1947 General Conference Minutes


of the

Fifteenth General Conference

of the


Convened in the

Potsdam, Ohio, M. B. in C. Church

NOVEMBER 5th to 10th, 1947


Wednesday Morning

            The Conference was called into session at 9 a.m. by R. P. Ditmer.

            After the singing of the hymns,”Faith of Our Fathers,” and “He Leadeth Me,” we were led in prayer by J. A. Huffman.

            R. P. Ditmer, Chairman of the last General Conference read as a Scripture lesson, First Corinthians chapter thirteen.

            Kenneth Geiger and E. R. Storms were appointed tellers.

            W. E. Manges was elected Chairman.

J. E. Tuckey was elected Vice-Chairman.

            T. D. Gehret was elected Secretary.

            N. H. Wolf was appointed Assistant Secretary.

            The Chairman, W. E. Manges then read Ephesians 4:1-6 and gave a helpful exhortation. This was followed by a season of earnest prayer during which the Conference members sought the wisdom and strength of God for the Conference session.

            Rev. Arthur Ditmer, Pastor of the host Church, gave a cordial address of welcome to all assembled in this General Conference Session.

Resolved, That the first four rows of seals across the Church and the seats to the right and left of the Chair and the Church of the Brethren for private meetings, constitute the bar.

            Resolved, That the fifth and sixth rows of seats across the Church, reserved for advisory members.


            Pennsylvania Conference: P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret, E. N. Cassel. F. B. Hertzog, N. H. Wolf, J. B. Layne, F. M. Hottel, J. B. Henry, A G. Woodring, R. Paul Schaeffer, H. L. Shelly, Paul H. Cressman, 4 W. Deppe, R. R. Fox, John M. Slater.

            Ontario Conference: P. G. Lehman, H. S. Hallman, Ward M. Shantz, J. H. Good, G. W. Johnson, A. E. Gillies, E. R. Storms, R. Raymer.

            Michigan Conference: J. E. Tuckey, M. J. Burgess, J. A. Bradley, H. C. Eagle, J. S. Wood, L. L. Rassi, J. E. Dafoe, William B. Little, D. V. Wells.

            Indiana Conference: W. E. Manges, Q. J. Everest, Woodrow I. Goodman, Kenneth Geiger, J. A. Huffman, Milo E. Miller, Edgar Freed, S. A. Rohrer.

            Ohio Conference: Forest L. Huffman, R. P. Ditmer, H. E. Bowman, J. E. Seeker.

            Nebraska Conference: Charles F. Gray, E. D. Young, H. J. Stone.

            Canadian Northwest Conference: A. Frey, A. Traub, M. Swalm.

            Washington Conference: A. B. Neufeld, E. H. Metcilf.

            Editor: Ray P. Pannabecker.

            The following rules of order were adopted:

            1. Each member before speaking on any subject, or upon presenting any motion or seconding the same, shall rise, and respectfully address the Chair, and receiving recognition, shall be allowed to speak ten minutes on each subject, and only once, except by the permission of the Chair, provided no one else desires to speak, or no one objects.

            2. The forenoon meetings open at 9:00 a.m. and close at 12:00 noon; afternoon meetings open at 2:00 p.m. and close at 5:00 p.m.

            3. That all open voting be done by raising the hand.

            4. That in all elections a nomination shall be seconded in order to qualify a person as a candidate.

            5. That the chairman nominate all committees, unless otherwise provided for and that Conference elect them.

            6. That all ordained ministers and probationers having charge of a work shall be introduced to the Conference, their names placed on the record and that they be received as advisory members and be privileged to speak five minutes on any subject, and only once.

            7. That we encourage the chairman to call on such members of this Conference who show inactivity. We request the chair to enforce all rules of order.

            8. That ministers of other denominations attending any of the meetings shall be introduced to this Conference.

            9. That we accept T. B. Neely’s “Parliamentary Practice” to govern this Conference body.

            10. That no member of this Conference be allowed to leave the bar without permission of the Chair.

            11. That at the call of one-fifth of the members of this Conference present the “yeas” and “nays” shall be recorded.

            Resolved, That E. R. Storms act as reporter.

            Resolved, That at the opening of each morning meeting the Chairman or someone appointed by him give a brief devotional address and the Conference join in earnest prayer.

            Resolved, That we have evangelistic services in the evenings.

            Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a time-keeper.

            The Chairman appointed D. V. Wells.

            Resolved, That we have the following committees: To examine the General Conference Minutes; On Worship; On Statistics; On Annual Conference Minutes; On Resolutions, On Introduction; On Auditing; On Credentials; On Boundary; and to examine Correspondence to General Conference.

            Resolved, That the appointed committees be elected by open vote.

            The Chair appointed R. P. Ditmer as a Committee on Introductions.

            The following were introduced to the Conference at this time:

            Ministers: G. C. Gulliat, G. L. Beck, L. A. Steele, A. Taylor, F. A. Holdeman, Willard E. Cassel, W. H. Frank, C. E. Kirkwood, J. E. Golla, D. E. Thomann, C. L. Miller, Arthur H. Ditmer, Merion E. Grosh, H. L. Matteson, Ira L. Wood, N. D. Zimmerman, Raymond Pettit, James E. Geahlen, Milton Bricker, M. J. Carmichael, C. W. Severn, also W. Bruce Musselman, President of the Gospel Worker Society of Cleveland, Ohio, Paul F. Kreiss, business agent for the Bethel Publishing House, and Missionaries Paul Ummel and Miss Myrtle Anderson.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn.

            Adjourned at 11:45 a m. with prayer by F. B. Hertzog.


Wednesday Afternoon

The meeting was opened with singing, ”Jesus Saves” and prayer by J. S. Wood.

            Roll Call

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            The Chairman appointed the following Committees:

            Committee on Worship: Forest L. Huffman, J. S. Wood, E. D. Young.

            Committee to Examine General Conference Minutes: J. B. Henry, Rassi, H. E. Bowmen.

            Committee on Statistics: J. B. Layne, Kenneth Geiger, M. J. Burgess, Ward Shantz, J. E. Seeker, M. Swalm.

            Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Minutes: E. H Metcilf, Woodrow I. Goodman, J. E. Dafoe, H. S. Hallman, F. B. Hertzog.

            Committee on Resolutions: J. A. Huffman, R. P. Ditmer.

            Committee on Auditing: Paul H. Cressman, Edgar Freed, D. V. Wells, A. E. Gillies.

            Committee on Credentials: P. T, Stengele, J. E. Tuckey, P. G. Lehman, Charles F. Gray, A. Frey, A. B. Neufeld, Forest L. Huffman, Q. J. Everest.

            Committee on Boundary: P. T. Stengele, J. E. Tuckey, M. G. Burgess, P. G. Lehman, Forest L. Huffman, Q. J. Everest, Charles F. Gray, A. Frey, A. B. Neufeld

            Committee on Correspondence to General Conference: A. Traub, E. N. Cassel.

            Resolved, That we authorize E. R. Storms appointed reporter at this General Conference to proceed with any publicity relating to this Conference that he may deem advisable and that the expense be paid for by the Conference.

            Secretary and Editor’s Report on General Conference Journals


Pennsylvania Conference                             $124.85

Ontario Conference                                          72.50

Indiana Conference                                          55.31

Michigan Conference                                       59.07

Ohio Conference                                              36.52

Nebraska Conference                                       25.78

Canadian North West Conf                              16.38

Pacific Conference                                             8.06

West Coast Conference                                      4.56

            Total                                                                                     $403.03


Printing 1500 Journals                                  $328.50

Conference Picture and Cut                                4.50

Cuts of Ministers                                                4.65

Loose Leaf Book                                                1.50

Packing and Mailing                                        23.88

T. D. Gehret, Secretary                                     20.00

N. Il. Wolf, Assistant Secretary                        20.00

            Total                                                                                     $403.03

                                    T. D. Gehret

                                    N. H. Wolf

            Report was adopted.

            Report of the Committee on Church Union:

            The Committee elected by the last General Conference on Church Union, met and organized as follows: Chairman, W. E. Manges; Secretary, J. E. Tuckey.

            This Committee met four times discussing the plans and possibilities of carrying on our fraternal relations with the delegates from the Missionary Church Association and the delegates from the Defenseless Mennonite Church.

            We met twice with the delegates from said churches and talked at length with them regarding the possibilities of a church union. Much progress appeared to be made at times, however, at the last meeting it seemed that the door was being closed which made further negotiations unfeasible.

                        Signed: W. E. Manges

                                    J. E. Tuckey,

                                    R. P. Ditmer,

                                    J. S. Wood,


            Report was adopted.

            Resolved, That we recess to the call of the Chair.

            Business was resumed at 3:45 p.m.

            Report of the Committee on Worship:

            The Committee on Worship recommends that the order of service this evening be as follows:

            The service shall begin at 7:45 and be in charge of R. P. Pannabecker.

            Song service in charge of H. L. Matteson.

            Special Song by I. L. Wood.

            Two twenty-minute messages by J. B. Henry and P. G. Lehman.

            An offering shall be taken to assist the local congregation in the defraying of the expenses of entertaining this conference.

                                    Forest L. Huffman,

                                    J. S. Wood,

                                    E. D. Young,


            Report of the Committee on Credentials:

            Report as follows:

            The Pennsylvania Conference is entitled to six Presiding Elders, seven minister delegates, and seven lay delegates. P. T. Stengele and T. D. Gehret, are the Presiding Elders. E. N. Cassel, F. B. Hertzog, J. B. Layne, N. H. Wolf, J. B. Henry, F. M. Hottel and A. G. Woodring, are the minister delegates. R. Paul Schaeffer, H. L. Shelly, R.R. Fox, A. D. Deppe, Paul H. Cressman and John M. Slater, are the lay delegates.

            The Ontario Conference is entitled to three Presiding Elders, four minister delegates and three lay delegates. P. G. Lehman is the Presiding Elder. H. S. Hallman, Ward M. Shantz, J. H. Good and G. W. Johnson are the minister delegates. R. Raymer, A. E. Gillies and E. R. Storms are the lay delegates.

            The Michigan Conference is entitled to three Presiding Elders, four minister delegates and three lay delegates. M. J. Burgess and J. E. Tuckey are the Presiding Elders. J. A. Bradley, H. C. Eagle, L. L. Rassi and J. S. Wood are the minister delegates. J. E. Dafoe, William H. Little and D. V. Wells are the lay delegates.

            The Indiana Conference is entitled to three Presiding Elders, four minister delegates and three lay delegates. W. E. Manges is the Presiding Elder; Q. J. Everest, Woodrow I. Goodman, Kenneth Geiger and J. A. Huffman are the minister delegates. Mile E. Miller, Edgar Freed and S. A. Rohrer, are the lay delegates.

            The Ohio Conference is entitled to one Presiding Elder, two minister delegates and one lay delegate. Forest L. Huffman is the Presiding Elder; R. P Ditmer and H. E. Bowman are the minister delegates; J. E. Seeker is the lay delegate.

            The Nebraska Conference is entitled to one Presiding Elder, one minister delegate and one lay delegate, Charles F. Gray is the Presiding Elder; E. D. Young is the minister delegate and H. J. Stone is the lay delegate.

            The Canadian Northwest Conference is entitled to one Presiding Elder, one minister delegate and one lay delegate. A. Frey is the Presiding Elder; A. Traub is the minister delegate and M. Swalm is the lay delegate.

            The Washington Conference is entitled to one Presiding Elder and one minister delegate. A. W. Neufeld is the Presiding Elder and E. H. Metcilf is the minister delegate.

            The Editor of the Gospel Banner, Ray P. Pannabecker, is a member of the General Conference by virtue of his office.

            Upon examination of the various Conference Minutes, we have found that all of the above have been duly elected according to discipline.

                                    P. T. Stengele,

                                    J. E. Tuckey

                                    Charles F. Gray,

                                    P. G. Lehman,

                                    Forest L. Huffman,

                                    A. Frey,

                                    A. B. Neufeld,


            Report was adopted.

