1951 General Conference Minutes


Convened in the

United Missionary Church, 39 E. Dakota Avenue, Detroit, Michigan,

November 7th to 12th, 1951


Wednesday Morning

            The Conference was called into session at 9:00 a. m. by W. E. Manges. Ira Wood led in congregational singing and L. K. Sider led in prayer.

            A Scripture portion from I John 3:12-24 was read by W. E. Manges, Chairman of the last General Conference. The Conference was organized as follows:

                        Chairman– J. E. Tuckey.

                        Vice-Chairman– P, G. Lehman.

                        Secretary– T. D .Gehret.

                        N. H. Wolf was appointed Assistant Secretary.

                        Ira L. Wood was appointed Recording Secretary.

            The Chairman, J. E. Tuckey, brought a helpful message on, “Lessons from the Book of Exodus,” showing God’s dealing with Moses and the children of Israel.

            This was followed by a season of earnest prayer.

            Rev. W. K. Burgess, pastor of the host church, gave a cordial address of welcome to all assembled in the General Conference session.

            Resolved, That the first eight rows of seats in the auditorium constitute the Conference Bar.

            Resolved, That the ninth and tenth rows of seats be reserved for advisory members.


Ontario Conference: P. G. Lehman, W. M. Shantz, H. Good, L. K. Sider, A. Walsh, R. Raymer, A. E. Gillies, E. R. Storms, Harold Shantz.

Pennsylvania Conference: P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret, F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, N. H. Wolf, C. Leslie Miller, Jansen E. Hartman, Walter H. Frank, J. E. Golla, Paul E. Baer, Paul I. Wentz, Daniel K. Ziegler, Paul K. Cressman, R. Paul Schaeffer, A. W. Deppe, R. R. Fox, R. Spedden.

Indiana Conference: Kenneth Geiger, Q. J. Everest, W. E. Manges, William Hygema, Woodrow Goodman, S. A. Rohrer, Mile Miller, Edgar Freed, Virgil Weldy.

Ohio Conference: H. E. Bowman, F. L. Huffman, R. P. Ditmer, N. D. Zimmerman, Walter Kress.

Michigan Conference: J. E. Tuckey, M. J. Burgess, G. N. Bridges, W. K. Burgess, J. A. Bradley, J. E. Dafoe, W. H. Little, D. V. Wells.

Nebraska Conference: Charles Gray, R. T. Starkey, Martin Christensen, H. J. Stone.

Canadian Northwest Conference: A. Frey, M. L. Baker, Ira Stauffer. Washington Conference: E. D. Young, A. B. Neufeld.

Editor: Ray P. Pannabecker.

The following rules of order were adopted:

            1. Each member before speaking on any subject, or upon presenting any motion or seconding the same, shall rise, and respectfully address the Chair, and receiving recognition, shall be allowed to speak ten minutes on each subject, and only once, except by the permission of the Chair, provided no one else desires to speak, or no one objects.

            2. The forenoon meetings open at 9:00 a. m. and close at 12:00 noon; afternoon meetings open at 2:00 p. m. and close at 5:00 p. m.

            3. That all open voting be done by raising the hand.

            4. That in all elections a nomination shall be seconded in order to qualify a person as a candidate.

            5. That the chairman nominate all committees, unless otherwise provided for and that Conference elect them.

            6. That all ordained ministers and probationers having charge of a work shall be introduced to the Conference, their names placed on the record and that they be received as advisory members and be privileged to speak five minutes on any subject, and only once.

            7. That we encourage the chairman to call on such members of this Conference who show inactivity. We request the chair to enforce all rules of order.

            8. That ministers of other denominations attending any of the meetings shall be introduced to this Conference.

            9. That we accept T. B. Neeley’s “Parliamentary Practice” to govern this Conference body.

            10. That no member of this Conference be allowed to leave the bar without permission of the Chair.

            11. That at the call of one-fifth of the members of this Conference present the “yeas” and “nays” shall be recorded.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a reporter. The Chair appointed Ray P. Pannabecker.

            Resolved, That at the opening of each morning meeting the Chairman or someone appointed by him give a brief devotional address and the Conference join in earnest prayer.

            Resolved, That we have evangelistic services in the evenings with the exception of the Thursday evening meeting which shall be a missionary service.

            Resolved, That the Chairman appoint a timekeeper. The Chairman ap pointed Daniel K. Ziegler.

            Resolved, That we have the following committees: To examine the General Conference Minutes; On Worship; On Program; On Statistics; On Annual Conference Minutes; On Resolutions; On Introduction; On Auditing; On Credentials; On Boundary; and To examine Correspondence to General Conference.

            Resolved, That the appointed committee be elected by open vote. The Chairman appointed the following Committees:

            Committee on Credentials: E. D. Young, M. J. Burgess, P. T. Stengele, P. G. Lehman, A. Prey, Kenneth Geiger, H. E. Bowman, Charles Gray.

            Committee on Worship: R. P. Ditmer, W. E. Manges, P. G. Lehman.

            Committee on Introduction: W. K. Burgess.

Secretary and Editor’s Financial Report on General Conference Journals


Pennsylvania Conference                                               $183.30

Ontario Conference                                                            95.55

Michigan Conference                                                         83.85 

Indiana Conference                                                            85.80

Ohio Conference                                                                44.85

Nebraska Conference                                                         33.15

Canadian North West Conference                                      21.45

Washington Conference                                                     17.55

            Total                                                                                           $565.50


Printing 1500 Journals            $475.00

Printing 2500 Discipline Supplements                               18.00

Conference Secretaries           50.00

Stationery Supplies                  2.75

Packing, Mailing and Postage                                            19.75

            Total                                                                   $565.50

                                    Respectfully submitted, T. D. Gehret 

            The report was adopted.

            The following were introduced to the Conference at this time: Marcus Krake, Paul F. Kreiss, J. A. Huffman, S. H. Greutziger, J. Kimbel, Ira W. Sherk, Ira L. Wood.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet at 1:30 p. m.

            Adjourned at 11:00 o’clock with prayer by A. Walsh.


Wednesday Afternoon

            The meeting was opened with singing, “In the Service of the King.”

            J. A. Huffman led in prayer.

            Roll call.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            The following were introduced to the Conference at this time: Ministers: E. W. Bean, R. C. Reichenbach, F. M. Hottel, A. G. Woodring, Charles F. Thompson and Leland W. Sherard. Chrystal French and Betty Best, Missionaries to Nigeria.

            The Chairman appointed the following Committees:

            Committee to Examine General Conference Minutes: E. R. Storms, e J. Everest, Walter H. Frank.

            Committee on Statistics: Ward M. Shantz, Paul E. Baer, N. D. Zimmerman, M. L. Baker, A. B. Neufeld, W. I. Goodman.

            Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes: C. Leslie Miller, R. Starkey, L. K. Sider, S. A. Rohrer, J. E. Dafoe.

Committee on Resolutions: C. E. Kirkwood, F. L. Huffman.

Committee on Auditing: A. E. Gillies, Milo Miller, D. V. Wells, Paul H. Cressman.

            Committee on District Boundaries: K. E. Geiger, P. T. Stengele, P. G. Lehman, A. Frey, C. F. Gray, E. D. Young, H. E. Bowman, M. J. Burgess.

            Committee on Correspondence to General Conference: F. B. Hertzog, Wm. Hygema,

Committee on Program: J. A. Bradley, R. P. Ditmer.

Report of Committee on Worship:

            We the Committee on Worship recommend that the order of service for this evening be as follows:

            Time of service–7:45.

            In charge–K. E. Geiger.

            In charge of song service–I. L. Wood.

            Special song–Ward M. Shantz.

            To speak-W. H. Frank, of the Pennsylvania Conference, recently returned from a preaching tour in Holland and Germany.

            An offering shall be taken to assist the local congregation in the defraying of the expenses of entertaining this Conference.

                                    R. P. Ditmer,

                                    P. G. Lehman,

                                    W. E. Manges,


            Report was adopted.

            Report of Committee on Credentials:

            The Pennsylvania Conference is entitled to six Presiding Elders, eight minister delegates, and seven lay delegates. P. T. Stengele and T. D. Gehret, are the Presiding Elders. F. B. Hertzog, C. E. Kirkwood, N. H. Wolf, C. Leslie Miller, Jansen E. Hartman, Walter H. Frank, J. E. Golla and Paul E. Baer are the minister delegates. Paul I. Wentz, Daniel K. Ziegler, Paul H. Cressman, R. Paul Schaeffer, A. W. Deppe, R. R. Fox and R. Spedden are the lay delegates.

            The Ontario Conference is entitled to three District Superintendents, four minister delegates and four lay delegates. P. G. Lehman is the District Superintendent. Ward M. Shantz, H. Good, L. K. Sider and A. Walsh are the minister delegates. R. Raymer, A. E. Gillies, E. R. Storms and Harold Shantz are the lay delegates.

            The Michigan Conference is entitled to three District Superintendents, three minister delegates and three lay delegates. J. E. Tuckey and M. J. Burgess are the District Superintendents. W. K. Burgess, G. N. Bridges and J. A. Bradley are the minister delegates. W. Little, J. A. Dafoe and D. V. Wells are the lay delegates.

            The Indiana Conference is entitled to three District Superintendents, four minister delegates and four lay delegates. K. E. Geiger is the District Superintendent. Q. J. Everest, W. E. Manges, Wm. Hygema and Woodrow Goodman are the minister delegates. S. A. Rohrer, Mile Miller, Edgar Freed and Virgil Weldy are the lay delegates.

            The Ohio Conference is entitled to one District Superintendent and four delegates. H. E. Bowman is the District Superintendent. R. P. Ditmer, F. L. Huffman, and N. D. Zimmerman, alternate minister delegate in place of delegate A. Taylor, are the minister delegates. Walter Kress is the lay delegate.

            The Nebraska Conference is entitled to one District Superintendent, two minister delegates and one lay delegate. Charles Gray is the District Superintendent. Roy Starkey and Martin Christensen are the minister delegates. H. J. Stone is the lay delegate.

            The Canadian Northwest Conference is entitled to one District Superintendent and one minister delegate and one lay delegate. A Frey is the District Superintendent. M. L. Baker is the minister delegate. Ira Stauffer is the lay delegate.

            The Washington Conference is entitled to one District Superintendent and one minister delegate. E. D. Young is the District Superintendent. A. B. Neufeld is the minister delegate.

            The Editor of the Gospel Banner, Ray P. Pannabecker, is a member of General Conference by virtue of his office.

            Upon examination of the various Conference Minutes we have found that all the above have been duly elected according to discipline.

                                    E. D. Young,

                                    P. G. Lehman,

                                    M. J. Burgess,

                                    Kenneth Geiger,

                                    P. T. Stengele,

                                    H. E. Bowman,

                                    Charles Gray,

                                    A. Frey,


            Report was adopted.

            Resolved, That W. K. Burgess, Pastor of the host church, be permitted to leave the Conference bar whenever necessary.

Report of the Executive Board:

            The Board is grateful to God for sparing all of its members during the quadrennium. The brethren met in four regular meetings to transact the necessary business. A fine spirit of Christian fellowship prevailed in all of these meetings. Most of the time consumed at our meetings had to do with the work of the Bethel Publishing Company, the publishing of the Gospel Banner and the revision of the Discipline.

            The Bethel Publishing Company Headquarters has been kept in good repair, and a new lighting system has been installed in the store. The purchase of new equipment, such as an electric record player, a new electric adding machine, a factory rebuilt #1250 Multigraph machine. a vari-typer, a folding machine and a stitching machine, has greatly increased the efficiency of operation.

            Paul F. Kreiss has been the capable Executive Business Agent of the Bethel Publishing Company since January 1, 1Y46.

            Ray P. Pannabecker, the Editor of the Gospel Banner, has reported to the Board annually and has worked in full accord with the Board.

            Dr. J. A. Huffman was elected to edit the Bethel Series Sunday School literature for the quadrennium.

            A Doctrinal Statement of Faith was printed by the Board and made available to the various Conferences.

            Unemployment protection, and Insurance for Hospitalization has been secured for the employees of the Bethel Publishing Company.

            The Board has authorized the incorporation of the Bethel Publishing Company and a committee is working with an Attorney at Law in formulating Articles of Incorporation and By-laws necessary for the same.

            At the meeting of November 8, 1950, Charles F. Gray of the Nebraska Conference was elected to the Executive Board to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of E. D. Young, who moved to another Conference.

            On February 22, 1950, the E. V. Publishing House of Nappanee, Elkhart County, Indiana, contracted to print the Gospel Banner for us.

            Because of the increased cost of printing and the ever increasing annual deficit in the Banner department, the Board, on January 1, 1951 started to publish the Gospel Banner bi-weekly instead of weekly, at the same subscription rate of $1.50 per annum.

            At the meeting of November 8, 1950, the Board elected M. J. Burgess as a member of the committee to investigate the office of General Superintendent, to take the place of J. S. Wood, deceased.

            Whereas, General Conference has submitted to a committee the task of rewriting the Discipline, and

            Whereas, This committee has completed its task and submitted their finished work to the Executive Board for approval, and

            Whereas, There has been a difference of opinion as to the scope of their

assignment in regard to chapter I.

            Resolved, That we endorse the work of the committee in their work of rewriting the whole of the Discipline with the exception of chapter I, and further

            That we recommend that Conference give consideration to the work done by the committee on chapter I.

            Whereas, There has been for a decade, some discussion between the Missionary Church Association and the United Missionary Church in relation to a possible organic union, and

            Whereas, This interest has been revived during the past year, resulting in several meetings between committees authorized by the Missionary Church Association and the Executive Board of the United Missionary Church, and

            Whereas, These meetings have resulted in certain findings and recommendations which have been made to the Executive Board which we believe should be prayerfully considered by the General Conference of the United Missionary Church,

            Therefore, We have prepared copies of these findings for the members of the General Conference and recommend that General Conference give prayerful consideration to the whole matter of a possible union of the two churches.

            We wish to express our thanks to Paul F. Kreiss, our Executive Business Agent and to his fine staff of workers for their faithfulness in discharging all the many duties in a most efficient manner; to Ray P. Pannabecker, the Editor of the Gospel Banner; and to Dr. J. A. Huffman, Editor of the Sunday School Literature, for their faithfulness in providing sound literature for our Church; to the Pandora Times Company and to the E. V. Publishing House for their fine work done in making possible the Gospel Banner. And last, but not least, we want to thank our whole constituency for their fine support given to the Bethel Publishing Company.

            The following figures and facts were gathered from the Report of the

Auditor for 1947 and 1951.

                                                                                        1947                1951

Total Sales                                                                 $62,892.27      $92,830.91

Gross Profit                                                                 29,088.33 37,188.06

Gospel Banner Deficit                                                   3,328.55    3,502.04

Inventory of Stock                                                       28,484.54   31,707.33

Net Worth                                                                    57,506.96   58,662.49

Subscribers to the Gospel Banner                                          4,575 3,100

            The total deficit involved in the publishing of the Gospel Banner for the quadrennium amounted to $18,152.69 all of which has been absorbed by the Bethel Publishing Company.

            We submit herewith the balance sheet of the Auditor of the Bethel Publishing Company which sets forth the affairs of the Company as of September 30, 1951.


