Report adopted.

Report of the Committee on Revision of the Reading Course:

            We recommend the following:

            1. Probationers shall be examined by a written examination by a committee to be appointed by the Annual Conference. They shall make 50% of the marks given on each book, and an average of 70% on the whole in order to pass. No probationer shall be ordained until he has passed the Course of Reading for probationers, except foreign missionaries who may be ordained without taking the Reading Course according to the discretion of the respective Annual Conferences.

            2. The book, “The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life,” by Evan Hopkins, shall be optional with “Lessons in Holiness” and “Inheritance Restored.”

            3. “Jesus Is Coming,” by Blackstone, which was by error omitted shall be restored to the Reading Course.

            4. “System of Christian Evidence,” by Dr. Leander Keyser, shall be adopted as optional with “Nelson on Infidelity.”

            In any case where there is an option on books of the Reading Course, each Annual Conference shall decide what books shall be used for their examinations.

Committee :

W. G. Gehman

J. Harold Sherk

E. H. Metcilf

C. J. Railman

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules to meet in private session and that we there consider this report.

            The motion on the revision of the Reading Course was discussed.

            Resolved, That we call for the “ayes” and “nays” on the acceptance of this report. The following was the result.

            “Ayes”-H. B. Musseiman, W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, B. Bryan Musselman, E. N. Cassel, F. B. Hertzog, P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret, Jacob M. Moyer, Paul H. Cressman, Chas. W. Teel, C. B. Brosius, C. E. Musselman, E. R. Hartman, C. N. Good, M. Pricker, S. Goudie, J. Harold Sherk, L. R. Pipher, W. B. Moyer, D. Greer, V. W. Cressman, I. Pike, J. S. Wood, R. W. Herber.

            “Nays”-R. P. Ditmer, H. E. Miller, C. I. Huffman, A. Taylor, W. E. Manges, Wm. Hygema, Anthony B. Yoder, J. W. Moyer, M. Wright, Chas. Miller, E. M. Gibson, J. A. Bradley, J. A. Avery, C. Shupe, J. Dafoe, E. D. Young, N. E. Durkee, Joel Stahly, CJ. Hallman, E. H.

Metcilf, A. B. Yoder.

            25″Ayes.” 21″Nays.”

            The report was declared adopted.

General Conference Records

            Resolved, That the General Conference records be kept in a fireproof safe in charge of the Bethel Publishing Company.

Report of the Committee to Apportion the Expense to General Conference:

            Report of the Committee to apportion the expense to General Conference:


Pennsylvania Conference                                   $636.40

Ontario Conference                                              190.52

Indiana and Ohio Conference                                 52.10

Michigan Conference                                             74.40

Nebraska Conference                                           120.72

Canadian N. W. Conference                                   70.00

Pacific Conference                                                 60.00



Pennsylvania Conference                                386,00

Ontario Conference                                              227.00

Indiana and Ohio Conference                               271.00

Michigan Conference                                           157.00

Nebraska Conference                                             81.00

Canadian N. W. Conference                                   49.00

Pacific Conference                                                 37.00


Committee :

Anthony B. Yoder

C. J. Hallman

J. A. Avery

E. N. Cassel

L. R. Pipher

            Resolved, That we extend the time indefinitely.

            Resolved, That the basis of membership on the Executive Committee be one member for the first five hundred, and an additional member for each thousand additional members.

            Resolved, That each Annual Conference Delegation, respectively in General Conference, may by ballot nominate their candidates to which they are entitled for the Executive Committee and this Conference elect them. General Conference shall however, also have the right in general to nominate.

            Adjourned at 5:05 with prayer by J. Harold Sherk.


Monday Morning

            The meeting was opened at 7:30 according to announcement, with singing, “Blessed Assurance.”

            R. P. Ditmer and L. R. Pipher, led in prayer.

            J. A. Avery read Eph. 4:7-15 and made timely remarks.

            The roll was called.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Report of the Committee on Statistics

            1. Report of statistics. (See back of Journal).

            2. We recommend–(a) That uniform schedules be printed and that the printing of the same be given in charge of the Pennsylvania Conference. (b) That the number printed be as follows:

            (1) 4000 of combined A. B. C. & D. Forms.

            (2) 200 each of A. B. C. & D. Forms separately.