Report of the Executive Board

            With a deep sense of gratitude to our gracious Lord for His continued blessing, we submit the report of the Executive Board to this General Conference.

            Most of the activities of the Board had to do with the work of the Bethel Publishing Co. and the publishing of the Gospel Banner.

            The properly at 1817-1819 South Main Street, Elkhart, Indiana was originally deeded to trustees. The Executive Committee, at the time when the lots were purchased, resolved that the title of the property should eventually be held by the Executive Committee as the property of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of the United States and the Dominion of Canada. In 1944, the title of the property was transferred from the trustees to the members of the Executive Board of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of the United States and the Dominion of Canada and their successors in office as such Executive Board may from time to time be constituted by the General Conference.

            The expansion of the business, both in counter sales and mail orders, made it necessary to renovate and remodel the store room at 1817 S. Main Street. This store room now has two offices, a work room, and storage space. The Bethel Publishing Co. now occupies the entire first Boor of the building, with an office for the Editor and one for the Business Agent. These changes incurred considerable expense, but are really worthwhile as it made possible the enlarging of the store room and made possible the displaying of the goods to better advantage.

            At the meeting on November 13, 1945, C. A. Wright, who had served as Business Agent, was retired. Paul F. Kreiss was engaged to become the Business Agent, and took over the business on January 1, 1946. He is the present Business Agent.

            At the meeting of November 12, 1946, P. T. Stengele and T. D. Gehret were elected as members of the Executive Board to fill the vacancies caused by resignations.

            J. A. Huffman was elected to edit the Sunday School literature for the quadrennium. He has faithfully continued in this position.

            The Times Publishing Co. of Pandora, Ohio has contracted to Print the Gospel Banner and have worked with the editor and have brought out the Banner regularly and on time.

            The Editor of the Gospel Banner, Ray P. Pannabecker, has met with the Board annually and has worked in full harmony with the Board throughout the entire term. He has furnished regularly all the material for the Gospel Banner and has always aimed to make the material interesting and beneficial.

            We wish to recognize the faithfulness of Ray P. Pannabecker, Editor of the Gospel Banner and J. A. Huffman, Editor of the Sunday School literature, for their devotion in the work entrusted to them, in producing good sound literature for our church. We wish also to recognize the devotion and faithful service of C. A. Wright and Paul F. Kreiss, Business Agents, and their staff of workers in the discharge of their duties in an efficient manner, and to the Times Publishing Co. for faithfully fulfilling their part of the work.

            We wish to express thanks to God for the constituency that has faithfully supported the work of the Publishing Co. and assisted in the effort of reaching more homes with the Gospel Banner and other worthwhile literature.

            The following figures and facts were gathered from the report of the Auditor for 1943 and 1947:

                                                                      1943                            1947

Total sales                                               $43,636.29                  $62,892.27

Gross profit                                               20,633.86                    29,088.33

Gospel Banner Deficit                                1,667.35                      3,328.55

Inventory of Stock                                       9,162.25                    28,484.54

Net worth                                                  49,418.80                    57,506.96

Subscribers to the Banner                            3,175                           4,575

Paid to the United Missionary Society                                        $ 2,013.46

            The cost of publishing the Gospel Banner has increased sharply, with the cost of materials and the increase of the number of subscribers so that the deficit in this department has increased by $1,661.20 since 1943. These deficits have annually been absorbed by the Bethel Publishing Co.

            We recommend that the General Conference authorize the Executive Board to set the subscription price of the Gospel Banner at not less than $1.50 per annum.

            We submit herewith the balance sheet of the Auditor of the Bethel Publishing Co. which sets forth the affairs of the Company as of September 30, 1947.

                                    R. P. Ditmer, President

                                    E. N. Cassel, Secretary

                                    W. E. Manges, Treasurer

                                    J. S. Wood,

                                    P. T. Stengele,

                                    E. D. Young,

                                    F. B. Hertzog,

                                    M. Bricker,

                                    J. A. Huffman,

                                    T. D. Gehret,

                                    J. E. Tuckey.

            C. J. Hallman and E. Moyer were absent from the meeting.


Balance Sheet September 30, 1947


Current Assets          

            Cash in office                                   $121.44

            Petty Cash fund                                    50.00

            Cash in Banks                                12,278.40

            Accounts receivable                        4,039.09

            Merchandise inventory                  27,691.64

            Supplies and fuel                                792.90

                        Total Assets                                                        $44,973.47

Fixed Assets

            Real estate and improvements     $22,879.86

            Lens depreciation reserve                9,383.63


            Furniture and fixtures                      2,742.04

            Less depreciation reserve                1,366.35


            Machinery and printing plates            639.14

            Less depreciation reserve                   501.15


                        Total Fixed Assets                                                15,009.91

Other Assets

            Mailing lists                                  2,000.00            2,000.00

                        Total Assets                                                        $61,983.38


Current Liabilities

            Accounts payable                         $ 4,340.30

            Withholding tax payable                    126.10

            European Relief fund                           10.00

                        Total Current Liabilities                                         4,476.40

                        Total Net Worth                                                   57,506.98


            Resolved. That this report be adopted and that the recommendation relative to the subscription price he considered at a later period.

            Report of the Editor:

To the General Conference of 1947, Greetings:

            The sacred privilege of editing our official church publication was placed upon me while I was still a young man. This thought, along with others, made me aware of a definite need of Divine aid in under taking this work, and the Lord has not forsaken in the times of need.

            The time has slipped by and nearly 200 issues have passed into the hands of our readers. Many have been the joys and blessings that have come to the Editor while this work was in progress. Numerous letters and personal words of encouragement have helped to make one feel that the work was not in vain.

            A severe problem of editing has been the usual lack of suitable original material, however, the Associates have helped, the pastors have contributed sermons, and many lay members have supplied helpful material. For this help we now offer public words of appreciation.

            An effort has been made to dress up the pages with cuts, display headings, and other ideas having to do with the format of a magazine. We trust that these have contributed something to the presentation of the words of the messages cotaied on the pages.

            During the two previous years, in the fall months, we have sponsored a subscription campaign which has proven valuable in the addition of new subscriptions and the collections of those about to expire The present campaign is scarcely under way but it is hoped that this may be our best year. In January of 1944 we had 3725 subscribers in October of the same year, 3750. In October of 1945 we had 3850 while in the same month of last year we had 4325. October figures are not available for this year but September figures showed a high of 4575. This represents an increase of about 200 a year, or an increase of 22% over January of 1944. If we can keep this movement going we are certain to see an ever-increasing usefulness for the Gospel Banner.

            I have appreciated the privilege of working for you and the Church in this office and wish to thank each of you for your measure of support to this worthy Church project.

                        Yours in Him,

Ray P. Pannabecker.

            Report was adopted.

            Resolved, That we hear the reports of the District Superintendents.

Reports of the District Superintendents:

Washington Conference–A. B. Neufeld, D.S.

            The Washington Conference came into existence in June 1945 as a result of the combining of the Pacific and the West Coast Conferences. E. H. Metcilf and A. B. Neufeld were the Presiding Elders at the time of the union. This step we believe was one of the wisest and greatest ever made in the West. We thank God for His definite leading and believe that we are in divine order. At first we were afraid that it was only a mere bringing of two together, which were by no means one, but as time passes on, God is very graciously help us and as a result we have now almost lost our identity and we are entering into the place of blessing. “Noah bound grace in the eyes of the Lord.” We, too, want to conduct ourselves so that His favor and smile may be upon us.

            As to reporting for the four years since last General Conference, I would say the possibilities of the Washington Conference are unlimited; for we have a great God in whom is our trust. I was only elected to this office in June 1947 so will not be able to give a complete report but I have made one round over the territory and am pleased to report that Pastors and people have given me a fine welcome and splendid cooperation. Our Quarterly meetings were times of refreshing because of the presence of the Lord.

            The Washington Conference now consists of ten organized churches and two preaching appointments. We feel keenly the need of more consecrated workers, for indeed the needy harvest fields are many, but the laborers are few. During the last two years we have suffered the loss of

some of our very valuable and highly esteemed workers, namely, Sister Barbara Embree, Rev. Arthur Creasy, Rev. Lesley Kagey and Sister Bertha Carmichael. Our loss is their gain. We are glad to know that God is calling others to fill their place of service here. Louise Lorain

to Africa; while other young men and women are now in training at Mountain Bible School, preparing for definite full time service for home and abroad. The good work must go on and on. We as the Washington Conference want to do our part in spreading the good news of Salvation, which is the power of God unto salvation to every one that ‘believeth.

Nebraska Conference-Charles F. Gray. D. S.

            As I am just entering upon my second year as District Superintendent, I cannot give a complete report of the work. The Nebraska Conference now has twenty-one classes, which are scattered over a wide area. We have a loyal group of ministers who are faithful to the cause.

            The laity is faithfully standing by the work with their prayer interest as well as with their finances.

            We also have a large group of young people, many who are truly consecrated to God and are a real blessing to the Church and the Conference.

            The Camp Meetings, revivals and young people’s conventions held during the past four years, were times of special blessing. Our hearts were made to rejoice as we have seen both young and old bow at the altar of prayer and make their peace with God. Many have been saved and sanctified for which we give God all the glory.

            Our only desire is to do His will and to be faithful until Jesus comes.

Canadian Northwest Conference–A. Frey, D. S.

            To my lot has fallen the honor of presenting the report Canadian Northwest Conference for the past four years.

            My term of service covers a period of nineteen months, and I realize that the others have labored and we have entered into labors.

            In viewing the work of the Conference we can report progress along different lines. Just recently a beautiful new church was dedicated at Castor and another is ready for dedication at Big Valley. This gives us eleven churches in the Conference. Improvements have been made in the various churches and parsonages, and a house has also been purchased for the District Superintendent. These properties are a credit to the church and the communities in which they are located.

            The Mountain View Bible School has undertaken a major building program this year. Three buildings were purchased, dismantled and shipped a distance Of fifteen hundred miles to be erected on the campus and used as a school dormitories. The first of these has been erected, equipped with steam heating and is already in use in them present school year.

            The work of Evangelism has been pressed throughout the Conference. Revival services have been held during the past quadrennium on the different fields with various evangelists, in which a goodly number found Christ in His saving and sanctifying grace. The annual camp meeting at Didsbury continues to be a place of salvation and blessing. The children and young people’s camp at Gull Lake, begun Conference begun since last General Conference has found a definite place in the program of the church.

            The missionary work of the church has been well supported and the interest of our people in foreign missions has been well sustained. In the past four years six graduates of the Bible School have found places of service in foreign lands and still others have received a vision of the lost and answered the call of God. The activities of the W.M.S. reach throughout the Conference and the deputation work of our returned missionaries is always a means of stimulation to the cause of foreign missions.

            It has meant denial and sacrifice on the part of our people both laity and ministry to carry on the various phases of our church work, but God has blessed and We mean to be faithful to the trust God has bestowed upon us as a Conference.

Indiana Conference–W. E. Manges, D. S.

            God’s faithfulness has been manifested in the Indiana Conference during the quadrennium. At the present time we have twenty-two appointments. Three have been added during the period and tire work at Benton has been discontinued. Four new classes have been organized and one remains unorganized. Several church properties have been deeded to the conference, two new churches have been built, one is now in the process of being built, considerable remodeling of churches has added more and better facilities for church and Sunday school work. Three parsonages have been bought, three new ones built and one is in the process of being built. Improvements have been made at the camp ground that cost approximately twelve thousand dollars. This increase in church property has cost approximately one hundred and forty thousand dollars with by far the greater part of it paid. In addition to the building program in the Conference our people have taken a good interest in Bethel College and without too much effort nearly fifty thousand dollars has been raised for the school program. While our people have given liberally to the local interests, foreign and home mission interests were not neglected. The total offerings for missions amounted to more than $120,000.00 in the four year period.