Balance Sheet September 30, 1951


Current Assets:

            Cash in office                                                  $2,636.70

            Petty Cash Fund                                                     50.00

            Postage Cash                                                        212.40

            Cash in Banks                                                    4,339.01

            Accounts receivable                                          6,388.91

            Merchandise Inventory                                    30,386.20

            Supplies and Fuel Inventory                              1,321.13

Total Current Assets$45,394.35

Fixed Assets:

            Real Estate and Improvements                      $23,766.39

            Less Depreciation Reserve                              12,207.63     $11,558.76

            Furniture and Fixtures                                       4,931.78

            Less Depreciation Reserve                                2,994.25          1,937.53 

            Machinery and Printing Plates                          4,138.24

            Less Depreciation Reserve                                   701.84          3,436.40

                        Total Fixed Assets                                                                            $16,932.69

Other Assets:

    Mailing lists                                                                                    $ 2,000.00

            Total Other Assets                                                                                          $2,000.00

            Total Assets                                                                                                  $64,327.04


Current Liabilities:

            Accounts Payable                                                                   $5,532.85

            Withholding Tax Payable                                                             131.70

Total Current Liabilities$5,664.55


            Investment Account 10-1-51                                                $55,947.73

            Profit from Operations to 9-30-51                                            2,687.76

                        Total Net worth                                                                                $58,662.49


R. P. Ditmer, Chairman, F. B. Hertzog, Secretary, W. E. Manges, J. A. Huffman, J. E. Tuckey, M. J. Burgess, A. Frey, P. G. Lehman, Ward M. Shantz, Charles F. Gray, A. B. Neufeld, T. D. Gehret, P. T. Stengele, E. N. Cassel,


            Resolved, That the report be accepted and the recommendations be dealt with later.

            Report of the Editor:

Dear Brethren of the General Conference:

            It is now my privilege to report at the end of eight years as Editor of the Gospel Banner–a time that has slipped by in an enjoyable manner indeed. The years have been marked with much challenge and not a few problems. In it all there has been the sweet assurance that God is in the work and what He approves is sure to be a blessing.

            The years of this tenure of office have been marked with an interest that has been of real inspiration. Many words of approval have come, as well as constructive criticisms which I have tried to incorporate where possible. During this time we have seen the subscription list rise to a high of about 4500, while at present it has shrunk to about 3100. The explanation is not easy to locate but we are earnestly striving to make the pages of the paper as good as possible, and to have the material come as close to the individual reader as possible with what we have to use. The change in the number of copies has provoked considerable reaction, most of it of a critical nature. Whether the change has hindered us or not seems to be a matter of personal opinion.

            As I look at the entire situation regarding the Gospel Banner I see several needed changes which I would like to suggest.

            1. There is a certain lack of enthusiasm amongst the ministers of our group which amounts to the fact that subscriptions often lag when they could be pushed. Ways and means to stimulate this interest are urgent.

            2. Associate Editors have exercised almost none of their privilege of contributing articles, or even suggestions for the pages of the Banner. This whole field of endeavor ought to be re-considered to learn whether Associate Editors really fill any place in the Editorial work of the publication.

            3. Another problem continues to exist in the securing of suitable material for use in the pages. The trend everywhere seems to be toward a willingness to pay for usable material, especially in the form of stories for young people and children. The same is also true in certain devotional articles and in news. The Evangelical Press Association now offers a splendid service of news and stories that would fit into our work very well. I strongly recommend the adoption of this service which is maintained at a nominal fee, but this would require a definite budget for this purpose.

            4. The Gospel Banner is still being published at a deficit, although not as serious as when weekly publication was the practice. Further action must be taken to meet this, perhaps in several ways: (a) The securing of more subscriptions through a planned effort offering definite incentives to those taking part as ministers, or congregations: (b) the possible further increase of subscription price: or ©) the accepting of advertisements from reputable advertisers.

            May I close by saying that I have appreciated working with and for you, and do thank you for every bit of consideration that you have given me. May the Spirit of God lead in the future of our entire work, not the least of which is the publication of our beloved Gospel Banner.

                                          Ray P. Pannabecker

            Resolved, That the report be accepted and the recommendations be dealt with later.

            Resolved, That we hear the reports of the District Superintendents.

Reports of District Superintendents:

Canadian Northwest Conference–A. Frey, D. S.

            In presenting the report of the activities of the Canadian Northwest Conference during the past quadrennium, I do so with a deep sense of gratitude to God for His great faithfulness and goodness to us as a Conference.

            Through the spontaneous response of our Conference constituency, means were made available and measures were adopted to extend the borders of the Conference and thus enlarge the ministry of the church. Two of the six churches built have made history. The Edmonton church was the first city church in the conference and the one at Winfield, the first in the province of British Columbia. Lots have recently been purchased in the city of’ Calgary with intentions to build this Conference year.

            The value of church property has been increased by $58,594.00 during the past four years. The conference now has seventeen churches and sixteen parsonages. All Bible College buildings have been equipped with water facilities during the past year. While all these projects have entailed considerable expense, the contributions to foreign missions have not only been sustained but increased.

            The Sunday Schools as a whole are progressively endeavoring to meet the need of the times and the communities in which they are located. This is borne out by the substantial increase in attendance. The Youth Fellowship is in a flourishing condition with Gull Lake Bible Camp as the high point. Many young people attribute their conversion to this camp.

            The Bible College continues the great work of preparing young people for active Christian service both at home and abroad. “Good News,” a radio broadcast sponsored by the church and college, was launched the past year and is reaching beyond the limits of our congregations.

            The pastors have been faithful to the cause of the Lord and to the church, aggressive in the promotion thereof and self-sacrificing in spirit and in conduct. One of our number in the person of Rev. Isaac Burkholder has passed on to his eternal reward. For twenty-five years he scattered the word of God as colporteur of the British & Foreign Bible Society and the influence of his life and services was as wide as the province which he served.

            We mean to be true to our trust as a conference of the church.

Indiana Conference-Kenneth Geiger, D. S.

            In the presentation of this report we wish to give praise to God for His faithfulness during the past quadrennium. made known to us in a wonderful way. His might and power have been Since I have been serving as District Superintendent only since last June, I wish to pay tribute to my predecessor, Rev. W. E. Manges, and to the consecrated group of ministers and workers who have labored faithfully during the past four years.

            This past General Conference period has been one of growth and progress. We have tried to live up to the splendid connotation of our new denominational name, and have, been united in missionary activity at home and abroad. The present denominational interest on the part of both ministry and laity is unequaled in our past history and shows promise of continuation at a higher level.

            During the past four years considerable construction has taken place. The beautiful structure known as the Gospel Center Church in South Bend compares with any we have seen anywhere. A new basement church has been built at Mishawaka. At least three churches have had extensive remodeling programs which provides room for growing Sunday Schools. Seven other churches have either been built or purchased by our Church Extension Department: Osolo, Burr Oak (Mich.), Cedar Road (Osceola), Mendon (Mich.), Roseland, Ligonier, and Niles (Mich.). Three other churches are in immediate prospect for construction this year. Five other churches have been either opened or are being supplied with Indiana Conference pastors by our Church Extension Department. Six new parsonages have been constructed or purchased including one for the District Superintendent.

            For the past two years we have had a full time Church Extension Director in the person of Rev. J. H. Kimbel. This has proven to be a step of faith which God has honored and which shows promise of better things in the future.

            The net gain in church membership is 228, but a total of 235 names dropped from our rolls indicates that our pastors have maintained a fairly active membership. Sunday School attendance this past year was an average of 3493. This is an increase of 1045 over that reported at the last General Conference.

            We are grateful to God for the faithful laity He has given us. The spiritual interest is generally good. We are glad to report that souls are being saved. This seems to have been especially true in our newer, home mission churches.

            Our people are a liberal group. Last year the giving per member in the Conference was $148.81. In spite of the fact that they have given heavily to Bethel College, Home Missions, etc., our foreign mission giving has broken all previous records. A great deal of credit belongs to the Conference Women’s Missionary Society which is very active on the local church level and in promoting Conference Rallies.

            Our camp meeting has been growing in interest and attendance. The Conference Youth have been active in promoting their program. In addition to the Youth Program at Camp Meeting, there is an annual Youth Conference and this past summer a series of Saturday night Conference-wide youth services were held at our camp grounds with good results. Bethel College has been a great blessing and will continue to challenge and serve the church.

            We wish to pay tribute to our ministers and workers. They are not only willing to sacrifice and labor, but they are loyal to the full Gospel and the distinctive doctrines of the United Missionary Church. We appreciate the retired ministers of our Conference who have blazed trails and laid foundations and who still have an active interest in the work.

            It is our desire to be faithful and to give our entire life to God and the greatest cause in all the world, that of bringing lost men to Christ. We have a growing conviction that God has a ministry for the United Missionary Church. By His grace we will not fail!

Pennsylvania Conference, Bethlehem District – T. D. Gehret, P. E.

            Since last reporting to the General Conference we have been busily engaged in the work entrusted to our care. A review of the intervening years furnishes abundant proof of the faithfulness of God. There is an ever deepening consciousness of the fact that our strength is in the Lord and without Him we can do nothing.

            The Bethlehem District comprises eight stations, three circuits, and four missions. The Ministers who serve these appointments are true men of God, consecrated and devoted to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. They exemplify the teachings of Christ and by unselfish and untiring service, endear themselves to their people. Through faithful preaching of the Word and pastoral oversight, the churches have been strengthened. The Lord has given the increase so that there have been noticeable gains both numerically and spiritually.

            During the quadrennium we suffered the loss of one of our older Ministers, a veteran of many years of service, in the person of Rev. C. H. Brunner, who died on November 20, 1948. A few of our older Ministers have because of advancing years retired from the active ministry. We are thankful to God for their sacrificial lives and noble example. God has given us young men who are filling up the ranks and who are serving acceptably in their spheres of service.

            Noteworthy gains have been recorded in church membership and especially in the Sunday school. The average attendance in the Sunday Schools is well above the actual membership of the churches. At a number of places over the District, Bible clubs are regularly being conducted which have been productive of much good. Through this medium boys and girls have been reached and brought into the Sunday school and Church.

            Camp Meetings continue to be mountain peaks in the yearly program of the Church. The interest and attendance continues unabated, revealing the fact that Camp Meetings are an invaluable asset to the Church. Through this medium many have come to know Christ and many others received spiritual help enabling them to be better witnesses for the Lord.

            Berean Bible School came into being after much prayer and waiting upon God for direction. Now in its second year, there are thirty-eight students enrolled. Our people responded well to this challenge and contributed generously towards the purchase of the needed buildings and equipment.

            Viewed as a whole it may well be said that the work throughout the entire District is in a healthy spiritual condition. To God be all the praise for victories won. Our trust is in Him who always leads us in triumph.

Pennsylvania Conference, Allentown District – P. T. Stengele, P. E.

            It is our joy to report of our Lord’s direction and favor upon His work during the last four years.

            The District represented by the writer is composed of eighteen organized churches. The Lord has blessed the ministries of His ascended gifts to these churches in a manner which causes us to say “Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.” The constituents of these churches are taught the Word of God and in the main are as such who wait for their Lord, to be ready whether it be at noon day or in the morning or at even.

            The Camp Meetings proved a great blessing to all who attended and the emphasis on evangelism was honored by the Lord in quite a harvest of souls. After a good number of years having no baptismal service at this time we were led of Him to have a service for such who confessed Christ as their Saviour.

            The new spiritual enterprise, the Berean Bible School, has had His smile from the very inception. The body of people of all the churches stand behind and support this new field of adventure in a most noble and sacrificing manner.

            If the Lord tarries and His people remain filled with the Spirit, the future will disclose greater things from His loving hands.

            The Home Missionary work under the direction of Jansen E. Hartman, is also realizing many of the favors of the Lord. A new work has been started at Lancaster, Pa., and a splendid building erected for worship, for which we also give praise to our God.

Michigan Conference, South District – J. E. Tuckey, D. S.

            It is a privilege to report to another General Conference on the activities of the churches on the district. During two years of the quadrennium, our Conference was a single district, but it is again divided. It is my responsibility to serve the South District which is comprised of 15 organized classes and 2 unorganized mission stations. Of the 17 churches, only 2 are rural in location.

            Looking back over the 4 years, we find that many things of interest have taken place: three new churches have been built and dedicated; one church has been enlarged thus doubling its facilities; another church purchased and remodeled a house for Sunday School purposes; four new fields have been opened; and three new classes have been organized.

            Interest in the various phases of church work is most gratifying. Our People are catching the Home Missionary vision, and they have been responding to its financial needs in an enlarged manner. Foreign Missionary work continues to lie close to the hearts of our people as evidenced by their spirit of liberality in giving to its needs. Our well organized W. M. S. has done much to promote the foreign work. Our state Youth Fellowship is an integral part of our church program having well organized groups in most of our local churches. During the past four years, our Conference Sunday Schools have made definite forward advancement showing an increase in attendance of over 52% with 1951 having the highest attendance in the history of our Conference. Our campmeetings are both held on the other district, but their influence has been most wholesome throughout the state. Our investment in Bethel College is producing excellent dividends by sending back consecrated young men who are taking an active part in the work of the church.

            While we have been moving forward under the guidance of the Spirit, yet we regret to report some great losses to our church: losses which have been keenly felt. Since our last General Conference, God in his providence has removed from our roll three of our mission workers and four of our ministers: Miss Mary Ann Simmons, Mrs. Emma Morgan, Miss Alice Francis, Rev. F. C. Rudy, Rev. E. Krake, Rev. J. A. Avery and Rev. J. S. Wood. However, in spite of the fact that our leaders of former years are finishing their tasks, God is raising up from our midst a staff of able and consecrated young men, who, we are sure, are going to lead our church on to even greater victories.

            We humbly thank God for His blessings of the past, for the consecrated staff of Christian ministers, and for the devoted Christian laymen who are standing so nobly behind the work. Prospects look excellent; unity prevails amongst our ministers; our people are encouraged; and we press forward under the guidance of the Spirit of God.

Michigan Conference, North District – M. J. Burgess, D. S.

            The district which I am serving consists of eleven stations, four circuits, and one Home Missionary appointment for a total of twenty churches. This is the first year I have served this district but I found the work well organized and being carried forward in a commendable manner.

            We have a consecrated and loyal band of ministers. Many of them are young men, eight of which are serving their first pastorates in the conference. The faithfulness of all the ministry, their zeal for the salvation of the lost, and their concern for the welfare of the church is deeply appreciated. Two new churches have been built on the district during the quadrennium, one other has been completely remodeled, and others have added extensive improvements in Sunday school facilities.

            Two camp meetings are held annually. These have proved to be an effective means of reaching the unsaved with the message of salvation and of building up the church in the faith. The camps have been season of great spiritual refreshing for both the ministry and the laity. Our camp ground property at Brown City is among the best in the nation.

            Our people show evidence of true devotion to the work of the Lord and are standing faithfully by the program of the church. Good gains have been made in most departments of church activity with perhaps most notable increase in Sunday school attendance and in support of our missionary interests both home and foreign. Our young people’s societies and the Women’s Missionary Societies are both making valuable contributions to the work spiritually and financially. While there have been no great sweeping revivals the churches are promoting an aggressive program of evangelism and numbers have been added to the church. For all of God’s blessings during the quadrennium we humbly offer praise to Him.

Ontario Conference–P. G. Lehman, D. S.

            It has been my privilege to travel the Ontario Conference during the past four years. Throughout this period we have been made aware of Divine Guidance, for which we offer our deepest gratitude.

            The Ontario Conference comprises thirty-one pastoral charges. The ministers of the Conference are zealous and loyal, giving evidence of a keen desire to spread the truth of Full Salvation in the needy areas of the Province.

            This spirit of aggression has manifested itself in a vigorous extension program. Throughout the past quadrennium, two churches have been built and one property acquired in new areas. At the present time, lots have been purchased in two sections immediately North and East of the City of Toronto, while a growing Sunday School is being conducted in the north-western section of that city. Through the generosity of one of our devoted lay men, a double lot was purchased in a fast-growing section of Sarnia. A fine nucleus is located there, which will soon beorganized into a class, while building operations for the erection of a church structure are to begin there in the near future. An aggressive Home Mission and Extension Board within the Conference is constantly searching for those needy areas that need the message which the United Missionary Church is prepared to give.

            Emmanuel Bible College has again and again proven its worth to the Conference. Already her graduates are to be found in a number of our pastorates, as well as in the ranks of the United Missionary Society and other sister organizations.

            A definite Sunday School promotional program which is being directed by the Conference Superintendent and his executive, is producing results. Record attendances in many of the schools are being registered.

            The Young People’s division of our Conference activity is also aggressively carried on by our Conference Young People’s director and his staff. The yearly conventions are times of rich inspiration and blessing.