            (3) That the secretary of each Conference receive supplies as follows :

                                                                   Combined                           Each

                                                                     A B C D                     A B C D

                        Pennsylvania                                600                                18

                        Ontario                                         725                                40

                        Indiana & Ohio                             625                                18

                        Michigan                                      480                                18

                        Nebraska                                       530                                18

                        Canadian North West                   435                                18

                        Pacific                                          265                                18

                        West Coast                                   100                                18

            (d) That the expense of printing be paid by each Conference in proportion to the number of forms received.

Committee :

Report accepted.

E. N. Cassel

J. Harold Sherk

C. I. Huffman

R. W. Herber

Report of the Committee on the Revision of the Discipline

            We the Committee on revision of Discipline beg to recommend the following revisions, deduced from discussion on the articles referred to us.

            1. Chapter 2, Section 12:

            Conformity to the World.

            It shall be strictly enjoined upon members of our society that they shall not conform to the world, by participating in anything, or in any gathering, or in any game or other form of amusement, the purpose of which is merely to gratify the carnal mind or will of the flesh. I John 2:15-17; I Thess. 5:21-22; II Cor. 6:14-18; Romans 12:1-2; Colossians 2:1-3.

            2. Chapter 4, Section 2, Paragraph 7.

            Local trustees shall be elected annually at the last Quarterly Conference in the annual conference year, by ballot, or open vote as the Annual Conference may decide.

            3. Chapter 7, Paragraph 4.

            No member of any local board of trustees shall serve longer than three years without re-election. The remainder of the paragraph shall remain.

            4. Chapter 4, Section 14.

            We recommend that paragraph four and five be erased, and that paragraph 6, 7, and 8 be re-numbered 4, 5, and 6.

            5. We recommend that the request of the Pacific Conference concerning the ordination of women be not granted.

6. We recommend the publishing of a new discipline, and that A. B. Yoder be Editor and Publisher of the same.

            Report adopted.

Committee :

H. B. Musselman

S. Goudie

A. B. Yoder

R. W. Herber

C. J. Hallman

E. H. Metcilf

E. D. Young

Gospel Banner Editor Elected

            Resolved, That we take an informal ballot for Editor:

            A. B. Yoder was elected Editor.

            Resolved, That the Editor nominate two persons from each Conference, from whom the General Conference shall elect one from each Conference as Associate Editors.

            The following were elected: W. R. Grout, E. H. Metcilf, C. J. Hallman, Jacob Hygema, H. E. Miller, J. S. Wood, C. N. Good, C. H. Brunner.

            Resolved, That each Conference present their nominees for representatives on the Executive Committee and that the Conference elect them.

            Resolved, That we have a committee to officially declare the number of representatives eligible to the Executive Committee from the various Conferences.

            Resolved, That the former committee on statistics be said committee;

            Resolved, That we suspend business to call of the chair.

            Business was resumed at 9:40.

Executive Committee:

            Report of Committee to determine the number of representatives on the Executive Committee to which each Annual Conference is entitled.

Pennsylvania Conference 3,751 members four representatives

Ontario Conference 2,201 members two representatives

Indiana and Ohio Conference 2,630 members three representatives

Michigan Conference 1,529 members two representatives

Nebraska Conference 786 members one representatives

Canadian North West Conf.478 members no representatives

Pacific Conference 365 members no representatives

West Coast Conf. not full organized.

Committee :

E. N. Cassel

J. Harold Sherk

C. I. Huffman

R. W. Herber

            The following were presented as candidates for the Executive

            Committee: Pennsylvania Conference, H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, B. Bryan Musselman and E. N. Cassel. Indiana and Ohio Conference, R. P. Ditmer, A. B. Yoder, and Anthony B. Yoder. Ontario Conference, S. Goudie, V. W. Cressman. Michigan Conference, J S. Wood, and J. A. Avery. Nebraska Conference, E. D. Young.

            Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to cast the ballot electing the Executive Committee.

            According to instructions of General Conference I hereby cast the following ballot electing the Executive Committee: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, IB. Bryan Musselman, E. N. Cassel, R. P. Ditmer, A. B. Yoder, Anthony B. Yoder, S Goudie, V. W. Cressman, J. S. Wood, J. A. Avery and E. D. Young.

            Resolved, That the Pacific and the West Coast Conferences bp represented on the Executive Committee by the Nebraska Committeemen, and the Canadian North West Conference be represented by Ontario Committeemen.

            Resolved, That a directory of General Conference members be included in the Journal.

            Resolved, That the names and addresses of all foreign missionaries being supported by the various Conferences be included in the Journal.

            Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the chair.

            Business was resumed at 11:25.