            We are not reporting anything spectacular as far as great revivals may be concerned, nevertheless the annual camp meetings and evangelistic services in the churches have been the means of God’s blessing in the salvation and sanctification of many people. The records will show a net increase of 271 in church membership and also a good increase in Sunday school attendance. We do praise God for the constituency, for we have many who are zealous for God and are interested in the progress of the church. Their faithful contribution in prayer, testimony, church attendance and financial support has been a great and important factor in the progress of the work. The Lord has given us a splendid group of ministers who have given themselves in true consecration to the ministry of the Word. The retired ministers of the Conference are worthy of mention for their faithful and sacrificial ministry in the past and for their continued devotion to the church.

            Since the last General Conference death has taken a number of our most faithful members, including three of our ordained ministers, namely, Rev. L. Kreider, Rev. L. W. Yoder and Rev. C. L. Huffman. Mrs. C. I. Huffman also passed away just recently.

            The young people of the church are showing an increased interest in young people’s work. During the past four years four married couples and two single ladies have gone to Nigeria, West Africa, and India as missionaries. Others are now preparing themselves for Christian work.

            The Women’s Missionary Society is very active and has made a splendid contribution to the cause of missions. No doubt it is largely through their efforts there has been an increased interest in this good work.

            We thank God that we have had a small part in the work of God’s Kingdom and the church. God has a mission for us as a denomination and He expects us to be faithful to the trust committed to us.

            If the Lord Jesus should tarry we would be permitted to meet again in a General Conference, will we be able to report greater gains than in the past years in His work? We must work while it is day. The night cometh when no man can work.

Michigan Conference, North District–J. E. Tuckey, D. S.

            The district which I have served for the past two and one-half years is comprised of eight stations and six circuits, or a total of twenty organized churches, twelve of which are village and city churches, and eight of which are located in the country.

            We express our appreciation to God for what progress has been made during the past four years. During this time one new church has been built and a new class organized. Two other churches have united and they are building a new church which will be dedicated in the near future. Two other churches which comprised a circuit have been united and purchased a large church which they have put in excellent repair. At present, some of our fields have some indebtedness, but none of which cannot easily be met by continual and concentrated effort.

            On this district two camp meetings are held each year. These have proved to he great blessings in the salvation of souls and the unification of the churches. Our young people’s work has done much to tie our young people to our church. We have a well organized W.M.S. which has accomplished some worthwhile work for missions.

            Our Conference has an excellent group of ministers who are loyal to their calling and the church. A large percentage of our pastors are young men filled with the zeal of the Holy Spirit. We also have a fine group of young people who are in school training in preparation for definite callings.

            During the past four years we have suffered the loss of some of our valuable church leaders, namely, Rev. O. B. Snyder, Rev. W. Schroeder, and Rev. J. N. Kitching, who have been leaders in the church in the yesterdays, also, Rev. R. W. Herber who was summoned home during his second year of serving as D.S. of the South District. Their fellowship and counsel is being missed.

            On the district are some of the most devoted Christians that can be found, and I sense a new feeling of interest in the work of the Lord among our ministry and laity. We purpose to stand behind the church and proclaim a full gospel to a needy world.

Michigan Conference, South District–Mark J. Burgess, D. S.

            This is my first year of service as District Superintendent, and being elected only last June, the work is still quite new. The District consists of eleven churches all of them being city appointments except one. I am happy to report that the work at each church is making good progress. There has been of late a very marked increase in the Sunday School and church attendance of a number of our churches.

            The pastors over the District are giving their best to the work, and God’s blessing is upon them. They are a fine group of consecrated and capable ministers. One of our churches is at the present time engaged in a building program to provide adequate space to care for their growing Sunday School, another church has its plans complete for the erection of a new church and will begin work on it in a short time.

            There are two new churches on the district, which as yet are under the Conference Extension Board, and I have not listed among the eleven before mentioned. While it is too early as yet to predict what the future for them will be, they give promise of good possibilities, and under the blessing of God I believe can soon become strong churches.

            The Camp grounds are located on the other District but are well attended by the membership and friends of the South District.

            Our people have been and are loyal to the Cause of Christ, and are standing by the program of the church. The foreign missionary work, the young people’s work, and other interests of the church are all making good progress. We recognize that these are “perilous times” and that there are a great many things to hinder and limit the forward movement of the Cause of Christ in the promotion of a full gospel ministry and the work of evangelism. It is my prayer that not only on my district but throughout our entire denomination we may continue to have gracious outpourings of the Holy Spirit in revival power and blessing.

Ontario Conference-P. G. Lehman, D. S.

            It is with a deep sense of gratitude to Almighty God that this report is given. The Ontario Conference comprises 29 fields and one extension project with 46 preaching appointments. Two years ago the City Mission Workers Society was merged with the Conference. There are two sister workers stationed at each of three of the Conference fields. While the gain in Ontario throughout the years has not been phenomenal, still there has been a steady increase which is not revealed in the statistical records. There are those on each field who have the cause of God at heart, and who manifest a keen interest in the progress of the Church. Their devotion to God and the Church have been a major factor in the progress of the work of this Conference.

            Camp Meetings–This Conference has two large camp grounds which are second to none to any which are in existence. They are kept in excellent condition, under the direction of Separate Camp Meeting Boards, and are constantly being improved according to master plans laid out by each Board. Spacious auditoriums and dining hall and up-to-date toilet facilities which conform to the requirements the Provincial Board of Health are in operation. Camp meetings were held on each district throughout the war years with increased attendances. God has used the camp meeting work for the bringing of lost men, women, boys and girls to Himself, the deepening of Christian lives and the growth of the Church.

            Sunday Schools–While Conference statistics show a slight decrease in attendance for the quadrennium, still a most effective work is being carried on through this medium. Some of the churches augment the work of the Sunday School by holding junior and intermediate activities. In these extra services the truths taught in the Sunday School are emphasized, resulting in an experience of personal salvation to many of those in these age groups.

            Regular conventions are held yearly, while the Sunday School work of the Conferences under the supervision of a superintendent of Sunday School activities,–a pastor, who is appointed yearly to this office by Annual Conference.

            Young People’s Societies–The “Young People’s work of this Conference shows great promise. Excellent gains are seen each year, while much progress is seen in the training for leadership and the fostering of the devotional life of the young people of the Church. Many of them are feeling the call of God to definite Christian service, and are responding to the claims of Christ. This augurs well, and at the same time gives much assurance for the fulfilling of the ministry of the Church. Again, this work is supervised by a superintendent of Young People’s Societies elected annually by Conference.

            Christian Education–Emmanuel Bible School continues to fill large place in the work of this Conference. While the student body is not confined to the members of the MBC Church, still a great majority of the students come from the Conference fields. Emmanuel Bible School is running to capacity, and being carried on efficiently under the aggressive leadership of Principal Ward M. Shantz, who is a member of this General Conference. Graduates and members of the student body are already found in the ranks of the United Missionary Society in service abroad, as well as in the work of the ministry in the home land

            General Observations–Many of the churches are in the midst of extensive alteration and remodeling projects, while a new church building is almost completed in Toronto, Ontario, and another planned for the new year in the town of Port Hope. There has been a notable increase in the general finances of the Conference, with a definite upswing in the support of the pastor and workers. There is an excellent Foreign Missionary interest which is quite evident, with over

$70,000.00 being raised during the past quadrennium for this worthy cause. The pastors and workers of the Conference are aggressive and self sacrificing, while we are particularly impressed with the caliber of young men who are offering themselves for the Christian ministry. During the past four years, the hand of death removed the following members of this Conference, namely, Elgin G. Brubacher, Miss R. Hostetler, Miss M. Doner, T. Ford Barker, C. I. Sinden, S. H. Fretz and J. N. Kitching. The lives of these faithful soldiers of the cross speak loudly of a rugged commitment of the life to God and a noble sense of faithfulness to duty. We in Ontario feel the need of Revival, which is quite evident everywhere. May we unite our efforts and prayers that we may see a mighty spiritual awakening before Jesus comes.

Pennsylvania Conference, Allentown District–P. T. Stengele, P.E.

            This being the writer’s initial report in this capacity it is with the increasing consciousness that without Him we can do nothing, yet with a parallel knowledge that one can do all things through Christ which strengthened us. His good hand has been with us since the mantle has fallen upon us in the middle of the past quadrennium.

            There is a deep regard in the writer’s heart and mind for all those who blazed the trail before us as we constantly face their unselfish, untiring and Christ centered work accomplished.

Upon the change of leadership there followed also a redistricting of the various organized churches. The one represented by the writer is known as the Allentown District which comprises 18 organized churches.

            The Lord richly blessed the four summer convocations in our Camp Grove. Beyond the capacity of all our facilities, the interest shown by the membership proved their loyalty.

            The spiritual part of the church also is of good commendation. The regular Sunday services and prayer services are well attended.

            All the finances are constantly on the climb.

            The pastors have proven their faithfulness and loyalty regardless of the channel of leadership. These concrete gifts of the ascended Christ are devoted to their Lord and Christ for whom they look to come shortly.

            The following were the offerings for the past four years:

                        Home Missions                             $50,592.28

                        Foreign Missions                             57,886.07

                        Foreign Missions (Sunday School)  55,615.97

                        Tabernacle and Miss. Work            75,240.46

                        Total for all purposes                    $1,086,301.34

Pennsylvania Conference, Bethlehem District–T. D. Gehret, P.E.

            The annual Conference in 1945 made changes in the Districts of the Pennsylvania Conference. It has been my privilege to serve the Bethlehem District during the past two years. We would not be unmindful of our leaders who before us laid a good foundation and we today in the providence of God are entering into the fruit of their labors. We owe much to their zeal and vision.

            The Bethlehem District comprises eight stations, three circuits and four missions. In addition to this are four mission appointments in the Gospel Herald Society.

            We have a devoted and consecrated band of ministers, who labor with earnest endeavor for the salvation of souls and the building up a the body of Christ. Since our appointment to this office, we have been ministering as the Lord enabled. The Brethren have received us in a gracious and loving manner and have shown patience and forbearance in our dealings together. Unity prevails and there is a mutual interest in the welfare of one another.

            The Sunday Schools have made substantial gains in enrollment and also in average attendance. The annual Sunday School Convention is eagerly looked forward to and results in much good to the individual schools. Our young people are a great asset to the work and we are counting on them for the future should the Lord tarry. The excellent attendance at the prayer meeting reveals the interest that our people have for them and speaks well for their spiritual life. At every appointment we have a group of believers who faithfully support the world by prayer and sacrificial giving.

            After an interval of four years during which we had no Camp Meetings because of the war time restrictions, we again held them in 1946 and 1947. The large number who attended those summer gatherings gave evidence of the fact that the Camp Meetings spirit among us is still very much alive.

            The Lord has honored the preaching of the Word through the ministering Brethren, so that many have been saved and baptized. We are confident that He Who has been our strength end stay in the past, will surely not fail us in the days ahead. We rest upon his unchanging grace and move on as He directs the way.

Ohio Conference–Forest L. Huffman, D.S.

            We are happy to report that the Lord has been blessing and guiding us onward in the work of the Ohio Conference. We have only gratitude and praise in our hearts for the One whose work engages our attention.

            Our Conference is composed of twenty organized churches and one unorganized mission. Seventeen of the churches are located in Ohio and four in western Pennsylvania.

            We were assigned the responsibility of Conference leadership at the Annual Conference of March, 1946 and have many reasons to be grateful for the foundations that were laid by our predecessor, Rev. R. P. Ditmer, who has been given greater responsibilities in our foreign missionary work. We have felt so keenly the need of help that comes from above, and appreciate the many who have assured us of their praying in our behalf.