            The two Camp Meetings have enjoyed excellent support by our constituency, and continue to serve as blessed seasons of Summer Revival. They are a source of spiritual quickening to the church life of the Conference.

            The foreign missionary interest continues to be excellent, with record receipts being realized for this great arm of the Church. We are gratified to see a constant stream of applicants, offering themselves most readily for this form of Christian service. This augurs well for the continuance of this great work in the regions beyond.

            During the past four years this conference has sustained the loss through death of a number of ministers and workers, namely,–Miss E. Eastman, F. J. Lehman, I. Brubacher, W. H. Yates, A. T. Gooding and S. Goudie. We will not soon forget the fellowship of these valiant soldiers of the cross. The memory of their lives of service and devotion to duty will ever remain with us.

            May we as a denomination press on in the service of the King of Kings-yielding ourselves continually to His will and purpose.

Washington Conference–E. D. Young, D. S.

            I am now serving the second year in the Washington Conference as District Superintendent.

            We are quite small with a large territory.

            At present there are nine churches and eight parsonages. One church was destroyed by fire last year which was a serious setback to us. We are also serving one community church.

            A new home for the District Superintendent is now being constructed in Yakima which will be completed in about two months.

            There has been a small increase in membership during the past year, seventeen, I believe.

            We have a fine laity which are quite spiritual, keeping good courage and give well for the support of the work.

            We have some young ministers that are promising, more like them are needed.

            There are wonderful possibilities before us because of the fast increase of population and new territory being opened up. I know of no better in the United States.

            Yet with all these bright prospects before us we are confronted with serious problems that at present we do not know how to meet. These will be presented to this Conference at a later time.

Nebraska Conference– Charles Gray, D. S.

            We are happy to report that the goodness of the Lord has been upon the work of the Nebraska Conference during the past four years. And we can say, that He has done great things for us where of we are glad.

            The Nebraska Conference is comprised of seventeen organized, and four unorganized classes. During the past four years one new church and parsonage was built and dedicated, and a number of other churches and parsonages were remodeled which has given us much needed room, and has added much to the appearance and comfort of our properties.

            For a time we were unable to secure help enough to supply all of our works with pastors, but God has very graciously answered prayer and has sent some new workers into the fields which are white to harvest for which we give Him Praise.

            We now have a fine group of consecrated workers, who are loyal to His cause and seem to have a vision and are stepping into the open doors that are before them.

            We appreciate very deeply the splendid cooperation and fellowship of both the ministry and laity.

            Our young people are taking a very active part in the young people’s service and are made a real blessing to the church. Quite a few of our young men and women have received a definite call from the Lord into active service both at home and abroad and are now in training at Bethel College.

            During the past year we have suffered the loss of two of our very valuable and spiritual men, Rev. J. A. Persell, and Rev. J. K. Hygema. We shall miss their Godly advice and council very much. They have fought a good fight, finished their course, and have kept the faith, and have now received the reward that shall be theirs for all eternity.

            Many good revivals, conventions, and missionary meetings were held that have born much fruit for His glory.

            The camp meetings held each year on the camp grounds at Weeping Water, Nebraska, have contributed much to the spiritual life of the church. These meetings have been well attended although some of our people have to drive several hundred miles to attend the camp.

We feel that in the past year greater progress was made than in the three previous years.

            The finances increased considerably while the offerings for missions were almost double that of the previous year.

            We thank God that we are privileged to be co-workers together with Him and are looking forward to still greater things for Him by His grace and help.

Ohio Conference– H. E. Bowmen, D. S.

            As I was elected at our Conference last June, I am reporting the progress and development of the Ohio Conference under the leadership of F. L. Huffman during the past quadrennium. The Conference is composed of twenty churches, sixteen in Ohio and four in western Pennsylvania. Statistics reveal that the membership has increased 14 per cent, and the total offerings increased 32 per cent.

            The growth in membership is due to the evangelistic passion and effort on the part of our pastors and people. A further manifestation of this high tide of spiritual life is the fact that during the past year seven local Conference licenses were granted to young men who are preparing for the Christian ministry.

            The financial high is the result of a number of building projects. Four church buildings have undergone major remodeling, namely: Loop, Pa.; Dayton; Fairborn; and Hubert Avenue, Springfield. The Pitt Gas congregation in Pennsylvania built a new parsonage, and the Lima congregation has a Parsonage currently under Construction. A commodious District Superintendent’s parsonage in Springfield was purchased last year. A children’s tabernacle was constructed on our Camp ground. In the church extension ~field we are at present constructing a new church building at Sidney.

            We have just closed a Sunday School Rally of a month’s duration in which the average attendance was increased 18 ½ per cent over last year’s average for the same period.

            We are keenly conscious that any growth and development is a result Of God’s goodness and help, and thus to Him we give all the glory.

            Resolved, That we have a General Conference Journal and that the Secretary and his Assistant be the Editors and Publishers of the same.

            Resolved, That we have 1500 General Conference Journals printed, the expense to be apportioned to the Conferences on the basis of membership, the Journals also to be distributed on the same basis.

            Resolved, That all the reports of the District Superintendents be published in the General Conference Journal, and be limited to no more than one page each. The District Superintendents shall edit their own reports.

            Resolved, That we have a committee to apportion expenses to General Conference. The Chair appointed: N. H. Wolf, H. Good, W. E. Manges.

            Rev. Bruce Pearson was introduced to the Conference.

            Report of the Committee Relative to a General Superintendent:

            This Committee met some time ago with a full representation, Rev. Mark Burgess having been appointed to take the place of Rev. J. S. Wood deceased.

            As a Committee we discussed informally the matter of a General Superintendent for our church. We recognized that the creating of such an office should be made a subject of earnest prayer and careful thought. It would involve certain modifications of our present organizational set-up. Such an office would require the full cooperation of all the Conferences and from the human standpoint would not be easy to fill.

            We mention several possible advantages of such an office and we desire to state them briefly thinking that it might aid you in your study of the matter at your coming Annual Conference.

            1. The need of a denominational headquarters is increasing. It has often been embarrassing to have to explain our use of Bethel Publishing Company or the residence of the District Superintendent, or some other place as headquarters for our denomination. Creating of such an office would be the beginning of establishing a headquarters.

            2. A more free exchange of pastors between Conferences would be possible and more likely if we had a General Superintendent.

            3. We should be thinking in terms of a correlated Church Extension program and the establishing of new Conferences in new areas.

            4. The help and advantages to the smaller Conferences are no doubt apparent to all of us.

            5. Stemming from such an office should be a Program of Promotion embracing the Sunday School, Home and Foreign Missions, Young People’s Work, etc.

            6. A closer relationship between the Conferences with a better understanding of one another’s problems.

            We called the attention of the District Superintendents to the resolution on page 41 of the last General Conference Journal asking the Annual Conferences to take an expression of their constituency on this subject and report to the next General Conference.

            The result of this expression is as follows: 3 Conferences in favor; 3 Conferences against; 2 Conferences–no expression.

            Resolved, That the report be accepted.

                                    P. G. Lehman, Chairman,

                                    Kenneth Geiger, Secretary,

                                    Mark J. Burgess,


            Resolved, That the Committee on Statistics be the Committee to determine the number of representatives on the Executive Board for which each Annual Conference is entitled.

            Resolved, That the basis of membership on the Executive Board be one member for each Conference with one additional member for each additional 1,000 members above 400.

            Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed by the Chair to make a survey of the progress of our Church for the last fifty years and that this Committee report to this Conference session. The Chair appointed Ray P. Pannabecker, E. R. Storms, and W. H. Little.

            Resolved, That the request of W. K. Burgess to have an alternate delegate to take his place for the balance of this Conference, be referred to the Committee on Credentials.

            Resolved, That the Chairman of each Annual Conference shall present to the Secretary a suitable “cut” with an obituary of deceased minister members of former General Conferences.

            Rev. O. P. Eastman was introduced to the Conference body.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee on Recommendation for a Basis of Travel Expense for General Conference Delegates. He appointed P. T. Stengele, Kenneth Geiger and E. D. Young.

            Resolved, That in the reports from the various Conferences, the item under Sunday School average attendance shall mean the average for the last year of the quadrennium.

            Resolved, That the Committee to Examine the Annual Conference Minutes be expected to examine the Conference Minute Books of the various Conferences and report their findings, also submit a list of the requests found to the General Conference.

            Resolved, That we have a Committee of three to compile a list of standing rules governing the General Conference. The Chair appointed A. Walsh, Q J. Everest, F. B. Hertzog.

            Resolved, That we have an index in the next issue of the General Conference Journal.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn. Adjourned at 4:30 with prayer by N. D. Zimmerman.


Thursday Morning

            The meeting opened with singing, “Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken.” The devotions were in charge of C. E. Kirkwood, who read portions of the Epistle of Ephesians, placing emphasis on the walk and the warfare of the Christian. This was followed by a season of prayer.

            Roll Call.

            The Minutes were read and approved. Report of the Committee on Credentials:

            Whereas, Rev. W. K. Burgess, minister delegate and pastor of the host church, has requested that he be released of his responsibilities as delegate because of the pressing duties of Conference entertainment and that the first alternate ministerial delegate be seated in his place, and

            Whereas, We have examined the credentials of first alternate ministerial delegate, Rev. O. P. Eastman and he was duly elected.

            We recommend that the request of Brother W. K. Burgess be granted and that O. P. Eastman be recognized as delegate.

                        E. D. Young, Charles Gray, M. J. Burgess, P. T. Stengele,

                        H. E. Bowman, Kenneth Geiger, A. Prey, P. G. Lehman,


            Report was adopted.

            The Chair appointed M. J. Burgess to serve as an additional member on the Committee on Introduction.

            Report of the Committee on Recommendation for a Basis of Travel Expense for General Conference.

            We recommend that those traveling by motor be paid the sum of 5 per mile for the first delegate and 1 ½ per mile for each additional passenger delegate, and that $1.00 per meal and lodging expenses be paid in addition.

            Further, we recommend that such traveling by rail be paid actual clergy or laymen full fare including sleeper and $1.00 per meal for expense to General Conference.

            The report was adopted.

                        P. T. Stengele, E. D. Young, Kenneth Geiger,


            Rev. J. A. Ringenberg, President of the Missionary Church Association and Rev. S. A. Witmer, President of Fort Wayne Bible College, were introduced to the General Conference and brought brief messages of greeting.

            Report of the Committee to Examine the Annual Conference Minutes:

            We have examined the Annual Conference Minute Books of the Ontario, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Washington, Canadian Northwest and Nebraska Conferences and find them in good condition, and correct as far as we could ascertain.

            The following is recommended to the General Conference so as to expedite the work of this Committee in future General Conferences:

            We recommend that any Annual Conference desiring to petition General Conference shall send to the Chairman of the General Conference a certified typewritten copy of all such petitions prior to the time of the opening of the Conference.

            And we further recommend that this become a standing rule.

            Petitions, requests, and recommendations found in the Conference minutes are given below.

            Ontario -(l) Whereas, There has arisen among General Conference members some difference of opinion as to the scope of our recommendation to the last General Conference, be it

            Resolved, That we convey to the General Conference the information that it was our intention that the entire book, cover to cover, be included in the scope of our request and that it is still our desire to have the whole work included in the present re-writing.

            Pennsylvania-(1) Resolved, That we petition the General Conference to permit us to elect Presiding Elders for a three-year term instead of annually, but in no case shall he serve longer than nine years.

            Indiana-(1) Whereas, Neeley’s Parliamentary Practice is no longer available,

            Resolved, That we request General Conference to recognize Robert’s Rules of Order as our official Parliamentary Guide.

            (2) Whereas, There have been negotiations by General Conference appointed Committee with a Committee of the Missionary Church Association, concerning amalgamation of the two denominations, and whereas, it seems advisable to continue negotiations, therefore be it

            Resolved, That we petition General Conference to re-appoint a committee to make further investigation concerning the union of the two denominations.

            (3) Whereas, The discipline specifies that the Publisher is a member of General Conference, and

            Whereas, An interpretation of the function of the Publisher denies the agent of Bethel Publishing Company the use of this title and the exercise of his clearly intended responsibility, be it

            Resolved, That we petition General Conference to either designate the agent of Bethel Publishing Company with the title of Publisher, or to change the discipline so as to make him a voting member of General Conference.

            (4) We, the Indiana Conference, hereby, petition the next General Conference that we have the privilege of making the members of our standing conference committees and regular conference officers not elected as delegates, regular voting members of the annual conference during their tenure of office.

            (5) We, the Indiana Conference, hereby petition the next General Conference that we be given the privilege of electing one delegate for each 100 members or majority fraction of the next 150 thereof from each local congregation to serve as delegates to the Annual Conference. The additional members elected thereby shall not be members of the stationing committee.

            Canadian Northwest-(1) Resolved, That the delegates to the General Conference be responsible to procure certificates for every branch of church administration and that they present to the General Conference the matter of standardizing these certificates throughout the Church.

            (2) Whereas, The Canadian Northwest Conference, among others, sent a request to the General Conference of 1947 to give the matter of a General Superintendent prayerful consideration, and

            Whereas, We are pleased to note that a committee was appointed and that the said committee has been giving the matter careful attention as appears in correspondence with our District Superintendent, A. Frey, and

            Whereas, We heartily agree with the positive and plausible advantages as enumerated in the said correspondence, therefore,

            We, the members of the Canadian Northwest Conference renew our former request that the General Conference give the matter of appointing a General Superintendent further consideration at its forth-coming meeting.

            Michigan-(1) Whereas, Too large a percent of the Sunday School literature as used by many of our Sunday Schools is not printed by our own publishing house and due to the fact that suitable materials are not available from our own house, and

            Whereas, some of our present materials being used is out of harmony with our church teaching and doctrines, be it

            Resolved, That we request General Conference to give consideration to this matter and to take such steps to provide adequate materials as are necessary.

            (2) Resolved, That we request General Conference to either eliminate or revise Section IV of the General Rules of the Discipline so as to make the “Class Meeting” optional with the Conference or Church.

            Nebraska Conference–The following Resolutions were presented during the past four years to be brought before General Conference:

            Resolution, Be it resolved that we the Nebraska Conference present to the next General Conference the recommendation that they drop the name “Ministering Sister,” and receive the women ministers into full ordination and exercise of the duties included therein.

            Washington Conference- Greetings to the Executive Board of the General Conference or General Conference Members:

            (1) We, the Washington Conference of the United Missionary Church in session at Filer, Idaho, July 13, 1951 respectfully petition you, or the General Conference to revert the Washington Conference from an Independent Conference to a Mission Conference, under the Executive Board or any one of the Eastern Conferences; and that our General Conference delegates will give the necessary reasons for this petition.

            C. Leslie Miller, Chairman, R. T. Starkey, Secretary, S. A. Rohrer, J. E. Dafoe, L. K. Sider,


            Resolved, That the report be received and that the appeals be considered at a later period.

            Resolved, That we excuse C. Leslie Miller from attendance of this Conference after Friday in order to conduct a funeral service.

            Resolved, That one representative from each Conference be responsible for the travel expenses of their delegation to General Conference.

            Resolved, That we have a business meeting on Friday evening at 7:00 P. M.

            Resolved, That we consider in informal discussion the recommendations of the Editor of the Gospel Banner.

            Resolved, That we have a Committee of five to consider the recommendations of the Editor of the Gospel Banner and report to this Conference. The Chair appointed E. R. Storms, H. E. Bowman, A. Frey, Q. J. Everest, O. P. Eastman.

            Resolved, That the request of the Indiana Conference that we recognize Robert’s Rules of Order as our official Parliamentary Guide instead of Neeley’s Parliamentary Practice be granted and that hereafter the various Conferences use this book as their guide and also use it in the Reading Course assignment.

            Resolved, That the recommendation of the Committee to Examine the Annual Conference Minutes–that petitions to General Conference be sent to the Chairman of the General Conference in the form of a certified typewritten copy–be referred to the Committee on Standing Rules.