            As a matter of form the Committee on resolutions desires to place on the records the following resolution of the [sic]

            We beg leave to offer the following: One of our prominent laymen, Brother I. Pike of Stouffville, Ontario, who for more than half a century was an officer of his local congregation, and of his Annual Conference and also a member of the Executive Committee of the .General Conference for many years, therefore,

            Resolved, That we as the Executive Committee wish to state that we have learned to appreciate the faithful services of our dear brother and his valuable counsel and that we pray for him that the Lord may sustain him physically and spiritually in his advancing age, and that his life and testimony may be fruitful until Jesus comes.

S. Goudie, Chairman

W. G. Gehman, Secretary

H. B. Musselman

C. H. Brunner

Anthony B. Yoder

E. D. Young

A. B. Yoder

W. H. Moore

J. S. Wood

            Adjourned. Prayer by W. E. Manges.


Monday Afternoon

The meeting was opened with singing, “His Way With Thee.”

            Prayer was offered by M. Pricker.

            The roll was called.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Report of the Auditing Committee

            We have examined the financial statements of the Executive Committee; General Conference Treasurer; Committee to apportion expense of delegates to General Conference and also the compiled statistical report and believe them to reflect a true and accurate statement of affairs.

Committee :

B. Bryan Musselman

Paul H. Cressman

L. R. Pipher

V. W. Cressman

W. E. Manges

            Report adopted.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to devise a means to remunerate the Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Editor of the Journal for their services.

            The Chair appointed: L. R. Pipher, E. N. Cassel, C. I. Huffman.

            The Executive Committee announces the election of officers as follows: Chairman, S. Goudie; Vice Chairman, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, W. G. Gehman; Treasurer, Anthony B. Yoder.

            Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the chair.

            Business was resumed at 3:00.

            Report of the Committee to devise a means to remunerate the Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Editors of the Journal.

            We beg leave to offer the following:

            We recommend that we donate the sum of $15.00 each for the Editors of the Journal and $10.00 each for the Secretaries. We would further recommend that an offering be lifted now towards this amount and the remainder added to the cost of the Journals.

            Committee–L. R. Pipher, C. I. Huffman and E. N. Cassel.

            The offering amounted to $18.75.

            Resolved, That we hold the next General Conference at Kitchener, Ontario on the last Wednesday of October, 1940 at 9:00 A. M., should the Lord tarry.

            Resolved, That the cost of the Journals and the cost of sending them be apportioned among the various Conferences according to the number received and that they be paid within 15 days after they have been received.

Report of the Committee on Resolutions

            We beg leave to report the following:

1. Relative to the Editor and the Executive Committee:

            Whereas, We have been privileged to hear the report of the Editor of the Gospel Banner and following it also the report of the Executive Committee, relative to the publishing of the Gospel Banner and the interests of the Bethel Publishing House, and,

            Whereas, We acknowledge the devotion and faithfulness of A. B. Yoder our Editor in his endeavors to give us a good, wholesome church paper, and J. A. Huffman, Editor of the Sunday School literature of the Bethel Publishing Co., and,

            Whereas, The Executive Committee has so ably supervised and directed the financial affairs of the Bethel Publishing House, in charge of the Managers, J. Pannabecker and his successor, E. Moyer, showing a satisfactory increase in net earnings, even through this period of financial depression, therefore,

            Resolved, That we appreciate the interest and labors of these servants of the Church, and that we rejoice with them in the spiritual blessing and the financial success of their labors and further,

            Resolved, That we pray God’s blessing upon these, the Lord’s servants and upon the future success of the Gospel Banner and the publishing interests of the Church.

2. Relative to our Presiding Elders:

            Whereas, We have been listening with much pleasure and interest to the reports of the Presiding Elders of the seven Annual Conferences concerning the work of the Lord under their supervision emphasizing the blessing of God upon the work in the salvation of sinners, the sanctification of the believers, the healing of the sick, and,

            Whereas, Our Presiding Elders have been rendering untiring service to the Church, giving very helpful counsel and spiritual guidance in the oversight of the churches in their various districts, therefore,

            Resolved, That we wish to express our highest appreciation for their leadership and for their exemplary lives, and pledge ourselves to pray for them, endeavoring to make their burdens lighter by our loyalty, respect and loving support.

3. Relative to our Pastors:

            Whereas, The Lord has called out and given us a group of noble consecrated, devoted pastors, who are willing to forsake all and follow the command of the Great Shepherd of the sheep to seek the lost and to feed the flock of God, therefore,

            Resolved, That we desire to thank them for their loyalty in times of testing and trial and pray the Lord to keep them faithful and true to the trust committed to them in these last and perilous times, exhorting them to hold fast to their profession, that they may have grace to abide in their calling until the work is done and Jesus will call His workers home.