            There have been some evidences of progress in the conference program, and much credit is due to our fine group of ministers, who are devoted to His work and glory. Last year a Christian Leadership Training School was organized, with six classes held on eight successive Tuesday evenings, in the months of April and May. God blessed the school and the response exceeded our expectations. We are planning for it now as a regular part of our annual program.

            The W.M.S. is doing a fine work in increasing missionary interest, and the young people’s organization is making plans for aggressive action with monthly rallies.

            Our Camp Meetings and Conventions have been well attended and have been a source of great help and blessing.

            Bi-monthly ministers’ meetings are held and have proved helpful in developing a family spirit among our group of workers.

            Improvements have been made on church properties on quite a large scale. After the war was over, and materials were available, many of our churches launched church improvement programs. Two lowly new parsonages have been completed recently on the Potsdam and Pleasant View fields. While we greatly appreciate these evidences of progress in material things, and of increased numbers in attendance, and reducing and retiring indebtedness of church property, we are yet anxious that there might be more evidence of a constantly rising tide in spirituality, for we feel that only that will provide a satisfactory solution for many of our problems. We want to take a definite and firm stand for the doctrines of His Holy Word and maintain an alert action in every area of our influence against the inroads of infidelity and apostasy which are getting into the church in general, and which, we feel, are largely responsible for the indifference to the Gospel that is displayed by our generation.

            Pray for us that we may keep true to His will, and be given his wisdom and direction, that we may he able to reach out with a goodly influence into new areas of our state.

            Resolved, That we have a General Conference Journal and that the Secretary and his Assistant be the Editors and Publishers of the same.

            Resolved, That all the reports of the Presiding Elders be published in the General Conference Journal limited to no more than one page each.

            Report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Pennsylvania Conference:

            The Pennsylvania Conference has continued during the year to manifest a keen interest in the all important work of Foreign Missions. This interest is realized not only in the money contributed for this cause, but also in the fact that several of our young people are responding to the call of the Lord to go forth as He may open the way. During the past four years, the churches have contributed the sum of $57,886.07. The Sunday Schools have contributed $55,615.97. This makes a total of $113,502.04 for Foreign Missions for the four year period.

            The Pennsylvania Conference at the present time at the present time supports twenty-five missionaries under the following Missionary Societies:

                        Christian and Missionary Alliance          10

                        United Missionary Society                        8

                        China Inland Mission                                2

                        Africa Inland Mission                                2

                        Unevangelized Tribes Mission                  1

                        Orinoco River Mission              1

                        The Boys Brigade of Africa                      1

            In addition to the support of these missionaries, regular allowances have been forwarded for a number of missionary children. Additional sums have been granted for travel expense, station maintenance and some contribution for the general funds.

                                    P. T. Stengele, President

                                    T. D. Gehret, Secretary

                                    J. B. Henry

                                    N. H. Wolf

                                    J. B. Layne

                                    E. N. Cassel

                                    C. L. Miller

            Report was adopted

            Resolved. That we suspend the Rules and adjourn.

            Adjourned at 4:50 p.m. with prayer by R. P. Ditmer.


Thursday Morning

            The meeting was opened with singing, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name.”

            The devotional period was in charge of M. J. Carmichael, who brought us a stirring message on Romans 12:3.

            This was followed by a period of earnest prayer.

            The roll was called.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Report of the Committee to Examine the Annual Conference Minutes:

            We have examined the Annual Conference Minute Books of the Ontario, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Washington, Canadian Northwest and Nebraska Conferences and find them in good condition, and correct as far as we could ascertain.

            The following resolution is recommended to the General Conference so as to expedite the work of this committee in future General Conferences.

            Whereas, There is quite some chance of error or oversight in the general perusal of Conference Minutes for petitions and recommendations to General Conference,

Be It Resolved, That each Annual Conference present to General Conference one typewritten copy of all resolutions pertaining to General Conference, separate and distinct from the minutes, and the same certified by the chairman and secretary of the last Annual Conference.

            Petitions, requests, and recommendations found in the Conference minutes are given below.

            Ontario–(I) Whereas, Throughout the church generally there seems to be a desire to depart from the practice of holding quarterly business meetings, therefore,

            Resolved, That we petition General Conference to amend the regulations of the Discipline in such a way as to outline the general principles of our church polity making provision for an annual business meeting on the local fields according to the direction of each Annual Conference.

            (2) Whereas: We feel that it would be in the interests of the Church to have the Discipline re-written, therefore

            Resolved, That we recommend to General Conference that a committee be appointed to re-write the Discipline during the next quadrennium.

            (3) Whereas, The books “Holiness and Power” and “Inheritance Restored” are very difficult to secure, therefore

            Resolved, That we recommend that General Conference grant permission for using “Foundations of Doctrine,” by H. E. Jessop in their place.

            (4) Resolved, That we ask for a clarification of the words “ministering according to the direction of the Conference and our Discipline.”

            PennsylvaniaResolved, That we go on record as favoring time limit for Pastors and Presiding Elders and that we petition General Conference to permit us to determine the tenure of service for the Pennsylvania Conference.

            Michigan–(l) Whereas, Various methods of procedure exist in regard to the number of services conducted each year on each field by the Presiding Elder or the District Superintendent, described in the Discipline as “Quarterly Conferences,” with one Conference having two such meetings per year, one Conference having three per year and other Conferences bave four, and

            Whereas, It is advisable that this matter be clarified, and such measures taken as may be determined advisable and necessary, therefore

            Resolved, That we request the General Conference to rule upon the legality of methods of procedure other than the “Quarterly Conference” from the standpoint of Discipline and church polity and further

            Resolved, That, should said ruling permit other methods of procedure than that presently designated in the Discipline, we recommend to the General Conference the revision of all Articles of Discipline which now treat the “Quarterly Conference” to include, in effect, the new ruling.

            (2) Whereas, There has been a recognized need of a General Superintendent in the M. B. C. Church, and

            Whereas, Appeals have been made to General Conference to give this matter consideration, therefore

            Resolved, That this Conference request General Conference to elect a General Superintendent.

            Ohio–(1) Whereas, Section 10 in Chapter 2 under General Rules does not appear to be clear on the question of receiving into membership those who are addicted to the use of tobacco, be it

            Resolved, That we petition the General Conference to clarify the position of the discipline on this question.

            (2) Whereas, Section 12 in Chapter 2 under General Rules does not clearly and definitely specify in any general way the types of worldly gatherings or amusements which are forbidden, be it

            Resolved, That we petition the General Conference to clarify more definitely our position on this matter.

            (3) Whereas, Section 3 in Chapter 2 under General Rules does not clearly define our position in the wearing of the wedding ring and

            Whereas, There is no definite statement made by the Discipline on this question, and

            Whereas, There appears to be wide difference of opinion among our ministry and laity throughout the different conferences

            Resolved That we petition the General Conference for a definite and clear statement on this question.

            (4) Whereas, The several conferences composing the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church are not closely related or bound together resulting in a lack of coordination and cooperative effort, and

            Whereas, It would seem that a better plan of unification is greatly needed and believing that the creation of the office of General Superintendent would in a large measure seem to bring about better understanding, and cooperation, be it

            Resolved, That we petition the General Conference to create the office of General Superintendent and that the office be clearly defined as it may relate to our several conferences.

            Indiana–(l) Resolved, That we petition General Conference to elect a Publication Committee to have charge of all publications of the Church in cooperation with editors elected by General Conference or other agencies of the Church, that this committee make provision for careful study of Sunday School Literature and provide the most adequate literature and aids through the Bethel Series, supplementing the same if necessary with suitable and available supplies.

            (2) Whereas, Several Conferences have established Bible training schools for the training or partial training in the fields of sacred callings and Christian education; be it

            Resolved, That we petition General Conference to give due recognition to these institutions; and

            Whereas, The Indiana, Michigan and Ohio Conferences have incorporated Bethel as a Christian College for training in the fields of Bible, Theology and Liberal Arts, offering certificate and degree courses, and

            Whereas, This school has been so organized in its articles of Incorporation and By-laws to make possible service to the entire denomination upon duly authorized action of the several Conferences,

            Be It Further Resolved, That the General Conference give due recognition and approval of Bethel College, Inc. in purposes for which the school was organized.

            (3) Whereas, There is a need for certain changes in the statistical forms, therefore,

            Resolved, That we ask General Conference to make the necessary changes in the forms adding to the forms spaces for Radio Evangelism; Building Fund and College Fund.

            Canadian Northwest–(1) Resolved, That we unanimously endorse the following resolution from the Young People’s Association of our Conference.

            Whereas, We the young people of the Canadian Northwest Conference feel keenly the need of a united effort among the young people of the Church, and

            Whereas: We believe that a centralized organization would be conducive to a more effective and constructive effort for the work of the Kingdom through the avenues of the M. B. C. Church, therefore be it

            Resolved, That we request General Conference to take the necessary step as soon as possible for the formation of an Inter-Conference organization.

            (2) Whereas, Our U. M. S. keenly felt the need of a General Secretary and have greatly profited by the appointment of their officer, and

            Whereas, We, the Canadian Northwest Conference, have felt the need of a General Superintendent for many years, therefore, be it

            Resolved, That we earnestly request the General Conference to give this matter its most prayerful consideration.

            (3) Whereas, Our conference has long felt the need of a change in the name of our Church, and

            Whereas, Our ministers are struggling with this unnecessary burden, and

            Whereas, We feel the need of immediate action, therefore

            Resolved, That we urge our General Conference of 1947 to consider giving our Western Conference the privilege of operating under the name of the Missionary Brethren in Christ until further action may be taken by our entire church.

            Nebraska–(1) Whereas, We are taught By the Bible to tithe, and we are told by our Conference to preach on it, be it

            Resolved, That we petition the General Conference at their next meeting to consider the insertion of the Doctrinal teaching of tithing in the Discipline.

            (2) Whereas, There has been a growing feeling on the hearts of many of our brethren for a number of years that the Church name ”Mennonite” has been a hindrance to us in getting the gospel to the world, in the opening of new fields, and the getting of people to unite with us in church fellowship, be it,

            Resolved, That we petition the General Conference at their next meeting to grant us permission to go under another name and that we continue in full relationship to the General Conference as here-to-fore

            Washington–(1) Resolved, That we ask General Conference to clarify the statement of the Discipline regarding the membership of remarried divorcees.

            (2) Resolved, That we appeal to the General Conference to discontinue the use of obsolete books in the reading course.

            (3) Resolved, That we ask General Conference to formulate a plan of Ministers’ Retirement, stating age of retirement, relationship to the Conference, and a proposed plan of retirement support.

            (4) Resolved, That we the members of the Washington Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ recommend to the General Conference that a Young People’s General Superintendent be elected to organize and promote the work of the young people, and provide literature for use in the Young People’s meetings.

            (5) Whereas, Our Conferences are all working as separate units, and

            Whereas, We all recognize the need of unity and organization throughout the Church as a whole, therefore, be it

            Resolved, That we, the members of the Washington Conference, recommend to the General Conference that a General Superintendent be elected to organize the work of the Church and unite the Conferences.

                                    E. H. Metcilf, Chairman

                                    Woodrow I. Goodman, Secretary

                                    F. B. Hertzog

                                    H. S. Hallman,

                                    J. E. DaFoe,


            The report having been read it was,

            Resolved, That this report be received and that the appeals be considered at a later period.

Report of the Committee on Worship:

            The Committee on Worship recommends, the following for the service this evening:

            The service shall begin at 7:45 p.m., in charge of L. L. Rassi.

            Singing in charge of F. M. Hottel. Special message in song by Mrs. James Geahlen.

            Two twenty minute messages by Charles T. Gray and Kenneth Geiger.

                                    Forest L. Huffman,

                                    J. S. Wood,

                                    E. D. Young,


            Report was adopted.

            Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to apportion the expenses of travel to General Conference.

            Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to recommend the travel allowance for members of General Conference.

            The Chair appointed P. G. Lehman, P. T. Stengele and J. E. Tuckey.