            Ministers Arthur Ditmer, H. L. Matteson, B. H. Surbrook and Roy Dettwiler were introduced to the Conference.

            Adjourned with prayer by Dr. S. A. Witmer.


Thursday Afternoon

            The meeting was opened with a period of song. Charles F. Gray led in prayer.

            The roll was called.

            Minutes of the morning meeting were read and approved.

            Ministers Dr. Clyde Taylor, M. J. Jones and V. H. Yousey, were introduced to the Conference.

            Resolved, That we consider the recommendations of the General Executive Committee.

            Resolved, That we consider the matter of Church union between the United Missionary Church and the Missionary Church Association.

            During the quadrennium the General Executive Board in a regular meeting elected a committee of five, consisting of R. P. Ditmer, P. G. Lehman, J. E. Tuckey, T. D. Gehret and W. E. Manges, to meet with the fraternal delegates from the Missionary Church Association. Two meetings were held by the joint committees in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The report and findings of these meetings were brought to the Executive Board who in turn asked the General Conference to give prayerful consideration to the matter of church union between the two groups.

            The question relating to such a union was discussed informally and it was,

            Resolved, That this matter be tabled for later consideration.

            Resolved, That we have a business session from 6:15 to 7:30 this evening.

            Report of the Committee on Worship:

            The Committee on Worship recommends that the order of service this evening be as follows:

            Speaker–Dr. Clyde Taylor Time of service–7:45 P. M.

            In charge of service–M. J. Burgess

            Song Director–N. D. Zimmerman

            Special Music–I. L. Wood

            Offering-To defray the expenses of this meeting; any surplus to apply on the expenses of entertaining this Conference session.

            The report was adopted.

                        R. P. Ditmer, P. G. Lehman, W. E. Manges,


            Report on the Committee on Re-writing the Discipline:

             The last General Conference elected a committee of five to re-write the Discipline. Those elected and serving on this committee were: J. A. Huffman, R. P. Ditmer, Ward M. Shantz, T. D. Gehret and J. E. Tuckey. This committee met at various times during the quadrennium and having completed their work submitted their report to the Executive Board. Their report was presented to this Conference and was dealt with item by item and will appear in the Journal as the various items were adopted.

            Resolved, That the question of an article relating to our attitude on peace and war be referred to a committee on Discipline consisting of one member from each of the various Conferences.

            Resolved, That we extend the time indefinitely. The following resolution was adopted: Report of Committee on Resolutions:

            Whereas, The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution guarantees the protection of our religious freedoms by the provision that Church and State shall be forever separate, and

            Whereas, The Roman Catholic Hierarchy is historically opposed to the separation of Church and State, and

            Whereas, The action of President Harry Truman in nominating to the U. S. Senate General Mark W. Clark as full-fledged United States Ambassador to the Vatican repudiates the Bill of Rights and the United States Constitution and threatens our religious freedoms, therefore be it

            Resolved, That we, the General Conference of the United Missionary Church, known in Pennsylvania as the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, now assembled in Detroit, Michigan, do hereby protest President Truman’s action and call upon every Senator to refuse approval to the appointment of General Clark. Be it further,

            Resolved, That we urgently propose to our legislators that suitable legislation be drawn up to define the future policy of our nation in its relation to any and all religious groups.

                                    C. E. Kirkwood, Forest L. Huffman,


Report was adopted.

            Resolved, That the Secretary send a copy of this resolution to the President of the United States and one to Senator Thomas Connally, also that copies be given for the use of members of the General Conference.

            Ministers Donald Conrad, Fred Johnson and G. C. Guilliat were introduced to the Conference.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to meet in special session at g:15 p. m.

            Prayer by I. W. Sherk.


Thursday Evening

            Meeting opened at 6:15 with song. H. E. Bowman led in prayer. Roll Call.

            Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

            Report of the Committee to Apportion General Conference Expenses:


Pennsylvania Conference                                               $803.00

Ontario Conference                                                          424.20

Washington Conference                                                     61.00

Nebraska Conference                                                       146.00

Canadian Northwest Conference                                        97.00

Ohio Conference                                                              223.00

Michigan Conference                                                       363.00

Indiana Conference                                                          420.00

            Total                                                                                       $2,537.70


Deficit in Conference Treasury                                      $132.63

Pennsylvania Conference                                                 841.80

Ontario Conference                                                          149.86

Washington Conference                                                   334.30

Nebraska Conference                                                       189.64

Canadian Northwest Conference                                      375.00

Ohio Conference                                                              109.12

Michigan Conference                                                         47.50

Indiana Conference                                                          127.85

Editor and Bethel Publishing Agent                                   30.00

To give Treasury working balance                                   200.00

            Total                                                                                       $2,537.70

We recommend that the balance ($200.00) be turned over to the Treasurer of the Executive Board.

                        N. H. Wolf, W. E. Manges, Henry Good,


            Report was adopted.

            The report of the Committee on Revision of the Discipline was lifted from the table for reading and discussion.

            Resolved, That the article on Musical Instruments be deleted from the Discipline.

            Resolved, That the article on How to Deal With Persons Who Disturb Our Meetings be deleted from the Discipline.

            Resolved, That wherever the term Presiding Elder occurs in the Discipline it shall be stricken out.

            Resolved, That this report be tabled.

            Adjourned at 7:30 with prayer by C. E. Kirkwood.


Friday Morning

            Meeting opened with a period of song. The devotions were in charge of Woodrow Goodman, who gave a brief exposition of Phil. 2:1-12. The Conference engaged in a season of prayer.

            Roll Call.

            Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

            The report of the Committee on the Revision of the Discipline was lifted from the table.

            Resolved, That the article on “Divorce” be referred to the Committee on Discipline.

            Resolved, That the paragraph under “Admission of Members” relative to associate members be stricken out.

            Resolved, That the question of receiving members in good standing from other churches be referred to the Committee on Discipline.

            Resolved, That the question of a previous examination of prospective members be referred to the Committee on Discipline.

P. T. Stengele, Ward M. Shantz, A. Prey, Kenneth Geiger, J. E. Tuckey, R. P. Ditmer, Charles F. Gray and E. D. Young were elected Committee on Discipline.

            Resolved, That the Article on Apparel be referred to the Committee on Discipline

            Resolved, That the report be tabled.

            Ministers J. Harold Sherk, H. H. MacDonald, Charles Haas, R. J. Matteson, and G. D. Murphy were introduced to the Conference.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time indefinitely.

            Rev. Irwin Thomas of the E. V. Publishing Company was introduced to the Conference and gave a few words of greeting.

            Adjourned at 12:02 noon. Prayer by Rev. Irwin Thomas.


Friday Afternoon

            The meeting was opened with a song service in charge of H. L. Matteson.

            E. D. Young led in prayer.

            The report on Discipline re-writing was brought up for further consideration.

            Resolved, That the question relative to the nomination, election, ordination and length of service of Deacons be referred to the Committee on Discipline.

            Resolved, That the question of a Church Treasurer and his duties be referred to the Committee on Discipline.

            Rev. J. Gaylord Lehman, Pastor of the Missionary Church in Royal Oak, Michigan, was introduced to the Conference.

            Meeting adjourned with benediction and prayer by Rev. Lehman.


Friday Evening

            The meeting was opened at 7:30 p. m. with congregational singing. Q.

            J. Everest led in prayer.

            Several special selections in song were presented by the Rogers Trio. The roll was called.

            Minutes of the afternoon meeting were read and approved. The business of the afternoon meeting was continued in considering the report of the revision of the Discipline.

            Resolved, That the paragraph under Section III relating to ministers, which reads: “No minister in our Church shall be allowed to be a member of any association or society organized with the object of making financial gain,” shall be stricken from the Discipline.

            Resolved, That we encourage the election of lay delegates to the Executive Board.

            Resolved, That we table the report.

            Q. J. Everest was granted his request to be excused from part of the sessions in order to officiate at a funeral.

            Adjourned at 9:30 p. m.


Saturday Morning

            The meeting was opened with a devotional period in charge of E. D. Young. The Scripture used as a basis for a practical exhortation was I Peter 5.

            The roll was called and minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Report of Committee on Credentials:

            Whereas, Q. J. Everest has been called home to officiate at a funeral, and

            Whereas, He requested that the first alternate minister delegate be seated in the bar until he returns, and

            Whereas, We have examined the minutes of the Indiana Conference and find that J. Kimbel is the duly elected first alternate minister delegate, be it

            Resolved, That J. Kimbel be seated in the Conference until Q. J. Everest returns.

                        P. G. Lehman, E. D. Young, M. J. Burgess, Charles F. Gray,

                        Kenneth Geiger, A. Frey, P. T. Stengele, H. E. Bowman,


            The report was adopted.

            Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Worship be referred back to the Committee.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a member from the Michigan Conference to serve as an additional member on the Committee on Worship.

            The Chair appointed M. J. Burgess.

            Report of the Committee on General Conference Minutes:

            We beg leave to report that we have examined the minutes of the Elfteenth General Conference of 1947. We hereby certify them to be correct with the following exceptions:

            Page 6, W. E. Manges read Ephesians 4:1-16, not 4:1-6.

            Page 9, The title, “Secretary and Editor’s Report” should be “Secretary and Editor’s Financial Report.”

            Page 14, At the close of the report of the Bethel Publishing Company the following is omitted: “Ratio Current Assets to Liabilities, 10.04 to 1.” Page 58, Nappanee, Ohio should be Nappanee, Indiana.

            Page 59, O. B. Snyder is said to have been born on 12, 1863. The name of the month is omitted.

            There were also twenty typographical errors. We hereby submit four copies duly certified.

                        E. R. Storms, Quinton J. Everest, Walter Frank,


            The report was adopted.

            Resolved, That the Executive Board be instructed to plan and arrange a Program of evangelism and promotion for the evening meetings and Sunday services of the next General Conference.

            Resolved, That we consider the requests and appeals from the various Annual Conferences.

            Resolved, That the request of the Michigan Conference to consider the question of providing adequate materials and literature for Sunday Schools be referred to a Committee of five to be appointed by the Chair. The Chair appointed J. Kimbel, C. E. Kirkwood, L. K. Sider, P. F. Kreiss, W. K. Burgess.

            The request of the Michigan Conference asking for a revision of the Discipline article on “Class Meetings” was granted and the following was adopted:

            “Believing that it is good that each member be examined before the class we encourage the holding of class meetings shortly before the Communion Service.”

            Resolved, That under Section III The General Conference in the Discipline, the word “Publisher” be stricken out and the words “Agent of Bethel Publishing Company” be inserted.

            The petition of the Indiana Conference asking for the privilege of making members of standing Conference Committees and regular Conference officers regular voting members of annual Conference during their tenure of office was granted, and it was moved that the Discipline, Section II on Annual Conferences be amended to include the following statement, “Annual Conference membership may include for the term of their office, lay members of the Executive Board, Board of Directors dr Board of Trustees, and Conference Treasurer, at the discretion of the respective Annual Conferences.”

            Ministers L. O. Severn, L. L. Surbrook, M. E. Engbrecht and A. J. Beutler were introduced to the Conference.

            The petition of the Indiana Conference asking for the privilege to elect one delegate to Annual Conference for each 100 members or majority fraction of the next 150 thereof from each local congregation was granted, and it was moved that the General Conference Executive Board consider the matter during the next quadrennium before deciding that the Discipline be amended in this respect.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time indefinitely.

            Adjourned at 12:03 noon. Prayer by Wm. Hygema.


Saturday Afternoon

            The meeting was opened with congregational singing. 0. P. Eastman led in prayer.

            The roll was called.

            Minutes of the morning meeting were read and approved.

            Report of Committee on Worship:

Services for Sunday Sunday School:

            To speak to adult class assembly–W. Goodman

            To speak to Intermediate Class Assembly–R. T. Starkey

10:30 a. m. Morning Worship

            In charge–W. K. Burgess

            To preach–H. E. Bowman

            Music–Church Choir

2:15 p. m. Afternoon Service

            In charge–P. G. Lehman, Vice Chairman

            Conference Sermon–J. E. Tuckey

            Music–Church Quartet

            Song Director–I. L. Wood

7:30 p. m. Evening Service

            In charge–W. E. Manges

            To preach–P. T. Stengele

            Music–Local church

            Song Director–N. D. Zimmerman

            The report was adopted.

                                    R. P. Ditmer, P. G. Lehman,

                                    M. J. Burgess, W. E. Manges,


            Report of Committee on Credentials:

            Whereas, This Conference has decided to seat the Agent of the Bethel Publishing House as a member, we have examined the minutes of the Executive Committee and certify that Paul Kreiss is the duly elected Agent, therefore be it

            Resolved, That Paul Kreiss be seated as a member of this Conference.

            The report was adopted.

                                    A. Frey, M. J. Burgess, H. E. Bowman, E. D. Young,

                                    P. T. Stengele, Charles F. Gray, Kenneth Geiger, P. G. Lehman,


            Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

            Whereas, it was our privilege to have as a visitor in one of the sessions of our General Conference Rev. Ervin Thomas, of the E. V. Publishing Company, of Nappanee, Indiana, which company prints our Gospel Banner, who brought greetings from the Brethren in Christ Church and addressed the Conference briefly, be it

            Resolved, That we express our appreciation for his visit and his message to us.

            Whereas, it has been our privilege to have Dr. Clyde Taylor with us for a session of the General Conference, and to have him serve as our Guest Speaker in the Missionary Service which was held on Thursday evening, November 8, by the arrangement of our United Missionary Society, be it

            Resolved, That we express our appreciation for his presence with us and his stirring message of challenge, and pray God’s blessing upon him in his important work as Secretary of Affairs of the National Association of Evangelical Churches of America.

                                    C. E. Kirkwood, F. L. Huffman,


            The report was adopted.

            The Secretary shall send a copy of the above resolutions to the parties concerned.

            Resolved. That we have a business meeting tonight at 7:00 o’clock.

            Report of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Pennsylvania Conference:

            During the quadrennium there has been a marked increase both in the prayer interest and in the offerings for the cause of Foreign Missions. Four of our young people have entered the foreign missionary work and are now laboring in their appointed fields. Others are attending Bible Schools and preparing for the field as the Lord may lead. Contributions for Foreign Missions in the Pennsylvania Conference at 36% higher than they were four years ago.

            Contributions during the quadrennium for Foreign Missions have been as follows: From the Churches of the Conference, $84,894.23; from the Sunday Schools, $69,953.05. A grand total for Foreign Missions of $154,847.28.

            The Pennsylvania Conference at the present time supports thirty-two missionaries under the following Missionary Societies:

Christian and Missionary Alliance                                     13

United Missionary Society                                                   6

China Inland Mission Africa Inland Mission                       4

The Boys Brigade of Africa                                                 2

Evangelical Alliance                                                            2

Unevangelized Tribes                                                           1

Orinoco River Mission                                                         1

            In addition to the full support of these missionaries, additional grants have been given for station maintenance, special projects on supervised fields, and some contribution for the general funds.

T. D. Gehret, President, C. Leslie Miller, J. E. Golla, Secretary, P. T. Stengele, F. B. Hertzog, C. Leslie Miller, N. H. Wolf, J. B. Henry


            The report was adopted.

            Report of the United Missionary Society:

   The past four years have recorded a very marked advancement in the affairs of the United Missionary Society. For this progress we have much reason to praise our God. However, the years have brought with them new and sometimes difficult problems.

            In different ways we have experienced an expansion and wholesome development of the work. Our staff of missionaries has increased during this quadrennial period from fifty-five to seventy. On the field new main stations in previously unoccupied territory have been opened. Many new outstations have also been opened. We are now operating many schools such as Teacher Training, Bible and Elementary schools. The new memorial hospital in Nigeria is now more than half completed and in operation to full capacity. It is planned to begin soon the construction of the other wing.