4. Relative to our departed co-laborers:

            Whereas, In the providence of God, He has called from our midst a number of our brethren in the ministry since our last meeting eight years ago, therefore.

            Resolved, That we bow in humility and submission to the will of Him who doeth all things well, and further,

            Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the families and friends of our faithful co-laborers and pray the God of all comfort to comfort their hearts, and further,

            Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the bereaved widows or families of these departed brethren as follows: Ministers who have been members of the General Conferences on one or more occasions:

            Ontario Conference: S. Cressman and A. G. Warder.

            Nebraska Conference: C. I. Scott.

            Michigan Conference: B. Bowman.

            Indiana and Ohio Conference: S. Bartlett.

            Ministers not members of the General Conference:

            Pennsylvania Conference: R. L. Woodring and O. S. Hillegass.

            Ontario Conference: Wm. Schantz, J. A. Sider and R. Eltherington.

            Michigan Conference: R. G. Morgan.

            Canadian North West Conference: S. S. Stauffer, James Hall, D. S. Schantz.

            Indiana and Ohio Conference: S. Longenecher and J. J. Hostetter.

5. Relative to our laity:

            Whereas, The Presiding Elders in their reports made special reference to the noble company of laity throughout all our Conferences recognizing their faithfulness, their loyalty to the ministry, their love for the brethren, and devotion to the work of the Church, their spirit of prayer and sacrifice for the support of those who minister unto them as well as for the support of the missionary work at home and abroad, therefore,

            Resolved, That we gratefully acknowledge their noble service for the work of the Lord, their earnest prayers and liberal contributions in behalf of the salvation of sinners and the building up of the Church of the living God, and trust the Lord to keep every one of them and prepare them for His coming.

6. Relative to our Foreign Missionary work:

            Whereas, The Lord has so wonderfully sustained our Foreign Missionaries during the last eight years, sending us very excellent and encouraging reports concerning their work in the regions beyond, therefore,

            Resolved, That we rejoice with them in these successes, pledge ourselves to uphold them in their difficult work of studying the languages and bringing the Lord Jesus the Light of the World to those who sit in darkness and the shadows of death, of whom seventeen are supported by the Board of Foreign Missions of the Pennsylvania Conference, and twenty-four by the United Missionary Society.

7. Relative to Communications:

            Whereas, We have received a letter of Christian greetings from Rev. S. A. Witmer, Dean of the Fort Wayne Bible Institute and Rev. J. E. Ramseyer of Fort Wayne, Ind., President of the Missionary Church Association, expressing their appreciation of past friendship and fellowship in the work of the Lord, therefore,

            Resolved, That we appreciate the bond of fellowship thus expressed and pray the Lord to bless their life and service for the Master.

8. Relative to Our Chairman and Secretaries:

            Whereas, The Chairman of this General Conference session, Presiding Elder C. N. Good of the Ontario Conference has presided over this body with fairness of decisions and consideration to the speakers from the various Conferences in relation to the many perplexing problems that were brought before the body, and,

            Whereas, Our Secretaries, J. S. Wood and his assistant, T. D. Gehret, have so diligently and we believe accurately recorded the procedings of this General Conference session, therefore,

            Resolved, That we appreciate the patience and forbearance of our Chairman with us, as well as the difficult and responsible work of our Secretaries during these deliberations, and pray that the blessing of God may rest upon them spiritually and physically as a reward for their services to this body.

9. Relative to Christian Courtesy:

            Whereas, The Congregation of the First Christian Church of Wakarusa has so kindly permitted us to use their place of meeting: for private meetings of the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of the United States and Canada, therefore,

            Resolved, That we appreciate their kind favors in this matter and pray that God may pour out His blessings upon them spiritually and temporarily, especially at this present time and further,

            Resolved, That a copy of this resolution signed by the Chairman and Secretary be presented to them by Brother H. M. Metzger, Pastor of the local M. B. C. Church.

10. Relative to the Sunday Services:

            According to the decision of the Committee on Worship the Sunday morning services opened by a Sunday School session at 9:30 A.M. in charge of Mr. Edgar Freed, Superintendent of the local Sunday School. Rev. J. A. Huffman D.D., Dean of the School of Theology of the Taylor University gave an address on the lesson for the day.