            Resolved, That the Chairman of each Annual Conference shall present to the Secretary a suitable “cut” with an obituary of decease minister members of former General Conferences.

            Resolved, That we consider at this time the recommendation of the Executive Board concerning the Gospel Banner.

            Resolved, That we adopt their recommendation.

            Resolved, That the Committee on Statistics be the Committee to determine the number of representatives on the Executive Board to which each Annual Conference is entitled.

            Q. J. Everest arrived and took his place in the Conference bar.

            The following ministering brethren were introduced to the Conference: William Hygema, H. W. Hartman, Paul E. Baer, T. E. Turnbull, E. W. Bean and C. T. Moore.

            In order that the Reporter elected by this General Conference may have a more specific expression concerning the desires of the General Conference relative to newspaper publicity, Be it,

            Resolved, That we approve the Dayton Herald and the Dayton Daily News for daily reports of the General Conference, and that general report be mailed to each of the following periodicals: The Gospel Banner, The Protestant Voice, The United Evangelical Action, The Mennonite Weekly, and any other periodicals which the Reporter may deem wise.

            The following resolution was adopted:

            Resolved, That we adopt the recommendation of the Executive Board which authorizes them to set the subscription price of the Gospel Banner at not less than $1.50 per annum.

            Resolved, That we take up the appeals, requests and petitions a per the Committee on examination of Annual Conference Records.

            Resolved, That whenever a change is to be in the Discipline there shall be two readings at separate meetings.

            Resolved, That there be a Committee in Revision of the Discipline consisting of one member from each Annual Conference to be nominated by them and elected by the Conference.

            Resolved, That the request of the Ontario Conference relative to hold of Quarterly Conferences, be referred to the Committee on Revision of the Discipline.

            Adjourned with prayer by A. Traub.


Thursday Afternoon

            The meeting was opened with singing, “My Jesus I Love Thee,” and prayer by E. D. Young.

            The roll was called.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Report of the Committee on Correspondence to General Conference:

            We have received a letter from A. B. Yoder and recommend that it be read to the General Conference at this time.

                                    A. Traub,

                                    E. N. Cassel,


            Report was adopted.

            The letter of A. B. Yoder was read to the Conference.

            Resolved, That this letter be referred to the Committee on Resolutions.

            Report of the Committee on Recommendation for a Basis of Travel Expense for General Conference Delegates:

            We recommend that those traveling by motor be paid the sum of 3 per mile for the first delegate, and 1 per mile for each additional passenger delegate, and that 75 per meal and lodging expenses be paid in addition.

            Further, we recommend that such traveling by rail be paid actual clergy or laymen full fare including sleeper and 75 per meal for expenses to General Conference.

                                    P. G. Lehman,

                                    P. T. Stengele,

                                    J. E. Tuckey,


            Report was adopted.

            The following Committee on Discipline was elected by the Conference: J. E. Tuckey, E. N. Cassel, R. P. Ditmer, Ward M. Shantz, W. E. Manges, E. D. Young, E. H. Metcilf and A. Frey.

            The Chair appointed the following committee to apportion the expenses to travel to General Conference: R. P. Ditmer, F. B. Hertzog and Milo E. Miller.

            The request of the Ontario Conference to have the Discipline written was referred to the Committee on Discipline.

            The request of the Ontario Conference to permit the use another book on the Reading Course, was referred to the commit to be elected to consider the books for the Reading Course.

            Resolved, That a committee of one member from each Conference be elected to consider the matter pertaining to changes in books the Reading Course.

            Rev. Lawrence L. Frey was introduced to the Conference this time.

            The appeal from the Ontario Conference for a clarification of the words: “Ministering according to the direction of the Conference and our Discipline,” was tabled.

            The request of the Pennsylvania Conference relative to the limitations for Pastors and Presiding Elders, was referred to the Committee on Discipline.

            The request of the Michigan Conference for a ruling on the procedure of holding Quarterly Conferences was referred to the Committee on Discipline.

            The appeal from the Ohio Conference relative to the article the Discipline on Needless Indulgences was referred to the Committee on Discipline.

            The appeal from the Ohio Conference for a ruling on Section in chapter 2 under General Rules, was tabled.

            Adjourned with prayer by T. D. Gehret.


Friday Morning

The meeting was opened with singing, “On Christ, The Solid Rock I Stand.”

            E. N. Cassel was in charge of the devotional period and brought a helpful meditation based on 2 Peter 1:1-11.

            After singing, “Majestic Sweetness Sits Enthroned,” the Conference engaged in a season of prayer.

            Report of the Committee on Boundary:

            Whereas, Since the West Coast Conference and the Pacific Conferences were formally united under the supervision of our Executive Board Chairman during the past quadrennium and are now known as the Washington Conference, and,

            Whereas, Since the Committee on Credentials of this General Conference has recognized the duly elected delegates from said Conference, be it

            Resolved, That this Conference be known as the Washington Conference.

            Whereas, We have received no official recommendations from any Conferences for a change of Conference boundaries, be it

            Resolved, That all boundaries remain as they are at present.

                                    P. T. Stengele, Chairman

                                    J. E. Tuckey, Secretary

                                    Forest L. Huffman,

                                    A. Frey,

                                    M. J. Burgess,

                                    A. B. Neufeld,

                                    Charles F. Gray,

                                    P. G. Lehman,

                                    Q. J. Everest,


            Report was adopted.

            After a lengthy and profitable discussion on Section 8 in Chapter 2 under General Rules of our Discipline, it was,

            Resolved, That this matter be postponed indefinitely.

            The request of the Indiana Conference that the General Conference give recognition to the Bible Training Schools and also Bethel College, was referred to the Committee on Resolutions.

            Adjourned with prayer by M. Bricker.


Friday Afternoon

The afternoon meeting was opened with singing, “Heavenly Sunlight,” and prayer by A. G. Woodring.

            The roll was called.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            The following committee was elected by the Conference to consider the books on the Reading Course: T. D. Gehret, P. G. Lehman, M. J. Burgess, J. A. Huffman, E. D. Young, A. B. Neufeld, Forest L. Huffman and A. Traub.

            Report of the Committee on Worship:

            The Committee on Worship submits the following report for the service this evening:

            Service to be in charge of F. B. Hertzog. Song Leader, J. H. Good.

            Special messages in song by I. L. Wood and the Bethel College Quartet.

            Two twenty-minute messages by A. Frey and M. J. Carmichael.

Sunday Services

            9:30    Sunday School period in charge of A Ditmer, with Ward Shantz as teacher of the adult group.

            10:30 Service in charge of J. E. Tuckey, Vice-Chairman.

Song Leader, I. L. Wood. Special singing, Bethel College Quartet. Conference sermon by W. E. Manges.

2:15 Service in charge of H. S. Hallman.

Song Leader, N. D. Zimmerman. Special singing by I. L. Wood and Bethel College Quartet. Sermon by T. D. Gehret.

7:30 Service in charge of J. A. Bradley.

Song Leader, I. L. Wood. Special singing, Bethel College Quartet, Sermon by M. J. Burgess.

                                    Forest L. Huffman,

                                    J. S. Wood,

                                    E. D. Young,


            Report was adopted.

            The appeal of the Indiana Conference that General Conference elect a Publication Committee was tabled.

            The appeal from Indiana for General Conference to give recognition to the Bible Training Schools in our several Conferences and also to Bethel College, was referred to the Committee on Resolutions.

            The request of the Indiana Conference relative to changes in the statistical forms was referred to the Committee on Statistics.

            The appeal of the Canadian Northwest Conference concerning an inter conference organization for young people, was tabled for the time being.

            The appeals from the Canadian Northwest and Nebraska Conferences, relative to a change in the Church name, were taken up, and it was,

            Resolved, That this matter be held over until Saturday morning when it shall become the first order of business.

            The appeal from the Nebraska Conference for insertion in the Discipline of an article on tithing, was referred to the Committee on Discipline.

            The appeal from the Washington Conference for clarity in our Discipline regarding the membership of married divorcees, was considered and it was,

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of five to consider this matter and report back to this Conference.

            The following were appointed by the Chair and elected by Conference: F. B. Hertzog, R. P. Pannabecker, A. B. Neufeld, P. G. Lehman and Forest L. Huffman.

            The appeal from the Washington Conference for General Conference to discontinue the use of obsolete books on the Reading Course was referred to the Committee appointed to deal with Reading Course problems.

            The request of the Washington Conference for the formulating by General Conference of a plan of Minister’s Retirement, was tabled.

            Resolved, That we consider the appeals from several Conferences for a General Superintendent.

            Resolved, That one member from each Conference be elected to give further consideration to the advisability of having a General Superintendent. The following were elected: P. T. Stengele, H. E. Bowman, Kenneth Geiger, L. L. Rassi, P. G. Lehman, A. B. Neufeld, Charles Gray and N. Swalm.

            Resolved, That we extend the time indefinitely.

            It was resolved that the proposed change in wording of Chapter Seven, in the Discipline, on Meeting Houses, and paragraph two, be committed to the Committee on Discipline.

            Adjourned at 5:05 p.m. with prayer by J. A. Huffman.


Saturday Morning

            The meeting was opened with singing: “If Jesus Goes With Me.”

            The devotional period was in charge of J. S. Wood who based his remarks on Col. 3:1-3.

            The Conference engaged in a season of prayer.

Report of the United Missionary Society:

            It is a pleasure to submit this report of the accomplishments of the United Missionary Society through the past four years. We began this period confronted with serious problems due to the wartime economy and restrictions of various kinds. As with every missionary organization these restrictions worked great hardships. At the beginning of this period our personnel on the field was at an all time low and the most of our missionaries were in the homeland, eager to return to their fields. However, this situation soon began to clear and within less than a year’s time, all who were ready to go were on the field,.

            This quadrennium has proven to be a period of great expansion and development. During this time, thirty new missionaries have been sent to the fields and today we have fifty-five on the active list of missionaries. This is the largest number we have ever had, in fact, during this period of time, our missionary number has more than doubled. On the fields, this has also been a period of advancement in many ways. New main stations have been developed and many outstations have been opened We now have more than seventy native preachers who are engaged in full-time service for the Lord. In addition to this, the school work has been greatly developed with certain

marked improvements. In Nigeria, a Teacher Training School is now in operation, and a Bible School for the training of native preachers has been opened. We have about forty native teachers who are engaged in full-time work in the schools. Native children who are enrolled in our schools number into the many hundreds.

            The W. M. S. has greatly distinguished itself in the remarkable accomplishments which are now to be written into the history of its movement. It has proven to be a great stimulus to the general interest in the foreign program. Perhaps one of the outstanding features of its work was the raising in record time of more than $28,000.00 as a fund for the building and equipping of a new Memorial Hospital in Nigeria. At this point, it might be added that at the moment, Dr. Ross Bell is on the field busily engaged in working out the preliminaries necessary for the beginning of the construction of this plant. Dr. and Mrs. John Erb, who are both medical doctors, are now in London securing training in Tropical Diseases after which they will join Dr. Bell on the field.

            At the beginning of this quadrennial period it seemed very necessary that the Board inaugurate a new policy and venture on a new procedure. The result of this conviction was that the office of General Foreign Secretary was created and Rev. R. P. Ditmer was chosen to assume this responsibility. This action has been more than justified in the resultant advancement of the work. This office has been constituted as administrative and promotional. During the past year, the General Secretary and wife spent seven months on a tour of our mission fields in Nigeria and India. While on this tour, they visited quite a number of mission fields of other societies in these countries and also other lands. They report our work in both fields to be in a healthy state of growth with a strong emphasis on evangelism.

            There is a growing interest among our constituency and this is very definitely evidenced in the increasing number of young people who are preparing themselves for the field and also in the great increase in offerings. This increase as well as the enlarged program is reflected in the following financial report:

            1944                                             $73,353.06                 $72,180.23

            1945                                               83,117.28                   97,831.60

            1946                                               98,243.76                   94,036.70

            1947                                               88,448.92                   93,889.19

                                                              $343,163.12               $357,948.32

            It will be noted that the total expenditures exceed total receipts. The item of expenditures includes a comfortable reserve held for emergency needs and also the reserve funds for purposes of assistance to retired missionaries.