            The spirit of evangelism on the fields continues to be strongly emphasized with the result that many of the native churches have experienced a remarkable growth. Noteworthy is the church in Igbetti, Nigeria which has had an attendance of one thousand in a regular Sunday morning service. The India work developed to the point which indicates that it will soon become an indigenous organization. Plans are now in process of development which when completed will make possible the organization of an India Conference. Comparing the fiscal year closing in 1947 with that of 1951 we note a 50% increase in financial receipts.

            The W. M. S. continues to serve as a strong auxiliary to the work. The funds raised and the ministry performed otherwise by this organization has been a great factor in the program and progress of the Society. The Missionary Banner has continued to serve well the purpose for which it came into being.

            During this period of time the dark cloud of sorrow cast its shadows in the passing of our esteemed President, J. S. Wood. In his passing the cause of missions lost a great friend and loyal champion. For the place thus made vacant Rev. Q. J. Everest has been chosen and in turn has given himself whole-heartedly to the interests of the work.

            It is the mind of the Board that our work is now in a position to move ahead to greater expansion and accomplishment for the Master. The fields are white unto harvest and the challenge is great.

Q. J. Everest, President, P. G. Lehman, Recording Secretary, R. P. Ditmer, General Foreign Secretary, Kenneth Geiger, M. J. Burgess, Ward M. Shantz, J. E. Tuckey, Charles F. Gray, A. Frey,


            The report was adopted.

            Resolved, That we ask the Executive Board to provide suitable forms for marriage, baptism, dedication of children, and certificates for the various branches of church administration.

            The petition from the Nebraska Conference that the name “Ministering Sister” be dropped and that women ministers be received into full ordination was not granted.

            The request of the Washington Conference asking that they be a Mission Conference under the supervision of the Executive Board or one of the Eastern Conferences was given consideration and it was moved that it be referred to the Committee on Boundaries.

            The request of J. A. Bradley to be excused from the Conference session of the day at 4:00 p. m. was granted.

            Resolved, That we recess to the call of the Chair. Business was resumed.

            Report of the Committee on Credentials:

            Whereas, J. A. Bradley has requested that he be excused from Conference, and we have examined the Michigan Conference minutes and find that H. L. Matteson is the duly elected third alternate minister delegate, therefore be it

            Resolved, That H. L. Matteson be seated until J. A. Bradley returns.

            The report was adopted.

E. D. Young, H. E. Bowman, M. J. Burgess, A. Frey, Kenneth Geiger, Charles F. Gray, P. G. Lehman,


            Resolved, That a ruling relative to the calling of Special Annual and General Conferences, and the question of a quorum for these Conferences, be referred to the Committee on Discipline.             Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn. Adjourned at 4:58. Prayer by Ira Stauffer.


Saturday Evening

            The meeting was opened at 7:00 o’clock with singing “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.” Paul F. Kreiss led in prayer.

            Roll call.

            Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That in the titles of church property the words “or the Corporation” shall follow the words “or an Executive Board” in paragraph one under Church Property, Chapter IX.

            The request of the Executive Board to consider the report of the Committee to re-write the Discipline pertaining to Chapter I was not granted.

            G. N. Bridges was granted his desire to be excused from attendance at the meetings for the remaining sessions of the Conference.

            Resolved, That we adjourn. Adjourned at 9:45 p. m.


Monday Morning

            The meeting was opened with singing, “Take the Name of Jesus With You.” A Prey was in charge of the devotional period.

            Roll call.

            The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            The following resolution was adopted:

            Whereas, The Congress of the United States has made provision in the present Universal Military Training and Service Act for the possible establishment of Universal Military Training, and

            Whereas, The National Security Training Commission has submitted to Congress a plan for the establishment and operation of Universal Military Training, and has recommended that this plan be enacted into law and put into operation as soon as possible, and

            Whereas, It is our Conviction that the adoption of any pertinent system of Universal Military training would be detrimental to the best interests of the nation, and ultimately destructive in its effect on the basic liberties on which the nation was founded, therefore, be it

            Resolved, That we the General Conference of the United Missionary Church, known in Pennsylvania as the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, now assembled in Detroit, Michigan, do hereby go on record as being opposed to the establishment of any Universal Military Training plan, and that we do urge that Congress do not pass such an Act which would be injurious and detrimental to the spiritual and moral welfare of the young men who would thus be affected, and further

            Resolved, That we encourage our members to express their convictions on this matter individually by letter or otherwise to their respective Congressmen.

            Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to forward copies of this Resolution to the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

            Resolved, That we request the Editor of the Gospel Banner to give appropriate publicity to this action in the columns of the Gospel Banner.

            Resolved, That we lift from the table the matter relative to Church union.

            In our consideration of the proposed merger with the Missionary Church Association we agree:

            That in the new Corporation the control of property and assets for Churches, Conference projects, etc. shall be held by the respective Annual Conferences, and that the present Conferences, Boards or local churches shall be consulted and their wishes respected in the transition of property and assets from the present to the new corporation; and that projects presently under promotion in Conferences be not altered in administration without the approval of the Conferences concerned.

            Rev. H. L. Matteson was seated in the bar to take the place of G. N. Bridges.

            The following ministers were introduced to the Conference: J. H. Hostetler, Gordon Bacon, Douglas Shepard and Gordon L. Beck.

            Resolved, That each Conference delegation elect one member from among their number to constitute a Committee on Fraternal Relations to formulate a tentative discipline or constitution as a basis upon which to work further towards church union, and further be it

            Resolved, That this Committee be accountable to the General Executive Board.

            Resolved, That we invite the Committee from the Missionary Church Association to increase their representation on the Fraternal Relations Committee to equal ours.

            Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Church Union be empowered to issue a call to the General Boards for a Joint General Conference at such time as they may deem necessary, and that such a Conference shall not be called before one year from this date.

            Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Fraternal Relations arrange for an equal representation from the two groups in the event a meeting is called for both General Conferences.

            Resolved, That the question relative to a General Conference Superintendent be lifted from the table.

            Whereas, The matter of a General Superintendent is related to the question of Church Union, therefore,

            Resolved, That we at this time defer action on the request from the Canadian North West Conference concerning a General Superintendent.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time indefinitely.

            The request of R. Spedden to be excused from the remaining meetings of Conference after 3 o’clock was granted.

            Resolved, That we adjourn to meet at the call of the Chair not later than 3 P. M.

            Adjourned at 12:05 noon with prayer by Seth Rohrer.


Monday Afternoon

            The meeting was opened at 3 o’clock with singing, “The Solid Rock.” M. L. Baker led in prayer.

            Roll call.

            Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Report of the Committee on Gospel Banner:

            We beg leave to offer the following suggestions for the improvement of the Gospel Banner:

            (1) That the Banner be issued weekly.

            (2) That there be a full time editor.

            (3) That the Banner be departmentalized to include at least the following departments: Missionary, Sunday School, Youth, Religious News of the World, Ministerial Workshop, Conference News, etc.

            (4) That the present system of electing associate editors be discontinued, and that editorial assistants, to be paid a nominal sum, be chosen in their place to head up and be responsible for material for their respective departments. These editorial assistants may or may not be members of General Conference, and may be either ministers or laymen.

            (5) That a limited amount of advertising by Christian Arms be permitted.

            (6) That the subscription price be raised to $2.00.

            (7) That the General Executive immediately provide pastors with envelopes suitable for taking subscriptions to the Banner.

                                    E. R. Storms, H. E. Bowman, Quinton J. Everest, A. Frey, O. P. Eastman,


            Resolved, That we receive the report for consideration.

            Resolved, That we elect a Committee of three to bring in nominations for Editor.

            K. E. Geiger, C. E. Kirkwood and P. G. Lehman were elected.

            Resolved, That effective December 1, 1951 the subscription price of the Gospel Banner shall be raised from $1.50 per year to $2.50 and that beginning January 1, 1952 there be fifty issues per year.

            Resolved, That other matters relating to this report on the Gospel Banner be referred to the Executive Board with power to act.

            Resolved, That we have a business session this evening at 6:30 P. M.

            Report of the Committee to Determine the Number of Representatives on the Executive Board:

Pennsylvania Conference                               4,404 Members                 Five Representatives

Ontario Conference                                        2,329 Members                 Two Representatives

Indiana Conference                                        2,305 Members                 Two Representatives

Michigan Conference                                     1,982 Members                 One Representative

Ohio Conference                                            1,227 Members                 One Representative

Nebraska Conference                                     800 Members                    One Representative

Canadian North West Conference                  535 Members                    One Representative

Washington Conference                                 338 Members                    One Representative

Ward M. Shantz, Woodrow Goodman, N. D. Zimmerman, M. L. Baker, Paul E. Baer, A. B. Newfeld,


            Report was adopted.

            H. L. Matteson and Walter Rress were granted their request to be excused from attending the meeting tonight.

            Missionaries Chrystal French and Betty Best who are about to return to Nigeria, gave brief testimonies. M. J. Burgess offered prayer and Conference joined in singing, “God Be With You Till We Meet Again.”

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time indefinitely.

            Adjourned at 5:10 P. M. with prayer by W. M. Shantz.


Monday Evening

            The meeting was opened with singing, “We Have an Anchor.” H. E. Bowman led in prayer.

            Roll call.

            Minutes of afternoon meeting were read and approved. Report of Committee on Boundaries:

            Whereas, The Washington Conference has petitioned the General Conference to revert them from an independent Conference to a Mission Conference under the General Executive Board, or one of the Eastern Conferences, and

            Whereas, This matter has been referred to us as a Committee on District Boundaries, we beg leave to report as follows:

            We have considered the position of the Washington Conference along with the present opportunities for service and expansion in their area.

            We have also heard a report from the District Superintendent of the Indiana Conference stating the opinion that the Indiana Conference is willing to give assistance to the Washington Conference in supplying personnel, finance, and direction in establishing a Church Extension Program, be it therefore

            Resolved, That we recognize the value and possibility of such a program, and recommend that the Washington Conference remain an Independent Conference.

            Whereas, The program of assistance as outlined by the Indiana Conference is acceptable and desirable to the Washington Conference, be it

            Resolved, That we give approval to such a relationship between the two Conferences and pray God’s blessing upon this proposed effort.

Kenneth Geiger, Charles F. Gray, H. E. Bowman, A. Frey, P. T. Stengele, P. G. Lehman, E. D. Young, M. J. Burgess,


            The report was adopted.

            Report of Committee on Sunday School Literature:

            We recommend that the Conference appoint a Sunday School Publication Board of five members including the Sunday School literature Editor and the Business Agent of Bethel Publishing Company.

(1) That the Board be authorized to edit and compile a revised and more complete Bethel Series of Sunday School Literature.

(2) That if deemed advisable they shall secure the services of a Sunday School Promotional Director who shall:

(a) Promote the Bethel Series of Sunday School literature.

(b) Be available for Sunday School Conventions and help individual Sunday Schools.

(c) Be responsible for the editing of a Sunday School department for the Gospel Banner.

            This Board shall be responsible to the Executive Board.

J. H. gimbel, L. K. Sider, Wm. K. Burgess, C. E. Kirkwood, Paul F. Kreiss,


            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Nominating Committee of three. N. D. Zimmerman, H. Good and Paul Baer were appointed by the Chair.

            Report of the Committee on Auditing:

            The Committee on Auditing begs to report as follows:

            We have examined the following reports, namely: Secretary and Editor’s Report on General Conference Journals; The Executive Board’s Financial Report; Report of Committee to Apportion General Conference Expenses; and the Summary Report of the Committee on Statistics, and have found all reports to be correct and in good order.

A. E. Gillies, Paul H. Cressman, D. V. Wells, Mile E. Miller,


            The report was adopted.

            Report of Committee on Correspondence:

            We have not received any correspondence to General Conference.

                                    F. B. Hertzog, Wm. Hygema,


            The report was adopted.

            Report of the Committee on Standing Rules:

            Your Committee, appointed to compile a list of standing rules for General Conference, submits the following:

Group (A) Sessional

            1. Each member before speaking on any subject, or upon presenting any motion or seconding the same, shall rise, and respectfully address the Chair, and receiving recognition shall be allowed to speak ten minutes on each subject, and only once, except by the permission of the Chair, provided no one else desires to speak, or no one objects.

            2. The forenoon meetings open at 9 a. m. and close at 12 noon; afternoon meetings open at 2 p. m. and close at 5 p. m.

            3. That all open voting be done by raising the Hand.

            4. That in all elections a nomination shall be seconded in order to qualify a person as a candidate.

            5. That the Chairman nominate all committees, unless otherwise provided for and that Conference elect them.

            6. That all ordained ministers and probationers having charge of a work shall be introduced to the Conference, their names placed on the record and that they be received as advisory members and be privileged to speak five minutes on any subject, and only once.

            7. That we encourage the Chairman to call on such members of this Conference who show inactivity. We request the Chair to enforce all rules of order.

            8. That ministers of other denominations attending any of the meetings shall be introduced to this Conference.

            9. That we accept “Robert’s Rules” to govern this Conference body.

            10. That no member of this Conference be allowed to leave the bar without the permission of the Chair.

            11. That at the call of one-fifth of the members of this Conference present the “yeas” and “nays” shall be recorded.

            12. The Chairman shall appoint the following committees:

On Worship; To Examine General Conference Minutes; On Statistics; To Examine Annual Conference Minutes; On Resolutions; On Auditing; On Credentials; On Boundary; On Correspondence; On Program; and these committees shall be elected by open vote.

            13. The first evening of General Conference shall be a public session in which reports shall be given by District Superintendents and leaders of the foreign missionary work. One other evening shall be devoted to the interests of Foreign Missions.

Group (B) Miscellaneous

            1. The basis of membership on the Executive Board shall be one member for each Conference, with one additional member for each additional one thousand church members over four hundred.

            2. Whenever a change is to be made in the Discipline there shall be two readings at separate meetings.

            3. The traveling expenses of Conference members in coming to General Conference shall be paid at the rate of 5 per mile for the first delegate and 1 ½ per mile for each additional passenger, and that $1.00 per meal and lodging expenses be paid in addition.

            Further: That such who travel by rail shall be paid actual clergy or laymen full fare including sleeper and $1.00 per meal.

            4. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary of the General Conference shall form a Committee on “Agenda,” who shall, prior to General Conference, formulate an agenda for conference procedure, and that copies of this agenda be in the hands of the General Conference members at least two weeks before General Conference.

            5. Recommendations or petitions from any Annual Conference to General Conference shall be properly certified typewritten or printed and forwarded to the General Conference Chairman prior to General Conference for inclusion in the agenda.

            The report was adopted.

                                    A. Walsh, F. B. Hertzog, Q. J. Everest,


            The following were presented as candidates for the Executive Board:

Pennsylvania Conference: P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret, F. B. Hertzog, C. Leslie Miller, C. E. Kirkwood;

            Ontario Conference: P. G. Lehman, L. K. Sider;

            Michigan Conference: J. E. Tuckey, M. J. Burgess;

            Indiana Conference: K. E. Geiger, Q. J. Everest;

            Ohio Conference: R. P. Ditmer;

            Canadian North West Conference: A. Frey;

            Washington Conference: E. D. Young;

            Nebraska Conference: Charles F. Gray.

            Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to cast the ballot electing the Executive Board of the church by separate Conferences.

            The following were elected as members of the Executive Board of the Church: P. T. Stengele, T. D. Gehret, F. B. Hertzog, C. Leslie Miller, C. E. Kirkwood, P. G. Lehman, L. K. Sider, J. E. Tuckey, M. J. Burgess, K. E. Geiger, Q. J. Everest, R. P. Ditmer, A. Frey, E. D. Young and Charles Gray.

            The following were elected as a Committee on Fraternal Relations: R. P. Ditmer, J. E. Tuckey, T. D. Gehret, P. G. Lehman, Kenneth Geiger, A. Frey, Charles F. Gray and E. D. Young.