            The Conference sermon was preached by Presiding Elder C. N. Good of Kitchener, Ontario, Chairman of this General Conference Session.

            Presiding Elder H. B. Musselman of the Allentown District of the Pennsylvania Conference preached in the afternoon. In the evening there were two thirty minute addresses by Presiding Elder W. G. Gehman of the Easton District of Pennsylvania and C. J. Hallman, Presiding Elder of the Canadian North West Conference.

            The attendance all day was excellent the church being crowded during each service. During the day we listened to a Ladies’ trio, a few solos by C. J. Hallman and a selection by the Pennsylvania Delegation.

            The services during the day were in charge of H. E. Miller, Presiding Elder of the Indiana District.

11. Relative to Our Entertainment:

            Whereas, Pastor H. M. Metzger, Pastor of the host church here in Wakarusa and his faithful congregation together with their many neighbors and friends, have so liberally provided for the entertainment of the General Conference members and friends of the Lord’s work, both in their homes and also serving ample refreshments in the basement of the Church, therefore,

Resolved, That we unitedly pray God’s blessings upon them for their noble services and that we express our appreciation of their kindness and hospitality shown us during our stay with them by a

rising vote of thanks, and further,

            Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be delivered to Pastor Metzger to be read to his congregation next Sunday.

            Report was adopted.


C. H. Brunner

L. R. Pipher

Place of Next General Conference and Adjournment:

            Resolved, That we adjourn to meet at Kitchener, Ontario, the last Wednesday in October, 1940, at 9:00 A. M. Eastern Standard Time.

            Adjourned at 4:00 P. M. with prayer by J. S. Wood.

Conference Roll

Avery, J. A., Decker, Mich.

Bradley, J. A., Brown City, Mich.

Beery, J. A., Marion, Ind.

Brunner, C. H., 25 N. 5th St., Emaus, Pa.

Brosius, C. B., 845 S 2nd St., Sunbury, Pa.

Bricker, M., 431 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, Ont.

Cassel, E. N., 310 Yost Ave., Spring City, Pa.

Cressman, V. W., R. R. 3, Kitchener, Ont.

Cressman, Paul H., 252 Fairview St., Bethlehem, Pa.

Dafoe, J. E., R. 3, Yale, Mich.

Ditmer, R. P., New Carlisle, Ohio.

Durkee, N. E., Box 212, Milford, Nebr.

Goudie, S., Vineland, Ont.

Gibson, E. M., Box 258, Brown City, Mich.

Good, C. N., 55 Cameron St., Kitchener, Ont.

Gehman, W. G., 1136 Northampton St., Easton, Pa.

Gehret, T. D., 1231 Ferry St., Easton, Pa.

Greer, David, Gowanstown, Ont.

Hartman, E. R., 230 Main St., Royersford, Pa.

Hallman, C. J., Didsbury, Alberta.

Herber, R. W., 431 Twelfth St., Port Huron, Mich.

Hertzog, F. B., 723 S. Filmore St., Allentown, Pa.

Hygema, Wm., 420 Warren St., Greenville, Ohio.

Huffman, C. I., 1821 Lexington Ave., Springfield, Ohio.

Manges, W. E., R. 5, Goshen, Ind.

Metcilf, E. H., Box 254, Wapato, Wash.

Miller, H. E., 214 Bank St., Elkhart, Ind.

Miller, Chas., Potsdam, Ohio.

Moyer, Jacob M., 319 Arch St., Perkosia, Pa.

Moyer, W. B., 181 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, Ont.

Moyer, John J., R. 3, Goshen, Ind.

Musselman, H. B., 1129 N. 18th St., Allentown, Pa.

Musselman, B. Bryan, 529 N. 8th St., Allentown, Pa.

Musselman, C. E., 1131 N. 18th St., Allentown, Pa.

Pike, Isaac, Stouffville, Ont.

Pipher, L. R., New Dundee, Ont.

Sherk, J. Harold, Stayner, Ont.

Shupe, C., 315 Bad Axe, Mich.

Stahly, Joel, Milford, Nebr.

Stengele, P. T., 1124 Main St., Bethlehem, Pa

Taylor, A., Englewood, Ohio.

Teel, Charles W., 2 N. 18th St., Easton, Pa.

Wood, J. S., 39 Dakota Ave., Detroit, Mich.

Wright, M., Laura, Ohio.

Yoder, A. B., 502 E. Washington, Goshen, Ind.

Yoder, Anthony B., Wakarusa, Ind.

Young, E. D., 633 N. 26th, Lincoln, Nebr.

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