            We are delighted to report that the Missionary Banner as the official organ of the United Missionary Society has enjoyed a splendid growth and has continued to be accepted with appreciation. Although at the time of the last Conference this periodical was in its infancy, it has proven its worth as a medium of expression and a source of real missionary inspiration.

While we are enthusiastic in reporting the progress and advancement of the society, yet it must be recorded that the dark clouds of sorrow overshadowed on two occasions during this time. Elgin Brubacher, who has spent only one term on the field, but who accomplished so much in that time, was suddenly laid low by an attack of tropical ailments and from the soil of Africa went to be with the Lord. A little later, Mrs. C. T. Embree was afflicted, which resulted in her being invalided home, where after a period of severe illness, she, too departed this life. We have suffered a great loss in the departure of these valuable missionaries and would express to Mrs. Brubacher and to Mr. Embree as well as to others who feel this loss, our deepest sympathy. It is to be prayerfully hoped that from among our young people there will be others raised up to take their places and carry on the great work.

            On the basis of the last four years as well as the present condition of the affairs of the U.M.S., the Board is highly optimistic for the future of the foreign work.

                                    I. L. Wood, President

                                    W. E. Manges, Recording Secy.

                                    R. P. Ditmer, Gen. Foreign Sec’y

                                    M. J. Burgess,

                                    E. D. Young,

                                    F. Frey,

                                    E. H. Metcilf,

                                    M. Bricker,

                                    Q. J. Everest.

            Report was adopted.

            Missionaries Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Snyder and Mrs. Paul Ummel were introduced to the Conference.

            Resolved, That we have an informal ballot to determine whether we desire to change the Church name.

            Whereas, There is a general growing need and desire among both the ministry and laity of our Church for a change of Church name, and

            Whereas, The name is a serious handicap in the progress of Christ’s cause in several Conferences, therefore, be it

            Resolved, That we give consideration to the change of Church name and that a committee be elected to consider the matter and bring suggested names before this Conference body.

            Be It Further Resolved, That this committee consist of one member from each Conference to be nominated by the respective Conferences.

            Resolved, That H. C. Eagle be excused from attendance at further sessions of the Conference, and that alternate H. L. Matteson be seated in his place.

            Resolved, That the time of adjournment of the afternoon meeting be extended to 6:00 P.M.

            Adjourned with Payer by J. A. Bradley.


Saturday Afternoon

The meeting was opened with singing,’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus,” and prayer by J. B. Layne.

            The roll was called.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, that we consider the appeals from several Conferences for a change in Church name.

            Resolved, That one member from each Conference be elected to give further consideration to the advisability of a change in the name of our Church.

            The following were elected: R. P. Ditmer, Q. J. Everest, M. J. Burgess, A. Frey, E. D. Young, A. B. Neufeld, P. G. Lehman, T. D. Gehret, P. T. Stengele.

            Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

            1. Whereas, A letter was read from Rev. A. B. Yoder, who has been a member of many General Conferences, but is now aged, and unable to attend, be it

            Resolved, That we ask our Secretary to acknowledge receipt of his letter, and express our appreciation to him, and assure him of our love and prayers.

            2. Whereas, There have been organized within, and among, several Conferences, several Bible Schools and one college, viz. Mt. View Bible School in the Canadian Northwest Conference, Emmanuel Bible School in the Ontario Conference, and Bethel College, sponsored by the Indiana, Michigan and Ohio Conferences, and also a Bible School in Nigeria, Africa, be it

            Resolved, That this General Conference express its approval upon the prayerful efforts of the several Conferences to solve the problem of the training of our own young people for the sacred callings and the legitimate professions and occupations of life, in a safe manner, and in a way that they may not be lost to our Church, be it

            Further Resolved, That we admonish our several Conferences to administer this belated much-needed, but important part of the work of our Church in such a way, that Christ shall be glorified in all that is done. We have no more sacred trust than that of our young people.

We pledge to those who have charge of the work of Christian education our earnest prayer.

                                    J. A. Huffman,

                                    R. P. Ditmer,


            Report was adopted.

            Resolved, That we recess to the call of the Chair.

            Business was resumed.

Report of the Committee to Examine General Conference Minutes:

            We beg leave to report that we have examined the minutes of the Fourteenth General Conference of 1943. We hereby certify them to be correct with the following exceptions: On page 25, the name of J. A. Every, should be J. A. Avery, and on page 55 it should be “M.B.C. sons” instead of ”M.C.C. sons.” In the statistical report on page 69 the Sunday School average attendance of the Pacific Conference should be 329 instead of 429.

            We hereby submit three copies duly certified.

                                    J. B. Henry,

                                    L. L. Rassi,

                                    H. E. Bowman,


            Report was adopted.

Report of the Committee on Reading Course:

            Whereas, There has been a request from the Ontario Conference for a substitute book for “Holiness and Power,” we recommend that the book, “Foundations of Doctrine” by Jessop, be used in its place.

                                    T. D Gehret,

                                    P. G. Lehman,

                                    A. B. Neufeld,

                                    A. Traub,

                                    Forest L. Huffman,

                                    M. J. Burgess,

                                    J. A. Huffman,

                                    E. D. Young,


            Report was adopted.

            Report of the Committee to Study the Request of the Washington Conference for Revision of Our Statement on Divorce, Section 16, Chapter 2:

            We recommend that the statement in the above section remain.

                                    F. B. Hertzog,

                                    R. P. Pannabecker,

                                    A. B. Neufeld,

                                    P. G. Lehman,

                                    Forest L. Huffman,


            Report was adopted.

Report of the Committee to Consider the Office of General Superintendent:

            Whereas, There have been four petitions to this General Conference for a General Superintendent, and realizing that many benefits and problems would accrue in the creation of such an office, w recommend:

            1. That this matter be deferred, and that the other Conference be requested to take an expression of their constituency on this subject and report to next General Conference.

2. That all requests and appeals for help should be directed to the General Conference Executive Board for action.

            3. That a committee be elected to investigate the office of General Superintendent and determine how we could use a General Superintendent in our Church and that they report to next General Conference.

                                    P. T. Stengele,

                                    H. E. Bowman,

                                    L L. Rassi,

                                    P. G. Lehman,

                                    A. B. Neufeld,

                                    Kenneth Geiger,

                                    Charles F. Gray

                                    N. Swalm,


            Report was adopted.

            The following were introduced to the Conference: Rev. F. J. McPheron and Rev. C. W. Crocker.

            Resolved, That we extend the time indefinitely.

            Adjourned at 6:10 p.m. with prayer by Ray P. Pannabecker.


Monday Morning

            The meeting was opened with singing, “Bow Firm a Foundation.”

            The morning devotions were in charge of J. A. Hoffman who gave an expository address on being of “One Accord,” basing his remarks on the book of Acts.

            The roll was called.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Q. J. Everest being unable to be present the name of J. A. Beery as a substitute was presented to the Committee on Credentials.

            Resolved, That we recess to the call of the Chair.

            Business was resumed.

            Report of the Committee on Credentials:

            Since the regular minister delegate, Q. J. Everest from the Indiana Conference is not able to be present due to illness, and

            Since the duly elected minister alternate delegate, J. A. Beery, is present, we therefore acknowledge the alternate as the seated delegate from the Indiana Conference.

                                    P. T. Stengele,

                                    Charles F. Gray,

                                    Forest L. Huffman,

                                    P. G. Lehman,

                                    A. Frey,

                                    A. B. Neufeld,

                                    J. E. Tuckey,


            The report was adopted.

            Resolved, That we substitute the name of Kenneth Geiger for Q. J. Everest on the Committee on Church Name.

            Resolved, That we recess to the call of the Chair.

            Business was resumed at 11:20 o’clock.

            The Conference engaged in a discussion on the Church name.

            Resolved, That we extend the time ten minutes.

            Adjourned at 12:10 o’clock, with prayer by R. P. Ditmer.


Monday Afternoon

            The meeting opened with singing, “Trust and Obey,” and prayer by J. A. Beery.

            The roll was called.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Report of the Committee on Discipline:

            1. We Recommend:

            (1) That what has been formerly called the “Quarterly Conference” shall henceforth be known as the “Local Conference.”

            (2) That Local Conference shall be held on each pastoral charge not fewer than two times in the year, each Annual Conference to determine the exact number.

            (3) That special sessions of the Local Conference may be held at the call of the District Superintendent providing there is need for such sessions and that they are properly announced.

            (4) That there be added to Chapter V under “Our Conferences” (P. 73) “The Local Conference is responsible to the Annual Conference and the Annual Conference is responsible to the General Conference.

            (In no case can the lower body legislate outside of the sphere of the authority delegated to it by the higher body.)

            2. We Recommend, That Chapter 5 in Section I, Page 74, be revised so as to incorporate the following:

            (1) All members on the charge, sixteen years of age and over, who are in good standing, are members of the Local Conference.

            (2) A quorum shall consist of those members of the Local Conference who attend a meeting that has been properly announced.

            (3) At the last Local Conference of the Annual Conference year there shall be elected from among the membership, a delegate to Annual Conference by a ballot vote, and Trustees by a ballot or open vote as the Annual Conference may decide.

            3. We Recommend, That the last paragraph on page 58 be revised to read: “At all of our Church and Sunday School elections only members of the Church who have reached the age of sixteen years and are in good standing shall be eligible to vote.

            4. We Recommend, That General Rule, Section X (page 35) be revised to read:

Needless Indulgences

            Seeing as we do the evil effects of that filthy weed tobacco, and since we as a Church want to exert our influence against it, be it known that we consider as unbecoming and inconsistent with our Christian profession all needless indulgencies such as snuffing, chewing and smoking tobacco, using opium, and any kindred habits which are only for the gratification of the depraved appetite. Our influence is strictly against them and we recommend to our ministers not to receive any as Church members who are addicted to the use of any of them. No person shall be elected to any office in the Church, Sunday School, Young People’s Society, or any other society of the Church, and no applicant for Local Conference License received who is addicted to the use of tobacco or opium in any form.

            5. We Recommend, That Chapter VII, Section 2, (Page 84) be revised to read:

            The titles of all Church property shall be secured and deeded, according to the laws of the State, to a Board of Trustees, or an Executive Board, in trust, and their successors in office, as the property of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of the Conference in which the property is located.

            No Board of Trustees shall have authority to sell church property without the consent of their Annual Conference.

            6. We Recommend, That the following be inserted in our Articles of Faith as Article XVI, the Articles from this point on to be re-numbered.

Christian Stewardship

            The Scriptural method of supporting the Lord’s work is by free-will offerings. Giving is to be considered as a part of our work of Almighty God. It is to be entered into cheerfully out of gratitude to God for His blessings, and out of a sense of obligation to promulgate the Gospel. Since tithing antedates the Mosaic Law, was confirmed in the Law, and was approved by the Lord Jesus Christ, and since the New Testament clearly indicates that our giving is to be proportionate, believers ought to give not less than the tithe to the support of God’s work. However, our Christian stewardship in material things is not necessarily fully discharged when the tithe has been paid. (Gen. 14:20; Gen. 28:22; Mal. 3:8; Matt. 23:23; I Cor 16:2; 2 Cor. 9:6,7;

Acts 4:32.)

            7. We Recommend, That Chapter IV, Section 11, No. 2 (Page 57), and Section XI, No. 7 (Page 67) be amended by the addition of the following words: “However, the Annual Conference may fix a definite tenure of office.” In both cases this statement shall follow the first sentence.

            8. We Recommend, That a committee of five be appointed to re-write the Discipline during the next quadrennium, said committee to work in conjunction with the Executive Board securing its approval of the work from time to time, the completed work to receive the endorsement of the Executive Board before it is submitted to the next General Conference for final ratification.