            Report of the Committee on Discipline:

            We Recommend, That the article on”Self Defense” be replaced by the following:

            “War, Peace and Self Defense.” Revenge and resistance to evil by violent means, are strictly forbidden to the followers of Christ, according to the word of Christ and the teaching of His apostles . The Word has bidden us to “love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them which despitefully use you, and persecute you,” “resist not evil,” “avenge not yourselves,” and “if thine enemy hunger, feed him, if he thirst, give him drink, for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head; be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” When Peter would have defended his Lord with the sword, he was admonished, “Put up again thy sword into his place; for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.” Christ said too, “My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight; but now is my kingdom not from hence.” Paul also taught, “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal.” Moreover, this word which our Lord taught He exemplified in the whole manner of His life, above all in His self-sacrificing death on the cross. “Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps; who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth; who when He was reviled, reviled not again; when He suffered, He threatened not.” The whole tenor of the Gospel is in harmony with these Scriptures.

            In the light of the above, we are constrained as followers of Christ to abstain from all carnal warfare. We cannot encourage participation in a conflict between nations, nor in strife between classes, groups, or individuals. In an such situations we must be “wise as serpents, harmless as doves,” giving ourselves wholly to the ministry of reconciliation, and fulfilling the terms of our Great Commission, to preach the Gospel of peace, and to lead men everywhere to salvation through Jesus Christ. We must be “ready to every good work,” ready to suffer, if need be for conscience sake, and to “take joyfully the spoiling of our goods,” but we cannot resist evil with evil, or return blow for blow. (Matt. 5:39-44; 10:16; 26-52; John 18:36; Acts 5:29; Romans 12:19-21; Eph. 6:12-15; 2 Cor. 10:4; Heb. 10:34; 1 Pet. 2:21-23.)

            We Recommend, That the following replace the Section on Election, Chapter IV, Part 1, Section 111:

            “That whereas deacons who have been ordained were ordained with the understanding that it was for life, we recommend that their ordination be honored.”

            We Recommend, That in the Section on Admission of Members, sentence one read: “Applicants for church membership shall first be examined by the Pastor, or a Committee, and such as are approved, on confession of their faith, may be received into Church membership in a public manner.”

            “Members of other denominations who desire to transfer their membership to our Church, shall present to the Pastor a recent letter of standing. They shall give clear testimony to a saving faith, and shall be approved by the Pastor or a Committee, and be recognized publicly.”

            We Recommend, That in the Section under Conference, there be added the words: “A quorum for any of our Conferences, Local, Annual, General or Special, shall be those members who are present at a Conference which has been properly called.”

            We Recommend, That there be inserted under Election of Officers the following: “Church Treasurer.” “If it is desired, church treasurers, who shall have similar qualifications to those of Stewards, may be elected by the Local Conference. They shall not hold office for longer than one year without re-election.”


            1. They shall keep an accurate record of all monies entrusted to their care and disbursed by them.

            2. Their accounts shall be open to examination by the Local Conference to which they are responsible. They shall report annually or as often as required.

            We Recommend, That in the Section dealing with the election of Deacons the following replace the present Discipline wording:

Deacons — Election

            Each local church shall determine the number of deacons to serve in the local church.

            They shall be elected at the time of the annual Local Conference business meeting, and shall not serve longer than three years without re-election. They shall he elected by ballot from the membership by the members of the church over which they are to preside; a majority vote being required to elect.

            Qualifications of deacons are stated in I Timothy 3:8-13.

            If an emergency situation, the Executive Committee of the Annual Conference deems it advisable that a special session of the Annual Conference be held, they may call the same and determine the time and place. The membership of said special conference shall be the members of the previous Annual Conference.

            A call for a special General Conference may be made at any time providing an Annual Conference or any five members of the General Executive Board ask for it, and approval is given by the General Executive Board as a whole. The time and place is to be determined by the General Executive Board. The membership of said special General Conference shall be the duly elected members of the previous General Conference.

            We Recommend, That the article on Divorce be revised to read:

            Divorce is the breaking down of God’s institution of marriage. We are grieved over the prevalence of this sin. Let our ministry continue to cry out against it according to the Scripture, Matthew 19:6.

            In consideration of the Grace of God as revealed in such Scriptures as John 8:3-11, and 1 Cor. 6:9-11, we do not refuse church membership to persons who have been divorced and remarried, if they give evidence of divine forgiveness and continue in Christian grace.

            No brother or sister shall retain membership in our church, who will marry again after having been divorced, or who will marry a divorced person, saving for fornication or adultery.

No minister shall be permitted to solemnize a marriage in which one or both parties are divorced.

P. T. Stengele, Ward M. Shantz, E. D. Young, A. Frey, Charles F. Gray, It. P. Ditmer, Kenneth Geiger, J. E. Tuckey,


            The report was adopted.

            Resolved, That the article on Apparel in our Discipline remain unchanged.

            Resolved, That we recess to the call of the Chair.

            Business was resumed.

            Elected to the Sunday School Publication Board were: W. I. Goodman, W. K. Burgess, Ward M. Shantz, Paul F. Kreiss, J. A. Huffman.

            Report of the Committee to Bring in Nominations for Editor or the Gospel Banner:

            Whereas, It has been impossible to secure the services of a full time editor in keeping with the expressed desire of this Conference, and

            Whereas, The involvements financially and otherwise cannot be fully comprehended at this time, and

            Whereas, The need of improvements in the Gospel Banner and its promotion is reflected in the present decreased number of subscriptions.

            Be it Resolved, That having secured the consent of Ray P. Pannabecker and Everek Storms, we recommend that they be elected and designated as follows: Editor, Everek Storms; Office Editor, Ray P. Pannabecker . The salary for such service shall be $750.00 per year on the basis of 50 issues, the same to include cost of secretarial help.

            We recommend that this arrangement continue until June 1, 1952 at which time the Executive Board may employ a full time Editor if it so desires.

            This arrangement appears to be the best solution to the problem in view of the human limitations and the pending merger with the Missionary Church Association.

                                    Kenneth Geiger, C. E. Kirkwood, P. G. Lehman,


            The report was adopted.

            Everek Storms was elected Editor and Ray P. Pannabecker was elected Office Editor.

            The Executive Board announced the following election of officers:

            Chairman–R. P. Ditmer

            Vice Chairman–J. E. Tuckey

            Secretary–M. J. Burgess

            Treasurer–Kenneth Geiger

            Resolved, That the Officers, Chairmen, Secretary and Treasurer of the Executive Board be a Committee to prepare and print the Discipline and further that they determine the number to be printed.

            The Committee on Fraternal Relations announced the election of the following officers: Chairman–R. P. Ditmer;

Secretary–P. G. Lehman.

            Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

            Whereas, The Church is greatly indebted to the District Superintendents of the various Conferences, upon whose hearts are laid the responsibility of leadership, in the carrying on of God’s work in our churches, and

            Whereas, Very interesting reports were submitted of the work in the various Conferences, which were received with gratefulness and from the information brought it is very evident that the Lord of Harvest has been blessing their efforts, and, therefore,

            Resolved, That this General Conference express to these devoted leaders of the Church, and others, who have served in this capacity during the quadrennium our sincere gratitude, and pledge to them our prayers and confidence in their future labors.

            Whereas, Our Pastors have been maintaining a spirit of devotion to the widening of the borders of Christ’s Kingdom, and the spiritual ministry of our Church, and through their ministry have become agents of blessing to many, be it

            Resolved, That we express to them our appreciation and continue to pray that God’s will may be fully known to them in regard to their future work, and that they may be given strength to wage an effectual warfare for the breaking down of the barriers of sin and the exalting of Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

            Whereas, The Lord has been pleased to bless the work of our Church, in their Foreign Mission program, and steady progress has been made through the past four year period with substantial increases in offerings and new missionaries sent to the various fields, be it

            Resolved, That we express our gratitude for every member of the United Missionary Society, for the faithful labors of our General Foreign Mission Secretary, R. P. Ditmer, and for our faithful Missionaries who have given themselves without reservation to the work of gathering sheaves for God’s glory.

Whereas, It was our privilege to have as visitors during the General Conference three of our Missionaries, Ira W. Sherk, also Chrystal French and Betty Best, who have served one term in Nigeria, be it

            Resolved, That we express our appreciation for their presence and pledge them our prayers as they have left the General Conference to begin their return trip to the African field.

            Whereas, The Chairman of General Conference, J. E. Tuckey, has conducted the sessions of the Conference in a commendable manner, giving fair consideration to all members, be it

            Resolved, That we express to him our appreciation and express it by a rising vote of thanks.

            Whereas, The Secretaries of General Conference, T. D. Gehret and the Assistant Secretary, N. H. Wolf, have rendered vigilant and accurate service in recording the proceedings of the General Conference, be it

            Resolved, That we express our gratitude for good service rendered with a rising vote of thanks.

            Whereas, The Executive Board of the Church has satisfactorily rendered the service for which it was created in our church polity, in performing its prescribed disciplinary duties, with power of General Conference in the interim between conferences, be it

            Resolved, That this General Conference recognize the splendid work of the Executive Board, as was reflected in their report submitted to General Conference, and extend to them our gratitude for their good service.

            Whereas, The Pastor of the Dakota Avenue Church of Detroit, Michigan, W. K. Burgess, together with his good people have so bountifully and graciouly provided for our entertainment, including not only the General Conference members, but also their wives, and other visiting friends, housing them so comfortably in their homes and the homes of other friends who are not members of the church, and serving the meals in a hospitable and courteous manner, with the help of the ladies of other United Missionary churches in this area, be it

            Resolved, That we join together in a hearty vote of thanks to the Dakota Avenue United Missionary Church, and to their Pastor and pray God’s blessing upon them, knowing that the Lord has promised to bless all those who minister in His name. We propose further, that a copy of this resolution be handed to Pastor Burgess, with the suggestion that it be read to the Dakota Avenue congregation.

            Whereas, The Editor of the Gospel Banner, Ray P. Pannabecker, has rendered valuable service during the period since last General Conference in editing our church periodical, be it

            Resolved, That this General Conference express to Brother Pannebecker our gratitude for his good service.

            Whereas, The Editor of the Bethel Series of Sunday School literature, J. A. Huffman, has given diligent and efficient service in the past four years, be it

            Resolved, That this General Conference extend to Brother Huffman a hearty vote of thanks for his ministry in the field of Sunday school literature.

            Whereas, There have, since last General Conference, in the providence removed from our midst several of our faithful ministers and they have now gone to their rewards, we bow in humility and the will of Him who makes no blunders, be it

            Resolved, That we express to the families who have sustained these losses of loved ones, our deepest sympathy.

            To the best of our knowledge the losses of workers sustained are as follows:

            Ontario Conference: F. J. Lehman, I. Brubacker, W. H. Yates, A. T. Godding, S. Goudie, Miss E. Eastman.

            Canadian North West Conference: Isaac Burkholder.

            Pennsylvania Conference: C. H. Brunner.

            Washington Conference: Charles B. Pillor, P. M. Wolf.

            Michigan Conference: E. Krake, J. A. Avery, J. S. Wood, F. C. Rudy, Mrs. Mary Ann Simmons, Mrs. Emma Morgan, Miss Alice Francis.

            Nebraska Conference: J. Hygema.

            The report was adopted.

                                    F. L. Huffman, C. E. Kirkwood,


            Resolved, That the next regular General Conference be held in Pennsylvania, the Lord willing, the first Wednesday in November 1955.

            Report of the Committee to Re-write the Discipline:

            The committee recommends:

            1. That the cover have on it simply the word DISCIPLINE.

            2. That the title page read:



of the


Prior to 1947 known as the

Mennonite Brethren in Christ

and still known by the latter name

in the

Pennsylvania Conference

(The rest of the page shall read the same as in the present Discipline.)

            3. That the last paragraph of the preface be omitted and that the following be added:

All Scripture references are from the King James Version unless indicated otherwise.

            4. That on page 5, the words “Historical Sketch” replace the present heading, and that to the Historical Sketch the following be added:


            Petitions from several of the Annual Conferences were made to the General Conference which convened in Potsdam, Ohio, November 5 – 10, 1947, that consideration be given to a change in the church name in use at that time. The Conference recognized these requests and elected a committee to further consider this matter and to bring in a report to the Conference assembled. A report favourable to a change was adopted and the Conference proceeded to a ballot vote in order to determine the desire of the body in the matter. The result was that two thirds voted for a change. A ballot vote was taken to determine the name desired which resulted in the UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH being chosen.

            The Pennsylvania Conference did not favour the change in church name but elected to continue to function under the name of MENNONITE BRETHREN IN CHRIST. General Conference voted to permit the Pennsylvania Conference to maintain their relationship full and unqualified to the General Conference body and to continue under this name indefinitely.

            5. That a table of contents (as well as an index) be included.

            6. That the attention of the General Conference be called to the fact that the present Discipline does not have any definite statement on the church’s attitude on peace and war.

            7. That the body of the Discipline read as follows:



Section I


            Christians should make use of the means of grace provided for them in the various services of the Church. This is not only a duty, but a privilege. The Psalmist said: “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go inro the house of the Lord.” A New Testament exhortation is found in the following words: “Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works; not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” (Heb. 10:24, 25).

            We esteem it as becoming true worshipers upon entering the house of God, in reverence to God, and from a sense of gratitude for being permitted to meet with His people, also to invoke the blessing of God upon the service, that the worshiper engage in silent prayer before the Lord.

            We recommend that services be opened promptly as announced, and that worshipers should seek to be present at the time of the opening of service. Congregational singing should be considered an important part of worship. Since kneeling in prayer is both a scriptural and a reverent prayer attitude, we recommend that in public worship our congregations kneel together in prayer.

            After such appropriate opening of services, the minister will read the Scriptures and deliver the sermon, after which the services will be concluded with prayer, singing, and benediction.

Section II


(Paragraph to read the same as at present)

The word “Protracted” shall be changed to “Revival.”


            Believing that it is good that each member be examined and encouraged before the class, we encourage the holding of class meetings shortly before the Communion Service. Let the meeting be announced —————— (Same as now in the Discipline). The reference James 5:16 is to be added.


            It is expected of all who desire to continue as members of this church, that they shall continue to evidence their salvation by giving attention to public worship, the ministry of the Word, family devotions, secret prayer, fasting, the study of the Scriptures, the observance of the ordinance of the Christian Communion, and the Washing of the Saints Feet.

            (The remainder of this article shall be as at present except that the paragraph numbers be omitted.)


            The word opium shall be replaced by the word “narcotics.”

            Upon motion it was voted that the Article on Musical Instruments be stricken out of the Discipline.

            Upon motion it was voted that the article presently in the Discipline dealing with Persons Who Disturb Our Meetings, should be deleted.

Section III


            Since the Scriptures give a number of instances…. (same as at present to) ….. who shall furnish proper certificates. (Scripture references same as at present.)

Form for Dedication of Children

            To the Congregation:

            Forasmuch as God in His great mercy has entered into covenant relation with man, wherein He hath included children as partakers of its gracious benefits, we publicly present our children to the Lord in recognition of His goodness and grace.

            Hear what the Holy Scriptures say:

                        (Same Scripture as at present.)

            To the Parents:

Dear parents, inasmuch as this child (these children) is (are) presented ————— (the rest of the form as at present.)

Section IV


            At the day and time appointed for the solemnization of matrimony, the persons to be married having been qualified according to the law, standing together, the man on the minister’s left hand and the woman on the right, the minister shall say: “There was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: and both Jesus was called, and His disciples, to the Marriage.” (Jno. 2:1-2).

            Dearly beloved: We are gathered together in the sight of God and in the presence of these witnesses, to join together this man and this woman in the bonds of Holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God in the time of man’s innocency, signifying unto us the mystical union that exists between Christ and His Church; which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with His presence and His first miracle which He wrought, and is commended of St. Paul to be honourable among all men; and therefore is not by any to be entered into inadvisedly, but reverently, discreetly and in the fear of God. Be ye well assured that if any persons are joined together otherwise than God’s Word allows, their marriage is not blessed of God. Into this holy estate, these two persons come now to be joined.

            (Here suitable Scriptures can be read and prayer offered, if desired.)

            Then shall the Minister say:

            Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?

            The one who presents the bride in marriage shall make appropriate reply such as, “I do” or “Mother and I.”