            9. We would call attention to the fact that in the recent edition of the Discipline, there is an omission in the form for the Ordination of Probationers, and also in Chapter V, Section III, paragraph 1.

            We would recommend that these sections be restored to their proper wording as found in the Discipline of 1924.

                                    R. P. Ditmer,

                                    Ward M Shantz,

                                    W. E. Manges,

                                    J. E. Tuckey,

                                    E. N. Cassel,

                                    E. H. Metcilf,

                                    E. D. Young,

                                    A. Frey,


            Report was adopted.

            Report of the Committee to Apportion General Conference Expenses:


            Pennsylvania Conference                                $551.40

            Ontario                                                              305.70 

            Indiana                                                               276.30

            Ohio                                                                   133.10

            Michigan                                                           267.10

            Nebraska                                                            105.10

            Canadian Northwest                                            68.40 

            Washington                                                         57.30

                        Total                                                                     $1,764.40


            Pennsylvania                                                   $393.62

            Ontario                                                              162.00

            Indiana                                                                 78.68

            Ohio                                                                       0.00

            Michigan                                                             93.75

            Nebraska                                                            262.66

            Canadian Northwest                                          390.00

            Washington                                                       321.72

            Publicity                                                                3.75

                        Total                                                                     $1,706.18

                        Balance                                                                         58.22


We recommend that the balance ($58.22) be turned over to the Treasurer of the Executive Board.

                                    R. P. Ditmer,

                                    F. B. Hertzog,

                                    Milo E. Miller

                                    D. V. Wells.

            Report was adopted.

            Report of the Committee on Statistics:

            We Recommend:

            1. That the words “and Building Fund” be added to the column “Church Property Indebtedness.”

            2. That the headings “M.B.C. Schools” and “Radio” be added to the schedule in the available blanks.

            3. That no column be used for “Budget” but that this fund be broken down and placed on the schedule under the proper headings.

            4. That the secretary of the General Conference advise the secretaries of the Annual Conferences of these provisions.

                                    J. B. Layne,

                                    Kenneth Geiger,

                                    M. J. Burgess,

                                    Ward M. Shantz,

                                    M. Swain,

                                    J. E. Seeker,


            Report was adopted.

            Report of Committee on Church Name:

            Whereas, By an expression of sentiment the Conference, by a strong vote, indicated its desire for a change of Church name and

            Whereas, The Conference delegated to this committee the responsibility of giving consideration to this matter, as well as offering a proposed name.

            Be it Therefore Resolved, That after careful consideration, we recommend that action be taken in this General Conference providing for the change of the name of the Church, and

            Further, We offer as a suggested name the following, ”The United Missionary Church.”

            We Further Recommend, That whereas the Pennsylvania Conference, as represented on this Committee, are unfavorable toward a change of Church name, and cannot concur in this action, that they be permitted to maintain their relationship, full and unqualified, to this body and continue under the present name indefinitely.

                                    P. G. Lehman,

                                    M. J. Burgess,

                                    E. D. Young,

                                    Kenneth Geiger,

                                    T. D. Gehret,

                                    R. P. Ditmer,

                                    A. B. Neufeld,

                                    A. Frey,

                                    P. T. Stengele,


            Resolved, That we consider the report item by item.

            Resolved, That we take a ballot vote to determine whether the general Church name shall be changed at this Conference.

            Resolved, That we recess to the call of the Chair.

            Business was resumed.

            The result of the ballot was, 38 voting for “change” and 17 voting for “no change.”

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to draft a plan providing for the change of Church name and all that it involves in regard to the several Conferences and report to this Conference.

            The Chair appointed the following: R. P. Ditmer, J. A. Huffman, and J. E. Tuckey.

            Resolved, That we consider the basis of determining the membership on the Executive Board.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time indefinitely.

            Resolved, That the basis of membership on the Executive Board be one member for the first 400 members and one additional member for each additional 1,000 members.

            Resolved, That we have a meeting this evening beginning at 6:30 p.m.

            Adjourned at 5:10 o’clock with prayer by J. A. Bradley.


Monday Evening

            The meeting was opened with prayer by H. E. Bowman.

            The roll was called.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Report of the Committee to Determine the Number of Representatives on the Executive Board to Which Each Annual Conference Is Entitled:

Pennsylvania Conference       4,136 Members              Four Representatives

Ontario Conference                2,293 Members              Two Representatives

Michigan Conference             2,003 Members              Two Representatives

Indiana Conference                2,077 Members              Two Representatives

Ohio Conference                    1,073 Members              One Representatives

Nebraska Conference             788 Members                 One Representatives

Canadian N. W. Conference   513 Members                 One Representatives

Washington Conference         430 Members                 One Representatives

                                    J. B. Layne

                                    Kenneth Geiger,

                                    M. J. Burgess,

                                    Ward M. Shantz,

                                    M. Swalm,

                                    J. E. Seeker,


            Report was adopted.

            The following were presented as candidates for the Executive Board: Pennsylvania Conference: P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret, F. B. Hertzog, E. N. Cassel; Ohio Conference: R. P. Ditmer; Michigan Conference: J. E. Tuckey, M. J. Burgess; Indiana Conference: W. E. Manges, J. A. Huffman; Ontario Conference: P. G. Lehman, Ward M. Shantz; Washington Conference: A. B. Neufeld; Canadian Northwest Conference: A. Frey; Nebraska Conference: E. D. Young.

            Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to cast the ballot electing the Executive Board of the Church by separate Conferences.

            The following were elected as members of the Executive Board of the Church. P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret, F. B. Hertzog, E. N. Cassel, R. P. Ditmer, J. E. Tuckey, M. J. Burgess, W. E. Manges, J. A. Huffman, P. G. Lehman, Ward M. Shantz, A. B. Neufeld, A. Frey, E. D.


            Resolved, That a ballot vote be taken to determine the name desired for the Church.

            The name chosen was, “United Missionary Church.”

            Resolved, That we donate the sum of $25.00 each for the Secretaries who shall be the Editors of the General Conference Journal, and that this amount be added to the cost of the Journals.

            Resolved, That the Secretaries publish 2,500 supplements to the Discipline.

            Resolved, That we have 1500 General Conference Journals printed, the expense to be apportioned to the Conferences on the basis of membership, the Journals also to be distributed on the same basis.

            The following were elected as a committee to re-write the Discipline during the next quadrennium: R. P. Ditmer, J. A. Huffman, Ward M. Shantz, T. D. Gehret, J. E. Tuckey.

            Resolved, That we have a ballot vote for Editor of the Gospel Banner.

            Ray P. Pannabecker was elected.

            Resolved, That each Conference delegation nominate one person from their number to be Associate Editor and that General Conference elect them.

            Resolved, That we recess to the call of the Chair.

            Business was resumed.

            The following were elected: C. H. Brunner, H. L. Matteson, Ward M. Shantz, J. A. Huffman, Forest L. Huffman, K. L. Robinson, C. W. Severn and C. J. Hallman.

            The Executive Board reports its officers as follows: R. P. Ditmer, Chairman, W. E. Manges, Vice Chairman; F. B. Hertzog, Secretary; W. E. Manges, Treasurer.

            Resolved, That the next General Conference meet, the Lord willing, on the first Wednesday of November, 1951, at 9 a.m. at some place in the Michigan Conference.

            Report of the Committee to Formulate Plans for the Changing of the Church Name:

            1. The changing of a church name, after it has been employed so long, as has been the case with the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, is not a light or easy matter. We can conceive of no justification for such a change, unless it becomes evident that in a non-negligible number of localities the name has become a definite handicap to the progress of the Lord’s work. The Conference having been convinced that the change of our General Church name has become imperative in a number of communities in which we have churches, and being equally convinced that there would be no burden imposed upon the Conference which did not sense a need for the name of the Church, the Pennsylvania Conference, they were guaranteed a full and unqualified relationship to the General Conference, indefinitely, as they continue to use the name Mennonite Brethren in Christ. Only after these things were fully discussed, was the action taken by a ballot vote of the Conference.

            Your Committee believes that the name, almost unanimously adopted, United Missionary Church, beautifully, appropriately and adequately expresses the work to which the Lord has called our group, and trust that we shall all prayerfully seek to live up to this wonderful new name with all it legitimate connotations, thus adorning the same both in the home and foreign fields, thus proving ourselves worthy of it.

            2. We take cognizance of the fact that it will require patience and perseverance to bring about the change of our General Church name, in the spirit in which the change of the Church name was recommended and agreed upon, which was that of the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

            3. We recommend that respective Annual Conferences of the General Conference be authorized and requested to adjust all their affairs, both legal and otherwise, in keeping with the newly-adopted name, transferring all properties previously owned by the body known as the Mennonite Brethren in Christ, to the United Missionary Church.

            We trust that the District Superintendents, pastors, and people will cooperate whole-heartedly with the General Conference in this matter.

            4. We recommend that the Official Reports of this General Conference, including the General Conference Minutes, be published in keeping with our formerly recognized name, but that the name of the Church be changed on all our official records, just as quickly as this can be done.

            5. We do not presume even to suggest to the Pennsylvania Conference any procedure for them, knowing that they will attend to the same to the best advantage.

            We recommend that the following be authorized as the official news release relative to the important step taken by this General Conference in relation to the change of the Church name:

            “At the quadrennial session of the General Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, held at Potsdam, Ohio, during the week beginning Nov. 3, 1947, it was decided to change the general name of that church body to that of United Missionary Church.

            “The reason assigned for the change of the church name was, the conviction that the work of the church could be more successfully carried on in the home and foreign fields under the newly-adopted name.

            “One Annual Conference, the Pennsylvania, did not concur in the necessity for the present change in the church name, and was voted full and unqualified relationship to the General Conference of the body, while it continues to use the name Mennonite Brethren in Christ.”

                                    J. A. Huffman

                                    R. P. Ditmer,

                                    J. E. Tuckey.

            Report was adopted.

            The following committee was appointed by the Chair to give consideration to the matter of a General Superintendent: J. S. Wood, P. G. Lehman and Kenneth Geiger.

            Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

            1. Relative to Evening and Sunday Services:

            By action of General Conference, the evenings of the General Conference period were set aside for evangelistic services, and a committee was named to arrange for these services. The committee named was composed of Forest Huffman, J. S. Wood and E. D. Young.

            On Wednesday evening of the week, two messages of twenty minutes each were delivered by J. B. Henry and P. G. Lehman. The chairman of the evening meeting was Ray P. Pannabecker. Ira Wood brought a message in song.

            On Thursday evening, the service was in charge of L. L. Rassi, Ira L. Wood led the singing. Two messages of twenty minutes each were delivered by Charles Gray and Kenneth Geiger. Mrs. James Galen brought a special message in song.

            The Friday evening service was in charge of F. B. Hertzog. The song service was led by J. H. Good. Special messages in song were delivered by Ira L. Wood and the Bethel College Male Quartette. Brief messages were delivered by A. Frey and M. G. Carmichael.

            The Sunday School at 8:30 was in charge of the Pastor, Arthur Ditmer. Ward Shantz taught the current Sunday School lesson to the adult group.

            At 10:30 A.M. the worship service was in charge of J. E. Tuckey. Ira L. Wood led the song service, and special messages in song were brought by the Bethel College Male Quartette. The Conference sermon was delivered by the Conference Chairman, W. E. Manges.

            The Sunday afternoon service was opened at 2:15, in charge of H. S. Hallman. The singing was led by N. D. Zimmerman. Special songs were sung by Ira L. Wood and the Bethel College Male Quartette. The sermon was delivered by T. D. Gehret.

            At 7:30, the evening service was in charge of J. A. Bradley. Ir; L. Wood led the singing. There were several musical selections by the Bethel College Male Quartette. M. J. Burgess was the messenger of the evening.

            All of these evening and Sunday services were well attended and were made a blessing to all who attended. The messages were helpful, and the congregational as well as the special singing was inspirational. We believe that God has been glorified in these services, that Christ has been honored, and the Holy Spirit has been honored.

            2. Relative to Daily Morning Devotions:

            In keeping with General Conference action, a period was set aside daily at the opening of each day for devotion. These meetings were addressed by the following persons: M. J. Carmichael, E. N. Cassel, J. S. Wood and J. A. Huffman. The devotional messages brought were very helpful and the seasons of prayer gave special preparation for the work of several days.

            3. Relative to Editors and Executive Board:

            Whereas, the Editor of the Gospel Banner, Ray P. Pannabecker has rendered excellent service during the quadrennium, in editing the Gospel Banner, giving to our Church a splendid general church periodical, therefore be it

            Resolved, That this General Conference express to Brother Pannabecker our gratitude for his good services.

            Whereas, the Editor of the Bethel Series of Sunday School Literature, J. A. Huffman, has not only throughout the last quadrennium but throughout many years past, given diligent and efficient service in editing the Bethel Series for the Church, therefore,

            Resolved, That this General Conference extend to Brother Huffman a sincere and hearty vote of thanks for his ministry in the field of Sunday School Literature,

            Whereas, the Executive Board of the Church has satisfactorily rendered the service for which it is created in our Church polity, that of serving with the power of General Conference between General Conferences, and performing its prescribed disciplinary duties, therefore be it

            Resolved, That this General Conference recognize the splendid work of the Executive Board as was reflected in its reports to this Conference, and extend to the retiring Board its high esteem, and offer to the several members an unstinted word of gratitude.

            4. Relative to District Superintendents and Presiding Elders:

            Whereas. The Church is greatly indebted to the District Superintendents and the Presiding Elders of the various Conferences. Upon these men are laid the responsibility of the carrying on of God’s work in the broad reaches of our Church. Very interesting reports were submitted of the work in the various Conferences. These reports were received with appreciation, and from the information brought, it appears that there has been steady and general progress throughout the Church. Be it

            Resolved, That this General Conference express to these faithful servants of the church, who were present and reported, and any others who have served in this capacity during the quadrennium, our prayerful gratitude and pledge to them our confidence.

            5. Relative to Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers and Missionaries:

            Whereas, Throughout the several Conferences we have consistently recognized the various classes of Christian workers in their several categories. We believe that the Lord has set these offices in His Church, and that none of these offices are dispensible, nor should they be held in varying esteem, and

            Whereas, Our Pastors have been efficient in the main, and under their faithful labors our several churches in the various Conferences have gone forward, be it

            Resolved, That we be deeply indebted to the Pastors of the M.B.C. Church and that we extend to them our most hearty thanks.

            Whereas, There are among us workers who have been called into the work of evangelism, and since it would be impossible to evaluate the debt of the Church to these workers, therefore

            Resolved, That we express our gratefulness to God for our Evangelists, and shall be grateful to Him for any other well qualified full Gospel Evangelists which He shall raise up among us.

            Whereas, There is also a Scriptural recognition of the Teacher, and God has also given us a few of these. While our own M.B.C. Church has been belated in its recognition of the work of the teacher, we have gradually awakened to the necessity of the teaching ministry of the Church, resulting in launching of several Bible Schools and one College, for the training of our own M.B C. Young People, as well as any other Young People whom the Lord may send to us, therefore

            Resolved, That this General Conference assure the various Conferences of its appreciation of these school and teacher efforts, and pledge their prayers and cooperation.

            Whereas, Our Missionaries, both home and foreign have increased during the quadrennium, particularly those in the foreign field, making possible the enlarging of our foreign field of labor, because of which we are happy. This is an occasion of rejoicing on the part or the Church.

            We regret to recount the passing of two splendid workers, Elgin Brubaker and Mrs. C. T. Embree, during the last quadrennium.

            We call upon our entire constituency to give thanks to God for His divine leading in our mission work, and urge much prayer in the future for the work and workers of our various mission fields.

            Whereas, We believe that the United Missionary Society has taken a very important step in creating the office of General Foreign Missionary Secretary, during the quadrennium. R. P. Ditmer has filled this office efficiently, and by his careful study of the problems of foreign Missions, both on and off the several fields, the work of foreign missions has been greatly expedited.

            Resolved, That for this recent advance step we declare ourselves grateful, and pledge to pray for the fields that are already ripe unto harvest.

            6. Relative to Departed Ministers and Workers:

            Whereas, There have, since the last General Conference, in the Providence of God, been removed from our midst several of our faithful ministers and workers, and they have now gone to their rewards, we bow in humility and submission to the will of Him who makes no blunders, and declare our purpose of cherishing increasingly our workers who remain, and those whom He may give to us in the future, with some special reference to our aging workers who are still among us; be it

            Resolved, That we express to the families who have sustained these losses of loved ones, our deepest sympathy, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to them by the secretary.

            To our best knowledge the losses of workers sustained are as follows:

            Indiana Conference: C. I. Huffman, L. Kreider, L. W. Yoder.

            Michigan Conference: O. B. Snyder, R. W. Herber, W. Schroeder.

            Ontario Conference: J. N. Kitching, S. H. Freb, C. I. Sinden, T. Ford Barker, Elgin Brubacker, Miss R. Hostetler, Miss M. Doner.

            Washington Conference: Arthur Creasey, Leslie Kagey, Miss Barbara Embree, Mrs. Bertha Carmichael.

            Whereas, the name of W. B. Musselman of the Pennsylvania Conference, who had been a member of seven General Conferences, and was called away before the General Conference of 1943, but reference to whose name was an oversight in the records of that General Conference, we beg permission to list his name here among the departed workers, regretting the former oversight.

            7. Entertainment:

            Whereas, The Pastor of the Potsdam, Ohio, Church, Rev. Arthur Ditmer, together with his good people have so bountifully and graciously provided for our entertainment, including not only the General Conference Members, but also their wives and other visiting friends, housing them so comfortably in their homes and the homes of other friends who are not members of our M.B.C. Church, and serving all meals in such a hospitable and courteous manner, therefore be it

            Resolved, That we join in a hearty vote of thanks to the Potsdam Church, and pray God’s blessing upon them, knowing that the Lord has promised to bless all those who minister in His Name; also that a copy of this resolution be handed to the Pastor of the Potsdam Church, with the request that the Resolution be reread at the Sunday Morning Service following the close of the General Conference sessions.

            Whereas, Several business concerns have loaned equipment for kitchen and dining room use, we wish also to thank these particular business houses. We also thank the Brethren Church of Potsdam for the proffered use of their Church for any sessions for which it might be needed, and

            Whereas, the good women of the Potsdam Church and community have prepared the meals for the General Conference in such a tasty and efficient and cheerful manner, therefore

            Resolved, That this General Conference extend a hearty vote of thanks to these good women, and that the Pastor be provided with a copy of this Resolution, with the request that it also be read at the first Sunday Morning Service following the close of the General Conference Sessions.

            8. Conference Officers:

            Whereas, The Chairman of this General Conference, W. E. Manges, has conducted the business of the Conference in a very efficient and fair manner, assisted by the Vice Chainnan, J. E. Tuckey,

            Whereas, The Secretary, T. D. Gehret, and Assistant Secretary N. H. Wolf, have also rendered vigilant and accurate service in recording the proceedings of the General Conference, be it

            Resolved, That we express to these servants of the Church our heartfelt thanks fcr these services.

            In closing, we pray God’s blessing upon all the work of the General Conference and join in praying:

            God be with you till we meet again.

                                    J. A. Huffman,

                                    R. P. Ditmer,


            Report was adopted.

            Report of the Committee on Auditing:

            The Committee on Auditing begs to report as follows:

            We have examined the following reports, namely: Secretary and Editor’s Report on General Conference Journals; Report of the Committee to Apportion General Conference Expenses; Balance Sheet of the Bethel Publishing Company; the compiled Statistical Summary

Report. We have found them to be correct with a slight error which has been corrected.

                        Signed: Paul H. Cressman,

                                    D. V. Wells

                                    Edgar Freed

                                    A. Earl Gillies


            Report was adopted.

            Adjourned at 8:50 o’clock with singing, “God Be With You Till We Meet Again,” and prayer by E. N. Cassel.

Conference Roll

Bowman, H. E., 1910 Mound St., Springfield, Ohio.

Bradley, J. A., 1010 Washington St., Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Burgess,M. J.,483 S. Paddock St., Pontiac 20,Michigan.

Cassel, E. N., 20 Cherry St., Walnutport, Pa.

Cressman, Paul H., 814 Radclyffe St., Bethlehem, Pa.

Dafoe, J. E., Yale, Michigan.

Deppe, A. W., 323 E. Ninth St., Northampton, Pa.

Ditmer, R. P., 506 Arlington Ave., Springfield, Ohio.

Eagle, H. C., 131 Prospect St., Pontiac 20, Michigan.

Everest, &. J., 833 Thirty-first St., South Bend, Indiana.

Fox, R. R., 511 Arch St., Royersford, Pa.

Freed, Edgar, Wakarusa, Indiana,

Frey, A,. Didsbury, Alberta, Canada.

Gehret, T. D., 334 E. Union Blvd., Bethlehem,Pa.

Geiger, Kenneth, 502 E. Washington; Goshen, Indiana.

Gillies, A. E., Collingwood, Ontario.

Good, J. H., 562 Jones Ave., Toronto,.Ontario.

Goodman, Woodrow I., 1000 W. McKinley, Mishawaka, Indiana.

Gray, Charles F., 633 N. Twenty-sixth St., Lincoln, Nebraska.

Hallman, H. S, Stouffville, Ontario.

Henry, J. B., 119 N. Richmond St., Fleetwood, Pa.

Hertzog, F. B., 25 N. Fifth St., Emmaus, Pa.

Hottel, F. M., 529 N. Eighth St., Allentown, Pa.

Huffman, Forest L., 406 S. Main St.,West Milton, Ohio.

Huffman, J. A., Winona Lake, Indiana.

Johnson, G. W., Stayner, Ontario.

Layne, J. B., 144 N. Sixth St., Sunbury, Pa.

Lehman, P. G., 314 Frederick St., Kitchener, Ontario.

Little, William H., 912 Lincoln St., Port Huron, Michigan.

Manges, W. E., 701 Wolf Ave, Elkhart, Indiana.

Metcilf, E. H., 517 N.E. Church St., Portland, Oregon.

Miller, Milo E., R.D. 5, Goshen, Indiana.

Neufeld, A. B., Roy, Washington.

Pannabecker, Ray P., 1819 S. Main St., Elkhart, Indiana.

Rassi, L. L., 10360 W. Outer Drive, Detroit 23, Michigan.

Raymer, R., 27 Boon Ave., Toronto, Ontario.

Rohrer, S. A, 2206 Prairie St., Elkhart, Indiana.

Schaeffer, R Paul, 407 S. Eighteenth St., Allentown, Pa.

Seeker, J. E., R.D. 1, West Milton, Ohio.

Shantz, Ward M., 20 Ahrens St. E., Kitchener, Ontario.

Shelly, H. L., 4th and Fairview Sts., Coopersburg, Pa.

Slater, John M., Terre Hill, Pa.

Stengele, P. T., 1960 Harold Ave., Allentown, Pa.

Stone, H. J., Bradiville, Iowa.

Storms, E R., 17 Bingeman St., Kitchener, Ontario.

Swalm, M., Didsbury, Alberta, Canada.

Traub, A., Didsbury, Alberta, Canada.

Tuckey, J, E., Brown City, Michigan.

Wells, D. V., 473 S. Paddock St., Pontiac 20, Michigan.

Wolf, N. H., 1124 N. Main St., Bethlehem, Pa.

Wood, J. S., Yale, Michigan.

Woodring, A. G., 936 Oley St., Reading, Pa.

Young, E. D., 145 W. Sycamore St.; Orange, California;

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