            Then they shall give their troth to each other in this manner: The Minister receiving the woman at her father’s or friend’s hand, shall cause the man with his right hand to take the woman by her right hand, and shall say:

            TO THE GROOM:

            Do you ——————-, take this woman, whose hand you now hold, to be your true and wedded wife, and do you solemnly promise before God and these witnesses to love, cherish, honour, and protect her, and her only, as long as ye both shall live? If so answer, “I do.” Then shall the Minister say:

            TO THE BRIDE:

            Do you ——————-, take this man who now holds your hand, to be your true and wedded husband, and do you solemnly promise before God and these witnesses to love, honour, cherish, obey and protect him; to forsake all others for his sake; and to cleave unto him and him only, so long as ye both shall live? If so answer, “I do.”

            The Minister shall then ask the Groom to repeat after him the following:

            I, ————-, take thee, —————–, to be my wedded wife; to have and to hold from this day forward; for better for worse, for richer for poorer; in sickness and in health, till death do us part, and thereto I pledge my troth.

            The Minister shall then ask the Bride to repeat after him the following:

            I, ————–, take thee, ————-, to be my wedded husband; to have and to hold, from this day forward; for better for worse, for richer for poorer; in sickness and in health, till death do us part, and thereto I pledge my troth.

            Then shall the Minister say:

            Forasmuch as ——————- and ——————- have consented to live together in holy wedlock, and have pledged their troth to each other in the presence of God and this company and have confirmed the same by joining hands, now therefore by the authority conferred upon me by the laws of the State of —————–, and by the Church of Jesus Christ, I pronounce you husband and wife, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

            In this new relationship let me remind you that henceforth you are one in interests, one in reputation, and above all, one in affection. These therefore whom God hath joined together let not man put asunder.

            The Lord bless thee and keep thee. The Lord make His face to shine upon thee. The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee and be gracious unto thee and give thee peace. Amen.

            (Prayer can again be offered, if desired.)

Section V


            (The same form as at present)

Section VI


            At the time of dedication, the minister in charge of the service, or some other minister appointed to officiate, shall read an appropriate Scripture passage. Then a dedicatory hymn shall be sung, followed by prayer; then the sermon. Then the congregation shall rise before the Lord and the following declaration be made by the District Superintendent or his appointee.

            (The next three paragraphs shall be the same as at present.)

            Having this confidence, we now declare, designate and consecrate this house as the (name of church) of the United Missionary Church (or Mennonite Brethren In Christ) (name of place), unto the Triune God. We dedicate this house to the singing of His praise, the offering of thanksgiving, prayer, reading, expounding and preaching of His Word, the administration of the Ordinances, and the observance of such other devotional services as are according to the rules adopted and practiced in public worship by the United Missionary Church (or Mennonite Brethren In Christ) agreeable with His Word. May His Name here be magnified, and His kingdom be built up to the salvation of men.

            That this dedication may be confirmed by God, let us also consecrate ourselves, and all that we are and possess, without reservation or condition to Him as His people, for His service, in accordance with His rightful claim through the covenant of grace by Jesus Christ, our Lord.

            Then the congregation shall engage in prayer to God to accept the offering.

            Doxology and benediction.

Section VII


            On the day appointed, there shall be a suitable sermon or exhortation delivered. After the names of those to be ordained have been read aloud, the District Superintendent (or Presiding Elder) shall read the following articles to all who may be chosen for ordination:

            “A bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not self-willed, not soon angry, not given to wine, not a striker, not given to filthy lucre; but a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate; holding fast the faithful Word as he hath been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.” (Titus 1:7-9).

            Question: Do you feel inwardly persuaded that you are moved upon by the Holy Spirit to take upon you the office of the ministry of the Gospel, to serve God in the Church of Christ, to the honour and glory of His Holy Name?

            Answer: Of this I am persuaded.

            Question: Do you believe in the Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testament?

            Answer: I do believe them.

            Question: Will you apply due diligence to frame and fashion your life according to the doctrines of Christ; and to make yourself as much as in you lieth, a worthy example of the flock of Christ?

            Answer: I will, the Lord being my helper.

            Question: Will you obey them to whom the charge and government over you is committed, and follow their godly admonitions with a willing and ready mind?

            Answer: I will, by the grace of God. Prayer, (Kneeling)

            After prayer the District Superintendent and elders shall lay their hands upon the head of each one of them and say:

            Take thou authority to execute the office of an elder in the Church of God, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

            Take thou authority to read and preach the Word of God, and to administer the ordinances of the Church of Christ.

            Prayer, (Kneeling)

            After prayer read Luke 12:35-38.

            “Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; and ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their Lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. And if he shall come In the second watch or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.”

            After this the following benediction is to be pronounced:

            The peace of God keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.



Part 1


            At all our Church and Sunday School elections no member shall be eligible to vote who has not reached the age of sixteen years.

Section I



            At the time of the annual Sunday School re-organization, the voting membership of the church shall elect from their membership a brother or sister as Sunday School Superintendent. The vote shall be by ballot with a majority vote being required for election. A Vice-Superintendent shall also be elected who shall serve in the absence of the Superintendent. They shall not hold office longer than one year without re-election.


            1. The Superintendent shall see that the school is punctually opened, directed and closed on time; that each class is provided with a Christian teacher, competent to teach; that the school is properly graded; and that everything in the school is done in a Christian manner.

            2. The Superintendent shall be responsible to the Local Conference to whom he shall submit the statistical reports and other necessary information.

            3. In all matters of administration they shall consult the Pastor for direction.

            4. We recommend that the Pastor meet regularly with the officers and leachers of the school for the purpose of discussing the lesson, and counseling on the problems of the school. If the Pastor is not able to be present, or does not choose to preside, the Superintendent shall take his place.

Section II



            At the close of the Conference year, at a meeting which has been well announced, the voting members of the church shall elect from their membership Class Leaders who may be either brethren or sisters of deep piety having Christ’s cause at heart. They shall be elected by ballot with a majority vote being required for their election. They shall not hold office longer than one year without being re-elected.


            1. They shall never cease praying for, and watching over themselves, to obtain such grace from God, that they may, in observing these rules according to the commandments of God, be faithful leaders, and give their brethren and sisters good instruction by their own deportment. (I Pet. 5:2-3).

            2. They shall cordially love the class committed to their charge, frequently pray for them in secret, visit them occasionally, hold public prayer meetings at least once a week, and be diligent in supplication, in intercession and in thanksgiving; the like exercises being commanded by Jesus Christ and His holy apostles.

            3. They shall not seek to dominate over their brethren and sisters, but watch over them in love and see that they progress in the divine life, not only according to the form, but to see that they grow in the true knowledge and love of God; and advise, teach, reprove, comfort and admonish them, as circumstances require.

            4. They shall be careful that all things are conducted in their classes according to Divine and human order; and that they inform the pastor of such who lead a disorderly life and will not be admonished as well as of those who purposely or habitually neglect their duty of doing good.

            5. They shall be responsible to their respective Local Conferences to whom they shall submit a report of their activities.

Section III


            The number of deacons on each field shall be decided by the Class.


            1. They shall provide the emblems and other necessaries for the Lord’s Supper and Washing of the Saints’ Feet, and to the best of their ability assist the minister in his labours, if required.

            2. They shall see if there are any poor in the district over which they preside; and if so, to inquire into the nature of their need, and take such steps to provide for them as they may deem proper.

            3. They shall be responsible to their respective Local Conferences to whom they shall submit a report of their activities.

Section IV



            Wherever Stewards are elected they shall be members of the church who earnestly seek after the prosperity of the church and have good natural and acquired abilities to transact temporal business. They may be either brethren or sisters of sound piety.

            They shall be elected at the close of the Conference year. The pastor shall make nominations and the class shall elect. They shall not hold office longer than one year without re-election.


            1. They shall, as soon as possible after the Annual Conference, make themselves acquainted with the needs of the pastor.

            2. They shall personally require each member in their respective classes to contribute quarterly, monthly, or weekly, as the Local Conference may decide, according to their several abilities, toward the support of the pastor.

            3. A book shall be kept by each Steward wherein is contained an accurate account of all moneys collected and paid out, which shall be examined by the Local Conference.

            4. They shall be responsible to the Local Conference to whom they shall submit a written report.

Section V


Section VI



            The Local Conference shall elect a judicious Board of Trustees from their membership, three or more in number, as they may desire, or as may be legally required. Unexpired terms of office may be filled at any regular, or specially called Local Conference.

            They shall be elected by ballot, or open vote as the Annual Conference may decide; a majority vote being required for election.

            No member of the Board shall serve longer than three years without re-election.


            1. Regulations relative to the organization and position of the Board of Trustees shall be left to the discretion of the Annual Conference.

            2. They shall be responsible to their respective Local Conference to whom they shall submit an annual report, and periodical reports as may be required by the Local Conference. Their books shall be open for inspection at all times by the Local Conference.

            (See also article under CHURCH PROPERTY, page 69.)

Section VII


            1. If there is a brother or sister who has convictions of a call to preach the Gospel (See Article XXV, page _–), such shall make it known to the minister in charge of the congregation of which he or she is a member.

            2. If the minister considers such an one a proper subject as Paul writes in I Tim. 3, he shall bring the matter before the class, and if two-thirds of the class present vote (by ballot) in favour of the person, he shall recommend him or her to the Local Conference.

            3. Then the District Superintendent with the minister in charge will examine the state of grace, nature of the call, moral character of such, and with two-thirds consent (by ballot vote), the Local Conference may grant a Local Conference License giving him or her the privilege of labouring as directed by the Local Conference or the District Superintendent (or Presiding Elder).

            4. The Local Conference License shall be renewed annually at the last Local Conference in the Annual Conference year, provided the worker receives two-thirds of the votes of those present and that the vote be by ballot.

            5. Such who have laboured satisfactorily under a Local Conference License for at least six months, may make application to the Local Conference for a recommendation to the Annual Conference, which may be granted them after examination, by consent of two-thirds of the Local Conference members present.


            1. They shall labour according to the direction as given them by the Local Conference or the District Superintendent.

            2. They shall be responsible to their respective Local Conferences to whom they shall submit a report of their activities.

            3. They shall ever conduct their lives in such a way that they will in no case bring a reproach upon the cause of Christ.



Section I


            1. Probationers may be received on a three year term of probation provided they pass an examination on the Discipline satisfactorily.

            2. After being received by the Annual Conference, they shall be unconditional and labour according to the direction of the Annual Conference or the District Superintendent (or presiding Elder).

            3. During their period of probation, they shall pass the Reading Course as prescribed by the Discipline and the Annual Conference.

            4. No probationer shall be ordained until the Church is fully satisfied that he is capable of taking charge of a work, is fully in line with our doctrine, is willing to minister according to the direction of the Conference and our Discipline, and intends to continue in the itineracy.

            5. Probationers who have passed their Reading Course and have proven themselves capable of taking charge of a work in the judgment of their respective Annual Conference may be ordained. Such who do not desire to continue in the itineracy after having been on probation for five years shall be referred to their respective Local Conferences.

            6. If a minister having been ordained by another denomination desires to join an Annual Conference of our Church, after the requirements of Part I, Section VI, paragraph 1, page …., have been fulfilled, they shall make application to the Annual Conference in person.

            He shall pass a thorough examination on our Church Discipline under the supervision of his District Superintendent and a special examination on the Bible by the Examiners on the Reading Course before they are admitted into the Conference.

            He shall be required to read the books of our Reading Course before, or during the term of their probation. Under the above conditions they may be admitted on a three year term of probation.


            1. If a charge be assigned to them, their duties are the same as those of the pastors, except solemnizing marriages, which they shall be allowed only by permission of the District Superintendent wherever this does not conflict with the laws of the State. They may administer baptism and communion also by permission of the District Superintendent.

            2. All probationers shall submit a report to their respective Local and Annual Conferences to whom they are responsible.

Section II


            Any sister who feels a call to the ministry shall follow the same proceeding as a brother minister. Having completed the Reading Course satisfactorily, having served three years of probation, and having proved herself capable of taking charge of a work, she may be recognized as an Approved Ministering Sister by her Annual Conference.

            Such as have been licensed according to the Discipline, may be recognized as evangelists, helpers, and missionaries subject to the District Superintendent or the minister in charge.

They shall submit a report to the Local and Annual Conferences as long as they are Approved Ministering Sisters.

Section III


            1. Be diligent. Never be unemployed; never be triflingly employed; never tri8e away time; neither spend any more time at any place than is strictly necessary. Be serious. Let your motto be “Holiness unto the Lord.” Avoid all lightness, jesting and foolish talking. Conduct yourself prudently with women. Take no steps toward marriage without first consulting your brethren. Believe evil of no one without good evidence (unless you see it done, take heed how you credit it). Speak evil of no one; because your word especially would eat as doth a canker. Keep your thoughts within your own breast till you come to the person concerned. Tell everyone under your care what you think wrong in his or her conduct, and that lovingly and plainly, as soon as may be, else it will fester in your heart. Make all haste to cast the fire out of your bosom. Avoid all false show. A preacher of the Gospel is servant to all. Be ashamed of nothing but sin. Be punctual. Do everything exactly at the time; and do not amend our rules, but keep them. You have nothing to do but to win souls; therefore, spend and be spent in God’s cause, and go always, not only to those that want you, but to those that need you most.

            2. Observe that it is not your business only to preach so many times and take care of this or that society; but to be instrumental in saving as many as you can; to bring as many sinners to repentance as you can, and with all your power to build them up in holiness, without which they cannot see the Lord. Therefore, you will need to exercise all faith, wisdom, and grace.

            3. Act in all things not according to your own will, but as a son in the Gospel, in preaching and visiting from house to house, in reading, meditation and prayer.

            4. No minister of our Society shall be allowed to take active part in politics and shall discourage the members in the same.

            5. An ordained minister leaving the active work of our Society (except for reasons accepted by the Annual Conference) shall forfeit his voice in his Conference until satisfaction be given to said Conference.

            6. Any minister who has been passed at the preceding Annual Conference and also at the preceding Local Conference may, at his request, receive a transfer to any other Annual Conference from the District Superintendent (or Presiding Elder).

            7. No minister shall have charge of the same field longer than three years in succession, except by two-thirds vote of the Annual Conference. The Annual Conference may fix a definite tenure of office.

            8. The pastors shall be stationed at the Annual Conference by a committee consisting of the District Superintendents (or Presiding Elders) and a number of, or all the delegates.

Duties of Pastors

            1. The pastor shall have oversight of all the organizations on his charge

            2. He shall have charge of the re-organization of the Sunday School.

            3. The General Rules shall be read to the church once each year by the pastor or his appointee.

            4. He shall send transfers of members of his church to other churches only at the request of the parties concerned, and said transfers shall be sent to the pastor of the said church.

            5. The pastor shall be held accountable to his Local and Annual Conferences for the faithful performance of his official duties.

Section IV



            The District Superintendent shall be elected by a ballot vote by the Annual Conference from among those ordained ministers who are willing to minister according to the direction of the Conference and our Discipline. We recommend that the Conference favour such men for the office who from year to year continue to minister according to the direction of the Conference and Discipline.

            They shall be elected for a term of one to three years, as the Annual Conference may decide; no District Superintendent shall hold office for more than six years in succession unless he receives two-thirds of the votes of Annual Conference. The Annual Conference may fix a definite tenure of office.

            A Vice District Superintendent shall be elected by the Conference who shall fill the unexpired term of the District Superintendent should he become unable to longer fill the office.


            1. To travel and preach in the district assigned to him.

            2. To preside over Local and Annual Conferences.

            3. In case of necessity, the District Superintendent has the power, in the interval between the Annual Conferences, to change or transfer preachers and to remove or suspend immoral ones within the bounds of his district until the next Annual Conference, according to the direction of the Church Discipline.

            4. He shall take heed not to be remiss in attending to his appointed meeting and in holding Local Conferences, and at his direction he can appoint and hold tent meetings. He shall preach and exhort according to ability, and ever be intent to set his brother in office a good example in godliness.

            5. He shall take special care that our Discipline be inculcated in all parts within the bounds of his district.

            6. He has the superintendence of all the churches within the bounds of his district.

            7. He shall see to it that missionary meetings are held at every appointment and that offerings are received for the missionary cause.

            8. The District Superintendent shall read the duties of officers once a year on each charge at the first Local Conference in the Conference year.

            9. He shall from time to time on each charge emphasize the duties of members towards their minister.

            10. He shall give a report of the work on his field to the General Conference.

            11. The Chairman of the last Annual Conference in the General Conference term shall bring, or cause to be brought, a full summary statistical report of the four years of his Conference to the General Conference. This report shall be compiled by the Statistical Secretary of the last Annual Conference, audited and handed over to the Chairman.

            12. At the last Local Conference of the year, the District Superintendent with the Local Conference shall determine the value of the church property on the various charges.

            13. District Superintendents are accountable to the Annual Conference of their district for the performance of their official duties.



Section I



            1. The Executive Board of the Church shall consist of active ordained ministers, members of the General Conference, who are ministering under the direction of their Conference and our Discipline. We encourage the election of lay delegates if General Conference representatives of any Conference or Conferences should so desire. Each General Conference, from time to time, shall determine the number of members from the various Conferences according to the membership of respective Conferences. The delegates at the General Conference from each Annual Conference shall nominate for their Conference the required number of members to which they are entitled, and the General Conference shall elect by ballot.

            2. The Board shall elect its Chairman by ballot from among the ordained members.

            3. Vacancies in the above Board, if any should occur for any reason, may be filled by the remaining members of the Board from among the members of the last General Conference.


            1. The Executive Board shall examine the Editor in case any charges are preferred against him, and if he be found guilty, and he does not meet the requirements of the Board, they shall have power to suspend him from office until the next General Conference where he shall be dealt with.

            2. In case there be no Editor for any reason, the Executive Board shall meet and elect an editor, who shall serve until the next General Conference.

            3. The Executive Board shall constitute a court of appeal which shall, if necessary, hold a session once a year for the purpose of trying appeals that may be taken by any ministers from the decision of an Annual Conference. The Chairman shall preside at the trial of appeal cases. A majority of members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

            4. The Executive Board shall meet whenever the Chairman, or any three members of the Board shall deem it necessary, and a majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for transacting business.

            5. The Board shall have charge of the publishing interests, subject to the regulations adopted by the General Conference from time to time.

            6. The Board shall settle all disputes or appeals on boundaries between Annual Conferences.

Section II



            The Editor of the Gospel Banner shall be elected by the General Conference by ballot for a General Conference term.


            1. To write or select articles for the Gospel Banner which are in harmony with our Discipline.

            2. He may ignore or curtail any articles or testimonials of contributors in general which are unsound or detrimental to the general interest of the readers of the Banner, to the best of his knowledge.

            3. He is held responsible for the doctrines of all articles which appear in the Gospel Banner with the exception of such which are contributed by associate editors or endorsed by an Annual Conference or Conventions.

            4. In case any associate editor advocates, or Annual Conference endorses, any doctrines, rules, or regulations that are unsound or not in harmony with our Discipline, through the columns of the Gospel Banner, the Editor shall not be held responsible, but such an associate editor or Annual Conference shall be denied their special rights by order of the Chairman and the majority of the Executive Board.

            5. Any member or preacher who in any way undermines the Editor may be reported by the Editor or any one else to the Chairman of the Executive Board, who, with or through one or more of said Board, will investigate the matter, and if such an one is found guilty of the same and does not render satisfaction, he shall be dealt with according to Discipline.

            6. No camp meeting report should cover more than one page; no District Superintendent’s report more than one column; no obituary notice more than three inches (ministers excepted), and no marriage notice more than one inch. We allow no general advertising. A notice of a good book or periodical is accepted once only.



            Our Conferences are Local, Annual, and General. Local Conferences shall be held on each pastoral charge not fewer than two times in the year, each Annual Conference to determine the exact number. Annual Conferences are to be held annually by each respective Annual Conference. General Conferences are to be held every four years for the whole Society.

            All sessions are to be opened and closed with singing and prayer. Let all, upon conference occasions, consider themselves as in the presence of God and as labouring for Him. Let each be open-hearted and speak freely the convictions of his heart. Let the intermediate time be improved by private prayer for ourselves and one another, and especially that God may direct the business transactions of the conference.

            The Local Conference shall be responsible to the Annual Conference and the Annual Conference to the General Conference. In no case shall the lower body legislate outside the sphere of authority delegated to it by the higher body.

            All accounts of the different conferences, Local, Annual, and General shall be audited annually, or as may be determined by the respective Conferences. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the recognized authority in parliamentary procedure in the conducting of church business.

Section I


            1. All members of the local charge in good standing and sixteen years of age and over shall be members of the Local Conference.

            2. The District Superintendent shall appoint the time on each charge for sessions of the Local Conference, but the Local Conference shall appoint the place.

            3. The District Superintendent shall be the Chairman of the Local Conference. If he cannot be present he shall appoint a substitute.

            4. The Conference is to choose the secretary for the occasion.

            5. Special sessions of the Local Conference may be held at the call of the District Superintendent providing there is need for such sessions and they are properly announced.


            The Sunday School superintendent, class leaders, stewards, deacons, helpers, ministers, and other officers shall be examined whether they have been faithful to the charge entrusted to their care and have been godly and unblamable in their demeanor.

Election of Officers

            Trustees–Local trustees shall be elected annually at the last Local Conference in the Annual Conference year, by ballot, or open vote, as the Annual Conference may decide.

            Annual Conference Delegate–One lay delegate shall be elected from each charge by ballot at the last Local Conference in the Conference year, or at a time determined by the Annual Conference.

            Other Officers–Such other officers as the Local Conference may deem necessary may be elected or appointed.

Renewal of Licenses

            Local Conference licenses shall be renewed annually at the last Local Conference in the Annual Conference year provided the workers receive two thirds of the votes of those present and that the vote be by ballot.

            Such who have laboured satisfactorily under a Local Conference license for at least six months may make application to the Local Conference for a recommendation to the Annual Conference which may be granted them after examination, by consent of two-thirds of the Local Conference members present, where such may be received on a three years’ term of probation provided they pass an examination on Discipline satisfactorily.

Revision of Class Books

            The membership record of each charge shall be revised annually at the last Local Conference in the Annual Conference year. Members who have moved away without reporting during the year may be dropped according to the discretion of the Local Conference, provided the minister in charge has done his duty towards them.

Valuation of Church Property

            At the last Local Conference of the Annual Conference year, the value of the church property on the various charges shall be determined.

Ordinance Service

The following procedure is recommended:

            That the Washing of the Saints’ Feet be observed previous to Communion.

            That at the time when the Communion is to be administered, there be a preparatory discourse or exhortation delivered to invite self-examination, according to the words of the Apostle. I Cor. 11:23-29.

            That communicants gather around the altar, kneel, uniting in prayer led by the Minister in giving thanks for the emblem representing the broken body of Christ; then partake. Then likewise give thanks for the cup representing the blood of Christ which was “shed for many”; then partake.

Section II


            All ordained ministers shall be members of the Annual Conference (except such who are mentioned as excepted in Chapter IV, Part II, Section III, par. 6) and all probationers who have charge of work assigned to them by the Annual Conference or by the District Superintendent, and one lay delegate from each charge, elected by ballot at the last Local Conference in the Conference year, or at a time determined by the Annual Conference.

Order of Procedure

            Same as at present until 8 from whence it shall be read as follows:

            8. Appointment of Boundary, Stationing and other necessary committees.

            9. Submission to Conference.

            10. Election of District Superintendents (or Presiding Elders).

11. Enactment of rules and regulations governing the general program for the ensuing year.

            12. Any unfinished business.

            13. Location and time of next Annual Conference.

            14. (Same as present 17).

            15. (Same as present 18).

Section III


            To the first paragraph there should be added the statement, “Delegates shall be elected in the order one ministerial delegate and one lay delegate until the required number have been elected.” Same as at present until we come to procedure which shall be as follows:

            1. Election of Chairman and Secretary.

            2. Recognition of delegates.

            3. Address of Chairman.

            4. Examination of Annual Conference records.

            5. Report of Executive Board.

            6. Summary statistics of general church.

7. Consideration of rules and regulations necessary to the spiritual welfare and temporal economy of the church.

            8. Arrangement of Annual Conference boundaries.

            9. Election of Editor of Gospel Banner.

            10. Election of Executive Board and other officers.

            11. Any other matters of business.

            12. Location and time of next General Conference.

            13. (Same as present 17).



            1. Same as at present.

            2. Same as at present.

3. The Sunday School is to be re-organized annually at a meeting of the membership of the church called for this purpose, at which the pastor shall preside.

            4. Same as the present 3 with the omission of the last sentence.

5. The school shall be conducted in a manner acceptable to the Local Conference in which body final authority shall reside in any disputed matter.



            Since the future of the church depends upon the conversion of the rising generation and the enlisting and establishing of these young people in the work of the Lord and the service of the church. Young people’s work shall be promoted in every church and wherever practicable the work shall be organized.

            Each Conference may draw up its own plan of organization and give proper supervision to the work.



            Before He left His immediate disciples, the Lord gave to them the command to preach the Gospel in all the world. (Matt. 28:19, 20). To continue this work is incumbent upon His church today. We expect all of our pastors to aggressively promote our missionary interests. We urge all our members to be missionary-minded and to respond to this work in whatever ways the Lord may direct.

            Each Annual Conference may direct its missionary program according to its own discretion.

            For the purpose of stimulating the work, Women’s Missionary Societies may be formed in as many local churches as is feasible. Each Conference may have its own central organization for the co-ordination of the work.



            1. Same as article 5 in Supplement, first paragraph.

            2. Each Local Conference shall elect for a term not to exceed three years, a judicious Board of Trustees of three or more members as may be legally required, from among its members, who shall be responsible for the care of the church property.

            3. The Trustees shall be responsible to the Local Conference.

            4. If it becomes desirable to purchase property, or to erect buildings, the Trustees shall not proceed with the same without the authorization of the Local Conference. All steps taken shall be in keeping with legal requirements. No building project shall be undertaken before funds are at hand, or sufficiently secured. When deemed advisable, a building committee may be appointed by the Local Conference. The work shall proceed according to the instruction of the Local Conference.

            5. No Trustee Board shall permit any outside party, or parties, to use the church without permission from their pastor.

            6. No Board of Trustees shall have authority to sell church property without consent of their Annual Conference.



            (Same as at present.)



            (Same as at present.)

            Roberts’ Rules of Order in place of Neeley’s Parliamentary Practice.

            The report of the Committee on re-writing the Discipline was adopted with the corrections and additions as noted.

            Report of the Committee on Statistics:

            We recommend that —

1. The words and “Building Fund” be added to the column “Church Property Indebtedness.”

2. The Headings, “Church Schools” and “Radio” be added to the schedule in the available blanks.

            3. That no columns be used which are not authorized.

4. The Church membership and the evaluation of church property must be reconciled with the figures reported to the previous General Conference.

5. The Secretary of the General Conference advise the secretaries of the Annual Conference of these provisions.

            The report was adopted.

Ward M. Shantz, N. D. Zimmerman, M. L. Baker, Woodrow Goodman, A. B. Neufeld, Paul E. Baer,


            Resolved, That we donate the sum of $25.00 each for the Secretary and his Assistant who shall be the Editors of the General Conference Journal, also that $15.00 be donated to the Recording Secretary, and that this amount be added to the cost of the Journals.

            The minutes of this meeting were read and approved.

            Adjourned at 11:45 o’clock with singing, “God Be With You Till We Meet Again,” and prayer by T. D. Gehret.

Conference Roll

Baer, Paul E., 311 Yost Ave., Spring City, Pennsylvania.

Baker, M. L., Red Water, Alberta, Canada.

Bowman, H. E., 506 S. Arlington Ave., Springfield, Ohio.

Bradley, J. A., 1010 Washington Ave., Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Bridges, G. N., 431 Twelfth St., Port Huron, Michigan.

Burgess, M. J., Brown City, Michigan.

Burgess, W. K., 27 E. Dakota Ave., Detroit, 3, Michigan.

Christensen, Martin, Mt. Pleasant,.Iowa.

Cressman, Paul H., 814 Radclyffe St., Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Dafoe, J. E. 306 Mary St., Yale, Michigan.

Deppe, A. W., 323 Ninth St., Northampton, Pennsylvania.

Ditmer, R. P., 111 N. Church St., New Carlisle, Ohio.

Eastman, O. P., 102 North St., Yale, Michigan.

Everest, Q. J., 833 Thirty-first St., South Bend, Indiana.

Fox, R. R., 511 Arch St., Royersford, Pennsylvania.

Frank, W. H., 3848 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, 40, Pennsylvania.

Freed, Edgar, Wakarusa, Indiana.

Frey, A., Didsbury, Alberta, Canada.

Gehret, T. D., 334 E. Union Blvd., Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Geiger, Kenneth, 305 N. Riverside Drive, Elkhart, Indiana.

Gillies, A. E., 50 Fifth St., Collingwood, Ontario.

Golla, J. E., 721 W. Seventh St., Chester, Pennsylvania.

Good, H., New Dundee, Ontario.

Goodman, Woodrow, I., 1000 W. McKinley, Mishawaka, Indiana.

Gray, Charles F., 633 N. Twenty-sixth St., Lincoln, Nebraska.

Hartman, Jansen, E., 810 Allen St., Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Hertzog, F. B., 25 S. Third St., Quakertown, Pennsylvania.

Huffman, F. L., 103 S. McGee St., Dayton, 3, Ohio.

Hygema, William, Wakarusa, Indiana.

Kimbel, J. H., 317 Sylban Glen Drive, South Bend, Indiana.

Kirkwood, C. E., 119 N. Richmond St., Fleetwood, Pennsylvania.

Kreiss, Paul F., 1819 S. Main St., Elkhart, Indiana.

Kress, Walter, R. F. D. #1, Troy, Ohio.

Lehman, P. G., 314 Frederick St., Kitchener, Ontario.

Little, W. H., 912 Lincoln Ave., Port Huron, Michigan.

Matteson, H. L., Brown City, Michigan.

Manges, W. E., R. R. #3, Goshen, Indiana.

Miller, C. Leslie, 529 N. Eighth St., Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Neufeld, A. B., Box 411, Filer, Idaho.

Miller, Milo, R. R. #5, Goshen, Indiana.

Pannabecker, Pay, P., 502 E. Washington St., Goshen, Indiana.

Raymer, R., 27 Boon Ave., Toronto, Ontario.

Rohrer, S. A., 2206 Prairie St., Elkhart, Indiana.

Schaeffer, R. Paul., 407 S. Eighteenth St., Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Shantz, Harold, New Dundee, Ontario.

Shantz, Ward M., 20 Ahrens St., E. Kitchener, Ontario.

Sider, L. K., Gormley, Ontario.

Spedden, R., 23 New Jersey Ave., Garden City, Chester, Pennsylvania.

Stauffer, Ira, Didsbury, Alberta, Canada.

Starkey, R. T., Shambaugh, Iowa.

Stengele, P. T., 1960 Harold Ave., Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Stone, H. J., Braddyville, Iowa.

Storms, E. R., 142 Lancaster, W. Kitchener, Ontario.

Tuckey, J. E., Brown City, Michigan.

Walsh, A., 26 Chapel St., Kitchener, Ontario.

Weldy, Virgil, Wakarusa, Indiana.

Wells, D. V., 473 S. Paddock St., Pontiac, 20, Michigan.

Wentz, Paul I., 2405 Tilghman St., Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Wolf, N. H., 1124 N. Main St., Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Wood, Ira L., 10360 W. Outer Drive, Detroit, 23, Michigan.

Young, E. D., 1321 McKinley Ave., Yakima, Washington.

Ziegler, Daniel K., Hatfield, Pennsylvania.

Zimmerman, N. D., 1910 Mound St., Springfield, Ohio.

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